J V. H r.TT." -- - - I 7 Commercial bbcriisrrj (Lommn-fia- l TIIS PACiriO grjbcrlisrr IS Pl'tlLL-HE- D ! Kvory uif lay Tovninir. rnrNTTiiao orpicE Is to IlUT l" i:x l)esei-ii- ( loit f"rri.;n litWriplina. iS.OI a Year. o v TV "'' I' ' 't' r' ' rwarl-- 'l to any . i- -t of . . .) wh-.-'- i t...l'il- - IV: a:..l I J... s;.e .l :n N. n- - k J.. ,1 m 2m 3 f-- 1J ' m in. n. lar' will par. !i 1. wiuCi t"'K ' ' I"-'" nor:, Vrli.irj.- - ! ivr pnti- - t'.'m .1 J e, waico Tan- -, from 4 to ,.,(..- - I'M j j. .i j, lirrn !' IHI.K l !.V4XI k 5 I.ies 1 eo J ts. r. M. 4 t iH.j lo iio r.i aai-- i from ad put of the I'ac.u: '.ll Irt Li.ies ' 1 - Wi 4 , 6 mi s ou; j oo g rry "-. 1. Lines J IM 4 in 0 7 Svi 10 .s.j id ihi -- o l.iios. J Ui 6 oo ; mkiiu 14 .m' is isi UU l.'lr ..iv) i. uu l,i to ie is), in tie, .'a to PUIS A.XU FANCY J Colttmr ' s oo i.t. ; t.i in. ii' ;,t, tn, i j t o!iuii-?- . II Kl I.l to .M no .'s no 4o .!' t.S I it I DOOK AND JOB PRINTING. - j j .oll.ll-- II I"! I) IS40 IHI ISI IKI 1141 i U hole C..!mi.n .. .- . 0 . I". t'l VJ 0 l 1 .ti IS I .on IH 17 .i:' m Atr i:n-- s carls primed 17" l!tisinei Cards, l.ei I i ind oi a jo.tr, are .Ik wed Pruv" in Card the Van- - l.?hcit sty! of the art. a a d t Inn: tl,.e rn . !:.li rr lor Ui..;.i.t a.li;i. mn:l" wla n p iid .T el.ari d .piarterly. Commercial Advertiser. PI " '"'.) ' """ Irwb anj SB-it--t F..t:.-?.- , otl..r ie.ruit. conit tmly on ,'a.',l "'J 'lr -- ) aud '"'J tKh- - 'lU n ' ; !L",'J il"a f"r oin t' "'e of hi.t t.artv, 1 nuri-i- r ard. g. ..... , .. .... S"'P l,,Jn"', reUI did thr.HI, Mae. Ii,. ,, the , tlaV lllgnt Was, PO iar as .Marit X wain was Con- - North Kona, Hawaii, Hav. Island. ce"M,l, bona lide uOair. lie actually was tu , m'l'V"!A u11 lnt, ut ai,J ins watch, . l'urjs A t ,;,, . s. clfciiiokn. M4 ly I aboMt j c , in, two knivcH, and three K j,.. ,.t.cis. Ahout tlie mom-- y was' THE XEWSI'AI'F.K KIOKOA, ;' OiilOlN AI ) T mr Si.trr. ty't n'vlt c rolling i.t sure, Aii'l "O, JTrt "o, o'er l li.il ar I p:iin. Ml Uk, I strraiu tf ki.ii.ini; utrrt lie Ti hn? Atl!iDtir' pit ftirt'Iiii? ur? In a 4. ljr Mik Laji" Trr, W.th Wtrt ri i oVr t!f wa-r- rrrt th. luin'r, with im'lr Trrn-- ; Ti tlic jr t'C4l f tie I uwa tut fpfii m ttit irvlrnl it .I'.th rh-tr-- w T love j Uyk.'ir l4 t"4-iirl- fluffs Nr rc lh"M wntry Imu'-- ff 4 ar.l t&ilv X' ttie f Jar, racb full f cr- - I trxr. W lulr rt Tine lUt r.f hit ui.-p- -l sati i A nl ntrl't' in B J p4vful iftAiiu Tha art reiwriul-r'i- j l ilr kur of Th .I !: ai"l IV if. l t.'iy l najr Tru" ah tlr 4- - r .M.i'.t. i' r . I.:IJul rate. 4lk 3l kry, liM w5 mrrt f.o HHre lir, A b.'t'i'i'-- luv.itriK yet l bar i. ! Vbi fr, f!-- i all the nv of stnf- -, Tbat trrft.ct in y attil r.-a-i' U.I t:r tl Li. II lulu, Jaiiinry, H ',T. II. L K " . Kill I lailCIC rti II t U M C . .... N t KXSf I?t o. .NoVi'mWr 2D. lOI. i ... i .:. i ...:... .i .. ... E K iiiim i lk i k iiixmii iimr mat ' ; r,vive.I -- orne word fr.uu an old if...iT. Hav- - ; in fully ri'ovcrt-- from the fff.fts of theses Voy- - ; n. it uiav not ba iiiai 'Toi riatc to a Khort , . Arrived L re ia J.:..- - .n. ,.,t tl.p uhlie dM ; i u t male a-- t much of we a of II r Maj.-y- , -- .nrj , tyuem Kiania, owin j r !a.My to my coining '"i- - ' ktrahU'l. 1 Icel fJUIte lite IIIV1I. ana SUIIor; 1 : ha,e heeome a Rood law aliidiiig citiz.1,. ao I have ... . .. , t i -- ir one month- - c of the la,ly Turns. It h IT J IT neci-ar- T fjr ine t itlte that ttiiaC Iiers J have an exti-rv-iv- e circulation, al. that they are j I dUtrihutcl Kratuitou:y- -I travel t, the rri..ei- - , j.!.; that pays lft in the ling run. After three wevli' oWrvation I have come to the conclusion that n-3 can eec more in San Franei?M" than in Honolulu, if he makt-oan- y effirt to do so. I Lave been Jevouring a file of Counnrraalf, ar.d ftel much betU-- r fir it. I notice with fdea- - ' . ,r X- T- il,,.,..- -: . orewiav tire eo..5r.K o. .". v.. - churih held in such fond rrnienibrar.ee the good ; they and many others Lave rreeive-- l from tlie ; wotthy Litor of theKetliel, who has been a l.n "-- nd wtil friend not only of your com muni- - J p 1 but of the uhlic at lare. The magnificent j tWfir' lay of prerf:nts he neeived on the anniversary of bis twenty-fift- h wedding day (I mean twenty- - i fifth anniversary of his wedling day) was only ; JU-f- t IriSute fr his untiring Zeal to Uo good ami j rprend harmony wherever he had an orrortunity. . If I could i,ii fo as to have my Silver . Wedding in advance, I don't know but what I : would g married, jrovided tlie presents could j 1 on ; as receiving handsome rresents I is my particular weakness Hark Twain Delivered a on the Sandwich at ITatt's Ha!I a few evenings Mi.ee, and, notwith- - j undine the wet weather ami muddy street-- , had ! an audTence or aiut one thouraml listeners, j n.rtly of the " u r ten " of th.s city. At 8 j oV-lc- the lecturer appeared and introduced Limself by that lie had written a lecture and found it suited him vry well, and was Ct to I Le deliversl to an intellig'-ii- t audience; but j wht-th.-- r his liearers would thinJi with him or not he could not say, but then they would have to take it any way. as he had got them into the liali, and he was hound they should not g-- t out ! i- i . I t i: II.:- - I ......... . !..... 1. I nil lit; b.t'i n 1 m , .u. to earry Ids mint through, he had pilicemen eta-ti-.n- ed at the d.sir (s rf-or- t Fays) with inhtrue-ti'n- s t allow nobody to leave the bouse, but to tduilt all vilio mad.;th.'ira n"arance at the door. The eugir inter.-t.t- were in the xn-if- g!'wing tsdors, and be Ffsike of the Islands in the liigh.-F- t terms, not forgetting to give the resi.l-n- rs t.'icir due f.r their b.witality and kin-i-ie- t to Ftnt.g'Ts. Mark Las done more to er-l-ctl- y utate the j.ition and roej-eet- s of tlie and Kngli.-- Ii Mist-io-ns at the id. tlian all the ImkiIf, 4i-r- letters, Ac., ever ub-lis'ie- iL IIeieturd the trial- - and trouble of the form, r, in the eatly history ol the f Jr;'t ccly, and crown.sj Ins i"r,-- ii iwhI tliw hu.l Lroti !.t alamt : be ' - ' ei ri also b."stowcd the highest Commendations ti.n Lis fri.n.Ls, congratulating them on their sueces". iii bringing the Hawaiian, as a peo- ple, loan c.o-a- l fa, ting with any kingdom on the fae-tfu-f the gll?. He rxonerateJ the ratives frum ever g cannibals, an.l, coming as it did from him, his remarks were well reeeived. He is evidently a true friend of the American I'-ia- rd of 3Ii.9i.,nsf and one its II r inert supporters if be las not h:ljs-- I tlicm in any way to convert and ! civilize Hawaiian. He m. ntiontsj in his lecture tiut he and tlie Mlssi.'iiari'sdid not mingle much -- t et!i.T, as tiu-i- r way of living was so d iff rent frurn what he had lieen aeeuFtotnel t, Htiil. with ad that, Le liked them, and at the Fame time pictured, with the moet withering Fareasm, the oE..i,us interference of liishop Staley antl his and their attempts to ou.-- t and bring discredit on the American Mission. The lecturer Bliowed that b bad a wonderful eoKimand of w)werful and sarcastic language, and fcis decrition were magnificent. The view friia Mount II on Maui, was dest.Tibed by hira in the most sublime and thrilling lan-ung- ;. The audience were rf.ttly and ejIihound with the eloquence of the Feak-r- , vthen, with unc2.-tni.l?.- l diffidence, he pre- tended t0 frgt a Word which would have Sn-Lb- ed histl.sM-ripti.,r- . thereby spoiling the whole tl.irgslmo-- t and losing that outburst of applause hieh certainly would Lave followed had be Crushed as he cominem"eiI. lb' made up for thi Fe.nur.g Mnissii n. b..we.-r- , by another of brilliant Mark Twa r't "f tin; int.-rio- towns. .f the neighboring State "t eta Li. l'.r attacked by suite ruiliaii in l,-- e Ural ,f night, and strij j. d of everything.! ia t. two f.v.,r,t X ,. '2 ;,l rs" and tv..; 'ig'.-- l .e,,g.. iirk fct,j t!i,. .. K..v.,ltirig i Ji . . , ',hti - ry :i miii ii eour.ig." an-- ,s e ,M . t!.at ,A,.vil. ring 5e td 1. Hon- - l.uta g..l"l watch :n: I a I. t o I 1 HMMirn WKKKI.V liV) IlKXJtl M. Willi NKV. I tiiuihcd display Z' I coin to protect hi'iiIf with. Tii in arc t)- - full .nrtioular tl.: aiffair, as ! t.ik' n fr.m the y.ar tTs : I ikt Tu'HS I.'iil.l.I ti Tin. Viri'iiii'i (Vt.r '' ryri' of N'j.iiIm.t llth, I.'i-t- he lwl!uw in"-- : Aft- - r !' :iir; ut CJ.iM Hi!!, l.t- -t i Jl.irk Twitiu aii'l a-- iit (Mar) wltu 00111:11 I f"t 11 j to thit il v. ju-- l :it tii-- vi-r- - on j tiio Iiile. ii'.:ir tlm -- M.Mit H'us-- . tl.-- Worn . hy i- - Iiih wayiin-- ami rill'l oi ahout IM in coin :ui'l a valii;il!i- - ..11 watch. M irk j j iMi.-h- '- a ui'l on tlf- - milij ct in :in itlu r r.l- - i iimri. Tiii-- t is mi hut iJiaih iht Mifn-- r I :irn.-i- t. lhiTO shouM h a littl-- ! hitnin .l.iii ' j iiui'.ii t!i.-- c Tiiis - the I. hi. Kiblx ry i -- t, Fu!!iwiii2 i M irk'n Card to the Hi !iwav- - J iii.tu ahovt? mi l. t .mi. 1 : ux-- t niIit 1 I. t tiir-'- I iii (i )M Hill. tu tlie SiiLlwid. M.,.ls. At 10 .,l H.k I Mart.-- l on f...t t, Viril.i.i. t- - l.i.ct it .,t of ,r.,ial iri'-ii'i.- i who wcri g"ii' t. ru-- t iia'.I niht with in.?, aii'l Kt-i- rt iiij t.rt in - fr San Kraiii-i.-c-.- ) in t!i.j morning. Thi-- ffi:il iri - raiiini'? J.roVttl in v Hut for it, I w.i.iM Lake r. i.i.ii.'..d in U..IJ Hill. As we r ii.--- iJ tin; hill" uiil ttraititiMi.-.- l up on th I Hivi l.;." a lu.ni juit ah.a.l of u-- i (.Mac uiv : SM,.lltil.I n,y-i- r hk-- an .li.vuiatru wiii-tl.- -, ami .Mac - ii'1, " Tliuinlvr ! thi it an iiu- - j j.r.Vf!n:-ii- t ti.i-- th.hi't n-- : t- - kti'ji h-- ' iik-i- i mi . i tin; i llni-io.- I CMim-iJ..'l- . .Th inh-ri.n- l whiii . j , w.im only a sijriial t you roa.l air-nts- . A"'it 1 11" a liiiiiut.' a!ti riv:iriW 11 M.iarl C 111:1 ri imiht '.'.I .1 fr4 amhu-.-ad- ,- ut other and rrwd,..l ff-- s ; tiji t. iii. 1 was ikiti and 1 J " " li. 't. l.ut t.in huiii .n-- t i;i-t-:- tj ..f ;iiiiii r :1 'ht, tl.rii.-- t a horriM'.' in uiv face, uiid hiiii.ly .iid, ami deliver! 1 Fa 'J1' ". -- M vuur ar? j.,worr..I- - ; wn-i- t 1 l.ut uuc that inlam uis 11 V)l T(e ytIII;. lu ln u,locii, ti,e ,.Nto, ( In Ut i riijuoted tiiree other n.h-ii- :i f rc.--?i- the: m.M cai.iain mm, "Dtoliewaii .l:lck-li- , ai . i... .1. . I I.. i i : i.. ir. . :r 1. 1 i. vz iii.-i- i i.v ni.j if oir iiii.i i.i.j.7 i'Mji..r i ii th'-- move within five minute-.- , hi v t!n-i- r hraiiid ; wall said. AllVi-h- t. eire !" Th. tj,e party, fix in number, otarted toward Viriiiia ami Ui-- cl. Now. i want to kiv to you road np-eti- a.i f - lows : My wnt.-- wan given me hy Jude Sandy I'aMwin and TheoiJ ire Wiiite, and 1 value it alove anvthin ele I own. If you will e..-n- J that to me (to the llnUriirisf office, or to any j.rouii- - neiit man III rraneixroi you may Keen wie Vo, k;ww ou' t t,,0 - M ja.l an.l Mac i u.. origan and 1 fiJes, tlie money he had belong'-- to me. Adieu, my roinantic";youii;; friends. Makk Twain. Mark Twain's KoimKRV A IIh.e Joke. It Hct.lS that Mark Twain's roblx-r- in Nevada was a j,raCtical j .kc " nothing more." The Knttr- - j.r, f NoremWr 13h nay : That highway rohU ry on the Divide latS"atur- - taken from Mac, his agent, w ho aeeomii tui.'d !'"" did not earoso much aUiut the loss of the nioin-- y as he did of his watch, which was a Very Valuable olie arid res.-ltte- to hint hy S,iii.lv Iial.lwin and Theodore Winters : therefore jw j,,, ! ,ii u.i.eli more than if he had 1 1,1 a u,..-- wives. The whol-- ; uITair. however. was a most daring Tactical joke iday.-- d upon h' hall dozen of LIS ,,,.,.-- ,,, ." friendii. Ill order, if Tussll'Ie. to et OViTi on llllii f.,r f,ni.r .irat.tici4 t laved ut.oii them, We think tt..y got more than even. Mae was in I the lot and had his j.art to act, thus making i Itjor .Mark tlie only Victim. He left lor Cilll-.r- - .... ,... i: ma on toe ri'imrr stae nv tne 11 nmer iiko ; route, yesterday with Mac. Mark was in- - Fide the coach. amiud in among the .....I !.. l...viiiiP :a t .11 lk . ol l.:l4 l.rltl.l.'il - - him containing nil his moii.-y- , his watch, the two j ja. kkniit- - and the three lead ji"ii.-ils- , nil right, and Mile, with the masks worn by the l.i..l. .. . .m .. - . .. . .... ..r l ...... . .I..7..I. 10..I,. r.- - - . ..... way roii'ers now came up iiu-- were inirooiiciii to i.im. one after the other, as Stonewall Jackson," and the other names as- - Fumed at the time of the robbery. Mark saw ; . , .... . ... ., I.... ..... I... u.roiigii me wtiott- - iiiiu in ,....-- . ...ii. - iaii-- .i 10 s.-- wnere tne j.iiii 01 v.-i- e j .kc e.uiu: in. It was alit:!e t - roii-- t, ii Ihiii. II.: ke Ins mind n-tty freely and profanely, until theFt.lge drove t.U'. We Would mention the names of the J ilghwaymen. but the fact I- - :. that they went ' li.r mgo tlie joo so very Fyte:naiic. alio wiiiisticu evident eoidideiice and skill iu the business, that we really believe they wjuld b.5 their rei.uta- - ; ti 'iis and objects of su.-ici-- iu ever afterwards. Suffice it to s ty I'eorge lordsitli was one of them, j All ! Mark, tie: bodi.-so- f tae i ir II M.kius family whom yoo s.i rilthh-sl- y liiur-l-r-- With your " II nt Uiileh Nick ss cue three years ago, 'lie 1110.1l.I- - ' erin in the ground, but tiu-i- r s uiN g 1 marc!;iiig 011." They've "got the bulg; on you" this lime. Personal. M-.rs- . and i.uuiiy. pa.-sa- ge in the Ft. Miner (i-'IJ- Ayr of November l'J, for Panama, on their way to France. It is iisclc.-- i t- Ftat'" his mis-iot-l, as it is Well known amollg the many Wel.-WIh- cr he left at t'.e ISl.WVls. ' Cat.t. Jame, your well known townsmen, arriv- - ! ed here bv the liark Sicatmr, recently from Ka- - t nagrtwa, tl.iys assage. He looks s.s hale and j he-art- as ever. The StraKoir experienced a fiic- - i of gales the entire trip, and for tlie la?t 1 jlM) miles has not made an o!s-rvation- . Sugars At present are very and the sale for Cm-- r grades is rather limited, although the darker qualities bring eatirfactory prices. Yours, Pkle. JrtftH nn-LING- PRAVKS. From t Iinny friends, and from things at loose cuds, goad Lord deliver us ! Frmn a wife wbo don't luv u-- . find from wbo don't look like us, od Lrd deliver From pnaix in tbe jjraps. from snais in our ; lioots. from proecssions, and from new ; rum, gooij I,.ird deliver us ! 1'roin I'ick pnldlers. from youn-- folks in luy. from old'aunts without ...oncy, and kol-r- a tuor- - bus. ghl deliver US. ;.lffi wirliotlt chastity, from T.ride i without Kiis, from .slir.s-s worn out, and all iHs.r relations, i l Lir.l r us : ... From nus."i.ai . r sells, un.l Iroiu tails tlmt aint k. from that l.iint.uinl lrmn nuiiwuo tlatti-r- . tr i.Nl .rd us ! From ;r ils who chaw i and ware dirty jx.tti-ront- s. ami from men wti id-.n'- t luv h.ihi.i., 1 I.r I us '. I'r.itii virtn.r without frarmc". fr on r t'iat s!ii l!s. l'r-"- i n! r k ittij. in.-- , f.t.-- . I'r.-i- h'l I d- liv.-- ' cats t'iat iire coiirtiii, i. Ff.-- jt!o-- r s.r-- t ;t ti J Ir--i- itir oM-ii- . fr in M riu i s. and in sum at. I wnumiu's c .ninillt - i..-- l 1 liv-r n- -' I r ti (..llvti.'.iti- - v!ii r.iy. :i"-- fr ::i i.nts vvh i t,j Mr t.s ti cli . . r. I I.- rn::'. n.-- l :, i.r.i-- s W,.J 1. r- -. - I I.' r I in t !f()X()LULLT. iwporifrs an.l ivaicis 111 Ui.iiiHaro. !rv t.ooiis, 1 lie i aiiioi r.ia i.iojus. unti .fli1i (, ,, ,,., jV,rCii,ie. The Home .Mutual Insurance Company. 51 Cni-- r Fort anj KinU. ly ; ,W to inform of V,,,,,,,, the pener- - c. M'caSPLKsp. Jons PiTr. ally that all l s.-s fustame.l on K.-KI- .S an.l 0 A Kl.(K, in-j- it-l y,;."itli.-- r of U. al.ove t onino-- ainst ,.er.l ... tne Mrl' IVDI.FsS & CO.. .. BJ , at lr nc.ir ,,1U samUtcli Islands, will have llealel-- s in I. rm et ii tit e id nn:l I.I'lll'i r.I l"r r. liaildUt". . 1.. i,r .rrin. ,1 l.u 11., 01. Keopuka. ol !lt iaek of in tried remarks hi hi t-- j Stom ve. nsincss aim. .. k. Ji ni). 4ft'rii-- y and f or.;i--l- !r at Law, C"TnT of Fort ati i M. Mmi, 43 y AI-K- J. CAKTWKICIIT. (flmmUli,'ii Jlrrrhaiit and (.rnrial siijiin Ascnt, Honolulu. Oiihii. ly JAMOV. (iRKKV &: t'f.. l'Hjirtir and r:ii:ii-.io:- i Mrrrhints In lite Fia-rl'roo- r linillin. Slrrcl. &:i ly C. ('i:i-:r- lPI.I' CIl. Ura'trr In Staple and l iiRry ir i;t(!. lion's (loth- - ; inr. Hut.ts nnd S!iui-- i. nd 'inLrr otiun, 'ort sirrp. rty oIMoiir .M.-..r- . i-- 7 v.iill ,!? 11. u k. ly ; - JOII.N TIIKS. V ATKIillOrsK. I",:,',,r h i lifulrr 'U i'V'Wrul ,l',rluaJic. ' W Str.- -t. !It,.,u!,. C,o -- A ; AKiixi; Jk. ACIit'i'K. ln)prlrr. lm!o ilr ainl Rifjil lic:i.'f! lu t.eucral liirli.!iiilif a::d l'!iiii-- f (n.i.!. ' Kirr-pr- l" Siorr, iinanii Slrrrl. I ,j.,!il",'lii; ,:uM- - 1r i;i:oi:kk . iiowk. Dealer in lir.l .moij. Vtirltnvosf ! uatluT, Sliiii 'lf-i- . 1W, S.ii, Kliuds aiis IMJ,,:,, f. Jit his OU Slun . Fori tlntl.u-- i Ike ',, ly 77,,, j. tiit i 11, UfaliT 1:1 (.moral .Mcirhaudirr, ""irVT.t 5J: ly KI. IItKFSt'III.AK;i:K .V '!.. Iinptirlf rsaud I'uui9il-lv- !i Mrrritj;::l, Corner of Fori e.utl h.ol Sirrrli. si-- ly K. I. A DAMS, Ship riiamOr and lrah-- r l:i (.on. rl 'len liaiidNo. Lit Ituiitu. Maui. Particular attention pail lot he pun-lia-i- an J sale of Hawaiian i..i hy to M'aV W .MlVm. c,! I'wri. t.ale A: C'..k--!.- , Mvsri. !l. lLtrkfeiJ Co., .M. n. I. c Wat.Tiiian... Mi.sra. C. L. r..rliarJ & Co. 50U-l- y C'HLNCJ BOOM. tnrxc noo.v co. CocinildjJ and (.corral Asents, Ak'-'i- for the I'aukaa anil Atn iuuIu Suar I'l:iiit:ilions ter of T.-ii- i a-- i l oiiier Cliinrje nnj Kor- - inu U.ooi an.l w!iol-Hl- .Icalers In llanraiian I'ro.luee, In XewSoueSlo.".X..u...,S,.,lM.w Ki,.S. A. S. CI.Ft'HO'l.V. D.al.r la j.ertiiajJHe, Iir-pr- or More, C orner ;';JJ;! Urr,l St.., j Al.i. tMtal.lislimeut i.11 Nunanu ir.x-t- . til.ove Kin-r- . ! 1 llanJ lT.Klu.e houfl.t anJ ioiJ. I,lai.donlerrreful!y att-nJe- .1 to 547 Iv ' NKVII.I.K.V 11 A II K I0TT, I'lanters snd Store heepers, Pnbli-hr- d Weekly in the llaw.iii.iii Lunuiiae. It has the largest circuL.tioii in the ami is read twill by 11 iwaiians and ror-vii.r- I'rice $ J a year In ad- - j valwi Ait Vfrt tr:iTi.titt...l int., II.... iian fr-- e of charire. etli e in Soulli w" ct.rn.-- of Sailor Home. ly ; i m. s. a KI X HA CM at Co.. ! ' m,,rrs a.i.l Wiuih-sal- e Deult-r- s in lashionalile j Ciotl.injr, liais. Caps Kmu and Shoes, j I AnJ eTcry ri uf 0vmi., su, ri.,r Fllrilisill(5 0wmU ; More form. riy U'. A. Aldnch, w' ls'oct' !l MKI.CHKUs & Co. i j Importris and (tiiiiiuisioii "lerelianfs, j Ajtnt f.,r the Firk Insckani k Co. ... . .. mmai u.i h.iii, ToBtr MUIK l'I.A "iTATIoS . ' OrsTAr c. Mklchkhs J. I. WtrsK, F A. Prii AKrita, ' Hr.-me- Honolulu. Honolulu. 5Jj iy II. V. I.l" l I U TO V, to r. s. pkatt co.) Iinniirlrr ami U linlf.-ilt- . He il-r- l-i W i.iix Volrlt. -- - - , 1 and Malt l.iinirs, Charlton W'hnrf. Honolulu, bin ly TIIOf .... T, .... . tnot-i.L-i- i - . . . . . . . ... siiip liantllrr. Healer In (.eueral Meirli.inilie. Inland Trodare. at., ami t'uiuinisiou llerrliaiit. Itrron's liny. Ililo. S. I.. ' WU kis- - constantly on hand an esteu.iv. assortment of every desvr.pLon of .l. re.uirrd by shii ... ami others. ; the liiirri--.- t pri- - eiveti f.r lIan. I Produce, ,,, ,aVam-edfo- r liii.s of Kvi.an at reasonable rates. 511 1 cms. k. bis 11. IP, W. C. kALSTOS. lilSIIOP S. CO.. linnkrr., Offiee, in the e.n- -t foraer of iiiiUre's Llork, Kaahutr.anu strc-t- , Hou..luiu. . . -- r ..-- ..I I'raw l.il c or Calhorv - - Fan Francisco. 3lc-- uhinski.i.. Mis Ac Co., I.kks if ALt.ra, N. w . lll NKT A. l'KIHl'K. .t t' , ItOSlen. Turn . NT NAti.o.L Hamc, lt..st. 11. Mass. tlll.KNTAI. I.ANK CollPollA riOV. Iillloll. Will receive deposit. discount arst-las- s business paper, an. I atten.l t- - etc. ly I). X. FI.ITXF.U, Continues his old business iu th' lirepr.Kir buil linp, . Knn Iiu hi ii tin Street. ! Chronometers rated h i.lrvul:iir. of the sun and strr trtit Instrument ecorat.-!- .jate.l to the .m,lun f Hor.-.Iulu- . Kivento t... wich tr,i,,nnf. ,n.i ,u,ir.,nt glasses l ...d a.lju,t.d Charts and nautical instruments constantly on i o. i.ami an.. i..r sale. iy; I nllll.lK.illll V.r.Ilallf.. .... ... .... . . n mi.iu-i.iiv- :i :.iiu i.i;icii.i.-ivM"- i in' h naiiiic r .irt ny . i... ........... ..r i. i i ... ... .nv .ui.ii. ...ii. -- i mmn, .n;vu.-- T u.in ...it "i r..i:ni:irtr, ou. 1, j;.....ii..i..i-- . ..... . ... vivo, i a. ...tr..i.io.ii.-- , ki;e pr.s.ur:ilg Ol relgnt .............. n .. . II r. IMll ( I Messrs. Isaac II.. lash. J a., a: Co., New Bedford . ti. K. Es.. do. Morcan. Stosk .m Co. San F'raucisco. J. C .Mkkkill h Co, do 631-l- y IIS l CAsTLB. J. B. ATniXT.'N. All. IS S. CUHK.K. CASTLE A. COOKE. Importers end l.raeral Jlerrliants, In Fireproof ;..re. King tr.t, ..ppiwit the Seamen'. Chapel Dr. Jayns Faiioiy Nl.i iririf s, Wri..-l.- r A- - Wil.in's Swin-- j Machines, Th suar Company, The New Eo.-ian- Life Company, The New Vork ih--ii- i Marme Iiiiarance Company. 5o.5-l- y ALLEX' Jk. COX WAY, Kiinalliae, Hawaii, Will conlinae the -- nrnl Merchandise and Shipping business " 'ed T.'-aT- al" VZXT such other as ar by wiiile . at the shortest notict- - and on the terms. .A--- " i - o vr oo 1 o xx IX fx ri cl 1 . 1 V nimaMAS rx s h. a. p. risiin. I. BAHTLllT C. ICRE V ESI A. . (uium!iitn and !dt,pin Mcrt lianl, lliiu.lulii. On iiu. II. I. 'i ' VI s Of I lie llo.lan ii ii .1 I.niIhIh Piirlt.-- t l.inr. I'.IM'S Fwr I he l n Lee. niliiUu X 1 1 n in, I'lasuii.n. A . N l S I'sr Ihr PnrrhiiM-iiiii- l s,- - . f ,n n, I'r.i.l.ier. -- r.i.nu t i J HI M II i. .f. t .. w I" II,. I' -- . .llv..ll N J M , s . I! It - . , I . I M i ill . I . V .m-aPiMAtaxJu.,u.- ,.. . ... WBW .A- HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, .us:r.f5S daris. ! i f. ii itruw, Anrtioiu'fr. Sl- - K no m on ('"'' Mrin. our iloor from 0J1I K.i:iltUI!ia:iJ i'T-e- l. y ! II. W. XKVKRAXCK. Aiiitioui'fr and ftincni-h- ni FIKK I'll-IM- III RobiiiMin'ii ICuitiliii. lu-- f Slrert. W;ll l iisiii. at 11- 1- ww st in.l. 5;W-l- y j Ilt. KEXXKDV. PUwtiaii, Surgeon ail.) Iftout lie nr. Fort Si, Mi. l K. Wi;iiam Furri'.ture W'.tr r nup. 5-- S ly t - - - - K. IKIFKMAXX. .M.I). I'liy-'- u i;ui i!il Sariroini. Mr.ke'ii Hl'-rl- :. vjiii-.- :u.:l K.Liltutn:iim st. fcil ly DR. J. MUTT SMITH. UoiilKf. Office rornvr of K.rt an. I liot.l Str.tf. 512 ly A ... I! n't' I'M. M. !.. riij-iti:ii- ! ar.d Smirc'.ui, tifli.ifMi'J AMr:r!i I.. -. Fort ..irM. 5JI ly W. II. UICII A itl. , f'ornrr of V ri nu.l M- - n l aut :r II. ii' lu'u. 511 ly JOHN 1!. 1MTV. iitary 1'i.Vit', H.n:f!uUi, II. I. Ot;'u-- :it tin- - Punk of p .t Co. 57 6in V. X. I.AII. Imni.rtf ran.! It:il.-rh- i H.'.iih. t allry, M:'f h.llilf s' ItniN. and is: !. iiilni. I 1 !.lt'Ut:"!its, 5T.1 I'm I Sli n l. ly IIH1I VFDS .V. CO.. 1 1. .....ii..- .- .. :... "ii-- i-i i.,i..f ,i : Dral.-r- s in .'lire i):u!i. ; Keep constantly on IiutI a of f.r ' ' l... ......li. t.T V l...l..r. lio.l M.T.. liH.lt V.l'l4. oia ly JUM.V IllTSOV. Dealer in Wines, Spirits, A!e and Torler. 5'!7 Honolulu. ly j I II. IIA('KFEiil) Jc CO.. ' ('e.iond ('tiiii!iii-iii- a A;:t'ii(s, 5.U llonoliili. ly C. U. LI.WKKS. J. C. MCKStlS. i I.KWKKSJL niCKSD.V, DeaVrs in I.ni!i';er nni! CtilUiir; "MatCi !aN. 631 Fori Si i re I. ly j H. (US H.M.T. TH. C. HKl'tK. Von II O I.T & IIKt'CK, Cetifin! inmciilun lirr li iul- -, j 612 Fori Street. It. F. KIII.KKS. I Dealer in Dry ;otnK, Silts, e., wl Fort Si ret I. iy K. O. II A I.I. & SO.X. K. Corner of Fort and AVny nl reels. 5ia ly ' - t.'EO. II. i:t'RESS. PORTitUT A! LnDSIAPi: IMIM'fU, Sfiidio, Ilichird !?trrrt, nrar Rtrrtitnia. lcini.-iis- . ex.s-ulr-- l by the alove Artiiit, of the most fashion- able s:yle of I'oi traiture, m.iv Ik. S"en at Hie tiailrry of Chat. Ilurti-s- . Or lrrs at the Arli-i'- s Mutlio. Uichurd street, or at Ihe Ihoto.'ra.h i .ai'ery, near MS the 1'ost Ulhce. 6-- n J. 8. WAI.kKH. S. C. AI.I.KS D. C. BATES. WALKEIt. ALI.EX .V CO. Importers a .id ( siMihtis-iti- ii Mer.Iioiits, IIONtlt.l i.r. II. I. Ayr Hi vf thr I.ihue rianlalion, onnniea Plantation, I'lints-vill- e l'laotalion, Metcalf l'lantatioll, Wilder riat'tntion 1'ioiie. r Mills, ! Iiiiaina Siit-a- r (..ompatij-- , Waialua l'lantatioll, I llalawa I'l iiitHtion, W ailuku Mills, Honolulu Snirar Manufacturing ami Hennery Co., 1'uiitiluu Ilite Co. ! A'rnts of thr i IIiiTiilinii I'neliCl Line for s;tn Fran.-isco- , Merchants Mutual Marine Iiifuraiice Co.; I'nion Insurance Co. .f.fltf T of tir teamer Kilacka, Sch.ioiiers Activk, Makii.iia, 1'KiNri-- , Moi 5Jy AH'NK. and K.I.M... lv ItJOtlCC. riMIEI XnEUMfiXEl XV I I.I. COXTI M E busings liiile rto carne.1 n l.y tbe linn known n itini; Horn A: Co., ami - tt'.e all outstanding due by jh- old linn. t ill Mi MOON. I Honolulu. Not. SO, isr.o. 5I! Um EUREKA RESTAURANT! ...... .. .... - . . - VII IIMIIM ll.M lilt It.lMIA .mill M 1I ..f ti.i. e,t .i iisbm-ni- . w.11 paid unless authoriz.d by the s of both the uiidersimd. P. A. I.OLI.F.R, J. COLLINS! Honolulu, Auir. 25. ls".0. 5..5 lini lVrrn - VOLCAriQ HOUSE ! Crater of Jvilaxieia ! i j E3 V W All. : THIS ESTA It I.l i 11 M EXT ISXowf vJI oh-- for Ihe of .Ll-- , Visitors to the Volcano ! Who may or. Mtidinir COXIFORTA HI.F. liOOMS. A l.'OODTAULE i AXI I'liOMiT ATTilN I'ANCK. E iM-- r ieuee.l Guiilt' for I lie Crtiter always in Readme,. Steam tllld Sulphur Eaths. lLirx'-- Stahlttl timl drained if desired. f 11 A liiJ ES REASON A II I.E. VxnWi li;!til.p ,.. Volcano vi:i Ililo can procure animals warranted to make the journey, ly ajvig to U. H. Hitch cs-k- . t ..,r., H.io. 5il-l- J. L. RICH A RUSO.N & Co. -- - i nUr-mrDADU- I ii u . I j II A.Mi.li A, st..W. At I Iio (.a!Iery tin Fort sutel. II. r.. CHASE. P. S ll.ivin: purchast'il the IVrtret Negatives from Mr. Wwil, duplicate copies can be hs I I y those ics-- . us wtsi,;tig f. ir the same. 550 m II. I- - C. Just Received and For Sale, 1V THE IXDr.ltSM. .. El). AX INVOICE lj ..f 3 Ii "V Ci O I J , Conststiwj t t Wool Delaines. Black Luslros, Elack Velvet, hm.-'t- j i iht" I , imy 1J i( rl.. J'i-iii- l .sV :).-- . F'T al." low to close consisnmcnt. 64S Jin R F. SNOW. ISXnp of tlie Sancl- - fPIIEOMiV CORRECT MAI' OF TIIRSK I U triat of tli- - C. r.j.: .roi K. ....litv.n, pi:l. by tit Am. ri. in ii..i.Tmn-o- t. v.ry farmer h- - ow r? an of cr.-m- i I. ry c .pt-.- wl.- n ai:-- a ev- ery lrav.-.- h" wui!. to tirl ...n - . ai. .Lir nr. and ev-r- y ir. litN-it- i tn . to Im? j . , tp a'rit the proup St. 1:1 .'..- - . a c of ii. A f. c .p ! ft. f'.iHt . F- r -- i. t.- - T.i - i.CS NEW BOOKS. hssim;'s iiivmui or- - the It I1F.I- - . p.- i . I M . . .. 'rl-'-.lr! I a i ; . r !. t - ! - I i . .:t .1 A- - . I Ii . S- - - e. ' - I PsnTO ri'ru ts... iaaiaaj.m 17 JANUA MY -- 2. ISU7 nsurnr.rc a arcs. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. National Insurance Company, 1 Siin rraiiflM-o- , (liii'. N. 4.') Moiiloiiicry Strot-t- . near California. IfAKIXK IXM'KAXt'K pou II ulU. t'nr-i- fi C'K-- -. TrtMSurf. t'omi:ttrii.i, I'r.'lit!., an-- otlcr mil'j'-c- t f Marine I:Mir:u.rr, to un t Ir ni a!l irts iu tin" worl.l, inlan.l Un . MAKIXK ItlfKS on Al'. on Frtiiht. C;u,o, kc , to an.i fr in all uiTiT-i-l:i- .Trts insr--.- l kjm:ii. FIKK l..4'l( AM't:iii.ii ltuiM.n-:-.- . Mer.-l.ai.Ji- Furniture. I!i-- i l.i. in IVrl ai.d th. ir Car.K-s- , an.l i,t!ier losuial.le lYi'iirty. ( AiTTAI., (TAIl) I V) CM: JISLLIUX DOLLARS. Loj-- s promatly i!jatt d and ja'.d lu I ailed Slatrs ' lit.!.! (oia. WILLIAM. l'lKKCK, Trrsil nt. I. W. C. THO.MPSOX, ice.rresi.h-Bt- . W". W. W Hii'iiNS. r.cr' tary, ASMS Xi'YF.S, Marine m. . r. Comvuttre : ALItKUT I'lUl'.LKK. Chairman. Jo5. A. !0XMI!OE. It. Q. SNKATII. JOHN fi. I'.UAY. AUKAM lSLOCK. A"..'. P'trtirui'ir i!lj.itUu Ut lre Jusunince on i Df'l'.iiKjs, t'hurvhts, it'". i C. RBEIVKK .V Co, A "jcii. 550 Cm irmolulu. . CALIFORNIA IXSUEAKCE COMPANY. rg-.I- li: rxnKUSICXF.I) II AVE ItKK.V AT. M. tlKTiz'l to issue I i it i: P OI.ICIIIS! us Stores, Du elling llouses. Furniture and tJoods in Store, . IX HOXOLULU A XI) VICIX1TY. Losses a'ljiise. and p:ti l here by us in U S. poUl coin. F. r rates of I'rrniiunu anil i.artirti!ar npply titu II. ll.U ht t.ui .V l o., aeents. THE NOHTIXEHN INSURANCE COMFY OF LOXIXIX. rMI K IXDF.ItSIKX Kl. AC EXTS FOR TJI E B Coini any. l.ave recently revivel to re- -; liui-i- - tl.e Kuteof I'r.'mium on Stone anj Iti'i.-- l.uil.linirs anil on Merrr.an.liae utoml t'lerem. an-.- l are now irei rcJ to i.sue Iili-- . ciiK on more favora' l" il.ati lu r. tof.ire. Kiska Uiken ..n HuiMinta . .Vc, on Pa-.n- r l'lanta-- ! tion. J ANION, UllKLN" 4- - Co., 5J5 ly Apenta. SAN FRANCISCO B 0 A It D OF UNDERWniTERS. irHtllE CXDF.RslCXni) IIAVIXC 1IEEX fi appoint'-.- l i titi f ir t!ie an Fr.nici-M.-- ltoanl ol I nJer-- : writeri, The California Insurance Comimny, The Mere hunt Mutual .Marine Insiiraince, The I:tciiie Insiirunee ompaiiy, 5l5-3i- II. II ACKFKLH Co. MERCHANTS MITTI'AI. MARINE INSUPtANCE COMPANY. Ol' Sun rMIE CXrEKSl;XKl HAVING BEEX tippoint.-.- l iifT' iits for the alM.ve Cninany, beg leave to inlorni Ihe public that they are I'ow prepared to issue MAKIXK IXSI RA.XCE FOL.ICIES OX CAKGOES, FUF.IGIIT mill HiRASlRE. 537-l- y WALKKR. ALLEN' CO. THE ItltlTISII ANI I'OItEICS MAltIlE I.NSLR.1NXE COMPANY, CAPITAL, ONE MILLION STEELING. Head Office, Mancjiester liuil.lini.-s- , Liver.ool. Agents at Honolulu, J. 11. Thin Company takes r'uks on goods only and not on vessels. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY! SX I'RAXCISCO.tALA. Stock, - $750,000. Capital -- - CALEB T. FAY PilKSIIiKNT, CI1AS. 1. HAVKN ...CCUKTAKT. G I" STAVE TEN'CIIAKD. . .Makine DlKI.CTOR. MIEr.M)EKSI(;EI) linrc been nppoinled avenu for the above Company and are prepared to insure CARGOES. Fit I EG II T .4X1) TREASURE. For rates of premium, apply to 5;j3.6m WALK Kit. ALLEN & Co., Aprents. II A M It IT It (' 1 1 -- It It E M E X FI H E INSURANCE COMPANY. 'HMIE CXOERSIGXEO. Agents of the Jk.vo Com C i.anv.are prepared to insure risks aptunFt flee io and about Honolulu. For particulars apply at the oiti. e. MKLCHEKS & CO. Honolulu Oct. 11. HOT. 531-l- y J. D. WICKE, AfJKNT FORTIIK IlitK.MKN I'.OAUU OF I NDF.llW KITF.RS A I.I. AVERAGE CLAIMS tCAIXST SAII 2. I'nderwrit.-r- oct urrinc in T about this Kit!g.'om, will have to be cerlilie.1 li f.it him. 510-l- y CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. riMIE I'XDERSICNEI) A G EXTS OF THE 2 alv..- - Company, have b. eu autborized to insure risks on CAR;. FItr.ICHT mid TREASUHE. by CO ASTEUS from Ho : to all pons of the Hawaiian i 6U4-l- y II. n ACKFFXI) ir CO. P A T.TPflTJ "MT A TWCTTt? A "KTPT" rflWPflWV sax FRXXCIsCt). rrtHE UXDERSIt;XEI IIAVIXC RE EX m apjiinted Ants f..r the above company, lir leave to nform the, the public, that tin y are now prepared to issue M A K I A E I N L IS. A - t" K I O li I t I fi ? PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY. CA PITA L STOCK. 7 ..(. X'o. 4oG California Slrett. San Francisco, Cal. j r,M -- 0:PAX1 wTlL '1 A K K MAKIXK 3 RlSltS ,,V Cargo, Commissions and Profits ! In vvsl. n..t rating tliau A 2, ei'.her in the Foreign or lulrr-l.liii- i.t 1 rrule. on f.voral le terms and the iilLlr-irir- d are tie: uulhor:z.d aeuts cf the Compatiy for Honolulu. Li..i-- a A.ljualeil it ml pai.l here liy it in U. S. Gol.l Coiis. F'nr rates of premium, 4c Jkc, app'c to 51 ly iJISllOP k Co., Agents. NOTICE. efMIE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THK m Hawaiian Agricultural S.s-ie'- br-.-l-- ntiTy the put-li- tliat a variety of CHOICE and VALCAltl.K I'LANT.S raix-- from seed I il ly introlue 1 by Iir. il;:H.r.ind fr- - m Choi i. .lava, and Ind-a- . may tr ptucha-ie- from Mr.C. liKUHV, Mt tl.e Tli- - at. r. Honolulu. 535 0:n WRiTIWG INKS On I.Taiid .'ind 3oi Sale Rl JL MtVK REST 111. At K INK 3J4VXA I i .t P . at d I . i.l." 1 t I . . rt .. o 1 c- o- ! , I - .1 l I .. r'. a I p V ..r I A N ' ... I rl. I I I.!. ' I Ik I p i.- .... . . I r. I .1 v. r lllll'l. lMII.,ll.U uu.. I3IIIU. niu..., ....iu..' tfV.I.UIIA.. 11 L liL. V&. iX DOLLARS !i:i (VXI M. VOL. X. Xo. JS. W HOLE No. ooi. iiib sjsjui JgantLjfcjBs3agagss-ejjLiaAjSRi- llif(a:!ifdl. HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS, liy WILLIAM H. HlllDV, ut I.eleo. fJAVIXG RECEIVED A LA RG E AXI FILL material. prepared to supply Ins custouirr and the public, with the t t Vellow, Brswa nnJ W hits- - SO A I. ALSO soi'T -- WI OIL NOAP, In larjre or smnll .uanttti.-- to suit. I'- - S. Soap iireasv aiways wauled. &4T ly Hoot and 31ioo 3VCCrt.ljcox- - ! W XMitTII CMHNEU UK Itooi nutl Shoes ti Ma.le and repairtsl in a rorkmanlike niai.ner. 6Jfl ly IAS. A. Itl i:s! 1., COOPER AND CAUCER, Continues the business At his Old Stand on tlie Esplanade. All work done with care, ami or.Iers prompily attended to. 518 CiiAHta:s MoUuKatk. ly JOHN NOTT & CO., Copper and Tin Smiths, Ornamental Iron Hail Makers, HMAKE PLEASCKEI.V AXXOIXCIXC TO K the public that tiny are prepan-- to (urni-i- all k n.ls of Copper Work, consisting in irt of stills, sthikx pjss, sob cm M Pass. 01ms, etc., etc. We would also iurite att.-nlio- lo our patternt. for obnamkv. tai. iRos HAll.lMi, suitai'le for building or ry lots, which we call furnish at reasonable prices. Also, ltiht and Left Hand Screws for tightening wire fence. AM. KINDS or KEPAIKING DONS WITH Xl:iTN: 1D DISPATCH. fnm theoth. will meet with prompt attention. Shop on Kaal.unianu St., one d.xr alwve Flit tier's. 5t.J 6m JAS. L. LEWIS. Coopoi" nUCl GrrtllgOx' I At the Old Maud, turner of King aud Bethel Streets. A Large Stock ..r Oil, SIIOOKS and all kinds of t'onprriiiu Mnlerittli, (IN 11AM). lie hopes l.y attention to business to merit a coiitinuaiice i f the pat rouai.e wliicli he has l.ithrrto enjoyed, aud fr which he now returns his thanks. 54.i 6m HONOLULU SOAP WOEKS, IJY M. J. KAWI.I.NS. nSTIIE IROIRIETOR OF THE ABOVE a Works is prepared to supply his customers, and the pub- lic In ith the best quality Y ELLUW SOA I. SOFT Mi ll' nlwnr on linn.l. TAB IIlUHKST 1'KICK PAID P.IR SnAP tlUKASK. 642 ly inTRrwlYuR e shop.- - rrr THE L'XIIERSICXED tV. Ja-- . tiC4r having taken the building d- - 1V feiiwiSij' the Drug Store of J . M. 4rfrt--- 'J fajfr:."-'- mith & Co.. on Hotel oftVrs for sale a complete assortment of Sl'I'EKIOK F V It MTl'lt E, made from KOJ, AOU, and utrkk Fisb Woods. Is prepared to manufacture, and 111! Orders for StDR Boards, Ckxtbf: Tabi.ks. Arm Chaih.s, lu xuks, Wahdhobks. Sofas, Lapiks Wimit Tabi.ks, Hoxks, and other articles in his line of business with prompuiess auJ dispatch. 541 ly VM. FISCHER. IMI'OUTF.R Si, MAXTFAC Tl'llElt of all kind of Saddlery, Car-- C.'-- yA riaire 1'rimminK, Mattress making fit and repairing done with neatness nnd dispatch JIT All orders promptly attended to Corner of Fort aud Hotel street, Honolulu 638-l- y G. W. NORTON 6c Co., OX THE ESPLANADE, First Door above the Custom-hous- e, Honolulu. II. I. 6000 BARRELS JVEW ASI) OLD OIL CASKS. 620-l- y PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY. THE lXDERSIGXEI WOULD RE spectfully inform the public that he is prepared to cast and finish all kinds of brass and comjiosition work with dispatch and at reasonable rates. XT All kinds of ship and plantation wur'i furnished on short notice. XST Constantly on hand, hose coupi.ns of the following-sizes- : J, i, 1, 1J, 2 and aj. Also, oil cups and gauge cocks. JAMES A. HOFHLR, 63t-l- y King street. ' AV. FISCJIF.lt, Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, Hotel Street, near the Drufi Store of .1. Mott Smith if Co. y II. I. II A U Ml' I ST Ell, TAILOR Has taken the stand lately occupied hy II. Fischer, on Nuuauu street, where he hopes the public will favor him with a share of their patronage. - &9-(iu- i ROBERT NEWCOMB, Merchant Street, oppesite the Sailor's Home, I'll. iu and Orniiniriilal 15iiidii. executed at short 6:tl notice aud reasonable terms. iy (;i:ok(;i: ci.ark, BOOT and SHOEMAKER, Hotel stris-.t- , between Nuuann and Mrtunakea streets. S31-l- y CONTRACTOPv AND BUILDER, Shop ou the Esplanade, opposite t lie Court House. 50 ly C. E. WILLIAMS, Jlancf.iftBier, Importer and Dealer in InrnHure Of Kerry lJescriitii. Furniture Warero-- on Fort street, opposite R. D. Morgan's Family Market; Workshop at the old stand. Hotel street, near Fort. N'. It. Orders from other islands promptly attended to. 530-l- y J. II. WICKE, CAUIXET .MAKEIt, ALAKCA STKKKT BKL0W THK THKATKB. Furniture made and at reasonable prices. 515-l- y l" II V fit . SIsCw I'j Ij K I'j A, Tinsmiths and Plumbers, A' f'Tf' .""T fo'.n ,0! .LKADo- - w t.tways on Jobbing HAWASUN BAKKKL FACTOUV. D Item irrl w prepared to llarrrli, at they are pre- - work and every All orders filled with promptness and disiatch. 561 3in J. A. ILjITER 4- Co. - FOt Offl'ia if? jVOlSCC. " AVIXG RECEIVED MV EXT I RE ! 11 STOCK OF Photographic Apparatus ! With all the In the art, T wish to infom t. rv?iint .f th rK- - IUmU tlmt it in my inteutioa lur fiiture to filloar the Ilisher ISranches of the Profession only! ra:!iliriz iinii Itftoiichin PhotoL'rai.hs ma.) in mv own rwena, w hre rrriUure will ! my contHfit stu-ly- Prr-o'- t will he sli'twii to prri! i.tn.s '',r iit'irativcs (if rvqacteI. Particu- lar attf-tiii.- pEi-- l to copying oIJ Mr. H. i8 now comriI?tiij arranz-Tn'-nti- i to protluce Lart'l-scap- e, ctere-wcopi- and Microscopic Hietures ff any pizp. T An lrkHitt of Ovul an1 UiW'Xl Kramei; M.ireroo, JeiiLy Lin! i Vv-- t Cas- - coiiftnily on hand. 5oT am CliAS. UL'K'i, Pliotgraphic Artist. SPECIAL NOTICE ! fl'll E UXOERSIGXEO. AGF'.NTS FOR THE Jl shipu.i nt f F hereby (five notice tliit they are in wa:t of an oli.'-ur."- , iliit.-rat- and dissipated Editor to j ship and pr North, with a pjir of Reporters of the bunaby stamp, to take note of the sitii. and scnea in the Arctic Ocean, h re tli'-r- will le pi.-i.t- of sli ps s.tvv.1 out in liu of rum. If w- - .ant;. it pr.'ur- - t,e al-.- r.in, we will ship t. ,ii p'v 1.. This lo r- - io of. i r :.i i .1 t:. . I ol it-- - spill. Sn,-u-u. j ' j i in- - :!. - . f M 4I!KII M t, LEW IS. Or O. W I I.I.I 4 vis, .'.'.J i . la- I Mat pinp ll.tw .liian Marriage Certificates. u it : i . pi it 1 1 i iplA RTES VISITE: LARGER I II OTO- - nnCanro, Freight and Treasure., to and from all parts of the . WOUI 6 . World. ,5111. 11 r. 1 1. r. 1 I ......I... I 1. ..1 ...;.... ... .. . ' ..' - . 7 ' ", ... i n i r - r & l.nlv inform the I'latit.-r- that thfv are no none in inr . si manner, an.l on me mosi ....... - .v . .. . .i.. n,.i. a nrii 7 is.-.- -. si'.ir furntsii Snasr hrci nml .! oIiimch I . .... -- -. ... ... ... . ,,kJ .. ..- .. , , ,i. . ... ... . rc.oa:.c i.w.ii'k iinri"..'. ii.. nn AIS1 i'.r mi- -, I'liomerapiis oi uie rnirr. ii:i lien mil ; - .,,, .f,..,, . ..... rt.l A II II.. I.... I .. ... i .1 - I ' . . I . .... 1. u' . .11.' l.iviTniv urvii I. .:!.... . 7 t. . r " N' .... t ' ' . I ... ....... . .. 1 '. 31.1- - . . I. . . j , I . J . w, ,. , I i r i a 1 I i i il om est ir prckif. si,.: ai tiIs.ism:s, khom Tin: Plantation of T. H. Hobron Clini'MIWCOVlXC IX bv AXIX'OH SALE &6o-t)i- 11. HAt'ri4rLll A; Co., Aprut. LEWER3 PLANTATION. 1SG6. 186G. SUGAR AND MOLASSES "ROI XOW (1MI1(; IX AM) I ORSALE in rjiiantities to suit puichas.rs by 54'Jain 0 ItUKWKIl .V CO. HAST .11 A I I II A. SUGAR AND MOLASSES C1ROF XOW COMIXG IX. AX D ollrrrd iu quantities lo met lr 54S II. IIACKFELH h Co.. Apent. Sugar and iYTolasses! fMIEIII)OU I.r REFIXEUV WIL1MV m. tlie hi'hesl mai ket price f. r Hard Sugars, and First & Cccoud Molasses. l'r"lh or iri:J,i'iit CuiitiiiurrH. W9-- " WALKKIt, ALLEN Co., Managers. VA I I.H-- i V 1I,A ATATIOA. VEW CROP, XOW (IIMIXIi IX. i-- For Sale by 64'J 3 m C. lillKWEIt & Co., agents. ES A I, V A r I, A A' T A TI OX. SUGAR AND MOLASSES FROM THE AHOVE I'LA XTATItlX FOR quantities to suit bv 647 out WALK EH, ALLEN It Co. BAL & ADA3IS, WAILUKU 3! ILLS. SUGAR AND MOLASSES FROM THE A ROVE MILLS FOR S LE to suit by 647 am AI.Kr.I, ALLEN' ft Co., Atent. 1866. 18G6 SUGAR AND MOLASSES. FROM THE OXOMEA I'LA XTATIOX', now coming in and Tor sale iu quantities lo suit purchasers by 547 a' WAIJiElt, ALLEN CO. XV A IA I'll A I E, AA T A T I OX. SUGAR AND MOLASSES f.RO.M THE AROVE ILA XTATIOX FOR qaaiitities to suit by 647 3m WALK Fit, ALLEN & Co. HONOLULU SUGAR KKFINKKY. SUGAR AXD MOLASSES FROM THIS in quantities to suit purchasers, by 6" XV A LK Fit, A LI. E.N h Co. KAUAI X A SI Air VO. SUGAR AND MOLASSES IROM THE by A ROVE COM FAX VS MILLS 617 Um WALKER, ALLEN Co., Agents. OX BUI II, AA TATIOA . Shim'I G. Wilder, I'roprirlor. SUGAR AND MOLASSES CR it I CO MI XG I X, FOR S A LE I X l(UA to suit by 647 3u WALKElt, ALLEN ti Co., Age:d. SUGAR AND MOLASSES OF THE KOIIALA SUGAR COMVAXV, sale in quantities to suit by 643 6in CASTLB & CtKJKE. SUGAR AND MOLASSES !,J Of the nAWAIIAXSUGAR MILL. by Crop ol 1 800, 644 Km CASTLE A COOK K. K A I IV IKI II , AA TAT I OA. Sugar and Molasses ! CROP I80. XOW COMIXG IX AXD FOR quantities to suit by 634-ot- n MELCI1EK3 k CO. Waiksipn lk2antiition, IL Comwfll, Proprietor. SUGAR AND MOLASSES FROM THIS PLAXTATIOX FOR SALE to suit purchasers. Apply to 633 ly OEo. C. Mi LEAN, Agent. H AN A PLANTATION. JTKV CROP OF SUGAR AND MOLASSES! 640 3m For sale by C. UK EM EK & Co., agents. MAKEE PLANTATION. CROP OF jTElV SUGAR AND MOLASSES! Now Coming iu. For Sale by 6.VJ 6iu C. BKEWEIt Co., agents. 1866. 1866. SUGAR AND MOLASSES IROM LIIIUE PLAXTATIOX. CROP in and for sale in quantities to suit piirrhcra 613 3m WALKKR, ALLEN CO. 1866. 1866. SUGAR AND MOLASSES 'BOM METCALF PLAXTATIOX', C It O I coming in and for sale in quaiititi.-- s to suit purchasers 643-3- Hy WALKER, ALLEN & CO. 1866. 1866. SUGAR and MOLASSES IMtOM PIOXEK.R MILLS, Laliainn CrB in and for BAie In quantities t.i sutt putehaers 64::-;i- hy WALKER, ALLEN ti CO. vu turn? 53 IT ' o 5 nnd .llolnsscs. 186 (5 ! -- f SROP COMIXG iX. Forall.fy 613 Jui WALKER, ALLEN , Co. Colfon Tor Sale ! RLE FOR PACKING SHELLS A N'l SI'ITA or fur l' b ilstcry and domestic uses, Iss (iikm tliaca to Suit Purrbsm-ri- s Wanted Sea Island Cotton, In the seed or ginned, for which the l.ifL'-s- t eaali price will Im paid. i6W 6ui 11. M. WI1IT.NEV. HAWAIIAN RICE! (nolle aud i'vtra. For Pale in quantities to suit by A. P. CLEOHORN. 633 iy Agent Honolulu Kicr M.ll. HAWAIIAN LEATHER! Sole and Saddle Lenllier, mid Tacued (.oat Skin. For Sale by 533 ly A. S. CLKGHORN, Agent XVainiea Tannery. W A IMANA LO MARKET, II0NOLCU", II. I., Kinir Fireet, oppof-lt- the Uelh-.l- . &'My .1. R. PRICE. MiMf FORT ST., FAMILY MARKET. ItOJt'T I). MOItOAN. CI.oirrt M.-.-t- from fln.st herds. Poultry. I t.h, .ibU- - furnish.-- lo .wd. r. "' ly - DUFFIN'S MARKET, E. II. ttl'VI' A I ., Pin I'll. lor.. '...''' - I i n if, r n t e: X ti i i v '.I t, v

