200 S. Church St. Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Church Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:00 am—5:00 pm Friday 8:00 am—2:30 pm Church Office (252) 446-9113 Fax (252) 446-5025 Website www.fbcrm.org Prayer Room (252) 446-5993 First Baptist Child Care Center (252) 446-7416 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pastor’s Article 2 Church Staff 2 Budget Planning Schedule 3 Thanksgiving Schedule 3 College Ministry Update 4 Uganda Mission Report 4 Advent Schedule Christmas Worship 5 Calendar 6 First Baptist Church NOVEMBER 2015 First Baptist Rocky Mount COME, MEET OUR SPECIAL GUESTS FROM THESE ORGANIZATIONS: A Perfect Injustice A Perfect Injustice Agape Village Orphanage Agape Village Orphanage Bair Foundation Bair Foundation Baptist Children’s Home Baptist Children’s Home Christian Adoption Services Christian Adoption Services Shelter of Love Shelter of Love Pray that God would begin to show you how He would have you support and care for children that are orphaned and vulnerable. We will take a benevolence offering at the conclusion of the We will take a benevolence offering at the conclusion of the service, to begin an orphan care fund for FBC families. service, to begin an orphan care fund for FBC families. We will have a Silent Auction to raise the remaining funds needed for shipping costs.

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Page 1: First Baptist - Clover Sites

200 S. Church St.

Rocky Mount, NC 27804

Church Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:00 am—5:00 pm Friday 8:00 am—2:30 pm

Church Office (252) 446-9113

Fax (252) 446-5025

Website www.fbcrm.org

Prayer Room (252) 446-5993

First Baptist Child Care Center (252) 446-7416


I S S U E :







Budget Planning






College Ministry



Uganda Mission



Advent Schedule

Christmas Worship


Calendar 6




N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 5

First Baptist Rocky Mount


Agape Village Orphanage Agape Village Orphanage

Bair Foundation Bair Foundation

Baptist Children’s Home Baptist Children’s Home

Christian Adoption Services Christian Adoption Services

Shelter of Love Shelter of Love Pray that God would begin to show you how He would have you support and care for children that are orphaned and vulnerable.

We will take a benevolence offering at the conclusion of the We will take a benevolence offering at the conclusion of the

service, to begin an orphan care fund for FBC families.service, to begin an orphan care fund for FBC families.

We will have a Silent Auction to raise the remaining funds needed for shipping costs.

Page 2: First Baptist - Clover Sites

P A G E 2

Rev. Dennis Darville

World View and I ts Consequences




Dennis Darville

Preaching & Leadership

Tim Griffin

Education & Discipleship

Mike Avery

Family Ministries

Larry Curtis

Pastoral Care

Jack Heim

Music & Worship

Louis Griffin

Music & Worship

Jonathan Tyndall

College Ministries

Bob Britt

Homebound Visitation



Beth Thompson

Operations Director

Jewell Pullen

Financial Administration

Faye Strickland

Facilities Administration

Mary Helen Batten

Receptionist/Admin. Assistant

Kayla Dozier

Administrative Assistant

Nina Daughtridge

Music Assistant

Jane Clark

Food Service Administration

In 2007, Charles Taylor published a

book entitled, A Secular Age. It seems to

me that this book has become the book

with which other writers are interacting.

In other words, politicians, theologians,

philosophers, sociologists, and others

(Christian and non-Christian) are writing

in such a way that suggest Taylor’s

thoughts have irrevocably influenced

their own.

In this thought-provoking, idea–

challenging, and cultural-impacting

book, Taylor argues that the West has

undergone what we could generally call

three intellectual-epochal-shifts (i.e.,

three ways of viewing the world). The

first is described as pre-Enlightenment

impossibility of unbelief. The second

could be described as post-enlightenment

possibility of unbelief. And the third

could be understood as late modern im-

possibility of belief.

Take a moment and ponder his claims. In

fact, take more than a few moments and

consider how these things might have

occurred, what the implications of such

shifts are, and what might it mean for

you/us as we find ourselves square in the

middle of this third intellectual-epochal-

moment. For a culture to move from the

impossibility of unbelief to impossibility

of belief is a mind-bending journey to be

sure. If you are really daring and ambi-

tious, buy his book and read it. If you do

so choose, get ready; it will take some

serious mental energy.

John Frame, Professor of Theology at

Reformed Theological Seminary, elabo-

rating on Taylor’s observations, writes,

“After the Enlightenment, Western intel-

lectual conditions changed to make it

possible for one not to believe in God.

