1 EK-2: Yasaklı/Kısıtlı/Bilgiye Tabi Maddelerin CAS Numaraları Asbest CAS Numaraları Asbestos 1332-21-4 Actinolite 77536-66-4 Amosite (Grunerite) 12172-73-5 Anthophyllite 77536-67-5 Chrysotile 12001-29-5 Crocidolite 12001-28-4 Tremolite 77536-68-6 Spesifik azo bileşikleri CAS Numaraları Bifenil-4-ylamine 92-67-1 Benzidin 92-87-5 4-kloro-o-toluidin 95-69-2 2-naphtilamin 91-59-8 o-aminoazotoluen 97-56-3 5-nito-o-toluidin 99-55-8 4-kloroanilin 106-47-8 4-metoksi-m-fenilendiamin 615-05-4 4,4-metilendianilin 101-77-9 3,3’-diklorobenzidin 91-94-1 3,3’dimetoksibenzidin 119-90-4 3,3’-dimetilbenzidin 119-93-7 4,4’-metilendi-o-toluidin 838-88-0 6-metoksi-m-toluidin 120-71-8 4,4’-metilen-bis(2kloroanilin) 101-14-4 4,4’-oksidianilin 101-80-4 4,4’-thiodianilin 139-65-1 o-toluidin 95-53-4 4-metil-m-fenilendiamin 95-80-7 2,4,5-trimetilanilin 137-17-7 o-anisidin 90-04-0 4-amino azobenzen 60-09-3

EK-2: Yasaklı/Kısıtlı/Bilgiye Tabi Maddelerin CAS …±va (II) asetat 1600-27-7 Metilcıva tuzları e.g. 22967-92-6 Mercuric sulfide 1344-48-5 Diğer cıva bileşikleri 3 Kurşun

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Page 1: EK-2: Yasaklı/Kısıtlı/Bilgiye Tabi Maddelerin CAS …±va (II) asetat 1600-27-7 Metilcıva tuzları e.g. 22967-92-6 Mercuric sulfide 1344-48-5 Diğer cıva bileşikleri 3 Kurşun


EK-2: Yasaklı/Kısıtlı/Bilgiye Tabi Maddelerin CAS Numaraları

Asbest CAS Numaraları

Asbestos 1332-21-4

Actinolite 77536-66-4

Amosite (Grunerite) 12172-73-5

Anthophyllite 77536-67-5

Chrysotile 12001-29-5

Crocidolite 12001-28-4

Tremolite 77536-68-6

Spesifik azo bileşikleri CAS Numaraları

Bifenil-4-ylamine 92-67-1

Benzidin 92-87-5

4-kloro-o-toluidin 95-69-2

2-naphtilamin 91-59-8

o-aminoazotoluen 97-56-3

5-nito-o-toluidin 99-55-8

4-kloroanilin 106-47-8

4-metoksi-m-fenilendiamin 615-05-4

4,4’-metilendianilin 101-77-9

3,3’-diklorobenzidin 91-94-1

3,3’dimetoksibenzidin 119-90-4

3,3’-dimetilbenzidin 119-93-7

4,4’-metilendi-o-toluidin 838-88-0

6-metoksi-m-toluidin 120-71-8

4,4’-metilen-bis(2kloroanilin) 101-14-4

4,4’-oksidianilin 101-80-4

4,4’-thiodianilin 139-65-1

o-toluidin 95-53-4

4-metil-m-fenilendiamin 95-80-7

2,4,5-trimetilanilin 137-17-7

o-anisidin 90-04-0

4-amino azobenzen 60-09-3

Page 2: EK-2: Yasaklı/Kısıtlı/Bilgiye Tabi Maddelerin CAS …±va (II) asetat 1600-27-7 Metilcıva tuzları e.g. 22967-92-6 Mercuric sulfide 1344-48-5 Diğer cıva bileşikleri 3 Kurşun


Kadmiyum ve Bileşikleri CAS Numaraları

Kadmiyum 7440-43-9

Kadmiyum alaşımları

Kadmiyum oxide 1306-19-0

Kadmiyum chloride 10108-64-2

Kadmiyum sulfide 1306-23-6

Kadmiyum nitrate 10325-94-7

Kadmiyum nitrate tetrahydrate 10022-68-1

Kadmiyum sulfate 10124-36-4

Kadmiyum stearate 2223-93-0

Diğer Kadmiyum bileşikleri

Civa ve Bileşikleri CAS Numaraları

Cıva 7439-97-6

Cıva alaşımları, amalgam

Cıva (I) oksit 15829-53-5

Cıva (II) oksit 21908-53-2

Cıva (I) klorür 10112-91-1

Cıva (II) klorür 7487-94-7

Cıva (II) nitrat 10045-94-0

Cıva (I) sülfat 7783-35-9

Cıva (II) fulminat 628-86-4

Cıva (II) asetat 1600-27-7

Metilcıva tuzları e.g. 22967-92-6

Mercuric sulfide 1344-48-5

Diğer cıva bileşikleri

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Kurşun ve Bileşikleri CAS Numaraları

Kurşun, metal 7439-92-1

Kurşun / Tin alaşımı 39412-44-7

Kurşun (II) oksit 1317-36-8

Kurşun (IV) oksit 1309-60-0

Kurşun (II, IV) oksit 1314-41-6

Kurşun azid 13424-46-9

Kurşun (II) florür 7783-46-2

Kurşun (II) klorür 7758-95-4

Kurşun (IV) klorür 13463-30-4

Kurşun (II) iyodür 10101-63-0

Kurşun (II)sülfür 1314-87-0

Kurşun (II) siyanür 592-05-2

Kurşun floroborat 13814-96-5

Kurşun fluosilicete 25808-74-6

Kurşun nitrat 10099-74-8

Kurşun karbonat 598-63-0

Kurşun hidroksi karbonat 1344-36-1

Kurşun perklorat 13637-76-8

Kurşun (II) sülfat 7446-14-2; 15739-80-7

Kurşun oksit sülfür 12202-17-4

Kurşun (II) fosfat 7446-27-7

Kurşun tiyosiyanat 592-87-0

Kurşun (II) acetate trihidrat 6080-56-4

Kurşun (II) asetat 301-04-2

Kurşun (IV) asetat 546-67-8

Kurşun oleat 1120-46-3

Kurşun stearat 7428-48-0

Kurşun (II) metaborat 10214-39-8

Kurşun metasilikat 11120-22-2; 10099-76-0

Kurşun antimonit 13510-89-9

Kurşun arsenat (1:1) 7784-40-9

Kurşun (II) arsenit 10031-13-7

Kurşun kromat; krom sarısı 1344-37-2

Kurşun molibdat 10190-55-3

Kalsiyum plumbate 12013-69-3

Tetrametil kurşun 75-74-1

Tetraetil kurşun 78-00-2

Kurşun hidrokarbon 1319-46-6

Kurşunselenid 12069-00-0

Kurşun (III) kromat 7758-97-6

Kurşun (II) titan 12060-00-3

Kurşun stearat 1072-35-1

Kurşun Hidrojen Arsenat 7784-40-9

Diğer kurşun bileşik and alaşımları

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Altı Değerlikli Krom Bileşikleri CAS Numaraları

