V. ill rJLa r 10 $150,000 Montclair, N. J. 4H School Bonds TJgtd Aug. t. WIS Due Aug. 1. IMS. Ooutwa or RaarUtersd Form Lsl for Savings Bank In New Jeraey Trie to Yield 4.30 Ftill particular on rcqueil N.W.Halsey&Co 49 WalLStreet, New York FlflUdelphU Chicago 8n Francisco Boston Baltimore Bt.Loult Railroad Bonis InfetrrMttatt CampsriMm We have iprtpttJ t booklet on Railroad Bonds which give in convenient form iome of the prin eiptl fictori regarding the bond iuuei oi moit of the principal railrotda in thii country. It alio includes the income account, ctpittlitttion and other information of interett to ins. eitori. We will be pleated to mail to in veitort copy of Booklet No 20) Harris. Forbes & Co Pine S treat, Corrxr William NEW YORK THE CURB MARKET. Transactions In detail In the curb tnarfeet last week were as follows: Open- - Huh- - Low- - Clou. Im. In. it. t. Ina. TI04 Amer Zinc u;, e; US (it, XMi 'Aria Uuiiursne... 21 32 :i xn Alu Jilti-a- u .... Ill, u 111, HVi SI40 Anvor V P T, 1700 Alts Cons Mln.... SO M II ym Atlanta :) ti HVi UlSflO Amer Comm 10", 17 ion IS 30 Amer Ship 47 49 47 41 110 Alllsnre Film '. W BIk Cotton 6', 5S m 7670 lllr Ledio Derrl.. 2, iv, 2 M IS 1300 -- Booth 43 43 43 43 8300 Bratlen Copper... S 500 Biit-A- T. ord... Its 14S I4S US 4170') Can C & V n lit iOi HSOCan C & F PI....1I0 ll 110 lltli 6700 Canada Steel SIVt 3t 2IVi 32 2n0 -- Caribou Cobalt. J) 2Z i 10 4000 -- Cathbor 4 4 3S m 13S 27S e US 31 S 4100 Canada Cop S s aM'S Caledonia t IS .W 11 1U Can N C, Corp IS 3 IS 1U aasMCar I. t, V IIS S (100 Central Foun 13 IIS 94 axo Central Foun pf. 21 u Ui2i Cramp Ship 04 M CIS COO Cons 5'W ;ii OK 400 Cons Ana S' s Z10 Chill Cop 1 19S I8S IMOCronn Reserre... ;i (1 1000 Dla Black Butts. :s :s .VM I)a1s-I)al- r C new S'iS 3IS SIS 1300 EIo Boat 1 410 430 met Elec Boat pi 3M 443 430 U3000 EI Boat new wt. ms 43 ass 130 Emer l'hono .... its 14S ii 4W00 Emma Copper... 40, 47 40 mm -- Ely Con II a SoOO First Nat Cop.... 34 1 24 -- Florence 41 60 41 IW Greene Cananea.. 4) 41 40 ISO) -- Genesee 40 41 34 SKO Goldneld Cons.... is IS IS 1 U0 -- Goldneld Mer... tl 24 21 im Hall Slroal 14 1S 14 100 Hall SUnal pi... .14 .Vi UX HendM Mtf CI J4S 31 100 Houston Oil 13 12 12 wo Howe Sound S'i 1IM Iron Blossom 71 71 71 400 Inter Rubber 7 two Inter Mer Ma 1 noo Inter Mer Ma pt ?S 7 44 200 Inter MMplwIll 117 M 4VU3 Inter Motors IS'i 21 144 711 Inter Motors pf... 40 41 14 1134 Inter Steam P... KVi 114 300 Inter Steam P pt. 1 19 H 00 s 3J 1I 4 44S S 47 10 47 40 41 21 14 M 3.' 12 67 It 41 10 HMO Inter Petroleum. ..S is S4 JaWO Jumbo Ext 1 ! 17 710 KeUy Sprint T...H1 174 1(1 171 133 Kelly S T 1st pf.. M S7 It 17 VMO Kennecott Cop... MS 27 SIS (too -- Kewanaa 11 4 $DOV Kerr Lake IS I IMOLaks Tor Boat... II II 10 16 j ajno-Lo- oe Star 44 t 44 00 Lima Loco 34 Si 31 H000 Marconi of Am.. 44 4 as lwo Mac Ma cop lis 134 "4 smo -- Majestic Mines.. 71 71 C! r.3 MOO -- McKin DSMCo 21 22 20 4B0 MOM ana Con 1 14 1 l T360 Nat 8 0 of Can. 42 14 42 HOO New Utah Bint:.. 34 34 2S Nlpltail M Co. CS fS IS lM0NrtuU HUla.... l 11 It too New York Trans. 1(4 154 154 'MOro 8 64 123S Pyfene 134 134 13S 7O0 Rex Cona Mln.... II 17 I tM niker-He- r Corp... 4 4 6 161 -- Sand Kendall ... 6 5 tOQO -- Sella 22 32 22 I 4700 Silver rick 10 7 JM00 Standard Motors. 124 its 114 sjoioo Superstition 234 24 234 U1100 sSucees Min 1 1 1 1 MOO 8t Joseph Lead... 124 114 15 17& Stand Silver Ivead 1 4JM00 Stewart IS IS 1 1400 Savoy Oil IS 64 IM8terllrw Gum w 1 2S 24 1100 Tonopah Merger. 34 31 14 j fMTonopah Min... r,4 6S 64 IM1 Tonopah Ext 24 :s IKOTri BulUon 4 4 s OoO Tuolumne Cop... 14 lt-l- t 14 130 United Cir Stra.,101 101 101 TOM Un Clg Sirs new. PS 30 94 TOOCn Profit tihar.,,. Jt)-- 2S 2S 1UO0 Ventura 14 114 I3S two Wasatch 1 IS 1 1 lOCM'West End Cnn ,. O) ti u 42M White Knob C pt 24 24 24 4W0O World Film 34 SS STANDARD OIL BUBSmiAniES. 050 174 1S U Atlantic Kenning. 013 IM M Buckeye Pipe L.. 103 It Continental Oil,,. 211 226 3 Crescent Pips L, 304 4 a Eureka Pipe Line 2 22 Jfo Galena Signal Oil 1 IM 111 Illinois Pipe Line 150 1(4 tM Indiana Pipe Lirw 141 96 1010 National Transit, 34 30S 21 N Y Transit 2fl Mr, 66 Northern Pipe L. 14 W20 Ohio Oil Id 131 7220 Pierce Oil US S l&M Prairie Od A Oas Prairie Pipe Line II Solar Refining ... U Southern Pips L. (46 South Tenn Oil 1 60 W Pa Pipe L, KZ 8tand Oil of Cal. 310 Stand Oil of Ind 7t Stand Oil nl Kan 42 Stand Oil of Ky , 4 Stand Oil of Neb 21 Stand Oil ol N J D76 Stsnd Oil ol N Y 10 Stand Oil of Ohio 10 San & Flr.oh (X Union Tank Line BONDS, I3MO0O Kennecott Cp ts 114 0000 Pierce Oil H 77 76 . 24 5, 2S ! 3S 4S TS 7S 2S - - s 34 ' ' tOO 7 ' r . ' 14 IS 1H 14 C4 ' 2S 24 34 .. 174 FINANCIAL REVIEW OF THE PAST WEEK Stock Jlarkct'a Solidity Ac- cepted as Best Answer to Its Critics. STRONG UNDER ATTACK The stock market Itself during tho past wotk luts furnished the beet I). slble leply tho atorm criticism the) speculation Industrial rharee), colled "war Mocks." There was col. lapse prior, such might hare been expected a, purely artlflctnl mar- ket under tho light cxoure, espe cially after tho never test a violent upru-s- ond equally vWlrnt fall Cruel- - Ule Steel. Tho general market merely quieted down until n top heavy specula tive condition certain quarter had been a surprisingly short spneo tlmo Uie upward movement was resumed until by the middle last week n renewed upward sweep along tha whole line was under way. Once nxiro tho market has shown al)lllty resist unfavorable criticism and Internal oonvulslcns that nothing abort remarkable. Outaldo the war buertness and illreot effocL. upon trudo and buidneas there nro continuing evidences grow- - tng prosperity. Iron nna weei etansucs how n gnat Improvement, The crorw are npproachlns maturity a splendid with the prospect ws. way. . . . ... .. m II i1ltV!1ll .'1 1 lugs are Increasing onil gejierna iraut returns promlw that this not merely u temporary change for tho letter. Knuth etlll suffering from de- - 14 II 154 4'V1 M 77 to ns la lt is Is proHelon for causes willed It Is not ncow.try outline, but things are np. IMrently moving toward n practical so- lution the problem taking care the cotton crop. . TIkmo who were once moro surprised last week liv the absorptive power the stock market and Its ability to recover from shock have probably failed to understand tho real nature the pres- ent movement the stock mnrket. nh. Iiava mistaken certain surface features for characteristics the whole movement. That Is not the case.. Pro fessional Wall Street Is playing us mum gome. Pools are operating, l'ure gam- bling la going on and some cases is being stimulated Instead rcitrninen. abort, speculative excesses ui kinds nre being Indulged In. as they al- ways nro any great period Hut all this Is the mere froth on the wave buying from the country It- self. From time to time It will cnuee violent setbacks In prices mid great losses will result to speculators who throw aside nil caution. Hut the move ment has solid basis for all that. the stock market tho most striking feature was tho development great strength In Steel common atock on a broad buying movement. The price Steel stock nlwnya bcnr a close relation to the state tho public mind. There is no single feature that presents a better Index to the activities the public In Wnll Street than the market for the D.000.000 shares the United Statcfl Steel Corporation. The sustained rlso Steel, therefore, has tended to strengthen sentiment materially. The Impetus for this .Atet buying movement In Steel was apparently supplied by sen- sational stories from trade centres tell- ing of higher prices for steel producta and a veritable scramble for quick deliveries on certain products essential to the manufacture war munitions, llut It la probable that back surface movements the market for Steel Is show- ing the effect upon the public mind the remarkable report the corpor .tlon for the last quarter. the market for the general list rttocka Is regarded In tho light the morket for Steel stock Kniittniml scarcity stock In fplte the great rlso will not bo so dlfflcult to understand. Another new feature the market last week, which was welcomed lend- - 4 ling an nppcaranco of stability to 24 whole price structure, tendency f.4 on the part the buying movement to broaden. There wna a notawy ueuer Inquiry for the standard shares, which apparently Indicated a freer r.inDuuon I Investment capital. Tho advance tho raits, while not extensivo as yet, 104 been sustained, suggesting a lifting - 16 selling prcaoure from As regards the immemaie ruiure the stock market It Is tho opinion JW4 well informed observers that the specu 104 lative position !a not especially tS heavy. Technical conditions may been weakened In some uirecnons t result the excited speculation 314 war stocks, but the testimony D interests Is that as a whole 114 Is no icreatly extended speculative tion. The rise has brought 20 profit taking, and considering everything C2 1 t. 7 a a as a the bank- ing there posi heavy the commission nouse noiaings ure nearly largo as might be expected. The Inference Is that back the general speculation the war stocks there haa been a good deal excellent buying by persons who can afford to pay prices and play a waiting game. 4 LAST WEEK'S BOND MARKET. 64 t High- - Ivow-Clo- s. to Sales. est. et. Inc. t I AdamsEx 4s. 76 11 1 AlhAHulWs. M'l M)( M'i 34 1 AmAgrlcCb 71 11 ! cvts.. . ig 101M 124 3 AmAgrlc deb ts... . lit :3 M34 - I MM 3- 3 Am ColO 4MI00U 1001 IM'i looM 16 AHmSec6s.,l06 101U 106 U 2S Am TAT cvlMa. 10I3 10IM 4-- Is 101M 41 Am T A T 14 4S. MM " M MM 24 1 AmWrltP 5s 56 tt 16 70 714 - I AnnAr 4s SI 51 664 IMt SI Armour 44. oiM tlU VIU U MM 101 tt A T A H F 4 cv Is 1013s I0t8 T U toiM 24 A T A 8 F IIS CV4s 10IU 101M Kl 4IM A T A H F 4 1060. 10IM 44U 2S A T A H F 14 f gnls... . M3a W7b MUU MM I 1 ATASF East It Ok 4s.. ..61 tl M 91 It ATASF adl. 613 U tlU - S6M AT A HK 4sstd 62U 12 S3U 17 4 AtlCI.ine4. S3 1634 . 61 7 Atl O Una col tr 4s... MM MM UU 4 U RAO gold 4s 667g 66U feu - U 9IM RAO CV 4Ms 17 MU 67U 84 S3 HA0 3M. . to U MM' 12 RAOSVY3HS S7U 61 36 BrthStl ts .103 I01U I03U 4IU lOOSBrthStl fdg ts .10IU M lOOSg f23g I0IU '2 R)A7.vcn. 734 TJ 100M 2 BRTSs. mil 10214 103I4 I09U 66 BRT Ss II lOOlg V97g t97g 1004 ; I BUT 4s . . 60 60 60 MM 12 RkntTKI Ml 4 9014 99I4 Is 10IM t Buf RAP Ss, 105I4 10JI4 10314 IC6M 1 BORA Neon MU 99U ttM t9)j 7 Cal Oas A E ts M : M 4 Is MM I CanSo Is 102U I02U t U I0IM 10 Cendacnts. M M M U I03M sooi.ihrss. .loo MM MU 4 U MM ('rnll'ac MU Mlg MU 4- - U to 16 (JRItofNJ tsllllg - Is 1UM I CAO 6s 10334 IOH4 1623 I4 30 CAO 44. 81 M 91 05 CAOcvlMs. 73U 72U 41U 76M 1 CAORAA I. IIM 8IM 64 M 26 CAAltlM .. 4158 415g M 45 CBAQJntts 963g MU I IT IS CBAQ Int 4l .k ref 4MU tlU tHa 26 MM 600 230 4 2M 14 n 34 :o K 111 11 376 171 170 215 2it 3 121 1 210 4M 417 ) im 270 S'.n 336 Vi 4"6 IV) ? 