Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015 First Baptist Church of Clemson

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Leadership Council Quarterly Report

April 29, 2015

First Baptist Church of Clemson

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


I. Call to Order (Dan Ezell)

II. Approval of Minutes (Dan Ezell) pg. 3-4 (Copies on distribution)

III. Reports and Recommendations (Copies on distribution)

a. Leadership Council Report (Dan Ezell) pg. 5 b. Foundation (Jim Strom) pg. 5 c. Nominating (Frank Cox) pg. 5 d. Child Enrichment Center (Wendy Hapeshis) pg. 6 e. Personnel (Kelly Durham) pg. 6 f. Properties (Cookie Fitch/Benjie McGill) pg. 7-8 g. Stewardship & Finance (Tim Sevick) pg.9 h. Deacons (Bill Swedberg) pg. 9-10 i. Spiritual Formation Council (Harriett Simmons) pg. 10-12 j. Fellowship Council (Kathryn Dunmyer) pg. 13-14 k. Mission Council (Stephanie Moore) pg. 15-18 l. Worship Council (Linda White) pg. 19 m. Membership Report (Dan Ezell) pg. 20

IV. Old Business

V. New Business

Recommendation from the Personnel Team pg. 21

VI. Adjournment

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


Minutes of the Fourth Quarter Business Meeting First Baptist Church, Clemson January 14, 2015 Dan Ezell, chair of the Leadership Council (LC) called the meeting to order in the Family Life Center at 6:10 PM. Harriet Simmons reported that the Selection Committee for the Director of College Ministries has interviewed several candidates for the position and hopes to present a candidate in February. Tim Sevick, chair of Stewardship and Finance, presented the 2014 End-of-Year budget report. There was approximately $38,000 less revenue received than was budgeted. However, the spending was lower than expected by approximately $57,000 so there was a positive ending balance of approximately $15,000. Dan discussed all of the activities the church did in 2014. A small sampling included Intercessory Prayer Ministry, Wednesday night fellowship activities (CORD classes, programs for children/youth, etc.), there were various bible studies provided several days each week, mission activities (CROP walk, Dine with Docs, Ministers' Cook-off, etc.), and 165 guests were served at the 4th annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 Respectfully submitted, Julia Lusk, Assistant Church Clerk

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


Minutes of the Called Business Meeting First Baptist Church, Clemson February 11, 2015 Dan Ezell, chairman of the Leadership Council (LC) called the meeting to order in the Family Life Center at 5:50 pm. Dan introduced the motion to be presented by giving a timeline of how we got to this point in college ministry. Casey Callahan resigned in August and the Leadership Council immediately tasked Personnel Team to review the college ministry program. The Staff working with Personnel presented a plan for interim management of college ministry. Jenny Garrity was invited to provide leadership, along with Tim Dunmyer, Walt and Marsha Ayers, Kyle Young and CSF council. On October 29, the Personnel Team and LC presented a job description and a proposal for the Selection Committee. Harriet Simmons was named Chair. Other members included Jacob Barnes, Jenny Garrity, Tim Dunmyer and Rusty Brock, Senior Minister. The Selection Committee interviewed 4 candidates and their recommendation was reviewed by Personnel, Stewardship and Finance and LC. Tonight they enthusiastically present a motion to call Rev. Jessie Kearns to the position of Director of College Ministries. Discussion followed with Harriet Simmons describing Jessie’s seminary degree from Wesley Theological Seminary last May. In answer to other questions: Jessie’s age is 31; she will get retirement benefits for the part-time job of 25 hours per week for 10 months at a salary of $26,000; her only responsibility will be college ministry. Rusty Brock and Jacob Barnes both affirmed the selection. There was a call for the question which was approved by an affirmative vote. The vote for the motion was also approved with no opposition. Meeting adjourned at 6:08 pm. Respectfully submitted, JoAn Shearin, Church Clerk

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


LEADERSHIP COUNCIL REPORT: Dan Ezell, Chairman [email protected]

New Leadership Council members attended the December meeting of LC and received orientation. Dr. Hamilton and Dan Ezell provided additional orientation for Ministry Chairs in January. There are 89 appointed positions that make up the governance structure of First Baptist Clemson. In addition there are many volunteers who support the many ministry areas of the church. Leadership Council thanks both the appointed leadership and the volunteers who make things work so well at this church.

