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4551/ lI]IOLOGYKertrrs I2 0 1 0I % janr




Papel I

Onc lrour and 11l'tecn mirrules

1 .

2 .

. IANGAN BtIKA KliR' l ' ; \S SOALAN INI SIi I I I , \GGA DIIIEI{11'AI ' I t i

Kcrla,y soulon irti adaloh dularn dwihohusa.

Sotrlttn dulum ltohttso IngE:ris merulohtlui ..rottlun .1,ang sepadan dalunr bahusrt


Culon clikahenrlaki nrcnthatu tnakltrmul di halantatt beltkortg kerlus sortlut tni.l .

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 33 halanun bercetak dan I l ialarnan tidak bercetak

ILihat sebelah

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SULIT 455 l /1

Diagram I shows an animal cell. / Rajah I menunjukkan sotu.sel hQirvcut

Diagritm IIhjah I

Which organcl lc A, I ] . C or D synthcsiscs l ip ids?Orgarrl yuttg nrurrukolt A, ll, C ulut D, ),(uig tn(Lt.\irtlc,si.s liltid?

Diagrarn 2 shorvs a r rn icc l lu lar organism.Ruj u I r 2 n t t' t t t r trj ukk u t r .te.j c t t i,s o rg utr i.; t n u r n i se l.

Diagrarn 2Rulah J

What is the l i rnct ion o i 'P ' lApokult./irng.si P'!

A Feetling

ll Osnrorcgulitt ir ln

C llcspiration

D Clrowth

I l&tkan

I Pctr.qosntokttlaldlttarr

I llespiru.si

I Iter/umbuhan

1551i I O l)K[)SIr4 ('rrvangan Negcli Scnrbilan Darul Khusus SULIT

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SULIT 4551/r

Diagrarn 3 shorvs the movernent of nrolecule P across the plasma membrane.Rajah 3 ntenunjukkan pergerukan nolekul P trcntnlusi ntarnbron plasnn.

Diagram 3Ilaiah 3

What is P'? I ApakLrh P1

A ( i lycogen lGl ikogert

C Vitamin l l

Based on Diagram 4, after an hour it rvoLrtd be tbuncl thatBcrtlusu"kurt Rt{uh 4. sclcpas .sejcnt ttkcm liduputi



Clucosc /

Vi tarn in D


Conccntratccl sucrose solulionLarutctrt .s uknt.si t pe kt-tt

(larrotl,ohtk nrerolt

ILihat sebelahSULIT


4,,"',,' t Kaviri

Disti l led watcrAir suling

I)iagranr z1llojuh I

A 'l-he carrot has shrunkLobak merah telah nrcngecut

B The liclnid level in the cavity has riscnPttras cecair dalau kaviti te lah nrcningkat

C The liquid level in the cai,it,v has droppedI)aras cecair dalom kuviti lclah nenunut

D Sucrose has entered into the disti l led rvatcrSukrosu /elah nrcrna.suki air suling

4551/ l Ci I )KISM C.arvangan Ncgcr i Scmbi lan Darul Khusus


t " l ' . (I r " r--l{.r"lr


l,)i':li| )!9;lt / ;

l ) : : .l;af.;a:.

l: ':l ; . :[r-'s:



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ST]LIT 4551/ l

5 Epidermal cells, red blood cells ancl chcek cells are put into solution X, solution Y andsoltlt ion Z respectivel,v-. Atler l5 rninutes. a slide for each cell is prepared and observedrunder a microscope. Diagratrr 5 sht-rrvs the resLrlts.Stl epidt,rmi:;, .;e/ rJuruh nreralt don .rel pipi na.sing-nrasing dilerakkart cli dalanrlarulctrt X, lantton I' dan lcu'ulurt Z. Selepa.t l5 minit, .sloid hctgi .ee tiop .\el disecliakan dortdiperhatikan di haluh niktn,skop. Ruialt 5 nenuttiukkon kepuru.rnt.

\Vhich of thc lblloiving is tnre about solLrtions X, \ ' rncl 21)Artlero htrriktrl ywng tnannktrlr bciLtr lenton.q ltrutdn .\', )' clan Z'/

ii',pert,r'ii- t ii it;;;'\,;; ii - -


' , 1I I \ 1 1 ( r l ( ' l l l e / I l t l n t l r , t t t A

j D j Isotonic I [ ,st. t tonikL _ l

I ly,pcrtonic I Iliparrorik

\\ ihich o1'tlrc lbllorvirrg strips ol 'nrustrtrrl grccn stcnt is irnrnclscel in a hvpcrttrnicsolut iorr?.4ttturtr julttr bolungsot+'i 1'ortg lterikut, ),ung manokoh tclult ilirentktnt di rhtltmt lunrlunItipertonik.)

( l




%%JSolut ion XLurutcm X

Solu t ion YLttt tr lon Y

I) iagrartr 5Rttlalt -\

So lL r t ionY I [ . tu t r ton ] '

Solut ion ZLarrtton Z

f . " r t , , f i r r r r X / la r t r t t rn .Y

t t -

f1l uv'.nT"Yl:::Y_B j I'lypotonic I llipontnik

l I ' I-* l ic i I lO,lrt t , t t ik


N------\ I**T* I, l l

epr0ei ln ls I


S"l.t-", Z,l t..,,,i:r,i,ri Z. II

t.tnr<,nictli"ir,,ik - ---


cpitle rnr is

455li 1 (O PKPS]VI (-'arvangan Negeri Senrbilarr I)arul KhLrsus SULIT

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.1551/ ISULIT

IJaernoglobin is an examPle of aHemogl ob i rt adol ah conlolt

A primarl" strtlcturc of protc'in I

B secondary structttre ofprotein I

C tcrtiary structrtrc ofprotein I

D quarternar! structurc ol 'protcin /

\lruklilr prjl ein ptinter

.tlrilklur prot(?in .se kwrLle r

s n'uk/ ur 1.trut I t' in l<: t'! it r

s!r'ukt u r p nt t t' i rt kt ttt r'l t' tu' r

Diagrarn 6 shorvs a nrolccule of irn crrzl,rne. I RrtiLth 6 nrtttrunjukkun nrrslcktrl cn:inr

I ) iagran t 6llttjulr 6

Which arc thc suitable srtbslt i t tcs l i r l th js e t tzl- tnc?

)'nng nturtrtkah .sttl.t.s/rol I'ung sc.tuui trnl rtk an:inr irti

I t I Vilt





I cltrn Il

I tlutt II]

=;; q;F

I tnc l I l

I a n c l I I I

l l a n d I I I /

l l d a n l V i

aF {,l'ril tlun lll

ll ttott ll'

l I - ihat sebelnhSUI,T'I.1551/ l o PKPS\4 Car i tngan Ncgcr i Senrbi l l l i ) l rLr l Khusus

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SULIT 455 I / l

I) iagram T shorvs the biochemical processes rvhich involves nroleculc K, rnoleculc N'land enzyme l, rvhich takes place in organ X.Rryrrlt 7 mernnittkkon prose .\ biokinia.v-artg melibutkun nole ktrl K, nolttkul 14 rloncnzinr L yang harluku tli rlalan ot.gun "\-.

Olgaii XLivcr / lluti



tltf -1u-*il]_Ln

[' lcpatic porlalvc i n

,'cnu portdllte prtr



l ) iagranr 7llttlrrh 7

Namc nroleculc K, rnolccule M, cnzynrc L ancl rtr .gan XNrrnuktttr ntolekul K, nrole kul ltl. en:inr L don orgrn .\'.

I\ 'krlecrrle KAlole hrl K

S ucroscSukrosrr Glukostt Srrknls<t

Ci lucose(| I t t ko.stt

Nia I tasc

(l ] Nialtose \ ' la l la sc

l ,ac tase

Luk /rr.te





rfrrilTilClvcogcn i Olikogot

Organ X




[)uotlc ntrnt

Musclc cel ls , ' , \cl t t lot


IGlrrkoyt Ir,r.f .."t* l---

4551/t O PKPSIT' I Cau,angan Neger i Sernlr i lan Danr l Khusus STI[,IT

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SULIT 4551/1

Which of the following is not a characteristic of mitosis?Munakoh di anlaru berihl, bukan c:iri ntitosis?

A It results in genetic variationIt t nte t ryht ts il kLtn vuri osi gt ne I i k

B New cells produced are used for grorvth of multice llLrlar organisnrs

Sel baru yang terbenn.tk digunak/rn untuk perlunbuhan dulutn organisma nnlti,sel

C Mitosis is important for replacing dead ce l lMito,si,; penting unluk ntcnggrtntikon sel yung rrtali

D Dan.ragecl ce lls can bc replacctl by prodtrction of identical nerv cells

sel yang !ar.cedera boteh diguntikan dengan penghusilon sel bcrru yang ,terupo


I t Which stagc of truclcar division is slror'vn in Diagrarn 8'?

Apakah piringkar pernbahagian nuklau's ycutg dittnjukkun tlalun Rujult 8?



A Metaphase me iosis I

B Prophase meiosis I

C Metaphasc meiosis II

D Prophasc meiosis l l

Nttclear ntcmbritnc

lvlenfirun nukleus

I) iagram 8llnlcth 3

lv{ t: t olit.s u nt e i o s i.s I

ProJitstt meio.sis l

hlelaJhsa meiosis Il

Profu,;a meiosil; II

lLihat sebelaltSULIT4551/l o PKI'}SNl Carvangan Ncgeri Sembilan Darul Khusus

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SIJLIT 45sl/1

12 l)iagram 9 shorvs netaphase in meiosis I in an animal cell.Ra;iah 9 nrcnunjtrkkon mek$isu nteiosis I di dulam.gel huiu'an.

I)iagrarr 9Roiuh 9

\\rhich ol'thc lblloiving diasrams rcproscnt giurotos that cln l ic proclucccl l l 'onr t]t isrn imal ce l l?L)i ontu'tr ru jdt ht:rikut, I'trng rnunafurlt nrcwukili gonu't t'ilng l:olt:h tliha.:i/kon daripndLtsel haivan ini'?

/*",/ t \

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A P a t t d S l l ' d o n S

ll Q. R and 'f

I Q, R dun't

C Q . I t . S a n d T I Q . R , S d u n 7 '

D P , Q , l t , S a n d f I P , Q , R , S r l o n T

a#l)\'-*--/ ,/

/ /'- /i -\

: * ( { { )

4551/l li) PKPS\4 Ciarvangiu \egeli Senrbilan Darul KhusLrs STiI,TT

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SULIT 4551/ l

13 A cell in an anirnal's ovary has a diploid number of 24. What is the number ofchrornosome in the or,urn?Sel di dolunr ot,uri sejeni,s huivsn menrpunyai nonrhor diploicl 21. Berapakalt bilanganh'omosom di dulam ovurn haiwan itu?

