FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry Deadlines If your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20. 1 5/4/17 Graduating Students Non-Graduating Students AESTHINT 36 Buddhism and Japanese Culture 5/12/17 5/15/17 AESTHINT 37 Intro to the Bible 5/15/17 5/18/17 AESTHINT 40 Monuments of Islamic Architec 5/14/17 5/17/17 AESTHINT 56 Shakespeare, The Later Plays 5/13/17 5/16/17 AFRAMER 10 Intro to African Amer Studies 5/10/17 5/13/17 AFRAMER 90R African Language Tutorials 5/14/17 5/17/17 AFRAMER 90R.A Amharic 5/17/17 5/20/17 AFRAMER 90R.A1 Afrikaans 5/9/17 5/12/17 AFRAMER 90R.A2 Hassaniyah 5/15/17 5/18/17 AFRAMER 90R.A4 Malagasy 5/15/17 5/18/17 AFRAMER 90R.A5 Jamaican Patois 5/15/17 5/18/17 AFRAMER 90R.A7 Fon 5/12/17 5/15/17 AFRAMER 90R.A9 West African Pidgin 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 90R.B Bamanakan 5/17/17 5/20/17 AFRAMER 90R.G Haitian Creole 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 90R.H Hausa 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 90R.I Igbo 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 90R.J Kinyarwanda 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 90R.M Somali 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 90R.N Tigrinya 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 90R.O Wolof 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 90R.Q Zulu 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 90R.U Sudanese Arabic 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 90R.V Pulaar 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 90R.X Setswana 5/9/17 5/12/17 AFRAMER 90R.Y Kikongo 5/9/17 5/12/17 AFRAMER 90R.Z Lingala 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/16/17 5/19/17 AFRAMER 97 Sophomore Tutorial 5/16/17 5/19/17 AFRAMER 99B Senior Thesis Workshop 5/9/17 5/12/17 AFRAMER 110X “Welcome Aboard Celebrity Slav 5/15/17 5/18/17 AFRAMER 116 Autobiography and Memoir 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 119X Chocolate, Culture, and Politi 5/9/17 5/12/17 AFRAMER 120X African American Theatre, Dram 5/9/17 5/12/17 AFRAMER 123Y Histori Phil of W.E.B. Du Bois 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 123Z American Democracy 5/16/17 5/19/17 AFRAMER 145Y Hiphop Theory & Philosophy: Bl 5/12/17 5/15/17 AFRAMER 165 Anthro of the Black Community 5/10/17 5/13/17 AFRAMER 174X African Architecture 5/9/17 5/12/17 AFRAMER 185X What is Black Art?African Amer 5/15/17 5/18/17 AFRAMER 191X African Am Lives in the Law 5/12/17 5/15/17 AFRAMER 192X Religion and Society in Nigeri 5/8/17 5/11/17 AFRAMER 197 Poverty, Race, and Health 5/12/17 5/15/17 Subject Number Title Grade Entry Deadlines

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry Deadlines

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FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

1 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsAESTHINT 36 Buddhism and Japanese Culture 5/12/17 5/15/17AESTHINT 37 Intro to the Bible 5/15/17 5/18/17AESTHINT 40 Monuments of Islamic Architec 5/14/17 5/17/17AESTHINT 56 Shakespeare, The Later Plays 5/13/17 5/16/17AFRAMER 10 Intro to African Amer Studies 5/10/17 5/13/17AFRAMER 90R African Language Tutorials 5/14/17 5/17/17AFRAMER 90R.A Amharic 5/17/17 5/20/17AFRAMER 90R.A1 Afrikaans 5/9/17 5/12/17AFRAMER 90R.A2 Hassaniyah 5/15/17 5/18/17AFRAMER 90R.A4 Malagasy 5/15/17 5/18/17AFRAMER 90R.A5 Jamaican Patois 5/15/17 5/18/17AFRAMER 90R.A7 Fon 5/12/17 5/15/17AFRAMER 90R.A9 West African Pidgin 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 90R.B Bamanakan 5/17/17 5/20/17AFRAMER 90R.G Haitian Creole 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 90R.H Hausa 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 90R.I Igbo 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 90R.J Kinyarwanda 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 90R.M Somali 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 90R.N Tigrinya 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 90R.O Wolof 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 90R.Q Zulu 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 90R.U Sudanese Arabic 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 90R.V Pulaar 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 90R.X Setswana 5/9/17 5/12/17AFRAMER 90R.Y Kikongo 5/9/17 5/12/17AFRAMER 90R.Z Lingala 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/16/17 5/19/17AFRAMER 97 Sophomore Tutorial 5/16/17 5/19/17AFRAMER 99B Senior Thesis Workshop 5/9/17 5/12/17AFRAMER 110X “Welcome Aboard Celebrity Slav 5/15/17 5/18/17AFRAMER 116 Autobiography and Memoir 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 119X Chocolate, Culture, and Politi 5/9/17 5/12/17AFRAMER 120X African American Theatre, Dram 5/9/17 5/12/17AFRAMER 123Y Histori Phil of W.E.B. Du Bois 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 123Z American Democracy 5/16/17 5/19/17AFRAMER 145Y Hiphop Theory & Philosophy: Bl 5/12/17 5/15/17AFRAMER 165 Anthro of the Black Community 5/10/17 5/13/17AFRAMER 174X African Architecture 5/9/17 5/12/17AFRAMER 185X What is Black Art?African Amer 5/15/17 5/18/17AFRAMER 191X African Am Lives in the Law 5/12/17 5/15/17AFRAMER 192X Religion and Society in Nigeri 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 197 Poverty, Race, and Health 5/12/17 5/15/17

Subject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

AFRAMER 212 Entrepreneurship in Africa 5/14/17 5/17/17AFRAMER 302 Graduate Seminar 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 310 Individual Reading Tutorial 5/17/17 5/20/17AFRAMER 390 Individual Research 5/8/17 5/11/17AFRAMER 398 Reading and Research 5/10/17 5/13/17AFRAMER 399 Direction of Doctoral 5/8/17 5/11/17AKKAD AB Introductory Akkadian 5/9/17 5/12/17AKKAD 300 Akkadian Language & Literature 5/17/17 5/20/17AMSTDIES 398 Reading and Research 5/9/17 5/12/17AMSTDIES 399 Doctoral Dissertatn Direction 5/9/17 5/12/17ANE 100 Hist of the Ancient Near East 5/14/17 5/17/17ANE 120B Hebrew Bible/Old Testament 2 5/12/17 5/15/17ANE 330 Reading/Rsch: Biblical Study 5/8/17 5/11/17ANTHRO 91ZR Supervised Reading & Research 5/17/17 5/20/17ANTHRO 97X Soph Tutorial in Archaeology 5/15/17 5/18/17ANTHRO 97Z Sophomore Tutorial Social Anth 5/8/17 5/11/17ANTHRO 98XB Junior Tutorial in Archaeology 5/13/17 5/16/17ANTHRO 98ZB Junior Tutorial for Social Ant 5/9/17 5/12/17ANTHRO 99ZB Thesis Tutor,Soc Anthro - SrYr 5/10/17 5/13/17ANTHRO 1080 American History Before Columb 5/8/17 5/11/17ANTHRO 1095 Urban Revolutions 5/16/17 5/19/17ANTHRO 1131 Archaeology of Harvard Yard II 5/16/17 5/19/17ANTHRO 1168 Maya Glyphs 5/12/17 5/15/17ANTHRO 1600 Ground the Global: Introductio 5/16/17 5/19/17ANTHRO 1645 Exploring Culture Through Film 5/15/17 5/18/17ANTHRO 1840 Nonfiction Video Production 5/12/17 5/15/17ANTHRO 1995 Food Culture and Society 5/9/17 5/12/17ANTHRO 2650B Hist & Theory of Social Anthro 5/8/17 5/11/17ANTHRO 2690 Middle East Ethnography 5/16/17 5/19/17ANTHRO 2786 Subjectivity: Linking the Psychological to the Political5/10/17 5/13/17ANTHRO 2796 Medical Anthropology: Advanced Topics 5/14/17 5/17/17ANTHRO 2855 Deep China 5/15/17 5/18/17ANTHRO 3000 Reading Course 5/12/17 5/15/17ANTHRO 3001 Reading for General Examinatio 5/15/17 5/18/17ANTHRO 3400 Reading and Research 5/15/17 5/18/17ANTHRO 3500 Direction of Doctoral 5/9/17 5/12/17APCOMP 209B Data Science 2 5/9/17 5/12/17APCOMP 297R CSE Capstone Project 5/8/17 5/11/17APCOMP 299R Special Topics Applied Comp 5/9/17 5/12/17APCOMP 302 Special Topics in CSE 5/14/17 5/17/17APMTH 21B Math Methods in the Sciences 5/13/17 5/16/17APMTH 50 Intro to Applied Mathematics 5/9/17 5/12/17APMTH 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/8/17 5/11/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

3 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

APMTH 99R Thesis Research 5/17/17 5/20/17APMTH 107 Graph Theory and Combinatorics 5/12/17 5/15/17APMTH 108 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 5/9/17 5/12/17APMTH 111 Intro to Scientific Computing 5/16/17 5/19/17APMTH 115 Mathematical Modeling 5/15/17 5/18/17APMTH 120 Applicable Linear Algebra 5/12/17 5/15/17APMTH 141R Computational Music Theory 5/9/17 5/12/17APMTH 207 Advanced Scientific Computing 5/14/17 5/17/17APMTH 215 Fundamentals,Bio Signal Proces 5/12/17 5/15/17APMTH 231 Decision Theory 5/12/17 5/15/17APMTH 318 Special Topics in Physical Mat 5/9/17 5/12/17APMTH 320 Topics in Macroscopic Physics 5/14/17 5/17/17APMTH 324 Scientific Computation 5/9/17 5/12/17APMTH 332 Theor Mech in Earth & Eng Sci 5/9/17 5/12/17APPHY 50B Phys Fndtn for Sci & Engr Prt 5/12/17 5/15/17APPHY 216 Electromag Interact with Matte 5/8/17 5/11/17APPHY 218 Elect, Optic, & Magn Prop of M 5/9/17 5/12/17APPHY 235 Chemistry in Materials Science 5/12/17 5/15/17APPHY 291 Electron Microscopy Laboratory 5/15/17 5/18/17APPHY 292 Kinetics of Condnsd Phase Proc 5/16/17 5/19/17APPHY 295A Quantum Theory of Solids 5/12/17 5/15/17APPHY 302 Applied Condensed Matter Phys 5/8/17 5/11/17APPHY 304 Materials Science of Biologica 5/17/17 5/20/17APPHY 322 Materials Physics and 5/15/17 5/18/17APPHY 330 Hetero Nano Devices & Bio-temp 5/15/17 5/18/17APPHY 338 Growth & Properties of Nanostr 5/8/17 5/11/17APPHY 342 Nano-Lasers, Single-Photon Sou 5/13/17 5/16/17APPHY 346 Interdisciplinary Dissertation 5/9/17 5/12/17APPHY 350 Exp Physics in Low Dimen Mater 5/15/17 5/18/17APPHY 354 Physics of Bacterial Growth 5/15/17 5/18/17APPHY 356 Special Topics Theoretical Eng 5/9/17 5/12/17APPHY 360 Nonlinear Laser Phys & Mater E 5/17/17 5/20/17APPHY 362 Photonics, Quantm Devices & Na 5/8/17 5/11/17APPHY 364 Exp Soft Condensed Matter 5/8/17 5/11/17APPHY 368 Condensed Matter Physics 5/16/17 5/19/17APPHY 372 Biological Physics and Quant B 5/15/17 5/18/17APPHY 374 Signaling Processing and Syste 5/17/17 5/20/17APPHY 376 Nonlinear Dynamics of Soft 5/15/17 5/18/17APPHY 392 Exp Soft Cond Matter & Materia 5/14/17 5/17/17APPHY 394 Exp Stud of Interfaces Surface 5/15/17 5/18/17APPHY 396 Topics in Materials Science 5/8/17 5/11/17APPHY 398 Materials Science 5/9/17 5/12/17ARABIC AB Elementary Arabic 5/14/17 5/17/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

ARABIC BB Intermediate Arabic II 5/14/17 5/17/17ARABIC 130B Upper-Level Classical Arabic 2 5/14/17 5/17/17ARABIC 131B Upper-Level Modern Arabic II 5/14/17 5/17/17ARABIC 134 Colloquial Levantine Arabic 5/15/17 5/18/17ARABIC 248R Rdngs in Social & Legal Texts 5/10/17 5/13/17ARABIC 300 Reading/Research in Arabic 5/9/17 5/12/17ARAMAIC A Intro to Ancient Aramaic 5/15/17 5/18/17ASTRON 16 Stellar and Planetary Astronom 5/12/17 5/15/17ASTRON 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/8/17 5/11/17ASTRON 99B Senior Thesis in Astrophysics 5/12/17 5/15/17ASTRON 191 Astrophysics Laboratory 5/15/17 5/18/17ASTRON 193 Noise/Data Analysis/Astrophysi 5/15/17 5/18/17ASTRON 203 Intersteller Medium & Star Frm 5/12/17 5/15/17ASTRON 231 Practical Optics for Astronome 5/8/17 5/11/17ASTRON 300 Topics in Modern Astrophysics 5/10/17 5/13/17ASTRON 301HFB Journal Club 5/8/17 5/11/17ASTRON 302 Science of Teaching Science 5/12/17 5/15/17ASTRON 305 Origins of Life Research 5/12/17 5/15/17ASTRON 310 Public Outreach Project 5/14/17 5/17/17BBS 333R Research in Biol & Biomed Scie 5/16/17 5/19/17BBS 350 Translational bioinformatics 5/15/17 5/18/17BCMP 213 Behavioral Pharmacology 5/12/17 5/15/17BCMP 234 Cellular Metabolism & Hum Dise 5/17/17 5/20/17BCMP 236 Pharmacokinetics and Modern Dr 5/10/17 5/13/17BCMP 250 Mechanisms in Signal Transduct 5/12/17 5/15/17BCMP 301QC Translational Pharmacology 5/17/17 5/20/17BCMP 311 Macromolecular Assemblies 5/17/17 5/20/17BCMP 312 Repair of Double stranded DNA 5/9/17 5/12/17BCMP 313 Biochemistry of Transmembrane 5/17/17 5/20/17BCMP 318 Mol mechanism of immune system 5/9/17 5/12/17BCMP 320 Systems and Synthetic Biology 5/15/17 5/18/17BCMP 321 Structure and Function of 5/15/17 5/18/17BCMP 325 Genomic Instability & Cancer S 5/16/17 5/19/17BCMP 328 Comput Analysis of Sequence Va 5/8/17 5/11/17BCMP 329 Cytoplasmic Signal Transductio 5/9/17 5/12/17BCMP 335 Biochemical & Genetic Analysis 5/14/17 5/17/17BCMP 336 Molecular mechanisms 5/17/17 5/20/17BCMP 349 Targeting Deregulated Apoptoti 5/12/17 5/15/17BCMP 356 NMR Spectrscpy, Proteins & Met 5/10/17 5/13/17BCMP 358 Targeting Apoptosis Regulation 5/12/17 5/15/17BCMP 362 Eukaryotic Survival Decisions 5/12/17 5/15/17BCMP 363 Normal cell division mechanism 5/13/17 5/16/17BCMP 366 Stem Cells in Disease & Dev 5/17/17 5/20/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

