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  • Fish oils

  • Why Fish oil???Personal InterestGanglion cist and because I dont get enough!Family Public InterestScientific Research is explodingHealth Benefits are fascinating

  • Overview of PresentationDescription and HistoryNutrient CompositionHealth ClaimsRoles in the BodyScience Supporting the claimsRecommendationsConclusion

  • What is Fish oil?Omega-3 long chain PUFA Polyunsaturated Fatty AcidsEssential because it is not synthesized in the body.Contains Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Produced by ALA in the body.EPA and DHA are considered to be the most important FA for brain function.Fish get their high omega-3 content from eating algae.

  • History of Fish oil Omega-3 FA have been a part of the Human Diet for millennia.Homo Sapiens evolved in an omega-3 rich environment.Omega-3 consumption has declined over the past century.1994 the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (COMA) published findings of the benefits on cardiovascular health. Since 1994, more extensive research has been conducted.

  • Nutrient CompositionRich sources of omega-3 FA, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).Some supplements contain Vitamin E.180 mg of EPA and 120 mg of DHA

  • Food Sources and Preparation ConsiderationsDiet sources are preferred, but for larger doses supplementation may be necessary.Supplements comparable to fish consumption.Cold water, fatty fish such as salmon, swordfish, shark, sardines, mackerel, and herring are richest sources.To prevent aftertaste try freezing the capsules.To reduce exposure to contaminants remove the skin and fat from fish before cooking them.Although skinning and trimming doesnt reduce mercury content.

  • Health ClaimsBrain DevelopmentInflammationMental DisordersCardiovascular DiseaseAlcoholismCancerKidney DiseaseMenopauseCrohns DiseaseType II Diabetes

    AsthmaDyslexiaMigraine HeadachesLupusSuicideRespiratory DiseasesMultiple SclerosisPeroxisome Biogenesis DisorderBlindness

  • Brain DevelopmentDHA and EPA are main components in neurological function and play a key role in brain development.DHA deficiency in brain. uses other PUFA, thus changing brain function.Increased maternal consumption increasing fetal omega-3 levels in the brain, thus potentially benefiting the fetus.Breast milk has high levels of DHA.Infants whose mothers received fish oil supplementation were followed up at 4 years of age and tested higher in mental processing than the control group.The omega 6:3 ratio has increased from 1:1 to 17:1 (10:1, 20-30:1)Due to increase of vegetable oils and margarine and low fish intake. Can benefit visual acuity and cognitive development.Strong human evidence is lacking.

  • InflammationGrowing evidence from animal and human studies suggesting therapeutic properties in treating inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Studies show a significant reduction in the number of tender joints and morning stiffness after 3 months of therapy consuming 3 g of fish oil per day.Comparable to NSAIDs.More severe inflammation in consumers of omega-6 FA than omega-3.

  • Mental DisordersPerhaps one of the most intriguing area for potential benefits.High fish oil consumption is linked to lower rates of depression.Therapeutic properties for depression, bipolar disorders and schizophrenia.Depression rates as high as 21 percent of the general U.S. population. Linked with the increase of omega-6 and decrease of omega-3. Useful in the treatment of depression at dosages of 0.2 g-9.6 g EPA+DHA.Very large studies are needed.

  • Cardiovascular DiseaseWidely accepted that it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. One or two fish meals a week will significantly reduce the risk for CHD.Although, some reports have not confirmed these conclusions. Possibly because the mercury content counteracts the benefits of omega-3 FA by increasing free radical production or by inactivating antioxidant mechanisms.

  • Risks and BenefitsRisks/side effectsFishy aftertaste and belchingGastrointestinal disturbancesNauseaMercury contentPregnant women and lactating women advised not to consume large amount of fish due to mercury contentBenefitsSimilar effects to LDL-cholesterol lowering therapy, lifestyle change, and vigorous exercise.No documented cases of abnormal bleeding resulting in fish oil supplements.Well-tolerated.No significant drug interactions.

  • Roles in the BodyMajor structural component of phospholipids in neuronal cell membranes.Predominant structural fatty acids in the grey matter of the brain.EPA is a substrate for the initial enzymes in prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis.The breakdown of omega-3 and 6 share the same enzyme.Preference for omega 3, but can switch to omega-6 due to an excess of omega 6 consumption.

  • Science supporting the claimsStrong evidence supporting claims and is proven to improve health, but more research is needed.More work needs to be done to update recommendations.Results are often times inconsistent and different dosage amounts need to be tested.

  • How to use itDosageEvidence suggests 1-2 g/day are required, but cannot be attained by diet alone.Capsules usually contain 180mg of EPA and 120 mg DHALiquid concentrate: 1 tsp contains approx 1-3 g of EPA plus DHAFrequencyAHA Dietary Guidelines recommends consuming at least 2 servings of fish per week for general population and 2 portions for pregnant or lactating women.QualityDiet sources are best, but supplements offer a safe alternative.Cost$0.13 to $0.42 per capsule depending on brand.$0.95 to $9.77 per oz of liquid form depending on brand.

