МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ УКРАЇНИ ТЕРНОПІЛЬСЬКА АКАДЕМІЯ НАРОДНОГО ГОСПОДАРАСТВА Кафедра Іноземнох Мов для Фінансово-Банківських Спеціальностей E N G L I S H Методичні поради, навчальні метеріали та вправи для вивчення англійської мови на першому етапі навчання ТЕРНОПІЛЬ – 2002

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Кафедра Іноземнох Мов для Фінансово-Банківських Спеціальностей


Методичні поради, навчальні метеріали та вправи для вивчення англійської мови на першому етапі навчання


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C O N T E N T стор.

Передмова та методичні поради Листок лексичних завдань І. CONVERSATIONAL TOPICS

1. A Town 2. In the Streets of the Town 3. My Native Town 4. Ternopil-I 5. London 6. London's places of interest

II. GRAMMAR SECTION 7. Exercises (Present Indefinite Tense, Present Continuous Tense) 8. "Keys" to Grammar Exercises

III. AUDIO PRACTICE 9. Sightseeing in London (Dialogues) 10. Londonderry

IV. HOME READING SECTION 11. Th. Dreiser "The Financier"(about Philadelphia & Chicago)

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Методичні поради, навчальні матеріали та вправи призначені для студентів та аспірантів Тернопільської Академії Народного Господарства. Вони можуть також бути використаними при сомостійному вивченні англійської мови та при інших формах позааудиторної іншомовної навчальної діяльності.

Передбачається використання даних навчальних матеріалів при роботі з студентами та слухачами, які набули попередньої базової підготовки по всіх основних напрямках іншомовної діяльності (лексика, граматика, фонетика, аудіювання, розмовна практика, анотування та реферування тощо). Однак як змістовний характер матеріалів, так і сама структура його викладу, а також рекомендована методика засвоєння дають змогу успішно працювати з ними і тим студентам (слухачам) які з певних причин мають окремі "прогалини" у вказаних вище мовних підрозділах.

Посібник складається з 5 основних розділів: 1. Розмовні теми відповідного тематичного напрямку. 2. Граматичні вправи - переважно підстановчого характеру. 3. Ключі" до граматичних вправ. 4. Текст для аудіювання, записаний на магнітну плівку

оригінальним носієм англійської мови. 5. Тематичний оригінальний художній текст для домашнього

читання. Вказані текстові матеріали мають різні ступені складності, що

враховує можливі (як показує досвід) відмінності у рівні попередньої мовної підготовки студентів. Всі тексти повністю забезпечені лексично-довідковим інструментарієм нового типу, що повністю виключає величезну (при традиційних підходах) трату часу на пошуки перекладу окремих слів та усвідомлення змісту окремих блоків тексту і всього його в цілому.

Лексичні вправи спрямовані на закріплення осмислення текстового матеріалу та на початки можливої дискусії.

Деякі текстові матеріали записані на магнітофонну плівку, що сприяє підвищенню якісного рівня вимови та дає змогу більш ефективно використовувати елементи самостійної роботи над темами.

Підстановчий характер граматичних вправ та наявність "ключів" до них в кінці посібника роблять процес оволодіння складними граматичними явищами легшим і доступнішим, що зберігає більше навчального часу для практично-розмовних видів роботи тощо.

Таким чином, кожна з складових частин загального циклу є цілком завершеним у змістовному та структурному відношеннях мовно-інструктивним цілим, що може використовуватися як в складі всього комплексу, так і окремо. Присутність в кожній частині всіх основних

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елементів мовної парадигматики не лише "дорощує" корпус мовних знань але й створює певну звичку підходити до мовних явищ комплексно, "органічно", що є , по суті, повторенням процесу засвоєння рідної мови, лише на вищому, свідомому рівні.

Обширний допоміжний інструментарій – магнітні записи, пояснення, "ключі" тощо дозволяють, при необхідності, окремим слухачаи та групам опрацьовувати певні обєми мовного матеріалу в режимі самостійної роботи.

Матеріал всіх пяти основних розділів посібника рекомендується інтродуктувати, закріплювати та контролювати (самоконтролювати) в синхронному режимі. При зовнішній складності цього підходу він забезпечує органічне, тобто відносно "природне" входження в іншомовне середовище, яке створюється з тією чи іншою мірою приближення в ході практичних занять та при інших видах навчальної роботи. При необхідності здійснюється активне повторення матеріалу того чи іншого розділу.

Обов'язковим є неодноразове прослуховування всіх лексичних розділів в аудіозаписі з послідуючим частковим читанням текстового матеріалу вголос.

Граматичні вправи рекомендується опрацьовувати неодноразово, аж до досягнення певного автоматизму в здійсненні підстановчих операцій і здатності концентруватися не лише на чисто граматичних явищах, але й на змістовній та фонетичній сторонах.

Велике значення має строга фіксація (як зі сторони викладача, так і слухачами) характеру, об'єму, методики виконання тих чи інших учбових завдань. Це потрібно не стільки для контролю ходу виконання програми як для забезпечення вкрай важливої логічної послідовності в осмисленні слухачами пропонованого матеріалу.

Основними контрольними підсумками вивчення окремих етапів програми на основі даного посібника є:

Лексика: Здатність обмінюватися думками (вести діалог, організовувати ситуативне групове обговорення змісту того чи іншого тексту, теми)

Граматика: Здатність (після успішного проходження стадії розпізнавання)

свідомо використовувати певні граматичні явища в реченнях-прикладах і , що особливо важливо, в ході діалогів та обговорень, про які йшлося вище.

Фонетика: Здатність "імітувати" викладача чи англомовного диктора внаслідок виконання фонетичних вправ на практичних заняттях та прослуховування відповідних аудіо-матеріалів в домашніх умовах в процесі самопідготовки.

Особливу увагу потрібно приділити засвоєнню текстового матеріалу, який міститься в даній методичній розробці.

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Щоб навчитися читати без словникаб добре говорити і писати по-англійськи, потрібно багато читати. Це не значить, що потрібно швидко "проковтувати" велику кількість сторінок тощо. Читати потрібно вдумливо і уважно. Бажано час від часу повертатися до прочитаного, добре обдумати, запам'ятати і вміти в тій чи іншій формі відтворити прочитане. Дуже добре цю думку передає латинське прислів'я: non multa, send multum – не різноманітне, а багаторазово. Даний методичний посібник складено так, що не є обов'язковим читати всі тексти підряд. Хоча перші тексти дещо легші у відношенні до мовного матеріалу, однак детальний словник і коментарі допомагають справитися з кожним текстом. Основними етапами при роботі над текстами може бути:

– уважне читання і аналіз тексту при використанні лексичного довідкового матеріалу;

– повторне читання тексту поки не відпаде необхідність користуватися словником, а в тексті все не стане зрозумілим і знайомим;

– дуже корисно заучувати напам'ять – не лише окремі слова і словосполучення, але й цілі речення і навіть уривки тексту.

