DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY National Endowment for the Humanities (NFAH), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 87 NOTE 186p. AVAILABLE FROM National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Room 406, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20506 (single copies free). PUB TYPE Reports - General (140) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Endowment Funds; *Federal Programs; *Grants; *Humanities; Philanthropic Foundations IDENTIFIERS *National Endowment for the Humanities ABSTRACT Reflecting the efforts of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to support.the humanities in all their aspects, this report lists federal funds obligated for grants made in the 1987 fiscal year through the Endowment's five divisions (Education Programs, Fellowships and Seminars, General Programs, Research Programs, and State Programs) and through two offices--the Office of Challenge Grants and the Office of Preservation. The report provides brief descriptions of all NEH programs. Special Attention is given to the publication of "American Memory: A Report on the Humanities in the Nation's Public Schools." HEM has established a research center at the University of California at Los Angeles to study the way history is taught in elementary and secondary schools, and has launched the NEH/Reader's Digest Teacher-Scholar Program to provide one-year sabbaticals for elementary and secondary school teachers. In addition, ".he report includes lists of panelists, senior staff members, and members of the National Council on the Humanities, as well as a financial report for the year and a state-by-state index of grants. (ARH) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EMS are the best that can be made from the original document. ***********************************************************************

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

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ED 292 124 CS 211 101

TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-SecondAnnual Report--1987.

SPONS AGENCY National Endowment for the Humanities (NFAH),Washington, D.C.

PUB DATE 87NOTE 186p.AVAILABLE FROM National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Room

406, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20506(single copies free).

PUB TYPE Reports - General (140)

EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage.DESCRIPTORS *Endowment Funds; *Federal Programs; *Grants;

*Humanities; Philanthropic FoundationsIDENTIFIERS *National Endowment for the Humanities

ABSTRACTReflecting the efforts of the National Endowment for

the Humanities (NEH) to support.the humanities in all their aspects,this report lists federal funds obligated for grants made in the 1987fiscal year through the Endowment's five divisions (EducationPrograms, Fellowships and Seminars, General Programs, ResearchPrograms, and State Programs) and through two offices--the Office ofChallenge Grants and the Office of Preservation. The report providesbrief descriptions of all NEH programs. Special Attention is given tothe publication of "American Memory: A Report on the Humanities inthe Nation's Public Schools." HEM has established a research centerat the University of California at Los Angeles to study the wayhistory is taught in elementary and secondary schools, and haslaunched the NEH/Reader's Digest Teacher-Scholar Program to provideone-year sabbaticals for elementary and secondary school teachers. Inaddition, ".he report includes lists of panelists, senior staffmembers, and members of the National Council on the Humanities, aswell as a financial report for the year and a state-by-state index ofgrants. (ARH)


Reproductions supplied by EMS are the best that can be madefrom the original document.


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Cover In American Memory: A Report on theHumanities in the Nation's Public Schools, NEHChairman Lynne V Cheney called for students to "readgreat works of literature." Pictured are some Americanauthors and poets who have created works thatcontinue to be of enduring value: (lop row left to right)

Nathaniel Hawthorne, Robert Frost, Willa Cather,(bottom row left to right) John Greenleaf Whittier

---, Emily Dickinson, Martin Luther King, Jr, and Samuel--- Langhorne Clemens (Mark Train).

rb National Endowment for the Humanities

ISSN 8755-5492Washington, D.C. 20506U


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The PresidentThe White HouseWashington, D.C. 20500

April 15, 1988

Dear Mr. President:I have the honor of transmitting to you the

I' annual report of the National Endowment for theHumanities for fiscal year 1987. It reflects ourcontinuing effort to support the humanities in alltheir aspects: to encourage education projects,scholarly research, and programs for the generalpublic.

In all three areas, the year 1987 saw the fruitionofprojects relating to the two-hundredth anniver-sary of the Constitution. During the bicentennialyear, the Endowment's congressionally man-dated report on humanities education in theelementary and secondary levels was also com-pleted. With our report, entitled American Mem-ory we hope that we have helped place human-ities education on the agenda of educationreform.

During the past several years, the importanceof improving education in science and math hasbeen widely recognized. American Memory ar-gues that teaching and learning in such disci-plines as history and literature are also crucial."Knowledge of the ideas that have molded us andthe ideas that have mattered to us functions as akind of civic glue," the report says. "Our historyand literature give us symbols to share; they helpus all, no matter how diverse our backgrounds,feel part of a common undertaking:'

To improve humanities education in ourschools, we recommend changes in curricula,textbooks, and in the ways our teachers aretrained and sustained. Through the Endow-ment's programs, we have also undertaken effortsto help bring these changes about.

During 1987, then, we have laid particularstress on education; we have done so in the sureknowledge that improving the teaching andlearning of the humanities in our schools willhelp forward research in and public appreciationof the humanities as well. The scholars of tomor-row are in our schools today, as are the citizenswho will guide this nation well into the twenty-first century. If the lives of all Americans areenriched by an appreciation of the humanities,our country will fulfill the vision of those whogathered in Philadelphia in 1787, a vision, inMadison's words, of "liberty and learning, eachleaning on the other for their surest and mutualsupport"


Lynne V. CheneyChairman

"Mark the Evangelist

Ruing," from a Bookof Hours in the collec-

tion of the Gibbers Art

Gallery France, earlysixteenth century.

In 1987 the galleryreceived support from

the Division ofGeneral Programs foran exhibition andcatalogue, "TimeSanctified. The Bookof Hours and LateMedieval Culture."

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Letters of Introduction 6

How the Endowment Works 10

American Memory 12

The Jefferson Lecture 14

Division of Education Programs 16

Division of Fellowships and Seminars 26

Division of General Programs 64

Division of P:search Programs 105

Division of State Programs 130

Office of Challenge Grants 137

Office of Preservation 145

National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs 151

Panelists in Fiscal Year 1987 153

Senior Staff Members of the Endowment 175

Members of the National Council on the Humanities 177

Summary of Grants and Awards for Fiscal Year 1987 178

Financial Report for Fiscal Year 1987 180

Index of Grants 181



Thefac fa tall casedock made by

William Claggett ofNewport, ca. 173Z in

the collection of the

Rhode Island Histor-

ical Society which

received a challenge

grant in 1987 to restore

the John Brown house,

to create an endow-

ment for operating

costs relating to the

humanities, and to

make certain physical

improvements to the

society's facilities.

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Antique gold and sil-

ver pencils. A scholar

at Duke Universityreceived a Fellowship

for University Teachersfrom the Division ofFelloivships and Semi-

nars in 1987 toresearch and write a

book on the history ofthe pencil, With aPencil: An Essay onEngineering andCulture.





quick survey of the state ofthe humanities in America might lead the casualobserver to be deeply pessimistic. In colleges anduniversities the number of students majoring inhumanities disciplines remains depressed. Someprofessional organizations in the humanities donot hesitate to defend narrowness and height-ened specialization in the academic realm, or todownplay the necessity of transmitting the greattexts of literature to future generations. In ourschools we have reports that students know farless than they should about history and literaturethat two-thirds, for example, do not know whenthe Civil War was fought or that half had no ideathat Keats or Wordsworth or Byron were poets.

Yet, without denyingthe validity ofthose facts,there's some cause for optimism. This past year,for example, saw a number ofserious books in thepublic marketindeed, on the "best seller" listthat argued for a restoration of broad gaugedhumanities studies at all levels of Americaneducation. The reception accorded NEH Chair-

man Lynne Cheney's analysis and defense of theteaching of literature and history in the schoolshas been widespread and deep. Indeed, if onelooks over the grants reported in this volume,perhaps a more salutary view of the health of thehumanities might begin to emerge.

In all our divisions and activities we haveattempted to keep clearly in mind the need for arestoration of understanding ofthe humanities atall levels of society. We have, for example, takenseriously our obligation to translate the works ofthe humanities to the broader public. We haveresisted the notion that the. great literature,significant events, or fundamental questions en-compassed by the humanities can be given topublic audiences only in snippets or by adultera-tion. We have tried to continue to adhere to astandard of excellence without ever confusingexcellence with either narrow erudition or withthe simply interesting or entertaining.

In our fellowship programs we have continuedto seek out scholars whose work holds thepromise of interest and significance not only forthemselves but for their disciplines and, indeed,across disciplines. In our Division of ResearchPrograms, we have taken great pains to explainthat we do not believe words such as "significant"and "important" to be empty. We ask of all suchapplicants that their work be defended not simplyon the grounds of an innovative approach orinsight, but that the case clearly be made for thepower of the research to illumine major issues,events, or questions of recognizable significanceor importance to their peers.

We have not been content with cultivating thehumanities in those areas where they alreadyflourish. As this list of grants will attest, ourattempts to reach out to elementary and second-ary school teachers have all proceeded quite well.Through such initiatives as our Access to Excel-lence Program, groups and institutions new tothe Endowment have found NEH receptive totheir proposals. Yet, at no time was any criterionother than worth, merit, or excellence in effect.

All projects selected for support by the Endow-

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ment go through a rigorous process of review.Every proposal is subject to the same carefulscrutiny. We ask all panelists and reviewers to giveus their best professional judgment of the signifi-cance, the centrality, and the importance of theprojects before them. These criteria apply toresearch projects that may seem of immediateinterest only to scholars z s well as to televisionprograms that we trust will be seen by a largesegment of the viewing public. Through ourefforts, we hope to continue to offer Americans atall levels of society access to the best that has beenthought and known.

In sum then, we ask you to view this annualreport in the following light: First, how well havewe succeeded in helping to restore and transmitthe tradition of humanities learning and teachingin all its fullness and complexity? Second, havewe been able to present the humanities for the

general public in ways that have truly beenenlightening and educational? Third, have weused the taxpayers' money to support scholarlyprojects of significance and importance, projectsthat help illumine major issues in humanitiesresearch? Fourth, have we made the virtues anduses of the humanities available more widey tonew institutions, new scholars, new teachers, newstudents?

Our answers to those questions will help, Itrust, give us a realistic picture of one smallportion of the world of the humanities andcounteract both bleak pessimism and emptyoptimism about the state of the humanities inAmerican life.

John AgrestoDeputy Chairman

Ralph Earl's portrait

of ChiePustice OliverEllsworth and his wife

Abigail Giblcott (1792)

is part of "Ralph Earland His Yankee

Patrons, an exhibi-tum organized by the

Gitalsorth Athe-neum. with support in

1987 front the Division

qf General Programs.

Ellsworth was a dele-

gate to the Constitu-

tional Convention and

is portrayed holding a

copy of the document.


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Rare volumes in the

collection of the John

Carter Brown LibraryProvidence, Rhode

Island. The libraryreceived a challenge

grant in 1986 for a

building addition andrenovation ofitsfacilities to improve

scholarly access to hu-

manities collections.





n consequence of the insights thatinformed American Memory, the Chairman's re-port about the state of the humanities in elemen-tary and secondary schools, the Endowmentemphasized and expanded its efforts for educa-tion during the past year. A primary goal of theEndowment's work on behalf of the humanitiesin the schools has been to provide opportunitiesfor teachers to learn more about the content ofhumanities subjects. In addition to seminars andinstitutes, the Endowment has also sponsoredcooperative projects that bring teachers andscholars together within the schools. This pastyear from the Division of Fellowships and Semi-nars and the Division of Education Programs,there were more than 120 grants that addressed

needs within the humanities at the elementaryand secondary levels.

Good scholarship is the foundation for goodteaching, and the Endowment in fiscal year 1987maintained a healthy commitment to human-ities research. Over half of the 2,873 new awardscame from the Division of Research Programsand the Division of Fellowships and Seminarsand went to individuals, groups, or organizationsconducting scholarly research. Increasinglywithin the stiff competition for these awards,decisions depend upon the extent to whichapplicants convince evaluators about the signifi-cance of the proposed projects. Therefore, theEndowment has begun asking applicants toaddress questions about the importance of proj-

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ects and the potential differences results couldmake and for whom.

Certainly vital to the quality of education is thecontinuing knowledge and commitment of thegeneral public. Public understanding of the hu-manities is enhanced by public programs thatblend the best teaching and best scholarship.More than 1,000 awards from the Division ofGeneral Programs supported projects designedfor the general public. These new projects providea rich variety of humanities issues and themes,interpreted by scholars working with museums,nistorical organizations, public libraries, mediaproducers, and others. Seven hundred ninety-one of these new awards were $500 matchinggrants to public libraries throughout every state,the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and theU.S. Virgin Islands. These awards allowed thelibraries to purchase key reference works andscholarly books about the U.S. Constitution andthe constitutional debates at the founding. Manyof the libraries in turn sponsored programs thathighlighted these newly acquired works.

This one-time-only Bicentennial BookshelfProgram represented the formal close of theEndowment's initiative in recognition of thebicentennial ofthe U.S. Constitution. Altogether,from the inception of the initiative in 1982. theEndowment provided $22.6 million for scholarlyresearch, seminars, institutes, conferences, andpublic programs about the history, philosophy.and meaning of the U.S. Constitution.

With the close of the bicentennial initiative, theEndowment announced its new effort, the Foun-dations of American Society. This subsequentinitiative encourages scholarship, teaching, andpublic programming that might examine notonly the Col istitution and constitutional princi-ples, but as well the historical, philosophical, andcultural themes surrounding the Americanfounding.

A continuing commemorative program initia-tive honors the forthcoming quincentenary ofColumbus's voyage to the New World. The En-dowment seeks to support excellent projects

about Columbus and about the interaction of theNew World with the Old. Quincentenary applica-tions are eligible in any of the Endowment'sprogram divisions or offices. Thus far. the En-dowment has supported approximately ninetyquincentenary projects at a cost of $5 million.

Forty-three grants from the Office of Preserva-tion emphasized the agency's interest in discover-ing and preserving significant scholarly re-sources. Work in preservation embraces suchvaried efforts as the U.S. Newspaper Program, thetra"ting of conservators, and the development ofpreservation priorities within specific colic.>tions.

The forty-one new challenge grants providedboth incentive and means for humanities institu-tions and organizations to plan their long-termfutures. Those eligible for the Challenge GrantsProgram include almost all the public, educa-tional, and scholarly enterprises that submitproject applications to the Endowment's otherdivisions.

Like the Endowment itself, the work of therespective state humanities councils supportseducation, scholarship. and public programmingin the humanities. During fiscal year 1987, thestate councils made more than 3,700 grants forlocal and regional projects.

In order to evaluate the 8.030 applications theEndowment reviewed in fiscal year 1987, 143panels met at the agency: almost 1,000 panelistsread applications: and nearly 6,700 specialistreviewers assessed the strengths and weaknessesof proposed projects. Their recommendationsinformed the decisions to offer $123.3 million innew awards.

The new awards for 1987 represent some of thebest teaching, scholarship, and public program-ming being done within the humanities. It is withpleasure that the Endowment announces these2,873 grants.

Thomas S. KingstonAssistant Chairman for Programs

i i.

.1 Nom qf the His-iodated Table of

Shada (Carthage.

sixth century B.C.J.

Noah reaches out from

a hav-like ark andElijah is home on a

chariot. The artifact ispart of the American

.Iluseum o f Natural

Marti travelingexhibition "Carthage:A Mosaic of Ancient


received support from

the I), vision of Gen-

eral Programs in 1987.




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Statue of Richard

lords Hunt, por-tra.nd as a stone-

mason. Originallylocated on tlw roof of

the WK. Underhillmansion. it is now in

the collection of the

Museum of the City qfNew York. A professor

at Cornell Universityreagved support in

1987 from the Division

of Fellowships and

Seminars to conduct

research on "Richard

Morrh !hint and theDevelopment (lithe

ArchitecturalPro ksion."





n order "to develop and promote abroadly cc.:ceived natIrmal policy of support forthe humanities," Congress established the Na-tional Endowment for the Humanities in 1965 asan independent grant-making agency of thefederal government. The Etolowment supportsscholarly research, education, and public pro-grams in the humanities. Under the act thatestablished the Endowment, the term humanitiesincludes, but is not limited to, the study of thefollowing disciplines: history; philosophy: Ian-

` drzt::tveL 1in

guages; linguistics; literature; archaeology; juris-prudence; the history, theory, and criticism ofthcarts; ethics; comparative religion; and thoseaspects of the social sciences that employ histor-ical or philosophical approaches.

frograms. This report lists federal funds obli-gated for grants made in fiscal year 1987 throughthe Endowment's five divisions EducationPrograms, Fellowships and Seminars, GeneralPrograms, Research Programs, and State Pro-gramsand two officesthe Office ofChallengeGrants and t.e Office of Preservation. Grantlistings are preceded by a brief introductiondescribing the nature and purposes of the pro-grams administered by each division. The grantsthemselves are listed in alphabetical order ac-cording to each grant-making program. Exceptfor the Travel to Collections and BicentennialBookshelf programs. grants for less than $1000are not listed.

Public Information. Information about Endow-ment program!. and activities can be found in avariety of publications produced by the Office ofPublications and Public Affairs. The Endow-ment's bimonthly magazine Humanities featuresarticles by nationally known scholars and writerson current humanities topics, a listing of recentgrants by discipline, a calendar of grant applica-tion deadlines, a guide section for those who arethinking of applying for an NEH grant, andessays about noteworthy NEH-supported proj-ects. During fiscal year 1987 Humanities coveredsuch topics as the bicentennial of the U.S.Constitution, Chinese studies. the influence ofclassical Greece and Rome on American politicalinstitutions, and musicology.

Matching Funds. To stimulate private support forthe humanities, the Endowment uses federalfunds to match funds donated from privatesources. To date, NEH matching grants havehelped generate more than $852 million in giftFunds almost $658 million of which has been


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generated through the Challenge Grants Pro-gram. Matching under the Challenge GrantsProgram is required in a ratio of three to one forfirst-time awards: that is, federal funds mayamount to no more than 25 percent of totalmatching costs. Matching under other programsis usually on a one-for-one basis.

In addition to federal matching funds, theEndowment stimulates private-sector support ofspecific projects by requiring grantees in mostprograms to commit their own funds for aportion of the costs of a project. In many cases,this amounts to 50 percent of total project costs.

Grants. All applications submitted to the Endow-ment are reviewed and discussed by peer reviewpanels comprised of scholars and other experts.Panelists assess each ipplici.tion on its ownmerits and weigh each against others submittedin a particular grant program. In some programs,applications are also evaluated by specialist re-viewers in the specific fields addressed by theapplications.

Applicants may request summaries of pan-


elists' views. A list of those panelists who gener-ously gave of their time to serve on review panelsduring fiscal year 1987 appears on pages 153-173of this report.

Grant applications are reviewed subsequentlyby the National Council on the Humanities, anadvisory board of twenty-six members nomi-nated by the President for six-year terms andconfirmed by the Senate. Council membersinclude scholars, professionals, and distinguishedmembers of the public who are recognized fortheir knowledge and support of the humanities.The National Council meets four times each yearto consider the views of reviewers, panelists, andstaff members on all grant applications and tomake its recommendations about funding. Afterreviewing 8,030 applications in fiscal year 1987,the council recommended a total of 2,873 grants.Other council responsibilities include advisingthe Chairman about policies, programs, andprocedures. Council recommendations are ad-visory to the Chairman, who, by law, makes thefinal decisions on grant awards. A list of councilmembers may be found on page 177 of this report.


"The Flaming Gorge,"a view on the GreenRiver (1870), by Amer-

ican photographerIl'ilham Henry Jack-son, 1843-1942. A 1987

grant o TempleUniversity Press from

the Division of

Research Programssupported publicationql a study of Jackson.




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\ ,111

\1, ' \

In response to theissues addressed inAmerican Memory,NEH has establisheda research center at theUniversity of Califbr-

nia at Los Angeles to

study the way historyis taught in elemen-tary and secondaryschools, and haslaunched the NEH/Reader's Digest

Teacher-Scholar Pro-gram to provide one-year sabbaticals forelementary and sec-ondary schoolteachers.




n August 30, 1987, the Endow-Muiltpublished American Memory: A Report onthe Humanities in the Nation's Public Schools.Written by Chairman Lynne V. Cheney, thiscongressionally mandated study noted signifi-cant failures in the teaching and learning of thehumanities and pointed out how costly thesefailures are. "A system of education that fails tonurture memory of the past," Cheney wrote,"denies its students a great deal: the satisfactionsof mature thought, an attachment to abidingconcerns, a perspective on human existence."

Problems in humanities education beganmany decades ago with a shift away from tradi-tional intellectual concerns and toward trainingin practical skills. The result today is that we alltoo often find our schools devoted to "process,"the report observes, to "the belief that we canteach [students] how to think without troublingthem to learn anything worth thinking about, thebelief that we can teach them how to understandthe world in which they live without conveying tothem the events and ideas that have brought itinto existence"

In preparing to write the report, the Chairmanheld three meetings with an advisory group onhistory and literature and one meeting with anadvisory group on foreign language education.She also visited schools and talked to teachersaround the country and, under the auspices oftheWoodrow Wilson Center for International Stud-ies, met with heads of humanities organizationsand foundations that have supported humanitieseducation.

American Memory identifies several specificcauses for the decline in humanities education: acurriculum that focuses on skills at the expense ofknowledge, textbooks that contain little mean-ingful content, and a system of training andsustaining teachers that emphasizes how to teachrather than what shall be taught.

In accordance with the congressional mandatethat the report be distributed to the states, copiesofAmerican Memory were sent to approximately18,000 superintendents of school districts and


chief state school officers, among other,. Inaddition, the Endowment has received more than50,000 requests for copies.

In response to the issues raised in AmericanMemory, the Endowment Has initiated two newprograms. Beginning in the 1988-89 academicyear, the NEH, in partnership with a fundestablished by Reader's Digest founder DeWittWallace, will fund one-year sabbaticals for ele-mentary and secondary school teachers. De-pending on the number of qualified applicants,stipends will be provided for one teacher fromeach state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Endowment hasalso announced the establishment of a researchcenter at the University of California at LosAngeles that will study the way history is taughtand learned in our nation's elementary andsecondary schools. The center will help identifythe most effeztive history teaching methods;evaluate history textbooks and supplementalmaterials, teacher training, and continuing edu-cation; and provide leadership by encouragingthe use of this information to improve historyteaching.

American Memory makes several recommenda-tions for the improvement of humanities educa-tion in elementary and secondary schools:

I. More time should be devoted to the study ofhistory, literature, and foreign languages.

Much that is in school curricula now under theguise of "social studies" should be discarded andreplaced with systematic study of history. Whatgoes under the name of "social studies" in theearly grades should be replaced with activitiesthat involve imaginative thought and introducechildren to great figures of the past.

Both history and enduring works of literatureshould be a part ofevery school year and a part ofevery student's academic life.

Foreign language study should start in gradeschool and continue through high school. Fromthe beginning, it should teach students thehistory, literature, and thought of other nations.

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II. Textbooks should be made more substantive.Reading textbooks should contain more recog-

nizably good literature and less formulaic writ-ing.

History textbooks should present the events ofthe past so that their significance is clear. Thismeans providing more sophisticated informationthan dates, names, and places. Textbooks shouldinform students about ideas and their con-sequences; about the effect of human person-ality; about what it is possible for men andwomen to accomplish.

In literature, history, and foreign languageclasses, original works and original documentsshould be central to classroom instruction.

III. Teachers should be given opportunities to be-come more knowledgeable about the subjects thatthey teach.

In their college years, future teachers should befreed from excessive study of pedagogy so that

they can take more courses in subject areas likehistory, literature, French, and Spanish.

Teacher preparation and teacher certificationmust be independent activities. This will helpensure that education courses taken by prospec-tive teachers are of value to effective teaching.

Higher education liberal arts faculties mustrecognize their responsibility for the humanitieseducation of future teachers. Further, these fac-ulties must play a greater role in the continuingeducation of teachers.

School districts should invest less in curricu-lum supervisors, instructional overseers, andoth ;1- mid-level administrators and more inparaprofessionals and aides who can relieveteachers of time-consuming custodial and secre-tarial duties. This will help accomplish twoimportant goals: It will give teachers time to studyand think; and it will put ther , rather thanoutside education specialists, in charge of whatgoes on in the classroom.


A grant from the OhioHumanities Council toOhio UniversityBelmont supported aproject to allowschoolchildren tospend a day in thisone-room school-house (built in 1871)

reliving the days ofMcGuffey's Reader.

The project was partof a commemorationof the bicentennialof the Northwest

Ordinance of 178Z



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he Jefferson Lecture in the Hu-manities is the highest official award the federalgovernment bestows for distinguished intellec-tual achievement in the humanities. Establishedin 1972, the lecture provides an opportunity forone of the nation's outstanding scholars to ex-plore in a public forum matters of broad concernin the humanities and to affirm the relationshipbetween the great works of the humanities andthe intellectual, moral, and political traditions ofour civilization. The lecture carries a $10,000stipend provided by the Endowment.

The 1987 Jefferson Lecture was given byForrest McDonald, a professor of history at theUniversity of Alabama and a noted authority onthe Constitution. Previous Jefferson Lecturershave been Lionel Trilling, Erik H. Eriksen.Robert Penn Warren, Paul A. Freund, John HopeFranklin, Saul Bellow, C. Vann Woodward, Ed-ward Shils, Barbara Tuchman, Gerald Holton,Emily T. Vermeule, Jaroslav Pelikan, SidneyHook, Cleanth Brooks, and Leszek Kolakowski.

McDonald, the sixteenth Jefferson Lecturer,discussed "The Intellectual World of the Found-ing Fathers" in remarks delivered in Washington,D.C., on May 6, and at the University of Kansas inLawrence on May 13, 1987. In his lecture,McDonald explained the various sources for thefounders' ideas and showed how they appliedthose ideas to the task of creating the Constitu-tion. "To put it bluntly" McDonald said, "itwould be impossible in America today to assem-

1 6

ble a group of people with anything near thecombined experience, learning, and wisdom thatthe fifty-five authors of the Constitution tookwith them to Philadelphia in the summer of1787:'

McDonald warned that contemporary effortsto revise the work of the framers are "pre-sumptuous" and "uninformed." He asserted thatthe framers were products of "America's GoldenAge, the likes of which we shall not see again.Departing from what they bequeathed to you andto me is a departure from the path of wisdom andvirtue."

McDonald, the author of several books onAmerican history, was one of three finalists forthe 1986 Pulitzer Prize in History for his bookNovus Ordo Seclorum: The Intellectual Origins ofthe Constitution (1985). In 1980 he received theFrau nces Tavern Book Award for AlexanderHamilton, A Biography (1980) and the GeorgeWashington Medal of Honor from the FreedomFoundation for The Presidency of George Washing-ton (1974).

Before joining the faculty of the University ofAlabama, McDonald taught at Brown Universityand Wayne State University. He recently held aone-year appointment as the James PinckneyHarrison Professor of History at the College ofWilliam and Mary. McDonald was a Gug-genheim fellow from 1962 to 1963 and is currentlya presidentially appointed member of the Boardof Foreign Scholarships.

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Excerpts from the 1987 Jefferson Lecture byForrest McDonald

"Are we better off, now that government at alllevels is doing just what the Constitution wasdesigned to prevent? . . . Has human naturechanged so drastically, or has the genius ofAmerica? Was it folly or was it wisdom in theframers to suppose that the people will governthemselves best if left to govern themselves? Wasit folly or was it wisdom to maintain that there arelimits upon what government can do, and limitsupon what it should attempt to do?"

"[The framers'] aim was to secure liberty andjustice . . . through the instrumentality ofa lawfuland limited system of government. In the under-taking, they were guided by this principle: theextent to which limited government is feasible isdetermined by the extent to which the people,socially and individually, can govern themselves:'

". . . though we usually think of the Constitutionas having been designed to overcome the weak-nesses of the Articles of Confederation by estab-lishing new power, the vast majority of theframers viewed the crisis of 1787 as having arisenfrom an excess of state government, a wanton andinept use of all governmental power, and acollapse of authority resulting from efforts togovern overmuch:'

"[The framers] faithfully adhered to the principleunderlying Montesquieu's workto its spirit. ForMontesquieu's grand and abiding contribution tothe science of politics was that no form or systemof government is universally desirable or worka-ble; instead, if government is to be viable, it mustbe made to conform to human nature and to thegenius of the people to their customs, morals,habits, institutions, aspirations."

"(T)he framers were guided by principles but notby formulas.. . . Thus rigid adherence to thedoctrine of the separation of powers yielded to asystem of checks and balances, and absolute dictaabout the indivisibility of sovereignty were trans-muted into a brilliant invention, federalism:'


Forrest McDonald.the 1987 Jefferson

Lecturer in theHumanities, is a pro-fessor of history at theUniversity ofAlabama.




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Nicole Machiavelli,1469-1527. With

support from the

Humanities Instruc-tion in Elementaryand Secondary

Schools Program, the

School of Education

at Texas Christian

University conducted a

three-week summer

institute for school

administrators andprincipals in 1987 on

the ethical and politi-

cal thought ofPlato,

Aristotle, andMachiavelli.





fforts to improve the teachingofthe humanities in the nation's schools, colleges,and universities are supported by the Endow-ment through the Division of Education Pro-grams. Individual projects vary from one settingto another, but all grants made through thedivision are directed to the same fundamentalobjective: to bring more substance, coherence,and rigor to the ways in which the nation'seducational institutions transmit our culturalheritage from one generation to the next.

Under the Elementary and Secondary Educa-tion in the Humanities Program, the divisioncontinued to provide support in fiscal year 1987for summer institutes and school-college collab-orative projects that give teachers and schooladministrators a deeper understanding of thehumanities.

At Skidmore College, for example, the divisionsupported a 1987 summer institute on the classicsin which thirty secondary school teachers fromaround the country came together to study Greekconcepts of heroism and citizenship as embodiedin the writings of Herodotus, Thucydides, Xeno-phon, Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.Along similar lines, twenty-five principals andother educational leaders examined the ethicaland political thought of Plato, Aristotle, andMachiavelli during a three-week summer in-stitute at Texas Christian University.

Oklahoma State University conducted a four-week summer institute on the bicentennial of theU.S. Constitution in which teams of elementaryschool social studies teachers and library mediaspecialists studied "The Constitution, Its Rootsand Significance." Other exemplary institutestook place at Auburn University, "Literary Crit-icism and Literature for Teachers," and at Colo-rado State University, "Teaching India and Chinain the Context of World History."

Meanwhile, a long-term collaborative projectinvolving the University of Oregon and Oregonpublic school systems drew to a close in 1987 witha dissemination conference on ways of combin-ing the study of literature and history in theteaching of Latin American, Japanese, and Rus-sian culture.

Under the Higher Education in the Human-ities Program, the division supported summerinstitutes for college and university faculty, cur-riculum revision projects, faculty developmentefforts, collaborative programs, and other activi-ties to bolster the teaching of the humanities inthe country's colleges and universities.

At the University of New Mexico, the Englishdepartment is currently using Endowment fundsto develop a new introductory course on themajor texts of the Western tradition. In anattempt to approach the traditional canon from alarger cultural perspective, the department isbuilding the course around six thematic units,each designed to juxtapose several major West-ern texts with a comparable text from the

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Oriental, native American, or Hispanic tradi-tions. The unit on "The Enlightenment: Reasonand Individual Experience," which focuses onwritings by Pope, Swift, Voltaire, and Locke, usesthe poet Basho's Narrow Road to the Deep North toprovide aJapanese perspective on the eighteenth-century European literary motif of the journey.

Illustrating a new approach to school-collegecollaboration, the University of Connecticut isusing Endowment support given in 1987 to bringits faculty together with selected high schoolteachers to share in the teaching of a modelWestern civilization course. Before the coursebegan, both groups participated in summerworkshops on topics such as "The Periodizationof Modern European History" and "The Struc-tures of Ancient and Medieval History." Now thatthe academic year is under way, the faculty andteachers are meeting regularly in seminars on theconceptual problems common to the study ofWestern civilization at various levels.

In a consortial project involving the graduateprograms in religion at three key universities

the University of California at Berkeley, theUniversity of Chicago, and Harvard Universitythe Endowment is supporting a national effort tostrengthen the role of comparative religion in theliberal arts curriculum. This project includessuch activities as a summer institute for collegeteachers, a summer workshop for scholars toassess the field of religious studies as a whole, anda two-year effort to complete a source book ofsyllabi, bibliographies, and essays on the teachingof comparative religion. Its purpose is to providefaculty with the tools to offer engaging courses onthe place of religion in human civilization.

These are but a few of the imaginative stepsnow being taken by educational institutions toimprove the teaching of the humanities at alllevels. Others will be evident in the list thatfollows.

Jerry MartinDirectorDivision of Education Programs


Detail from Washing-ton Addressing theConstitutional Con-vention by JuniusBrutus Stearns A1987 Humanities

Instruction in Elemen-tary and SecondarySchools grant to NovYork University sup-

ported a summerinstitute for Nev York

City lugh school teach-

ers on the AmericanConstitution





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Grants supported efforts to improve the quality rigor, coherence, and cost-efiectivene.ss at the humanities educationoffered to students not reached by the traditional structures and programs of higher education.

Maryland Public TelevisionOwings Mills, MD Sheilah Mann$9,473* To support the preparation of six instruc-tional television programs for the television-assistedcourse, "The U.S. Constitution."