A 2 4 8 1 2

C 4 8 D 6

14 A bivalcnt is the namc f<tr I Bivalen aclolah ruvnu untuk

A synapsis t>1'a pair of hornologous chromosornessinapsis sepLrsdng kromo.som hontolog

B a pair ol sislcr chrornaticisr;e pos zng kro m at i d ke t nb o r

C a pair of non-hornologous chromosomess e pasong krom tts o ttt b ukan lto nr o Io g

D one holnologous chrorlcrsomes ofu krontosom ho nro I og

15 'fable

I shorvs thc types and quantity oftbod taken by a student 1bl lunch.,latlual I ru;nurtjukkan.ictti.s dan ktnntili rnukttnan l,cutu diatnbil olelt,taorung pelujru'unl ttk nrt tk<trt lcng r fu rri.

'fypes of food i

,lcnis ntukanun

Quantitv /Kuantiti


Energy crontenl /KanLlungatt k nlga

(kJ pcr 100 g)Rice / Nasi 200 20i)0

Iltrtter / trltttlegu _s0 300i)

Potaloes I Ubi Kentcrtrg 100 500

N,lilk I Susu 200 t00

Banana I Pisang 50 50

Chickcn /.4yarr 100 E00

'Iabtc I

.ladual I

The total enefgy obtaincd by thc studcnt is,Iurttloh tenogu ydng diperolehi oleh pelujar tersebut ictlolt

A 7425 k.t B 6650 kJ

c 8950 kJ D 9250 kJ

ILihat scbelah4551/1 e') PKPSIvI Caivangan Negeli Sembilan Darul Khusus SULIT

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16 Diagrarn l0 shorvs the apparatus setRajah l0 menunjukkan radus yangtanah.

10 4551/l

np to determine the energy value of a groundnut.dise/iakan unluk meneniukan nilcri lenaga kacang

Thermometer / Termomelar

Water i .4ir

Grounclnut being bumcdKocang lonoh sedong dibukor

Diagrarn l0Ilujulr I0

CalculatcKiru nilai

A 3213

c 6347

thc energy value ol'the groundnut.lenogu kucctng tunalr tersehul.

J g - ' B 5 6 o o J g - '

J g - ' D n 9 4 7 J g - l

Mass of the grounclnut

Voluurc of rvatcr in boil ing tubc

Initial water tenrperaturc

Final rvater temperaturc

Specific heat capacity

I Ji,sim kucang lttnrth : 0.45 g

I Lsiparlu oir dalon tahurrg didih - 20 nl

I Suhu av,,al oir - 30 ocl

L\uht rrkhir uir - 64 oC

I A,ftttrton ltttbct tentu otr =' 1.2 J g- l

4551/1 O PKPSM Carvangan Ncgcri Sembilan Darul Khusus SULIT

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SULIT 4551/1

l7 A food samplc P is rnixed with water and tested. The results are shorvn in Table 2.Sampel nalsman P diguul dengan air dan diuji. Keputusannya ditunjukkan dctlam.Iadual 2.

Test Result

Benedict's testUlian Bener.lict

Brick-red precipitateIt4e nclakan merah b otrr

Iodine solutionLantan lodin

Yellorv solutionLurttlan ktming

Millon's reagentBahanuji lt4illon

Red precipitatetr(endrtktm merult

Table 2Jaduul 2

What is thc contcnt of fbod P?Apakah kundungun makunun It?

A Starcl'r and protein I Konji dun protein

B Non-rcducing sugar ancl protein I Gula bufum penurun clan pntleirt

C Reducing sugar and protcin I Gulu penuntn dun protcin

D Reducing sugar, starch and protein I Gula pcnunrn, kanji dan protein

ILihat sebelah4551/l O PKPSM Carvangan Ncgcri Senrbilrrn Dnrul Khusus SULIT

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SI]I,IT 45s1/1

Diagram l1 shlrws the human alimentary canal.Rujah I I ntenunjukkon salur pencerrutan n arutsitt

Diagram l IRuiah I I

Which of the lbllorving is true o1'tirgan Kand the enzy-nre tl iat can be fi lund in thatorgan'/Antarcr berikul van!! nrutakah ltendr t(ntong orgon K dtnt cnzin yttrtg dijuntpai di dalontorgan tersehul':)

Organ K Enzyrrre I Enzinr

A Stonrach / lcrt t t Rennin I l lenit t

B Stcrrnach l I'eru! Amy lase L4n r i l ase

C Duodcnunr I Dwtd<:nunr I'r-vpsin I 'l'ripsin

D Duodcnunr I Duoderntnt Pepsin I Pa1:ts irr

l9 Aquatic plants such as l-[yrlri l lu,?. are subrncrged plants. 'I 'heir stornala are mostlydistributed onTwnbuhon ttfutarik,st:pet'ti IIydvillll sp. ialah tumhuhon tenggelam. stonrumnvu holehdidapoti dengan ltantaknJ,a di


l 8






A the upper epidcrrnis I

B the lorver epidermis I

C both surlaces ofthe leaves I

D neither surt'ace of the leaves /

cpidennis buhagian otas

t' p ide r tn i.s b o h o g i an b otr alt

ke dua-dua pe nn u k oen d ot rrt

tiada nnnu-mana pennukaan cloun

1551/l e PKPSI\ l Cauangan Ncgcri Senrbi lan Daruj Khusus SULI'I'

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2A Diagram l2 shows the stt'r-rctttre of a chloroplast as scen underRaiah I2 merutnjukknn struktur kloroplas cli bavuh mikntskop

I J .1551/ l

an electforl rnicroscope.ele ktron.

Diagrarr l2Rai& l2

Which proccss occttrs in X'/ / tlpakah pntsc.t ycng hcrlctktt cli X)

A Synthesis ofglucoscSlnle.sis glukosa

B Synthesis of starcl.rSintesis kcntii

C Photol)rsis of waterIiotoli.sis air

D Iteduction of carbon cjioxide by hydrogen atomsPenuntnqn karbon diol$ida oleh atom hytlrogcn

ILihat sebelahSL]I,TT4551/l C.;' PKPSlvt Cawangan Negcri Scntbilan DarLtl Khusus

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SULTT 4551/l

2l 'Ihe surrounding temperature is one of the factors that affect the rate of photosynthcsis.Which of the follorving graph shows the effect of temperature on ths rate ofphotosynthesis?Suhu persekitaran adolcth salcth satu.fhkt(rr yant: menpengaruhi kadar.fotosinte,sis. Grcrfyang, mttnakah menunjukkan kesan nthu ke otas kadar fotosinlesi.y'/

A rate of photosynthesis / krtdar /btosintesisA .t \I \

t \t \t \I \--I

I *=--> temperature (oC) Lruhtr loC')

rate ofphotosynthesis I kador lor<tsintesis

ternperature (t t( i) Lsuhu (oO)

C rate of photosynthesis / katlcn. Jbtosintesi,s

tcrnperature (oC) / suhu (o(.')

I) rate of photosynthesis I kutilr fotosinte,ti.s

tenrperature (oC) Lsuhu (o(l)

I 4

4551/f O PKPSiv{ Cau,angan Negcri Sembilan Darul Khusus SULIT

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SULIT 4551/ l

22 Muscle contraction needs instant energy supply which can be obtained iiom

Pengec:ttton otot metnerlukan bekalan tenega sege re yang boleh cliperolehi dttripatln

A glycogen which is stored in thc rnuscles I gliktgen yang tli.sitnprut tlulam otrt!

B f-ats in the adipose tissue I lemuk dalrun tisu-li.ytt atlipo.s

C glucose in thc tnusclcs / gluktt 'stt dalarn obi

D adenosine triphosphate in the muscles I odcnositut n'i/bsJirt dolatn otol

23 ' l 'he respiratory ccntre controls lhc contcnts of oxygcn ancl earbon dioxidc bi 'dctecting

changcs i tr theFu3at re.spirasi nengowal otm' kundungon oksigt:rr dtttr korbrttt dittk.siiftr tlcngatr

nrcnge.\0n pcntbuhun

A blood tcnrperaturc I suhu tlarolt

B carbon dioxidc conccntratitn I kepekotrtn korhotr rlioksitlu

C oxygen cotrcentration I kcpekoton r)ksisL:rt

D blood pFi I 1t[l dru'rrlt

24 A grcen plant kcpt in a roorr l lv i th lor.r, l ight intensity thi ls to re lcasc oxvgcn into thc

atmospltorc. ' l -his

nrcans that'l'urnhtthan hijau yong disimpan dolom bilik yctng, ke unrulon t:uho.1,u1ry'11 rcrufuh tidrft

memhebaskctn ok,sigcn ke ulmo.sfero. Ini hcrmokrtu

A the leaves catlnot cary ot l t respirat iorl dtrr ing l lhotosl 'nthesisdoun tidrrk bolch meIukukon rt'spintsi '\cttt(s(t .fi)Io:iinl?.ti\

B the rate o[ 'photosynthcsis is higher than thc rate ol-res1.r i t 'at iot l

k od ru' .fo l o s i nl e s i,'; I c h i h t i n g5yi d ur i1t a d o k a dar rt's p i r as i

C al l the oxygen rclcased dtrr ing photosl"nthcsis is t tsccl in resl l i rat ion

scnrm oksigen ))ang cJibe ba:;kttn :;emu,sctJbhtsintc.ris digtutukot tmluk re spirctsi


D photosynlhesis cl i t l not occur

.fb to s i nte s i.s t i dok bt: rl aku

ILihat sebclah

4551/1 rrr PKPSlvl Carvangan Ncgcli Scnbilen Derul Khusus S1ILIT

t 5

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25 Diagrarn l3 shorvs a model of rib cage that is used to demonstrate the action ofintercostal muscles.Rc{cth | 3 menrrnjukkon ntodcl sangktu' rusuk yang cligunakun unnrk menunjukkonI indttkan o to t in te rkz.\ t o.

Llaekbon c'I'ulong


Diagram l3Rojult l3

Which o1'the tbllorving statenretlts arc tnlc aborrt the rnoclel '/Di nttk.tru pat'n.yut(JLtt hcrikul. .y'ttrtg rtrtuttkoh Ltenur t(nt.utrg nutd<:l ini',)

I QR rcprcscnts thc intcrnal intcrcost"rrl musclcs.QR nevukili olot inlctkoslo dctlam

ll Whcn p_R contracts. it rvil l produce an uprvafd movelncntlltubilrt OR mt'ngc<:u!, ia rnanghu,silkat nuttr 1to'ge.rokon ke utus

l l l JK and l -M rcprescnt the r ibs.lK dun 1,tr1 tnet'ukili ltrlturg rtt,tr&

IV Whcn PS contrccts, QR also contractslpabilo I)S ntttrtgecut, QII jugu nleng(,cttl

l, Il ancl lll ,/ I, II don Ill

I , I l l and lV i I , I I I dut I I '

ll. lll ancl lV / ll, Ill dan Il,'

I. II. III and lV / I, il, III tltrn IIl

l 6 4s51/l





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26 Diagram l4 shows an experiment to study the effect of cigarette smoke on the lungs.Raiah I4 nenunjukkan eksperimen untuk mengkaii kesctn asap ke ato'\ peparu.


