Dual Catalogue 2013

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Catalogue 2013

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Page 3: Dual Catalogue 2013


TarihçeDual Kimya 1971 yýlýnda ticaret hayatýna, halk saðlýðýný tehdit eden ev zararlýlarýyla mücadele ürünleri pazarlayarak baþlayan þirketimiz ilerleyen yýllarda güvenebileceðiniz, en yüksek kalite ve üstünlükte tasarlanmýþ ve imal edilmiþ ürünleriyle beðenilerinizi kazanmýþtýr. Yeniliði ilke edinerek ürünlerini çeþitlendirmiþ ve geliþtirmiþtir.Ülkemizin tüm þehirlerinde ürünlerini kendi ekibiyle daðýtan þirketimiz uluslararasý pazarlara da açýlmaya baþlamýþtýr.Misyonumuz.Ürünlerimiz, çözümlerimiz, satýþ sonrasý hizmetlerimizle saðladýðýmýz güvenirlilik ve yüksek iþ ahlakýmýz ile müþterilerin ilk tercihi olabilmek. Ayrýca çalýþanlarýmýz, hissedarlarýmýz ve müþterilerimiz için deðer yaratan bir þirket olabilmek.Vizyonumuz.Çaðýmýzýn gerektirdiði geliþim ve deðiþimlere ayak uydurarak arge çalýþmalarýna gereken yatýrýmlarý yapmak suretiyle, ülkemize ve sektörümüze yeni ürünler kazandýrmak ve bu ürünleri tüm dünya ülkelerine pazarlamak, Bunu yaparken çevre ve insan saðlýðýný herþeyin önünde tutmak.Personelimiz :Þirketimizi ayakta tutan temel gücümüz çalýþanlarýmýzdýr.Tüketicilerimiz :Ürünlerimizden yararlanan kiþilerin, Hakkýmýzda iyi düþünmelerinin saðlanmasý ve bunun hakedilmesi gerektiðine inanýyoruz.

Þirket Profili

HistoryDual Chemical started its business by marketing products to protect the community from insatiary home insects at 1971. As our company keeps on rising, our advanced designed and manufactured product quality gained the consumers appreciation. Our company has taken the idea of innovation as its main principle, widened and developed its products.Our company; In Turkey distributes its products by our own crew is also started to gain its place in the international market. Our Mission.Our Mission is to be the first preference of our customers by our; products, solutions, after sales consultation, liability and high commercial morality. Also to become a company that creates a significant value for our employees, shareholders and customers.Our Vision.Our vision is to keep up on the developments and exchanges that our era requires by new R&D projects, necessary investments and earning new products for our country and our industry and also to commercialize these product internationally without retaining the primacy of environment and human health. Our Staff:The main power keeping our company alive is our employees.Our Consumers:We believe that our products and company must earn the appriciation of our consumers no matter what.

Historique : La société Dual Kimya a commencé son activité en 1971 en commercialisant des produits contre les insectes nuisibles de maison. Au cours des années, notre société a acquis une reconnaissance grâce à ses produits de confiance, conceptualisés et fabriqués avec des ingrédients de première qualité. Notre société a développé et diversifié ses produits en adoptant une approche novatrice. Notre société se charge elle-même de la distribution des produits à travers les différentes villes du pays. Aujourd’hui, elle commence à s’étendre sur le marché international. Notre mission :Devenir le numéro un des clients grâce à la fiabilité qu’elle assure avec ses produits, ses solutions et son assistance après vente et ainsi qu’à son éthique de travail. Devenir également une société créant des valeurs à son personnel, ses associés et ses clients. Notre vision :Développer de nouveaux produits pour notre pays et notre secteur en faisant les investissements nécessaires concernant le personnel de recherche et de développement, tout en s'adaptant aux changements et aux évolutions de notre époque. Commercialiser ces produits à travers le monde entier, tout en respectant la santé humaine et l’environnement. Notre personnel : Notre personnel est notre principale force qui maintient la société. Nos consommateurs : Assurer à ce que les personnes qui utilisent nos produits aient une bonne impression à notre égard et nous pensons que ceci se mérite.

Company Profile Profile de la société

Page 4: Dual Catalogue 2013

Filit Insecticide Aerosols

Item No : 25010Pcs Per Box : 48

Item No : 25011Pcs Per Box : 48

Item No : 25012Pcs Per Box : 48

Filit haþere savarFilit haþere savar hamamböceði kalorifer böceði, karasinek, sivrisinek, karýnca, bit, pire ve diðer tüm yürüyen ve uçan haþerelere karþý kesin etkili bir üründür. Filit haþere savar haþereleri saklandýklarý deliklerden çýkartan ýþýða çýkarma etkisine sahiptir. Hýzlý düþürücü etkisiyle tüm haþerelerin kökünü kurutur.Filit anti-insectFilit Anti-Insect is an effective aerosol for cockroaches, horn flies, mosquitos, ants, louses, fleas and all other kinds of flying and walking insects. Filit Anti-Insect has the speciality of making bugs come out to the light from their hiding places. With its fast reducing effect it will exterminate all insects.Répulsif Parasite Filit Le répulsif parasite Filit est un aérosol efficace contre les cafards, battes, mouches, moustiques, fourmis, mites, puces et autres insectes volants et rampants. Le répulsif parasite Filit permet de sortir l’insecte de son trou. Il élimine tous les insectes grâce à son effet rapide.