North Texas State UniversityDenton, TX Gustav L. Seligmann$166,089 To support a program to integrate non-traditional students into a classical learning corecurriculum. The courses will engage senior faculty andemphasize reading classical texts, writing assignments,and classroom discussion.

Rollins CollegeWinter Park, FL R. Barry Levis$150,355 To support the establishment of a master ofliberal studies program with an interdisciplinary seriesof courses using the major texts and issues of theWestern tradition.

University of San FranciscoSan Francisco, CA Brenda D. Schildgen$75,000 To support a review of the existing master ofarts program for nontraditional learners, and to assistwith the addition of two new courses.


Grants promoted the development and dissemination of humanities projects that build on the best of scholarship andteaching in the humanities and that are of value in themselves or as models.

Agnes Scott CollegeDecatur, GA Ellen lif Hall$47,475 To support a summer workshop focusing onfour major texts that represent epochs in the Westerntradition.

Associated Colleges of the MidwestChicago, IL Elizabeth R. Ha' fbrd$58,399 To support a three-day conference at theNewberry Library on the teaching of history toundergraduates.

Brown UniversityProvidence, RI Ernest S Frerichs$152,000 To support a summer institute and a follow-up conference on the study of formative Judaism, 1stthrough 7th centuries.

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY Roberta Martin$168,876 To support two summer institutes on com-parative approaches using Asian materials to enrichcore curriculum courses in world literature and West-ern or world history.

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY David J. Rothman$179,431 To support the design and implementationof an interdisciplinary course that examines the valuesand institutions that have shaped medical care inWestern civilization.

Community College of PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PA Karen Bojar$252,214 To support a summer institute for part-time students on methods of incorporating culturalliteracy into composition courses.

Coppin State CollegeBaltimore, MD Delores G. Kelley$129,580 To support a series of faculty seminars onthe critical reading of central texts to be introducedinto the general education curriculum.

Duke UniversityDurham, NC Marcel Tete!$163.623 To support an institute on the literary andhistorical contexts of the Essays of Michel de Mon-taigne.

Ethics and Public Policy CenterWashington, DC Edwin J. Delattre$269,593 To support a series of four conferences onethics in business and in business education.

Flowerdew Hundred FoundationHopewell, VA James F Deetz$226,095 To support a five-week institute on Euro-pean eApansion in the 200 years following the voyagesof Columbus.

Fordham UniversityNew York, NY Joseph F O'Callaghan$14.550* To support a summer institute on Spanishhistory and culture from 1100 to 1500.

Graduate Theological UnionBerkeley. CA Mark K. Juergenstneyer$300,766 To support the second phase of a collab-orative project with Harvard University and the Uni-versity ofChicago on the role of religious studies in theliberal arts and general education curricula.

Heritage CollegeToppenish, WA Rose H. Arthur$140,369 To support a project that will strengthenintroductory courses by integrating the great texts ofWestern civilization with works from native Americanand Hispanic American cultures.

Hiram CollegeHiram, OH Carol C Donley$125,620 To support an institute to help medicalpersonnel and college faculty incorporate humanitiestexts and issues into college curricula, medical schools.and the clinical environment.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.


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Holocaust Memorial Foundation of IllinoisSkokie, IL Pearl R. Karp$15,513 To support a course for nontraditional learn-ers in holocaust and genocide studies to be offeredthree times in 1987-88.

Jefferson State Junior CollegeBirmingham, AL Agnes R. Pollock$186,017 To support a series of five interdisciplinaryfaculty seminars based on the content of existinghumanities honors courses.

Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore, MD Ronald Paulson$200,842 To support an institute on visual imagesand verbal texts from England, France, America, Italy,and Germany from 1720 to 1820 to introduce human-ities faculty members to this interpretive approach.

Kenyon CollegeGambier, OH Afaryanne C. Ward$5,000* To support the cooperation of four areapublic high schools in the School College ArticulationProgram.

Marist CollegePoughkeepsie, NY Peg E. Birmingham$56,360 To support thestrengtheningofan introduc-tory-level required course on ethics and ethos.

Middlebury CollegeMiddlebury, VT Richard H. Dollase$59,785 To support a conference to address issues inundergraduate teacher education in the humanities.

Millsaps CollegeJackson, MS Harrylyn G. Sallis$67,795 To support six humanities seminars to bepresented in the next three years for nontraditionallearners from the corporate and professional com-munity in Jackson, Mississippi.

Mount Holyoke CollegeSouth Hadley, MA Margaret L. Switten$13,750* To support a summer institute and thedevelopment of new materials focusing on the medi-eval lyric as a central Western tradition.

Newberry LibraryChicago, IL David J. Buisseret$292,139 To support two summer institutes, fel-lowships, and occasional publications on the re-ciprocal effects of the contacts between Europe andAmerica, 1400-1650.

Newberry LibraryChicago, IL Frederick E. Hoxie$32,250* To support three conferences for teachers ofthe U.S. history survey, a series of publications, fel-lowships for native American and other teachers andscholars, and the continuation of the center itself as apromoter of teaching, inquiry, and dialogue.

Princeton UniversityPrinceton, NJ John Cooper$180,000 To support a six-week institute on Aristotlefor college teachers of Greek philosophy.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.


State University of New York Research FoundationBinghamton, NY Paul E. S:armach$119,024 To support an institute on Arthurian mythin its medieval and modern manifestations.

State University of New York Research FoundationAlbany, NY liflyne M. O'Sullivan$129,727 To support an academic-year faculty studyproject on selected topics in Western civilization forteachers in SUNY's two-year colleges.

Saint John's UniversityCollegeville, MN Eugene Garver$117,219 To support a summer institute on Aristotle'smajor works.

South Puget Sound Community CollegeOlympia, WA Michael W Slutigot$214,048 To support the development of a compre-hensive humanities curriculum with a core of new andrevised courses, new faculty positions, additionallibrary materials, and activities for faculty develop-ment.

Stanford UniversityStanford, CA Rachel Jacoff$169,768 To support a six-week institute providingtextual and background study of the Divine Comedy fornonspecialist undergraduate teachers of Dante.

Tufts UniversityMedford, MA Steven Hirsch$112,557 To support a three-year project to create aworld civilizations program focusing on three two-semester, humanities-centered courses, "Culturesthrough Calendars," "Memory and Identity," and"Conceptions of the Earth."


Detail from a Frenchtapestry probably theNine Heroes Tapestry,ca. 1385, showing King

Arthur. The nineheroes were credited in

the Middle Ages with

having shaped the des-tiny of Western civi-

lization. With supportin 1987 from the

Exemplary Projects inUndergraduate andGraduate EducationProgram, the StateUniversity of New

York at Binghamton

held an institute onthe Arthurian myth inits medieval and mod-ern manifestations.





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University of ArizonaTucson, AZ Pelf,- E. Medine$139,400 *To support a six-week institute for collegeteachers on Milton's Areopc4r:ilica, Paradise Lost, andSamson Agonisles.

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Kathryn K. Sklar$41,997 To support a conference on graduate train-ing in the history of American women.

University of CaliforniaSanta Cruz, CA Gabriel Berns$172,174 To support an institute on literary transla-tion models for teachers of modern languages. Thefocus will be on the translation process and thehistorical, cultural, and stylistic issues involved in theeffort to recreate the text.

University of ChicagoChicago, IL Daniel E. Garber$163,043 To support a summer institute on thehistory of early modern philosophy, 1600-1750.

University of ConnecticutStorrs, CT Marvin R. Cox$368,762 To support a cooperative faculty develop-ment project that will involve university and highschool teachers in a model Western civilization course.

University of IllinoisUrbana, IL Marianna Tax Choldin$101,404 To support a three-year series ofworkshopson East European and Russian culture.


University of NevadaLas Vegas, NV Christopher C Hudgins$70,316 To support a six-week summer seminardesigned to reacquaint faculty members with majorworks in neoclassical, romantic, and realist/modernliteralures.

University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, NM Paul B. Davis$37,445 To support the planning, implementation,and evaluation of a new literature course focusing onmajor Western texts and on selected non-Western textsthat provide a critical perspective.

University of New Markoklbuquerque, NM An M. Tolman$34 500" To support the Portuguese language mate-rials project The staff will edit 20 beginning-levelnits, produce and edit ten intermediate films, andfinish writing the beginning and intermediate leveltexts to accompany the films.

University of WisconsinGieen Bay, WI David H. Galaty$180,000 To support the development of one or twocourse modules on individual great works in thehumanities and the adaptation of these modules to avariety of curricular contexts.

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT Duncan Robinson$152,128 To support an institute on culture andsociety in Victorian Britain.

Grants supported institutional dons to make introductory hiananiues wurses in undergraduate educationeffective.

Assumption CollegeWorcester, MA John E McClymer$99,981 To support the development ofnew requiredcourses in history and literature.

Augustana CollegeRock Island, IL James A. Winship$15,000* To support the development ofa sequenceof six courses on original texts and master works of artand music. These courses will be taught by a team ofsenior faculty over six consecutive quarters and fulfillgraduation requirements in writing, literature, re-ligion, fine arts, and social and natural science.

CUNY Research Foundation, City CollegeNew York, NY David Willinger$102,000 To support the development of two inter-disciplinary courses in art, music, theater, and dance.Course materials and Eyllabi will be planned by 12faculty members meeting in weekly seminars duringthe first year of the projer,.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.


Colby CollegeWaterville, ME Peter B. Harris$100.000* To support the development of a fresh-man humanities program organized in thematic clus-ters. Forty faculty members will develop seminars andconsultants and lecturers will advise the staff on itscurricular restructuring program.

Defiance CollegeDefiance, OH Kenneth Christiansen$32,232 To support a faculty development instituteand the planning ofa two-course core inte-disciplinarysequence in Western civilization.

Harcum Junior CollegeBryn Mawr, PA Katherine B. O'Neil$30,480 To support the preparation of ew re-quired course, "Introduction to the H anities:Human Liberty" and the accompanying ,liaterials.

University of IdahoMoscow, ID J. Gary Williams$31,396 To support the development of an interdis-ciplinary humanities course in American studies andthe training of faculty from various departments toteach it.


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University of New HampshireDurham, NH Wirren R. Brown$126,000* To support an introductory sequence offour interdisciplinary Western culture courses to betaught by a team of four faculty members who willdivide their time between the humanities programand their home department arts, English, history, orphilosophy. The grant covers their work in the human-ities program.


University of Northern IowaCedar Falls, IA Kenneth E. Baughman$19,870 To support the redesigning of two interdisci-plinary humanities courses that are expected to be-come required courses in the general education core.

Carl DolanSilver Spring, MD$64,704 To support coordination of the Access toExcellence Program.

Grants supported efforts of individual departments and programs within the humanities tofoster greater depth qfstudyand to implement other improvements in particular humanities fields.

Dickinson CollegeCarlisle, PA Neil Rissman$25,000* To support expansion of foreign languagestudy and international education involving facultyand curriculum development and the creation of newopportunities for students and faculty members toengage in immersion programs abroad.

East Central Colleges ConsortiumTiffin, OH Nancy Siferd$120,643 To support faculty development seminarsin history and literature, focusing on a set of narrativetexts.

Georgetown UniversityWashington, DC James F Slevin$5,000* To support summer symposia and otheractivities to teach methods of using writing to fosterlearning within the traditional academic disciplines.

Michigan Technological UniversityHoughton, MI Sandra M. Boschetto$226,968 To support the development of a senior-level foreign language curriculum, including threeinterdisciplinary senior seminars.

Smith CollegeNorthampton, MA Neal Salisbury$71,775 To support a plan to increase the use ofarchival sources in undergraduate American studiescourses by providing 11 faculty members with oppor-tunities to select materials from the Sophia Smitharchive located on the campus.

University of Southern MainePortland, ME Martin A. Rogoff$54.700 To support the development of the third andfourth courses in a four-course introductory human-ities sequence for a recently established honors pro-gram.


Grants supported comprehensive efforts to increase the coherence of an institution's humanities offerings.

Cazenovia CollegeCazenovia, NY Eric R. Boyer$10,558 To support planning for an ethics course tobe part of a new baccalaureate program.

Cooper UnionNew York, NY Michael a Sundell$10,000* To support faculty and curricular develop-ment to make the required courses in literature andhistory more coherent, and to design a series of newrequired senior seminars.

Eureka CollegeEureka, IL Gary E. Gammon$21,075 To support the development of a three-course, interdisciplinary sequence in Western civiliza-tion and culture.

Hope CollegeHolland, MI John D. Car$12,800* To support the development of pairedcourses in the humanities, designed to promote betterintegration within the curriculum, by means of a seriesof faculty development workshops and topical sym-posia.


Kean College of New JerseyUnion, NJ Mary F Lewis$50,000* To support the revision and implementa-tion of a new six-course required core curriculumcentered on the study of the humanities. Grant monieswill partially support faculty and course developmentand evaluation costs.

Mars Hill CollegeMars Hill, NC LeRoy J. Lenburg$133,900 To support curriculum development, fac-ulty workshops and seminars, library acquisitions. anda humanities lecture series.

Merrimack CollegeNorth Andover, MA Patricia J Hennessey$17,150 To support planning for a better integratedhumanities curriculum for career-oriented students.

'Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.






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An 1858 bill qfsalefor"the purchase of a cer-

tain negro girl" is oneof the Garrison family

papers in the Sophia

Smith Collection at

Smith College, which

received support in

1987 from the Promot-

ing Excellence in a

Field Program to

increase the use of

archival sources in

undergraduate Amer-

ican studies courses.





Saint Mary's College of MarylandSt. Mary's City, MD Sandra L. Underwood$171,239 To support better integration of the newgeneral education curriculum through faculty releasedtime to modify the core courses, a new faculty positionin philosophy, summer workshops on course develop-ment, and consultants.

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Oniversity of North CarolinaAsheville, NC Sandra C Obergfell$94,840 To support a faculty development project tointegrate the four required university-wide humanitiescourses. In a year-long biweekly seminar. 29 facultymembers will learn to teach a course outside theirspecialties.

University of TennesseeChattanooga, TN Robert C Fulton$100,000* To support faculty and curricular devel-opment activities related to a new ;.!cmors program.

University of TexasEl Paso. TX Philip J. Gallagher$216,233 To support the implementation of a re-quired three-semester sequence of courses, "WesternCultural Heritage"

Utah Valley Community CollegeProvo, UT Elaine E. Englehardt$113,500 To support the development of a corehumanities program and the preparation of facultymembers to teach the courses. An ethics course willintroduce students to the basic program.

Willamette UniversitySalem, OR E. Duvall$34,540* To support an integrated four-year human-ities program that includes paired humanities courses.a common reading list, and new seminars and coursesat the upper-division level.

Wright State UniversityDayton, OH Lillie R Howard$142,412 To support the implementation of the hu-manities portion of a program of general educationmandated by the university in 1985.


Grants supported institutes and collaborative projects des,literature, and other humanities disciplines in elementary

Auburn UniversityAuburn University, AL A. Douglas Alley$320,424 To support a four-week institute for 45secondary school English teachers who will study theprinciples of literary criticism and apply them to aselect number of literary works.

Austin Independent School DistrictAustin, TX Sherilyn llow.:e$142,823 To support two four-week institutes onworld literature for 100 secondary school literatureteachers. The university's departments of classics,French and Italian. German, Russian, and English willcollaborate in the presentation.

Bard CollegeAnnandale-on-Hudson, NY Mark 11. Lytle$137,317 To support a four-week national institute inwhich 30 high school social studies teachers will studyAmerican history from 1929 to 1945.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

'pied to improve the teaching oflustoo:Jiireign languages.and secondary schools.

B owdo in CollegeBrunswick, ME John IV Ambrose. Jr$144.831* To support a four-week summer instituteon ancient Greek and the culture of 5th century B.C.Greek civilization.

CONY Research Foundation, City CollegeNew York, NY Saul N Brody$150,000 To support a four-week institute on novels.lyric poetry, and short stories in Western literature.

CONY Research Foundation, Queens CollegeFlushing, NY Richard Aka)),$300.000 To support a series of three summerinstitutes in which New York City teachers will studyselected plays of Shakespeare.

CONY Research Foundation, Queens CollegeFlushing, NY Ronald Ithterbury$215,753 To support a four-week summer instituteand follow-up activities on Latin American history andculture for 35 high school teachers of history andliterature.


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California State Department of EducationSacramento, CA Franck M. Alevander$30,000 To support planning and consultationsbetween scholars and teachers for the California StateDepartment of Education's Constitutional LiteracyInitiative, which will provide materials and training forsocial studies teachers.

Central Missouri State UniversityWarrensburg, MO Charles David Rice$141,332 To support a four-week institute for 45humanities teachers on "The 18th Century: An Age o:Revolutions."

Chicago Metro History Fair, Inc.Chicago, IL Arthur E. Anderson$6,000 To support two summer institutes of fourweeks for 30 Illinois high school teachers. The in-stitutes will focus on the introduction of state and localmaterials into required Ilth grade American historycourses and encourage teachers to conduct their ownresearch projects.

Council for Basic EducationWashington, DC N. Dennis Gray$322,094 To support a summer fellowship programfor teachers of humanities courses in grades 9 through12. Fellowships will be awarded to teachers of English.history, social studies. and foreign languages.

Council of Chief State School OfficersWashington, DC Hilda L. Smith$9.468 To support a two-week institute with follow-up activities for three-member teams from 12 states tostudy texts related to citizenship.

Cultural Literacy FoundationCharlottesville. VA Eric D. Hirsch. Jr$119.446 To support the creation and publication ofgeneral knowiedge tests and sourccbooks for elemen-tary and middle schools.

Dallas Institute of Humanities and CultureDallas, TX Louise S. Count$12,150 To support a four-week summer instituteand follow-up activities on the epic tradition for 45secondary school English teachers from the Dallasarea.

Dallas Institute of Humanities and CultureDallas. TX Louise S. Ciym$60.000 To support a four-week institute on tragedyand comedy.

Elmira CollegeElmira. NY Darryl Baskin$114,445 To support a four-week institute on socialhistory "Individualism and Commitment in Amer-ican Life."

Franklin and Marshall CollegeLancaster, PA Richard Kneedler$25,000 To support three-week summer instituteson history to be offered to 120 teachers at campuses offour members of the Commonwealth Partnership.

`Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987."Emergency grant.

Harvard UniversityCambridge. MA Edward L. Keenan$168.736 To support a five-week institute on thehistory and culture of the Soviet Union.

Harvard UniversityCambridge. MA Katherine K. 'tierce&S438.599 To support the development of a fifth-yearmasters of education degree with a strong humanitiescomponent for recent recipients of bachelor's degreesin the humanities.

Harvard UniversityCambridge. MA Sally &imager$149.999 To support a three-year project on womenin American history

Illinois State UniversityNormal. IL Ronald J. Thrum$250.400 Tc support a three-year collaborative proj-ect on integrating the study of writing and literaturethrough the analysis of major European and Americantexts. The project will involve 135 high school Englishteachers who will study under master teachers anduniversity scholars.

Indiana University of PennsylvaniaIndiana. PA Ronald G. Shafer$119.127 To support a four-week institute for 45 highschool teachers who will do an intensive study of sixShakespearean Om. The institute will also cover theage of Shakespeare. performance traditions, and per-spectives from other fields.

Indianapolis Museum of ArtIndianapolis. IN Sue Ellen Paxson$12.000 To support a collaborative curricular devel-opment and teacher training program on Chinese art.which combines the expertise of university scholars.museum educators. school administrators. and teach-ers.

Kalamazoo CollegeKalamazoo. MI David S. Searro$100.134 To support a four-vktek summer institute on"Tocqueviile in America."

Kansas State UniversityManhattan. KS Loren P. Alewnder$147.229 To support a four -week institute for 32secondary school German and Spanish teachers inrural areas. Staff visits. pre- and post-institute con-ferences. and ten telecommunication sessions willfocus on German and Hispanic cultures.

Kenyon CollegeGambier, OH Ronald A. Sharp$30.000 To support planning activities for a proj-ect designed to improve the teaching of literaturewithin elementary schools.

Miami UniversityOxford. OH Robert M. Wilhelm$14.931* To support a four-week institute and a seriesof follow-up activities for 40 teachers of grades kinder-garten through six to study Vergirs..loteidand relatedaspects of ancient Roman culture.






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Modern Language Association of AmericaNew York NY Phyllis Runk/in$23.0430 To support a national conference to bringteachers and scholars together to discuss major issueson the teaching of English from elementary schoolthrough college.

National Humanities CenterResearch Triangle Park. NC Charles BikerS74.963 To support a three-week institute for 20secondary school English teachers on The Concept ofthe Self in Literature."

New York UniversityNew York, NY Leslie Berlowit:$280.000 To suppnrt two summer institutes on theAmerican Constitution and the French Revolutionand their impact on 19th-century America and Eu-rope. Participants will be 70 secondary school teachersfrom Manhattan publi high schools.

OPERA AmericaWashington. DC Marthalie P. Furber$30.000 To support a two-week summer institutefor teachers to study the relationships between Shake-speare and Verdi.

Old Sturbridge VillageSturbridge. MA Peter S. O'Connell$101.250 To support a three-year project on Amer-ican history in the early national criod. 1790-1840.

PA1 HSPhiladelphia. PA Judith E HodgsonS20.000 To support a three-year collaborative proj-ect between PATHS and the Philadelphia schoolsystem. The project isdesigned to improve the teachingof American history in grades 5. 8, and 11. Workingwith principals and humanities scholars. teams If twoteachers from 90 schools w,;1 attend six summerinstitutes.

Phillips AcademyAndover. MA Thomas T ktyms574.179 To support a four -week summer institute inwhich 30 secondary school teachers will study thehistorical development of the American Constitution.

Portland Public SchoolsPortland. ME Terrell ShortsleereSI04.108 To support a three-week institute for 45teachers and administrators of kindergarten throughthe 12th grade. The focus will be on the development ofcritical thinking skills through the study of Plato.Aristotle, and The Federalist.

Princeton UniversityPrinceton. NJ Norman It:kowit:$167,466 To support a five-week institute on the roleof Islam in the 19th- and 20th-century Near East.

State University of New York Research FoundationBrockport, NY Mark S Anderson$85,339 To support a four-week institute on signifi-cant texts in British and American literature for 25secondary school literature teachers. Thc instituteswill be taught by English faculty from SUNY and guestlecturers.

Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.**Emergency grant.

Saint John's CollegeSanta Fe. NM Lynda 1.-. Alyers5140.278 To support two eight-week institutes onclassical texts in literature and political theory for 30Colorado high school teachers.

Southwest Texas State UniversitySan Marco. TX Lydia Ani: Blanchard$129.452 To support a four-week institute on liter-ature and citizenship for 30 Texas secondary schoolEnglish and social studies teachers. The institute willbe taught by members of the English faculty. a mastersecondary school teacher. and guest lecturers.

Springside SchoolPhiladelphia. PA Eleawr Fi: Kingchury$31.066* To support a summer institute on"Scotland. the Enlightenment. and the AmericanRepublic" for 40 secondary school i..ichers of Amer-ican and European history. Participants will spendthree weeks on the Princeton University campus andtwo weeks on the campus of the St. Andrews Universityin Scotland.

Teachers College, eshunbia UniversityNew York. NY Judith PasamanickS10.800* To support a four-week institute, withextensive follow-up activities. in which 45 elementaryschool teachers study folklore. fables, and proverbs.

Texas Christian UniversityFort Worth. TX William 11. limderhoof5106.892 To support a threc-week stir-,cr institutefor 2.5 principal:, and other adminis on Plato.Aristotle. and Machiavelli, Particip: , focus onthe cuucated person and plan how )rove theirschools' humanities programs.

Tufts UniversityMedford. MA Peter L.12 Reid$121,264 To support a four-week institute and follow-up activities on Vergil's iteneid and its context inAugustan Rome. Thirty-six secondary school teachersfrom New England and the mid-Atlantic states willparticipate.

University of ArkansasFayetteville. AR Jon II. Hassel$103,188 To support a one-year institute in languageawareness for 40 elementary school teachers. The focuswill be on current thinking about linguistics. learning afirst and second language. and basic French andSpanish and their cultures.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley CA Bernard R. GijibrdS299.484 To support a two-year project on the U.S.Constitution, featuring two four-week summer in-stitutes and academic year follow-up activities.

University of CaliforniaSanta Barbara. CA Sheridan BlauS304.167 To support a three-year project to improvethe teaching of literature. Each summer 25 elementaryand secondary school and community college teacherswill study literary works under the guidanceof eminentscholars.


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University of CaliforniaSanta Cruz, CA John 0. Jordan$118,867 To support a four-week institute in which 25high school English teachers from the West Coast willstl.dy Great Expectations and Jane Eyre.

University of ColoradoBoulder, CU Paul M. Levitt$154,473 To support a four-week national institute onwriting about literature.

University of FloridaGainesville, FL Augustus M. Burns$41,856 To support a three. Neek collaborative in-stitute in which 30 secondary school teachers will studyconstitutionalism and the rule of law in AmericanI istory.

University of FloridaGainesville, FL Austin B. Creel$150,000 To support a four-week institute on Bud-dhism and Christianity.

University of FloridaGainesville, FL Richard Hunt Davis, Jr$171,845 To support a four-week national institute inwhich 30 high school social studies teachers will studyAfrican history in the context of world history.

University of IdahoMoscow, ID Cecelia E. Luschnig$109,214 To support a four-week institute on theculture and literature of the ancient world for 24 Idahohigh school humanities teachers. Faculty includesclassics scholars and guest lecturers in art, archaeology,literature, and pedagogy.

University of NebraskaLincoln, NE Lynn L. Mortensen$217,006 To support two five-week collaborative in-stitutes for 60 junior high school teachers on freedomand equality in American history, focusing on biogra-phies of prominent Americans.

University of New HampshireDurham, NH Cathryn Adamsky$122,060 To support a one-year institute on thehistory of 1901-century women and their literaturewith a faculty of scholars and master teachers for agroup of 45 social studies and literature teachers.

University of North CarolinaCharlotte, NC Anita W. Moss$325,000 To support a three-year project. includingthree summer institutes, on British and Americanliterary classics.

University of Southern MississippiHattiesburg, MS James A. Robertson$90,906 To support a four-week summer institute inwhich 36 secondary school teachers from Alabama.Louisiana, and Mississippi will study the history andfundamental principles of the U.S. Constitution.

University of VirginiaCharlottesville, VA Harold H. Kolb$15,000* To support a two-year Virginia-wide collab-orative American literature project that includes in-service programs, colloquia, graduate seminars, and ascholars-in-residence program.

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT Hesung C. Koh$55,944* To support activities following a summerinstitute on Korean history and culture to preparecurricular materials on Korea and East Asia for use inschools throughout the country.

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT James R. Vivian$100,000* To support a three-year renewal of Yale'spartnership with the New Haven Public Schools tooffer teachers an opportunity for rigorous academicstudy of topics and texts in the humanities.


Grants provided opportunities for faculty at historically black colleges and um vercaws to engage in stud) and discuss ionof significant texts, topics, and issues in the humanities disciplines.

Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical UniversityNormal, AL Bessie W. Jones$88,581 To support a four-week summer seminar forthe university faculty on the texts of four majormedieval authors: Aquinas, Dante, Chaucer, andFroissart.

Albany State CollegeAlbany, GA James L. Hill$77,251 To support a four-week institute for highschool students on poetry in Western culture.

Howard UniversityWashington, DC Filisha C. Camara-Norman$80,000 To support a four-week institute for highschool students on the French language and Fran-cophone literature and culture.

'Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Jackson State UniversityJackson, MS Dernoral Davis$79,983 To support an institute for high schoolstudents on the intellectual and philosophical originsof the U.S. Constitution.

Langston UniversityLangston, OK Neva Joy Flasch$72,480 To support a four-week institute for highschool students on literature and war in the Westerntradition.

Tennessee State UniversityNashville, TN Clayton C. Reeve$80,000 To support a four-week institute for highschool students on the historical and cultural de, zlop-ment of the U.S. Constitution.

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Frontispiece to EdnahDow Cheney's LouisaMay Alcott: TheChildren's Friend,1888. A 1986 Travel to

Collections grant

enabled a SouthCarolina scholar toconduct research inMassachusetts, whichresulted in the publica-tion of a collection of

Alcott's letters in 1987.


s Sophocles shows in histragedy Oedipus Rex, wisdom does not derivemerely from hearing what the oracles foretell.Oedipus heard, but he did not understand. Themonuments of humanity's rich cultural heritagethe works of art and literature, the histories anddocuments of society stand for us as theguardians at the temple of Delphi stood forOedipus: They will speak truly, but it is our task tounderstand. Contemplation of artifacts and artworks, careful scrutiny of facts, vivid interpreta-tions of literary works all these painstakingefforts by scholars and teachers are necessary todecipher the true significance of the humanenterprise.

In various ways the Division of Fellowships andSeminars fosters the active study, research, andteaching that interpret and reinvigorate the con-tent of the humanities. In fiscal year 1987, thedivision awarded 890 fellowships and stipends forindividual research by university and collegeteachers, independent scholars, and student-scholars in colleges and high schools. The divi-sion also sponsored 116 seminars for1,409 collegefaculty, independent scholars, and teachers inelementary and secondary schools.

Support for previous years' fellowship recip-ients also reached fruition in the publication ofnumerous books and articles. Ronald L. Lewis, aprofessor at the West Virginia University, pub-lished Black Coal Miners in America (University

-Ps. etir(3. '_)'.'tN*

A.. 4.

C.4 j

Press of Kentucky, 1987), a work growing out ofhis 1980-81 Fellowship for Independent Studyand Research awarded to study segregation inlate nineteenth-century southern industry. Pro-fessor Jack Wertheimer of the Jewish TheologicalSeminary of America, a 1983 Summer Stipendrecipient, published Unwelcome Strangers (Ox-ford University Press, 1987), an examination ofthe history of East European Jews in ImperialGermany. A 1986 Travel to Collections grant toProfessor Daniel Shealy of Clemson Universityenabled him to travel to archives in Boston andConcord and led to the publication of TheSelected Letters of Louisa May AlcottBrown and Company, 1987).

Also in 1987, the division continued to furtherthe President's Initiative for Historically BlackColleges and Universities. A professor of Frenchat Morehouse College in Atlanta, who held afaculty graduate study fellowship in 1986-87 towrite her dissertation in French literature atEmory University, earned her Ph.D. in August1987.

The Travel to Collections Program this yearcontinued to support travel in America andthroughout the world. A travel grant enabled onescholar to study Russian paintings in Moscowand Leningrad to determine the impact ofEuropean impressionism on Russian art. An-other scholar returned to Oxford University'sBodleian Library to follow up his discovery oforiginal copperplates of drawings of colonialWilliamsburg, Virginia. Appropriately in thisbicentennial year, a Travel to Collections grantenabled a scholar of the U.S. Constitution topursue his research on "Ideology, Politics, andSociety in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, duringthe Struggle over Ratification of the Constitu-tion" at the state archives in Harrisburg.

The division also :supports those who, like theyoung Oedipus, begin their search for wisdomearly. Through support from the Younger Schol-ars Program, a senior from Stevenson HighSchool in Prairie View, Illinois, analyzed thecauses of the decline of late classic Maya civiliza-


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:,,, i' -

tion. A Stanford University student investigatedthe politics of disenfranchisement in Georgiafrom 1890 to 1908.

The 1987 Summer Seminars for College Teach-ers Program offered a wide diversity ofdisciplinesand topics. For example, in "Shakespeare and theElizabethan Stage" at Northwestern University, anoted Shakespeare scholar helped his twelveseminar participants to visualize and even toact out the multiple possibilities of Shake-spearean staging. The summer seminar programcontinues to attract the nation's leading scholarsas directors. This year three former seminardirectors were named Fulbright DistinguishedFellows. Participants also earn recognition deriv-ing from work initiated and pursued duringsummer seminars. Professor Jeffrey Brooks oftheUniversity of Chicago, a participant in a 1976seminar, won the Vucinich Prize from the Amer-ican Association for Slavic Studies for his bookon literacy in Russia, When Russia Learned toRead (Princeton University Press, 1985). CarrollParrott Blue of San Diego State University, aparticipant in a 1985 seminar on film, wasawarded a Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fel-lowship to make a documentary film on NobelPeace Prize laureate Ralph Bunche.

The Summer Seminars for School Teachers in


1987 included one at the University of Redlandswhere the director led a group of Americanteachers, plus one Hungarian teacher sponsoredby the U.S Information Agency (USIA), instudying the records of the Constitutional Con-vention and the Federalist and anti-Federalistdebate. Across the country, in Concord, Massa-chusetts, a professor from the State University ofNew York at Geneseo guided a group of Amer-ican teachers, plus two USIA participants fromIceland and Chile, in reading the works ofThoreau, Emerson, and Hawthorne.

Whether individually in research projects orcooperatively in seminar settings, scholars sup-ported by the Division of Fellowships and Semi-nars sought during the tenure of their fellowshipsand seminars some true understanding of thehumanities. But, more important, encouraged byEndowment support, they have continuedsearching. They learned, of course, that to stopexploring and interpreting humanity's heritage inthe beliefthat one has found the answers can onlylead, as it did for Oedipus, to tragic blindness.

Guinevere L. GriestDirectorDivision of Fellowships and Seminars


"Men of Turkey Knob

Mine," Turkey Knob,

West Virginia, pho-

tographed by Rufus"Red" Ribble. A

1980-81 fellowshipawarded to a professorfrom West VirginiaUniversity to study

segregation in south-ern industry led to the1987 publication ofBlack Coal Miners inAmerica.





