Draft Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) development times, body size and reproductive outputs follow universal models of temperature dependence Journal: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Manuscript ID cjfas-2016-0050.R1 Manuscript Type: Article Date Submitted by the Author: 31-Mar-2016 Complete List of Authors: Samsing, Francisca; University of Melbourne, Sustainable Aquaculture Laboratory – Temperate and Tropical (SALTT), School of BioSciences Oppedal, Frode; Havforskningsinstituttet Dalvin, Sussie; Havforskningsinstituttet Johnsen, Ingrid; Havforskningsinstituttet Vågseth, Tone; Havforskningsinstituttet Dempster, Tim; University of Melbourne, Sustainable Aquaculture Laboratory – Temperate and Tropical (SALTT), School of BioSciences; Havforskningsinstituttet Keyword: Marine parasites, Marine epidemiology, Larval development, Larval dispersal, AQUACULTURE < General https://mc06.manuscriptcentral.com/cjfas-pubs Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Draft...118 ≈ 5 m 3) to produce lice and eggs strings on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar at different 119 temperatures, and 12 smaller tanks (3 treatments × 4 replicates; 0.9 m × 0.9

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Page 1: Draft...118 ≈ 5 m 3) to produce lice and eggs strings on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar at different 119 temperatures, and 12 smaller tanks (3 treatments × 4 replicates; 0.9 m × 0.9


Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) development times,

body size and reproductive outputs follow universal models

of temperature dependence

Journal: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Manuscript ID cjfas-2016-0050.R1

Manuscript Type: Article

Date Submitted by the Author: 31-Mar-2016

Complete List of Authors: Samsing, Francisca; University of Melbourne, Sustainable Aquaculture Laboratory – Temperate and Tropical (SALTT), School of BioSciences Oppedal, Frode; Havforskningsinstituttet Dalvin, Sussie; Havforskningsinstituttet Johnsen, Ingrid; Havforskningsinstituttet Vågseth, Tone; Havforskningsinstituttet Dempster, Tim; University of Melbourne, Sustainable Aquaculture Laboratory – Temperate and Tropical (SALTT), School of BioSciences; Havforskningsinstituttet

Keyword: Marine parasites, Marine epidemiology, Larval development, Larval dispersal, AQUACULTURE < General


Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

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Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) development times, body size and reproductive 1

outputs follow universal models of temperature dependence 2

Samsing, Francisca1*, Oppedal, Frode2, Dalvin, Sussie2, Johnsen, Ingrid2, Vågseth, Tone2, 3

Dempster, Tim1,2 4

1 Sustainable Aquaculture Laboratory – Temperate and Tropical (SALTT), School of 5

BioSciences, University of Melbourne, 3010 Victoria, Australia 6

2 Institute of Marine Research, Norway, P. O. Box 1870 Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen, Norway 7

*Corresponding author’s email: [email protected], Ph. Num.: +61 3 8344 8

4873 9

Co-authors’ emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], 10

[email protected], [email protected] 11

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Temperatures regulate metabolism of marine ectotherms, and thereby influence development, 13

reproduction, and as a consequence dispersal. Despite the importance of water temperatures 14

in the epidemiology of marine diseases, for the parasitic copepod Lepeophtheirus salmonis, 15

the effect of high and low temperatures has not been methodically investigated. Here, we 16

examined the effects of a wide temperature range (3 – 20°C) on L. salmonis larval 17

development, adult body size, reproductive outputs and infestation success. Further, we 18

tested if dispersal of salmon lice differed with two temperature-dependent development times 19

to the infective stage (30 and 60 degree-days) using an individual-based dispersal model. 20

Development times followed universal models of temperature-dependence described for 21

other marine ectotherms. Water temperatures had a negative relationship with development 22

times, adult body size and reproductive outputs, except at 3°C, where larvae failed to reach 23

the infective stage and all parameters were decreased, indicating low temperatures are more 24

detrimental than high temperatures. The predictable effect of temperatures on lice 25

development and reproduction will have significant applications, such as predicting dispersal 26

and population connectivity, to assist in controlling lice epidemics. 27

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Environmental conditions are critical in the dispersal and epidemiology of marine pathogens 29

(McCallum et al. 2004, Murray 2009, Salama and Rabe 2013). Water temperatures control 30

the metabolic rate of fundamental biochemical processes (Gillooly et al. 2001), and thereby 31

regulate growth and development rates of marine organisms. For marine animals that develop 32

in the water column, larval stage duration determines the length of time that larvae are subject 33

to transport by currents and exposed to sources of mortality (O'Connor et al. 2007, Treml et 34

al. 2008). Therefore, predicting disease transmission of marine pathogens requires a 35

considerable understanding of the biology of the agent and its interaction with the 36

surrounding physical environment (Murray 2009, Asplin et al. 2014, Johnsen et al. 2014). 37

Salmon lice are external parasites that cause substantial economic losses to the salmon 38

industry (Costello 2009a), and farm-assisted parasitic outbreaks can reduce return rates of 39

spawning salmon in sensitive rivers (Vollset et al. 2014, 2015), posing a potential threat to 40

wild salmonid populations (Costello 2009b, Krkošek et al. 2011, 2013). The salmon louse has 41

a direct life cycle that involves three planktonic larval stages that hatch from a pair of egg 42

strings produced by an adult female; two non-infective naupliar stages and an infective 43

copepodid stage (Hamre et al. 2013). Water temperature is a key regulator of the 44

development times of all lice stages (Johnson and Albright 1991), including both planktonic 45

and parasitic stages. However, temperature-dependence is particularly critical for non-feeding 46

(lecithotrophic) planktonic larvae, which rely on energy reserves to survive and find a host 47

(Tucker et al. 2000). Water temperatures have a negative relationship with development times 48

in most ectothermal organisms (Angilletta et al. 2004). Accordingly, salmon lice in warmer 49

waters develop faster to the infective copepodid stage, but are viable for a shorter period of 50

time as they consume their energy reserves faster (Pike and Wadsworth 1999). Conversely, in 51

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colder environments, lice larvae have a longer development period and can potentially be 52

transported longer distances by ocean currents, depending on local hydrographical conditions, 53

but are exposed to a higher risk of mortality. Therefore, the duration of lice pre-infective and 54

infective larval stages are key factors in the potential dispersal (Asplin et al. 2011) and 55

survival of this parasite (Johnsen et al. 2014). 56

Despite the importance of water temperatures on salmon lice development, studies that cover 57

the entire temperature range of salmon lice host fishes are still missing. Host fishes include 58

