First Steps in Verilog CPSC 321 Computer Architecture Andreas Klappenecker

First Steps in Verilog CPSC 321 Computer Architecture Andreas Klappenecker

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First Steps in Verilog

CPSC 321 Computer Architecture

Andreas Klappenecker

Verilog Simulators vcs from Synopsis

powerful debugging tools Icarus Verilog

compiler, free Veriwell

simulator, free

Information about Verilog Short manual

by Chauhan and Blair Verilog Quick Reference Guide by Sutherland HDL Appendix A in Fundamentals of Digital

Logic by Brown and Vranesic Quick Reference for Verilog HDL by Rajeev Madhavan

Hello World

module top;


$display("Hello, world!");


initial statements are executed once by the simulator

Verilog Simulator The Verilog simulator is event

driven Different styles of Verilog

structural dataflow behavioral

We will see examples of each type

Nets A net represents a node in the

circuit The wire type connects an

output of one element to an input of another element

wire abar; not(abar, a); nand(b, abar,abar);

Vector wires Range [msb: lsb] wire [3:0] S;

S = 4’b0011 The result of this assignment is

S[3] = 0, S[2] = 0, S[1] = 1, S[0] = 1 wire [1:2] A;

A = S[2:1];

means A[1] = S[2], A[2] = S[1]

Variables Variables come in two flavors

reg integers

reg can model combinatorial or sequential parts of the circuits

reg does not necessarily denote a register! Integers often used as loop control

variables useful for describing the behavior of a module

Simple Examplemodule testgate;

reg b, c; // variables

wire a, d, e; // nets

and (d, b, c); // gates

or (e, d, c); //

nand(a, e, b); //

initial begin // simulated once

b=1; c=0; // blocking assignments

#10 $display("a = %b", a);


endmodule What value will be printed?

Operators 1’s complement ~A 2’s complement -A bitwise AND A&B reduction &A produces AND of all bits in A Concatenate {a,b,c} | {a,b,c} = a | b | c Replication operators 2{A} = {A,A}

{2{A},3{B}} = {A,A,B,B,B}

Continuous assignments Single bit assignments assign s = x ^ y ^ cin; assign cout = (x & y) | (cin & x) | (cin &y )

Multibit assignments wire [1:3] a,b,c; … assign c = a & b;

Full Adder

module fulladd(cin, x, y, s, cout) input cin, x, y; output s, cout; assign s = x ^ y ^ cin; assign cout = (x & y) | (cin & x) | (cin

& y); endmodule

Always Blocks An always block contains one or

more procedural statements always @(sensitivity list) always @(x or y) begin

s = x ^ y;

c = x & y;


Mux: Structural Verilog

module mux(f, a,b,sel);

input a,b,sel;

output f;

wire f1, f2;

not(nsel, sel);

and(f1, a,nsel);

and(f2, b, sel);

or (f, f1, f2);





Mux: Dataflow Model

module mux2(f, a,b,sel);

output f;

input a,b,sel;

assign f = (a & ~sel) | (b & sel);


Mux: Behavioral Modelmodule mux2(f, a,b,sel);

output f;

input a,b,sel;

reg f;

always @(a or b or sel)

if (sel==1)

f = b;


f = a;


Sign extension and additionmodule adder_sign(x,y,s,s2s);

input [3:0] x,y;

output [7:0] s, ss;

assign s = x + y,

ss = {{4{x[3]}},x}+{{4{y[3]},y}

endmodulex = 0011, y = 1101s = 0011 + 1101 = 00010000ss = 0011 + 1101 = 00000011 + 11111101= = 00000000

Demux Example

2-to-4 demultiplexer with active low

enable a b z[3]




0 x x 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 1 1 1 0

1 1 0 1 1 0 1

1 0 1 1 0 1 1

1 1 1 0 1 1 1

Demux: Structural Model// 2-to-4 demultiplexer with active-low outputs

module demux1(z,a,b,enable);

input a,b,enable;

output [3:0] z;

wire abar,bbar; // local signals

not v0(abar,a), v1(bbar,b);

nand n0(z[0],enable,abar,bbar);

nand n1(z[1],enable,a,bbar);

nand n2(z[2],enable,abar,b);

nand n3(z[3],enable,a,b);


Demux: Dataflow model// 2-to-4 demux with active-low outputs

// dataflow model module


input a,b,enable;

output [3:0] z;

assign z[0] = | {~enable,a,b};

assign z[1] = ~(enable & a & ~b);

assign z[2] = ~(enable & ~a & b);

assign z[3] = enable ? ~(a & b) : 1'b1;


Demux: Behavioral Model// 2-to-4 demultiplexer with active-low outputs

module demux3(z,a,b,enable);

input a,b,enable;

output [3:0] z;

reg z; // not really a register!

always @(a or b or enable)

case ({enable,a,b})

default: z = 4'b1111;

3'b100: z = 4'b1110;

3'b110: z = 4'b1101;

3'b101: z = 4'b1011;

3'b111: z = 4'b0111;