Більш конкретний підхід до опрацювання тексту з аудіозаписом наводиться в "Листку лексичних та граматичних завдань", який додається.

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1. Translate the text with the help of vocabulary notes.

2. Listen to the tape recording of the text. Read the text aloud after the speaker.

3. Again listen to the tape recording of the text Get ready to translate separate word combinations and short sentences.

4. Put all possible general questions to sections ________ of the text.

5 Put all possible special questions to sections ____________ of the text.

6. Put all possible questions (in written form) to sections ___________ of the text.

7. Perform grammar analysis of section (s) _________________________.

8. Discuss the content of section(s)__________ with your co-eds.

9. Perform written translation of section (s) ________________________.

10. Exercise oral opinion-sharing on the content of the section (s) ______. 11. Special task (s)_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

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A town is a large number of houses, schools, hospitals, theatres, factories, works and other buildings built near each other. All these buildings are divided into blocks by streets. Short narrow streets that join larger ones together are called lanes. On one side of the streets the buildings have even numbers, on the other ... odd numbers. The main streets are usually paved with stone asphalt. Along the streets run cars, buses and trolley-buses. A large towns tramways are laid down the wider streets, along which tramcars rattle with great noise. On both sides of the streets are raised pavements on which people walk. 2

In very large towns, which are generally called cities countless pedestrians walk along the foot-pavement forming two smoothly-flowing ceaseless currents.

In the centre and in important parts of a large town, there are squares, gardens, parks and market places.

A town is generally situated near or on a river across which bridges are built. In almost all towns there are places of interest, which a stranger would be invited to see ... monuments, cathedrals, museums, etc.

A town is governed by a council, the head of which is called the mayor.

Words and Word Combinations

divided into blocks поділяються на квартали lanes пepeвулки even ... odd пapнi ... нeпapнi are ... paved заасфальтовані rattle ... noice гримлять …. звук countless pedestrians повільно текучі безкінечені потоки would be invited to see буде запрошений до огляду

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In the streets, roads and squares of the town we see people walking and vehicles driving. The vehicles are: trams, buses, trolley-buses, taxes and motor-cars, motor-cycles, motor-scooters and bicycles.

Along the streets there are street lamps, at the corners of the streets there are traffic lights. The street lights are switched on when it gets dark: they are switched off when it gets light. When the red traffic light is switched on, the traffic stops: when the green light is switched on, the vehicles drive on.

Along the streets we also see bus, trolley-bus and tram stops. This is where people get on and off. People wait for buses, trams and trolley-buses at the stops. There are also Tube stations where people get on and (iff the underground electric railway.

At big crossroads in large towns and cities there are subways (underground passages) for pedestrians and fly-overs for vehicles. There are sometimes underground passages for traffic, too. At nearly all street corners there are traffic lights.

In England vehicles drive on the left. In Ukraine the traffic drives on the right. Outside the towns, we travel from one place to another by train, plane or boat.

Words and Word Combinations roads and squares дороги і площі vehicles driving транспортні засоби, які рухаються trams, buses, trolley-buses трамваї, автобуси, тролейбуси taxes, motor-cars, motor-cycles, таксі, грузовики, мотоцикли, motor-scooters and bycycles моторолери і велосипеди at the corners на розі (вулиць) traffic lights світлофори switch on ... switch off включати ... виключати get on ... get off заходити ... виходити tube stations станції метро underground electric railway підземна електрична залізниця crossroads перехрестя underground passage підземний перехід pedestrian crossings пішохідні переходи traffic дорожній рух plane or boat літаком чи пароплавом

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1 My native town is Ternopil. I am pround to be its citizen. The history of Ternopil is

too old. The first documentary mention of Ternopi] dates back to the year 1540. Polish king Sigizmund

1 handed a document to Yarn Ternavskiy, hetman of the Polish army” making him the owner of a large thorn field.

According to that document Yarn had to build a castle on the river Seret for defence against attack of the Golden Horde and other enemies. For its history Ternopil suffered very much from different invaders. During World War II the town was almost destroyed.

Now Ternopil is one of the beautiful towns in Ukraine. The population is 240 000 inhabitants. Ternopil is the town of youth. New residential areas have appeared in the post war period. 2

The parks and flower-beds occupy a lot of space in Ternopil, making it especially admirable in spring and summer. Inhabitants of town like to spend their free time in the parks and squares.

One of the most attractive places is the lake with its picturesque scenary around. We like our town and we are proud of its history and its people. There are many schools, four higher estabilishments: two Academies-Medical and Academy of National Economy, Polytechnical University and Pedagogical institute.

There are many big plants: Orion, Vatra” Saturn” the textile factory, machine-building plant and others.

The main cultural centres are the Philarmonic Society"Beresil", the drama theatre, the Puppet Theatre, movie houses, a few Palaces of Culture.

There are many wonderful churches and a cathedral in our town. Many people go there. We like our town very much

World and World Combinations

1 native town рідне місто I am proud чорний сitizen громадянин documentary mention документальний спогад dates back датується king король handed надав, передав owner власник thorn field тернове поле according to у відповідності з had to build a castle повинен був побудувати замок for defence для захисту suffered постраждав Golden Horde Золота Орда suffered постраждала different invaders різні загарбники almoet destroyed майже зруойнований population населення inhabitants мешканці, жителі residential areas житлові райони have appeared появилися 2 ftower-beds клумби

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оccupy займають a lot of place багато місця making it роблячи його especially особливо admirable захоплюючим attractive places привабливі місця picturesque мальовничий scenery around it місцевість навколо higher educational вищі навчальні заклади establishments National Economy народне господарство polytechnicаl полетехнічний pedagogical педадогічний big plants великі заводи puppet theatre ляльковий театр movie houses кінотеатри wonderful churches чудові церкви


TemopU is an administrative. economic ana cultural center of tne Тепіоот.1 region, it is situated on both. banks of the Seret river - the tributary of the Dniester. It is a modern town rich in. its historic traditions.

Tbe history nf Ternopil eoes back to ancient times. Tn the first half of the 16th century a fortress had been erected here which aimed to protect the Galician territory from the Turkish invaders. Many times tne town was ensiavea anQ rumea oy tne і atar, 1'urKisn. ana Voioch mvaaers. uurmg The wnole History "іе Ternopil people had been fighting for their national and social independence.