Leadership Council held regular meetings in February and March. There was continued interest and discussion regarding the College Ministry. Selection committee was formed and Reverend Jessie Kearns was hired as a part time Director of College Ministry. First Quarter revenue has fallen behind budget. Congregation is encouraged to evaluate stewardship and support the approved general budget. LC continues to monitor the outlined responsibilities in the strategic plan. During the quarter, additional meetings were held to investigate marketing and branding of First Baptist programs. A recommendation is anticipated in the next quarter. Congregational input regarding worship services and specifically lent services has been positive. New members as well as visitors have increased during the quarter. Leadership Council conferred with Stewardship and Finance regarding procedures for handling Sunday offering. New guidelines were developed for staff, deacons and counters. Auditors were consulted and these guidelines were implemented during the quarter.

FOUNDATION BOARD: Jim Strom [email protected] The Foundation Board operates as an autonomous board on behalf of First Baptist Church. Members of the board continually encourage estate planning on behalf of the church. Board members are always available to assist with gifts, death benefits, insurance and deferred giving. The board is developing plans for recognition of donors where appropriate.


[email protected] There is no scheduled activity for the Nominating Team this quarter. Team will begin deliberation at the beginning of the 3rd quarter.

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


CHILD ENRICHMENT CENTER: Wendy Hapeshis [email protected] Enrollment is currently 70 children with a staff of 24 caregivers. New hires during this time include Alissa Blocker, Anna DuBose, Kelly Holleman and Brandy Phiffer. Several staff members attended training each month this quarter to complete their 2015 DSS requirement. Becky attended a series of Director Trainings as well. During this quarter, special events at the center included Pajama Day, Valentine’s Day Book Drive, the Leprechaun Hunt and Easter Egg Hunt. New rocking chairs were purchased for the infant room. A new double-sided cabinet was purchased for the two year old classroom.

PERSONNEL MINISTRY TEAM: Kelly Durham [email protected] During the first quarter, the Personnel Ministry Team elected Roy Young as vice chair and Jenny Garrity as secretary and welcomed new members June Hay and Mike Mahaffey. The PMT began discussions about Church policies which resulted in the PMT's recommendation to revise the policy for interim search committees. See page 21 Jessie Kearns visited with the PMT as she began her FBC CSF ministry. The PMT requested input from the congregation as it began the annual Senior Minister Evaluation process. Signed comments may be submitted to any member of the PMT by Friday, May 1.

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


PROPERTIES MINISTRY TEAM: Cookie Fitch & Benjie McGill [email protected] [email protected]

1. Repair and re-lamping to enhance the operation and control of the lighting for the pulpit & choir area was completed.

2. Columbarium Sub-Committee Report - Still investigating options. Consensus is to go with a Memory Garden to minimize cost and upkeep– suggested

location in area to left of the entrance to the Welcome Center - Benjie , Jim Hampton , Roger Lovette, John McEntire Eickhof Columbaria LLC is

sending information.

3. Jim Hampton coordinated grounds spruce-up before Easter – Thanks to Jim, Dan Ezell, Frank & Crossie Cox, Tommy Jones and Joe Boykin. We welcome

any volunteers to regularly work on this. Contact Jim

4. Signed the yearly agreement with Clemson Downs for use of our facility in the event of a, emergency or disaster.

5. HVAC filters changed monthly in FLC and CEC areas, and quarterly in other areas.

6. Door lock at office area was replaced.

7. Electrical Problem, (wiring College Ave. side lighting) - Jerry Lusk fixed

8. Fire Alarm System issues – Upstairs in 1987 section the fuse holder was losing contact / bracket was replaced by Simplex-Grinnell to alleviate regular

false alarms.