ed · J V. H r.TT."---- I 7 Commercial bbcriisrrj (Lommn-fia-lTIIS PACiriO grjbcrlisrr IS Pl'tlLL-HE-D ! Kvory uiflay Tovninir. rnrNTTiiao Is orpicE to f"rri.;n litWriplina

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Page 1: ed · J V. H r.TT."---- I 7 Commercial bbcriisrrj (Lommn-fia-lTIIS PACiriO grjbcrlisrr IS Pl'tlLL-HE-D ! Kvory uiflay Tovninir. rnrNTTiiao Is orpicE to f"rri.;n litWriplina

JV. H r.TT." -- - -


7 Commercial bbcriisrrj(Lommn-fia- l

TIIS PACiriOgrjbcrlisrr

IS Pl'tlLL-HE- D !

Kvory uif lay Tovninir. rnrNTTiiao orpicEIs toIlUT l" i:x l)esei-ii- ( loitf"rri.;n litWriplina. iS.OI a Year. o v

TV "'' I' ' 't' r' ' rwarl-- 'l to any . i- -t of .. .) wh-.-'- i t...l'il- - IV: a:..l I J... s;.e .l :n N. n- -

k J.. ,1 m 2 m 3 f-- 1J' m in. n.lar' will par. !i 1.wiuCi t"'K ' ' I"-'" nor:, Vrli.irj.- - !

ivr pnti- - t'.'m .1 J e, waico Tan- -, from 4 to,.,(..- - I'Mj j. .i j, lirrn !' IHI.K l !.V4XI k 5 I.ies 1 eo J ts. r. M. 4 t iH.j lo iio

r.i aai-- i from ad put of the I'ac.u: '.ll Irt Li.ies ' 1 - Wi 4 , 6 mi s ou; j oog

rry "-. 1. Lines J IM 4 in 0 7 Svi 10 .s.j id ihi-- o l.iios. J Ui 6 oo ; mkiiu 14 .m' is isiUU l.'lr ..iv) i. uu l,i to ie is), in tie, .'a toPUIS A.XU FANCY J Colttmr ' s oo i.t. ; t.i in. ii' ;,t, tn,

i j t o!iuii-?- . II Kl I.l to .M no .'s no 4o .!' t.S I it I

DOOK AND JOB PRINTING. - j j .oll.ll-- II I"! I) IS40 IHI ISI IKI 1141i U hole C..!mi.n .. .- . 0 . I". t'l VJ 0 l 1 .ti IS I .on IH

17 .i:' m Atr i:n--s carls primed17" l!tisinei Cards, l.ei I i ind oi a jo.tr, are .Ik wedPruv" inCard theVan- - l.?hcit sty! of the art.a a d t Inn: tl,.e rn . !:.li rr lor Ui..;.i.t a.li;i.mn:l" wla n p iid .T el.ari d .piarterly.

Commercial Advertiser. PI

" '"'.) ' """ Irwb anj SB-it--t F..t:.-?.- , otl..r ie.ruit. conit tmly on,'a.',l "'J 'lr -- ) aud '"'J tKh- - 'lU n ' ; !L",'J il"a f"r oin

t' "'e of hi.t t.artv, 1 nuri-i- r ard. g. ..... , .. ....S"'P l,,Jn"',reUI did thr.HI, Mae. Ii,. ,, the


tlaV lllgnt Was, PO iar as .Marit X wain was Con- - North Kona, Hawaii, Hav. Island.ce"M,l, bona lide uOair. lie actually was tu , m'l'V"!Au11 lnt, ut ai,J ins watch, .l'urjs A t ,;,, . s. clfciiiokn. M4 ly I

aboMt j c , in, two knivcH, and three K

j,.. ,.t.cis. Ahout tlie mom-- y was' THE XEWSI'AI'F.K KIOKOA, ;'

OiilOlN AI )T mr Si.trr.

ty't n'vlt c rolling i.t sure,Aii'l "O, JTrt "o, o'er l li.il ar I p:iin.Ml Uk, I strraiu tf ki.ii.ini; utrrt lie

Ti hn? Atl!iDtir' pit ftirt'Iiii? ur?

In a 4. ljr Mik Laji" Trr,W.th Wtrt ri i oVr t!f wa-r-

rrrt th. luin'r, with im'lr Trrn-- ;

Ti tlic jr t'C4l f tie I uwatut fpfii m ttit irvlrnl it .I'.th rh-tr-- w

T love j Uyk.'ir l4 t"4-iirl- fluffsNr rc lh"M wntry Imu'-- ff 4 ar.l t&ilv

X' ttie f Jar, racb full f cr- - I trxr.W lulr rt Tine lUt r.f hit ui.-p- -l sati i

A nl ntrl't' in B J p4vful iftAiiu

Tha art reiwriul-r'i- j l ilr kur ofTh .I !: ai"l IV if. l t.'iy l najr

Tru" ah tlr 4- - r .M.i'.t. i' r . I.:IJul rate.4lk 3l kry, liM w5 mrrt f.o HHre lir,

A b.'t'i'i'-- luv.itriK yet l bar i. !

Vbi fr, f!-- i all the nv of stnf- -,

Tbat trrft.ct in y attil r.-a-i' U.I t:r tl Li.

II lulu, Jaiiinry, H ',T. II. L K


Kill I lailCICrti II t U M C .