1-o vacLrurn pumpkc pant vuhrnt


Hydrogen carbonate indicator

pc n t rt i t r k h.ltdvo rn n kar b o n a I

Cigarette /



I l-iub

White cottonKapus

Diagram l4Rajah l1

When the cigarettc is bumccl completely, rvhat rvil l bc observed?Apabila rokok terltakttr .sctrtenuhn.tut, ttltokah yurtg okun tlipe rlutlikunl

Ilrown I perung

t iycliogen r-iboniid iir.lrcator

- !yty,, t t,, !: h a f gg r rL!$!l!q! q!Orangc to gt'ccn I .iingga ke hijutt

\Nhite I putih Olange to gleen ljinggct ke hiiurr

[Lihnt sebelahST.JLIT

Cottrin rvool

I nt'trittgkul \Nhile I puti lr

I perang

LJnchangedI ticlak bentbuh

lJnchanged I tiduk herubuh

Il.{ k-D"llo-* /-;,;;l',','1:f Pi k,,*ts

4551/l (O PKPSVI Cawangrtn Neseri Serrrbilarr Darul Khusus

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SULIT l 8 4551/ l

27 Diagram l5 shows a food web in a garden.Rajah I5 menttnjukkan satu jaringan makanan di .sebuah taman.


5",-.''-'.-'_"--.-' ."\ , -

7t , I ' ir;i; ', -.,.

/ - : - - ' * "L , -L , . -

/r\ - :\l;;-,\ s}';jl'"'\

l t +' ' t \ \ . # " ]\ . l $ x , i /a?-*o, a%.. tL,r,

What is the role o[the bird?Apukuh perunun bunng?

A l)roduccr I

B T'ertiary consurner I

(l Secondaly consurncr /

D Prirnary consumer /

l ) iagrarn l5Rajoh I 5


Pt,ngguno lertier

Pengguna .sekundar

Pcngguno pritncr

28 Diagram l6 sholvs four organisrns bclonging to dif l 'ercnt kingciottts.Rajoh l6 nrcnunf ukkart entpol orguni.rnrr.r doriltodu ttlum vtng bcrltttztt.

Diagrarn l f iRajah l6

4551/1 CI PKPSNT Carvangan Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus

t1 ' t#

. . - : . ; . l , r t ip,'r';,l,rir, l";' ' - - ' l ' ' i " ' '

:-l: ;1 :' l l i i f .

ryXrt, )' r i*, k

't,;li l | ^ ' ,'.)*-





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Which of the follor.ving is a correcl rnatch?l'ang monuknh rnenuniukkan parlanan 1,nng hettrl'l


Kingdonr i K ingdorn Plantae

ILihat sebelahSLILIl '

Kingdorn frungiAlam liungi

I )

Kingdonr Protistallun Protisto


Diagranr I7 shou's a human activi t , l ' .l i l t ldh l7 rnt 'nunjukkon .suttt akt i t ' i t i tnauusitr

I) iagranr I 7Ra.jult l7

What is the e1lect i i f this act ivi t l" ! L4lt trkulr kc,stut akt ivi t i ini ,)

A Acid rain I lhr jun o,sid

If Landslides I lututlt rutttulr

C Etrtrophication I l)ttroJikasi

D Ozrrne depletion I l'cnipi.sun lapistttt ozon

4551/1 c) PKt)SNl C$\ l ,angan Neger i Sernbi l i rn Darul Khusus

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SULIT 4551l l

30 Diagrarn l8 shows an experiment to investigate the level of pollution in a rvatersample P using 0.17o methylene blue solution as an indicator.Rajah l8 ntenuniukkut satu e'ksperinten rotuk mengkoji talwp pencemarctn stnnpt:l oir Pnrcnggunalann laniun nte.lil<:nu bint 0.1% sebogoi perturtfuk.


Methv lcne b luc, \ [ t - l i l t rn l t i ru


Watcr sarnple Ill {eagent bott lcl)olol rcugt:n

kunpel uir I)

Diaglam l8Rctjoh I8

If nethl,lene blue in lvatcr sanrplc l) dccolourised rapicll.v oourparcd to the pipe rvaLrr,r.vhat conclusion can bc drarvn l ionr this obsen,ation'/Jiku nrctilcnu biru clalum.sunpel uir I'lutttrr rlcnglnr t:aptrt hctltontlitrg crit'paip, apakaltke.s i rn lt u l un d o r i p ork r 1t t nt e r h t r t i tut l tt r'.s c h ul 1

A Watcr sarnplc P corrtains a high lcvcl of dissolved ox)'gen,\ttnrpel ttir I' rnengundutrgi ants ok.sigart tL:rln'ul .t,ong linggi

B \\/ater sarnple l) hrrs a loii ' biochcnric:al oxygcn demand ( t lOD) valucSanpal uir P nenguntlttngi rrilui kt'pcrlutut ok.ri14cn hiokirniu (l)OD) t,tutg rcrttlult

C The dissolved carbon dioxide in riater santlrJe l) is lor,r 'Karbon dioksida lerluntl tli drilun ,tutnpcl uir P tulttlith ranrlolt

D ' l 'here trrc nrany microorganisms grorving in *'ater sample PTcrdopul l>an1t6la mikroorgoni.tma rli dulonr sonryrcl uir ['

I) ipe rvaler.1 i r pu i l t

4551/l O PKPSN,I Carvangan r.-egeri Scmbilan I)arul Khusus SULI]-

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SI.]LIT 1s5l/1

3l l- lorv can an oil spil l cl isturb the aqLratic ccosvstern')I)ctgaimanakoh tttrnpahan minyak neniej uskon ekosistem ukuatik?

I It increases the nutrient content ofthe tvaterIu meningkatkan kantlungan nutriett oir

II It can dissolve in waterIt lurtrt di tltltttn uir

I l l l t obstructs acration in lhe watelIa ntctrgha/ang pengudorctctn di dalom air

It plevents sunliglit from entering the watefIa ntcngholttng calwvo tnolalwri sanrpoi kt dalam ttir

I and lf I I datt II li Il ancl IV I U dun

I and II I I I l tnr I [ [ I) t l l and tV I I I I dtrn

32 l)iagranr 19 shorvs the conceutration ofantibody in the blood aller trvo antiserunrinjcotions.Rtyah l9 tnenunjtrkkut kepekuton artibocli dalurn tlurolt selcptr,t dut suntikan uttliscrurn






C()ncelllrationol autibodiesiu bloodKepckttltltunlihodilalunt dcu"alr

I . .cvel olinrrnuni lyAro,skcitntuuttt

ttFirst injcct ion Sccond iniect ion

,Sunrikon pertamo Sattikutt kedua

Diagrarn l9Rojolt I9

' l - i rne i WccksAfr.tsu,' hlitt1lgu

What is thc t1'pe of imrnunity shorvn?.,lpako|r jenis ktimunan yang diturtjukkarl?

A Arti i icially acquired active immunity

B Artif icially acquired passive immunitl, '

C Naturally acquired active irnrnunity

D Naturally acquired passive irnrnnnity

I Kt i tnunctn akti f huutcut

I Keinunan ltasif btrrtnt

I Keimttncrn ttktiJ semulajadi

I Kaimunut po.rif .tenntla.iadi

ILihat sebclahSLII,IT4551/ l c l 'Kf 'S\ l t r rv i rngrn Nescr i Senrbihn l ) . rml Klrusus

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33 Which of the follorving statements are true about haernophilia?Pernyatoan ntanakah ycng henar mengenai hemofilia?

I The patient lacks bloodPasakit ke kurangan cluroh

ll Flaonophil iacs are unable to produce bloocl clotting lbctorsP e n gidap h e moJi I i u t i d t tk m ampu nt e n gh a,s i I ktn Jitk t or pe n b e k u an dur o h

III One of the treatments for haernophil ia is blood transfusionSolah ,satu rau:olan unluk pe.sakil hernofilia ttduloh me.lolui pctniwlahan durrrh

lV Haernophil iacs are more l ikely to be females than malesKebanyakun pcngidap hcno.filia udctlc* vanito bcrbunding lcluki

22 4551/1


A I and III I I dtm III

C I, il ancl llI I I, II &m III

Diagram 20 shorvs the blood circulalory sy'stem ol'an rninral.Rajah 20 nenunjukkan :;istenr Ttcredurun rluralt .:cjetri,s ltuiron

Heart / Juntung

Diagrarn 20Rajah 2a

l] ll and lll I II tkut lll

D II , l l l and lV I I I , l l l dan IL'

4551/l O PKPSIv{ Carvangan Negcri Sembilan Darul Khusus SULIT

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SULIT {551/1

What is thc similarity ot'thc blood circulatory system of this animal and man?Alrakah per.sutnaon di ontara,sislem peredaran darah haivon ini dengan manusia?

A The heart pumps out a rnixlure of oxygcnated and dcox-ygcnated blood,Iantung mengepant k<tluor canpuron darah berok,sigen dun dtrrrth tidak bert>ksigen

B Blood cntcrs the saseous exclrange organ at lorv prcssureDardh menrusuki organ pertukaran gas padu tekuntor rcndult

C lt is a doublc circulatory systemla rtdtrlalt si,sletn pt'rt.danm darah gandadua

l) It is a closed circulatory' systelnIa adaluhjenis sistem pcredaran duruh lertutult

35 Which o1'tlre lbllorving graph shows the eflcct of humiclity on the rate o1'transpiration'?Manukoh unturtt gruf'ltcrikut ntentulttkkan kesun kc/ctnbupun kJ dto,\ kuclur !run.;pirusi':)

a )

A Rate o1-lranspi lat ionKadurlreT.rpire.|i

C lRatc oftranspirat ionKLttlarIronspiru,ri

l ] Rate oflranspirationKaJttrlrunsp it'asi


I * + + : - +

I lurnidityKelcntbupon

Il .ale oftlanspiralionKo,larlt'anspira.\i


[ furnriditr.Kel(ilt h0ldtl

I lu rn id i t , v - 'Ke/cnr htqtan

ILihat sebelahSULIT


I lu rn id i tvlt'e lctnhupun

It\t\l \t.t - ___\_ , .

,1551/1 <f I'KPSf\,1 Cawmgan Ncgeri Sembilan l)arul Khusus

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36 Which of the follorving statenents is true about phloem?P e rnltat aan m an a kah u do I ah b e nur te n t a n g.fl oe m'?

I Sieve tube is a l iving cell n,ithout nucleusTiub tulti,s iulah ,satu sel hidup tunpu nut:leu,s

II Companion cells have abundant rnitochondriaSel rakun mengandungi barryuk mitokondria

Il l l 'he function offibre is to provide supportI,'ungsi gentitut ialalr untuk rnernberi sokong,ort

IV The function of parcnchy'rna is to store watcrl.-tutgsi ptu't:nkimu ialalt ntcnyinptn air

A I and l l I I dan I I R I , l land l l l I l . I l &ur l l l

C II, III anct lV I II, III du IV D 1,11, l l l and IV I l, I l , III dutt IL'

37 A butcher has accidently cut the tenclon o1'his leti thrrrnb. As a rcsult,Seorung peniual tltrging t<'luh lcrpo!ortg tenclon purlu ibu.jtt i kirirtl'ct. ( )le h iltt.

