Effective Energy Management System ISO 50001 Antonio Spadafora Business Development Engineering Services

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Effective Energy Management System ISO 50001 Antonio Spadafora Business Development Engineering Services Why Energy Management? 50001 Certified Companies Global Statistics ISO 50001 Standard Structure Plan-Do- Check Act Cycle Management Performance ISO 50001 Requirements Roadmap Case Studies Resources. Overview Planning Implementation Energy Performance Measurement Drivers Rising energy prices. Constrained energy supply. Results Efficient supply chain. Reduction of economic costs. Environmental and societal improvements. Organizational Readiness Senior management support. Knowledgeable staff. Accountability. Why Energy Management? ISO 50001 Certified Chaudfontaine water bottler becomes a reference in sustainable energy management. Voluntary International Standard. Provides requirements for an Energy Management System (EnMS). EstablishesEnergyManagementframeworkofindustrial,commercial, institutional and government facilities. Targeting sectors could influence up to 60% of the worlds energy use (Source:ISO 50001 Energy Management Guide). What is50001? CanadianISO 50001 Certifications ISO 50001 Certified Companies (Note:Location Specific) ISO 50001 Global Statistics - YTD 02004006008001000120014001600 Africa Asia Europe North America South America AfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaSouth America Total723914512610 Number of Certified Companies Per Continent ISO 50001 Overview Courtesy Superior Energy Performance Program Systematicapproachofcontinuousimprovementinenergy management, energy efficiency and energy conservation. Requirements on energy supply and consumption: Measurement. Documentation and Reporting. Design and Procurement Equipment and Systems. Processes and Personnel. Thestandarddoesnotdescribespecificperformancecriteria.Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are established by the company itself. ISO 50001 can utilize common processes (document control, record control) management systems including ISO 90001 and ISO 140001. ISO 50001 Standard Structure Courtesy Natural Resources Canada - http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/industrial/iso/5874 Technical and Management Interface Courtesy Natural Resources Canada - http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/industrial/iso/5874 Management Performance Energy waste opportunity. Energy Inefficiency opportunity. Why is excess energy use occurring? What can be done? Who can do it? When can it be done? Measured energy use. Measured driver variable. Presentation ofEnergy Performance Information. Energy Problem - $$ Spent Solution Uncertainty Quantified Visualization EMIS Sustained Control ISO 50001 Management commitment. Objectives & Targets. Assigned accountability & responsibility. AllocatedResources. Management Commitments Set Goals & Targets Implementation and Operation Checking Review & Evaluate Assess Current Situation Establish scope of EnMS Assign responsibility & accountability Appoint Energy Leaders AllocateResources Develop policy AnalyzeEnergy Performance Identify SEUs Identify Legal Obligations Identify opportunities Develop baseline(s) Prioritize opportunities Develop Energy Action Plan Develop EnPIs Develop M&V Plans Assign responsibility Develop training Integrate EE with SOPs Integrate EE with design Integrate EE with Maintenance Integrate EE with Procurement Develop Metering Plan Install EMIS Conduct energy audits Conduct EnMS audits Document improvement actions Review Energy Performance Review Energy strategy & policy Review Action Plans Review resource allocation Review EnPIs Review M&V Plans Review system changes& improvements Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle Source:LCG EMG, Lauri Gregg, P. Eng Iterative Cycle! ISO 50001 Requirements CategoryOverviewPossible Application of EM FundamentalsAdditional Requirements for Certification General - Establish, document, implement maintain & improve an EnMS in accordance to ISO 50001- Scope & boundary - Continual improvement in energyperformance - Implement EM practices in a defined area of the organization/facility. -Review energy cost and energy use related practices on a regular basis -Document the implementation of the EnMS. -Bound all significant uses within the scope of implementation.