Filit sinek savar.Filit sinek savar karasinek, sivrisinek Ve benzeri uçan haþerelere karþý kesin etkili bir aerosol dür. Filit sinek savar su bazlý formülü sayesinde kokusuzdur. Karasinek ve sivrisineklerle mücadele ederken aðýr kokulara maruz kalmazsýnýz. Ürünü kullanmadan önce kutuyu iyice çalkalayýnýz.Filit anti-mosquitoFilit Anti-Mosquito is an effective aerosol for mosquitos, horn flies and and any other kinds of flying insects. It is without ant scent thanks to the filit anti-mosquito water based formula. You will not be exposed to heavy smell while dealing with mosquitos and horn flies. Well shake the can before use.Répulsif Mouche FilitLe répulsif mouche Filit est un aérosol efficace qui agit contre les mouches, les moustiques et autres insectes volants. Le répulsif mouche Filit est inodore grâce à sa formule à base d’eau. Vous ne serez pas obligés de supporter les mauvaises odeurs lors de la lutte contre les mouches et les moustiques. Bien giter le tube avant chaque utilisation.

Filit Böcek savarFilit böcek savar hamamböce?i, Kalorifer Böceði ve diðer tüm yürüyen haþerelere karþý kesin etkili bir aerosoldür. Filit böcek Savar haþereleri saklandýðý deliklerden çýkartan iþiða çýkarma etkisine sahiptir. Baþlýðýndaki hortumu sayesinde böceklerin yuvalanýnýn bulunduðu yarýklara catlaklara ve döþeme altlarýna rahat uygulama saðlar.Filit anti-bugFilit Anti-Bug is an effective aerosol for cockroaches and any other kinds of walking insects. Filit Anti-Bug has the speciality of making bugs come out to the light from their hiding places. With the help of its trunk, it has the ability for the user to reach to the cracks and breaches where the bugs are nestedRépulsif Insecte FilitLe répulsif insecte Filit est aérosol efficace contre les cafards, les Blattes et autres insectes rampants. Le répulsif insecte Filit permet de sortir l’insecte de son trou. Grâce à son tuyau au niveau de la tête, il est facile à utiliser sur les fissures, les cassures et sous les revêtements de sol où pourraient se trouver leurs nids.

Filit Anti Insect Filit Anti Mosquito Filit Anti Bug

Page 5: Dual Catalogue 2013

Filit Insecticide Pump Spray

Item No : 25015Pcs Per Box : 24

Filit hazýr spray Kene, Karýnca, Hamamböceði ve diðer tüm haþereleri hýzlý ve kesin öldürme etkisine sahip bir üründür. Filit hazýr spray su bazlý kokusuz bir formülasyona sahiptir. Hazýr solusyon þeklindeki Filit hazýr spray püskürtme pompasý yardýmý ile direkt uygulanmaktadýr.

Filit hazýr sprayin formülasyonu güvenli ve kalýcý etki saðlar.

Filit pump spray is a product that has the effect of blasting ticks, ants, cockroaches and any other kinds of insects absolutely and quickly. Filit pump spray has a scentless water based formulation. Filit pump spray, a ready solution type product, can be applied directly with the help of its spraying pump.

Filit pump spray’s formulation has a safe and long lasting effect.

Filit Pompe de pulvérisation est un produit très efficace qui tue immédiatement les acariens, fourmis, cafards et tout autre insecte. Filit Pompe de pulvérisation a une formulation inodore à base d’eau. Filit Pompe de pulvérisation sous forme d’une solution préparée, s’applique directement à l'aide de sa pompe de pulvérisation.

La formulation de Filit Pompe de pulvérisation est sûre et reste efficace pendant longtemps.

Filit Hazýr Spray Filit Pump Spray Filit Pompe de pulvérisation

Page 6: Dual Catalogue 2013

Filit Insecticide ( EC )

Item No : 25021Pcs Per Box : 48

Item No : 25020Pcs Per Box : 24

Item No : 250122Pcs Per Box : 20

Filit ddvp ( EC )

250 ml.

500 ml.

900 ml.

Filit ddvp ECShock Out Plus Kene, Karýnca, Hamamböceði ve diðer tüm haþereleri hýzlý ve kesin öldürme etkisine sahip bir üründür. Shock Out Plus kullanma talimatýnda yazdýðý þekilde sulandýrýlarak bir pompa yardýmýyla uygulanmalýdýr.

Shock Out Plus kalýcý etkisi sayesinde haþereleri uzun süre öldürmeye devam eder.

Filit ddvp ECFilit ddvp is a product that has the effect of blasting ticks, ants, cockroaches and any other kinds of insects absolutely and quickly. Filit ddvp Plus as instructed in the user manual should be diluted and should be used with the help of a spraying pump.

With the help of Filit ddvp’ long lasting effect, the insects are keep blasted on for a long time period.

Filit ddvp ECFilit ddvp est un produit très efficace qui tue immédiatement les acariens, fourmis, cafards et tout autre insecte. Comme indiqué sur le mode d’emploi, Filit ddvp doit être dilué puis doit s’appliquer à l’aide d’une pompe.