A blood could not f low to thc: thutnbdorah tidak daput ncngalir ke ibu.lari

l] the thumb could not be urovedibu jori tirlak boleh cligerukkm

C nen'e irnpulses could not be transrnitted to thc tlrLrnrbitnptil,t ,turrtf tidak dupot clihcmtor kc iLttr lort

D his lelt arm is paralyscdtottgan kirin.vu mcnjodi lrnnpuh

38 I Ie rbaceous plants arc sultported tr,v" the tLrrgiditt' of'lirntbuhon ht:rha cli:;okong ole h kaseguhan

A xylenr I .rilenr

B aerench)'rna tissues I t i.su trcrcnkintr

C collenchynra tissues I t i.su ktlenkinra

D sclerenchymalissucs / t i.str.skelcr<:nkrnu

1 A 155 I /1

455Ul O PKPSM Carvangan Ncgmi Scrnbilan Darul Khusus SUI,IT

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SULIT 4551/ l

39 Which of thc follorving centros are located in the hypothalamus?Pul;at kavalan manakah yang lerdapal di hipotalantu,s?

A Body temperatnre and osmotic pressureSulu badan dan tekenan osmosi,s

B Body temperaturc and regulation of hcartbcatSuhu hadan rlon kmralaluran ktulor denl,ut611iu,rn,nf

C Osmotic pressure and regulation of heartbeatTe kqnan o s nto s i s d qn k at' o I u t uran k a d nr dc n.\)u I un .i dn Iu n t:

D Regulation of heartbcat and breathing rateKrnualoturan katlar denyutctn jantung tlan kadar pernafa,san

40 When lasting, a person is able to carry out daily activit ies becauseSemtrstt berpuu.su sescordng dolnl neloksanakrm ukliviti .scharirtn kerurut

A insulin is relcascd I insulin dihehu,vkun

B insrrlin is destroycd I insulin dinutsnahkon

C glucagon is released I glukagon dibehaskarr

D glucagon is inhibitcd I glufutgon direncut

,l l A.studcnt just f inishccl a rnarathon and is srvcating a lot. The corrective rrrechanistn thatis occuring in his body isScorang palujar baru salrtja sele.stti berlori nloralon tlan hcrpeluh clengcut hanyak.hlekanismc pcntbclulon yttng sedung herlaku di rlolom badonnl,n iulttlt

A D I I Itcabsorbtion oI rvatcr

....Pcnycrapan se ntttla airlncrcascs I |vleningkat

R"'.f *'.'r / ,'V.* r* -

l(cdrre rs I lt lorttri i t

A Released I Dibebasfutn

B Inhibited / Direncatkan

C llelcased I Dibabaskan

D Inhibited / Direncotkun Incrc 'ascs I ! [e i l i r t t ,kdt

ILihat sebelahST]LI'I'


4551/1 O PKPSN,I C*vangan Negeri Scmbilan f)anrl Khusus

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42 Diagram 2l shows three coleoptiles X, Y and Z which are exposed to sunlight.Rajah 2 I ntenunjukkan tiga koleoptil X, Y dan Z yang didedahkan kepada cahayanmtahari.

Agar blockBlok agctr


. r { I

t lt l


Diagrarn 2l

Rajuh 2 I

Diagram 22Itojah 22

Alrnuniunr platePlut ulmuniunr

26 4551/1


:rf'r; mi:'\ malahari


Diagram 22 shows the rcsults after trvo days.Ro.jah 22 ntenunjukkon kcputu,run selcpcts duu




Vt l

t ll l

t l

t lt l



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SULIT 4551/1

Which of the follorving explains tlie responses?Antctrcr herikut yung rnonakah dapat menerangkan tindak halas di tttcts t

I Auxin is produced at thc t ip o1'the colcopti leAuk,sin dilwsilkan di huhagion hujwtg kolcoptil

l l ALrxin bui lds up iu thc arca cxpose d to sunl ight,4ttk.sin lrcrkumprtl di hohugian 1'ang tartladuh kepadu t'ohawt iltotohori

I I I Thc a lunr in iu r r i p la tc inh ib i ts the movenrent o f aux in to t l rc e longat io t t r t -g iu t t

llu! ulwninitnn nrcrencill lrt'rgcrukun uuk:itr ke huhugitut pctnrtnjrurgrrrr

lV Agar block al lorvs the moventent of auxin to t lrc e longatiott rcgiotr

I)/ok ogctr tnrrnrbcnarkott pergcrukan ouksin kt' baItogitttt potrrm-ittrgttrr

A II I and IV I t l l datr IV I l I . l t l arrcl lV I l . I l l dun l I '

C l l . l t l a n d l ' l l , l l l d a n l l ; D l , l l , l l l r r r d l V l l , l l . l l l d u n l l l

43 A cel l esperiences the lbl loivi t tg cltangcs t lur irrg grou'th :,Stult.r .scl prsn,qulomipt'rubahun hcrikul sctnosd l)ro.r('.t lrrnltt'.srtrttn,'.

r Llccomcs a nraturc cel lh{enlttdi sel yrng ntllang

o Changcs graclual ly to tbrtn a specif ic ccl l rvi th cefiain l i rncl ions

l'entbtltan ,r()c'uro bcrtn:;trr-unsur bogi me nrbt'rrluk scl rlengtut.lrn'r1l;i

.1ung khusu.s

' l 'his stage ol 'changc is crr l lcd

P c ri ngkul pc rtt bo lrtut ini d it utnm kat t

A Ocll division stagc I Ptringkttt ltenrhalugitrn sel

B Cell cf ill'ercntiation stage I Pcringkrt pembc:attn scl

(l Ccll rnaturation stagc I Pcringkot kctnotutgttn .scl

D Cell elongation slagc I I 'cr ingkot pctnanf ongurt st/

ILihat sebelalr4551/ l o I 'KPSNI Carvansan Ncger i Sernbi larr l )arul Khusus SULII '

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44 Diagram 23 shows inheritance of blood group in a family.Rajah 23 menunjukkan pev,arisan kumpulan darah di tlulant ,sehuah ke luarga.

Generation IGenera.si I

Ceneration IIGenerusi II

Gcneration lllGenera.ri III

Diagram 23Ra.1ah 23

Which individual can safely donate blood to P?Antara individu berikut, yang ntanakah boleh mende nrut dcn'ah kcpada P /

28 455111


C J , L , a n d S I J , L d a n S

B Q a n d R I Q d a n l l

D J , N . Q a n d R / . / , N , Q d a n R

Key I Kekunci.

Blood GloupKttmpulan I)aruh







4551/f O PKI'SM Carvangan Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus SULIT

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45 Diagram 24 sho*,s a cross section ola dicoti lcdoneous steln.Rajah 23 menunjukkan keratan renta.s baran.q tumbuhan dikotiledon.

I ) iagrar , r 24Rojah 2./

Which part A, I i, C or I) is the prinran, phloun?lttlortt /1. B, C, dur D, -1,tutg ntlnokoh udttlahfloem prirner'.,

I) iagrlm 25 shorvs growtlr pattcrn of an inscct.Ik I u h 2 5 n e rLu nj u kkau gnl' t o r a k I unh e s q rar t .\ e /u /t K!4( t.

l.cngth of inscct(rnn)I'artjung.sentugS1a (nn)


D 7

ILihat sebelahSTJLIT

l lorv nranv ecdlsis have occurred'?

r \ 4 B 5

Diagrarn 25Rctjuh 25

I llerapct bunyak ekdi.yi:; telah berlttku!

Tirnc ( th1's) , , \ {u. t i t ( l tcui )

,155I / l (O PKPSM Carvangan Ncgcr. i Scmbi lan Darul Khusus

C 6

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-K-K-K.ffiSIJLIT 4551i 1

47 Which of the lbllowing I 'epresents an allele?Anlttro yang berikut yrvg ntanukuh mewakili olel'?

Which of the l i r l lorving statcntcrl ts are lnrc about dou[r le f-crt i l isat ion ir l a plant '?

,1tt t t t t . t tPern)'0l00|1hal ' iktt t ' .1un;. i l t t t tnttku|tbt l | t t | tet| Iung|)(. | | . ' \ ( ' ' l . l ' , ( t \1' | lQt|tuntltulutt I

I Onc rnalc garrctc nuclerts l i rscs rvith thc nt lclcus of an cgg col l l t l l i rnr an

etrbrvo siicStr l tr rurklt ' t t ,y g(i l tet. iottdn bergrthtury Llengut rrt tkl t : t .r .r sel teltrr utrtrrk tncnrlt i : t i luk

pundi etrtbrio

l l ' l ' rvo

haploid nuclci fornrccl in thc ovulc f irsc i l ' i th 1w'o nt l i le gantctc nttclci

l)rtr nuklur.s lwploiLl dolttm ovul bergahung dengur rltrtt nttkleu.s gon('t.iQtllotl

I I I ()nc nralc garnctc rruclct ls l i rscs ivi lh t i rc lemale nrrclcus lo f t i r t t t I diploid zygotc

,\ t t l rr t t t tklctt ,s g1i l tr t l . igl ldn bt,rgithttng th rr lqttr i ntrkl t tr . ; l :et ir t tr tnt l t tk nentl trrtuk

:igot vtutg tli1tloitl

IV ' l

uo [ ) r r l r r nuc lc i l j r se u i th r tne t . t ta lc n t tc leus lo l i ) r t t l thc cn t iosper tn

Duu nttklcu,t ktt/rth hargcthung ticngon sottr nrtklett,s ?,(tttl(! .iontatt ntembenluk

ando.spe rttttt

, \ t a n d l l I l d u n l l

B t l f and lV I M r lu r t lL '

( l I . I l , ancl l l l I I , l I drtt t l l l

D II . I l l . and IV I I I , I I I don lL'

.1551/1 O PKI 'SM L)arvrngan Ncger i Scnrbi lan l ]arul l ( i rusus SULIT

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SULIT 4551/r

A scientist crossecl trvo hetcrozygous pea plants rvith round and ycllorv sccds. Frorn thiscross, he obtains 32 plants rvit l i rvl inklecl and grecn sccds. If round and 1'cllorv alleles aredonrinant, r.vhat is Lhe numbel of plants r'vith rvrinklcd and yellorv secds rvil l hc get t ionrthis cross?Seorang saintis mengacukktrn dwt poktk kacang heterozigot untuk benih )tcrng licin dunbcrwarno ktoting. Ilosil daripada kaurkan ini, clidupati 32 pokok bcrhenih kerlut danberwarno hijou. Jika alel bulut dtm ktutirtg adalah dominan, berupu pokok herbenihkedut dan kuning bolah didultuti dttriputlo kocukart irtil'

A 1 3 t] 64 c 9 6 D 288

Diagram 26 shoivs graphs of i,ariation K and 1..Iiujah J6 nte nunjukkun grt( untttk t'oriusi K dor L.