....N t KXSf I?t o. .NoVi'mWr 2D. lOI.

i ... i .:. i ...:... .i .. ...E K iiiim i lk i k iiixmii iimr mat ' ;

r,vive.I --orne word fr.uu an old if...iT. Hav- - ;

in fully ri'ovcrt-- from the fff.fts of theses Voy- - ;

n. it uiav not ba iiiai 'Toi riatc to a Khort, .

Arrived L re ia J.:..-- .n. ,.,t tl.p uhlie dM; i

u t male a--t much of we a of II r Maj.-y- , -- .nrj ,

tyuem Kiania, owin j r !a.My to my coining '"i- - '

ktrahU'l. 1 Icel fJUIte lite IIIV1I. ana SUIIor; 1 :

ha,e heeome a Rood law aliidiiig citiz.1,. ao I have... . .. , t i -- irone month- - c of the la,ly Turns. Ith IT J IT neci-ar- T fjr ine t itlte that ttiiaC IiersJhave an exti-rv-iv- e circulation, al. that they are j


dUtrihutcl Kratuitou:y- -I travel t, the rri..ei- - ,

j.!.; that pays lft in the ling run. After threewevli' oWrvation I have come to the conclusion

that n-3 can eec more in San Franei?M" thanin Honolulu, if he makt-oan-y effirt to do so.

I Lave been Jevouring a file of Counnrraalf,ar.d ftel much betU-- r fir it. I notice with fdea- - '

. ,r X- T- il,,.,..- -: .orewiav tire eo..5r.K o. .". v.. -churih held in such fond rrnienibrar.ee the good ;

they and many others Lave rreeive-- l from tlie ;

wotthy Litor of theKetliel, who has been a l.n"-- nd wtil friend not only of your com muni- - J

p 1 but of the uhlic at lare. The magnificent j

tWfir' lay of prerf:nts he neeived on the anniversaryof bis twenty-fift- h wedding day (I mean twenty- - i

fifth anniversary of his wedling day) was only ;

JU-f- t IriSute fr his untiring Zeal to Uo good ami j

rprend harmony wherever he had an orrortunity. .

If I could i,ii fo as to have my Silver .

Wedding in advance, I don't know but what I :

would g married, jrovided tlie presents could j

1 on ; as receiving handsome rresentsI

is my particular weaknessHark Twain

Delivered a on the Sandwich atITatt's Ha!I a few evenings Mi.ee, and, notwith- - j

undine the wet weather ami muddy street-- , had !

an audTence or aiut one thouraml listeners, j

n.rtly of the " u r ten " of th.s city. At 8 j

oV-lc- the lecturer appeared and introducedLimself by that lie had written a lectureand found it suited him vry well, and was Ct to I

Le deliversl to an intellig'-ii- t audience; but j

wht-th.-- r his liearers would thinJi with him or nothe could not say, but then they would have totake it any way. as he had got them into theliali, and he was hound they should not g-- t out !

i - i . I t i: II.:- - I ......... . !..... 1. I

nil lit; b.t'i n 1 m , .u.to earry Ids mint through, he had pilicemen eta-ti-.n- ed

at the d.sir (s rf-or-t Fays) with inhtrue-ti'n- s

t allow nobody to leave the bouse, but totduilt all vilio mad.;th.'ira n"arance at the door.

The eugir inter.-t.t- were in thexn-if- g!'wing tsdors, and be Ffsike of the Islandsin the liigh.-F- t terms, not forgetting to give theresi.l-n- rs t.'icir due f.r their b.witality and kin-i-ie- t

to Ftnt.g'Ts. Mark Las done more to er-l-ctl- y

utate the j.ition and roej-eet- s of tlieand Kngli.-- Ii Mist-io-ns at the id.

tlian all the ImkiIf, 4i-r- letters, Ac., ever ub-lis'ie- iL

IIeieturd the trial- - and trouble ofthe form, r, in the eatly history ol the

f Jr;'t ccly, and crown.sj Insi"r,-- ii iwhI tliw hu.l Lroti !.t alamt : be' - 'ei ri

also b."stowcd the highest Commendations ti.nLis fri.n.Ls, congratulating them ontheir sueces". iii bringing the Hawaiian, as a peo-

ple, loan c.o-a- l fa, ting with any kingdom on thefae-tfu-f the gll?. He rxonerateJ the rativesfrum ever g cannibals, an.l, coming as it didfrom him, his remarks were well reeeived. He isevidently a true friend of the American I'-ia-rd of3Ii.9i.,nsf and one its II r inert supporters if belas not h:ljs-- I tlicm in any way to convert and


civilize Hawaiian. He m. ntiontsj in his lecturetiut he and tlie Mlssi.'iiari'sdid not mingle much

--t et!i.T, as tiu-i- r way of living was so d iff rentfrurn what he had lieen aeeuFtotnel t, Htiil. withad that, Le liked them, and at the Fame timepictured, with the moet withering Fareasm, theoE..i,us interference of liishop Staley antl his

and their attempts to ou.--t and bringdiscredit on the American Mission.

The lecturer Bliowed that b bad a wonderfuleoKimand of w)werful and sarcastic language, andfcis decrition were magnificent. The viewfriia Mount II on Maui, was dest.Tibedby hira in the most sublime and thrilling lan-ung- ;.

The audience were rf.ttlyand ejIihound with the eloquence of the Feak-r- ,

vthen, with unc2.-tni.l?.- l diffidence, he pre-tended t0 frgt a Word which would have Sn-Lb- ed

histl.sM-ripti.,r- . thereby spoiling the wholetl.irgslmo-- t and losing that outburst of applause

hieh certainly would Lave followed had beCrushed as he cominem"eiI. lb' made up for thiFe.nur.g Mnissii n. b..we.-r- , by another

of brilliantMark Twa

r't "f tin; int.-rio- towns. .f the neighboring State"t eta Li. l'.r attacked by suite ruiliaii inl,--

e Ural ,f night, and strij j. d of everything.!ia t. two f.v.,r,t X ,. '2 ;,l rs" and tv..;

'ig'.-- l .e,,g.. iirk fct,j t!i,. .. K..v.,ltirig i

Ji . . ,',hti - ry :i miii ii eour.ig." an--

,s e ,M . t!.at,A,.vil. ring5e td 1. Hon- - l.uta g..l"l watch :n: I a I. t o



HMMirn WKKKI.V liV)IlKXJtl M. Willi NKV. I



Z' I coin to protect hi'iiIf with. Tiiin arc t)- - full .nrtioular tl.: aiffair, as

! t.ik' n fr.m the y.ar tTs :

I ikt Tu'HS I.'iil.l.I ti Tin. Viri'iiii'i (Vt.r'' ryri' of N'j.iiIm.t llth, I.'i-t- he lwl!uw in"-- :

Aft- - r !' :iir; ut CJ.iM Hi!!, l.t- -t

i Jl.irk Twitiu aii'l a-- iit (Mar) wltu 00111:11I f"t 11 j to thit il v. ju-- l :it tii-- vi-r- - onj tiio Iiile. ii'.:ir tlm --M.Mit H'us-- . tl.-- Worn. hy i- - Iiih wayiin-- ami rill'l oi ahout

IM in coin :ui'l a valii;il!i- - ..11 watch. M irkj j iMi.-h- '- a ui'l on tlf- - milij ct in :in itlu r r.l- -i iimri. Tiii-- t is mi hut iJiaih iht Mifn-- r

I :irn.-i- t. lhiTO shouM h a littl-- ! hitnin .l.iii 'j iiui'.ii t!i.--c Tiiis - the I. hi. Kiblx ryi -- t,

Fu!!iwiii2 i M irk'n Card to the Hi !iwav- -Jiii.tu ahovt? mi l. t .mi. 1 :

ux-- t niIit 1 I. t tiir-'- I iii (i )M Hill. tu tlieSiiLlwid. M.,.ls. At 10 .,l H.k I Mart.--l onf...t t, Viril.i.i. t- - l.i.ct it .,t of ,r.,ialiri'-ii'i.- i who wcri g"ii' t. ru-- t iia'.I niht within.?, aii'l Kt-i- rt iiij t.rt in - fr SanKraiii-i.-c-.- ) in t!i.j morning. Thi-- ffi:il iri -

raiiini'? J.roVttl in v Hut for it, I

w.i.iM Lake r. i.i.ii.'..d in U..IJ Hill. As wer ii.--- iJ tin; hill" uiil ttraititiMi.-.- l up on th

I Hivi l.;." a lu.ni juit ah.a.l of u-- i (.Mac uiv: SM,.lltil.I n,y-i- r hk-- an .li.vuiatru

wiii-tl.- -, ami .Mac - ii'1, " Tliuinlvr ! thi it an iiu- - j

j.r.Vf!n:-ii- t ti.i-- th.hi't n-- : t- - kti'ji h-- ' iik-i- i mi .

i tin;i llni-io.- I CMim-iJ..'l- . .Th inh-ri.n- l whiii . j,

w.im only a sijriial t you roa.l air-nts- . A"'it1 11" a liiiiiut.' a!ti riv:iriW 11 M.iarlC111:1 ri imiht '.'.I.1fr4 amhu-.-ad- ,- ut other and rrwd,..l ff-- s ;

tiji t. iii. 1 was ikiti and 1 J

" " li. 't. l.ut t.in huiii .n-- t i;i-t-:- tj ..f ;iiiiiir :1 'ht, tl.rii.-- t a horriM'.' in uiv

face, uiid hiiii.ly .iid, ami deliver! 1

Fa 'J1' ". --M vuur ar? j.,worr..I- - ;

wn-i- t 1 l.ut uuc that inlam uis 11V)l T(e ytIII;. lu ln u,locii, ti,e ,.Nto, ( InUt i

riijuoted tiiree other n.h-ii- :i f rc.--?i- the:

m.M cai.iain mm, "Dtoliewaii .l:lck-li- , ai. i... .1. . I I.. i i : i.. ir.. :r1. 1 i. vz iii.-i- i i.v ni.j if oir iiii.i i.i.j.7 i'Mji..r i iith'-- move within five minute-.- , hi v t!n-i- r hraiiid; wall said. AllVi-h- t. eire !" Th.tj,e party, fix in number, otarted toward Viriiiiaami Ui-- cl.

Now. i want to kiv to you road np-eti- a.i f -lows : My wnt.-- wan given me hy Jude SandyI'aMwin and TheoiJ ire Wiiite, and 1 value italove anvthin ele I own. If you will e..-n-J thatto me (to the llnUriirisf office, or to any j.rouii- -neiit man III rraneixroi you may Keen wie

Vo, k;ww ou' t t,,0-M ja.l an.l Mac i u.. origan and1

fiJes, tlie money he had belong'-- to me. Adieu,my roinantic";youii;; friends. Makk Twain.

Mark Twain's KoimKRV A IIh.e Joke. ItHct.lS that Mark Twain's roblx-r- in Nevada wasa j,raCtical j .kc " nothing more." The Knttr--

j.r, f NoremWr 13h nay :

That highway rohU ry on the Divide latS"atur- -

taken from Mac, his agent, w ho aeeomii tui.'d!'"" did not earoso much aUiut the lossof the nioin-- y as he did of his watch, which wasa Very Valuable olie arid res.-ltte- to hint hyS,iii.lv Iial.lwin and Theodore Winters : thereforejw j,,, ! ,ii u.i.eli more than if he had1 1,1 a u,..-- wives. The whol-- ; uITair. however.was a most daring Tactical joke iday.-- d uponh' hall dozen of LIS ,,,.,.-- ,,,

."friendii. Ill order, if Tussll'Ie. to et OViTi on lllliif.,r f,ni.r .irat.tici4 t laved ut.oii them,We think tt..y got more than even. Mae was in I

the lot and had his j.art to act, thus making i

Itjor .Mark tlie only Victim. He left lor Cilll-.r-- .... ,... i:ma on toe ri'imrr stae nv tne 11 nmer iiko ;

route, yesterday with Mac. Mark was in- -

Fide the coach. amiud in among the.....I !.. l...viiiiP :a t .11 lk . ol l.:l4 l.rltl.l.'il- -him containing nil his moii.-y- , his watch, the two j

ja. kkniit- - and the three lead ji"ii.-ils-, nil right,

and Mile, with the masks worn by thel.i..l. .. . .m .. -. ... .... ..r l...... . .I..7..I. 10..I,.

r.- - -. .....way roii'ers now came up iiu-- were inirooiiciii

to i.im. one after the other, asStonewall Jackson," and the other names as--

Fumed at the time of the robbery. Mark saw ;

. , .... . ... ., I.... ..... I...u.roiigii me wtiott- - iiiiu in ,....-- . ...ii. -

iaii-- .i 10 s.-- wnere tne j.iiii 01 v.-i-e j .kc e.uiu: in.It was alit:!e t - roii-- t, ii Ihiii. II.: ke Insmind n-tty freely and profanely, until theFt.lgedrove t.U'. We Would mention the names of the J

ilghwaymen. but the fact I- -:. that they went '

li.r mgo tlie joo so very Fyte:naiic. alio wiiiisticuevident eoidideiice and skill iu the business, thatwe really believe they wjuld b.5 their rei.uta- - ;

ti 'iis and objects of su.-ici-- iu ever afterwards.Suffice it to s ty I'eorge lordsitli was one of them, j

All ! Mark, tie: bodi.-so- f tae i ir II M.kius familywhom yoo s.i rilthh-sl- y liiur-l-r-- With your " II

nt Uiileh Nick s s cue three years ago, 'lie 1110.1l.I- - '

erin in the ground, but tiu-i- r s uiN g 1 marc!;iiig011." They've "got the bulg; on you" thislime.

Personal.M-.rs- . and i.uuiiy. pa.-sa-ge in

the Ft. Miner (i-'IJ- Ayr of November l'J, forPanama, on their way to France. It is iisclc.--


t- Ftat'" his mis-iot-l, as it is Well known amollgthe many Wel.-WIh- cr he left at t'.e ISl.WVls. '

Cat.t. Jame, your well known townsmen, arriv- - !

ed here bv the liark Sicatmr, recently from Ka- - t

nagrtwa, tl.iys assage. He looks s.s hale and j

he-art- as ever. The StraKoir experienced a fiic-- i

of gales the entire trip, and for tlie la?t1 jlM) miles has not made an o!s-rvation- .

SugarsAt present are very and the sale forCm-- r grades is rather limited, although the darkerqualities bring eatirfactory prices.

Yours, Pkle.

JrtftH nn-LING- PRAVKS. From t Iinnyfriends, and from things at loose cuds, goadLord deliver us !

Frmn a wife wbo don't luv u-- . find fromwbo don't look like us, od Lrd deliver

From pnaix in tbe jjraps. from snais in our ;

lioots. from proecssions, and from new ;

rum, gooij I,.ird deliver us !

1'roin I'ick pnldlers. from youn-- folks in luy.from old'aunts without ...oncy, and kol-r- a tuor- -

bus. ghl deliver US.;.lffi wirliotlt chastity, from T.ride i

without Kiis, from .slir.s-s worn out, and alliHs.r relations, i l Lir.l r us :...

From nus."i.ai . r sells, un.l Iroiu tails tlmt aintk. from that l.iint.uinl lrmn nuiiwuo

tlatti-r- . tr i.Nl .rd us !

From ;r ils who chaw i and ware dirty jx.tti-ront- s.

ami from men wti id-.n'- t luv h.ihi.i., 1

I.r I us '.

I'r.itii virtn.r without frarmc". fr on rt'iat s!ii l!s. l'r-"- i n! r k ittij. in.-- , f.t.-- . I'r.-i-

h'l I d- liv.-- 'cats t'iat iire coiirtiii, i.

Ff.-- jt!o-- r s.r-- t ;t ti J Ir--i- itir oM-ii-.

fr in M riu i s. and in sum at. I wnumiu'sc .ninillt - i..-- l

1 liv-r n- - '

I r ti (..llvti.'.iti- - v!ii r.iy. :i"-- fr ::i i.ntsvvh i t,j Mr t.s ti cli . . r. I I.- rn::'. n.-- l

:, i.r.i-- s W,.J 1. r- -. - I I.' r I in t


iwporifrs an.l ivaicis 111 Ui.iiiHaro. !rv t.ooiis, 1 lie i aiiioi r.ia i.iojus. unti.fli1i (, ,, ,,., jV,rCii,ie. The Home .Mutual Insurance Company.

51 Cni-- r Fort anj KinU. ly ; ,W to inform of V,,,,,,,, the pener- -

c. M'caSPLKsp. Jons PiTr. ally that all l s.-s fustame.l on K.-KI- .S an.l 0 A Kl.(K,in-j- it-l y,;."itli.-- r of U. al.ove t onino-- ainst ,.er.l ... tneMrl' IVDI.FsS & CO.. .. BJ , at lr nc.ir ,,1U samUtcli Islands, will have

llealel-- s in I. rm et ii tit e id nn:l I.I'lll'i r.I l"r r. liaildUt". . 1.. i,r .rrin. ,1 l.u 11., 01.


ol !ltiaek






t-- j



nsincss aim... k. Ji ni).

4ft'rii-- y and f or.;i--l- !r at Law,C"TnT of Fort ati i M. Mmi, 43 y

AI-K- J. CAKTWKICIIT.(flmmUli,'ii Jlrrrhaiit and (.rnrial siijiin Ascnt,

Honolulu. Oiihii. ly

JAMOV. (iRKKV &: t'f..l'Hjirtir and r:ii:ii-.io:- i MrrrhintsIn lite Fia-rl'roo- r linillin. Slrrcl.

&:i ly

C. ('i:i-:r- lPI.I' CIl.Ura'trr In Staple and l iiRry ir i;t(!. lion's (loth- -

; inr. Hut.ts nnd S!iui-- i. nd 'inLrr otiun,'ort sirrp. rty oIMoiir .M.-..r- .

i-- 7 v.iill ,!? 11. u k. ly; -

JOII.N TIIKS. V ATKIillOrsK.I",:,',,r h i lifulrr 'U i'V'Wrul ,l',rluaJic.

' W Str.- -t. !It,.,u!,. C,o--A

; AKiixi; Jk. ACIit'i'K.ln)prlrr. lm!o ilr ainl Rifjil lic:i.'f! lu t.eucral

liirli.!iiilif a::d l'!iiii-- f (n.i.!.' Kirr-pr- l" Siorr, iinanii Slrrrl.I ,j.,!il",'lii; ,:uM- - 1r

i;i:oi:kk . iiowk.Dealer in lir.l .moij. Vtirltnvosf ! uatluT, Sliiii 'lf-i- .

1W, S.ii, Kliuds aiis IMJ,,:,, f.Jit his OU Slun . Fori tlntl.u-- i Ike ',,

ly77,,,j. tiit i 11,

UfaliT 1:1 (.moral .Mcirhaudirr,

""irVT.t5J: ly

KI. IItKFSt'III.AK;i:K .V '!..Iinptirlf rsaud I'uui9il-lv- !i Mrrritj;::l,

Corner of Fori e.utl h.ol Sirrrli.si-- ly

K. I. A DAMS,Ship riiamOr and lrah-- r l:i (.on. rl 'len liaiidNo.

Lit Ituiitu. Maui.

Particular attention pail lot he pun-lia-i- an J sale of Hawaiiani..ihy to

M'aVW .MlVm. c,!I'wri. t.ale A: C'..k--!.- , Mvsri. !l. lLtrkfeiJ Co.,.M. n. I. c Wat.Tiiian... Mi.sra. C. L. r..rliarJ & Co.

50U-l- y


tnrxc noo.v co.CocinildjJ and (.corral Asents,

Ak'-'i- for the I'aukaa anil Atn iuuIu Suar I'l:iiit:ilions ter

of T.-ii- i a-- i l oiiier Cliinrje nnj Kor- - inu U.ooian.l w!iol-Hl- .Icalers In llanraiian I'ro.luee,

In XewSoueSlo.".X..u...,S,.,lM.w Ki,.S.

A. S. CI.Ft'HO'l.V.D.al.r la j.ertiiajJHe, Iir-pr- or More,

C orner ;';JJ;! Urr,l St.., j

Al.i. tMtal.lislimeut i.11 Nunanu ir.x-t-. til.ove Kin-r- . !

1 llanJ lT.Klu.e houfl.t anJ ioiJ. I,lai.donlerrreful!yatt-nJe- .1 to 547 Iv '

NKVII.I.K.V 11 A II K I0TT,I'lanters snd Store heepers,

Pnbli-hr- d Weekly in the llaw.iii.iii Lunuiiae.It has the largest circuL.tioii in the ami is read twill

by 11 iwaiians and ror-vii.r- I'rice $ J a year In ad- - j

valwi Ait Vfrt tr:iTi.titt...l int., II....iian fr-- e of charire. etli e in Soulli

w" ct.rn.-- of Sailor Home. ly ;i

m. s. a KI X HA CM at Co.. !

'm,,rrs a.i.l Wiuih-sal- e Deult-r- s in lashionalile j

Ciotl.injr, liais. Caps Kmu and Shoes, jI

AnJ eTcry ri uf 0vmi., su, ri.,r Fllrilisill(5 0wmU ;

More form. riy U'. A. Aldnch,w' ls'oct' !lMKI.CHKUs & Co. ij

Importris and (tiiiiiuisioii "lerelianfs, j

Ajtnt f.,r the Firk Insckani k Co.... . ..mmai u.i h.iii,ToBtr MUIK l'I.A "iTATIoS . '

OrsTAr c. Mklchkhs J. I. WtrsK, F A. Prii AKrita, '

Hr.-me- Honolulu. Honolulu.5Jj iy

II. V. I.l" l I U TO V,to r. s. pkatt co.)

Iinniirlrr ami U linlf.-ilt- . He il-r- l-i W i.iix Volrlt.-- - - ,1

and Malt l.iinirs,Charlton W'hnrf. Honolulu,

bin ly

TIIOf.... T, .... .tnot-i.L-i- i- . . . . . .. ...siiip liantllrr. Healer In (.eueral Meirli.inilie. Inland

Trodare. at., ami t'uiuinisiou llerrliaiit.Itrron's liny. Ililo. S. I..

'WU kis- - constantly on hand an esteu.iv. assortment of everydesvr.pLon of .l. re.uirrd by shii ... ami others. ;

the liiirri--.- t pri- - eiveti f.r lIan. I Produce,,,, ,aVam-edfo- r liii.s of Kvi.an at reasonable rates.511 1

cms. k. bis 11. IP, W. C. kALSTOS.

lilSIIOP S. CO.. linnkrr.,Offiee, in the e.n- -t foraer of iiiiUre's Llork,

Kaahutr.anu strc-t- , Hou..luiu.. .-- r ..--

..II'raw l.ilc or Calhorv - - Fan Francisco.

3lc-- uhinski.i.. Mis Ac Co.,I.kks if ALt.ra, N. w .

lll NKT A. l'KIHl'K. .t t' , ItOSlen.Turn . NT NAti.o.L Hamc, lt..st. 11. Mass.tlll.KNTAI. I.ANK CollPollA riOV. Iillloll.

Will receive deposit.discount arst-las- s business paper, an. I

atten.l t- - etc. lyI). X. FI.ITXF.U,

Continues his old business iu th' lirepr.Kir buil linp, .

Knn Iiu hi ii tin Street. !

Chronometers rated h i.lrvul:iir. of the sun and strrtrtit Instrument ecorat.-!- .jate.l to the.m,lun f Hor.-.Iulu- . Kiventot... wich tr,i,,nnf. ,n.i ,u,ir.,nt

glasses l ...d a.lju,t.d Charts andnautical instruments constantly on i

o. i.ami an.. i..r sale. iy;I nllll.lK.illll V.r.Ilallf...... ... .... . .n mi.iu-i.iiv- :i :.iiu i.i;icii.i.-ivM"- i in' h naiiiic r .irt ny. i... ........... ..r i. i i ... ....nv .ui.ii. ...ii. -- i mmn, .n;vu.-- T u.in ...it "i r..i:ni:irtr, ou.

1, j;.....ii..i..i-- . ..... . ...vivo, i a. ...tr..i.io.ii.-- , ki;e pr.s.ur:ilg Ol relgnt.............. n .. .II r. IMll ( I

Messrs. Isaac II.. lash. J a., a: Co., New Bedford. ti. K. Es.. do.

Morcan. Stosk .m Co. San F'raucisco.J. C .Mkkkill h Co, do 631-l- y

IIS l CAsTLB. J. B. ATniXT.'N. All. IS S. CUHK.K.

CASTLE A. COOKE.Importers end l.raeral Jlerrliants,

In Fireproof ;..re. King tr.t, ..ppiwit the Seamen'. Chapel

Dr. Jayns Faiioiy Nl.i iririf s,Wri..-l.- r A- - Wil.in's Swin-- j Machines,Th suar Company,The New Eo.-ian- Life Company,The New Vork ih--ii- i Marme Iiiiarance Company.

5o.5-l- y

ALLEX' Jk. COX WAY,Kiinalliae, Hawaii,

Will conlinae the --nrnl Merchandise and Shipping business"'ed T.'-aT-

al" VZXTsuch other as ar

by wiiile . at theshortest notict- - and on the terms.

.A--- " i - o vr oo 1 o xx IX fx ri cl1 . 1 V

nimaMAS rx s h. a. p. risiin. I. BAHTLllTC. ICRE V ESI A. .

(uium!iitn and !dt,pin Mcrt lianl,lliiu.lulii. On iiu. II. I.

' i ' V I sOf I lie llo.lan ii ii .1 I.niIhIh Piirlt.-- t l.inr.

I'.IM'SFwr I he l n Lee. niliiUu X 1 1 n in, I'lasuii.n.

A . N l S

I'sr Ihr PnrrhiiM-iiiii- l s,-- . f ,n n, I'r.i.l.ier.-- r.i.nu t i

J HI M II i. .f. t .. wI" II,. I' --

..llv..ll N

J M , s .

I! It - . , I .

I M i ill . I . V

.m-aPiMAtaxJu.,u.- ,.. . ... WBW .A-


.us:r.f5S daris.!

i f. ii itruw,Anrtioiu'fr.

Sl- - K no m on ('"'' Mrin. our iloor from0J1I K.i:iltUI!ia:iJ i'T-e- l. y

! II. W. XKVKRAXCK.Aiiitioui'fr and ftincni-h- ni


III RobiiiMin'ii ICuitiliii. lu-- f Slrert.W;ll l iisiii. at 11- 1- ww st in.l. 5;W-l- y

j Ilt. KEXXKDV.PUwtiaii, Surgeon ail.) Iftout lie nr.

Fort Si, Mi. l K. Wi;iiam Furri'.ture W'.tr r nup. 5-- S lyt - - - -

K. IKIFKMAXX. .M.I).I'liy-'- u i;ui i!il Sariroini.

Mr.ke'ii Hl'-rl- :. vjiii-.- :u.:l K.Liltutn:iim st. fcil ly


Office rornvr of K.rt an. I liot.l Str.tf. 512 lyA ... I! n't' I'M. M. !..

riij-iti:ii- ! ar.d Smirc'.ui,tifli.ifMi'J AMr:r!i I.. -. Fort ..irM. 5JI ly

W. II. UICII A itl.,

f'ornrr of V ri nu.l M- - n l aut :r II. ii' lu'u. 511 ly

JOHN 1!. 1MTV.iitary 1'i.Vit',

H.n:f!uUi, II. I. Ot;'u-- :it tin- - Punk of p .t Co. 57 6in

V. X. I.AII.Imni.rtf ran.! It:il.-rh- i H.'.iih. t allry, M:'f h.llilf s'

ItniN. and is: !. iiilni. I 1 !.lt'Ut:"!its,5T.1 I'm I Sli n l. ly

IIH1I VFDS .V. CO..1 1. .....ii..- .- .. :... "ii-- i-i i.,i..f ,i :

Dral.-r- s in .'lire i):u!i.; Keep constantly on IiutI a of f.r '' l... ......li. t.T V l...l..r. lio.l M.T.. liH.lt V.l'l4.

oia ly

JUM.V IllTSOV.Dealer in Wines, Spirits, A!e and Torler.

5'!7 Honolulu. ly j


II. IIA('KFEiil) Jc CO..'('e.iond ('tiiii!iii-iii- a A;:t'ii(s,

5.U llonoliili. lyC. U. LI.WKKS. J. C. MCKStlS. i

I.KWKKSJL niCKSD.V,DeaVrs in I.ni!i';er nni! CtilUiir; "MatCi !aN.

631 Fori Si i re I. lyj

H. (US H.M.T. TH. C. HKl'tK.Von II O I.T & IIKt'CK,

Cetifin! inmciilun lirr li iul- -, j

612 Fori Street.It. F. KIII.KKS. I

Dealer in Dry ;otnK, Silts, e.,wl Fort Si ret I. iy

K. O. II A I.I. & SO.X.

K. Corner of Fort and AVny nl reels.5ia ly '

-t.'EO. II. i:t'RESS.

PORTitUT A! LnDSIAPi: IMIM'fU,Sfiidio, Ilichird !?trrrt, nrar Rtrrtitnia.

lcini.-iis- . ex.s-ulr-- l by the alove Artiiit, of the most fashion-able s:yle of I'oi traiture, m.iv Ik. S"en at Hie tiailrry of

Chat. Ilurti-s- . Or lrrs at theArli-i'- s Mutlio. Uichurd street, or at

Ihe Ihoto.'ra.h i .ai'ery, nearMS the 1'ost Ulhce. 6-- n

J. 8. WAI.kKH. S. C. AI.I.KS D. C. BATES.

WALKEIt. ALI.EX .V CO.Importers a .id ( siMihtis-iti- ii Mer.Iioiits,

IIONtlt.l i.r. II. I.Ayr Hi vf thr

I.ihue rianlalion, onnniea Plantation,I'lints-vill- e l'laotalion, Metcalf l'lantatioll,Wilder riat'tntion 1'ioiie. r Mills, !

Iiiiaina Siit-a- r (..ompatij-- , Waialua l'lantatioll, I

llalawa I'l iiitHtion, W ailuku Mills,Honolulu Snirar Manufacturing ami Hennery Co.,1'uiitiluu Ilite Co. !

A'rnts of thr i

IIiiTiilinii I'neliCl Line for s;tn Fran.-isco- , MerchantsMutual Marine Iiifuraiice Co.; I'nion Insurance Co.

.f.fltf T of tirteamer Kilacka, Sch.ioiiers Activk, Makii.iia, 1'KiNri-- , Moi

5Jy AH'NK. and K.I.M... lv


busings liiile rto carne.1 n l.y tbe linn known nitini; Horn A: Co., ami - tt'.e all outstanding due by

jh- old linn. t ill Mi MOON. I

Honolulu. Not. SO, isr.o. 5I! Um

EUREKA RESTAURANT!...... . . .... - . . -VII IIMIIM ll.M lilt It.lMIA .mill M1I ..f ti.i. e,t .i iisbm-ni- . w.11 paid unless authoriz.d bythe s of both the uiidersimd.


Honolulu, Auir. 25. ls".0. 5..5 lini


Crater of Jvilaxieia ! i


E3 V W All.:

THIS ESTA It I.l i 1 1 M EXT ISXowfvJI oh-- for Ihe of .Ll--,

Visitors to the Volcano !

Who may or. Mtidinir


AXI I'liOMiT ATTilN I'ANCK.E iM-- r ieuee.l Guiilt' for I lie Crtiter always in

Readme,.Steam tllld Sulphur Eaths.

lLirx'-- Stahlttl timl drained if desired.f 11 A liiJ ES REASON A II I.E.VxnWi li;!til.p ,.. Volcano vi:i Ililo can procure animals

warranted to make the journey, ly ajvig to U. H. Hitchcs-k- . t ..,r., H.io.

5il-l- J. L. RICH A RUSO.N & Co.-- - i


I ii u . I j

II A.Mi.li A, st..W.At I Iio (.a!Iery tin Fort sutel.

II. r.. CHASE.P. S ll.ivin: purchast'il the IVrtret Negatives from Mr.

Wwil, duplicate copies can be hs I I y those ics-- . us wtsi,;tigf. ir the same. 550 m II. I- - C.

Just Received and For Sale,1V THE IXDr.ltSM. .. El). A X INVOICElj ..f

3 Ii "V Ci O I J ,Conststiwj t t

Wool Delaines. Black Luslros, Elack Velvet,hm.-'t- j i iht" I ,

imy 1J i( rl..J'i-iii- l .sV :).-- .

F'T al." low to close consisnmcnt.64S Jin R F. SNOW.

ISXnp of tlie Sancl- -

fPIIEOMiV CORRECT MAI' OF TIIRSKI U triat of tli- - C. r.j.: .roi K. ....litv.n, pi:l.by tit Am. ri. in ii..i.Tmn-o- t. v.ry farmer h- - ow r?

an of cr.-m- i I. ry c .pt-.- wl.- n ai:-- a ev-

ery lrav.-.- h" wui!. to tirl ...n - . ai. .Lir nr. andev-r- y ir. litN-it- i tn . to Im? j . , tp a'rit the proupSt. 1:1 .'..- - . a c of ii.