Now Ternopil is a big industrial and cultural center. Plants and factories of the town, are represented by the machine-building, the sugar plants. the "Vatra" Industrial Amalgamation, the sewing, the haberdashery, the milk, the bread and food factories and the textile combine (cotton-spinning mill).

Among the industrial enterprises of the town the textile combine is one of the most important. Its constnictioii started m December 1964. Now it is one of the greatest mills of the town and the Ukraine. The Ternopil Combine plant produces beet-harvesters and other machines and its production got recognition not only in our country out aoroao as weiL 2

Our town TS not only an industrial center. Sometimes it is called the town of students. There are iixgher educational establishment here, technical schools” kindergartens and nurseries for kids. The higher and technical schools of the town are represented by the Medical Academy, Pedagogical University, the Academy of I"7ational Economy and Technical University, the State Coopertive Trade College and the Musical College. They train, future teachers” doctors, engineers” economists, skilful workers, specialists for different service sphere enterprises etc.

Highly qualified teachers, scholars, classses and laboratories equipped with modern apparaturs are at tfte pupils' and students"' disposal

Among the cultural centres of the town the Drama Musical theatre named after T.G. Shevchenko ranks first The drama art in Ternopli has its long interesting history which began in 1915 with the "Ternopil Theatrical Nights" organized by Les Kurbas. later the People's Artist of Ukraine.

There is a number of cinemas” clubs, a scientific and some public libraries., a philarmonic Musical Society, a Musical school and a Musical college named after a world famous Ukrainian opera singer S. Krushetmtska. Our town is a good place to work and to live in.

Words and Word Combinations

1 auministrative, economic and cultural center адміністративний, екоиомічний та культурний центр

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Ternopil region Tepнопільська область it is situated on both banks він розташованим на обох берегах modern town, rich сучасне місто багате ... goes back to ancient times відноситься до древніх часів first halt of the 16 th перша половина 16-го століття century була споруджена фортеця fortress had been erected яка повиииа була захищати which aimed to protect територію Галичини від ... Galician territory from Turkish invaders турецькі нападники tne town was enslaved and ruined місто було поневолене і зруйноване Turkish Tatar and Voloch invaders турецькі, татарські і волоські нападники people had bfeeii fighting люди боролися national and social indedendence націочальна і соціальна незалежність big industrial and cultural center великий промисловий і культурний центр plants and factories заводи і фабрики are represented by представлені (чим) machine-building and sugar plant машинобудівний і цукровий завод Industrial Amalgamation промислове об’єднання sewing, haberdashery, textile combine швейна ф-ка; галантерейна ф-ка, cutton-spinning mill текст, комбінат industrial enterprise бавовняно-прядильиии комбінат (завод) beet havester промислове підприємство its production, got recognition but abroad as well бурякозбиральний комбайн його продукція

була визнана також ва кордоном 2 is called the town. of students називають містом студентів higher educational establishments вищі навчальні заклади technical schools ПТУ kindergartens and nurseries дитячі садки і ясла for kids для дітей Institute of Instrument-making Приладобудівний інститут State Cooperative Trade Technical School Державний кооперативний технікум future teachers, doctors, engineers, economists майбутні вчителі, лікарі, інженери,економісти skillful workers кваліфіковані робітники different service shere enterprises різні заклади сфери обслуговування scholars вчені equipped with modern apparaturs обладнані сучасним обладнанням at the pupils' and students' disposal в розпорядженні громадян,студентів among the cultural centers серед культурних центрів theatre …anks first театр… вважається першим Temopli Theatrical Nights Тернопільські Театральні Ночі People's Artist of Ukraine Народний Артист України

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1 London was founded in the first century A.D. by the Romans. They left London in

the 6-th century and the city was largely abandoned. By the 8-th century London was “gain a busy trading centre, and In the 11-th century it became the capital of England. Edward the Confessor built a palace and an abbey at Westminster. The Norman period saw the construction of the Tower., old St. Paul's Cathedral end many churches and monasteries.

Medieval London grew m importance as a trading centre and in J2Ib its citizens won the right to elect their own leader, or Lord of Mayor. London began to spread beyond the city walls during the Tudor and Stuart periods

2 The Great Fire of Іввв destroyed three-quarters of the city Sir Christopher Wren

rebuilt St Paul's Cathedral and designed 51 churches. The rebuilding of London followed the medieval street plan, but the old wooden houses were replaced by buildings of brick to reduce the future fire risk.

Dili-tag the 19-th century London spread rapidly into the suburbs. As a resullt of It new forms of transport ware developed, including the underground railway system. Britain was than at the height of her Imperial Powers Bid this is expressed in such buildings as the Houses of Parliament and St. Pancras Station.

Large areas of London were destroyed by bombs during World War II and the rebuilding that followed was of mixed Quality.

3 Today in Its tun 'extent Greater London covers 625 square miles and consists of 33

separate boroughs, including the City, the West End, the Bast End houses 7 million people. The City extends over an area of about 2,6 square kilometres in the heart of London.

About halt a million people work there, but less than 8000 live there. It is the financial centre of the VS. with many banks, offices and the Stock Kxenange.

All the historical place and famous parks are In the West End. The West End, spreading from the political centre at Westminster incdudes the shopping area of Knightsbridge, Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus and the fashionable Covent Garden: it hosts museums and “alienee, amone them are the Tate Gallery, the National Gallery, the National Portraint Gallery and the British Museum. In the West End are Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace. The best known streets ага:

Whitehall with important Government offices. Dowtog Street, the residence of the Prime Minister and Fleet Stret which stands tor the press.

1'tte m\name "West Bnd" is associated with wealth, luxury and goods of high quality.

The port of London is in the East End. It is an area of docks, unattractive in appenarance, but very important in the country's commerce.

Words and Word Combinations 1 was founded був заснований first century перше століття A.D. (anno domini) Року Божого largely abondoued майже поминуте busy trading centre жвавий торговий центр Confessor Сповідальник Abbey абатство Construction будівництво St. Paul's Cathedral Собор Св. Павла Churches церкви Medieval середьновічний grew in importance зріс у значенні citizens громадянини

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to elect вибирати began to spread почав 2 destroyed зруйнував designed спроектував wodan houses дерев’яні будинки buiktmxx ot brick цегляна будова euburbs околиці were developed були розвинені imcludmr включаючи at the height на вершині Imperial Powers імперська могутність Is expressed виражений destroyed by boms зруйнований бомбами mixee quality сумнівна якість 3 full extent повний обсяг separate boroughs окремі округи Stock Exchange Фондова Біржа shopping area торговий район feehiotiabie модний Government offices Урядові установи Residence резиденція, місце перебування associated with зв’язаний з ta appearance mainly в основному lots ot things багато речей clothes, food одежа, їжа pumas and cars літаки і автомобілі (легкові) lorries вантажні автомобілі Biroiingham machines машини cotton textile industry текстильна промисловість computers комп’ютери eifictronic eauioment електронне обладнання various machines різні машини Edinburgh Olesgow famous for знаменитий Shipyards Cardiff cуднобудівні заводи Cramwell Newton Byron Darwin

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1 There are a tot ot olaces ot interest in London. Amone them ape: Westminster

AbbeY. Houses of Psriia ment, Buckingham Palace, St, Panl's Cathedral, London Bridge, the Tower of London.