BCMP 371 Maintenance of genome stabilit 5/15/17 5/18/17BCMP 375 Biomolecular Nanotechnology 5/12/17 5/15/17BCMP 376 Mechanisms of Action,Antibioti 5/16/17 5/19/17BCMP 381 Funct Small Mol for Bio Disc 5/15/17 5/18/17BCMP 383 Integ & Func Genomic Stdy Canc 5/13/17 5/16/17BCMP 386 Kinase Signaling in Cancer 5/9/17 5/12/17BCS AR Elementary B/C/S 5/12/17 5/15/17BE 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/12/17 5/15/17BE 125 Tissue Engineering 5/16/17 5/19/17BE 128 Biomedical Imaging and Systems 5/12/17 5/15/17BE 191 Introduction to Biomaterials 5/14/17 5/17/17BIOPHYS 204 Struct Bio, Molecules to Cells 5/12/17 5/15/17BIOPHYS 205 Comput and Functional Genomics 5/15/17 5/18/17BIOPHYS 300 Intro to Laboratory Research 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOPHYS 302 Quant Analysis of Reg Networks 5/16/17 5/19/17BIOPHYS 305 Exp Atomic Physics, Biophysics 5/9/17 5/12/17BIOPHYS 307 Network Motifs in Single Cells 5/9/17 5/12/17BIOPHYS 310 Sensory Info in Neuronal Proce 5/16/17 5/19/17BIOPHYS 325 Physics of Macromolecular 5/16/17 5/19/17BIOPHYS 339 Theoretical and Exp Approaches 5/8/17 5/11/17BIOPHYS 344 Dir Evol of Simple Cellular Sy 5/9/17 5/12/17BIOPHYS 369 Org Chem and Chem Bio of Mol E 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOPHYS 375 Single-Molecule Biophysics 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOPHYS 376 Transcr Factors and Cis Regula 5/13/17 5/16/17BIOPHYS 381 Single-Molecule Biophysics 5/14/17 5/17/17BIOPHYS 386 Synapt Plasticty & Neuron Netw 5/9/17 5/12/17BIOPHYS 390 Regulation of Mitosis 5/9/17 5/12/17BIOPHYS 396 Behavior Neurosci and Neurophy 5/16/17 5/19/17BIOSTAT 231 Statistical Inference I 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOSTAT 233 Methods II 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOSTAT 234 Intro Data Struct & Algorithms 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOSTAT 241 Statistical Inference II 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOSTAT 244 Analysis of Failure Time Data 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOSTAT 245 Analys, Multivar & Longitud Da 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOSTAT 281 Genomic Data Manipulation 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOSTAT 282 Intro Comp Bio & Bioinformatic 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOSTAT 283 Cancer Genome Analysis 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOSTAT 312 Consultation 5/17/17 5/20/17BIOSTAT 350 Research 5/17/17 5/20/17BPH 201R Laboratory Rotations 5/10/17 5/13/17BPH 210 Pathophysiology of Human Disea 5/9/17 5/12/17BPH 222 The Science of Human Nutrition 5/16/17 5/19/17BPH 301QC Molec Basis Nut & Metab Diseas 5/8/17 5/11/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

BPH 306QC Tuberculosis 5/16/17 5/19/17BPH 315 Genetic Analysis Gene Express. 5/15/17 5/18/17BPH 319 Signling Mechans Peptide Hormo 5/17/17 5/20/17BPH 322 Epid & Bio Characterstcs of HI 5/8/17 5/11/17BPH 323 Human Lipoprotein Metabolism 5/12/17 5/15/17BPH 326 Environmental Epigenetics 5/13/17 5/16/17BPH 334 Human Pathogen, T. cruzi 5/8/17 5/11/17BPH 339 Mech Basis : Airway & Lung PF 5/8/17 5/11/17BPH 345 Lung Macrophage Differentiatio 5/9/17 5/12/17BPH 357 Aspects of Bronchoconstriction 5/9/17 5/12/17BPH 365 Virulence of Mycrobacteria 5/9/17 5/12/17BPH 372 Molecular Mechanisms Underlyin 5/10/17 5/13/17BPH 374 Nuclear Lipid Receptors 5/16/17 5/19/17BPH 375 Signaling Pathways Underlying 5/16/17 5/19/17BPH 376 Secretion & Path M. tuberculos 5/15/17 5/18/17BPH 379 Inflammatory Gene Expression 5/15/17 5/18/17BPH 381 Receptor Signaling and Disease 5/17/17 5/20/17BPH 382 Aging, Stress Resistance & Die 5/9/17 5/12/17BPH 384 Targets for Control of Malaria 5/8/17 5/11/17BPH 385 The Molecular Genetics of Agin 5/8/17 5/11/17BPH 386 Translational Kidney Disease 5/8/17 5/11/17BPH 388 Analysis of the human microbio 5/9/17 5/12/17BPH 390 Cellular Mech Lipid Homeostasi 5/15/17 5/18/17BSDM 300 Research with Faculty 5/9/17 5/12/17CATALAN 11 Catalan Language and Culture 5/10/17 5/13/17CATALAN 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/10/17 5/13/17CELLBIO 201 Principles of Cell Biology 5/10/17 5/13/17CELLBIO 207 Developmental Biology 5/15/17 5/18/17CELLBIO 212 Biology of the Cancer Cell 5/9/17 5/12/17CELLBIO 300QC Adv Topics in Cell Biology 5/16/17 5/19/17CELLBIO 304QC Intro to Human Gross Anatomy 5/9/17 5/12/17CELLBIO 306 Chromatin Dynamics in metaboli 5/9/17 5/12/17CELLBIO 310 Mechanisms of Vertebrate 5/17/17 5/20/17CELLBIO 313 Systems Biology of Mammalian 5/9/17 5/12/17CELLBIO 319 Signaling Pathways in Cancer 5/17/17 5/20/17CELLBIO 321 Neuronal Pathfinding 5/9/17 5/12/17CELLBIO 325 Molecular and Cellular Regulat 5/15/17 5/18/17CELLBIO 329 The Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathw 5/16/17 5/19/17CELLBIO 330L Lipid and Membrane Homeostasis 5/15/17 5/18/17CELLBIO 332 Mass Spectrometry and Protemic 5/8/17 5/11/17CELLBIO 336 Sgnl Trnsdction in Normal & Tr 5/17/17 5/20/17CELLBIO 339 Cell Morphogenesis & Regulatio 5/15/17 5/18/17CELLBIO 345 Protein Transport Across Endop 5/16/17 5/19/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

CELLBIO 349 Chrom. Struc & Gene Silencing 5/9/17 5/12/17CELLBIO 359 Intracellular Signaling Pathwa 5/15/17 5/18/17CELLBIO 360 Genetic Control of Apoptosis 5/8/17 5/11/17CELLBIO 365 Mechanism and Biology 5/9/17 5/12/17CELLBIO 375 Cancer Genetics and DNA 5/17/17 5/20/17CELLBIO 376 Chem Apprch to Cell Div & Canc 5/8/17 5/11/17CELLBIO 383 Internl & Externl Sensory Sys 5/10/17 5/13/17CELLBIO 386 Systemic metabolism and cancer 5/14/17 5/17/17CELLBIO 387 Calcium signaling in health 5/14/17 5/17/17CELLBIO 390 Membrane: Cytoskeleton Interfc 5/9/17 5/12/17CELLBIO 399 Nanocourses 5/8/17 5/11/17CELTIC 106 The Folklore of Gaelic Scotlan 5/12/17 5/15/17CELTIC 120 Food and Fantasy in Irish Trad 5/9/17 5/12/17CELTIC 187 Literature of the Dispossessed 5/8/17 5/11/17CELTIC 300 Reading and Research 5/13/17 5/16/17CELTIC 305 Preparation of Doctoral Disser 5/15/17 5/18/17CHEM 20 Organic Chemistry 5/17/17 5/20/17CHEM 27 Organic Chemistry of Life 5/17/17 5/20/17CHEM 40 Inorganic Chemistry 5/8/17 5/11/17CHEM 91R Introduction to Research 5/17/17 5/20/17CHEM 98R Intro to Research - Junior Yr 5/8/17 5/11/17CHEM 99R Tutorial - Senior Year 5/8/17 5/11/17CHEM 100R Exp Chem and Chemical Bio 5/9/17 5/12/17CHEM 106 Physical-Organic Chemistry 5/15/17 5/18/17CHEM 135 Experimental Synthetic Chemist 5/9/17 5/12/17CHEM 161 Statistical Thermodynamics 5/14/17 5/17/17CHEM 165 Experimental Physical Chemistr 5/10/17 5/13/17CHEM 210 Mech. Molecular Electrochemist 5/12/17 5/15/17CHEM 255 Practical Crystallography 5/12/17 5/15/17CHEM 267 Surface and Interfacial 5/14/17 5/17/17CHEM 300 Research and Reading 5/9/17 5/12/17CHEM 301HFB Scientific Teaching and Comm 5/8/17 5/11/17CHEM 302 Organometallic Chemistry 5/17/17 5/20/17CHEM 304 Theoretical Atomic, Molecular 5/12/17 5/15/17CHEM 311 Physical Chemistry 5/15/17 5/18/17CHEM 315 Photochemistry and Kinetics 5/17/17 5/20/17CHEM 320 Chemical Biology 5/8/17 5/11/17CHEM 323 Organic Chemistry 5/14/17 5/17/17CHEM 325 Physical Chemistry 5/17/17 5/20/17CHEM 326 Physical Chemistry and Atomic 5/12/17 5/15/17CHEM 330 Physical Chemistry 5/17/17 5/20/17CHEM 336 Phys Chem and Materials Scienc 5/15/17 5/18/17CHEM 340 Inorganic Chemistry 5/8/17 5/11/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

8 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

CHEM 342 Inorganic Chemistry 5/15/17 5/18/17CHEM 350 Theoretical Physical Chemistry 5/16/17 5/19/17CHEM 360 Chemical Biology 5/17/17 5/20/17CHEM 362 Organic Chemistry & Chemical B 5/17/17 5/20/17CHEM 386 Theoretical Chemistry 5/10/17 5/13/17CHEM 387 Organic Chemistry 5/9/17 5/12/17CHEM 388 Organic Chemistry 5/12/17 5/15/17CHEM 389 Physical Chemistry 5/15/17 5/18/17CHEM 390 Organic Chem and Chemical Bio 5/8/17 5/11/17CHEM 391 Physical Chemistry 5/8/17 5/11/17CHEM 393 Physical Chemistry 5/9/17 5/12/17CHEM 396 Organic Chemistry 5/16/17 5/19/17CHEM 397 Organic Chemistry 5/9/17 5/12/17CHEMBIO 300HFB Intro to Chemical Bio Research 5/15/17 5/18/17CHEMBIO 399 Intro to Laboratory Research 5/15/17 5/18/17CHEMBIO 2200 Introduction to Chemical Biolo 5/17/17 5/20/17CHNSE BB Elementary Modern Chinese 5/14/17 5/17/17CHNSE 106B Intro to Literary Chinese 5/14/17 5/17/17CHNSE 107B Intermediate Literary Chinese 5/12/17 5/15/17CHNSE 120B Intermediate Modern Chinese 5/14/17 5/17/17CHNSE 123XB Intermed Mod Chinese - Adv Beg 5/14/17 5/17/17CHNSE 130B Pre-Advanced Modern Chinese 5/14/17 5/17/17CHNSE 130XB Pre-Adv Mod Chin for Herit Stu 5/14/17 5/17/17CHNSE 140B Advanced Modern Chinese 5/14/17 5/17/17CHNSE 142B Adv Conversational Chinese 5/14/17 5/17/17CHNSE 150B Advanced-High Modern Chinese 5/13/17 5/16/17CHNSE 163 Business Chinese 5/8/17 5/11/17CHNSE 166R Chinese in the Humanities 5/13/17 5/16/17CHNSE 300 Reading and Research 5/9/17 5/12/17CHNSLIT 119 Modern China Lit & Pol 5/13/17 5/16/17CHNSLIT 229R Topics in Early Medieval Literature 5/9/17 5/12/17CLAS-HEB AB Elementary Classical Hebrew 5/15/17 5/18/17CLASSIC 98 Tutorial - Junior Year 5/17/17 5/20/17CLASSIC 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/12/17 5/15/17CLASSIC 300 Doctoral Dissertation 5/8/17 5/11/17CLASSIC 301 Reading or Topics Course 5/12/17 5/15/17CLASSIC 302 Special Examinations Direction 5/15/17 5/18/17CLS-STDY 97B Roman Culture and Civilization 5/8/17 5/11/17COMPLIT 97 Tutorial - Sophomore Year 5/8/17 5/11/17COMPLIT 98B Tutorial - Junior Year 5/8/17 5/11/17COMPLIT 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/16/17 5/19/17COMPLIT 114 Mysticism and Literature 5/12/17 5/15/17COMPLIT 242 Germany and the Greeks 5/8/17 5/11/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

COMPLIT 279 Scholarly Knowledge 21st Cent 5/15/17 5/18/17COMPLIT 396 Preparation for General 5/9/17 5/12/17COMPLIT 397 Direction Doctoral Dissertatio 5/9/17 5/12/17COMPLIT 399 Reading and Research 5/16/17 5/19/17COMPSCI 1 Great Ideas in Computer Scienc 5/12/17 5/15/17COMPSCI 20 Discrete Math Computer Science 5/8/17 5/11/17COMPSCI 51 Intro to Computer Science II 5/16/17 5/19/17COMPSCI 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/13/17 5/16/17COMPSCI 109B Data Science 2 5/9/17 5/12/17COMPSCI 124 Data Structures and Algorithms 5/14/17 5/17/17COMPSCI 134 Networks 5/15/17 5/18/17COMPSCI 146 Computer Architecture 5/16/17 5/19/17COMPSCI 152 Programming Languages 5/12/17 5/15/17COMPSCI 161 Operating Systems 5/16/17 5/19/17COMPSCI 179 Design of Usable Interactve Sy 5/12/17 5/15/17COMPSCI 181 Machine Learning 5/12/17 5/15/17COMPSCI 205 Computing Foundations 5/12/17 5/15/17COMPSCI 224 Advanced Algorithms 5/12/17 5/15/17COMPSCI 227R Topics in Cryptography and 5/12/17 5/15/17COMPSCI 229R Information Theory in CS 5/14/17 5/17/17COMPSCI 260R Proj & Close Read Software Sys 5/9/17 5/12/17COMPSCI 265 Big Data Systems 5/17/17 5/20/17COMPSCI 282R Topics in Machine Learning 5/17/17 5/20/17COMPSCI 304 Statistical Machine Learning 5/12/17 5/15/17COMPSCI 306 High-Perform Software Systems 5/8/17 5/11/17COMPSCI 308 Bio-Inspired Multi-Agent Syste 5/16/17 5/19/17COMPSCI 310 Computational Mechanism Design 5/10/17 5/13/17COMPSCI 312 Collaborative Systems, AI 5/10/17 5/13/17COMPSCI 314 Visual Computing 5/8/17 5/11/17COMPSCI 316 Social Computing: Comptn & Eco 5/13/17 5/16/17COMPSCI 320 Data Systems Design 5/15/17 5/18/17COMPSCI 322 Databases, Operating System 5/15/17 5/18/17COMPSCI 324 Human-Computer Comm 5/14/17 5/17/17COMPSCI 326 Intel Interactive Systems 5/9/17 5/12/17COMPSCI 327 Tools for Communication 5/8/17 5/11/17COMPSCI 344 Computer Architecture 5/15/17 5/18/17COMPSCI 348 Computer Vision 5/9/17 5/12/17COMPSCI 356 Computational Complexity 5/13/17 5/16/17COMPSCI 358 Computational Complexity 5/15/17 5/18/17COMPSCI 360 Online and Randomized Algorith 5/10/17 5/13/17COMPSCI 362 Software Systems 5/8/17 5/11/17COMPSCI 364 Programming Lang and Security 5/9/17 5/12/17COMPSCI 372 Topics in Theory for Society 5/9/17 5/12/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

10 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

COMPSCI 378 Sketch Algorithms Massive Data 5/15/17 5/18/17COMPSCI 380 Algorithms for Social Data 5/15/17 5/18/17COMPSCI 382 Natural Language Understanding 5/8/17 5/11/17COMPSCI 384 Robots and Dynamical Systems 5/9/17 5/12/17COMPSCI 386 Machine Learning 5/9/17 5/12/17CPB 91 Introduction to Research 5/9/17 5/12/17CPB 99B Lab Research for Honors Thesis 5/9/17 5/12/17CULTBLF 19 Contemporary Muslim Societies 5/10/17 5/13/17CULTBLF 23 From Hebrew Bible to Judaism 5/8/17 5/11/17CULTBLF 31 Saints, Heretics, and Atheists 5/9/17 5/12/17CULTBLF 33 Study of East Asian Religions 5/12/17 5/15/17CULTBLF 35 Classical Mythology 5/14/17 5/17/17CULTBLF 42 Communism&Politics of Culture 5/13/17 5/16/17CULTBLF 55 The Enlightenment 5/12/17 5/15/17CULTBLF 60 Religion in India 5/13/17 5/16/17CZCH AB Elementary Czech II 5/8/17 5/11/17CZCH BB Intermediate Czech II 5/13/17 5/16/17CZCH CR Advanced Czech 5/17/17 5/20/17DESIGN 300 Reading and Research 5/8/17 5/11/17DESIGN 304 Doctoral Dissertations 5/15/17 5/18/17DRB 310 Blood Stem Cell Development 5/9/17 5/12/17DRB 311 Cardiovascular Development and 5/9/17 5/12/17DRB 312 Epigenetic Modifications 5/9/17 5/12/17DRB 313 Liver Development 5/10/17 5/13/17DRB 314 Devel & Reprogramming Neuronal 5/10/17 5/13/17DRB 316 Stem Cells and Organ Size 5/10/17 5/13/17DRB 318 Adult hippocampal neurogenesis 5/9/17 5/12/17DRB 320 Lung Regeneration and Lung Dis 5/16/17 5/19/17DRB 321 Stem Cells and Neurodegenerati 5/8/17 5/11/17DRB 322 Regulation of Tissue Stem Cell 5/8/17 5/11/17DRB 325 Tissue-Specific Stem Cells 5/15/17 5/18/17DRB 326 Epigenetic Regulation by Large 5/17/17 5/20/17DRB 327 MicroRNA in dvlpmnt & disease 5/17/17 5/20/17DRB 330QC Experimental Approchs to Dev B 5/8/17 5/11/17E-PSCI 10 A Brief History of the Earth 5/15/17 5/18/17E-PSCI 50 The Fluid Earth 5/12/17 5/15/17E-PSCI 56 Geobiology & History of Life 5/8/17 5/11/17E-PSCI 91 Supervised Reading & Research 5/17/17 5/20/17E-PSCI 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/8/17 5/11/17E-PSCI 109 Earth Resources & Environmnt 5/16/17 5/19/17E-PSCI 133 Atmospheric Chemistry 5/14/17 5/17/17E-PSCI 138 Mysteries of Climate Dynamics 5/12/17 5/15/17E-PSCI 162 Hydrology & Envir Geomechanics 5/13/17 5/16/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