131 425 435 111 III H M K4 116 II U of of In In of of In In In of of an to of of of In rcr ine Th to of of of of of In of of In .; of of In of or of of of In of of of of of If of of ttw. of of of as wa of of of In of noi as of In of 71 76 100 100 100 Ch 106 IS 72 101 II Clt 1st 41 101 IM I0S CT 102 101 IM 132 111 ad 883 I7l lit 154 41 Ml 871 t7l 103 973 1st lis 1st, 112 II? 105 111 721 Ill 111 961 103 150 372 110 213 2M :ia 2i3 27 KO IJft 311 3i1 270 iXi 416 202 HI 126 no In In In High . Low. don. Not 111 murs Ml. est. Inf. Ch. High. Low. a CBAQgm 4 to 60 l MM N 1 CRAQNeb I MM MM Hi la ir tl i Chl a E III con Is n M N 101 it 7 OA K t ta.. II M II 4-- 71 It II CbAGtW 4a. 17 MM 17 1 TIM MM II O M A (It r OAPWta.ioiM ioim i on a 4 14 MM 111M 71 O MAStP CT la toiM iota tot U IMU lM'a 10a CMABIP CT 4 Ha..,. ... ate m itia H tiM 17 C M A Rt P gmit.... tH m m a 101M 1 O M A St V fd 414- - at at at la am MM lOOMABlPts Ilia II M -l- a IIM UK II O M A at P deb 4., . si Mia HU H tOM itu II (JANWgraMHOU llOlf IIOM UIM 1M 1 CANWgf taioitg )01a 1M 1034 I0IM I CANW deb llll 101 lOt 101 Us 104 101 II chHy lot is tils M ilia ta 7 MM 10 CRIAF Br lareg toils tolls toils 4-- Tr tout 101K lit CHlAPRy 6474 41 l r 1 17 II ti CHIAPRylait M7g ti 11 mm III ORIAPrf is. MM tltg tlt Tr 7IM tl 1 C StP MAO cn . Ill III III 14 tl?M UIM II O StP MAO la . 100U KM looij tom mm CAW Ind 4. 7IU 71 7414 I4 10 71 117 CblleOop 7a Ill's III mo,, a llM DIM t (JOCAStL g 4s 70 6t7g 667g Is 74 at 1 ClevXMW. II II M I MM It 3 ('FA! nlt. MU 1 It 41 ! 17 I Col So 4s ... II fs iDs- -a i MM 1 ColS ex IMs. Mia tola sola W M ton II Con Oai cr M lit ItUa Ill's M UIM INH 10 Corn I'rod 5S1M4 .... Mil M MU l's MM 01 2 Cuban Is '01. MU MU Mlf 7M MM 2 CiihsnlSa.. SO m io -- 1 MU 11 1 CumbTlJs,. M1 MM mi a - U M ti 4 DAllud 4Ms tools tools IMls la tooM loo IlelA Iter 4slMM 100 tools Is 100S M II DAlIreMs.. Mia MI4 MU Us tiM II IMRO I Ma. 71 71 7S 11 71 31 !tHOr 4s.. 71 71 71 71 MM 10 DAR Or ref Is 41 41 49 40 II T MM t j ' 4 netEdlsnls-IOH- a 101 101 103 I Del A M 1st., 17 17 17 ! 17 If PetU 1st 447! II 71 41 7 31 DlsSecCorSs MI4 MU Mlg I'M 40 110 DuPont Ilia M M3h M 4- 07 M Erie 1st en's teivj 1014 imir la IIOM KIM I Erie 1st ran 4s SOU MU MU 4 U MM ?IM II Erie cr t series A.. . MM II IIU 4-- tg M It 24 Erie cr 4s series B.. . eat 7lj Mlg 4IU 70 II Erlegnss.. . tV M MU I 71 IS It Gen ElecSa.lOlla 101 1033s Ig 103 101M II at Nor 4'(.. tV im W( 413g lOt MOg IM 7IM Ml MM 370 33U MS t HATexC IstlCl's I01U 103U 1U 107 t Hud A Man fdg It aer A 7t 70 71 1 TIM 70 11 Hud AM ad It 24la M 4IM MM 24M I IIIO Chi Jen la MU M Mlg 4-- Ig I00M MM I I 111 Cen rf 4a 1I3J. . . 'U4 ITS 173 a MM MM I IllCen4atMl IIU IIU IIU - U MM IIU 12 IIICrnlslM3 SOU MU IMig MM 71,4 tl 111 Tent IHs. II 11 II 414 M It 10 IllSteel 4ty. M MM M 4 M M MM 4 Ind.teelM,.1007g loo's loo's I 10IM M 174 InsCons Cop CT M 1M1 111 111 IM 4 M I40M 17 III Ins Con Cop ct ta IMt. Ill llllg I3IU 4 U IIOM MM 12 Inlerb R T ref Is IMS ITS tng tltg MM MM 117 Inter Met col tr IS' . 71 riu 7S 4 S TtM 71M It IntNarafls. IS 13 MU U 17 It 1 IntPaper Is. 100 Ml Ml U 101.M It 21 IntPaper cr Is II M II 41 M 7IM I InHtProp 1st tact's to SO 1 It 4 lowaCen 4a. SI to - M M II 3 Jap 4Ms 77 77 MM 74 I Jap 4M 3d. . ?3U 71U TlU 11 71U II Jap 4H(ler- - man aid, .. Tllg II 71U 41 TtM MM 1 KO El LAP er s IMS. 110 IM 110 110 IIS 13 Lk Steel Sa 1MI M M 4IU M M 1071 Lk Steel ta 1M0 II 71 7ttg 4 Ma 1 M 10 LaclOas ia..l01lg I0IM 10IU 4- - U I01U 1004 2 LEAW lit . tl It U -- 2 MM M 11 LSAMSIslt III Mlg til 4- - U MM M 49 L3AMS4SU Mis M-- M-- i U tl Ml 1 LSAMH1M M's 11M M's M 2 LehVal con 44s MU Mlg MU 4-- U MM 1 LV of I'a rn 4sreg. . It 90 M M M 7 I.lg A M Sa. 10111 10078 lM7g tg 101 1 Llslfdg .. . M M M MMj u 21 L A N 4s. .RIM l tlU la MM a Manh 4satd. 66 65U MU a ttM Ml tne III Marine clt 44 M UU 61 44 IS 173 Marine 4hs ctfa. ... 6S II 13 41 at 1 Mrx Pet ta Series A. .IMS 1004 10O4 4- - U 110 in C Mex Pet 6s nos Series O...101S lOltg 101 lit ts or il MlchCdb4a7IU 711 7SU - M 6 MlrhClMa. 7tg 7t. 7tg -- ll IIM or 1 MllElec KA or L 6 ioiM 10IM toiM lotM t mahiLu. 1313 s:u HU U to to top - 21 MSP A 88 M 4s Ml MU M9 M nave 4 MoKAE 1st. 60 60 M 1 MM to 2 MoKAT 2d il II 111 61 4 M K AT ax 4Ha MU MM MU -I- tg 76 II MoPaccon.. M f5'a M7g Ig 1014 6 MoPac t 30. 771 77-- t 773 -I- U 6IM 7S MoPac cv ta 36 314 IS tIM 4IM II II MoPaa 4s. . . 313 13U 1SU rl MM II MontPow 6s 601 HI4 IMl - tg MM 2 MutKflta. MU Mlg MU 100 a Nat Tube tt. tt 7t 61 M MM UN Y Canal 4!S IMU lMU IMU U HO these 1 N Y Canal Hit IMS...1043g I043g IMSg 4 U 1MM I NYCansltl4S lM3re....l04U IMU 104U IMU 721 NY O db 6s rrta fp. ..IOIIr 101 101U IM 159 N Y C db 6s rrta I pd..lMlg I017g lOllg 4 1011R 70 39 NY Cen 44a- - 676 87 67g M MM 10 NYCdebia. 66I3 66 861g 4-- M M 47 NYCen3Vs. 773 771 776 -- l MM tttt I NYCLS 34a 73 73'g 71 4- - TS 10 NYCLS3Ms tl ctfa 77U 77 Tllg - Tr MM MM 1 NYtJASLts. 69U tlj MU- -U MM 101M 10 NYO44SM.I02 IOIM 1013 I05M 1 NYCIty 44 91 19S7 Mav..l016 1016 1016 IOIM 17 NY City 44 MM 1137 Nov...t017g 1013 IOIM IOIM JIM 71 NYCIty 4M ts ostemros 101M 101M ioi7a ig 101M POM 17 NYCIty 44a 1660. . .. 96lg 81 tllg 1004 too.M 29 NY City 4Ms I9M. .. . MM MU MM lotM MM NY0 4alt69. 945g 14 94U U 97M I NY0 4SI968 84M ttM MU 97 MM 7 NYOaa El L HA P 6. .101 1031 IM Ig I039 M7g I NYOaa F.I L II A P 4s.. IIU MM HU A M M 12 NY Nil A II II cr 6s. . ,110 INI 110 41 111 I NY Nil A II MM cvtareg ..105 I6S IM -- 4M IIOM 11 It NYOAW ta, 77 77 77 41 MM 2 NYHysfg 4a 703g 701 70S, 4 g TIM IIU 48 NY IDs adj M ts 601 60 60 l' 16 NY B 4Ma. IMU 1091 109U IOIM MM 92 N Y Tel f 67 - 44s. .. tt IS MU 174 9IM 11 N Y We ten ABoslMs. 71 71 Tl TIM MM I NorASolat.lOOSg 100 100 ioim WH II N A W ct 100M 14a lOlla IM IMU 41 1661 9I1 28 Nor A W4t. 68 6764 81 -- M II '' I NnrPacter.,110 110 110 -- 1 III M 171 NorParla,., 908g 697g 901 Ig 914 lotM 117 Nor Pac M... 625g 62lg 626g 1- - gg M 99 6 Or A Cat lat ss. ., .1004 I COM loosg 1 101M II 13 OrRyAN 4S, 89 84 M U 9I) lOIJi OrHhortl, 9S.103 101 101 106 M 11 OrSLMf 4s. M Ml MJ4-- I4 II7 tl I Pac of Mo ts. 63 15 54 n 67M tllg II PacTATta. . 971 673 I78g - Ig II 111 70 Pa 4M 19M 102 tern ctfa loia 10)4 toil 104M 62 3 ralMaltlt 1001 lOOlg 1001 Ig IOIM TO 103 Pa g m 4) is 604 temctft... 97M 971 I7U - Ig MM 11 29 Pa It ltil. MM tllg Mlg - Ig MM MM IPtKK 41 17 17 IT 41 17 11 Pa cv i)jt ll.iooi IMM I00M IMM II liralIigterD.lt II II -- I II Net 76M Tl THE SUN, MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1915. lllh. Iow.Oloe Net 1618 fialea. eat. tat. Inc. Ch.Hlth.IiOW. 1 PflaaACok fdiss M7a MM M7i - UIM MM 7 rco A St Ii IMsaerA,. MU Ml 4 MU KIM t POO A nt I. 4Ms see B. , tl tl M - la 101M M '. PLnrllld s..lM7 MI9 Mia -- IS 101 MM II Public Kerr Carp Nits MM MU MU - "4 MM MU I By HI 8pr s tilt iHa Ha Mlt-- ai MM 'MM 7 ItajrOOoptalll III lit -- Ua 110 101 M Kdg reals.. M Ha M t la MM tl 71 BIAS Is IMt H il7a i'a MM tiM I BloOWia... IHa Ml MU 71 M t Rio a W col tr 4 Ma MI4 114 IMa M II SlLAIMt ta. 17 1 HtLAtMt 44. MU I BtLAIron Mt RlrAdlf 4S 17 tStLASr gn ta IM It StLASF in tl MI4 t StLASF fdff. 17 t HtLASF gen ta trctfs... 41 7 StLASF gen tatlcfatd. 41 II StLSW 1st.. 71 101U - M 101M IM 7 17 I0IM 1 MU MU II MM MU 7 MM IM tM M 101M 101M MS4 IM4 - U I0IM M 7 17 7IM MM 11 It M It MM 41 141 40 I1M ?!U 71 Ig 0 72U I St P M A M 4 Its looia 1001 j 1001 a M toiM KOM I StP MA MM ex 4s tiai M34 tlOi 04 MM I St PASO 1st. 103 101 I0S I0JM 101M I8AAAP4S.. 70 70 70 tl MM II 8FANP K..100M 100M1IOOH 100M MM 10 SbdALref It 17 17 17 I 70 M 17 Scab ALi ailj tl M llj 7IM 1)34 II So Bell TAT ts a;ig 17 17 U MM MM 101 SoPaccvM. vt MU w 4 U MM t Hol'ac cv Is r MU tllg t3g tlU MV 111 KoPacevla. M3g 10 Mlg Ig US 7t 41 BoPacls.... tl 10U II M 7tM 71 SoPaorefls, U Ilia IS f U M MM 31 Bo Pac S F ter 4s MM M SO U MM 7JM II SouthRy Is. M MU MI4 U 101 tM tl Pony gm is. Mlg it I0U M IIU I TOAI 1st B.IOIM I0IM I01M 101M 100M 1 TerAsSLIs.lOI 101 101 101 100M II Tex Co eves 100 100 100M 'H t Tex A P 1st Is M MU tlU tg tl M 7TexAI'Id..U M SO MM 31 I Third Av ref 4s 7SSJ 71 :iS 4 U MM JIM 10 Third At adj Ss 71 ' 7IM -- U M 71 3 TAOCen 1st MU MM MM 101 MM 13 TrICIiyRAL ts Mlg IH Mlg 41 t?M MM MU Pac 4s ... MU MI4 MU 4-- 3 'H MU MM 11 UPacrefls. MU M M tiM MM 31 U Pacer 4s islg M 10U 4-- U MM M 211 tin RRSF fd 41 41 41 f I'd 40 40 US4sre. ..lOttg lotlg IMls U 110 lOtls g US Rub 0S..I03U 102 102U 4- 4 I0IM 101M IM USStl sf SS..101.M I0IM 1021 U I0IM M)i 1 us sti tr t re toilg 1MU IMls 4 U loiM MM 1 Utk-- Oaa Sa M II tl 91 M II Va ta Brown BrosAflctreiU tl MU 4 U 71 S2 21 r Ch I MU MU M MM $i 1 Va Hy ts.... MU MU Mlg 7j tS MM 1 VaASW 1st. 100 100 100 101 100 It Wabash Ist.lOtU 10ISR 10IM 1014 17 tS Wabash Id.. II 10 tl fl MM M MS Wabritt Ter Rylttisrtf s a U tM 30 WabPTRy 1 (iCoITrtf 6 U U II Wab ex ta 17.M 17 17U It II Wab extaEq Trust ctrs. 171 17 17 !T7g 17 111 Wab eatsEq Tr el ft ttd is ItU IS 10 I WcbeetLla 101 101 101 fl 1031a 101 10 Wraln Elec Is. . .IOOI4 toou IMU U 101 100M lOlVestMdts. MU t7M 674- -1 11M II I W N YA Pa 1st. .102 101 101 101M 4 W NYA Pa gen 4s . 71 71 76 4 la TIM 13 West Sh 4s. . S3 Mlj tMIj 9J4 1 WratSh 4s r. MU MU M6 MS 1 West t'n Is. M 93 69 . J4 25 WestUo 4Ms MM ttM 1914 Mlg MISWestghouse cvtallw 1. 114 II3U UU IIM 1091 to Westghouss Elec CVS HSM IM I0SU lotit Tt Westghouse rirvlsrtriM IM tOt fllg 109 2 Westghouse notes. . 10034 100A1 tool 10OS 17 Wh A LK cn 814 4s. . 31U SIM til ts SO I Wis Cent 4 12 IIU IIU t? II t7M I Wl Cen Sup A Out Is . UU UU IIU -- Ha M Bond Salr. MM Ist wrek. 10.409.000. Prevlou week. lt),S38,000 aM Jan. 1 to date. 4 0 0, a I H.OOO Same period 1914. 428,800.000 10M IBeller 33 day Hat. IHeller 20 days flat. MM PIG IRON PROVES PROGRESS. tsM 7IM toiM 49g MTU MU MM M4 lOlt 101M Trade He-vie- Shorrea Increase In Production In July. "The Improved conditions In the Iron and ateel Industry are revealed clearly by figures showing the production of ooJte anthracite pig Iron in July," eays the Iron Trade Review. "The total output lnat month was :,D63,311 ton compared with 2. 369,032 In June, a gain of 1PS,37 tons. "Last months production was the largest of any month since June, 1913. Tho production In July was at the of 30,180,000 tons, which compares with an actual output of 23,000,000 tons In 1914. Tho ability of the blast furnace Industry to recover rabidly from h period of prolonged depresjdon Is shown by a comparison of last month with De 106M cember, 1014, which month marked IMU low point In last year's decline. slirvws a gain over December of IMU tens, or "1 per cent. Comparing month with July, 1914, a guln of 60S, MM tons, or 31 per cent., Is shown. "There net gain of IMS MM TT MM IOIM IMM 100M MM 101U 10IM 100U 100M IOIM Big; the and tons rate July 1.0GS.000 last was a thirteen In the number of active stacks last month. Klve merchant furnnces were relighted and four blown ut, Fifteen steel works furnaofs resumed and three were blown out. On July 31 234 stacks Wfre active compared with 221 on the Inst day of Juno. The number of actlvo furnaces Is the largest nince October. 1913. In comparison with November, 1914, when only 160 stacks were active, July sluvws u gain of eighty-fou- r Hacks, or US per cent. DOUBTS WAR HELPS INDUSTRY. I'U Manufacturer Finds Proof of 97M In Import Flgrare. 94 I4M C. H. Hrown, chad man of the hosiery manufacture' leglslatlvo committee, IOIM 191 making-th- e May, C. Import coiiiparltm under the Underwood law, snys that 111 products showed nn Jrcrease or 14,778,-36- 1 from 19.S00.24R In May, 1914, to 114,378,609. The Increase alone was al- most 11,000,000 more than the total Im- ports of the seven products In May, 1013, under the Payne law. The total Imports of thirty-si- x prod- ucts were 32,OK7,862, being nearly 110,. 