WESTMINSTER, now the political centre of London, was until the 11-th century a sacred piece. King ISdward the Confessor decided to build я great abbey church here. It was consecrated in 10W. but a week later the King died and was buriisd in the abbey. His tomb became a popular place of pilgrimage. It still can be found at the heart ot the present Westminster Abbey. William the Conqueror wa” crowned in the Abbey and since then all Coronation have taken place here.

2 The Abbey contains many royal tombs, memorials to eminent men and women. But

the most popular ones are thoee to writera, actors and musicians ш Poet's Comer Alongside the Abbey Edward the Confessor had built palace. The Palace of

Westminster was the royal residence and also the country's main court of law. Parliament has met here since the Ів-th century untU the K-th century.

3 The present HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT were buut after the old palace was burnt

down in 1834. The building contains the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the two chambers where parUitmentary business is debated. On the corner next to Westminster Bridge stands St. Stephana Tower, which houses the famous beu. Вія Ben, which chimes the hours.

BUCKINGHAM" PALACE is the Queen's official London residence. Buut in 1702-5 tor the Duke ot Buckingham, ii was sold ш 1761 to George HI The Palace was little used by royalty unit Victoria's acceesslori to the throne in 1837. London's most popular spectacle is Clariemc the Guard. It takes place in the forecourt and lasts about 30 minutes.

4 STPAUL'8 C.ATHBDRAL is Sir Christopher Wren's masterpiece. It stands at the

top of Ludgate Hffl on a site where a Christian church has stood since the 7-th century. The construction ot the Cathedral started to 1676 and was not finished unti 1708. The maxnificent classical structure is crowned by the dome. Inside the dome are scenes from the life of St. Paul Here too Is the fa-mous Wispermg Gallery. There are many memorials in the Cathedral including the to heroes such as Wellington and Nelson.

THB TOWEH OF LONDON has been closely associated with many important “Vents in BnfUsh history. It has served as citadel, palace, prison, mint and menagerie. The White Tower was built in 1078 by William the Con-queror to protect the city. The Tower is famous tor its illustrious prisoners, such as Sir Thorrias More and Guy Fawhs. Many notable people tost their heads on the exe-cuttoner's block The Tower is guarded by the Yeoman Warders popularly known as "Beefeaters".

Words and Word Combtnattons places of intereet цікавих місць London Bridge Лондонський міст a sacred piace священне місце Omteraor Сповідальник destded to build вирішив побудувати freat abbey church велику монастирську церкву was consecrated була свячена King died король помер his tomb became його могила стала a popular place of популярним місцем поклоніння pilgrimage Вільгельм Завойовник William the Confueror was crowned був коронований Coronations коронації

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contains many royal tombs містить багато короліських гробниць memorials пам’ятники eminent видатні Соnfessor Сповідальник main. ceurt of Law основний суд

3 was burnt down згорів the two chambers дві палати parlamеntагу business парламентські справи which chimes який відбиває години the hours It was sold він був проданий was little used мало використовувався by royalty членам королівського дому accession to the throne сходження на трон popular spectacle популярне видовище Changing the Guards Зміна гвардійської Варти forecourt передній майдан capital столиця it is isuated він розташований lather a deep river досить глибока ріка so ail kinds of ships так що всі типи кораблів different nations різних націй one of the biggest один з найбільших its population його населення is divided ділиться the heart серце, центр financial life фінансова активність rich people live багаті люди живуть poor people бідні люди workers and dockers робітники і докери Houses of Parliament Будинок Парламету the seat місце перебування are situated here розташовані тут tamous Clock Tower знаменита башта з годинником is really the bell є в дійсності дзвоном which stкikes the hour що відбиває години which strike before що відбиває перед Sighgate Cemetery Хейгентське Кладовище famous people знамениті люди were buried були поховані Buckingham Palace Букінгемський Палац the residence резиденція Queen Королеви Saint Paul's Cаtthedrale Собор Святого Павла British Museum Британський Музей Westminster Abbey Вестмінстерське аббатство are buried поховані

Grammar Section THE ARTICLE 11. Complete the foil owing with a (an), some, any: 1. Please put____stamps on this letter for me. 2. "It's raining." "Don't worry, there's ____umbrella in

the hall." 3. I'm working as a waiter in__ reastaurant at the moment. 4.1 saw____interesting exhibits at the museum. 5. Please don't make ____

telephone calls; I'm waiting for Fred to phone. 6. My brother is very ill but there isn't ___hospital in this town. 7. This car park has __empty spaces. 8. Here are ___newspapers for you to read. 9. The station is closed today. There aren't ___trains this Sunday. 10 I haven't heard___good songs lately.

12. Rewrite the following sentences, inserting the indefinite article where required:

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a. 1. This house has____garage for two cars. 2. ____cigarettes are dangerous to your health. 3. Nurses

usually wear ____white uniforms. 4. Australia is both __island and ___continent. 5. Many people think it is wrong to keep ___animals in zoos. 6. Damascus is___ancient city in Syria. 7. ____radio programmes were first heard in 1920 8. Elizabeth I and Victoria were ___famous queens of England. 9. ___tricycle has __three wheels. 10. ____undo of mine told me___interesting story last night.

b. 1. This hen laid___beautiful brown egg. 2 After breakfast the baby had __ egg all over his face. 3

Rice is very good with ___chicken. 4. Do you like __boiled chicken? 5. You are __, that's why you won't climb the tree. 6. This bread tastes of__onion;

has it been alongside onions? 7. The Jonses have got __television. We haven't got one. 8. Watching ___television is how most people spend their free time. 9. ___dear, __wild duck, __tiger are plentiful in this region. 10. ___man has always fought woman has been the preserver.

c. 1. A lot of people drink ___coffee with milk 2. My bus wasn't due for twenty minutes, so I was

having __coffee, you know - just to pass the time. 3 tea is a healthy beverage. 4. This is __nice tea. Try it. 5. __oil is essential to modern life 6.__oil can

be either_fuel or__food. 7.___philosophy is, literally, __love of___wisdom; or it is__knowledge that deals with general causes and principles. 6. A tooth for a tooth, a life for a life — that is __ philosophy of __violence. 9. ___water is essential for___life. 10. ___life without happiness is not __life at all.