Krom (VI) oksit; kromtrioksit 1333-82-0

Lityum kromat 14307-35-8

Sodyum kromat 7775-11-3

Potasyum kromat 7789-00-6

Potasyum klorokromat 16037-50-6

Amonyum kromat 7788-98-9

Bakır kromat 135-48-42-0

Magnezyum kromat 13423-61-5

Kalsium kromat 13765-19-0

Strontium kromat 7789-06-2

Baryum kromat 10294-40-3

Kurşun kromat; Krom sarısı 1344-37-2

Çinko kromat 12018-19-8; 13530-65-9; 14018-95-2

Sodyum dikromat; Sodyum bikromat


Potasyum dikromat; Potasyum bikromat


Amonyum dikromat; Amonyum bikromat


Kalsiyum dikromat; Kalsiyum bikromat


Çinko dikromat; Çinko bikromat

Diğer heksavalen krom bileşikleri

Page 5: EK-2: Yasaklı/Kısıtlı/Bilgiye Tabi Maddelerin CAS …±va (II) asetat 1600-27-7 Metilcıva tuzları e.g. 22967-92-6 Mercuric sulfide 1344-48-5 Diğer cıva bileşikleri 3 Kurşun


Ozon delici maddeler (İzomerleri) CAS Numaraları

Trikloroflorometan 75-94-4

Diklorodiflorometan (CFC 12) 75-71-8

Klorotriflorometan (CFC 13) 75-72-9

Pentaklorofloroetan (CFC 111) 354-56-3

Tetraklorodifloroetan (CFC 112) 76-12-0

Triklorotrifloroetan (CFC 113) 1,1,2 Trikloro-1,2,2 trifloroetan

354-58-5 76-13-1

Diklorotetrafloroetan (CFC 114) 76-14-2

Monokloropentafloroetan (CFC 115) 76-15-3

Heptaklorofloropropan (CFC 211) 422-78-6 135401-87-5

Hekzaklorodifloropropan (CFC 212) 3182-26-1)

Pentaklorotfifloropropan (CFC 213) 2354-06-5 134237-31-3

Tetraklorotetrafloropropan (CFC 214) 1,1,1,3-Tetraklorotetrafloropropan

29255-31-0 2268-46-4

Trikloropentafloropropan (CFC 215) 1,1,1-Trikloropentafloropropan 1,2,3-Trikloropentafloropropan

1599-41-3 4259-43-2 76-17-5

Diklorohekzafloropropan (CFC 216) 661-97-2

Monokloroheptafloropropan (CFC 217) 422-86-6

Bromoklorodiflorometan (Halon 1211) 353-59-3

Bromotriflorometan (Halon 1301) 75-63-8

Dibromotetrafloroetan (Halon 2402) 124-73-2

Karbon Tetraklorür (Tetraklorometan) 56-23-5

1,1,1,-Trikloroetan (metil kloroform) ve izomerleri (1,1,2-Trikloroetan hariç)


Bromometan (Metil Bromür) 74-83-9

Bromodiflorometan and izomerleri (HBFC's) 1511-62-2

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Ozon delici maddeler (Hidrokarbonlar/ İzomerleri) CAS Numaraları

Dikloroflorometan (HCFC 21) 75-43-4

Klorodiflorometan (HCFC 22) 75-45-6

Kloroflorometan (HCFC 31) 593-70-4

Tetrakloroflorometan (HCFC 121)1,1,1,2-tetrakloro-2-florometan 1,1,2,2-tetrakloro-1-floroetan

134237-32-4 , 354-11-0 354-14-3

Triklorodifloroetan (HCFC 122) 1,2,2-trikloro-1,1-difloroetan 41834-16-6 354-21-2

Diklorotrifloroetan (HCFC 123)Dikloro-1,1,2-trifloroetan 2,2-dikloro-1,1,1-trifloroetan 1,2-dikloro-1,1,2-trifloroetan (HCFC-123a)1,1-dikloro-1,2,2-trifloroetan (HCFC-123b) 2,2-dikloro-1,1,2-trifloroetan (HCFC-123b)

34077-87-7, 90454-18-5 306-83-2, 354-23-4 812-04-4, 812-04-4

Klorotetrafloroetan (HCFC 124) 2-kloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafloroetan 1-kloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafloroetan (HCFC 124a)

63938-10-3, 2837-89-0 354-25-6

Triklorofloroetan (HCFC 131)1-Floro-1,2,2-trikloroetan 1,1,1-trikloro-2-floroetan (HCFC 131b)

27154-33-2;(134237-34-6) 359-28-4, 811-95-0

Diklorodifloroetan (HCFC 132)1,2-dikloro-1,1-difloroetan (HCFC 132b)1,1-dikloro-1,2-difloroetan (HCFC 132c)1,1-dikloro-2,2-difloroetan 1,2-dikloro- 1,2-difloroetan

25915-78-0, 1649-08-7 1842-05-3 , 471-43-2


Klorotrifloroetan (HCFC 133)1-kloro-1,2,2-trifloroetan 2-kloro-1,1,1-trifloroetan (HCFC-133a)

1330-45-6,1330-45-6 75-88-7

Diklorofloroetan (HCFC 141)1,1-dikloro-1-floroetan (HCFC-141b)1,2-dikloro-1-floroetan

1717-00-6;(25167-88-8) 1717-00-6, 430-57-9

Klorodifloroetan (HCFC 142)1-kloro-1,1-difloroetan (HCFC 142b)1-kloro-1,2-difloroetan (HCFC 142a)

25497-29-4, 75-68-3 25497-29-4

Hekzaklorofloropropan (HCFC 221) 134237-35-7

Pentaklorodifloropropan (HCFC 222) 134237-36-8

Tetraklorotrifloropropan (HCFC 223) 134237-37-9

Triklorotetrafloropropan (HCFC 224) 134237-38-0

Dikloropentafloropropan, (Ethyne, floro-) (HCFC 225) 2,2-Dikloro-1,1,1,3,3-pentafloropropan (HCFC 225aa) 2,3-Dikloro-1,1,1,2,3-pentafloropropan (HCFC 225ba) 1,2-Dikloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafloropropan (HCFC 225bb) 3,3-Dikloro-1,1,1,2,2-pentafloropropan (HCFC 225ca) 1,3-Dikloro-1,1,2,2,3-pentafloropropan (HCFC 225cb) 1,1-Dikloro-1,2,2,3,3-pentafloropropan (HCFC 225cc) 1,2-Dikloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentaflu-floropropan (HCFC 225da) 1,3-Dikloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafloropropan (HCFC 225ea) 1,1-Dikloro-1,2,3,3,3-pentafloropropan (HCFC 225eb)