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Grants provided support for members of the faculty of Ph.D.-granting universities to undertake fidl-time independentstudy and research in the humanities.

Jeffrey B. AbramsonWaltham, MA$27,500 The Jury in America: A Constitutional andPhilosophical Inquiry

Valeen T. AveryFlagstaff, AZ$27,500 A Mormon Preacher to the Midwest:Biography of David H. Smith, 1844-1904

Edward S. CaseyGuilford, CT$27367 A Phenome:.ology of Lived Space

E. Shan ChouNew York. NY$27,500 The Poetry of Tu Fu, 712-70: Its Methods

A and Aesthetics

Barbara A. BabcockStanford, CA$27,500 Biography of Clara Shortridge Foltz,1849-1934

Thomas 0. BeidelmanNew York, NY$27,500 Social Aspects of Gender in East Africa

Darice E. BirgeNew York, NY$27,500 Sacred Groves in the Ancient Greek World

Stuart M. BluminIthaca, NY$19,650 The Development of the American MiddleClass in the Industrializing City, 1760-1880

Yve-Alain H. BoisBaltimore, MD$20,907 Modern Concepts of Space: The History ofA xonometric Perspective

Reinhold BrinkmannCambridge, MA$27,500 Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire and Ode toNapoleon: Critical Edition and Genesis Studies of TwoMusical Masterworks

David L. BrodbeckLos Angeles, CA$27,500 Mendelssohn and the Sacred Style in Berlin

Jules BrodyCambridge, MA$27,500 Philological Reading: A Textual Approachto French Literature

James A. BrownEvanston, IL$27,500 Ancient Native Americans of the EasternWoodlands

Charles H. CapperChapel Hill, NC$27,500 Margaret Fuller: A Biography

Vicki CaronProvidence, RI$27,500 France and the Jewish Refugee Crisis of the1930s

Dan T. CarterAtlanta, GA$27,500 Evangelical Church Communities in the19th-Century South

Richard L. ClearyPittsburgh, PA$27,500 The Places Royales of Louis XIV and LouisXV

John J. CollinsNotre Dame, IN$25,000 Commentary on the Book of Daniel

Patrick W. ConnerMorgantown, WV$13,750 The Exeter Book Manuscript

George L. CowgillWaltham, MA$27,500 Mathematical Ideas in Archaeological The-ory and Practice

Susan CraneNew Brunswick, NJ$27,500 Chaucer and Medieval Romance

Rebecca W. CrumpBaton Rouge, LA$27,500 The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti:A Variorum Edition, Volume 3

Jonathan D. CullerIthaca, NY$27,500 Baudelaire and the Lyric

Hannah S. DeckerHouston, TX$27,500 A Comparative History of Psychoanalysis inEurope

Fred M. DonnerChicago, IL$27,500 Early Arabic Historiography

Julie EllisonAnn Arbor, MI$13350 Conflict, Community, and Gender in Ro-mantic Theories of Interpretation

Malcolm M. FeeleyBerkeley, CA$12,360 Plea Bargaining, Procedural Complexity,and the Adversarial Idea

Paula S. FichtnerBrooklyn, NY$27,500 A Biography of Maximilian II

Alan J. FilreisPhiladelphia, PA$25,958 Wallace Stevens: A Biography


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Robert M. FishmanCambridge, MA$27,500 Italy, Germany, and Spain in the InterwarYears

Jack D. FlamNew York, NY$27,500 A Critical Biography of Henri Matisse,1918-54

Judith K. GardinerChicago, IL$27,500 The Impact of 17th-Century Women Writ-ers and Readers on English Literary History

Sheldon M. CaronPrinceton, NJ$27,500 Social Reform and Social Control in 20th-Century Japan

Sima N. GodfreyChapel Hill, NC$27,500 The Concept of Fashionability in 19th-Century French Literature

Leslie GoldsteinNewark, DE$27,500 Judicial Review and Contemporary Amer-ican Liberal Democracy

Martin B. GreenMedford, MA$27,500 Seven Types of Adventure Tales

Fred I. GreensteinPrinceton, NJ$27,500 Leadership in the Modern American Presi-dency

Cynthia J. HahnTallahassee, FL$22,765 The Narrative of Illustrated Medieval Saints'Lives

Peter B. HalesChicago, IL$27,500 Gates of Eden: Some Essays on the Amer-ican Landscape, 1945-85

Lamar M. HillIrvine, CA$27,500 The Jacobean Court of Requests, 1603-25

Irving HoweNew York, NY$12,250 An Analytic and Critical Study of the Craftof Fiction

Thomas K. HubbardIthaca, NY$22,500 Autobiographical Fiction and Literary Po-lemic in Attic Old Comedy

Martin J. IrvineFerndale, MI$27,500 Literary Theory in the Middle Ages, 12ththrough 14th Centuries

Kenneth W. JonesManhattan, KS$27,500 The Defense of Orthodoxy by Punjabi Hin-dus during the 19th and 20th Centuries

Friedrich KatzChicago, IL$27,500 The Great Powers and Revolutionary Mex-ico, 1934-40

Linda Sue KauffmanChapel Hill, NC$27,500 Epistolary Modes in Modern Fiction

Richard H. KeelingOakland, CA$26,500 Song Magic among the California Tribes

Richard KieckheferEvanston, IL$27,500 14th-Century Accounts of Christ's Life

Douglas A. KnightNashville, TN$21,059 The Ethics of Ancient Israel: A ConstructiveInterpretation

Maryanne KowaleskiBronx, NY$26,095 Local Markets and Regional Trade in LateMedieval Exeter

Carl H. LandauerNew Haven, CT$24,917 The George-Kreis and the Development ofModern Literary Criticism in Germany

Candace D. LangNew Orleans, LA$27,500 The Political Implications ofContemporaryLiterary Critical Theory

Victor B. LiebermanAnn Arbor, MI$27,500 The Economic History of Burma,1450-1850

James B. LongenbachRochester, NY$27,500 Pound, Yeats, and the Secret Society ofModernism

Joseph H. LynchColumbus, OH$27,500 A Comparative Study of Sponsorship andSpiritual Kinship in England and Italy, 1250-1400

Phyllis I. LyonsEvanston, IL$27,500 Japanese Women Writers and the ModernLiterary Tradition

Bruce H. MannPhiladelphia, PA$27,500 Debtors, Creditors, and Republicanism inthe Revolutionary Era

Herbert J. MarksBloomington, IN$27,500 Biblical Naming and Poetic Etymology

E. Ann MatterPhiladelphia, PA$27,500 The Community of Women "Alle Pertiche"of Pavia: From Queen Rodelinda to Suor MariaDomitilla






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Charles J. McClainBerkeley, CA$27,500 The Chinese Struggle for Civil Rights andthe History of Constitutional Law

Mary C. McLeodNew York, NY$21,356 Le Corbusier's Politics and Urbanism,1928-43

Donald W. MeinigSyracuse, NY$27,500 Continental America 1800-1915: A Geo-graphical Perspective

Helena R. MichieWaltham, MA$27,500 Mother, Sister, Other: The "Other Woman"in Literature and Theory

H. C. Erik MidelfortCharlottesville, VA$27,500 A History of Madness in 16th-CenturyGermany

Mary Ellen MillerNew Haven, CT$27,500 Mayan Warfare: Representations and Re-percussions

Virginia E. MillerChicago, I L$27,500 The Monumental Art of Chichen Itza,Yucatan, Mexico

Dale E. MonsonAnn Arbor, MI$26,841 The Composition of 18th-Century ItalianOpera in Europe

R. Kent NewmyerStorrs, CT$27,500 ChiefJustice John Marshall and the Consti-tution

John NicolsEugene, OR$27,500 Public Patronage and the Process of Ro-manization, 70 B.C.-A.D. 250

Robert NozickCambridge, MA$27,500 A Philosophical Theory of Significance

Steve OdinHonolulu. HI$27.500 Japanese Aesthetics in Western Perspective

Oyekan OwomoyelaLincoln, NE$13,750 Yoruba Proverbs in Cultural Context:Comprehensive Source Book and Exegesis

William D. PadenEvanston. IL$27,500 Introduction to Old Occitan

Robert L. PattenHouston, TX$27,500 The Life, Art, and Times of GeorgeCruikshank

Lewis C. PerryNashville, TN$27,500 Between Revolution and Modernity: Amer-ican Culture, 1830-60

Henry PetroskiDurham, NC$25,400 With a Pencil: Essays on Engineering andCulture

Sarah B. PomeroyNew York, NY$27,500 Xenophon's Oeconomicus: A Study of theGreek Domestic Economy

Frances W. PritchettNew York, NY$27,500 A Study of the Poetics of the Classical UrduGhazal

David M. RabbanAustin, TX$27,500 The Free Speech League and the Origins ofthe American Civil Liberties Union

Lucia ReLos Angeles, CA$27,500 The Novelization of History in the ItalianTradition

Melvin RichterNew York, NY$27,500 A Critical Introduction toBqqljsgeschichte.The History of Concepts

Ray Clayton RobertsColumbus, OH$19,956 Parliamentary Undertakings in 18th-Cen-tury England

Daniel T. RodgersPrinceton, NJ$25,750 American Reformers and Socialized Eu-rope: The Roots of the 20th-Century Welfare State

Daniel S. RussellPittsburgh, PA$11,375 Emblematic Structures in RenaissanceFrench Culture

Kenneth S. SacksMadison, WI$27,500 The Greek Historian Diodorus and 1st-Century Intellectual Values

A James %V. SchmidtBoston, MA$19,850 Reason, Authority, and Faith: German At-titudes Toward the Enlightenment

Michael Palencia-RothChampaign, IL$27,500 Intercivilizational Encounters: EuropeanConceptions of the New WoKld from Columbus toShakespeare .

Jeffrey T. SchnappStanford, CA$27,500 Medieval Visual Poetics and the AcrosticTradition


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Jerrold E. SeigelPrinceton, NJ$25,400 Objectivity and the Subject in ModernFrench Thought

J. Thomas ShawMadison, WI$27,500 Pushkin's Rhyming: A Computer-AssistedStudy

Mary E. SoltBloomington, IN$27,500 William Carlos Williams: A Search for theAmerican Idiom

Mark SpilkaProvidence, RI$13,750 Hemingway's Quarrel with Androgyny

Matthew W. StolperChicago, IL$27,500 The Kasr Archive and AchaemenidBabylonia

Reinhard StrohmNew Haven, CT$25,601 The Musical Contribution to DramaRepresentative Italian Operas

John F. SweetsLawrence, KS$18,589 The Lacemakers of Le Puy

Alan TimberlakeBerkeley, CA$27,500 Grammar and Text: A Method for Lin-guistic Analysis

Kuo-ch'ing TuGoleta, CA$27,500 An Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry

Edward F. TuttleLos Angeles, CA$18,334 Structural and Sociolinguistic Reconstruc-tion of Romance Sibilant Systems

Cheryl B. WelchBelmont, MA$27,500 Liberal Theory in 19th-Century France

Allan K. WildmanColumbus, OH$27,500 Local Patterns of the Russian Peasant Econ-omy, 1861-1905

Joel WilliamsonChapel Hill, NC$27,500 William Faulkner: His Life, His Work, and

in the Evolution of 20th-Century Southern Culture

Marina G. TarlinskajaSeattle, WA$27,500 Semantic Links within and between Texts

David F. TathamSyracuse, NY$27,500 A Biography of David Claypoole Johnston

Edwin N. WilmsenBoston. MA$27,500 Historical Transformations of Ethnic Rela-tions in Southern Africa

James I. WimsattAustin. TX$21,900 Chaucer and His French Contemporaries

James E. G. ZetzelNew York. NY$25.564 A Commentary on Cicero's De Republica


Grants provided support Ibr teachers in two-year, four-year, and five-year aillcges and universities. that is, facultymembers of departments that do not grant the Ph.D., and for independent scholar.s and writers to undertake lidl-tnneindependent study and research m the humanities.

David F. AustinRaleigh, NC$27,500 Spatial Cognition and Self Knowledge

Garrick A. BaileyTulsa, OK$27,500 The Collapse and Revitalization of OsageSociety

Edwin L. BattistellaBirmingham, AL$23,041 Studies in Linguistic Change: Marked andUnmarked Categories in English Grammar and SoundStructure

Harlan R. BeckleyLexington, VA$16,000 Justice in the Thought of Walter Rauschen-busch, John A. Ryan. and Reinhold Niebuhr

Donald H. BellCambridge, MA$27,500 Civic Culture and the Historical Origins ofCommunism in Bologna. Italy, 1880-1980

Jane A. Be-nsteinWinchester, MA$27,500 Girolamo Scotto, Venetian Music Printer ofthe 16th Century

Susan L. BlakeEaston, PA$27,500 White Women Travel Writers in Africa

Maureen B. M. BoultonSouth Bend, IN$27,500 New Testament Apocryphal Fiction in Me-dieval French and Provencal

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J. Bruce BrackenridgeAppleton WI$27,500 Astronomy and Astrology in 17th-CenturyScience

Rosemary Brana-ShuteCharleston, SC$26,123 The Emancipation of Slaves in Suriname,1760-1.830

Eva T.H. BraunAnnapolis, MD$27,500 An Interpretative Survey ofthe Imaginationin All Its Major Aspects

Mary Flowers BraswellBirmingham, AL$27,500 Chaucer and the Custumary Laws: A Sourcefor The Canterbury Tales?

Jewel S. BrookerSt. Petersburg, FL$27,500 The Mythical Method in T.S. Eliot's Poetry

Peter BrunetteFairfax, VA$27,500 The Films of Luchino Visconti

James C. BulmanMeadville, PA$18,334 Shakespeare in Performance: The Merchantof Venice

Peter C. CarafiolPortland, OR$27,500 Transcendentalism and the American Ideal

Priscilla P. ClarkChicago, IL$25,570 Writing the City: Paris and the Constructionof Urban Culture

Rebecca W. CorrieLewiston, ME$27,500 The Conradin Bible: The Making of anItalian Manuscript

Paul B. CourtrightGreensboro, NC$19,157 Suttee: The Goddess and the Dreadful Prac-tice

Earlene CraverCanoga Park, CA$19,561 The Intellectual Immigration: The Econi-mists

J. Richard CreathTempe, AZ$27,500 Analytic Truth: The Debate between Car-nap and Quine

Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Greencastle, IN$27,126 The Fiction and Philosophical ProseStanislaw Lem

Lewis M. DabneyLaramie, WY$27,500 The Life and Work of Edmund Wilson

Winston B. DavisGeorgetown, TX$27,500 Religion and the Industrialization of Eng-land and Japan

Philip DawsonNew York, NY$27,500 Sales of Nationalized Properties during theFrench Revolution

Gary S. De KreyHamilton, NY$27,500 Civic Radicalism in the English Revolutionsof the 17th Century 1645-95

JoAnn Della-NevaSouth Bend, IN$27,500 Imitation and the Selection of Models inRenaissance Literature

Michael B. DickLoudonville, NY$13,501 The Making of the Cult Image: Israel andBabylon

James C. DobbinsOberlin, OH$27,500 A History of Buddhism of the Pure LandSchool

Heather DubrowNorthfield, MN$26,167 The Stuart Epithalamium

Eugene J. DwyerGambier, OH$18,492 Portrait Collecting: Imagines Ilhatrium

Robert Y. EngLa Jolla, CA$25,802 State Power, Rural Commercialization, andSocial Stratification in South China, 1600-1949

Louis A. FerlegerNewton, MA$27,500 Tools and Time: Southern Farmers afterReconstruction

Ellison B. FindlyHartford, CT$20,085 Biography of Nur Jahan: Empress ofMughal, India, 1611-27

Philip J. FinkelpearlWellesley, MA$27,500 The World of John Fletcher

Owen J. Flanagan, Jr.Wellesley, MA$27,500 Varieties of Moral Personality: Explorations

of in Moral Psychology and Moral Philosophy

Leonard P. CurryLouisville, KY$25,314 Roots of American Urbanism: The Transfor-mation of Urban Life in the United States, 1800-50


Hugh FordLambertville, Ni$25,302 The Pilgrim Hawk: A Biography ofGlenwayWescott

Page 35: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

David S. GeorgeLake Forest, IL$27,500 The Modern Brazilian Stage

Elliot K. GinsburgOberlin, OH$27,500 The Sabbath in Later Kabbalah

Kenneth S. GreenbergBoston, MA$27,500 The History of the American Duel

Victor R. GreeneMilwaukee, WI$27,500 Ethnicity and American Popular Music,1920-1950

Robert S. GrumetAthens, OH$25,500 Native American-European Legal Relationsin the Middle Atlantic Colonies

Ralph C. HancockMoscow, ID$23,000 Roots of the American Political Order inCalvinism and the Enlightenment

Michele A. HannooshNew York, NY518,996 Baudelaire and Caricature

Craig S. HarbisonAmherst, MA$27,500 Jan van Eyck's Patrons

Barbara J. HarrisBrooklyn, NY$27,500 Upper-Class Women in Yorkist and EarlyTudor England

Beverly HavilandNew York, NY$25,909 Henry James's Sense of the Present

Joan D. HedrickMiddletown, CT$27,500 The Politics of Everyday Life: A Biographyof Harriet Beecher Stowe

Denise A. HerdBerkeley, CA$27,500 Blacks and Temperance in 19th-CenturyAmerica

Leah D. HewittAmherst, MA$18,500 Contemporary French Women's ato-biographies: De Beauvoir, Duras, Sarraute, Wittig, andConde

Nancy Ann HewittTampa, FL$27,500 Community and Conflict: Women, Politics,and Society in Tampa, Florida, 1885-1945

Hannah J. HilesMiddletown, CT$27,500 The Provision of Public Services in the 19thCentury: Middletown, Connecticut, 1790-1860


Heather J. HoganOberlin, Oh$27,500 The Metal Workers of St. Petersburg,1890-1914

Dee Ann HoliskyFairfax, VA$27,500 The Grammar of Tsova-Tush, a Language ofthe Caucasus

Caroline M. HouserNorthampton, MA$27,500 Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman Monumen-tal Bronze Statues

Douglas W. HowardRochester, 1:Y$26,305 Varit,:es of Wonder in Early Stuart Drama

David Couzens HoySanta Cruz, CA$27,325 A Hermeneutical Theory of Legal Inter-pretation

Linda Louise IltisSeattle, WA$21,090 Roles and Meaning in Classical DanceDrama of Nepal

Kyoko InoueChicago, IL$27,500 The Making of the Japanese Constitution

Jenny M. JochensTowson, MD$27,500 Women in the Old Norse Tradition: Myth,Image, and Reality

Michael C. !CaltonWichita, KS$14,625 The Ho-Rak Debate: Neo-Confucian Con-troversy on Human Nature in 18th-Century Korea

Marion A. KaplanFlushing, NY$27,500 Jewish Women in Imperial Germany

David E. KelleyOberlin, OH$26,522 Sect and Society: The Luo Sect and Trans-port Workers in China, 1700-1900

Ronald C. KienerHartford, CT$16,061 A Critical Edition of the Hebrew Paraphraseof Saadia Goan's Kitab Al-Amanat

Jonathan B. KnudsenWellesley, MA$13,750 The Enlightenment in Berlin, 1740-1815

Ellen V. KosmerWestboro, MA$23,847 Franco-Italian Manuscript Illumination inNaples, 1250-1343

Katherine S. KovacsPacific Palisades, CA$27,500 Spanish Film and Society






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Joel C. KuipersChatham, NJ$27,500 In a Personal Voice: Ritual Speech and thePoetics of Self in Weyewa

Edith KurzweilNew York, NY$27,500 The Faces of Freud: Conceptions of Psycho-analysis in Five Countries

Susan S. LanserWashington, DC$27,500 A Tradition of Women's Literary Criticism,1750-1900

Jacob LassnerDetroit, MI$27,500 Medieval Muslim Uses of the Jewish Past

Paul LauterNew York, NY$27,500 Forging the Canon: The Making of anAmerican Literature

Christopher F. LeeSalt Lake City, UT$18,500 Implementing Republicanism in Post-Rev-olutionary South Carolina

Leo A. LensingMiddletown, CT$27,500 A Biography of Karl Kraus

Glenn LessesCharleston, SC$27,500 Desire and Motivation in Plato's MiddleDialogues

John K. LimonWilliamstown, MA$15,100 The History of American Fiction in theContext of the History of Science: C.B. Brown toPynchon

Megan MarshallNewton, MA$20,190 A Group Biography of the Peabody Sisters:Elizabeth Peabody, Mary Peabody Mann, and SophiaPeabody Hawthorne

Thomas R. MartinClaremont, CA$27,500 Freedom of Speech in Classical AthenianDemocracy

Carol C. MattuschFairfax, VA$27,500 The Development and Significance ofGreek Bronze Statuary

Hugh J. McCznnCollege Station, TX$27,500 Human Action: Ontology and Explanation

Michael E. McGerrCambridge, MA$27,5u0 A History of the United States. 1900-33

James S. McLachlanNew York, NY$18,500 A History ofAmericanCollegesand Univer-sities

Anna S. MeigsSt. Paul, MN$13,750 Concepts of Reproduction, Kinship, andGender in the New Guinea Highlands

Paul T. MenzelTacoma, WA$7,891 Moral Issues in Medicine in an Age ofScarcity

Robert S. MiolaBaltimore, MD$27,500 The Classical Shakespeare: Aspects of LatinDramatic Influence

Mary B. MooreNew York, NY$27,500 The Attic Red-Figured Pottery of the Athe-nian Agora

Marian J. MortonUniversity Heights, OH$27,500 Refuges and Maternity Homes in Cleveland,1873-1970

Carl P. NaginCambridge, MA$26,593 Abode of Illusion: The Chinese Painter andForger Chang Ta-ch'ien, 1899-1983

Isabelle H. NaginskiWest Somerville, MA$27,500 Literary Traffic: The Impact of French Fic-tion on the Russ;an Novel

A. David NapierMiddlebury, VT$27,500 Balinese Notions of the Foreign

Frederick C. NeumannRichmond, VA$19,383 Aspects of Musical Performance in the 17thand 18th Centuries

Mark A. NollWheaton, IL$27,500 Religious Thinking and the Formation ofAmerica, 1737-1865

Francis V. O'ConnorNew York, NY$25,127 The Mural in America: Wall Painting as Artand Public Environment

James P. ParakilasLewiston, ME$22,218 Chopin and the Instrumental Ballade

Paula E. PetrikBo'eman, MT$27.,110 American Culture, Values, and Business:Child-Rearing, Children% Play, and Toy Manufacturein America. 1844-1985

Michael D. PlattIrving, TX$27,500 Nietzsche's Last Words

Naima PrevotsLos Angeles, CA$27,500 The American Pageantry Movement and

. Social Reform, 1905-25


Page 37: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

Gila Ramras-RauchBrookline, MA$27,500 The Arab in Israeli Literature

John P. ReschManchester, NH$27,500 The 1818 Revolutionary War Pension Act:Politics, Public Policy, and American Culture. 1815-25

Michael S. ReynoldsRaleigh, NC$27,500 A Literary Biography of Hemingway's ParisYears, 1922-28

Amy RichlinBethlehem, PA$27,500 Roman Witches: Women and the Sacred inRoman Ideology

George H. Roeder, Jr.Evanston, IL$11,604 World War II and Modern American VisualExperience

Elliot A. RosenNewark, NJ$27,500 The New Deal and Its Opposition

Stewart D. ShapiroNewark, OH$10,500 Logic, Computation, and Ontology

William C. SharpeNew York, NY$27,500 The Nocturne and Modern Artistic Form,1840-1910

George A. SherBurlington, VT1"2,674 Values in Public Life

Greta N. SlobinAmherst, MA$27,500 The Literary Memoir in Post-RevolutionaryRussia

David L. SmithWilliamstown, MA$20,437 The Writings of Blacks and Whites on Race

David R. SmithDurham, NH$27,500 Privacy and Civilization in Dutch Art.1650-1700

Reba N. SoiferPacific Palisades, CA$22,984 The University and National Values: His-tory as a Discipline in England, 1850-1930

Thomas T. SpearWilliamstown, MA$27,500 Meru and Arusha: Economy, Society, andHistory in Northeastern Tanzania

David Warren SteelOxford, MS$22,713 Shape-Note Tunebooks of the 19th Century

Judith S. SteinNew York, NY$27,500 Afro-Americans and the Labor Movementin the Inter-War Period

Robert V. StoneNew York, NY$27,500 Sartre's Unpublished Dialectical Ethics of1964-65

Lucy C. StoutLondon, England$18,500 Muslim Family Law in South Asia: Law.Custom, and the Muslim Woman

Karen E. SwannWilliamstown, MA$14,450 Sensational Plots: English Romantic Ex-periments in Romance

Zoltan TarNew York, NY$19,600 A Biography of Georg Lukacs

Joan TempletonBrooklyn, NY$27,500 Ibsen's Women Characters

Benjamin R. TilghmanManhattan. KS$19,895 The Relation between Art and Ethics

Terrence W. TilleyWinooski, VT$27,500 From Theodicies to Consolations

Harriet S. TurnerOberlin, OH$27,500 Deception and Authenticity in the Novels ofGaldos and Clarin

Nelson H. VieiraProvidence, RI$27,500 The Jewish Voice in Brazilian Literature:Myths and Metaphors of Conflict and Redemption

Ann L. WagnerNorthfield. MN$27,500 American Opposition to Dance from itsOrigins in the Reformation to the Present

Joyce W. WarrenRoslyn Heights, NY$19,722 A Biography of Sara Willis Parton, or FannyFern, 1811-72

Susan E. WegnerBrunswick, ME$27,500 Civic Identity and New Religious Iconogra-phy in Late 16th-Century Siena

Alison E. WestNew York, NY$26.900 The "Paragone" in France: The Debateabout Painting and Sculpture. 1670-1840

Alice R. WexlerRiverside, CA$18,500 Emma Goldman in Exile


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John H. WhittakerBaton Rouge, LA$27,500 Providence, Predestination, and Fate: TheMeaning of History

S. George WolfWilliamsburg, VA$13,750 Michel Brea! and La Semantique

Elizabeth H. WolgastBerkeley, CA$27,500 Ethical Aspects of the Roles of People inProfessions, Corporations, Public Agencies, and Rep-resentati. 2 Governments


Susan L. YouensSouth Bend, IN$27,500 Music and Poetry in the Songs ofHugo Wolf,1860-1903

Catherine H. ZuckertNorthfield, MN$27,500 Contemporary Reinterpretations ofthc Ori-gins of the Western Philosophic Tradition in Plato

Grants enabled individual scholars to travel to use the research collections qf libraries. archives. museums. or otherrepositories.

Marguerite D. AllenEvanston, IL$750 The Portrayal of Women in Thomas Mann'sFiction

Virginia R. Anderson-StojanovicChambersburg, PA$750 Pottery from the Rachi Site at Isthmia. Greece

Frank AnshenStony Brook, NY$750 Word Formation in English

Joyce AntlerBrookline, MA$750 Mary Austin and the Feminist Critique ofModernism

Toby A. AppelWashington, DC$750 A History of the Role of Physiology Courses inWomen's Colleges: 1837-1940

W John ArcherMinneapolis, MN$750 The 19th-Century Romantic Suburb: The Ar-chitectural Manifestation of Aesthetic. Ideological,Political, and Other Concerns

Lewis BagbyLaramie. WY$750 Fictional Introductions to Dostocvsky's Prose

Warren BargadGainesville, FL$750 A Cross-Cultural Study of the Poetry of AmirGilboa

Kathleen BarlowMinneapolis, MN$750 A Historical Investigation of the RegionalTrade of Art along the North Coast of Papua NewGuinea

Dennis B. BaroneWest Hartford, CT$750 Moral Philosophy at the University of Pennsyl-vania in the 18th Century

: . . 38

Stephen Richard Barrel!Amsterdam, The Netherlands$750 Surveying 18th-Century Clavichord Music andTheoretical Literature

Stephen D. BergerWilton, NH$750 Intellectual Biography of Kenneth B. Clark

Virginia P. BernhardHouston. TX$750 Slavery in Colonial Bermuda

Robert J. BertholfBuffalo, NY$750 The Poetry of Robert Duncan: An Inquiry intothe Nature of Poetic Form

Eugene C. BlackWaban, MA$750 From Voluntarism to Collectivism: British So-cial Politics, 1880-1930

Ruth L. BohanSt. Louis, MO$750 Walt Whitman's Impact on the AmericanAvant-Garde, 1892-1919

Phillip V. BohlmanChicago. IL$750 Folk Music in the Urban German-Jewish Com-munity, 1890-1939

Andrea L. BonnicksenCharleston. IL$750 Ethics in Action: Making Decisions about InVitro Fertilization Programs

Jackson C. BoswellArlington, VA$750 English Impressions of the New World:1492-1640

Kenneth D. BrattGrand Rapids, MI$750 The Archaeology of Earliest Christianity inMacedonia

Page 39: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

William Robert BrookmanBloomington, MN$750 Translation and Publication of SumerianCuneiform Tablets

Gail S. RocklandWestfield, NJ$750 The Photographs of Horace W. Nicholls

Glenn Richard BughBlacksburg, VA$750 The Thescia and Hellenistic Athens

Robert F. BurkNew Concord, OH$750 The Corporate State and the Broker State: TheduPonts and American National Politics, 1920-40

George F. ButterickStorrs, CT$750 The Correspondence between Charles Olsonand Robert Creeley. 1950-70

Pierre J, CachiaNew York, NY$750 Bibliography of Modern Arabic Literary Crit-icism

Colin G. Callon ayChicago, IL$750 The Conquest of Native American Vermont

Catherine Pease CampbellMiddlebury, VT$750 Four Chinese Wartime Novelists. 1937-45:Collected Stories

Susan M, CanningGreensboro, NC$750 The Belgian Avant-Garde. 1881-1950


Iris B. Carlton-LaNeyCharlotte, NC$750 Social Settlements for Blacks during the Prog-ressive Era

Norbert CarnololeHattiesburg, MS$750 A Historical. Critical, and BibliographicalStudy of George Gcrshwin

William C. CarrollNewton Highlands. MA$750 Vagrancy and Marginality in Tudor-StuartCulture, 1560-1630

Liana CheneyBoston, MA$750 Piero della Francesca's Treatise on Painting

Allan ChristelowPocatello. ID$750 The French North African Expedition to theHijaz. 1916

Jean M, ChristensenLouisville. KY$75(' Arnold Schoenberg. 1874-1951: A ResourceGuide

Gale E, ChristiansonTerre Haute. IN$750 A Biography of Loren Corey Eisele 1907-77

Harry ClarkNorman, OK$750 Johannes Oporinus. 16th-Century Advocate ofReligious and Intellectual Liberty

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the Dutch colony of

Suriname. A 1987

Travel to Collections

grant enabled a

scholar at the Colonial

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dation to continue his

study of a series of

previously unknown

copperplates of New

tIbrld subjects that he

had discovered in 1986

at 04brdl BodleianLibrary





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Christine Clark-EvansMorgantown, WV$750 Body and Sign: The Bases of Speech andLanguage According to Diderot

Thomas ClaytonSt. Paul, MN$750 A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare'sCoriolanus

Cheryl! A, CodyGainesville, FL$750 Marriage and Inheritance among South Car-olina's Planter Elite

C Robert ColeLogan, UT$750 British Propaganda and Ireland, 1939-45

Richard G. CondonBarrow, AK$750 Ethnohistorical Study of Holman Island,Northwest Territories

Sandi E. CooperNew York, NY$750 The Struggle to Prevent World War I: EuropeanPacifism and Internationalism in the 19th Century

Robert T. Corum, Jr.Manhattan, KS$750 The Mary Magdalene Figure in 17th-CenturyFrench Poetry

Cary R. CovingtonIowa City. IA$750 Presidential Coalition Building in Congress

Daniel N. CrcceliusFountain Valley, CA$150 Translation and Annotation of Ahmad Kat-khuda Azabaa History of Egypt

David A. CressyLong Beach. CA$750 Celebration and Commemoration in Eliz-abethan and Stuart London

Robert R. CroutCharlottesville, VA$750 Lafayette: The Early Years. 1757-1815

Thomas M. CurleyBridgewater. MA$750 Sir Robert Chambers: Law and Empire in theAge of Johnson

Edward J. Davies IISalt Lake City UT$750 The Miner's Fate: Health and Industry in theAnthracite Region. 1890-1950

Santiago Daydi-TolsonMilwaukee, WI$750 Thomas Merton's Correspondence with Er-nesto Cardenal

Anne R. De WindtDetroit, MI$750 The Warboys Witch Trial of 1593


Edwin B. DeWindtDetroit, MI$750 Ramsey: The Town and Its Region, 1250-1600

James A. DeavilleWilmette, IL$750 Joachim Raff and Music Criticism in Liszt'sCircle

Rosalind M.V. DepasBrooklyn, NY$750 The Arts and Crafts Movement and BelgianSymbolism: The Impact of William Morris's Ideals inBelgium

Joseph W. Donohue, Jr.Amherst, MA$750 A Reconstructive Edition of Oscar Wildc's TheImportance of Being Earnest