9. Mold in Ladies Choir Robe Room – Treated

Status of Other Projects List - Members or volunteers took responsibility for follow up as indicated.

1. Welcome Center Furniture – Evelyn Boykin is investigating options & cost –re-cover or replace

2. Redo the floor on the front sides of the Sanctuary & eliminate pews - maybe hardwood - Evelyn Boykin is investigating

3. Courtyard Water Intrusion to Basement Elevator Lobby – Contacted Jeff Hargett / Osborne who looked at the issue previously and get his suggestions

& price for waterproofing in April– Benjie & Cookie

4. Garden left of Welcome Center - Water Intrusion into elevator Equipment Room – Test irrigation for possibly causing leaks – Mike Church, John Gilbert

5. Sink Hole in Yard – South Side of Covered Walkway, Near Storm Drain – Benjie & Bill Foster

Someone is lined up to perform this work

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


6. Courtyard Gutter – Replacement/Addition to Carry Water Flow from Sanctuary Roof – Pipe to Drain – Benjie – has someone lined up to perform this


7. Finish Ideas for Basement Elevator Lobby – Very Low Maintenance –Tear out remaining sheetrock & studs to the block, apply finish (after some

waterproofing (see above) – Finish walls & floor with Decorative Epoxy, some trim to finish ceiling/wall intersection – Benjie, Mike, John Gilbert. We

will finish Waterproofing first

8. Air in Sanctuary – Cold areas & hot areas – Mike will set temps higher for service times -Will keep check and adjust air flow to correct – Cookie, Benjie

9. Old Diesel Bus - To be sold but transaction not completed.

10. Damage from Chipolte - Exhaust – Typical a hot weather issue, no reports for some time – Monitor water runoff from the Chipolte building for any

damage to our side parking lot– Bill

11. Gutter over the door from ramp to basement is sagging – Benjie will check

12. Cover on the Bus Bar - Final Cover on & submitted to the insurance company– Benjie

13. Video Camera – at back parking area is not working – Tim Donovan who installed the video camera system will come next week to check – Benjie -

Bill will supervise if change out is required. Tim fixed a wire, but that didn’t correct the problem. Benjie has called to get him to come back

14. Benjie met with, and got a quote to put in 6 ft. wide steps with handrail from upper / street parking to lower parking lot ~ $8,300 Alt. to do 4 ft. wide

steps ~ $7,500

15. New Playground equipment (Pirate Ship) has been delivered but weather has prevented completing installation. CEC has a $40,000 commitment for the

project. S&F has approved $10,000 for additional cost of equipment and pouring a concrete pad at the street end of the playground. Benjie, Jim, John

Gilbert met to discuss grading needs for the concrete pad on 1/30. Jim Hampton drew a plan for the pad. It will require about 10 CY of concrete. Quote for

pad and stabilization of the bank and water control outside the playground fence $7,000

16. Becky – CEC Requested permission to have hallway carpets cleaned Quarterly @ $ 100 – CEC Pay

17. Becky - CEC – Requested permission to add a fence between Playground and side yard where HVAC units are located - CEC will pay

18. Basement restroom by ramp – Add Grab Bars

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE MINISTRY TEAM: Tim Sevick [email protected]

Included below for congregational review is the Revenue and Expense Report for January – March 2015. General budget monthly revenues for January – March exceeded 2015 one month and fell behind the other two months. End of quarter expenses exceeded revenue by $10,075. It is noteworthy that during first quarter 2014, there was a substantial push for systematic giving, something that should be considered for 2015. The team is continuing

discussions on methods to concentrate efforts on the reduction of the building fund debit while the current interest rate is favorable. During the quarter the church made a regular scheduled building payment of $29,025 and a non-budgeted principle reduction of $15,000. In 2014, total building principle payments for the year totaled $189,000. It is the goal of the paid-in-full program that First Baptist exceeds this amount in 2015. With an interest rate of 2.9% it is truly advantageous to take advantage of this opportunity. At end of March, loan balance is $1,696,189. In other action, Stewardship and Finance Team purchased a new safe and put in place new procedures for handling and counting offering. The auditor approved these procedures.