Ntr tnbcr of in i i iv ic lualsBiluttgtut iruliyidtt

L. - : t-fra


n --,nt II

rr_lLl LlI.,

Diagram 26Ik{ah }6

Nunr bcr o{ ' ind iv id ua lsBilarrgott individLr


I-rr it

ILihat sebelahst-i l,t '1.,1551/l (O PKPSlvl C-'arvangln Negori Senrbilan l)iinrl Khrrsus

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SULIT ) z 4551/1

Which of the iblloiving can describe K and L?Antara berikttl yung nnnttkolt tlopal menerangkan K dan L?

Controlled b.v several genes w'ithseveral pairs ofallclsDikcn,al oleh be herapa gen daripadu

I] I Blood grorrp and shapc of ear lobe

I Krytnulan daruh dan hentuk cuping

Skin c,o lour and heightIlhrna klit dart kclittggictt

Quant i t i ve var ia t ionIlrytt:!:t.r!a!!1 ,-*[ ,) iscretc t l istr ibutiorr

l- i tclttts't-I C I Qtro l i t l l ivcvr l f ia t i ( ) r l| | Iiorittsi kuulitatifi t r fNnrro l ; is t r ibu l ion

_] lttltut'ttt.t ,\'ttt ttttrl , -.- ,'l

uhtu'tnt tliskrit

l lNI) 0F Qtlt ls'f loN PAPIR


C'ontrol icd by a single gene wit l i twoor urolc al lels.Dikrn,rtl rslalt gen ttutggul dengon thut

utuu lebilt ulel.

4551/1 O PKPSM Cau,angan r,\cgcri Sembilan Darul Khusus SULIT

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St]LIT J551/ l

I l , ihat sebclahsULI'I'4551/ l r i t t PKi 'S: , - l ( iauangarr r -cgcr i Scnrbi lan L) l ru l Klrusus

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1551 / l

I . Th is ques t ion papef cons is ls o f '50 qucs t ions .Kertus .soulutr ini nrctrgrrncltrnt:i 50 :onlutt.

l . Ansrvcr i t l l t lues l i t rns ., /o r r r l / t sc r t tu l l . \ ( tu l ( r t t .

J . Ansrver each qr rcs t ion br . ,b lacku t ing thc cur rec t s l lace on thc lnsvn ,c r s l t cc t ..Jtnrttb r/cttgtt t t r trcrtglr i tr .urrk(rn rtrtutgtul . t 'nttg l t t t tr l lnt l t t ktrt t t ,s j tut ' t t l t trrr.

.1 . I ] lacken on l ; ' onc space l i ) t ' each ques t ion .I I i l t.u n ku n s|xttt n t u n gt t n .s t tl ro f t t b { t gi .\? l i tt l )so ( t l ( il t.

5. I l 'you rvish to chartge \,our arts\\ 'cr, crasc t lrc blackcncd ntafk that you havc lrr irdc' I

hcn b l r rcken thc spacc fb r thc ncrv lns \ \ c r ., lckiron|u trtr t l t t htt t t luk nrenrrktu'. futrt tTttur. l t tr l i t r t tktt t t i turt lrr .r ' r trrg lcl t t l r t l i l t t t t t l .Kc nnt d i t l r I t i I u r t t kt u r .j uv t t 1tt r t r .\, tt t t,g I t t t r t r.

6 . ' l ' he

d iagranrs i r t i l t c c lL rcs t i t tns p rLr l idcd i i f c n ( \1 d r tun r t r sca [ - 'un lcss sh ted .Rrytr l t 1' t t t tg t trcngir i t tgi :oalott t i t l t tk t l i luki.s rt totgiktrt sktr l t t kt,ctrt t l i t l i r l ' t r tLtktrtr .

7 . YoLr t t l i l y usc a non-Pr ( )g ra ln r r iu l t l c sc icn t i l i c c l l cLr ] l r t r t r ' ., ' l r r t l t r t l i hcn t r rku t t n rc t t lq t tu t r tk t rn k t r l k r r l t t k t t ' t t t i t r t i . l i k . t r r r t .q t tL l t rk l t , t l r , l t r l r l t ro ,q r i tn r

1551/ l O t 'KI 's \ l Curv.r r rgan Neger i Scrnbi lun Darul Khusus SULI'I-

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SULIT455112BiologyPaper 22010^ lI - norlrs


Name :

Iiorm :


I Tu l i , s n l rn i l r l i r i l i t : l l t s rUr r l ; l ) t i , l i 1 n !a r t ] t : Io ) t . t l


PHl S I I),,\ \( l A N K h l l ;\ \ ( i SI\AN Pl :\ ( i tr ' l Li;\- l, l lN(i l i ' f UAS t : KOLA I I N{ l l , r - I lNCr\ I I MAI.AYS IA

(';\Wr\ N(.i,,\ N N F ( i lr lt I S tiN'l l l l L.AN I)A I{ tr l. KHUS tiS

P Ii PIiI{I I iSA,\N PI.,RC T]BAAN I}NRSAI\,IASI . I I t , Phl ,A, lAI 'Lr \N ]L\ LAYSIA 2010

Btot_o(;\ '[t:rpe r 2

- l -n ' t r hours : rnt l lh i r tv ln inutes

. IANGA\ l l t l I (A l i l lR ' l ' r \S SoAL. \N INI SI I I I INccA DI l lRI l I l -AI t tJ

I ib r examiner ts use 0n lvScc t ion

Kerlus soulun ini atlulult ditiLirtt tlv'iltultt'Jtt.

So a I a tt d tt I tt n t b t I us o I n i.1.tL t' i.t n,' rr L I c t I r t r I t r i s t x t I tn tyarrg sepular dultnt l:ultasa lli:lLtytr.

Colon dibtnLtt'kott tnutju\\,uh kcs"'lrrrtrlnn ttluutebuhttgitttt .\ttttl(trr sttttr,t utltt clolttu balusctInggcr is t r I ttt r b tthut tt ) lc I tt.y u.

Cu/ott dikt:/t,'ntlaki t)tt'i lth,tt'(t ntttklunrrtt tlihuluntun ht l t tkarrg ktr t t t : s , tu l tut i r t i

l iertas scralan ini rleriganii ir i igi 20 halarnan Lrerceial,

[,ihat sebelahSULIT




t 2



7 tz

t 2


5 t lI L

--o -6

7 20

8 20

9 20


4551/2 O PI(PSl\1 Carvangan \egcr i Sernbi lan Darul [ ihusus

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Diagrarn 1.2 I Rajah 1.2

[Lihat sebelahSULIT

Bahagian A

[60 marks]

Answer all questions in this section..Juwab semua soulan dalam hohugian ini.

Diagram l.l shorvs a cotton blouse which has blood and oil stains on it.Ruiuh 1.I menuniukkttn sehelai bluus kapas yang ada kesan dorah dan min.t'uk

Oil stainBlood stainKesan darah

Kesan mint,uk

Diagram l . l I Rajoh l . l

A biological rvashing porvdcr, l lrand X, is uscd to removc thc blood and oil stains.Diagrarn 1.2 shows thc contents oithe washing porvder Brand X.Serbuk pencuci biobgi, .Ienamu X te lah digunukun unluk menghilangkrn kesun darahdon minl'ak pada blatts lcrsabut. Ro.1ah 1.2 menunjukkan kandungan serbuk pcnt'ut'i

.Jenama X.

** *-- B.""tf X |lg-qys[-)

Contents I Kondungan: IIProtease 5oA IAmylase I Arnila.ye 5% jSoap I suhun 50% IPcrfume I Pex'angi 5%Sodium carbonate / Natriurn ktrbonat 15%Wlritening compound I Sebatian pemutih l0%Irabric sollener I Pelemhut lbbrik lA%

Wash only with warm watcrCuci dengan air suatn sahaia

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(a)(i) Which stain can be removed by using washing powder Brand X?Kesan yang manakah dapat dihilangkun menggunukan serbuk pencuci ,Ienams X?

Imark I Imarkah ](i i) Explain your answer in (a) (i).

Terongkonjawapun andu di (a)(i)


1(aXi i )


1(aXi i i )

[2 marksi2 murkahl

i i i) Completc thc schematic diagram belorv to shorv the mechanism of cnzyme rcactioni n a ( i )Lengkapkan ruiah skema di huu,uh wluk mcnuniukkan nt,kani.rma tintlakhalus enzimdulum a (i)

Enzyme-substrate complex


[3 marks l3 markuh)

(7IJ\ r - . "'\*--l




455u2 ILihat sebelahSULIT

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Foremmtner s






(b) Enzymes i' Brand X is only I 0% of the total mass of the washing powder.Explain why thc amount of enz1,'mes used is loiv.Enzint yang terdupat tlulam .Jenanta x hanl,a l0'% dari jumlah jisim ,scrbtrk pencuci.Teremgkun mcngaln jumluh enzint yang digunakan ,\angat rendah.

[2 rnarks/ 2murkcthl

(c) Explain u'hat wil l happen il ' the blouse is washecl rvith very hot rvater instead of rvarm$,ater as instrr-rcted b1, the manufaclurct..Terangkan apo .yung ukan lterloku jiku btaus tliltasuh nrcnggunakan Ltit' .r'(tng sLulgutpanas dan bukcm air suatn scperli ),ttng, diserankon oleh pengilang.

(d) lf the blouse is rlade of silk, explaiu,Iika bluus ini cliperbuat dari ,yutera,:;esucti digunakan?

[2 rnerks/2 nrurkultf

r.vhy this washing po.ul'cler cannot be used?Icrungkun mengqpcl scrbtrk pcnc'ttc'i ini tidek


tl[2 marks/2 markoh]

455u2 It,ihat sebelahSULIT

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? I)iagram 2 shows the process in producing a lamb. One parent is a black-faced sheep and the othcr parent is a rvhite-t'aced shecp.Rajah 2 menttniukkan pro.tes penghctsilan anak biri-hiri. Satu induk ialahbiri-biri mukt hitam dan sutu lagi induk ialah hiri-biri mulan putih.