A f. c .p ! ft. f'.iHt .

F- r -- i. t.- - T.i - i.CS

NEW BOOKS.hssim;'s iiivmui or- - the It I1F.I- -

. p.- i .

I M . . .. 'rl-'-.lr! I a i ;

. r !. t - ! - I i . .:t .1

A- - .



. S- -- e. ' - IPsnTO ri'ru ts... iaaiaaj.m



nsurnr.rc a arcs.


National Insurance Company,1 Siin rraiiflM-o- ,

(liii'. N. 4.') Moiiloiiicry Strot-t- . near California.

IfAKIXK IXM'KAXt'K pou II ulU. t'nr-i- fiC'K---. TrtMSurf. t'omi:ttrii.i, I'r.'lit!., an-- otlcr mil'j'-c- t

f Marine I:Mir:u.rr, to un t Ir ni a!l irts iu tin" worl.l, inlan.lUn .

MAKIXK ItlfKS on Al'. on Frtiiht. C;u,o, kc ,to an.i fr in all uiTiT-i-l:i- .Trts insr--.- l kjm:ii.

FIKK l..4'l( AM't:iii.ii ltuiM.n-:-.- . Mer.-l.ai.Ji- Furniture.I!i-- i l.i. in IVrl ai.d th. ir Car.K-s- , an.l i,t!ier losuial.lelYi'iirty.


Loj-- s promatly i!jatt d and ja'.d lu I ailed Slatrs' lit.!.! (oia.

WILLIAM. l'lKKCK, Trrsil nt.I. W. C. THO.MPSOX, ice.rresi.h-Bt- .

W". W. W Hii'iiNS. r.cr' tary,ASMS Xi'YF.S, Marine m. . r.

Comvuttre :

ALItKUT I'lUl'.LKK. Chairman. Jo5. A. !0XMI!OE. It. Q.


A"..'. P'trtirui'ir i!lj.itUu Ut lre Jusunince oni Df'l'.iiKjs, t'hurvhts, it'".i C. RBEIVKK .V Co, A "jcii.

550 Cm irmolulu.


rg-.I-li: rxnKUSICXF.I) II AVE ItKK.V AT.

M. tlKTiz'l to issueI i it i: P OI.ICIIIS!

usStores, Du elling llouses. Furniture and

tJoods in Store,. IX HOXOLULU A XI) VICIX1TY.

Losses a'ljiise. and p:ti l here by us in U S. poUl coin.F. r rates of I'rrniiunu anil i.artirti!ar npply

titu II. ll.U ht t.ui .V l o., aeents.


rMI K IXDF.ItSIKX Kl. AC EXTS FOR TJI EB Coini any. l.ave recently revivel to re- -;

liui-i- - tl.e Kuteof I'r.'mium on Stone anj Iti'i.-- l.uil.linirs anil onMerrr.an.liae utoml t'lerem. an-.- l are now irei rcJ to i.sue Iili-- .ciiK on more favora' l" il.ati lu r. tof.ire.

Kiska Uiken ..n HuiMinta . .Vc, on Pa-.n- r l'lanta-- !tion. J ANION, UllKLN" 4- - Co.,

5J5 ly Apenta.


irHtllE CXDF.RslCXni) IIAVIXC 1IEEXfi appoint'-.- l i titi f ir t!ie an Fr.nici-M.-- ltoanl ol I nJer-- :


The California Insurance Comimny,The Mere hunt Mutual .Marine Insiiraince,The I:tciiie Insiirunee ompaiiy,

5l5-3i- II. II ACKFKLH Co.



tippoint.-.- l iifT' iits for the alM.ve Cninany, beg leave toinlorni Ihe public that they are I'ow prepared to issue


537-l- y WALKKR. ALLEN' CO.


CAPITAL, ONE MILLION STEELING.Head Office, Mancjiester liuil.lini.-s-, Liver.ool.

Agents at Honolulu,

J. 11. Thin Company takes r'uks on goods only and not onvessels.


Stock, - $750,000.Capital - - -CALEB T. FAY PilKSIIiKNT,


MIEr.M)EKSI(;EI) linrc been nppoinledavenu for the above Company and are prepared to insure

CARGOES. Fit I EG II T .4X1) TREASURE.For rates of premium, apply to5;j3.6m WALK Kit. ALLEN & Co., Aprents.

II A M It IT It (' 1 1 -- It It E M E X


C i.anv.are prepared to insure risks aptunFt flee io andabout Honolulu. For particulars apply at the oiti. e.

MKLCHEKS & CO.Honolulu Oct. 11. HOT. 531-l- y


A I.I. AVERAGE CLAIMS tCAIXST SAII2. I'nderwrit.-r- oct urrinc in T about this Kit!g.'om, willhave to be cerlilie.1 li f.it him. 510-l- y


riMIE I'XDERSICNEI) A G EXTS OF THE2 alv..-- Company, have b. eu autborized to insure risks on

CAR;. FItr.ICHT mid TREASUHE.by CO ASTEUS from Ho : to all pons of the Hawaiian i

6U4-l- y II. n ACKFFXI) ir CO.


rrtHE UXDERSIt;XEI IIAVIXC RE EXm apjiinted Ants f..r the above company, lir leave to

nform the, the public, that tin y are now prepared to issueM A K I A E I N L IS. A - t" K I O li I t I fi ?

PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY.CA PITA L STOCK. 7..(.X'o. 4oG California Slrett. San Francisco, Cal. j

r,M -- 0:PAX1 wTlL '1 A K K MAKIXK3 RlSltS ,,V

Cargo, Commissions and Profits !

In vvsl. n..t rating tliau A 2, ei'.her in the Foreignor lulrr-l.liii- i.t 1 rrule. on f.voral le terms and the

iilLlr-irir- d are tie: uulhor:z.d aeuts cf the Compatiy forHonolulu.

Li..i-- a A.ljualeil it ml pai.l here liy it in U. S.Gol.l Coiis.

F'nr rates of premium, 4c Jkc, app'c to51 ly iJISllOP k Co., Agents.


m Hawaiian Agricultural S.s-ie'- br-.-l-- ntiTy theput-li- tliat a variety of CHOICE and VALCAltl.K I'LANT.Sraix-- from seed I il ly introlue 1 by Iir. il;:H.r.ind fr- - mChoi i. .lava, and Ind-a- . may tr ptucha-ie- from Mr.C.liKUHV, Mt tl.e Tli- - at. r. Honolulu. 535 0:n

WRiTIWG INKSOn I.Taiid .'ind 3oi Sale

Rl JL MtVK REST 111. At K INK3J4VXA I i .t P . at dI . i.l." 1 t I . . rt .. o 1 c- o-

! , I - .1 l I .. r'. a I pV ..r I A N ' ... I rl. I I I.!.

' I Ik I p i.-

.... . . I r. I .1

v. r

lllll'l. lMII.,ll.U uu.. I3IIIU. niu..., ....iu..' tfV.I.UIIA.. 11 L liL. V&.

iX DOLLARS !i:i (VXI M.VOL. X. Xo. JS. W HOLE No. ooi.

iiib sjsjui JgantLjfcjBs3agagss-ejjLiaAjSRi-



fJAVIXG RECEIVED A LA RG E AXI FILLmaterial. prepared to supply Ins custouirr

and the public, with the t t Vellow, Brswa nnJW hits-- SO A I. ALSO

soi'T --WI OIL NOAP,In larjre or smnll .uanttti.-- to suit.I'- - S. Soap iireasv aiways wauled. &4T ly

Hoot and 31ioo 3VCCrt.ljcox-- !W XMitTII CMHNEU UK

Itooi nutl Shoes tiMa.le and repairtsl in a rorkmanlike niai.ner. 6Jfl ly


Continues the business

At his Old Stand on tlie Esplanade.All work done with care, ami or.Iers prompily attended to.

518 CiiAHta:s MoUuKatk. ly

JOHN NOTT & CO.,Copper and Tin Smiths, Ornamental Iron


K the public that tiny are prepan-- to (urni-i- all k n.ls ofCopper Work, consisting in irt of stills, sthikx pjss, sobcm M Pass. 01ms, etc., etc.

We would also iurite att.-nlio- lo our patternt. for obnamkv.tai. iRos HAll.lMi, suitai'le for building or ry lots, whichwe call furnish at reasonable prices. Also, ltiht and LeftHand Screws for tightening wire fence.AM. KINDS or KEPAIKING DONS WITH Xl:iTN: 1D DISPATCH.

fnm theoth. will meet with prompt attention.Shop on Kaal.unianu St., one d.xr alwve Flit tier's. 5t.J 6m

JAS. L. LEWIS.Coopoi" nUCl GrrtllgOx' IAt the Old Maud, turner of King aud Bethel Streets.

A Large Stock ..r Oil, SIIOOKS and allkinds of t'onprriiiu Mnlerittli,

(IN 11AM). lie hopes l.y attentionto business to merit a coiitinuaiice i f the patrouai.e wliicli he has l.ithrrto enjoyed, aud frwhich he now returns his thanks. 54.i 6m


nSTIIE IROIRIETOR OF THE ABOVEa Works is prepared to supply his customers, and the pub-lic In ith the best quality Y ELLUW SOA I.SOFT Mi ll' nlwnr on linn.l.


inTRrwlYuR e shop.- -

rrr THE L'XIIERSICXED tV.Ja--.tiC4r having taken the building d- - 1V feiiwiSij'

the Drug Store of J . M. 4rfrt--- 'Jfajfr:."-'- mith & Co.. on Hotel oftVrs for sale acomplete assortment of Sl'I'EKIOK F V It MTl'lt E,made from KOJ, AOU, and utrkk Fisb Woods.

Is prepared to manufacture, and 111! Orders for StDR Boards,Ckxtbf: Tabi.ks. Arm Chaih.s, lu xuks, Wahdhobks. Sofas,Lapiks Wimit Tabi.ks, Hoxks, and other articles in his line ofbusiness with prompuiess auJ dispatch.

541 ly VM. FISCHER.

IMI'OUTF.R Si, MAXTFACTl'llElt of all kind of Saddlery, Car-- C.'-- yA

riaire 1'rimminK, Mattress making fitand repairing done with neatness nnd dispatch

JIT All orders promptly attended toCorner of Fort aud Hotel street, Honolulu 638-l- y

G. W. NORTON 6c Co.,


First Door above the Custom-hous- e,

Honolulu. II. I.6000 BARRELS JVEW ASI) OLD OIL CASKS. 620-l- y

PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY.THE lXDERSIGXEI WOULD REspectfully inform the public that he is prepared to castand finish all kinds of brass and comjiosition work withdispatch and at reasonable rates.

XT All kinds of ship and plantation wur'i furnished on shortnotice.

XST Constantly on hand, hose coupi.ns of the following-sizes- :J, i, 1, 1J, 2 and aj. Also, oil cups and gauge cocks.

JAMES A. HOFHLR,63t-l- y King street.

' AV. FISCJIF.lt,Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, Hotel Street, near the

Drufi Store of .1. Mott Smith if Co. y

II. I. II A U Ml' I ST Ell,TAILOR Has taken the stand lately occupied hy II. Fischer,

on Nuuauu street, where he hopes the public will favorhim with a share of their patronage. - &9-(iu- i


Merchant Street, oppesite the Sailor's Home,I'll. iu and Orniiniriilal 15iiidii. executed at short

6:tl notice aud reasonable terms. iy

(;i:ok(;i: ci.ark,BOOT and SHOEMAKER, Hotel stris-.t- , between Nuuann

and Mrtunakea streets. S31-l- y

CONTRACTOPv AND BUILDER,Shop ou the Esplanade, opposite t lie Court House.

50 ly

C. E. WILLIAMS,Jlancf.iftBier, Importer and Dealer in InrnHure

Of Kerry lJescriitii.Furniture Warero-- on Fort street, opposite R. D. Morgan's

Family Market; Workshop at the old stand.Hotel street, near Fort.

N'. It. Orders from other islands promptly attended to. 530-l- y



Furniture made and at reasonable prices. 515-l- y

l" II V fit . SIsCw I'j Ij K I'j A ,Tinsmiths and Plumbers,

A' f'Tf' .""T fo'.n ,0! .LKADo- - wt.tways on Jobbing


w prepared tollarrrli, at

they are pre- -work and every

All orders filled with promptness and disiatch.561 3in J. A. ILjITER 4- Co.


FOtOffl'ia if? jVOlSCC."



Photographic Apparatus !

With all the In the art, T wish to infomt. rv?iint .f th rK- - IUmU tlmt it in my inteutioa lurfiiture to filloar the

Ilisher ISranches of the Profession only!ra:!iliriz iinii Itftoiichin PhotoL'rai.hs ma.) in mv own rwena,w hre rrriUure will ! my contHfit stu-ly- Prr-o'- t will hesli'twii to prri! i.tn.s '',r iit'irativcs (if rvqacteI. Particu-lar attf-tiii.- pEi-- l to copying oIJ

Mr. H. i8 now comriI?tiij arranz-Tn'-nti- i to protluce Lart'l-scap- e,

ctere-wcopi- and Microscopic Hietures ff any pizp.T An lrkHitt of Ovul an1 UiW'Xl Kramei;

M.ireroo, JeiiLy Lin! i Vv-- t Cas- - coiiftnily on hand.5oT am CliAS. UL'K'i, Pliotgraphic Artist.


fl'll E UXOERSIGXEO. AGF'.NTS FOR THEJl shipu.i nt f F hereby (five notice tliit they

are in wa:t of an oli.'-ur."- , iliit.-rat- and dissipated Editor to j

ship and pr North, with a pjir of Reporters of the bunabystamp, to take note of the sitii. and scnea in the Arctic Ocean,

h re tli'-r- will le pi.-i.t- of sli ps s.tvv.1 out in liu of rum.If w- - .ant;. it pr.'ur- - t,e al-.- r.in, we will ship

t. ,ii p'v 1.. This lor- - io of. i r :.i i .1 t:. . I ol it-- - spill. Sn,-u-u.

j' j i in- - :!. - . f

M 4I!KII M t, LEW IS.Or O. W I I.I.I 4 vis,

.'.'.J i . la- I Mat pinp

ll.tw .liian Marriage Certificates.u it : i . pi it 1 1 i

iplA RTES VISITE: LARGER I II OTO-- nnCanro, Freight and Treasure., to and from all parts of the . WOUI6 . World. ,5111. 1 1 r. 1 1. r. 1I ......I... I 1. ..1 ...;....... .. . ' ..' - . 7 ' ", ... i n i r - r & l.nlv inform the I'latit.-r- that thfv are no

none in inr . si manner, an.l on me mosi ....... - .v . ... .i.. n,.i. a nrii 7 is.-.- -. si'.ir furntsii Snasr hrci nml .! oIiimchI . .... -- -. ... ... ... . ,,kJ .. ..-.. , , ,i. . ... ... . rc.oa:.c i.w.ii'k iinri"..'. ii.. nn

AIS1 i'.r mi- -, I'liomerapiis oi uie rnirr. ii:i lien mil ; - .,,, .f,..,, . ..... rt.l A IIII.. I.... I .. ... i .1 - I ' . . I . .... 1. u' . .11.' l.iviTniv urvii I. .:!.... . 7 t. . r " N' .... t ' ' .I ... ....... . .. 1 '. 31.1- - . . I. . . j , I . J . w, ,. ,





a 1




il om est ir prckif.

si,.: ai tiIs.ism:s,khom Tin:

Plantation of T. H. HobronClini'MIWCOVlXC IX


&6o-t)i- 11. HAt'ri4rLll A; Co., Aprut.


SUGAR AND MOLASSES"ROI XOW (1MI1(; IX AM) I ORSALEin rjiiantities to suit puichas.rs by54'Jain 0 ItUKWKIl .V CO.


C1ROF XOW COMIXG IX. A X D ollrrrdiu quantities lo met lr54S II. IIACKFELH h Co.. Apent.

Sugar and iYTolasses!fMIEIII)OU I.r REFIXEUV WIL1MVm. tlie hi'hesl mai ket price f. rHard Sugars, and First & Cccoud Molasses.

l'r"lh or iri:J,i'iit CuiitiiiurrH.W9-- " WALKKIt, ALLEN Co., Managers.

V A I I.H-- i V 1I,A ATATIOA.VEW CROP, XOW (IIMIXIi IX.i-- For Sale by

64'J 3 m C. lillKWEIt & Co., agents.


FROM THE AHOVE I'LA XTATItlX FORquantities to suit bv647 out WALK EH, ALLEN It Co.


FROM THE A ROVE MILLS FOR S LEto suit by647 am AI.Kr.I, ALLEN' ft Co., Atent.


FROM THE OXOMEA I'LA XTATIOX',now coming in and Tor sale iu quantities lo suitpurchasers by547 a' WAIJiElt, ALLEN CO.


f.RO.M THE AROVE ILA XTATIOX FORqaaiitities to suit by647 3m WALK Fit, ALLEN & Co.


6" XV A LK Fit, A LI. E.N h Co.




OX BUI II, AA TATIOA .Shim'I G. Wilder, I'roprirlor.


647 3u WALKElt, ALLEN ti Co., Age:d.


643 6in CASTLB & CtKJKE.



Crop ol 1 800,644 Km CASTLE A COOK K.

K A I IV IKI II , A A TAT I OA.Sugar and Molasses !

CROP I80. XOW COMIXG IX AXD FORquantities to suit by634-ot- n MELCI1EK3 k CO.

Waiksipn lk2antiition,IL Comwfll, Proprietor.


to suit purchasers. Apply to633 ly OEo. C. Mi LEAN, Agent.


SUGAR AND MOLASSES!640 3m For sale by C. UK EM EK & Co., agents.


SUGAR AND MOLASSES!Now Coming iu. For Sale by

6.VJ 6iu C. BKEWEIt Co., agents.


IROM LIIIUE PLAXTATIOX. CROPin and for sale in quantities to suit piirrhcra



'BOM METCALF PLAXTATIOX', C It O Icoming in and for sale in quaiititi.-- s to suit purchasers

643-3- Hy WALKER, ALLEN & CO.

1866. 1866.SUGAR and MOLASSES

IMtOM PIOXEK.R MILLS, Laliainn CrBin and for BAie In quantities t.i sutt putehaers

64::-;i- hy WALKER, ALLEN ti CO.

vu turn?53 IT 'o


nnd .llolnsscs.186 (5 !

--fSROP COMIXG iX. Forall.fy613 Jui WALKER, ALLEN , Co.

Colfon Tor Sale !

RLE FOR PACKING SHELLS A N'lSI'ITA or fur l' b ilstcry and domestic uses,Iss (iikm tliaca to Suit Purrbsm-ri-s

Wanted Sea Island Cotton,In the seed or ginned, for which the l.ifL'-s- t eaali price will Impaid. i6W 6ui 11. M. WI1IT.NEV.

HAWAIIAN RICE!(nolle aud i'vtra.

For Pale in quantities to suit by A. P. CLEOHORN.633 iy Agent Honolulu Kicr M.ll.

HAWAIIAN LEATHER!Sole and Saddle Lenllier, mid Tacued (.oat Skin.

For Sale by533 ly A. S. CLKGHORN, Agent XVainiea Tannery.


Kinir Fireet, oppof-lt- the Uelh-.l- .


ItOJt'T I). MOItOAN.CI.oirrt M.-.-t- from fln.st herds. Poultry. I t.h, .ibU- -

furnish.-- lo .wd. r. "' ly-

DUFFIN'S MARKET,E. II. ttl'VI' A I ., Pin I'll. lor..'...''' - I










i v


t, v

Page 2: ed · J V. H r.TT."---- I 7 Commercial bbcriisrrj (Lommn-fia-lTIIS PACiriO grjbcrlisrr IS Pl'tlLL-HE-D ! Kvory uiflay Tovninir. rnrNTTiiao Is orpicE to f"rri.;n litWriplina



c o ii xvi x:r c kax. .

Saturday, jaxcarf am"STKKTVtcaBcxi."ThtolatriUoUlMinr.hich. Cam'"7t'J nd tbe oU waa at Eu Johns!

Hm IMhrr. l j ."""-- wwt tur gcncrwioiis,saora iniiuul as it grows Mrv. It conveys a

worU alrg. W have acmetimes thofvht, aaja ansrkang. that ooa c the snoat oaefal bouka that coaUl be

writun wo '4 jrlTir.j 4a account of the n.erbas an la4 versa arawoa ia a me of the In'linir branches of busioeaa la

u. , p. luinj ur tunj jrars .o nasiiM-s- a ia uni--",:y aco-rru- l. Tovre are times arhea the prosperuts mer

chant has to ttrojrgte with all bis migt Co make his bojinevs abm woe. It Is a eriaia with him. lie strcgxles on and when


the Jar.rr U aat. he arts taU a; aio on tbe sea of roarrity.The IriaU through he passed are severe but valuableInsnajs to hiss, ami be will not readily be lullot into aecoritwhen aaother wuxm ia approaching. The history of the neT i

chant is lln hutory of every occupation, and especially that ofthe f..rm r aaj planter. A man has a farm; he Liburs har l lafcnproreU; he .Iigs out roe, makes stooe waU, dig drains,seta oat fruit Uvea, ami n pairs his boiMings. All this requiresCipratlHare. TI receives nothing fur 00c, two or eveo fireyears ia retaro. becomea iroilirnt and Sells oat to some one j

who will be shrewd ewjogh to Uke advantage f,f tR improve. '

aseots by waiting a little while. Ilid yea ever aee a man row-- i

in op stream f lie polls away at his war, but many of hisStrokes srrm aschrss, nererthcless he ri.ws vu until there is aslack ia the correal of water, and a single stroke cf the oarposhes U'um ahead. Such is human life. In order to succeedin any plaa io life, fur-rsig- is necessary. Plans should bebid at the tiwe tur a single day, for a year arl U a hfci-me- ,

ail of which should U!ly with each other aa far as pnaible. '

Should the plana of a day fail they will not anVct lliose of a j

year, and should the year prove unfavorable to his plans, he'

will not be broken op in bis life plans. The man who starts a !

farm or plantation, begin a work r life. lie does not antici--pat a rctura at ooce. but ia due time, if be is patient. Ue will ;

find his investment returned to him with iutereal. 11 is tiera- -tioo is la tict precisely like that of laying up money in thehaak, or putting it at iuterejt to be received back at iue future j

lime. I

This tendency l ehanging tuslness arista frota a disposition ;

a the part of m ny people to borrow trouble. It is an i.td j

proverb, that propie who have no tmubhs of their own willborrow then. Peop'e desirous of changing their businessshout J var ia wiial another proverb, that Three nvvcs are !

as bail as a are." It Is dangtroua business for any oue. Ill ;

health may be aa excuse for a change of situation, bat when a !

saaa has a goad chance to establish a bosiness, he runs a great !

risk whv makes a change. This Is especially true to a man j

somewhat ad ranee. I in ysvs. Kven a change to the nearest j

neighborhood, will be so great that while he In broken up allLiaAl and pleasant aajocuttons, he will find it impouihle to j

Suras new and pleasant one. Never forget that a rolling '

stone gathers no moss." j


LOCAL. COMMERCIAL.We arc unable as yet to report tbe arrival of the steamship

Coarodo, t--'e pioneer of Ilie China Line, but we still think she j TUI oa along. A report was current a day or two since that

if compelled to touch here, it would be merely to land mails I

and paaseogers, and she not the barb.. ,Svtu aaacisco per J:.n 92 pk

This ia auic likely to prove the case, though we may here statethat nearly i AMO worth of freight is ready for her, with threecabia and twenty to thirty Chinese steerage passengers, besidesothers of whom we may not have learned. Tbe while freightami passage mooey now --siting would not probably be lessthan $3000. and Mr. Changbooo informs us that a detentionof not over eight hoars woaki be required to get the freight andpassengers on board. We have been particular to make in-quiries, la order that a correct statement may go forward incase ih ship does not In.

Tbe principal event of the week has been the stoppage of thebi.ase of Walker, A Urn If Co. Judgment having been ren-dered against them in the Supreme Court for about $1400 intsvor of Capt. Mo!tena, and process served on them by Mar-shal Parke, they, in order to save their other creditors, wentiato bankruptcy sst't 10th inst. Assignees will probably beappointed by the Court next week. In the mean time, MarshalParka has possession of their assed. The result will bethe afiairs of the firs -- ill go into liquidation, and probably theeight or tea plantations Involved with them -- ill have to heclosed oat St pablic or private saie. The steamer Kiauea andseveral coasting schooners are also Involved, being partlyowned by that firm. This bankruptcy has been anticipatedU aim time, ami so far as the pianUlious are concerned. Isprobably the best thing, as it puts aa end to the uncertaintyaud aacaaines which has prevailed lor some months nasiWhat tbe assets will realise, it is impossible to say, but if theales are eicced and for cash, probably nut over SO to CO cents

aa the dollar. g

I'--J the Elian Alien we have our regular files Irom SanFrancikco to Dec 15th, and from Hew York to Nor. 21st Thebark briasa aa assorted cargo, earned at $ 17,23a, consigned toC. Br tr k. Co., and $a.770 ia specie.

The brig Alert has also aa assorted cargo rained at J 12,000.The Fan Francisco market for sugars and other Island pro-da- ce

cootinaed. si last accounta, very depressed. The cargo ofthe tk Jtlen had been offered at auction, but only samplelots of the choice grades --ere soM at $3 e&&$3 67 ; medium$1 6Q27 2S; dark, $7 25JS. Extra choice sugar is quota?blc at J J10. In other prodoce ao change.

Fast era advices report oil aa doll sperm having declined to$2 Si J whale, $1 lOaJJl 12 ; hone firm at $1 50.

The steamer Pimxter, which lately returned to New Londonfrota a six months cruise ia the Arctic Ocean, after -- hales,penetrated as far as the i afc i, and communicated with DrII U and party, -- ho are looking lor traces of Sir John FrankUit's expedition, on tbe 2olbof July, at which time they --ereall welL The voyage -- as more successful than that of anyother vessel ia the same waters, ami It. has demonstrated thepracticability of whalers using steam power.

Among the passengers by tbe bark Ethan Allen Ir,fraHWEHfiw www vt iue guitar who comes

feenutracts for sepplies lor the refinery of whichv-j- T as is ageas. Tbe Tune of lite 13th alludes to his departure in

d sj!hwinx tN J We antic the departare of the Commercial A rent of the 8. F.

V 1 And Pacific sags LA ftjr the Ilswsuaa Islsols, anl under.staad that the rojVof his visit there is to parchase acd coo--tract sur saKvrs u a caa.iouoce ptaoters to taake them adaptedlo the waats of Kettoenes, a task la which that company hasalready as various occasions heea foiled by the obstina-cy of tha planters, ia cnoaeqacncc af the bitb prices at whichbey hare beea accastomed lo dispose of their srucny grades in

this market. Thcstta iy increase of plaatins- - in thoseIslands makes it. howeser. more sud more aecrssary for plantersrithrrto sek athr markets for their sarplos ovrr and

tm wamr oi trua cam, or so mm uie views Of eogarlUSaerirs as per posed. I

aauther steaouliipof tbe Chiaa line, called the Ctlestiaf.. past ha4 week unusualjhw imiouciuiH vecemocr. rtasu aaiil at n ebb a I

shipysr I ; is 374 fcrl Uaf, aad 4,000 loos burthen, she willbe ready for sea ia March.

A Ute leteyraas rrporta that Great Britain la Increasing herdemands for graia. 2.UM hare beea shipped recently.Tha whole stock of all kinds a tha Xew Turk market will proba-bly aot eaueed 12,000.000 bushels, and coosidcrahic portion ofUann be sen la England.

Mr. C. 8. Bartow beUI a larye aacti-i- sale at Messrs.ers a 's ysstenlay. Tha sale comprised dry goods aad (ra7era mcrcoaaaiae. rnces were gootf r the arason. Turkeyreds sokl for IslMJe.; pink prints, llc.i faacy prints, l(5cwhite cotton, lhe I barker strinea. aici r hi... .

Vv $1 7); Ceaarfa, 394c; aipaccas, 20,cThe bark Harvest Jeared trues Saa Fraudsco, Deeem- -her 10th, for Uoaolala, via Bay, where she wilt Ukela carro sf lumber, the will aot be due for some two or threwweeks yet.

Tha bark C. Murray arrived at ?aa Francisco on theI Ii h. 17 days fsaa U ootuia, and the Monitor on the 15h,IS dafs passage.

Taa bark 42 days from rogct Soaad. brings a falaawa a aaarjer lo UackteU ft Co. ,

Tb schaocer M titam Bad.jer is loo wdwith a cargo of soaraaa wm Mil soday at 3 o'clock for Ssn Francisco.

The bark Lmm sa:hl oo tha 10th for Victoria, V. I., witham iB eargv of auiiasses.ttogar, 4c.

frhaLt.ro ITEMS.Frees oar lata Sew Bedford cachaaes we gleaa the knowing

sterna, mterestiag abaleiBen :Bark Petrel, which reternnl tn New Bedford lnl insourcqaence ot tne stexxm of tne first offirer. will sail acain I

fc-- days the l'seirtc Ueraa under the command of'

Cai. Francis 8. Wsrvh. ef haatucktt, Ute of ship fewdlof iw fiedfori, wrecked.

ftehr Eaaica ti. Adams, of Bsatockr t. Is nor brine trans-t'T-data brie:, to he etaolored ia the Atlantic whalrflhtr '

fha will be ia resdiaese to sail in tbe rrrlnjr. and will aain lieaaier the command of Capt. Zeaaa M-- Cwkmau, who has madelo saccesaful voyages ia her.

A. H. Fotter and J. B. Bra.ll-y- . of 2Cear Bedford, have pur-chased brig E. Shepherd, of IVnnts. to be employed in the CapeiIL i1 Cau of Africa trade, ooder oanRaand of Cat.Joha w. Nickersoa. she wUl load ia Boston, clear fortape d Terde.

Waauso Nssra. roder oar marine column, this roomin-'- .Is dwheuteaine news froca the whaling Beet. The Ontario, be-longing lo .William a BrowaeU and others, was a lire oak ship.T ,rTrl" to Port. She sailedand at the time of her loss, was worth with hercargo, fLtt.0M. There is we are sorry to sav. no in.r.i.n. tbat a'ship"1" ' ,em' Mr Bo"rB!l ech arasoo,

trt. Joa-s-s, Jf. w Oct. 27. Whaling steamers Wolf and Lionhave arrived here, with 3 whales each. The Wolf brings thecaptain, crew, aad cargo of CO tons of oil of American, barkAntelope, wrecked ia Cumberland Inlet.JIErr BEDFORD OILMJRKETXornnherll.

Srsaa The demand for Bperm has faiien eft" since oar last.In consequence of the mil io GU.I and Exchange, ami we havetwo traosacrioas to report t 1 17 bbls for manufacture, aad


iw asarosD.DaaiH

Bart John Dawsoa...J.,bn Oavsoa oa Irsigljt. .PetrrL

w LOSOOS.Bark Pioocer.. .......... ....

aarBhlp Uorxan


For tli waJiPrerkjusly

i", mn oo terms.




. Jsr..



Sperm, Whale, Hone,bbla. bbls. lbs.