*See attached: First Baptist Church of Clemson Analysis of Revenues & Expenses - Detail Fund: Church General Operating Fund January to March 2015

DEACONS: Bill Swedberg [email protected] Deacon officers for 2015-Bill Swedberg, Chair; Lana Todd, Vice-Chair, Gail Marion, Secretary

In January, each deacon received individual member information sheets on their families. Many non-member, regular attendees have been assigned

to a deacon. (See About Us- Documents on FBC website for listing) New members are assigned to a deacon upon joining.

New deacons were welcomed: Frank Cox, Bev Sevick, Al Fitch, Sylvia Peters, Nancy Linvill. Life Deacons are Evelyn Boykin, Melba Blanton, Ben Box,

John Welter, and Butch Trent. There has been discussion at the meetings as to how Life Deacons can continue to be involved in the life of the church.

They were recognized by name and served communion in March worship service.

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


Each deacon has a partner that will assist to cover family ministry needs if needed. Each week the deacons receive an update on health

concerns/bereavement from the office. At each meeting, family reports are given. Highlights from the ministry areas are presented. A safe has

been purchased for the church.

There are three team captains who lead groups of deacons and make assignments regarding schedules for greeting, serving communion, handling the

offering, and other needed responsibilities.

Spiritual Formation Council: Harriet Simmons [email protected] Children's Ministry –Jamie Young, Leader January 19th - Snow Tubing 21st - Made blankets for Anderson County Chapter of Project Linus February 1st - Souper Bowl Sunday (made soup, cookies, and valentines and delivered to shut-ins) 13th - Parents' Date Night / Kids' Night In March 8th - Made bears at Build-a-Bear and delivered them to the Ronald McDonald House at the Children's Hospital (Greenville) 25th - Easter Eggstravaganza! Preschool – Kim Beaty, Leader This quarter the preschool children have had opportunities for fellowship and celebration with the older children during Parent’s Night Out in February and the Easter Egg Hunt in March (with 23 preschoolers attending). Several families from the FBC Child Enrichment Center joined us for these events. Preschoolers also enjoyed a Sunday Fun Day in February. Becky joined Lauren in attending the International Network of Children’s Ministry Conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee in January. During the three day event, we gathered a lot of ideas and information to enhance our children’s programs. The new piece of playground equipment has been delivered. Most of the old equipment has been removed. Installation has been delayed due to rain but should begin by mid-April

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


Youth – Jan Ayers, Leader Fellowship/Retreat Youth Ski Retreat to Winterplace, WV on Jan. 30-Feb 1. Youth choir retreat, led by Ryan Forbes, to Myrtle Beach called Festival By The Sea on March 6-8. Service/Mission Youth participated in a Poverty Simulation on Sunday, Feb. 22. Youth helped with Family Promise Wed, March 12 and the church Easter Egg Hunt on Wed, March 25. Youth signed up for summer mission trips this month - We have 18 youth planning to participate in the middle school trip with Passportmissions to Jacksonville, FL on June 13-19. We have 20 youth planning to participate in the high school trip with Experience Mission to Navajo Nation, NM on July 10-19. Bible Study Midweek Ministries include a Movie Ministry for High Schoolers and The Story: A Journey Through Scripture for Middle Schoolers. Sunday evening Bible study for Guys led by Jacob Barnes called The Real Win. Girls Bible study led by Tiffany called Faithful One. Jr./Sr. Bible study meets on Sunday evenings for dinner and discussion on a variety of topics. Adult – Jason Beaty, Leader CORD classes for the quarter are: Supreme Gift, A Sermon on Love taught by Ted Swann Holyland Experience, various speakers The Churches Portrait of Jesus taught by Rusty Brock An Affirmation of Faith More than Just Word taught by Al Fitch Ecclesia - Crossie, Leader Helped with Family Promise in March. Enjoyed the Anderson Follies in late March, with dinner at JPeters afterwards.