- Review regularly the processes used to control energy use. Management Responsibility - Top Managements role - Management Representatives role - Lead the focus on controlling energy use and cost - Include the optimization of energy cost in the business plan. - Establish an energy cost reduction target. - Assign energy related tasks as appropriate. - Discuss energy use at employee meetings. - Review energy cost at organizational budget meetings. - Establish an energy Policy. - Bound all Significant energy Uses within the Scope of implementation. - Establish energy performance Indicators for Significant energy uses. - Define responsibilities and authorities related to energy use. - Review regularly the processes used to control energy use. - Review energy cost at organizational budget meetings. PolicyStrategy and Policy - Develop an energy Strategy - Integrate energy performance with Annual, Mid-term and Long-term Business Plans - Implement EM practices on 1 production process. An Energy Policy should address the following: - Continual improvement of energy performance. - Allocation of appropriate resources. - Compliance with any legal or other requirements. - Ongoing improvement objectives and targets. - Purchase of energy efficient projects and services. ISO 50001 Requirements CategoryOverview Possible Application of EM Fundamentals Additional Requirements for Certification Energy Planning:Plan! -Legal- Energy review.- Energy Baseline. - EnPI's- Objectives, targets and action plans. -Analyze current energy use and performance of a defined area. - Determine and energy use baseline. -Identify and prioritize opportunities for energy performance improvement.- Develop and energy action plan with assigned responsibility." - Document and regularly Review all elements of the energy Planning Process. -Address legal and other obligations. - Identify area of Significant Energy Use, variables affecting use and energy sources. -Address past and future energy performance relative to targets and EnPI's.- Develop an energy action plan with timelines and verification methods." Implementation and Operation- DO! Communication Competence, training & awareness Documentation requirements Control of documents Operational control Design & Procurement - Include steps for controlling energy use in existing job procedures. - Provide training required by energy related operating and maintenance practices. - Retrofit failed old equipment with energy efficient replacements. - Include in training:required of EnMS; roles, impact of practices re: energy performance. - Document, maintain and regularly update training records. - Document:scope of EnMS; policy; targets. - Control documents:approval; revision status - Develop and communicate significant energy use operating criteria - Develop and record an Energy Efficient Design/Retrofit process. - Establish and document energy procurement specifications for equipment and services. ISO 50001 Requirements CategoryOverview Possible Application of EM Fundamentals Additional Requirements for Certification Check! Monitoring, Measurement & Analysis Evaluation of Legal Requirements Internal audit of the EnMS Non-conformities-corrective action Control of Records - Include steps for controlling energy use in existing job procedures. - Provide training required b energy related operating and maintenance practices. - Retrofit failed old equipment with energy efficient replacements. - Measure energy performance of Significant energy uses. - Measure variables that drive energy use. - Monitor Energy Performance Indicators and track actual versus planned performance. - Track progress toward improvement targets. - Comply with legal and other requirements. - Take corrective or preventive action to eliminate nonconformities and record results. Management Review:Act! Input Output - Incorporate energy performance improvement measures in the annual business plan. - Review energy performance and cost as part of the annual budgeting process. - Monitor implementation of energy performance improvement measures. Top Management should review and record actions: - Energy policy- Energy performance and indicators; current and forecast. - Legal and other requirements. - Targets, improvement measures, corrective actions -EnMS audits. ISO 50001 Implementation Roadmap Business Case and Value Add established Standard content & applicability reviewed by Top Management Copy ofISO 50001 EnMS Standard obtained from CSA websiteDECISION TO PROCEED WITH IMPLEMENTATION Gap elimination Action Plan implementedGap Assessment of employed EM Practices completed Appropriate internal/external resources & time allocated EnMS audited by accredited auditor Internal compliance audit completed Gap elimination action plan implemented