13. Rewrite the following story, inserting a or the where necessary: 1 __Wayle is __small river that cuts across__park near my home. I like sitting by __Wayle on fine

afternoons. It was warm last Sunday, so I went and sat on__ river bank as usual. Some children were playing games on__bank and there were some people rowing on__river. Suddenly, one of__children kicked____ball very hard and it went towards___passing boat. Some people on__bank called out to__man in__boat, but he did not hear them.__ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into___water. I turned to look at___children, but there weren't any in sight: they had all run away

14. Fill in the blanks with a, the or some where necessary: After___breakfast, I sent__children to __school and then I went to __market. It was still early when I

returned home. __children were __school, my husband was at work, and __house was quiet. So I decided to make __tarts for __ tea. In __short time I was busy mixing __butter and __flour and my hands were soon covered with__sticky pastry. At exactly that moment __telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up__receiver between __two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized __voice of Mrs Bates. It last I hung up __receiver What __mess! There was __pastry on my fingers, on __ telephone, and on __door-knobs. I had no sooner got back to__kitchen than __ door-bell rang loud enough to wake__dead This time it was__postman and he wanted me to sign for__registered letter!

15. Rewrite the following sentences, inserting the definite article where required: a. 1 ___books are heavy things. 2. __books I bought were all second-hand. 3. I really dislike__cars. 4.

__cars are waiting at the lights. 5. __dogs are __animals. 6. __dogs are in the garden. 7. In__theatres of Shakespeare's time __actors were often treated like __servants. 8. In Britain __children between __ages of five and eleven go to __primary schools. 9 The city needs__ buses, 10. __buses in the city are terribly noisy

b. 1. __gold is an important metal. 2. __gold in that ring is of high quality 3. I always take__sugar

in__coffee, but my friend likes it without __sugar I often treat her to it for she says that__coffee I make is the best. 4 __plastic is often used instead of wood these days. 5. __plastic that people leave behind them after a picnic spoils the beauty of the countryside. 6. __rice is cultivated in China. 7. __rice we eat is __brown rice. 8. __wine may be red, white or rose. 9. __ butter is made from__milk. 10. Where is__butter? 11. Peter loves__ music 12 __music last night was awful. 13. __honesty is always the best policy 14. __ honesty of Mr. Brown is above question. 15. __knowledge, they say, is power. 16 __knowledge that he would never see her again drove him to__despair. 17. experience of seeing ourselves as others see us can be disturbing. 9. A doctor's first duty is to preserve life. 10. I've just been reading__life of Mozart.

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Grammar Section Present Indefinite Tense

Present Continuous Tense 1. Change the following a) into the negative b) into the interrogative; 1. You remember her address. 2. He comes home at 7 o'clock. 3 Directors sign a lot of papers...... 6.

Benny likes fruit. 7. She lives near the metro station. 8. The girl plays piano very well. 9. Men shave every day. 10. He spends all his money on books. 11.

The last train leaves at midnight. 12 They speak English at the lessons. 13. My parents want to buy new furniture. 14. The girls help their mother. 15. On Sundays they have dinner at home. 16 The dog usually barks at night. 17. Some girls enjoy dances. 18. Mary looks well. 19. He knows the right answer. 20. John loves Helen. 21. She cuts her hair every month. 22 The old woman feels very cold.

2. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative: 1. They receive the Guardian. Benny knocks at the door of his father's study every morning. 3. They

want to see this film. 4. There are a few mistakes in your composition. 5. Benny often shows Mr. White his toys 6 She remembered everything. 7. She must sign that paper. 8. The boy has a lot of friends to play with. 9. He can speak English well. 10. Our lessons begin at 8.30. 11. He likes to read newspapers after breakfast. 12. My cousin lives in Washington.

3. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets: 1 My little sister (to go) to school every day. 2. The sun (to rise) in the East. 3. Bad students never (to work) hard. 4. It often (to snow) in winter. 5. He (to wake) at seven and (to

have) breakfast at half past seven. 6. The teacher (to point) at the blackboard when he (to want) to explain something. 7. Mother always (to cook) in the morning. 8. I (to see) what you mean. 9. She (to say), she (to hear) nothing. 10 There (to be) a girl downstairs who (to want) to see you. 11. My friend (to go) there nearly every week.

4. Use the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets: 1. He (not to work), he (to watch) the TV programme. 2. Kitty (to finish) her porrridge. 3. Look, the

sun (to rise). 4. John (to polish) his boots and his sister (to press) her dress. 5. It (to rain)? Yes, it (to rain) very hard. 6. The delegation (to leave) London tomorrow. 7. Somebody (to talk) in the next room. 8. Who (to make) such a noise? 9. What you (to read) now? I (to read) stories by Maugham. 10. The weather is fine. The sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing) 11. Somebody (to knock) at the door. 12. You (to go) anywhere tonight?

13. Why you (to speak) so fast? You (to make) a lot of mistakes. 14. Go and see what the children (to do). 15 Who you (to wait for)? 15. (to wait for) my sister. 16.1 can't hear what they (to talk) about. 5. Put Ihe verbs in brackets into the Present indefinite or the Present Continuous

tense: a. 1. What Tom (think) of the Budget? He (think) it most unfair. I (agree) with him. 2. What this one (cost)? It (cost) forty pence. 3. You (hear) the wind? It (blow) very strongly tonight. 4. You (see) my car keys anywhere? No, I (look) for them but I (not see) them. 5. He never (listen) to what you say-He always (think) about something else. 6. This book is about a man who (desert) his family and (go) to live on a Pacific

island. 7. You (understand) what the lecturer is saying? No, I (not understand) him at all 8. What you (have) for breakfast usually? 1 usually (eat) a carrot and (drink) a glass of cold water 9. Why you (walk) so fast today? You usually (walk) quite slowly. I (hurry) because I (meet) my mother at 4 o'clock and she (not like) to be kept waiting. 10.1 (wish) that dog would lie down. He (keep) jumping up on my lap. 1 (think) he (want) to go for a walk. 11. You (recognize) that man? I (think) that I have seen him before but I (not remember) his name. 12. My mother hopes that Jack (not come) to the party because he always (get) drunk. 13 This telegram has just arrived and the man (wait) in case you (want) to send a reply.

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14. Stop! You (not see) the notice? I (see) it but I can't read it because I (not wear) my glasses. What it (say)? It (say) "These premises are patrolled by guard dogs." 15. She always (borrow) from me and never (remember) to pay me back. 16. You (need) another blanket or you (feel) warm enough? 17. It (save) time if you (take) the path through the wood? No, it (not matter) which

path you take. 18. I (save) up because I (go) abroad in July. 19. I (think) it is a pity you don't take more exercices. You (get) fat.