Howard J. DooleyKalamazoo. MI$750 British State Papers Relating to the Suez Crisis.1956

Nima DorjecNew York, NY$75G A Catalogue of a Museum Collection of Ti-betan Art and Artifacts

Vs& B. DrazninLos Angeles, CA$750 The Transcription. An notation. and Editing ofthe Complete Olive Schreiner-Havelock Ellis Corre-spondence. 1884-1920

Martha W DriverWhite Plains. NY$750 The image in Print: The Illustrated EnglishBook in the 15th and 16th Centuries

Raymond Ephraim DumettBellingham. WA$750 Gold Mining. Railways, and Empire in theGold Coast and Asante

David H. DyeMemphis. TN$750 Eraminatiod of Protohistoric Artifacts fromNortheastern Arkansas

Hugh M. EganIthaca. NY$750 James Fenimore Cooper and the CommonMan: The Shared Authorship of Ned Myers

Shlomo EidelbergForest Hills. NY$750 71t! Book of' Customs by Jiftach Juspa Sham-mash of Worms: A Chronicle of the 17th-Century 30Years War

Leslie E. EisenbergLynbrook. NY$750 Late Prehistoric Cultural Adaptation in CentralTennessee: Insights from the Reexcavated GordonTow': Site

Robert E. EisnerLa Jolla, CA$750 The History and Literature of Travel to Greece

Page 41: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

Gloria C. ErlichPrinceton, NJ$750 The Correspondence of Edith Wharton andMorton Fullerton

Yael EvenSt. Louis, MO$750 Artistic Dependence and Independence inEarly Renaissance Florence

Patricia N. FetzerIowa City, IA$750 The Invasion of Privacy Trial of Author MajorieKinr .n Rawlings

Ronald C. FinucaneStatesboro, GA$750 The Decanonization of Medieval EnglishSantis

Melissa C. FlanneryArlington, VA$750 The Translation and Analysis of the Diary ofthe Printing Press of San Jacopo di Ripoli

Siegrun H. FolterMamaroneck, NY$750 Nicolo Paganini: A Bibliography of Books,Scores, and Recordings

Allen ForteHamden, CT$750 Igor Stravinsky's Compositional Sketches

Christopher B. FoxSouth Bend, IN$750 Psychologia: Swift and the Faculties of theMind

Steven H. GaleJoplin, MO$750 The Films of Harold Pinter

Anne Barbeau GArdinerNew York, NY$750 John Dryden's Idea of History

David B. GasparDurham, NC$750 Slavery and the Internal Economy of the BritishLeeward Islands, 1624-1834

John S. GentileMarietta, GA$750 A History of the One-Person Show in Amer-ican Theater

Philip L. GerberBrockport, NY$750 E. E. Cummings: The Man and His Art

James L. GiblinIowa City, IA$750 Tanzanian History in the Spiritan Archives,Paris

Linda M. GiganteLouisville, KY$750 Roman Funerary Monuments in the BritishMuseum

James N. GiglioSpringfield, MO$750 The Presidency of John F. Kennedy

John E. GillespieSanta Barbara, CA$750 Investigation and Evaluation of Early PianoDiscography

Sharon B. GmelchSchenectady, NY$750 The Life and Work of E.W. Merrill: AlaskanPhotographer

Terrance GoodeEugene, OR$750 The Influence of Walt Whitman's Leaves ofGrass on the Architectural Writing of Louis H. Sullivan

Celeste GoodridgeBrunswick, ME$750 Marianne Moore's Early Years, 1905-29

Hugh D. GrahamBaltimore, MD$750 Civil Rights Policy in the Carter A lministra-tion

June M. GrassoBoston, MA$750 U.S. Policy "thward the Sino-Soviet Dispute,1956-61

Bruce E. GraverProvidence, RI$750 The Cornell Wordsworth Edition, Volume 21

Monica H. GreenChapel Hill, NC$750 A Catalogue of Early Medieval GynecologicalLiterature

Nancy E. GregoryDallas, TX$750 Transmission, Translation, Transcription:Classical Texts in the Writings of the American PoetHilda Doolittle

Pearce S. GroveWilliamsburg, VA$750 An 18th-Century Series of Copperplates on theAmericas

Camille 0. Guerin-GonzalesRiverside, CA$750 Mexican Immigrant Workers in California Ag-ricuiture, 1942-80

David W GutzkeSpringfield, MO$750 Publicans in the County Town of Chelmsford

Garry L. HagbergMiddletown, PA$750 Art as Language: Wittgenstein, Meaning, andAesthetic Theory

Robert W. HamblinCape Girardeau, MO$750 William Faulkner: Manuscripts and Docu-ments in the Brodsky Collection






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Albert N. HamscherManhattan, KS$750 State, Finance, and the Prosecution ofCri me inFrance, 1670-1789

Arlen J. HansenStockton, CA$750 Black American Expatriates in Paris during theTwenties

Evelyn J. HardenBurnaby, Canada$750 A.S. Griboedov, Henry Middleton, and SirRobert Ker Porter

Miriam J. HaronChicago, IL$750 The History of the Jews of Chicago, 1847-1948

John M. HartHouston, TX$750 The Dynamics of Economic 3xpansion: TheUnited States and Mexico, 1876-1920

Robert S. HaskettOrono, ME$750 Native American Labor and the Colonial SilverMines of Taxco, New Spain

Adele HastChicago, IL$750 Payment of American Pre-Revolutionary WarDebts t') British MerchAnts, 1783-1812

James V. HatchNew York City, NY$750 Biography of Playwright, Poet, and ProfessorOwen Dodson

William K. HawesHouston, TX$750 History of American Television Drama, Vol-ume 2: Live from New York, 1945-60

Daniel R. HeadrickChicago, IL$750 Telecommunications and U.S. Foreign Rela-tions, 1866-1945

Thomas F. HeffernanGarden City, NY$750 Wilson Heflin's Melville's Whaling Years

Rodger C. HendersonUniontown, PA$750 Ideology, Politics, and Society in FayetteCounty, Pennsylvania, during the Struggle OverRatification of the Const;t'ition, 1787

Fredric J. HendricksShreveport, LA$750 Small Magazines in Postwar American Liter-ary Culture

Anders H. HenrikssonHarpers Fzrry, WV$750 Ethnic St. Petersburg: National Diversity andUrban Community in Late Imperial Russia,1860-1914


Carol Olivia HerronCambridge, MA$750 The Postbellum Afro-American Epic

Alison L. HiltonFalls Church, VA$750 Impressionism in Russian Art

Leo J. Hoar, Jr.Scarsdale, NY$750 Benito Perez Galdos and El Correo de Espana,Madrid, 1870-72

Melvin G. HolliChicago, IL$750 Emil Hurja: Pioneer Presidential Public Opin-ion Pollster and Publisher, 1932-52

David L. HolmesCharlottesville, VA$750 The Episcopalians: A History

Larry E. HolmesMobile, AL$750 Soviet Schools: Policy and Practice, 1931-41

Dwight W. HooverMuncie, IN$750 Starting Out in a Pioneer Community

Andrew S. HortonNew Orleans, LA$750 The Comic Perspective in Yugoslav Cinema

Frederick E. HoxieChicago, IL$750 The Social and Political Transformation of theCrow Indians, 1880-1935

Steven C. HughesBaltimore, MD$750 The Politics of Policing in Bologna, Italy:1850-65

Karen M. HuttClaremont, CA$750 Governing the White House: The Presidency asan Organization

Jefferson HumphriesBaton Rouge, LA$750 Interviews with Reynolds Price: A Book ofConversations with the Writer

Birgitta M. IngemansonPullman, WA$750 Russian Popular Culture: Theory of TravelLiterature, 1900-25

Debra M. IsraelCarlisle, PA$750 The Carolingian Building History of SanLorenzo fuori le Mum at Rome

Gerald D. JohnsonBirmingham, AL$750 Thomas Pavier, Publisher of Shakespeare,1600-26

Page 43: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

Roger B. Johnson, Jr.Hattiesburg, MS$750 Manet's Painting and Zola's Theory of Natu-ralism

Thomas K. KeefeBlowing Rock, NC$750 The Acta and Itinerary of the First Year of theReign of King Richard I: A Study of the Witness Lists

Clair W. KellerAmes, IA$750 History of Defeated Amendments Submittedto States by the First Congress

George 0. KentKensington, MD$750 Franz von Papen: A Political Biography

Alison M. KetteringNorthfield, MN$750 The Ter Borch Studio Estate in the Rijks-museum Print Room

James D. KeyserBeaverton, OR$750 Plains Indian Hide Painting and the BiographicArt Style Lexicon

Walter J. KingAberdeen, SD$750 Daily Life in 17th-Century Prescot, England

Theodore J. KisielWinfield, IL$750 Martin Heidegger's Being and Time: The Gene-sis of a Great Book

Nancy KleniewskiGeneseo, NY$750 Rebuilding the City: Philadelphia, 1950-80

Bernice W. KlimanGlen Head, NY$750 MacBeth in Performance: Materials at Strat-ford-upon-Avon

Martha C. KnackLas Vegas, NV$750 Archival Research into Southern Paiute IndianEthnohistory

12(,:ert C. KnappOakland, CA$750 Ancient Nemea: Its Coins and Their Evidence

Thomas J. KnockDallas, TX$750 Woodrow Wilson and the League of Nations

Carol A. KolmertenBaltimore, MD$750 Women in Utopia

Theodore Kornweibel, Jr.San Diego, CA$750 Federal Surveillance of Black America,1917-25

Greg P. KucichNotre Dame, IN$750 Dryden's Annotations of Spenser's Poetry

David G. LaFranceCorvallis, OR$750 The Mexican Revolution in Puebla, 1905-20

Richard A. LandesPittsburgh, PA$750 Aquitanian Responses to Hugh Capet's Coro-nation, 987-1010

Barbara G. LaneNew York, NY$750 Hans Memling: Sources, Innovations, and In-fluence

Susan C. LawrenceMuncie, IN$750 Governors, Practitioners, and Pupils: TheShaping of Education at London's Hospitals,1700-1830

Hank A. LazerTuscaloosa, AL$750 Writing at the Boundaries: American Poetry inthe 1980s

Karen B. LeFevreBurlington, VT$750 Writers at the Gotham Book Mart

Eleanor B. LeacockNew York, NY$750 Attitudes Toward Youth in Samoa: An Ethno-historical Study of Changing Values

Leonard J. LeffStillwater, OK$750 An Institutional History of the ProductionCode Administration

Peter M. LeffertsChicago. IL$750 English Music in the Age of Chaucer

Dana LeibsohnBoulder, CO$750 Social Iconography on Pre-Columbian CostaRican Ceramics

Norman LevineColumbia, MD$750 German Social Democracy and the Origins ofLeninism

Mary S. LewisCambridge, MA$750 Antonio Gardano, Venetian Music Printer,1538-69

Glen E. LichKerrville, TX$750 The Archives of the German Adelsverein,1842-47

Glen E. LichKerrville, TX$750 The Archives of the German Adelsverein,1842-47






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Meredith LillichSyracuse, NY$750 The Stained Glass of Reims Cathedral

Elizabeth LipsmeyerNorfolk, VA$750 The Gothic Palmesel Palm Sunday Images ofChrist Astride a Donkey

Barbara B. LiptonSouth Orange, NJ$750 A Catalogue of a Museum Collection of Ti-betan Art and Artifacts

Daniel F. LittlefieldNorth Little Rock, AR$750 Native American Literature from the Civil Warto the New Deal

Kathleen L. LodwickSpringfield, MO$750 Overseas Americans at the Presbyterian Mis-sion on Hainan

Brad R. LoganLawrence, KS$750 Archaeological Excavation Results fromGrubgraben, a Gravettian Site in Lower Austria

John LukacsPhoenixville, PA$750 The Cultural History of Budapest, 1900

Claudette R. MainzerAthens, GA$750 A Reevaluation of Courbet's Oeuvre during the1860s

Peter Allen MarkMiddletown, CT$750 West African Woven-Fiber Initiation Masks

Roberta H. MarkmanHuntington Beach, CA$750 Mesoamerican Mythology: A Thematic Study

Jean C. MastellerWalla Walla, WA$750 Rising Expectations: Fiction for Working Girlsin the Late 19th Century

Mavis E. MateEugene, OR$750 The Peasant Land Market in 15th-CenturySussex

Thomas F. MathewsNew York, NY$750 Reinterpreting the Church of St. Catherine's onMt. Sinai

James E. MayDuBois, PA$750 Bibliographical Research on Edward Young inIrish and English Libraries

James C. McCannDorchester, MA$750 History of Highland Agriculture in Ethiopia


Margaret W. McCarthyWeston, MA$750 Amy Fay: A Life in Music

Daniel L. McConaughyEvanston, IL$750 Analyzation of the Syriac Manuscript at theChester Beatty Library Dublin, Ireland

Russell McCormmachEugene, OR$750 Biography of Henry Cavendish, 1731-1810

John C. McDonaldBristol, VA$750 Transcribing a Medieval Religious and PoliticalHandbook

Sandra McGee-DeutschEl Paso, TX$750 The Argentine, Brazilian, and Chilean Right,1900-40

Stuart C McGeheeBluefield, VA$750 The Southern City in the Civil War: Chat-tanooga, 1838-73

Randall E. McGowenEugene, OR$750 Forgery and the Death Penalty in Early 19th-Century England

Deborah K. McGregorChatham, U.$750 J. Mann Sims, 1813-83, and the Origins ofAmerican Gynecology

Phillip McGuireWilmington, NC$750 Black Music Critics and Afro-American Blues-women, 1920-80

Clare V. McKannaSan Diego. CA$750 Native American Murderers: Judicial Treat-ment in California, 1851-1900

Robert J. McMahonGainesville. FL$750 U.S. Relations with India and Pakistan,1947-65

Michael MecknaMuncie, IN$750 Samuel Wesley: Composer and Critic of Music

David J. MeltzerDallas. TX$750 The Origins of American Archaeology,1860-1935

Joan E. MemarSouth Hadley, MA$750 Deference and Dependence: The World ofSmall Farmers in a Northeastern Brazilian Com-munity

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Sonya A. MichelArlington, MA$750 A History of Public Child Care in the UnitedStates, 1830-1987

David Reed MillerPoplar, MT$750 Fort Peck Reservation Peoples in the Early 20thCentury

Debra M. MillerPhiladelphia, PA$750 Jacobus Victors and the 17th-Century DutchBird Piece

Thomas B. MilliganJefferson City, TN$750 Thematic Catalogue of the Musical Works ofJohann Baptist Cramer

Barbara F. MitchellOntario, CA$750 French Anarchosyndicalism in World War Itothe Schism

Nivia MontenegroClaremont, CA$750 The Subversion of Fiction in the Works ofGuillermo Cabrera Infante

Stephanie L. MooersBellingham, WA$750 Studies in Royal Patronage and Social Rank inAnglo-Norman England

Gordon R. MorkWest Lafayette, IN$750 The Gospel According to Oberammergau: ThePassion Play and Modern Antisemitism in HistoricalContext

Claire G. MosesCollege Park, MD$750 Political Women in Three French Revolutions:1830, 1848, 1871

Yolanda T. MosesPomona, CA$750 Laurence Foster, the Forgotten Anthropologistand Humanist

Wesley T. MottMadison, WI$750 The Sermons of Ralph Waldo Emerson: AGenetic Text

Robert MunmanChicago, IL$750 "ienese Renaissance Tomb Monuments

Stanley L. NashFanwood, NJ$750 Ideology and Aesthetics in the Generation ofAharon Meged

Jill E. NeitzelPrinceton, NJ$750 The Archaeological Collections from PuebloBonito, New Mexico


Thomas J. NenonMemphis, TN$750 The Foundation of Husserl's Regional On-tologies

Stephen G. NicholsPhiladelphia, PA$750 Interartistic Study (Music. Lyric, Art) of Trou-bad our/Trouvere Chansonniers

Francis R. NicosiaWinooski, VT$750 Political Biography of Fritz Grobba

Julian Olivares, Jr.Houston, TX$750 The Collected Works of Tomas Rivera

Lester C. OlsonPittsburgh, PA$750 Emblems of American Community: A Study inthe Rhetorical Iconology of the American Revolution

Roberta J. M. OlsonNorton, MA$750 The Proliferation of Comet Images in BritishArt, 1740-1850

Beverly W. PalmerClaremont, CA$750 The Correspondence of Charles Sumner

Jan S. PalmerAthens. OH$750 The Secret Votes of the U.S. Supreme Court,1946-53

Dennis G. PardeeChicago, IL$750 Collation of Semetic Ritual Tablets from 1400to 1200 B.C.

Marylyn J. ParinsLittle Rock, AR$750 Arthurian Romance in the 19th Century: F.J.Furnivall

Herbert S. ParmetHillsdale, NY$750 The United States in the Age of Nixon

Terry M. ParssinenPhiladelphia, PA$750 Review of Foreign Office Files at the BritishPublic Record Office for a Monograph on the Historyof Drug Traffic

Donald L. PattersonEau Claire, WI$750 Bio-Bibliograpny of Vincent Persichetti, Amer-ican Composer

Anne C. PaulArlington, TX$750 Paracas Textiles in the Brooklyn Museum

David W. PaulSeattle, WA$750 Hungarian Film in Its Cultural Context







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Marvin E. PaymerStamford, CT$750 Pergolesi Sources at the British Library

Sandra J. PeacockNew Orleans, LA$750 The Concealed Self: A Life of Jane EllenHarrison

William C. PedenAugusta, GA$750 Research Contributions of F. E. Abbot andW. J. Potter to American Philosophy

David P. PeelerAnnapolis, MD$750 An Intellectual History of 20th-Century Amer-ican Photography

Kathy A. PerkinsPasadena, CA$750 Black Female Playwrights of the AmericanTheater: 1916-50

William S. PetersonGreenbelt, MD$750 A Bibliography of Sir John Betjeman

Thomas C. PickrelSt. Louis, MO$750 Rome as a Cultural Center in the Late 17thCentury: Elpidio Benedetti and the French Connec-tion

Dennis J. PogueSt. Leonard, MD$750 English Ceramics Study

Rene PrietoDallas, TX$750 The Indigenous Fiction of Miguel Angel As-turias

Thaddeus C. RadzilowskiMarshall, MN$750 From Immigrants to Ethnics: Polish AmericanCommunities, 1914-40

Ronald D. RenardChiang Mai, Thailand$750 Southeast Asia in Teaching American Diplo-matic History: Herbert Hoover in Burma

Mitchell F. RiceBaton Rauge, LA$750 The Black Hospital in the United States: ItsHistory, Development, Significance, and Future

Patricia C. RiceMorgantown, WV$750 Upper Paleolithic Bone Tool Art

John J. RiderMiddletown, CT$750 An Edition ofGalbert of Bruges's The Murder ofCharles the Good

John D. RogersSomerville, MA$750 The 1904 Temperance Movement in Sri Lanka

Andrew F. RolleLos Angeles, CA$750 The Explorer: John C. Fremont

Willard H. RollingsSpringfield, MS$750 An Ethnohistorical Examination of SocialChange Among the Osage Indians

Gregory S. RoseMarion, OH$750 County Origins of Southern Michigan's Non-Yankee Pioneers

Don K. RowneyToledo, OH$750 The Scope, Authority, and Personnel of USSRCommissariats, 1930-42

Sonya RudikoffPrinceton, NJ$750 Lady Eleanor Cecil: An Edwardian Reviewerand Her Social Context

James K. RuppertAlbuquerque, NM$750 D'Arcy McNickle: A Study of a Native Amer-ican Historian and Writer

George Sabo IIIFayetteville, AR$750 European and Native American Encounters inthe Southeastern United States

Edwin J. SaegerBrunswick, ME$750 The Rapid Hours: The Collected Correspon-dence of Charles Brockden Brown

Vijaya K. SamaraweeraWinchester, MA$750 The Legal Profession in 19th-Century SriLanka

Jeffrey T. SammonsHouston, TX$750 A History of Sport and Its Relationship toReform in South Africa

David A. SandovalPueblo, CO0750 Mexican Merchants on the Santa Fe Trail

Day' I SangerOrono, ME$750 The Prehistoric Archaeology of the Maine-Maritimes Provinces Area

Gary F. ScharnhorstDallas, TX$750 The Pursuit of William R. Alger: An Experi-ment in Biography

Mary D. SchlickMt. Hood, OR$750 The Molson Basketry Collection at McCordMuseum, Montreal

Dorothy SchneiderEssex, CT$750 American Women in Europe in World War I

Page 47: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

Mary L. SchneiderEast Lansing, MI$750 The Transformation of American CatholicSisters, 1952-76

Ronald D. SchultzLaramie, WY$750 The Small Producer Tradition and ArtisanThought in Philadelphia, 1730-1837

Leonard M. ScigajBlacksburg, VA$750 The Early Poetry of Sylvia Plath

James H. SerokaCarbondale, IL$750 Public Administration of Economic Stabiliza-tion Policy in the Yugoslav Commune

John W. SeyllerBurlington, VT$750 Indian Manuscript of the Khamsa of A mirKhusrau in Berlin

Steven ShankmanEugene, OR$750 Edition of Pope's Iliad, with Introduction andEvnlanatory Notes

Kenneth SilvermanNew York, NY$750 A Biography of Edgar Allan Poe

Nancy C. SimmonsBlacksburg, VA$750 An Edition of the Selected Letters of MaryMoody Emerson, 1774-1863

Karen P. SinclairBloomington, IN$750 Religion and the Cultural Construction ofHistory

Leonard J. SlatkesNew York, NY$750 The Dutch 17th-Century Painter HendrickTerbrugghen, 1588-1629

Colin S. SmithDavidson, NC$750 The. Landscape Paintings of Eugene Delacroix

Jane S. SmithEvanston, IL$750 History of the Introduction of the Salk PoiioVaccine as a Public Event

Robert J. SmithBrockport, NY$750 Bouchayer-Viallet: A Family Industrial Firm ofGrenoble, 1870-1965

Jon D. SolomonTucson, AZ$750 A New Critical Edition of the Musici ScripturesGraeci

Mark L. SosowerHillsborough, NC$750 A Codicological Investigation of the GreekHistorian Xenophon's Minor Works

Walter M. SpinkAnn Arbor, MI$750 A Study of the Victoria and Albert Museum'sAkbur Nama, a 16th-Century Mughal Manuscript

James M. SproulePalo Alto, CA$750 Modern Propaganda and Social Response

Donald M. StadtnerAustin, TX$750 The Medieval Sculpture of Banaras: 9th to 12thCentury

Beth A. StevensNew York, NY$750 The American Labor Movement ana the De-velopment of Employee Benefits

Errol W. StevensLos Angeles, CA$750 A History of the Mapping of the West Coast ofNorth America

Edward C. StibiliKenosha, WI$750 Italian-Americans and Religion: An AnnotatedBibliography

Margaret F. StiegTuscaloosa, AL$750 Public Libraries in Vienna since 1914

James D. TaborWilliamsburg, VA$750 Attitudes Toward Suicide and Martyrdom inWestern Antiquity

Carol TennessenMilwaukee, WI$750 Systematic Derision in Marinican Folk Liter-ature

Heidi Thomann TewarsonStony Brook, NY$750 The Question of Jewish Identity in the Familyof Rahel Levin Varnhagen

William B. ThomasPittsburgh, PA$750 The Intellectual as an Agent of Change: TheCase of Howard W. Odum

Leslie C. TihanyFort Thomas, KY$750 Diplomatic Antecedents of Allied Interventionin South Russia

Nancy M. TischlerUniversity Park, PA$750 Literary Study of Tennessee Williams

Mary Elisabeth F. TobinHonolulu, HI$750 Ladies Magazines and the Ideology of Domes-ticity in England, 1770-1835

Janis A. TomlinsonCharleston, SC$750 Patronage of Claude-Joseph Vernet by thePrince of Asturias





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Diane H. Touliatos-BankerSt Louis, MO$750 Byzantine Musical Manuscripts and Treatisesin the Cultural Foundation of the National Bank ofGreece

Stuart H. 11.aubCortland, NY$750 Reward and Informant Systems in CriminalJustice, 1865-1900

David J. TravisSeattle, WA$750 A History of the Italian Communist Party from1943 to 1956

Albert H. TricomiVestal, NY$750 Caroline Po 'Neal Drama: Unpublished Man-uscripts

Patricia Trutty-CouhillBowling Green, KY$750 Drawings of Leonardo d a Vinci and His Schoolin Collections on the East Coast of the United States

Diane F. UreyNormal, IL$750 An Examination of Manuscript Revisions bythe Spanish Novelist Galdos

Julie C. Van-CampLos Angeles, CA$750 Copyright Infringement Principles and theIdentity of Works of Art in Dance

Paul J. VanderwoodSan Diego, CA$750 Doing Business during Mexico's Revolution

Juan A. VillamarinNewark, DE$750 The Spanish Elite of the Sabana de Bogota,Colombia

Karl von den SteinenSacramento, CA$750 Women, Politics, and Leadership in 18th-Cen-tury Scotland

Charles E. WalcottMinneapolis, MN$750 The White House Staff unLerJohn F. Kennedy

Robert K. WallaceHighland Heights, KY$750 The Works of Turner at the Clore Gallery

James P. WalshSan Jose, CA$750 Family Background of James D. Phelan:Builder of California

Barbara J. WebbNew York, NY$750 Myth and History in the Caribbean Novel

John P. WelleSouth Bend, IN$750 Pasolini and Postwar Italian Culture

David L. WheelerMuncie, IN$750 Drifts, Droughts, and Die-Ups: The History ofCattle Mortality on the Southern Great Plains,1880-89

Raymond E. WhiteMuncie, IN$750 A History of the Low Budget Western Movie,1930-54

Richard WhiteSalt Lake City, UT$750 The Miner's Fate: Health, Environment, andIndustry in the Anthracite Region, 1890-1950

Edward V. WilliamsLawrence, KS$750 The Bells of Russia: A Campanological Study

Kathleen WilsonSomerville, MA$750 Urban Culture and Associational Life inProvincial England, 1715-85

Nan E. WoodruffPhiladelphia, PA$750 Southern Farm Workers and the Disintegrationof Share Cropping

David R. WoodwardHuntington. WV$750 Anglo-American Military Relations from aGrand Strategic Perspective, 1917-18

Michael WreszinNew York, NY$750 Dwight Macdonald: A Biography

Beth S. WrightArlington, TX$750 French Romantic Lithographs of Themes fromWalter Scott: The Gaugain Suite of 1829-30

Bobby I. WrightBozeman, MT$750 An Ethnohistory of the Harvard Indian Col-lege, 1650-93

Frederick D. WrightNotre Dame, IN$750 Bishop Jules B. Jeanmard: Black and White

A Catholics in Segregationist Louisiana, 1918-57

Jinn, WangDurham, NC$750 The Mythology of Stone: A Study of Intertex-tuality of Ancient Chinese

Bernard M. WassersteinNewton Centre, MA$750 The Shanghai Municipal Police Special Branch


Anand A. YangSalt Lake City, UT$750 Disciplining Colonial India: Prisons and Pris-oners under the British Raj, 1757-1947

Rosemarie ZagarriMorgantown, WV$750 The Fate of Anti-Federalism, 1789-1828

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Susanne M. ZantopHanover, NH$750 Latin America and the Literary Imagination ofthe German Enlightenment


Michael P. ZirinskyBoise, ID$750 History of the Iranian Missions of the Amer-ican Presbyterian Church

Grams provided suppori for faculty ai historically black colleges and universities 10 undertake one year offidl-ume sludyleading to a doctoral degree in the humanities. with preference given to individuals who are at the disserianon stage oftheir work.

Central State UniversityWilberforce, OH Lee L. J Ingham$27,500 Philosophy

Clark CollegzAtlanta, GA Patricia B. Iluuo$27,500 American Studies: Black American Fiction

Howard UniversityWashington, DC John 0. Perpener$27,479 History of Black Concert Dance

Jackson State UniversityJackson, MS Tommie H. Siewari$27,500 Frank Silvera's Americaa Theatre of Being

North Carolina Central UniversityDurham. NC Carbon E. Wilson$27,500 A Study of the Black Community in Liver-pool, England, 1918-45


Grams provided suppori for high school and college slide its)fa lien tan scholar

Southern UniversityBaton Rouge, LA Jana J Monielaro$20,797 English Literature

Texas Southern UniversityHouston, TX Hermine D. Pinson$27,500 Thematic Study of the Poetry of Melvin B.Tolson

Texas Southern UniversityHouston, TX Ronald C Samples$27,500 Henry James and the Common Touch

University of the District of ColumbiaWashington, DC Elsie A. Williams$27,500 American Studies: Black American Humor

lo conduct research and &t ruing protects in the humaninesfor nine weeks during the summer under Me supervision o

Jennifer L. AndersenLos Angeles, CA$2,200 Modes of Comparison in Oral and LiteraryEpic: From the Iliad to the Aeneid and Paradise Lost

Theodore S. AndersonOberlin, OH$2,200 The Poetics of T.S. Eliot

Eric L. Anderson-ZychWest Lafayette, IN$2,200 Grand Designs and Current Realities: Prog-ressive Era Parks in the Midwest

Dean R. AndradeWest Allis, WI$2,200 Piety and Positive 'fiction in Cotton Mather'sMagnalia Christi Americana

Sarah E. ArdMarion, IA$1,800 Race Relations in 19th-Century AmericanLiterature

David C. AskinWilkes-Barre, PA$2,200 The Legislative Veto and the Chadha Ruling:A Critical Analysis and Examination of Its Impact

Craig R. AugeBowling Green, OH$2,200 The Evolution of American Attitudes towardWilderness: The Puritans through the Romantics

James W. BaileyWilliamstown, MA$2,200 The Meaning of Materialism for Marx'sSocial Ethics

Christopher D. BartlettProvidence, RI$2,200 The Conccpt of Political Opposition in Lu-can's and Petronius's Poems on the Civil War

Sarah H. BaylissCambridge, MA$2,200 Realism in Courbet and Flaubert

Debra A. BenkoGranville, OH$2,200 Transformations of Morgan le Fay inArthurian Literature: From Healer to Witch to Femi-nist

Diana L. BlackAlbuquerque, NM$1,800 The Dark Lady and the White Christ: AnExploration of Malory's Morie Dardiur

C, k'4y





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Bridget BobickCarrollton, GA$1,800 The Confederate Statues of West Georgia

Todd R. BreyfogleColorado Springs, CO$2,200 Translation with Commentary of Ten Spir-itual and Pedagogical Letters of Alcuin of York

Richard A. BrookNew York, NY$2,200 The Jewish Labor Movement in the UnitedStates and Voluntary Mediation: 1900-14

Rebecca E. BryantChicago, IL$2,200 The Past, the Present, and Mental Anomaliesin Walker Percy's Novels

Daniel BuchenAmherst, MA$2,200 The Problem of Naming in Wallace Stevens'sNotes Toward a Supreme Fiction

John 1'. BuddColorado Springs, CO$2,200 Perceptions of Technology: The History ofNuclear-Pmpelled Aircraft

Edward K. ByfieldNew York, NY$2,200 The Apocalyptic Gnosticism of Clement ofAlexarviria

Marilyn A. CnrderLima, OHS2,200 Pastoralism, the City, and the Role of Genderin the Fiction of Chopin and Wharton

Anton; ChanCarrollton. TX$1 800 Prelude to Locke: The influerr:e Ptiritar,hieobgy or, American Political Stru:

Donald T. Cur.New Haven CT$2,200 .:_ninese Environmental and Political Phi-losophy

Donna T. ChenBerkeley, CA$2,200 The Evolution of Medical Ethics in the Post-war United States

David L. CohenNew York, NY$1,800 Three Jewish Historians Conivared, theWorks of H. Graetz, S. Dubnow, and S. Baron

Tania F. CoinerBoston, MA$1,800 Archetype of the Enchantress: Images ofCirce and Helen in H.D.'s (Hilda Doolittle's) Poetry

Shawn M. CollinsWalla Walla, WA$2,200 The Meaning of Myth: Toward a New Under-standing

Russell E. CoonOxford, MS$2,200 Did Mill's Philosophy influence Hardy'sNovels?

Patrick B. CrawfordNew York, 1.1Y$2,200 An Analysis of Nietzsche's and Marx's Cri-tique of Metaphysics

Allison C CummingsNashville, TN$1,800 The Significance of Job in the Poetics ofWilliam Blake

Anna H. DerbyWinston-Salem, NC$2,200 The Religion Clauses of the First Amend-ment: The Original Understanding

Jeffrey B. DownardOxford, OH$2,200 Two Philosophies of Mind: Functionalismand Reductive Physicalism

Delphine V. FarberNew York, NY$1,800 Origin and Meaning of the First AmendmentPress Clause

kiel J. FaulknerAngwin, CA$2,200 The Impact of t e American Civil RightsMovement on the U.S. Virgin islands

Kevin C. FedarkoNew York, NY$2.200 Classical Indian Philosophy, Thoreau, andGhandi: A Journey of Ideas

Christopher IiitzmartinPittsaurgh, PA$2,2C0 How is Freedom Possible?: Causality.Culture. and Ontology

Christopher E. ForthLewiston, NY$2,200 Rooker T. Washington and the NiagaraMovement

Robert L. FribergConcordia, KS$1,800 influence of John Locke on the Reltiou5Thought of Alexander Campbell, Amecan ReligiousReformer

Saskia A. FunstonEl Cajon, CA$1,800 Presidential Tenure and the Constitution

Ross GaronNew York, NY$1,800 Representatives in a Demociocy: Agents orLeaders?

