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Expedition to the Barrier Peaks - DMs Guild

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Page 2: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks - DMs Guild

3 To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor


FORWARD ................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 LEVEL I: OFFICIALS, OFFICERS, AND TECHNICIANS QUARTERS............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

WANDERING MONSTERS .................................................... 2 DROP TUBES ................................................................. 2 Kitchens ...................................................................... 2 Game Rooms ................................................................ 2 Lounges ...................................................................... 2 Medical Areas ............................................................... 2 Med 2 ........................................................................ 2 Laboratories ................................................................. 2 Lab A ......................................................................... 2 Lab B ......................................................................... 2 Lab C ......................................................................... 2 Ship Security Station ....................................................... 3 Security Station - South Room .......................................... 3 STORES ....................................................................... 3 SMALL ARMS LOCKER ....................................................... 3 NUMBERED ENCOUNTERS ................................................. 3 1. LURKER ABOVE .......................................................... 3 3. SECURITY ROBOT AREA ................................................. 3 5. DISPLACER BEAST NEST ................................................. 3 6. PHASE SPIDER ............................................................ 3 7. SHIP COMMANDERS QUARTERS......................................... 3 8. SECURITY CHIEF’S QUARTERS.......................................... 4 9. WILL-O-WISPS............................................................ 4 10. SHRIEKERS AND FUNGI ................................................ 4 11. VEGEPYGMIES OF THE NORTH ........................................ 4 12. VEGEPYGMIES OF THE SOUTH ........................................ 4 13. IRRADIATED ............................................................. 4 14. ART WORKROOM ....................................................... 4 15. DOPPELGANGER MATRIX .............................................. 4 16. BLASTER PISTOL ........................................................ 4

LEVEL II: SERVICE DECK 5, OR ‘TWEEN DECKS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 CROSSHATCHED AREAS ..................................................... 5 NUMBERED ENCOUNTERS ................................................. 5 1. INTELLECT DEVOURER .................................................. 5 2. THE COMMANDER ........................................................ 5 3. WHEELY SLED ............................................................ 5 4. REPAIR ROBOT ........................................................... 5 13. IRRADIATED ............................................................. 5

LEVEL III: UPPER WALKWAY AND LOUNGE AREA .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 WANDERING MONSTERS .................................................... 6 CARGO HOLDS ............................................................... 6 LIFTS .......................................................................... 6 LOUNGES ..................................................................... 6 KITCHENS .................................................................... 6 NUMBERED ENCOUNTERS ................................................. 6 1. ROPERS’ TERRITORY ................................................... 6 2. STRANGLE VINES ........................................................ 6 3. VAMPIRE THORN VINES ................................................. 6 4. DINING SERVO-ROBOT .................................................. 6 5. WEBBIRD NEST .......................................................... 6 6. CARGO HOLD WITH CEILING HOLE ................................... 6 7. ROBOT STATION ........................................................ 6 8. GREEN SLIME ............................................................ 6 9. MAGNIFYING VIEWERS .................................................. 6 13. IRRADIATED ............................................................ 6

LEVEL IV: BOTANICAL GARDENS, ROOKERY, AND MENAGERIE............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 WANDERING MONSTERS .................................................... 7 TIERS ......................................................................... 7 SMALL ANIMAL BURROWS .................................................. 7 WALKWAYS .................................................................. 7 STREAMLETS AND POOLS ................................................... 7 SWAMP ....................................................................... 7 LAKE .......................................................................... 7 ISLET .......................................................................... 7 LETTERED AND NUMBERED ENCOUNTERS.............................. 7 1. AN SANGUISUGE OF LEECHOIDS ...................................... 7 2. LOW GRASS PATCH ...................................................... 7 3. DEADLY REPTILES SECTION ............................................. 7 2. LIZARDOIDS .............................................................. 7 4. DANGEROUS ANIMALS SECTION ........................................ 7 5. DEADLY PLANTS SECTION .............................................. 7 A. PURPLE BLOSSOMS ..................................................... 7 B. TRI-FLOWER FRONDS ................................................... 7 C. SNAPPER-SAW ........................................................... 7 D. THE HORRID PLANT ..................................................... 7 E. GLOBE PALMS ........................................................... 7 6. THE HULK ................................................................ 7 7. MOJOJO BABOONOIDS .................................................. 8