  • Does it really work???Safety Be aware of the risks and benefits for the different stages of life (ie: pregnant or lactating, mental disorders, CHD*, etc).FDA ruled that intakes of up to 3 g/day of omega-3 FA are recognized as safe.Supplements are mercury free.EfficacyReduces risk for sudden deathReduces all-cause mortalityAdditional studies are needed to confirm the benefits for cardiovascular primary and secondary prevention. *Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. CHD is also called coronary artery disease.

  • Ethics in Marketing

  • What you should knowComponents of fish oil and how it is produced in the bodyGood food sourcesWhat key role does DHA and EPA play in the brain?What are the AHA Dietary Guidelines for weekly fish consumption for the general population?Four health claims focused onWhat has changed the Western Diet to increase the ratio of omega-6:3 PUFA?What the FDA regulated as a safe daily intake of omega-3 PUFA

  • The End

    Any Questions?

  • Fish oil

    is oil derived from the tissues of oily fish. Fish oils contain the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), precursors of certain eicosanoids that are known to reduce inflammation throughout the body,[1][2] and are thought to have many health benefits.

  • Fish do not actually produce omega-3 fatty acids, but instead accumulate them by consuming either microalgae or prey fish that have accumulated omega-3 fatty acids, together with a high quantity of antioxidants as iodide and selenium, from microalgae, where these antioxidants are able to protect the fragile polyunsaturated lipids from peroxidation.


  • Fatty predatory fish like sharks, sword fish, tilefish, and albacore tuna may be high in omega-3 fatty acids, but due to their position at the top of the food chain, these species can also accumulate toxic substances For this reason, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends limiting consumption of certain (predatory) fish species (e.g. albacore tuna, shark, king mackerel, tilefish and swordfish) due to high levels of toxic contaminants such as mercury, dioxin, PCBs and chlordane

  • The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are thought to be beneficial in treating hypertriglyceridemia, and possibly beneficial in preventing heart disease.[8] Fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids have been studied in a wide variety of other conditions, such as clinical depression,[9][10] anxiety,[11][12][13] cancer, and macular degeneration, although benefit in these conditions remains to be proven.

  • Grams of omega-3 fatty acids per 3oz (85g) serving of popular fish

    Common name grams

    Tuna0.211.1Tuna (canned, light)0.17-0.24Pollock0.45Salmon1.11.9Cod0.150.24Catfish0.220.3Flounder0.48Grouper0.23Halibut0.601.12Mahi mahi0.13Orange roughy0.028Red snapper0.29Shark0.83Swordfish0.97Tilefish0.90King mackerel0.36

  • Health benefits


    Several studies report possible anti-cancer effects of n3 fatty acids found in fish oil (particularly breast, colon and prostate cancer).[15][16][17] Omega-3 fatty acids reduced prostate cancer growth, slowed histopathological progression, and increased survival in genetically engineered mice.[18] Among n-3 fatty acids (omega-3), neither long-chain nor short-chain forms were consistently associated with reduced breast cancer risk. High levels of docosahexaenoic acid, however, the most abundant n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (omega-3) in erythrocyte membranes, were associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.[19] A recent study of 35,000 middle-aged women found that the women who took fish oil supplements had a 32% lower risk of breast cancer, although the authors stress the result is preliminary and falls short of establishing a causal relationship.[20]

  • Cardiovascular

    A 2008 meta-study by the Canadian Medical Association Journal found fish oil supplementation did not demonstrate any preventative benefit to cardiac patients with ventricular arrhythmias.[21]The American Heart Association recommends the consumption of 1 g of fish oil daily, preferably by eating fish, for patients with coronary heart disease although pregnant and nursing women are advised to avoiding eating fish with high potential for mercury contaminants including mackerel, shark, or swordfish.[22] Note that optimal dosage relates to body weight.The US National Institutes of Health lists three conditions for which fish oil and other omega-3 sources are most highly recommended: hypertriglyceridemia, secondary cardiovascular disease prevention and high blood pressure. It then lists 27 other conditions for which there is less evidence. It also lists possible safety concerns: "Intake of 3 grams per day or greater of omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of bleeding, although there is little evidence of significant bleeding risk at lower doses. Very large intakes of fish oil/omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of hemorrhagic (bleeding) stroke."[8]There is also some evidence that fish oil may have a beneficial effect on some forms of cardiac dysrhythmia.[23] [24]