Grâce à son effet longue durée Filit ddvp, continue de tuer les insectes pendant longtemps.

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Filitox Wheat Fodder

Item No : 25026Pcs Per Box : 40

Filitox Fare Zehiri

Filitox fare zehiri fare ve sýçanlara karþý kesin etkilidir. Formülasyonu gereði farelerde yem çekingenliðine sebep olmaz. Fare ve sýçan probleminizi ortadan kaldýrmaya yeter Filitox fare zehiri, fareler yemi yemeye baþladýktan sonra 4-7 gün içersinde iç kanama yolu ile ölürler. Filitox tüm kemirgenlerin ölmesi için yeterlidir.

Filitox Rat Poison

Filitox Rat Poison has a certain effect on mice and rats. Thanks to its formulation the rats are not food caution. Filitox rat poison will be more than enough to terminate your rat problems. After the rats are fed by the bait they will die in 4-7 days from internal bleeding. Filitox is effective on all types of rodents.

Poison à Rat Filitox

Le poison à rat Filitox est très efficace contre les rats et les souris. Grace à sa formulation, les rats n’hésitent pas à manger l’appât. Le poison à rat Filitxox suffit pour éliminer vos problèmes de rats et de souris. Ils meurent suite à une hémorragie interne, 4-7 jours après avoir mangé l’appât. Filitox est à lui seul suffisant pour éliminer les rongeurs.

Filitox Wheat Fodder

Rodent Control

Page 8: Dual Catalogue 2013

Shock Out Insecticide Aerosols

Item No : 25001Pcs Per Box : 48

Item No : 25002Pcs Per Box : 48

Item No : 25003Pcs Per Box : 48

Shock Out haþere savarShock Out haþere savar hamamböceði kalorifer böceði, karasinek, sivrisinek, karýnca, bit, pire ve diðer tüm yürüyen ve uçan haþerelere karþý kesin etkili bir üründür. Shock Out haþere savar haþereleri saklandýklarý deliklerden çýkartan ýþýða çýkarma etkisine sahiptir. Hýzlý düþürücü etkisiyle tüm haþerelerin kökünü kurutur.Shock Out anti-insectShock Out Anti-Insect is an effective aerosol for cockroaches, horn flies, mosquitos, ants, louses, fleas and all other kinds of flying and walking insects. Shock Out Anti-Insect has the speciality of making bugs come out to the light from their hiding places. With its fast reducing effect it will exterminate all insects.Répulsif Parasite Shock Out Le répulsif parasite Shock Out est un aérosol efficace contre les cafards, battes, mouches, moustiques, fourmis, mites, puces et autres insectes volants et rampants. Le répulsif parasite Shock Out permet de sortir l’insecte de son trou. Il élimine tous les insectes grâce à son effet rapide.

Shock Out sinek savar.Shock Out sinek savar karasinek, sivrisinek Ve benzeri uçan haþerelere karþý kesin etkili bir aerosol dür. Shock Outsinek savar su bazlý formülü sayesinde kokusuzdur. Karasinek ve sivrisineklerle mücadele ederken aðýr kokulara maruz kalmazsýnýz. Ürünü kullanmadan önce kutuyu iyice çalkalayýnýz.Shock Out anti-mosquitoShock Out mosquitos, horn flies and and any other kinds of flying insects. It is without ant scent thanks to the Shock Out anti-mosquito water based formula. You will not be exposed to heavy smell while dealing with mosquitos and horn flies. Well shake the can before use.Répulsif Mouche Shock OutLe répulsif mouche Shock Out est un aérosol efficace qui agit contre les mouches, les moustiques et autres insectes volants. Le répulsif mouche Shock Out est inodore grâce à sa formule à base d’eau. Vous ne serez pas obligés de supporter les mauvaises odeurs lors de la lutte contre les mouches et les moustiques. Bien giter le tube avant chaque utilisation.

Shock Out Böcek savarShock Out böcek savar hamamböce?i, Kalorifer Böceði ve diðer tüm yürüyen haþerelere karþý kesin etkili bir aerosoldür. Shock Out böcek Savar haþereleri saklandýðý deliklerden çýkartan iþiða çýkarma etkisine sahiptir. Baþlýðýndaki hortumu sayesinde böceklerin yuvalanýnýn bulunduðu yarýklara catlaklara ve döþeme altlarýna rahat uygulama saðlar.Shock Out anti-bugShock Out Anti-Bug is an effective aerosol for cockroaches and any other kinds of walking insects. Shock Out Anti-Bug has the speciality of making bugs come out to the light from their hiding places. With the help of its trunk, it has the ability for the user to reach to the cracks and breaches where the bugs are nestedRépulsif Insecte Shock OutLe répulsif insecte Shock Out est aérosol efficace contre les cafards, les Blattes et autres insectes rampants. Le répulsif insecte Shock Out permet de sortir l’insecte de son trou. Grâce à son tuyau au niveau de la tête, il est facile à utiliser sur les fissures, les cassures et sous les revêtements de sol où pourraient se trouver leurs nids.

