NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Any opinions expressed in this memoir are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Academy of Sciences. EDWARD SAPIR 1884—1939 A Biographical Memoir by REGNA DARNELL AND JUDITH T. IRVINE Biographical Memoir COPYRIGHT 1997 NATIONAL ACADEMIES PRESS WASHINGTON D.C.

Edward Sapirnasonline.org/.../biographical-memoirs/memoir-pdfs/sapir-edward.pdf · of social science in North America at the time, the new position placed Sapir at the center of a

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n a t i o n a l a c a d e m y o f s c i e n c e s

Any opinions expressed in this memoir are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the

National Academy of Sciences.

e d W a r d s a P i r


A Biographical Memoir by

reGna darnell and Judit H t . irvine

Biographical Memoir

Copyright 1997NatioNal aCademies press

washiNgtoN d.C.

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January 26, 1884–February 4, 1939

B Y R E G N A D A R N E L L A N D J U D I T H T . I R V I N E

AMONG THE ANTHROPOLOGISTS trained by Franz Boas in theearly decades of the twentieth century Edward Sapir

alone was regularly acknowledged by his peers as a genius.The only professionally trained linguist among Boas’s stu-dents, and gifted with intuitive insight into grammaticalpatterning and historical relationships of linguistic fami-lies, Sapir contributed seminally to general linguistic theory,Amerindian linguistics, and Indo-European linguistics. Healso made important anthropological contributions in eth-nology, culture theory, and cultural psychology. A prolificfieldworker as well as theorist, Sapir recorded for posteritythirty-nine different Amerindian languages, often workingwith the last living speaker. Alongside his linguistic investi-gations he gathered ethnographic information and tran-scribed indigenous-language folklore texts. He was a hu-manist as well as linguist and anthropologist, composingmusic and publishing poetry and literary criticism. For hissuccessors in a range of disciplines he continues to exem-plify the study of meaning and expressive form across lin-guistic and cultural boundaries.


Although Sapir was born in Lauenberg, Pomerania

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(Prussia), in what is now Lebork, Poland, his parents, JacobDavid and Eva Seagal Sapir, were Lithuanian Jews. Sapirundoubtedly learned German as a child, but the languageof his home was Yiddish; he read Hebrew with his father, acantor, beginning when he was seven or eight. Jacob Sapirpreferred music to theology, however, and the family’s dailylife was not intensely orthodox in religious observance.

The family moved several times during Sapir’s early child-hood. He began kindergarten in Liverpool, England, whileJacob preceded his wife and children to America, obtaininga position in Richmond, Virginia, in 1890. Shortly after themove to the United States Sapir’s younger brother Max diedof typhoid, and Jacob’s career declined through a series ofshort-lived appointments. The family took root on the LowerEast Side of New York City when Edward was ten. Eva Sapirran a small notions shop to support herself and her re-maining son; she and Jacob divorced sometime after 1910.

When Sapir was fourteen he won a Pulitzer scholarshipfor four years at the prestigious Horace Mann High School.He declined it in favor of a local high school and used thescholarship for his undergraduate education at ColumbiaUniversity. He was one of the bright stars among the immi-grant children of the city, and higher education was hisprize.

Entering Columbia in 1901, Sapir concentrated on Ger-manic philology while gaining formal training in Indo-Eu-ropean linguistics. He received his B.A. in German in 1904,having taken only three years to complete the four-yearprogram. In 1905 he received his M.A., also in German. Hetook two more years of courses in anthropology and Ger-man, receiving his Ph.D. in anthropology in 1909 with adissertation on the Takelma language of southwestern Or-egon.

Languages were Sapir’s forte from the beginning. Since

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Columbia had no department of linguistics as such,Germanics was the field of choice for a student interestedin linguistic science. After Sapir met Franz Boas, however,he was inspired by the urgency of the need to record en-dangered Amerindian languages before they were lost for-ever. To apply the methods of comparative Indo-Europeanto unwritten aboriginal languages was, for him, an obviousstep. His interest in linguistic theory went far beyond thatof Boas, a self-taught linguist who acknowledged his pupil’sintellectual leadership in linguistics while Sapir was still agraduate student.