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, sea trout Salmo trutta L. and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus L., 59

have a large geographical range which span from Greenland to Portugal, and to Connecticut 60

in the Atlantic Ocean (Froese and Pauly 2009). Therefore, salmon lice experience a wide 61

water temperature range from approximately 0° to 20°C. In a study on wild sea trout, fish 62

infested with salmon lice were caught when the water temperatures in winter were 2 to 3°C 63

(Heuch et al. 2002). In Norway, surface water temperatures in fjord-coastal areas fluctuate 64

seasonally, averaging between 2° and 5°C during winter and between 12°C and 20°C in the 65

warmest months of the year at some southern locations (Fig. 1). The absolute effect of water 66

temperatures on salmon lice biology and epidemiology remains unclear: individual louse will 67

grow faster at higher temperatures (Johnson and Albright 1991, Nordhagen et al. 2000), but 68

population level effects of ocean temperature are uncertain (Ritchie et al. 1993, Saksida et al. 69

2007). 70

Water temperatures also influence the body size and reproductive output of marine 71

ectotherms (Atkinson 1994, Angilletta et al. 2004). A temperature-size rule proposes that 72

most ectotherms grow faster and mature at a smaller adult size at higher temperatures, with 73

the opposite effect at lower temperatures. However, empirical studies of the effects of low or 74

high temperatures on L. salmonis viability and infestivity show contradictory results. In a 75

study using egg strings collected from an autumn lice population from the west coast of 76

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Scotland, salmon lice naupliar stages failed to moult to the infective copepodid stage (Gravil 77

1996). However, a cold-acclimatized (6.8°C) salmon lice population from Norway hatched 78

and developed to the infective copepodid stage at temperatures as low as 2°C (Boxaspen and 79

Næss 2000). Therefore, temperature-induced effects on body size and reproductive outputs 80

require further investigation across the entire temperature range encountered by L. salmonis. 81

Salmon lice copepodids complete their transmission by locating and infesting a suitable host. 82

Successful infestation and settlement of L. salmonis encompasses three phases: initial 83

attachment, exploration and fixation to the host (Bron et al. 1991). The final phase of fixation 84

is completed by the production of a frontal filament that anchors the larvae to the host (Pike 85

et al. 1993). All these phases require energy to be completed, and energy depletion prior to 86

infestation could result in the loss of infectivity (Tucker et al. 2000). Water temperature and 87

the infestation success of L. salmonis are positively correlated (Costello 2006). However, 88

none of these studies have been conducted at low (≤5°) or high temperatures (≥15°C); the 89

effect of water temperatures at the top and bottom of the range that lice naturally experience 90

on infestation success remains to be determined (Gravil 1996, Stien et al. 2005, Groner et al. 91

2014). 92

Even though the effect of high and low water temperatures on the early stages of L. salmonis 93

is uncertain, temperature dependence of marine ectotherms is conserved across taxa and 94

geographic areas (O'Connor et al. 2007). Universal models describe the effect of temperature 95

on size and metabolic rates of a wide variety of organisms (Gillooly et al. 2001). We 96

predicted that salmon lice larvae would have longer development times at colder 97

temperatures, and that this relationship would fit universal theoretical models of temperature 98

dependence. Furthermore, we predicted that water temperatures would have a negative 99

relationship with adult body size and reproductive outputs; colder water temperatures would 100

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produce larger females, with longer egg strings and more eggs per string. However, low 101

temperatures (<5°) could have a detrimental effect on the viability and infestivity of salmon 102

lice copepodids, reducing infestation success. Finally, we predicted that differences in 103

temperature-dependent development times would generate distinctive dispersal patterns of L. 104

salmonis copepodids. 105

Therefore, in our study we tested the effect of a wide range of environmentally relevant water 106

temperatures (3 – 20°C) on: (1) hatching and development times of salmon lice L. salmonis 107

larvae; (2) adult size of male and female salmon lice; (3) reproductive outputs (egg string 108

length, number of eggs string-1 and egg size); and (4) infestation success of lice copepodids. 109

In addition, using an existing coupled biological-physical model, we simulated the dispersal 110

of lice planktonic stages using two different temperature-dependent development times from 111

hatching to the infective copepodid stage (i.e. total duration of the naupliar stages) to assess 112

differences in dispersal patterns. 113


Location and experimental set-up 115

We conducted the experiment at the Matre research station of the Institute of Marine 116

Research, Norway. We used a set of 6 holding tanks (3.0 m diameter × 0.75 m deep; volume 117

≈ 5 m3) to produce lice and eggs strings on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar at different 118

temperatures, and 12 smaller tanks (3 treatments × 4 replicates; 0.9 m × 0.9 m × 0.4 m deep; 119

volume ≈ 0.32 m3) for the infestation success trials. A silicon tube connected to the inlet of 120

each holding tank provided the water at the different experimental temperatures to the 121

incubators used in the experiment. Salinity was 34‰ in all tanks, which were continuously 122

illuminated (24:0 L:D). 123

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Experimental fish 124

We used Atlantic salmon post-smolts (Aquagen strain) as host fish and for infestation success 125

trials. Host fish used to produce lice at different temperatures ranged from 200 to 300 g. Fish 126

used for the infestation success trials had an average fork length of 25.4±0.2 cm (mean±SE) 127

and weight of 195.3±4.6 g. All fish were continuously fed to satiation (2–3 mm pellets, 128

Skretting, Norway), except 24 hours before anaesthesia. 129

Salmon lice origin and production of eggs at the experimental temperatures 130

Salmon lice egg strings used to initiate the culture of lice for our experiments were collected 131

in late March 2015 from the operating salmon farm at the Austevoll Aquaculture Research 132

Station (N 60° 05’, E 05°16’) on the southwest coast of Norway. The copepodids that hatched 133

from collected egg strings were then used to infect fish and produce lice at the different 134

experimental temperatures (20°, 15°, 10°, 7°, 5° and 3°C). Temperatures in the holding tanks 135

were recorded daily and were stable at 19.6°, 15.0°, 10.0°, 7.0°, 5.0° and 2.9 ± 0.1°C (mean ± 136