8. SCHOOL OF SCINTILLATING PHOSPHORESCENT FISH ............... 8 9. THE BROWN HILL........................................................ 8 10. A SCHOOL OF BRILLIANT FISH ........................................ 8 11. SHAMBLING MOUNDS .................................................. 8 12. MOSSY PATCH .......................................................... 8 13. SQUEALER .............................................................. 8 14. LIZARD AREA ........................................................... 8 15. STRANGLE VINE ........................................................ 8 16. VAMPIRE THORN VINE ................................................. 8 17. WOLF-IN-SHEEP’S CLOTHING ........................................ 8 18. FROG OF DOOM ........................................................ 8 19. ASTRAL VIEW LOUNGE ................................................ 8 20. CREW QUARTERS ...................................................... 8 21. GARDEN SHED .......................................................... 8 22. TRAPPERS .............................................................. 8

LEVEL V: SERVICE DECK 6, OR GARDEN ‘TWEEN DECKS.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 NUMBERED ENCOUNTERS ............................................... 10 1. SHALLOW POOL ......................................................... 10 2. YELLOW MOLD .......................................................... 10 3. DAMP FLOOR............................................................ 10 4. WHEELY SLED........................................................... 10 1. REPAIR ROBOT FACILITY ......................................... 10 13. IRRADIATED ........................................................... 10

LEVEL VI: THEATER, ATHLETIC, AND ACTIVITY DECK ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 WANDERING MONSTERS ................................................... 11 CARGO HOLDS.............................................................. 11 AUDITORIUM ............................................................... 11 THEATER.................................................................... 11 TRAINING ................................................................... 11 SWIMMING POOL ........................................................... 11 PATHS ....................................................................... 11 GYMNASIUM ................................................................ 11 WORKOUT AREA ........................................................... 11 NUMBERED ENCOUNTERS ............................................... 11 1. Lurker Above........................................................... 11 2. Gymnasium............................................................. 11 3. Swimming Pool ........................................................ 11 4. The Shedu .............................................................. 11 5. The Baths............................................................... 11 6. Church of Iron ......................................................... 11 7. The Forlorn Bodyguard: .............................................. 11 8. A Troop of Shriekers .................................................. 11 9. Mind Flayer ............................................................ 11 10. Workerbots ........................................................... 12

HAZARDS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 RADIATION ................................................................. 13 RUSSET MOLD ............................................................. 13 ROT GRUB .................................................................. 13 FROGHEMOTH EGGS...................................................... 13

EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 APPENDIX A: MENACE MANUAL .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15

ANDROID SURGEON ........................................................... 15 AUROMVORAX................................................................. 15 BOXING AND WRESTLING ANDROID ............................................ 16 DINING SERVO ROBOT......................................................... 16 EYE OF THE DEEP ............................................................. 17 FENCING ROBOT .............................................................. 17 FROGHEMOTH................................................................. 18 POLICE ROBOT................................................................ 18 KARATE ROBOT ............................................................... 19 ANDROID NURSE .............................................................. 20 PHYSICAL FITNESS ROBOT .................................................... 20 INSANE ANDROID .............................................................. 21 SHEDU ........................................................................ 21 SLITHERING TRACKER ......................................................... 22 STRANGLE VINE ............................................................... 23 SWARM OF GASBAT ........................................................... 23 SWARM OF LEECHOIDS ........................................................ 24 SWARM OF WEBBIRDS ......................................................... 24 TRAPPER ..................................................................... 25 VAMPIRE THORN VINE ........................................................ 25 VEGEPYGMY .................................................................. 27 Horde Mode ................................................................ 27 Russet Mould ............................................................... 27 THORNIE ...................................................................... 27 VEGEPYGMY ADVENTURER ...................................................... 27 VEGEPYGMY CHIEFTAIN ........................................................ 28 VEGEPYGMY HORDE ........................................................... 28 VEGEPYGMY SPROUT ........................................................... 29 WORKER ROBOT .............................................................. 30

ABOUT THE AUTHOR ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31




Page 3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks - DMs Guild

1 To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor


Expedition to the Barrier Peaks (E2tBP) is my favourite D&D adventure (along with the other classic death-trap dungeons of 1e era (I also have a soft spot for Dungeonland). I have played (and converted) this module to every edition of the game over the years. These notes will allow you to play the original so long as you have the original module. For a reimagining and Return Expedition to the Barrier Peaks style adventure take a look at my more extensive rewrite and update – When a Star Falls.