David M. GerwinNew York, NY$2,200 Student Projects in Newark: CommunityOrganizing in the 1960s

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Janet Gielo%Spokane, WA$2,200 Metaphors of Landscape and Architecture inthe Works of Willa Cathcr

Matthew R. GochbergMadison, WI$2,200 The Study and Critical Assessment of EthicalRealism

Thomas J. GombarReading, PA$2,200 The Making of an American Radical: JamesH. Mauren and Socialism in Reading, Pennsylvania

Jay P. GreeneSomerville. MA$2,200 A History of the U.S. Policy Planning Staff

Cheryl L. HallColumbia, MO$1200 A Critical Comparison of Charles and MaryLamb's Tales from Shakespeare to Their Counterpartsin Shakespeare's Plays

Eric W. HansonWilliamstown, MA$2,200 The Influence of the American MusicalTradition of the Blues on the Writing ofJames Baldwin

Karen S. HartmannMinden, NE$1.800 The American Dream and the Novels ofJohnSteinbeck

Amy M. HelmonTacoma, WA$2,200 Chatwer on the Theme ofGentilesse

Matthew F. HeydCharlotte. NC$1,800 Machiavelli and the U.S. Constitution

Kristen C. HillNormal. IL$2.200 The Balance of Puritanism and Humanity inShakespeare

Patti L. HilliardCary, NC$2.200 A Literary Analysis of John Woolman asa Reflection of the Developing Character of EarlyAmerica

Stephanie A. HirschEau Claire, WI$1,800 The Zona Gale Papers: New Pieces to thePuzzle

Carla M. HolmesStanford, CA$2,200 How James Wilson's Political PhilosophyAffected His Contributions to the Constitution

Gayrytha F. HuffJackson, MS$2,200 Elizabeth Carter and the Stoicism of Epic-tett.s

' tio°^' n",.4.105t

Hugh D. HughesTrumbull. CT$1.800 Virgilian Aspects of William Bradford's OfPlymouth Plantation

Matthew G. HurdDanville, CA$2.200 Philosophy in Virgil: Stoicism and Epi-cureanism

Cheryl R. JordanCape Girardeau. MO$2.200 Adam. Absalom, and Christ: WilliamFaulkner's Use of the Bible

Sung Hui KimAtlanta. GA$2.200 We The People: The Development of aRationale for Written Higher Law and Constitutions inNorth America

Taehee L. KimNew Haven. CT$2.200 The Pastoral Element in ShakespeareanDrama

Richard L. KimmelGreenville. SC$1.800 Jewish Mysticism in America: A HistoricalPerspective

Cecilia A. KirkHillsdale. MI$2.200 TWO Tories Who Influenced the Framers ofthe Constitution: David Hume and Sir William Black-stone

Jane I. KishiNew York, NY$2,200 Media Coverage of the Japanese-AmericanInternment during World War II

Barbara A. KorbalMadison, WI$2,200 Margaret Fuller's Vision of Self-Reliance

Russell B. KorobkinStanford, CA$2,200 Racial Politics in Georgia, 1890-1908


Anne Spencer (Annie

Bethel Scales Spencer,

1882-1975), who wrote

lyrical poems using

traditional romanticthemes. is one of the

poets examined by a

scholar at Coppin

State College who

received a 1986 Fel-

lowship for Colkge

Teachers and Inde-

pendent Scholars to

research a book on

black Americanltomen poem






Page 52: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

Walter Hodges' draw-

ing of the Globe

Theater is considered

to be an accurate

representation. In 1987

Northwestern Univer-

sity held a SummerSeminar for College

Teachers on Shake-

speare and the Eliz-

abethan Stage."





l M',


A Altintil ret, .11,141)\4=4 otl4pil. Asill!,111.44 MUM& MI

Nikolas KozloffNew York, NY$1,800 Thomas Paine and Eugene Debs: PoliticalActivism in Two Centuries

Laura J. LarsenDes Plaines. IL$2 200 Property and Republicanism in the PoliticalThought of James Madison

Bradley G. LovelaceHebron, MD$2,200 A More Perfect Union: Balancing IndividualRights and the Common Good

Mark D. LuciaPrairie View IL$1,800 The Decline of Late Classic Maya Centers: ItsCauses and Effects

Stephen A. ManginNew York. NY$2.200 The Lessons of Gaudi: The Use of No.aireand Technology to Reflect and Shape Social Values

Laura K. McAfeeBaltimore, MD$2,200 Toward a Closed Society: Social Mistakes inJane Austen's Novels

Robert Chad McCrackenNew Haven. CT$2,200 Secular Culture and Clandestine History:Absalom. Absalom! and Gravity'... Rainhow

Paul R. McDowellDe Kalb, IL$2.200 Comedic Elements of M.Fresh Comedy

3 Years of

Robert A. MehlerChicago, IL$2,200 The Interpretations Surrok Wing Madison'sTenth Federalist Essay

Carole F. MeyersRochester, NY$2.200 Claude Bragdon: Architect and Stage De-signer


Martha L. MoreCambridge, MA$2,200 A Short Historical Introduction to an EnglishTranslation of an Eight-Page Pamphlet by Johann Eck

Stacy K. MooreSarasota, FL$2,200 The Gallantry of the Rococo: A CriticalAnalysis of Transitional Elements in the Music ofC.P.E. Bach

Alison D. MorantzPrairie Village, KS$1,800 Holocaust: Kansas City Jewry's CollectiveResponse, 1938-46

Daniel MozesNew York. NY$2.200 A Critical Examination of Shelley's Prom-etheus Unbound

Lauren B. NagelWinter Park, FL$2.200 Russian Avant-Garde Art and Relevant Sci-entific Theory

Christopher A. NickersonNew York, NY$1.800 Executive and Legislative Control over For-eign Policy: Intent and Practice

Devan M. PailetMedford. MA$2.200 Bertram Goodhue's Western Legacy: A Crit-ical Analysis of Spanish Colonial Architecture in Mexico.1901

Kevin C. ParkCambridge. MA$2,200 La Femme Monstre: The Female Criminal inMau riac's Therese De.sipteroux and Du ras's L'AmanwAnglaise

John A. PearceWest Valley City. UT$1800 Biographical Study of Early Utah Politicians

Luis R. Mem IIRio Piedras. PRSLIM The Palio of Siena

Jay T. PlumFargo. ND$2.200 Alfred G. Arvold and the Country Theater inNorth Dakota

John T. PrecobbWorcester, MA$2.200 Italian Contemporary Writers and the Imageof America

Anne H. QuinneyDc Kalb. IL$1,800 Theme and Evolution of the Heroine in theNovels of Marguerite Duras

Jonathan T. ReeveNashville. TN$1.800 Populism: Past and Present

Page 53: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

Paul J. RockButler, PA$2,200 Symbol and Myth in James Agee's Let Us NowPraise Famous Men

Sherrilyn M. RoushState College, PA$2,200 A History of the Rationale for ConceptualChange in Quantum Physics: 1913-25

Laura L RungeRochester, NY$2,200 John Gardner and the Morality of Contem-porary Fiction

Eric N. SchocketAlbany CA$2,200 Hemingway and Dos Passos: Two OutsidePerspectives on the Spanish Civil War

Zachary M. SchragWashington, DC$1,800 Analysis of American Schoolbook Depic-tions of Christopher Columbus

Andrea L. SchulerBellevue, WA$1,800 The Scientific Approach to Literature: ItsValue, Validity, and Metaphysical Implications

David V. SchulzCrawfordsville, IN$2,200 Edward Gordon Craig and Hamlet: An Evo-lution of Theories and Their Practical Application

Joel L. SebastianDuluth. MN$1,800 Ojibwa Culture Changes Related to the FurTrade at the American Fur Company Post in Fond duLac, 1817-42

Karen A. SoosBlacksburg, VA$2,200 The Machine over the Garden: LiteraryResponses to Space Technology

Christine D. SorrellWinston-Salem, NC$1,800 The History of the Art Song in America

Kimberly C. SpenceLexington, KY$2,200 An Iconographical Study of Select Icons fromthe Saint Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod

Joan E. StackColumbia, MO$2,200 Modem Poetry and the PaintingsBrueghel

Christopher M. SterkCleveland Heights, OH$1,800 Land Use History of the Flats in Cleveland

Christopher J. SturrSanta Fe, NM$2,200 Investigation of Asyntactic Ambiguity inGreek and Latin Poetry

Marietta SwainPittsford, NY$2,200 Words and Stones: Style in the Fiction ofTneodore Dreiser and the Architecture of LouisSullivan

Karin E. ThompsonCollege Place, WA$1,800 Jane Eyreand Hard Times:Education in 19th-Century Britain

Hang T. 'DanRound Rock, TX$1,800 Sectionalism: Influence on the Constitutionand Political Parties

David R. TruogAmherst, MA$2,200 The Reaction of 17th-Century French Scien-tists to the Work of Galileo Galilei

Howard M. UllmanChicago, IL$2,200 The History of theArtificial Intelligence, 1910-60

Alexandra M. VacrouxSomerville, MA$2,200 Philosophy, Process,and Vietnam

William B. Van-WinklePortland, OR$1,800 The Influence of theJudaism

Early Philosophy of

and Policy: Kennedy

Zohar upon Medieval

Christina NbulgarelisChicago, IL$2,200 The Development of the American Conceptof Citizenship

Jill G. WackerMartinsville, NJ$2,200 New Jersey Homesteads: The Early Years

Jessica A. WangIthaca, NY$2,200 The Supreme Court and the Japanese Intern-ment Cases

Mahalia L. WayAnn Arbor, MI

of $2,200 Gnostic Dualism and Early Christianity

Sarah StroudCamb.idge, MA$2,200 Moore and Austin on Traditional Epis-temology

Ellen C. Wayland-SmithAmherst, MA$2,200 The Status and Self-Perception of Women inthe Oneida Community

Nadine M. WeidmanBryn Mawr, PA$2,200 From Metaphysics to Medicine: The Influ-ence of Parmenidean Philosophy on the HippocraticCorpus

,--1 53,.....4 f





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Stephen H. ..civ.steinWestfield, NJ$1,800 F xession of Limitations: The RoleWomen in the Work of Flannery O'ronnor

Darla C. WittDurham. NC

of $1.800 The Influence of the Classics on t he Society ofthe Cincinnati

Lewis d. WertheimBloomington, IN$1,800 The Constitution in Times of Crisis and War:The Lr Parte Milligan Case

Richard W. WestallCollegeville, MN$2,200 The Religious or Political Motives behind theGreat Persecution

William H. WoodsonBaltimore, MD$1,800 Benjamin Banneker: An 18th-Century BlackAmerican Scientist

Franklin L. YoderKalona, IA$2.200 A Case Study of the Impact of the Agri-cultural Depression. 1920-40


Grants provided swim fin faculty members maged primarily in undergraduate tea. Ag to participate in eight- or =-week summer seminars in the humilities directed by distinguished scholars at institutions with libraries suitable foradwinced study

American Academy in RomeNew York, NY David il. Wright$70,662 Art in the Culture of Pagan and ChristianRome in Late Antiquity

Barnard CollegeNew York, NY Nancy K. Miller$73.219 Issues in Feminist Literary Criticism:Women's Writing in Theory and Practice

LUNY Research Foundation, Graduate School andUniversit centerNew York. NY Sarah B. Pomeroy$68.043 The Family in Classical and HellenisticGreece

Columbia UniversityNew York. NY Kenneth T Jackson$75.939 American Urban History: Cities and Neigh-borhoods

Columbia UniversityNew York. NY Andrew J. A'athan$74,316 Political Developm, nt of China: Maoismand Reform. 1949-88

Columbia UniversityNew York. NY George Saliba$67.426 Islam and the Scientific Tradition

Columbia UniversityNew York. NY Michael A. Seidel$66.878 The Major Works of James Joyce: Perspec-tives on a Narrative Career

Columbia UniversityNew York. NY iloird Stein$82,543 The American Playwright. 1920-80

Cornell UniversityIthaca. NY John If: Kronik$77,575 The Self-Conscious Narrative in the His-panic World

Cornell UniversityIthaca, NY Daniel R. Selma$74,114 Critical Perspectives on the Early 20th-Cen-tury British Novel


Cornell UniversityIthaca. NY Sidney G. 7iirrow$78.035 Historical Studies of Collective Action andPolitical Change

Dartmouth CollegeHanover. NH Jon N. Appleton$65.521 Music and Technology

Dartmouth CollegeHanover. NH James if: 1 leffrrnan$66.187 English Romantic Literature and the VisualArts

Harvard UniversityCambridge. MA Albert CraigSion* The Japanese Cultural Tradition

Harvard UniversityCambridge. MA Joseph C Harris$80.982 Beowulf and the Reception of GermanicAntiquity

Harvard UniversityCambridge. MA Everett T Moulelsohn$77.599 The Social History of Science

I ioward UniversityWashington. DC Doris E. McGill( y$64.177 History of Afro-American Music.1800-1980

Indiana UniversityBloomington. IN M. Jeanne Peterson$65.488 The Professior,s ar.d the Middle Class inVictorian Englana

?:,liana UniversityBloomington. IN Denis Sinor$74.814 The Concept of the "Northern Barbarian"

New York UniversityNew York. NY Robert Bailey$76.212 The Music of Wagner

'Prior year award teceiving fu ids in fiscal year 1987.

Page 55: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

Newberry LibraryChicago, IL Jeremy D. Popkin$66,583 Ideology and Revolution in France, 1770-95

Northwestern UniversityEvanston, IL Arthur I. Fine$77,027 The Legacy of Realism: Some New Ap-proaches to Understanding Science

Northwestern UniversityEvanston, IL Richard H. Wendorf$67,544 Portraiture: Biography, Portrait Painting,and the Representation of Historical Character

Ohio State University Research FoundationColumbus, OH Edward P. 1 Corbett$65,365 Rhetoric and Public Discourse

Pacific School of ReligionBerkeley, CA Huston Smith$64,918 The Great Chain of Being in World Perspec-tive

Princeton UniversityPrinceton, NJ Victor H. Brombert$100,443 The Modern Anti-Hero

Princeton UniversityPrinceton, NJ Emory B. Elliot'$83,305 History and the Novel in America

Princeton UniversityPriaceton, NJ Alvin B. Kernan$94,029 Literature as a Socially Constructed Reality.1740-1980

Princeton UniversityPrinceton, NJ Arthur 14: Litz$92,069 Modern American Poetry: New Perspec-tives

Princeton UniversityPrinceton. NJ Francois Rigolot$88.907 Modern Critical Theory and French Nar-rative

Princeton UniversityPrinceton. NJ Karl D. Ulm$83.924 Medieval French Literature and the Lan-guages of Truth

Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick. NJ James T Johnson$65,225 The Quest for Peace and the Limitation ofWar: Three Mora' Traditions

Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick, NJ Wilson Carey McWilliams$65,011 Federalists and Anti-Federalists

State University of New York Research FoundationStony Brook, NY Brigitte M. Bedos Rezak$59,35n Medieval Seals: Political, Social. and Cul-tural Implications

Stanford UniversityStanford, CA Lilian R. Furst$73,132 Reading Ironies

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Stanford UniversityStanford. CA Michael H. Jameson$88.880 Religion and Society in Ancient Greece

Trinity UniversitySan Antonio, TX Peter A. French$76,878 Varieties of Responsibility

Tufts UniversityMedford, MA Norman Daniels$77,885 Justice and Health Care

University of ArizonaTucson, AZ Larry J Evers$65,642 Native American Verbal Art and Literature

University of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA Stanley H. Brandes$55,848 Humor in Cross-Cultural Perspecti ye

University of CaliforniaBerkeley. CA Denis Hollier$69,977 Theories of Desire and the Crisis of the 1930s

University of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA Anne L. Middleton$80,063 Late Medieval Lives: Representing the Selfin History and Literature

University of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA Aaron Wildaysky$76,572 Seminar on Political Cultures

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Martin Stevens$74,515 The Ellesmere Chaucer and Towneley PlaysManuscripts: The 15th-Century Handwritten Book asLiterary Source

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles. CA Robert Wthl$79.024 Culture and Politics in Europe in the Era ofthe Liberal Crisis. 1880-1945

University of CaliforniaRiverside. CA Bernd Magnus$68.840 The Postmodern Turn: Nietzsche. Heideg-ger. Derrida. and Rorty

University of California, San DiegoLa Jolla. CA Michael S Schudson$65.233 American Journalism in Historical Perspec-tive

University of ChicagoC:icago, IL W.J.T. Mitchell$66.573 Verbal and Visual Representation

University of MichiganAnn Arbor. MI William H. Sewell, Jr$72369 Historical Sociology of American and Euro-pean Labor

University of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI Marts A. Vinovskis$71.133 American Institutions and the Developmentof the Family

University of MississippiUniversity, MS William R Ferris$2,950* Blues as History, Literature, and Culture






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University of MissouriColumbia, MO John M. Foley$59,942 The Oral Tradition in Literature

University of North CarolinaChapel Hill, NC Michael D. Resnik$66,979 Frege and the Philosophy of Mathematics

University of RochesterRochester, NY Stanley L. Engerman$79,389 Applications of Economic Analysis to His-torical Problems

University of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA John E. Elliott$85,316 Karl Marx as a Social Theorist: An Interdis-ciplinary Approach

University of TexasAustin, TX Bernth 0 Lindfors$63,414 African Literature and Criticism

University of TexasAustin, TX W Roger Louis$72,515 End of the British Empire

University 1/41VirginiaCharlottesville, VA Paul A. Cantor$62,189 Shakespeare and Politics

University of VirginiaCharlottesville, VA Ravindra S. Khare$65,040 Anthropological Perspectives on Food andFood Ways


Grants provided support for college and university teachersresearch in the humanities for two consecutive months.

Robert H. AbzugAustin, TX$3,500 The Religious Roots of Pre-Civil War Amer-ican Reform

Kristi J. AndersenSyracuse, NY$3,500 Women and Citizenship in the 1920s

Ora AvniHamden, CT$3,500 Theories of Reference Applied to LiteraryTexts

David S. BaileyCambridge, MA$3,500 Cicero's Correspondence: An Edition

Robert C. BannisterSwarthmore, PA$3,500 Gender Bias and American Sociology,1880-1950

Joel S. BeininStanford, CA$3,500 Marxist Politics in Egypt and Israel, 1948-68

{ I


University of WashingtonSeattle, WA Ernst Behler$80,7C2 Origins of the Romantic Literary Theory

University of WisconsinMadison, WI Joel B. Grossman$68,446 American Courts: A Bicentennial Perspec-tive

University of WisconsinMilwaukee, WI Herbert Blau$74,577 Performance Theory: Modern Drama andPostmodern Theater

University of WisconsinMilwaukee, WI Jane Gallop$65,997 Feminist Criticism: Issues in Literary The-ory

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT William W Hallo$86,331 The Bible in the Light of Cuneiform Liter-ature

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT Henry A. Prner$84,860 Fascism as a Genetic Phenomenon

Yeshiva UniversityNew York, NY Louis H. Feldman$70,190 Classical and Christian Rocs of Anti-Semi-tism

and others to undertake full-time independent study and

Judith M. BennettDurham, NC$3,500 The Rise of Commercial Brewing in Eng-land: From Oomesti ".ated to Centralized Industry,1200-1700

Paul H. BensonDayton, OH$3,500 The Rationale for Responsibility

Frances F. BerdanSan Bernardino, CA$3,500 Traditional Weaving and Textiles in MexicanHistory

Iver C. BernsteinSt. Louis, MO

3,500 The New York City Draft Riots: Their Signifi-cance in American History

Dennis A. BertholdCollege Station, TX$3,500 The Influence of Dutch Painting on Amer-ican Literature, 1830-70

Susan BesseNew York, NY$3,500 Industrialization and Gender in Early 20th-Century Brazil

Page 57: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

Thomas H. BestulLincoln, NE$3,500 Anselm of Canterbury and the Developmentof Devotional Literature in England, 1050-1400

Aletta BlersackEugene, OR$3,500 Gender and Culture in Papua New Guinea

Barbara W. BlackmunLa Mesa, CA$3,500 The Iconography of Benin Antiquities

Marc T. !lecherOberlin, OH$3,500 Local Government and National Reforms:The Case of Shulu County, China

Mary E. BlockleyAustin, TX$3,500 Syntactic Differences between Old EnglishProse and Old English Verse

Willard BohnNormal, IL$3,500 Visual Poetry as Criticism: Apollinaire in1917

Stanley H. BoormanCannel, NY$3,500 Early Italian Music Printing: A Bibliograph-ical Study

Tharald BorgirCorvallis, OR$3,500 Improvisation and Baroque Musical Prac-tice: Francesco Durante's Partimenti

Edward R. BraniganSanta Barbara, CA$3,500 Narrative Comprehension in Film

David T. BrundageSanta Cruz, CA$3,500 The Working People of Denver, Colorado,1870-1910

David C. BuckUpton, KY$3,500 Na'-kirar's Commentary on Iraiyanar's Studyof St 'en Low ' Translation

Steven M. BuechlerMankato, MN$3,500 Woman Suffrage and Equal Rights: A Com-parative Study of Women's Movements

David B. BurnerStony Brook, NY$3,500 A History of West Point

Joseph D. Cand:doFayetteville, AR$3,500 A New Vano:um Edition of Shakespeare'sKing John

Kenneth W. CardwellMoraga, CA$3,500 Interrogatory Procedure in Tudor Law andNatural Science

David CarrierPittsburgh, PA$3,500 Relativism, Historicism, and Art History: APhilosophical Approach

Steven D. CarterProvo, UT$3,500 The Last Courtier: The Life and Times ofIchijo Kaneyoshi, 1402-81

Whitney ChadwickSan Francisco, CA$3,500 The Life and Sculpture of Anne Whitney

Vincent J. ChengLos Angeles, CA$3,500 Religion and Passion: The Catholic FordMadox Ford

Elizabeth A. ClarkDurham, NC$3,500 A Social History ofthe Origenist Controversyin Late Ancient Egypt

Geoffrey C. CocksAlbion, MI$3,500 Medical Psychology and Social Control inNazi Germany

Marcelo CoddouMadison, NJ$3,500 History and Fiction in Chilean Literature.1973-86

Lizabeth A. CohenPittsburgh, PA$3,500 Industrial Workers in Chicago between theWars

Mitchell S. CohenNew York, NY$3,500 Politics and Culture in the Thought of LucienGoldmann

Patricia Cline CohenGoleta, CA$3,500 Safety and Danger: Women in Public in the19th Century

Susan D. CohenNew York, NY$3,500 A Stylistic Analysis of Marguerite Duras'sFilms and Writings

Dennis C. ColsonMoscow, ID$3,500 The Constituticns of the United States andIdaho: The Founders Debates

Jane E. ConnollyMiami, FL$3,500 The Quaderna Via: Poetic Form in 13th- and14th-Century Spain

Gary A. CookBeloit, WI$3,500 George Herbert Mead: The Making of aSocial Pragmatist





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David B. CoplanNew York, NY$3,500 Performance and Text in Sotho Oral Poetry:Elements of Composition

David A. CressyLong Beach, CA$2,750 The English Calendar in Colonial America

David F. CrewAustin, TX$3,500 Social Democracy and the Weimar WelfareState: The Arbeherwohljahrt

Travis L. CrosbyNorthampton, MA$3,500 Gladstone: A Biographical Study

Anne J. CruzHuntington Beach, CA$3,500 The Spiritual Poetry of Luisa de Carvajal yMendoza

Glenn R. CuomoSarasota. FL$3,500 The Nazi Censorship of German Literature

Michael J. CurleyTacoma. WA$3,500 The Political Prophecies Attributed to Merlin

James M. CurtisColumbia. MO$3,500 The Major Ph.ys of Anton Chekhov in TheirSocio-Cultural Environment

Tish DaceNorth Dartmouth. MA$1500 Langston Hughes: The American CriticalReception

Richard Lee DavisDurham. NC$3.500 Loyalism in Late Sung China

Gerald D. DeMaioNew York. NY$3,500 Religion and the Early State Constitutions:Experimentation during the Founding

Magda C. deMoorWorcester. MA$3,500 Griselda Gambaro and the AestheticsDissent in Contemporary Argentina

Leonard DinnersteinTucson, AZ$3.500 A History of Anierican Anti-Semitism

Russell David EdmundsFt. Worth, TX$3,500 The Fox Indians: Scourge of New France

Joel P. EigenLancaster, PA$3.500 Delusion in the Courtroom: An Investigationof Its Scientific Basis and Acceptance

Richard E. EllisSnyder. NY$1500 American Constitutional Development,1789-1835

Leland L. EstesOrange, CA$3.500 The Role of Medicine and Medical Theoriesin the Rise and Fall of the Witch Hunts in England

Christoph W. EykmanFramingham, MA$3,500 German Exile Literature. 1933-60. and ItsClassical and Romantic Heritage

Lowell A. FietSanturce. PR$1500 Caribbean Drama and Performance: A Crit-ical Study

Richard J. FinneranMandeville. LA$1500 The Manuscripts of W.B. Yeats's The Timer:An Edition

Fritz FleischmannWellesley, MA$3.5C0 The Later Fiction of John Neal

Daniel M. FogelBaton Rouge. LA$3.500 Influence and Intertextuality in the Modern-ist Novel

Kristine K. ForneyLong Beach. CA$3.500 Musicians in burgher Society: Patterns ofPatronage in Renaissance Antwerp

Pier Massimo ForniBaltimore. MD$3.500 Boccaccio's Nihlale Fiesolano An Edition

of Timothy C. FrazerMacomb. IL$3.500 The Persistence

James R. DowAmes. IA$3,500 The Nazification of German Folklore duringthe Third Reich

Patrick H. DustNorthfield, MN$3,500 Jose Ortega y Gasset's Philosophy of Tech-nology


of Language Change

Peter J. FreitagPotsdam. NY$3.500 Work in the Ancient World

Marilyn A. FriedmanBowling Green. OH$3.500 Justice among Friends

James FrigugliettiBillings. MT$3,500 Alphonse Aulard: Historian of the ThirdFrench Republic

Page 59: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

Diana H. GeorgeBrocton, NY$3,500 The Selected Poems of Anne Sexton: AnEdition

Larry G. GerberAuburn, AL$3,500 Industrial Democracy in Comparative Per-spective: The United States and Great P:itain, 1914-39

Joan M. GeroColumbia, SC$3,500 Early Ridgetop Administrative Centers in theCallejon de Huaylas, Peru

Steven M. GillonNew Haven, CT$3,500 The Senate Foreign Relations Committeeand the Vietnam War, 1945-85

Jonathan E. GlixonLexington, KY$3,500 Musical Activities at the Venetian Con-fraternities, 1400-1800

James E. GoehringFredericksburg, VA$3,500 The Coptic Savery-Crosby Codex: An Edi-tion and Translation

Spencer J. GolubCharlottesville, VA$3,500 Nikolai Evreinov: A Biography

Sidney P. GottliebSomerset, NJ$3,500 The Social and Political Background ofGeorge Herbert's Poetry

Richard E. GrandyHouston, TX$3,500 On the Reality of Colors and the Limits ofScience: A Philosophical Study

Marilyn L. GridleyLawrence. KS$3,500 Chinese Architecture in the Age of the LiaoDynasty, 907-1125

Patricia E. GrieveNew York, NY$3,500 The Legend of Floire and Blancheflor

Regina Grol-ProkopczykBuffalo, NY$3,500 Czeslaw Milosz's Early Poetry

Robert HahnCarbondale, IL$3,500 The Origins of Early Greek Science andPhilosophy

Michael G. HallAustin, TX$3,500 Colonial Origins of the Constitution of theUnited States

Richard HamiltonBryn Mawr, PA$3,500 The Social Context of a Greek Vase: Choesand Anthesteria

David L. HanlonHonolulu, HI$3,500 Micronesians and Christian Missionaries,1852-1917

Barbara L. HarmanNeedham, MA$3,500 Female Public Appearance in the 19th-Cen-tury English Novel

Antony H. HarrisonRaleigh, NC$3,500 The Collected Letters of Christina GeorginaRossetti: An Edition

Peter HeathSt. Louis, MO$3,500 Ibn Sina's MiRaj-Nama: An Analysis

Mary Elaine HeglandKalamazoo, MI$3,500 The Iranian Revolution: One Village's Trans-formation

Cynthia B. HerrupDurham, NC$3,500 Royal Pardons in the Society of Early Mod-ern England

Donald R. HettingaGrand Rapids, MI$3,500 The Rhetoric of Agriculture in the Constitu-tiona! Debate

Christine Ruane HinshawFrederick, MD$3,500 The Professional Movement among SchoolTeachers in St. Petersburg and Moscow, 1908-14

Diane L. HoevelerMilwaukee, WI$3,500 The Gothic Fiction of English and AmericanWomen

Susan C. JarrattOxford, OH$3,500 Walter Paters Rhetorical Theory

Helen JaskoskiFullerton, CA$3,500 Contemporary Native American Fiction asPerformance Art

Ruth-Ellen B. JoeresMinneapolis, MN$3,500 The Process of Self-Identification in 19th-Century German Women Writers

Otto W. JohnstonGainesville, FL$3,,00 Andreas Hofer and the Austrian NationalistMyth

Larry E. JonesBuffalo, NY$3,500 The Industrial Financing of Political Partiesin the Weimar Republic

Nicole T.N. JordanChicago, IL$3,500 Alliance Diplomacy: The Breakdown ofFrance's Eastern System, 1933-39

1 I/





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Alexander KaczmarczykMedford, MA$3,500 0-,Led Ceramics of the Ancient Near East

Paul H.D. KaplanWinston-Salem, NC$3,500 The Venetian Feast: Art and Social Practicein the 16th Century

Gail P. KellyBuffalo, NY$3,500 School Texts and Student Learning in Colo-nial French West Africa and Indochina

Dennis KennedyPittsburgh, PA$3,500 Shakespearean Stage Design in the 20thCentury

Carol F. KesslerMerton, PA$3,500 Utopian Writing by Women of the UnitedStates, 1836 to the Present

Noel J. KinnamonMars Hill, NC$3,500 The Sidney Psalms: An Edition

Anne C. KleinStanford, CA$3,500 Oral Philosophical Tradition and the Experi-ence of Wisdom in Tibetan Buddhism

Kathryn A. KlingebielSan Francisco, CA$3,500 Occitan Word Formation

Elizabeth A. KraftSpartanburg, SC$3,500 Character and Consciousness in 18th-Cen-tury Comic Fiction

Arnold KrupatNew York, NY$3,500 Native American Literature and the Canonof American Literature

Marilyn J. KurataBirmingham, AL$3,500 The Logic of Lunacy in the Novels of Charle3Dickens

Ned C. 1,andsmanStony Brook, NY$3,500 Clerical and Lay Participation in 18th-Cen-tury Scottish Revivalism

Robert M. LevineCoral Gables, FL$3,500 Social Unrest in Republican Brazil: TheC.mudos Insurrection, 1897

Hanna B. LewisHuntsville, TX$3,500 Fanny Lewqld's Political World

Judith S. LewisNorman, OK$3,500 The Political Behavior of Upper -ClassWomen in England, 1760-1832


W. Bruce LincolnDe Kalb, IL$3,500 Russia in Revolution, 1918-21

Thomas R. LiszkaAltoona. PA$3,500 The South English Legendary: An Edition

Donald C. LordFairfield, ME$3,500 The American Family Abroad: MissionaryLife in 19th-Century Thailand

Michael E. LynchWalla Walla, WA$3,500 Aesthetics, Science, and Technology

James K. LyonLa Jolla, CA$2,198 The Poetry of Paul Celan

Dianne S. MacleodDavis, CA$3,500 Victorian Collectors of Modern Art

Patrick L. MaherUrbana, IL$3,500 Karl Popper and Scientific Rationality

Louis P. MasurRiverside, CA$3,500 The Conflict over Capital Punishment inAmerica, 1776-1860

Deborah G. MayoBlacksburg, VA$3,500 The Rationality of Science: Eddington'sEclipse Experiments

Robert J. McKimChampaign, IL$3,500 Two Problems for Human Knowledge ofGod

Meradith T. McMunnProvidence, RI$3,500 Visual an Verbal Narration in the Romancesof Chretier de Troyes

Christopher P. MenzelCollege Station, TX$3,!"00 The Nature of Ordinal Numbers

Terry L. MeyersWilliamsburg, VA$3,500 Letters by Algernon Charles Swinburne: AnEdition

Alfred C. MierzejewskiRoxbury, VT$3,500 The German National Railway, 1920-45

Susan G. MillerWaltham, MA$3,500 Conflict and Change in Tangier, 1820-1920

Thomas P. MillerCarbondale, IL$3,500 The Rhetoric of Humanism in the ScottishEnlightenment

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John E. MoellerDecorah, IA$3,500 Justice John M. Harlan II and the FourteenthAmendment

Clarence I.. MohrNew Orleans, LA$3,500 Public Schools aid the Modernization ofSouthern Society, 1865-1965

Timothy R. MontlerDenton, TX$3,500 Word Formation in Saanich

Regina A. Morantz-SanchezPrairie Village, KS$3,500 Tho. Brooklyn Eagle vs. Dr. Mary Dixon-Jones:A 19th-Century Libel Trial

Richard E. MorganBrunswick, ME$3,500 American Constitutionalism: The Recoveryof Tradition

Kenneth M. MorrisonTempe, AZ$3,500 The Post-Columbian "Other"

Paul K. MoserChicago, IL$3,500 Knowledge and Evident

Daniel W. MosserBlacksburg, VA$3,500 The Genesis and Evolution of the AlphaManuscripts of the Canterbury, Tales

Rena C. MuellerNew York, NY$3,500 The Music of Liszt: A Catalogue of theManuscript Sources

Brenda C. MurphyCanton, NY$3,500 American Drama as Collaborative Art

Vasudha NarayananGainesville, FL$3,500 Recitation of the Tamil Veda in the DailyLiturgy of the Srivaisnava Community

Alan J. NelsonLos Angeles, CA$3,500 Differences in Practical Applicability be-tween Economics and Physics: A Philosophical Study

Bodo NischanGreenville, NC$3,500 The Second Reformation in Brandenburg:Continuity and Change

R:chard J. Nt:nanCharleston, SC$3,500 The Role of Predictive Novelty in the Confir-mation of Scientific Theories: A Philosophical Study

Ilene V. O'MalleyOakland, CA$3,500 The Domestic and International Politics ofMexico's Asylum Policies

Richard M. ObmannHawley, MA$3,500 The Emergence of the Mass Circula ionMagazine in the United States

David M. OlsonGree .sboro, NC$3,500 American Constitutionalism Abroad: Legis-lative-Executive Relations

Bruce F. PauleyOviedo, FL$3,500 Austrian Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Re-sponse, 1914-38

Theda PerdueClemson, SC$3,500 Changing Gender Roles among the CherokeeIndians, 1700-1850


Larry M. PrestonFlagstaff, AZ$3,500 Liberal Theory and the Neutral State

Barbara QuartNew York, NY$3,500 Women Feature Filmmakers

Jeffrey QuilterRipon, WI$3,500 The Ceramics of Huaca Prieta: Early Potteryand Culture in Ancient Peru

Lauren H. RabinovitzIowa City, IA$3,500 Motion Picture Production in Chicago,1896-1927

Julio RamosAtlanta, G.:t$3,500 Literature and Education in Argentina

Andrews ReathSouth Hadley, MA$3,500 Kant's Moral Psychology

Holly B. ReynoldsWellesley, MA$3,500 The Lament Tradition of South India

Henry S. RichardsonWashington, DC$3,500 Practical Rationality and the Measurementof Values

Julie H. RivkinMystic, CT$3,500 The Representational Logic of Hen ry James'sLater Fiction

Antonio Rodriguez-BuckinghamHattiesburg, MS$3,500 Sixteenth .Century Mexican and PeruvianImprints in U.S. Libraries: A Guide

Lorraine Elena RosesWellesley, MA$3,500 Black Women of the Harlem Renaissance






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On the Turf Benchby Ilia Repin, 1876,

painted shortly after

the artist returned to

Russia frvm Paris. A

scholar at Georgetown

University received a

Ravel to Collections

grant in 1987 to study

the effect of European

impressionism on

Russian art in the So-

viet Union.