IJlack- laccd shccp/Biri-biri mtrku hitunr

Whitc- laccd sheep/Biri-hiri mufut pulilt

s s X /Pro,ses X

'tl:-, --, .#AF/ *rl 1t

L''gg ITelur

Illectricity /Elektrik

)Nucleus /l,/tiklttu.t

Proccss \' /Pro:;us 7'

lnrplant cmbryo /Penempelun emhrio

lrmbryo /'limhrio

7 -tProd.,.". /. (

\ F",rch,;frky*T|SheepZ lBi r i -b i r iZ

Diagram 2l Raiah 2

455u2 [Lihat sebelahSULIT


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2(aXi)I II I


t l


2(cXi)n2(c)(i i)n


2(c)(i i i)

a) ( i) Name the type of reproduction shown in Diagram 2.Namakon jenis pembiakun yang di tuniuklwn tlulam Rtiah 2.

l l

R .

mark/ 1 markuhl

(i i) Cell l{ is extracted from the white faced sheep. Name cellSel R diekstrak dari hiri-hiri muks putih. Numakan sel R.

f l marki Imarkuhl

b) Name process X and YNumakan froses X dan Y

X :

Y :[2 marks/ 2 markuhl

c) 'l'he rvhite lbccd shccp parent ccll has 42 chrornosomes in it's sorn:rtic ccll.


black l 'aced shccp parent cell has 44 chrontosomcs in it 's sonratic ce l l '

se I induk hiri-biri mukrr pulih mempunvai 12 kromosom dulun scl somort.t'a. se'l

iruluk biri-hiri nruku hilum manrprtnl'ui 4'l kfttmtt:;om 'lulun 'st'l :;()nlunvu

What is thc numbcr ol 'chrotnosomes in thoApukult bilungan kntmosom di dalurn

i) Egg cell / Scl telrn'

I nrarU lnturkahl

i i) Embryo cells/,te/ emhrio

I mark/ lnurkthl

i i i) Lrxplain your answm in c(i i i .7'crangkan.j awupan anda dulam c (ii)

[ 2marks /2murkoh ]

455112 I t , iha t schc lahSULTT

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(iv) What is the trait of the cloned lamb,JApakah trait anak biri-biri yapg clihasitkan?

[1 mark/ I markahf

d) The embryo from process Y is impianted in the uterus of sheep Z. what is theterm used for sheep Z.Embrio dari prctses Y ditempcr purla utcrus biri-biri Z. Apakah istilah yangdigunakan untuk biri-biri 7..



F o r

etdmlnet s





[1 mark/ I markahf

In one incident, a lhrm that rvas raisi.g cloned sheep, hacr its sheep popr.rlationof 50 000 all wiped out rvithin a r,veek due to a viral infection

Dalam satu ke.iudian di sebuuh ladang yang ma,tbela biri-biri yang diklonkru,kesemua populasi hiri-biri sebaryuk 50 000 terah mari tlalam masisemingguakib at j angk i l an v i r u.y.

e) Explain why the loss happenecl so rapidly.Teranglean mengapu kemutittrt btrlaku ctcngan begitu pantct.t.

[2 marks/ 2 nrtrkahf

45stn[Lihat sebelah


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455t/2 ILihat sebclahsuLIl '


Diagram 3 shows the relationship between two transport systelns and the body

cells of humansRuiuh 3 menunittkkan hrtbungan enlaru tluo ,sislem pengungkulan dun sel hudun

manusiuR lrxrd crrpil lrr rt / kupi I ur i t luru h

v \A *----.-

lhcly celISel hudun

D i a g r a r n 3 l R u l u h . l

(a) Narnc tluid X. Y and ZNuntukun c'<'c'uir )-, l" dun /

x. . . . . .

\ , . . . . . .

'/. ... . . . . . . . . . . .f3nrarks /3 t ra rkuh l

(b) trxplain horv fluicl X is lbrmcd .' l'c ro nglum h tt gu i nt un u cL' t: u i r .\' I i' r h a n |u k.

[ 2 rnarks/ 2 mttrkuh ]

(c) (i) Narne a substancc that can be fbund in both tluid Y and Z.Numalun hohun vung holah ditenui dulurn kcduuiuu cecoir l' Jutt L

f l rnarki l murkuh l

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(ii) State the difl'ererrce betrveen lire components of fluid X ancl yI\iyatakan perbeztten qntLtr(t kotrtponin cec'uir X clan y.

I I marV I mctrkah )

(d) Fluid Y and z are involvcd in rhe body's def'encc sysrem. Explain the clcfencemechanism of the following l1uid :Cecair Y dutt Z terlibal dulurn sy.rlent pertahunut batlan. Terangkan mekenismuyang, terlibat bugi cecair berikut;

Fluid Y/ Cecuir Y

FluidZl C'etuir Z


a / a \ i i \





[ 4 nrarks/ -t murkolt ](e) Define honrcostasis

Talv iJkan h o nt c o s r us i,s

f l markz I tnarkulr)

455v2 ILihat sebelahSULIT

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Diagram 4.21 Rajah 4.2

l 0

Diagram 4.1 shorvs the cornponents that are involved in a reflex action.Rajuh 'l.l nrcnunjukkan konrytonen yang terlibat clalam satu Iindakan refleks.

t- s,,n,,,h" I ^ t-R";;;l f sr"'*r."'d -l

I R,,rsro,,g,," | -) | Rrrrpru, I A I si'a1 n,niang I


Diagram 4.1 I Raiah 4.1

(a) What is thc trcaninq oi-rcflex action?A pakuh nnkst td t i ndukun re.fl e ks'?


(b) Conrpletc Diagranr .4.2 to show tlte reflex arc.Lengkttpkon llaiah 1.2 untttk nenunjukkun arka refleks

I nrarU I narkah]

[2 marks/ 2 markahf

ILihat sebelahSULIT

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(c) Diagram 4.3 shows a s)/napse.Rajah 4.3 menunjukkan sattt sinaps

(i) Name R, S and'f.Namaknn strt&tut' R, S tlun l ' .,


I) iagram 4.3Rajuh ' / .3


Nen'e impulsc




a(c)( i )



[2 marks/ 2 murkah]

(ii) Explain the fl-rnction of R.Tcrangkan ]iurg:i R.

[2 marks/ 2 markah]

455u2ILihat sebelah


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f'orexamher s


t !

(d) Describe the transmission of nerve irnpulses across a synapse.Hu r a i kan p e m inckr h an im pu I s rn e r e nt ct s i s i n ap s.

[.3 marks/ 3 mcu'kah)

(e) Alcohol actsonthecent la l ner \ ,oussystem.Stateoneef l 'ccto1 'a lcohol onhurrransAlkohnl bertindak kc utus ,si,slcrn sctrt( ltttsat. l\iyutuken soltt kesa,r olkohol katttas manusitt.

[1 rnark/ ] nturkulrl

455112 ILihat sebelahSULIT

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5 Diagram 5, shorvs the inhc-ritancr. ol-a tr.ait in the hibiscus plant.Rajah 5 tnenunjttkkan peu'urisart satu trcit di dulam pokok bunga raya

D i a g r u r t r 5 l l i u 1 u h 5

The height characler is t ic is conrrr r l led bv a pai r .of a l le lcs.Kelinggiurt rli kuy'ttl olclt sepa.sunr tr/t:lKeyl Kekunci: T : dorrrinant uilcle / tt lcl t lontitrtttr

t : reccssivc a i le lc i t t le / t ,c .s t ts i f '

(a) (i) State thc genotype ol-all the hibiscus planrs .t. K, I_ and iVINyatakan genotip bugi pokok bunga ra1,a J, K, L clttn jt{.


[ 2 n r a r k s l 2 m u r k u h f

(i i) Explain u'lry ' l-

anrl t arc callccl allcles.Terangkan mengep.t'l' darr I dipunggi/ cttel

eL\#lililii;)) ffi"tr

ry!_.$trff-*t- -*i:* - N{

Shortl llendah


K :J :




5(a ) ( i i )

[2 nralks/ 2 markah ]

455u2 ILihat sebelahSUTIT

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455u2 [Lihat sebelahSULIT

l 4

(b) (i) Draw a schematic diagram to show the genotlpic and phcnotypic ratiosif J and K ',vcre crossed.l.ukis rajuh skemu unluk menunjukfutn nisbah genotip danJbnriipjifu.I dan K dikacukkan

[6 marks/ 6 markoh I

( i i ) I l ' the genotype of 'a l r ib iscus p lant is l ' t , what hzrppcns to a l lc lc l 'and allclc t during the fbrmation of gametes ?.lika genrtilt bugi ytkok bwtga ra7'a iuluh'I't, apakah yang, herlokttkepudu ulel T dtn olel t .semusu penbentrrlutn gunel ?

I I rnark/ I markalt f

( i i i) Name tho law of inheritance cxplained in (bXii).Namakan huhmt penvurisan yang diterangkan dulam th)(ii)

I I narkr I narkuh )

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{ hlorophr Il rnoltcule


1 5

Section BBahagian B

[40 marks | 40 markahl

Answer any two questions from this section.Jawab mana-mana dua soalan daipada bahagian ini

Diagram 6 shows a schematic diagram of photosynthesis.

lrclcl'i;/ Lfuroll ll-rrel nokrule ..'tobi;ui aiv

Eleclrnn elel;!r, tt

I@ Hrdrorll iott jo,,r /:ic:"oi;il


ox|gen f 1l.f,fer

O{rigcrr - ri"

\ r

Glucc:r t \\';1t*r giul:t]ra ̂ air


!trrch **rr.ii

I)iagram 6l Rttlah 6

(a) I lased on f)iagrarn 6, explain the lunction ofthe sun in photosynthesis.Ii c rdus a r ka n R u I uh 6. I e rangkun ./iln gs i na I uhar i la la trr .fb trt.s i r* e s i s

[2marks l )murkah l(b) I)escribe how green plants produce starch millecules l l 'om water molecules and

carbon dioxide .I{uraikun hugaitnonu tumhuhan hijctu mcnghasilkm nolekttl kanii duriputlq mttlekulair dctn karhon diokida

l8 markah l8 murks)

\.,' t /' r it

H."'dr'rg*n :rt'rur 6rprr,,lr ldrr:gf lr C rrh*n diorid* *or,L,x rziblri'ro

1551t2 ILihat sebelahSIJI , IT

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SI.]LIT l 6

(c) Photoslnthesis is a physiological process. lts rate is afl 'ected by a ltrv factors.Statc each {actor urd cxplain how it affects the rate ofphotosynthesis.liotosinle.s'is aduluh prose,t fisiologi. Kadarnut dipenguruhi oleh beberupa./actor.N.r,u!ukan.se tiap.futlor ilu dun terungkun hugainanu iu mempenganthi ktdar/btosintc,si.s

I l0 marks I l0 murkuhl

I)iagrarn 7 shorvs eutrophicatit ln thlt occurs in a lakc due to hurnan activit ies.Rojuh 7 me nunjukkun culrolikttsi t'ung berlukrr di sebuuh lasik ukihat uktiviti manusiu

I )ecaying algae. l ish,animals, plant-s anclfirtilisers setllc to theholtirn.)

[)iagrarrr TlRuiuh *

[ ]ased otr [ ) iagram 7. cxpl t in cutrophicat iorrlltrJusurkon lloiuh 7, terungkun cutrtfiku:i

f l0 rnarks I l0 nurkuhl

l ixplain hor,v treating scwagc can reducc rvatcr pollution.' l't: nl r g ku tt h u g u i nt u n u r uy' {t l ut1,; i,s u h r nt h u hu n tlu p u t nt c n gt ru n gkan

Tlcrtt'enturutt ttit'

l 3 r n a r k s l 3 n t u r k t t / r l

Wlrat is recvclirrg'l t lxplain horv recl'cl ing paper l iclps to conscrvo thecnvinrnment .lpukuh kilar lentulu? Tcrungkan huguintana ki!ur scmulu karta:; rnumhutttudulunr ntcme lihunt olun sekitur.