The transition from Germanics to anthropology was asmooth one. Sapir’s M.A. thesis on Herder’s theory of theorigin of language, by including Eskimo examples, alreadyreflected the influence of Boas. At this time, as in lateryears, Sapir defended the functional equivalence of all hu-man languages, explicitly including those of “primitive”peoples. But his real apprenticeship as a field linguist, inthe anthropological tradition, began in 1905 when Boassent him to the Yakima Reservation in Washington to workon Wasco and Wishram Chinook. There were many lan-guages begging for description. In 1906 Sapir returned tothe field for his dissertation research, working on Takelmaand Chasta Costa at Siletz Reservation in Oregon.


Sapir’s first professional appointment, in 1907, was as aresearch assistant at the University of California, Berkeley,where fellow Boas student Alfred Kroeber had a mandateto map the enormous cultural and linguistic diversity of thestate. In a single year Sapir studied three dialects of Yanaand worked briefly on Kato. But Kroeber was more inter-ested in surface description that would classify related lan-guages than in the careful grammatical analysis Sapir thought

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should produce a dictionary, grammar, and texts for eachlanguage studied. California did not continue the appoint-ment after its first year.

Sapir moved to the University of Pennsylvania in 1908 totake up a Harrison fellowship, which involved teaching aswell as research through the University Museum. With hisethnologist colleague Frank Speck, another former Boasstudent, Sapir worked on Catawba. In the 1909 field seasonSapir and his student John Alden Mason began fieldworkwith Uintah Ute in Utah. They planned a long-term studyof Ute language and culture, but their project was not fundedby the museum.

Remaining in Philadelphia in 1910, Sapir began studyingSouthern Paiute, a language closely related to Ute, withTony Tillohash, a student from the nearby Carlisle IndianSchool. It was a fortunate collaboration: Tillohash’s abilityto analyze his native language meshed with Sapir’s intui-tions to produce what has sometimes been called the mostbeautiful grammatical description ever written of anAmerindian language. Sapir worked briefly on Hopi withanother Carlisle student but abandoned it in favor of hiswork with Tillohash, choosing the ideal linguistic informantover the language as such.

At the age of twenty-six Sapir obtained a plum positionin the expanding Boasian network of professional anthro-pology in North America. He served from 1910 to 1925 asthe first chief ethnologist of the Division of Anthropologyin the Geological Survey of Canada, Department of Mines.As Canada’s paramount anthropologist he quickly devel-oped a research and publication program and a nationalmuseum focusing on the aboriginal peoples of the domin-ion.

With a wide research field to cover Sapir hired severalBoas-trained researchers and alternated his own research

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program between intensive work with Nootka on VancouverIsland and survey fieldwork among a variety of northeast-ern languages spoken within easy range of Ottawa. Althoughhe was able to make only two field trips to the Nootka areabefore the First World War dried up research funds andadministrative responsibility made summer fieldwork moredifficult, Sapir worked with speakers of various northwestcoast languages when their speakers visited Ottawa on tribalbusiness. In 1922, a few years after the end of the war, hewas able to return to a brief stint of in situ fieldwork for astudy of Sarcee, an Athabaskan language, in Alberta. Thefollowing year he pursued the Athabaskan research withKutchin and Ingalik, Athabaskan languages of northernCanada, since some speakers of these languages happenedto be living not far away at Camp Red Cloud, Pennsylvania.

The Canadian work was interrupted only once, whenKroeber invited Sapir back to California to work with a“wild” Indian, the last speaker of Yahi, a Yana language.Using his knowledge of other Yana varieties studied yearsbefore, Sapir spent the summer of 1915 recording Ishi’sunique knowledge of his language and culture.

