Drug name: Drug action indication contraindicatio n Side effect Nursing responsibities Generic Potassium chloride Brand name: Kalium durule Classifica tion Electrolyt e Dosage 2 tabs P.O BID Provides a direct replaceme nt of pota ssium in the body. hypokalem ia Renal insuffi cienc hyperkalemia, Untreated Addison’s disease, constriction of the esophagus and or obstructive changes in the alimentary tract Vomiting Diarrhea nausea stomach pa in discomfort or gas vomiting Watched out for levels of potassium electrolyte level to prevent hyperkalemia. Observed 10 rights of giving medication. Monitored cardiac rhythm carefully during administration. Took drug after meals or with food. Do not crush or chew tablets, swallow tablets whole. Do not use salt substitutes. Watched out for possible severe side effects on the

Drug and nCP

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Page 1: Drug and nCP

Drug name: Drug action indication contraindication Side effect Nursing responsibities

Generic Potassium chloride

Brand name: Kalium durule


Dosage2 tabs P.O BID

Provides a direct replacement of  potassium in the body.

hypokalemia Renal insufficienc hyperkalemia, Untreated Addison’s

disease, constriction of the

esophagus and or obstructive changes in the alimentary tract

Vomiting Diarrhea nausea stomach pain discomfort or

gas vomiting

Watched out for levels of potassium electrolyte level to prevent hyperkalemia.

Observed 10 rights of giving medication.

Monitored cardiac rhythm carefully during administration.

Took drug after meals or with food. Do not crush or chew tablets, swallow tablets whole.

Do not use salt substitutes. Watched out for possible

severe side effects on the patient.

Page 2: Drug and nCP

Drug name Drug action indication contraindication Side effect Nursing responsibities

Generic Name: Ceftriaxone

Brand Name:Pharex

Classification Antibiotics Cephalos-


Dosage2g IV OD ANST (-)

Bactericidal:Inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall membrane which causes cell death.

Intra-abdominal infections caused by E coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae

Known allergy to cephalosphorin or penicillin

headache diarrhea, nausea, Vomiting Abdominal

pain rash

Checked IV site carefully for signs of thrombosis

Cultured infection and arrange for sensitivity test before and during medication if expected response not seen.

The patient may experience these side effects: nausea, vomiting and GI upset

Report pain and discomfort at sites unusual bleeding, rash and itching.

Page 3: Drug and nCP

Drug name Drug action indication contraindication Side effect Nursing responsibities

Generic Name: Omeprazole

Brand Name:Omepron

Classification Antisecretor

y agent Proton

pump inhibitor

Dosage40mg IV OD

Gastric acid-pump inhibitor: Suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the hydrogen-potassium ATPase enzyme system at the secretory surface of the gastric parietal cells; blocks the final step of acid production.

Treatment of heartburn or symptoms of GERD


with hypersensitivity

to omeprazole or its


headache nausea vomiting stomach pain diarrhea

Check and clean IV sites. You may experience these

side effects like dizziness and nausea and vomiting

Report severe headache, worsening of symptoms, fever, chills.


Page 4: Drug and nCP

Drug name: Drug action Indication Contraindication Side effect Nursing responsibities

Generic Metronidazole

Brand name: Tamazol

Classification Proton

pump inhibitors


Dosage50mg IV TID

Bactericidal: inhibits DNA synthesis in specific anaerobes, causing cell death, antiprotozoal- trichomonacidal, amebicidal: biochemical mechanism of action is not known

Acute intestinal amebiasis

Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to metronidazole

Headache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain

Administer slowly Check and clean IV sites. You may experience these

side effects like nausea and vomiting

Report severe headache, worsening of symptoms, fever, chills.

Provide additional comfort measures to alleviate discomfort from GI effects and headache.

Urine may be a darker color than usual, is expected.

Page 5: Drug and nCP

Drug name Drug Action Indication Contraindication Side effects Nursing responsibilitiesGeneric Name:Dopamine Hydrochloride

Classification: Sympatho

mimetic Alpha

adrenergic Agonist

Beta1-selective adrenergic Agonist

Dopaminergic drug

Dosage2-5 mcg /min/IV

Drug acts directly and by the release of norepinephrine from sympathetic nerve terminals; dopaminergic receptors mediate dilation of vessels in the renal and splanchnic beds; alpha receptors, which are activated by higher doses of dopamine, mediate vasoconstriction, which can override the vasodilating effects; beta1 receptors mediate a positive inotropic effect on the heart.

hypotension Contraindicatedwith Tachyarrythmiaventricular fibrillation, hypovolemia,

Use cautiously with atherosclerosis,arterial embolism, cold injury, frostbite, diabetic endarteritis, Buerger’s disease(monitor the color and temperature of extremities), pregnancy, lactation.

Tachycardia angina pain, palpitations, hypertension, widened

QRS. Nausea, Vomiting Headache

Monitor blood pressure, pulse, peripheral pulses, and urinary output at intervals prescribed by physician. Precise measurements are essential for accurate titration of dosage.