SD). We infected 6 groups of 50 fish each by incorporating ~1200 lice larvae to each holding 137

tank after stopping the incoming flow for one hour, and reducing the level of the tank to one 138

third of its total volume. All fish were infected at 10.0°C, and 15 days post infestation (DPI), 139

when lice were at the late chalimus II stage (Stien et al. 2005), water in the tanks was 140

adjusted (i.e. increased or decreased) for salmon lice to mature and produce eggs at the 141

different experimental temperatures. 142

Adult females with egg strings were collected from anesthetized fish (metomidate 10 mg L-1) 143

when all females had extruded their second batch of egg strings. All egg strings pairs 144

produced after the second batch are less variable in length and egg size than the first one 145

(Heuch et al. 2000). After egg string collection, female lice were placed back on the fish to 146

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produce more egg strings for the infestation success trials. Egg strings were gently removed 147

from the females using fine forceps after examination under a dissecting microscope. During 148

sampling we also collected 5 male lice from each temperature to include in morphometric 149

analyses. 150

Incubation of egg strings at the experimental temperatures 151

Egg string pairs and planktonic larval stages (nauplii I, II and copepodids) were incubated in 152

small flow through incubators, as described by Hamre et al. (2009), suitable for single pairs 153

of egg strings in each well (mesh 150 µm). For each temperature, two incubators with 16 154

wells were connected to the same water supply from the holding tank (2 × 16 = 32 egg string 155

pairs in each temperature). Temperature in the incubators was measured daily from 4 random 156

wells from each incubator with an external electric thermometer (Testo 176T2 Temperature 157

Data Logger, Thermon South Africa Ltd.) until stable, and then monitored every second day. 158

Average temperatures in the incubators were 19.5 ± 0.1, 14.7 ± 0.1, 10.0 ± 0.1, 6.9 ± 0.1, 5.1 159

± 0.2 and 3.1 ± 0.2°C (mean ± SD). From hereafter, we refer to these experimental 160

temperatures as 20°, 15°, 10°, 7°, 5° and 3°C. 161

Development times of salmon lice planktonic larval stages 162

Egg strings pairs were monitored daily to record (1) hatching date, (2) hatching success, (3) 163

copepodid date or day when >80% of nauplii had moulted to the copepodid stage, and (4) day 164

>80% of copepodids died. Hatching success was the fraction of eggs that successfully 165

hatched and was estimated visually as 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% for each individual well 166

(Espedal et al. 2013). Copepodids were considered dead when >80% of them become 167

immobile and were lying on the bottom of the plankton mesh. Salmon lice are non-feeding 168

larvae that rely on yolk reserves to survive, and starve to death if they are unable to swim to 169

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find a host (Tucker et al. 2000). We collected between 16 to 32 egg string pairs for each 170

temperature treatment (Table 1). With these data, we calculated: (1) mean duration of lice 171

naupliar stages; (2) mean duration of the infective window; and (3) mean planktonic larval 172

duration (PLD). The duration of naupliar stages was the total time from hatching until lice 173

moulted to the copepodid stage. Infective window was the time between lice moulted to the 174

copepodid stage and the day >80% of the copepodids died. PLD was the mean total life span 175

of salmon lice planktonic stages (PLD = duration of lice naupliar stages + infective window). 176

Development times are crucial biological parameters in larval dispersal (Treml et al. 2008), 177

since larval durations influence transport distances, distribution patterns and connectivity of 178

planktonic organisms. Here, we calculated development times in degree-days for all salmon 179

lice larval stages (duration of naupliar stages, infective window and PLD). A degree-day is 180

the product of time and temperature (e.g. 30 days at 10°C = 300 degree-days), and it is a 181

useful index of ‘physiological age’ or the temperature required for growth and development 182

of ectotherms within their range of tolerance (Costello 2006). Moreover, this index is used as 183

a temperature-dependent development time in salmon lice dispersal models (Asplin et al. 184

2014, Johnsen et al. 2014). Here, we calculated degree-days by multiplying the average 185

temperature of the incubators by development time in days. 186

Size and reproductive outputs at different temperatures 187

Adult males, females, and egg strings were examined and photographed using a 188

stereomicroscope (Leica MZ8, Leica Microsystems, UK). Digital images were taken using a 189

camera (Toupcam U3CMOS 14 MP 1/2.3”) mounted on a stereomicroscope coupled to a 190

computer. Males and gravid females were photographed at a magnification of 6.3x and egg 191

strings at 50x. All morphometric measurements were done in ImageJ 1.48v (W. Rasband, 192

National Institutes of Health, USA). We measured adult female total length, cephalothorax 193

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length and reproductive outputs (egg string length, egg size and number of eggs string-1). Egg 194

string length was measured directly from the microscope images, and used to estimate egg 195

size (i.e. mean length of a single egg) by measuring the length of two randomly chosen 10-196

egg sections in the egg string, and diving the average by 10 (Heuch et al. 2000). Total number 197

of eggs string-1 was calculated by dividing the total egg string length by the mean length of a 198

single egg. All measurements were done on one string pair-1. We also examined the effect of 199

temperature on adult male size by measuring cephalothorax length. 200

Infestation success at different temperatures 201

We tested salmon lice infestation success at 20°, 10° and 5°C for larvae produced at these 202

temperatures. Infestation success is the proportion of parasites that successfully infect a host 203

(i.e. infestation intensity) out of the total number of parasites available per host during 204

infestation (i.e. infective dose) and reflects parasite performance (Poulin and FitzGerald 205

1989, Samsing et al. 2014). At the time of infestation, all lice copepodids had approximately 206

the same physiological age (30.84 ± 2.04 degree-days, mean ± SE; one-way ANOVA F3, 42 = 207

2.02, P = 0.14). The total number of copepodids in the suspension was calculated indirectly 208

by counting them in 3 × 10 ml aliquots. Each temperature treatment had 4 replicate tanks 209

with 15 fish in each, and 450 infective copepodids were used to infect each tank (i.e. infective 210

dose: 30 lice fish-1). During infestation, water level in the tanks was reduced to one third of 211

its total volume, and the inflow of water was reduced (4.5 L min-1) for 1 h. After the first 212

hour, normal inflow (18 L min-1) was restored until sampling. Fish were sampled the day lice 213

were estimated to be in the chalimus stages to account for successful settlers (Bron et al. 214