E-PSCI 174 Fieldwork in Earth Science 5/13/17 5/16/17E-PSCI 182 Stratigraphy and Sedimentology 5/16/17 5/19/17E-PSCI 189 Geobiological methods 5/13/17 5/16/17E-PSCI 231 Climate Dynamics 5/16/17 5/19/17E-PSCI 236 Environmental Modeling 5/8/17 5/11/17E-PSCI 241 Isotope Geochem/Planetary Evol 5/12/17 5/15/17E-PSCI 330 Climate Atmos Chem & Kinetics 5/17/17 5/20/17E-PSCI 331 Atmospheric Chemistry 5/17/17 5/20/17E-PSCI 332 Dynamic Meteorology 5/15/17 5/18/17E-PSCI 335 Climate Dynamics/Phys Oceanogr 5/8/17 5/11/17E-PSCI 336 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 5/17/17 5/20/17E-PSCI 338 Atmospheric Chemistry 5/8/17 5/11/17E-PSCI 339 Biogeochemistry 5/9/17 5/12/17E-PSCI 341 Isotope Geochemistry 5/12/17 5/15/17E-PSCI 342 Atmospheric & Climate Dynamics 5/15/17 5/18/17E-PSCI 343 Analysis of Climate Record 5/16/17 5/19/17E-PSCI 344 Stable Isotope Geochemistry 5/9/17 5/12/17E-PSCI 345 Solid Earth Geochemistry 5/10/17 5/13/17E-PSCI 350 Planet Atmospheres & Climate 5/13/17 5/16/17E-PSCI 362 Dynamo Theory Research Seminar 5/9/17 5/12/17E-PSCI 363 Earth & Environmental Process 5/8/17 5/11/17E-PSCI 366 Earthquake Seismology 5/13/17 5/16/17E-PSCI 367 Global Geodynamics 5/17/17 5/20/17E-PSCI 368 Seismology 5/10/17 5/13/17E-PSCI 369 Topics in Active Tectonics 5/17/17 5/20/17E-PSCI 370 Structural Analysis 5/12/17 5/15/17E-PSCI 380 Geology and Earth History 5/15/17 5/18/17E-PSCI 381 Isotope Geobio & Earth History 5/17/17 5/20/17EABS 300 Reading and Research 5/8/17 5/11/17EAFM 112 Global Japanese Cinema 5/15/17 5/18/17EAFM 160 Digital Humanities 5/15/17 5/18/17EAFM 300 Reading and Research 5/17/17 5/20/17EASTD 90R East Asian Language Tutorials 5/15/17 5/18/17EASTD 97AB Intro E. Asia Issues & Methods 5/10/17 5/13/17EASTD 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/13/17 5/16/17EASTD 151 Buddhist Art of Korea 5/9/17 5/12/17EASTD 195 Fighting Poverty in China 5/15/17 5/18/17ECON 10B Principles of Economics 5/9/17 5/12/17ECON 970 Tutorial - Sophomore Year 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 975B Tutorial - Macroeconomics Theo 5/15/17 5/18/17ECON 980AA Rise of Asia & World Economy 5/15/17 5/18/17ECON 980B Education in the Economy 5/15/17 5/18/17ECON 980CC Readings on Market Imperfectio 5/15/17 5/18/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

ECON 980EE The Behavioral Economics of Po 5/8/17 5/11/17ECON 980S The Historical Origins of Midd 5/16/17 5/19/17ECON 980W Policy Options in Health 5/12/17 5/15/17ECON 985IB Research in Behavioral and Exp 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 985JB Research in Finance, Market De 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 985RB Research in Public Economics 5/8/17 5/11/17ECON 985SB Research in Political Economy 5/8/17 5/11/17ECON 985TB Research in Economic Theory 5/8/17 5/11/17ECON 985VB Research in International Trad 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 985WB Research in Labor Economics, L 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 990A Tutorial - Senior Year 5/15/17 5/18/17ECON 1010A Intermediate Microeconomics 5/12/17 5/15/17ECON 1010B Intermediate Macroeconomics 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 1011B Intermediate Macroeconomics: A 5/12/17 5/15/17ECON 1025 From Gorbachev to Putin 5/9/17 5/12/17ECON 1030 Psychology and Economics 5/16/17 5/19/17ECON 1050 Strategy, Conflict, and 5/12/17 5/15/17ECON 1078 Analyzing Education Policy 5/15/17 5/18/17ECON 1082 Households, Firms, and Communi 5/12/17 5/15/17ECON 1123 Introduction to Econometrics 5/12/17 5/15/17ECON 1310 The Economy of China 5/13/17 5/16/17ECON 1338 Inequality and Poverty 5/9/17 5/12/17ECON 1389 Economics of Global Health 5/15/17 5/18/17ECON 1544 Foundations of International 5/12/17 5/15/17ECON 1640 Industrial Organization 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 1661 Fundamentals of Environmental 5/9/17 5/12/17ECON 1745 Corporate Finance 5/9/17 5/12/17ECON 1759 Financial Sys & Central Bank 5/9/17 5/12/17ECON 1818 Econ of Discontinuous Change 5/16/17 5/19/17ECON 2010B Economic Theory 5/12/17 5/15/17ECON 2010D Economic Theory 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 2020B Microeconomic Theory II 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 2030 Psychology and Economics 5/9/17 5/12/17ECON 2034 Networks 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 2059 Decision Theory 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 2087HFRB Advanced Topics in Theory 5/15/17 5/18/17ECON 2120 Intro to Applied Econometrics 5/12/17 5/15/17ECON 2330 History and Human Capital 5/8/17 5/11/17ECON 2332HFCB Early-Stage Research in Econ D 5/15/17 5/18/17ECON 2335 Econ Divergence MidEast & Euro 5/16/17 5/19/17ECON 2338 Behavioral Development Economi 5/16/17 5/19/17ECON 2392 The Pol Economy of Econ 5/16/17 5/19/17ECON 2410 Adv Topics in Macroeconomics 5/10/17 5/13/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

ECON 2410A Macro-Finance: Rational and Be 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 2450B Public Econ and Fiscal Policy 5/8/17 5/11/17ECON 2465 Health Economics 5/12/17 5/15/17ECON 2530B International Finance 5/16/17 5/19/17ECON 2535 Adv Topics in Internationl Tra 5/8/17 5/11/17ECON 2611 Industrial Organization II 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 2725 Corporate Finance and Banking 5/14/17 5/17/17ECON 2726 Theor & Empir Perspct on Entre 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 2880 Economics of Science 5/12/17 5/15/17ECON 3336HFRB Economic History Workshop 5/15/17 5/18/17ECON 3450HFB Public Econ and Fiscal Policy 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 3530HFB The International Econ Worksho 5/17/17 5/20/17ECON 3810CHFRB The Labor Economics Workshop 5/17/17 5/20/17EMR 121 Native Americans 21st Century 5/12/17 5/15/17EMR 126 Amer History Before Columbus 5/8/17 5/11/17EMREAS 13 Analyzing Politics 5/12/17 5/15/17ENG-SCI 6 Environ Engr and Technology 5/14/17 5/17/17ENG-SCI 20 How to Create Thng & Hv Thm Mt 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 22 Designing for Desirability 5/17/17 5/20/17ENG-SCI 24 Flavor Molecules Food Ferment 5/12/17 5/15/17ENG-SCI 26 Humanity Challenges: Systems 5/17/17 5/20/17ENG-SCI 51 Computer-Aided Machine Design 5/8/17 5/11/17ENG-SCI 52 Joy of Electronics - Part I 5/13/17 5/16/17ENG-SCI 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/8/17 5/11/17ENG-SCI 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 95R Startup R & D 5/8/17 5/11/17ENG-SCI 96 Engineering Problem Solving 5/17/17 5/20/17ENG-SCI 109 Earth Resources & Environment 5/16/17 5/19/17ENG-SCI 112 Thermodynamics by Case Study 5/16/17 5/19/17ENG-SCI 115 Mathematical Modeling 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 120 Intro: Mechanics of Solids 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 123 Fluid Mechanics/Transport Proc 5/8/17 5/11/17ENG-SCI 128 Computational Solid & Struc Me 5/16/17 5/19/17ENG-SCI 133 Atmospheric Chemistry 5/14/17 5/17/17ENG-SCI 150 Probability with Engineering 5/14/17 5/17/17ENG-SCI 153 Laboratory Electronics 5/17/17 5/20/17ENG-SCI 154 Electronic Devices and Circuit 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 156 Signals and Systems 5/12/17 5/15/17ENG-SCI 166 State-of-the-art in EnvSci 5/13/17 5/16/17ENG-SCI 177 Microfabrication Laboratory 5/8/17 5/11/17ENG-SCI 183 Introduction to Heat Transfer 5/12/17 5/15/17ENG-SCI 201 Decision Theory 5/12/17 5/15/17ENG-SCI 211 Special Topics in Physiology 5/13/17 5/16/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

ENG-SCI 221 Drug Delivery 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 227 Medical Device Design 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 228 Biologically-Inspired Material 5/12/17 5/15/17ENG-SCI 229 Survey of Energy Technology 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 230 Advanced Tissue Engineering 5/16/17 5/19/17ENG-SCI 237 Planetary Radiation and Climat 5/12/17 5/15/17ENG-SCI 256 Informal Robotics 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 269 Environmental Nanotechnology 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 274 Quantum Devices 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 277 Microfabrication Laboratory 5/8/17 5/11/17ENG-SCI 299R Topics in Engineering Sciences 5/12/17 5/15/17ENG-SCI 306 Control Theory 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 310 Design, Sensing, and Control 5/10/17 5/13/17ENG-SCI 314 Image Proc and Computer Vision 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 316 Wireless Computing Networking 5/8/17 5/11/17ENG-SCI 318 Structured Representations 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 320 Microrobotics & Robotic System 5/17/17 5/20/17ENG-SCI 322 Hetero Nano Devices & Bio-temp 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 324 Materials Processing 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 326 Mixed-Signal VLSI Design 5/17/17 5/20/17ENG-SCI 330 Biolog Signal Analysis Tomogra 5/17/17 5/20/17ENG-SCI 332 Integrated Circuits and Electr 5/17/17 5/20/17ENG-SCI 334 Mech & Materials Small Structu 5/12/17 5/15/17ENG-SCI 336 Mechanics of Engin Materials 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 340 Materials Phys & Eng 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 342 Mechanics of Soft Materials 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 346 Neural Control of Movement 5/17/17 5/20/17ENG-SCI 348 Biomolecular Engineering, 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 350 Materials Science 5/8/17 5/11/17ENG-SCI 352 Engineering Mammalian Cell 5/16/17 5/19/17ENG-SCI 354 Cellular Biophysics 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 356 Bioinspired Engineering 5/8/17 5/11/17ENG-SCI 358 Atmosphere-Biosphere Interacti 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 362 Atmospheric Chemistry 5/13/17 5/16/17ENG-SCI 368 Environmental Science 5/13/17 5/16/17ENG-SCI 372 Atmospheric & Environment Chem 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 380 Biologically Inspired Design 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 382 Environmental Nanotechnology 5/15/17 5/18/17ENG-SCI 384 Energy Related Materials 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 390 Environmental Chemistry 5/10/17 5/13/17ENG-SCI 392 Environmental Chemistry 5/9/17 5/12/17ENG-SCI 396 Nanoscale Optics, NEMS & Nanof 5/13/17 5/16/17ENG-SCI 398 Multidimensional Signal 5/16/17 5/19/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

ENGLISH CAFR Advanced Fiction Writing: Work 5/8/17 5/11/17ENGLISH CALR Dramatic Screenwriting II 5/16/17 5/19/17ENGLISH CAMR Advanced Playwriting: Workshop 5/16/17 5/19/17ENGLISH CAPR Poetry: Workshop 5/17/17 5/20/17ENGLISH CBBR Intermediate Poetry: Workshop 5/16/17 5/19/17ENGLISH CFMR Fiction Writing: Workshop 5/17/17 5/20/17ENGLISH CHCR Advanced Poetry: Workshop 5/17/17 5/20/17ENGLISH CIJR Introduction to Journalism 5/9/17 5/12/17ENGLISH CKR Intro to Playwriting: Workshop 5/17/17 5/20/17ENGLISH CLR Dramatic Screenwriting I 5/17/17 5/20/17ENGLISH CPJR Politics & Journalism 5/9/17 5/12/17ENGLISH CPWR Poetry: Workshop 5/16/17 5/19/17ENGLISH CPY Fiction Writing: Workshop 5/9/17 5/12/17ENGLISH CVB Fiction Writing: Workshop 5/16/17 5/19/17ENGLISH 47 Arrivals 5/12/17 5/15/17ENGLISH 53 Poets 5/12/17 5/15/17ENGLISH 68 Migrations: Am Immigrant Lit 5/10/17 5/13/17ENGLISH 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/8/17 5/11/17ENGLISH 98R Tutorial - Junior Year 5/15/17 5/18/17ENGLISH 99R Tutorial - Senior Year 5/9/17 5/12/17ENGLISH 103D Beowulf and Seamus Heaney 5/10/17 5/13/17ENGLISH 111 Epic: From Homer to Star Wars 5/13/17 5/16/17ENGLISH 141 The 18th-Century Novel 5/14/17 5/17/17ENGLISH 160JE The Joyce Effect 5/9/17 5/12/17ENGLISH 167BL Post-1945 British Literature 5/14/17 5/17/17ENGLISH 170A High and Low in Postwar Americ 5/13/17 5/16/17ENGLISH 178X The American Novel 5/8/17 5/11/17ENGLISH 183 Theatrical Realisms 5/12/17 5/15/17ENGLISH 190N Writing Nature 5/16/17 5/19/17ENGLISH 192 Pol Theatre and the Structure 5/9/17 5/12/17ENGLISH 195TW 20th C Af Am Lit 5/15/17 5/18/17ENGLISH 300HFB Old and Middle English 5/15/17 5/18/17ENGLISH 302HFB Renaissance: Doctoral Conferen 5/15/17 5/18/17ENGLISH 304HFB The Extended 18th Century 5/15/17 5/18/17ENGLISH 308HFB Drama: Doctoral Conference 5/16/17 5/19/17ENGLISH 397 Directed Study 5/13/17 5/16/17ENGLISH 398 Doctoral Dissertation 5/17/17 5/20/17ENGLISH 399 Reading and Research 5/9/17 5/12/17ESPP 90B Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces5/12/17 5/15/17ESPP 90D Planetary Health: Understanding the Human Health Impacts of Accelerating Environmental Change5/15/17 5/18/17ESPP 90Y World Food Systems and the Environment 5/15/17 5/18/17ESPP 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/9/17 5/12/17ESPP 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/13/17 5/16/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