The later Ottawa years were depressing ones, on personalas well as professional grounds. Sapir was a pacifist duringthe First World War and keenly felt his position as an immi-grant to North America. Florence Delson Sapir, whom hehad married in 1910, suffered from a series of mental andphysical ailments until her death of a lung abscess in 1924.Sapir’s mother came to help with the three children. As forhis research activities, even after the end of the war theresearch portion of the division’s work did not recover enoughfunding to restore its original grandeur.

These were years of intense introspection for Sapir. Hewrote poetry and literary criticism, dabbled in psychology,and composed music. Largely prevented from carrying out

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new fieldwork and increasingly frustrated by his inability towrite up his accumulated materials on the myriad languageshe already had studied in the field, he turned to moregeneral linguistic questions and to the theory of culture,society, and the individual. Although his own intellectualactivities had lost none of their vigor, he felt isolated inOttawa and lamented the absence of a university affiliationwith the chance to train his own students.

In 1925 Sapir was called to the University of Chicago,which had already assembled a stellar faculty. His appoint-ment was to a joint Department of Sociology and Anthro-pology, which split in 1929. Since the “Chicago School” ofsociology was the most prestigious and professional varietyof social science in North America at the time, the newposition placed Sapir at the center of a network of interdis-ciplinary scholarship, much of it sponsored by the RockefellerFoundation. After the years of perceived isolation in Ot-tawa, Sapir thrived on the intellectual excitement of Chi-cago in the late 1920s. He eagerly joined the interdiscipli-nary conference circuit, becoming the man of words whoenabled colleagues from sociology and psychology/psychia-try to understand the common links of their work. His col-laboration with interactional psychiatrist Harry Stack Sullivanand political scientist Harold D. Lasswell is particularly no-table. Because he was teaching in the social sciences Sapirfound himself thinking a great deal about culture, psychol-ogy, and social science methodology. Still, in this period hedid not abandon his linguistic work, even managing to makefield trips to study Navajo and Hupa.

It was shortly after his arrival in Chicago that Sapir re-newed an acquaintance with Jean McClenaghan, then a so-cial work student on a practicum at the Chicago Institutefor Juvenile Research. The couple were married in 1927and had two children.

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In 1931 Sapir followed Rockefeller funding to Yale Uni-versity. As Sterling professor of anthropology and linguis-tics he was expected to bring interdisciplinary research tothe Graduate Division of the university, heading a new de-partment of anthropology and drawing social science re-search together into a single coherent research program.With colleagues at the Institute of Human Relations he wasto offer a seminar on “the impact of culture on personal-ity,” supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. He was alsoto serve in a newly independent graduate department oflinguistics. For the first time he found intellectually conge-nial colleagues in linguistic theory and Indo-European studies.A cadre of his Chicago graduate students in linguistics movedto Yale with him, constituting the first Yale school of lin-guistics (the second one coalesced around LeonardBloomfield in the 1940s).

These utopian plans were undermined by local academicpolitics, especially by vested interests in sociology, by theeconomic effects of the Depression, and by currents of anti-Semitism at Yale. Sapir was overextended and unhappy.Outside Yale he continued with his interdisciplinary activi-ties; within it he focused on his own teaching in anthropol-ogy and linguistics.

In 1937, while teaching at the Linguistic Society of AmericaSummer Institute at Ann Arbor, Michigan, Sapir sufferedhis first heart attack. A sabbatical trip to China in 1937-38had to be cancelled because of his health. Although hereturned to teaching in the fall of 1938, he had not recov-ered his strength. He died early in 1939 at the age of fifty-five.