1991). Sampling times were estimated with the formula in Stien et al. (2005), and 215

accordingly, fish were sampled 5, 13 and 28 days DPI at 20°, 10° and 5°C, respectively. 216

During sampling, ten random individuals were collected from each replicate tank with a hand 217

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net, culled with a rapid blow to the head, and placed in individual plastic bags to be weighed, 218

measured and analyzed for the presence of lice. We recorded total number of lice fish-1 and 219

their location on the body surface (excluding gills surfaces) and the fins. 220

Simulated salmon lice dispersal patterns 221

To test for differences in distribution patterns due to variations in development times to the 222

infective stage, we used simulations from an individual-based coupled biological-physical 223

dispersal model (described in Johnsen et al. (2014). In our simulation, ten particles, 224

representing salmon lice during its planktonic stages, were released every hour from two sites 225

(coastal and fjord site) around the Hardangerfjord area (60° N, 5.5° E) on the west coast of 226

Norway for a winter month in January 2015. All environmental conditions (water currents, 227

temperature, salinity) or forcing parameters in the model were provided by a fjord 228

hydrodynamic model (Albretsen et al. 2011). After hatching, the modeled particles were set 229

to become infective at either 30 or 60 degree-days, which were the development times to the 230

infective stage at 20° and 5°C, respectively. Further, they were set to have the same total 231

lifespan of 150 degree-days. We chose the same lifespan value for both groups to compare 232

differences in dispersal patterns caused by the development time to the infective stage. The 233

value itself has been used in previous modeling studies (Asplin et al. 2014, Johnsen et al. 234

2014), and was the mean lifespan of lice in our experiment for all temperatures. Past this 235

time, all lice particles were assume to have died of starvation or senescence. Mortality was 236

parameterized at a constant rate of 17% per day. Model outputs were aggregated number of 237

infective copepodids per grid cell (160 × 160 m grid cells). 238

Data analyses 239

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All statistical calculations were carried out in R statistical package version 3.2.1 (R 240

Development Core Team 2009). We fitted theoretical models of the effect of water 241

temperatures on development times of marine ectotherms to the salmon lice L. salmonis data. 242

All data was log-transformed (natural logarithm) to linearize the models and satisfy statistical 243

assumptions. The theoretical models we fitted to our data were described by O'Connor et al. 244

(2007); these models fit the development time data of 69 out of 72 marine ectotherms with 245

planktonic larval life-history stages. Models included: 246

(i) A linearized power law model (Běhrádek 1930): 247

��(�) = �0 + �1 × ��( / �), (1) 248

(ii) A linearized power law model quadratic in temperature (McKinney 1984); the 249

exponential-quadratic model: 250

��(�) = �0 + �1 × ���( / �) + �2 × (��( / �))� , (2) 251

(iii) The UTD (‘universal temperature dependence’) equation (Gillooly et al. 2001), where 252

k is the Boltzmann constant (8.62 × 10-5 eV K-1), and (T (°C) + 273) is absolute temperature 253

(K): 254

��(�) = �0 + �1/(� ×( + 273)), (3) 255

In each model, Y is the response variable: (1) development times of lice larvae (duration of 256

naupliar stages, infective window and PLD; in days and degree-days), (2) adult size (female 257

total length, male and female cephalothorax length), and (3) reproductive outputs (egg string 258

length, egg size and total number of eggs string-1). Further, β0 is the intercept, β1 and β2 are 259

linear and quadratic scaling parameters, respectively, T = temperature (°C) and Tc = 10°C. In 260

polynomial regressions (i.e. Eq. 2), polynomial terms are always correlated with lower-order 261

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terms in the model, so collinearity can be a problem (Quinn and Keough 2002). Thus, 262

dividing each temperature observation (T) by Tc = 10°C on a log scale centers the data to 263

reduce the degree of collinearity. Centered data generates more reliable parameter estimates 264

for the lower terms (i.e. smaller standard errors) without affecting both the estimate of the 265

highest term or the partitioning of the sum-of-squares. The best model was selected using 266

Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC). Low AIC values indicate higher degree of model 267

parsimony, and it penalizes models for the addition of extra parameters (Quinn and Keough 268

2002). 269

Differences among temperature treatments in % of infestation success (= infestation intensity 270

or mean lice fish-1/infective dose × 100) and the proportion of lice attached to the body 271

surface and the fins were compared using one-way ANOVAs and post-hoc multiple 272

comparison tests were performed using Tukey’s HSD test. Assumptions of normality and 273

homogeneity of variance were evaluated by assessing boxplots and plots of model residuals. 274

Hereafter, all statistical means are presented as mean ± SE, unless otherwise stated. 275


Hatching and development times of salmon lice planktonic larval stages 277

Hatching and development of salmon lice larvae was strongly influenced by water 278

temperatures. The fraction of eggs that successfully hatched was 100% at 20° and 15°C, 279

87±3% at 10°, 90±4% at 7°, 85±4% at 5°C, and 28±4% at 3°C. Average time before hatching 280

increased with temperature, and was 11.7 times longer at 3°C (20.8±1.5 days) compared to 281

20°C (1.8±0.1 days1). All larvae successfully developed to the copepodid stage except for 282

those incubated at 3°C. At this temperature, larvae were monitored for approximately 41 283

1 Table S1

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days, but all nauplii died without moulting to the copepodid stage. However, the presence of 284

exuvia in some of the wells at 3°C indicated some larvae moulted to the second naupliar 285

stage. The duration of lice naupliar stages and the infective window had a significant negative 286

relationship with temperature (Table 2), and were 6.8 and 1.5 times longer at 5°C compared 287

to 20°C, respectively1. When transformed to degree-days, the opposite was observed for 288

infective window (Fig. 2); it increased with temperature until 15°C (176±2.9 and 143±2.9 289

degree-days, respectively) and then decreased at 20°C (163±2.1 and 130±3.1 degree-days, 290

respectively). The duration of naupliar stages, though, still had a negative relationship with 291

temperature (33±3.1 degree-days at 20°C, 59±3.2 degree-days at 5°). 292

Size and reproductive outputs at different temperatures 293

Water temperature also influenced body size and reproductive outputs of adult lice. All 294

morphometric measurements, except for egg size, increased with decreasing temperatures 295

from 20° to 5°C, and decreased at 3°C (Fig. 3 & 4). Egg size was largest at 20° (67±1.3 µm) 296

and 3°C (68±0.9), and averaged 62±0.8 µm at all other temperatures (Fig. 4). Adult male size 297

was highest at colder temperatures (R2 = 0.28; Fig. 3), but greater variation in the 298

observations due to a smaller sample size (n = 5) perhaps masked any stronger correlation. 299