000,000 increase over the Imports of tho same producta In May, 1913, which were 122.780.8 70, but aa the Imports lit uMiiy, 1914, under normal conditions were 141,-06- 2, IB!), being nearly 120,000,000 Increase over the Imports In May, 1913, under the Payne law, Mr. Ilrown thinks It cnn he Bald that evn war conditions are not helpful to American Industry, Twenty-nin- e products showed In May. 101S, a decrease of 13,7S3,458 from 111 May. 1914, to 117.708,7.13, but 101 101 TS 70 60 IM II M 100 lOOH 874 110 89 61 aa 17,328,827 of this decrsaee Is MM by hreadetuffs, eggs, iish, rrult, II meat, dslry products and vegetable. nuts Mr Hrown naj-- s that there does not seem to have been a very heavy reduction In Iho 6TM 66 Imports if manufactured producta. MM "We wlah to contradict the statement very frequently made, that the hosiery Indus- try Is very proaperous," says Mr- Brown "for but few mills are at the t me working a full force in all menu, and what business they do is not satisfactory owing to tha low price nt which foreign hole MM this market under the low ratra possible by- the, Underwood law.". TRANSACTIONS FOR THE WEEK. Railroad anil Other Shares. Tho following table gives, In addition to the sales for the past week range of stocks on the New York Htock Exchnnge, their dividend yields at latest dates calculated on the closing IJIr. -- Week yield. Stocks. Sales. Hla-h- . 4,3 0 Adams Express 100 no Alaska Oold 11101 nu AllUChalmersMfg . iootoo iibm AlllsChlmraMfg pf.. 11702 7St Amalgamated Cop.. Am Beet Sugar 11400 00 O.OH AmBeat Sugpf..,. 100 BO 7.117 Am Ag Chem 1100 08U 0,4 0 Am Ag Cham pf ... 100 U3U 0.07 Am Brake ct 100 100 4.7 1 Am'Draks ct pf. ... tM 170 Am Can .111701 Ollg 6.0a Am Can pf. till 1O0U 3, a D Am Car A F 71100 n7g 0.00 Am Car A F pf.... 390 1 1 8 1 Am Cities pr 4. Q0 Am Coal I'rod .., 17S0 1 40 1 0.03 Am Coal Prod pf.. 100 118 1 Am Cotton Oil 1901 OUU 6.3 1 Am Cot Oil pf 4,3 0 Am Express Am Hide At. 1713 7g Am Hide A Lpf... 2010 30U Am Ice Secur 1100 20 Am l.lnsr-- d 3JJ0 13 Am Linseed pr mo 3 14 Am Locomotive..,. 31100 00 Tg 7.UO Am Locomotive pf t 08 Am Malt Corp 100 osg 8.00 Am Malt Corp pr. 400 2(1 4.08 Am Smelting....... 40013 8 If 0.03 Am Smelting pr..., 00 107 fl.e 1 Am Smelt Pec too 8 1 8.2 8 Am Hnuff 100 1 OO Am Snuff pr 4.00 Am Steel Fdy 11133 447 42- U- 6 Am 7I00I1IM1OH 100 taiU 12234-17- 0 220 228644-30- 1001 1 0(134 f- - O.l O Am Sugar pf. 400 1 1 334 1 8.3 3 Am Tel A Cable.. . O.00 Am Tel A T 2400 1 22M 8.8 7 Am Tobacco 22834 0.00 Am Toti pf new..,, 10034 Am Woolen 1010 211 7.0 0 Am Woolen pr.. . . 733 88 Am Writ Paper pr.. 200 8U 0.74 Anaconda 45799 7 1 '8 r Assets Reallratlon. ,. 0.80 Atrh TA8 F. . .. 11200 10 21 0.00 Atch T A 8 F pf ... MX) 08's 0.O3 Atlantic Coast Lino. 117 IOOU Baldwin Loco 36100 HI la 0.0 0 Baldwin Loco pr . . . 400 1 0(1 1 O 20 Baltimore A Ohio.. . 29100 8 0 03 Baltimore AO pf,.., 1500 7 11 Batnpilas Mining ... 100 lis Bethlehem Steel 21450 3 1 1 0.1 8 Beth Steel pr 900 130 11 F Ooodrleh 23009 0 3U 0.73 11 F Goodrich pr 100 1041 7,01 llklyn Rapid Tr. ... 5625 8 05s 0.3 0 Bklyn Un Oa 100 laou Ilrunirk Co 130 O Brown Shoe Brown Shoo pf . ... 3.3 3 ltuf RAP 10.7 Butterlrk Co .. . . 160 28 4.43 Butte Superior. 14900 7IU Csltfornla Pelro . . 21150 II) 1 0.(1 Cal Pctro pf. . SIM 40 (1.7 8 Canadian Pacific. . 2497S 1 4 1I34 0.80 Central Leather . . 60 WO 4 434 0.7 2 Cent Leather pf 1123 10413 4.80 Central Hit ,f VI Chesapeake A Ohio . 6650 4 as Chi A Alton 103 H Chi A Alton pf . . im 0.0 7 Cbl A Northwest. . 130) 124 0.00 Cbl A Northwest pf Chi (tt West. 6610 123 Cbl (It Wmt pf. .. 710.1 3 IU 4.82 Chi M A St P. . . 18153 H334 0.0 8 Chi M A St P pf 900 1 27 O.l II Cbl St Paul A Om. . 0.00 ChlStPauUOmpr MM Chi It 1 A Pac. 104200 1 u 0.03 Chlno Copper 20901 4117a O (1 O A St I. IM 33 MM V O CA St L pr . Cleveland A Pitts . 0.83 duett pr. Col Fuel A Iron . 522M 4 at mm Col A Southern . Col A So 1 pf . . I01S Col A So 2 pr ComsttKk Tun . . 500 1 I tS' 4.00 Conol Oas. 1210 1 20 Corn Prod Ref 7950 I 034 0.80 Corn Prod Rer pf 1900 807 Continental Can 26 WO 04 0.8 0 Con Can pf 700 1 03 I 1 Crucible Strrl . 27MOT 0 234 I Crucible Steel pf (913 100 Crri Carpet Co Cuban A Suxar. 3770 111 I Cuban A Sugar pf (1. 1 O Del A Hud 400 1 48 4. Ha Del Lark A W ... :ro 4 1 0 Hem cr A Rio O 130 OU Den A It (1 pf 7C0 1 o Dos M A F 1) Des M A F D pf 7.0 0 Deere Co pr IM 02 O.l 4 Detroit EdUm ... . 10.4 Det United Hy- - Distiller . . . 2.18W 2 87 - Dome Mines 6297 2234 Dul 8SA A Dul SSA A pf. . . Du Pont P pf. . .. Erie 520M 2 734 Erie 1 pf I00OJ 4 27s Erie 2 pf. KM 34 Fed Mln A Smelt 200 2HI, 8.7 0 Fed M A Smelt pf. 200 40 11.117 F W Wnolwnrth. 240O 1 OOI4 0.70 F W Woolworth pr. '200 1 221 0.0 7 Oeo W Ilelme. .. (1.3(1 Oeo W Helme pr 2.1 O Oen Chem Co ... 200 200 0.4 0 (Irti Chem Co pf. KO 1 101 4.0 0 tlen Electric 1 741 dsn Motors I2510 207 the 0,0 7 Oen Motors pf. .. C60 1 UUI4 (Iranhy 0.H8 (It Northern pf. .. 7690 1 1 0.1 (It No Ore rlf .5300 4 31 000 0.80 (luraenbelm Ex.. 22IW 114. S 2HU- 11 4.0 1 Harvratrr N J.. 12000 1113 O.l 4 Harvester N pf . Harvester Corp. 701 7.2 2 Harvester Corp pr Hal ana Kler 100 84 Haiana Kin' pr .... 3.07 Hocking Valley 0.70 Ilomratake 4,83 Illinois Central 1616 1047M Inspiration Con O 71500 343 i , Int Agricultural 5400 1 OS lilt AKrlcuIt pf 603 3 0 a Int Paper. 340O 04 0.3 3 Int Paper pf . . noo 3HS4 Interboro Con .. . 4700 1. 8.3 0 Interboro Con pf. taoo 7 0 luterbom Met 75PO 2 16 Lata lutic.Mt-- t pf 700 7()U Iowa Central Iowa Central pf... 1 0,0 J 1 Case pt. In 100 78 0,04 Jul Kay-.c- r I pf seven Kan City So 6500 201 7.00 Kan City So pf. .. 1100 0.4 0 Kali City Ft Sc pf Kings Co E L A P. IT IJick 16030 0 0 0,8 0 Laclede (laa 1300 1 Erie ' IJtke Erie A W pr. 0,00 Liggett A Myers 100 222U covered present depart have enter made 0.1 I Liggett A M pr 0.87 Lehigh Valley 12750 1 40U 143 Long Island 225 2 Ixxise Wiles .... 7.77 Loose Wile I pr Loose Wllm 2 pf 0.0 0 Lorlllard Tob 105 170 170 0.0 8 Lorlllard Tob pf 4.00 Ixnila A Naab 355 1 1 2 1 1 0 6. Mackay Co 0.00 Mackay Cos pr 1000 0034 00 0.00 Manhattan 910 18 0'a 120 Manhattan Bch Manhattan Shirt Manhattan Shirt pr Marine Marine pf 0.40 May Dept Stores. . . 600 38 30 4.17 May Dept Store pr Maxwell Motor.. . 7100 3 76 8.33 Maxwell M pr 12C0 80 821 Maxwell M 1 pf . 80) 34U 30 Mex Petroleum. 71610 823 74 Mex Pelroleum pf 1100 80 78 Miami Copper UIOO 2 07g 2 01g Mum A Bl L UJ 1 0 10 sala or bid prices on Friday night: ended Aug 7- - Wli. I.ow. Closlns;. Ctiante, Highest. I.owest. 00 00 00 Apr II 8 0 Jan nuu 4 0U Apr 11 20 Apr naia aang-08- U- U 87g Aug 1 7.I4 Jsn OHU U 7 as Aug 1 3 Feb l 70lg Apr ?t Feb 04U 00 - 1U 00 Auk 331 Jan 80 80 8 0 Mar 31 83 Feb 00 00 -0- 3U4- 14 OO'a May S 48 Jant oatg U 0 0 June 4 OO Mar 100 10(1 0 1 0 7U July IS 00 Apr 100 174M4-14- 170 Aug 7 143 Apr 07U 00 IU 0 1'gJuly37 20 Fell 1O0U 1O0U4- - is loou July 21 Ol Is Jsn Ofl4 0 1U- - 4U 0:i 7 Aug 4 4 0 Frb 1634 1 18 4 1 1 8 Aug t 1 1 1U May OO Jan 11 4 0UApr 43 143 - 3la I70M July 11 83 Jan 18 1 1H 1 I8M July II 107 May 4B7g OO Il 04U Apr 36 30 Jan 4 194 0.8 Sugar J It OH Apr 21 Ol June .... 97 Apr It 83 Mar 7 7U 8 Apr II 43 Feb 34U 434-- 24 I 4 2U Apr H 1 1164 Jail 24 1 30 Apr 33 205 Jan 12 I 2U- -3 tg 14 Apr It 71 Jan a ii 4 1 4-- I 3 4U Apr It 24 Jan 023 oaa4- - 1 08 Apr It 1 Mar 00 08 8 IOOU Apr It 70 Mar o Ig OS4 Apr 31 3U Apr 247 1 2U Mar II 1 U May 70 IM 84UJunell 0 (I Jsn 1O0U 100344-- Ig lOBIg May 4 100 Jan 1 8 1 1 836 May 5 7H Jan 100 4- 0 100 Apr 22 144 Jan ... 10(1 Feb 1 103 Jan Ig 40 JulyTt 24U Mar 1 1 1 4U Apr 21 OOU Peb 1 3U 1 I3lg Is 1 I Oil June 10 100 Feb 0 1 May 1 OH Mar Sg 1 2 4U June 17 110 Jan 04 2 2U Apr 21 2 I May S 1 00 May 6 1 OHU Jan a (Us 20 4 3 2U May 1 1 04 Mar B4lg 0 DOUJunelt 7 7U Feb 7 2U 1 0 Apr 20 O July U83 I 7 17gAux 1 2 434 Peb Apr 10 O Jan 10 07s 10 1U4- IU 100 Apr It 0 2U Peb HHU 08U4- H 10 13 Juno 16 (Ml Jsn 001 100U4-78- U 1 1 3U Apr 33 0 Mar 7BU4- - a HO July 27 2(15 Mart! OO 100 IU 100 Au 6 0 2 Mar 70U 8864 .liny 21 03-- Feb 1 14-I- I 73UJan 20 07 Feb IU - Is 27 Apr 17 M Feb 200 200 430 1 1 I Aug 6 4 01 Jsn 13a 130 4- - O 142 July 37 0 1 Jan OIU 0 058 June2t 2 4 U Jan 104U KMU-i- - 1 OOl July 21 OO Jan BOlt 8AU1- - u 03 Apr 31 H4 July 120U ianu4- u 1 3 2U Apr 27 1 1 8 Jan O 4- - u 7U May I 41 Mar 7 Msy I 2 3 May 2 Apr 21 70 May HO July 20 80 July 2H 2H -- 07 IU 3 2U Apr 15 27 Feb 003 i U 7 07 June 4 03 May 116 10 t 41 2 1 Feb 8 H July 32 37 H 0 434 Feb 1 3(1 July 14 4 UH3. 4-- 174 Apr 19 I 3H July 4 IU I33S1 IM 4 4.14 Aug 6 3 26 Feb 10314 10 41k- - 1 1 041j Auit 7 I OO"1 Jan 320 Jan 22 270 July 4 1 4 01 Arr 19 05 July IU OS Jan 27 Auk 1 IM Feb 27 Ills Feb 123U 124 132 Apr 15 1 1 HI July .. 103 July 9 103 July 2 01 May 7 7-- July 26 1 IU 1 !'( U 1 41. Apr 20 3 f I 3 034 Apr HI Bau-iaoi- 44- 1 UHI4 Apr 120 1 I 3 0 Jan. 22 122 July . 1 IO July t I IO July 1 3 1 July 23 1 20 July 13 1 H4 4 3M 30 Apr 10 1 OU July 4 .11 4 4 03,-- 33 U 4OS4 Apr 26 3264 Jan 33 J- - 3 3 41 Ait 19 20 Feb OO Apr I 03ls Frli 107 July 7 107 July 103 June 29 0 Jan 30 4 1 a 4 33 July 2 1 34 Jsn 32 Apr s 4 Mar 04U Apr S 4 O Jan 4 01.1 Apr 7 Jan .1 1 . I 1 .2 I June 3 .07 May 12 8 128 I 13 134 Apr 30 11 384 Jan 146 145- g- 'h 1 June 4 H Jan HO HO 1 Apr 19 0 0 Jan 7 H8344-- l 41 04 Auk 4()UJan 1 OOI4 1 03 2 103 Auk 6 HHUJan OOU BOU4 17U 0 234 Auk 7 1 8I4 May lOautllMU-- IU 100 July 30 H4 May 40 May 6 4 July 100 110 1 ao July 22 8 Jsn 100 July 21 03 Mar 140 1 4H r au 10 Apr 16 142 Jsn 6 4' 10 4 I 0 4 10-01- ,-10 0 4 2 0- - Apr 10 3 0 07, 0 UU Apr 20 4 21 1 HU Apr III 7U Apr 9 4 2 01 Mar S 01 02 02 July 11 HO I OM June is 1 1 2 t) 1 Apr IS 0 8 4 2IIU 2HI44 21 0 July: OU a 1 22 24U July IS HI Jsn 8 lo Jan 4 00 July 001 3d Apr 1 07 4 03 Apr It 3 8U 3 7U Apr 27 00 JunelJ H (10 June 20 1 03U 1 0014 II 1 1 IU Apr OOU I 22 122 a laauAu 1 1 1 70 Apr 1 70 112 Jan 1 I 2 20 0 July 1 00 I, 1 01 June 1 0 0 3 Is 17 7U Jul)' 27 13H 1H1 204 20 2(17 Auk 7 H2 100 1 00 t- 2 1 0 7 July it (10 Si O 1 June 7 0U 1 IH 1 I 04 r 1 . 1 2 234 Apr 1 I 2-- 4 1 4 IU4-- IU 4 3S July 2OI4 tl 1 .1 4 4- 21 071 June 4 01Jnn 0H34 K17U4- - III 1 I 4 June 4 0 0 2(11 2 7 4II4 4 2 3 3 33 20U 4 0 40 2H7U 200 I 101 I 17 1 7 IU- - 2 07U Steel 03U 3 3 03 34 II 3 00a 3 0 3 2 0 8 O 8 70U OIU 2 8 3 H H 0 8 2 3 8 0 0 3 2 2 O O May 1 1 7 Jail I 0 0. 00 70 10 HO Apr 0 0 1 I 4 Jail OOU 84 Auk HO OHU July 0.1 I IH Apr 1 1 2 1 1 0 Juiik 31 1 1 0 1031 103,64- - 7 113 Apr 00 33 3 3 I 3 03 Apr 26 1 05 O84 14 4 1 .I'm Auk 6 OU 2H 3 034-I- 33 3 0U July 14 H OU U-- 37 II 1 2 Apr H 37 IS 4 3 Apr 19 3 3 ao 2 01-- 73 2 1 64 July 30 1 H7 721 -2- 0-7(1 1 7 III June 24 70 801 u 24 Apr 1 70 t II 7 77 June 22 4 0 1 0 Fell O 1 8 Feb 1 H H3U Apr 16 7 41 78 78 - 2 8H Apr 26 7 71 1 0 0 Apr It 107 237 24U4- - 1 21)3 May 6 0034 OO344- - 1 mil Apr 20 8U 1 034 205 0 4' OHIj May 0 O 1 83 Apr 30 12 21 00 O0U4-- 01 0(1 Auk 6 2H 1 O 1 03 4- - 3 100 Apr U2'h 05 Apr 31 0 2'll4 Apr 23 1 II 222U aaau U 83 I Apr 22 207 1 I OU Jan I I 3 140 II 1 4IIU Apr 19 1 20I4 3 2144- - 1 , 3D Jan 20 30 3 1 Jan 10 IOOU Jan 11 HO 00 Mar 00 170 31 1 84 Mar 8 1 001 118 Jan It 1 1 2I4 110 -- ' 2 12 0U Apr 20 10 41 .... 82'g May 725 0034-l07g-t- . 