Sapir’s first synthetic works were part of the formaliza-tion of the Boasian paradigm. In 1916 his Time Perspective in

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Aboriginal American Culture: A Study in Method laid out themethod of historical inference implicit in the Boasian re-construction of the history of cultures and languages. (Atthe time, direct archaeological evidence of American pre-history was scanty, and there were no consistent standardsfor its interpretation until the Pecos Conference a full de-cade later; indirect evidence, such as might be provided bylinguistics and ethnology, was therefore crucial.) Drawingon linguistic examples from a remarkable range of cases,Sapir in Time Perspective distinguished methodologically be-tween the properties of language and culture for historicalreconstruction. Sound change in language, unlike the otherparts of culture, he argued, retained traces of the past his-torical relationships of languages. In consequence, geneticrelationships could be discerned and distinguished fromother kinds of relationships by the application of methodsused in Indo-European historical linguistics, even in theabsence of written records. Sapir’s treatise remained theethnologist’s guide to historical method for a generationand still repays careful attention to the forms of his logic.

In 1921 Sapir published Language: An Introduction to theStudy of Speech, the only book he completed during his life-time. He included written and unwritten languages on anequal footing, marvelling at the precision and beauty ofgrammatical forms and structural typologies. This was Sapirthe linguist writing at his most lyrical and persuasive. Thebook was directed at an educated general audience, but itsbroad canvas and penetrating vision of linguistic form, aswell as its treatment of specific topics, have greatly influ-enced professional linguists ever since. The discussion of“drift,” for example, remains fundamental to linguistic theoryabout processes of language change.

Also in 1921 Sapir published a one-page summary of hissix-unit classification of American Indian languages, based

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on a paper read to the American Association for the Ad-vancement of Science. Although the 1929 version of thisclassification is better known and is accompanied by con-siderable justification, including a medial classification oftwenty-three units acceptable even to conservatives amongAmerindian linguists, the 1921 version was essentially com-plete. It was based on the comparative work Sapir and hiscolleagues had done over the past two decades. AlthoughSapir himself saw the classification as a series of workinghypotheses, many anthropologists promptly reified its cat-egories, latching onto the six-unit classification as an easyguide to tribal relationships.

The most daring of the proposals made by Sapir in thisperiod involved linking Athabaskan to Haida and Tlingit toform Na-dene and then linking Na-dene, largely on thebasis of its tonal structure, to Sino-Tibetan. By the 1930’s,however, when Sapir moved to Yale, his colleagues in lin-guistics were skeptical of such speculative large-scale ge-netic hypotheses, and the anthropologists were no longerin dire need of historical models from linguistics (if onlybecause of the emergence of reliable dating methods inprehistoric archaeology). During the Yale years Sapir paidless attention to the six-unit classification, returning insteadto linguistic theory and to specific linguistic problems bothwithin and beyond the Americanist field, including studiesin African, Semitic, and Indo-European linguistics.

Some of Sapir’s most famous contributions to linguistictheory lie in phonology, the study of sound systems. In 1925the inaugural issue of Language—the journal of the Lin-guistic Society of America, of which Sapir was a crucialfounder—carried his paper, “Sound Patterns in Language,”which defined the concept of the phoneme in terms ofsignificant relationships among sounds, rather than theirobjective qualities. In 1933 he followed up this pattern-ori-

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ented argument in discussing the phoneme’s “psychologi-cal reality,” that is, the intuitions of Amerindian languagespeakers for their native language’s phonological system.The level of generalization implicit in Sapir’s distinctionbetween phonetics and phonology in these papers, whichrevolutionized American linguistics, was derived from field-work with aboriginal languages independently of parallelwork on phonemic models by the Prague School of lin-guists in Europe. A late (1938) paper of Sapir’s on glottalizedcontinuants pursued these phonological themes and is sig-nificant for its use of evidence from Amerindian languagesalongside Indo-European data.

Sapir is also especially noted for his dynamic conceptionof grammar. His analysis of the grammar of Southern Paiute,together with his student Stanley Newman’s grammar ofYokuts, stand as exemplars of the “process grammar,” animportant though discontinuous precursor of contempo-rary generative theories. What intervened was the school oflinguistics associated with Leonard Bloomfield, Sapir’syounger colleague at Yale. Sapir’s conception of grammati-cal process and his interest in the study of meaning as inte-gral to the theory of grammar contrast sharply with thework of the Bloomfieldians.