Theoretical models of the effect of water temperatures on development times 300

Using Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) for model selection, we determined that PLD and 301

infective window in days and degree-days fitted the exponential-quadratic model (Materials 302

and Methods Eq. 2), whereas the duration of lice naupliar stages fitted the linearized power 303

law model (Materials and Methods Eq. 1). Adult size and reproductive outputs all fitted the 304

exponential-quadratic model2. Model intercepts (β0) in O’Connor et al. (2007) were highly 305

2 Table S2

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variable and species-specific, and on average lower for lecithotrophic (non-feeding) larvae, 306

whereas model coefficients were constant for most species. Model intercept for salmon lice 307

PLD matched the average for lecithotrophic larvae (β0 = 2.8; PLD in days; Table 2), and 308

model coefficients (β1 = -0.67 and β2 = - 0.44; Table 2) had the same sign and similar values 309

to the meta-analysis (β1 = - 1.34 and β2 = - 0.28). The difference in the linear scaling 310

coefficient (β1) was due to a different centering parameter; we used Tc = 10°C (median 311

temperature value in our study), while O’Connor et al. (2007) used Tc = 15°C. The absolute 312

value of our scaling parameter (β2) was 1.6 times higher than the meta-analysis, but still 313

within the observed variation for the 69 species in their study. 314

Infestation success 315

Infestation success differed among the three temperature treatments (F2, 9 = 230, P < 0.001). 316

Fish infested at 10°C (16.0±0.6 lice fish-1; 53.2±2.3% infestation success) had 1.2 times more 317

lice than fish infested at 20° (13.3±0.6 lice fish-1; 41.6±2.0% infestation success) and 25 318

times more lice than fish infested at 5°C (0.62±0.12 lice fish-1; 2.1±0.4% infestation success). 319

All differences in lice infestation success were significant (Fig. 6; Post-hoc Tukey HSD: 20 320

vs.5, 10 vs. 5 P < 0.001; 20 vs.10 P = 0.02). However, there were no differences in the 321

proportion of salmon lice attached to the body (F2, 9 = 0.81, P = 0.47) and the fin (F2, 9 = 0.85, 322

P = 0.46) among temperature treatments. Lice on all sampled fish had moulted to the 323

chalimus stage. 324

Simulated salmon lice dispersal patterns 325

The distribution of lice copepodids differed with both release location and development time 326

to the infective stage. Particles released from the coastal site were transported northwards 327

along the coast, with only a few particles entering the main fjords (Fig. 7). Particles released 328

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from the fjord site were transported northwards, but they were also transported into the inner 329

fjord areas. Further, irrespective of release location, simulated lice particles with a shorter 330

development time to the infective stage (30 degree-days) were transported shorter distances, 331

and higher retention of lice copepodids was observed around the release locations. 332

Conversely, in the model simulation where lice particles had a longer development time to 333

the infective stage (60 degree-day), particles showed less retention around the release 334

locations, and most of them died before entering the copepodid stage. 335


Our results demonstrate a strong, negative and predictable effect of water temperature on the 337

development times and reproductive outputs of L. salmonis planktonic stages. A single 338

regression model, the quadratic-exponential model, described the temperature dependence of 339

most lice larval development, and the same model fit all data on adult body size and 340

reproductive outputs. The fit to universal theoretical models of temperature dependence 341

indicates that the effects of water temperatures on larval duration and egg production of L. 342

salmonis are predictable. This has important ecological implications and applications in 343

modelling to inform management measures to prevent lice outbreaks. 344

Survival of planktonic larvae is generally very low (Thorson 1950) and decreases 345

progressively with time (Graham et al. 2008). By influencing larval duration, water 346

temperatures mediate the exposure of these organisms to sources of mortality (O’Connor et 347

al. 2007). Reduced survival rates over longer larval periods in colder waters may select for 348

shorter larval durations (Pearse et al. 1991), and therefore shorter PLDs may be the 349

expression of a plastic phenotypic response to cold temperatures (Nylin and Gotthard 1998). 350

In most situations, faster larval developments are adaptive because they decrease mortality 351

before reproductive age (Nylin and Gotthard 1998). However, free-swimming salmon lice 352

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larvae must reach the copepodid stage to infest a host, grow and reproduce. Therefore, a 353

shorter duration of the naupliar stages, with the resulting decrease in pre-infective mortality, 354

would be adaptive. In contrast, a shorter infective window would not be adaptive. Recent 355

studies suggest that salmon lice naupliar stages may actively migrate to warmer temperatures 356

in the water column to accelerate development times (Nordi et al. 2015) and decrease pre-357

infective mortality (Johnsen et al. 2014). However, salmon lice had a shorter physiological 358

PLD (i.e. in degree days) at colder temperatures due to a shorter infective window, 359

suggesting a non-adaptive response to these conditions. In addition, the poor larval survival at 360

3°C, the low infestation success at 5°C and the contrasting exceptional larval survival and 361

infestation success at 20°C suggest that the salmon lice population we tested was better 362

adapted to a higher temperature range due to their origin, the warmer waters of the southwest 363

coast of Norway (Heuch et al. 2009). 364

Parasites can adapt to intensive farming regimes, and these human-altered environments may 365

also select for faster development (Mennerat et al. 2010). In salmon aquaculture, fish are 366

grown at high densities in concentrated farming areas. Higher host availabilities select for 367

faster life-histories of parasites due to the trade-off between current reproduction and future 368

survival (Mennerat et al. 2010). If hosts are easier to encounter, it is more efficient to invest 369

in early reproduction, or early development, than in future survival. Accordingly, in salmon 370

lice early life history stages, any potential human-induced selection for faster development 371

rates would act on the duration of the naupliar stages. This phenomenon is not new, and has 372

been described for other parasites. Over generations, larvae of the nematode parasite 373

Steinernema feltiae became infective earlier when host availabilities were experimentally 374

increased (Crossan et al. 2007). 375

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With our experimental design, we could not demonstrate if L. salmonis have a shorter 376

development time to the infective stage than pre-farming lice populations, and previous 377

research provides no clear evidence of this phenomenon. Gravil (1996) observed longer 378

development times from hatching to the copepodid stage than our study (7.8 and 5 days at 379