Paul A. RothSt. Louis, MO$3,500 Justification. Explanation, and Narrative:Changes and Prospects

Randolph RothColumbus, OH$3,500 Codes of Honor and the Absence of Violencein 19th- and 20th-Century Vermont

Rob L. RuckPittsburgh, PA$1500 Sport. Culture. and Society in the CariboeanBasin

Julius R. RuffMilwaukee. WI$3,500 Crime in Paris: Bands of Thieves in the Ageof Cartouche, 1700-89

Joseph RunzoOrange. CA$1500 Relativism and the Rational Assessment ofTheism

Peter SahlinsPrinceton. NJ$3,500 The Frontiers of France since the 16th Cen-tury

M. Elizabeth SandersBrooklyn. NY$3,500 The Roots of Regulation: Sectional Eco-nomic Competition and the Rise of the InterventionistState. 1880-1980

Enrico M. SantiIthaca.$3,500 Octavio Paz: An Intellectual Biography

Henry M. SayreCorvallis, OR$3,500 The Impact of Electric Illumination onFauvist Painting

ay. 62

W. Joseph SchallertCollege Park, MD$3,500 Accentuation in Balkan Slavic Dialects

Harold F. ScheubMadison. WI$3,500 A Xhosa Epic-Performance: Analysis andAnnotation

Janice G. SchimmelmanRochester. MI$1500 American Imprints on Art through 1865: AnAnnotated Bibliography

Cynthia E. SchmidtMiddletown. CT$3,500 The Music of Kru Migrant Laborers: ASocial History

Lawrence P. SchrenkWashington. DC$1500 Tne Post-Aristotelian Theory of Induction

Susan M. SchweikBerkeley. CA$1500 American Women Poets and the SecondWorld War

Viktoria A. SchweitzerSouth Hadley. MA$1500 Marina Tsvetaeva: A Biography in Transla-tion

James SchochMilwaukee. WI$3,500 American Radio and U.S.-Latin AmericanRelations. 1900-39

Scott J. SeregnyIndianapolis. IN$1500 Peasant Unions in the Russian Revolution of1905

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Azade SeyhanBryn Mawr, PA$3,500 Literary Criticism and the Legacy of GermanRomanticism

Robert E. ShalhopeNorman, OK$3,500 The Roots of American Democracy.1760-1800

Anne D. ShapiroNewton, MA$3,500 Scottish Musical Style in American FolkSongs

Daniel L. ShealyClemson, SC$3.500 The Author-Publisher Relationships ofLouisa May Alcott

Robert B. ShoemakerLondon, England$3,500 Judicial Responses to the "Crime Wave" inPre-Industrial London

Amy E. ShumanColumbus, OH$3,500 A Study of Contemporary Artisanry

Thomas J. SienkeiczMonmouth. IL$3.500 The Sunjata: An Oral Epic of West Africa

Dean W. SimpsonRichmond. VA$3.500 The Notebook of the Irish Poet and ScholarSedulius Scottus: An Edition

Bruce J. SmithMeadville. PA$3,500 Modern Political Theory and the Sense of.!ustice

Stephanie L. SpencerRaleigh. NC$3,500 Francis Bedford and Landscape Photographyin 19th-Century Britain

David J. StanleyGainesville. FL$1500 The Apse Mosaics in Santa Costanza. Rome

Michael P. SteinbergHamilton. NY$3,500 Culture and Politics in Austria. 1918-38

Lester E. SwitzerHouston, TX$3.500 African Nationalism and the AlternativePress in South Africa

James S. TaylorAurora. NY$3,500 Pauper Petitioners of Industrial North Bri-tain. 1809-36

William H. leBrakeOrono. ME$3,500 Social and Economic Change in Rural Hol-land, 1350-1500

Gary A. TomlinsonPhiladelphia, PA$3,500 Words, Music, and Magic in the ItalianRenaissance

Steven C. TopikIrvine. CA$3.500 The Economic Rnle of the State: Mexico andBrazil, 1888-1911

Mary L. TownsendTulsa, OK$3.500 Popular Humor and the Limits of Repressionin 19tn-Century Prussia

Mary Evelyr TuckerNew Rochelle. NY$3.500 Kaibara Ekken and Neo-Confucian Educa-tion in Pre-Modern Japan

John M. TutinoNorthfieid, MN$3.500 Economic Elites and State Power in El Sal-vador, 1700-1850

Mark R. ValeriPortland. OR$3.500 Evangelical religion and the Patriot Move-ment in Colonial New England

Evelyn B. VitzNew York. NY$3.500 Orality. Literacy. and Old French SaintsLives

Ronald H. WainscottTowson. MD$3.500 Staging the Plays of Eugene O'Neill. 1920-34

Philip E. WebberPella. IA$3.500 Christ's Life and Passion: Late MedievalLiterary and Visual Imagery

David E. WellberyStanford. CA$3.500 The Structure of Critical Discourse: Lessing.Schlegel. Nietzsche. and Benjamin

Cynthia H. WhittakerNew York. NY$3.500 Conservatism in Imperial Russia

Gordon W. WilliamsNew Haven. CT$3.500 Li :ary Patronage and Power Politics in theAge of Augustus

Mary N. WoodsIthaca. NY$3.500 Richard M. Hunt and the Development ofthe Arcnitectural Profession

Joseph J. WydevenBellevue. NE$3.500 Photography as Autobiographical Narrative

Arnulf ZweigEugene, OR$3.500 The Letters of Immanuel Kant: A Revisedand Expanded Translation and Edition






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Grantsprovided support forfidl-time or regular part-time school teachers to participate in summer seminarsIbcusing onsignificant texts in the humanities and directed by distinguished teachers and active scholars

Appalachian State UniversityBoone, NC Carl A. Ross$46,921 Appalachia: American Myth and Reality

Boston UniversityBoston, MA Bonnie Costello$60,324 Observation and Reflection in ModernAmerican Lyric: Williams, Frost, Moore, and Bishop

Boston UniversityBoston, MA Paul B. libodruff$54,384 Socrates the' .acher

Bowdoin CollegeBrunswick, ME Herbert R. Coursen$53,053 King Lear: Script and Production

Brown UniversityProvidence, RI Charles E. Neu$2,191* George F. Ken nan: Diplomat, Historian, andCommentator

Central Oregon Community CollegeBend, OR Jarold W. Ramsey$70,494 Native American Literature, from Tradi-tional to Modern

Colorado CollegeColorado Springs, CO Timothy Fuller$59,559 Natural Law, Natural Rights, and AmericanConstitutionalism: Aquinas, Locke, Adams, and TheFederalist

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY Peter I Awn$70,4i9 The Islamic Vision in Religion and Liter-ature: Four Classical Texts

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY Julian H. Franklin$78,725 John Locke and the Foundations of LiberalTheory

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY Howard Stein$84,399 Masterworks of American Drama: O'Neill,Williams, Miller, and Albee

Cornell CollegeMt. Vitrnon, IA William E. Carroll$63,166 Galileo: Religion and Science

Cornell UniversityIthaca, NY Daniel R. Schwarz$5,956* Reading Joyce's Ulyssei

Emory UniversityAtlanta, GA Thomas S. Burns$59,123 Edward Gibbon and His Sources in Light ofNew Discoveries

Emory UniversityAtlanta, GA Ricardo Gutierrez-Mouat$53,926 Three Lati American Novels of Dic-tatorship: Works by Asturias, Carpcntier, and GarciaMarquez

Fordham UniversityBronx, NY Sue Ellen Holbrook$45,447 Reading Sir Thomas Malory's Anhuriad,Morte Darthur

Gustavus Adolphus CollegeSt. Peter, MN Douglas N Leonard$46,753 The Poetry of Emily Dickinson

Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA John E. Murdoch$79,204 Aristotle's Natural Philosophy

Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA Gregory Nagy$78,092 Principles of Classical Lyric: A ComparativeApproach

Hollins CollegeHollins, VA Allie M. Frazier$62,467 Literature of the Holocaust

Kenyon CollegeGambier, OH Harry M. Clor$59,430 Tocqueville on Modern Democracy andHuman Well Being

Kutztown UniversityKutztown, PA August 1 Nigro$48,049 Thomas Hardy and T.S. Eliot: Literatureand Landscape

Lafayette CollegeEaston, PA June Schlueter$50,769 Reading Shakespeare in Performance: Mac-beth

Loyola UniversityNew Orleans, LA Barbara C Ewell$45,385 Linking Region, Gender, and Genre in theStories of Chopin, Welty, O'Connor, and Walker

North Carolina State UniversityRaleigh, NC Mary Ann P Witt$63,279 Theatricality and Reality in Modern Euro-pean Drama: Pirandello, Brecht, Sartre, and Genet

Northland CollegeAshland, WI Thomas P Kasulis$47,102 Foundations of Japanese Humanism: SixPhilosophical Essays

Ohio State University Research FoundationColumbus, OH William W Dunham$50,573 The Great Theorems of Mathematics inHistorical Context

Ohio State UniversityColumbus, OH Frank R. Silbajoris$75,853 Art and Love in Dostoevsky and Tolstoy:The Brothers Karamazor and Anna Karenina

'Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

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Purdue UniversityWest Lafayette, IN William L. McBride$37,699 Jean-Paul Sartre as Philosopher-Writer:Four Genres

Reed CollegePortland, OR Lisa M. Steinman$52,640 The Place of Poetry in Modern America:Williams, Stevens, and Moore

State University of New York Research FoundationGeneseo, NY William R. Cook$66,414 The 13th-Century Lives of St. Francis ofAssisi

State University of New York Research FoundationBinghamton, NY Paul Finkelman$46,875 The Creation of the American Constitution

State University of New York Research FoundationGeno:to, NY Ronald B. Herrman$64,945 Dante's Commedia

San Diego State UniversitySan Diego, CA Kathleen B. Jon';$63,500 Authority, Democracy, and the Citizen-ship of Women: Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, andWollstonecrail

Sarah Lawrence CollegeBronxville, NY Robert A. McDermott$55,057 William James's Variellesof Religious Experi-ence

Simon's Rock of Bard CollegeGreat Barrington, MA Patricia Sharpe$51,455 Women and Fiction: Jane Austen, CharlotteBronte, Virginia Woolf, and Alice Walker

Texas A&M Research FoundationCollege Station, TX Hamlin L. Hill$60,631 The Heritage ofHuckleberry Finn

Texas Southern UniversityHouston, TX Cary D. Wing$59,984 Immigration and the Ethnic Community inUrban America

Trinity CollegeHartford, CT Drew A. Hyland$63,885 The Nature of the Individual in Nietzsche

Trinity CollegeHartford, CT fames A. Miller$57,251 Four Classic Afro-American Novels: TheirEyes were Watching God, Native Son, Invisible Man, andSong of Solomon

Tufts UniversityMedford, MA Hewson A. Ryan$55,748 Origins of a Central American Ethos: ThePopul Vull and the Conquistadors

University of AlaskaFairbanks, AK Suzanne Summer rille$54,812 Orpheus: A Creator's Myth in the History ofOpera

Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA Eric J. Sundquist$50,024 The American Dream and Ethnic Identityin Modern Literature: The Great Galsby Bread Givers.and Invisible Man

University of Q.: iforniaDavis, CA William T Jackson$68,129 Classics on the Frontier Experience: Turner,Parkman, Twain, Powell, Roosevelt, and Cather

University of CaliforniaSanta Barbara, CA W2her H. Capps$72,728 Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in Amer-ica: Religion in a Democratic Society

University of CaliforniaSanta Barbara, CA Giles B. Gunn$75,883 Herman Melville's Moby-Did'

University of North CarolinaChapel Hill, NC MIdon E. Thornton$57,923 Lawrence and Joyce: ComplementaryModes of Modernism

University of Notre DameNotre Dame, IN Thomas V Morris$47,450 Pascal's Penscts: Faith, Reason, and theMeaning of Life

University of Notre DameNotre Dame, IN Janet E. Smith$50,707 Friendship, Love, and Wisdom. Plato andAristotle

University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Irma S. Lustig$62,047 Boswell Journal and the Lifi, of Johnson

University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA John W McCoubrey$76,2" Paintings as Texts

University of Puget SoundTacoma, WA Michael J. Curley$44,464 Arthurian Literature of the Middle Ages:Yvain. The Knight of the Lion. Sir Gawain and the GreenKnight. and Alabinogi

University of South CarolinaColumbia, SC Janes S. Ciasittger$60,44,, Coleridge and the Imagination

University of South CarolinaColumbia, SC Patrick G. Scott$57,777 Local Roots and Cultural Identity: Words-worth, Tennyson, and Hardy

University of WyomingLaramie, WY Willer G. Latzglois$56,759 Ethical Dimensions of the Modern FrenchNovel: Gide, Malraux, Sartre, and Camus

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityBlacksburg, VA Bernard F Dukore$69,758 Bernard Shaw: His World, His Plays, and HisStage

Wayne State UniversityDetroit, MI Donald P Haase$1,625 The Tales of the Brother Grimm: Discover-ing Their Literary and Cultural Significance

, osir11ar 7





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A 1987 Public

Humanities Projects

grant helped the

Chautauqua Society:

Inc., in North Dakota

to prc-ent scholar-leddiscussions for the

general public on

Thomas Jefferson,

Alexander Hamilton,

Elizabeth Stanton,

Abigail Adams, andHenry Adams.






n the belief that tne well-being of ademocratic society depends in part upon ashared understanding among its citizens of theircultural and intellectual heritage and on thevitality of critical discourse in their common life,the Congress authorized and encouraged theEndowment to foster public understanding andappreciation of the humanities. The Division ofGeneral Programs, through the projects it sup-ports, conveys to the general public significantwork in scholarship, makes the best in thoughtand culture generally available, and engagescitizens in critical analysis and interpretation ofthe humanities. The division supports broadpublic education in the humanities throughinterpretive exhibitions, radio and televisionprograms, lectures, conferences, printed mate-rials, and reading and discussion programs.

As part of the Endowment's efforts to com-memorate the bicentennial of the U.S. Constitu-tion in 1987, the division awarded $500 matchinggrants to public libraries to help them establish aBicentennial Bookshelf containing key referenceworks and scholarly books about the Constitu-tion. Seven hundred ninety-one libraries in allfifty states, the District ofColumbia, Puerto Rico,



and the U.S. Virgin Islands raised $500 in 1987and received an additional $500 from the Bicen-tennial Bookshelf Program to purchase theseimportant books. To complement this effort,many libraries also developed their own pro-grams that featured the newly acquired constitu-tional works.

Through Humanities Projects in Media infiscal year 1987, the division supported planning,scripting, or production fer a variety of televisionand radio programs focusing on the lives ofhistorically significant Americans. These includewriters, such as Eugene O'Neill, Eudora Welty,and Willa Cather; leading figures in the foundingperiod of the nation, such as AlexanderHamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Mercy Otis War-ren, John Dickinson, and John Trumbull; andother significant political leaders, such as HenryClay, Harry Hopkins, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.Other examples include "Edison and the Art ofInvention," a television documentary that ex-plores the work of Thomas Edison and the worldin which he lived; and "The James Family," adramatic mini-series on one of America's promi-nent literary dynasties.

During fiscal year 1987 several programs sup-

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ported by the division in previous years wereaired on public television stations. Among thesewere "Seize the Day," a feature-length dramatiza-tion of Saul Bellows's novel; and " Isaac inAmerica," a one-hour program that combinesdocumentary footage of Nobel laureate IsaacBashevis Singer with dramatized sections of oneof his biographic stories, "A Day in ConeyIsland."

Through Humanities Projects in Museumsand Historical Organizations, 1987 grants sup-ported a variety of permanent and travelingexhibitions throughout the country. An award tothe University of Florida will enable the museumat that institution to mount a traveling exhibitionentitled "First. Encounters: Spanish Explorationsin the Caribbean and the Southeastern UnitedStates." The exhibition will examine Spanishefforts to explore and colonize the southeasternUnited States, as well as native American re-sponses to those efforts, from 1492 to 1570. TheIndianapolis Museum of Art, with Endowmentsupport, organized "The Fantastic Art of LatinAmerica: Visual Imagery and the Quest forIdentity in the Twentieth Century," a travelingexhibitiot, that explores the aesthetic, historical.and cultural roots of the imagery that dominatesmuch of twentieth-century Latin American art.Montana State University will plan a program tointerpret the Tinsley Homestea.d, an original1889 Montana homestead.

Exhibitions that opened during 1987 include



41.4; ,.....


"The Machine Age: The Americanization of Art.1920-41," a traveling exhibition portraying theimage of the machine as the unifying force inAmerican art, architecture, and design in theyears between the two great wars; "Miracle atPhiladelphia: The Constitutional ConventionBicentennial," an examination of the foundingperiod that attracted more than 450.000 visitors:"William Wordsworth and the Age of EnglishRomanticism"; and "Harlem, My Home: TheHarlem Renaissance, 1919-29."

In the Humanities Projects in Libraries Pro-gram, a 1987 grant to the New England Founda-tion for the Humanities will support a series ofreading and discussion programs in librariesthoughout the region focusing on the framing ofthe U.S. Constitution as revealed through biogra-phies, original documents, historical writings.and other literature. The State Historical Societyof Wisconsin received a grant to conduct a seriesof reading and discussion programs in cities andtowns throughout the state on the era of theAmerican Revolution and the Constitution.

Through Public Humanities Projects, the divi-sion funded "The French Revolution and ItsModern Llgacy: A Bicentennial Reappraisal," aseries of public lectures and film discussionprograms providing a comprehensive assessmentof the French Revolution and its impact over thepast 200 years. Arena Stage in Washington, D.C.,received funding to support a series of com-munity symposia and essays to interpret the


Three painted earthen-

ware horsenten.

western Ilan dpiasty

(206 B.C. -A.D. 220),

from the Alai:yang

Museum. Shaanxi. In

198 the Los Angeles

County Museum ofArt received support

front the MummiesProjects in Museums

and Historical Organi-

:awns Program toorganise a traveling

etht baton ((Chinesecerantu .fimerary

sculpture. "The Quest

for Eternity"


0.NERAI. intoi,ItAMS


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Tomb mosaic from the

floor of a church nave

in Tabarka. Tunisia,

fifth century A.D. A1987 grant from the

Humanities Projectsin Museums and His-

torical OrganisationsProgram to the Amer-

ican Museum of Natu-

ral History supported

a traveling exhibition

on the place of

Carthage in the

ancient world.




dramatic productions offered by the theaterduring the 1987-88 seasons and to place the playsin cultural, historical, and literary perspective.Also in fiscal year 1987, the Chautauqua Societyof Bismarck, North Dakota, was granted moneyto support sixteen one-week scholrrly residenciesover two summers in North )akota, SouthDakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. Scholars willlead discussions about Thomas Jefferson, Alex-ander Ilamilton, Elizabeth Stanton, AbigailAdams, and Henry Adams.

Through programs dedicated to fostering pub-lic understanding of history, philosophy, and the

other disciplines of the hu.nanities, the divisionreinforces the conception that the life of theintellect and of ideas is fundamental. The healthand survival of the democratic society depend, toa critical degree, on citizens who understand thepast, who understand their common herilage,and who understand cultures and philosophies ofother nations and peoples.

Donald GibsonDirectorDivision of General Programs




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Grants supported projects related to philosophical and historical studies qi as well as cmikrences, seminars, institutes.and research and writing projects about, the Coristitutum and /binding period, in commemoration of the 200thanniversary of the Constitution of the United States.

Bowling Green State UniversityBowling Green, OH Ellen F Paul$49,952* To support a two-year program of publicconferences on the history and phihsophyof economicrights under the Constitution. The program willinclude two conferences, publications, and videotapes.

Center for Judicial StudiesCumberland, VA Dan Petersc,,$63,932* To support a series of public symposia onthe original intention and subsequent developmentand interpretation of the Bill of Rights. Two scholarswill be paired for each session on a particular provi-sion. One will speak on the original understanding; theother will address the contemporary understanding.

Claremont InstituteClaremont, CA Chris Flannery$115,000* To support a three-year project of annualconferences, a lecture series, a speaker's bureau, locallibrary exhibits, and publications designed to examineand elucidate the continuing relevance of the politicalthoughts of the American founding.

Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy StudiesWashington, DC Eugene B. Meyer$76,165* To support a two-year series of publicconferences and lectures on the constitutional princi-ples of separation of powers and economic liberties.The first conference will be held in Atlanta, the secondin Chicago. The lectures will be held around thecountry; and printed material will be produced.

Indiana University Alumni AssociationBloomington, IN Frank B. Jones$68,401 To support promotion of educational pro-grams for the general public and a scholarly conferenceon the history and significance of the NorthwestOrdinance to commemorate its bicentennial.

Jefferson FoundationWashington, DC William R. Merriman, Jr.$132,875 To support a symposium in Washington,D.C., and a series of regional meetings to examineproposed constitutional revisions in light of funda-mental principles such as federalism and separation ofpowers,


New School for Social ResearchNew York, NY Jacob Landvnski$50,000.4 To support a two-year program of publicconferences, lectures, ana seminars on the 200-yeardialogue between American and European thinkers onthe American c "nstitutional order. There will also beprinted materials.

Ripon CollegeRipon, WI Kimberly C Shankman$8,757 To support a public conference on the FreeSoil Party of the 1850s and the party's interpretation ofthe Constitute::.

Robert Hutchins Center for the Study of DemocraticInstitutionsSanta Barbara, CA Donald McDonald$43,213 To support the second year of a three-yearbicentennial program consisting of public lectures,public forums or dialogues, and the publication of tli,..lectures and dialogues in the center's magazine.

University of AlabamaTuscaloosa, AL Robert J Norrell$180,533 To support a scholarly conference and eightregional symposia on the historic role of federalismand the Constitution in southern life. The paperspresented will be published in a special issue of theAlabama state history magazine.

University of California, San DiegoLa Jolla, CA Robert C Ritchie$50,000 To support, for secondary school teachers, aseries of six lectures, a scholarly symposium, a majorexhibit, and a workshop on the subject of constitu-tionalism and nation building in the United States andLatin America.

University of GeorgiaAthens, GA Mary A. Hepburn$35,000* To support a one-year program of publicassemblies and a book, based on the papers anddiscussions in those assemblies, that will examine theenduring constitutio.Ial principles and how they areadapted to cl.Anging circumstances.

Grants supported public libraries across the United States in estabhshmg a Bicentennial Bookshell al reference storksand other books about the Constitution.

Abbeville-Greenwood Regional LibraryGreenwood, SC Bruce R. Heimburger$500

Abbotsford Public LibraryAbbotsford, WI Jane M. Medenvaldt$500

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Abington Community LibraryClarks Summit, PA Mary Tahiti'$500

Abington Free LibraryAbington, PA Elaine B Grossman$500




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Adair County Public LibraryKirksville, MO Marilyn.! Prosser$500

Aguilar Public LibraryAguilar, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Aiken County LibraryAiken, SC Carol L. BowlingMO

Akron Public LibraryAkron, CO Margaret A. Coal$500

Alamosa Southern Peaks Public LibraryAlamosa, CO L. Scott Sheldon$500

Albany Public LibraryAlbany, OR Edward B. House. Jr$500

Albany Public LibraryAlbany, WI Janice E. Keller$500

Aldrich Public LibraryBarre, VT Susan L. Deale$500

Algoma Public LibraryAlgoma. WI Ann C Schmitz$500

Allegheny County Law LibraryPittsburgh. PA Joel H. Fishman$500

Allen County Public LibraryFort Wayne, IN Linda E Frederi. :$500

Allen Public LibraryAllen, TX Barbara P Buehler$500

Alma Public LibraryAlma, MI Bryan E. Dmwoodr$500

Alsip-Merrionette Park Public LibraryAlsip. IL Margaret S Schmitt$500

Altrurian Public LibraryAztec, NM Carol A. Ashby$500

Alva Public LibraryAlva, OK Larry R. Thome$500

Amarillo Public LibraryAmarillo, TX Grtg Thomas$500

American Fork Public LibraryAmerican Fork, UT Celia K 7imilin$500


Amherst Town LibraryAmherst, NH Mary A. List$500

Anderson Public LibraryAnderson, IN Donna M. Cumberland$500

Ann Arbor Public LibraryAnn Arbor, MI Sluitta K. Crum$500

Anne Arundel County Library SystemsAanapolis, MD Edward B. Hall$500

Annie Halenbake Ross LibraryLock Haven, PA Diane L. Whitaker$500

Apache Junction Public LibraryApache Junction. AZ Spencer R. Paden$500

Archuleta County Public LibraryPagosa Springs, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Argie Cooper Public LibraryShelbyville, TN Patricia G. Hastings$500

Arkansas City Public LibraryArkansas City, KS Leslr M. Smith$500

Arkansas River Valley Regional LibraryDardanelle, AR Katharine Keathley$500

Arvilla E. Diver Memorial LibrarySchaghticoke. NY Jane A. Datirto$500

Asheville-Buncombe Library SystemAsheville, NC Peter sari$500

Ashtabula County District LibraryAshtabula, OH William J Mkarczyk$500

Aston Free LibraryAstor. PA Louisa C Romaine$500

Athens Regional LibraryAthens, GA Kathryn S. Ames$500

Auburn Public LibraryAuburn, ME Mum B Hilyard$500

Auburn Public LibraryAuburn, IL Shirley J Marshall$500

Avondale Public LibraryAvondale, AZ Carol Hansen$500

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B.B. Corner Memorial LibrarySylacauga, AL Shirley K. Spears$500

B.F. Jones Memorial LibraryAliquippa, PA Nancy J Leuzinger$500

Baca County LibrarySpringfield, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Back Mountain Memorial LibraryDallas, PA William J Frederick$500

Bainbridge LibraryChagrin Falls, OH Timothy D. Kassinger$500

Bakerville Library AssociationNew Hartford. CT Helen R. Tonkin$500

Baraboo Public LibraryBaraboo. WI Josephine H. Ztpsie$500

Barnwell County LibraryAiken. SC Carol L. Bowling$500

Barrington Public LibraryBarrington. RI Ruth E. Corktll$500

Bartow County LibraryCartersville, GA Rita S. Linker$500

Bay County Public LibraryPanama City. FL George Willis Vickery$500

Belleville Public LibraryBelleville, NJ David S. Brant$500

Belleville Public LibraryBelleville, IL Mary L. Smith$500

Bennington Free LibraryBennington. VT Michael L. Price$500

Bentley Memorial LibraryBolton, CT Joy P Farretti$500

Benton Harbor Public LibraryBenton Harbor, MI Frederick J. Kirby$500

Berkeley Public LibraryBerkeley, CA Regina U. Minudri$500

Berthoud Public LibraryBerthoud, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Berwick Public LibraryBerwick. PA Eileen R. Kocher$500

Bethany Public LibraryBethany, MO Mary G. Harrison$500

Bethel Public LibraryBethel. CT Nan S. Rcgers$500

Bethlehem Area Public LibraryBethlehem. PA Robert D. Freedman$500

Bethlehem Public LibraryBethlehem. CT Anne Small$500

Bettendorf Public LibraryBettendorf. IA Audrey E. Stedman$500

Bienville Parish LibraryArcadia, LA Jacqueline H. Kirkham$500

Blanchard Community LibrarySanta Paula. CA Daniel 0. Robles$500

Boise Public LibraryBoise. ID Donna Piscionc$500

Bosler Free LibraryCarlisle. PA Linda K. Rice$500

Bottineau County Public LibraryBottineau. ND Helen M. Arnt:en$500

F9wlby Public LibraryWaynesburg, PA Carole Al. Peterson$500

Bowling Green Public LibraryBowling Green. KY Karen A. Tower$500

Bozeman Public LibraryBozeman. MT Steve G. Cottrell$500

Bradford Area Public LibraryBradford. PA Candace L. El, :Al$500

Brannon Library-Volusia County LibrariesNew Smyrna Beach, FL Alice B. Haldeman$500

Brawley Public LibraryBrawley. CA Rebecca S. Hagstrom$500

Brent-Centreville Public LibraryCentreville. AL Margie J! 011ins$500





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Brigham City LibraryBrigham City, UT Anita J. Albright$500

Brockton Law LibraryBrockton, MA Jean C. Medeiros$500

Brookings Public LibraryBrookings, SD Elvita A. Landau$500

Brooks Memorial LibraryBrattleboro. VT Meris Elaine Morrison$500

Broomfield-M.D. Eisenhower Public LibraryBroomfield, CO Margaret A. Cora/$500

Broward County Main LibraryFort Lauderdale, FL Ara R. Goldman$500

BTOWL County LibraryGreen Bay, WI Patricia E. Riley$500

Buchanan Public LibraryBuchanan, MI Nancy Hohnes$500

Bucyrus Public LibraryBucyrus OH Marilyn I Roe$500

Buffalo and .rie County Public LibraryBuffalo, NY Ruth J. II Net$500

Burlingame Public Library.Burlingame, CA Michael L Hubbell$500

Burlington Public LibraryBurlington, CO Virginia C Hallagm$500

Burlington Public LibraryBurlington, WI Stephen Lewis Prows$500

Charles City-New Kent Foundation, Inc.-HeritageLibraryProvidence Forge, VA Mary T Carswell$500

Ca' dl County Public Library1. ntington, WV Matthes If Onion$530

Caldwell Public LibraryCaldwell. ID Elaine C. ,..eppert$500

Campbell County Public LibraryGillette, WY corthia I Trop /e$500

Canby Public LibraryCanby, OR Beth M. Said$500


Canon City Public LibraryCanon City, CO Margaret .1. Coral$500

Carbon County Foundation Fund (Library)Rawlins. WY Gertrude Herold$500

Carbondale Public LibraryCarbondale. IL Allan R. Ca,nbell$500

Carlsbad Public LibraryCarlsbad, NM George E. Itithster$500

Carmel-Clay Public Library.Carmel, IN Evelyn L Simpson$500

Carnegie Public LibraryClarksdale, MS Sid F Graves$500

Carnegie-Stout Public Libiary.Dubuque. IA Macre K. Clark$500

Carroll County Public LibraryHillsville, VA Laura A. Bryant$500

Carthage Public LibraryCarthage. MO John D Martin$500

Cary Public LibraryCary IL Virginia Reitano$500

Cedar City Public LibraryCedar City, UT Cherie Shumate$500

Centralia Public LibraryCentralia, IL Miles A. Fletcher$500

Champaign Public Library and Information CenterChampagn. IL Judith :1 Christensen$500