Sapir’s discussions of the role of meaning in grammaticalform and the relationships of these to the use of languagein formulating and conveying ideas have been taken as hiscontribution to what is often called the Sapir-Whorf hy-pothesis. In fact the hypothesis was developed largely by hisstudent Benjamin Lee Whorf after his mentor’s death. Butthere are certainly intimations in Sapir’s own writing of theway in which habitual thought might be influenced, if notdetermined, by linguistic structures.

There is almost no important topic in linguistics or itsallied disciplines to which Sapir did not contribute. Some

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of his interests, it is true, no longer command widespreadscholarly attention, such as the construction of an interna-tional language. Others, such as his work on sociolinguisticvariation in Yana, have been rediscovered by modern schol-ars who emphasize these topics more than Sapir himselfdid. Taken as a whole, however, the range of Sapir’s con-cerns significantly shaped the outlines of American linguis-tics for later generations.


Although Sapir’s reputation in the decades following hisdeath has rested more upon his contributions to linguisticsthan upon his role in cultural anthropology, during his life-time he was known as an important ethnologist and cul-tural theorist as well. In 1916 after the publication of TimePerspective—an essay that includes explorations of thediachronic implications of ethnological phenomena, onanalogy with language—he embarked on a consideration oftheoretical problems in the concept of culture. These inter-ests were to occupy him increasingly during the rest of hisprofessional life. His 1917 debate with Kroeber on the“superorganic,” a debate in which Sapir challenged Kroeber’sassumptions about anthropological epistemology and therole of individual achievement and experience in culturalsystems, was only the first of many discussions of these themes.

Sapir’s conception of culture and anthropological methodwas always influenced by his work in linguistics. Languagewas, for him, the cultural phenomenon par excellence. Itoffered the prime example of cultural difference and cul-tural systematicity; it provided the ethnographer with theterminological key to native concepts; and it suggested toits speakers the configurations of readily expressible ideas.But Sapir’s thinking about culture drew significantly, as well,on his interests in psychology and psychiatry, especially Jung’s

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writings on personality, Koffka’s Gestalt psychology, andSullivan’s interactional psychotherapy.

One of the problems that most interested Sapir was thetension between the anthropologist’s concern with abstractingcultural patterns from observable behavior and the indi-vidual participant’s personal biography and subjective ex-perience. In contrast to many other anthropologists of thetime Sapir emphasized intracultural variability, disagreement,and individual agency. He distinguished carefully between,on the one hand, subjective meanings and experience, and,on the other, the public symbols and social conventionsprescribing the forms a person’s behavior takes. Althoughmuch interested in the relationships between culture andpersonality, Sapir criticized approaches which, in his view,failed to distinguish collective and individual levels of analysis,confusing conventional patterns of behavior with the per-sonality patterns of actual individuals. Late in his life, influ-enced by his collaboration with Harry Stack Sullivan, Sapirbegan to look to the analysis of social interaction as thelocus of cultural dynamics.

Sapir’s writings on culture have sometimes been seen asfalling into an extreme methodological individualism, butthis view distorts his position. He was equally interested incultural configurations and in the ways an individual’s ex-perience is dependent on social setting. The problem washow a theory of culture could accommodate both its indi-vidual and its social sides. Since his peers, Kroeber espe-cially, seemed to give priority to the social, Sapir’s writingsoften emphasized the individual.

During his lifetime his contribution to cultural theorytook the form of a series of essays. Although he planned towrite a book on “the psychology of culture,” based on hisgraduate lecture course of that title and the Rockefellerseminar at Yale, he did not live to complete it. A manu-

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script for the book was finally reconstructed posthumouslyfrom students’ lecture notes and published in 1993.