127564-92-5; (2713-09-9) 128903-21-9

422-48-0 422-44-6 422-56-0 507-55-1

13474-88-9 431-86-7

136013-79-1 111512-56-2

Klorohekzafloropropan (HCFC 226) 134308-72-8

Pentaklorofloropropan (HCFC 231) 134190-48-0

Tetraklorodifloropropan (HCFC 232) 134237-39-1

Triklorotrifloropropan (HCFC 233) 1,1,1-Trikloro-3,3,3-trifloropropan

134237-40-04 7125-83-9

Diklorotetrafloropropan (HCFC 234) 127564-83-4

Kloropentafloropropan (HCFC 235) 1-Kloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafloropropan

134237-41-5 460-92-4

Tetraklorofloropropan (HCFC 241) 134190-49-1

Triklorodifloropropan (HCFC 242) 134237-42-6

Diklorotrifloropropan (HCFC 243) 1,1-dikloro-1,2,2-trifloropropan 2,3-dikloro-1,1,1-trifloropropan 3,3-dikloro-1,1,1-trifloropropan

134237-43-7 7125-99-7 338-75-0 460-69-5

Klorotetraflooropropan (HCFC 244) 3-kloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafloropropan

134190-50-4 679-85-6

Triklorofloropropan (HCFC 251) 1,1,3-trikloro-1-floropropan

134190-51-5 818-99-5

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Diklorodifloropropan (HCFC 252) 134190-52-6

Klorotrifloropropan (HCFC 253) 3-kloro-1,1,1-trifloropropan (HCFC 253fb)

134237-44-8 460-35-5

Diklorofloropropan (HCFC 261) 1,1-dikloro-1-floropropan

134237-45-9 7799-56-6

Klorodifloropropan (HCFC 262) 2-kloro-1,3-difloropropan

134190-53-7 102738-79-4

Klorofloropropan (HCFC 271) 2-kloro-2-floropropan

134190-54-8 420-44-0

Polibromürlü Bifeniller (PBBs) ve Polibromürlü Difenil Eterler (PBDEs) CAS Numaraları

Bromobifenil ve eterleri

2052-07-5 (2-Bromobiphenyl) 2113-57-7 (3-Bromobiphenyl)

92-66-0 (4-Bromobiphenyl) 101-55-3 (ether)

Dekabromobifenil ve eterleri 13654-09-6

1163-19-5 (ether)

Dibromobifenil ve eterleri 92-86-4

2050-47-7 (ether)

Heptabromobifenileter 68928-80-3

Hegzabromobifenil ve eterleri

59080-40-9 36355-01-8 (hexabromo-1,1'-

biphenyl) 67774-32-7 (Firemaster FF-1)

36483-60-0 (ether)

Nonabromobifenileter 63936-56-1

Oktabromobifenil ve eterleri 61288-13-9

32536-52-0 (ether)

Pentabromobifenil eter 32534-81-9

Polibromürlü Bifeniller 59536-65-1

Tetrabromübifenil ve eterleri 40088-45-7

40088-47-9 (ether)

Pentabromobifenileter 56307-79-0

Heptabromobifenileter 35194-78-6

Nonabromobifenil 27753-52-2

Decabromdifenileter 1163-19-5

Tribromobifenil eter 49690-94-0 59080-34-1

Poliklorürlü Bifeniller (PCBler) ve PCT’ler CAS Numaraları

Poliklorürlü bifeniller 1336-36-3

Monomethyl-tetrachloro-diphenyl methane (Ugilec 141)


Monomethyl-dichloro-diphenyl methane (Ugilec 121, Ugilec 21)


Monomethyl-dibromo-diphenyl methane (DBBT) 99688-47-8

Poliklorlu Terfeniller ve izomerleri 61788-33-8

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Poliklorürlü Naftalinler (PCN) CAS Numaraları

Poliklorürlü naftalinler 70776-03-3

Triklornaftalin 1321-65-9

Tetraklornaftalin 1335-88-2

Pentaklornaftalin 1321-64-8

Oktaklornaftalin 2234-13-1

Radyoaktif Maddeler CAS Numaraları

Uranyum 238 7440-61-1

Plutonyum -

Radon 10043-92-2

Amerisyum 241 14596-10-2

Toryum 232 7440-29-1

Sezyum 7440-46-2

Strontium 7440-29-6

Diğer radyoaktif maddeler -

Kısa Zincirli Klorlu Parafinler CAS Numaraları

Klorlu parafinler (C10-13)1 85535-84-8

Diğer kısa zincir klorlu parafinler -

Tributil kalay Oksit

CAS Numaraları

Bis(tri-n-butiltin) oksit 56-35-9

Dibütiltin (DBT) Bileşikleri CAS Numaraları

Dibütiltin oksit 818-08-6

Dibütiltin diasetat 1067-33-0

Dibütiltin dilorat 77-58-7

Dibütiltin maleat 78-04-6

Diğer dibütiltin bileşikleri -

Dioktiltin (DOT) Bileşikleri CAS Numaraları

Dioktiltin oksit 870-08-6

Dioktiltin dilorat 3648-18-8

Diğer dioktiltin bileşikleri -

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Tributil Kalay, Trifenil Kalay CAS Numaraları

Trifeniltin N,N’-dimetildithiokarbamat 1803-12-9

Trifenilin florür 379-52-2

Trifenilin asetat 900-95-8

Trifenilin klorür 639-58-7

Trifenilin hidroksit 76-87-9

Trifenilin yağ asidi tuzları (C=9-11) 47672-31-1

Trifenilin kloroasetat 7094-94-2

Tributilin metakrilat 2155-70-6

Bis(tributilin) fumarat 6454-35-9

Tributilin florür 1983-10-4

Bis(tributilin) 2,3-dibromosuccinate 31732-71-5

Tributilin asetat 56-36-0

Tributilin laurat 3090-36-6

Bis(tributilin) ftalat 4782-29-0

Alkil akrilate, metil metakrilat ve tributilin metakrilat(alkyl; C=8) kopolimeri


Tributilin sulfamat 6517-25-5

Bis(tributilin) maleat 14275-57-1

Tributilin klorür 1461-22-9

Tributyltin cyclopentane carbonate=mixture 5409-17-2

Tributilin 1,2,3,4,4a, 4b, dekahidro-7-isopropil-1, 4a-dimetil-1- fenantlenkarboksilat ve benzerlerinin karışımı (Tribütilin katı reçine tuzu)

26239-64-5 -

Diğer Tribütil kalayllar & Trifenil kalaylar -

Triphenyltin fattyacid((9-11)salt)

18380-71-7 18380-72-8 47672-31-1 94850-90-5

Perkloratlar CAS Numaraları

Lityum perklorat 7791-03-9

Diğer perkloratlar -

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Bromlu Alev Geciktiriciler (PBB, PBBE ve HBCDD'den başka))

CAS Numaraları

ISO 1043-4 code number FR(14) [Aliphatic/ailcylic brominated compounds] kod numarası notasyonu altından gelen bromlanmış yanmazlık katkı maddeleri