[7 nrarks l7 morktthl

( b )

(c l

4551/2 ILihat sebelahST]I,IT

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Diagram 8. lIlujolr ,\ I

t t

Supporl in anirtral is proviciec{ b1, a s[.e letor.r.Sokongun clalun haiyutt tliipcrolelti tlengan rilngk(l

(a) Diagram 8.1 antl 8.2 slrorvs trvo organisnts with dilferent types of skeleton.Rajah 8. I dun 8.2 nrcnttnittkkun dttu orgunisnra clengun jenis rangka yang berbeza

I)iagram fi.2Iloiuh 8.2



Narnc thc support svstcln shou'tr itr Diaglanr 8.1 and il.2Numqkun siltt 'nt sokorr{utt \ 'un,g ditunjukkon dalum Rujuh 8.1 dett 8.2

[ 2 n i a r k s l 2 n u r k u h l

State thrcc dil ' [, ircnccs betn'ccn the supporl s),stems o1'thc organislus i lsstatccl in 8(a)lVy-qtukrln tiga perberuun trnluru s)l.ttam sokongutl orguni,sm yang dint,utukrtndalam E(u)

[ 3 m a r k s l 3 m c n ' k u h ]

(i) Dlarv and labcl a diaglam ol'a joint.Lttki.s dun lubel sqlu ru jt ir sendi

[ 3 n t a r k s l 3 m o r k u h ]( i i ) Expla in ' ' rhv e lc lcL ly peoplc r . r l tcr icncc pain in rhc i r jo ints .

'[ 'erttngkrrt t]tett,t:ul)d ot'utt! orutt! tttu nrcngulunti kc,sakitnn 1;utlu .scntl i

[ . 1 n r a l k s I 1 r n u r k u h ]

Aquatic planls arc sLtpportccl bl 't issucs that arc dif lcrcnt f iom terrcstrial plants.lJsing exatnltlcs. explaiir hou,sr-rpporl is achieved by atluatic plants.Tunrbulr-lunthtthrtn air netnperolehi sokongun duripculu tisu-tistt berbaruling dcngantumbuhctn dqruturt. Dengan nren3gturukun cont()h tcrengken bugaintona sokotlg(uldiperol c hi ol t ' h t trn tlt t r lt, t r t tr i r.

[8 marks I .\ markah]



4s5u2 [Lihat scbclahSULIT

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9 (a) (i) State what is genetic engineering.N)'atakan apakah ke i urute ruan ge ne t i k.

1ii) Describe the advantages and disadvantages ofgenetic cngineering.Lluraikan kebuikan dan keburukan kejuruteraan genetik

I l0 marks I l0 markahl

f 'cstcs

cell / sel testi,t

at- 'zygote lr zagot

Ovary cell / scl owt1, Ovunt I ovunt

Diagrarn 9.1 I Raiah 9.1

Diagram 9.21 Rujoh 9.2

(b) Describe how the factors shown in Diagram 9,1 and 9.2 atlects variatron.Huruifutn bagaimana.laktor y6yg dituniukkan dalam Raiah 9.I dan 9.2m(' mJPngttnthi vuri u.si

I l0 marks,/ I {) murkth]


spertn / .\permu

4551t2 ILihat sebelahS U L I T

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1. This question paper consists oltrvo sections: Section A and Section B.Kertas soctlun ini mengundund duu htthugictn: Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

2. Answer all questions in Scction A. Writc vour answers for Section A in the spaccsprovidcd in thc qucst ion l ) i lper ' .Jqwcrb semus soulun dtilunt lluhn14ian ,,1. ,lat't4tun undu bagi Bahogion A hcnduklultditulis pado ructng vuttq disetliukurt lulunr karlus sodun ini.

3. Ansu'er any hvo qr"rcstions tlonr Section Il . Writc youl' ans\\,ers for Section I] on thc'hela ian Larnbahan'pr t lv ic lcd b1, 1 l rc inr iq i la tors. \ 'ou ntav use er luat ions. c l iagr l rns. t i tb lcs,graphs and olhcr stritablcr nrc.{hods to cxplain vour Answcrs..luwob man(t-nlutlo rluu soolqrt dtrt'iltiultt Bohugiur: B. Jutt'ttpetr lndu bttgi Bahtgian Rhendokhh tlilttlis dttlrtttr hclrtiun !ttnltttltotr 1'ung Llibt'kalkm oluh pcngov'os pepariksaun.Anclq bolch nrcwvunukatt I)o',\entuLttl, t ' tt ju/t, irrduul, gruf dtm curu luin .\,ung se.strui unlukmeni e ltts kun j tv, u 1 tt rn u t t r lo. .

4. The diagrans in thc qucstit)ns arc not clmn,n to scale rinless stated.Rajoh yttttg morgiringi ,soolon titlttk dilttkis'nrcngikut skula kecuali tlinyatakun.

5. The marks allocateri l irr cach quc-stions or sub-part rt l 'a t lucstion arc sho\\ ' l t in lrrackcts.Markah ),ang, diperti l ttukkurr bugi stl iLtp soulttn tt ltrtt cerqiun .suulun ditunjukkun dalonrkurungttn.

6. If you rvish to clurngc voLtr alts\\rcr. cr()ss out t ltc ans\\ 'cr that 1'ou have done. 'fhcn

rvritcdorvn thc nc\\, Ans\\/cr.. l ika qndct harulok rnt'nttktu jtntrrltrur, bottt lktrtr. jovupan ),(1ttg, talah dibuut. Kcnuulion Iulisj au, ttlturt .y,un g b o r t r.

7 . You may use a non-pf( ) ! , f i l ln lnahlc sc icnt i l ic ca lculator .Ando dibenurkatt metrr:gunukcur kulhtlulrr sirintifik 1,ong lidak boteh cliprogranr.

8. You arc adviscc l to spcr l ( l 90 nt inrr tcs to ans\ \ ,c l 'q t rcst ions in Scct ion A and 60 nr inutes tbrSection IJ.Anda dina-sihuli sttpu.t 'u nengntbil ttrcrscr 90 ntinit untuk mcni(rn)ab soulun clalantBohryian A dan 6() mittit utiluk llahagiott B.

9. Detach Section B lrorn this cluestion papcr. Tie the 'helaian tambahan' together with thisquestion paper ancl hand in 1o thc invigilator {tt the cnd o1'the exanriuation.Cerqikan BohuSliurt Il tluriprulu kt'rtu.t .soolctn ini. Ifurl helaion tambahrm hersomct-samukerlas soalqn irti dun .stt'Ltltkun kL:ptrrlrt peng.M'os pepriksuun patkt ukhir peperik.yoan.



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4551t3BiologyKertas 320r 01% jam






r] toL()G\.

r r . , ^c r 3

C)nc hour thir tv minutcs



l. Tulis nama dan kclas lrnc'la pada rurng 1-angdisediakan

2. Kertas soalan ini atlalalt clalunr rlrvibahtrsa.

3. Soalan dalam bahasa Inugeris nrendaliuluisoalan yang sepaclan clalarn ltahasa \4clayu.

4. Calon dibcnarkan rncnjalvab kcscluruhlut atausebahagian soalan sanrr atla rlalam bahasaMelayu atau bahasa Inggeris.

5. Calon dikeliendaki urcmbtca ntaklLu-uat dihalanan belakanrl. kerlas soalau ini.

Soalan MarkahPenuh


J - )

2 t7

Jumlah 50

Kertas soalan ini nrenganclungi 12 halaman bercetak

455113@PKPSN4 Carvangan Negeri Scrnbilan Darul Khusus

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Answer all cluestionsJctu;ub semus soalun

A student conduclcd i'ur investigation to study the eff-ects of temperature on the rate ofactivity of yeast. He prepralecl live boiling tubes labelled A, B, C. D and E. Each boiling tubewas set up as showtl in Diagram l.

'l'he boiling tubes were imr:rcrsed in the respective water

baths of varying ternperatures as shorvn in'l'able L

Seorang pelajur telah meniclunkon ,satu pen.viasalan untttk mengkaji kesan suhu ke uta,skudur qktiviti ),is. Dia telah nr€nvetliakun lintq tulttutgdidih berlabel A, B, C, D dun E. Setiuptabung didih teluh cli,scdiakun .seperli dalrrm llujuh l. Tabung-tabrmg diclih itu te lqh direntluntclolam kukus air pudu suhtr berluirton seputi -\,trng tl i tuniukkun dulum ,ladual l.

Thcmtr r l r t c le r / ' f r n t r t t i l t ( | ( t Delivery tube,\alur penghantur

5 nrl l irnc watcr5 ml uir kapur

Water bath I Kuku.s ttir'

1g yeast + lOml of 20% glucttseI g yis ' r larutan glrrkct,su

Diagram lRuluh I

455113oPKPSM Cawangan Negcri Sembilan Darul Khusus

Second /sacl

Minute lnt ini t

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I'ime taken for lime water to turncloudy' (rninutes)

lt[asa ysng diambil tutukry n gg!!_h!g! t!J! kapyllllll



4551/3oPKPSN{ Cawangan Ncgeri Scurbijan Darul Khusus

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Temperatule ('C)Suhu ("O)


' l 'ablc I

Jticluol l

455113@PKPSM Cawangan Negeri Sembilan l)arul Khusus

Time taken for iime water to tumcloudy (minutes)

Masa yang dianrbil untukr iltkon a i!_kop w ( * y,t t )

[Lihat SebelahSULIT



i l


) U t 0

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Forexaminef s


(a) l l cco ld thc t in te ta i rc r t i i r t ' t i i c i i r r rc(' t.tl ttl ktln iltu \d .l t t |t,q t I i t t t t t I t i i t ilt ! Li k

\\ l l tcr to l . trur clouLl) ' ur ' I 'able L

rrtr. :rr. ! t t ' t I I tkutt t t i r ku1;trr r IuIunt, lut luuI I

13 mtrrks./ 3 ntorkeh

( b ) ( i ) l l l r s c d o t t I r t l r l r ' l . s t r t l c t u o t l i i ' l e l c r r l

l l t ' r t l t t . ru rk r r t t . lL r r l t i r t l i . t t t t r !L tk t t r t r i t r , t

Obscr i r t i i r t t I , l ' ru r r r i tu t i ( r t t l

ohscr r l t t i t t t t s .

l .)( i l I c t ' I | ( t t t( t | 1 .r ' r t n y i t t t rba :Lt

( i i )

13 morks,/ 3 murkah

Slatc thc in lc fcr r .c n, l r ic l r cr , r ' rcsporr t ls to lhc obscrval ions i r r (b)( i ) .hu.t ' t t l t tkut t i t t f t ' r ' t ' t t : ; .1 ,111,4 5t '1. t t11f11, , L l (ngt t t t 1t t :ntar l t r t t i t t t t d i (b)( i )

]rr lcrcrrtrc l l rrnr olrsL'rvl t l iott I , ' l t t l i ' r ' r : t t . ' ; r lur i l tot l tr l t t trrcr l t t t l iutt l

Infercrrcc l i ' trnr otrsclvlrt i i)n 2 '/ htlt 'rcns tluripadu pt:nlcrhttiun 2:

,1-5 5 I /3OPKPS]\1

13 ntttrk.' i 3nun'kuh

fl-ihat SebelahSULIl '



CArrrurg l r i r Ncgo i ScnrbiL iu i Ih lu l l i l tu ,sus

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I (c)

o .

c) Complete Table 2 based on this cxpcriment,Lengkapkan Jadual 2 berdasttrkan ekperimen ini

Tablc 2.lutlual 2

(d) State the hypothesis for this experiment.Nyatakan hipotesis bttgi ekperimen ini.