Report the following indicators promptly to physician for use in decreasing or temporarily suspending dose: Reduced urine flow rate in absence of hypotension; ascending tachycardia; dysrhythmias; disproportionate rise in diastolic pressure(marked decrease in pulse pressure). signs of peripheral ischemia

Monitor therapeutic effectiveness. In addition to improvement in vital signs and urine flow, other indices of adequate dosage and perfusion of vital organs include loss of pallor, increase in to temperature, adequacy of nail bed capillary filling, and reversal of confusion.

Drug name Drug action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing responsibilities

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Generic Name:Hyoscine-N-butylbromide

Brand Name:Buscopan

ClassificationAnti- Spasmodic

Relieve cramps or spasms of  the stomach, intestines and bladder

Various painful condition GI spasm

Patients with Myasthenia gravis, mega colon, Parenteral Untreated narrow-angle glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy w / urinary retention, mechanical stenosis of GIT, tachycardia

Urinary retention


allergic & skin reactions

Monitored vital signs Reported any severe side

effects may occur. Give drug as prescribed.

Drug Study

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Drug name Drug Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name:Paracetamol

Brand Name:Aeknil

Classification:Analgesics (non-opiod)Anti-pyretics

Paracetamol produces analgesia by raising the threshold of the pain center of the brain and by obstructing impulses at the pain mediating chemoreceptors. The drug produces antipyresia by an action on the hypothalamus; heat dissipation is increased as a result of vasodilation and increased peripheral blood flow.

reduction of fever

Patient with hypersensitivity to drugs

Anorexia Nausea Vomiting Constipation Hepatic

insufficiency Rash Urticaria

Monitored vital sign especially temperature

Instruct patient to increase fluids intake.

Administer slowly Check and clean IV

sites. You may experience

these side effects like nausea and vomiting

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Drug name Drug action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

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Generic Name:Clarithromycin

Brand Name:Biaxin

ClassificationMacrolide antibiotic

Inhibits protein synthesis in susceptible bacteria, causing cell death.

Used to treat bacterial infections in many different parts of the body.

It is also used in combination with other medicines to treat duodenal ulcers caused by H. pylori

Patient with hypersensitivity to drugs

Patient with Cholestatic jaundice, history of heart rhythm problem, liver disease, diarrhea, heart disease, myasthenia gravis and kidney disease

Abdominal discomfort,

dyspepsia, nausea, diarrhea Anorexia Vomiting Headache, dizziness

Monitored WBC count

Cultured infection and arrange for sensitivity test before and during medication if expected response not seen.

The patient may experience these side effects:nausea, vomiting and GI upset

check with your doctor right away if have pain or tenderness in the upper stomach; skin reactions, pale stools; dark urine; loss of appetite; nausea;or yellow eyes or skin that could be symptoms of a serious liver problem.

Drug name Drug action Indication Contraindication Side effects Nursing responsibilities

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Generic Name:Paracetamol, Acetaminophen

Brand Name:Biogesic, Panadol, Tylenol

Classification:Non-narcotic analgesicAntipyretic

Decreases fever by a hypothalamic effect leading to sweating and vasodilation

Inhibits pyrogen effect on the hypothalamic-heat-regulating centers

Inhibits CNS prostaglandin synthesis with minimal effects on peripheral prostaglandin synthesis

Does not cause ulceration of the GI tract and causes no anticoagulant action.

Temporary reduction of fever, temporary relief of minor ache and pain caused by common cold

Patient with hypersensitivity to drugs, Renal Insufficiency,Anemia

Minimal GI upset

rash nausea

Monitor vital signs especially temperature

Monitor CBC, liver and renal functions.

Assess for fecal occult blood and nephritis.

Avoid using OTC drugs with Acetaminophen.

Take with food or milk to minimize GI upset.

Report nausea and vomiting, cyanosis, shortness of breath and abdominal pain as these are signs of toxicity.

Page 11: Drug and nCP

Nursing Care Plan

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective:“Wala akong ganang kumain”

Imbalance Nutrition: less than body

After 2 days of nursing intervention the

Independent Obtained nutritional history

include the family, significant others or caregiver in

Patient’s perception of actual intake may differ

After 2 days of nursing intervention the

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as verbalized by the patient

Objective:V/STemp: 36oCPR: 64 bpmRR: 29 cpmBP: 100/70mmHg

Loss of appetite

Body weakness

fatigue Serum

potassium of 3.21

requirements related to decrease in potassium level as evidenced by loss of appetite

patient will be able to improve body nutrition as evidenced by:

a. Normal laboratory results in potassium level within the normal range of 3.5-5.1mmol/Lb.

b. Demonstrate behaviors, lifestyle changes to meet the body’s nutritional requirement such as complying to the diet and medications ordered by the physician

c. Lessen of signs and symptoms

assessment Monitored attitudes toward

eating and food

Monitored for signs and symptoms of hypokalemia such as fatigue, weakness and decrease cardiac rate

Evaluated total daily food intake. Obtain diary of calorie intake, patterns and times of eating

Provide companionship during mealtime

Eat foods rich in potassium such as banana, oranges, carrots, fish and etc.