10°C, respectively, compared to 3.8 in this study). Others observed similar, or slightly 380

shorter, development times from hatching to the copepodid stage: Boxaspen and Naess 381

(2000): 4 days at 10°C; Wooten et al. (1982): 2.7 days at 12°C; Johannessen (1978): 2.6 days 382

at 11°C; and Tucker et al. (2002): 3 days at 8.8°C. However, most of these studies estimated 383

minimum development times to stage, and methodologies varied (e.g. temperature 384

monitoring procedures, incubation technique, temperature at which adult females were 385

acclimatized to produce egg strings, monitoring frequency, etc.). In addition, there is a lack of 386

data on distributions of development times after initial minimum development times, 387

particularly at high and low temperatures (Stien et al. 2005). On the other hand, the fit of our 388

data to universal models of temperature dependence suggests that faster than expected 389

development times to the infective stage may not have occurred yet, or the genetic change has 390

not spread to all lice populations yet. However, the salmon louse has a huge spread potential, 391

and evidence suggests a panmictit population (Glover et al. 2011). Therefore, any genetic 392

changes would spread within a few years (Besnier et al. 2014). Further evidence is needed to 393

conclude that present day salmon lice develop faster to the infective stage than pre-farming 394

populations. However, epidemiological theory (Mennerat et al. 2010) and evidence from 395

other host-parasite systems (Crossan et al. 2007), strongly suggest that current farming 396

conditions will induce selection for faster development rates. 397

The same universal models of temperature dependence that describe development times of 398

marine ectotherms explained the response to temperature of L. salmonis body size and 399

reproductive outputs. Body size and reproductive outputs (egg string length and number of 400

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eggs string-1) followed the temperature-size rule between 15° and 5°C, increasing in size, 401

length and number, respectively, as temperatures became colder, but decreasing at the 402

extremes. Studies that have investigated the effect of seasonal changes in water temperatures 403

on L. salmonis and other parasitic copepods have found similar results (Ritchie et al. 1993, 404

Heuch et al. 2000); females are bigger in colder waters, and these larger specimens produce 405

more eggs per clutch (Poulin 1995, Cavaleiro and Santos 2014). Larger clutches are, most 406

likely, a compensatory response to longer generation times at lower temperatures. However, 407

unlike other animals, larger body sizes in parasitic copepods are generally not correlated with 408

larger eggs (reviewed in Poulin 1995) and this was observed for L.salmonis in our study. 409

Negative relationships between egg size and egg number are commonly seen in animal taxa 410

(e.g. Christians 2000, Kinnison et al. 2001, Brown 2003) and are associated to a phenotypic 411

trade-off that results from the allocation of resources to either one or the other reproductive 412

strategy. In parasitic species though, where resources are generally high, there are less 413

constrains on allocation strategies and this reproductive trade-off may be weakened (Timi et 414

al. 2005). In our study, within an optimal temperature range, this trade-off was not observed: 415

the number of eggs decreased with temperature whilst egg size remained constant, and only 416

increased at high and low temperatures. The optimal allocation between egg number and egg 417

size depends on the environmental conditions that the female encounters during reproduction 418

(Poulin 1995). Therefore, larger eggs in L.salmonis could be an adaptation to extreme 419

temperatures since egg size is related to the amount of energy reserves (Levitan 2000, Tucker 420

et al. 2000), critical for the survival of non-feeding larvae. At 20°C, larger eggs could 421

increase dispersal time and the chances of finding a suitable host. At cold temperatures, larger 422

eggs could help naupliar larvae survive for longer periods whilst they develop to the infective 423

stage. However, overly long periods in the ocean increase pre-infective mortality, and may 424

therefore be a non-adaptive response to cold conditions. Moreover, at 3°C all lice failed to 425

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reach the copepodid, indicating this temperatures may be close to the biological tolerance of 426

L. salmonis, at least for the population tested from southern Norway which rarely experiences 427

such cold winter temperatures (Fig. 1). Results from our study suggest that within a 428

physiological optimal temperature range, sea lice adjust reproductive outputs mainly by 429

changing the number of eggs produced per clutch and not the size of the eggs. However, 430

further evidence is needed to confirm that this pattern holds for northern, cold-adapted lice 431

populations. 432

Model simulations showed a strong effect of development times on the dispersal patterns of 433

salmon lice copepodids. In the simulation where lice particles had longer development times, 434

an important proportion of them died before reaching the copepodid stage. This suggests that 435

the decrease in salmon lice abundances observed in farms after the coldest months of the year 436

(Heuch et al. 2009) could be driven by a high mortality of larvae in the pre-infective stages 437

which hatch during those cold periods. In addition, observed lower lice levels on wild and 438

farmed fish in the colder northern waters of Norway (Heuch et al. 2005) could be the result of 439

slower generation and development times, and lower infestation success. However, the 440

topology of this area, typically with shorter and more open fjords than found on the southwest 441

coast of Norway, would also cause a lower retention of lice pre-infective stages, flushing 442

them offshore before they become infective. This, in addition to lower farmed fish biomasses 443

(Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries 2014) in the north, also reduces lice abundance. In 444

contrast, areas with higher water temperatures and topologies that generate greater lice 445

retention, such as the long and narrow fjords of the Hardangerfjord on the southwest coast of 446

Norway, probably aggravate salmon lice outbreaks. Overall, water temperatures are a key 447

component of salmon lice dispersal models due to their influence on larval duration and 448

mortality, and these models are key to determining the geographic patterns of lice dispersal. 449

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The effects of water temperatures on salmon lice development and reproductive outputs 450

follow universal models that describe the temperature dependence of a vast group of marine 451

ectotherms. The predictable effect of water temperatures on lice development has important 452

management applications, such as ensuring predictions of larval dispersal, mortality and 453

population connectivity are accurate and inform aquaculture planning and management of 454

salmon lice outbreaks. Recognizing that the effects of temperature extend to the salmon louse 455

will also improve our ability to predict the effects of global climate change on the ontogeny 456

and dispersal of this marine parasite. In addition, low temperatures have a more detrimental 457

effect on salmon lice survival and infestivity than high temperatures, and may thus partially 458

explain the lower occurrence of lice outbreaks in the northern parts of Norway. However, a 459

cold-adapted lice population could perform better in colder waters e.g. show a shorter 460

development time to the infective stage or higher infestation success, but this remains to be 461

determined. Overall, our study shows that water temperatures are a critical factor of salmon 462

lice epidemiology, and the use of correctly parameterized dispersal models is essential to 463

predict transmission for better management of lice outbreaks. 464

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Acknowledgements 465

This work was conducted with the assistance of Karen Anita Kvestad, Lise Dyrhovden and 466