15 00 Jan It 00 178 120 Apr 21 1 2 Feb 0 OOU Apr 21 00 ,.. 1 0 38 June 6 101 21 Jan 31 1 8I9 Jan 21 4 38 4-- 3 0 0 Mar 2 30 081 Mar IS 0 47b 30I4 16g 08 Apr II 1 04' 2 80 June 7 4 3U 31 44 May 6 1 8 78 r 08 07 Apr 36 01 78 1 04 Apr 36 0 7 2fll- g- tg 3 Big Apr 36 1 71 -IV- .-4 1 OH Feb IS 10U Dir. Week yield. Stock. Sale. High. Minn A St L pr . , 100 3 0 0.118 M 81 PA 8 8 M. .. . IIIO 1 I 8 0.4 7 M St PA 8SM pf and 0.7 1 MSPASS.M 11 L. tha Mo Ksn A Tex,, (210 8M Mo Kan A T pf .. 2200 a 1 Mo Pacific 11104 3g 4.10 Montana Power. . 130 483 II 0.8 0 Montana Power pf. IM 102 11 Mont Ward pf... II Morris A Essex... 10 4.00 Nash CA St I..... 21 0.B3 National Biscuit . . 103 121U t O.OB National Biscuit pf. I Nat Suit A Cloak . TOO 737g 4 N Suit A Cloak pr, 100 100 17 4,00 National Lead. 1100 0(1 II 0,4 0 National Lead pr,.. 200 I IO It Nat E A8 1)645 2 06 21 8.00 Nat EA 8 pr Nat Ry Mex I pr, 21 Nat Hy Max 2 pr . 693 0 21 1 0.3 Nev Consol 1100 1 0 7 0.22 N Y Air Brake . 32900 1 I 0U 30 0.00 N Y Crntral , 31600 0 06g N Y Chi A St I... 1600 32 4 N Y N II A H.. .. 7700 041 25 N Y Ont A West . 1403 2 0 t 14 II IT 10 II 12 19 II II 719 3 South 4 A 2700 A. 20 A West pf ' (I. Oft No Co ... 00 727, 17g 0.40 Pacific 08U Hi Pacific Pacific 11100 3 8 32 33 4- 2 Pacific Tel A IM 201 20- U- A pr O.04 RR M01 OO lOOSjlOO 4- 25g 0.03 Os 0 O O 4- - i Peoria Eastern Prttlbonn Mlllkn Petllbone Co 78 78 4-- 4 O OA St L. tOO 08 0 4-- 3 C CASH, pf of N J. 4!1S 20 24 24 - 0.37 Coal N pf.. 430 043 03 03 - Pitt '4M 02 0 02 4- - 2 Prosed Car OO 0774 7U Opr.. 100 1001, IOOU 1 OOU- - 31 16 4 II 4 0.0 7 Pub Ser N 0.1 O Pullman P Car. .. 791 1011 Qulckdlver 7910 4U Qulrktllwr pr OU 0.00 Ray Cousol U9D 235s Str-- I Spring... 4 27g 7.7 1 Stl Spr 11)1 0 4 Republic Stel.. . 7011) 10 Republic pf. ... 33 JO OHU 3S 0.3 Readmit (MM 0 I 21 0.00 Reading 1 pf I0O 83 4.0 7 3 500 3 Island 100 U Island pr .. . . 300 I Kumely Co. .. . 2003) O II Rumrly Co pr IIVjO 13 29 Sentioard Air Line . 460) 144 S 0.84 Siolmard Air L pr . 6100 12 4.70 Roebuck 2700 OO 14 pr 200 1241 It . 145VJ 47 20 pf . lit) 4 4.28 SS Krrsge . 251 140 10 26 St LA San SMI 01, 21 St LA F I pf. . . . 2,0 IOU 23 St LA F 2 pf . 179) 7 9 10 lOUJan 4 10 10 3 S S 10 I 19 16 19 13 11 29 (1.(1 (1.10 8.00 Clg (Ig Inv Inv US Ind Jan Ind Ale Jan 0.03 Feb Ref US 014 noo Feb US (1.8 6610 8-- 0.0 46J0 Feb Detln Feb Detln Feb Mar 0.00 :ii3 Jail 2.15000 Jan 0.3 1700 Jsn Jan 0.00 1IW 4.2.1 67uO Jan Wlli-r- l 2U Jan 1150 10 19 16 II 3 11 21 Feb 0.0 Mar tKx Feb Jan gives (he the the Fill 0.0(1 Jan Fell Feb Jan Feb Fell Jan Jau May Jan Jan Frb Jan Feb Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Jan Jan Jau Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan ended 1911. l.nei Afl 864 4HU4 102 102 114 100 OOUr 88U Norfolk 0.0 Norfolk West 107 107 Norfolk American 7a,,f North 10il4 Ontario Tel.. 20U 2U' Pac Penna People Phlla 1IW Pitts Pitts Pitt Steel Steel 4715) 7.14 Steel U J... Rwy Rwy Steel Reading Rock Itock U OOU Sean,. Fran.... 100 01 Aug U4 CI 44 138 101 10U I't 01 OU- - St L Southwest 4 4 4 I. Southwest Pacific. 4C929 8034 88SgJ- - 34 P Rico Sugar 70 t 3 So Rico Southern 16S00 137s 10? IU Stand MIltlnK. 4-- U ."land Milling 72 6700-- ) 033 O 03344. Tenncivee Cop. 14700 42U-4- 129'JD 4 7 Tt-- Land Trust Pacific 103 OU third 4433 021 0 O 4-- Toll Prod Corp pf. 1003 10034 8 St LA St L A pf Tul SI L 4 W ct R 007 "21 29 27 10 26 23 21 17 7 20 IS 0.03 14 7.07 pf .. is Un Bag A Paper. 63, 28 Un Ilax A Paper 2 03g 4 Union Pacific. I00O0O 13 4.07 Union PaclOc ... HI United Mfg O.Htl 4 0lg Un Mfg pf 300 Un Dry Goods pf Un Hit y 1 8 Un lty pf 3 0 It Cast Pipe 1400 8 0 26 O 0 U Cast I P pf 6C3 44 10 Un States Esp 4 US Alcohol 11190 (10 7.4 0 U OKI II A imp 200 3d Jan 7 V Red A Ri-f- . 21 US Red A pf 3 Mar Rubbtr 8 7.0 0 U Rubber IOOU 2 8.0 0 U Rubber 2 Apr 1 Strtl (55810 Mar 3 1' Steel 24 1 Copper 50110 083 July 14 Ch l.'IO 3 73 July 20 4.00 Va.Car Ch pf Apr 29 Va I CA C Oil 24 Vulcan 21 Vulcan pf. 2 Wahath U Wabash pf lfCO I M.ir WrlU-Farg- Ex. 1 00 3.0.1 Wn.tlnghmi-.- e .11 H Wtvlnghouse 1 500 Apr West Maryland 8OI4 W Maryland pf 38 WW Union 7 Mar Wesnian llruiun Mar Will)-- . Otrrlaml 1 4 834 Jan 0. Willy Otrrland pf 104 WhiflliiK A K ;'0O U Apr A I. E pr 300 W heel A I. E it 103 ' Jail Wlwintln Central 3 21 24 20 3. Il 8 00 share. 1914, Exchange clued. 19 itrt-- I'll. 1.103.000 shares. Apr 70 I'. illtldend. rUhts. Yields Apr 11 fit. 24 7 The following (able lelds 4 Mar 31 yields aro figured last available Mar IS Yield Jan 4.44 Buffalo Rochester A Pittsburg 24 Buffalo Rochester A PlttsbiUK pf. 4.7 i Chicago A Northwest pf July 10 n.jjojchleago St Paul A Omaha Jan 14 4.40t('hl.-aui- i Si Paul A Omaha Pf 19 0.2 8 Canada Mouihern 4 0.8 2 Central A South American Telegraph Feb 11 7.87tCliictt Peatiody June 1 Yield ngiirol asked price 20 II 24 May 24, 17 15 Jan 6 27 u Feb June 14 a II 25 June 25 29 Apr 27 16 Jan 13 July 12 Apr 26 Jan It . Is It ' It ; 31 7 1 . O 17 au- - I ' 1 - 1 1 0 0 4-- 14000 1 ' . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 A .. 7 J . 1 4 693J0 I 1 1 S 2 . S S Apr 733 3 334 2 3 O 0 U 31 3 147 4 8 St P Sug Rwy 034 Rwy ... U 1 142 140 W 8 9 I e t 4 S V Rliy S 2 S 0 S S 2 S 1 June Utah 133 Tel. 1, i Muy 6 Same May Same of July on on 6 July t 6 on 8 July 9 Railroad Bargains Union Pacific Balto.&Ohio St. Paul Southern Ry. Westinghouse Meiican Petroleum United Cigar Stores .vprciol rerlru' 144 on flrir .Sloili Clarence Cone & Co. 40 llrnaditay. York sSTOiy,. '3'' iNCoasogATgo CV. avJtV l.TIMI and O CONVl'ltl'CHON F..M.1NKF.RS OI.IC SKUA ICE I'KOPP.KTIKS FINANCED AND MAN 1 1. 50 Pine Mreet, New DIVIDEND Company and Term Buffalo. Rochetter and Pitliburg. semi annual com Buffalo and Pittthurt pfd llltnoit l Jefferson and Clearr.eld Coal and Iron, quarterly pfd Aug Low. Closing Change. .1 A rt 30 117 1 17- M- Apr 100 J,a 13B Apr 121 ,t. 76 Apr Mi- - 10.M4 au 18 12 73 73 IOOU 1414-0- OtlUApr 70 IOOU Coast Tel Tel Mllllkupr. 73 00 Pitt Cor 82 0.04 1 1 1 .. 1 1 1 1 7 I 1 1 7 4 Itri-or- value ,, 7 M 40 70 75 72 IIM 07 Tol T.. 1410 120) 160) EX 21, 1 01 Apr It A jj, 36, Apr S I, (14 n Ig 1 BI4 Apr II l.i, IU 063 Apr 21 4 j,a 103 Apr II Pit .!, ,.. 1 12U Apr 6 1 a At, ... 701 Apr 30 JUr 20 Jan 27 I,,..!. 1 Jan 22 r, 12(1 Frb I Ki v., ., flOlg Mar 31 6t M ., I34 1O0U Apr 16 1 nut Msr '7 24 70 Apr 11 44 hi 1 111 June n I 04J4 U 8 7811 t'lj 00 July 3? 7(i Aj,, ,, 23 Jan In 10 110 23 24 4-- 4314 June 1 141 10 M OTt Apr 37 0-- 1 0U Aug 7 1 134 OSS Jin 22 SOU 1 02 4 1 71U Apr 2I 27U 27U- - U Apr 20 1001 S's Sllier Mall Coal ... H 007g Pn-- 1 82 S Test Ave. Tol 40 19 Aug 6 00 June 19 81 Apr 21 1 Apr I) June 12 0 7 Apr 3 8 Aug 3 OOU Apr 14 OI May II 1 2 3U Apr 1 I Apr 19 70 July 17 0 0 July 27 HI July 30 Jan June S 2 07g July 24 OS Feb 11 02 Aug 4 007, Auk 7 Jsn I 034 Apr Juiy I OfiUJin OHM Pb OOU May Jun. Jtn Ju'y IIIO 4. 107 June II 1 OOU :i.s,4. 4U Aug 7 It Mm It June II 22U- - 201 Apr 24 I.I14J 307,4- - 4. 427gAug Mt' 1 OO Apr 19 87 4 4U4 4 July 'I 08 2U 081 4 I 107UApr 10 JMt May n OO June 11 hStt.J.rii 82 801 Apr 19 80 Fein Apr Is 2U Apr 1 Ollf 2 May 11 Jsi 12.14. 18 Msy 1 Apr 21 4 334 42MApr 21 3fnJ4b 1 0U 234 2O0U Feb 1 Mf ' 21 07, 1 42U 01 4 83 84 1 l8 124U 12414- - 21 40 21 OO OO 4' 137 25 21 It 1 pf . South . H8T3 So . 100 . . . . . 1 21 Southern 40U 48U . . 110 OOU 0034 08 . 103 Studehakrr . 871, 83 84U- - Studebaker pf . . 450 1 Is ... 43U 37U OU Co 1331 03-l- - 13 . I . (01 pr , . 10) 007, Underwood l!nderv.oud . . pf . 21)0 15 pf . 10) 1041 . . 909 j I . 1 . .. pf 610 . . 100 1 pf pf . . pf . ., 1 ... . . 100 . .. 1 .. 4V 1 600 I jit week. week, ; Dividend I j Feli'-J- j Sleet cnsM PI Stock Central, , , Highest SAH .. IPBU 4HU 200 pf .. pr pr 300 ... York. . - . .. ' l 1 I oVlj 1 1 1 an I I ., . , Jm , Jtn i S ,. 4-- IOOU 20 Feb 46g I U (18I3 1 0214 1 1 6, U 4 (I3344 01 Fr-- 001,4- - 2J 7, '4 U 35, 31 1 1477a 73 700 pf pr SOO pf 7, U II0'84 203 3.13 pf fa U 1 2 0U Feb It Jti 4 Aug July 19 " Mtr 140 Auk 7 I'd 1 1 O June 12 1 1). b 7U June 1 June 8 Mar 07,4- - Trxa West twin City 102 New ALE Jul, j, 1 0 Apr 21 3 7 Jan Apr 70 Aug 03U Apr 1 6 Is Apr Jan .I6I2 July II 735, July II 8 71 Aug 033 Auk 4 318 Auk 7 1 44U Arr II 1 OOU July II 1 7U Apr 10 Oft Apr IS 22 21 14 I0 2U Apr 16 2t Mar 31 03 Jan 21 0 July .'4 1 OO Apr 19 7fi's July2t 100 Jnly26 07, 03 34 7U Apr 6 203 20- 3- II 3 07, Apr e 12 634 13 03g4-- l' 1 3 46 Apr 19 803 81 - U 8 1 34 Feb 24 4 41 01- -1 - 0 U Apr It 103 0438-- r 16 100 Feb 1 OM 03 rlOU Apr 19 1 7 1 7 -3- 45-18 U 2 13 July 21 3 u 4 0U Apr 24 1 01 2 0 AUK (9 3 0 411 41 4(91 Apr 73U Mar 0 7 0 77 IO 00 Auk 0 41 OHIT 33 081 A'U 371 30 31 00 Jau 12 21 21,4 I I 0 June 11 0 3 -- 47U- 34 OS June 11 0U 7 434 Apr II 1081, lOOU-- r 1 1 0 Apr I) 7(11 Feb I 110-- 78V-- .1 7 3.1AUK 4 1 !! 1 I 139 l l 3 July 31 (1034 tlflU U 73 Apr 24 3 4U 3 03-- 10 U 3 7.1s Auk 1 101 -- 00 1 108 J'lll'.l 0 1 U Auk 5 10 June II 3 0 June II U4 U 8U Apr 31 u OU Apr 21 08 1 07 I) 0 .M 4 11 OI4 1 834 I 1 1 3. July 31 13 I 133 3 133 Auk 7 24 35 tj 44 :i 1 1 '1 Frt si OOU Feh ., MU Mw 30 Jiim,, 4.1 Ft-I- tl 2 1.1(Jl9 I 0U Mt I 1 H Jsn ., 0 4 Jtn u fch 1 2 3 t Apr :i 1 8 llf 201, Mir , I 1 015, Frh :i 3 1 121 MiTP Jtn 1 Mr:i tl 1.1 Mtr 83 7 1 Arr no no 1 Alt H 1 Ji ) 74 Msrii 20 Mm 1 SO Mm 11 Oil ; I I Mir U o II, t Mir n 10 204 Apr ( II 10 72 Jsn 11 I 83 I'A 9 Julr I Jn.l 09 T I 6 1 43T 7 I ? .1 30 :i 4 1 13 1 4- 44U 78 08 S S 32 72 I 2 l t 7 i 2 4 Jti 4 110 4 Ja 11 lit il 00 03 1 4 1 48 10 I Frb l 1 1 Ml'M JjQe 3 Jin u I UU Jul-- - :i 30 JuW 8 14 F4 1 4 4 Apr 7 8(i1 F.i I 1 a i J'j'v :i 4 S July 11 Fb 21 fld F1 it 3-- Jtn J 0 1 Jsn i 811 Ffh .4 120 Mt!( loll Apr 11 4 4- - 4 It 4 8 II 81 'if 3.1 Jau I 00 My II l Jan I Ol Mr U J'U' .1 no July 1 00 IVb n ohu Mir.' 43 Jin 2 27s Ju'r 1 1 034 JtS . 70 Mt: 42 J! 21 101) Jr.M! 4 81jJn II h Jn I 2 Mf I s ,'tn I 3 2U Mm I on JuyH I '. .'au e TO Jtn .1 U ' j t'llf 'I 1 4 pr I 1 nr I 4 4 1 t Fei II 7 t Fel ' s Fel 1 11 J Fe't 1.. Ian ho Jsn .in.j IV .1 Jtn 2 1 J .n Mi) 1 Janr .1 T'l-Ja- u ' Ff Mr . ' Jai M' Fh I 1. , r, i 1 1 ? 24 1 27 June 1; 1 1114 Jan 34 38 2 4 0 Msr 11 2 1 J" OH 703 13 7 I Auk 3 17 2.10 May P f J J 1 3 0 1 4fll4 1 I 4 834 Auk 7 -- 3? 10 3U 1 04 t U 100 Juue U j.a ! U U .1. Jan 2 ai- - 1 0 Jan d Jsn KII4 321 21 3 07 Jau of Mock !nlra. I week. 0 303. TOO .Ms Jsn. 1 to date. 7 00 10 74 A hi ' Same period 1614, 4 7.3U8.0.12 .litre- are figured on aked prlir. prlre made un s paf tho-- e vncks In which there have tiren hid price-- . Dividend Yield. 7.0 7 Mollne Plow tt pi H..10 Northern dbln Trariioii . . 7.7 1 M'ahst RrewtiiK pf 0 7 1 1'arlfle Coatt .'d pf 0.72II'lielp Dodge a.OOtl'itts Cincinnati Chicago A ft 031twln City Rapid Trnu - 0 10 Vtrjnian.Rruton pf Benjamin Franklin j; V "Ht xvbo nultipliti run , individuils who v 'o A relieved of the I ute V of numcinc the t tie affairs this Compinv or' services yjgent or Ci $ Send for our boo'slet ' V "Cuitoaiavhtp of R.i un i ' T icnal Property, r.t.kn.b.i Trtift fnintml IX AVw Vi'k OJltr s 46 Wi S " BrettHjn Monttfur 569 rulton Mitr Ami for Penonal DAILY FINANCIAL CALENDAR. &&&i4W& 3 141 I 1 3 6 uf 1 Ju 'i 1. 'I t V I, .1. ar " i' as c iim Frnnhlin V ( 66 '" X Trustee n-- .l TruiU rtltk Araata aat Slla ., Itmn'