ISO 1043-4 FR(15) [Aliphatic/alicyclic brominated compounds in combination with antimony compounds] kod numarası notasyonu altından gelen bromlanmış yanmazlık katkı maddeleri


ISO 1043-4 FR(16) [Bromlu difenil eter ve bifeniller içeren aromatik bromlu] kod numarası notasyonu altından gelen bromlanmış yanmazlık katkı maddeleri


ISO 1043-4 FR (17) [bromlu difenil eter ve bifeniller içeren aromatik bromlu) in combination with antimony compounds] kod numarası notasyonu altından gelen bromlanmış yanmazlık katkı maddeleri


ISO 1043-4 FR (22) [Aliphatic / alicyclic klorlu ve bromlu bileşikler] kod numarası notasyonu altından gelen bromlanmış yanmazlık katkı maddeleri


Brominated flame retardant which comes under notation of ISO 1043-4 code number(42) [bromlu organik fosfor bileşikleri]


Poli(2,6-dibromo-fenilen oksit) 69882-11-7

Tetra-dekabromo-difenoksi-benzen 58965-66-5

1,2-Bis(2,4,6-tribromo-fenoksi) etan 37853-59-1

3,5,3’,5’-Tetrabromo-bisphenol A (TBBA) 79-94-7

TBBA, unspecified 30496-13-0

TBBA-epichlorhydrin oligomer


TBBA-TBBA-diglycidyl-ether oligomer


TBBA carbonate oligomer 28906-13-0

TBBA carbonate oligomer, phenoxy end capped 94334-64-2

TBBA carbonate oligomer, 2,4,6-tribromo-phenol terminated 71342-77-3

TBBA-bisphenol A-phosgene polymer 32844-27-2

Brominated epoxy resin end-capped with tribromophenol 139638-58-7

Brominated epoxy resin end-capped with tribromophenol 135229-48-0

TBBA-(2,3-dibromo-propyl-ether) 21850-44-2

TBBA bis-(2-hydroxy-ethyl-ether) 4162-45-2

TBBA-bis-(allyl-ether) 25327-89-3

TBBA-dimethyl-ether 37853-61-5

Tetrabromo-bisphenol S 39635-79-5

TBBS-bis-(2,3-dibromo-propyl-ether) 42757-55-1

2,4-Dibromo-phenol 615-58-7

2,4,6-tribromo-phenol 118-79-6

Pentabromo-phenol 608-71-9

2,4,6-Tribromo-phenyl-allyl-ether 3278-89-5

Tribromo-phenyl-allyl-ether, unspecified 26762-91-4

Bis(methyl)tetrabromo-phthalate 55481-60-2

Bis(2-ethylhexyl)tetrabromo-phthalate 26040-51-7

2-Hydroxy-propyl-2-(2-hydroxy-ethoxy)-ethyl-TBP 20566-35-2

TBPA, glycol-and propylene-oxide esters 75790-69-1

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N,N’-Ethylene –bis-(tetrabromo-phthalimide) 32588-76-4

Ethylene-bis(5,6-dibromo-norbornane-2,3-dicarboximide) 52907-07-0

2,3-Dibromo-2-butene-1,4-diol 3234-02-4

Dibromo-neopentyl-glycol 3296-90-0

Dibromo-propanol 96-13-9

Tribromo-neopentyl-alcohol 36483-57-5

Poly tribromo-styrene 57137-10-7

Tribromo-styrene 61368-34-1

Dibromo-styrene grafted PP 171091-06-8

Poly-dibromo-styrene 31780-26-4

Bromo-/Chloro-paraffins 68955-41-9

Bromo-/Chloro-alpha-olefin 82600-56-4

Vinylbromide 593-60-2

Tris-(2,3-dibromo-propyl)-isocyanurate 52434-90-9

Tris(2,4-Dibromo-phenyl) phosphate 49690-63-3

Tris(tribromo-neopentyl) phosphate 19186-97-1

Chlorinated and brominated phosphate ester 125997-20-8

Pentabromo-toluene 87-83-2

Pentabromo-benzyl bromide 38521-51-6

1,3-Butadiene homopolymer,brominated 68441-46-3

Pentabromo-benzyl-acrylate, monomer 59447-55-1

Pentabromo-benzyl-acrylate, polymer 59447-57-3

Decabromo-diphenyl-ethane 84852-53-9

Tribromo-bisphenyl-maleinimide 59789-51-4

Brominated trimethylphenyl-lindane - Other Brominated Flame Retardants - Tetrabromo-cyclo-octane


1,2-Dibromo-4-(1,2 dibromo-methyl)-cyclo-hexane 3322-93-8

Tetrabromophthalic acid Na salt 25357-79-3

Tetrabromo phthalic anhydride 632-79-1

Nikel/Nikel Bileşikleri

CAS Numaraları

Nikel 7440-02-0

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Ftalatlar CAS Numaraları

Bis (2-etilheksil) ftalat (DEHP) 117-81-7

Dibutilftalat (DBP) 84-74-2

Butilbenzilfitalat (BBP) 85-68-7

Diisononylfitalat (teknik karışım) (DINP) 28553-12-0 68515-48-0

Diisodecyl fitalat (teknik karışım) (DIDP) 26761-40-0 68515-49-1

Di-n-octyl-fitalat (DNOP) 117-84-0

Di-n-hexyl fitalat (DNHP) 84-75-3

Bis (2-metoksietil) phthalate (DEHP) 117-82-8

Polivinil klorür CAS Numaraları

Polivinil klorür (PVC) 9002-86-2

PAH CAS Numaraları

Naftalin 91-20-3

Acenaphthylen 208-96-8

Acenaphthene 83-32-9

Fluorene 86-73-7

Phenanthren 85-01-8

Anthracene 120-12-7

Fluoranthene 206-44-0

Pyrene 129-00-0

Chrysen 218-01-9

Benzo(a)anthracen 56-55-3

Benzo(b)fluoranthen ve benzo(k)fluoranthen

Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8

Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3

Indeno(c,d)pyrene 193-39-5

Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191- 24-2

Benzo[j]fluoranthen 205-82-3

Benzo[e]pyren 192-97-2

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Hidroflorkarbon, Perflorkarbon,SF6 CAS Numaraları

Carbon tetrafluoride (Perfluoromethane) 75-73-0

Perfluoroethane (Hexafluoroethane) 76-16-4

Perfluoropropane (Octafluoroproane) 76-19-7

Perfluorobutane (Decafluorobutane) 355-25-9

Perfluoropentane (Dodecafluoropentane) 678-26-2

Perfluorohexane (Tetradecafluorohexane) 355-42-0

Perfluorocyclobutane 115-25-3

Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) 2551-62-4

Trifluoromethane - (HFC-23) 75-46-7

Difluoromethane - (HFC-32) 75-10-5

Methyl fluoride – (HFC-41) 593-53-3

2H,3H-Decafluoropentane – (HFC-43-10mee) 138495-42-8

Pentafluoroethane (HFC-125) 354-33-6

1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethane – (HFC-134) 359-35-3