16 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

ETHRSON 12 Pol Justice and Pol Trials 5/13/17 5/16/17ETHRSON 20 Conduct of Life 5/9/17 5/12/17ETHRSON 32 Security:Carefree or Careless 5/16/17 5/19/17ETHRSON 41 Economic Justice 5/13/17 5/16/17ETHRSON 42 Sex and Ethical Reasoning 5/8/17 5/11/17EXPOS 40 Public Speaking Practicum 5/9/17 5/12/17FOLKMYTH 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/13/17 5/16/17FOLKMYTH 96R Senior Projects 5/9/17 5/12/17FOLKMYTH 97 Fieldwork & Ethnography in Fol 5/9/17 5/12/17FOLKMYTH 98B Tutorial - Junior Year 5/14/17 5/17/17FOLKMYTH 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/13/17 5/16/17FOLKMYTH 106 Hist of Witchcraft and Charm 5/8/17 5/11/17FOLKMYTH 158 The Eco-Feminist and the Folk 5/15/17 5/18/17FRENCH 10 Beginning French I 5/14/17 5/17/17FRENCH 11 Beginning French II 5/14/17 5/17/17FRENCH 15 Intensive Beginning French 5/8/17 5/11/17FRENCH 20 Intermediate French 5/14/17 5/17/17FRENCH 30 Upper-level French 5/14/17 5/17/17FRENCH 40 Advanced French I 5/14/17 5/17/17FRENCH 50 Advanced French II 5/14/17 5/17/17FRENCH 61M Modern Stories about Paris 5/12/17 5/15/17FRENCH 61N Business French 5/12/17 5/15/17FRENCH 81 Imagining Elsewhere 5/12/17 5/15/17FRENCH 136 French Feminisms Today 5/17/17 5/20/17FRENCH 144 Humanimals in Medieval French 5/8/17 5/11/17FRENCH 148C Performing Modern Tragedy 5/16/17 5/19/17FRENCH 153 The Novel after the New Novel 5/16/17 5/19/17FRENCH 179 Francoph Lit, Photog and Sea 5/14/17 5/17/17FRENCH 234 Franco Studies&Human Rights 5/9/17 5/12/17FRENCH 320 French Literature 5/9/17 5/12/17FRENCH 330 Doctoral Dissertations 5/9/17 5/12/17FRSEMR 21C Cosmic Explosions 5/9/17 5/12/17FRSEMR 21G How Did the First Stars and 5/9/17 5/12/17FRSEMR 21W Research at the Harvard Forest 5/17/17 5/20/17FRSEMR 22S Quantum Mechanics Face to Face 5/12/17 5/15/17FRSEMR 22T Why We Animals Sing 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 22V Physics and Big Questions 5/16/17 5/19/17FRSEMR 23K Insights from Narratives 5/9/17 5/12/17FRSEMR 23L Medicine, Law, and Ethics 5/17/17 5/20/17FRSEMR 24E Physics & Applied Physics Lab 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 24K The Surprising Science of 5/10/17 5/13/17FRSEMR 24U How Did I Get Here? Appreciati 5/8/17 5/11/17FRSEMR 26J Universe's Hidden Dimensions 5/15/17 5/18/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

17 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

FRSEMR 26W Biology & Science of Cancer 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 30O What is College What is It For 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 32V The Art of Storytelling 5/12/17 5/15/17FRSEMR 34O You and Your Camera 5/10/17 5/13/17FRSEMR 39N The Call of Beauty 5/17/17 5/20/17FRSEMR 40D The Transformation of Marketin 5/10/17 5/13/17FRSEMR 40E Law and Society through the Ci 5/9/17 5/12/17FRSEMR 40F Sex, Technology, and Trump: Wh 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 41D Sick and Tired of being Sick a 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 42C The Role of Government 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 42N From the Arab Spring to ISIS: 5/10/17 5/13/17FRSEMR 42R Technology to Save the 5/12/17 5/15/17FRSEMR 43F When Bad Things Happen Early i 5/9/17 5/12/17FRSEMR 44G Public Pol Appr to Global Clim 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 48E Health and Mental Health in 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 50H The Biology of Movement 5/9/17 5/12/17FRSEMR 50I The Temporal Universe 5/8/17 5/11/17FRSEMR 50K Neurofashion 5/9/17 5/12/17FRSEMR 50L Quantum Entanglement 5/12/17 5/15/17FRSEMR 50Q Gut Reactions: Discovering Che 5/12/17 5/15/17FRSEMR 60F Tell a Personal Story Through 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 60I Adventures of Theodore Rooseve 5/12/17 5/15/17FRSEMR 60J Musical Jokes from the Middle 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 60K The Grail Quest of Marcel Pro 5/12/17 5/15/17FRSEMR 60M The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop 5/15/17 5/18/17FRSEMR 60R The Beginnings Of Business 5/8/17 5/11/17FRSEMR 60U 1917/2017: One Hundred Years o 5/8/17 5/11/17FRSEMR 70D One World, 1943: Or, How Ameri 5/12/17 5/15/17FRSEMR 70E Climate Change Economics: Anal 5/12/17 5/15/17FRSEMR 70F Bioethics through Film: An Exp 5/12/17 5/15/17FRSEMR 70G Entrepreneurship and Venture C 5/8/17 5/11/17GENETIC 216 Adv Topics in Gene Expression 5/12/17 5/15/17GENETIC 228 Genetics in Medicine 5/15/17 5/18/17GENETIC 302QC Teaching 101: Effect Practices 5/12/17 5/15/17GENETIC 303L Craniofacial Developmental Bio 5/15/17 5/18/17GENETIC 303QC Current Tools for Gene Analysi 5/12/17 5/15/17GENETIC 307 Regeneration in Axolotls 5/17/17 5/20/17GENETIC 309 Gene Expression in Yeast 5/15/17 5/18/17GENETIC 310 Molecular Genetics of Neural D 5/10/17 5/13/17GENETIC 311 Transcription Regulation: Mamm 5/15/17 5/18/17GENETIC 314 The Origin of Cellular Life 5/13/17 5/16/17GENETIC 316 Transcription Factors and DNA 5/16/17 5/19/17GENETIC 318 Genome Structure 5/13/17 5/16/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

18 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

GENETIC 320 Genetics of Common Human Disea 5/9/17 5/12/17GENETIC 321 Genetic Analy of Grwth & Homeo 5/12/17 5/15/17GENETIC 322 Vertebrate Pattern Formation 5/17/17 5/20/17GENETIC 325 Human Genetics, Genomics 5/16/17 5/19/17GENETIC 327 Systems Biology of Mammalian 5/9/17 5/12/17GENETIC 328 Lymphocyte Differentiation 5/15/17 5/18/17GENETIC 329 Genetic Anlysis Synapt Trnsmss 5/8/17 5/11/17GENETIC 332 Combining genetic 5/8/17 5/11/17GENETIC 333 Computational biology 5/9/17 5/12/17GENETIC 336 Dev Bio of Hematopoiesis 5/12/17 5/15/17GENETIC 337 Human Molecular Genetics 5/12/17 5/15/17GENETIC 338 Epigenetic inheritance and sma 5/13/17 5/16/17GENETIC 344 Computational Genomics 5/8/17 5/11/17GENETIC 345 Computational Biology of Cance 5/8/17 5/11/17GENETIC 347 Ras signaling and colon cancer 5/9/17 5/12/17GENETIC 351L Musculo-skeletal development 5/15/17 5/18/17GENETIC 356 Research-Molecular Cytogenetic 5/9/17 5/12/17GENETIC 357 Lung Stem Cell Bio and Cancer 5/15/17 5/18/17GENETIC 358 Develop Neurobiology & Genetic 5/16/17 5/19/17GENETIC 361 Epigenetic regulation by long 5/15/17 5/18/17GENETIC 372 Molecular Mechanisms of Aging 5/8/17 5/11/17GENETIC 374 Mechanisms underlying accurate 5/8/17 5/11/17GENETIC 376 Cell Cycle Control and Genomic 5/8/17 5/11/17GENETIC 383L Genome structure and function, 5/17/17 5/20/17GENETIC 388 Genetics of Neuronal Morph 5/16/17 5/19/17GENETIC 390QC Adv Exp Appro in Genetic Anal 5/17/17 5/20/17GENETIC 391 Human genome variation, 5/16/17 5/19/17GENETIC 392 Self-Renewal and Cancer 5/10/17 5/13/17GENETIC 394 Transcriptional Networks 5/9/17 5/12/17GENETIC 395 Regulation of global genes 5/9/17 5/12/17GENETIC 396 Genome Editing and Epigenome 5/9/17 5/12/17GENETIC 397 Immunogenomics 5/8/17 5/11/17GENETIC 398 Epigenetic regulation in stem 5/9/17 5/12/17GERMAN AB Beginning German 5/14/17 5/17/17GERMAN BAB Beginning German (Intensive) 5/14/17 5/17/17GERMAN CB Intermediate German 5/14/17 5/17/17GERMAN DAB Intermediate German: Intensive 5/14/17 5/17/17GERMAN 62 Adv Conversation and Writing 5/12/17 5/15/17GERMAN 64 Environment Matters 5/16/17 5/19/17GERMAN 69 Crossing Borders 5/9/17 5/12/17GERMAN 91R Supervised Reading & Research 5/12/17 5/15/17GERMAN 102 German Literature, Art 5/12/17 5/15/17GERMAN 134 Understanding Beethoven 5/12/17 5/15/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

19 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

GERMAN 191 Engineering Texts 5/15/17 5/18/17GERMAN 231 Schwarze Romantik 5/15/17 5/18/17GERMAN 242 Germany and the Greeks 5/8/17 5/11/17GERMAN 274 Architecture and the Literary 5/9/17 5/12/17GERMAN 300 Special Reading and Research 5/14/17 5/17/17GHHP 50 Quality of Health Care America 5/15/17 5/18/17GHHP 91 Supervised Reading & Research 5/15/17 5/18/17GHHP 99 Research in GHHP 5/16/17 5/19/17GOV 10 Foundations of Pol Theory 5/12/17 5/15/17GOV 50 Pol Science Research Methods 5/14/17 5/17/17GOV 91R Supervised Reading and Resrch 5/14/17 5/17/17GOV 97 Tutorial - Sophomore Year 5/15/17 5/18/17GOV 99R Tutorial - Senior Year 5/14/17 5/17/17GOV 1009 Adv Geographical Info Systems 5/12/17 5/15/17GOV 1019 Basic Math Social Scientists 5/9/17 5/12/17GOV 1033 Educational Justice 5/12/17 5/15/17GOV 1061 Hist of Modern Pol Philosoph 5/14/17 5/17/17GOV 1080 American Political Thought 5/9/17 5/12/17GOV 1092 Progressive Alternatives 5/16/17 5/19/17GOV 1115 Social Movements, Protest and 5/12/17 5/15/17GOV 1152 The Future of Europe 5/16/17 5/19/17GOV 1203 Capitlsm and Democ, C and E Eu 5/10/17 5/13/17GOV 1270 Gov & Politics of Modern Japan 5/12/17 5/15/17GOV 1279 Pol Econ of East & SE Asia 5/9/17 5/12/17GOV 1286 Central Asia and the Caucasus 5/14/17 5/17/17GOV 1295 Compar Politics in Latin Amer 5/12/17 5/15/17GOV 1430 The Politics of Personal Data 5/14/17 5/17/17GOV 1729 Mod of Conflict in IR 5/13/17 5/16/17GOV 1730 War and Politics 5/12/17 5/15/17GOV 1760 IntlRelations of East Asia 5/15/17 5/18/17GOV 2001 Adv Quantitative Rsch Method 5/15/17 5/18/17GOV 2006 Formal Models of Domestic Pol 5/12/17 5/15/17GOV 2061 Political Philosophy of Kant 5/15/17 5/18/17GOV 3000A Reading and Research 5/16/17 5/19/17GOV 3004B Research Wrkshp in US Politics 5/10/17 5/13/17GOV 3005B Workshop: Intl Relations 5/10/17 5/13/17GOV 3006B Research Wrkshp in Comp Polit 5/17/17 5/20/17GOV 3007B Research Wrkshp in Pol Economy 5/9/17 5/12/17GOV 3008B Research Wrkshp in Pol Theory 5/9/17 5/12/17GOV 3009B Research Wrkshp Applied Stats 5/9/17 5/12/17GREEK 1X Accel. Intro. Ancient Greek 1 5/8/17 5/11/17GREEK 2 Introductory Ancient Greek 2 5/17/17 5/20/17GREEK 10 Intro. to Ancient Greek Lit. 5/13/17 5/16/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

20 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

GREEK 104 Herodotus 5/8/17 5/11/17GREEK 105 Aristophanes 5/12/17 5/15/17HAA 11 Landmarks World Architecture 5/16/17 5/19/17HAA 65 Baroque Art 5/15/17 5/18/17HAA 91R Directed Study in HAA 5/9/17 5/12/17HAA 96A Arch Studio 1 Transformations 5/9/17 5/12/17HAA 96B Connections - Studio II 5/16/17 5/19/17HAA 97R Sophomore Tutorial 5/12/17 5/15/17HAA 98AR Faculty Tutorial 5/17/17 5/20/17HAA 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/14/17 5/17/17HAA 162P The Great Debate on Images 5/9/17 5/12/17HAA 170K Learning from Drawing 5/16/17 5/19/17HAA 172T 20th Century Photography 5/15/17 5/18/17HAA 178P Halftone, Benday, Screen 5/16/17 5/19/17HAA 183K Himalayan Art 5/9/17 5/12/17HAA 185W The Academy in the Non-Western 5/10/17 5/13/17HAA 300 Reading and Research 5/15/17 5/18/17HAA 310B Works of Art 5/13/17 5/16/17HAA 399 Doctoral Dissertation 5/13/17 5/16/17HBTM 200 Pathology of Human Disease 5/16/17 5/19/17HBTM 307 Mechanisms of Heart Growth 5/9/17 5/12/17HBTM 327 Transltnl Rsrch Kinase Inhibit 5/13/17 5/16/17HBTM 331 Tumor Microenvi, Angio and Met 5/14/17 5/17/17HBTM 340 (LHB). Disease-Centered Tutori 5/15/17 5/18/17HBTM 342 Research in Hematology 5/9/17 5/12/17HBTM 351 Bio and Immunotherapy of Chron 5/14/17 5/17/17HBTM 355 Epigenetic Mechanisms 5/15/17 5/18/17HBTM 359 Genetics of Neurodegenerative 5/16/17 5/19/17HBTM 360 Molecular characterization 5/16/17 5/19/17HBTM 361 Molecular Approaches to Cell 5/16/17 5/19/17HBTM 365 Bio and Genetics of Human 5/16/17 5/19/17HBTM 369 DNA Damage Responses and Genom 5/16/17 5/19/17HBTM 370 Integration of Metabolism 5/17/17 5/20/17HBTM 380 Viral evolution, Synthetic Vir 5/13/17 5/16/17HBTM 381 Neurodev & neurodegen disorder 5/13/17 5/16/17HBTM 387 Signal transduction and hollow 5/17/17 5/20/17HEB 91R Supervised Reading & Research 5/9/17 5/12/17HEB 97 Sophomore Tutorial in H.E.B. 5/10/17 5/13/17HEB 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/15/17 5/18/17HEB 1300 Evolutionary Origins of 5/9/17 5/12/17HEB 1310 Hormones and Behavior 5/10/17 5/13/17HEB 1330 Primate Social Behavior 5/10/17 5/13/17HEB 1361 Hormones & Life History Physio 5/9/17 5/12/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