FINANCIAL Montclair, N. J. j,...I3MO0O Kennecott Cp ts 114 0000 Pierce Oil H 77 76. 24 5, 2S! 3S 4S TS 7S 2S--s 34 ' ' tOO 7 ' r. ' 14 IS 1H 14 C4 ' 2S 24 34.. 174 FINANCIAL REVIEW

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Page 1: FINANCIAL Montclair, N. J. j,...I3MO0O Kennecott Cp ts 114 0000 Pierce Oil H 77 76. 24 5, 2S! 3S 4S TS 7S 2S--s 34 ' ' tOO 7 ' r. ' 14 IS 1H 14 C4 ' 2S 24 34.. 174 FINANCIAL REVIEW





Montclair, N. J.4H School Bonds

TJgtd Aug. t. WIS Due Aug. 1. IMS.Ooutwa or RaarUtersd Form

Lsl for Savings BankIn New Jeraey

Trie to Yield 4.30

Ftill particular on rcqueil

N.W.Halsey&Co49 WalLStreet, New York

FlflUdelphU Chicago 8n FranciscoBoston Baltimore Bt.Loult

Railroad BonisInfetrrMttatt CampsriMm

We have iprtpttJ t booklet onRailroad Bonds which give inconvenient form iome of the prineiptl fictori regarding the bondiuuei oi moit of the principalrailrotda in thii country. It alioincludes the income account,

ctpittlitttion and otherinformation of interett to ins. eitori.

We will be pleated to mail to inveitort copy of Booklet No 20)

Harris. Forbes & CoPine Streat, Corrxr William



Transactions In detail In the curbtnarfeet last week were as follows:

Open- - Huh- - Low- - Clou.Im. In. it. t. Ina.

TI04 Amer Zinc u;, e; US (it,XMi 'Aria Uuiiursne... 21 32 :i

xn Alu Jilti-a- u .... Ill, u 111, HViSI40 Anvor V P T,

1700 Alts Cons Mln.... SO M IIym Atlanta :) ti HVi

UlSflO Amer Comm 10", 17 ion IS30 Amer Ship 47 49 47 41

110 Alllsnre Film '.W BIk Cotton 6', 5S m7670 lllr Ledio Derrl.. 2, iv, 2 M IS1300 -- Booth 43 43 43 43

8300 Bratlen Copper... S500 Biit-A- T. ord... Its 14S I4S US

4170') Can C & V n lit iOiHSOCan C & F PI....1I0 ll 110 lltli6700 Canada Steel SIVt 3t 2IVi 32

2n0 -- Caribou Cobalt. J) 2Z i 104000 --Cathbor 4 4 3S m




31 S

4100 Canada Cop S saM'S Caledonia t IS .W 111U Can N C, Corp IS 3 IS 1UaasMCar I. t, V IIS S

(100 Central Foun 13 IIS 94axo Central Foun pf. 21 u

Ui2i Cramp Ship 04 M CISCOO Cons 5'W ;ii OK400 Cons Ana S' s

Z10 Chill Cop 1 19S I8SIMOCronn Reserre... ;i (11000 Dla Black Butts. :s :s

.VM I)a1s-I)al- r C new S'iS 3IS SIS1300 EIo Boat 1 410 430

met Elec Boat pi 3M 443 430U3000 EI Boat new wt. ms 43 ass

130 Emer l'hono .... its 14S ii4W00 Emma Copper... 40, 47 40

mm -- Ely Con II aSoOO First Nat Cop.... 34 1 24

-- Florence 41 60 41IW Greene Cananea.. 4) 41 40

ISO) -- Genesee 40 41 34SKO Goldneld Cons.... is IS IS 1

U0 -- Goldneld Mer... tl 24 21

im Hall Slroal 14 1S 14100 Hall SUnal pi... .14 .Vi

UX HendM Mtf CI J4S 31100 Houston Oil 13 12 12wo Howe Sound S'i

1IM Iron Blossom 71 71 71400 Inter Rubber 7

two Inter Mer Ma 1

noo Inter Mer Ma pt ?S 7 44200 Inter MMplwIll 117 M

4VU3 Inter Motors IS'i 21 144711 Inter Motors pf... 40 41 14

1134 Inter Steam P... KVi 114300 Inter Steam P pt. 1 19 H

















HMO Inter Petroleum. ..S is S4JaWO Jumbo Ext 1 ! 17

710 KeUy Sprint T...H1 174 1(1 171133 Kelly S T 1st pf.. M S7 It 17

VMO Kennecott Cop... MS 27 SIS(too -- Kewanaa 11 4

$DOV Kerr Lake IS IIMOLaks Tor Boat... II II 10 16

j ajno-Lo- oe Star 44 t 4400 Lima Loco 34 Si 31

H000 Marconi of Am.. 44 4 aslwo Mac Ma cop lis 134 "4smo -- Majestic Mines.. 71 71 C! r.3MOO

-- McKin D S M Co 21 22 204B0 MOM ana Con 1 14 1 lT360 Nat 8 0 of Can. 42 14 42

HOO New Utah Bint:.. 34 34 2SNlpltail M Co. CS fS IS

lM0NrtuU HUla.... l 11 Ittoo New York Trans. 1(4 154 154

'MOro 8 64123S Pyfene 134 134 13S

7O0 Rex Cona Mln.... II 17I tM niker-He- r Corp... 4 4 6

161 -- Sand Kendall ... 6 5tOQO -- Sella 22 32 22

I 4700 Silver rick 10 7

JM00 Standard Motors. 124 its 114sjoioo Superstition 234 24 234

U1100 sSucees Min 1 1 1 1

MOO 8t Joseph Lead... 124 114 1517& Stand Silver Ivead 1

4JM00 Stewart IS IS 1

1400 Savoy Oil IS 64IM8terllrw Gum w 1 2S 24

1100 Tonopah Merger. 34 31 14

j fMTonopah Min... r,4 6S 64IM1 Tonopah Ext 24 :sIKOTri BulUon 4 4 s

OoO Tuolumne Cop... 14 lt-l- t 14130 United Cir Stra.,101 101 101

TOM Un Clg Sirs new. PS 30 94TOOCn Profit tihar.,,. Jt)-- 2S 2S

1UO0 Ventura 14 114 I3Stwo Wasatch 1 IS 1 1

lOCM'West End Cnn ,. O) ti u42M White Knob C pt 24 24 244W0O World Film 34 SS


U Atlantic Kenning. 013 IMM Buckeye Pipe L.. 103

It Continental Oil,,. 211 2263 Crescent Pips L, 304 4a Eureka Pipe Line 2 22

Jfo Galena Signal Oil 1 IM111 Illinois Pipe Line 150 1(4

tM Indiana Pipe Lirw 141 96

1010 National Transit, 34 30S21 N Y Transit 2fl Mr,

66 Northern Pipe L. 14

W20 Ohio Oil Id 131

7220 Pierce Oil US Sl&M Prairie Od A Oas

Prairie Pipe LineII Solar Refining ...U Southern Pips L.

(46 South Tenn Oil1 60 W Pa Pipe L,

KZ 8tand Oil of Cal.310 Stand Oil of Ind7t Stand Oil nl Kan42 Stand Oil of Ky ,

4 Stand Oil of Neb21 Stand Oil ol N JD76 Stsnd Oil ol N Y

10 Stand Oil of Ohio10 San & Flr.oh

(X Union Tank Line

BONDS,I3MO0O Kennecott Cp ts 114

0000 Pierce Oil H 77







3S 4S










' r


' 14 IS 1H14

C4' 2S







Stock Jlarkct'a Solidity Ac-

cepted as Best Answer toIts Critics.


The stock market Itself during thopast wotk luts furnished the beet I).slble leply tho atorm criticismthe) speculation Industrial rharee),colled "war Mocks." There was col.lapse prior, such might harebeen expected a, purely artlflctnl mar-

ket under tho light cxoure, especially after tho never test a violentupru-s- ond equally vWlrnt fall Cruel- -

Ule Steel. Tho general market merelyquieted down until n top heavy speculative condition certain quarter hadbeen a surprisingly shortspneo tlmo Uie upward movement wasresumed until by the middle lastweek n renewed upward sweep along thawhole line was under way.

Once nxiro tho market has shownal)lllty resist unfavorable criticism

and Internal oonvulslcns that nothingabort remarkable.

Outaldo the war buertness andillreot effocL. upon trudo and buidneasthere nro continuing evidences grow- -

tng prosperity. Iron nna weei etansucshow n gnat Improvement, The crorw

are npproachlns maturity a splendidwith the prospect ws.way.. . . ... .. m II i1ltV!1ll .'1 1

lugs are Increasing onil gejierna irautreturns promlw that this not merelyu temporary change for tho letter.

Knuth etlll suffering from de--











IsproHelon for causes willed It Is notncow.try outline, but things are np.IMrently moving toward n practical so-

lution the problem taking carethe cotton crop. .

TIkmo who were once moro surprisedlast week liv the absorptive power thestock market and Its ability to recoverfrom shock have probably failed tounderstand tho real nature the pres-

ent movement the stock mnrket.nh. Iiava mistaken certain surfacefeatures for characteristics the wholemovement. That Is not the case.. Professional Wall Street Is playing us mumgome. Pools are operating, l'ure gam-

bling la going on and some cases isbeing stimulated Instead rcitrninen.

abort, speculative excesses uikinds nre being Indulged In. as they al-

ways nro any great periodHut all this Is the mere froth on

the wave buying from the country It-

self. From time to time It will cnueeviolent setbacks In prices mid greatlosses will result to speculators whothrow aside nil caution. Hut the movement has solid basis for all that.

the stock market tho most strikingfeature was tho development greatstrength In Steel common atock on abroad buying movement. The priceSteel stock nlwnya bcnr a close relationto the state tho public mind. Thereis no single feature that presents abetter Index to the activities thepublic In Wnll Street than the marketfor the D.000.000 shares the UnitedStatcfl Steel Corporation. The sustainedrlso Steel, therefore, has tended tostrengthen sentiment materially. TheImpetus for this .Atet buying movementIn Steel was apparently supplied by sen-

sational stories from trade centres tell-

ing of higher prices for steel productaand a veritable scramble for quickdeliveries on certain products essentialto the manufacture war munitions,llut It la probable that back surfacemovements the market for Steel Is show-

ing the effect upon the public mindthe remarkable report the corpor .tlonfor the last quarter. the market forthe general list rttocka Is regarded Intho light the morket for Steel stock

Kniittniml scarcity stock In fpltethe great rlso will not bo so dlfflcult

to understand.Another new feature the market

last week, which was welcomed lend- -

4 ling an nppcaranco of stability to24 whole price structure, tendencyf.4 on the part the buying movement to

broaden. There wna a notawy ueuerInquiry for the standard shares, whichapparently Indicated a freer r.inDuuon

I Investment capital. Tho advancetho raits, while not extensivo as yet,

104 been sustained, suggesting a lifting- 16 selling prcaoure from

As regards the immemaie ruiurethe stock market It Is tho opinion

JW4 well informed observers that the specu104 lative position !a not especiallytS heavy. Technical conditions may

been weakened In some uirecnonst result the excited speculation

314 war stocks, but the testimonyD interests Is that as a whole

114 Is no icreatly extended speculativetion. The rise has brought

20 profit taking, and considering everything






as athe

bank-ing there


the commission nouse noiaings urenearly largo as might be expected.The Inference Is that back the generalspeculation the war stocks there haabeen a good deal excellent buyingby persons who can afford to payprices and play a waiting game.


64t High- - Ivow-Clo- s.

to Sales. est. et. Inc.t I AdamsEx 4s. 76

11 1 AlhAHulWs. M'l M)( M'i34 1 AmAgrlcCb


! cvts.. . ig 101M

124 3 AmAgrlcdeb ts... . lit :3 M34 - I MM

3- 3 Am ColO 4MI00U 1001 IM'i looM

16 AHmSec6s.,l06 101U 106 U2S Am TAT

cvlMa. 10I3 10IM 4-- Is 101M

41 Am T A T144S. MM " M MM

241 AmWrltP 5s 56 tt 16 70

714 - I AnnAr 4s SI 51 664IMt SI Armour 44. oiM tlU VIU U MM101 tt A T A H F

4 cv Is 1013s I0t8 T U toiM24 A T A 8 F

IIS CV4s 10IU 101M Kl 4IMA T A H F

4 1060. 10IM 44U2S A T A H F14 f gnls... . M3a W7b MUU MM

I 1 ATASF EastIt Ok 4s.. ..61 tl M 91

It ATASF adl. 613 U tlU - S6M


4sstd 62U 12 S3U 17

4 AtlCI.ine4. S3 1634 . 61

7 Atl O Unacol tr 4s... MM MM UU 4 U

RAO gold 4s 667g 66U feu - U 9IMRAO CV 4Ms 17 MU 67U 84

S3 HA0 3M. . to U MM'12 RAOSVY3HS S7U 61

36 BrthStl ts .103 I01U I03U 4IUlOOSBrthStl fdg

ts .10IU M lOOSg f23g I0IU'2 R)A7.vcn. 734 TJ 100M

2 BRTSs. mil 10214 103I4 I09U66 BRT Ss II lOOlg V97g t97g 1004

; I BUT 4s . . 60 60 60 MM12 RkntTKI Ml 4 9014 99I4 Is 10IMt Buf RAP Ss, 105I4 10JI4 10314 IC6M

1 BORA Neon MU 99U ttM t9)j7 Cal Oas A E

ts M : M 4 Is MMI CanSo Is 102U I02U t U I0IM

10 Cendacnts. M M M U I03M

sooi.ihrss. .loo MM MU 4 U MM('rnll'ac MU Mlg MU 4- - U to

16 (JRItofNJ tsllllg - Is 1UMI CAO 6s 10334 IOH4 1623 I4

30 CAO 44. 81 M 91

05 CAOcvlMs. 73U 72U 41U 76M1 CAORAA I. IIM 8IM 64 M

26 CAAltlM .. 4158 415g M 45

CBAQJntts 963g MU I IT

IS CBAQ Int 4l

.k ref 4MU tlU tHa 26 MM







11376171 170


2it3 121



4M 417)

im 270

S'.n 336

Vi 4"6IV) ?

131 425 435111 IIIH M

K4 116


of ofIn






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1st 41



CT 102 101 IM132

111 ad



lit154 41

Ml871 t7l




lis 1st,112 II?