Enjoy the conversion! Michael Mifsud January 10th, 2017.


If a room is not mentioned in the conversion document, then run it as written – no conversion necessary. Many rooms just contain monsters. If these are not in the Monster Manual they will be listed in Appendix A: Menace Manual. Use the “Figuring Out Future Technology” from the Dungeon Masters Guide to have the characters successfully use a piece of technological device. All technological devices

permanently become inert on a critical fail on a 1d20. If a weapon or device that uses a d20 to-hit there is no need to roll an extra device. For miscellaneous technological devices roll each time it used to see if it depletes. Different items are colour coded for ease of reference – monsters, treasure and hazards. Everything else will be explained in the specific area – including the technological devices discovered.




Page 4: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks - DMs Guild

2 To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor


WANDERING MONSTERS Encounter occurs on 17+ on a 1d20 checked every hour and whenever or a short or long rest is taken otherwise as written.

DROP TUBES The tube which still functions mechanically, but which has no anti-gravity, can be used if the characters firmly grasp a handle prior to stepping into the chute; if any character attempts to step into the tube and then grasp a handle, allow a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. Failure equals a fall which will almost certainly prove fatal from the upper level, inflciting 1d6 of bludgeoning damage per 10 feet of vertical distance fallen.

KITCHENS Working kitchens also have clean running water if the characters can figure out how to use the taps a DC 15 Intelligence check.

GAME ROOMS If any character spends an hour or more practicing with these shooting galleries, trying to learn how to handle them (this should be specifically stated), they may gain advantage on their Figuring Out Alien Technology (DMG pg. 268) check when attempting to learn how to use a similar weapon. They may then use the advantage at any point during the Intelligence test.

LOUNGES Roll a d6 for each lounge area searched. Check once only. The treasure found will be: 1 - Notes on escaped intellect devourer (level II). Must use comprehend languages (or similar effect) to decipher and understand the note; it will detail where the creature has been confined; after the first 1 is rolled a brown access card will be found thereafter 2 – 1d4 ampoules of serum, which will cure any disease if injected. 3 - 1 piece of jewellery worth 1d6 x 300 gp. For example, an arandur pendant, with the image of a thorny stem, a plesiosaurus and a goat’s head within a star and set with 8 White Micas. 4 - 3 pieces of jewellery worth 1d4 x 1,000 gp each. This is what the set is worth, individually they are worth 1/5 this price. No more than one piece of the set can be found in any given lounge – a pair of milky white moon-metal bracers and a matching letter opener. Each has an ibis etched into it. 5 - black access card 6 - violet or orange access card (50%/50%)


There are three undisturbed desks here, and a careful search (DC 18 Perception check) turns up a yellow access card, but as soon as a desk is touched an alarm will sound, and a security robot will appear in 1d4 rounds thereafter. This will only happen once.

MED 2 This is the emergency operating room, and a malfunctioning male android surgeon is on hand to “greet” anyone entering. It will also ask the nature of the medical emergency. No matter what the players say it will say “hmm, I see” then he will attempt to grapple, anaesthetize, and operate upon whoever is grabbed first. If it overpowers any creature, it will anaesthetize them and begin operating in a single round. The victim will suffer 1d4 Constitution damage per round and die if reduced to zero.


LAB A If the party displays a yellow access card (or one of higher order) they can help themselves to anything in the place. On a counter top are 2 medical-lances of antitox (as a protection from poison spell), 3 cureall pills (as lesser restoration), and a canister of plastiflesh (as cure wounds spell. Roll for failure each time it is used. More charges can be expended to simulate the effect of casting the spell at a higher level but this doubles the failure rate for each “charge” consumed this way).