Shock Out Anti Insect Shock Out Anti Mosquito Shock Out Anti Bug

Page 9: Dual Catalogue 2013

Shock Out Maxi Pump Spray

Item No : 25210Pcs Per Box : 24

Item No : 25011Pcs Per Box : 24

Shock Out Maxi Haþere ÖldürücüShock Out Maxi Kene, Karýnca, Hamamböceði ve diðer tüm haþereleri hýzlý ve kesin öldürme etkisine sahip bir üründür. Shock Out Maxi su bazlý kokusuz bir formülasyona sahiptir. Hazýr solusyon þeklindeki shock out maxi püskürtme pompasý yardýmý ile direkt uygulanmaktadýr. Shock Out Maxi nin formülasyonu güvenli ve kalýcý etki saðlar. Shock Out Maxi anti-insectShock Out Maxi is a product that has the effect of blasting ticks, ants, cockroaches and any other kinds of insects absolutely and quickly. Shock Out Maxi has a scentless water based formulation. Shock Out Maxi, a ready solution type product, can be applied directly with the help of its spraying pump. Shock Out Maxi’s formulation has a safe and long lasting effect.

Destructeur d'insectes Shock Out Maxi Shock Out Maxi est un produit très efficace qui tue immédiatement les acariens, fourmis, cafards et tout autre insecte. Shock Out Maxi a une formulation inodore à base d’eau. Shock out maxi sous forme d’une solution préparée, s’applique directement à l'aide de sa pompe de pulvérisation. La formulation de Shock Out Maxi est sûre et reste efficace pendant longtemps.

Shock Out Maxi All insect killer Shock Out Maxi Ant Killer

Shock Out Maxi Karýnca ÖldürücüShock Out Maxi Kene, Karýnca, Hamamböceði ve diðer tüm haþereleri hýzlý ve kesin öldürme etkisine sahip bir üründür. Shock Out Maxi su bazlý kokusuz bir formülasyona sahiptir. Hazýr solusyon þeklindeki shock out maxi püskürtme pompasý yardýmý ile direkt uygulanmaktadýr. Shock Out Maxi nin formülasyonu güvenli ve kalýcý etki saðlar. Shock Out Maxi Ant KillerShock Out Maxi is a product that has the effect of blasting ticks, ants, cockroaches and any other kinds of insects absolutely and quickly. Shock Out Maxi has a scentless water based formulation. Shock Out Maxi, a ready solution type product, can be applied directly with the help of its spraying pump. Shock Out Maxi’s formulation has a safe and long lasting effect. Tueur Ant Shock Out Maxi Shock Out Maxi est un produit très efficace qui tue immédiatement les acariens, fourmis, cafards et tout autre insecte. Shock Out Maxi a une formulation inodore à base d’eau. Shock out maxi sous forme d’une solution préparée, s’applique directement à l'aide de sa pompe de pulvérisation. La formulation de Shock Out Maxi est sûre et reste efficace pendant longtemps.

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Shock Out Plus ( EC )

Item No : 25215Pcs Per Box : 24

Item No : 2525217Pcs Per Box : 20

Item No : 25218Pcs Per Box : 4

Shock Out Plus ECShock Out Plus Kene, Karýnca, Hamamböceði ve diðer tüm haþereleri hýzlý ve kesin öldürme etkisine sahip bir üründür. Shock Out Plus kullanma talimatýnda yazdýðý þekilde sulandýrýlarak bir pompa yardýmýyla uygulanmalýdýr.

Shock Out Plus kalýcý etkisi sayesinde haþereleri uzun süre öldürmeye devam eder.

Shock Out Plus ECShock Out Plus is a product that has the effect of blasting ticks, ants, cockroaches and any other kinds of insects absolutely and quickly. Shock Out Plus as instructed in the user manual should be diluted and should be used with the help of a spraying pump.

With the help of Shock Out Plus’ long lasting effect, the insects are keep blasted on for a long time period.

Shock Out Plus ECShock Out Plus est un produit très efficace qui tue immédiatement les acariens, fourmis, cafards et tout autre insecte. Comme indiqué sur le mode d’emploi, Shock Out Plus doit être dilué puis doit s’appliquer à l’aide d’une pompe.

Grâce à son effet longue durée Shock Out Plus, continue de tuer les insectes pendant longtemps.

Shock Out Plus EC

Item No : 25214Pcs Per Box : 96

Item No : 25216Pcs Per Box : 48

100 ml.

250 ml.

500 ml.

900 ml.

5000 ml.

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Shock Out SC 12 ( SC )

Item No : 25229Pcs Per Box : 4

Item No : 25228Pcs Per Box : 20

SHOCK OUT SC12 Karasinek, Sivrisinek, Hamamböce?i, Karýnca, Bit, Pire ve Diðer tüm zararlýlara karþý uzun süreli ve kesin etkilidir.

SHOCK OUT SC12 Bir Kutu ile 500 m2 yüzey ilaçlar.

SHOCK OUT SC12 Benzerlerine göre 3 kat daha fazla alan ilaçlar ve etkisi 4 ay devam eder

Shock Out SC 12

SHOCK OUT SC12 Has a certain, long lasting effect on; horn flies, mosquitos, cockroaches, ants, louses, fleas and all other kinds of insatiary insects.