Sapir’s scholarly reputation is easily documented in theofficial honors accorded him. His positions at Chicago andYale, an honorary degree from Columbia, elections to thepresidencies of the American Anthropological Associationand the Linguistic Society of America, his membership inthe National Academy of Sciences, the memorial volume(originally planned as a festschrift) published shortly afterhis death, and many other honors are evidence of the schol-arly esteem in which his colleagues held him. Their respectwas also personal. As his student David Mandelbaum wrotein an obituary of Sapir published in 1941, “He was morethan an inspired scholar, he was an inspiring person. Lis-tening to him was a lucid adventure in the field of ideas;one came forth exhilarated, more than oneself. . . . Aneminent psychiatrist recently remarked that Sapir was anintoxicating man. That he was.”

Yet despite the force of his personality and the impor-tance of his contributions, there is no “Sapir school” ineither of the major disciplines to which his work was foun-dational. No single one of Sapir’s students pursued all ofthe disciplines or topics that consumed his interests overthe course of his career. His untimely death in 1939 leftthem without a mentor at a time when a world depressionand then a world war took priority over scholarly concerns.After the war there were many changes in the academicscene. As linguistics became an autonomous discipline itsties to anthropology weakened in a number of ways. Not allanthropologists were expected to be linguists some of thetime, and linguists were doing specialized work beyond thecapabilities of scholars lacking very intensive training. An-

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thropology, meanwhile, expanded both in geographical areaand in size of the profession. Amerindian studies could nolonger be seen as the core of anthropology as they hadbeen for the first half of the century. In the late 1940s and1950s the “culture and personality” school associated withthe work of Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict in anthro-pology and the structuralist school of Leonard Bloomfieldand his students in linguistics took positions opposed toSapir’s and temporarily dominated the fields in which hehad principally worked.

Nonetheless, the continuities were there, and they haveemerged in the responsiveness to Sapir common amongstudents of the students of his students. In recent yearsscholars in both linguistics and anthropology have rediscov-ered the continuing relevance of his work. The centenaryof Sapir’s birth in 1984 produced a spate of Sapir scholar-ship, including several conferences and collections of pa-pers, a biography by Regna Darnell, a reprinting of DavidMandelbaum’s (1949) Selected Writings of Edward Sapir inpaperback, a reconstruction of The Psychology of Culture byJudith T. Irvine, and a plan by Mouton de Gruyter to pub-lish a definitive collected works in sixteen volumes (six ofwhich have now appeared) under the general editorship ofSapir’s third son Philip.

There is probably no North American linguist or anthro-pologist today who does not respect, even revere, the nameof Edward Sapir. He set a standard for the integration ofdisciplines—linguistics, anthropology, psychology, and thehumanities. He wrote grammars of process rather than staticformalism. He treasured the study of meaning and the myriadforms in which it could be expressed. His concept of hu-man nature and communication, which included primaryresearch in Amerindian, African, Indo-European, and Semiticlanguages, was sufficiently broad to encompass any and all

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human languages. These are ideas and approaches whichhave come full circle in the half century since Sapir’s death.

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Herder’s Ursprung der Sprache. Mod. Philol. 5:109-42.


Ed. Wishram texts, together with Wasco tales and myths. Collected byJeremiah Curtin. American Ethnological Society Publications II.

Takelma texts. Univ. Pa. Anthropol. Publ. 2(1):1-263.


Yana texts. Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Archaeol. Ethnol. 9:1-235.


The problem of noun incorporation in American languages. Am.Anthropol. 13:250-82.


Southern Paiute and Nahuatl, a study in Uto-Aztekan. Part I. J. Soc.Am.-ist 10:379-425.

Wiyot and Yurok, Algonkin languages of California. Am. Anthropol.15:617-46.


Notes on Chasta Costa phonology and morphology. Univ. Pa. Anthropol.Publ. 2(2):271-340.