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


Upcoming events will include Bus Trip to Strawberry Hills in early Planning underway to help with Manna Truck College – Tim Dunmyer, Leader The first quarter was filled with search for new College Minister, after several interviews a candidate was brought forward to personal team. In February CSF had a weekend (overnight) to Atlanta. McAfee school of Theology was host. The 10 students were in 2 groups, one went to Methodist children home to make ready an apartment for some new residents. The other group worked on cleaning up an area to be later used as a clothes closet at a different church. March was the spring break trip to NYC. Where we learned about urban living. 13 people went including CSF alumni Ben Guerry who helped drive the bus and our new Director of College Minister, who had only been on the job for 3 weeks. While in NYC we got to experience the city from the subway to Broadway and the 911 Memorial and Museum. Sunday School – Joy Boatwright, Leader January Preschool - 20 Children - 27 Youth - 21 Adults (officers & College) - 143 Overall Average = 211 February Preschool - 22 Children - 25 Youth - 27 Adults - 145 Overall Average = 219 March Preschool - 23 Children - 22 Youth - 25 Adults - 146 Overall Average = 216 Quarterly Average = 215

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


Fellowship Council: Kathryn Dunmyer [email protected] Family Service – Gervais Emanuel, Leader In January, the Trent Sunday School class provided a meal for 12 members of the Barnette family following the memorial service for Melvin. Food was

taken to the home at the family’s request.

History – Jim Fanning, Leader A lot of time has been spent cleaning out the history room and organizing the contents. This is an ongoing project. A separate filing cabinet has been

designated for Properties and one for the Deacons. These teams will be asked to go through material and determine what needs to be saved. We plan

to seek help from some willing long-time members in identifying church members in the many photos in the history room. Bill Lanham has placed

some of the old AV equipment on Craig’s List with some success.

Kitchen – Jane Camper, Leader Wednesday night suppers have been well attended with an average of 130 members and 15 students. We now have 2 gas stoves in the kitchen which

makes Louie’s work easier.

New Members – Gail Marion, Leader The following new members joined FBC this quarter: Susie Nodine Aldridge Ben & Mary Brown Tim & Whitney Sexton Buddy & Liz Thompson Claude & Louise Cooper Jessie Kearns

The three volunteers for this team agreed to stay on for the year: Cathy Turner Jerry Redmond Nancy Bennett

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


Recreation – Charlie White, Leader After a one year absence, we are fielding a softball team from FBC in the city church softball league. Overall leadership is being given by Neil Burton with Jason Richardson and Jacob Addison serving as our coaches. Eighteen people have signed up to play! The first game is scheduled for Tuesday, April 14th at 7PM. All games are played at Nettles Par, Fields 1 or 2. Please come out and support our team by watching a fun, athletic, fearless, fast, and competitive group amble through the schedule. The remaining schedule is as follows:

4/16, 8PM, Townville Baptist . . .4/20, 7PM, Crosspoint #1….4/23, 7PM, Crosspoint #2…..5/5, 8PM, St. Andrews….5/18, 7PM, Trinity Wesleyan….5?19, 7PM, B3….5/21, 6:30PM, Holy Trinity….5/28, 9PM, Alive Wesleyan…6/2,8PM, Holy Trinity.

Planning is underway for Pickleball to return to the FLC.

Social – Nancy Bennett, Leader Molly Hampton, Shirley Bennett and Jane Barnwell have volunteered to assist with social activities. We continue to have difficulty accounting for the

tablecloths. Nancy is going to inventory to determine if more need to be purchased.

Visitation – Peggy Cover, Leader The volunteers for the Visitation Ministry are Bill Wooten, Rupert Leary, Russ and Gail Marian, Emily Gooding, Kappy Jordan and Gervais Emanuel. Easter lilies were taken to the shut-ins the week before Easter. We have added 11 people to our list bringing the number of shut-ins to 34.