SHOCK OUT SC12 500m2 of surface will be applied disinfectant with 1 can.

SHOCK OUT SC12 Has the ability to apply disinfectant to 3 times larger spaces than similar products and its effect lasts for 4 months.

Item No : 25220Pcs Per Box : 96

5000 ml. 900 ml.

50 ml.

SHOCK OUT SC12 C’est un produit de longue durée et efficace contre les mouches, moustiques, cafards, fourmis, mites, puces et tout autre insecte nuisible.

SHOCK OUT SC12 le contenu d’un récipient peut s’appliquer sur une surface de 500 m2.

SHOCK OUT SC12 le contenu du récipient peut s’applique sur 3 fois plus d’espace que ces semblables et reste efficace pendant 4 mois.

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Shock Out Stop ( REPELLENT )

Item No : 25242Pcs Per Box : 96

Shock Out Stop

Shock Out Stop sizi ve ailenizi sivrisinek saldýrýsýndan gece ve gündüz korur. Vucudunuzun açýk yerlerini kaplýyacak þekilde uyguladýðýnýzda 6-8 saat boyunca sivrisinekler size yaklaþamaz. Shock Out Stop Evde, Bahçede, Tarlada, Kampta, plajda sivrisinekler tarafýndan ýsýrýlmadan rahat zaman geçirmenizi ve sivrisineklerin bulaþtýrdýðý hastalýklardan korunmanýzý saðlar.

Shock Out Stop REPELLENT

Item No : 25240Pcs Per Box : 96

Item No : 25241Pcs Per Box : 96

50 ml.

100 ml.

100 ml.

Shock Out Stop

Shock Out Stop protects you and your family against mosquito attacks day and night. When you apply it by covering the open parts of your body, mosquitoes can’t approach you throughout 6-8 hours. Shock Out Stop makes you have a great time without biten by the mosquitoes at home, in the garden, in the field, in the camp or on the beach; and also protects you from the illnesses spreaded by the mosquito.

Shock Out Stop

Shock Out Stop protège vous et votre famille des attaques de moustiques nuit et jour. Lorsque vous l’appliquez sur les parties découvertes de votre corps, les moustiques ne peuvent vous approcher pendant 6 à 8 heures. Shock Out Stop vous permet passer du temps chez vous, dans le jardin, dans les Champs, en Camping et à la Plage sans être piqués et d’être protégés des maladies transmissibles par les moustiques.

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BadCat Pasta Bait

100 gr. Item No : 25600 Pcs Per Box : 48

BadCat Pasta BaitDifenacoum aktif maddeli BadCat Pasta bait fare ve sýçan mücadelesinde kesin etkilidir. BadCat Pasta formülasyonundaki Bitrex çocuklarýn yemle temasýný engeleyen tat iritasyonuna sahiptir. Fare ve Sýçan Mücadelenizde güvenilir yardýmcýnýz BadCat.

BadCat Pasta Bait

BadCat Pasta Bait

BadCat Paste Bait with it’s difenacoum active substance has a powerfull effect on rats and mice. BatCat Pasta Bait is produced with the taste that provides mice and rats contact with the bait. BadCat Pasta Bait products contain Bitrex which is human taste irritation.

500 gr. Item No : 25601 Pcs Per Box : 242 kg Item No : 25604 Pcs Per Box : 45 kg. Item No : 25602 Pcs Per Box : 1

10 kg. Item No : 25603 Pcs Per Box : 1

Rodent Control

BadCat Pasta Bait

Le Paste BadCat à base de substance active Difenacoum, est très efficace sur la lutte contre les rats et les souris. Grâce au Bitrex se trouvant dans sa formulation Paste BadCat assure un contact avec l'appât et les rats sans provoquer une hésitation chez le rat envers l’appart. Produits BadCat Bait pâtes contiennent du Bitrex qui est une irritation goût humain.

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BadCat Pellet Bait

100 gr. Item No : 25610 Pcs Per Box : 48

BadCat Pellet Bait

500 gr. Item No : 25611 Pcs Per Box : 242 kg Item No : 25614 Pcs Per Box : 45 kg. Item No : 25612 Pcs Per Box : 1

10 kg. Item No : 25613 Pcs Per Box : 1

Rodent Control

BadCat Pelet YemDifenacoum aktif maddeli BadCat Pelet bait fare ve sýçan mücadelesinde kesin etkilidir. BadCat Pelet formülasyonundaki Bitrex çocuklarýn yemle temasýný engeleyen tat iritasyonuna sahiptir. Fare ve Sýçan Mücadelenizde güvenilir yardýmcýnýz BadCat.

BadCat Pellet Bait

BadCat Pellet Bait with it’s difenacoum active substance has a powerfull effect on rats and mice. BatCat Pellet Bait is produced with the taste that provides mice and rats contact with the bait. BadCat Pellet Bait products contain Bitrex which is human taste irritation.

BadCat Pasta Bait

Le Pellet BadCat à base de substance active Difenacoum, est très efficace sur la lutte contre les rats et les souris. Grâce au Bitrex se trouvant dans sa formulation Pellet BadCat assure un contact avec l'appât et les rats sans provoquer une hésitation chez le rat envers l’appart. Produits BadCat Pellet Bait pâtes contiennent du Bitrex qui est une irritation goût humain.