111 961




213 2M

:ia 2i327

KO IJft311










High . Low. don. Not 111murs Ml. est. Inf. Ch. High. Low.

a CBAQgm 4 to 60 l MM N1 CRAQNeb I MM MM Hi la ir tli Chl a E III

con Is n M N 101 it7 OA K t ta.. II M II 4-- 71 It

II CbAGtW 4a. 17 MM 17 1 TIM MMII O M A (It r

OAPWta.ioiM ioim i on a 4 14 MM 111M71 O MAStP CT

la toiM iota tot U IMU lM'a10a CMABIP CT

4 Ha..,. ... ate m itia H tiM17 C M A Rt P

gmit.... tH m m a 101M1 O M A St V

fd 414- - at at at la am MMlOOMABlPts Ilia II M -l- a IIM UKII O M A at P

deb 4., . si Mia HU H tOM ituII (JANWgraMHOU llOlf IIOM UIM 1M

1 CANWgf taioitg )01a 1M 1034 I0IMI CANW deb

llll 101 lOt 101 Us 104 101

II chHy lot is tils M ilia ta 7 MM10 CRIAF Br

lareg toils tolls toils 4-- Tr tout 101Klit CHlAPRy 6474 41 l r 1 17 IIti CHIAPRylait M7g ti 11 mm

III ORIAPrf is. MM tltg tlt Tr 7IM tl1 C StP MAO

cn . Ill III III 14 tl?M UIMII O StP MAO

la . 100U KM looij tom mmCAW Ind 4. 7IU 71 7414 I4 10 71

117 CblleOop 7a Ill's III mo,, a llM DIMt (JOCAStL g

4s 70 6t7g 667g Is 74 at1 ClevXMW. II II M I MM It3 ('FA! nlt. MU 1 It 41 ! 17

I Col So 4s ... II fs iDs- -a i MM1 ColS ex IMs. Mia tola sola W M ton

II Con Oai crM lit ItUa Ill's M UIM INH

10 Corn I'rod5S1M4 .... Mil M MU l's MM 01

2 Cuban Is '01. MU MU Mlf 7M MM2 CiihsnlSa.. SO m io -- 1 MU 111 CumbTlJs,. M1 MM mi a - U M ti4 DAllud 4Ms tools tools IMls la tooM loo

IlelA Iter 4slMM 100 tools Is 100S MII DAlIreMs.. Mia MI4 MU Us tiM II

IMRO IMa. 71 71 7S 11 7131 !tHOr 4s.. 71 71 71 71 MM10 DAR Or ref

Is 41 41 49 40 II




' 4 netEdlsnls-IOH- a 101 101 103

I Del A M 1st., 17 17 17 ! 17

If PetU 1st 447! II 71 41 731 DlsSecCorSs MI4 MU Mlg I'M 40

110 DuPont Ilia M M3h M 4- 07 MErie 1st en's teivj 1014 imir la IIOM KIM

I Erie 1st ran4s SOU MU MU 4 U MM ?IM

II Erie cr tseries A.. . MM II IIU 4-- tg M It

24 Erie cr 4sseries B.. . eat 7lj Mlg 4IU 70

II Erlegnss.. . tV M MU I 71 IS

It Gen ElecSa.lOlla 101 1033s Ig 103 101M

II at Nor 4'(.. tV im W( 413g lOt MOg







t HATexC IstlCl's I01U 103U 1U 107

t Hud A Manfdg It aer A 7t 70 71 1 TIM 70

11 Hud AM ad It 24la M 4IM MM 24M

I IIIO Chi Jenla MU M Mlg 4-- Ig I00M MM

I I 111 Cen rf 4a

1I3J. . . 'U4 ITS 173 a MM MMI IllCen4atMl IIU IIU IIU - U MM IIU

12 IIICrnlslM3 SOU MU IMig MM 71,4tl 111 Tent IHs. II 11 II 414 M It10 IllSteel 4ty. M MM M 4 M M MM

4 Ind.teelM,.1007g loo's loo's I 10IM M174 InsCons Cop

CT M 1M1 111 111 IM 4 M I40M 17

III Ins Con Copct ta IMt. Ill llllg I3IU 4 U IIOM MM

12 Inlerb R Tref Is IMS ITS tng tltg MM MM

117 Inter Metcol tr IS' . 71 riu 7S 4 S TtM 71M

It IntNarafls. IS 13 MU U 17 It1 IntPaper Is. 100 Ml Ml U 101.M It

21 IntPaper crIs II M II 41 M 7IM

I InHtProp 1sttact's to SO 1 It

4 lowaCen 4a. SI to - M M II3 Jap 4Ms 77 77 MM 74

I Jap 4M 3d. . ?3U 71U TlU 11 71U

II Jap 4H(ler- -

man aid, .. Tllg II 71U 41 TtM MM1 KO El LAP

er s IMS. 110 IM 110 110 IIS13 Lk Steel Sa


1071 Lk Steel ta1M0 II 71 7ttg 4 Ma 1 M

10 LaclOas ia..l01lg I0IM 10IU 4- - U I01U 10042 LEAW lit . tl It U -- 2 MM M

11 LSAMSIslt III Mlg til 4-- U MM M49 L3AMS4SU Mis M-- M--i U tl Ml

1 LSAMH1M M's 11M M's M

2 LehVal con44s MU Mlg MU 4-- U MM

1 LV of I'a rn4sreg. . It 90 M M M

7 I.lg A M Sa. 10111 10078 lM7g tg 101

1 Llslfdg .. . M M M MMj u21 L A N 4s. .RIM l tlU la MM

a Manh 4satd. 66 65U MU a ttM Mltne III Marine clt

44 M UU 61 44 IS

173 Marine 4hsctfa. ... 6S II 13 41 at

1 Mrx Pet taSeries A. .IMS 1004 10O4 4- - U 110

in C Mex Pet 6snos Series O...101S lOltg 101 lit ts

or il MlchCdb4a7IU 711 7SU - M

6 MlrhClMa. 7tg 7t. 7tg -- ll IIM

or 1 MllElec KA

or L 6 ioiM 10IM toiM lotM

t mahiLu. 1313 s:u HU U to to

top- 21 MSP A 88 M4s Ml MU M9 Mnave

4 MoKAE 1st. 60 60 M 1 MM to2 MoKAT 2d il II 111 61

4 M K A T ax

4Ha MU MM MU -I-tg 76

II MoPaccon.. M f5'a M7g Ig 10146 MoPac t 30. 771 77-- t 773 -I-U 6IM

7S MoPac cv ta 36 314 IS tIM 4IM IIII MoPaa 4s. . . 313 13U 1SU rl MM

II MontPow 6s 601 HI4 IMl - tg MM2 MutKflta. MU Mlg MU 100

a Nat Tube tt. tt 7t 61 M MM


these 1 N Y CanalHit IMS...1043g I043g IMSg 4 U 1MM

I NYCansltl4SlM3re....l04U IMU 104U IMU

721 N Y O db 6srrta fp. ..IOIIr 101 101U IM

159 N Y C db 6s

rrta I pd..lMlg I017g lOllg 4 1011R

70 39 NY Cen 44a- - 676 87 67g M

MM 10 NYCdebia. 66I3 66 861g 4-- M M

47 NYCen3Vs. 773 771 776 -- l MM

tttt I NYCLS 34a 73 73'g 71 4- - TS

10 NYCLS3Mstl ctfa 77U 77 Tllg - Tr MMMM 1 NYtJASLts. 69U tlj MU- -U MM

101M 10 NYO44SM.I02 IOIM 1013 I05M

1 NYCIty 4491 19S7 Mav..l016 1016 1016 IOIM

17 NY City 44MM 1137 Nov...t017g 1013 IOIM IOIM

JIM 71 NYCIty 4Mts ostemros 101M 101M ioi7a ig 101M

POM 17 NYCIty 44a1660. . .. 96lg 81 tllg 1004

too.M 29 N Y City 4MsI9M. .. . MM MU MM lotM

MM NY0 4alt69. 945g 14 94U U 97M

I NY0 4SI968 84M ttM MU 97

MM 7 NYOaa El LHA P 6. .101 1031 IM Ig I039

M7g I NYOaa F.I LII A P 4s.. IIU MM HU A M

M 12 NY Nil A IIII cr 6s. . ,110 INI 110 41 111

I NY Nil A IIMM cvtareg ..105 I6S IM --4M IIOM

11 It NYOAW ta, 77 77 77 41 MM2 NYHysfg 4a 703g 701 70S, 4 g TIM

IIU 48 NY IDs adjM ts 601 60 60 l'

16 N Y B 4Ma. IMU 1091 109U IOIM

MM 92 N Y Tel f67 - 44s. .. tt IS MU 1749IM 11 N Y We ten

ABoslMs. 71 71 Tl TIM

MM I NorASolat.lOOSg 100 100 ioimWH II N A W ct

100M 14a lOlla IM IMU 41 1661

9I1 28 Nor A W4t. 68 6764 81 -- M II

'' I NnrPacter.,110 110 110 -- 1 IIIM 171 NorParla,., 908g 697g 901 Ig 914

lotM 117 Nor Pac M... 625g 62lg 626g 1-- gg M99 6 Or A Cat lat

ss. ., .1004 I COM loosg 1 101M

II 13 OrRyAN 4S, 89 84 M U 9I)lOIJi OrHhortl, 9S.103 101 101 106

M 11 OrSLMf 4s. M Ml MJ4-- I4 II7tl I Pac of Mo ts. 63 15 54 n 67M

tllg II PacTATta. . 971 673 I78g - Ig II111 70 Pa 4M 19M102 tern ctfa loia 10)4 toil 104M

62 3 ralMaltlt 1001 lOOlg 1001 Ig IOIMTO 103 Pa g m 4) is604 temctft... 97M 971 I7U - Ig MM11 29 Pa It ltil. MM tllg Mlg - Ig MMMM IPtKK 41 17 17 IT 41 17

11 Pa cv i)jt ll.iooi IMM I00M IMMII liralIigterD.lt II II --I II




lllh. Iow.Oloe Net 1618fialea. eat. tat. Inc. Ch.Hlth.IiOW.

1 PflaaACokfdiss M7a MM M7i - UIM MM

7 rco A St IiIMsaerA,. MU Ml 4 MU KIM

t POO A nt I.4Ms see B. , tl tl M - la 101M M

'. PLnrllld s..lM7 MI9 Mia -- IS 101 MMII Public Kerr

Carp Nits MM MU MU - "4 MM MUI By HI 8pr s

tilt iHa Ha Mlt-- ai MM 'MM7 ItajrOOoptalll III lit --Ua 110 101

M Kdg reals.. M Ha M t la MM tl71 BIAS Is IMt H il7a i'a MM tiMI BloOWia... IHa Ml MU 71 Mt Rio a W col

tr 4 Ma MI4 114 IMa M

II SlLAIMt ta. 171 HtLAtMt 44. MUI BtLAIron Mt

RlrAdlf 4S 17

tStLASr gnta IM

It StLASF intl MI4

t StLASF fdff. 17

t HtLASF genta trctfs... 41

7 StLASF gentatlcfatd. 41

II StLSW 1st.. 71

101U - M 101M IM7 17 I0IM 1


MU 7 MMIM tM M 101M 101M

MS4 IM4 - U I0IM M7 17 7IM MM

11 It M It MM

41 141 40 I1M?!U 71 Ig 0 72U

I St P M A M4 Its looia 1001 j 1001 a M toiM KOM

I StP MA MMex 4s tiai M34 tlOi 04 MM

I St PASO 1st. 103 101 I0S I0JM 101M

I8AAAP4S.. 70 70 70 tl MMII 8FANP K..100M 100M1IOOH 100M MM10 SbdALref It 17 17 17 I 70 M17 Scab ALi ailj tl M llj 7IM 1)34

II So Bell TATts a;ig 17 17 U MM MM

101 SoPaccvM. vt MU w 4 U MMt Hol'ac cv Is r MU tllg t3g tlU MV

111 KoPacevla. M3g 10 Mlg Ig US 7t41 BoPacls.... tl 10U II M 7tM71 SoPaorefls, U Ilia IS f U M MM31 Bo Pac S F

ter 4s MM M SO U MM 7JMII SouthRy Is. M MU MI4 U 101 tMtl Pony g m is. Mlg it I0U M IIU

I TOAI 1st B.IOIM I0IM I01M 101M 100M1 TerAsSLIs.lOI 101 101 101 100M

II Tex Co eves 100 100 100M 'Ht Tex A P 1st

Is M MU tlU tg tl M

7TexAI'Id..U M SO MM 31

I Third Av ref4s 7SSJ 71 :iS 4 U MM JIM

10 Third At adjSs 71 ' 7IM -- U M 71

3 TAOCen 1st MU MM MM 101 MM13 TrICIiyRAL

ts Mlg IH Mlg 41 t?M MMM U Pac 4s ... MU MI4 MU 4-- 3 'H MU

MM 11 UPacrefls. MU M M tiM MM31 U Pacer 4s islg M 10U 4-- U MM M

211 tin RRSF fd 41 41 41 f I'd 4040 US4sre. ..lOttg lotlg IMls U 110 lOtls

g US Rub 0S..I03U 102 102U 4- 4 I0IM 101MIM USStl sf SS..101.M I0IM 1021 U I0IM M)i

1 us sti tr tre toilg 1MU IMls 4 U loiM MM

1 Utk-- Oaa Sa M II tl 91 M

II Va ta BrownBrosAflctreiU tl MU 4 U 71 S2

21 r Ch I MU MU M MM $i1 Va Hy ts.... MU MU Mlg 7j tS MM1 VaASW 1st. 100 100 100 101 100

It Wabash Ist.lOtU 10ISR 10IM 1014 17

tS Wabash Id.. II 10 tl fl MM MMS Wabritt Ter

Rylttisrtf s a U tM30 WabPTRy 1

(iCoITrtf 6 U UII Wab ex ta 17.M 17 17U ItII Wab extaEq

Trust ctrs. 171 17 17 !T7g 17

111 Wab eatsEqTr el ft ttd is ItU IS 10

I WcbeetLla 101 101 101 fl 1031a 101

10 Wraln ElecIs. . .IOOI4 toou IMU U 101 100M

lOlVestMdts. MU t7M 674- -1 11M III W N Y A Pa

1st. .102 101 101 101M4 W N Y A Pa

gen 4s . 71 71 76 4 la TIM13 West Sh 4s. . S3 Mlj tMIj 9J4

1 WratSh 4s r. MU MU M6 MS1 West t'n Is. M 93 69 . J4

25 WestUo 4Ms MM ttM 1914 MlgMISWestghouse

cvtallw 1. 114 II3U UU IIM 1091

to WestghoussElec CVS HSM IM I0SU lotit

Tt WestghouserirvlsrtriM IM tOt fllg 109

2 Westghousenotes. . 10034 100A1 tool 10OS

17 Wh A LK cn814 4s. . 31U SIM til ts SO

I Wis Cent 4 12 IIU IIU t? IIt7M I Wl Cen Sup

A Out Is . UU UU IIU -- Ha M

Bond Salr.MM Ist wrek. 10.409.000.

Prevlou week. lt),S38,000aM Jan. 1 to date. 4 0 0, a I H.OOOSame period 1914. 428,800.000

10M IBeller 33 day Hat. IHeller 20 days flat.











Trade He-vie- Shorrea IncreaseIn Production In July.

"The Improved conditions In the Ironand ateel Industry are revealed clearlyby figures showing the production ofooJte anthracite pig Iron in July,"eays the Iron Trade Review. "The totaloutput lnat month was :,D63,311 toncompared with 2. 369,032 In June, again of 1PS,37 tons.

"Last months production was thelargest of any month since June, 1913.Tho production In July was at theof 30,180,000 tons, which compares withan actual output of 23,000,000 tons In1914. Tho ability of the blast furnaceIndustry to recover rabidly from h periodof prolonged depresjdon Is shown by acomparison of last month with De106M

cember, 1014, which month markedIMU low point In last year's decline.

slirvws a gain over December ofIMU tens, or "1 per cent. Comparingmonth with July, 1914, a guln of 60S,

MM tons, or 31 per cent., Is shown."There net gain ofIMS


















was a thirteen Inthe number of active stacks last month.Klve merchant furnnces were relightedand four blown ut, Fifteen steel worksfurnaofs resumed and three were blownout. On July 31 234 stacks Wfre activecompared with 221 on the Inst day ofJuno. The number of actlvo furnacesIs the largest nince October. 1913. Incomparison with November, 1914, whenonly 160 stacks were active, July sluvwsu gain of eighty-fou- r Hacks, or US percent.


Manufacturer Finds Proof of97M In Import Flgrare.94

I4M C. H. Hrown, chad man of the hosierymanufacture' leglslatlvo committee,

IOIM 191making-th- e May, C. Import coiiiparltmunder the Underwood law, snys that111products showed nn Jrcrease or 14,778,-36- 1

from 19.S00.24R In May, 1914, to114,378,609. The Increase alone was al-

most 11,000,000 more than the total Im-

ports of the seven products In May, 1013,under the Payne law.

