Gail Doby, ASID

Gail Doby, ASID. What a brand is Why you should have a well-defined brand What you need to consider when defining your brand We won’t cover the

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Gail Doby, ASID

What a brand is Why you should have a well-defined

brand What you need to consider when defining

your brand We won’t cover the brand image – the

logo, collaterals, etc. Homework assignment

“Beginner’s Mind” – what you will hear seems so common, and yet, if you’re not doing it, it is just something you haven’t heard and applied. Keep an open and learning mind.

“In preparing for battle, I’ve always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

[email protected] Send by Monday at 5 Eastern Subject line: Hot Seat What help would you like with your brand One person will get a 15 minute coaching

session during the Q & A Send in your questions if you can’t attend

the live call It is recorded

Branding maven and just happens to be an interior designer

Runs $1 billion of businesses Top mentoring students pay $2 million

per year for the privilege of working with her

Not college educated – self-educated and savvy entrepreneur

Your logo (mark) or stationery

Collaterals – all paper representations of your brand…these days, collaterals can really mean your digital brochure, too

Nike FedEx UPS Nordstrom Frontier Airlines Ritz-Carlton

Drives your business success Starts with you Dream Clarity Vision Passion Emotions Feelings Moods Essence

It drives you It drives your business success It determines the business attraction It is vital

“In the factory, we make product. At the counter, we sell hope.” – Charles Revlon

You are not an interior designer! What do you do for your clients? That is

what you do! What is the perception of what you do if

you say you are an interior designer?

You are the spokesperson of the brand – how do they view you?

Ideal clients Core brand identity Brand focus Niche Differentiation My design business story

What size of business? What kind of business? Who do you want to work with? Who do you not want to work with? What is the purpose of your business? DSU branding story

Business built on strengths Clarity Considering the world outside Where is the business now? Do you want to do that business? Do you have the skills needed? What else could you do to meet your

Ideal Client’s needs and respond to their changing attitudes?

Brand consistency Brand promise Brand essence Brand message Your favorite brands? Your Ideal Client’s favorite brands? Brand experience Client problems Client focus vs client driven

Serve your clients the way they want to be served

Talk to your past clients Find out what they like and don’t like Find out how they perceive your brand 3,000 brand messages a day…how do

you stand out and get noticed?