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Grammar Section Types of Questions

1. Put general questions to the following sentences: 1. Those men are doctors. 2. Kate is a teacher. 3. The students are in that room. 4. My freind is a student. 5. These books are good.

2. Put alternative questions: 1. Fred is a doctor (a student)- 2- Ann is my friend (Kate). 3. They are teachers (students). 4. Those cups are brown (yellow). 5. These pencils are short (long).

3. Put general questions to the following sentences: 1.1 am taking the book off the table. 2. He is reading a book now. 3. They are looking at me. 4. She is opening the exercise-book. 5.1 am closing the door. 6. You are going out. 6. They are coming in.

4. Put questions to the singled out words: 1. Jane is a doctor. 2. They are teachers. 3. This is an exercise, book. 4. Those are notes. 5. We are students. 6. Bess is a schoolgirl. 7. This cup is yellow. 8. Kate is a teacher. 9. That pencil is red. 10. She is a student.

5. Put questions to the singled out words: 1. My friend is a teacher. 2. This is a map. 3. it's a good map. 4. That's a bad cap. 5. It's his cap. 6. The match is on the table. 7. The matches are on the table. 8. Her match is on the table. 9. The matches are on the table. 10. Her name's Mary. 11. Bess is a good pupil.

6. Put questions to the singled out words: 1. It is our classroom. 2. It's a light room. 3. The waifs in my room are yellow. 4. This cup is white. 5. They are new ties. 6. The table is at the window. 7. The chairs are at the table. 8. Klimov is our teacher. 9. Peter is sitting at the window. 10 It is an English newspaper.

7. Put general questions to the following sentences: 1.1 often meet this engineer here. 2. You go to the factory every day. 3.1 read newspapers every day. 4. His sisters always give me books to read. 5. They often go there. 6. 1 usually read the newspaper at home. 7. They often come here. 8. We write questions at home.

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Present Indefinite tense

Put the verbs in brocfcets into the correct present tense.

1. Ann sees Paul putting on his coat and says: Where you (go), Paul? Paul: I (go) to buy some cigarettes. You (want) an evening paper?

2. Ann: No, thanks. You are always buying cigarettes, Paul. How many you (smoke) a day? Paul: I (not smoke) very many – perhaps 20. Jack (smoke) far more than I (go). He (spend) f 10 a week on cigarettes.

3. Mary (sse) Peter standing at the bus stop. Mary: Hello, Peter. What bus you (wait) for? Peter: Hallo, Mary. I (wait) for a 9 or a 14.

4. Mary: You usually (go) to work by car, don't you? Peter: Yes, but the car (belong) to my mother and the sometimes (want) it. She (use) it today to take Tom to the dentist.

5. Mary: I usually (go) by car too. Jack (take) me because he (pass) my office on his way to the factory. But this week he (work) in a factory in the opposite direction: I (queue) like you,

6. Peter: Here's a 9 now. You (come) on it or you (wait) for a 14? Mary: I (think) I'll take the 9. If I (wait) for a 14 may be late, and if you (be) late at my office everyone (look) at you..

7. Mary and Ann (wait) outside a telephone box. Inside the box a boy (dial) a number. Mary: You (know) that boy? Ann: Yes, he's a friend of my brother's. He (phone) his girl friend every day from this box,

8. Mary: Where he (come) from? Ann: He (come) from Japan. He's a very clever boy; he (speak) four languages.

9. Mary: I (wonder) what he (speak) now. Ann: Well, his girl friend (come) from Japan too; so I (suppose) he (speak) Japanese.

10. It is 8.30. Tom and Ann (have) breakfast. They both (open) their letters. Tom: No one ever (write) to me. All I (get) is bills! You (have) anything interesting?

11. Ann: I've got letter from Hugh. He (say) he (come) to London next week and (want) us to meet him for lunch.

12. Peter: You (have) traffic wardens m your country? Pedro: No, I (not think) so. You (not see) them in my town anyway. What exactly a traffic warden (do)?

13. Peter: He (walk) up and down the street and if a car (stay) too long at a parking plase or (park) in a no-parking area he (stick) a parking ticket to the windscreen.

14. Look! He (put) a ticket on Tom's car. Tom will be furious when he (see) it. He (gate) getting parking tickets.

15. Customer: I (want) to buy a fur coat. Have you any nice coats for about f 50(1" Assistant: I'm afraid we just (close), madam, it's 55, and we always (close) at 5.00 sharp on Fridays as Mr Jones the manager (not want) to miss his favouritetelevision programme.

16. It is Friday evening and the Brown family are at home. Mrs Brown (listen) to a concert on the radio; Mr Brown (read) a paper, George Brown (do) his homework and Ann Brown (write) a letter.

17 Mr Brown always (read) his newspapers in the evenings. Mrs Brown sometimes (knit) but she (not knitO tonight.

18 Mr Black often (go) to the theatre but his wife (not go) very often he (like) all sorts of plays. She (prefer) comedies.

19. Tonight they (watch) a vey modern comedy. They (enjoy) it, but they (not understand) some of the jokes. 20. What (happen) in your class? The teacher (give) lectures every day? -

No. He (give) one lectures a week, and on the other days he (show) films or (discuss) books with us.

21. A bus conductor (get) more exercise than a bus driver, the driver just (sit) in his cab but the conductor (stand) and (walk) about and (run) up and down the stairs. 22. Why that man (stand) in the moddle of the road?-

He (try) to get across. He (wait) for a gap in the traffic. -Why he (not use) the subway?-

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Lots of people (not brother) to use the subway. They (prefer) to risk their lives crossing here.

23. You (wear) a new coat, aren't you? Yes. You (like) it?-There colour (suit) you but it (not fit) you very well. It's much too big. 24. All the guides here (speak) at least three foreign languages, because a lot of foreign visitors (comeO every summer. 25. Paul (takeO a party of trench tourists round now and tomorrow an American party (come). 26. Englishmen very seldom (talk) on the Underground, they (prefer) to read their newspapers.-

Those two men in the corner (talk). -But they (not talk) English.

27. Jones and Co. (have) a sale at the moment. Shall we look in our way home? I'd love to but I'm afraid I won't have time. I (meet) Tom at 5.30. -You (go) out with Tom often? 28. I usually (go) by train, but this weekend I (go) by bus. it (take) longer but it (cost) less. 29. Ann (on telephone): You (do) anything at the moment, Sally?

Sally: Yes. I (pack): I (catch) a plane to New York in three hours' time. Ann: lucky girl! How long you (stay) in New York?