..... TOO 11,000..... 250.... m

. . 133 10

.... ZM 6,000

.... ' 1,400 TOO

.... 473 2,." 933.001 M.427 T01,0V

..9 tnt 717.TOWT&.ss s.5UO.... 34

7,129 407 SaajOO

7.40O 40?.1. r. xk.rr.nf l:


Lon or Bbk A stslocs. M-r- s. 8. Ttiomss I l?t'ri.tt'ti-.vi- r i u A 1 . - c - . . . . , i - I

nir..l . . . 7 ' - ' ul'" .' nw.naiu. ....... ... ...... ....... ...v- ... .1 rc IU ue I. JiJ. 1 l.H r rn?niCe I I.APIIir L t In? IlKr.lOlU ui J ill wan . ' ,r--

-- - il-- I V-.J-.-"' TT:."f . "r''un 'r?r- - Tyson, me r . . : ... . ; taunt that the workinrmiPn t.t . . .. . . ' . . i The ft



ninr.,T H (Uixi t J. .Fit., n i- - rtuiui i,u''ii.ii lueL uiii? doun ill iiumi)- - : .. o m . ,vi. .. n i ... ..r ... . i :,.,.....,,, -- .m-ii-.i ami u 'i-n- uu ..umi-i..- .

i ;h. in bi.-- h h stairs that im Antri..? ..r-rw- ia i-- - , , . . . . . ' i'..ini l.us roused tneru, and from one tnJ of th -4 4"c w

11 s f wWhibat of' Mo fart In

thtt'ZZ'Jt 0n 9Uy 1" 'entered. The other criminal case, whicuJ. I..kZ?."'2. J???'" i. Tlr. IK,nS' an'1' ,,,"8,M,,n l,,e inTie iiinsham e.terdav. At the hea.l ..f "h n.wi !r,nf? blush of frl.ame to all true Ilawanans. ... nt,.t t rat,e. on a

f J'".or thC W" 1Iiamy. The tluv will cine, and we Leliere it is not far "forV,xt Wednlfir. theand other g, The Afar - we have scr.undreis lld foundation etolie equal IlUUian Ca.--e 11 is ihe IIIilliIKhi:;.' courage Lown ,litnr .vir..l on.l !.oourmHisi who are endeavoring to burn up the town." f uuriiiff twentv t f ci.iii'i.-- t ul.i.ti !.;. .;.. SOIicr having aiTfligm-- u .uw....i.s

f'VCr 6mC!' thr'US'10Ut thC. ,Uatr. f nS,and' ! leader o.jle o.0o) now , h s that UM th P- -the Conrti- - j pliItT (otll, fha.-- e. Mr. Jone,


umrnni. uiirons

veils in.,'.. Utn'aand

T.be.,. .nil refir. .ui sooi7uTcomme.ie.i TthT North 7 t..er great .iiwiiiirt ojijiurt-iuii- for wid- -r .ie-- ol Oo will wislt to draw ttie veil oi o-- -

for tlie vrisowT. The ball was fixed by the Courtrtnarr, wbich has been leased lor a terms years by the Principle Of equat nnu tiern oppufition .. tiiaii t. ejr lave yvl Lad. SO UU- - liVi.,n ovtr their cts. and. l.i.Jm.e their diiuin- - ...


winter, work -- in be r.rri-- ., on cpo,. a marine tjrann- -. alwav underljin- - the social ,rface of ; oi 'li' S iipnTa t1leex" t'i fcL ilik oburity. Ex- - fife Civil Calendar v,nS rather large, le.t so farrt...y. --hash will, ii . hoped, b in .-. by spring. the Lrttish I le.and occasionally arouMng to order of thin- -- can ever .,v..ri.r.,wn "tf H celor is th :.tehw..r.l mi...,., the nations. !... r..11.. m.. onlv have been reached :

harrei. m.ck'e'r.i (Siili' ZZ.? it ehwW t-ngtli by decapitatin- - or dersin2 a Linl 'f revehuion makes ret.ide hold breaths, Ortee ei.,WL-,.,-l ,l nZm. V Walker. Allen & Co.-B- alaof the island

Sit i pa .Mails.Fob Sis Fbsscthto per Milton Dtulgrr, this day.For IVidwd I'oBTi fier KiUut-n-, on Mon.iay.




ARRIVALS.S Ptrr.r Kiuinea, MdtSreor. froma Ka Mot, Willior, from Kahului.6 Khr Malolo, milb. frin Kauai.8 Schr Kalama. Mnkalii, from Koloa.7 Scl.r .Nettie Men ill, Kiuney, from Koloa.

sch Kate Lee. Fountain, from Maui.Am h bark Aurora, Aveline, 31 days from San

Francisco.7 Schr .Manilla, from Hawaii.8 :hr Helen, UaliUtier, fri Maliko.

hr Mary Ellen. West, from Maui.8 H. M.'s steam ship .f wat Mntine, 17 guns, Com.

tfinluni, days from Tahiti.S ?otir Mary, Nika, from Kauai.9 Kris Akrt, Alibot. 28 days from San Francisco.

ID Schr Warwick, from Molokai.10 ichr Kohala, Howard, fr.m Ki.hi.la.10 N;hr Active. Cluney, from and Ililo.10 Am baik Ettiaa Allen, Snow, 'il days from San

e Francisco.(10 Am bark Camden, Mitchell, from Puget Sound.

11 rWr Alberni, liri'-e- from Kawaihae.1111 B M's S Clio, r days fm Victoria, Vancouver's Is.

HKl'iRTtltKS.5 Xorwr-K'ia- n hrig Formica, Thomen. for San Francisco.6 i:br Oili Fellv- -, Cluney, f..r Ililo.7 Am bark A. A. tll.lriilire, Abhotu for San Francisco.7 S'u-am-.r Kiluuea. McUrefror, for Windward Purls.7 r KaLnna, Makahi, for Kauai.7 N:hr Malolo. Smith, for Kauai.8 hchr Ka Moi, Wilbur, fnr Molokai.7 Schr Kohala. Howard, for Kohala.

10 Sfchr Mary Kllen, West, for Waih.10 Kale Lee, Fountain, for Lahaina and Mkee'sLunding.10 Hawaiian lrk Lono. Howard, for Victoria.10 Itussi.in bark Kamachatka, fr lyniUon and Cror.bta.lt.1 1 s'chr Hrien, BaUmtier, lor Maui.II schr Warwick, for Molokai.11 Schr Vette, Johnson, f.r Kauai.

IMPORTS.that would come inside I S Alert, ts lguinif.










empty barrels. 1 vkz books. 131 sks bran, bo2V pkes t.'hinese u.die. 0 cs citrarj, pkes clothing, 2 pkgs4 es, 13 pkgs an.1 1 bale dry good. 3 cs firearms, 10 sks and60 bids flour, 4 pkgs dried apples, 1 pkg nuis. 29 cs variousfruits, & pkits groceries, pkx and 2cs hardware, & pki( hxla.1 l'klf Jeelry, pks lead. SO cs malt liquors, 85 t x nails, 45100 sks oats, 10 sks onions, 14 bxs pines, 1 cs bacon, 2Cheese, 1 cs ham. 3 cs laid. pkg falmon, hxs Soap. csspices. 45 cs brandy, 1U7 cs gin, 15 cs spirits, 3i cs43 cs whi'ky, C pkits sundries, 11 pkgs sugar, 31 pkgs tea, 1pkg ami 13 bxs tobacco.

Value $li44.Faoa 8as Fsasnoo per Ktbao Allen. January 10 2halesbas 3 es books. cs boU and shoes, ISO sks bran, 25 cs

and 70 tins bread, IS pkjrs Chinese mdsr, A cs clothing, 2 pksCorks. 34 com. 34 cs drugs, &3 cs aud bales dry goods, 10cs fancy goods, 1 cs firearms, 150 bl.Js salmon, 66 qr sks flour,109 bxs fiuit. 25 cs and 2 kegs sauces, 2 cs furniture, 6 cksand 22 pkirs hardware. 6 cs hats, 10 tons hay, 1 pkg bo.s. 12bxs ink. 1 cs lam. 6 rolls leather. 100 bl.ls lime, 19 keya nails,71 sks oats. 3 es olive oil. 32 bxt ouious. 3 cs paints. 254 sks po-tatoes. 1 pkg bacon, 10 fkus butter. 2 cs cheese, 1 bbl and 1 eshams, 1 cs lard, 11 pkgs sad llery. 8 bxs sago. 8 cs suit, 1 cssewing machines, 7 bxs soap, 8 cs spirits, 2 qr csks brandy, 5cs bilters,f cs cider, 3 cs spirits turpentine, bxs starch,hbl starch."" 15 pkgs tea. S3 bxs tin plate, 32 cs tol.arco, 41 skswheat, 18 window g'aas. 4 csks, 2 kegs aud 42 cs wine.

Value $17,335 26 Treasure $5,770


A r"01' 8'' r"!SCIH'0 ler Ethan Allen, Jan. ID Jffr Harry.VI Miss Armstrong, J T Waterbouse aud wife. Mrs Hitchcock and

child, Mrs C.llerr.auk, K Feurstine, 8 Damon, Wefst, K LPood, N Weed, Jr., Mr Baray. Stekkack II (J.iodwin, W'mUerkin, Chukee, a Woodman, Mr Mr Trabuuk.

MARRIED,f CoiaucRLsis Licstboot In StockLriilge, W Oct.25, Uev. James P. Cliamberlain. formerly of Honolulu, to Mislie'en Catherine, daughter of Deacon Lighlbody of the formerplace.

the pacificCommercial Advertiser.

a.l J UJiUA Y. JANUARY 12.TillieJ religion

About 9 o'clock last evening, a Tes8el appearcdoff tbe entrance or the harbor. fa two guI);J anJshowed red and blue lights-,- jt Wja of eonneposed to be the Xllora.lo. Ve dispatched a re--porierorr, lhe sb;p? wh rttnrn,.J I2mi,lnight,and reported it to be II. B. M.'s steamer Clio, 29days from Vicforia, British Columbia, bound toTahiti and Valparaiso.

The Supreme Court has been in session all tbeweek, and has attracted considerable attention, asseveral of the cases possessed more than usual in-

terest A brief report of its proceedings will befound on our nest page. The session will probablybefontinued through next week.' His Majesty the King is expected in the steamer

fKUauen this morning from Kailtia, though no positive advices have been received from him to thateffect. He was quite well at the latest advices,bavinir eniirelv recovered from Ih-- j illn.d t u;i

EmpUt, a sister ship lo tne Ureai Republic, was laanched at Ljvr- TLe benn a of ercitement


Melch- -













ana expectancy looking lor long overdue mails.The brig Alert arrived on the 9th. 25 days from SanFranci-co.an- d the bark Ethan Alltn on the lOih, 24daji from the same port, biingi.ig the Easternmails. A full reiort of the will ! f..im.l ..n

j the next page.

jr Congres had commenced work in earnest, andf had passed a law establishing tree suffrase lor ail

persons over 21 years in the District of Columbia,black, red or white. This will be bailed as a greatstep in the right direction, and it will soon be fol-

lowed by universal suffrage throughout the South.is now proposed to reduce the ten rebel States

to territories, as they have nearly all rejected theterms of admUtion as States whicljLW;r; d iothem by Congress. This ia Wi.! measure, but thewhole world, w5." sustain the action of Congress as1 "niy cour.pcn for it to follow in the premises.

it is Mated that the Amendments to thehave been formally rejected by all the South

ern States-exceptin- Louisiana and Mississippi, andwillIa

ZSAini against.3(exican affairs in statu quo. It is now re-

ported that the Kinpe-o- a has gone back to the cityof Mexico, and a proclamation that he in-

tends to fsbt bis dear country till tLe last dollarand the are gone. IJully for !

Tbe Chin steamers are still a favorite topic ofdiscussion, and the doubt regarding Coloradotouching bere in not yet solved. may have de-layed to await the arrival the paseners mails

reight which left New York December 1 1. the

have her back. interesting items aboutthe line will be found on the next

. . rj .a rrjiorfc is tur n unit i aiiu s a lor tnei safety of the bark Maunakea. one of Pope A Talbot's lumber vessels running between Puget Soundand thin port.report of the bark Camd- -

of the week. tnisThe neglect of the native leper on

Molokai. as in a letter from a correspondent,

starved death, under charge of a

oCicial investigation.

.1 .

Me fn .t-..-. l' I... T.... 1........... I..... t. t ..... r.. I , .... r Ci iri?T .1 tM"ll!V...v. II l.f. : i ,f

.;nafart are. to

, 'i" KUi-.i- to 11. other vou near the murmur which In "rui ideaa towards t:ie millennium 01 equal j ' . ,.,,,tT.llr.lr , .n n . . . I. .... a ' . r 1.1 " II.


r r . it.. .v.. . . . ij 1. . . v. . ...w l.-- - ..- - v j Eiui ij fi in-- 1111111:111 1 iT 1 T .1 cr.irtilinrv r.irr.nj.ri itiii Mill 111 itl m;,ne . . :,,: s


, Mys of . i '


anof to e iei

o? ital tho:.-- !. TW.ilno




" - " -. ' , j



: ' ,i







pure rum,


38 1






. : - . l : : . . rit-i-

1 1 ... ..


.1.1.41.. t 1 .u . . v. . si id



' i i. i ir ii . i . .. ail'l LllslieS even the enii...nt ..f tl,.. T.-.,-

Hail. K.-- v

;'S, .1 M,e?,'.WJiU anU 0rlerJ' ! Fully unfolding tLe i,ts vouo Jix7. I "ay momentarily pauseand look back, yet theaa.. a ucep in.,reu respect lor and authority, Lowe to exclude forever from representation in : current will eventually carry us along whether

the Anglo-Saxo- n race is nevertheless one that l'"fhanient the 5.m0.00fl or G.Ouo.OOO of me.: : w !

W(. ini never submits to tyranny or misrule. Trans-- "l-re-enuH- Mr. Bright went on to say wif.,

nr "ot, i "Id 4 f1 l V. . j0Irjeraiion that became solemn v.ith t v rv fluonce ruk a catize attemptingplanted to America m eearch of a more perfect word: -- This policy is important at 'l be"-- ! to etow the ti of enhVhten ruWi'e orinion.

; liberty than they couid enjoy in Euroiio the caiI"ie Lowe recomrnendi it. It is important I '

! only because it has been aas i: Anlo-Saxon- s have Ledmie in accepted approved I

j truth, m these t,f )V the great Tory in Parliament. --Vid. -- av.u H. M. s sloop e. 17 guns, Com- -oays, the apioitles the doctrine of human Sir. I 1 who withequal say am charged designs against mander William Swinbiirn. arrived at this on

i tlSir""" sa. i ? v'"arai! f--r

the jiolities of the countries where it has been carrie'd out obsiiuate- - j s Island on the 1st of November. lSCti,countries of Europe can scarcely be over-estimate- d, j !J "as Joue things. Through it crowns and j calling at several islands on her way up. On the

l Had the Americans emerged their V - s""u' ,; ai,U !ot -- Hh of.November she arrived otf Fitcairn's Island.. P latcian 6ure that is a oolicv that Can be afeW main- - ..... , r .. ... -uc civil a disunited iieople, the case would tained with us." f cheers 1 I

,u ue1" "nioie to eikct a landing, on account othave been far different. The oppressed and the ' Throughout the speech a tone of moderation tbe hAVy R'f running at the time,unenfranchised masses of other lands looked onin breathless susiiense ; tyrants and titkd aristo--

J drew comfort from the prospect of the down- -Ull or the Oreat llepublic, whose j rodigiousgrowth and prosperity was a standing menace to

" divine right " to rule their fellow men.The cause of civil liberty etood trembling in thebalance. If

" Freedom shritked Kosciosko fell,"her dying groans would surely have gone up atthe final dismemberment of the American Union.But an All-wi- se Providence had yet a great workfor that nation to perform, an3 to-da- y its influ-ence among the peoples and governments of theearth, cannot be overrated. A republican formof government, it will no more be declared, is anunsettled experiment. The theory of a govern-ment by the eopIe, strong enough and wiseenough to crush a gigantic rebellion at home andensure respect from abroad, is an established fact.Vox jtopulivox Dei the voice of the people isthe voice of God can no longer be quoted as thewindy nothing of a demagogue it has a deeperana truer meaning than ever before. Aud so thehewers of wood and drawers of water the tillersof the soil the mattes of Europe, looking toAmerica, the young giant of the people, thankGod aud take courage.

Look in what direction we may, over the mapof Europe, we will find that liberal ideas, or inother words, the cause of equal human rights, israpidly progressing. Whatever we may think ofIiismarck or his master the King of Prussia, per-sonally, must be conceded that a united Germany, once consummated us is now quite likelywill be in a great degree a guarantee of peace andprosperity, and eventually of constitutional free-dom for the entire Fader land, because based onthe true idea of stability equality of man.Italy, too, is at last a united Italy, from theAlps to the Adriatic, and perhaps ere this theproud City of the Ctesars" has reverted to itslawful owners, the Italian people. Liberal

art progressing fast among the long down-trodden and priest-ridde- n Italians. They have aKing who recognizes the source from whicli hederives his authority, for he officially styles him-self, " King, by the grace of God and the will ofthe Italian people." The autocrat of all theRussias and the aatuto Emperor of France arneither or them insensible of thecy rjirfSf venfcsand are

.making concessiop," t, d.ire'

,1 wr nf 1anu irimming to srit tJl0 tj,ne8Turning jSrYVT v ,t.i i. tS3 T " ' 0 1 j niv; v uii ii 1 1 1 C L

News or 3IorjiInir. to tlic Cnited States by language,







and the ties of bl xxl, we find that the nation isagitated now as never before the great ques

of suffrage reform. the the j ol alate American rebellion, Thomas Carlyle, of

deepest thinkers as well as one of the mostextreme Tories of Great Britain, is eaid to havemade the remark that should the North be victo-rious in the conflict, England would become re-publican in lets than twenty years. lie that as itmay, nubjcct of reform has been revivedgreatly in Knsrjand eince tlie failure of the Amer-ican rebellion. The reform meetings in variousparts of the Kingdom have been of gigantic pro-portions, and marked by an enthusiasm and a de-termination which will eventually accomplish theobject of extending the right of manhood suffrageto more than five millions of the topulation ofGreat Britain, who are now denied all politicalrights. The leaders in the movement are Glad-stone and Bright, and their platform is theright of all men unconvicted of crime and ofsound reason, to vote. One of these immense de-

monstrations took place at Birmingham, on the27th August. Over a quarter of a million of neo

...I... I .1 .is

assembled not1 ,Kto

a "..j, " ui xowii jiuii,. wnereepeeclics were made eome of the leading advo-cat- ra

of reform . lur.ion nn.1!.nn ..r.:. i., . . . .fjv.caitu i ii.;.persons, p.. pular..sentiment- -.. F'tKkers be--


j round: t, 3 - . "ithan ' 01

London, bet- -

lork rribune gives the followingof John Bright, P., the eminent re-

form leader, and the effect of his leaking on thisoccasion :

Then came John Urlght. I have seen creatthese du w as as their IegisUturo con- - ' meetings welcome great men in but neverrone. Texas the Legislature rejected the amend- - a --Mr; 'i-'-11 received. The

audience rose in a body. The cheering wasments after the bad voted for by a continuous as Niagara, was rolled Lack intomajority. The vote stood 28.119 favor and the hall in great waves of sound by the 20 do


forlast man Max


ofandf or













th.it was given him. patiently till it wassix minutes watch. Photographs of

f T - r Ar sdi, nr in A ; i i nr.la allkUs UlL UV A LA 1 IV 0j 111. Awind prevailing for ten dayi., jmay a lithograph of somewhereset


office, which is quite like andthe abominable

whteh alone answered the and voiceshearts that appealed and light

up a not otherwise withthat is far is beauty. is broad and over- -


W. 101.1 ii nrintpd n.,tf...r ,' V . . B" ocss. accustomed look







Tha fcuovint; imports Spina and Whale Oil and ,enl,on- - "hibits remissness official duty j not capable anger,tb oTn- - highly ceasurable. which should be Llazin wrath that has scorched others thau

S ....... ' I ita a A .




niipnainipinjit mm n.ir.;;...i .v ii.ia iiiuuieiii. (inr..o ... ,to the r IIIUI H.MI1U-- S UVUUllllir WIIU BnCCIlOn. UUll

urtiian Crown Minister? deserves at least by love which

stramer Kilauea will usual ! Ut wi, deliberate distinctness'"""i"-- - Him vteDster.k'r. it.nay i.s rwuna, Hawaii, proMUeU liisuraiice : two men h:iif snmilliin.r in




.r..,..i- - !. i.MK!i.,n :..f ..,,1. .. . .1 n:itivt tor m-rmr- u pu-- u 01. I
















-- -




was presetted which made trie invective, the sar- - i uay lor Tahiti, and anchored in Papeete liaycam. the denunciation, all the more on the 7thWith a voice so impaired during the la.t half hour j

h of Iri,,tCV,,b"- -

, V .T'" " thethat could scarcely utter twos.nrenres Mnr.,.. the islands of Star- -tively, the orator iuterwove Lis pteat genius with j

UCK Maldoii on the 23d and 2Cth respectively,his physical weakness in such a way that his hold having passed over the positions of liau- -vaa HIO IIVMH 1 T III I IVtTllt'Ue 1 UOSIfUir OIconveying you sense or the art with whichthe debility of his voice was wade to contribute toa, desired oratorial effect, as when at the close helifted himself to the enthusiasm of the men

whom lie was about to farewell : Theaddress which has been presented to me referredto the time 132. I remember the time well.My young heart was then stirred with trumpetblast that noun.led from midst. There wasno part of this kingdom where your voice was notheard. Lkt soi xi aoaix" the cry of thegreat multitude iu and of the hall took upthe words from orator's lips with a suddennessand irrepressible energy was startling. Hespoke not quite without notes, used them spar-ingly. To judge him rightly, and give him full

one hear Mr. Iiright in the Houseof Commons where speaks to "an audience notfriendly, was that last night, eriiical andhostile, disliking equally the speaker and hi cause,and feeling or affecting a contempt for v talentnot nurtured iu its classical schools. ThatBright commands the attention and compels theadmiration, delighted against its own will, of sueha House, probably the best evidence ot his mar-vellous powers orator.'

Leeds, on the 10th of October last, therewas held another of these 1110118 monster

The London Times' correspondent es-

timate the number of working aien and theirwives present at 110,000. They are contendingfor manhood suffrage that is, the right of ato vote because he ia man. havebeen established throughout the manufacturingdistricts for the purpose of this questionand forcing the subject upon the attention of Par-liament. At the meeting, Bright, greatchampion of the working classes of England, wasalso present, sis he is at all such places, and beingthere, of course he had to speak. In the courseof his remarks he said :

America there nre maiiy political parties.There is a party that alwavs seeking office, andit goes by the name ' bread and butter party,'and it turns out, after all. that part r of LordDerby not anti-refor- m partv. a bread andbutter party. Cheers and laughter." For sixmonths' office, or may run on nine twelve,they have rejected an honest and good measure ;they have betrayed the true interests of the people,and I have seen men on bench who wouldtne mace, whir-l-i is tl svtnbol of on tlietable of the House, if bv jy.g 5a tin- - could giveo thenissIr;S..gCTry7jr--teniir-


on tlje .MHwsterialNow, I must ask vou in all

seriousness to let the country know what is our ohject ; you propose, and how far you hon-estly asking for what you believe to good.

not appeal the newspapers, oneof whom (and not a very creditable one) con-cealed somewhere in this town. I shall appealpnly to the truth-lovin- g, vast majority ef the peo-ple or this country. Our object is to restoreoopular in this country ; to maketne of lonmions the organ and representa

tion At beginning of ,ion tm naiion. and not of small class of it



.iIt you look all

.over. . world...you will now

mat representation extending andthe degree its becoming themeasure of national liberty, not only in NorthAmerican continent, but in the nations and king-doms of old Europe. I have mentionedthe North American continent. w is thegreatest day in the United States, perhapsmillions men will go to polls, and they willgive their votes on great question whether jus-tice shall or shall not be done the liberatedAfrican ; and in a day we shall hear theresult, and I shall be greatly surprised if that re-sult does add one more proof those alreadygiven the solidity, and public spiritof the great body the people of t he United States.1 have mentioned the North American continent.I refer to the colonies which still a part of thisempire well as those other colonies which jnow this great and republic founded by;tne oii i.enoese the enl of the til th,'

1 resembledr i -ourfor less appearance A wts

'the great

li.ts at length by Ins cable nnu. red the New Worldthe Old. To from

the United Kingdom the North American conti-nent.a- nd

from the North America to the United King- -r:i r . .

u4,Blf,,mK-e- oi paying taxes but can iloiu now but tRe work of a moment time, andnot Tote, were that occasion give j

il ,lo;s require utterance even a whisper.emi.has.s the nor.iil.ii- - .l,m.,.l v"t?4l!?1 nations are brought together, and they

,V """AlonMW) The spirit ei.her governvim




iunt same, may be j

I bo trty tfcit a and hast1i: our is4 at

.of a broail r nri.i.iil .lW,n

tug by more Uie vfpeople who were to lut the most of this

access to the hall. A of the New reformer is that ininteresting


soon America,

them fair andas

head past th.-r- e

neither him. some


the of of


Mon- - me







of intelligence

form free

closalori2.-id- e

the althojigVip-fonj- T

diirerent. generousVfentiigs Kngland. purpose pieces

freedom sue mar l.i.inw,.u.,ninl TniTniK

ccuotujttm apjjiivdel twenty P""Ie.iJiOttSiua outside unable obtain perhaps remarkable speech

correspondent delivered which,de-






tcr than anything, serves to illustrate theof this great reform movement. The rer-cr- t

foiu the Times:At a banquet given in London, he

used the following impressive language: Thesegreat meetings, Mill justly said, were notmeetings much for discussion they were meet-ings the demonstration oninioiK and. vou

,n involvingago

Iiright faceduioiignis mat questions any

bounding excitement. Stood about should.ever again settled by force, vet therefeet strongly built, upright, hands hanginc something th ,,ut;f r.r.".,f.,w. ihntmotionless, not responding by theevils asign the splendid greeting period unredressed, most

by themAn

the in

photographs caricatures.



we byfor

the the

is the by d-- nv freedom.eyes, evesand

countenance handsome aAll iinS,llaf










credit, ought





Leeds the













unable keep Hear,boar this however

may wish settledmoral means, yet immoral

force last obtainingsecuring than

Ihelace resolution, feature force suj.nross

knownnotes j ESfbSS flSt? SSStflt WW equality, fraternity.

massive, must w,th beimpressive face, ek-rn- -

7..ef "






political questions

cheers, audience rising.




'"flClies. Cheers.




Cheers. speak



nther fnfea Crested backward. v.royent the anomalous

lui: 7.When

speak, words slowly, with- - birth-rig- ht naught. principleon


















asso as


isin r.r

or onor id




..... !.......








is an









ot to

it is no

of itto







established pouringcan ffected on her, some arrangements Bright, an out l0i water, and which to-d- ay agitates

the agtticy, lon understand- - England throughout all we, in(who U now responsible for her., of ar " 18C5 -"-endered, and, tak- -dent or lo53. Notice probably giTcn on whereas in the rear, have ndonted r,haf.l.,ra

iti.n'ii-- ! ..I ....... .w


man, Koggewem Teiuhoveu. From Maidenshe proceeded direct for Honolulu, arriving on theSth January. lGT. The Muiine leaveVancouver's Island on the 14th instant, if possible.The following the iiiiues ot her officers :

Commander William Swinlurn.Lieutenants ltichard 11. Micaoit-tts- , C. Johnstone,

R. Townshend.Matter Edward B. D'An-ry- .

buryeon James Martin, Jl. I).Paymaster Alfred T. 1. Xettletnn.Chief tSnyineer Ueorue

Suryeon William lirant, M. P.Atsistnnt PaitnasterLUtirks Koberts. (artineMtJsltipmen iMaui arrack, Alfred 1'ig.ut, Cuurles W.

Dickinson, Kilward 11. Anion.Master's Assistant llenrv Backler.Clerk Frederick J. Mathias.Knijmrer EdwardAssistant Engineer Uillium J. Pettit.

?Iaiik Twain. Onr correspondent on firstpage, in glowing teru:s to the lecture of

gentleman, delivered iu San Francisco, Nov.IS. Times refers to the same performance inthe following item.

Mark Twain put In an appearance at Piatt'sHall on riday evening, and to someaccounts, he fulfilled his promise of perpetrating arobbery. Some ol audience thought theynot their money's worth. The spunitselt out at an early The crowd grumbled,lhe gas turued out. and the grumblers wenthome. Mark pocketed the cash and went to theOccidental.

The truth is, suspect, Mark isto create fun at the expense his auditors

that cannot be carried on withoutto lecturer, repeated with impunity. Markhas a vein of real genius, w hich needs care andcultivation to it admired ; like all ore, itis accompanied with the dross, from which it mustoe cleansed wi:h care before it kle ..ml i...comes it should be. Never did a trsiv?eler possess better materia's for a taking lecturethan he, did any ever a moreopportunity earning a brilliant fame as a

graphic portrayer nature ; we trustwill not abuse the opportunity, we inter-

ested iu at least to the extent of onecopy Jarves' Hawaiian Dictionary, which we

to learn is making good of inpreparing a new bookton the Sandwich Islands.which will be published this year.

0" Of the 10th of December MarkTwain gave a farewell lecture San' Francisco.

sailed for New York the Nicaragua steamerDec. 15. The thus notices his lecture:Makk Twaix'.s LkCTiKE. The farewell lectureby Mark, Twain last evening at Congress Hall,drew together a large audience and a successevery way. There were facts and fancies, ffln andargument, and the literary entertain-ment was one the best of the The lec-

turer departs with a briliiaut reputation inot his profession, which has the ability to

increase States. Men "sortability never overstock the market,

find room for an honorable career in theio nuicu is going.

SlIVOSKI) SlIirwUKCK. I5yfirtj-foit- r daja lroui l'ort An



the Lark Camden,crclos.

We learn tlifbark Moon Vfw.Capt. Kubiuson.boil ml to thin port with lumber, sailed sixteen daysijrevious lo the sailing of the Camden. The foiinerVessel experienced very severe and boisterousweather during principal portion the passage,

ud Mauna Kea. now sixty-tw- o days out. haspot arrived. The Camden reports that shortly aftertotting to sea, when about blind red west.'of Cape Flattery, in the track of vessels boundthe bound to the Islands, she passed portions ofwreck, consisting of a lower-ma- st with rigging at-tached, bowsprit, both of which, in the opin- -

l f the Brst offiot'r ,,f l5le Camden, inW lork cheers the Columbus of time 1

after no th,,., ,J of Mauna Ken. ga'eAtlantic in pursuit of aim" of his life, lie5 Mowing at time, with a heavy running, and

.fon to of





consequently was impossible stop examwreck. reports vessels which

have recently arrived from the after unu-sually long passages, appears that during themonth of December last, there has been constantsuccession south-westerl- y gales and- -

U'aj.Wt-Goa- st AjUCVi? A;W it'lnav that sIiothrown her ends and gone

sea. honed that theestablish that forever the ? ret lie lionnl .fiatlon







it to


ofof be

on toIf is to

to on :,.



.... ass 111V. ti.iu tpf :

...Wuv the Dklay? last April Termtlie Supreme Court, a case tried before the fullbench in Uanco, which at time excited no littleinterest. question involved was right ofcertain parties to occupy place public wor-ship at 'Waitnea. Kauai. A schism occurredamong those accustomed to, worship at place,one party having obtained possession, and op-posite party desiring to them, brought anaction trespass in Supreme Court. The evi- -

like. I will add. f..r exhibition of Cheers. j dence was all submitted and the plea.Ungs madeSuch exhibitions, if they be despised and disre- - j before the judges, nine months aan. but vet no de--mirileil. V....in itrl.il.t.mnj nn..l...i. I ..... J

outside. Mr. Lowe was riht these i.eot.Ie are. f.ire.V V I k. Z ." w. " c,slon u red. With all due deference

m ks.t.u ii-vi- i iiiiiiieit ill iFi.-- i iiuirs.impulsive, ami their hearts beat with an emotion.

not a liatle in this very citv for the reaon I i to Honorable Court, we beg to ask, why thewhich they were quite unable to express. A tree-- was in favor of peace at price. I always said delay? question submitted is one import--

tnw- -i ,i.i; :rZ.:::':u I .l ..l "as ,:lvor c1- - Vica an the status of hundreds of reli- -e "" ten years mv opponents were, lllear.l aniMitinnuit with composure; stoinl like I believe that however much any us may abhor

tuioiigliout the I,lands. .. - ..o fr j political in country

bing and with beten. i;any bow-- other j when allowed run beyondacknowledgment certain that the peace

overr a n sin i nIlliVl'lUIUVII



j.r.ara of

not18W !.:,.ivKmHi


oftvuinu vuunt.x














men are the peace.in


to use in forthe fiepib.m ia ;i

all its prominent j thathim.







hear. And mind that much




he ?.















nor haveof faith-

ful ofhe are

ofare he use



of season.


9T Mark




ine the of

so. it be-

At of



of the

niJIV Afuh





955 6t

Piirrt-- t Sound.







655 3m HOLLES k

liisgolul ion Aot ice.riHIE OF II. TRASK

Tlnr - i w" aissolveil oa tbe 1st of Januarv, 1S7, bywnne the kev-no- te of struck in mutuxi cunsem n th . v ..'

amongmay prove incorrect. acter firmness stronp; lines chin and llttle kingdom Hawaii, the youngest among JVllALEBOAT FOL'XI) ADRIFT About

Tiw nations and the great powers, has, qSj. .rxKA.VtaGiiacknowledged, actually pro--


friendly, occasionKit?.10 tn'ca ending





j - w. ....... tt, VV.

the !







t it j of in the of the of ' AI

ch of it Zuarea not in !


a ai

i. t.i i.t t.i

' the



n-- -









mt .....

uenier tn Naluml I.rnrniol otlirr Tobmrs,of a revolution going backward. Possessed j Citor.. Pipe. K..ii.i n...i Amer?er.nof a free Constitution, which prave ballot Csnfrciioaerr, Kauia. kes. .