Chardon Li, ..ary.Charlon, 014 Timothy D Kavvinger$500

Charles City Public LibiaryCharles City, IA Char /es E. Stark$500

Charleston County LibiaryCharleston, SC Thomas A. Raines5'500

Charlestown-Clark County LibraryCharlestown, IN Susan P Bennett$500

Chattanooga-Hamilton County Bicentennial LibraryChattanooga, TN Jane E. Mckdand$500

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Chelsea Public LibraryChelsea, MA Nicholas I Minadakis$500

Cherokee County Public LibraryGaffney, SC David E. Eden$500

Chestatee Regional LibraryGainesville, GA Diane A. Bronson$500

Chester County LibraryChester, SC Elizabeth A. Ramsey$500

Chesterfield County Public LibraryChesterfield, VA Mabel H. Holt$500

Chester land LibraryChester land, OH Timothy D. Kassinger$500

Chicago Heights Free Public LibraryChicago Heights, IL Barb 6ta A. Paul$500

Chickasaw Library SystemArdmore, OK Susan F Gregory$500

Chillicothe and Ross County Public LibraryChillicothe, OH Paul D. Burnam$500

City of Gardendale LibraryGardendale, AL William A. Glenn$500

City of Longmont/Longmont Public LibraryLongmont, CO Kerstin M. Adams$500

City of Round Rock/Round Rock Public LibraryRound Rock, TX Dale L. Ricklefs$500

City of Virginia Beach Department of Public LibrariesVirginia Beach, VA Toni A. Lohman$500

Claiborne Parish LibraryHomer, LA Pamela D. Suggs$500

Clarksburg; Hs: -ison Public LibraryClarksburg, WV . kginia N Orvedahl$500

Clay Township LibraryAlgonac, MI Lucile M. Hemenger$500

Claysburg Area Public LibraryClaysburg, PA Carolyn M. Direly$500

Clear Creek County Lit rary DistrictGeorgetown, CO Margaret A. awl$500

Cleveland County Memorial LibraryShelby, NC Carol H. Wilson&500

Clinton Community I iterary Association, Inc.Clinton Corners, NY William P Mc Dermott$500

Coffee County-Manchester Public LibraryManchester, TN Sherryl E. Markum$500

Coffeeville Public LibraryCoffeeville, MS Patty M Bailey$500

Colonial Heights Public LibraryColonial Heights, VA Bruce N Hansen$500

Columbus Public LibraryColumbus, NE Robert C. Trautwein$500

Conant Free Public LibraryWinchester, NH Edith W Atkins$500

Conant Public LibrarySterling, MA Barbara M Cornell$500

Concord Pike LibraryWilmington, DE H. Mark Titus$500

Concord Public LibraryConcord, NH John F Courtney$500

Conejos County LibraryLa Jara, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Cook Memorial LibraryLibertyville, IL Eileen C Kloberdanz$500

Cooper Memorial LibraryClermont, FL Bonnie L. Homan$500

Cos Bay public LibraryCoos Bay, OR Carol L Ventgen$.500

Corning Public LibraryCorning, IA kcardo H Sauro$500

Cortland Free LibraryCortland, NY Mrren S. Eddy$500

Costilla County Public LibrarySan Luis, CO Margaret A Coral$500

Cotopaxi School-Community LibraryCotopaxi, CO Margaret A. Coval$500





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Coyle Free LibraryChambersburg, PA Merrilynn W Kessler$500

Craft Memorial LibraryBluefield, WV Luella Dye$500

Craig-Moffat County LibraryCraig, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Craighead County-Jonesboro Public LibraryJonesboro, AR Phyllis Burken$500

Cranston Public LibraryCranston, RI James T Giles$500

Croton Free LibraryCroton-on-Hudson, NY 'Vary C Donnery$500

Cumberland County Public Library and InformationCenterFayetteville, NC Jerry .4. Thrasher$500

Custer County Public LibraryWestcliffe, CO Margaret 21. Coral$500

Dalton Community LibraryDalton, PA Scott E. Thomas0,5f

Dalton Regional LibraryDalton, GA E. Eugenia (lavender$500

Dane County Library ServiceMadison, WI Julie Anne Chase$500

Danville Public LibraryDanville, KY Karl A. Benson$500

Danville Public LibraryDanville, VA Elaine D. Johnson$500

Danville Public LibraryDanville, IL Barbara J. Nolan$500

Darien Public Library DistrictDowners Grove, IL Elizabeth Lundy$500

Darrel Kreighbaum Memorial LibraryPert Orange, FL Jane C IWinuer$500

Dauphin County Library SystemHarrisburg, PA Christina Liggin-Eicholt.$500

Davenport Public LibraryDave.port, IA Rochelle Murray$500


De Kalb Public Library System/Maud M. BurrusLibraryDecatur, GA Virginia J. Engelland$500

Decatur Pu.,lic LibraryDecatur, IL James C Seidl$500

Deerfield Public LibraryDeer field. WI Julie Anne Chase$500

Delta City LibraryDelta, UT Norma K. Farnsworth$500

Delta County Public LibraryDelta, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Deming Public LibraryDeming. NM illargaret Burr$500

Derby Public LibraryDerby, CT Sarah J. Buckingham$500

Destin Library, Inc.Destin, FL Margaret H. Horne$500

Detroit Public LibraryDetroit, MI Doris Detwiler$500

Dickinson County LibraryIron Mountain, MI Andrew J Barnett$500

Dickinson Public LibraryDickinson, ND Cheryl R Gyllen$500

District of Columbia Public LibraryWashington, DC Helen J. Bergan$500

Dixon Public LibraryDixon, IL Nancy AL Gillfrllan$500

Dodge City Public LibraryDodge City, KS R. Joan Byrne$500

Dolores County Public LibraryDove Creek, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Dolores Public LibraryDolores. CO M.irgarel 11. Coral$500

Door County LibrarySturgeon Bay, WI Jame P Smina$500

Douglas County Public LibraryMinden, NV Yvonne M. Saddler$500

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Dover Public LibraryDover, DE Paula J. Miller$500

Dover Town LibraryDover, MA Jean M. Maloney$500

Dows Community LibraryDows, IA Iris C Eriksen$500

Driftwood Library of Lincoln CityLincoln City, OR Patricia G. Heringer$500

Dublin Public LibraryDublin, IN Celesta A. Dudley$500

Dunbar Public LibraryDunbar, WV Stephen J Crowley$500

Durango Public LibraryDurango, CO Daniel R Brassell$500

Durham Public LibraryDurham, CT Elaine V Yakey$500

Duxbury Free LibraryDuxbury, MA Janice E. Neubauer$500

Dwight D. Eisenhower LibraryTotowa Borough, NJ Joan A. Krautheim$500

E.G. Fisher Public LibraryAthens, TN Beth A. Mercer$500

East Bonner County LibrarySandpoint, ID Karen Rae St!ege$500

East Bridgewater Public LibraryEast Bridgewater, MA Kaikv E. Bullard$500

East Carroll Parish LibraryLake Providence, LA Marion K. Bryant$500

Last Central Regional LibraryCambridge, MN David L. Polodna$500

East Chicago Public LibraryEast Chicago, IN Eugene T Fischer$500

East Granby Public LibraryEast Granby, CT Linda [4: Veirs$500

East Routt County LibrarySteamboat Springs., CO Margaret A. Oval$500

Eaton Rapids Public LibraryEaton Rapids, MI June A. James$500

Ector County LibraryOdessa, TX Barbara R. Horton$500

Eden Public LibraryEden, NC Joyce L. Mitchell$500

Edgefield County LibraryAiken, SC Carol L. Bowling$500

Elbert County LibraryKiowa, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Eldorado Memorial LibraryEldorado, IL Brenda K. Funkhouser$500

Elizabeth Jones LibraryGrenada, MS M ryhardy B. McElwain$500

Elk Valley Public LibraryCharleston, WV Linda I Hill$500

Elkin Public LibraryElkin, NC Patricia S. Bryan$500

Elko County LibraryElko, NV Gary B. Arent$500

Emma S. Clark Memorial LibrarySetauket, NY Jeannine S. Cook$500

Enid M. Baa Library and ArchivesSt. Thomas, VI Jeannette B Allis$500

En low Public LibraryWest Branch, IA Kevin J. Boat right$500

Enoch Pratt Free Library/Hamilton BranchBaltimore, MD Harry H. Boublit:$500

Ephraim City LibraryEphraim, UT Eda PV Cherry$500

Ephrata Public LibraryEphrata, PA Kathleen M. Arnold$500

Escondido Public LibraryEscondido, CA Gene Dixon$500

Euclid Public LibraryEuclid, OH William I Tomko$500

r .




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In 1987, with support

from the HionanLiesProjects in LibrariesProgram, the NewEngland Foundationfor the Humanitiespresented "The OtherReston Tea Party" adremadiscussionprogram that was partof thefoundationscelebration of "TheConstitution at 200"Here Sam and BetsyAdams discuss thenew Constitution.




Eureka Public LibraryEureka, IL Ruth C Roth$500

E:stis Memorial LibraryEustis. FL Mary W McMahon$500

Fairbanks North Star Borough Public LibraryFairbanks, AK Any L. Waite$500

Fairfield County District LibraryLancaster. OH George M. Nc xlham$500

Fairfield County LibraryWinnsboro, SC Sarah D. McMaster$500

Fairview Heights Public LibraryFairview Heights, IL Deborah M Owen$500

Farmington Community LibraryFarmington Hills, MI Gerald M. Furl$500

Farmington LibraryFarmington, CT Betty S$500

Fauquier County Public LibraryWarrenton, VA Susan P Root$500

Fayetteville Public LibraryFayetteville, AR Eugenia T Donovan$500


Ferguson LibraryStamford, CT Nella Crugnola$500

Fillmore City LibraryFillmore, UT Gwen S. Hunter$500

Findlay-Hancock County Public LibraryFindlay. OH Mary L. Morrison$500

First Regional Li'oraryHernando. MS Marga t N Rogers$500

Flagler Community LibraryFlagler, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Flathead County LibraryKalispell, MT N K. Forden$500

Fleming Public LibraryFleming, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Flint Public LibraryFlint, MI Roberta A. Schaafsma$500

Flint River Regional LibraryGriffin, GA Philip M. Cheney$500

Floral Park Public LibraryFloral Park, NY Mary E. Donor$500

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Florence Public LibraryFlorence, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Florence Williams Public LibrarySt. Croix, VI Wallace D. Williams$500

Forest Park Public LibraryForest Park, IL John E. Sayers$500

Fort Lupton School-Public LibraryFort Lupton, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Fort Morgan Public LibraryFort Morgan, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Fort Smith Public LibraryFort Smith, AR William L. Larson$500

Fowler Public LibraryFowler, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Frank Carlson LibraryConcordia, KS Denise de Rockfini-Reynold$500

Frank L. Weyenberg LibraryMequon, WI Gail I. Skiff$500

Franklin Parish LibraryWinnsboro, LA Betty B. Jackson$500

Franklin Public LibraryFranklin, MA Mary L. Chute$500

Fraser Public LibraryFraser, MI Barbara L. Myers$500

Frederic C. Adams Public LibraryKingston, MA Joseph D. Oliansky$500

Free Public LibraryCouncil Bluffs, IA Mildred K. Smock$500

Fremont County Library/Riverton BranchLander, WY Andy I. De:ring$500

Fremont Public Library DistrictMundelein, IL June M. Peterson$500

Fresno County Public LibraryFresno. CA Carol S. Wilson$500

Friends Free LibraryPhiladelphia, PA Helen M. Eigabroath$500

Friends of Washoe County LibraryReno, NV Martha B. Gould$500

Friends of the Del Mar LibraryDel Mar, CA Patricia A. Freeman$500

Friends of the Leelanau Township LibraryNorthport, MI Vida Jane Kohl$500

Gadsden Public LibraryGadsden, AL Bobby M. Junkins$500

Garden City Public LibraryGarden City, MI Sofia Eloff$500

Garden City Public LibraryGarden City, NY Alan G. Roeckel$500

Garfield County Public LibraryNew Castle, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Glen Rock Public LibraryGlen Rock, NJ Gerald I Fadlalla$500

Glennville Public LibraryGlennville, GA Patricia T Gore$500

Glenview Public LibraryGlenview, IL Karlo::a M. Al-idiots$500

Gloversville Free LibraryGloversville, NY Ann M. Siren$500

Goffstown Public LibraryGoffstown, NH Janet E. Bartels$500

Goodland Public LibraryGoodland, KS Janet B. Lihrren$500

Grace A. Dow Memorial LibraryMidland, MI Gayle K. Burkhart$500

Grace Balloch Memorial LibrarySpearfish, SD R. Elaine Perry$500

Grafton Public LibraryGrafton, MA Mary Betsy E. Ferris$500

Granby Public LibraryGranby, CT Joan M Fox$500

Grand County LibraryGranby, CO Margaret A. Coral$500





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Grand Forks Public LibraryGrand Forks. ND Dennis N Page$500

Grand Rapids Public LibraryGrand Rapids, MI Robert Raz$500

Grandview Heights Public LibraryColumbus, OH Carol E. Pdz$500

Graves Public LibraryMendota. IL Susan A. Ginocchio$500

Green Bank Public LibraryGreen Bank, WV Rose E. Bower$500

Green Free LibraryWellsboro, PA Dainty J. Trindell$500

Green Tree Public LibraryPittsburgh, PA Sue I! Giardina$500

Greendale Public LibraryGreendale, WI Gary Warren Niebuhr$500

Greenfield Public LibraryGreenfield. WI cirri Delke$500

Greenville Area Public LibraryGreenville, PA Joan F Evans$500

Greenville County LibraryGreenville, SC Joan A. So.-env:al$500

Greenville Public LibraryGreenville. IL Thomas J Shea$500

Greenwich LibraryGreenwich. CT Nolan Lushiqgton$500

Gregory Public LibraryGregory. SD Janice A. Tilton$500

Grundy County-Jewett Norris LibraryTrenton, MO Catheryn V. Higdon$500

Guilderland Free LibraryAlbany, NY Carol I Hamblin$500

Guilford Free LibraryGuilford, CT Jean D Baldwin$500

Haddon Heights Public LibraryHaddon Heights, NJ Robert I Hunter$500 78

Hall Memorial LibraryEllington, CT Laurel S. Best$500

Hallandale LibraryHallandale. FL Sidney G. Rachlin$500

Hamden LibraryHamden, CT Robert Gualtieri$500

Hamilton LibraryHamilton, MT Lawrence D. Johnson$500

Hamilton Township Public LibraryTrenton. NJ Mary Louise Meyer$500

Hammond Public LibraryHammond, IN Arthur S. Moms$500

Hanover Public LibraryHanover, PA Priscilla Greco AidiTren$500

Hanson Public LibraryHanson. MA Barbara J Pot.said$500

Hardee County Public LibraryWauchula. FL Erwin E. Mapp$500

Harford County LibraryBel Air. MD Barbara Al. Streit?$500

Harrington Public LibraryHarrington. WA Frieda E. Graham$500

Harrison Regional LibraryColumbiana, AL Susan C. Wrobel$500

Hart County LibraryHartwell. GA Arthur J. Bisso$500

Harvard Public LibraryHarvard. MA Lisa D Dagdigian$500

Hastings Public LibraryHastings, MI Barbara B. Sihondelmayer$500

Hastings Public LibiHastings, NE Dee R. Yost$500

Hatch Public LibraryHatch, NM Frances R. Jordan$500

Haverford Township Free LibraryHavertown, PA Sue A. Vision:3500

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Hawaii Regional LibraryHilo, HI Maxine K. Nekoba$500

Hayner Public Library DistrictAlton, IL Lin lit/;n$500

Haysville Community LibraryHaysville, KS Betty .1 Caurell$500

Hazleton Area Public LibraryHazleton, PA James C Reinmiller$500

Helen Matthes LibraryEffingham. IL Normalie Strickland$500

Herrick Public LibraryHolland, Ml Robert L. Sherwood$500

Hershey Public LibraryHershey, PA Phillip T Hearne$500

Highland County Public LibraryMonterey, VA Margaret T Bird$500

Hinsdale County-Lake City LibraryLake City, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Hinsdale Public LibraryHinsdale. IL Cary J. Czarnecki$500

Hoisington City LibraryHoisington, KS Dorothy F Jonas$500

Holbrook Public LibraryHolbrook, MA Janet 11. Meagher$500

Holly Public LibraryHolly, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Holyoke Public LibraryHolyoke, MA Mary E. Kates$500

Holyoke-Heginbotham LibraryHolyoke, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Hook!' at Public LibraryHooksett, NH Frances E. Hebert$500

Hopkins County-Madisonville Public LibraryMadisonville, KY Jean Cavanah$500

Horry Count.; Memorial LibraryConway, SC Catherine H. Lewis$500

Houghton Lake Public LibraryHoughton Lake. MI Rex F Miller$500

Houston County Public LibraryPerry, GA Judith Ann Golden$500

Houston Memorial Public LibraryAthens, AL Afartina N Nelson$500

Houston Public Library/Heights BranchHouston. TX Olivia L. Bravo$500

Houston-Love Memorial LibraryDothan. AL Beare L. Forbes$500

Huerfano County Public LibraryWalsenburg, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Humboldt County LibraryWinnemucca, NV Shanm Allen$500

Huntingdon County LibraryHuntingdon, PA Laurie F 73nan$500

HutcUinson Public LibraryHutchinson. KS Marilyn Dean Mitchell$500

Iberia Parish LibraryNew Iberia. LA Susan F Hester Edmunds$500

Idaho Falls Public LibraryIdaho Falls. ID Paul E. Holland$500

Inter-American University of Puerto RicoHato Rey, PR Maria Elena Arguello de Cardona$500

Itasca Community LibraryItasca, IL Patricia M. Hogan$500

Jack McConnico Memorial LibrarySelmer. TN Hazel A. Steadman$500

Jackson City LibraryJackson, OH Pamala Q Rodgers$500

Jackson County Library S:.--temJackson, MN Chery/..I. GO;$500

Jackeo^ aunty LibraryRipley, . v Edwin I). Rauh$500

Jackson County Public LibraryMarianna, FL Sandra H. Breivogel$500 -





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Jackson-George Regional Library SystemPascagoula, MS William D. Majure$500

Jackson-Madison County LibraryJackson, TN Thomas L. Aud$500

Jacksonville Public LibraryJacksonville, IL Frances L. Iibodrum$500

Jacksonville Public LibrariesJacksonville, FL Judith L. Williams$500

James V. Brown LibraryWilliamsport, PA Janice L. Trapp$500

Jamestown Philomenian LibrikryJamestown, RI Judith IL Bell$500

Jeffersonville Township Public LibraryJeffersonville, N Bill Rohe$500

John G. McCullough Free Library; Inc.Bennington, VT Dorothy G. End$500

Johnsburg District LibraryMcHenry. IL Randy L. Bellinger$500

Joliet public LibraryJoliet, IL John P Gallagher$500

Jonathan Trumbull LibraryLebanon. CT N Alicia iiitylatul$500

Jones County Public LibraryGray, GA Willard L. Rocker$500

Julia E. Hull Public LibraryStillman Valley, IL Mary L. Johnson$500

Juneau Public LibrariesJuneau. AK Carol R. McCabe$500

Kahului Public LibraryKahului, HI Joyce Hui Zwalenburg$500

Kailua-Kona LibraryKailua-Kona. HI Patricia J. Parkes$500

Kawha County Public Library/St. AlbansCharleston, WV Pegg), Palmer$500

Kanawha County Public LibraryCharleston, WV Sara Sue Wright$500 80

Katonah Village LibraryKatonah, NY Jewell S. Stuckert$500

Kaysville City LibraryKaysville. UT Joan M. Christiansen$500

Kearney Public Library and Information CenterKearney, NE Ronald I! Norman$500

Keene Public LibraryKeene, NH Jane R. Perhingher$500

Kent County Library System/Byron Township LibraryByron Center, MI linlita K. Enneper$500

Kent Free LibraryKent. OH Carmen Z. Celigoj$500

Kenton County Public LibraryCovington, KY rihyne Onkst$500

Kershaw County LibraryCamden, SC Joittni Al. Olson$500

Kewaunee Public LibraryKewaunee. WI Susan K. Grosshuesch$500

Kilbourn Public LibraryWisconsin Dells. WI Janis D Berg$500

Kingman-Carnegie LibraryKingman. KS Carol L. Grimes$500

Kingwood Public LibraryKingwood. WV Joel W Beane$500

Kiowa County Public LibraryEads. CO Margare t A. Coral$500

Kitsap Regional LibraryBremerton, WA Jeanne C Blair$500

Klamath County LibraryKlamath Falls, OR Ann S. du Pont$500

Knox County Public Library System/LawsonMcGhee LibraryKnoxville, TN Nancy 11. Petersen$500

La Grande Public LibraryLa 6rande. OR Barbara J. Elam$500

La Grange Public LibraryLa Grange, IL Susan J. Jacobs$500

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La Junta-Woodruff Memorial LibraryLa Junta, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

La Porte County Public LibraryLa Porte, IN Mary G Hedge$500

La Veta Public Library DistrictLa Veta, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

LaGrange Association Librut-1.2Grangeville, NY Susan E. Blackshear$500

Lafayette Public LibraryLafayette, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Lake Blackshear Regional Library/Doo ly CountyLibraryVienna, GA Leonora K. McNeel$500

Lee Blackshear Regional LibraryAmericus, GA .'.ne B. Hendrix$500

Lake County Public LibraryMerrillville, IN Carol A. Derner$500

Lake Villa District LibraryLake Villa, IL Mary Jane Kepner$500

Lake Wales Public LibraryLake Wales, FL Tina M. Peak$500

Lake Worth Public LibraryLake Worth, FL Denise M. Wain$500

Lamar Public LibraryLamar, CO James II. Burnett$500

Lancaster County LibraryLancaster, SC Richard A. Band$500

Lancaster County LibraryLancaster, PA Melanie E. Moyer$50G

Lansing Public LibraryLansing, MI Joyce IL Thomas$500

Lapeer County LibraryLapeer, MI Phyllis Clark$500

Laramie County Library SystemCheyenne, WY Eduard II! Byers$500

*Emergency grant.

Las Animas Library'Las Animas, COMargaret A. Coral$500

Las Vegas-Clark County Library DistrictLas Vegas, NV Toby I! Sulenski$500

Laurens County LibraryDublin. GA Elimbeth D Moore$500

Lauri Ann West Memorial LibraryPittsburgh. PA Rama K. Rao$500

Leavenworth Public LibraryLeavenworth, KS Iiinifred A. Lichtentather$500"

Lebanon Public LibraryLebanon, IL Mortimer E Bennet$500

Lee County LibraryTupelo, MS Betty R. Kemp$500

Leeds Public LibraryLeeds, AL Martha Rogers$500

Lemont Public Library DistrictLemont, IL Susan R. Beach$500

Leominster Public LibraryLeominster, MA Merafith A. /ey$500

Leon County Public LibraryTallahassee. FL Kathleen A. Mawr$500

Leon Valley Northwest Community LibrarySan Antonio. TX Joyce AL Toll$500

Lewis and Clark LibraryHelena, MT James J. Heckel$500

Lewiston Public LibraryLewiston, NY Janet M. Dom:ella$500

Lexington County LibraryBatesburg, SC Jane D Griffin$500

Lexington Public LibraryLexington, KY Donald J. Schabel$500

Lihue Regional LibraryLihuc, HI Donna M. Garcia$500

Limon Memorial Public LibraryLimon, CO Magard A. Coral$500





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Lincoln City Libraries/Bennett MartinPublic LibraryLincoln. NE Laura H. iii,ymouth$500

Lincoln County BookmobileLimon, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Lincoln LibrarySpringfield. IL Nang. Huntley$500

Lincoln Public LibraryLincoln. IL Christine 411. Gilson$500

Lincoln Public LibraryLincoln. MA Kathy Glick-Mil$500

Lincolnwood Public Library DistrictLincolnwood. IL Beverly i1' Moon$500

Little Rock Township Public LibraryPlano. IL Karen K. Moen$500

Logan LibraryLogan. UT Ronald K Jenkins$500

Longview Public LibraryLongview. WA Susan K. faryhall$500

Louis B. Goodall Memorial LibrarySanford. ME Barbara I Smith$500

Louisville Free Public LibraryLouisville. KY Charles L. Brown$500

Louisville Public LibraryLouisville. OH Norman 1' it?te/$500

Lowland Public LibraryLoveland. CO Linda layeniuy$500

Lower Arkansas Valley Public LibraryLas Animas. CO A/arm/11 .4. Coral$500

Lower Merion Library AssociationArdmore. PA Patricia M. Ryan$500

Ludington Public LibraryBryn Mawr. PA Robert L.$500

Lynn Public LibraryLynn. MA Barbara J. Schaller$500

Lyons Depot LibraryLyons, CO Margaret A. Coral$500


Macomb County LibraryMount Clemens. MI Barbara Lee Buckingham$500

Madison County-Canton Public LibraryCanton. MS Beverly Z. Herring$500

Madison Public LibraryMadison. WI Natalie A. Mikhail,$500

Madison-Jefferson County Public LibraryMadison. IN Dennis Lee Babbitt$500

Magness LibraryMcMinnville. TN Cheryl la Priest$500

Mahopac LibraryMahopac. NY Maria Brech$500

Manatee County Public Library SystemBradenton. FL Philip A. Place$500

Manchester City LibraryManchester. NH Kendall E itL in:t500

'twos VoSlic Libraryancos. CO ,:1marer .4. (inzd


Manitou Springs Public LibraryManitou Springs. CO fargaret A. Onl$500

Mansfield LibraryMansfield Center. CT Ritaniarie C Brasityll$503

Manzanola Public-School LibraryManzanola. CO Afargarei Coal$500

Margaret Jones Public LibrarySylvester. GA Erne.si C Harris. Jr$500

Marinette County Consolidated Public LibraryMarinette. WI Rita A. Mangan$500

Marlboro Free LibraryMarlboro. NY .th.:abeill S. Manhot$500

Marple Public LibraryBroomall. PA hawk] N Bohr$500

Marshalltown Public LibraryMarshalltown. IA Mary A. Quani$500

Marshallville Public LibraryMarshallville. GA it illard L. Rocker$500

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Marshfield Public LibraryMarshfield, WI Phyllis M. Schneider$500

Martin Memorial LibraryYork, PA Al a, R. Devers$500

Martins Ferry Public LibraryMartins Ferry, OH John W P. Storck$500

Mary Vinson Memorial LibraryMilledgeville, GA Willard L. Rocker$500

Mascoutah Public LibraryMascoutah, IL Joan M. Crabb$500

Mason City Public LibraryMason City, IL Gisa E. Power$500

McIver's Grant Public LibraryDyersburg, TN Sharon .1 Simpson$500

Meeker Regional LibraryMeeker, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Memorial Library of Radnor TownshipWayne, PA Marilyn Callahan°$500

Memphis and Shelby County Public LibraryMemphis, TN James R. Johnson$500

Mercedes Memorial LibraryMercedes, TX Maria Elena Reyna$500

Messenger Public LibraryNorth Aurora, IL Carl J. Caruso$500

Metropolitan Library SystemOklahoma City. OK Debra 1 Moore$500

Mexico-Audrain County Public LibraryMexico, MO (instal L. Bruner$500

Miami-Dade Public Library System/South DadeRegional LibraryMiami, FL Catherine 1 C ulume$500

Miami-Dade Public Library SystemMiami, FL Alice Dupuis$.100

Michigan City Public LibraryMichigan City, IN Charles D. Dc' Yonag$500

Middleton Public LibraryMiddleton, WI Julie Anne Chase$500

Midland County Public LibraryMidland, TX John W Deals$500

Midland Park Memorial LibraryMidland Park. NJ Evelyn Sehr$400

Milford Town LibraryMilford, MA Margaret A. Rossetti$500

Millerton Free Library AssociationMillerton, NY Bernice Olt$500

Millicent LibraryFairhaven. MA Carolyn H. Longtivrth$500

Millington Public LibraryMillington. TN Beverly C. Earls$500

Millington Township LibraryMillington. MI Mildred E. Nagle$500

Milwaukee Public LibraryMilwaukee, WI Donal '1 Sager$500

Mineral County Regional Library/Creede HighSchool LibraryCreede, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Minneapolis Public LibraryMinneapolis, MN W Joseph Kimbrough$500

Minot Public LibraryMinot, ND Hiwary E. Davis$500

Mishawaka-Penn Public LibraryMishawaka, IN David J. Eisen$500

Missoula Public LibraryMissoula, MT Donald E. Spitzer$500

Mono County Free Library /Bridgeport BranchBridgeport, CA Arlene II. Reveal$500

Mono County Free Library/June Lake BranchJune Lake, CA Arlene II Reveal$500

Mono County Free Library/Mammoth BranchColeville, CA rient II. Reveal$500

Monn,..1,7ounty Public LibrarySty:AM-.11-g, PA Michelle 7hrbak$560

Monte Vista-Carnegie Public LibraryMonte Vista, CO Margaret A. Oval$500





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Montrose Library DistrictMontrose, CO Margaret A. Cowl$500

Morgan County Public LibraryBerkeley Springs, WV Karen Ann Ebert$500

Morrisson-Reeves LibraryRichmond, IN Marilyn M. Nobbe$500

Mount Dora Public LibraryMount Dora, FL Dorothy A. Beard$500

Mount Horeb Public LibraryMount Horeb, WI Julie Anne Chase$500

Muhlenberg County Public LibrariesGreenville, KY Anniesse Williams$500

Multnomah County LibraryPortland, OR Margaret Eise Bann$500

Muncie Public LibraryMuncie. IN Patricia C. Schaefer$500

Nahant Public LibraryNahant, MA Douglas Shelton asney$500

Nancy Guinn Memorial LibraryConyers. GA Deboroh S Mango$500

Napa City-County LibraryNapa, CA Thomas C. Trice$500

Negaunee Public LibraryNegaunee. MI Katherine A. Tliurner$500

Nelson County Public LibraryBardstown, KY Celia II. Keeling$500

Nephi City Public LibraryNephi, UT J. Randy McKnight$500

Neshoba County Public LibraryPhiladelphia. MS Courtney R. Tannehill$500

New Canaan LibraryNew Canaan. CT Geolirq Zaino$500

New Castle Public LibraryNew Castle. DE Sarah C Brown$500

New Hanover County Public LibraryWilmington, NC David Ml. Paynter$500


New Haven Public LibraryNew Haven, CT Cathleen N DeNigris$500

New Rochelle Public LibraryNew Rochelle, NY Frederick S. Giordano$500

Newark Free LibraryNewark, DE Yvonne L. Puji7$500

Newberry-Saluda Regional LibraryNewberry, SC 'Bicker N Taylor$500

Newport Beach Public LibraryNewport Beach. CA Helen Spencer$500

Newport Public LibraryNewport. RI Anne B. Toll$500

Newton Free LibraryNewton. MA Virginia A. Tashjian$500

Newtown Public LibraryNewtown Square, PA Madaleen I Ellis$500

Niceville Public LibraryNiceville, FL Sheila K. Bishop$500

Nicholson Memorial LibraryGarland. TX Kathryn S. Connell$500

Niles Community LibraryNiles. MI Anne Frese$500

Nippersink Public Library DistrictRichmond. IL Kathryn J Hausman$500

Noblesville-Southeastern Public LibraryNoblesville. IN David L Cooper$500

Norfolk Public LibraryNorfolk. VA Jerry L. Drye$500

Norfolk Public LibraryNorfolk, MA Jeanne D. Hill$300

Norman Public LibraryNorman. OK Debra IL Engel$500

North Chaffee County Library District/Buena VistalibraryBuena Vista. CO Margaret A Coval$500

North Las Vegas Public LibraryNorth Las Vegas. NV Thornasine Carson$500

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North Miami Beach LibraryNorth Miami Beach, FL Marjorie kley$500