21 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

HEB 1420 Human Evolutionary Anatomy 5/16/17 5/19/17HEB 3000 Reading and Research 5/17/17 5/20/17HEB 3001 Reading for General Exam 5/17/17 5/20/17HEB 3400 Adv Reading & Research 5/17/17 5/20/17HEB 3500 Doctoral Dissertation 5/17/17 5/20/17HEBREW 141 Ancient Dream Interpretation 5/8/17 5/11/17HIND-URD 91R Hindi-Urdu Supervised Readings 5/8/17 5/11/17HIND-URD 101B Introductory Hindi-Urdu 5/15/17 5/18/17HIND-URD 102B Intermediate Hindi-Urdu 5/12/17 5/15/17HIND-URD 103BR Advanced Hindi-Urdu 5/17/17 5/20/17HIND-URD 105R Topics in Hindi-Urdu Literatur 5/17/17 5/20/17HIST 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/17/17 5/20/17HIST 97B What is Intellectual History? 5/16/17 5/19/17HIST 97C What is the Hist of History? 5/9/17 5/12/17HIST 97D What is Environmental History? 5/10/17 5/13/17HIST 97E What is Imperial History? 5/16/17 5/19/17HIST 97K "What is Social History?" 5/12/17 5/15/17HIST 99B Senior Thesis Tutorial 5/17/17 5/20/17HIST 1002 The American Revolutionary War 5/16/17 5/19/17HIST 1008 The State of Israel 5/16/17 5/19/17HIST 1035 Byzantine Civilization 5/10/17 5/13/17HIST 1039 First Empires: 5/12/17 5/15/17HIST 1055 Vengeance and the Law 5/12/17 5/15/17HIST 1119 The Silk Road 5/9/17 5/12/17HIST 1155 Early Modern Europe, 1450-1789 5/9/17 5/12/17HIST 1217 U.S. Foreign Policy 5/9/17 5/12/17HIST 1281 The End of Communism 5/14/17 5/17/17HIST 1290 The Hist of the Russian Empire 5/10/17 5/13/17HIST 1324 French Social Thought, Durkhei 5/14/17 5/17/17HIST 1330 Social Thought in Modern Ameri 5/12/17 5/15/17HIST 1405 Am Legal History, 1776-1865 5/10/17 5/13/17HIST 1602 Modern China 5/12/17 5/15/17HIST 1881 The Middle East 5/16/17 5/19/17HIST 1904 Polygamy Debates 5/15/17 5/18/17HIST 1905 The Mediated Book 5/9/17 5/12/17HIST 1909 East European Identities 5/12/17 5/15/17HIST 1913 Dirty Wars, Peace Processes, a 5/12/17 5/15/17HIST 1929 Slavery, Commerce, and Eman 5/15/17 5/18/17HIST 1932 Fictions of Adultery 5/15/17 5/18/17HIST 1942 Global Things, American Dreams 5/16/17 5/19/17HIST 2419 Vast Early America 5/8/17 5/11/17HIST 2462 Readings in the U.S. in the 20 5/12/17 5/15/17HIST 2525B Administrating Differences 5/17/17 5/20/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

22 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

HIST 3000 Direction of Doctoral Disserta 5/9/17 5/12/17HIST 3010 Reading and Research 5/12/17 5/15/17HIST 3920B Colloquium on Teaching 5/9/17 5/12/17HIST-LIT 97 Tutorial - Sophomore Year 5/15/17 5/18/17HIST-LIT 98 Tutorial - Junior Year 5/15/17 5/18/17HIST-LIT 99 Tutorial - Senior Year 5/8/17 5/11/17HISTSCI 91R Supervised Reading & Research 5/16/17 5/19/17HISTSCI 97 Tutorial - Sophomore Year 5/9/17 5/12/17HISTSCI 98 Tutorial - Junior Year 5/10/17 5/13/17HISTSCI 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/9/17 5/12/17HISTSCI 140 Public Health on the Border 5/12/17 5/15/17HISTSCI 146V Medicine & Gender in Mid East 5/14/17 5/17/17HISTSCI 189 Technology and Society 5/14/17 5/17/17HISTSCI 300 Doctoral Dissertations 5/12/17 5/15/17HISTSCI 301 Reading and Research 5/13/17 5/16/17HLTHPOL 3002B Mental Health Policy 5/8/17 5/11/17HLTHPOL 3040B Research Sem in Hlth Policy 5/16/17 5/19/17HLTHPOL 3080B ESS Reading Course 5/16/17 5/19/17HSEMR-WI 75 Laws of War 5/15/17 5/18/17HUMAN 10B Human Colloquium 10b 5/12/17 5/15/17HUMAN 11A Frameworks: The Art of Looking 5/14/17 5/17/17HUMAN 12 Essential Works World Lit 5/16/17 5/19/17IMMUN 202 Adv Principles of Immunology 5/16/17 5/19/17IMMUN 204 Critical Readings for Immunolo 5/12/17 5/15/17IMMUN 301 Immunology Seminar 5/15/17 5/18/17IMMUN 301QC Autoimmunity 5/17/17 5/20/17IMMUN 302QC Clinical Sessions 5/10/17 5/13/17IMMUN 305 T-cell Immunology 5/17/17 5/20/17IMMUN 305QC Neuro-Immunology in Developmnt 5/8/17 5/11/17IMMUN 306QC Systems Immunology 5/9/17 5/12/17IMMUN 310 Innate & Adaptive Immune Cells 5/9/17 5/12/17IMMUN 312 Interplay Between the Innate 5/10/17 5/13/17IMMUN 318 Antigen Presentation and Cell 5/9/17 5/12/17IMMUN 321 Functional Memory T Cells 5/17/17 5/20/17IMMUN 322 Sys to Innate & Adptive Immuni 5/17/17 5/20/17IMMUN 324 Systems Immunology of Toleranc 5/9/17 5/12/17IMMUN 325 Imm Cell Interact T Cell 5/16/17 5/19/17IMMUN 326L Mechanistic Elucidation 5/10/17 5/13/17IMMUN 328R Introduction to Research 5/9/17 5/12/17IMMUN 329 Mechanisms of Autoimmunity 5/17/17 5/20/17IMMUN 330L CD4+ T Cell Tolerance 5/12/17 5/15/17IMMUN 334L Function Genes Assoc w Auto 5/9/17 5/12/17IMMUN 335 Pain and Host Defense 5/17/17 5/20/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

23 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

IMMUN 336 T-Lymphocyte Recognition 5/13/17 5/16/17IMMUN 344 Genetic Analysis Lymphcyte Dev 5/10/17 5/13/17IMMUN 345 Pre-B Cell-fate & Antigen Rece 5/15/17 5/18/17IMMUN 346 Antigen in Lymph Nodes 5/13/17 5/16/17IMMUN 350 Regulation of Autoimmune T Cel 5/13/17 5/16/17IMMUN 351 Glycosylation & Adaptive Immun 5/15/17 5/18/17IMMUN 354 Transplantation Biology 5/8/17 5/11/17IMMUN 362 Chemokine and Lipd 5/15/17 5/18/17IMMUN 364 T-cell Diff, Tol, & Auto 5/16/17 5/19/17IMMUN 378 T cell Bio and Cancer Immunolo 5/16/17 5/19/17IMMUN 381 Immune Responses Against HIV 5/12/17 5/15/17IMMUN 383 Signal Transduction 5/10/17 5/13/17IMMUN 387 Genetically-modified T cells 5/12/17 5/15/17IMMUN 388L Innate leukocytes in acute and 5/15/17 5/18/17IMMUN 390 The Role of NK Cells in Tissue 5/12/17 5/15/17IMMUN 392 Dend Cells & Init of Immune Re 5/9/17 5/12/17IMMUN 394 Cytotoxic Lymphocytes 5/9/17 5/12/17INDSTUDY 1 Independent Study 5/12/17 5/15/17INDSTUDY 298 Independent Study 5/9/17 5/12/17IRISH 133R Intermediate Modern Irish 5/9/17 5/12/17IRISH 204R Readings in Early Irish Poetry 5/15/17 5/18/17ISLAMCIV 158 Introduction to the Qur'an 5/14/17 5/17/17ISLAMCIV 300 Reading/Research: Islamic Civ 5/10/17 5/13/17ITAL 10 Beginning Italian I 5/14/17 5/17/17ITAL 11 Beginning Italian II 5/14/17 5/17/17ITAL 15 Intensive Beginning Italian 5/17/17 5/20/17ITAL 20 Intermediate Italian 5/14/17 5/17/17ITAL 30 Upper-Level Italian 5/16/17 5/19/17ITAL 40 Advanced Italian I 5/16/17 5/19/17ITAL 50 Advanced Italian II 5/16/17 5/19/17ITAL 70 Panorama of Italian Literature 5/13/17 5/16/17ITAL 85 From the Book to the Kitchen 5/10/17 5/13/17ITAL 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/13/17 5/16/17ITAL 110 Italian Mysteries 5/9/17 5/12/17ITAL 114 Italian Cinema Bucket List 5/13/17 5/16/17ITAL 201R Italian Studies Colloquium 5/17/17 5/20/17ITAL 245 The Fascist Century 5/8/17 5/11/17ITAL 320 Italian Literature 5/9/17 5/12/17ITAL 330 Doctoral Dissertations 5/14/17 5/17/17JAPAN BB Elementary Japanese 5/14/17 5/17/17JAPAN 106C Later Classical Japanese 5/13/17 5/16/17JAPAN 120B Intermediate Japanese I 5/14/17 5/17/17JAPAN 130B Intermediate Japanese II 5/14/17 5/17/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

24 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

JAPAN 140B Advanced Modern Japanese 5/14/17 5/17/17JAPAN 300 Reading and Research 5/9/17 5/12/17JAPNHIST 122 Samurai Culture 5/12/17 5/15/17JAPNHIST 260R Topics in Japanese Cultural History 5/10/17 5/13/17JAPNLIT 162 Girl Culture, Media, and Japan 5/16/17 5/19/17JEWISHST 300 Research in Jewish Studies 5/8/17 5/11/17KOREAN BB Elementary Korean 5/14/17 5/17/17KOREAN 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/17/17 5/20/17KOREAN 120B Intermediate Korean 5/8/17 5/11/17KOREAN 123XB Int. Korean for Adv. Beg. 5/9/17 5/12/17KOREAN 130B Pre-advanced Korean 5/12/17 5/15/17KOREAN 150B Readings in Cultural Studies 5/15/17 5/18/17KOREAN 300 Reading and Research 5/15/17 5/18/17KORHIST 111 Traditional Korea 5/16/17 5/19/17KORLIT 105 Gender Kor. Lit. & Film 5/15/17 5/18/17LATIN H Intro: Latin Prose Composition 5/17/17 5/20/17LATIN 1X Accelerated Intro. Latin 1 5/14/17 5/17/17LATIN 2 Introductory Latin 2 5/14/17 5/17/17LATIN 10 Intro. to Latin Literature 5/13/17 5/16/17LATIN 112B History of Latin Literature II 5/9/17 5/12/17LIFESCI 1B Intro to Life Sciences II 5/17/17 5/20/17LIFESCI 50B Integrated Science 5/8/17 5/11/17LIFESCI 100 Exper Research in Life Sci 5/9/17 5/12/17LIFESCI 120 Global Health Threats 5/16/17 5/19/17LING 73B Begin. American Sign Lang. II 5/8/17 5/11/17LING 97R Group Tutorial - Sophomore Yea 5/9/17 5/12/17LING 98B Tutorial - Junior Year 5/13/17 5/16/17LING 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/9/17 5/12/17LING 101 The Science of Language 5/10/17 5/13/17LING 104 Word Structure 5/12/17 5/15/17LING 106 Knowledge of Meaning 5/9/17 5/12/17LING 107 Introduction to Indo-European 5/8/17 5/11/17LING 132 Psychosemantics 5/9/17 5/12/17LING 156 Structure of Bantu 5/13/17 5/16/17LING 176 History of the Japanese Langua 5/15/17 5/18/17LING 204R Topics in Syntax 5/15/17 5/18/17LING 212 Syntactic Theory II 5/15/17 5/18/17LING 215 Phonological Theory II 5/14/17 5/17/17LING 216 Semantic Theory II 5/16/17 5/19/17LING 219R Advanced Phonology 5/14/17 5/17/17LING 252 Comparative Slavic Linguistics 5/15/17 5/18/17LING 300 Direction of Doctoral Disserta 5/15/17 5/18/17LING 301 Reading or Special Topics Cour 5/8/17 5/11/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

25 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

MANCHU B Elementary Manchu 5/16/17 5/19/17MANCHU 210A Intro to Sources for Manchu St 5/15/17 5/18/17MATH ESPB Emerging Scholars: Prob Solvng 5/10/17 5/13/17MATH MB Intro: Functions & Calculus II 5/13/17 5/16/17MATH 1A Introduction to Calculus 5/13/17 5/16/17MATH 1B Calculus, Series, and 5/13/17 5/16/17MATH 19B Linear Algebra, Probabilty, St 5/9/17 5/12/17MATH 21A Multivariable Calculus 5/13/17 5/16/17MATH 21B Linear Algebra & Differntl Equ 5/13/17 5/16/17MATH 23B Linear Algebra and Real Analys 5/12/17 5/15/17MATH 25B Honors Linear Algebra II 5/8/17 5/11/17MATH 55B Honors Real and Complex Analys 5/13/17 5/16/17MATH 60R Reading Course, Snr Honors Can 5/17/17 5/20/17MATH 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/13/17 5/16/17MATH 99R Tutorial 5/17/17 5/20/17MATH 101 Sets, Groups and Topology 5/12/17 5/15/17MATH 110 Vector Space Methods for 5/13/17 5/16/17MATH 112 Introductory Real Analysis 5/9/17 5/12/17MATH 113 Analysis I 5/12/17 5/15/17MATH 115 Methods of Analysis 5/10/17 5/13/17MATH 118R Dynamical Systems 5/12/17 5/15/17MATH 123 Algebra II 5/12/17 5/15/17MATH 129 Number Fields 5/9/17 5/12/17MATH 130 Classical Geometry 5/15/17 5/18/17MATH 132 Topology II: Smooth Manifolds 5/9/17 5/12/17MATH 137 Algebraic Geometry 5/15/17 5/18/17MATH 154 Probability Theory 5/14/17 5/17/17MATH 155R Combinatorics 5/8/17 5/11/17MATH 157 Mathematics in the World 5/17/17 5/20/17MATH 212BR Advanced Real Analysis 5/13/17 5/16/17MATH 222 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras 5/8/17 5/11/17MATH 224 Represent of Reduct Lie Groups 5/16/17 5/19/17MATH 229X Intro to Analytic Number Theor 5/13/17 5/16/17MATH 230BR Advanced Differential Geometry 5/14/17 5/17/17MATH 231BR Advanced Algebraic Topology 5/15/17 5/18/17MATH 232BR Algebraic Geometry II 5/9/17 5/12/17MATH 233A Theory of Schemes I 5/16/17 5/19/17MATH 243 Evolutionary Dynamics 5/12/17 5/15/17MATH 252 Linear Series and Positivity o 5/15/17 5/18/17MATH 260 Low Dimensional Topology: Mapp 5/9/17 5/12/17MATH 268Y Diophantine Approximation 5/9/17 5/12/17MATH 275X Topics in Geometry and Dynamic 5/12/17 5/15/17MATH 284X Canonical Bases in Representat 5/16/17 5/19/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

MATH 288 Probability Theory and Stochas 5/9/17 5/12/17MATH 304 Topics in Algebraic Topology 5/15/17 5/18/17MATH 352 Topics in Algebraic Number 5/17/17 5/20/17MATH 357 Topics in Model Theory 5/9/17 5/12/17MATH 385 Topics in Set Theory 5/12/17 5/15/17MATH 388 Topics in Mathematics & Biolog 5/12/17 5/15/17MBB 90R Mind/Brain/Behavior Research 5/15/17 5/18/17MCB 64 Cell Biology of Human Life 5/9/17 5/12/17MCB 65 Phys Prop of Macromol 5/8/17 5/11/17MCB 68 Cell Bio Through Microscope 5/16/17 5/19/17MCB 91 Introduction to Research 5/9/17 5/12/17MCB 99B Lab Research for Honors Thesis 5/9/17 5/12/17MCB 100 Exper Research in MCB 5/9/17 5/12/17MCB 105 Systems Neuroscience 5/8/17 5/11/17MCB 111 Mathematics in Biology 5/8/17 5/11/17MCB 120 Global Health Threats 5/16/17 5/19/17MCB 125 Molecular Basis of Behavior 5/16/17 5/19/17MCB 131 Computational Neuroscience 5/15/17 5/18/17MCB 148 The Neurobiology of Pain 5/12/17 5/15/17MCB 170 Build and Break Nervous System 5/9/17 5/12/17MCB 178 Biochemistry of Protein 5/15/17 5/18/17MCB 186 Sleep and Circadian Clocks 5/15/17 5/18/17MCB 188 Chromosomes 5/12/17 5/15/17MCB 195 Fndtns of Sys Bio & Bio Eng 5/12/17 5/15/17MCB 198 Adv Math Techniques Modern Bio 5/12/17 5/15/17MCB 290B Molecular, Cell & Orgnsml Biol 5/15/17 5/18/17MCB 300B Intro to Grad Research 5/16/17 5/19/17MCB 304B Exp Bio Physics Quant Cell Bio 5/16/17 5/19/17MCB 306B Biophysics/Phys of Neurons 5/17/17 5/20/17MCB 307B Dev Genetics and Neurobiology 5/17/17 5/20/17MCB 308B Quant Analysis of Reg Networks 5/17/17 5/20/17MCB 309B Sensory Process Vis. Circuits 5/17/17 5/20/17MCB 310B Optic Prokaryotic Cellular Org 5/17/17 5/20/17MCB 313B Chromosomes 5/8/17 5/11/17MCB 315B Sign & Transprt, Bio Membranes 5/17/17 5/20/17MCB 316B Structural Bio of Retroviral 5/17/17 5/20/17MCB 322B Genetics and Development 5/17/17 5/20/17MCB 328B Neuronal Circuit Development 5/17/17 5/20/17MCB 332B Mech Membrane Cell Bio Proc 5/17/17 5/20/17MCB 344B Molecular, Developmental Neuro 5/17/17 5/20/17MCB 363B Invertebrate Dev, Trancript 5/8/17 5/11/17MCB 366B Synap Plasticty & Neuron Ntwks 5/8/17 5/11/17MCB 367B Structural Studies of Synapses 5/8/17 5/11/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