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BadCat Wax Blocks

100 gr. Item No : 25620 Pcs Per Box : 48

BadCat Wax Blocks

500 gr. Item No : 25621 Pcs Per Box : 242 kg Item No : 25624 Pcs Per Box : 45 kg. Item No : 25622 Pcs Per Box : 18 kg. Item No : 25623 Pcs Per Box : 1

Rodent Control

BadCat Mum BlokDifenacoum aktif maddeli BadCat Mum Blok fare ve sýçan mücadelesinde kesin etkilidir. BadCat Mum Blok formülasyonundaki Bitrex çocuklarýn yemle temasýný engeleyen tat iritasyonuna sahiptir. Fare ve Sýçan Mücadelenizde güvenilir yardýmcýnýz BadCat.

BadCat Wax Blocks

BadCat Paste Bait with it’s difenacoum active substance has a powerfull effect on rats and mice. BatCat Wax Blocks is produced with the taste that provides mice and rats contact with the bait. BadCat Wax Blocks products contain Bitrex which is human taste irritation.

BadCat Pasta Bait

Le Wax BadCat à base de substance active Difenacoum, est très efficace sur la lutte contre les rats et les souris. Grâce au Bitrex se trouvant dans sa formulation Wax BadCat assure un contact avec l'appât et les rats sans provoquer une hésitation chez le rat envers l’appart. Produits BadCat Wax pâtes contiennent du Bitrex qui est une irritation goût humain.

Page 16: Dual Catalogue 2013

Filtrap Rat & Mice Traps

Item No : 25117Pcs Per Box : 96

Item No : 25101Pcs Per Box : 96

Item No : 25105Pcs Per Box : 96

Filtrap Fare Tuzaklarý

Filtrap fare tuzaklarý fare ve sýçanlarý yakalamakta çok etkili zehirsiz kokusuz yapýþkan tuzaklardýr. Deðiþik þekil ve boylarda üretilen Filtrap tuzaklar hem küçük hemde büyük fareler için geliþtirilmiþtir.

Filtrap Rat & Mice Trap

Filtrap rat traps are very effective scentless, poison free and glutinous traps. With its different sizes, it is developed for both catching bigger and smaller rats.

Piège à Rat Filtrap

Les pièges à Rat Filtrap sont très efficaces sur les rats et les souris. Ce sont des pièges collants inodores et sans poison. Les pièges Filtrap fabriqués dans des dimensions et des formes différentes, ont été développés pour capturer aussi bien pour les petites que les grandes souris.

Filtrap Rat & Mice Traps

For Mouse and Rats

Page 17: Dual Catalogue 2013

Filtrap Fly Catcher

Item No : 25251Pcs Per Box : 288

Item No : 25504Pcs Per Box : 100

Filtrap Sinek Tuzaklarý

Filtrap Yapýþkan Sinek Tuzaklarý (EFK cihazlarý için yapýþkan tuzaklar)Filtrap sinek tuzaklarý karasinekleri yakalamakta çok etkili zehirsiz kokusuz yapýþkan tuzaklardýr. Deðiþik þekil ve boylarda üretilen Filtrap tuzaklar sinekleri üzerine çekerek size rahat bir Ortam hazýrlarlar. EFK Tuzaklarý için geliþtirilen, UV ýþýðýna dayanýklý, kurumayan yapýþkanlar ile üretilen tuzaklarýmýz farký boylarda üretilmiþ olmasý sebebiyle deðþik boyutlardaki EFK cihazlarýnda kullanýlabilmektedir.

Filtrap Fly Catcher

Filtrap Glutinous Fly Traps(Glutinous Traps for EFK Devices)

Filtrap fly traps are effective traps against horn flies with its scentless, poison free and glutinous formula. Produced in different types and sizes, Filtrap fly traps will give you an relaxing environment by alluring flies to itself.

Developed for EFK Traps and produced durable against UV lights and non-drying glue; with its different sizes, it can be used with all kinds of EFK Devices.

Piège Mouche Filtrap

Pièges mouches collants Filtrap (pièges collants pour les appareils EFK)

Les pièges mouches Filtrap sont très efficaces sur les mouches. Ce sont des pièges collants inodores et sans poison. Les pièges Filtrap fabriqués dans des dimensions et des formes différentes, attirent les mouches sur elles et vous assurent un milieu agréable.

Les Pièges fabriqués avec une matière adhésive qui ne sèche pas et qui résiste au UV, sont spécialement conçus pour les Pieges EFK . Grâce à leurs différentes dimensions, ils peuvent être utilisés avec des appareils EFK de tailles diverses.

Filtrap Fly Catcher

For Flying Insects

Page 18: Dual Catalogue 2013

Brezza Air Freshener

Item No : 25051-25056Pcs Per Box : 24

Brezza Multi Spray

Brezza Multi Spray, püskürtme mekanizmasý ve etkili parfümleriyle çok amaçlý kullaným saðlar.

Evinizin her köþesini, ofisinizi, Otomobilinizi ve yaþanan tüm mekanlarý,Hoþ ve kalýcý parfümü ile daha keyifli bir hale getirir.