Dot Hurley moved to the Richard Campbell Veterans Nursing home and is having trouble adjusting. Louise Dubose has moved to Lila Doyle. The Holden’s children and grandchildren are providing around the clock care for them. The Pardues have many challenges. All of the shut-ins enjoy receiving cards, calls and visits from friends at FBC.

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


Mission Council: Stephanie Moore [email protected] Missions Team – Judith White, Leader January –

We hosted Family Promise January 8-14 in conjunction with St . Andrews Hosted 12 homeless receiving care from volunteers. We will host again in March.

Quartering payments prepared for first quarter.

Mission coordinator created display with arts Enrichment for February for Global Missions. The mission theme for year 2015 is the homeless and hunger.

February - Schedule for Family Promise for the remainder of the year.

March 8 - 14

July 12 - 18

November 8 – 14

Global Missions Goal $7000 - total will be announced March 1st at the luncheon.

Arts Enrichment Display for February for Global Missions features work by Triune Mercy Center (Greenville) and information about Family Promise. The mission theme for year 2015 is the homeless and hunger.

Habitat House project to be announced. The family will be at the luncheon on March 1st to sign the covenant.

Fair Trade Sales

Quarterly Payments

March - The church signed a covenant with Habitat in Pickens County to assist other churches with a build. The building dedication and first work was

scheduled for April 11. The church has an obligation to raise $5,000 for the project. It is our hope that we can raise some of that money with the help

of Sunday School classes.

Schedule for Family Promise for the remainder of the year is week of July 12 - 18 and week of November 8- 14. Our last week held was March 8 – 14, which was shared with support church, St. Andrews Catholic Church. Thanks to all who have given their time and resources to this ministry. A Spring Benefit Concert for Family Promise will be held on April 25, 2-4 pm at the Dream Center, Easley, SC.

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


Global Missions Goal of $8000 exceeded. Our total was $10,548. Gifts are making it possible for Lonnie and Fran Turner to install a Treadle Pump and a Grinding Mill for a village that will provide clean water

and allow the women to grind their corn in the village instead of walking 10 miles to the nearest mill.

Habitat House project. We are partnering with neighbor churches and Pickens County Habitat to build a house for Kathy Wyant and her children. Volunteers begin work April 11.

Mission opportunities – o Dessert Auction Cystic Fibrosis o Volunteers in Medical Missions o CCC Second Sunday Helpings o Manna Truck @ CCC – May 2 o CCDC Spring Fashion Show o Fair Trade Sales o Honduras Trip set for July

WMU – Cathy Turner, Leader The Arrington Scholarship was awarded to Preston Cooley for his studies at Mercer. Mission Friends is experiencing growth and now meets in the Children’s Chapel. The children learned about the Border Ministries in Texas, Janee and Hary Angel's work with refugees in Belgium, and the ministry of Grandin Court Baptist Church in Roanoke Virginia. The World Hunger funds were allocated to the following: Ron and Melin Green, SE Asia Rural Initiative;Gennady and Mina Podgaisky, Ukraine; David and Merrie Harding, Ethiopia; Melody and Sam Harrell, Kenya;Chaouk and Maha Boulos, Lebanon and the Middle East;Pure Water, Pure Love, WMU. The amount given was $1350. The women's mission groups continue to serve in visiting shut ins and providing remembrances such as valentines and goodies. Each valentine treat was delivered to the shut in by a member of the mission group. Seekers hosted the daughters of Tom and Debbie Graves, Dr. Lesslie Pekarek and Jesse Rivera, Nurse Practitioner for a question and answer time about women's health. Other groups were invited. The Ruth McWhite Group is purchasing gifts for the 2015 high school graduates. The Children's Mission Studies for the quarter were the ministry of Hary and Janee Angel's work with refugees in Belgium and God is With Us highlighting the many ways disaster response is met. Crossie Cox was our guest speaker about her involvement with the Red Cross.