LAB B Thus, the room will be packed full of russet mould. In this case, when any door to the place is opened, an avalanche of the stuff will pour over the 10’ square (100 square feet) area outside; everyone covered by the stuff or within 10 feet of it, must make a DC 15 Constitution save or become irradiated (1 level of exhaustion, gain the poison condition) and become infected by russet mould as well as taking 10 (5d4) poison damage. On a successful save the character only takes 10 (5d4) poison damage. If the mould can be cleared the characters will find 3 working medlances (a type of automatic hypodermic needle) – 2 contain refresh (a combat drug that provides the benefits of a short rest. Use of the drug more than once per day causes a cumulative -1 penalty to all attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws which linger until the next long rest) and 1 has revivall (as the revivify spell).

LAB C Several chemicals are stored here. Most chemicals are no longer active or have no use to those ignorant of chemistry. There are 20 of each sort of container mentioned to experiment with. A few have the following uses: 3rd bottle of white powder - defoliant that acts as the

blight spell that only affects plant life; a total of 1d4 handfuls of powder are in the bottle.

2nd, 7th and 9th bottles - these are clear fluid acids which cause 6 (3d4) hit points of damage when spilt over any living creature

5th jar of green powder - highly poisonous chemical which must be saved against with disadvantage if touched, and -5 and disadvantage if tasted. The taster takes 21 (7d6) points of poison damage or half that amount on a successful save.

20th jar of pink powder - contains 36 doses of a chemical that will enable a human to have darkvision to a 90’ range until the next long rest.

1st large ceramic bottle - holds a greenish fluid which will cause plants to grow (add 2d4 hit points per application to vegetable life forms, otherwise, it will act as a plant growth spell in a 10’x l0’ area if the entire bottle is used. 20 applications are in the container; the vegepygmies will consider this a great treasure and attack to get it for its odour will drive them to frenzy at 30 feet range if unstoppered.

2nd large ceramic container - this is lined with a special material, for it contains an acid, which will eat through skymetal in 1 minute; the entire contents will eat away a 10-foot diameter section of the deck. Only one deck will be dissolved. If the acid is used as a weapon it will cause 9 (3d6) points of damage the first round, 6 (2d6) points the second round, and 3 (1d6) points on the third and final round. It does double damage to constructs.




Page 5: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks - DMs Guild

3 To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor

All bottles are made of hardened glass unless otherwise specified.

SHIP SECURITY STATION A locked metal chest in the corner farthest from the cells contains 2 gas masks (give total immunity to all gases), 12 knockout gas grenades (as a 3rd level sleep spell), and 2 needler pistols (an effect similar to a standard magic missile spell. The spell level can be increased by adjusting the settings but each increase adds 1 to the range of failure for the weapon. For example, using it as a standard magic missile it depletes on a 1 in 20, using it as a second level, 2 in 20 etc. Additionally, the needler can deliver any type of potion or pharmaceutical – be it poison or healing if loaded with the right liquid). The chest can be forced open with magical weapons - one in six chance per weapon per round of forcing, check for random encounters after 3 failures. It will also open by grey or red access card placement in its lock slot. The first police robot disabled/destroyed here by the party will have a red access card stored in its chest compartment, but it will have to be pried out carefully with a DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves Tools), failing by 10 or more destroys the card.

SECURITY STATION - SOUTH ROOM The room also has the personal locker of the chief. This is locked and can be opened in the same fashion as the metal chest outside. In the locker are: The rags of a full-dress uniform upon which are several gem

encrusted medals (3 pieces of jewellery worth 1,000 - 4,000 gp each)

A jet-black metal laser pistol of a baroque design with ornate filigree of gold. In English on the weapon are the words “In the Emperor We Trust” (DMG pg. 268).

A suit of powered armour (see the Equipment section for details) that had a malfunction which was to be repaired but was not before the disaster wiped out the crew; this armour functions as follows (roll d4):

1. Normal for 1 minute, freezes into immobility for 1

minute, and then roll again 2. Short circuits for 9 (3d6) lighting damage to wearer (-1

damage per die for each +1 of a ring of protection, -1 damage per die for a ring of fire resistance); the person must immediately remove the armour, for he or she will sustain damage each round thereafter, and after 10 rounds the suit will be destroyed; removal causes 6 (2d6) lighting damage as above.