30. Peter: You (go) out tonight, Paul? Paul: No, I (stay) at home. the neighbours (come) ill to watch TV. Peter: You (invite) the neighbours often?

Paul: No, but they (invite) themselves whenever there is a good programme. 31. Jack: I just (go) out to get an evening paper.

Ann: But it (pour), why you (not wait) till the rain (stop)? (J adwse you to wait.) 32. Lucy: Tom (get) up very early but he (wash) and (shave) and (get )

his breakfast so quietly that I (not hear) a thing. But I (hear) him driving away from the house because his car (make) a lot of noise.

33. Alice: My brothe (get) up very early too. But he (make) such a lot ui iiuise that he (wake) everybody up. he (sing) in his bath and (bang) door and (drop) things in the kitchen and (piay) the radio very loudly. 34. Lucy: Why you (not ask) him to be a bit quieter?

Alice: I (mention) it every night but it (not do) any goorl n<. fsay) that he (not make) a sound, and I (think) he really (believe) it.

35. Tom: You (see) that man at the comer? he (keep) stopping people and asking them questions. You (think) he (ask) for directions? Jack: No, I (expect) he (make) a survey. Топі: How you (make) a survey?

Jack: You (stop) people and (ask) them questions and (write) the answers oil a report sheeet.

36. In most countries a child (start) school at six and (stay) for about five years in a primary school. Then he (move) to a secondary school. At 17 or 18 he (take) an exam; if he (do) well in this exam he can go on to a university if he (wish).

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1 are you going; am going, do you want 2 do you smoke; I don't smoke, smokes, I do; spends 3 sees; are you waiting; am waiting 4 you usually go; belongs, wants; is using 5 go: takes, passes; is working, am queiieing 6 Are you coming, are you waiting; think, wait, are, looks 7 are waiting: is dialling; Do you know; phones 8 does he come; comes; soeaks 9 wonder, is speaking; comes, ilppose, is speaking 10 are having; are opening; writes; get; have you (got) 11 says, is coming, wants 12 Do you have Have you got; don't think; don't see; does a traffic warden do 13 walks, stays, parks sticks 14 is putting; sees; hates 15 want; are just closing; we always close, doesn't want 16 is listening, is reading, is doing, is writing 17 reads; knits, isn't knitting 18 goes, doesn't go; likes; prefers 19 are watching; are enjoying, don't understand 20 happpens; Does the teacher give; gives, shows, discusses 21 gets: sits, stands, walks, runs 22 is that man standing; is trying, is waiting; doesn't he use\ isn't he using; don't bother; prefer 23 are wearing; Do yuo like; suits, doesn't fit 24 speak, come 25 is taking, is coming 26 talk; prefer; are talking; aren't talking 27 are having; am meeting; Do you go 28 go; am going; takes, costs 29 Are you doing; am packing, am catching; are you staying 30 Are you going; I am staying; are coming; Do you invite; invite 31 am just going; is pouring; don't you wait; stops 32 gets, washes, shaves, gets, don't hear; hear, makes 33 gets; makes, wakes; sings, bangs, drops, plays 34 don't you ask; mention, doesn t do; says, doesn't make, think, believes 35 Do you see; keeps; Do you think, is asking; expect, is making; do you make; stop, ask, write 36 starts, stays; moves; takes, does, wishes.

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Audio Practice I (English Course)

Sightseeing in London Part I

Part 1 Part 2

I'm Peter Charlton I'm in the Beardsley Hotel. Today's I'm showing the Hunts round London This is my favourite city. I work here and live here, too. I know London very well but Mr. Hunt doesn't know it. He knows the north of England but he doesn't know the south. The Hunts are from Scotland. My parents live there, too, and they know the Hunts very well. I've got plans for today. This morning we're going to Buckingham Palace. Before lunch we're also going to the Post Office Tower. Then we're having lunch in Soho. This afternoon we're walking round Soho This evening we're having dinner at an Italian restaurent. After dinner we're going to a concert at the Festival Hall. What a bust day!

This morning Are you still tired, Jane? No, I am not. Where are we going this morning? Where are you taking us? First we're going to Buckingham Palace. Sheila' s very excited. Why? Because she's meeting some friends/ From Geneva? Yes, they're secretaries at the United Nations. They are staying in Hampstead. Does she know them well? Yes, she does. She's having lunch with them. They're showing her round London. Good! Now, where's your mother? She's still in her room. She's very Soho. slow. Yes, well, she's a woman. Women are an Italian restaurent. slow. Ah! Here she is.

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This Afternoon Where's that? It's between Charing Cross and the When are you taking us on the river? Aldwych. After lunch. Oh, you're lucky ! I 'm taking you to Buckingham Yes, I am. Palace before lunch. Look! We can see the Post Office Are we going to the Post Office Tower. Tower, too? I can see the top. Yes, we're going there before lunch. How high is it? Are we walking? No, we're going on a bus. Now, I don't know. where's your mother? There's a guide at the top. You can She's in the souvenir shop. She's late ask him. again. There she is. Can we go to the top? Yes, we can. I'm late again. I'm sorry. Oh good. Are you coming. Mum? Hurry! That's all right, ..but hurry! Simon's excited. He likes high We're catching that bus. buildings. Are you coming with us. Guy? Buildings Yes.

Is this Pickadilly Circus? A Wonderful View

No, this is Trafalgar Square. What a high building! Is that the We're lucky. Post Office Tower? Why? No, that it isn't. We can't see it Because there aren't any clouds. from here. It's between Tottenham Is that Hyde Park? Court and Regent Street. No, that's St. Jame's Park. There's Hyde Park on that side. What's that? Oh ! And there's Buckingham Palace. That's my favourite building. It's the It's between the two parks. National Gallery. That's right. Look! There's the Tower of London. When do you go there? Where? During my lunch hour. Near the river. Is your office near here? Are we going on the river? Yes, it's in the Strand. Yes, you are going on it this afternoon

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PART 3 We're Waiting Can we go now? No, we're waiting for Alice again. Does she know the time? I don't know. She knows our plans. I can see her in the restaurant. She's still eating. She doesn't know the time. We're late. I can see the bus. Now she's paying the waiter. Here she comes. We can go now. I Can Catch a Bus When are you leaving London? This evening. Before dinner? No, after dinner. The plane's leaving at nine (9.00). I can't take you to the airport. Why? Because I'm going to a concert this evening. Oh well... I can catch a bus.

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Audio Practice II Londonderry

1 The story of Londonderry is a long and tumultuous one. Set on a hill on the banks of the Foyle estuary, strategically close to the open sea, it came under siege and attack for over a thousand years.