Marita Larsen from IMR. The project was funded by a Norwegian Seafood Research Fund 467

grant to SD (Temperaturens innflytelse på lakseluslarver: overlevelse og smittbarhet; grant 468

#901073) a Research Council of Norway grant to FO, SD and TD (Regional lice assessment - 469

towards a model based management system; grant #14567) and an Australian Research 470

Council Future Fellowship to TD. All experiments were conducted in accordance with the 471

laws and regulations of the Norwegian Regulation on Animal Experimentation 1996 under 472

the permit #7754. 473

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Table 1. Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC) to select for the best theoretical model fitted to 657

the effect of water temperatures on development times of salmon lice Lepeophteirus salmonis 658

planktonic stages. 659

Models a

Linearized power law model:

��(�) = �0 + �1 × ��( / �) LLi

b AIC ∆i(AIC)

b ωi


Development time

Duration of naupliar stages -8.4 22.9c 0 0.57

Infective window -33.1 72.1 59.2 1.3×10-13 Pelagic larval development (PLD) 64.5 -123.0 56.3 5.9×10-13

Development in degree-days (DD)

Duration of naupliar stages -8.3 22.6 0 0.53 Infective window -32.4 70.8 58.0 2.6×10-13 Pelagic larval development (PLD) 65.2 -124.4 53 3.09×10-12

Exponential-quadratic model: ��(�) = �0 + �1 × ��( / �) + �2

× (��( / �))�

Development time

Duration of Naupliar stages -7.7 23.4 0.5 0.4 Infective Window -2.4 12.8 0 1 Pelagic larval development (PLD) 93.7 -179.3 0 1.0

Development in degree-days (DD)

Duration of naupliar stages -7.4 22.8 0.2 0.5 Infective window -2.4 12.8 0 1 Pelagic larval development (PLD) 92.7 -177.4 0 1

The UTD ('universal temperature

dependence') equation: ��(�) = �0 + �1/(� × ( + 273))

Development time

Duration of Naupliar stages -8.4 61.5 38.6 2.3×10-9 Infective Window -26.9 59.7 46.9 6.6×10-11 Pelagic larval development (PLD) 89.7 -173.4 5.9 0.05

Development in degree-days (DD)

Duration of naupliar stages -12.5 30.9 8.4 7.9×10-3 Infective window -46.8 99.6 86.8 1.4×10-19 Pelagic larval development (PLD) 52.3 -98. 78.8 7.8×10-18

a In each model, Y is the response variable, presented on the left column on the table, T is temperature (°C) and 660

Tc = 10°C. 661

b Log-likelihood for the model (LLi), delta AIC (∆i(AIC)) and Akaike’s weights (ωi). 662

c Numbers in bold indicate the lowest AIC values used for model selection. 663

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Table 2. Model parameter estimates β0, β1 and β2 (± S.E.), R2 and P-values of the theoretical 664

model that best fitted the effect of water temperature on development times of salmon lice 665

Lepeophteirus salmonis larvae, and body size and reproductive outputs of adult lice. 666

β0 β1 β2

Development time b

Duration of naupliar stages 1.4 (± 0.02) -1.48 (± 0.04) NAa

Infective window 2.6 (± 0.04) -0.26 (± 0.04) -1.03 (± 0.12) Pelagic larval development (PLD) 2.8 (± 0.02) -0.67 (± 0.02) -0.47 (± 0.06)

Size and reproductive outputs b

Female total length 2.4 (± 0.01) 0.22 (± 0.01) -0.24 (± 0.01) Female cephalothorax length 1.5 (± 0.01) -0.15 (± 0.01) -0.14 (± 0.01) Male cephalothorax length 1.2 (± 0.02) -0.14 (± 0.02) -1.13 (± 0.03) Egg string length 2.8 (± 0.02) -0.39 (± 0.03) -0.69 (± 0.04) Egg size

4.1 (± 0.01) 0.04 (±0.01) 0.09 (± 0.02)

Number of eggs string-1 5.6 (± 0.03) -0.43 (± 0.04) -0.78 (± 0.05)

Development in degree-days (DD) b

Duration of naupliar stages 2.0 (± 0.14) -1.1 (± 0.09) NA* Infective window 4.8 (± 0.04) 0.72 (± 0.04) -1.02 (± 0.12) Pelagic larval development (PLD) 5.1 (± 0.02) 0.30 (± 0.02) -0.46 (± 0.06)

a Linearized power law model (Methods; Eq. 1) that best fitted duration of naupliar stages only had an intercept 667

(β0) and a linear scaling parameter (β1). 668

b Models were chosen based on Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC), presented in Table 1 and Table S2. All 669

data fitted an exponential-quadratic model (ln(Y) = β0 + β1 × ln(T/Tc) + β2 × (ln(T/Tc))2), except for the duration 670

of naupliar stages that fitted a linearized power law model (ln(Y) = β0 + β1 × ln(T/Tc)). Y is the response variable, 671

presented on the left column of the table, T is temperature (°C) and Tc = 10°C is a centering parameter. 672


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Figure captions 674

Figure 1. Average water temperatures in Norway. Figure shows mean ± SD (shaded area), 675

and minimum and maximum (dashed lines) water temperatures recorded at two 676

meteorological stations located in the southern (Lista: 58° N, 1° E) and northern (Ingøy: 71° 677

N, 8° E) coast of Norway. Measurements were taken every 14 days since 1936 (Ingøy) and 678

1942 (Lista). 679

Figure 2. Effect of water temperatures on the development times in day and degree days of 680

salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis larval stages. Bars show mean pelagic larval duration 681

(PLD) divided into mean duration of lice naupliar stages (nauplius I and II; light grey) and 682

infective window (dark grey). Error bars are S.E. 683

Figure 3. Effect of water temperatures on adult salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis body 684

size: female total length (mm), female and male cephalothorax length (mm). Error bars are 685