, , .. I also take this methd of informing the Citizensloi-jujc- r, anu guawanieeu citl anu reu- - Honolulu and the generally that I have commenced the

j as the great orator stands, he u touched ciou9 freedom to wa Jiave. like Esau, sold onr I ?ail.rin.,? b8ins " con..ect.or, with the above, and m pre--It eager


aj '1 a v IO CATAUIT ait Ui Ts7shim. j . .I began to the but The great no





came IsiaDiis attendedStore Xuuamt one dotr btiotc Kma.taxation reiresentation has been

enunciated and firmly thebe e and i and as Webster did. can control audience ! 1'ke j

made for so relieve the Marshal, e. both, the her borders thein ease acci-- ! d,;?u:;n'1!aUrra,,. JT!Sllt is

! fw:ll be i.owerlul. but tl... Amerimn , in2 a eteo in th

i .i - "





Lillt-y- .



hadgot lecture

that inclined

thing discredit




aud and




JiaeAtlantic this

andwill lield


tii imirai n.iruri. iiiu ..









inHe in


in the






f..rtv thethe


andthe Jiy



,.!..... ...t v. va





t"any The



ftOXSTAXTLV OX nn.lCo's.

J.Freedom is

-. .


the ward clu!"


the .m. fawould of

still visibly all.9



" "


. . . .

. . n a f:ilinitiu)le and substantialOrders from the othr promptly to.

' on Street,without which 655 ,


, !


t .


riMIAT IXVA I. IT A 11 I.E. Dl'RAIi LE, FLEXJL ible. preservioi;, anti corrosiveMETALLIC PAINT

ifcltM. Tl

i book account of 1.400: default entered aiu:i cution issued. Stanley for plaintiff. j

j J. A. i-- Th..?. Keegau account ; !

j verdict for plaintiff, Sl'Jl "o. Mr. Stanley for j

j plaintiff. .,'tj Oown Land Caw goners ts Campbell & Tu?- -

ton--Su- it for recovery of sundry piles of wood,valued at $S00, alleged to have belonged to theCrown, and wrongfully converted by the defend-

ants ; verdict for defendants. Mr. Stanley lor plain-

tiffs ; Mr. Judd for defendants.F. 15. Swain v.. Nicholas George Balance of

wages due ; set for Monday, Jan. 21st, Mr. Stan-

ley for plaintiff; Mr. Judd for defendant.II. E. Wakeman vs. the Queen Dowager Haka-lelepo- ni

Kalama Trover ; set fcr the 18th inst.jury waived. Mr. Jones for plaiutiff ; Mr. Stanleyfor defendant.

A. S. Cieghorn is. C. C. Harris et al. Adminis-trators of the Estate of L. Haalelea Book account ;

verdict lor plaintiff of 780 12 and costs. Mr.Montgomery for plaintiff ; Mr. Harris for defendants.

P. 11 S. S. Co.'s C. & J.

Steamer k4CO.LOIfcAl0"at

IIu9 not Arrived, but the


WITH A HELL SELECTED STOCK OF' Ladies' and Children's Hats,


Of the Latest Styles.

555 3tAt Mr). KLACKS.

fort Street.


EMer's Upper Store, Fort Street,



Tlic IScfnil Slock of said Slorc !

Consisting ofDry Goods,

Clothing,Fancy Goods, &c, &c.


for ?s .v. r, ii: :XJaS THE UXOEUSIOXEO

being almut to leave this Kingdimj,would offer For Sale

7Th: Favorite and well Black Mare

T O 1 s y 9 jWhoSe qualities as a family horse are not equalled nr snnassedby any horse m the Kingdom, as aHo the imported t

Fast Trotting Sorrel Mare FANNY,l errectly kind and gentle, w.-- l broken to eithi r double or sineleharness, and equally suited for a family as a fast mare.

also ;

w.tnpoTe;XeWr S,,'fli" T" nBSJr,One Bui'gy Wnon, Brosriirll'a niakct 'Ami 2 Set Hume-- .

AH the above to be sold ONLY at Private Sale.655 It

particulars enquire ofC. L.

THE ABOVE HOUSE IIAV.ing tK-e- thoroughly renovated and fur-nished throughout anew, is now open as a

For further

First Class Hotel and Eestaurant Iinner tne immediate supervision and direiti-- of the under-signed, lor the accommodation or lioarders snd transput visUorsfn.m abroad. No exp-n- se having Iwen sparcl in furnishing orrefitting the rooms. lie feels confi.Ient of giving entire satis-faction to those who may visit the Islands for thtir health orpleasure.

The table will he supplied with alt the delicacies the marketaff.irds together with all iii.ds of fruit, with which the Islandsso richly abound.TERMS :

Hoard by the Werk, ST mid 10.Hoard mill I.otlxiiig by the ly, 2.50 nud3.UO, accordiug to room.

MEAL HOURS :Breakfast fr. in 7 to 11 o'clock, A. M. Iinr from 2 lo 0 P. M.

nl Honra, Dit ily,Mi til T I. M.Cojte, Tea, Cold Meals, Pies, dc, sx.jJied tmtU

10 o'clock. I'. JA655 3m M- - K1RCIIIIUFF.

JUST DECEIVEDAnd For Sale by the Undersigned


JUST RECEIVEDi And For Sale ly "the UrxdeHTgned;jriEXCH N. 4. 3. C.

- 534 lm i- - IIACKFELD 4 Co.

JUST RECEIVEDAnd For Sale by the Undersigned..... .rw r iEfiv.;,. iVL,"" 'LS, Siible

551 lm H. HACK KELP


lOOO I3m-i-ol- s Salmon IWarranted fresh in good order.



and554 ILACKFELD Co.

Ziockc Sl ILontajrue,Metals, Stoves and Ranges, Hollow Ware

Tin Ware, &c.o. 112 iu batter v s..san fraxcisco654 ?m

Iiockc 8c Er2ontague,AOENTS VOU TI1K


564 3 m


FOREIGN DRY GOODS!Especial Attention given to


551 ly


205 and 208





Battery Street,


used Sugar Refineries, Factories, Mill,,. etc., foPDomestic Purposes.

Warranted the Best Pump in the MarketAll kinds sale byV. RRITTAX Co.,

554 3mFront Street,


ALMANACSTI,E toXDvvTRAll,SD a'a.Christ!,, Family Altunnnc, 85 Cent..Hntchin. Vwartnetc Almanac, 25 Cent,.olm ForSalsattte BOOKSTURB.

lie court u.et iSess2aj li?rrr?iminal oa'.en- - ! ri5,a5Mlf I,




n. &



N ; I


Is in all .


J. At120




PORTLAHD, ORc.3t "''iwl'rl. .iaBnc A.l aiTj.v

Tr.r r releht ' V,or PaM,Se ,rpI, tt pE O f KA aIl,l

CanUin kVM-Will have Quick- - J) nill(,.k , "u

VVK,.. ''.Rfta ...

"Will Leave for


For freight or passage rplj to



H If

" '. i i

The Schooner AlW


17'sfiaT rm .

m,,..S Schr. --A.IVJ




Freicht or anni. t .u. l U- --o 1 T'JII

FOR SAJV FItAiVClJ&t The Fine ItsasEs.


THE Fast



tJare Quick- - Lpaich at fanFor freight and passage apply to5i 3t TT T."iarm

UTox gana'.The Sloop HOKULfWit run regularly to the ahxt

Tone Ring at MOLOKAI and iWhen inducemrtits ofer.. 'Ifreight or parage spply to D. I0ETEU JIKa I1 I I...... I

REGULAR PACKET foilHonoipu and Kohala Phrf'

jill; The Fine Schooner f j

C. HOWARD, Master.

Will run regularly on the abctt fw'XfFor freight or passage spply to the Matter

. . I Kjw554 3ui





liic&iilar Dispatch U


folloxe Etdruhjeor ta









--a l t; p e ri atMaster.

WUl the A. A. riii idFor freight passage apply652

PIANOS!And Other Musical Inste


Lessons Given ort aid Ci

654 Ilest

IAJI1&S FOBA New and Choice Assortm


and examine, f ilm


Od HOUR. DAY AXD3D1TCI4Tc tancy aud plain cases.



650 2m Fur sale hy BEItC


And IJJXD CASTS.650 2ra For sale l.v C. HBKVTy







650 Zio C.M.









li AllR ELS fOHTLASDCtiA650 2m For Sale by C. BHI'M


TJs. 550 2m For sals by C.


rVO OF THE REST PATTE!at llorse l'ower Machine!

550 2ni Forfisleby C.BM,


aipearance tha

Metallic Paint,S50 2m SoM by

A AfAWUAUUiU W fcV vw- -hibition.



Sets Dn Shi.i- - vii.lit feel in di"""' ;f, .r-- .... .1.. l..t MlJtJintriMluceil.

Can be put up in ten minutes, and ail I

otolith.PRICE. 300.



tor the above from 3 to SI 2 p'. . ...M.-nHTH.f- t

514 3m1.AHK.-..MI-!. llUi.cr.nv i, fmt'


aTfF V. n . . . m.w. rvVTlSTfl





't. iiwuni imi-.'i'-j tiIlolidavn. l.nt whi.-- n,,t karioc arn'to

Will now be Sold at 0fCALL SOON. IF YOU WAST'

Poetry or the War,Howies across the Continent,

larvin's Origin of Specie.ferry's Political V.W"'

Gems from

Bead's Poems, 3 vols.;Teuoys.m complete in one dismosd

The Metric gvnti-m- . The Red M""Woman Anitel, wtoJ5our.... . . ,Ai,n.

I'lcture ot oi.Telix nolt, llel. n lord. , Vlti grt

The K Me ami lhe 'nll nr OrieiB or


Urcgon anil KI I)orslo, s "TTsiThe Aatlir.rahip u&r

Mills' Kxiimir.stioa.Carpenter's gix Months at the White Moos

Griffiih Gaunt, by Charles K'V-wl-liaun-oft'- s Volume 9, Ne

Assonuieut of Ne tZGray's fclegC- -"

Waverly Novels, 1 gut complete;




nicnat.laoirs 1 ield and Vang'', -- jpCamp and Prison. Wives son 1 j

Anuadallby W.r4flet.ySir Morton Peto's Resources of the Lane" II

Beecher's Pulpit I'unRencies. ;aSBillinrs ami Lisl.,.i,...'. Knvil Truths,

The Dsys of Hroj

AIJSO, DIRECT FROMGen. Grant and his Campaigns, compl!

Sherman ami 1:1 t'amnaiims. CiaaP" iJAnecdotes of the W ar, very JTH

Lossina's History ofHgwiutoo's armj -j,,

mi- -










F0B n








Josh i



. 1





The Sunday Magasine bound, elltt' --

Good W orris bound, P

Together with other New Books .ft" j

to specify. It4jj

654 lm for Pals at the I -

Page 3: ed · J V. H r.TT."---- I 7 Commercial bbcriisrrj (Lommn-fia-lTIIS PACiriO grjbcrlisrr IS Pl'tlLL-HE-D ! Kvory uiflay Tovninir. rnrNTTiiao Is orpicE to f"rri.;n litWriplina

r r lLatr3 f f r---V

C. S. BARTOW.I- -'r' 1 I T f

rrnESDAY, - - - January 16, i

A, 10 O'clock. A- - M- -. at Sale Room, will be toll j

A 7mW JaA t-- f

Ex Ethan Allen,


- j


1 . n (


coon ixxjjxr7i ki:at ia

1 AflLY CARRIAtlt.'Ih: i

jeioj th m f'Tmerly owned by A. B. B AT-- -, E--q.

,r th aVe C...-.ny- , haTii.K U-- entntlir b-- il1 Una f,.r (eo jean U kui,n lu bsare bu the mMt f.




li or about 5th of February next,j Jf net jrrttiousbj disposed of.

We premises oh kiiig street,f At prwenl oecovlnl by B Bt'KOESS. Km.

f U,.i it 'J'""! rtpir. Kith tftih rtjn up sta'tr.i.

Carriage Home.

Fiue Fruit aivl fha.le Trees. i

Ami Brtrk Fi--- Poexl. i

fYrm4r r rnrlwtl by a er.U an.l cluae Prttce,

jutfe rwntly built.ALSO


- Co;rtlo of

rlie, B1 X.' " I1muJ Jjin. ami Kltchmytirnit'ire.

CEXTI.K TOl'XK IIORSK, oitablf,rany imr--prv, ami uirrvat;liiy irkeo.

Dimble UanwM, ! nj W aitoc,1 Fin urub !il.lle an.1 Brfcllr.

frHM.Ur nuire of4 c. "vIartow,I Or E. Bl'Ri).M.



Best Cumtcrlaitd Blacksmiths' Coal,


W Book. Pro-h- r, !

Utt nmuni raiK-r-, c

&i ba F.,r5tfl-- II. M. II I ! !


Eureka Hotel and Hcstaurnnt !

S. A. LOLLKR, Proprietor,ltESIKCTPri.f. IXPOKMrVOlI.I lb iM.l.iie that l i lolly pr-ir-etl to !

.l,te. umI respect-- I;i lK-i-t a abare of patronage. t

aUj fHrnLshed Uooms to let upon rexnonablet'Tms. !



SlHB I.IRTXKI1SIIII HERETO FORKA :tio between tlnr nn lersignetl is thi lay liolveil byWaal eneaent. All outsta.Kltnfr .l.-l- .t are to le paiU Chung J

lta trbo caotinoe Uie buaincas.

'OL'NCSItE"NU.Hoaolula, Nov. 30, IVA. S4J 3m


v Vriif? kiir.P ell? T.l'A!'!fVALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN f

KONA, HawaiX!


for tab? or lease npco favorable term tb

Urge aid Cm-iod'i- 3s Stnr Iw riling aad irfdiI.s,I . Situit'd tit Kaifua Re tern.Jhi boae is in tbof'MiKh rp.ir. with every convenience for a !

tat family lad part (tried op a a itre, uumg a irane.Toytlkrr with the


The Land of HIAN.VLOLK, j

4 eoMininc of M arre O00.I Laml arxl a tnoe Dwellini; in '

lrt rxti ivpair and al-- t 25 acrr CJ.T E now (trowinff. Theselr nrnpi-rtie- s arr witiiirr 1) miles of each other, and offer greatk&kxaenU to panrhaser.

tur terms apply tol. MONTGOMERY.

i Jot ' Kailua, Koa, Hawaii.

0 PLANTERS AND SUGAR BOILERS.V 4 CCII A R O l ET E RS. I It'll! IM'O F ES,j urrir Turminurrrst 1 WHT I.OXtl. It

lo ULOX COOLERS, 7 fc et by 4 feet.


GROCERIES.AMERICAN' Ttni-- E SALT.ii Car PrvMrrveit Meat a.9 Euplish Pie Fruit.

Cate FnsliskBarrels tairy r!t. Ctl Lemon Syrup,

Curt CheiwKal Mive fnp.Keg Criiihetl

li 2a For Sab by HIlEWKR k Co.


fftir. srnscRiREK has lately re--I reived buu l:.to amt ew I or lt iuvoiors of

Vety Superior Writing Paper tAtltpUd Krprt.ttlj tt thl.i 31trk't. incbullmj

LKTTKR IVVrKKtdilute Conrri letter paper, r ilel anil unruleil.

Bioa kttrr fv. rab-.- t tl unruled.I Elae oflia al it, d . rnle.1 with inarin.! TUin white d-- n do. An. do.

Thio white d.x. do. plain,thio white letter paper (6.r Eoenpean eorrep:nleoc).

. ater koe.1 (barml)Packet PMt, pi 11a, blue and white.

Mourning letter paper, ruleil an.1 nnrnfej.Ladiet Batli white an! piok. ruled aad plain.


fn Wait Cap, ruled and unruled.Bias hud cap, unruled.

Heavy leyxl rap. ruled.Mourninir c-- f, unrulol.

Boit Knlih, white an.1 blue laid, plain.

XOTi: PAI'KIISJite commercial note, ruleil and nnruled.

a heavy blue coutuerciai note, ruled and auruled.Thick ivory note, plaui aixl raied.

I!uva3 billet paper, plaiu al ruled.Water liixal (barred note paper, varioaJ iz

Fancy eled plain.i. . Colored French fancy paper,riwn ante" W K- - "

oaogTara note paper (with initial letter atainped on it.)JIISCELL, AX COL'S PAPKICSI

) bronil white bill paper." Inrjf t4d (narrow) bill paper.

Thia white and blue account current paper.Tain white ami blue account tales paper.

Flat cap, white, ruled- and plain.Winy white, ruled and plain.

Medium, white, ruled and plain.Royal white, ruled and plain.

Cbaiee xing paper, variooa aiava.cy rold and tilver paper, various patlerna.

French tinue paper, of all colors, very choice.Tracing paper, tit drawing plana of machinery, e.Telluai tracing cloth, fur drawing plans of machinery, AcRrittU Board of various tisra.FTfarated bumL Craven nnrr for drawior

Hae paper.

) bating mi and bonk paper.Printer'! card of all ttyles, fist and patterns.

Printer's card board, of all colors.Hardware and Manila papers.

Best Envelop paper.Corying letter book paper.

White ami red blotting paper.frtfcer with eTerj othr ilnd f Paper la use.

KXVELOPKS!I krT hte wF!feaHog letter envelopes.

heavy canary, bun and straw letter envelopes.Opaque colored tote and letter envelopes.

AU sixes of white note envelopes.French onion bvlies letter envelopes.

OHtnnv ftmlniiM. MiM aft thm end.3tU and official envelopes.

I rr bite, buT and canary official envelopes.. 'k bi!e, buff arxl bias cloth envelopes.

"ttery ther Article required I- - the Station,erf Line.

m r: e.. I . wr w vw wrs.

Real 2.tatc Foa Sale.A VRRV riXKI'IKCROKUND.CON.4k tainin? atat '21 mem ..n ti.

" i"ws--, wun ao fxc-- ii fit rl a'l tlic war, moot, ,l T'"1 J " wall ,.j.-nM- e f. rrjca,? iu J rrz- -,,r, 'jror w"trt rK'11

or term enquire of K. El'RGtiS.Ala ,

300 Well SrnMurd C srwl Menr.3t "r Salil.y E. K L UC ESS.

Insurance Xotice!7"""J "f Jiu.th-ir.j-i:- , ,,,,,, vice ,s.,,.re c

II lulu, lsC7.jfJMIK rM)KI(M(;.KI) .UiKX'IS OK TUB

' r J - auuwriseilto takeRISKS . ti A I X S T I'l It K X

In ami alx.ut Hn.ilu!u at-y-, n , --T ,

.r conditions.MEIXIIKR.S k C.,Fenti.


With a Small but Choice Stock of Goods !

II oVA he will iifftrfur xn!e at rr'Monnble. prlee,Comprising :

IIorrjck fhirtinc,Crytl Miirtir.s. Shetirff,

W Uite Uirn, ft ark Liwn,I'Aack an.l Vr' I.Ininra,

Criiio!iii, .ii--

fine Li:ifn, Lamb Vxil Socks,Cotton S.K-k'- i. Ijt liea Stnckini,

LalitV Uititcn, K;a:c ai:il Ki?ar1 Alpnci.Fncy li , llmmorHl Moire ln-s- .

l:rij.k Thrcitil, Ac, &c, &c.

llf y vhifh Kill b ftj'thd Kurth uiftlirrtion.63 lin


Awl for by IMJLLKs Ai Co.

TEAS!roircnoya, ORAyuE, pecco, e., c, e.

KeceWvtl per Miir Fba sets, au.1 f'.r a!?Ly IlOLLKS Jc Co.

OARS, assortsd sizes;JUST KLCEirVii ftr hV.YL.OX.

For tale by KOI.LFJ! & Co.

Portland Cement, Eosendalc CementAn V. A U FOR. MJ I.I ME,

AO fresh and in Order. Fur ."air by UOLLEci k Co.

Preserved Jdeats and Vegetables,OYSTERS, LOUSTERS. QUJHJCGS, i,e., tft.til St Fur Sale by ItOLl.tfl It Co.

ttt r,OT5piXPUKSS WA(.'O.NS.ajjj l.tj-l- .t lliWinr V agons, Conc-n- ! Wmvmi,

Heavy Butcher WarM.6jO Zm r-j- r ?a!e r.y c BIlKVl til k Co.


ronte pallerns.550 2m For Pale by C. BKEWKK r Co.

THE FAMILY LETTER SCALE.. ........... Vfl ,.Httimwiu.r........' " "fl han anil e rrwt. Ia-a-- . a. .bii lm Forh.uby II. M. WHITNEY.

rgHK C'XIK!ISINKI WOUr.ll CIVRB Notice that 'r. U. I. JL"I1. having taken the puaition of

Phician to the L". S. Marine Hospital, lately tilleil by Pr.FoILll, will have hit office at the lru More of the uncl.ri(;iii-.l- ,rorii- - r of Merchant anI K-- nrrrt. ami in ulteirluiice for

n, &Jvice and prtscripliors.Hi 2m W. II. RICHAKI'?.


Faiireuheit. '.i Onla to tkl-- ( riirli.ttl lm For tale by 1!. M. W 111'1'N KY.

1000 Barrels of the following

I)cir:iplc Builriiais: 13:iit rials !


500 Jiarrels Brst Hosiulile ('tmei)t.203 Uttrrtls JJest Oiliforuli Cement.

100 li'irrelH lit.it I'ortlmul Cctntht.200 Uurrtli tWsh i'ltlifni'ni'i Lime.

The above CEM ENT an I LI M E are particularlyheinc of bst quality, and will l3 auld at PRICES MUCHLOWER than ever otTeri-- here.



e Avi n 3 11 oil in o'K AT. SI l l LK. K F F ECT I V E, V I la li

1 du any kind of work with slroni; stitch. J

THE WILLIAMS OKV13 MACHINE,hat eiven perfect :itbt;u-tio- n in every instance.The manufactar of this m ichine h been topied by an

injunction pranU.-- l by a I". S. Court iu fav of tirovi--r .V llaker.wlMate patent u alleced to be infrii.pi-- and 110 more will IKbrought here lor tJe.

A C.'ood Sewin? Machine for f.lOiApply on to C. BKfitt EU Jt Co.



J. the eatate of iElKiK W K.NTZKL, iKwanetl. late ofMakawao. Maui, arc herrby reiUrtel to present tli-- to theund ritrned. a:nl a'l lhoe wba are indebted to the estate tomake immediate payment.

F. A. priIAKFEU.iil iro AdminU'rator to the ette nt lio. Wcntzel.

Xo bo Sold b .AuctioiiAt th Hali-- s Kooni of II. W. Sfvt-ranc- e,

On Tuesday, 15lh day of January !

At 11 O'Clock. A. M.,

AU th.il tra-'- t of Loud In Xiihuh Valley, called

KAEMAUHENA !And ! the lat nine years constituting the

GarJra ot the iloal Hawaiian IjritaltBral Society.

The lnd contains 611 acre by survey, and enclosed in Usare to a lare ir-u-n o K A LO X l. abundantly watre.lat all s--as ns by the Nuuanu streair, which run throneh theentire enKOi. The pr. und ar-- tat ful!y laid cut with 'and avenues, and ptmted with a larjre CH.eclion cf valuableTrees arxl hrul, arid are admirably adapted for a aite for airirate resi.lenre. heir.ir abundantly upIi 1 with a never fail-i- i,

supply of excc.lent water, an.1 about two miles from town.63 1 4t



An Assortment Now Opening!FCTH FROM


Consulting in part ofGIFT BOOK?, of evry desirable styK sixe and price, in-

cluding rich bound eilt edje Morocco and other bladingAmoiift them works oa Poetry, Love, Music, llomance, lle-liio- n,

Ac, Ac.JUVENILE BOOKS The finest and most varied collection

of eutertainioR Juveniles ever offered here.CHILI'REN' COLORED TOY BOOK?, cloth and paper.rilOTOORAl'H ALBUMS Including all the latest styles,

richly bound and ornamented with painted and embossed etljrrs.

pucket Albums. Tl.e artnent is unequalled in variety andtaste. Prices from $1 to f id.

PHOTOGRAPHS, luil size, plain and colored, suitable for

framing. A variety of Frames also on hand.PHOTOGRAPHS, framed in Pcutepartout.CARTES IK Y1SITE, a collection of over 1.000.

PRANG'S CoLCREI CARDS, representing Birds, Roses.

Flowers, Autumn Leaves, Ac. ire. The same in Albums.GOLD PENS AND PENCIL CASES, r Lcroy Fairchild's

unrivalled make. The assortment embraees cases for ladiesand irentlemen.


lection of plain and colored. Alsn, Picture Frames and Glass.

BOXES OF TOY ALPHABETS, Iu.s.lcd Maps, Ac, Ac.


PAINT BOXES, of various six-.-- s and quality.CHESS MEN AND BOARDS.

LADIES PORTFOLIOS and TraJiug Writing Cases.


Useful, Dnnitlc Articles for Gifts.WILL 10 WELL TO

Examine the Assortment at the Bookstore ofKM II. M. WIIITXEV.

the piicinoCoiiiniercial Advertiser.


Tlo AtrrlMiItnrl -o- c-lt?t y fjiarduu.By advertisement, it appears that the Nursery

or Garden of the Agricultural Society, locatedi in Xuuanu Valley, about two miles frwin thei It Office, will be sold at public auction 0:1J Tuesday next. It cwiiii.ri.- - l:itv-on- e ueres. t.artj devoted to a garden aud j Liiiti-i- J with the cliuic- -! ft trees and bhrnbs to U found on the Maud,



11 tut y cannot contrui 1110 betterand the remainder a pasture jrround, the two:,,. ,i; tliey are nw lwin;, shallsections Uins l.y the Nuuauu ttreain. the i.lan" a decided failure. tir.t, 1 Mii'J

iubli!hel a few week fcince a rjiort ; the j!an of iolatiri"; them there was the be?t ;ten I.7 Mr. Munt-romery- , and purporting to ex- - havirig how it works, I nm more and

; nioit inclined to believe that the lest and leastpress the views ot the Executive Committee, re- -tsu'iiMve tlan to have hut one

in n uIhtj thv nm 1 ln" im.l.T ttesupervision of th-Ho- ard ihalth and a physician, j IXi -- ViofltSlllhe "" W V v;l'd Wni" w upon iheb,scu,u bread per : stronger Mail Chamber of

, anj ten (juto to the teeMer ones: Commerce the ciiy of Francisco respect-t- o

and even that only allowed to who have the if United

commemling its eale, and the iurchase of an- -oriior lut rr.rmitf tlie Lire i:lnrnn-- l I 'if K.lirChurch. This report is . lid to have been adopt- -

ed, and the sale is accordingly made. Thus willKrminate, in a complete thr. frst t.ort

establish a public nursery inIt may be to take a retrosncctive

glance nt this and learn if p,... .. .. .1 I 1 1 1.sioje, wnat nave Deen tne cau-e- s 01 tne lailure ot

the enterprise. Ali!t the year 1855 or 1850, i

when the first movement was made towards i

esUblihing a garden, the Government cener- - !

ously offered to the Society a tract of land lor unursery, located, if we rememU r rightly, on ,

j Lilih.t street, and embracing City acres. ;

I This was a good location, but from some causedid not euit the managers, was disposed of I

.and the la lot" (which is the present. - . 1 - . ....ue, to oe B.JM next week) was purchased.

jectiow was made at the time to this latter site ustoo far from the city, and in too windy and j

rainy a loculuy-vrh- ich are the reasons now-

. oa caivi liui iitKj jiiaiUiLt iM llalathing' their own way, and sacrificed the interestsof the Society to their views.

Had the L.hha site been kept and 111- 1-


proved, Honolulu would to-da- y possess a :

public garden of fifty which would be anornament to the place. The distance, being a :

little out of town, would have made it a most j

attractive resort for recreation and health. A I

new street might readily have been cutto Liliha from Xuuanu avenue, by extendingeither Kukm or fcchool street, thus bringing it


somewhat nearer. The site is far better j

than the present nursery, or the-- proposed new j

imrchase. which is little else than a swamn.lilvble to be every winter.j Whichever way wo may view this nursery

it exhibits only mismanagement andtick of judgment. The present garden hasdoubtless cost, in money, labor, trees ;


improvements, not less than ten thousand!

dollars, and it may even be as nigh as twentythousand. Whatever the amount be, it is now- - t

to "sell out" for whatever it willbring 2,000 pocket the loss, andallow some fortunate person to reap the benefitof nine labor and improvements. Weknow not who it is that is anxious to obtainthe garden for a fhiilding plot, but it is a sitewell for a mansion.

After the sale, it is proposed to buy the swampor ln)g referred to, paying $4,000 for it, and callon the public and perhaps the Government forsix to ten thousand more to improve it. At theend of five years what will it amount to? The













adapted princely



and gata-Alr- ,, s.A:- - enteredthem year, as

correct, .l(?r.rwr.I, .....1. m- -

small of bo its Dr. llofr-th- e

swamp j lnann c,jefly he is untiringmanagers 2Cil efforts behalfof crca-rcsu- lt

be tures. broughtproperty the Society starvation, and if

lying near by. the end ot nine yearsmore we shall have another auction to notice,an another to comment on.

Do not mistakosadis. We are as warmly infavor of uny measure which shall tend to beau-

tify our city or render it healthy and attrac-tive to residents as any living here. Hut we

object to the mismanagement of this Society andthe sacrifice of its property, lly a lack of energy jin its and especially continueance office or holding over" year after

i until the Society became fossilized, it were,!public lost interest in it, and withheld

support. Nor can any permanent change bo

expected without a change of officers. Hotatioiioffice is the true theory of all successful asso-

ciations, and is only rule practiced by othersocieties of Nor can we expect achange iu influence, management aud stand-

ing of the Agricultural Society until is achange in its administration, and a wide-awak- e

man is placed at its head.The land which it is proposed to is

the roost ineligible site that can be selectedfor a narden and nursery. Some lettcr one can y

he obtained for the same amount ofmoney proportion to its extent If a changeis made now. it should be such an one as j

public will approve fur all to come one

which feed that every dollar invested iswell sjent. A public garden, well locatedeatable ln-in- increased extent thegrowth of the city and the liberality of its peo- -

le, if rightly located, and in the hands cftheir full confidence for energy and

public spirit, might 60on become ornament tothe city. can never be said of low.miasmatic land which it is propjscd to palm on tothe Society, lias any one a mortgage on the"swamp" to the amount of thousanddollars or

Lejirosy 011 2Iolo-kn- l.

Two weeks ago we published a communicationfrom a gentleman of unquestioned veracity,

the management of this establishment.Humors bad time to reached us aboutthe neglected condition of the unfortunatenative driven to that secluded district, but nothaving the facts our we were unablet speak knowingly. We have since learned thatthe state of things not been more thanhalf published, and that every word of corres- -

jondent is true.We have now another and more full statement j

furnished a gentleman has visited the j

leprosy station on Molokai. He informs us thatthe number now there is of whom 80 are!


males and 3S females. lepers, thereare o-- t persons nut u.seaseu. vw.u uae--

fco.ie-- me-ie-- ,

to care their sick friends or relations,These persons live with lepers, cat and sleepicith than, and are free at any time to go re-- j

turn to They the j

Board of Health them Tierinission so to do.are also eleven children in settlement,

but whether they are diseased or not, we dolearn.

overseer reports only 23 deaths as bavingoccurred since the lepers were sent there inNovember, 18G5, but number is believed to j

have been larger, as the total numberlepers sent probably exceeds hundred.We quote from our corresndent :

" Ihe great majority 01 the lepers are a puiaMeysight UhoId. I have not more than four

T.'n I,, ,I.a ,a1m..l. mimKap ,... ilr-r.- . nml In tnaI t work. The feet ar,t.Par to 1

I parts most cenerally destroyed. How any- - i

lody, who has seen them, could exject to1 much work, I know not. I am ratisfied that

by fir the greater of them cannot domuch. To. ir hands ft-v- t ore a terrible sight.The iiso evidently very raj idlyamong those who have Ion tent there. I visitedthem last April, and on this seeotid visit, Iwas surprised at the rapid r r grcss of the disease

various individuals. Tt.ere they ure, thrownconstantly in all stages Jf the disease,tci'k no medicines, no physician, r.o cumfvrls fur-nUh- ed

only with the absolute necessaries for keej-in- g

r ml and bdv together in a well person and1'LT ON STARVATION RATIONS THAT

1 l'gin to e'nidi'rj At

We writ--seen

would he


" r;1V""11'acifie Company, the

om,8 ofpetitions Conjrress



Uh- -





THig-e-si- ng

j an





of seething, festering corruption, rollingto dtalh.