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


Baptist Relations – Russ Marion, Leader Activities of SC CBF have been publicized. Subscriptions to Baptist Today and Baptist Courier have been arranged. No other activities are reported.

Earth Care- Louise Munro, Leader Each month, the Earthcare Ministry area is highlighted in the TIE newsletter. These newsletter articles focus on an environmental issue. Earthcare also

continues its effort at recycling at First Baptist and planting flowers around the church.

Ecumenical Ministries-John Peters, Leader Clemson Community Care January – John Peters will be our representative until 2016. He is touching base with those who represent CDC, CCDC, CACIT and Clemson Free Clinic.

Here is the list of those serving:

Clemson Community Care John Peters 884-6544 [email protected]

Clemson Free Clinic J.J. Thomas 637-8139 [email protected]

CCDC Susie Dooley 506 4927 [email protected]

CCIT Kerry Brock 654-1743 [email protected]

Safe Harbor II Judith White 608-2769 [email protected]

Family Promise Judith White 608-2769 [email protected]

February - Clemson Community Care John Peters: Second Sunday going well for church members bringing in items for Clemson Community Care. The

Community Choir Concert held Feb. 20th raised $1679 for CCC. This was a good partnership with surrounding churches.

March - Clemson Community Care had a very busy first quarter of the year. They saw 806 clients this quarter, which was lower than the 832 they saw

in the same period in the previous year. However their client numbers in March of 281 was higher than the 205 they saw in the same month last year.

They continue to see a full lobby each day and are appreciative of all donations. The second helpings program at Clemson First Baptist Church has been

a great support to them. We need to keep it up.

The Festival of Music at Southern Wesleyan Church as a great success. Our church choir participated in this wonderful evening of music along

with other church choirs and the Southern Wesleyan Choir. A love offering was taken and funds raised will go toward helping CCC meet the

needs of their clients.

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


During the month of March, Clemson Community Care provided $8,661 of financial support to their clients and handed out 22,257 pounds of food.

CCC sponsored two Manna trucks this quarter. They were as follows:

Jan 3, 2015 - 135 families served with 419 members

March 7, 2015 - 185 families served with 499 members

On March 1, 2015, CCC announced the annual Feinstein Matching Grant program. All funds and food donated from March 1 – April 30, 2015 will be matched on a proportional basis with all organizations submitting their efforts from a $1 Million Grant from the Feinstein Foundation in Cranston, RI.

Clemson Free Clinic Dine w/ the a Docs is April 24th @ 6:30. Clemson United Methodist Church. Tickets on sale now.

Clemson Child Development Center – Joy Boatwright, Leader

Committee met March 24th at the center

Sharon reported on the progress of the 4K program. The application has now gone to the regional coordinator

The center passed licensing.

The Week of the Young Child is approaching. There will be a pinwheel event on April 10th. Local teens will dig holes for pinwheel placement. A "Making Books" workshop will be help for parents led by board members.

Cathy McGee is serving as the accountant for the center. The center made a profit this month with the help of a $4000 donation from the Methodist Church.

The Tea Party fundraiser is May 2nd. Sponsors are needed. Tickets are available at the center for this event.

For teacher appreciation, the board will provide lunch for the teachers.

The board voted to install shade covers for the toddler playground.

The Center will participate in the Clemson Art Festival on May 16th.

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


Worship Council: Linda White [email protected] All Ministry Team Leaders met with Chair in January for Orientation and also met with their team members to organize their agenda for the year and

confirm their volunteers.