1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane – (HFC-134a) 811-97-2

1,1-Difluoroethane – (HFC-152a) 75-37-6

1,1,2-Trifluoroethane–(HFC-143 ) 430-66-0

1,1,1-Trifluoroethane – (HFC-143a) 420-46-2

2H-Heptafluoropropane– (HFC-227ea) 431-89-0

1,1,1,2,2,3-hexafluoro-propane ( HFC-236cb) 677-56-5

1,1,1,2,3,3-Hexafluoropropane – (HFC-236ea) 431-63-0

1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoropropane – (HFC-236fa) 690-39-1

1,1,2,2,3-Pentafluoropropane – (HFC-245ca) 679-86-7

1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoropropane – (HFC-245fa) 460-73-1

1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluorobutane – (HFC-365mfc) 406-58-6

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Alüminosilikat Ateşe Dayanıklı Seramik Lifleri Indeks Numaraları

CLP Tüzüğü Ek VI - 3.bölüm, tablo 3.1'de 650-017-00-8 indeks numarası ile yer alır ve şu üç şartı sağlar: a) oxides of aluminium and silicon are the main components present (in the fibres) within variable concentration ranges b) fibres have a length weighted geometric mean diameter less two standard geometric errors of 6 or less micrometres (µm) c) alkaline oxide and alkali earth oxide (Na2O+K2O+CaO+MgO+BaO) content less or equal to 18% by weight.


Zirkonyum Alüminosilikat Ateşe Dayanıklı Seramik Lifleri

Indeks Numaraları

CLP Tüzüğü Ek VI - 3.bölüm, tablo 3.1'de 650-017-00-8 indeks numarası ile yer alır ve şu üç şartı sağlar: a) oxides of aluminium, silicon and zirconium are the main components present (in the fibres) within variable concentration ranges b) fibres have a length weighted geometric mean diameter less two standard geometric errors of 6 or less micrometres (µm). c) alkaline oxide and alkali earth oxide (Na2O+K2O+CaO+MgO+BaO) content less or equal to 18% by weight.


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ANNEX-2: CAS Numbers of Banned/Restricted/Declarable Substances

Asbestos CAS No

Asbestos 1332-21-4

Actinolite 77536-66-4

Amosite (Grunerite) 12172-73-5

Anthophyllite 77536-67-5

Chrysotile 12001-29-5

Crocidolite 12001-28-4

Tremolite 77536-68-6

Azocolourants and Azodyes CAS No

Bifenil-4-ylamine 92-67-1

Benzidine 92-87-5

4-kloro-o-toluidine 95-69-2

2-naphthylamine 91-59-8

o-aminoazotoluene 97-56-3

5-nito-o-toluidine 99-55-8

4-chloroaniline 106-47-8

4-metoxy-m-phenylenediamine 615-05-4

4,4’-methylenedianiline 101-77-9

3,3’-dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1

3,3’dimethoxybenzidine 119-90-4

3,3’-dimethylbenzidine 119-93-7

4,4’-methylenedi-o-toluidine 838-88-0

6-methoxy-m-toluidine 120-71-8

4,4’-methylene-bis(2-chloroaniline) 101-14-4

4,4'-oxydianiline 101-80-4

4,4’-thiodianiline 139-65-1

o-toluidine 95-53-4

4-methyl-m-phenylendiamine 95-80-7

2,4,5-trimethylaniline 137-17-7

o-anisidine 90-04-0

4-amino azobenzene 60-09-3

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Cadmium and its Compounds CAS No.

Cadmium 7440-43-9

Cadmium Alloys

Cadmium oxide 1306-19-0

Cadmium chloride 10108-64-2

Cadmium sulfide 1306-23-6

Cadmium nitrate 10325-94-7

Cadmium nitrate tetrahydrate 10022-68-1

Cadmium sulfate 10124-36-4

Cadmium stearate 2223-93-0

Other Cadmium Compounds

Mercury and its Compounds CAS No.

Mercury 7439-97-6

Mercury alloys, amalgam

Mercury (I) oxide 15829-53-5

Mercury (II) oxide 21908-53-2

Mercury (I) chloride 10112-91-1

Mercury (II) chloride 7487-94-7

Mercury (II) nitrate 10045-94-0

Mercury (I) sulphate 7783-35-9

Mercury (II) fulminate 628-86-4

Mercury (II) acetate 1600-27-7

Metyl mercury salts e.g. 22967-92-6

Mercuric Sulfide 1344-48-5

Other mercury compounds

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Lead and its Compounds CAS No.

Lead, metal 7439-92-1

Lead/ Tin alloy 39412-44-7

Lead (II) oxide 1317-36-8

Lead (IV) oxide 1309-60-0

Lead (II, IV) oxide 1314-41-6

Kurşun azide 13424-46-9

Lead (II) fluoride 7783-46-2

Kurşun (II) klorür 7758-95-4

Lead (IV) chloride 13463-30-4

Lead (II) iodide 10101-63-0

Lead (II) sulphur 1314-87-0

Lead (II) cyanide 592-05-2

Lead fluoborate 13814-96-5

Lead fluosilicate 25808-74-6

Lead nitrate 10099-74-8

Lead carbonate 598-63-0

Lead hidroxiccarbonate 1344-36-1

Lead perchlorate 13637-76-8

Lead (II) sulfide 7446-14-2; 15739-80-7

Lead oxidesulphur 12202-17-4

Lead (II) phosphate 7446-27-7

Lead thiocyanate 592-87-0

Lead (II) acetate trihydrate 6080-56-4

Lead (II) acetate 301-04-2

Lead (IV) acetate 546-67-8

Lead oleate 1120-46-3

Lead stearate 7428-48-0

Lead (II) metaborate 10214-39-8

Lead metasilicate 11120-22-2; 10099-76-0

Lead antimonite 13510-89-9

Lead arsenate (1:1) 7784-40-9

Lead (II) arsenite 10031-13-7

Lead chromate 1344-37-2

Lead molybdate 10190-55-3

Calcium plumbate 12013-69-3

Tetrametyl lead 75-74-1

Tetraetyl lead 78-00-2

Lead hydrocarbonate 1319-46-6

Leadselenid 12069-00-0

Lead (III) chromate 7758-97-6

Lead (II) titan 12060-00-3

Lead stearate 1072-35-1

Lead Hydrogen Arsenate 7784-40-9

Other lead compounds

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Chromium VI Compounds CAS No.