! The U arJ .f Health have d.jn. perhaps as'c11. a tllC CoulJ ,,nd.l'r ,lhe circumstances; but

t h.pital, and that the neighborhood of Ibmo

been less thau pix months. '1 hose who have.t .11.. K .1leen lucre longer fire lout 10 icoru 1 inry irarit

IOUU. l our pounds salt beef or salmon per,. a ni 1. ,.r ,.,.r t.. nir-l- ,

..,. ThwwVV as,yvvtiv va o w "

Uf is a swindle. Much of it is corrupted, andsome of barrels are daultd with tar on the in- -

s,ttt' wl,ich 'arta its Vid a?r ? howhole contents, lhe salmon is in good condition,The M tiatch huu wllkh wereitailaing whenti,pV went all the houses tl.ev have, ex- -

ccpt as siuue of the stronger ones are able to putUP 'uts themselves. They have no suitable

j'. orsinp. ana ougiit to ie lurntsneu w imi

a plain frame building for the puriose.Votwithstat.dino- -

e their wretched condition. I

they have some sweet potatoes and other j

vegetables. They have no kalo or poi at present,ti11 'ra isJ enough kalo land to supply them

it iiiiiiiaiieu. jui iiiry nutu a twuti

! kJ, yUmrt, and when it gets ripe, I

some months hence, may again enjoy their native j

stall" of life. The agent who has i:.. mediate chargol,:e,n' -- Nlr- Im,s lA'lrt, uotH as well as he canthem, is often at his wits' end know

mt t Jo He can on, duIe , tu theni ut.uj

suj.j.ljes as he receives from the Hoard of Health,1 ought iierhai'M to mention that there has

n,jt keen a single birth among them up to thejPr"jut tll!K."A physician went among them, saw them,examined a number of them, and unhesitatinglyaffirmed that several who were there as lepers, had

t that dis use at all. Many or them have I wensubsisting great measure, for months last, on

borsc-bean- s, which grow ahundantlv amongthl. n,ckj jlU th(. weaker ones cannot" endure

fatigue of gathering and roasting theiin. lainsure, if the Hoard of Health could only see and

. . . .it f r .1 1 .1 1 3

Know 1 tie irxtin in tne case, mey wouiu cnueavorto remedy matters : and yet Mr. Lepurt and Mr.Meyers say they have represented the case to Dr.Hutchison.

" bucli are the lacts as 1 learneu mem on ti;e r

Here is a'clear impartial statement of the Mo- -

lokai Leper Hospital, reflecting sadly on theHawaiian Government. The Minister of the In-

terior, as of the Hoard of Health, isresponsible for the condition of these lepers, andto him a physician, supposed bo qualified totako charge of such service public look forreform. The whole plan of isolating lepersin such an place on Molokai, wasa great mistake. They should have been kepthere near Honolulu, where their wants can besupplied, and where proper medical attendancecan civen. The hospital at Kauhi ie a credit

Dr. Hoffmann's care, a large portion of them mayyet be cured. y


Sanitary. We hear that during the presentmonth. Capt. Jno. H. llrown, the authorized agentof the Hoard of Health, proposes to make a tho-

rough inspection the Honolulu, with aview to clearing out filth and nuisances. This is

not only proper, but highly necessary, for as the

?,th eves, recentlyercd from satisfactory testimony. eleventh about the agethey are a.-- was to make luil Coioifi-cf- f the it

of all parties." , . Rt(.n.lv v . ....

size the lot will soon objected to ; to tjie nation, but for condition,cost of filling in the " will as- - oYrvcs credit ; for

tonish the and the only good jn a,1(j in these poormay an improvement inthe value of Now let the rest bo" here, kept

the of the President rrom cured iKjssible.At

l poho

officers, theiriu year.



every kind.the




thetime in

they willand

ol in


Hut this the


I'lio Hospital


gardingfrom time

at command,


by who




andtheir homes. that




themucti 01 j

there two ;

to seen ,











en, Jby but to





of city of

' ' 1 - " J 1 .

r,,ctoilvideij weof than likJ!," Volcano. Gentlemen whotir.vite and foster disease among our population.The Hoard of Health was long ago formally andofficially introduced to the public, and judgingfrom the of regulations jiublished in theGovernment newspaper, any credulous personiiiibt have been led to believe that something inthe sanitary w as to be done.after all the blowing of trumpets the mountain'stravail came to naught, and in, the summer seasontoo. when nuisances are most likely to prove in-

jurious to the public health. Let u see what willbe done now, in the winter season, in the way of athorough cleansing of the c'.ty.I V

Goon I pea. We notice that the Court House7

t nt fnfmif Oiwotl onil lV.rr clriKiia la. v

h.M.icr i.l.iweil Triii:iratorv to tiirninn" it into a "ar- -, "

T ... ,,.":.. r,ro,.r'v. nn.l l.r .liree- -1 l J ' J

tion of the Minister of the Interior, it is proposedto fence in the portion makai in front of theCourt House, convert that now barren sjotinto a beautiful garden of choice flowers, trees and

The details, we learn, will be under thedirection of lhe managers of the R. II. AgriculturalSociety. We several years ago suggested the fencing in jilantiag of this spot, which ought long j

t . . 1. xinn linn un.l t It a , ,1 ?

' 5!and taste it mav become a source of pleasure ti

. U

a irtde to our citizens. Here we beg to make afor the consideration the public i

l!;e go ei inneii 1. 11 irni uiuie-- niunji siini, u:au uie ;

centre of tins garden square to erect a monument ;

or a memorial of some sort a national recognition of our d bt of gratitude to IIL,the of tin Constitution of Ls"2, the goodKing who made all his j.eojile freeholders. Therei- - or ci'jht to be a fund of several hundred dollarsin smile body's contributed by citizens in18."4 for same object. Can any inform the

where lunds are to be found?

A Wkkk of Prater. In accordance with a re-

commendation of the Congregationalism Churchesof London, the past week, January Cth to12th, has been devoted to by Christiansthroughout the world, for specific objects, set forthin a programme published by the London brethren.In this city the' meetings have been held at the

Chaji.d every day at 11 o'clock in theand at tbe vestry of tbe Fort Street Church

ia the evenings, i hey have been well attendeda good deal of interest has awakened

Germans are famous for makinggood sausages, head cheese and su?h pre para- -4t..r.o ..r lirt t fill-- Mirl'Ill I'tr, ct-.- tr,

& ,ltcher? all tl1L. wav from the Jiln1 of tar.bn)wn 1(reiil Dolognas- - Las j(l ,t com.

mrncM th(. of sausage making, and theexpectations rai.-e-d by tue scruj.ulous cleanlinessof his establishment and his meats, are quite realized when you come to taste the latter.

Closing AK(;i-MisT- Iu the water right case ofPeck et al. r.. Bailey, at Wailuku. the evi-


was closed at the term of the Circuitt

Court for that island, but the time allowed byfor the term having expired, by consent ofthe closing arguments will be hoard at Honolulu,

foretioon. thet lrcuit Judge Mam. Hon.A M jvahalewai. sitting with one of the Judgesof tlwupreme Court.

'Wile DaivrxG.-- The jcTss of driving the piles

towards or as far as is considered n

'.sary at present for the of theChina Honolulu may boastof a city front.

li!:: t'niNA ik.vm:s. There appears to betin::i unJt as t whether tho C l r'i'?o. or indeedany ol the new line of China steamers will touchat t!:i port. At the latest date from Sanas niiieh d i:J; e.i-:e- d there a has lire. As neara we c.wi li ! j;:st this way : the companyd. v. t wih to le compelled t stop here, arem.ikiii;' lue most vj:rotis efforts to be relievedhorn the oli:;.uio:i. a:id were hoping every day toreceie advices to that effect. CVlle-jiie-nt'- y-

l!:-- y to to take passerine! s

or lreil t fur Ilniiooi'ti. until tliey know positively


Tier siutlise fully the States





,n.v ou:n rKAxyisc CAi.i.-- hasI IwlievrJ r,, ju being same

1 ,...w,ri and like latterouiries urosnerit anil uniform


of Under














this one


Bethel fore-noon,



which we insert here :

In view, therefore, of the consideration that the i

additional vovuse vcarlv to CLi:ia atl'ord noto the travelin' or mercantile com- -

the Steamship Company in question be permitted to urop me port 01 liotioiuui irom their service,

the additional oblipwti.m ot another ttipto China, and that thereupon the sub.-id-y for

mail service to the Hawaiian Islands be increasedfrom :?j0.Ui0 to $100,000 yearly, which sum will berepiiile to enable a company to estab-lish a permanent and' etlieient line of steamshipsbetween that important point and the United Slates.

All of which is submitted.This memorial does not appear to have been pre-

sented to Congress, or at least acted on up to the14th of December, and as only working daysremained before the holiday vacation of Congressopened, on the 20th.it is barely possible that actionwas taken. We think it very probable that thecompany be released and wouldrecommend our merchants to endorse and secondthe memorial of the San Francisco Chamber ofCommerce, as the only plan that can be

ted.BnlUtln of Dec. 11 says Ocean steam

mumcation between ew 1 oru anil Hongkongwas virtually this morning, by the departure from the former city at noon to-da- y, ol thesteamer Henry Chmsneey. to connect at Panamawith tl.e Golden City, and at this port with theColorado, on the lot of January. Several New-Yorker- s

and others were expected to take passageon the pioneer ttip." If the tWoruto had to waitfor the arris al of the mails passengers whichleft New York Dec. 11, she will not be due till to-

day or as she would be unable to leaveSan Francisco before the 3d or 4th of January.Another thing which may have detained her is thehead winds that have prevailed. She may there-

fore be looked for till Monday, after which, if notheard from, we shall take it for granted she hasjassed 011 without stopping.


crease of circulation. In the first issue of the newyear, it says :

"It now has a daily circulation of twelve thou-Hjin- d

almost as many subscribers ns there arevoters in the ciiy double of any daily paperm tin- - State. .and full one-thir- d more thau any otherCalifornia daily ever enjoyed."

We regret to notice the death of Mr. Chas. F.Jobson, one of the original of the abovepaper, and a broiher-inda- w of Mr. J. J. Ayrcs ofthis cHy. He died on the Dth of December.

Lossixo's Great Pictohiai.. Every family onthe Pacific shores should subscribe for this greatand valuable history of the late rebellion it ismost the very best work of the kindextant, the juice is very when the numberof illustrations are considered, without the valu-

able historical records added. It is to be com-

pleted in three volumes, and can be obtained at theHook-stor- e, at the New York juice of five dollars

LP volume. The volume is now ready.

i.itous. Our jury system needs revising. It isfair that a few should be drawn term

after term, while others never serve at all. The listof persons from whom the jurymen are to be se-

lected should comprise every competent person onthe irhote island, and not be limited to so few as isnow done. No man will then object to performjury duty ; but as it now is, there is reasonablecause for eomidaint. This grievance is easily cor- -

'V from the crater represent it as being in a grandstate of excitement. On the day prior to theirarrival, it had overflowed in various places, andthe seven lakes were seething and boiling beauti-fully. We can't predict anything veryabout the crater, but it seems as if J'tle was leis-

urely getting ready for a grand dis-

play. Hut where or how or when, we must waitand see.

Tiik American IIocse: This is de-

servedly popular, under the of Mr.

Kirchhoff. who has succeeded in making it a hoteliu every way worthy of the city and of the patron-age of strangers visiting it. The proprietor givesnotice that he will ojen a restaurant inconnection with his where all can beserved at any hour of the day.

Fihe at Waiixki-- , Mali. A large thatch house,the dwelling of Judge Napela. in Wailuku, wasburned on Saturday last. The house was set onfire by a' little boy, a ward of Mr.

Napela. was playing with fire. The buildingwas entirely consumed, and the fire was only pre-

vented from to a frame dwellingI

adjoining, by the vigorous eflorts of a few of theresidents or that place,

N-p-w. p,lov. An iron buoy with staff vane

buoy painted red and white, and vane (sheetiron) painted white has just been placed by Capt.Meek iu 13A fathoms, to point out the anchoragefor vessels wishing to bring up outside. It is about40.) fathoms S. 11 by K. from the sjiar or entrancebuoy, and can he seen some 4 or 5 miles off. Ves-

sels" had better bring up close to and outside thisbuoy.

The plan ofthe telegraph is being agitated in the

United States. The day will come when the gov-

ernment will control the telegraph carry it on,

just as they do the posi-offi- ce system. In Switzer-

land, the telegraph is the property of tbe State,and the mails is open to all. charge isone cent a word for any distance, and the systemis most admirably managed, to the satisfaction andconfidence of all.

T.4ix. During Tuesday night and nearly all ofthe rain fell and gave the

island a welcome soaking, which the thirsty soileagerly drank up. Much more, however, is stillneeded, but January and February generally leaveus abundant supplies.

Convicted. The San Francisco courts sustain ;

their for severity if not for justice, aswill be seen in the case of Capt. Thomas of the j

Camilla, who was convicted in the U. S. DistrictCourt, Nov. 1C, on the charge of cruelty, in abus- -


ing seamen on the trip from Arctic to that port.All the other officers, except the first officer, Bryson,were dismissed.

Si'xday School Exhibition at Hilo. The chil-- j

dren attached to the Sunday Schools of Hilo. had agrand gathering and gala day on the first ot Janu-ary, marching in procession and having a goodtime generally. We have received an account i

of the same, which we are obliged to defer till next--

Mr. Thos. F. Wilson, late Vice i

?u- - ...t. ,t.:o ,..f . i., iw.An nt,,i ,1lf 1 lit Lii I i 7 ' ' l L 11 1 U l llll I" f. II .1 VJV'II "III IV

j the United States, vice Alfred Caldwell, Esq., andi took charge of the Consulate on Monday last, the1I 7th inst,

city increases in and density, titipro-- ,j liml we trust the proper officers will attend

ns ate with sewerage, the accumulation fc

filth in this tropical climate is more returned yester--


line going Hut

tl.ik SiC



cf and




public the






this of


tbe extension eastward of the has iwrkvhoen f j week advanCt,r.woxsT i.e -


steamers. Eventually,fine









will eventually,







undoubtedlyand low










government purchasing andconducting


like The

Wednesday, copiously,





Tiro Vccl;s lanler

mmm NEWS I

- "v"i V


' If.i) ff?. v''?-- I j i5l-- i I 'eP'-ndnC- chrtiiicles the ieru.ni aspect wit I. i. . 'M'y v'" 1 1 lJt&&tMt itL'j.JU'""Tf j the Fcnitn Rit?ion is oiaitHainrd in Iri!n

--reai ! e.i a reward .f X 5.000 lor the bodj Ju.C'-SSiiS- j Pheft. do id or aiive.

art Waihotos. Iec. 12 II hita been semii ij-- . announced that Surratl has been fclfered a r

The British bri Alert arrived c n the 9ih, 23 jP,wt nJ hepriie.

dvs from S;in Francisco, and the bark Ethan .Vltn ! ,. A special d.spMoh from Pittsbur says lh ?'"tc of ihst cut houts the name Johnson for I resi- -

on the 10th. days passage. The Iaittr brought den , ,)8 lr.rnds 4re n.l)0ltcj orgauitingthe Eastern mtil of Not. 21, expresses, passengers, j Pectisylvania.&c- - ! Gvernrr Andrew, of Massachusetts, b been aj- -

The cews is not specially important. Peace I pointed by Secretary McCulloch to go to Lufland 10

va:!s F.uropc and America, though there are Uh' utler ,,' prcuniatj ii.tereM td the Uniiel Statesin F.nsland in regard to tlm wreck t.f the rebel Cou- -

daat.cns trouble between Roan and Turkey. , he set-O- arfc!lsct. Tne G.Wrnniil has disapprovedlatest baa Iraocisco papers fey the Ethan ; tlement made by our Consul at Loudon with Frarer,

Jlllcn are to the 15th of December, containing tele- -erat.hUj dates from New York to Dec. 11. and from :

Loodou to Dec. 12. From these we glean the follow-ing:

Congress.Washington, Dec. 0. Mr. Washbarne's resorp-

tion, addled by the House last Thursday, opens upanew the question so muua agitated last winter, ofputting the' telegraph uanageoieut uuder Govern-ment.

Washington, Dec. 13 Mr. Wa-l- gave notice thathe would call up the bill fot the adorn,sion of Nebraska as a Slate.

The District of Columbia Impartial Suffrage billwas then taken up, the quevticn being on Mr. Dixon's arueu.lmeut, providing that 110 one who badDot heretofore Toted be allowed to Tote unless theycan rea.i and write. Senators Cowan, Foster,Sumner and others took part in the debate, lheanu'iidnient was lost, and the 'original bill, givingthe franchise to all made citizeus over 21 years ofage, without regard to race or color, was passed32 to 13.

The House Committee on Elections haTe agreed toreport a bill establishing one day for all Congres-sional elections.

Mr. Stevens introduced a bill to establish civilgovernment in North Carolina. It provides for theholding of a Convention on the 20th of May, 1867,to be composed of 120 delegates, to be elected byvotes, regard. ess of race or color ; aud that the dele-gates must make oath on that day that they havenot favored or aided the rebellion since May 4, 1864.Tbe Convention so composed shall frame a constitu-tion to be preseuted to Congress for review. Thebill makes it the duty of tbe President to carry outits provisions. It was read twice and ordered to beprinted.

The House voted to adj urn op the 20ih iustant tothe 31 proximo. The deficiency L '.1 was passed withblight amendment.

In the House, Mr. Bidwell offered a resolution in-

structing the Postoffice Committee to inquire into theexpediency of rt establishing tbe Southern OverlandMail route from Sun Fraucisco ria Los Angeles, toMemphis. Adopted.

In the Senate, Mr. Morgan introduced a resolutionthanking Cyrus W. Field for bis ahi establishingthe Atlantic Telegraph, and requesting tbe Presidentto cause a gold medal, with suitable emblems, to-

gether with a copy of this resolution, engrossed onparchment, to be presented to Mr. Field. The reso-lution was referred to the Committee cn ForeignRelations.

December 14. Secretary McCulloch's new tariffbill is in priut, with the present rates of tbe Housebill passed last July and the proposed new rates inparallel columns. At a glance it is seen that thenew measure is for the most part a ofthe existing tariff, in some respects from which itdiffers. It favors importations more than homeproducts.

The Ways and Means Committee appear aboutequally divided upou the suhji-c- t of contracting thecurrency. Tbe probability is the Committee will ad-

here to the present monthly rateof contraction. Mr.McCulloch's plan for a more rapid contraction willhurdly be reported in favor of, as the temper of theHouse is such that were the matter to come up inthat shape, a strong attempt would be made to with-hold the power to withdraw even four millions permonth. The opposition of the ileuse to contractionis quite marked.

The concurrent resolution for a recess from Decem-

ber 20th to January 3d, which passed the Ilouee by103 to 64, will meet with serious opposition in theSenate.

The Secretary of War, in answer to a resolution ofthe House passed last session, leports tbe aggregatereceipts of the Freedman'u Bureau during 21 monthsending September, at jl,bUU,UUU, including fccou,- -GiK) from sales of Confederate property, fines, donftlions, etc ; .&240.000 from rent of land; 186,000from sale of farm crops; 100,000 from rentbuildings, aud the balance from other sources. Tbeexpenditures during the same 21 months were $1,-240,00- 0,

including J&CG.400 for labor, $14,300 forschools, fcS'i.OOO for clothing, 61,000 for reut ofbuildings, etc.

The aggregate rations furnished to freedmen,rations furnished refugees, 2,000.000.

Congressional Washington, Dec. 10. In theSenate, Mr. Edmunds reported a bill regulating thetenure of office. It prohibits removals by tbe Presi-dent without consent tbe Senate, but allows thePresident to suspend from tbe functions office incase of misdemeanor. Tbe bill was made the specialorder for Thursday.

The House bill for the assembling of the FortiethCongress on the 4th of March, 18f7, was passed bya jrote of 127 to 30. Pending the Tote, Mr. Higby ofCalifornia, explained that it would be impossible tohold a special election in California in time to returnmember. Mr. Bidwell offered an amendment to em-

power the Governors of States to call special electionsprior to March dth. Mr. Schenck offered an amendmerit, to prevent Senators and Representatives draw-ing mileage for the additional session.

Washburne Illinois, offered a resolution provid-ing tbat the Committee on Post Offices and PostRoads, be instructed to inquire into Ihe expediencyof conferring upon the Post Office Department, thesame jurisdiction over the various telegraph lines, asis now exercised over the post offices and roads, in-

structing them to ret'Ort by bill, or otherwise. Agreedto.

Mr. Trumbull, from the Judiciary Committee, reported favorably upon the Hou e . bill taking awaythe amnesty power troin tbe i'resicient, ana requestedthat it might be taken up immediately.

Mr. Hendricks ol jecteJ, and it therefore lie3 over,under the rules.

A Tribune Washington special says, tbat SecretarySeward was at tbe Capitol Dec. 6, and had a longinterview wun sever;:i ieauiuK censiuir. n 10 e.nube is a good deal exercised about Mexican affairs.Tbe Secretary was informed of the fact that neitherthe Senate nor House Committees on Foreign Affairsare going to wait and see what tbe Emperor intendsto do about the withdrawal of French troops. Sew-

ard, it appears, was not consulted, and kuew noth-ing about the language which the President employ-ed speaking of Napoleon's conduct in not comply-ing with tbe agreement to withdraw tbe Frenchtroop9, and is said that Mr. Seward has explainedthis to the French Minister, who took exception totbe language contained in the Message.

New Yok, Dec. 11 Tbe P. M. S. S. Co. 'e steamerHenry Chauncey left for Aspinwall to day, noon,carrying three hundred passengers. The Rev. Mr.Nelson and family, together with seven other passen-gers, are bound for Japan Four passengers boundfor China, also left on the Chtuncey, to connect withthe 6teaia line to China. There are six boxes andthree bales in the freight list for China and Japan.

3Iexican Affairs.New Obleans, Dec. 12 A well informed corres-

pondent of the Picayune, writing from Vera Cruzon the Zl lost., gives iu louowiug ;

The Emperor has just passed through a seriouscrisis. Maximilian has proved himself a clever gold-- iseeker. He has done more than draw blood from astone. He has got money from the Bishops and theclergy of this country, who a few days ago placed atbis disposal .iMO.'JtrJ lor immediate use, andpromise a similar sum annually to enable him to keepup his army, lhe merchants of .Mexico pledged

annually, and on these terms he decided od retain- -imr his crown and shedding his last Uroo of blood indefence of the nation. On Saturday morning, by,i ne a. re lev. i, iuio u,uivucu m mc sucoia ol vera

VeraCruz aivice9 to December 2d bave been re.cp-.e-

d Maximilian has decided not t hndnn ti,Pempire. A proclamation, signed by tbe Prefect ofYera Cruz, has been issued, stttini? that the Emneror

!:solemnlv declares he will con'tnueat the bean of the" --ii fiiveniiiiriii- - nun in. 1 - wii'.iniiE Tnur in nmiinD. r r madear nation. The Vera Cruz journals ascribe thisdetermination to the course of the United States inthe Campbell-Sherma- n mission.

TLc Tclcgrnpta.Wathintoo Bpcciil dispatches J trading

of Congress are in favi-- r tuakiuj ao cxpcriiueut tosee if the Tv-s-t Ullire l pattmttit crnot Jantajcftisdv mntj;e the ie!cerph. The proportion i tobuild a line from Washington to New York, declareit a pi.tl n ate, pat it nodrr tbe CKnrtd of lhPost master General', and rcouire each nie? 'o






pre- -in in- -








j bear a cent posiatre for every twenty or thirtywords. It is believed the line would yield naim-ton-- e

revenue. Tbe present r,ittiiH''er General 1

uadersteud to think tl.e scheme enlinly practicable.

?Iiccllncoui.Xr-- Yoi k. lVc 11. Tbe Herat.? iMblin cor- -

he iU disclose his nuknowledge of the ansaesinaiiou

Threnbolui & Co., of Ihe claims upon the Confederater"perty. lhe suits commenced fy tne consul atLiverpool will therefoie be ooiitiDUtd.

Ciiilk The Radical parly during-- the past fort-

night reposed a Tote want of confidence" in theCabintt, calling the President to dismiss tbe Minis-ters. The resolution was discussed in secret session,but the policy of the government tm approved of bya majority ol twenty Totca.

The same parly have nlso proposed another meas-

ure for conferring lhe rights and privalege of Chileancitizenship ru all the ciiiceua of Srauish America,and to have free trade wilh all the Republics. Thisis a step in the right direction and will tend to bindthe Allies more firmly logrther.

Twenty rum distilleries were Ecitcd in New York,within a fortnight ou suspicion of haTiog defraudedhe revetiue.j

At Philadelphia, to-di- r, five dmy loads of whiskywere taken toesessioo ol by the Collector

The recant seizure of a large number of distillerieshs had tl.e eilect of clwaioc tbt neatly everyestablishment iu this oily.

i.Hl'Opc.lll.New Yokk. Novombcr 15 Walter, the principal

proprietor of the London Times, now visiting iu thiscountry, has written to the chief editor, disapprovingtbe course f that journal ou American affairs.

John Bright is making a triumphal tour in Ireland,and is warmly indorsed by the Catholic hierarchy.He ws9 entertained at a grand banquet t Dublin,October 13th, end made a speech, contending thatthe burdens of tbe Established Church should beremoved nud the land monopoly be broken up. This,ho said, would create a new political and social at-

mosphere in Ireland and would be felt by tbe people.. A Berlin letter, says the, Pope hf been informed byNapoleon that France will uphold his temporal power,and Rome in case of rebellion or invasion.

Secretary Seward sent a dispatch of five thousandwords over the Cable on Sunday Not. (26th), sup-posed to relate to Mexico.

Lord Stanley, in reply (0 a letter in regord to shipsseized by the United States Government, points outthat no arrangement can be made to consider suchclaims.

Further arrests of suspected Fenians have beenmade iu Ireland. The national troops are ready tomove at a moment's warning. Twelve thousandbreach-loadin- g rifles are to be sent by the BritishGovernment to Ireland fur the use of the Constables.

It is said the French Government has receivednews that Maximilian's reign has virtually ended ;and it is further reported that that Government hasstopped the shipment of stores to Mexico.

London, December 2d. Regular troops in the citywill be confined to tbe precincts of their barracksduring the Reform meetting on Monday.

D'Uraeli and his ministerial colleagues haTe a newReform bill, which .will be discussed at the nextCabinet Council. According to Ihe terms of tbe bill,every house tenant will obtain suffrage, and, appar-ently, there is no difference between it and the billintroduced by Bright, who demanded only householdsuffrages ; but DTsrsell couples bis qualifications forfranchise with the conditions of a three years resi-dence, although a majority of the workmen who hirehouses in England pay weekly rent, and are compell-ed, by fiequeut change of employment, to move todifferent neighborhoods. Tbe bill will not, there-fore, be accepted by the Liberal party.

Prince Albert of Prsia will est out for the UnitedStates, accompanied by-xb- e members of a Commission,entrusted wilh considering the organization of thoAmerican navy.

Tub Russo-Pkcssia- h Alliance. The Paris Preitsesays the alliance between Russia and Prussia is anttc20mplishei fict, and that it was entered into withreference to real projects, and in anticipation ofevents already determined upon.

The Prette says if the execution of her plans inthe Bast, should meet with any other obstacle thanwhat may be expected from Turkey alone, Prussiawill range herself on tbe side of Russia, If anyforeign intervention whatever shall thwart the workof assimilation which Prussia is now accomplishingin northern Germany, or tbe already proposed absorp-tion of minor States south of Main Prussia can relyon tbe armed of Russia. The Prestealso points out tbe community of interests betweenRussia and Prussia in tbe work of denationalizingVolaud.

Tbe London Timet, in an article indicating achange of Government policy, makes light of tbe fatewhich awaits Constantinople and the Ottoman Empire,while on tbe Contrary it attaches much importance tothe destinies of Egypt.

by tub cable.St. Petersburg, Dec. 9. An Imperial ukase do-clar- es

all relations with tbe Pope of Rome abrogated,and annuls all special laws heretofore made in accor-dance with such relations.

Tbe London Herald is authorized to state that the .

Alabama claims, which have been revived by theAmerican representative in the most conciliatory andfriendly tone, are under consideration by the Cabi-net.

The Globe biots that perious difficulty is likely toarise between the British Government and that atWashington, growing out of tbe course of tbe latterin not maintaining a faithful neutrality in tbeFenian matter.

Lonoon, Dec. 10 The Timet, In an editorial.j says the Fenians are fairly checkmated in their mad

atiempt at rebellion. Cardinal Cumen bad issued apastoral letter urging the Irish to obedience and tbeavoidant of such organizations.

Arrests continued. More artillery had been ecntto Ireland.

Paris, Dec 10. The new Minister (Bertbemy)sailed for New York on Saturday.

Rome, Dec. 11th. To-d- ay tbe final evacuation oftbe Holy City took place. Iu the morning tbe Frenchtroops took tbeir final departure, evacuating the Cas-tle ot St. Angelo Tbe French ensign wna loweredwhen the troops marched out, and the Pontifical flagwas boisted iu its place. Tbe Twenty. ninth Frenchregiment of the line bas left tbe Italian shores forFrance.

His Holiness tbe Pope bos decided to remain atCevita Yeccbia for a period of ten days. ,

The London Globe says there is not only a perfectunderstanding between tbe Cabinets at Paris andWashington, but a formal communication betweenthe two Governments bas taken place, tbe basis ofthe arrangement being tbat the United States maydo what they like with Mexico, subject to these con-ditions first, that certain tracts of land in a healthypart of Mexico be left open to French colonization ;second, that Ibe arrangement which France bas madefor the payments to Mexican bondholders shall notbe disturbed.

London, Dec, 12. The physicians of tbe EmpressCarlotta fear the absolute loss of her reason, as wellas her life.

The London Timet complains that the loyal peo-ple in Ireland do not show themselves, but seem toleave everything to the Government police and armyand navy.

Queen Isabella of Spain was to leave for LisbonDecember let, on a visit to the Kiog of Portugal,returning December 8th.

The Roman correspondent of the Paris Dehattwrite tbat while conciliatory ideas seem to prevail in

j , . laarte ftt Rjuio the basy and implacablev..". "-- " wi to cue church

and to trace the course which its august head shouldfollow, is doing everything to get him to quit Daly,and thereby render impossible any reconciliation witha Government which it regards as revolutionary.The Pope declared, October 20tb, tbat be wouldleave Rome if necessary that is, if he was forced todo so. Tbe object, therefore, is to get np a popularmovement egaimt the Government, so nsto influencethe notion of the Pope. For this purpose, elementsof disorder have been assembled in the city. Thebrigand chiefs of Southern Italy and of Sicily havebeen collected and concealed in the conveuts wheretheir fanaticism is excited by the priests.

Page 4: ed · J V. H r.TT."---- I 7 Commercial bbcriisrrj (Lommn-fia-lTIIS PACiriO grjbcrlisrr IS Pl'tlLL-HE-D ! Kvory uiflay Tovninir. rnrNTTiiao Is orpicE to f"rri.;n litWriplina



"ordga 3&btrtisf mints;

ft. ft. V. . asVIA. J. p. 8UKLAOS.

ARMSTRONG, SHELDON Co,,(Scccbsmobs to Xstbaxiei. Paea.)


CrnT ralifoniiaiail Satis Strertj, aaJ 5. Ml luiei StnttSAN FRANCISCO.

Sugar Pine, Ha? tern 1'ine, White CVdar,AaJ all kinds of BuiUZaf Materials constantly oo hand.

Ml 1

McCraken, Merrill & Co.,FORWARDING AND

Commission Jlcrcliants,lrt IuimI, Orgoii.UKK.V KVfiTEDI. OCRHAVIXtt ( arl of seven years, aucl beinglti ib a ere brick building, we are prepare! to receive

and dispose IUnd ataxic, sort at Sugar, Rice.S.v nips. Hula,CutP-e-. e-- t. advuMagB. Consignments specially solicited$nr the Iw-j-r.! market, t which personal attention will l- - paid,aoJ Bpw Lka efc advance will be made when required.

Fas Fumcurn RkreaascKw:KaJfer k. Livtrabergcr, Ju Patrick Ac Co..Kmi. Ikco, W. T. Colefuao 4c Co.,EirV-- Baker Co.

ToKTLSSD RarCKKSCU:A lie Jc Lewis. Ladd Tiltoa. Leonard It Green.

IIoSOLfLC RcrcBK-c- i: J

Walker, Allrok Co., S. Savid.e.631-l- y

w. a. aLoatcH. t. C. Mr (BILL, johx u caacasx.


Com mission ITIcrcli suitsAND

.V uctionc o ,201 and 206 California Street,


San Francisco and Honolulu Packets.Particular attention given to the sals and purchase ol se,

snipa' business, supplying whalcships, negotiatingexchange. Ac.

XT A 11 freight arrivinr at faa Fraariseo, by or to the !IvOoiula Lin of Packets, will be forwarded w aaa or Cunxuiiu.

X7 Cxchange an Honolala bought and sold. JCtarr assies

Messrs. C. L. Ricwsbds A. Co.,-.-. .............. ...Honolulu- II UacsraLB Co- - 44- C BaawBa C?--,Bisa-o-r Co.