  • Mental health

    Studies published in 2004 and 2009 have suggested that the n-3 EPA may reduce the risk of depression and suicide. One study[25] compared blood samples of 100 suicide-attempt patients and to those of controls and found that levels of Eicosapentaenoic acid were significantly lower in the washed red blood cells of the suicide-attempt patients. A small American trial in 2009 suggested that E-EPA, as monotherapy, might treat major depressive disorder but failed to achieve statistical significance.[26]Studies[27][28] were conducted on prisoners in England where the inmates were fed seafood which contains omega-3 fatty acids. The higher consumption of these fatty acids corresponded with a drop in the assault rates. Another Finnish study found that prisoners who were convicted of violence had lower levels of omega3 fatty acids than prisoners convicted of nonviolent offenses. It was suggested that these kinds of fatty acids are responsible for the neuronal growth of the frontal cortex of the brain which, it is further alleged, is the seat of personal behavior.[citation needed]

  • A study from the Orygen Research Centre in Melbourne suggests that omega-3 fatty acids could also help delay or prevent the onset of schizophrenia. The researchers enlisted 81 'high risk' young people aged 13 to 24 who had previously suffered brief hallucinations or delusions and gave half of them capsules of fish oil while the other half received placebo. One year on, only three percent of those on fish oil had developed schizophrenia compared to 28 percent from those on placebo.[29] A study conducted at Sheffield University in England reported positive results with fish oil on patients suffering from schizophrenia. Participants of the study had previously taken anti-psychotic prescription drugs that were no longer effective. After taking fish oil supplements, participants in the study experienced progress compared to others who were given a placebo.[30][31]The largest controlled study to date found no cognitive benefit after two years in the elderly.[32][33]

  • Alzheimer's disease

    According to a study from Louisiana State University in September 2005, Docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid often found in fish oil, may help protect the brain from cognitive problems associated with Alzheimer's disease.[34] Lupus (a chronic autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body or organs inside the body. The immune system attacks the body's cells and tissue, resulting in inflammation and tissue damage. It is a Type III hypersensitivity reaction caused by antibody-immune complex formation.) In a Northern Ireland study, lupus disease activity, especially in the skin and joints, was significantly reduced in patients who received fish oil supplements at both 12-week and 24-week follow-up periods versus patients who received placebo. There were also changes in the blood platelets of the patients who took the fish oil supplements, with an increase in proteins that are considered anti-inflammatory and a decrease in proteins that promote inflammation; these changes were not evident in the group that took placebo. The fish oil group showed an increase in FMD, which the researchers took as a sign that the omega-3 oils were helping the cells in the blood vessel walls to remain healthy.

  • Parkinson's disease A study[35] examining whether omega-3 exerts neuroprotective action in Parkinson's disease found that it did exhibit a protective effect in mice. The scientists exposed mice to either a control or a high omega-3 diet from two to twelve months of age and then treated them with a neurotoxin commonly used as an experimental model for Parkinson's. The scientists found that high doses of omega-3 given to the experimental group prevented the neurotoxin-induced decrease of dopamine that ordinarily occurs. Since Parkinson's is a disease caused by disruption of the dopamine system, this protective effect exhibited could show promise for future research in the prevention of Parkinson's disease.[35]

  • Depression Evidence regarding the efficacy of fish oil supplements as a treatment for depression is inconclusive. Whereas several methodologically rigorous studies have reported statistically significant positive effects in the treatment of depressed patients, other studies have found effects to be insignificant.An August 2003 double-blind placebo-controlled study published in the journal European Neuropsychopharmacology found that among 28 patients with major depressive disorder, "patients in the omega-3 PUFA group had a significantly decreased score on the 21-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression than those in the placebo group."[9] Another study in the American Journal of Psychiatry reported that the addition of fish oil supplements to regular maintenance anti-depression therapy conferred "highly significant" benefits by the third week of the trial.[13]

  • A 2005 randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study conducted under the auspices of the New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research found "no evidence that fish oil improved mood when compared to placebo, despite an increase in circulating -3 polyunsaturated fatty acids."[36] Another study published in October 2007 found that fish oil supplements conferred no additional benefits beyond those conferred by standard treatment.[37] However, both of these studies used omega-3 primary consisting of DHA, not EPA. Dr. Andrew Stoll of Harvard, published a book and double blind study on Omega 3's that showed lifting of depression and manic depression within huge study populations, in days, not weeks or months.A 2009 metastudy found that patients taking omega-3 supplements with a higher EPA:DHA ratio experienced less depressive symptoms. The studies provided evidence that EPA may be more efficacious than DHA in treating depression. However, this metastudy concluded that due to the identified limitations of the included studies, larger, randomized trials are needed to confirm these findings.[38]

  • Psoriasis Diets supplemented with cod liver oil have shown beneficial effects on psoriasis.[39] Pregnancy Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (commonly found in fish oil) protect against fetal brain injury and promotes fetal and infant brain health.[40] Some studies reported better psycho motor development at 30 months of age in infants whose mothers received fish oil supplements for the first four months of lactation.[41] In addition, five-year-old children whose mothers received modest algae based docosahexaenoic acid supplementation for the first 4 months of breastfeeding performed better on a test of sustained attention. This suggests that docosahexaenoic acid intake during early infancy confers long-term benefits on specific aspects of neurodevelopment.[41]

  • Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation has also been found to be essential for early visual development of the baby.[42] However, the standard western diet is severely deficient in these critical nutrients. This omega-3 dietary deficiency, a nutrient found in fish oil, is compounded by the fact that pregnant women become depleted in omega-3s, since the fetus uses omega-3s for its nervous system development. Omega-3s are also used after birth if they are provided in breast milk.[43]In addition, provision of fish oil during pregnancy may reduce an infants sensitization to common food allergens and reduce the prevalence and severity of certain skin diseases in the first year of life. This effect may persist until adolescence with a reduction in prevalence and/or severity of eczema, hay fever and asthma.[44]Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation is also beneficial to the mother.[40] It has been shown to prevent pre-term labor and delivery.[43] It is recommended that women who are breastfeeding consume fish oil at least twice a week, although the American Heart Association recommends pregnant and nursing women are to avoiding eating fish with high potential for mercury contaminants including mackerel, shark, or swordfish.[44]

  • Dangers Maximum intake The FDA says it is safe to take up to 3000 mg of omega-3 per day.[45] (This is not the same as 3000 mg of fish oil. A 1000 mg pill typically has only 300 mg of omega-3; 10 such pills would equal 3000 mg of omega-3.) Dyerberg studied healthy Greenland Eskimos and found an average intake of 5700 mg of omega-3 EPA per day.[46] Vitamins The liver and liver products (such as cod liver oil) of fish and many animals (such as seals and whales) contain omega-3, but also the active form of vitamin A. At high levels, this form of the vitamin can be dangerous (Hypervitaminosis A).[47]

  • Toxic pollutants Fish oil supplements came under scrutiny in 2006, when the Food Standards Agency in the UK and the Food Safety Authority of Ireland reported PCB levels that exceeded the European maximum limits in several fish oil brands,[48][49] which required temporary withdrawal of these brands. To address the concern over contaminated fish oil supplements, the International Fish Oil Standards program, a voluntary review process, was created at University of Guelph.[50] A March 2010 lawsuit filed by a California environmental group claimed that eight brands of fish oil supplements contained excessive levels of PCB's, including CVS/pharmacy, Nature Made, Rite Aid, GNC, Solgar, Twinlab, Now Health, Omega Protein and Pharmavite.[51][52] The majority of these products were either cod liver or shark liver oils. Because the liver is the major filtering and detoxifying organ, PCB content is much higher in liver-based oils than in fish oil produced from the processing of whole fish.

  • An analysis based on data from the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC) with regards to the dangers of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in cod liver came to the conclusion that "in Norwegian women, fish liver consumption was not associated with an increased cancer risk in breast, uterus, or colon. In contrast, a decreased risk for total cancer was found."[53]However, a report by the Harvard Medical School studied five popular brands of fish oil, including Nordic Ultimate, Kirkland and CVS. They found that the brands had negligible amounts of mercury, suggesting either that mercury is removed during the manufacturing of purified fish oil or that the fish sources used in these commercial preparations are relatively mercury-free. [54]

  • Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil? There is no such thing as Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil. It is a term dreamt up initially by an aggressive marketer and adopted by others. The US Pharmacopeia does not yet have a monograph to regulate the specifications and purity of fish oil. In the absence of any strict guidelines the US Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) has developed a voluntary monograph. The CRN monograph was developed taking into account various European and World Health Organization (WHO) standards. A number of responsible fish oil manufacturers worldwide are now working to this monograph by either equaling it or in some cases, even exceeding it.It is important to be aware that there is an official sounding organization called International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) which a number of fish oil marketers use for testing. It is actually a private organization. IFOS will issue star ratings for various manufacturers who are prepared to submit their products to them in order to get tested for a fee. Some manufacturers feel that if they meet the specifications of IFOS then they can call their products pharmaceutical grade fish oil because the IFOS standards are tougher for some components of the oil.

  • What about the US FDA? Do they have minimum purity levels? Yes. But their levels for mercury and oxidation are so lenient. What is purity? Fish oil purity is assessed by measuring the levels of heavy metals, PCBs and dioxins in the fish oil- polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)At the moment there are four standards of fish oil purity that are used internationally. These are indicated in the below table. You will note that we at Xtend-Life ( Company mfg most pure fish oil) have set their own specification standards which are much more stringent than anyone elses. They are all set at the lowest limits of detection for most laboratory analytical equipment. You will also notice that most of them are significantly lower than the normal international standard.

    The COA (Certificate of Analysis) reflects the quality, even at these lower levels, NO contaminants are detected.

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