Method to handle the variableCura mengen du I i kan Pembo I e h ubah

Manipulatcd variable:P e rnb ol e h ub trh cl i mo ni p u l us i

Responcling variable:I' e mb ole hu bulr b er ge r ak bulu s

Constant variable:P e mbol e hub uh di m ql ur kun

I (d)

455113oPKPSM Cawangan


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(e) (i) Construct a tablc and rccord all the data collected in this experiment.Your table should have the ibllorving aspects.Bina satu jadual dan rekodkun sernuu tlfin yang dikumpul dalatn eh.sperimen ini.

temperatufe / .il1l.?il

time tatr;en tbr lime water to tum clor"rdy /masa yang clian*il unluk mengeruhkttn air kapurrate of yeast activity I kudttr aktiyiti tis (I/t)

f3marks /3marknh

(e) (ii) Use the graph papel provided on page 8 to ansrver this parl of the question. Usingdata in l (eXi), clrar.v the graph of rate of yeast activity against temperature.

Gunakan gra.f .t,ttng diberikan pacla mukq sltret B untuk meniau,ab buhagiqn ini.Dengart ntenggunukan data clalttm I te)(i), plotkatr grcr/'kadar aktiyiti yis melavsuhu.

f3marki3marksl l

455U3@PKPSM Cawangan Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusrrs



Forexaminef s


I (e)

I (e) (ii)


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Graph o1 ' thc r i t t c o l '1 .eas t ac t i i i l v aga i t ts t t in re .( jr t l l 'ut l t tr trkt ivi tr ) ' t . \ Dtcld\rutt t t t( tso.

4,551/3oPKPSh\'1 Clan'an!:lttr \ c gc ri Sc r I I l. i I rttt i )artLl [. ' lrrr-s rts

f l- ihi.rt ScbelaltSTJLIT

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I (h)



Based on the graplt in 1(e)(i i). cxplain thc rclalionship bctu'ecn the rate of ycast activityrvith temperiiturc.Berdusarkun kepudo gral l(t)(ii) terttngkon lurbtrngan arturct karku.aktit'iti .,-is dt'ngattsulm.

13n t r ks i3n ru rko l t l

(g) tsased on t l te resrr l is i t l ' th is cx|cr i rn! - l l t . s tatc thc o l tcrat ional t le i jn i t i r in o l ' thc r .atc o1 '1crasli ictivitr-.IJerrla,scrrkLtn kcltLrlrr,s'un cli.: l ttr intr:rt irt i , n.t 'ulukun dtrl irt i .t i .\ '(,( 'or(t oyturti,si utttuk kutlttraktivit i t, is.

1.3 nrctrks i 3 nuu'koh)

(h) I f thc exper in lcnt is le pcat t -d l rv i r rcrcasing the tcntperature to 80 'C. prcc l ic t thc ratc ofycast ac l ivr t - \ ' uncl cxplu in 1,our p lcd ic t ious.

./ ika ek.spct' itrretr itt i t l i t.t lon.q d(n,{ett ntenirtgkttlkrut.srrlttr kcptulu E0'(, t.runttlkLtn kutlureklivi l i t, i ,\ l)u(ld .\ulttt i tt i t l trtr ttt.trrrqkun rtrrttulon rltt l tt.

4s5U3oPKPSM Ca*,angan

13murk ; i3markoh l

[i-ihat scbelahSLJI-I1 'Ncgcri Scrniriian Dar.ul Khusus

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1 0

1i) Another student couclrrcI a scporiite bLrl siuri lar cxperirncnt using thc lbllorving apparatusancl materials:

Seorong ltclttlur lttitt ntctrf ultttrkttrt ck.sltt'r'intt:rt lnin latapi hutnJtir sunru tlengctrtmenggLmukatt uIut t'urlu.s tltttt lrulturt;

Classily based on thLr al)pnratus and rttatcrirls i lr t l ie experiurentKl t s ili k o s i ko n b u I nr n r I tu t t' o r I tt.s tl t I a t rr,: ks p t: r" i r t r c' t t i t r i.

13 marks t' 3nrurkult]

455 1/3oPKPSI\4 Clarvangan Negeli Senrbihn l)rrrul I.,husus

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t t

2 Vitamin C is an itnportant or.lttnic cclnrpc'rrrnd requirecl try the bodl. 'to niaintain and fornr connectivetissues and for trorntal dcvclc,pnrcnt t-rf rruurs. lt is an irnportant nutrient lbund in manl. foodproducts.A company intends to produce ir truit. iuicc using narr-rral fruits. 'I 'he"v tlccd to detenninc the typc ot'l iuit with a very high collte ut ol-vitanrin (1.

Based on the abovc situation. dcsign an expcrimcnt to dctclminc 1he vitantin C content of trvo lruits.

Vitdmin Cl merupakan seLtnticur orutnik pcnting .1,ctng diperlukun oleh badan untuk mengekulkantlun membenlttk ti.ru pcttglruhtrtrg bag,i partutnbuhun gusi 1,'ung normtl. Iu merupukttn nulricnpenlinq ),ut1g hctleh didoputi tlctlttnr kebun.t,ukuit ltrrsrluk mttkunon.Sebuah syarikat hercaLlung urtttilt ntengltttsilkcrtr.iul buult-buttl.tun segur. lt4creku per/u ntengenolpasti jenis buuh ys111r, nrcngntdturgi kundtilNtut t.ituttrin (.'1.ong songat tinggi.Berdasurkan situasi di ut(-ts, t'cktt ltt:nttrk sattr aktptt'itnen rnuknnl ttnluk ntengkoii kurulungunvitamin C dua je ni,s buah-buahttrt.

The plarrning of !our crpelinrcnr nrust includr- thc fcrl lon,ing aspects:Perancangon ck,spcrinrtn ntLlLt ltarrilukluh nrrlipttti Lt:lLk-usl('k bt'rikrtt;. Problern stateltrent I Pcrtt.r'ul(ren ttt(t.\(lult

o Object ive o l ' invcst ig , r r t i on I ( )h l tk t i l 'k t t . i i , t r t

. Hypothcsis I Ilipotcsis

e Vatiables I PcnbolclrubuJt

r List of apparatrrs altcl nlLteriels / Sttuu.tti rutltt.s' dun buluut

r Technique uscd I 'lL:knikydna


. Experimentirl p|occdurc 0r tlclhod I Kttedulr olttu prctserlw. ek.spet ittten

. Prescntation ol-data I Cort dulu tl ipet.scnrhohkott

r Conclus ionlKasinrytu lun

lI7 murk.s / l7 markohl


455U3oPKPSM Cawangan Ncgcri Scrnbilan Danrl Khusus

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l. This (lucstiol. l papcl ccrnsists ol 'trvo qucstion: Question I and Question 2Kertus soolctn ini merrgtrncltur.qi dut soalon: Soulan I dan Soalan 2

2. Ansr.ver all cluestions. Writc voul ans\\ 'er l irr ()uestion 1 in the spaces pror,icled in this qucstionpaper.Jav,ub sentua soolon. ,lawtrlun tuttto bagi ,9onlan I lrcndqkluh ditulis yulu ruung v-angdisctliakctn dulutn kcrtas ,toctlttn ini.

3. Write your arts\\ 'cr lbr Qucslion 2 on thc hcll ian tanrbahan' providecl bv thc inl ' igi lators. Youmay use cqualiolts, diaglarrts. tablcs. ulaplrs anrl othcr suitablc ntc-l ltods to explain your arls\r 'ers..laweptttt utula bugi "\oultrt 2 lt,'trtltrlilttlt tlittrlit dulurn lrttkriurt ltniltahun ),urry dihekulkutt ole lrpenguwo!; pcpet'ikstrtut. .ltrtlu holch nrctt,q,qtrnLtkun parsumoon, rrluh, jaduol, grdf ddn t'at'rt Iuirtyung,,s e s uo i t t n I t r k t n t ' r r j t I o : lt t n j t ur t r 1 tu n t t tt du.

4. Show youl rvolking. it rrttY hcll l 11i11 to gcl nrl lks.' l infukkan lie rio rrrt:tt lqirrr. irt i tucttt lttutltr cnrtio trtettt lultulkart tntrrku/r

5. Thc d iagrams in 1hc r iucst io l )s i l l e n() t t l l rnn l t r sc l t lc unlcss statc.dRuiah . l 'ang nen,q i r i r rg i . too l (ut r i , l , tk t l i l r t l i i t r t to t ,q ikr t t skt t l t t k t , t ' t r t t l t d in, totukt tn.

6. 'fhe

marks allocatccl lbr eaclr (lrcsti()lr ol sLrLr-l)urt of'a qucslion arc sho\\ 'n in brackets.Markuh ysng diltcrat!ttkkrut butt .:t ' l i t tp :oo!(tn o!otl ceruiut soul(o1 ditunjukkan dulontku'ungott.

7, If you wish to change \'our ans\\cf. cross or.rt thc anslvcr t] lat you havc donc. Thiur tvritc downthe new ans\\'cr.Jilvr ancla he ttduk ntcnrrl ior.itnr(tl)(nt. l)(ttdlkLttt. irnrirltutt \:ung teluh dibuot. Kemrrtl irtn tuli.rjav'a1san yunv bru u.

8. You mav usc a n i ) l r -pr1r ! t l iur r r r r lb lc se ic-n l i l lc cr lcr r la tor .Andu tl ihcnurkurt ntcnggrrrritkirtt ktlktrltrtttr .suinti l ik y(ing tiLluk bolch tl iprogrontkcut

9. You are advised to spcnd -15 n i inutcs to i i r ls \ \ 'c r Quest ion I and,{5 minutes for Qucst ion 2Ando dinttsihulkrttr :tt1ttr.t,tt rnurgrrtrt lt i l trrLt.ttr -Ji nrirt i l unttrk ntanf trr ',ab Soalon I t lun 15 rninitunluk meniav'tth Soulutt 2

10 . T i c the 'he la ian ta tnbahan ' t osc lh t r r r i t h l h i scp res t i onpape randhand in to the inv ig i l a to ra t t heend ofexanr inat ion.]lqtt helaian tanrbultun bt'r.sontu-stttrtu kt'rtrts sottlutt irti iun seruhkurt kcpuda peng(fit,(7.rpeperik,saun pudo ctkhir pL.|)ct ik:u|tn.

455113oPKPSM Carvangan Negcri Scrnbilan Darul Khusus SUi,IT

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