Southern Paiute and Nahuatl, a study in Uto-Aztekan. Part II. Am.Anthropol. 17:98-120, 306-28 and J. Soc. Am.-ist 11:443-88.


Time Perspective in Aboriginal American Culture: A Study in Method.Canada Department of Mines, Geological Survey, Memoir 90.Anthropological Series, No. 13.

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The position of Yana in the Hokan stock. Univ. Calif. Publ. Am.Archaeol. Ethnol. 13:1-34.

Do we need a superorganic? Am. Anthropol. 19:441-47.


Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech. New York: HarcourtBrace.

A bird’s eye view of American languages north of Mexico. Science54:408.


The Takelma language of southwestern Oregon. In Handbook of AmericanIndian Languages, part II, pp. 1-296. Bureau of American Ethnol-ogy, Bulletin 40.


Culture, genuine and spurious. Am. J. Soc. 29:401-29.


Sound patterns in language. Language 1:37-51.


Anthropology and sociology. In The Social Sciences and Their Interrela-tions, ed. W. F. Ogburn and A. Goldenweiser, pp. 97-113. Boston:Houghton Mifflin.

Speech as a personality trait. Am. J. Soc. 32:892-905.


The unconscious patterning of behavior in society. In The Uncon-scious: A Symposium, ed. E. S. Dummer, pp. 114-42. New York:Knopf.


Central and North American languages. Encycl. Br. 5:138-41.The status of linguistics as a science. Language 5:207-14.

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With L. Spier. Wishram ethnography. Univ. Wash. Publ. Anthropol.3:151-300.

Totality. Language Monograph No. 6. Linguistic Society of America.The Southern Paiute language: Southern Paiute, a Shoshonean lan-

guage; Texts of the Kaibab Paiutes and Uintah Utes; SouthernPaiute dictionary. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 65(1):1-296; (2):297-536; (3):537-730.


The concept of phonetic law as tested in primitive languages byLeonard Bloomfield. In Methods in Social Science: A Case Book, ed.S. A. Rice, pp. 297-306. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


With M. Swadesh. In The Expression of the Ending-Point Relation inEnglish, French, and German, ed. A. V. Morris. Language Mono-graph No. 10. Linguistic Society of America.

Cultural anthropology and psychiatry. J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol. 27:229-42.


La réalité psychologique des phonèmes. J. Psychol. Norm. Pathol. 30:247-65.


The emergence of the concept of personality in a study of cultures.J. Soc. Psychol. 5:408-15.


Internal linguistic evidence suggestive of the northern origin of theNavaho. Am. Anthropol. 38:224-35.


The contribution of psychiatry to an understanding of behavior insociety. Am. J. Soc. 42:862-70.

Page 21: Edward Sapirnasonline.org/.../biographical-memoirs/memoir-pdfs/sapir-edward.pdf · of social science in North America at the time, the new position placed Sapir at the center of a

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Glottalized continuants in Navaho, Nootka, and Kwakiutl (with anote on Indo-European). Language 14:248-74.

Why cultural anthropology needs the psychiatrist. Psychiatry 1:7-12.


With M. Swadesh. Nootka texts: Tales and Ethnological Narratives withGrammatical Notes and Lexical Materials. William Dwight WhitneyLinguistic Series. Philadelphia: Linguistic Society of America.


Navajo Texts, With Supplementary Texts by Harry Hoijer, ed. H. Hoijer.Philadelphia: Linguistic Society of America.


With L. Spier. Notes on the culture of the Yana. Univ. Calif. Publ.Anthropol. Rec. 3:239-98.


The relation of American Indian linguistics to general linguistics.Southwest. J. Anthropol. 1-14.


Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture and Personality,ed. D. G. Mandelbaum. Berkeley: University of California Press.


The Psychology of Culture: A Course of Lectures. Reconstructed and ed-ited by J. T. Irvine. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.