St Columba came out of Donegal to escape the plague 1,400 years ago and founded his first monastery in the oak grove, a gift from his cousin. Prince of Aileach

There are magnificent views of the surrounding countryside from the great 17th-c walls, about a mile round and 18 feet thick, which even today are unbroken, with old cannons still pointing their black noses over the ramparts. The Great Siege when Jacobite forces failed to take the still 'Maiden City' lasted for 105 days.

The river Foyle, formed from more than a dozen tributary streams, all teaming with fish, flows through fertile lowlands

2 Any visit to this historic city must begin with a walk on the Great Walls From their hight you see: St Columb's Cathedral (1633, Anglican), St Eugene's Cathedral (1853-73, Catholic), the Guildhall, the courthouse, churches, city streets, Foyle estuary and green undulating outskirts The walls have seven arch-gates, six bastions and many cannons. The chapterhouse of St Columb's Cathedral contains the lock and keys of the four original city gates. It has many interesting monuments, including fine stained glass windows. St Eugene's Cathedral is in Gothic-revival style It has a notable high altar The Guildhall, with dozens of stained glass windows illustrating the city's history, stages concerts and plays, including premieres by local playwright Brian Friel From Derry Quay, behind the Guildhall, thousands of Irish emigrants sailed to the New World. The Courthouse (1813) is one of Ireland's best examples of Greek revival architecture Long Tower Church built in 1784 and later enlarged, stands on the site of the great medieval church of Templemore. The interior is magnificent.

3 Londonderry is full of dramatic architectural perspectives. Imposing public buildings and Georgian townhouses line the main thoroughfares within the city walls. More modest houses and little shops are found in the many narrow side streets in the shadow of the walls. The craft village recalls life in the city from the 16th-19th centuries and is ideal for souvenir shopping.

'The story of Derry' is vividly presented at the Tower Museum which is located underground, beneath the tall O'Dohhery Tower. The maritime history of Londonderry is exhibited in the Harbour Museum.

The Orchestra Gallery is a center for the visual arts and other activities, including popular music.

Magee College (University of Ulster), north of the city center, is best reached by the Foyle bridge downstream.

The city has four leisure centers: the Templemore complex (sauna, solarium, swimming, archery, squash); Lisnagelvin (swimming pool with wavemaker); St Columba's Park and Brooke Park leisure centers have pleasant woodland settings, with indoor and outdoor activities.

4 Two miles north of Derry is the Earhart Center. The first woman to fly the Atlantic solo, Amelia Earhart, brought her plane down here in 1932.

South are the Sperrin Mountains with their forests and river glens. To the east and noth-east are Magilligan Strand (Ireland's longest beach) and the lovely and fascinating Roe Valley Country Park, which is great charm for the tourists The river Roe winds through gorges where the rapids turned the waterwheels of several mills The mills and a 19th century hydro-electric plant have been restored, and the weaving shed houses a museum The park has a modern visitor center and a camping and caravan park The Roe Park golf course is on the Wetstern outskirts of the town.

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Words and Word Combinations

1 tumultuous set on the hill on the banks estuary it came under siege Donegol to escape from the plague founded his first monastery oak grove…gift from his cousin there are magnificent views surrounding countryside cannon….rampart fail...tributary teem ...fertile lowlands 2 from their height you see courthouse, churches Guildhall undulating outskirts arch – gate chapterhouse contains the lock and keys Gothic-revival stained glass notable high alter incuding premiers by local playwright Derry Quay Ireland's best example and later enlarged

1 бурхливий розташований на горбі на берегах гирло (ріки піддавався облогам Донегол (графство Ірландії) щоб уникнути чуми заснував свій перший монастир дубовий гай... подарунок кузена чудові види оточуюча, місцевість гармата... бастіон не вдаватися..... притока бути багатим на щось , кишіти 2 з їх висоти ви бачите будинок суду, церкви ратуша хвилясті, нерівні околиці арка, склепінчастий прохід будинок капітулу має замок, ключ готичного відродження вітражне скло відомий високий олтар включаючи премєри місцевого драматурга .. Набережна Деррі кращий приклад в Ірландії і пізніше збільшеної

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4 harbour glen strand lovely and fascinating charm ... rapids wind gorge weaving turned the waterwheels of.. .mills shed caravan hydro-electric plant have been restored golf course

4 гавань, порт вузька долина прибережна смуга милі і чаруючі чари ... бистрини пороги звиватися вузька ущелина ткацький обертали колеса ... млинів цех фургон, будиночок-автопричеп гідро-ел. станція була відновлена пале для гольфу

on the site of...medieval interior is magnificent 3 imposing public buildings line the main thoroughfares craft recalls life beneath the tall... Tower maritime visual arts is best reached by Foyle bridge downstream four leisure centers pleasant woodland settings indoor and outdoor activities

на місці ...середньовічного інтерєр є чудовим 3 вражаючі громадські будови обрамлюютпь головні магістралі ремесло нагадує про життя під високою ... Баштою морський образотворче мистецтво найкраще дістатися. міст Фойл внизу по течїі чотири центри відпочинку приємна лісиста місцевість відпочинок надворі і в приміщенні

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Home Reading Section Theodore Dreiser "The Financier

...... The PHILADELPHIA into which Frank Algernon Cowperwood was born was a city of two hundred and fifty thousand and more. It was set with handsome parks, notable buildings, and crowded with historic memories. Many of the things that we and he knew later were not then in existence - the telegraph, telephone, express company, ocean steamer, city delivery of mails. There were no postage-stamps or registerd letters. The street car had not yet arrived. In its place were hosts of omnibuses, and for longer travel the slowly developing railroad system still largely connected by canals.

He was going to pull the bell, but remembered that the servants would scarcely be up as yet. He went to the front door himself. There were the Press and the Public Ledger lying damp from the presses. He picked them up and glanced at the front pages. His countenance fell. On one, the Press, was spread a great black map of CHICAGO , a most funeral-looking thing, the black portion indicating the burned section. He had never seen a map of Chicago before in just this clear, definite way. That white portion was Lake Michigan, and there was the Chicago River dividing the city into three almost equal portions - the north side, the west side, the south side. He saw at once that the city was curiously arranged, somewhat like Philadelphia, and that the business section was probably an area of two or three miles square, set at the juncture of the three sides, and lying south of the main stem of the river, where it flowed into the lake after the southwest and northwest branches had united to form it. This was a significant central area; but, according to this map, it was all burned out. "Chicago in Ashes" ran a great side-heading set in heavily leaded black type. It went on to detail the sufferings of the homeless, the number of the dead, the number of those whose fortunes had been destroyed. Then it descended upon the probable effect in the East.