For most of human experience in West-

ern civilization, it has been impossible

not to believe in God. That does not

mean that everyone was individually

Christian or that everyone had experi-

enced conversion and was a regenerate

believer. And it does not mean that there

were no skeptics or heretics. Before the

Enlightenment, however, one could not

explain the world without the Bible and

its story…but this situation changed with

the Enlightenment and the availability of


worldviews by which

one could frame a

comprehensive ac-

count of the world set

over against the


worldview…the in-

tellectual conditions

of Western culture

have now secularized

such that it is seemingly impossible for

those operating under such conditions to

believe in God.”

Bruce Ashford, Provost at SEBTS, in a

recent article for the Ethics and Reli-

gious Liberties Council (the lobbying

group for the SBC in Washington, DC),

citing the famous American sociologist

Philip Rieff, writes, “Rieff argues that

modernity’s ills are caused by its dys-

functional relationship with the sacred.

In particular, they stem from modernity’s

radical attempt to reorganize society by

abolishing the sacred. The problem with

such a patently irreligious view, as Rieff

notes, is that religion cannot really be

abolished. We can no more live without

a religious framework than we can com-

municate without a linguistic framework,

or breathe without a pulmonary frame-


ills are caused

by its


relationship with

the sacred.’”

Page 3: First Baptist - Clover Sites

P A G E 3

November 25November 25 No Meal or PM ActivitiesNo Meal or PM Activities

November 26November 26 Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day

Office ClosedOffice Closed

November 27November 27 Office ClosedOffice Closed

November 29 November 29 Life 5Life 5--11--5 Groups Meet 5 Groups Meet


November 11 Budget Presentation

(no discussion)

November 18 Budget Discussion

& Quarterly Church Conference

December 6 Affirm Budget during Morning Worship

Sunday, November 8

With Sunday School at 9:00am Worship Service at 10:30am

We will have a special speaker and

representatives from Orphan & Foster

Care Ministries with us this Sunday.

work. Religion is in man’s blood, and attacking overt religiosity only serves to create concealed religiosity.”

What all the above writers are keenly observing is the same phenomena ─ the efforts by many, if not most, of

America’s intelligentsia to silence the voice of the sacred from influencing our shared, public lives in Western

culture. The inevitable outcomes of this sweeping, culture-making effort to mold the West into a purely anti-

sacral world has an ominous feel to it, to say the least. What are we to do? Throw in the towel? No! Wring our

hands in worry? No! Call it fate? No! Assign it to the inevitable outworking of prophecy? No! I would suggest

we get busy praying, thinking, writing, and working from a Christian worldview in all spheres of life to influence

the world for Christ and His Kingdom! What then? We should leave the outcomes to a good and all-powerful

God. We can trust Him!

Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls

Troops held their first campout of the year in Octo-

ber, where the girls learned how to cook a cobbler

using a Dutch Oven, and the boys learned how to

start a fire using flint and steel.

Page 4: First Baptist - Clover Sites

P A G E 4

The Bridge just wrapped up our third annual Pump-kin Carving Contest out at Mike and Allison Avery's house. We had 40 students come out and compete to see who could carve the best pumpkins. There were several who could have won, but the students voted and the pumpkin who won was designed to look like The Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonder-land. It was great. The best part of the night was getting to meet new students who are new to The Bridge. This night was a great way to build relation-ships with students with the hope of sharing the gos-pel with them. Continue to pray for us as we have about one month left of the semes-ter. We have two more large group campus meetings with our Turkey Bowl and Feast to close out the semester out at the Schellenberg’s. We can't wait!

A church is, by definition, a community. God designed us for community. It's engrained into the fabric of our being. We see throughout the Old and New Testament that God's plan for salvation of human beings is meant for a community of people, not just individuals. Not only that, but he actually designed the community of God to be the missional witness in the world. Intentional, life-on-life community has been a huge hole in our church for as long as I can remember in my 14 years of membership. Finally, our Life 5-1-5 Groups are filling that hole.

In just the first two months of leading one of these Life Groups, I have witnessed people come alive in community like never before at FBCRM. We are actually learning how to read the Bible together, rather than simply coming to get it spoon-fed to us on Sunday mornings and Wednes-day nights. That is not at all to say that the times of corporate gathering to hear Biblical preaching and teaching aren't necessary, because they are, and they will continue to be crucial to our life as a church, but we will be deficient in our Christian walks if we do not learn how to read the bible together and apply it together. That is exactly what is already happening in my Life Group. We are actually getting into each others' lives and spurring one another toward living out obedience to Christ and the gospel we claim we believe.

I have already grown so much deeper in relationship with so many individuals in my Life Group. We spend time together, we eat together, we read the bible together, we pray together, and we apply the Word together.