3. Crossed circuitry causes the suit to behave erratically, so that the wearer moves backward on a 1 or 2, sideways on a 3 (left) or 4 (right), falls over on a 5, leaps 10’ ahead on a 6, behaves normally on 7-9, but on 10 the built-in laser pistol (palm of right hand) fires ahead while the armour remains motionless.

4. Suit fluid systems ignite and cause a deadly gas to fill the suit, affecting the wearer with an effect like a DC 17 cloudkill spell. If the suit is removed, this gas fills the 10’ square area immediately around it as the stinking cloud spell. If a small green canister is taken from the locker wall, pointed at the suit, and a tab pulled, it will cover the suit with a foam which will instantly neutralise the gas

STORES There are sufficient foodstuffs equal 100 days of rations packaged perfectly preserved in the stasis crates. Called violet rations these are pills that act as the goodberry spell. There is a packet of 4 each of the following medlances: disease cure, poison antidote, and radiation antidote. There are also 14 canisters of healing spray, but only one in six are still functioning, and those that do function (as cure wounds spell. Roll for failure each time it is used. More charges can be expended to simulate

the effect of casting the spell at a higher level but this doubles the failure rate for each “charge” consumed this way). A small brown box with violet labels on it holds a “Repair Robot Remote Control” which can be used to summon and control a worker robot by vocal commands. However, each time it is used and for every minute after that there is a 1 in 20 chance it will drain and become useless. This allows the character to treat the repairbot as a companion for the duration of the remote control’s life. Once this effect ends the repairbot will return to its duties. It will not be hostile to the summoner.

SMALL ARMS LOCKER The locker is partially stripped, but still inside are racks and containers including 5 needler pistols (an effect like a standard magic missile spell. The spell level can be increased by adjusting the settings but each increase adds 1 to the range of failure for the weapon. Additionally, the needler can deliver any type of potion or pharmaceutical – be it poison or healing if loaded with the right liquid), 8 paralysis pistols (as the hold person spell plus 1d4 piercing damage), 4 laser pistols (DMG pg. 268), 3 laser rifles (also DMG pg. 268), a powerfist (worn like a glove it increases unarmed strike damage by 1 die, and ignores armour making attacks against Dexterity. This particular weapon is made from a maroon metal with silver and gunmetal trim and wicked skymetal blades as part of the fingers) and an EMP pistol (2d6 lightning against robots only, ½ as much against androids. Automatically brings down force fields). All the weapons have very intricate designs that seem religious in nature. Also, there are three boxes each containing 20 grenades: knockout (as a 3rd level sleep), incendiary (as the spell fireball), and explosive (as the spell fireball but half the damage is force). A fully operational suit of powered armour is in a closed and locked locker (at the end of a row of 7 opened ones). A locked chest with a heavy naval gun (3d6 explosive (fire/force) damage. Weapon ignores all non-magical armour otherwise as automatic pistol DMG pg. 268. A reddish-gold weapon that has the name Vindicta embossed on its handle and is part of a pair). All the items are designed in a gothic style.


3. SECURITY ROBOT AREA Area C is the ARSENAL. There are cases of grenades (smoke and fragmentation, DMG pg. 263) of all types here, and batteries in locked metal boxes. A dozen of each of the various grenade types, a rocket launcher (DMG pg. 263), and batteries are plainly visible on a bench.

5. DISPLACER BEAST NEST As Monster Manual.

6. PHASE SPIDER LAIR As Monster Manual.

7. SHIP COMMANDERS QUARTERS a) a needler (an effect similar to a standard magic missile spell.

The spell level can be increased by adjusting the settings but each increase adds 1 to the range of failure for the weapon. Additionally, the needler can deliver any type of potion or pharmaceutical – be it poison or healing if loaded with the right liquid) and much worthless junk. The lock works on the commanders’ handprint. The lavatory cabinet contains two capsules of cyanide (DC 25 Constitution save or death, taking 10d6 poison damage on a success).




Page 6: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks - DMs Guild

4 To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor

b) Private lounge and dining area, which is nicely furnished and appointed. Everything is intact. On a sideboard are six crystal flasks of rare spirituous liquors.