Emphasize importance of well-balanced nutritious intake. Provide information regarding individual nutritional needs and ways to meet these needs within financial constraints

Give adequate rest period to activities.

Many factors determine the type, amount and appropriateness of food consumed

Potassium is an electrolyte that compose of 65-75 % in the muscle and maintains electrical excitability

To reveal possible cause of deficiency and changes that could be made in client’s intake

Attention to social aspects of eating is important in any setting

Help to replenish or normalize the potassium level

To promote wellness to the patient and help her to understand her condition

Prevent fatigue

patient was able to improve body nutrition as evidenced by:

a. Normal laboratory results in potassium level within the normal range of 3.5-5.1 mmol/Lb a s 3 . 2 t o 3 . 7 5

b. Demonstrated behaviors, lifestyle changes to meet the body’s nutritional requirement such as complying to the diet and medications ordered by the physician

c. Lessened of signs and symptoms of hypokalem

Page 13: Drug and nCP

of hypokalemia such as fatigue, weakness and etc

Encourage exercise and stress reduction program

Dependent: Administered

electrolytes supplements like Kalium durule as prescribed by doctor.

Collaborative: Review indicated laboratory

data (e.g.,serum sodium, serum potassium level…etc.)

Metabolism and utilization of nutrients are enhanced by activity and promote wellness.

To meet the client’s nutritional needs

To evaluate degree of deficit

ia such as fatigue, weakness by resting.

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Page 14: Drug and nCP

Subjective: “Masakit ang tuhod ko” as verbalized by the patient.

Objective:V/STemp: 36oCPR: 64 bpmRR: 29 cpmBP: 100/70mmHg

Slow movement of extremities

Facial grimace Body weakness Pain scale score

of 7/10

Acute pain related to decreased muscle integrity as evidenced by body weakness

After an hour of nursing intervention, the patient pain will decrease from 7/10 to 5/10.

Independent: Monitored Vital Sign Assessed pain including,

quality, location and characteristics

Observed non- verbal cues or pain behaviors by facial expressions, etc.

Provided calm and comfortable environment.

Encouraged divertional activities like listening to music and watching TV

Encouraged adequate rest period.

Provided comfort measures by touching and advised to changed position frequently.

Moved patient slowly and carefully.

Encouraged patient to ambulate.

Dependent: Administered antibiotic as

prescribed by doctor.

For base line data to note recognition of


To assess patients condition and feelings.

For comfort of the patient.

To reduce precipitating factors.

To prevent fatigue.

To promote non-pharmacological pain management.

To reduce pain.

For proper blood circulation of extremities.

To prevent infections

After 8 hours nursing intervention, the patient was able to verbalize a decrease of pain form 7/10 to 4/10 in the pain scale.

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Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: “Nanghihina ako” as verbalized by the patient.

Objective:V/ST:36 oCPR: 64 bpmRR: 29 cpmBP: 100/70 mmHg

Body weakness Facial grimace Slow movement

of extremities Fatigue

Powerlessness related to body weakness as evidenced by slow movement of extremities.

At the end of 8 hours of nursing intervention, the patient will maintain the range of motion from slow to moderate.

Independent: Monitored vital sign. Assisted patient to

perform tasks he may be capable of doing.

Give adequate rest period to activities.

Provided deep breathing exercise

Provided comfortable environment.

Encouraged patient to ambulate and exercise if he can

Instructed patient to eat foods high in carbohydrates and protein that give energy and increased fluid intake.

For base line condition.

For patient will have more self-esteem with tasks he may complete

To prevent fatigue.

To promote relaxation

For comfort of the patient.

To promote circulation of blood.

To provide increase energy production.

At the end of 9 hours of nursing intervention, the patient maintained the range of motion from slow to moderate.

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Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective:“Naghihina ako” as verbalized by the patient

Objective:V/ST:36 oCPR: 64 bpmRR: 29 cpmBP: 100/70 mmHg

Body weakness Loss of balance Slow movement

of extremities fatigue

Risk for injury related to muscle weakness secondary to decrease of potassium

After 8 hours of nursing intervention the client will able to:

a. Regain normal muscle strength

b. Remain free from injury

Explain need to use caution when ambulating particularly when going to bathroom

Explain purpose of the prescribed potassium and its role in reversing muscle weakness.

Discuss dietary sources of potassium provide a list of potassium rich foods.

Kept side rails up always. Maintained bed in lowest

position with wheels locked.

Advised the patient to have enough rest

Provided information for every procedure that will made.

Encourage the patient to verbalize his/her feelings or any perception of weakness.

To prevent unwanted accidents when deciding to ambulate because the muscle are still weak

Gains knowledge more related to illness

To let patient identify which of the potassium food sources he prefers.

to promote safety To promote safety

Enough rest is needed to conserve energy.

To avoid anxiety.

To be aware and interaction to the patient.

After 8 hours of nursing intervention the client was:

a. Regained moderate muscle strength

b. Remained free from injury

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