DQ 3

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  • 8/2/2019 DQ 3


    3.1 In terms of the ministry you do, who is your audience, and what has most

    helped you to get to know them?

    I feel as though my audience has always been children and teens. What I

    feel has always helped me the most in getting to know them is a sense of

    empathy. Putting myself in their shoes can go a long way. Trying to view their

    world from my own eyes helps so see a person for who they are and not

    someone I want to minister or preach to, it helps me love them. God incarnate

    in the form of Jesus Christ is the ultimate form of empathy.

    3.2 Which of the six points of contact described by McGrath do you think is

    most real to your audience, and why?

    It would have to be the first. I sense of unsatisfied longing. I believe is a

    hotpoint for our society in general. Christianity and religion as an institution

    has been able to satisfy. So, alternative religions are on the table, but are

    those satisfying? McGrath cites some amazing passages from Lewis on

    longing. The promise of our desires fulfilled is the mantra for our emerging

    generations today, but to when these desires are satisfied they only leave the

    person still hungry. McGrath and Lewis claim is not that God fulfills our

    desires, but he will satisfy that hunger.

    3.3 How does this description of a Christian worldview impact you emotionally

    and intellectually (try to include both reactions)? Fit the word grandeur into

    your response in some way.

    My emotional response, outside of Sire being dead on to his theological

    description of Christianity, but also that there is so much to God that we fail to

    see, even has Christians. God is so simple, yet at the same time, so vast and

    complex. We cannot fathom the grandeur of his glory, yet he has revealed so

    much. Intellectually, he gave a concise review of systemic theology, which I


    3.4 What apologetic problems, issues or concerns do you think arise within this

    Theism camp? Which of them touch you most personally?

    The primary problem is the trinity, of the three main religions prescribing to

    theism. Christianity is the only one that claims the trinity as the nature of God.

    There is also the notion of grace. Of Christianity, if youre reformed, you

    prescribe to salvation through faith, not works. Islam and Judaism believe in

    salvation by ritual acts to please God. Of these it saddens me how we as

    humans constantly yearn the law. Even in Christianity we tend toward

  • 8/2/2019 DQ 3


    creating a system by which we can please God and earn our way to heaven.

    This is just not the way of the cross.

    1McGrath, Alister,Intellectuals Dont Need God & Other Modern Myths (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan,

    Publications, 1993), 29.