Chromium (VI) oxide 1333-82-0

Lithium chromate 14307-35-8

Sodium chromate 7775-11-3

Potassium chromate 7789-00-6

Potassium chlorochromate 16037-50-6

Ammonium chromate 7788-98-9

Copper chromate 135-48-42-0

Magnesium chromate 13423-61-5

Calsium chromate 13765-19-0

Strontium chromate 7789-06-2

Barium chromate 10294-40-3

Lead chromate 1344-37-2

Zinc chromate 12018-19-8; 13530-65-9; 14018-95-2

Sodium dichromate Sodium bichromate


Potassium dichromate; Potassium bichromate


Ammonium dichromate; Ammonium bichromate


Calcium dichromate; Calcium bichromate


Zinc dichrromate; Zinc bichromate

Other heksavalent chromium compounds

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Ozone Depleting Substances (Isomers) CAS No:

Trichlorofluoromethane 75-94-4

Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC 12) 75-71-8

Chlorotrifluoromethane (CFC 13) 75-72-9

Pentachlorofluoroethane (CFC 111) 354-56-3

Tetrachlorodifluoroethane (CFC 112) 76-12-0

Trichlorotrifluoroethane (CFC 113) 1,1,2 Trichloro-1,2,2 trifluoroethane

354-58-5 76-13-1

Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (CFC 114) 76-14-2

Monochloropentafluoroethane (CFC 115) 76-15-3

Heptachlorofluoropropane (CFC 211) 422-78-6 135401-87-5

Hexachlorodifluoropropane (CFC 212) 3182-26-1)

Pentachlorotfifluoropropane (CFC 213) 2354-06-5 134237-31-3

Tetrachlorotetrafluoropropane (CFC 214) 1,1,1,3-Tetrachlorotetrafluoropropane

29255-31-0 2268-46-4

Trichloropentafluoropropane (CFC 215) 1,1,1-Trichloropentafluoropropane 1,2,3-Trichloropentafluoropropane

1599-41-3 4259-43-2 76-17-5

Dichlorohexafluoropropane (CFC 216) 661-97-2

Monochloroheptafluoropropane (CFC 217) 422-86-6

Bromochlorodifluoromethane (Halon 1211) 353-59-3

Bromotrifluoromethane (Halon 1301) 75-63-8

Dibromotetrafluoroethane (Halon 2402) 124-73-2

Carbon Tetrachlorür (Tetrachloromethane) 56-23-5

1,1,1,-Trichloroethane (metyl chloroform) and isomers (except for 1,1,2-Trichloroethan)


Bromomethane (Metyl Bromide) 74-83-9

Bromodifluoromethane and isomers (HBFC's) 1511-62-2

Hydrocarbons/ İsomers CAS No:

Dichlorofluoromethane (HCFC 21) 75-43-4

Chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC 22) 75-45-6

Chlorofluoromethane (HCFC 31) 593-70-4

Tetrachlorofluoromethane (HCFC 121)1,1,1,2-tetrachloro-2-fluoromethane 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1-fluoroethane

134237-32-4 , 354-11-0 354-14-3

Trichlorodifluoroethane (HCFC 122) 1,2,2-trichloro-1,1-difluoroethane

41834-16-6, 354-21-2

Dichlorotrifuloroethane (HCFC 123)Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123a)1,1-dichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123b) 2,2-dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123b)

34077-87-7, 90454-18-5 306-83-2 , 354-23-4 812-04-4, 812-04-4

Chlorotetrafluoroethane (HCFC 124) 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane 1-chloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (HCFC 124a)

63938-10-3, 2837-89-0 354-25-6

Trichlorofluoroethane (HCFC 131)1-Fluoro-1,2,2-trichloroethane 1,1,1-trichloro-2-fluoroethane (HCFC 131b)

27154-33-2;(134237-34-6) 359-28-4, 811-95-0

Dichlorodifluoroethane (HCFC 132)1,2-dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane (HCFC 132b)1,1-dichloro-1,2-difluoroethane (HCFC 132c)1,1-dichloro-2,2-difluoroethane 1,2-dichloro- 1,2-difluoroethane

25915-78-0 , 1649-08-7 1842-05-3 , 471-43-2


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Chlorotrifluoroethane (HCFC 133)1-chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HCFC-133a)

1330-45-6 ,1330-45-6 75-88-7

Dichlorofluoroethane (HCFC 141)1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane (HCFC-141b)1,2-dichloro-1-fluoroethane

1717-00-6;(25167-88-8) 1717-00-6, 430-57-9

Chlorodifluoroethane (HCFC 142)1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane (HCFC 142b)1-chloro-1,2-difluoroethane (HCFC 142a)

25497-29-4 , 75-68-3 25497-29-4

Hexachlorofluoropropane (HCFC 221) 134237-35-7

Pentachlorodifluoropropane (HCFC 222) 134237-36-8

Tetrachlorotrifluoropropane (HCFC 223) 134237-37-9

Trichlorotetrafluoropropane (HCFC 224) 134237-38-0

Dichloropentafluoropropane, (Ethyne, floro-) (HCFC 225) 2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225aa) 2,3-Dichloro-1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225ba) 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225bb) 3,3-Dichloro-1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225ca) 1,3-Dichloro-1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225cb) 1,1-Dichloro-1,2,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225cc) 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225da) 1,3-Dichloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225ea) 1,1-Dichloro-1,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC 225eb)

127564-92-5; (2713-09-9) 128903-21-9

422-48-0 422-44-6 422-56-0 507-55-1

13474-88-9 431-86-7

136013-79-1 111512-56-2

Chlorohexafluoropropane (HCFC 226) 134308-72-8

Pentachlorofluoropropane (HCFC 231) 134190-48-0

Tetrachlorodifluoropropane (HCFC 232) 134237-39-1

Trichlorotrifluoropropane (HCFC 233) 1,1,1-Trichloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropane

134237-40-04 7125-83-9

Dichlorotetrafluoropropane (HCFC 234) 127564-83-4

Chloropentafluoropropane (HCFC 235) 1-Chloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane

134237-41-5 460-92-4

Tetrachlorofleoropropane (HCFC 241) 134190-49-1

Trichlorodifluoropropane (HCFC 242) 134237-42-6

Dichlorotrifluoropropane (HCFC 243) 1,1-dichloro-1,2,2-trifluoropropane 2,3-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropane 3,3-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropane

134237-43-7 7125-99-7 338-75-0 460-69-5

Chlorotetrafluoropropane (HCFC 244) 3-chloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoropropane

134190-50-4 679-85-6

Trichlorofluoropropane (HCFC 251) 1,1,3-trichloro-1-fluoropropane

134190-51-5 818-99-5

Dichlorodifluoropropane (HCFC 252) 134190-52-6

Chlorotrifluoropropane (HCFC 253) 3-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropane (HCFC 253fb)

134237-44-8 460-35-5

Dichlorofluoropropane (HCFC 261) 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoropropane

134237-45-9 7799-56-6

Chlorodifluoropropane (HCFC 262) 2-kloro-1,3-difloropropan

134190-53-7 102738-79-4

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PBBs and PBDEs


Bromobiphenyl and ethers

2052-07-5 (2-Bromobiphenyl) 2113-57-7 (3-Bromobiphenyl)