1. #1 is now deadly poison – 15 (5d6) poison damage on a failed DC 15 Constitution saving throw,

2. #2-4 are still excellent and intoxicating (delay party for 6 full turns if any are sampled!),

3. #5 gives an advantage on Dexterity checks for 1 minute after consumption of 1 ounce (flask holds 20 ounces initially), and

4. #6 tastes excellent but will cause double vision (-2 on attacks, +2 to be hit) for 1 minute to anyone tasting it.

c) No change.

d) No change.

8. SECURITY CHIEF’S QUARTERS Play as written but remember to roll for depletion for the command and control police robot remote.

9. WILL-O-WISPS As Monster Manual for will-o-wisps. A universal translator (appearing as a small plastic beetle once activated it will crawl into the owner’s ear and connect to various nerves to provide an effect identical to a permanent comprehend language).

10. SHRIEKERS AND FUNGI As Monster Manual.

11. VEGEPYGMIES OF THE NORTH These creatures sprang up from radiation-twisted hydroponic cultures that affected exposed humans, but they are now able to bud and propagate. The vegepygmies of the northern tribe have a mottled grey-brown coloration enables them to blend with ship walls in many areas, granting them advantage on stealth checks. Weapons are fashioned from material aboard the vessel and are crude but effective. There are 4 vegepygmies per 10’ of room space – treat as a vegepygmy horde - and 1 black access card. They act in concert, and if fighting occurs, a call will always go out for their fellows to join the battle if the combatants survive the initial round. The minor vegepygmies have nothing of value. These tribe has mastered the art of breeding gas spores and will send these in to any combat first given the chance. 11a. This is the location of the chief and 5 sprout bodyguards (treat as vegepygmy adventurers but without any technological items), It has an orange and a violet access card. If a battle occurs within 50’ of its lair, the chief will use one of its hoarded technological devices (it fears to use) as a bonus action per round. These weapons are (d6):

1. A smoke grenade (DMG pg. 268). 2. A knockout grenade (as a 3rd level sleep).

3. A fragmentation grenade (DMG pg. 268). 4. Adamant foam (1 use item, appears as a spray-can: +2

AC and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing attacks from nonmagical sources. Foam turns to dust after the next long rest).

5. Attractor. A handheld device that acts as the telekinesis spell but only with the object effect. Any item moved with the attractor comes to the device and hovers (and follows) there for 1 minute. One use item.

6. A blaster rifle (can be used to fire either a disrupter beam (as disintegrate spell), a heat ray (as a scorching ray spell) or a flame plane (as an 11th level fiery bolt spell). This item replaces the chief’s attack spear action for the remainder of the battle.

Remember that these weapons may affect the vegepygmies in melee with the characters. These are hidden behind the grille of an air duct. See the Menace Manual Appendix at end of the module for more details about vegepygmies.

12. VEGEPYGMIES OF THE SOUTH As written except as below for 12d. 12d. Chief of the southern vegepygmies, a maximum hit point creature, with 4 sprouts, and 6 “thornies”. The chief carries a spray can into battle, an aerosol hypnotic with a 15-foot cone. The spray acts as a mass suggestion spell to those in the cone with Wisdom save DC of 10; on a failed save the creature is also immobilised by the hypnotic patterns and subject to suggestion for 5 rounds. (Note however that the suggestion must be made in a language understandable to the affected monster). Its treasure is in a hollow bed frame in the room: 1 red acess card, 1 poison gas grenade (A DC 15 cloudkill spell), 1 knockout grenade (as a 3rd level sleep spell), 4 gem bearings of 100 gp value each (“astral gems”), and a broken communicator (an oddity worth 100gp. Conceivably a more powerful version of the mending cantrip could fix it).

13. IRRADIATED These rooms are radiation-filled and contain contaminants that require a saving throw. See the Hazards section for details on radiation poisoning. Treat the rooms as medium radiation.

14. ART WORKROOM As written.


As written.

16. BLASTER PISTOL A blaster pistol works as a laser pistol on pg. 268 of the DMG, but with the additional effect of reducing the target's AC by 1 each time it hits. If the armour is reduced to 10 AC it is ruined.