IV. R-- W. WouBr 44

tfon. K. II. Alls- - 44

It C. Wirujii, iltq.m is

iiAri'iAi:ss oit jiiskuvTrjiiiAT is T II t: ui EsTiox:



I!v determined, regardless of expense, to Issue FREE (forthe beoeat of saScrinjr humanity) four of their oust Interestingami InMraLiirs Lectures on Marriage and its diualiucatiofiiNcrroas Debilitr, Prrmatars Declle of Slai.twnd. InJinesUoa.Weakness or Depmsino. Lus t EnetKJ and Vital Power, theUreal gocual E0, Excesses of Utantj, or limomice of l'hyti-ul- aj

and Xatnre's Lass. These inraloaMs Leeturra harebeen the awn of enliichteninx ami sarins' thowaanil. anil willb lutwardeil FRKKoa receivimc twenty-ar- e cents In pustaie j

staaps, by addreMlna errtary Pacifle Moseam of Anninaiy t

and tfdenee, at th Eureka Tbeater, Mootgumery street, Su i

Vraaciseo.'Letters to be sent throatfh Wells, Trf If Co. . Sit ly

The Best Rensrrfy for I'nrliyiajc tbeBlood, Strentthcninf the Nerves, Restoring the Lost

App.-Ute- , islT.fcS 173 IIAMBUKQ TEA.

It is the best preserrative asaiut alntost any sickness, if usedtimet. CocBpooerl of berbs only, it can be Kiren safely toinfanta. Fall directions In English, French, Spanish, and Gcrnan, with every package. TRY IT !

For SiUe at all the various wholesale and retail drag storesand groceries.

tMIL FRESE. Wltfdesale IWgist,Sole Agent, 4 1 0 Clay steet,

(31 If San Franciico.







Goods for Gentlemen's Wear!Will meet with prompt attention.


JAMES C. 2ZIX7G & Co.Shipping and Commission


ii FROM STHEF.T, COR. ER Ji fKSOX.SAN FBA.XCIjCO.Csuro.sia. Sio-l- y

LOWE, BROTHERS,Commission Merchants!

Victoria, Vancouver Island.REFER TO

Tws no. Drewi'i Bat Co Victoria. V. I.Usssra DJiGiss Jk Co an Francisco.Messrs. Walks, iuu As Co......... ..... Uonolalu.Mr. Jas is I. Duwsm do.


csas voLCorr aaouss. w. raass ladd. ipikd r. valwm.


Commission jlerdiasits. i


BETWEENjf IiHo.oinrs.wriuifistoa

iO riLE-1-1 Saasnr Si.,csrnrr MrrchaalSaVC I

PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TOand Sale of Merctaodise ; to For.-sr-dlDC-and Transhipment of Qond ; tbe Chartering and salof Vessels; the Sopplyioj of Whalestipj ; QdtheNeSotlionof Exchange.

Exchange on Honolala in stuns to suit.ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS.

RErrn Tfi" aLKEK, ALH.f tf Co . J as. HrssswKLL Esq., Boston

Ilooolaki. iiasar a. rir K Co.Bb-- j. F.Ssow.Esq., --CDiisiicCo., BcTLca, Sr. jc Co.,

44 --tti Co.. New York.Buaap Je Co.. . H. Fooo Co ,To. Srssoss, E. Etilo. II. Foc Co.. Sbanghae.Allmaio 4r C- o- aaarmss. Allks Lswis.5i ly Portland, Oretfoa)

Taos. 3. Potxrcasa, Wn. M. Rrssu- - H. C. Dowsiso.

JOVES & BEXDIXEaV.San Francisco, California.

AVhoIesalc Groccrj .lucliou flouse !ESTABLISHED IX ISoO.

''STT"". Flreprr Brick VnilfUa?.i - vBinsraia sirrri. two Hiiori""a !.


.pfV? P3" - d r.nair-- s m.lt on Merehan- -'J f 4osiJraavt po,,:c prirat sale, and allmeretaUe faciUbes reodrd eoosisnors.Befrs by pcrmissioa to

5isnr C L tain Co ..IlonolnlaO. P. JCDS, EoJ ,Mcs-r- s. MacopasT Co ...Sao Fraociacortuiu, Eri. a Co.. . . - N.

Moasas. Sross a; Co.... ........ w

Dickos, DsWoLr 4r Co.........Ban or Barrua Ckixhbis. ............. "

6..o-1- y

ferritin 5btrlistnintJs.



IVX xi ss i c !


3IaicMl lDtriiment, String, Ac, Sic

&Je Agent f-- r


:ariiaut a .iri)iiA.irsCHURCH 4 PARLOR ORGANS, MELQDEOX5, &c.


UILMAX'S Jili.lSS I.XSTIiL'MEXTSF-- r Military Band.

' A share of the I atronae of the mident of Honolulu andviciuiiy respectfully solicited.

Sttlsfaction in nil cas:s is 'juarantted.

&49 6m

JANION, GREEN & RHODES,Commission Merchants,

Victoria, Vancouver's laluad.N. B. Particular attention paid tocoosignmeuts of Sandwich

Island Produce.Victoria, V. I- -, January 1. 1S3. 611-l- y

II. J. COOTS. Uao. W. I'KitscoTr. Iwr!?G 51. Scott.


(The First Eatabliehcd in tbe State )




Quartz Crushing and Amalgamating Machinery,

Mill Irons, andCastings of every description made to order.

Steamboat Repairing,

Boiler Mating,

Turning and Finishing,Excut! with Pispatcb.

STEAM BOILERS AND ENGINES,Constantly on liao.1 ami fur sate.





Strainers and Cvolirs, 'FJevators, Try Pans.

An.1 all kio.Is of


621 ly



And For Sale at Low Rates !

lloivEAGLE PLOWS. X.2, 12. 20, 7C;

PLOW?. Eae A, Eagle O, Eagle II.SIDE HILL PLOWS, A No. 2, A No. 3. A No. 4;STEEL PLOWS, I. O. 3; X 1J, X i U. O.

Extra Teeth for above Patterns.PLOWS, with anj without W. k C.





Hay Cutters, No. 2, No. 3. No. 4

II ay Cutters at

Very large with pally and balance wheelFor Cutting Sorghum t'nuc Tops, Acc. Ac.




OX TORES, various sixes.

OX BOWS, assorted sizes.



PLANTER'S HOES, asserted sizes.


LEATHER BELTING. 3, 4, an I 5 inches.

RU1II1ER BELTING. 3, 2,4 & i inches; 2, 34 iiy

Aud a Vanely of Smaller Articles.517 3m

GREENBACKS,STATES BONDS OPUMTED (&-0- 's or any other rUss of bonds.)

Canhed at Vie hhjKcst rates.414 2m II. M. WIIITNEV.

6 O O K. SPublished and i'or sale by


whu h is added a Tocahulary of English word, reudrrrdinto Havaiian. and a chronotyical tail of principal eventsin Hawaiian History. Br lorrin Andrews. Trice insherp binding, f 5 0O ; or $6.00 in h If morocco library


Alexander, lTesideut of .aliu College. l'aH.-r-, 50 cts.HAW AIIAN VI1RASE BOOK A manna4 of colloquial phras-

es in the Hawaiian l irruar Price 60cANDREWS' HAWAIIAN GRAMMAR, by Lurnn Andrews

An in.lisjw.t atle aid fr.r f..reipnrs in aciairing the nativet npoe. In it arrangement of the wirts of pet-ch- . an.1 its" ii:atr.itoiis of the ecal:ariUe of the lanuK. it is lieitcradapted to give a clear and correct insicht inio it, than anywork poMished Price paper 1.U5; half hoand f 1.60.

HAWAIIAN FORM BOOK, by J. W. II. Kauwahi. Emj Amanual of forms required in drawing up agreements, hondawiils and ail kinds of legal documents required in eonrts.Price t-- bO

HAWAIIAN HYMNS For social and church servjee. ITioecloth 60c; full bound morocco, gilt $1.00.

LA I EI K AWAI, The LatT or tbb Tsilioht, (in Hawaiian)A tradition of one of the anci. nt Hawaiian lrinre, illu-trati- ng

their antiquities, habits and sayings. Trice $1.00half bound cloth.

PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER Vol. 1 to 10. in-clusive, embracing- - from the years lSjd to lo, and givinga concise and Impartial history of the political and socialproitre of the Kingdom during that period. $3 00 pervolume, half bound, aheep. Subscription price, $6.00 perannom.

KA NL'TEPA KI'OKOA.(Th iNDKrixpr-S- Pr A weekly newspaper in Hawaiian, devoted to new and local liter-ature, and independent in politics. Volume 1, i and 3,bound. $3 50 each: or $10. for the set.

CHART OF THE SANDWICH ISLANDS Eneraved on steel,and printed at Washington, expressly for the uiideriiroed.This Is the nMt correct chart published Trice $2.00.

ALSO FOR ? A LE-THE nAWAIIAX SPECTATOR Conducted by an association

f gentlemen. vols. S vo. boun.l in one. Containing a great variety of information on the early history ofthese ilands not u be found io any other work. A few cop-ies only of this work remain. Trice 6.00.

HAWAIIAN BIBLES Octavo tize, hound in fancy moroccocovers with records for marriages and deaths, suitable forfami.'r bibles. Trice according to style of binding, from $5to $10.

HAWAIIAN AND ENGLISH TESTA M ENT Having the twoversions ia parallel columns on- - of the bet text books forixsrswos wishing to acquire Utc Hawaiian language.

B. AnjtW.ki published in the Hawaiian language or anybooks pcrhuuUijf to the islauJs, if obtaiuable, will le .ro-cur-ed

for peis'x tKsiricg them.For sale by


A I'crlVcl Wife.Ilurke, the Ptatewuan, reritedlv to de-- j The London Timrs of Oct. Gth. in couiinent-clar- e

that every care vanihed the ntoment 1 . in- - on the rrent deplorable state of Spun,entered under liis own roof. He wrote the fffl- - . draws the following I Kture of things theyL.uirxr l....t;rillv l.rintive Trit; rtttr. lhe I

Idea of a IVrfect Wife," winch he t8'nt-dti- j

Mrs. Ii. one morning on the anniversary of their..0, ...iiVnt.-lv"'iio.!.dini- r the iaier. as below, j

' her to fill up the Mank : j


44 I intend to give n.y idea of a Y,0",:ln,- - ,f " !

at all answers any ordinal, I jleawd;; j

t f.r if such a person as I would.

describe . reallvJ'7'- - ."V ' m : ; 1"

; ana fticri an i iiium ije too vcii to uuic io ij iint us I ouht. ii She is handsoiue; but it is a bvautv not arising; from features, from comj leiion, or from share; i

, the has all three iti a hih decree, but it is not i

j by these the touches the heart ; it is all that j

i frweetnet-- s of temj-er- , lerievolenee, innocence, andI

eeni-ibility- , which a face can that forms j

her beauty.She has a laee that just raises your attention

at first fi;ht ; it prows on you every moment,and you wonder it did no more than raiso yourattention at first.

Her eyes have a mild light, but they awe youwhen the pleases; they command, like a good


man out of office, not by authority, but by vir-tue.


Her features are not perfectly regular; thatport of exactness is more to be praised than to be '


loved, for it is never animated.Her nature is not tall ; she is made to be the j

admiration of everybody, but the happiness of j

.t i

She has all the firmness that does i not exclude j

ueucacv: me lias an me suuin'st uiut uuca miimply weakness

lliere is otten more ot the coquette enown in! an affected plainness than a tawdry lincry ; she is! always clean, without precietness or aflectation.i Her gravity is a gentle thoughtfulncs. tliat softens

the features without discomposing them ; she isgrave.

ller smilt-- s are inexprcsf-Hle-.

Her voire is a low, s.l't music; not formed torule in public assemblies, but to charm those whocan ditin-ruis- a company from a crowd ; it hasthis advantage you uiuet come close to h;r to j

hear it.To describe her body descriln-- s her mind ; one

is the transcript of the other. Her understand-ing is not shown in the variety of matters itexerts itself on, but in the goodness of the choiceshe makes. Hie does not display it so much innay in or doing striking things, as in avoidingeucli as she ought not to ay or do.

She discovers the right and wrong of thingsnot by reasoning, but sagacity ; inost women,and many gxd ones, have a closeness and some-thing stilish in their dispositions ; she has n truegenerosity of temper; the most extravagant can-not be more unlounded in their liberality, theniott covetous not more cautious in the distribu-tion.

No person of so few years can know tho worldbetter ; no person was ever less corrupted by thatknowledge.

Her iolitenefs seems rather to Cow fiom a nat-ural distMsition to oblige than from any rules onthat subject, and therefore never fails to strikethose who understand good breeding and thosewho do not.

She does not run with a girlish eagerness intonew friendships, which, as they have no founda- -

l tion in reason, serve only to multiply and embit--!ter disputes; it is long before she chooses, but

' then it is fixed for ever ; and the first hours ofromantic friendship are not warmer than hersafter the lape of years.

As 6he never disgraces her good nature bysevere reflections on anybody, so she never de-

grades her judgment by immoderate or ill- - lacedpraises; for every tiling ii.hiit is contrary to her

; gentleness of disposition and the evcnnei of hervirtue.

She lins a steady and firm mind, which takesno more from the female character than the solid-ity of marble does from its polish and luster.

She has such virtues as mak:?s us value thetruly great of our own sex ; she has all the win- -ning grace that makes us love even the faults we i

see in the weak and beautiful of hers."j



The rillIMK of Huiiolaln I

AXDa I a. mlujareui islands, l







He has Now on Hand and Offers for Sale!




Ever Offered in this 3Iarket,44

Most of which has been received

Per Recent --arrivals frcm Boston and SanI


Among rhich may be fuuntl the following moat desirable Ar-

ticles :

Ensy Chnirs. Largt? Arm Rocking Chairs. j

Wu nut Chmler Sets. :h full Marbks.Si fas, 1'j.rlnr Chairs, M.trble T ip Centre Tales.Lare variety Tainted t'huniber Sets ornamented.Iiress Tureau4, full marble tops.Dress llun uui, half marble tops.Tlain Dress Bureaus.MarMe Top Sidelxinls of Rosewood, Oak and Walnut.Walnut Side Tables, Marble Tops.Walnut, Mahogany. Ka ami Ch-.rr- Centre Tables.Superior new aud second hand Rosewood Pianos.Walnut si.le rnclos-.-- W hatuots. isLarge assortment of Brackets.Walnut Card Stands. Kifsewood Piano Stools.Large six shelf Whatnots uew allern.


Card and Whist Tables, T wel Racks.Mah'-gan- and Walnut Secretaries.K'eod tret Canterbury s. int'ttomans of lti'sewood. Mahogany and Walnut. isBible Stands, with Colored Murbhs.Mihogany ai.d Walnut Sainging Clock Cradles.Twelve feet Diuiurf aud Exteusion Tables.

Lonngesand Conches, in Hair Cloth, French

Lasting, Damask, Leather Cloth, &c.

Cane Back Library Rotary Chairs.Looking Glasses and Locking GUss Plates.Bureau WashstaniTs, Zinc lined Wafhftands.Towel-en- d, Cottage and Common W ashstands. ' ofTailor l'-k- Square and Oval Counter Stools. i

Ladies Dining Chairs, of Wnlnut. Oak and Im. Rosewood.tiak Ann Chairs a variety of patterns. j

Folding Chairs, fir traveling.A st or. Grecian and Common Wood Chairs.Cane Seat and Hack Arm Rockers and Nurse Rockers.Misses and Children's Cane t ChairsChildren's Carriages, Willow Cabs and Wagons.



Chlldre n's Toy tarts and Wagon, a large Assortment

Snitablf Tor the Holidays. ..

Gilt Iouldings and Large Sized Glass,A large Assortment. l

Chinese Sets Teapoys.Mahogany, Walnut. Oak and Pine, Oval, Serpentine and

Square Teapo s.Toilette Glasses, ait Tables.Book Case.. Cases Piu-o- ii Ibilcf.Children's High Chairs and Baby Jumpers. id

Window Curtains and Curtain Fixtures,A large Assortment.

Walnut, Oak and Mahoeany Hat Trees.Walnnt I'robrella Stands.Cbildr-n- 's Basket Chairs. Kniff Baskets.Hair, Moss. Excelsior. Tulu. Feathers and Hay Mattresse

and Pillrws, Spring Mattresses.Commodes for the sick room.Kitchen Tables. Chinese Arm Chairs. beWillow Scf-- s, Chinese Settees, ic c, ftc,

I'lonse Call iind Kinuiine,500 3m


ofAndi'ews' is


JJR1CE BOl'M) ix calf, 5 y.- -

-- KICK notND IX l- - Mffloct,. O. G.Kve- r- on-- .h.l.l h..- - .v:.tend your orders from the other . . " 1 .' ior reiernce.promptly tten.ts f. .i Is and they will be

A I'hofojjrapli ol Spain.

now are :44 A ehort twelvemonth ao (ionzaloz Uravo,

Narvaez's cullt-aue- , .lurt not show his lace aboutthe streets of Madrid. He is now onee more in

vct r. and his ruh- - is a reign of terror, nnparal--

icieu tvvn in pan . me :inisn people nave

a plitical movement t Jrn as it mav, one is ure. . - .ntill f. t iin r fr:,:tnr. .A traitor is if uiiiitarv, earroteJ if a cim- -

I'an. An execution follows tl.we upon a pro--nunciamiento, as thunder comes after lightning,The favorite promenade of Fuente C'astellana ischosen for the scene of the tragic drama. The scaf-fold ri?es le.-id- e the fiuhionahle drive, almost tp-o-sit-

to the bull-rin- g. Your Spaniard is as eagerfor one thow as for the other. Still, with all theCallousness of that st' in nation to deeds of blood-

shed, it could hardly be proof against the horrorsthat have been jH.-fp.- rated in the country forthe lat two months ; and the foreign jTess, es-

pecially the French, has raised a cry of execra-tion that has been but too successfully smotheredin the Peninsula itself. If we may believe onlyone-ten- th what is written, we are at no loss toknow the means by which tranquillity has been

Aft t the hundreds that havebeen disposed of summarily, either during theconflict r immed ately alter it, we know ofscores of capital sentences pronounced by eourt-- !martial. We hear of whole cargoes of prisonerstransported without trial to the jenal settlementsin the Phillijine Mauds. The w hole stall' of theIberia, that of the Democracie, many of the mostjiatillKllilillwl writors nnj thinkers, have thusbeen disposed of. 4 There is order and silence,"says the Governor of Madrid, 4 and now that wehave cleared tLe land of journalists, the restric-tions on the journals shall be removed.' It iathus that they manage things in Spain. A nblocountry inhabited by a noble race ; but a nation,for some reason or other, that never had a chancewith its Government. The last fifty years ofSpanish history make a tale of bloodshed andviolence for which we find hardly a parallel inthe whole series of European annals ; yet, unlesscommon report wrongs them, the present rulersseem bent on outdoing the very worst severitiesof which even Spain has as yet Jiad any ex-


I'cmciiilx'r !

If the following hints under the above headwere remembered and heeded, the human familywould te saved from a multitude of ills and suf-ferings. We copy from the American Agricul-turist :

1st. That before food can be of any benefit tothe body, it must be dissolved in the stomach, sothat it can be absorbed into the blood in a liquidstate, and be thus carried to the parts of lhebody needing to be nourished or strengthened, orrenewed by it. Jumrmlur.

2d. That the human stomach is not like thegizzard of a fowl a hard, tough membrane, fill-

ed w ith gravel stones, to break or grind up thefood but that it is a soft bag. so to speak, w hichmerely holds the food and shakes it about, so thatthe gastric juice can better dissolve and work itinto a liquid state ; therefore Rrmciidnr.

3d. That nothing should go into the stomachwhich has not first been masticated (chewed) veryJine, or cut or mashed fine lefore it is taken intothe mouth, so that it can be easily dissolved.Lumps of potato, or fruit not well ripened andmellow, pieces of meat as large as chestnuts,lumps of dough or new bread, small fruits withskin unbroken, etc. etc., anything that will beslowly dissolved causes an uneasy feeling, andotten irritates and inflames tiie stomach itself.Further, if they are not fully dissolved, thesethings pass down through the whole twenty-fiv- e

feet or more of the alimentary canal, causingpain, colic, diarrhoea, and ofteu dysentery. er.

4th. That the ealiva of the mouth iuicd withthe food, greatly aids the dissolving or digestionof tho fjd in the stomach, and that even softfood should be chewed or worked over in themouth, until well mixed with saliva. Remember.

5th. That children cannot appreciate the im- -portance of masticating their food, and that greatcare should be taken, either to see that they domasticate it well or that it be so thoroughly pre--pared for them that it cannot go into the stomach j

i: :t.i r n tII ILII IIIIlM'tMlillC llfllll. I llJltfl lLlt3 Jll LUIS fill :

Kl2 thi jAvould the 1 of ,iaU--

tie chil- - j

T ., ,- - . . . ....... i... .' T rPortion of. all 44 pains. under the apron, diarrhoea.or bowcl-coi::plaiut- s, that children, and grownup jeople as well, suffer. Remtmln r.

Gth. That, as all food, after going into thestomach. must either be properly digested, or pro-- Iduce injurious results, it is the height of folly tocrowd down into the stomach two or three quartsof food and drink, and to expect that organ towork it all up readily. Suppose that for everyarticle you eat at a meal, ou put, or imagineyou put, precisely a similar amount into idislithe meat, bread, ivotatoes, vegetables, tea, coffee.or water, and the pie or pudding what a mix-- iture you would have, both in kind and bulk : yetiliac is w nat is given ine stomacii to ui.ssoJ.ve, ortry to dissolve.-i?- rW.

7th. That the stomach keeps at work while itlias any undissolved lood in it, and tnat it you

lunch" or 44 piece" between meals you givethat organ no time to rest, and it will in time beweakened if it do not give out. Rtrncmlcr.

Sth. That sleep is far more rjuiet and refreh-- jing, if the sumach sleeps with fhe rest of thebody, and that it is better to cat nothing whichcannot le digested e retiring to rest. Chil- -'

dren, who retire early, or ought to, should haveonly light suppers ot simple, digestible food.

What IZic Writers are(loin

Emerson is reading the proof sheets of his newvolumes of poems to be published this autumnby Tieknor & Fields. The title of the new book

May Day and Other I'icrts. Two long poemslead otl the volume.

Holmes is busy over his romance, the first in-

stalment of which will appear in the JanuaryAtlantic Monthly.

Ijongfellow has finished his translation of theDivine Comedy, and is still preparing the notesand illustrations. The whole work will appear

a lew months, probably. His Flower de Lucein the bindery.Lowell hs'9 at last completed the Second Series

of Biglow Papers, and having added a mostpiquant introduction of some hundred pngeu tothe volume, he is now writing a story in versefor the Atlantic Monthly.

Mrs. btowe and Mrs. M. L. Child are bothwriting novels for the press of Tieknor & Fields.

.Mrs. Julia ard ll.twe is deep in rate, tree j

XYill and ForeAnoirledoe. rrobablv for the benefit i

the Christian Eaaminer or her new magazine.YY Littier is at home in Amesburv, and we!

hop4 engaged on his j remised new volume of j

poems, ins Snow.JJound has reached a sale oftwenty-liv- e thousand.

The Passages from Hcicthorn's Sote Bookswill appear in volumes shortly. The first twovolumes will contain all that have appeared inthe Atlantic, and about double that quantitymore. The.......whole will be brought down to alew months nelore his death.

Gail Hamilton is travelins ia the West, andthe fruits of her observation in this to her newregion w ill no doubt appear in n ixt year's At--jlantie. She comes out this autumn with a littlebook for children called, moss appropriately,lied-Utte- r la s

Affissiz. tlio grs.it profoaw, i rarijlj puttin.share f--r the press liis Travels in Brazil.Ldtuund Quinoy is at his country house in

Dedbara, writing the life of his father, Josi.thQuiney.

Garrison, still far from beinj in robust health,works away daily at his 44 History of the Anti-Slave- ry

movement in Anirica."The author of 4 Herman" (Miss Palfrey) is

engaged on a new story.Henry James is writing a new book, said toof more a popular character than anything he

has hitherto attempted. It's title is 44 Destiny."Mr. Parton is getting out new editions of his

biographical works, and preparing new volumeshis Boston publisher!.

Dr. I 'arsons is progressing with his translationDante's 44 Inferno," and Mr. George Tieknorsaid to be occupied in writing a new memoir,whom it is not stated.


I1LAXK FORMS OK ACREK.MFAT HEtween M liters and Servants the "b't uthorlzed form

I'rire I.OO prr Dorm.I'... sue by II M. WIIirNF.Y.

Washington, Dee. 4tb. The London Dailyyucs, of Noveniber 20th, publishes a letter fctat- -

I in that the (iovern:nent has voluntarily reipenedthe Alalmina case. Mr. Seward demanded a set-

, . .Uemout o1 l"e, cla,Jl1 s for damages two months;


j New York, November 20th. The secondi steamship of the new line between San FranciscoJ and China will be launched in a few weeks, andj two others of dimensions will be built asj soon us potil-le- .

j No Impeachment Intenped. Tiie programmeJ of legislation apcars to have U'en agreed ujkii.

Jjy nearly all ti.e luemiiei--s present tiie impeacn-mt-- nt

i.roject is treated as a matter not seriouslycontemplated, lc is, however, contemplated to

!s a law convening the.rortieth Congress


inext sprm lis to deprive Jol.usoii ol ait oeu- -ehta to result from a long rtcess.

Washington. November 30th. J. C. Ureckinridge for pardon, claiming that theterms uccorded to Lee and Johusou include him.

Accidents at Sea. The steamer Yandcrbiltwhich arrived at San Francisco, Dee. o, fromHonolulu, rejtorts speaking the schooner MaggieJohnston outside the bar Iound for Valparaiso.The decks of the latter vessel had been swept bya heavy sea while crossing the bar, and the cap-tain, first mate aud one ol the men, badly injuredby being knocked about the decks. The surgeonot the Yanderbilt went aboard the schooner anddressed their wounds, when the schooner pro-ceeded on its vovage.

Japanese Periokmers. The brig Ahrt, which"arrived at San Francisco from Yokohama, broughta party of Japanese trick jierfoiiuers, some twelvein number. We learn tuat they w ill soon ap-pear before the San Francisco public, performingamong others, the celebrated butterfly, tub andtop tricks.

The Komau Catholic Council at Baltimore hascompletely flanked the reporters, carrying outheir debates altogether iu Latin. It must havebeen amusing to see the knights of the quill whohad assembled to note the jroceedings.

The Liberals in Mexico have met with impor-tant successes lately. Full particulars have re-

cently been received in San Francisco of therout of the French and Imperial troops, 1.1U0strong, at a place seventy-fiv- e miles iroru Oaxaca,by General Diaz, aud the cjpture of the latterplace, with its garrison of ViO men aud o'2 can-non. A11 the officers of Mexican birth we.e shot.Other successes of the Liberals are mentioned.

A schooner cleared at San Franti-c- o some timesince for Central America, haviu o i board 4,000Springfield muskets of the latest pattern, w ithammunition, which were landed near Acapulcoand passed into the hands ol Gen. Diego Alverez.

The French newspapers are discussing the an-tecedents of the geuileuiau likely to represent theUnited States at l'aris, whom they call GeneralDixie. They also speak sometimes of the Mor-mon patriarch us 44 lirigham jtufie."

A Koval Compliment. The Federal, State andmunicipal authorities of San Francisco haveeach received from the Hawaiian Government anautograph letter, conveying the earnest thanksof his Majesty the King, his Government andpeople, for the numerous marks of respect andcourtesy extended to Queen Emma during herstay in that city.

Nearly all the Spanish-America- n States haveestablished religious toleration aud civil marriage,aud have quarreled with the dignitaries of theCatholic Church. New Granada has banishedthe Archbishop of Bogota, jp.d seized his booksand papers, probably because ol some disputearising out of the repeal of old laws favoringthe old church, l'rado, who made the fightagainst Spain, has been elected 1'residei.tof lru.

Naturalization. More than twenty thousandpersons, previous to the election, according tothe New York Herald, applied to the SupremeCourt and Court of Common Fleas lor dupli-cates of lost naturalizatioiiapers. The dates ofthe original papers ranged Irom 1792 to lbGG.

Tiie Apprentice. A young man whose fatherwas in easy circumstances, was desirous-o- f learn-ing the printing business. II is father consentedon condition that the should board at home.son, . . . . . . ... n?V y I.or.I"Ywird ,!lt ot UlQh'S special perquisites during apprenticeship.lhe VAiinir ninri th-iii-!- Jn.-- J r:itlur h:irii. FinT.!.i " ,Wlien ln urni (it !1(to nnil m Kti'r ol Ins tiMiie. Iiwfather said : Here my son is tho money paid forboard duriuir Your aid reutieeshin. I have neverintended to keep it. but have retained it for youruse and with it I give you as much more as willenable you to commence your business.

The wisdom of the dd man was apparent to ;

the son. for while his fellows had contracted badhabits in the expenditure of similar perquisites, I

and were enniiess and in vice, he was enabled tocommence his business respectably ; and he nowstands at the head of the publishers, while luostof his former companions are poor, vicious and ;

degraded. ,

jST o ti c e .j

The Schr. ODD FELLOW ! :

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Pocket, Cap, Quarto and Marrow Diaries,for 1867.

XT Persons wishing their names embossed on their Diaries,will be served at short notice.

IT Orders fiom the country promptly attended to.ALSO


The Hebellion Record.r VII t: FIRST IO XUJ1BERS. COMPLET--

it.e volume 1, have Invn received. This is likely to beone of the ni.st impartial and best illustrated Histories of the

issced. and th.e wishing to secure it. should makeeariv application, frier-- Sii T volume of 16 numbers.Sl -- m For Sale y II. M. WHITNKV.


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Ii OREIQN PEBiOBiOALS.NOTWITHSTANDING THE RISK IVX t the ulcription ,price of the A r tand W eeklies and the increased co!postag- - on them, I fhallt.nue to supply n.y subscribers at the old rates, at leastfurther notice, though in some insunwvs, these periodicals arenow furnished by me at about the cost.... the business enables me to supply my customer"witt Tf. SZ,Kr.o.l,cals cheam-r- , quicker and more satisfactorily than thtycan be obtained from otherany source. Try aud see.Subsciintious Payable Always in Advance

AMEKICAX NEWSPAPERS..iew J or 14erai. I,. ...... . .44 .".".. .f5 00Tribune, .. 4 no4 44 Times ". .. 4 noBot .n Journal, ."."...".."Bost"ti Advertiser......... .. 4 CJNew .. 4 (K)York World,'(weekiAV."..".".".".".".".V.'.V. . . 4 UO


r- ( St,,'.v Eau.ily ... 5 00Leslie s Illustrated Newspaper, (weekly). . . .. 5 00Harper's . . 5 0')San Francisco Bulletin or Alta, .. 8 ooEvery Saturday.... .. 6 00MAGA-ZIXES."""-

HariKr's Monthly Magazine" ..5 OlAtlantic Monthly Magazine, .. 5 toG.ley's Lady's JJI!" .. 5 00Leslie's Magazine of Fashion, .. 5 00Hunt's Merchants' Magiine, .. 6 00Eelctic " .. 6 00Blacks oral's M.Ttrazin!. (English. .. 5 00The Ixn.lon Comhill .Majazine .. 7 00iiietn.ion lempiar .. 7 00Blackwood and the 4 British Quarter fies ..15 00Kith-ro- ne or the 4 British Quarterlies,. 7. .. 4 00Words........ .. 4 00Sunday Magazine. .. .. 4 00


London Illustrated News, (weekly ) .$14 00 j" Tunch, '. ."....".."."."'44


. 8 00 j

Despatch, . 13 00The Examiner 11...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. . 13 00Bell s Life in London........ . 14 00"London Weekly Times, .1!!!"" . 10 00Lloyd's Weekl Newspaier '. '.'.'.'. . 10 00French Courier des Etats Cnis . 8 00e York Zeitung 8 00Sin Francisco French Currier.. ...". 8 00' "3"' oniisa ana Americanperiodical literature. They are all resularlv received bveach packet from the United States, and can be supplied napplication. The undersigned wiluisooiderbv mailauy patersnot in the.ilxve list for those whoniav ire them.the above, the following papers can always be had atthe counter on the arrival of each mail :

St. Louis Republican, New Bedford papers,Louisville Journal, Budeet of FunForney's Tress, California papers,Oregon papers.

And many others, too numeiousto specify.

CALIFORNIA PAPERS.The following are received by Express regularlr. and generally in advance of the mails. They wili be forwarded to tab-scribe-rs.

postage paid, by me at the annexed terms- -

Weekly Bulletin, $s perann-- -Alta, 8 u

Sacramento Union,. gN. B. The undersigned has an agent in "iaii Francisco, tosecure and forward the above paiers. which are often put onboard alter the vessels are under sail, without regard to ex-pense, thus enabling subscribers to obtain their papers morepromptly than io any other way.




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