92-66-0 (4-Bromobiphenyl) 101-55-3 (ether)

Decabromobiphenyl and ethers 13654-09-6

1163-19-5 (ether)

Dibromobiphenyl and ethers 92-86-4

2050-47-7 (ether)

Heptabromobiphenylether 68928-80-3

Hexabromobiphenyl and ethers

59080-40-9 36355-01-8 (hexabromo-1,1'-

biphenyl) 67774-32-7 (Firemaster FF-1)

36483-60-0 (ether)

Nonabromobifphenylether 63936-56-1

Octabromobiphenyl and ethers 61288-13-9

32536-52-0 (ether)

Pentabromobiphenyl ether 32534-81-9

Polybromide Biphenyl 59536-65-1

Tetrabromobiphenyl and ethers 40088-45-7

40088-47-9 (ether)

Pentabromobiphenylether 56307-79-0

Heptabromobiphenilether 35194-78-6

Nonabromobiphenyl 27753-52-2

Decabromdiphenylether 1163-19-5

Tribromobiphenyl ether 49690-94-0 59080-34-1

PCB’s and PCT’s CAS No

Polychlorinated biphenyls 1336-36-3

Monomethyl-tetrachloro-diphenyl methane (Ugilec 141)


Monomethyl-dichloro-diphenyl methane (Ugilec 121, Ugilec 21)


Monomethyl-dibromo-diphenyl methane (DBBT) 99688-47-8

Polychlorinated Terphenyls and isomers 61788-33-8


Polychlorinated naphthalanes 70776-03-3

Trichlornaphthalanes 1321-65-9

Tetrachloronaphthalenes 1335-88-2

Pentachloronaphthalanes 1321-64-8

Octachloronaphthalanes 2234-13-1

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Radioactive Substances CAS No

Uranium 238 7440-61-1

Plutonium -

Radon 10043-92-2

Americium 241 14596-10-2

Thorium 232 7440-29-1

Cesium 7440-46-2

Strontium 7440-29-6

Other radioactive substances -

Shortchain Chlorinated Parrafins CAS No

Chlorinated parsaffins (C10-13)1 85535-84-8

Others -

Tributyl Tin Oxide


Bis(tri-n-butyltin) oxide 56-35-9

DBT Compounds CAS No

Dibutyltin oxide 818-08-6

Dibutyltin diacetate 1067-33-0

Dibutyltin dilorate 77-58-7

Dibutyltin maleate 78-04-6

Other dibutyltin compounds -

Dioctyltin (DOT) Compounds CAS No

Dioctyltin oxide 870-08-6

Dioctyltin dilorate 3648-18-8

Other Dioctyltin compounds -

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Tributyl Tin, Triphenyl Tin CAS No

Triphenyltin=N,N-dimethyldithiocarbamate 1803-12-9

Triphenyltin fluoride 379-52-2

Triphenyltin acetate 900-95-8

Triphenyltin chloride 639-58-7

Triphenyltin hidroxide 76-87-9

Triphenyltin fattyacid ((C=9-11)salt) 47672-31-1

Triphenyltin chloroacetate 7094-94-2

Tributyltin methacrylate 2155-70-6

Bis(tributylltin) fumalate 6454-35-9

Tributiyltin fluoride 1983-10-4

Bis(tributyltin) 2,3-dibromosuccinate 31732-71-5

Tributyltin acetate 56-36-0

Tributyltin laurate 3090-36-6

Bis(tributyltin) ftalate 4782-29-0

Copolymer of Alkyl acrylate, methyl methacrylate ve tributyltin metacrylate(alkyl; C=8)


Tributyltin sulfamate 6517-25-5

Bis(tributyltin) maleate 14275-57-1

Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9

Tributiyltin cyclopentane carbonate=mixture 5409-17-2

Tributyltin 1,2,3,4,4a, 4b, decahydro-7-isoplopyl-1, 4a-dimethyl-1- phenanthrencarbocylatemix

26239-64-5 -

Others -

Triphenyltin fattyacid((9-11)salt)

18380-71-7 18380-72-8 47672-31-1 94850-90-5

Perchlorates CAS No

Lithium perchlorate 7791-03-9

Other perchlorates -

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Brominated Flame Retardants (Other than PBB’s or PBBE’s)


Brominated flame retardant which comes under notation of ISO 1043-4 code number FR(14) [Aliphatic/ailcylic brominated compounds]


Brominated flame retardants which comes under notation of ISO 1043-4 FR(15) [Aliphatic/alicyclic brominated compounds in combination with antimony compounds]


Brominated flame retardants which comes under notation of ISO 1043-4 FR(16) [Aromatic brominated compounds excluding brominated diphenyl ether and biphenyls]


Brominated flame retardant which come under notation of ISO 1043-4 FR (17) [Aromatic brominated compounds excluding brominated diphyenil ether and pphenyls] in combination with antimony compounds)


Brominated flame retardant which comes under notation of ISO 1043-4 FR (22) [Aliphatic / alicyclic chlorinated and brominated compounds]


Brominated flame retardant which comes under notation of ISO 1043-4 code number(42) [brominated organic phosohorus compounds]


Poly(2,6-dibromo-phenylen oxide) 69882-11-7

Tetra-decabromo-diphenoxy-benzene 58965-66-5

1,2-Bis(2,4,6-tribromo-phenoxy) ethane 37853-59-1

3,5,3’,5’-Tetrabromo-bisphenol A (TBBA) 79-94-7

TBBA, unspecified 30496-13-0

TBBA-epichlorhydrin oligomer


TBBA-TBBA-diglycidyl-ether oligomer


TBBA carbonate oligomer 28906-13-0

TBBA carbonate oligomer, phenoxy end capped 94334-64-2

TBBA carbonate oligomer, 2,4,6-tribromo-phenol terminated 71342-77-3

TBBA-bisphenol A-phosgene polymer 32844-27-2

Brominated epoxy resin end-capped with tribromophenol 139638-58-7

Brominated epoxy resin end-capped with tribromophenol 135229-48-0

TBBA-(2,3-dibromo-propyl-ether) 21850-44-2

TBBA bis-(2-hydroxy-ethyl-ether) 4162-45-2

TBBA-bis-(allyl-ether) 25327-89-3

TBBA-dimethyl-ether 37853-61-5

Tetrabromo-bisphenol S 39635-79-5

TBBS-bis-(2,3-dibromo-propyl-ether) 42757-55-1

2,4-Dibromo-phenol 615-58-7

2,4,6-tribromo-phenol 118-79-6

Pentabromo-phenol 608-71-9

2,4,6-Tribromo-phenyl-allyl-ether 3278-89-5

Tribromo-phenyl-allyl-ether, unspecified 26762-91-4

Bis(methyl)tetrabromo-phthalate 55481-60-2

Bis(2-ethylhexyl)tetrabromo-phthalate 26040-51-7

2-Hydroxy-propyl-2-(2-hydroxy-ethoxy)-ethyl-TBP 20566-35-2

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TBPA, glycol-and propylene-oxide esters 75790-69-1