Brezza Multi Spray özel parfümü sayesinde çarþaf, perde ve diðer kumaþ yüzeylere de kolayca ve güvenle uygulanýr, mis gibi kokmasýný saðlar. Brezza Multi Spray'in Bahar Çiçekleri, Lavanta&Menek?e, Toropikal Esinti, Turunç Kokteyli, Vanilya Rüyasý ve Ya?mur Sonrasý olmak üzere 6 çeþiti vardýr.

Brezza Multi Spray Brezza Multi Spray, with its spraying mechanism and impressive parfume is a multifunctional product.

Every corner of your house, office, car and any other location will be delighted with its amusing and long lasting parfume.

With its special formula, it can be applied on bed sheets, curtains and fabric surfaces securely with ease and makes it smell nicely. Brezza Multi Spray has 6 types of variety that are : Spring Flowers, Lavender & Violet, Tropical Breeze, Orange Cocktail, Vanilla Dream and After Rain.

Multi Spray Brezza

Grâce à son mécanisme de pulvérisation et son parfum efficace le Multi Spray Brezza assure un usage multiple.

Avec son parfum agréable et de longue durée, il rend tous les coins de votre maison, votre bureau, votre voiture et tous les autres espaces de vie beaucoup plus agréable à vivre.

Le Multi Spray Brezza s’applique facilement et en toute tranquillité. Grâce à son parfum particulier, il s’assure à ce que vos draps, rideaux et autres tissus sentent bons. Multi Spray Brezza est disponible en 6 différents parfums : Fleurs de Printemps, Lavande & Violette, Vent Tropical, Cocktail d’Agrume, Senteur Rêve Vanille et Après la Pluie.

Multi Spray Air Freshener

450 ml Multi Spray

Page 19: Dual Catalogue 2013

Brezza Air Freshener

Item No : 25070-25075Pcs Per Box : 48

Brezza 300 ml Oda Sprayi

Brezza, doðada bulunan eþsiz güzellikteki kokularý yaþadýðýnýz ortamlara taþýyor. Etkisini uzun süre koruyan ve birbirinden hoþ koku çeþitlerini sizlere sunan spreyler ile Brezza evinizin havasýný deðiþtiriyor.

Spreyi iyice çalkaladýktan sonra, dik tutarak havaya doðru sýkmanýz odanýzýn havasýný Tazelemek için yeterli olacaktýr.

Brezza aerosol sprey serisi, altý ayrý çeþidi ile satýþa sunulmuþtur; Bahar Çiçekler, avanta&Menekþe, Toropikal Esinti, Turunç kokteyli, Vanilya Rüyasý ve Yaðmur Sonrasý.

Brezza 300ml Room Spray

Brezza, brings the unique scents from the nature to your home. With its long lasting effect and nice variety of scents, it brings a new atmosphere to your house.

After shaking the spray well, spraying it vertically will be enough to refresh your room's atmosphere.

Brezza aerosol spray series are sold with its 6 different types; Spring Flowers, Lavender & Violet, Tropical Breeze, Orange Cocktail, Vanilla Dream and After Rain.

Désodorisant d’Air Brezza 300 ml

Brezza apporte tout les plus beaux parfums uniques de la nature, dans votre espace de vie. Brezza vous offre des désodorisants de plusieurs parfums et qui restent efficaces pendant longtemps. Brezza change l’air de votre maison.

Après avoir bien secoué le récipient, le tenir droit et pulvériser dans l’air, votre pièce est

déjà rafraichie.

La série des « Désodorisants d'air Brezza » est en vente avec ses six différents aromes; Fleurs de Printemps, Lavande & Violette, Vent Tropical, Cocktail d’Agrume, Senteur Rêve Vanille et Après la Pluie.

Water Based Air Freshener

Aerosol 300 ml

Page 20: Dual Catalogue 2013

Brezza Air Freshener

Item No : 25090-25095Pcs Per Box : 48

Brezza Otomatik Yedek Spray

Brezza, doðada bulunan eþsiz güzellikteki kokularý yaþadýðýnýz ortamlara taþýyor.

Etkisini uzun süre koruyan ve birbirinden hoþ koku çeþitlerini sizlere sunan spreyler ile Brezza evinizin havasýný deðiþtiriyor.Otomatik yedek spreyi, kullanma talimatýndaki gibi otomatik püskürme cihazýnýza takarak eþsiz güzellikteki kokularýný günboyu yaþayýn. Brezza otomatik spreylerini manuel olarak elle de sýkabilirsiniz.Brezza otomatik yedek sprey serisi, altý ayrý çeýidi ile satýþa sunulmuþtur; Bahar Çiçekleri, Lavanta&Menekþe, Toropikal Esinti, Turunç Kokteyli, Vanilya Rüyasý ve Yaðmur Sonrasý.

Brezza Automatic Back-Up Spray

Brezza, brings the unique scents from the nature to your home.

With its long lasting effect and nice variety of scents, it brings a new atmosphere to your house. Feel the relaxing scent all day long by replacing the back-up spray as instructed in user manual. You can also manually spray Brezza too.

Brezza Automatic Back-Up Spray has 6 types of variety that are : Spring Flowers, Lavender & Violet, Tropical Breeze, Orange Cocktail, Vanilla Dream and After Rain.

