For my life at age date updated 5 year 10 year 1 year PERSONAL CAREER HEALTH PERSONAL CAREER HEALTH PERSONAL CAREER HEALTH by when Learn to play the guitar

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For my life at age date updated 5 year 10 year 1 year PERSONAL CAREER HEALTH PERSONAL CAREER HEALTH PERSONAL CAREER HEALTH by when Learn to play the guitar July 2013 Kate I wake up just before the alarm and roll over to see my husband, Brance. I nudge him softly and a smile spreads across his face. After a good morning kiss, he leaves the room to round up the troops while I pull a running tank over my swollen belly- baby number three is just four months away. When I dont hear the pitter patter of tiny feet, I go to investigate. I find the three loves of my life building a gigantic block tower in the living room. The colorful structure is the height of my 4 year old boy. Brance holds his breath as he places another brick on top. Just then our chocolate lab leaps into the room and his excited tail knocks the entire structure over. My 2 year old princess bursts into an infectious fit of laughter. After everyone is dressed and fed, we pile ourselves and the jogging stroller into Brances truck. We head to main street where the community is holding one of its multiple 10ks. Brance pushes the jogger and I run alongside him. My man is training for an Iron Man, so I let him sprint ahead of his pregnant wife. He stops the stroller 10 feet from the finish line and unbuckles our little athletes- I watch the three of them run together across the finish. When I get to the end, I have a personal support team cheering me on. We get home and Brance assures me he has our little ones under control. I grab my yoga mat and head out back for some quiet time. Under the shadow of the Colorado mountains, I thank God for all the blessings in my life and pray for the bright future of my family. Once my tired muscles have been stretched and my mind rejuvenated, I head back inside and the October chill melts away. My little boy is mimicking daddys every move, his face caked in shaving cream- a toy razor in his hand. I find my little girl twirling in the dining room. When she catches my eye, her solo becomes a duet. We synchronize our movements and sashay around the hard wood floors. Saturday is family day, which means no computer or writing for me. We spend the afternoon playing make believe, frolicking through leaf piles, and preparing dinner. After I pull our homemade pizza out of the oven, Brance wraps his arms around me and I asks how his sweetheart is doing. I tell him I have never been happier, then I smile to myself knowing thats the same thought I had yesterday. 33 Oct. 22, 2012 Write a book October 2025 Get paid to perform my original music for an event July 2021 Writer for Rodale Publishing Company with flexible hours to raise family August 2020 Head writer for lululemon January 2020 run half marathon in every state December 2022 run on every continent December 2022 Get marriedJune 2014 White water raft annually in Oregon with closest friends December 2017 Get paid to blog for lululemonAugust 2017 Work at a health and fitness magazineJanuary 2018 Fundraise and run 5 marathons, one per yearDecember 2018 Run a triathlon October 2015 Move to Seattle to be closer to BranceAugust 2013 Start taking voice lessons againJanuary 2013 Write one health blog per week and rely on fellow lulus for feedback October 2012 Practice yoga 3 times/week to keep my running body in shape November 2012 run my first half marathon October 2012 run my first full marathon June 2013 McPeak