The total Imports of thirty-si- x prod-ucts were 32,OK7,862, being nearly 110,.000,000 increase over the Imports of thosame producta In May, 1913, which were122.780.8 70, but aa the Imports lit uMiiy,1914, under normal conditions were 141,-06- 2,

IB!), being nearly 120,000,000 Increaseover the Imports In May, 1913, underthe Payne law, Mr. Ilrown thinks It cnnhe Bald that evn war conditions are nothelpful to American Industry,

Twenty-nin- e products showed In May.101S, a decrease of 13,7S3,458 from

111 May. 1914, to 117.708,7.13, but












aa 17,328,827 of this decrsaee IsMM by hreadetuffs, eggs, iish, rrult,II meat, dslry products and vegetable.


Hrown naj-- s that there does not seem tohave been a very heavy reduction In Iho6TM

66 Imports if manufactured producta.MM "We wlah to contradict the statement


frequently made, that the hosiery Indus-try Is very proaperous," says Mr- Brown"for but few mills are at thet me working a full force in allmenu, and what business they dois not satisfactory owing to thalow price nt which foreign hole

MM this market under the low ratrapossible by- the, Underwood law.".


Railroad anil Other Shares.Tho following table gives, In addition to the sales for the past week

range of stocks on the New York Htock Exchnnge, their dividend yields atlatest dates calculated on the closing

IJIr. -- Weekyield. Stocks. Sales. Hla-h-.

4,3 0 Adams Express 100 noAlaska Oold 11101 nuAllUChalmersMfg . iootoo iibmAlllsChlmraMfg pf.. 11702 7StAmalgamated Cop..Am Beet Sugar 11400 00

O.OH AmBeat Sugpf..,. 100 BO7.117 Am Ag Chem 1100 08U0,4 0 Am Ag Cham pf ... 100 U3U0.07 Am Brake ct 100 1004.7 1 Am'Draks ct pf. ... tM 170

Am Can .111701 Ollg6.0a Am Can pf. till 1O0U3, a D Am Car A F 71100 n7g0.00 Am Car A F pf.... 390 1 1 8 1

Am Cities pr4. Q0 Am Coal I'rod .., 17S0 1 4 0 1

0.03 Am Coal Prod pf.. 100 118 1

Am Cotton Oil 1901 OUU6.3 1 Am Cot Oil pf4,3 0 Am Express

Am Hide At. 1713 7gAm Hide A Lpf... 2010 30UAm Ice Secur 1100 20Am l.lnsr-- d 3JJ0 13Am Linseed pr mo 3 14Am Locomotive..,. 31100 00 Tg

7.UO Am Locomotive pf t 08Am Malt Corp 100 osg

8.00 Am Malt Corp pr. 400 2(14.08 Am Smelting....... 40013 8 If0.03 Am Smelting pr..., 00 107fl.e 1 Am Smelt Pec too 8 1

8.2 8 Am Hnuff 100 1 OOAm Snuff pr

4.00 Am Steel Fdy 11133 447 42- U-

6 Am 7I00I1IM1OH 100

taiU 12234-17- 0

220 228644-30-

1001 1 0(134 f--

O.l O Am Sugar pf. 400 1 1 334 1

8.3 3 Am Tel A Cable.. .

O.00 Am Tel A T 2400 1 22M8.8 7 Am Tobacco 228340.00 Am Toti pf new..,, 10034

Am Woolen 1010 2117.0 0 Am Woolen pr.. . . 733 88

Am Writ Paper pr.. 200 8U0.74 Anaconda 45799 7 1 '8r Assets Reallratlon. ,.0.80 Atrh T A 8 F. . .. 11200 10 21

0.00 Atch T A 8 F pf ... MX) 08's0.O3 Atlantic Coast Lino. 117 IOOU

Baldwin Loco 36100 HI la0.0 0 Baldwin Loco pr . . . 400 1 0(1 1

O 20 Baltimore A Ohio.. . 29100 80 03 Baltimore A O pf,.., 1500 7 11

Batnpilas Mining ... 100 lisBethlehem Steel 21450 3 1 1

0.1 8 Beth Steel pr 900 13011 F Ooodrleh 23009 0 3U

0.73 11 F Goodrich pr 100 10417,01 llklyn Rapid Tr. ... 5625 8 05s0.3 0 Bklyn Un Oa 100 laou

Ilrunirk Co 130 O

Brown ShoeBrown Shoo pf . ...

3.3 3 ltuf RAP10.7 Butterlrk Co .. . . 160 284.43 Butte Superior. 14900 7IU

Csltfornla Pelro . . 21150 II)1 0.(1 Cal Pctro pf. . SIM 40(1.7 8 Canadian Pacific. . 2497S 1 4 1I34

0.80 Central Leather . . 60 WO 4 4340.7 2 Cent Leather pf 1123 104134.80 Central Hit ,f VI

Chesapeake A Ohio . 6650 4 asChi A Alton 103 H

Chi A Alton pf . .im 0.0 7 Cbl A Northwest. . 130) 124

0.00 Cbl A Northwest pfChi (tt West. 6610 123Cbl (It Wmt pf. .. 710.1 3 IU

4.82 Chi M A St P. . . 18153 H3340.0 8 Chi M A St P pf 900 1 27O.l II Cbl St Paul A Om. .0.00 ChlStPauUOmpr

MM Chi It 1 A Pac. 104200 1 u0.03 Chlno Copper 20901 4117a

O (1 O A St I. IM 33MM V O C A St L pr .

Cleveland A Pitts .

0.83 duett pr.Col Fuel A Iron . 522M 4 at

mm Col A Southern .

Col A So 1 pf . .

I01S Col A So 2 prComsttKk Tun . . 500 1 I

tS' 4.00 Conol Oas. 1210 1 2 0Corn Prod Ref 7950 I 034

0.80 Corn Prod Rer pf 1900 807Continental Can 26 WO 04

0.8 0 Con Can pf 700 1 03I 1 Crucible Strrl . 27MOT 0 234I Crucible Steel pf (913 100

Crri Carpet CoCuban A Suxar. 3770 111

I Cuban A Sugar pf(1. 1 O Del A Hud 400 1 4 84. Ha Del Lark A W ... :ro 4 1 0

Hem cr A Rio O 130 OUDen A It (1 pf 7C0 1 oDos M A F 1)

Des M A F D pf7.0 0 Deere Co pr IM 02O.l 4 Detroit EdUm ... .

10.4 Det United Hy- -

Distiller . . . 2.18W 2 87- Dome Mines 6297 2234

Dul 8 S A A

Dul S S A A pf. . .

Du Pont P pf. . ..Erie 520M 2 734Erie 1 pf I00OJ 4 27sErie 2 pf. KM 3 4Fed Mln A Smelt 200 2HI,

8.7 0 Fed M A Smelt pf. 200 4 011.117 F W Wnolwnrth. 240O 1 OOI4

0.70 F W Woolworth pr. '200 1 2210.0 7 Oeo W Ilelme. ..(1.3(1 Oeo W Helme pr2.1 O Oen Chem Co ... 200 2000.4 0 (Irti Chem Co pf. KO 1 1014.0 0 tlen Electric 1 741

dsn Motors I2510 207the 0,0 7 Oen Motors pf. .. C60 1 UUI4

(Iranhy0.H8 (It Northern pf. .. 7690 1 1 0.1

(It No Ore rlf .5300 4 31000 0.80 (luraenbelm Ex.. 22IW 114.S



4.0 1 Harvratrr N J.. 12000 1113O.l 4 Harvester N pf .

Harvester Corp. 701

7.2 2 Harvester Corp prHal ana Kler 100 84Haiana Kin' pr ....

3.07 Hocking Valley0.70 Ilomratake4,83 Illinois Central 1616 1047M

Inspiration Con O 71500 343i , Int Agricultural 5400 1 OS

lilt AKrlcuIt pf 603 3 0 a

Int Paper. 340O 040.3 3 Int Paper pf . . noo 3HS4

Interboro Con .. . 4700 1.

8.3 0 Interboro Con pf. taoo 7 0luterbom Met 75PO 2 16

Lata lutic.Mt-- t pf 700 7()UIowa CentralIowa Central pf...

1 0,0 J 1 Case pt.In 100 78

0,04 Jul Kay-.c- r I pfseven Kan City So 6500 201

7.00 Kan City So pf. .. 1100

0.4 0 Kali City Ft Sc pfKings Co E L A P.

IT IJick 16030 0 00,8 0 Laclede (laa 1300 1

Erie' IJtke Erie A W pr.0,00 Liggett A Myers 100 222U





0.1 I Liggett A M pr

0.87 Lehigh Valley 12750 1 40U 143Long Island 225 2Ixxise Wiles ....

7.77 Loose Wile I prLoose Wllm 2 pf

0.0 0 Lorlllard Tob 105 170 1700.0 8 Lorlllard Tob pf4.00 Ixnila A Naab 355 1 1 2 1 1 06. Mackay Co

0.00 Mackay Cos pr 1000 0034 000.00 Manhattan 910 18 0'a 120

Manhattan BchManhattan ShirtManhattan Shirt prMarineMarine pf

0.40 May Dept Stores. . . 600 38 304.17 May Dept Store pr

Maxwell Motor.. . 7100 3 768.33 Maxwell M pr 12C0 80 821

Maxwell M 1 pf . 80) 34U 30Mex Petroleum. 71610 823 74Mex Pelroleum pf 1100 80 78Miami Copper UIOO 2 07g 2 01gMum A Bl L UJ 1 0 10

sala or bid prices on Friday night:

ended Aug 7-- Wli.I.ow. Closlns;. Ctiante, Highest. I.owest.00 00 0 0 Apr II 8 0 Jannuu 4 0U Apr 11 2 0 Apr

naia aang-08- U- U 87g Aug 1 7.I4 JsnOHU U 7 as Aug 1 3 Feb

l 70lg Apr ?t Feb

04U 00 - 1U 00 Auk 331 Jan80 80 8 0 Mar 31 83 Feb00 00 -0-

3U4-14 OO'a May S 48 Jant

oatg U 0 0 June 4 OO Mar

100 10(1 0 1 0 7U July IS 00 Apr

100 174M4-14- 170 Aug 7 143 Apr

07U 00 IU 0 1'gJuly37 20 Fell1O0U 1O0U4- - is loou July 21 Ol Is Jsn

Ofl4 0 1U- - 4U 0:i 7 Aug 4 4 0 Frb1634 1 18 4 1 1 8 Aug t 1 1 1U May

OO Jan 11 4 0UApr43 143 - 3la I70M July 11 8 3 Jan18 1 1H 1 I8M July II 107 May4B7g OO Il 04U Apr 36 3 0 Jan

4 1940.8 Sugar



OH Apr 21 Ol June.... 97 Apr It 83 Mar

7 7U 8 Apr II 43 Feb

34U 434-- 24 I 4 2U Apr H 1 1164 Jail

24 1 3 0 Apr 33 205 Jan12 I 2U- -3 tg 14 Apr It 71 Jana ii 4 1 4-- I 3 4U Apr It 24 Jan023 oaa4-- 1 08 Apr It 1 Mar

00 08 8 IOOU Apr It 70 Maro Ig OS4 Apr 31 3U Apr

247 1 2U Mar II 1 U May

70 IM 84UJunell 0 (I Jsn1O0U 100344-- Ig lOBIg May 4 100 Jan

1 8 1 1 836 May 5 7H Jan100 4- 0 100 Apr 22 144 Jan

... 10(1 Feb 1 103 JanIg 40 JulyTt 24U Mar

1 1 1 4U Apr 21 OOU Peb1 3U 1 I3lg Is 1 I Oil June 10 100 Feb

0 1 May 1 OH MarSg 1 2 4U June 17 110 Jan

04 2 2U Apr 21 2 I May

S 1 00 May 6 1 OHU Jana (Us 20 4 3 2U May 1 1 04 MarB4lg 0 DOUJunelt 7 7U Feb

7 2U 1 0 Apr 20 O JulyU83 I 7 17gAux 1 2 434 Peb

Apr 10 O Jan10 07s 10 1U4- IU 100 Apr It 0 2U Peb

HHU 08U4- H 10 13 Juno 16 (Ml Jsn001 100U4-78- U 1 1 3U Apr 33 0 Mar

7BU4- - a HO July 27 2(15 Mart!OO 100 IU 100 Au 6 0 2 Mar70U 8864 .liny 21 03-- Feb

1 14-I- I 73UJan 20 0 7 FebIU - Is 27 Apr 17 M Feb

200 200 430 1 1 I Aug 6 4 01 Jsn13a 130 4- - O 142 July 37 0 1 Jan

OIU 0 058 June2t 2 4 U Jan104U KMU-i- - 1 OOl July 21 OO Jan

BOlt 8AU1-- u 0 3 Apr 31 H4 July120U ianu4- u 1 3 2U Apr 27 1 1 8 Jan

O 4-- u 7U May I 41 Mar7 Msy I 2 3 May2 Apr 21 70 May

HO July 20 80 July2H 2H --

07IU 3 2U Apr 15 27 Feb

003 i U 7 07 June 4 03 May

116 10 t 41 2 1 Feb 8 H July32 37 H 0 434 Feb 1 3(1 July

14 4 UH3. 4-- 174 Apr 19 I 3H July4 IU I33S1 IM 4 4.14 Aug 6 3 26 Feb

10314 10 41k- - 1 1 041j Auit 7 I OO"1 Jan320 Jan 22 270 July

4 1 4 01 Arr 19 05 JulyIU OS Jan 27 Auk

1 IM Feb 27 Ills Feb123U 124 132 Apr 15 1 1 HI July

.. 103 July 9 103 July

2 01 May7 7-- July 26

1 IU 1 !'( U 1 41. Apr20 3 f I 3 034 AprHI Bau-iaoi- 44- 1 UHI4 Apr

120 1 I 3 0 Jan. 22 122 July. 1 I O July t I I O July

1 3 1 July 23 1 2 0 July13 1 H4 4 3M 3 0 Apr 10 1 OU July4 .11 4 4 03,-- 33 U 4OS4 Apr 26 3264 Jan3 3 J- - 3 3 41 Ait 19 20 Feb

OO Apr I 03ls Frli107 July 7 107 July103 June 29 0 Jan

30 4 1 a 4 33 July 2 1 34 Jsn3 2 Apr s 4 Mar04U Apr S 4 O Jan4 01.1 Apr 7 Jan

.1 1 . I 1 .2 I June 3 .07 May12 8 128 I 13 134 Apr 30 11 384 Jan

146 145- g- 'h 1 June 4 H JanHO HO 1 Apr 19 0 0 Jan7 H8344-- l 41 04 Auk 4()UJan

1 OOI4 1 03 2 103 Auk 6 HHUJanOOU BOU4 17U 0 234 Auk 7 1 8I4 May

lOautllMU-- IU 100 July 30 H4 May40 May 6 4 July

100 110 1 ao July 22 8 Jsn100 July 21 0 3 Mar

140 1 4H r au 10 Apr 16 142 Jsn




4 I 0 4 10-01- ,-10 0 4 2 0- - Apr 10 3 0 07,0 UU Apr 20 4

21 1 HU Apr III

7U Apr 9 42 01 Mar S 01

0 2 0 2 July 11 HOI OM June is 1 1 2t) 1 Apr IS 0 8 4

2IIU 2HI44 21 0 July: OUa 1 22 24U July IS HI

Jsn 8lo Jan 40 0 July 0013d Apr 1 074 03 Apr It 3 8U3 7U Apr 2 700 JunelJ H

(10 June 201 03U 1 0014 II 1 1 IU Apr OOUI 22 122 a laauAu 1 1

1 7 0 Apr 1 70112 Jan 1 I 22 0 0 July 1 0 0

I, 1 01 June 1 0 03 Is 17 7U Jul)' 27 13H

1H1 204 20 2(17 Auk 7 H2100 1 00 t- 2 1 0 7 July it (10 Si

O 1 June 7 0U1 IH 1 I 04 r 1 . 1 2 234 Apr 1 I 2--

4 1 4 IU4-- IU 4 3S July 2OI4tl 1 .1 4 4- 21 071 June 4 01Jnn0H34 K17U4- - III 1 I 4 June 4 0 0

2(11 2 74II4 4 23 3 3 320U4 0 40

2H7U 200I 101 I

17 1 7 IU--




3 3

0 3

3 4





3 2

0 8






3H H











May1 1 7 Jail I 0 0.