95% C.I. 686

Figure 4. Effect of water temperatures on salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis reproductive 687

outputs: egg string length (mm), egg size (µm) and number of eggs string-1. Error bars are 688

95% C.I. 689

Figure 5. Theoretical models fitted to the effect of water temperatures on development times 690

of salmon lice Lepeophteirus salmonis larvae (planktonic larval development and infective 691

window), and body size (female cephalothorax [CT] length) and reproductive outputs (egg 692

string length, eggs per string, egg size) of adult lice. Models were chosen based on Akaike’s 693

Information Criteria (AIC; Table 2 and 3). All data fitted an exponential-quadratic model 694

(ln(Y) = β0 + β1 × ln(T/Tc) + β2 × (ln(T/Tc))2), except for the duration of naupliar stages that 695

fitted a linearized power law model (ln(Y) = β0 + β1 × ln(T/Tc)). Y is the response variable, 696

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presented on the left column of the table, T is temperature (°C) and Tc = 10°C is a centering 697

parameter. 698

Figure 6. Salmon lice Lepeophteirus salmonis infestation success (% infestation intensity = 699

infestation intensity or mean lice fish-1/infective dose × 100) of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar 700

post-smolts infected at 20°, 10° and 5°C. Error bars are S.E. 701

Figure 7. Simulated salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis dispersal patterns. We used a 702

coupled biological-physical dispersal model described in Asplin et al. (2014) and Johnsen et 703

al. (2014). In the simulation, ten particles, representing salmon lice during the planktonic 704

stages, were released every hour from two sites (coastal and fjord site) around the 705

Hardangerfjord area (60° N, 5.5 E) in the west coast of Norway for a winter month in January 706

2015. After hatching, the modeled particles became infective at either 30 or 60 degree-days, 707

and had a total life span or pelagic larval duration (PLD) of 150 degree-days. The map 708

was created using the Basemap Matplotlib Toolkit for Python. 709


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rature  (°C)  

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20  15  10  7  5  


Infec1on  window  

Dura1on  of  naupliar  stages  












20  15  10  7  5  


Temperature  (°C)  

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0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21




0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21Ce




Females Males

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Temperature  (°C)  









0   3   6   9   12   15   18   21  

Egg  size  (u










0   3   6   9   12   15   18   21  

Egg  strin

g  length  (m












0   3   6   9   12   15   18   21  

N°  o

f  eggs  p

er  strin


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R2  =  0.91      P  <  0.001  

R2  =  0.49  P  <  0.001  

R2  =  0.65  P  <  0.001  

R2  =  0.62      P  <  0.001  

R2  =  0.60      P  <  0.001  

R2  =  0.15      P  <  0.001  

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5 10 20

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30  –  150  degree  days   60  –  150  degree  days  

Coastal  site

 Fjord  site   Cope

podids  grid


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Table S1. Average time before hatching and development times of salmon lice Lepeophteirus 2

salmonis larval stages incubated at different temperatures. 3


treatment (°C)

Average time before

hatching (days)

Duration of salmon

lice naupliar stages I

and II (days)


window (days)

Total duration of

lice larval stages

(days) or PLD

Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n

20 1.78 0.55 32 1.69 0.90 32 6.66 0.90 32 8.34 0.60 32

15 2.88 1.01 32 2.19 0.40 32 9.68 1.11 31 11.87 1.09 31

10 4.63 1.26 16 3.81 0.66 16 13.19 2.17 16 17.00 2.13 16

7 7.64 3.39 22 7.05 0.58 22 12.73 2.85 22 19.77 2.65 22

5 12.97 7.81 32 11.52 1.72 29 10.15 4.00 26 21.62 9.12 26

3a 20.77 7.12 22 NA


a Lice larvae incubated at 3°C failed to enter the moult to the copepodid stage. PLD: 4

planktonic larval duration.



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Table S2. Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC) to select for the best theoretical model fitted 7

to the effect of water temperature on body size and reproductive outputs of salmon lice 8

Lepeophteirus salmonis. In each model, Y is the response variable, presented on the left 9

column on the table, T is temperature (°C) and Tc = 10°C. Table shows AIC values, log-10

likelihood for the model (LLi), delta AIC (∆i(AIC)) and Akaike’s weights (ωi). Numbers in 11

bold indicate the lowest AIC values used for model selection. 12

Models a

Linearized power law model: ln(Y)

= β0 + β1 × ln(T/Tc) LLi

b AIC ∆i(AIC)

b ωib

Size and reproductive outputs

Female total length 153.32 -300.63 205.23 2.7×10-45

Female cephalothorax length 218.2 -430.4 110.46 1.0×10-24

Male cephalothorax length 35.87 -65.74 15.34 4.7×10-4

Egg string length -49.94 105.89 162.02 6.6×10-36

Egg size 168.5 -330.99 24.69 4.3×10-6

Number of eggs string-1

-69.43 144.86 145.96 2.0×10-32

Exponential-quadratic model: ln(Y) = β0 + β1 × ln(T/Tc) + β2 ×


Size and reproductive outputs

Female total length 256.93 -505.86c

0 1.00

Female cephalothorax length 274.43 -540.86 0 1.00

Male cephalothorax length 44.54 -81.07 0 0.99

Egg string length 32.07 -56.13 0 1.00

Egg size 181.85 -355.70 0 1.00

Number of eggs string-1

4.55 -1.10 0 1.00

The UTD ('universal temperature

dependence') equation: ln(Y) = β0 + β1/ (k × (T + 273))

Size and reproductive outputs

Female total length 181.88 -357.77 148.09 6.9×10-33

Female cephalothorax length 244.35 -482.71 58.15 2.4×10-13

Male cephalothorax length 39.24 -72.48 8.59 0.01

Egg string length -43.78 93.55 149.6826 3.1×10-33

Egg size -168.67 -331.36 24.34 5.2×10-6

Number of eggs string-1

-63.53 133.07 134.1715 7.32×10-30


In each model, Y is the response variable, presented on the left column on the table, T is temperature (°C) and 13

Tc = 10°C. 14

b Log-likelihood for the model (LLi), delta AIC (∆i(AIC)) and Akaike’s weights (ωi). 15

c Numbers in bold indicate the lowest AIC values used for model selection. 16

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