27 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

MCB 368B Neural Circuits for Sensation 5/8/17 5/11/17MCB 374B Developmental Neurobiology 5/8/17 5/11/17MCB 379B Bacteria: Soc Behav & Gene 5/8/17 5/11/17MCB 381B Microbial Development 5/8/17 5/11/17MCB 396B Regulation of Mitosis 5/8/17 5/11/17MED-SCI 303 Cancer Genomics 5/9/17 5/12/17MED-SCI 304 Methds Single-Cell RNA-seq Anl 5/16/17 5/19/17MED-SCI 315 Using RNA sequencing 5/8/17 5/11/17MED-SCI 317 Dev & App Genomic Technologies 5/10/17 5/13/17MED-SCI 325 Internships 5/13/17 5/16/17MEDLATIN 106 Augustine 5/10/17 5/13/17MEDVLSTD 117 English Legal History 600-1600 5/12/17 5/15/17MICROBI 201 Molecular Biology of the Bacte 5/12/17 5/15/17MICROBI 210 Microbial Sciences 5/17/17 5/20/17MICROBI 302QC Infectious Disease Research 5/17/17 5/20/17MICROBI 305 Molec Det of Intracell Bact Pa 5/9/17 5/12/17MICROBI 308 Bacterial/ Host Interactions 5/10/17 5/13/17MICROBI 310 Bact Genetics of TB & Tularemi 5/10/17 5/13/17MICROBI 313 T-Lymphocyte Responses 5/10/17 5/13/17MICROBI 318 RNA Structure, RNA Viruses 5/16/17 5/19/17MICROBI 319 Molecular pathogenesis 5/17/17 5/20/17MICROBI 320 Epigenetic Regulation of DNA 5/15/17 5/18/17MICROBI 326 Bio and virulence of enteric 5/8/17 5/11/17MICROBI 328 Molecular Bio of Epstein Barr 5/16/17 5/19/17MICROBI 329 The Regulation of Gene 5/9/17 5/12/17MICROBI 330 Bacterial Chromosome Dynamics 5/17/17 5/20/17MICROBI 338 Engineering immunity 5/17/17 5/20/17MICROBI 339 Bacterial Cell Division 5/15/17 5/18/17MICROBI 343 Chemical Biology 5/10/17 5/13/17MICROBI 347 Chem Gen Approach to Bac Path 5/14/17 5/17/17MICROBI 348 Toll-like Rcptrs Innate Immuni 5/13/17 5/16/17MICROBI 349 Molecular Mechanisms 5/9/17 5/12/17MICROBI 350 Regulation of T-cell Mediated 5/9/17 5/12/17MICROBI 351 Viral Pathogenic 5/9/17 5/12/17MICROBI 353 Cancer immunotherapy develop 5/15/17 5/18/17MOD-HEB BB Elementary Modern Hebrew 5/8/17 5/11/17MOD-HEB 120B Intermediate Modern Hebrew II 5/8/17 5/11/17MOD-HEB 130B Advanced Modern Hebrew II 5/9/17 5/12/17MODGRK AB Elementary Modern Greek 5/9/17 5/12/17MODGRK BB Intermediate Modern Greek 5/13/17 5/16/17MODMDEST 310 Read & Rsch Modern Middle East 5/13/17 5/16/17MUSIC BHFB Tonal Writng & Analysis 5/16/17 5/19/17MUSIC 1 1000 Years of Listening 5/9/17 5/12/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

28 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

MUSIC 2 Foundations of Tonal Music I 5/13/17 5/16/17MUSIC 10B Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra 5/17/17 5/20/17MUSIC 12B The Harvard Dance Project 5/10/17 5/13/17MUSIC 14B Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium 5/8/17 5/11/17MUSIC 15B Harvard Glee Club 5/17/17 5/20/17MUSIC 16B Radcliffe Choral Society 5/17/17 5/20/17MUSIC 20 Opera 5/14/17 5/17/17MUSIC 51B Theory Ib 5/9/17 5/12/17MUSIC 91R Sprvsd.. Reading and Res. 5/17/17 5/20/17MUSIC 97B Music History & Repertory 5/8/17 5/11/17MUSIC 99R Tutorial - Senior Year 5/9/17 5/12/17MUSIC 142R Foundations of Modern Jazz 5/16/17 5/19/17MUSIC 157GEW S. Indian Music Theory & Prac 5/16/17 5/19/17MUSIC 161R Advanced Composition 5/16/17 5/19/17MUSIC 174R Creative Music Workshop 5/15/17 5/18/17MUSIC 175R Special Topics 5/15/17 5/18/17MUSIC 176R Music and Disability 5/9/17 5/12/17MUSIC 189R Chamber Music Performance 5/13/17 5/16/17MUSIC 192R Topics in Music from 1600-1800 5/12/17 5/15/17MUSIC 194R Special Topics 5/9/17 5/12/17MUSIC 194RS Special Topics: Proseminar 5/15/17 5/18/17MUSIC 300 Reading & Research 5/15/17 5/18/17MUSIC 309 Doctoral Colloquium 5/12/17 5/15/17MUSIC 310 Doctoral Dissertations 5/9/17 5/12/17NEC 91R Supervised Reading/Research 5/15/17 5/18/17NEC 98B Tutorial - Junior Year 5/15/17 5/18/17NEC 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/15/17 5/18/17NEC 101 Historical Background to ME 5/14/17 5/17/17NEC 299B NELC Doctoral Colloquium 5/8/17 5/11/17NEP 101B Introductory Nepali 5/17/17 5/20/17NEURO 91 Laboratory Research 5/13/17 5/16/17NEURO 99 Honors Thesis 5/13/17 5/16/17NEURO 106B Human Cognition: Neural Code 5/8/17 5/11/17NEURO 107B Touch Encodes the World 5/17/17 5/20/17NEURO 109B Neural Circuits-Individuality 5/8/17 5/11/17NEURO 111B Neuro of Learning and Memory 5/17/17 5/20/17NEUROBIO 204 Systems Neuroscience 5/17/17 5/20/17NEUROBIO 211 Molecular & Developmental Neur 5/16/17 5/19/17NEUROBIO 301 Vis Obj Recgn: Mol, Neuro, Com 5/10/17 5/13/17NEUROBIO 306 Neuro-vascular interactions 5/8/17 5/11/17NEUROBIO 307 Architecture and plasticity 5/10/17 5/13/17NEUROBIO 310 Neural Coding Chemosens Stimul 5/13/17 5/16/17NEUROBIO 311 Synapse Formation:Vert Nerv Sy 5/15/17 5/18/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

NEUROBIO 316 Sensory Neurons Mediate Touch 5/13/17 5/16/17NEUROBIO 317 Development and organization 5/12/17 5/15/17NEUROBIO 317L Identification of pre-markers 5/13/17 5/16/17NEUROBIO 318 Cerebral Cortical Development 5/16/17 5/19/17NEUROBIO 318L Neurobio of Motivational State 5/15/17 5/18/17NEUROBIO 319 Neur Control of Cell Grwth & D 5/17/17 5/20/17NEUROBIO 320L Neural Circuits Underlying Cog 5/15/17 5/18/17NEUROBIO 321L Human Neurophysiology 5/15/17 5/18/17NEUROBIO 322 Axon Guidance and Regeneration 5/12/17 5/15/17NEUROBIO 323 Synaptic Plasticity 5/12/17 5/15/17NEUROBIO 325 Synaptic Transmissions 5/12/17 5/15/17NEUROBIO 327 Rotations in Neurosciences 5/15/17 5/18/17NEUROBIO 329 Molecular Mech Neurodegenerati 5/9/17 5/12/17NEUROBIO 329L Genetic & Neural Basis of Slee 5/17/17 5/20/17NEUROBIO 331L Cortical Nets 5/8/17 5/11/17NEUROBIO 332L Bio & Comput Underpin Visual P 5/8/17 5/11/17NEUROBIO 335L Molec Mech Underly Neural Circ 5/16/17 5/19/17NEUROBIO 336L Synapse form mammalian brain 5/16/17 5/19/17NEUROBIO 346 Visual Processing in Primates 5/9/17 5/12/17NEUROBIO 348 Neural stem cells 5/10/17 5/13/17NEUROBIO 355 A Biophysical Approach to Syst 5/8/17 5/11/17NEUROBIO 356 Ion Channels in Neural Cell Me 5/15/17 5/18/17NEUROBIO 359 Functional and Behavioral 5/10/17 5/13/17NEUROBIO 367 Neocortical Development 5/16/17 5/19/17NEUROBIO 369L Statistical neuronal computati 5/16/17 5/19/17NEUROBIO 376 Genetics of Neuronal Cell Bio 5/15/17 5/18/17NEUROBIO 378 Neuronal Mech & Animal Behavio 5/15/17 5/18/17NEUROBIO 386 Changes in Sensory Neurons 5/9/17 5/12/17NEUROBIO 387 Modulation and Plasticity of 5/16/17 5/19/17NEUROBIO 390 Mechanisms of Synapse Regulati 5/17/17 5/20/17NEUROBIO 392 Synaptic Plasticity in the CNS 5/17/17 5/20/17NEUROBIO 395 Neuron-Glia Interactions 5/15/17 5/18/17NEUROBIO 398 HSV Vectors for Cancer Therapy 5/12/17 5/15/17NEUROBIO 399 Neurocircuits 5/15/17 5/18/17OEB 51 Bio/Evolution Invert Animals 5/12/17 5/15/17OEB 52 Biology of Plants 5/12/17 5/15/17OEB 53 Evolutionary Biology 5/9/17 5/12/17OEB 55 Ecology 5/8/17 5/11/17OEB 56 Geobiology & History of Life 5/8/17 5/11/17OEB 57 Animal Behavior 5/12/17 5/15/17OEB 91R Supervised Reading 5/16/17 5/19/17OEB 99R Supervised Research 5/14/17 5/17/17OEB 104 The Mouse in Science & Society 5/10/17 5/13/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

30 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

OEB 114 Vertebrate Viviparity 5/17/17 5/20/17OEB 126 Vertebrate Evolution 5/14/17 5/17/17OEB 200 Stem Cell and Regeneration Evo 5/9/17 5/12/17OEB 209 Oxygen and Life 5/9/17 5/12/17OEB 223 Topics in Neurogenetics 5/15/17 5/18/17OEB 242 Population Genetics 5/15/17 5/18/17OEB 290 Microbial Sciences 5/17/17 5/20/17OEB 300 Museum Collections Management 5/15/17 5/18/17OEB 303 Theoretical Population Genetic 5/15/17 5/18/17OEB 304 Mycology 5/8/17 5/11/17OEB 305 Fundamental Interconnectedness 5/17/17 5/20/17OEB 307 Biomech, Physiol & Musculo Bio 5/8/17 5/11/17OEB 308 Evolution Floral Devel Mechan 5/9/17 5/12/17OEB 309 Evolution, Genomics, & Speciat 5/15/17 5/18/17OEB 310 Metazon Systematics 5/9/17 5/12/17OEB 311 Ecosystem Ecology 5/9/17 5/12/17OEB 320 Biomech & Evol of Vertebrates 5/15/17 5/18/17OEB 321 Evolution Regeneration & Devel 5/8/17 5/11/17OEB 322 Temporal Community Ecology 5/9/17 5/12/17OEB 323 Advanced Vertebrate Anatomy 5/15/17 5/18/17OEB 324 Molecular Evolution 5/13/17 5/16/17OEB 325 Marine Biology 5/8/17 5/11/17OEB 334 Behavioral Ecology 5/15/17 5/18/17OEB 339 Whole-Plant Physiology 5/9/17 5/12/17OEB 341 Coevolution 5/15/17 5/18/17OEB 343 Microbial Ecology &Symbiosis 5/12/17 5/15/17OEB 345 Biological Oceanography 5/8/17 5/11/17OEB 355 Evolutionary Developmental Bio 5/9/17 5/12/17OEB 361 Somatic Evolution of Cancer 5/10/17 5/13/17OEB 362 Research Molecular Evolution 5/9/17 5/12/17OEB 363 Plant Diversity and Evolution 5/9/17 5/12/17OEB 364 Eco Physiology of Microbes 5/13/17 5/16/17OEB 367 Evolutionary & Ecologic Divers 5/14/17 5/17/17OEB 369 Molecular Genetics of Neurosci 5/15/17 5/18/17OEB 370 Mammalian Evolutionary Genetic 5/16/17 5/19/17OEB 371 Compar & Evol Inverteb Dev Bio 5/10/17 5/13/17OEB 375 Evolutionary Dynamics and 5/16/17 5/19/17OEB 378 Terrestrial Ecology 5/17/17 5/20/17OEB 380 Neurobiologcl Basis Behavior 5/12/17 5/15/17OEB 385 Natural Selection Humans & Pat 5/17/17 5/20/17OEB 386 Organismic and Evolutionary 5/12/17 5/15/17OEB 387 Plant Evolution and Speciation 5/13/17 5/16/17OEB 399 Topics in OEB 5/17/17 5/20/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

PERSIAN AB Elementary Persian 5/14/17 5/17/17PERSIAN BB Intermediate Persian II 5/13/17 5/16/17PERSIAN 130BR Advanced Persian II 5/13/17 5/16/17PERSIAN 158 Modern Persian Poetry & Prose 5/14/17 5/17/17PHIL 3X Appearance and Reality 5/13/17 5/16/17PHIL 6 Ancient Ethics and Modern Mora 5/13/17 5/16/17PHIL 7 Ancient Greek Philosophy 5/9/17 5/12/17PHIL 17 Feminist Political Philosophy 5/14/17 5/17/17PHIL 91R Supervised Reading & Research 5/9/17 5/12/17PHIL 97 Tutorial I 5/15/17 5/18/17PHIL 98 Tutorial II 5/9/17 5/12/17PHIL 99 Tutorial - Senior Year 5/17/17 5/20/17PHIL 132 Marx and Marxism 5/8/17 5/11/17PHIL 139X Heidegger's Being and Time 5/16/17 5/19/17PHIL 145 Modal Logic 5/12/17 5/15/17PHIL 156 Philosophy of Mind 5/14/17 5/17/17PHIL 173X Practical Reasons 5/14/17 5/17/17PHIL 188 Philosophy and Literature 5/9/17 5/12/17PHIL 259 Method, Essence, and Intuition 5/12/17 5/15/17PHIL 300B Colloquium 5/12/17 5/15/17PHIL 303 Colloquium 5/9/17 5/12/17PHIL 305 Individual Reading 5/8/17 5/11/17PHIL 311 Workshop in M&P 5/17/17 5/20/17PHIL 312 Workshop in M&E 5/12/17 5/15/17PHIL 315HFB Instructional Styles Philosoph 5/16/17 5/19/17PHIL 321F Phil in Trans: French 5/9/17 5/12/17PHIL 333 Prep for Topical Examination 5/10/17 5/13/17PHIL 399 Doctoral Dissertations 5/9/17 5/12/17PHS 321 HIV Mathematical Modeling 5/8/17 5/11/17PHS 323 Obesity and Cancer 5/8/17 5/11/17PHS 324 Prostate Cncr, Lifestyle Tech 5/8/17 5/11/17PHS 326 Spatial Mathematical Modeling 5/8/17 5/11/17PHS 327 Neuro Epidemiology Parkinson's 5/8/17 5/11/17PHS 329 Clinical & Molecular Epidemlgy 5/8/17 5/11/17PHS 330 Environ Repro & Perintl Epidem 5/8/17 5/11/17PHS 2000B Quant Methods in PHS II 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSCI 1 Physical Sciences 1 5/8/17 5/11/17PHYSCI 3 Electromag,Circuits,Waves,Opti 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSCI 11 Frontiers of Modern Chemistry 5/8/17 5/11/17PHYSCI 12A Mechanics Analyt, Num & Exp Pe 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSCI 50 Computing for Science Studio 5/9/17 5/12/17PHYSICS 15A Intro Mechanics & Relativity 5/14/17 5/17/17PHYSICS 15B Intro Electromagnet Stat Phys 5/14/17 5/17/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