00 70 10 HO Apr 0 01 I 4 Jail OOU84 Auk HOOHU July 0.1

I I H Apr 1 1 21 1 0 Juiik 31 1 1 0

1031 103,64- - 7 113 Apr 0 03 3 3 3 I 3 03 Apr 26 1 05

O84 14 4 1 .I'm Auk 6 OU2H 3 034-I- 33 3 0U July 14 H

OU U-- 37 II 1 2 Apr H

3 7 IS 4 3 Apr 19 3 3ao 2 01-- 73 2 1 64 July 30 1 H7721 -2-


1 7 III June 24 7 0801 u 2 4 Apr 1

70 t II 7 77 June 22 4 01 0 Fell O1 8 Feb 1 H

H3U Apr 16 7 4178 78 - 2 8H Apr 26 7 71

1 0 0 Apr It 107237 24U4- - 1 21)3 May 6

0034 OO344- - 1 mil Apr 20




2050 4'

OHIj May 0 O1 8 3 Apr 30 12 21

00 O0U4-- 01 0(1 Auk 6 2H1 O 1 03 4-- 3 100 Apr U2'h

05 Apr 31 02'll4 Apr 23 1 II

222U aaau U 83 I Apr 22 2071 I OU Jan I I 3

140 II 1 4IIU Apr 19 1 20I43 2144- - 1

, 3D Jan 20 3 03 1 Jan 10

IOOU Jan 11 HO00 Mar 00

170 31 1 84 Mar 8 1 001118 Jan It 1 1 2I4

110 --'

2 12 0U Apr 20 10 41.... 82'g May 725

0034-l07g-t- . 15 0 0 Jan It 0 0178 120 Apr 21 1

2 Feb 0

OOU Apr 21 00,.. 1 0 38 June 6 101

21 Jan 31 1

8I9 Jan 21 438 4-- 3 0 0 Mar 2 3 0

081 Mar IS 0 47b30I4 16g 0 8 Apr II 1 04'

2 80 June 7 4 3U31 44 May 6 1 8

78 r 08 07 Apr 36 0178 1 04 Apr 36 0 72fll-g- tg 3 Big Apr 36 1 71

-IV- .-4 1 OH Feb IS 10U

Dir. Week

yield. Stock. Sale. High.Minn A St L pr . , 100 3 0

0.118 M 81 PA 8 8 M. .. . IIIO 1 I 80.4 7 M St P A 8SM pf

and 0.7 1 MSPASS.M 11 L.tha Mo Ksn A Tex,, (210 8M

Mo Kan A T pf .. 2200 a 1

Mo Pacific 11104 3g4.10 Montana Power. . 130 483

II 0.8 0 Montana Power pf. IM 10211 Mont Ward pf...II Morris A Essex...10 4.00 Nash C A St I.....21 0.B3 National Biscuit . . 103 121Ut O.OB National Biscuit pf.I Nat Suit A Cloak . TOO 737g4 N Suit A Cloak pr, 100 100

17 4,00 National Lead. 1100 0(1

II 0,4 0 National Lead pr,.. 200 I I O

It Nat E A 8 1)645 2 0621 8.00 Nat E A 8 pr

Nat Ry Mex I pr,

21 Nat Hy Max 2 pr . 693 021 1 0.3 Nev Consol 1100 1 0

7 0.22 N Y Air Brake . 32900 1 I 0U30 0.00 N Y Crntral , 31600 0 06g

N Y Chi A St I... 1600 3 24 N Y N II A H.. .. 7700 041

25 N Y Ont A West . 1403 2 0t












4 A 2700

A. 20 A West pf '

(I. Oft No Co ... 00 727, 17g

0.40 Pacific 08U Hi

PacificPacific 11100 3 8 3 2 33 4- 2Pacific Tel A IM 201 20- U-

A prO.04 RR M01 OO lOOSjlOO 4- 25g

0.03 Os 0 O O 4- - iPeoria EasternPrttlbonn MlllknPetllbone

Co 7 8 78 4-- 4O OA St L. tOO 08 0 4-- 3C CASH, pf

of N J. 4!1S 20 24 24 -0.37 Coal N pf.. 430 043 03 03 -

Pitt '4M 02 0 02 4- - 2Prosed Car OO 0774 7U

Opr.. 100 1001, IOOU 1 OOU- -





0.0 7 Pub Ser N

0.1 O Pullman P Car. .. 791 1011Qulckdlver 7910 4UQulrktllwr pr OU

0.00 Ray Cousol U9D 235sStr--I Spring... 4 27g

7.7 1 Stl Spr 11)1 0 4Republic Stel.. . 7011) 10Republic pf. ... 33 JO OHU

3S 0.3 Readmit (MM 0 I

21 0.00 Reading 1 pf I0O 834.0 7 3 500

3 Island 100 UIsland pr .. . . 300

I Kumely Co. .. . 2003) O

II Rumrly Co pr IIVjO 1329 Sentioard Air Line . 460) 144

S 0.84 Siolmard Air L pr . 610012 4.70 Roebuck 2700 OO14 pr 200 1241It . 145VJ 4720 pf . lit)

4 4.28 S S Krrsge . 251 14010

26 St LA San SMI 01,21 St LA F I pf. . . . 2,0 IOU23 St L A F 2 pf . 179) 7


10 lOUJan 4
















8.00 Clg(Ig



IndJan Ind AleJan 0.03Feb Ref

US 014noo


(1.8 6610 8--


46J0Feb DetlnFeb DetlnFebMar

0.00 :ii3Jail 2.15000Jan 0.3

1700JsnJan 0.00 1IW

4.2.1 67uO

JanWlli-r- l 2U









Feb 0.0Mar



Jan gives (hethe the

Fill 0.0(1












ended 1911.



4HU4102 102




Norfolk0.0 Norfolk West 107 107

NorfolkAmerican 7a,,f

North 10il4Ontario

Tel.. 20U 2U'PacPennaPeople

Phlla 1IW



Steel 4715)

7.14 Steel U




ReadingRockItock U






CI44 138

101 10U I't01 OU- -

St L Southwest 4 4 4I. Southwest

Pacific. 4C929 8034 88SgJ- - 34

P Rico Sugar 70 t 3So RicoSouthern 16S00 137s 10?

IUStand MIltlnK. 4-- U."land Milling 72


033 O 03344.Tenncivee Cop. 14700 42U-4-

129'JD 4 7Tt-- Land Trust

Pacific 103 OUthird 4433 021 0 O 4--

Toll Prod Corp pf. 1003 10034 8St LASt L A pf

Tul SI L 4 W ctR 007










IS 0.0314 7.07 pf ..is Un Bag A Paper. 63,28 Un Ilax A Paper 2 03g

4 Union Pacific. I00O0O 134.07 Union PaclOc ... HI

United Mfg

O.Htl4 0lg

Un Mfg pf 300

Un Dry Goods pfUn Hit y 1 8Un lty pf 3 0

It Cast Pipe 1400 8 026 O 0 U Cast I P pf 6C3 4410 Un States Esp

4 US Alcohol 11190 (107.4 0 U OKI

II A imp 200 3dJan 7 V Red A Ri-f- . 21

U S Red A pf 3Mar Rubbtr

8 7.0 0 U Rubber IOOU2 8.0 0 U Rubber 2

Apr 1 Strtl (55810

Mar 3 1' Steel24 1 Copper 50110 083

July 14 Ch l.'IO 3 73July 20 4.00 Va.Car Ch pfApr 29 Va I C A C Oil

24 Vulcan21 Vulcan pf.2 Wahath U

Wabash pf lfCO I

M.ir WrlU-Farg- Ex. 1 003.0.1 Wn.tlnghmi-.- e .11

H Wtvlnghouse 1 500Apr West Maryland 8OI4

W Maryland pf 3 8WW Union 7

Mar Wesnian llruiunMar Will)-- . Otrrlaml 1 4 834Jan 0. Willy Otrrland pf 104

WhiflliiK A K ;'0O UApr A I. E pr 300

W heel A I. E it 103 'Jail Wlwintln Central 3 21


20 3. Il 8 0 0 share.1914, Exchange clued.

19 itrt-- I'll. 1.103.000 shares.Apr 70

I'. illtldend. rUhts. YieldsApr 11 fit.24


The following (able lelds4

Mar 31 yields aro figured last available

Mar ISYieldJan 4.44 Buffalo Rochester A Pittsburg

24 Buffalo Rochester A PlttsbiUK pf.

4.7 i Chicago A Northwest pfJuly 10 n.jjojchleago St Paul A OmahaJan 14 4.40t('hl.-aui- i Si Paul A Omaha Pf

19 0.2 8 Canada Mouihern4 0.8 2 Central A South American Telegraph

Feb 11 7.87tCliictt PeatiodyJune

1 Yield ngiirol asked price20



May 24,17


Jan 6



June 14



June 25


Apr 2716

Jan 13

July 12

Apr 26


It .Is It '

It ;31 7 1 .


17au- -

I '

1 -






14000 1




1 1 1 1 1 1




J .1



I1 1
















P SugRwy 034Rwy ...


142 140









V RliyS 2


2 S 1

June Utah






6 SameMay Same





July t

6 on



Railroad BargainsUnion Pacific Balto.&Ohio St. Paul

Southern Ry. Westinghouse

Meiican Petroleum United Cigar Stores

.vprciol rerlru' 144 on flrir .Sloili

Clarence Cone & Co.40 llrnaditay. York


FINANCED AND MAN 1 1.50 Pine Mreet, New

DIVIDENDCompany and Term

Buffalo. Rochetter and Pitliburg.semi annual com

Buffalo and Pittthurtpfd

llltnoit l

Jefferson and Clearr.eld Coal andIron, quarterly pfd

AugLow. Closing Change.

.1 A rt30117 1 17- M- Apr 100 J,a

13B Apr 121 ,t.76 Apr Mi- -


18 12

73 73IOOU





Tel Tel








1 1

..1 1















70 75









21, 1 01 Apr It A jj,36, Apr S I, (14 n

Ig 1 BI4 Apr II l.i,IU 063 Apr 21 4 j,a

103 Apr II Pit .!,,.. 1 12U Apr 6 1 a At,... 701 Apr 30 JUr

20 Jan 27 I,,..!.1 Jan 22 r,12(1 Frb I Ki v., .,

flOlg Mar 31 6t M .,I34 1O0U Apr 16 1 nut Msr '7

24 70 Apr 11 4 4 hi1 111 June n I 04J4

U 8 7811 t'lj00 July 3? 7(i Aj,, ,,23 Jan In

10 11023 24

4-- 4314 June 1

141 10 M OTt Apr 37

0-- 1 0U Aug 7

1 134 OSS Jin 22


02 4 1 71U Apr 2I

27U 27U- - U Apr 20

1001 S's



Coal ...H

007gPn-- 1







Aug 6

00 June 19

81 Apr 211 Apr I)

June 12

0 7 Apr3 8 Aug 3

OOU Apr 14

O I May II

1 2 3U Apr1 I Apr 19

70 July 17

0 0 July 27

H I July 30

JanJune S

2 07g July 24

OS Feb 11

02 Aug 4

007, Auk 7

JsnI 034 Apr








Ju'yIIIO 4. 107 June II 1 OOU

:i.s,4. 4U Aug 7 It Mm It

June II22U- - 201 Apr 24 I.I14J307,4-- 4. 427gAug Mt' 1

OO Apr 19 874 4U4 4 July 'I08 2U 081 4

I 107UApr 10 JMt May nOO June 11 hStt.J.rii

82 801 Apr 19 80 FeinApr Is

2U Apr 1

Ollf 2 May 11 Jsi12.14. 18 Msy

1 Apr 21

4 334 42MApr 21 3fnJ4b1 0U 234 2O0U Feb 1 Mf '


42U01 4


841 l8

124U 12414- -

21 40 21OO OO 4'




pf .

South . H8T3So . 100

. . .

. . 1 21

Southern 40U 48U. . 110 OOU 0034 08

. 103

Studehakrr . 871, 83 84U- -Studebaker pf . . 450 1 Is

... 43U 37U OUCo 1331

03-l- - 13. I

. (01

pr ,

. 10) 007,Underwoodl!nderv.oud

. .

pf . 21)0

15pf .


1041. .


j I .


. ..pf 610


. 100

1 pfpf . .

pf . ., 1


. .


. .. 1

.. 4V1



jit week.week,




Feli'-J- j





, ,

HighestSAH ..












1 I oVlj 1

1 1 anI I ., .

,Jm ,Jtn i

S ,.



20 Feb




1 02141 1



(I334401 Fr--

001,4- - 2J7,'4U

35,31 1





pr SOO









U 1 2 0U Feb It Jti4 Aug

July 19 " Mtr

140 Auk 7 I'd1 1 O June 12 1 1). b

7U June1 June

8 Mar

07,4- -



twin City





1 0 Apr 21

3 7 JanApr

70 Aug

03U Apr1 6 Is Apr

Jan.I6I2 July II735, July II8 71 Aug

033 Auk4 318 Auk 7

1 44U Arr II1 OOU July II

1 7U Apr 10

Oft Apr IS




I0 2U Apr 16

2t Mar 31

03 Jan 21

0 July .'41 O O Apr 19

7fi's July2t100 Jnly26

07, 03 34 7U Apr 6

203 20- 3- II 3 07, Apr e

12 634 13 03g4-- l' 1 3 46 Apr 19

803 81 - U 8 1 34 Feb 24

4 41 01- -1 - 0 U Apr It103 0438-- r 16 100 Feb 1

OM 03 rlOU Apr 19

1 7 1 7 -3-

45-18U 2 13 July 21

3 u 4 0U Apr 24

1 01 2 0 AUK (9

3 0 411 41 4(91 Apr73U Mar

0 7 0 77 I O 0 0 Auk0 41 OHIT 33 081 A'U

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0U 7 434 Apr II1081, lOOU-- r 1 1 0 Apr I)

7(11 Feb I

110-- 78V-- .1 7 3.1AUK 4

1 !! 1 I 139 l l 3 July 31

(1034 tlflU U 73 Apr 24

3 4U 3 03-- 10 U 3 7.1s Auk 1

101 --00

1 108 J'lll'.l0 1 U Auk 5

10 June II3 0 June II

U4 U 8U Apr 31

u OU Apr 21

0 8 1 07 I) 0 .M 4

11 OI4 1 834 I 1 1 3. July 31

13 I 133 3 133 Auk 7




44 :i1 1 '1 Frt siOOU Feh .,MU Mw

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H Jsn .,0 4 Jtn u

fch 1

2 3t Apr :i1 8 llf201,

Mir ,

I 1 015, Frh :i3 1 121 MiTP




1.1 Mtr837 1 Arrnono1 AltH 1 Ji


74 Msrii2 0 Mm 1

SO Mm 11

Oil ;


I Mir U

o II, t Mir n

10204 Apr (

II 1072 Jsn 11



I'A 9 Julr I

Jn.l09 T I


1 43T 7 I ? .1

30 :i4 1 13










I 2 l t7 i 2 4 Jti 4

110 4

Ja 11

lit il










1 Ml'MJjQe

3 Jin uI UU Jul-- - :i3 0 JuW

8 14 F4 1

4 4 Apr 7

8(i1 F.i I

1 a i J'j'v :i4 S July 11

Fb 21

fld F1 it3-- Jtn J

0 1 Jsn i811 Ffh .4

120 Mt!(loll Apr 11


4- -




8 II

81 'if3.1 Jau I

00 My II

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70 Mt:4 2 J! 21

101) Jr.M!4 81jJn II

h Jn I

2 Mf I

s ,'tn I

3 2U Mm I

on JuyHI '. .'au eTO Jtn .1

U ' j t'llf 'I1 4 pr I1 nr I

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Janr .1

T'l-Ja- u 'FfMr .





r, i1 1 ?

24 1 2 7 June 1; 1 1114 Jan

3 4 38 2 4 0 Msr 11 2 1 J"OH 703 13 7 I Auk 3 1 7

2.10 May P f J J1 3 0 1 4fll4 1 I 4 834 Auk 7 --3?10 3U 1 04 t U 100 Juue U j.a !

U U .1. Jan2 ai- - 1 0 Jan

d JsnKII4 321 21 3 07 Jau

of Mock !nlra.I week. 0 303. TOO .Ms

Jsn. 1 to date. 7 0 0 10 7 4 A h i' Same period 1614, 4 7.3U8.0.12 .litre-

are figured on aked prlir. prlre made un s paf

tho-- e vncks In which there have tirenhid price-- .


7.0 7 Mollne Plow tt piH..10 Northern dbln Trariioii . .

7.7 1 M'ahst RrewtiiK pf0 7 1 1'arlfle Coatt .'d pf0.72II'lielp Dodgea.OOtl'itts Cincinnati Chicago A

ft 031twln City Rapid Trnu -

0 10 Vtrjnian.Rruton pf

Benjamin Franklin j;V "Ht xvbo nultipliti run ,

individuils who v 'oA relieved of the Iute

V of numcinc the t

tie affairs this Compinv or'services yjgent or Ci

$ Send for our boo'slet '

V "Cuitoaiavhtp of R.i un i'

T icnal Property,


Trtift fnintmlIX AVw Vi'k OJltr s 46 Wi S "

BrettHjn Monttfur569 rulton Mitr

Ami for Penonal



141 I




uf 1

Ju 'i





ar "





V ( 66 '"X


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rtltk Araata aat Slla ., Itmn'