Arts Enrichment: Kerry Brock and Karole Williams, Co-Leaders

Gene Rochester built new shelving for storage. Kerry and Karole agreed to continue as co-chairs until Dec. thus putting AE on same rotation as other

teams. Displays have featured: February -Heart for Missions; March -Pottery; April - Signs of the Cross. May - Pictures and items from trip to Holy


Music – Dale Linvill, Leader Funding secured for Spring Semester Internships including 4 brass players and 2 vocalists. Chancel Choir and Orchestra led Palm Sunday music worship with "Colors of Grace" Youth Choir attended Festival at Myrtle Beach March 5-7 that was partially sponsored by CBF. Chancel Choir participated with choirs in area for the "Musical Ecclesia”, a fund-raiser for CCC, at SWU in February. Ordinance – Jane Gilbert, Leader Team met March 15 to review ordinance procedures. Schedules and assignments were finalized. March Communion serviced by Mary and Ben Brown and Jim and Jean Nickless. Flowers – Emily Gooding, Leader A silk arrangement was purchased from Twigs to use when fresh flowers have not been donated. Lilies purchased for Easter with names for the 'donated in memory' printed in bulletin. Extra lilies were delivered to church shut-ins. Members of Flower Team meet on Mondays to take apart fresh flower arrangements and deliver to any special needs of church. A record is kept of deliveries. Media – Jeff Bennett, Leader Planning Day is being scheduled to help with audio levels for live stream. Ushers – Rob Hubbard, Leader Volunteers confirmed and assignments given. Ushers responsible for opening church and placing parking signage, providing service during Morning Worship and funerals. Funerals of Melvin Barnette and Opal McAlpin were serviced during first quarter. Wedding – Wanda Ezell & Joan Woods, Co-Leaders Team met with outgoing chair, Shirley Bennett, to review procedures in new wedding policy. Volunteers were confirmed. No weddings scheduled in first quarter.

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015


FIRST QUARTER MEMBERSHIP REPORT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLEMSON, SC New Members Suzanne “Suzi” Aldridge By Transfer of Letter 01/25/15 Tim Sexton By Transfer of Letter 02/15/15 Whitney Sexton By Transfer of Letter 02/15/15 Ben Brown By Transfer of Letter 02/15/15 Mary Brown By Transfer of Letter 02/15/15 Buddy Thompson By Transfer of Letter 02/22/15 Liz Thompson By Transfer of Letter 02/22/15 Claude Cooper By Transfer of Letter 03/01/15 Louise Cooper By Transfer of Letter 03/01/15 Letters of Transfer Hodges Motley FBC, 871 Main St., Danville, VA 24541 01/25/15 Deaths Opal McAlpin 01/04/15 Melvin Barnette 01/18/15

Leadership Council Quarterly Report April 29, 2015



Personnel Team recommends to change the interim search policy for interim Additional Ministers and Directors. The proposed policy would greatly streamline the placement of interims. The LC supports the recommendation. It was publicized to the church on the April 14 and has been placed on the April 29 agenda for ratification by the church.

Change Red section to read: 1. The following is a recommendation from the Personnel Ministry Team and represents a new policy for interim searches:

Interim Additional Ministerial Searches Purpose: To arrange for the filling of Additional Ministerial Staff positions on a temporary basis during a

vacancy or prolonged absence in the office of the appropriate Additional Minister or Director.

When there is a vacancy in an additional ministerial or director position, the Personnel Ministry Team shall be authorized to collaborate with the

appropriate Ministry Council Chair and Ministry Area Leader (e.g. Music, Youth etc.), Stewardship and Finance Ministry Team and the Senior

Minister to recommend an interim candidate to the Leadership Council until a search committee can be formed and a permanent Associate

Minister or Director is called.

2. The following is the current policy and the recommendation is that it apply to the Senior Minister:

Interim Senior Minister Search Committee Purpose: To arrange for the filling of the Senior Minister position on a temporary basis during a vacancy or

prolonged absence in the office of the Senior Minister. Membership and Election: The committee shall exist only when there is a vacancy in this office

and shall serve until a permanent Minister is called or until relieved of its responsibility by the Church. The committee shall consist of a chair and three

(3) members, elected by the Church. The Nominating Ministry Team will nominate the chair and members to the Church in business session for the

purpose of electing the committee. [MANUAL FOR COUNCILS, MINISTRY TEAMS page 29]