Gap Assessment re: requirements of standard completed EM FUNDAMENTALS IMPLEMENTATION ISO 50001 EnMS CERTIFICATION Time ~ One Year % Certification Completion Source:LCG EMG, Lauri Gregg, P. Eng Sample Gap Analysis Source:LCG EMG, Lauri Gregg, P. Eng Case Study: ISO 50001 Certification Program:Roadmap for Achieving Continual Improvement http://www.superiorenergyperformance.net Market-based, ANSI-ANAB accredited certification program. Continual improvement in energy efficiency while boosting competitiveness. Utilizes ISO 50001 standard as foundational tool for energy management. Superior Energy Performance Certified Partners Energy Performance Improvement Year of Certification SEP Platinum Volvo Trucks, NA: Dublin, VA25.80%2012 Dow Chemical Company, manufacturing plant: Texas City, TX17.10%2011 3M Canada Company: Brockville, Ontario, Canada15.20%2012 SEP Gold Cook Composites and Polymers Co.: Houston, TX14.90%2010 General Dynamics: Scranton, PA11.90%2013 Allsteel: Muscatine, IA10.20%2012 SEP Silver Owens Corning: Waxahachie, TX9.60%2010 Dow Chemical Company, energy systems plant: Texas City, TX8.10%2011 Nissan, NA: Smyrna, TN7.20%2012 Case Study: IEM IEM Application: Biofuel demand increase. Energy efficiency a key roll for cost competitiveness. Action: External studies to assess energy savings, benefits and best technologies. Utilize sub-metering use and monitoring consumptions on a daily basis. Solution: Plant expansion - six additional heat exchangers were installed. Process heat captured and reused many times over. Without expansion retrofits, consumption increase of 24,000,000 m3NG/year. eGuide provides: Step-by-step guidance and resources. Development and implementation of a continual improvement. All based on ISO 50001. Publically available. http://www1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/tech_assistance/ecenter.html Professional Education Environmental & Energy Management Introduction to ISO 50001 (ENER 3103P) Course covers the elements of ISO 50001 and requirements. Provides auditors a description of the standard and what it intends. Good introduction for those who want to know more about energy management. Certified Practitioner in Energy Management Systems (ENER 3101P) Critical technical assistance to industrial and commercial facilities. Geared for ISO 50001 and the Superior Energy Performance (SEP) program. ISO 50001 Energy Lead Auditor Training (ENER 3100P) Learn to approach ISO 50001 from the professional auditors point of view. Focusing on key audit skills that enhance auditing capability. NRCAN ISO 50001 Support ecoENERGY Efficiency for Industry Financial Assistance Cost-shared assistance to industrial companies for implementation of CAN/CSA-ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems Standard and for two types of energy studies: Process Integration and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Financial assistance of up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $25,000 for ISO 50001 Standard Implementation Pilots Process Integration and Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies Contact:Bob Fraser - Chief, Engineering Support Services Industrial Programs Division Tel: 613 947 1594 [email protected] Key Contacts ISO 50001 Certification Lauri Gregg,P. Eng.CP EnMS - Principal of LCG Energy Management Group Energymanagementplanningandperformance,ISO50001andEnMS implementation. Formerly Director of Energy at Falconbridge Ltd. (total of 39 years of service). CanadianAdvisoryCommittee-DevelopmentofISO50001Energy Management Standard. Assessment Phase Study Dr. Ewan MacDonald - SKM Enviros Chemist and Chemical Engineer - 30 years service Industrial energy and resource efficiency. CurrentlyleadingtheNISP(NationalIndustrialSymbiosisProject)TeaminNW England DeliveringcarbonandresourcemanagementprojectsinUKandinternational markets. Union Gas Support Webinar Offering Four hour ISO 50001 Awareness workshop and webinar. Involve 5 to 20 companies and Union Gas participants. The objectives of this workshop: Create awareness and understanding Implementation of Energy Management practices. Historical Large Industrial Assistance 2013 and 2014 Offerings Engineering Feasibility Study Process Improvement Study Steam Trap Survey New Equipment Operations & Maintenance Boiler Tune-ups Meters Demonstration of New Technology Customer Education Closing ISO 50001 is a systematic approach to Energy Management. North America will see an influx of companies completing certification carrying over from Europe. Union Gas is looking to gauge interest in a webinar or other interests.