PHYSICS 15C Wave Phenomena 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSICS 90R Supervised Research 5/14/17 5/17/17PHYSICS 123 Laboratory Electronics 5/17/17 5/20/17PHYSICS 129 Energy Science 5/14/17 5/17/17PHYSICS 140 Intro to Physics of Living Sys 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 143A Quantum Mechanics I 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 153 Electrodynamics 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 175 Laser Physics and Modern Optic 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSICS 181 Statistical Mech & Thermodyn 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 201 Data Analysis for Physicists 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 210 General Theory of Relativity 5/15/17 5/18/17PHYSICS 211R Cosmology and Particle Physics 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 223 Electronics for Scientists 5/17/17 5/20/17PHYSICS 232 Advanced Electromagnetism 5/9/17 5/12/17PHYSICS 251B Advanced Quantum Mechanics II 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 253B Quantum Field Theory II 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSICS 264 Lie algebras quantum mechanics 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 268R Quantum Many-Body Systems 5/9/17 5/12/17PHYSICS 289R Euclidean Random Fields 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 295A Quantum Theory of Solids 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 301A Exp. Atom. and Elem. Particles 5/9/17 5/12/17PHYSICS 301B Exp. Atom. and Elem. Particles 5/9/17 5/12/17PHYSICS 303A Sensory and Behavioral Neurosc 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 303B Sensory and Behavioral Neurosc 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 304A Field Theory & String Theory 5/14/17 5/17/17PHYSICS 304B Field Theory & String Theory 5/15/17 5/18/17PHYSICS 305A Experimental High Energy Physi 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 305B Experimental High Energy Physi 5/17/17 5/20/17PHYSICS 311A Exp Atomic, Molec, & Low-Energ 5/9/17 5/12/17PHYSICS 311B Exp Atomic, Molec, & Low-Energ 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 313A Exp Condensed Matter Physics 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 313B Exp Condensed Matter Physics 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 315A Theoretical At. Molec., CM Phy 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSICS 315B Theor Atomic, Mol, Cond Mttr P 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSICS 317A Topics in Biophysics 5/17/17 5/20/17PHYSICS 319A Experimental High Energy Physi 5/8/17 5/11/17PHYSICS 321A Exp Soft Condensed Matter 5/17/17 5/20/17PHYSICS 321B Exp Soft Condensed Matter 5/17/17 5/20/17PHYSICS 323A Condensed Matter Physics 5/14/17 5/17/17PHYSICS 327A Condensed Matter Physics 5/17/17 5/20/17PHYSICS 331A Topics in String Theory 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 331B Topics in String Theory 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 337B Topics: Exp High Energy Physic 5/13/17 5/16/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

33 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

PHYSICS 339A Condensed Matter & Atomic Phys 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 339B Condensed Matter & Atomic Phys 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 341A Exp Atomic and Cond Matter Phy 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 341B Exp Atomic and Cond Matter Phy 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 347A Topics in Quantum Optics 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSICS 347B Topics in Quantum Optics 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSICS 349A Topics Theoretical Particle Ph 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 349B Topics Theoretical Particle Ph 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 351A Exp Soft Cond Matter & Materia 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 351B Exp Soft Cond Matter & Materia 5/14/17 5/17/17PHYSICS 353B Topics in Statistical Physics 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSICS 363A Condensed Matter Theory 5/17/17 5/20/17PHYSICS 363B Condensed Matter Theory 5/17/17 5/20/17PHYSICS 379A Elementary Particle Research 5/13/17 5/16/17PHYSICS 379B Elementary Particle Research 5/10/17 5/13/17PHYSICS 381A Exp Condensed Matter Physics 5/17/17 5/20/17PHYSICS 383B Low Temp. and High Press. Phys 5/17/17 5/20/17PHYSICS 387A Applied Photonics 5/15/17 5/18/17PHYSICS 387B Applied Photonics 5/15/17 5/18/17PHYSICS 389B Topics in Field Theory 5/12/17 5/15/17PHYSICS 391A Atomic Physics, Biophysics 5/9/17 5/12/17PHYSICS 391B Atomic Physics, Biophysics 5/15/17 5/18/17PHYSICS 393B Elementary Particle Theory 5/9/17 5/12/17PHYSICS 397B Exp Condensed Matter Physics 5/16/17 5/19/17PHYSICS 399A Topics in Cosmology 5/9/17 5/12/17PHYSICS 399B Topics in Cosmology 5/9/17 5/12/17PLSH AB Elementary Polish II 5/9/17 5/12/17PLSH BB Intermediate Polish II 5/13/17 5/16/17PLSH CR Advanced Polish 5/9/17 5/12/17PORTUG 10S Portuguese for Spanish Spkrs I 5/14/17 5/17/17PORTUG 11S Begin. Portug for Spnsh Spkrs 5/14/17 5/17/17PORTUG 15 Intensive Beginning Portuguese 5/14/17 5/17/17PORTUG 20 Intermediate Portuguese 5/14/17 5/17/17PORTUG 30 Upper-Level Portuguese 5/14/17 5/17/17PORTUG 40 Advanced Portuguese I 5/9/17 5/12/17PORTUG 50 Advanced Portuguese II 5/8/17 5/11/17PORTUG 70 Brazil through Study of Music 5/9/17 5/12/17PORTUG 91R Supervised Reading & Research 5/12/17 5/15/17PORTUG 146 Devouring & Being 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 16 Developmental Psychology 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 18 Abnormal Psychology 5/16/17 5/19/17PSY 910R Supervised Reading & Research 5/8/17 5/11/17PSY 971 Sophomore Tutorial in Psycholo 5/13/17 5/16/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

34 5/4/17

Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

PSY 975 Contempry Issues in Psychology 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 985 Junior Tutorial Honors Thesis 5/13/17 5/16/17PSY 990B Senior Tutorial 5/8/17 5/11/17PSY 992A Senior Tutorial 5/8/17 5/11/17PSY 993B Senior Tutorial 5/8/17 5/11/17PSY 1002 Evolving Morality 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 1056 Explaining Academic Achievemen 5/15/17 5/18/17PSY 1202 Modern Neuroanatomy 5/17/17 5/20/17PSY 1502 Cultural Psychology 5/17/17 5/20/17PSY 1503 Psych of Close Relationships 5/17/17 5/20/17PSY 1556R Implicit Social Cognition 5/16/17 5/19/17PSY 1578 What Game Theory Reveals 5/14/17 5/17/17PSY 1621 It Takes a Village 5/8/17 5/11/17PSY 1651R Language Development 5/17/17 5/20/17PSY 1652R Lab in Early Cognitive Develop 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 1655R Conceptual Development 5/16/17 5/19/17PSY 1801 Anxiety Disorders 5/15/17 5/18/17PSY 1900 Statistics for the Behavioral 5/8/17 5/11/17PSY 1901 Methods of Behavioral Research 5/13/17 5/16/17PSY 1952 Multivariate Analysis in Psych 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 2070 Psychometric Theory Using R 5/17/17 5/20/17PSY 2150R Social Cognitive Dev 5/15/17 5/18/17PSY 2160R Affective and Dev. Neurosci. L 5/8/17 5/11/17PSY 2335R Concepts, Actions, Objects 5/17/17 5/20/17PSY 2350R Lab Reinforcement & Decision 5/8/17 5/11/17PSY 2352R Lab for Social Cognitive Neuro 5/13/17 5/16/17PSY 2354R Adv Lab Cognitive Neuroscience 5/16/17 5/19/17PSY 2355R Lab. Cog. & Neural Organ 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 2356R Visual Cognition: Research Sem 5/13/17 5/16/17PSY 2357R Evolution of Human Cooperation 5/16/17 5/19/17PSY 2358R Memory: Research Seminar 5/17/17 5/20/17PSY 2359R Studies of Vision, Perception 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 2410R Lab Research Emotional Disorde 5/17/17 5/20/17PSY 2445 Psychological Treatment Resear 5/12/17 5/15/17PSY 2446R Clinical Research Laboratory 5/15/17 5/18/17PSY 2461R Lab Clinical & Develop Researc 5/15/17 5/18/17PSY 2464R Res Mthds Child & Adol Clin Ps 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 2475R Systems Neurosc. of Psychopath 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 2553R Behavioral Insights Group 5/12/17 5/15/17PSY 2554R Moral Cognition 5/16/17 5/19/17PSY 2560R Laboratory in Social Cognition 5/16/17 5/19/17PSY 2570R Intergroup Relations 5/12/17 5/15/17PSY 2580R Doing Psychological Science 5/16/17 5/19/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

PSY 2620R Lab in Intergroup Neuroscience 5/14/17 5/17/17PSY 2640R The Understand Seminar 5/8/17 5/11/17PSY 2660R Mindfulness Theory 5/16/17 5/19/17PSY 2661R Nonverbal Behavior & Psychophy 5/12/17 5/15/17PSY 3010 Special Reading and Research 5/10/17 5/13/17PSY 3020 Doctoral Dissertation 5/8/17 5/11/17PSY 3050 Clinical Practicum 5/16/17 5/19/17PSY 3070 Clinical Assessment Practicum 5/15/17 5/18/17PSY 3200 Rsch Sem in Clinical Science 5/17/17 5/20/17PSY 3220 Developmental Studies: Seminar 5/15/17 5/18/17PSY 3240 Research Sem in Cognitive Dev 5/12/17 5/15/17PSY 3260 Conceptual Development 5/16/17 5/19/17PSY 3270 Language Acquisition: Res. Sem 5/17/17 5/20/17PSY 3340 Research Seminar Cognition 5/10/17 5/13/17PSY 3360 Vision and Sensory Processes 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 3420 Research Workshop: Social Psyc 5/10/17 5/13/17PSY 3500 Psychological Science 5/8/17 5/11/17PSY 3550 Teaching Psychology 5/9/17 5/12/17PSY 3555 Instructional Styles in Psych 5/8/17 5/11/17RELIGION 43 Religion and Contemp Fiction 5/14/17 5/17/17RELIGION 57 Relg, Existen, Human Cond 5/10/17 5/13/17RELIGION 91R Supervised Reading & Research 5/14/17 5/17/17RELIGION 97 Tutorial - Sophomore Year 5/16/17 5/19/17RELIGION 98A Tutorial - Junior Year 5/16/17 5/19/17RELIGION 98B Tutorial - Junior Year 5/16/17 5/19/17RELIGION 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/9/17 5/12/17RELIGION 1013 Poetry and Religion 5/12/17 5/15/17RELIGION 1212B Judaism: The Liturgical Year 5/14/17 5/17/17RELIGION 1400 Intro New Testament 5/13/17 5/16/17RELIGION 1437 Hist of Western Christianity 5/17/17 5/20/17RELIGION 1476 Theologies of the Body 5/12/17 5/15/17RELIGION 1496 Christianity: Hist-Theol-Pract 5/17/17 5/20/17RELIGION 1519 Relig in the US, 1865-Present 5/12/17 5/15/17RELIGION 1556 Pragmatism and Religion 5/8/17 5/11/17RELIGION 1572 Sex, Gender and Sexuality 5/12/17 5/15/17RELIGION 1829 Islam in U.S. and Europe 5/9/17 5/12/17RELIGION 2454B God and Modern Writing 2 5/10/17 5/13/17RELIGION 3000 Direction Doct Dissertation 5/10/17 5/13/17RELIGION 3001 Reading and Research 5/12/17 5/15/17RELIGION 3505B Colloquium in Amer Relg Hist 5/8/17 5/11/17ROM-LANG 300 Seminar for Dissertation Writi 5/10/17 5/13/17ROM-STD 97 Sophomore Tutorial 5/15/17 5/18/17ROM-STD 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/9/17 5/12/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

ROM-STD 109 Soccer Politics Popular Cultur 5/15/17 5/18/17RSEA 300 Thesis Research and Writing 5/9/17 5/12/17RSRA 298 AM Thesis Reading & Research 5/15/17 5/18/17RUSS AAB Elementary Russian (Intensive) 5/14/17 5/17/17RUSS AB Elementary Russian II 5/14/17 5/17/17RUSS ATB Russian through Pushkin II 5/14/17 5/17/17RUSS BAB Intermediate Russian (Intensiv 5/14/17 5/17/17RUSS BB Intermediate Russian II 5/14/17 5/17/17RUSS 103 Advanced Russian II 5/14/17 5/17/17RUSS 112 Advanced Russian 5/9/17 5/12/17RUSS 114 Advanced Russian 5/13/17 5/16/17RUSS 120R Readings in Advanced Russian 5/12/17 5/15/17SANSKRIT 101B Elementary Sanskrit 5/9/17 5/12/17SANSKRIT 102BR Intermediate Sanskrit II 5/9/17 5/12/17SANSKRIT 200BR Advanced Literary Sanskrit 5/15/17 5/18/17SANSKRIT 204BR Intro to Vedic Sanskrit & Lit 5/12/17 5/15/17SANSKRIT 205BR Readings from the Rgveda II 5/12/17 5/15/17SANSKRIT 301 Reading and Research 5/13/17 5/16/17SANSKRIT 310 Doctoral Dissertations 5/17/17 5/20/17SAS 91R Supervised Reading & Research 5/8/17 5/11/17SAS 99RB Tutorial - Senior Year 5/12/17 5/15/17SAS 100R South Asian Language Tutorials 5/8/17 5/11/17SAS 177 Time Hist Narr in Mod S.Asia 5/16/17 5/19/17SAS 196 Capitalism & Cosm in Mod India 5/15/17 5/18/17SAS 300BR South Asia Workshop 5/16/17 5/19/17SAS 302 Reading and Research 5/17/17 5/20/17SAS 305BR Philology Workshop 5/16/17 5/19/17SCAND 55 Scandinavian Cinema 5/9/17 5/12/17SCAND 90R Scand Lang. Tutorial 5/12/17 5/15/17SCAND 90R.A Danish 5/12/17 5/15/17SCAND 90R.B Finnish 5/12/17 5/15/17SCAND 90R.C Norwegian 5/12/17 5/15/17SCAND 91R Supervised Reading & Research 5/15/17 5/18/17SCILIVSY 16 Human Evolution & Human Health 5/12/17 5/15/17SCILIVSY 17 Human Physiology 5/8/17 5/11/17SCILIVSY 19 Nutrition and Global Health 5/15/17 5/18/17SCILIVSY 20 Psychological Science 5/12/17 5/15/17SCIPHUNV 12 Natural Disasters 5/12/17 5/15/17SCIPHUNV 13 Why You Hear What You Hear 5/15/17 5/18/17SCIPHUNV 17 The Einstein Revolution 5/12/17 5/15/17SCIPHUNV 22 The Unity of Science 5/8/17 5/11/17SCIPHUNV 25 Energy & Climate: Vision 5/9/17 5/12/17SCIPHUNV 30 Life as Planetary Phenomenon 5/14/17 5/17/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

SCRB 20 Molecular Genetics and Genomic 5/16/17 5/19/17SCRB 91R Introduction to Research 5/16/17 5/19/17SCRB 99B Lab Research Honors Thesis 5/10/17 5/13/17SCRB 140 Growth and Regeneration 5/12/17 5/15/17SCRB 145 From Cells to Tissues 5/9/17 5/12/17SCRB 167 Stem Cells Human Disease 5/12/17 5/15/17SCRB 187 Brains, Identity, & Moral Agen 5/9/17 5/12/17SCRB 302 Mechans Epigenetic Reprogrammi 5/10/17 5/13/17SCRB 399 Vertebrate Developmental Biolo 5/12/17 5/15/17SHBT 202 Clinical Aspects of Speech and 5/17/17 5/20/17SHBT 203 Anatomy of Speech and Hearing 5/17/17 5/20/17SHBT 205 Neural Coding of Sound 5/17/17 5/20/17SHBT 301 Acoustics & Mech of Middle Ear 5/12/17 5/15/17SHBT 330 Dissertation Research 5/15/17 5/18/17SHBT 350 Neural Basis & App of Speech 5/9/17 5/12/17SHBT 360 Mechano-acstcs sound trans 5/8/17 5/11/17SLAVIC 91R Supervised Reading and Researc 5/15/17 5/18/17SLAVIC 97 Tutorial - Sophomore Year 5/10/17 5/13/17SLAVIC 98B Tutorial - Junior Year 5/14/17 5/17/17SLAVIC 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/12/17 5/15/17SLAVIC 148 Strange Russian Writers 5/14/17 5/17/17SLAVIC 151 Gogol 5/15/17 5/18/17SLAVIC 174A Miłosz and America 5/15/17 5/18/17SLAVIC 195 Central Euro Novel after WWII 5/12/17 5/15/17SLAVIC 300 Doctoral Dissertations 5/8/17 5/11/17SOC-STD 10B Introduction to Social Studies 5/12/17 5/15/17SOC-STD 40 Philosophy and Methods 5/14/17 5/17/17SOC-STD 98CL Law and American Society 5/12/17 5/15/17SOC-STD 98MI Migration in Theory and Practi 5/16/17 5/19/17SOC-STD 98NC The Economics of Education 5/10/17 5/13/17SOC-STD 98ND Mass Violence and Reconciliati 5/9/17 5/12/17SOC-STD 98OK The Politics of the Environmen 5/9/17 5/12/17SOC-STD 98OU Environmental Theory 5/8/17 5/11/17SOC-STD 98OV Global Democratic Theory 5/15/17 5/18/17SOC-STD 98OW Crime & Governance in Lat. Am. 5/15/17 5/18/17SOC-STD 98OX Fascism and the Far Right in E 5/9/17 5/12/17SOC-STD 98PD Capitalism and Its Critics 5/17/17 5/20/17SOC-STD 98PL Empire and Colonialism 5/8/17 5/11/17SOC-STD 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/12/17 5/15/17SOCIOL 24 Intro to Social Inequality 5/12/17 5/15/17SOCIOL 25 The Sociology of Organizations 5/13/17 5/16/17SOCIOL 27 Introduction to Social Movemen 5/9/17 5/12/17SOCIOL 92R Faculty Research Assistant 5/15/17 5/18/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