In conclusion, I would say without a doubt that if you are a member of this church and you are not in a Life 5-1-5 Group, then you are missing out on the best thing we are doing. We are actually doing church with the belief that church itself is not an event we attend, but rather it is a people to which we belong. Please join God in what He is doing in and through the people of FBCRM. By His grace, we will see Him add to our number and create a community of true worshippers.

-Louis Griffin

Ocoya, Onegi and family: 3 mattresses

3 mosquito nets

3 blankets

5 sets of bed sheets

Emma and family: 3 mattresses

3 blankets

4 sets of bed sheets

3 mosquito nets

Scovia and family: 3 mattresses

3 blankets

4 sets of bed sheets

3 mosquito nets

Abdul and family: 3 mattresses

3 mosquito nets

3 blankets

3 sets of bed sheets

Reagan and family: 2 mattresses

3 mosquito nets

3 blankets

4 sets of bed sheets

Tamale and family: 3 mattresses

3 mosquito nets

3 blankets

4 sets of bed sheets

Peter and Family: 3 mattresses

3 mosquito nets

3 blankets

4 sets of bed sheets

Frank and family: 2 mattresses

2 blankets

2 sets of bed sheets

2 mosquito nets

A building project

Matia and family: 3 mattresses

3 mosquito nets

3 blankets

4 sets of bed sheets

Bruno and family: 3 mattresses

3 mosquito nets

3 blankets

4 sets of bed sheets

Bashir and family: 1 mattress

2 mosquito nets

2 blankets

3 sets of bed sheets

Emma and family: 1 mattress

1 blanket

3 sets of bed sheets

3 mosquito nets

Yazid and family: 2 mattresses

3 mosquito nets

2 blankets

4 sets of bed sheets

Patrick and family: 1 mattress

1 set of bed sheets

2 mosquito nets

1 blanket

Juma and family: 2 mattresses

2 blankets

2 sets of bed sheets

2 mosquito nets


Page 5: First Baptist - Clover Sites

P A G E 5

Adven t Beginning Sunday, November 29 through

January 3, 2016 our church family will

worship together in one Service at

10:30am with Sunday School at 9:00am.

To prepare our hearts for worship and

the anticipation of the coming Messiah,

we will have Advent devotionals and

other resources available* in the narthex,

beginning Sunday, November 15.

*for purchase & free Come, behold the

wondrous mystery!

Page 6: First Baptist - Clover Sites

w w w . f b c r m . o r g

P A G E 6

Sundays 8:00 am Televised Morning Worship

(WHIG Channel 17)

8:15 am Contemporary Worship Service

9:00 am Church Library open until 10:00 am

9:30 am Bible Study

11:00 am Worship Service

6:00 pm Life 5-1-5 Groups (multiple locations/times vary)

Mondays 10:45 am Inspiration Singers (Choir suite) 7:00 pm Praise Team Rehearsal

Tuesdays 6:30 am Women’s Prayer Groups

9:00 am Pastor’s meeting

Women’s Bible Study

10:00 am Women’s Prayer Group

1:00 pm Stephen Ministry (1st & 3rd Wks M103)

6:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal

6:30 pm Trail Life USA & American Heritage Girls

Wednesdays 3:00 pm Church Library open until 6:00 pm


5:00 pm Fellowship Meal

6:00 pm Nursery for Birth—2 yr. (M105)

Team KID for 3 yrs.—Kindergarten

KOGS for 1st—5th Grades

X-Change 6th—8th Grades

Prayer Meeting for adults (Fell. Hall)

7:10 pm Christmas Musical Rehearsal to 7:45pm

7:45 Adult Choir Rehearsal

Thursdays 6:30 am Men’s Prayer Group (Choir room)

12:30 pm Prison Ministry

3:00 pm COOL Kids (FMC)

7:30 pm The Bridge (@ Wesleyan College)





Time Ends!

2 3 4

Operation Christmas

Child Packing Party 6pm in the FMC

5 6 7



Combined Worship at 10:30am & SS at 9am

Deacons Meeting 3pm


Forever Young

(11:45am F.H.)

10 11

Budget Presentation

(without discussion) (6pm F.H.)

12 13 14

The Bridge NCWC

Tailgate (12pm RM Sports Complex)

15 16 17 18

Thanksgiving Meal

Quarterly Church Conference (budget

discussion) (6pm F.H.)


20 21

22 23 24 25

No Meal or Evening


Meals on Wheels


Office Closed

Thanksgiving Holiday


Office Closed

Thanksgiving Holiday



1st Sunday of Advent

Combined Worship at 10:30am & SS at 9am


November 2015

TLUSA/AHG Camping Tr ipTLUSA/AHG Camping Tr ip

Camping TripCamping Trip