N,N’-Ethylene –bis-(tetrabromo-phthalimide) 32588-76-4

Ethylene-bis(5,6-dibromo-norbornane-2,3-dicarboximide) 52907-07-0

2,3-Dibromo-2-butene-1,4-diol 3234-02-4

Dibromo-neopentyl-glycol 3296-90-0

Dibromo-propanol 96-13-9

Tribromo-neopentyl-alcohol 36483-57-5

Poly tribromo-styrene 57137-10-7

Tribromo-styrene 61368-34-1

Dibromo-styrene grafted PP 171091-06-8

Poly-dibromo-styrene 31780-26-4

Bromo-/Chloro-paraffins 68955-41-9

Bromo-/Chloro-alpha-olefin 82600-56-4

Vinylbromide 593-60-2

Tris-(2,3-dibromo-propyl)-isocyanurate 52434-90-9

Tris(2,4-Dibromo-phenyl) phosphate 49690-63-3

Tris(tribromo-neopentyl) phosphate 19186-97-1

Chlorinated and brominated phosphate ester 125997-20-8

Pentabromo-toluene 87-83-2

Pentabromo-benzyl bromide 38521-51-6

1,3-Butadiene homopolymer,brominated 68441-46-3

Pentabromo-benzyl-acrylate, monomer 59447-55-1

Pentabromo-benzyl-acrylate, polymer 59447-57-3

Decabromo-diphenyl-ethane 84852-53-9

Tribromo-bisphenyl-maleinimide 59789-51-4

Brominated trimethylphenyl-lindane - Other Brominated Flame Retardants - Tetrabromo-cyclo-octane


1,2-Dibromo-4-(1,2 dibromo-methyl)-cyclo-hexane 3322-93-8

Tetrabromophthalic acid Na salt 25357-79-3

Tetrabromo phthalic anhydride 632-79-1

Nickel/Nickel Compounds


Nickel 7440-02-0

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Phthalates CAS No

Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) 117-81-7

Dibutylphthalate (DBP) 84-74-2

Butiybenzylphthalate (BBP) 85-68-7

Diisononylphthalate (technical mixture) (DINP) 28553-12-0 68515-48-0

Diisodecyl phthalate (technical mixture) (DIDP) 26761-40-0 68515-49-1

Di-n-octyl-phthalate (DNOP) 117-84-0

Di-n-hexyl phthalate (DNHP) 84-75-3

Bis (2-methoksyethyl) phthalate (DEHP) 117-82-8

Polyvinyl Chloride CAS No

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 9002-86-2


Naftalin 91-20-3

Acenaphthylen 208-96-8

Acenaphthene 83-32-9

Fluorene 86-73-7

Phenanthren 85-01-8

Anthracene 120-12-7

Fluoranthene 206-44-0

Pyrene 129-00-0

Chrysen 218-01-9

Benzo(a)anthracen 56-55-3

Benzo(b)fluoranthen ve benzo(k)fluoranthen

Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8

Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3

Indeno(c,d)pyrene 193-39-5

Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191- 24-2

Benzo[j]fluoranthen 205-82-3

Benzo[e]pyren 192-97-2

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Hydrofluorocarbons, Perfluorocarbons,SF6 CAS No

Carbon tetrafluoride (Perfluoromethane) 75-73-0

Perfluoroethane (Hexafluoroethane) 76-16-4

Perfluoropropane (Octafluoroproane) 76-19-7

Perfluorobutane (Decafluorobutane) 355-25-9

Perfluoropentane (Dodecafluoropentane) 678-26-2

Perfluorohexane (Tetradecafluorohexane) 355-42-0

Perfluorocyclobutane 115-25-3

Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) 2551-62-4

Trifluoromethane - (HFC-23) 75-46-7

Difluoromethane - (HFC-32) 75-10-5

Methyl fluoride – (HFC-41) 593-53-3

2H,3H-Decafluoropentane – (HFC-43-10mee) 138495-42-8

Pentafluoroethane (HFC-125) 354-33-6

1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethane – (HFC-134) 359-35-3

1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane – (HFC-134a) 811-97-2

1,1-Difluoroethane – (HFC-152a) 75-37-6

1,1,2-Trifluoroethane–(HFC-143 ) 430-66-0

1,1,1-Trifluoroethane – (HFC-143a) 420-46-2

2H-Heptafluoropropane– (HFC-227ea) 431-89-0

1,1,1,2,2,3-hexafluoro-propane ( HFC-236cb) 677-56-5

1,1,1,2,3,3-Hexafluoropropane – (HFC-236ea) 431-63-0

1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoropropane – (HFC-236fa) 690-39-1

1,1,2,2,3-Pentafluoropropane – (HFC-245ca) 679-86-7

1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoropropane – (HFC-245fa) 460-73-1

1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluorobutane – (HFC-365mfc) 406-58-6

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Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres Indeks No

are fibres covered by index number 650-017-00-8 in Annex VI, part 3, table 3.2 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, and fulfill the two following conditions: a) Al2O3 and SiO2 are present within the following concentration ranges: • Al2O3: 43.5 – 47 % w/w, and SiO2: 49.5 – 53.5 % w/w, or • Al2O3: 45.5 – 50.5 % w/w, and SiO2: 48.5 – 54 % w/w, b) fibres have a length weighted geometric mean diameter less two standard geometric errors of 6 or less micrometres (μm)


Zirconia Aluminosilicate, Refractory Ceramic Fibres Indeks No

are fibres covered by index number 650-017-00-8 in Annex VI, part 3, table 3.2 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, and fulfill the two following conditions: a) Al2O3, SiO2 and ZrO2 are present within the following concentration ranges: • Al2O3: 35 – 36 % w/w, and • SiO2: 47.5 – 50 % w/w, and • ZrO2: 15 - 17 % w/w, b) fibres have a length weighted geometric mean diameter less two standard geometric errors of 6 or less micrometres (μm)


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Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres Indeks No

are fibres covered by index number 650-017-00-8 in Annex VI, part 3, table 3.1 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, and fulfil the three following conditions: a) oxides of aluminium and silicon are the main components present (in the fibres) within variable concentration ranges b) fibres have a length weighted geometric mean diameter less two standard geometric errors of 6 or less micrometres (µm) c) alkaline oxide and alkali earth oxide (Na2O+K2O+CaO+MgO+BaO) content less or equal to 18% by weight


Zirconia Aluminosilicate, Refractory Ceramic Fibres Indeks No

are fibres covered by index number 650-017-00-8 in Annex VI, part 3, table 3.1 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, and fulfil the three following conditions: a) oxides of aluminium, silicon and zirconium are the main components present (in the fibres) within variable concentration ranges b) fibres have a length weighted geometric mean diameter less two standard geometric errors of 6 or less micrometres (µm). c) alkaline oxide and alkali earth oxide (Na2O+K2O+CaO+MgO+BaO) content less or equal to 18% by weight