SOCIOL 97 Tutorial Sociological Theory 5/15/17 5/18/17SOCIOL 98CA Culture and Criminal Justice 5/8/17 5/11/17SOCIOL 98SB The Social Determins of Health 5/12/17 5/15/17SOCIOL 99A Senior Tutorial 5/9/17 5/12/17SOCIOL 99B Senior Tutorial 5/10/17 5/13/17SOCIOL 106 Humani Acti & Civil Soc 5/12/17 5/15/17SOCIOL 121 The Pursuit of Community in Am 5/10/17 5/13/17SOCIOL 135 Education and Culture 5/12/17 5/15/17SOCIOL 144 Economic Sociology 5/9/17 5/12/17SOCIOL 146 Death by Design 5/9/17 5/12/17SOCIOL 156 Quant Methods in Sociology 5/8/17 5/11/17SOCIOL 180 Law, Science, and Soc in Ameri 5/8/17 5/11/17SOCIOL 182 Law and Society 5/16/17 5/19/17SOCIOL 186 Refugees in Global Perspective 5/15/17 5/18/17SOCIOL 296B Inequal and Soc Pol II 5/15/17 5/18/17SOCIOL 301 Special Reading and Research 5/15/17 5/18/17SOCIOL 302 Doctoral Dissertation 5/13/17 5/16/17SOCIOL 303 Adv Topics Quantitative Resear 5/9/17 5/12/17SOCIOL 304 Cult and Social Analysis 5/10/17 5/13/17SOCIOL 309 Migration & Immigrant Incorptn 5/10/17 5/13/17SOCIOL 313 The Urban Data Lab 5/8/17 5/11/17SOCIOL 315 Inequality & Social Policy 5/9/17 5/12/17SOCIOL 316 Politics and Social Change 5/17/17 5/20/17SOCIOL 317 Culture, History and Society 5/9/17 5/12/17SOCWORLD 13 Japan in Asia and the World 5/8/17 5/11/17SOCWORLD 24 Global Health Challenges 5/12/17 5/15/17SOCWORLD 26 Africa and Africans 5/9/17 5/12/17SOCWORLD 31 Pol Economy After The Crisis 5/9/17 5/12/17SOCWORLD 35 Conditional Equality 5/9/17 5/12/17SOCWORLD 37 Asian Diasporas 5/12/17 5/15/17SOCWORLD 40 The Incas 5/16/17 5/19/17SOCWORLD 49 Worlds of Business Modrn China 5/8/17 5/11/17SOCWORLD 52 Russia in Global Perspective 5/12/17 5/15/17SOCWORLD 54 Islam & Politics Mod Mid East 5/8/17 5/11/17SPANSH 10 Beginning Spanish I 5/14/17 5/17/17SPANSH 11 Beginning Spanish II 5/14/17 5/17/17SPANSH 15 Intensive Beginning Spanish 5/14/17 5/17/17SPANSH 20 Intermediate Spanish 5/14/17 5/17/17SPANSH 30 Upper-level Spanish 5/14/17 5/17/17SPANSH 40 Advanced Spanish Language I 5/14/17 5/17/17SPANSH 50 Advanced Spanish II 5/14/17 5/17/17SPANSH 59 Spanish and the Community 5/12/17 5/15/17SPANSH 59H Spanish for Latino Students II 5/16/17 5/19/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

SPANSH 61N Ethics of Business in Lat Am 5/12/17 5/15/17SPANSH 71B Intro to Mod Lat Am Lit 5/8/17 5/11/17SPANSH 86 Indigenous Plant Knowledge 5/15/17 5/18/17SPANSH 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/10/17 5/13/17SPANSH 117 Women in Conquest Narratives 5/9/17 5/12/17SPANSH 145 Mexican Revolution in Lit 5/9/17 5/12/17SPANSH 146 Tropical Fantasies 5/16/17 5/19/17SPANSH 165 Bilingual Arts 5/12/17 5/15/17SPANSH 171 Barcelona and Catalan Culture 5/14/17 5/17/17SPANSH 320 Spanish & Hispanic-American Li 5/9/17 5/12/17SPANSH 330 Doctoral Dissertations 5/12/17 5/15/17SPC-CONC 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/10/17 5/13/17SPOL 302 Doctoral Dissertation Research 5/8/17 5/11/17SPOL 303QC Intro to Social Policy Rsch 5/12/17 5/15/17STAT 91R Supervised Reading & Research 5/15/17 5/18/17STAT 98 Tutorial - Junior Year 5/17/17 5/20/17STAT 99 Tutorial - Senior Year 5/14/17 5/17/17STAT 102 Intro Stats for Life Sci 5/13/17 5/16/17STAT 104 Intro Quant Methods for Econ 5/10/17 5/13/17STAT 111 Intro to Theoretical Stats 5/16/17 5/19/17STAT 115 Intro to Comptl Bio & Bioinfo 5/14/17 5/17/17STAT 117 Data Analysis in Modern Biost 5/16/17 5/19/17STAT 121B Data Science 2 5/9/17 5/12/17STAT 123 Applied Quantitative Finance 5/12/17 5/15/17STAT 139 Statistical Sleuthing 5/8/17 5/11/17STAT 149 Generalized Linear Models 5/17/17 5/20/17STAT 171 Intro to Stochastic Processes 5/15/17 5/18/17STAT 186 Statistical Methods for 5/8/17 5/11/17STAT 212 Probability II 5/12/17 5/15/17STAT 213 Statistical Inference II 5/15/17 5/18/17STAT 215 Intro to Comptl Bio & Bioinfo 5/14/17 5/17/17STAT 220 Bayesian Data Analysis 5/16/17 5/19/17STAT 300HFRB Research in Statistics 5/10/17 5/13/17STAT 301 Special Reading and Research 5/8/17 5/11/17STAT 303HFB Art & Practice of Teaching Sta 5/12/17 5/15/17STAT 310HFRB Topics in Astrostatistics 5/16/17 5/19/17STAT 314HFRB Timely Topics in Statistics 5/15/17 5/18/17STAT 316 Reading Seminar 5/12/17 5/15/17STAT 317 Research Seminar 5/17/17 5/20/17STAT 365R Reading Seminar 5/17/17 5/20/17STAT 366HFRB Introduction to Research 5/8/17 5/11/17STAT 388R Seminar 5/9/17 5/12/17STAT 392 Resrch Topics in Missing Data 5/17/17 5/20/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

SUMERIAN AB Elementary Sumerian 5/12/17 5/15/17SWAHILI AB Elementary Swahili 5/8/17 5/11/17SWAHILI BB Intermediate Swahili 5/12/17 5/15/17SWAHILI 101BR Reading in Swahili II 5/8/17 5/11/17SWEDISH AB Beginning Swedish Ab 5/17/17 5/20/17SWEDISH BBR Special Topics in Swedish Lit 5/12/17 5/15/17SYSBIO 300HFB Intro to Systems Biology Rsch 5/16/17 5/19/17SYSBIO 320QC Quant Measurement and Analysis 5/17/17 5/20/17SYSBIO 350 Systems Biology Research 5/17/17 5/20/17SYSBIO 399 Systems Biology: Rotations 5/17/17 5/20/17TAM 101B Elementary Tamil 5/17/17 5/20/17TAM 102B Intermediate Tamil 5/8/17 5/11/17TAM 103BR Advanced Tamil 5/9/17 5/12/17TDM CAMR Advanced Playwriting: Workshop 5/16/17 5/19/17TDM 97 Drama, Theater, Theory 5/9/17 5/12/17TDM 98 Junior Tutorial 5/16/17 5/19/17TDM 99B Senior Tutorial 5/17/17 5/20/17TDM 111 Acting: 20th Century Texts 5/12/17 5/15/17TDM 120 What's so Funny? 5/15/17 5/18/17TDM 141 Movement Lab 5/15/17 5/18/17TDM 143 GAGA 5/8/17 5/11/17TDM 147 Dcnstrctng a Nvl into a Dance 5/13/17 5/16/17TDM 151 Scenography Studio 5/10/17 5/13/17THI 101B Introductory Thai II 5/17/17 5/20/17THI 102B Intermediate Thai II 5/17/17 5/20/17THI 103BR Readings in Thai II 5/8/17 5/11/17TIBET 101B Elementary Classical Tibetan 5/12/17 5/15/17TIBET 102B Intermediate Classical Tibetan 5/14/17 5/17/17TIBET 104BR Elementary Colloquial Tibetan 5/8/17 5/11/17TIBET 105BR Intermed Colloquial Tibetan 5/9/17 5/12/17TIBET 106BR Advanced Colloquial Tibetan 5/8/17 5/11/17TIBET 153BR Tibetan Logic & Epistemology 5/16/17 5/19/17TIBET 154R Tibetan Funerary Rituals 5/16/17 5/19/17TIME-A 1 TIME: Audit Course 5/12/17 5/15/17TIME-C 1 TIME: Course Related Work 5/12/17 5/15/17TIME-R 1 TIME: Research Related Work 5/12/17 5/15/17TIME-T 1 TIME: Teaching Fellow Related 5/12/17 5/15/17TURKISH AB Elementary Modern Turkish 5/8/17 5/11/17TURKISH 130B Advanced Turkish II 5/8/17 5/11/17TURKISH 140B Intro to Ottoman Turkish II 5/15/17 5/18/17TURKISH 150B Advanced Ottoman Turkish II 5/17/17 5/20/17TURKISH 300 Turkish Languages/Literatures 5/8/17 5/11/17TWI AB Elementary Twi 5/12/17 5/15/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

TWI BB Intermediate Twi 5/12/17 5/15/17TWI 101BR Reading in Twi II 5/15/17 5/18/17UKRA AB Elementary Ukrainian 5/17/17 5/20/17UKRA AR Elementary Ukrainian Tutorial 5/9/17 5/12/17UKRA BR Intermediate Ukrainian 5/10/17 5/13/17US-WORLD 19 American Food: Global History 5/10/17 5/13/17US-WORLD 28 Slavery/Capitalism/Imperialism 5/13/17 5/16/17US-WORLD 29 Designing the American City 5/16/17 5/19/17US-WORLD 34 Civil War: Turner-Birth Nation 5/9/17 5/12/17US-WORLD 42 The Great Experiment 5/10/17 5/13/17US-WORLD 43 Ancestry 5/14/17 5/17/17VES 14 Making Things: Form, Function 5/9/17 5/12/17VES 23 Conceptual Figure 5/16/17 5/19/17VES 34 Sculptural Dimensions 5/12/17 5/15/17VES 35R Building Thought 5/9/17 5/12/17VES 40A Intro to Still Photography 5/17/17 5/20/17VES 41A Intro to Still Photography 5/16/17 5/19/17VES 50B Intro to Non Fiction Filmmakin 5/16/17 5/19/17VES 50F Working in Film 5/12/17 5/15/17VES 52R Intro to Non Fiction Videomaki 5/16/17 5/19/17VES 53AR Fundamentals of Animation 5/9/17 5/12/17VES 54S Animating Science 5/16/17 5/19/17VES 67R Persuasive Projections: Film, 5/8/17 5/11/17VES 70 The Art of Film 5/12/17 5/15/17VES 80 Loitering: Studio Course 5/16/17 5/19/17VES 91R Special Projects 5/15/17 5/18/17VES 97 Tutorial - Sophomore Year 5/8/17 5/11/17VES 98R Tutorial - Junior Year 5/17/17 5/20/17VES 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/12/17 5/15/17VES 121 Principles and Plasticity 5/17/17 5/20/17VES 123R Post Brush: Studio Course 5/8/17 5/11/17VES 147R Slow Photography 5/15/17 5/18/17VES 150B Kinochemical Reactions 5/9/17 5/12/17VES 152R Intermediate Video Workshop 5/9/17 5/12/17VES 153BR Animation in Depth 5/16/17 5/19/17VES 160 Modernization in the Visual U. 5/12/17 5/15/17VES 164 Video, Performance, Narrative, 5/15/17 5/18/17VES 181 Film Theory, Visual Thinking 5/14/17 5/17/17VES 196R Directed Rsch: Studio Course 5/17/17 5/20/17VES 270 Proseminar, Film & Visual Stdy 5/9/17 5/12/17VES 301 Film and Visual Studies Worksh 5/13/17 5/16/17VIETNAM BB Elementary Vietnamese 5/14/17 5/17/17VIETNAM 120B Intermediate Vietnamese 5/17/17 5/20/17

FAS Spring 2017 Grade Entry DeadlinesIf your course is missing from this list, the latest deadline to enter grades for graduating students is May 17; the latest for non-graduating students is May 20.

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Graduating Students Non-Graduating StudentsSubject Number TitleGrade Entry Deadlines

VIROLOGY 201 Virology 5/15/17 5/18/17VIROLOGY 300R Introduction to Research 5/16/17 5/19/17VIROLOGY 301 Herpes Virus Interact with Hos 5/15/17 5/18/17VIROLOGY 301QC Adv Topics in Virology - Viral 5/8/17 5/11/17VIROLOGY 305 Entry & Rep Nega Strand RNA Vi 5/9/17 5/12/17VIROLOGY 306QC Viruses of Bacteria and Archae 5/16/17 5/19/17VIROLOGY 308 Molecular Genetics of Herpes 5/17/17 5/20/17VIROLOGY 310 Viruses and Cancer 5/13/17 5/16/17VIROLOGY 314 Viral Oncoproteins as Probes 5/10/17 5/13/17VIROLOGY 324 Emerging Viruses 5/15/17 5/18/17VIROLOGY 329 Immune control of HIV 5/9/17 5/12/17VIROLOGY 333 Antiretroviral Drug Resistance 5/13/17 5/16/17VIROLOGY 336 Gen Chngs: HIV, Hep C Virus 5/12/17 5/15/17VIROLOGY 347 Reovirus Structure, Assembly 5/15/17 5/18/17VIROLOGY 348 Immunopathogenesis of HIV-1 5/15/17 5/18/17VIROLOGY 353 Genetic analysis..Epstein-Barr 5/9/17 5/12/17VIROLOGY 356 Pattern rec B cell receptor 5/8/17 5/11/17WELSH 129R Intermediate Modern Welsh 5/13/17 5/16/17WOMGEN 91R Supervised Reading & Research 5/9/17 5/12/17WOMGEN 97 Tutorial - Sophomore Year 5/12/17 5/15/17WOMGEN 98S Tutorial - Junior Year 5/9/17 5/12/17WOMGEN 99B Tutorial - Senior Year 5/15/17 5/18/17WOMGEN 1200FH The History of Feminism 5/15/17 5/18/17WOMGEN 1237 LGBT Literature 5/10/17 5/13/17WOMGEN 1239 Plagues and Politics 5/9/17 5/12/17WOMGEN 2000 WGS Graduate Proseminar 5/9/17 5/12/17YIDDISH AB Elementary Yiddish 5/13/17 5/16/17YIDDISH BB Intermediate Yiddish II 5/9/17 5/12/17YIDDISH CB Advanced Yiddish II 5/15/17 5/18/17YIDDISH 115 The Yiddish Short Story 5/10/17 5/13/17YORUBA AB Elementary Yoruba 5/12/17 5/15/17YORUBA BB Intermediate Yoruba 5/12/17 5/15/17YORUBA 101BR Reading in Yoruba II 5/15/17 5/18/17