Spray automatique supplémentaire Brezza

Brezza apporte tout les plus beaux parfums uniques de la nature, dans votre espace de vie. Brezza vous offre des désodorisants de plusieurs parfums et qui restent efficaces pendant longtemps. Brezza change l’air de votre maison. Placez le spray automatique supplémentaire dans l’appareil comme il est indiqué dans le mode d’emploi et profitez de son parfum unique tout au long de la journée. Vous pouvez également utiliser les sprays automatiques Brezza manuellement.

La série des « Sprays automatiques Brezza » est en vente avec ses six différents aromes; Fleurs de Printemps, Lavande & Violette, Vent Tropical, Cocktail d’Agrume, Senteur Rêve Vanille et Après la Pluie .

Automatic Refill Spray Air Freshener

250 ml Automatic Refill Spray

Page 21: Dual Catalogue 2013

Item No : 25300-25301Pcs Per Box : 24

Brezza Furnuture Polish Aerosol 300 ml

Brezza Mobilya CilasýÖzel geliþtirilmiþ formülü ile ahþap mobilyalarýnýzda suya ve sudan oluþabilecek lekelere karþý etkin koruma saðlar.Ahþap mobilyalar is, toz, nem, ýsý farklarý, parmak izi, su lekesi gibi dýþ etkenlerle kirlenir, matlaþýr, bombe yapar, çatlar. Deterjan ve alkol ile yapýlan temizlik, doðal cilayý söker alýr. Kuru ve nemli bezle alýnan tozlar ise ahþabý zympara gibi çizer.TEMIZLER: Mobilya üzerindeki her türlü kir, toz, is, ve lekeyi ahþaba zarar vermeden derinlemesine temizler.PARLATIR: Ahþap yüzeyi cilalayarak uzun süreli doðal bir parlaklýk saðlar. KORUR: Ahþap dokusuna nüfuz ederek besler, yüzey üzerinde örtücü bir tabaka oluþturarak yüzeyi dýþ etkenlere karþý korur.PARFÜMLÜDÜR:Formülündeki özel parfümü ile ah?aba yakýþan güzel ve kalýcý bir koku býrakýr.Brezza Mobilya cilasý Klasik ve Lavanta kokuludur. 300 ml 255 g

Brezza Furniture PolishWith its specially improved formula, it provides effective protection to your wood furnitures against spots caused by water. Wood furnishings are cracked, expanded, dulled and spoiled by smoke, dust, humidity, change of temperature, finger prints and water spots. Cleaning with detergent and alcohol will remove the natural polish.Dry and moist clothes also scratches the wood.CLEANS: Cleans all kinds of smoke, dust, dirt and spots without damaging the wood.BURNISHES : Provides a natural long lasting burnishing by varnishing the wood.PROTECTS: Feeds the wood structure and provides a shelter against external effects by processing a coating layer on the surface.PARFUMED : Leaves a nice freshing smell on the wood with its special parfume in its formula. Brezza Furniture Polish has Classic and Lavender parfumed types. 300 ml 255 g

Encaustique pour Meubles BrezzaGrâce à sa formule spéciale, ce produit assure une protection efficace de vos meubles en bois contre les taches d’eau. Les effets extérieurs tels que la fumée, la poussière, l'humidité, les écarts de température, les traces de doigts ou encore les taches d'eau, peuvent salir, matifier, abimer, créer des fissures et donner un aspect bombé aux meubles en bois. Le nettoyage effectué à l’aide d’un détergent ou avec de l’alcool soulève la cire naturel. Le nettoyage avec un chiffon sec et humide pourrait rayer le bois comme un papier-émeri. NETTOIE : Nettoie en profondeur la saleté, la poussière, la fumée et les taches de toutes sortes sans endommager le bois. FAIT BRILLER: Cire la surface du meuble en bois et assure une brillance naturelle de longue durée. PROTÈGE: Nourri le bois en s’y pénétrant, protège la surface contre les effets extérieurs en formant une couche protectrice. PARFUMÉ: Grâce au parfum particulier de sa formule, il laisse sur le bois une odeur agréable et de longue durée. Les parfums de l’encaustique pour meubles Brezza, sont Senteur Classique et Lavande. 300 ml 255 g

Brezza Furnuture Polish

Page 22: Dual Catalogue 2013

250 Ml. Gas MyGas Lighter Refill

Item No : 25200Pcs Per Box : 72

MyGas Lighter Refill Spray

Lighter the quality of MyGas deserve a fuel of equally high standard. That’s why invest considerable amounts of time and resources into the research and development of our fuels to make sure only the most efficient, reliable and safe fuel products reach our world class lighters.

We offer a superior range of butanes and lighter fluids which can be used for all MyGas as well as other brand lighters.

Lighter Refill


Page 23: Dual Catalogue 2013

Insecticide AerosolsBady DeodorantsHair SprayHair MousseHair StylingAir FreshenerFurniture polishAuto Spray Auto SiliconeRepellentsRodenticidesGlue Traps

Your Brand

Private Label

?Your Brand

Page 24: Dual Catalogue 2013

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Phone :+90 212 567 8868+90 212 567 8869Fax :+90 212 577 6476

