FROM PROVINCIAL TO GLOCAL Transylvania as a real and metaphysical site of cultural diversity Rita Sebestyén, PhD www.sebestyenrita.com


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FROM PROVINCIAL TO GLOCAL. Transylvania as a real and metaphysical site of cultural diversity Rita Sebestyén, PhD www.sebestyenrita.com. Topics:. spaces, places, real/physical, meta-/virtual, τόπος, χώρα, heterotopia, utopia, de /re / territorialization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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FROM PROVINCIAL TO GLOCALTransylvania as a real and metaphysical site of cultural diversity

Rita Sebestyn, PhD www.sebestyenrita.comTopics:spaces, places, real/physical, meta-/virtual, , , heterotopia, utopia, de/re/territorialization Transylvania as a real and imaginary space (subject to several cultural/political narratives)rewritten narratives, redrawn maps in the right-wing political discoursesall your questions

Spaces and all those related Ancient Greeks: , Heidegger: space, placeFoucault: utopia, heterotopiaDavid Wiles: real and meta-spacesDeleuze-Guattari: geophilosohpy deterritorialization/reterritorialization

Pter Gyrgy: Transylvania as an abusively rewritten imaginary space

Trianon and the right-wing discourse

Transylvania main featuresGeographically: 103,000 km2 (in the Carpathian basin).Population: Romanian, Hungarian, German, Roma, Armenian, Serbian.Features:multi-culturalmulti-lingualmultifacetedMinoritiesperipheral /province/ on the edge/ sub-cultureno economic, cultural and political representation (or weak)tainted by extremist activitiesTransylvania subject to disputesDeterritorialization (take control over a space or land that is already established): historical, cultural, revisionist theories of right-wing discourse.

Hungarian minority in Romania:in 1990: 2 millionsin 2012: 1,5 million /the rest: migrant

Hungary (around 10 million inhabitants)Romania (around 20 million inhabitants)

Pter Gyrgy: A Zoo in Cluj An Imaginary Transylvania

representation through writers, poets, philosophers interdisciplinary approachfirst complex discourse about the Hungarian minority

a Transylvanian castle in the heart of Budapest, Hungarya pilgrimage to a small village of Transylvania sacred places

Real / replica castle

Pilgrimage Cluj/Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvr/Klausenburg

IssuesIslands and the sea: Ancient Greeks and Deleuze Guattari. Hungarian right-wings slogan: once we had three seas now we do not have any!Geophilosophy how do we understand our existence by reading and mapping the world we live in?From what perspective could we ever state that there any hierarchy among cultures or cultural phenomena?

Hierarchical structure / Rhizomatic structure

Representation through artsTheatre: do it, talk about it, get international

Around 20 Hungarian theatres and theatre institutions in Romania:state subsidized or supported by the local governmentindependent/ alternative/ private groups and companies2 universitiesJtktr/Spatiu de joc/ Playing Area: www.jatekter.ro Periodical and site: around 50 contributors - from 19 to 75 years old: critics, researchers, theatre professionals (dramaturges, actors, stage directors), philosophers, sociologists, writers, and even a priest!

Representations of the Other: Language, Body and Space in Cross-Cultural PerformancesRomania, Hungary, The USA, Sweden, The United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Malta, Germany, India and maybe Ugandahttp://representationsother.wordpress.com/

Globalistaion / Networking

Main conflictsTransylvania re-drawing the counties in Romania and march for autonomy

ROMANIA Roia Montana: gold an cyanide in the territory of the country

HUNGARY right-wing movements: Jewish and Roma people have no place in the imagined Great Hungary

Transylvania- march for autonomy

Romania: Roia Montan

Hungary - Roma people killed, marches of extremists and the Radnti case

Mikls Radnti: How Others SeeJanuary 17 , 1944 translation by Thomas LandHow others see this region, I cannot understand:to me, this little country is menaced motherlandwith flames around, the world of my childhood swaying far,and I am grown from this land as tender branches arefrom trees. And may my body sink into this soil in the end.When plants reach out towards me, I greet them as a friendand know their names and flowers. I am at home here, knowingthe people on the road and why and where they are going-and how I know the meaning when by a summer lanethe sunset paints the walls with a liquid flame of pain!Thank you!

Rita Sebestyn, PhD www.sebestyenrita.com