North Miami Public LibraryNorth Miami, FL Ilene H. Zaleski$500

North Olympic i,ibraryPort Angeles, WA Jo Davies$500

North "latte Public LibraryNorth Platte, NE Wilma L. McFarland$500

North Shore LibraryGlendale, WI Katie G. Schulz$500

North Stafford Branch LibraryFredericksburg, VA Alison D. Heart tell$500

North Suburban District LibraryLoves Park, iL Joan Kapstein$500

Northborough Free LibraryNorthborough, MA Jean M. Latigki$500

Northland Public LibraryPittsburgh. PA Marion S. Plank$500

Northumberland Public LibraryGroveton, NH Yvette M. Niger$500

Northville Public LibraryNorthville, MI Patricia L. Orr$500

Norwell Public LibraryNorwell, MA Diane G. Kadanoff$500

Norwood Public LibraryNorwood, NJ Eleanor U Rinshaw$500

Nutley Public LibraryNutley, NJ Susan W Persak$500

Nutter Fort Public LibraryNutter Fort. WV Judy C Beanblossom$500

Oak Lawn Public LibraryOak Lawn, IL John A. Moorman$500

Oak Park Public LibraryOak Park, IL Barbara Ballinger$500

Oakland County Library/Adams-Pratt Law LibraryPontiac, MI Richard L. Beer$500

Oakland Park LibraryOakland Park, FL Alicia C '4.11*$500

Oakland Public LibraryOakIn.nd, CA Kathryn Pc e$500

Ocean Park AssociationOcean Park, ME Richard F Burns$500

Oceanside Public LibraryOceanside, CA rielen M. Nelson$500

Oconee County Public LibraryWatkinsville. GA Kathryn S Ames$500

Odell Public LibraryMorrison, IL Deborah A. Diller$500

Ogdensburg Public LibraryOgdensburg. NY David A. Fran:$500

Ohoopee Regional LibraryVidalia. GA Barbara E Eidson$500

Oliver Wolcott Libr ?ryLitchfield, CT Dom* F Adamson$500

Olney-Carnegie Public LibraryOlney. IL Ruth A Childers$500

Old Bridge Public LibraryOld Bridge. NJ Lynn Rodec$500

Onondaga County Public LibrarySyracuse. NY Robert E. Brown$500

Onondaga Free LibrarySyracuse. NY Susanne M. Dorn$500

Orange Public LibraryOrange. NJ Marvin H Scilken$500

Orangeburg LibraryOrangeburg, NY Isador Schlachter$500

Ordway Public LibraryOrdway, CO Margaret /1 Oval$500

Oregon State LibrarySalem, OR Marge T Wright$500

Orion Township Public LibraryLake Orion, MI Anna C Vidal$500





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Orland Park Public LibraryOrland Park, IL Ruth M. Kramer$500

Pelham Public ! ibraryPelham. AL Barbara R. Roberts$500

Ortonville Public Library Pember LibraryOrtonville. MN Barbara E. Hauer Granville. 7 i7 hive Odtly$500 $500

Oskaloosa Public Library Pendleton LibraryOskaloosa. KS Paula J Hare Pendleton. OR Jean C Dar$500 $500

Ossining Public Library Penn Hills LibraryOssining. NY Dorothy J. Lander Pittsburgh. PA A. limnenbattm$500 $500

Ouray Public Library Pine Riser Public Library District/Bayfield LibraryOuray. CO Margaret .1. Coral Bayfield. CO Margaret A. Coral$500 $500

Palm Bay Public Library Piorcsland Library System/Hutchinson PublicPalm Bay. FL Karen R. Nelson Libra:v$500 Hutchit.soa. MN Mary L Henke

$500Palmer Public LibraryPalmer. AR Sally L. Gavin Pitkin County Library$500 Aspen. CO Margaret A. coral

$500Pamunkey Regional LibraryHanover. VA Patricia S. Fran: Plumas County Library$500 Quincy, CA Ross A: Olmsted

$500Parchment Community LibraryKalamazoo. Mi Susan J Akbnire Plymouth District Library$500 Plymouth. MI Patricia A Thomas

$500I ark Forest Public LibraryPark Forest. IL Neal J. Ney Ponca City Library$500 Ponu City. OK Sandi C Smith

$500Parmly Billings LibraryBillings. MT Linda AI. 11M-either Poplar Creek Public Librar' District$500 Streamwood. IL Garr Klockenga

$500Patten Free LibraryBath. ME Garr Berger Port Chester Public Library$500 Port Chester. NY Robin Lotiert

$500Paul Pratt Memorial LibraryCohasset. MA Richard E. Hayes Port Jefferson Free Library$500 Port Jefferson. NY George L [Uglier

$500Paw Paw Public LibraryPaw Paw. MI Itlildred IL Pritchard Portage County District Library/Streetsboro Branch$500 Streetsboro. OH Patrick E Fawn

$5e0Payson City LibraryPayson. UT Linda J Collard Portage aunty District Library/Aurora Branch$500 Aurora. OH Patrick E. Finan

$500Peabody Institute LibraryDanvers. MA Suzanne ,tfacLo)d Portage County District Library /Hiram Branch$500 Hiram. OH Patrick E man

$500Pekin Public LibraryPekin. IL Paula K. Iliiss Porter Memorial Library$500 Machias. ME Brenda E Layman

$500Pelham Free Public LibraryPelham. MA Suzanne E. Rohde Porter Memorial Library$500 Covington. GA Beverly G. Ilinnat.':



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Portland Public LibraryPortland, ME Patsy A. Muzzy$500

Portsmouth Free Public LibraryPortsmouth. [U Rosemary Finn?ran$500

Portsmouth Public LibraryPortsmouth. OH Charles T Cook$500

Prescott Public LibraryPrescott. AZ James R. Christopher$500

Prescott Valley Public LibraryPrescott Valley, AZ Charles L. voungman$500

Price City LibraryPrice, UT Marjorie T Solirr$500

rirovidence Public Library/RoclambeauProvidence. RI Jacquelyn B. TOY$500

Provo Publit. LibraryProvo, UT Laura Gliklley$500

Pubic Library of Anniston and Calhoun CountyAnn stop. AL Bonnie G Seymour$500

Public Library of Des MoinesDes Moines. IA Elaine G. Estes$500

Pueblo Library DistrictPueblo, CO Noreen 1. Rye$500

Pulaski County Public LibrarySomerset, KY Judith S Burdire$500

Rancho Cucamonga Branch LibraryRancho Cucamonga. CA Leonard A. Swanson$500

Rangely LibraryRangely. CO Margaret A. Cowl$500

Rantoul Public libraryRantoul, IL Susan S. Chou$500

Rapid City Public LibraryRapid City. SD Bruce G. Mehlhaff$500


Reddick LibraryOttawa, IL Allan Gibeckel$500

Reedsburg Public ibraryReedsburg, WI Jam Amerell tirtesacker$500

Richards Free LibraryNewport, NH Mary T Boatner$500

Richland County Public LibraryColumbia. SC Iklen Ann Rawlinson$500

Rieger Memorial LiitraryHaskell. OK Helen C Kirk$500

Ritter Memorial LibraryLunenburg, MA Elizabeth H. Bur imp$500

8 7

Arts of the Wei. a

mural by Thomas

Hart Benton, is one of

a series cf Benton

murals in the New

Britain Muzgum ofAmerican Art being

restored with the sup-

port of a 1987 grant

from the HumanitiesProjects in Museums

and Historical Organi-

zations Program.




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River Edge Public LibraryRiver Edge, NJ Florence Heckel$500

Robinson Township LibraryRobinson, IL Si lirley A. Hatfield$500

Rochester Hills Publiz LibraryRochester. MI Christine C. Hage$500

Rockland Memorial LibraryRockland, MA Janet G. Husband$500

Rockport-Ohio Township Public LibraryRockport, IN Bever& J. Symon$500

Rocky Ford Public LibraryRocky Ford, CO Margaret A. Cowl$500

Rogers-Hough Memorial LibraryRogers, AR Sally J. Kelley$500

Rolling Hills Consolidated LibrarySt. Joseph. MO Joyce A. Humel$500

Roseville Public LibraryRoseville. MI Rose M. Kollniorgen$500

Round Lake Area LibraryRound Lake, IL Barbara A. I'lannkuche$500

Ronan Public LibrarySalisbury. NC Jennifer K. Carpenter$500

Royal Oak Public LibraryRoyal Oak. MI Leonard Hammer$500

Russell LibraryMiddletown. CT Linda A Rusc:ek$500

Rutland Free LibraryRutland, VT Carolyn Crowley Meub$500

Saguache County Public LibrarySaguache. CO Margaret A Cowl$500

Salem Public LibrarySalem. OR Robert Miller$500

Salt Lake City Public Library/Chapman BranchSalt Lake City. UT Salh tl Petrick$500

Salt Lake City Public Library/Sprague BranchSalt Lake City, UT Sally M. Patrick$500

8 8

San Bernardino Public LibrarySan Bernardino. CA Marion E. Hasilakos$500

San Miguel County Public Library DistrictNorwood. CO Margaret A. Cowl$500

San Rafael Public LibrarySan Rafael. CA Gail E. Lockman$500

Santa Cruz City-County LibrarySanta Cruz, CA Anne M. Timer$500

Sarah Hightower Regional LibraryRome, GA Micky Sachs-Smith$500

Saugus Public LibrarySaugus, MA Douglas IV Rendell$500

Savanna Township Public LibrarySavanna, IL Karen D. Stott$500

Sawyer Free LibraryGloucester. MA Stillman P Hilton$500

Scarsdale Public LibraryScarsdale, NY Joyce N Nichols$500

Schenectady County Public LibraryScheneactly. NY Margaret D Leonhardt$500

Scott County Library SystemShakopee, MN Anna Mae Hhlsh$500

Scottsbluff Public LibraryScottsbluff, NE Shirley J. Flack$500

Scranton Public LibraryScranton, PA Lynne B. Brant$500

Screven-Jenkiv LibrarySvlvar' GA ROy E.C. Dar$500

Seattic Public LibrarySeattle. WA Ymin,$500

Secaucus Public LibrarySecaucus. NJ Margaret Gra:ioli$500

Security Public i ibrarySecurity, CO Margaret A. Cowl$500

Seekonk Public LibrarySeekonk, MA rathie A. Stubbs$500

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Semincie Public LibrarySeminole, OK Kathleen M. Ryan$500

Sewickley Public LibrarySewickley, PA Ruth M. Fondi$500

Shaler North Hills Libra,/Glenshaw PA Diane G. Yates$500

Silverton Public LibrarySilverton, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Skowhegan Public LibrarySkowhegan, ME Helen .1 Shaw$500

Snyd'r County LibrarySelinsgrove, PA Mary L. Klaue$500

Socorro Public LibrarySocorro, NM Sherry A. Krukowski$500

Soda Springs Public LibrarySoda Springs, ID Karen E Tat"$500

Solvay Public LibrarySolvay, NY Hans I Plambeck$500

Somers Public LibrarySomers, CT Marie E. Powers$500

Sonoma County LibrarySanta Rosa, CA David Sabsay$500

South Bend Public LibrarySouth Bend, IN John F Palmer$500

South Chaffee county Library District/SalidaLibrarySalida, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

South Country LibraryBellport. NY Patricia G. Campbell$500

South Haven Memorial LibrarySouth Haven, MI Martha A. Gray$500

South Park Township LibraryLibrary, PA Connie Salvayon$500

South Routt County Library DistrictToponos, CO Margaret A. Cowl$500

Southold Frea LibrarySouthold, NY Signe M. Youngberg$500

Spartanburg County Public LibrarySpartanburg, 3C Elizabeth P Cook$500

Spokane Public LibrarySpokane, WA Dennis C Fredrickson$500

Springdale Public LibrarjSpringdale, AR Johnese G. Petty$500

Springfield Township LibrarySpringfield, PA Lucinda J Taber$500

St. Charles Public Library DistrictSt. Charles, IL Laura M. Hattie$500

St. Joseph Public LibrarySt. Joseph, MO Dorothy S. Elliott$500

St. Martin Parish LibrarySt. Martinville, LA Doioth R Sell....$500

St. Mary's County Memorial LibraryLeonanatown, MD Mary R. nod$500

St. Paul Public LibrarySt. Paul, MN Sue A. Ellirgwood$500

Statesboro Regional LibraryStatesboro, GA Isabel L. Sorrier$500

Steele Memorial LibraryElmira, NY Carolyn D Bassard$500

Stephenson Memorial LibraryGreenfield, NH Jana G. Stow'$500

Sterling Public LibrarySterling. CO Margaret .1. Cowl$500

Stevens Public LibraryAshburnham, MA Cheryl A. Paul$500

Stickney-Forest View Library DistrictStickney, IL Paulette M. Goodman$500

Stillwater Public LibraryStillwater, OK John F .1ugelli$500

Stockton-San Joat, .n County Public LibraryStockton, CA Sharron D McRirland$500

Stonehan. Public LibraryStoneham, MA Hugh E. Williams, Jr$500





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Stoughton Public LibraryStoughton, WI Julie Anne Chase$500

Stratton Public LibraryStratton, CO Margaret A oval$500

Sturgis LibraryBarnstable, MA Susan R. Klein$500

Sturgis Pub 7 'brarySturgis, SD Arlan H. litipf$500

Suffolk Public LibrarySuffolk. VA ' e E. °swill$500

Summit County LibraryFrisco, CO Robert 14: Audretsch$500

Stonter County LibrarySumter, SC Faith A. Line$500

Superior-Carnegie Public LibrarySuperior, NE C Marie Marshall$500

Surrey Townshi; Public LibraryFarwell, MI Nona R Harmon$500

Swink Public LibrarySwink, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Tacoma Public LibraryTacoma, WA David Palmer$500

Talladega Public LibraryTalladega., AL Bernard L. Bray$500

Tazewell County Public Lib, iryTazewell, VA Laurie Surface$500

Tecumseh Public Lit , ryTecumseh. M! Marilyn I. Nordstrom$500

Terrebonne Parish LibraryHouma. LA fi :argaret M. Shaffer$500

Teton County LibraryJackson, WY Nancy E. Effinger$500

Thousand Oaks LibraryThousand Oaks. CA Kathleen A. Sullivan$500

Tilertc -I LibraryTiverton, RI Beverly E. Lambert$500


Toccoa-Stephens County Public LibraryToccoa, GA June C Mize$500

Tolleson Public LibraryTol!:;son. AZ Edward G. Ferrang$500

Topsham Public LibraryTopsham, ME Francis B Coro$500

Town of Cheshire/Cheshire Public LibraryCheshire, CT Ann S Hine$500

Townshend Public LibraryTownshend, VT David L. Howlett$500

Trails Regional LibraryWarrensburg, MO Susan P Boneu$500

Tri-Valley Community LibraryHealy, AK Betty D Cunningham$500

Trinidad-Carnegie Public LibraryTrinidad, CO Margaret A Coral$500

Tripp Memorial Public LibraryPrairie du Sac. WI Joann C Bacon$500

Troy Public LibraryTroy. MI Rutledg?$500

Troy Public LibraryTroy, AL Georgianna B Thomas$500

Tulare County LibraryVisalia, CA Brian G. Lewis$500

Tuscaloosa Public LibraryTuscaloosa. AL James E. Price$500

Twiggs County Public LibraryJecrcrsonville. GA if Vard L Rocker

1 Falls Public LibraryFall. ") Arlan M. Call


Unger Memorial LibraryPlainview, TX John J. Sigwald$500

Upper Dublin Public LibraryDresher. FA Ruth P itkearthy$500

Upper Saddle River Public LibraryUpper Saddle River, NJ Michael D .1,1cnie$500

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it Public Libraryvail. CO Charlyn Canada$500

Volley Cottage Free LibraryValley Cottage, NY Ellen F Simpson$500

Ventura County Library Service Agency/Moorpark LibraryVentura, CA Mary K. Crockford$500

Ventura County Library Service Agency/Port Hueneme LibraryVentura. CA Mary K. Lynch$500

Verona Public LibraryVerona. WI Julie Anne Chase$500

Vestavia Hills LibraryVestavia Hills, AL Grace E Reid$500

Veterans Memorial LibraryMt. Pleasant, MI Alice E. Jenicke$500

Volusia County Library CenterDaytona Beach. FL Hither P Jubmsky$500

Wadleigh Memorial LibraryMilford, NH Arthur L. Bryan$500

Walla Walla Public LibraryWalla Walla. WA Anne E. Haley$500

Wallace Public LibraryWallace, ID Jennifer L. Hull$500

Wallingford Public LibraryWallingford, CT Sican I Smarda$500

Walnut Cove Public LibraryWalnut Cove, NC Nora C Plarren$500

Waltham Public LibraryWaltham. MA Thomas N Jewell$500

Warren County-Vicksburg Public LibraryVicksburg. MS Pamela E Gee$500

Warrenville Public Library DistrictWarrenville. IL Patricia G. Stockner$500

Washington County LibraryLake Elmo, MN Barbara A. Byers$500

Washington County LibraryAbingdon, VA Brenda Jill Jesse$500

Washington County LibraryTennille. GA Elizabeth D. Moore$500

Washington County LibrarySt. George, UT Russell B. Shirts$500

Washington Memorial LibraryMacon. GA Willard L. Rocker$500

Waterloo Public LibraryWaterloo. IA M. Jane H. Martin$500

Waukegan Public LibraryWaukegan. IL Joan Wilts$500

Waukesha Public LibraryWaukesha, WI Rosalyn M. Mack$500

Waunakee Public LibraryWaunakee. WI Julie Anne Chase$500

Wauwatosa Public LibraryWauwatosa. WI John ii: Getzelman$500

Wayland Public LibraryWayland. M". Louise R. Brown$500

West Fargo Public LibraryWest Fargo. ND Miriam D. Ailey$500

West Routt County Library District/Hayden LibraryHayden. CO Margaret A. Cowl$500

Westbrook Public I ibraryWestbrook. CT Lett is B. Daniels$500

Western Pocono Community LibraryBrodheadsville. PA Carol H. Kern$500

Western Pocono Community LibraryRhinebeck. NY Joan B. Pierce$500

Westfield AthenaeumWestfield. MA Patricia T Cramer$500

Wheeler County LibraryAlamo, GA Elizabeth D. Moore$500

White Pine County Public LibraryEly. N\ Robert G. Grey$500





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Servicemen read an"Extra" reporting theJapanese attack eqPearl Harbor,

December 7,1941. A

1987 gra'it from theHumanities Projectsin Librz.rus Programsupported a series oflecture and discussionprograms, sponsoredby the Fairfax CountyPublic Library in Vir-ginia, on America'sview of the world be-

fore, during, and afterWorld GI& H.

Whitewater Public LibraryWhitewater, WI Rose Mary Leaver$500

Wichita Public LibraryV'ichita, KS Larry A. Vos$500

Wicomico County Free LibrarySalisbury, MD Joanne C. Doyle$500

Wilkinsburg Public LibraryWilkinsburg, PA Lynne F. Schneider$500

Wilkinson County Public LibraryGordon, GA Willard L Rocker$500

William F. Laman Public LibraryNorth. Little Rock, AR Carol .1. Huber$500

William K. Sanford Town LibraryLoudonville. NY Joan C. Silva$500

Williamsburg Regional LibraryWill:..msburg, VA Allen B. Chamberlain$500

Williston Community LibraryWilliston, ND Deborah A. Slain$500





Willows Public LibraryWillows, CA Marie E. Bryan$500

Wilmington Institute LibraryWilmington, DE Benedict Prestianni$500

Wilton Library Association, Inc.Wilton, CT Michael A. Golrick$500

1Vilton Public LibraryWilton, ME Rebecca D. Burnham$500

Windsor Public LibraryWinde- r, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Wissahickon Valley Public LibraryAmbler, PA Francis X. Mullen$500

Withee Public LibraryWithee, WI Marie M. Kostick$500

Wolfeboro Public LibraryWolfeboro, Nil Louise A. Gehman$500

Wood River Public LibraryWood River, IL Candace K. Hit' ,


Woodbridge Puolic LibraryWoodbridge. NJ Nancy Slater$500

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Woonsocket-Harris Public LibraryWoonsocket, RI Dorothy M. LeClair$500

Wray Public LibraryWray, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Yadkin County Public LibraryYadkinville, NC Nora C Warren$"30

Yazoo Library AssociationYazoo City, MS Harriet C. DeC'ell$500


Yolo County Library/Davis BranchDavis, CA Marilyn D Corcoran$500

York County LibraryRock Hill, SC David A. Lyon IV$500

Yaaipa Branch LibraryYucaipa, CA Carolyn Crain$500

Yuma Public LibraryYuma, CO Margaret A. Coral$500

Grants supported the costs associated with presenting the Ai, . . son Lecture in the Humanities.

Forrest McDonaldWilliamsburg, VA$1,226 To cover travel and expenses to Washington.DC, and Lawrence, Kansas, `or the 1987 JeffersonLecture in the Humanities.

Associated Sound Services, Inc.Newington, VA$3,485 To provide staging, lighting, sound equip-ment, and labor for the 1987 Jefferson Lecture in theHumanities.

Graph-Tech, Inc.Alexandria, VA$7,737 To cover the cost of design, typography, andprinting of invitations and program materials for the1987 Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities.

Lansdowne Catering, Ltd.Washington, DC$2,318 To cover the cost of prodding and setting upchairs in the auditorium for the 1987 Jefferson Lecturein the Humanities.


National Building MuseumWashington, DC$3,286 To provide security services, assistance of arepresentative from the National Building Museum,and clean-up services for the 1987 Jefferson Lecture :nthe Humanities.

National Building MuseumWashington, DC$3,000 To cover rental of the Great Hall for the 1987Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities.

Radisson Henley Park HotelWashington, DC$1,516 To provide hotel accomodations for the 1987Jefferson Lecturer.

Alice TheurmerMiddleburg. VA$4,099 To provide addressing and mailing servicesfor invitations and tickets to the 1987 Jefferson Lecturein the Humanities.

Grants st.pported projects that enhance public appreciation and understanding ofthe humanities through the discoseri.use, and interpretation of books and other resources in the collections of American libraries.

American Library AssociationChicago, IL Evelyn F Shaevel$90,000 70 support tw :egional workshops forlibrarians and scholars in order to enhance the intellec-tual approach to the design and implementation ofeducational programs in the humanities for youngadults.

CUNY Research Foundation, City Collegeloew York, NY Betty L. Jenkins$150,000 To support a keynote address, an exhibi-tion, lectures, a book fair, a one -day conference on thehistory and current state of black book publishing inthe United States, and a conference on publishingblack childrens literature.

Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

CUNY Rescarch Foundation, Queens CollegeFlushing, NY David Cohen$150,000 To support a series of lectures and readingand discussion programs for new immigrants, explor-ing the themes of individualism and family throughAmerican literature and history.

Carolina Wren Press, Inc.Carrboro, NC Judith F Hogan57-1,500 To support a series of workshops and lec-tures that encourage the reading, study, add interpreta-tion of literature and the development of interpretiveskills through writing.

District of Columbia Public LibraryWashington, DC Mary E. Raphael$44,935 To support a series ofread: Ind discussionprograms exploring issues in intr .al freedom.





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Fairfax County Public LibraryFairfax, VA Penelope W Fislce$210,000 To support three series of programs withlectures, panels, and book and film discussions aboutAmericas view of the world before, dicing, and afterWorld War II: "Realities ofCombat," "America's HomeFront," and "The Aftermath."

Indiana University Alumni AssociationBloomington, IN Frank B. Jones$100,000 To support an interpretive exhibition,catalogue, brochures, and public lectures during thebicentennial of the Northwest Ordinance and the U.S.Constitution.

Louisiana Library AssociationBaton Rouge, LA James 0. Segretto$199,899 To support a series of scholar-led readingand discussion programs, entitled "American Vistas,"in parish libraries throughoui Louisiana.

Maine Librr.ry AssociatioaAugusta. Julia R. ;:alkling$97,251 To support a series of reading and discussionprograms at 20 libraries throughout the state of Maine.

Maryland Library AssociationBaltimore, MD Patricia L. Bates$110,000 To support reading and discussion groupsin 35 to 40 libraries and older adult centers in fourMaryland counties.

Milwaukee Public LibraryMilwaukee. WI Virginia Schsartz$67.627 To support six public lectures. three portableexhibitions, and interpretive brochures on the physicaland cultural geography of the upper Midwest from theearliest settlements to the present.

Mississippi Library CommissionJackson. MS Mary J. Smith$27,364 To support dissemination of scholar-devel-oped "Mississippi Mindscape" ir..Iterials to all 252Mississippi public libraries, and to :onduct readingand discussion programs on the these in 15 librariesthroughout the state.

Multnomah County LibraryPortland, OR Ella Seely$14.699 To support planning for a series of publicprogrr .,s and exhibitions that would explore Oregon'shistory and heritage.

National Council on the Aging, Inc.Washington, DC Ronald J. Alanheimer$149,334 To support sc!soiar-led reading and discus-sion groups and library research projects for olderadults in six library systems across the country.

New England Foundaticn for the HumanitiesMiddletown, CT GityS Hermann$260,817 To support a series of programs focusing onthe framing of the U.S. Constitution as revealedthrough biography, documents, historical writings, andother literature

Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.


New York Historical SocietyNew York, NY Paul E. Cohen$150,000 To support an interpretive exhibition ofmanuscripts, books. prints. and other materials illus-trating the drafting of the Constitution and the debatesurrounding its ratification in New York.

New York Public LibraryNew York, NY Diantha D. Schull$15.000 To support the planning of an interpretiveexhibition and programs on printing and the FrenchRevolution of 1789.

Newberry LibraryChicago, IL Ruth E. Hamilton$87.552 To support an exhibition. publications, andrelated public programs to explore the relationshipsbetween high culture and popular manifestations oftit.. Arthurian legend at several key periods in itshistory.

Newport Public LibraryNewport. RI Eileen H. nrburton$173.604 To support a series of programs at librariesin four states on the cultural continuities betweenseveral New England states and the near frontier of theOhio Western Reserve.

Polish American Ethnic Committee, Inc.New City, NY Witold Plonski$41,028 To support programs focused on themesreflecting the history, literature, arts, and culture ofPoland and the Polish-American heritage. The pro-grams are designed to promote an awareness and theuse of humanities resources in the nation's libraries.

South Dakota Library AssociationAberdeen, SD Elizabeth E. Williams$215.210 To support a two-year series of reading anddiscussion programs using texts on South Dakotahistory and culture within the framework of thebroader history and culture of the Great Plains regionand the country.

Southern Oregon State CollegeAshland. OR Alan R. Armstrong$67.488 To support a series of programs exploringplays by William Shakespeare.

State Historical Society of WisconsinMadison, WI John P Kaminski$73,021 To support a series of reading and discussionprograms in citiesand towns throughout Wisconsin onthe era of the American Revolution and the Constitu-tion.

Texas Humanities Resource Center, Inc.Austin. TX Frances M. Leonard$118.000 To support circulating program packagesthat explore the history, culture, and art of theviceroyalty of Peru and examine and analyze colo-nialism as an influential part of the American experi-ence.

Tucson Public LibraryTucson, AZ Judi, N Lenstnk$67,431 To support a three-day conference thatwould bring together scholars, writers, and the generalpublic to explore contemporary southwestern liter-ature.

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University of PittsburghPittsburgh, PA M. Alison Stones$15,000 To supr^-1 planning for an interpretiveexhibition of ()fished manuscripts and in-cunabula from p. and private collections in west-ern Pennsylvania.

University of WisconsinMilwaukee, WI Brian J. Harley$38,050 To support planning for an exhibition andprograms on the history of the Columbian encounteras expressed by historical geography and cartographichistory.

Utah Library AssociationSalt Lake City, UT Helen A. Cox$136,350 To support a two-year project to combinereading and discussion programs on literary themeswith the distribution of audiotapes containing schol-arly commentary for radio broadcast and individual orgroup use.

Vermont Library AssociationBurlington. VT Sally C Anderson$13.000" To supplement support for reading anddiscussion programs in Vermont's libraries. and toallow the association to expand the programs toadditional libraries.

Vermont Library AssociationBurlington. VT Sally C Anderson$131330 To support reading and discussion pro-grams in all 206 Vermont public libraries. Topics to beexamined ;nclua. the U.S. Constitution. Americanliterature. and biographies of historical figures.


Grams assisted museums, historical organi:ations, and other sinular cultural institutions in the planning andimplementation qiimerproire pmgrams that use material culture and art objectswunry and interpret the humanitiesui the general public.

Afro-American Historical and Cultural MuseumPhiladelphia. PA Ncumme Clark$36.800 To support documentation of 200.000 photographs and negatives that record 40 years of thewial. cultural. and political history of blacks inPhiladelphia.

Alaska State MuseumJuneau. AK Thomas D Lonner$26.322 To support planning for a three-year exhibi-tion on Tlingit ceremonial art. "Many Worlds andMany Meanings: Ttz Crest Art of Klukwan.-

American Association for State and Local HistoryNashville. TN Larry E. The$168.5!9 To support the planning for two conferencesthat are designed to strengthen history museums asinterpreters of American history.

American Museum of Natural HistoryNew York. NY David H. Thomas$224.500 To support implementation of a traveliexhibition that examines the place of Carthage in ' heancient world.

Andover Instorical SocietyAndover. It', et Karen M. Herman$11.545 To support development c fa conceptual planand exhibit design for the Amos Blanchard barn. 1819.and the society's collection of tools and agriculturalequipment.

Asia Society, Inc.New York. NY Andrew Pekarik$45,122 To support planning for a traveling exhibi-tion af Australian aboriginal art. exploring the funda-mental principles behind both traditional and contem-porary arts.

Asia Society, Inc.New York. NY Andrew Pekarik$200.000 To support implementation of a travelingexhibition focusing on works associated with a groupof scholar-artists who were at the center of the Chineseart world in the final years of the Ming Dynasty.

Baltimore City Life MuseumsBaltimore. MD Richard ti: Flint$20.228 To support planning an exhibition withinterpretive programs examining the role of museumsas disseminators of knowledge in IQth- century Amer-ica.

Baltimore Museum of IndustryBaltimore. MD Molly Bolster$18.000 To support the planning for an educationalcenter that would explore the role of work in societyand its transformation during America's period ofindustrialization.

Bethel CollegeNorth Newton. KS John M. Jann$56.796 To support the development of interpretivematerials for a permanent exhibition on the Menno-nites of the central plains. including slide and tapeshows. workshops. publications. and new exhibitiongraphics.

Birmingham Museum of ArtBirmingham. AL Ellen E Elms$13.290 To support planning for a traveling exhibi-tion and publication examining traditional African artand its relationship to language and the verbal arts.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

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Brockton Art MuseumBrockton, MA Elizabeth C He$90,000 To support a travelingexhibition, catalogue.and educational programs examining the concepts ofacculturation, diffusion, and social organization byfocusing on architectural style in the southern UnitedStates and Liberia.

Bronx Museum of the ArtsBronx, NY Luis R. Cancel$125,000 To support implementatim; of a travelingexhibition and catalogue tracing the role of LatinAmerican artists who worked in the United Statesduring the period 1920-70.

Brooklyn Historical SocietyBrooklyn, NY Ellen M. Snpder$100,000 To support implementation of a perma-nent exhibition devoted to the history of Brooklyn byexploring such issues as urbanization, ethnicity. com-munity identity, work, and leisure.

California State UniversityHayward. CA Lowell J. Bean$24,897 To support documentation ofa cz,ilection ofsouthwestern Kachinas, doll-like decorated carvingsthat represent spirits in the cosmology ofthe Hopi andsome of their neighbors.

Carnegie Museum of Natural HistoryPittsburgh, PA David R. grafters$650.000 To support implementation of a perma-nent exhib,' 'on about ancient Egypt, exploring cul-tural continuity and cultural change with interpretiveprograms highlighting these concepts.

Center for African ArtNew York. NY Susan M. lbgel$211,325 To support implementation of a travelingexhibition and catalogue that explore artistic andhistorical relationships revealed by objects sculpted byAfricans for European use in the 15th and 16thcenturies.

Chicago Historical SocietyChicago, IL Ellsworth IL Brow!$75.000* To support the implementation ofa perma-nent exhibition about the founding and early years orthe United States, using the holdings of the society toreflect the experiences of diverse segments of thepopulation, including famous statesmen and ordinarypeople.

Chicago Historical SocietyChicago, IL r"stwrih H. Broil?!$32.012 To support the nlanning and conservationsurvey fora new permanent installation that examinespolitical. social, and economic forces that shaped 19th-century America, focusing on ' '' ~sham Lincoln as ahistorical figure.

Chinese Culture Foundation of San FranciscoSan Francisco, CA Lucy Lim$200.000 To support implementation of a travelingexhibition and a catalogue examining the regionalculture of Sichuan province during the Han Dynasty.

Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.**Emergency grr II.


Cincinnati Museum of Natural HistoryCincinnati, OH C tiluley Comm$35,000 To support the implementation ofan exhibi-tion and catalogue that examine the agriculturalsystems, beliefs, and lifeways of the native Americanswho were the first long-term residents of the middleOhio Valley.

DeCordova and Dana Museum and ParkLincoln, MA Lisa W Greenberg$24,340 To support the planning for a temporaryexkibition, catalogue, videotape, and educational pro-gramming on the narrative dimension in contempo-rary New England folk art.

Desert Botanical GardenPhoenix, AZ Ruth Greenhouse590,762 To support implementation of an exhibitionexploring the relationships between desert dwellers ofthe American Southwest and their environment fromprehistoric times to the present.

Ethan Allen Homestead TrustBurlington, VT Martha G. °strum$159,707 To support a permanent exhibition andmultimedia presentation exploring the life and timesof Vermont hero and founding father. Ethan Allen.

Friends of Independence National Historic ParkPhiladelphia, PA Margaret R Duckett$30.000 To support continued production of e.;u-cational materials in preparation for the Constitu-tional Convention bicentennial exhibition.

Friends of Independence National Historic ParkPhiladelphia. PA Florence M. Zeller$155.020 To support distribution ofa poster exhibitand organization of lectures and reading and discus-sion groups in seven states.

Ha. vard UniversityCambridge, MA C.C. Lamberg-Karkw.sky$32,444 To support documentation of the ClaflinCollection ofethnographic objects from the Plains, theSouthwest, and elsewhere in North America.

Henry Ford Museu,- -id Greenfield VillageDearborn. Ml Michad J. Euenza$37,100 To support documentation ofa collection of6.000 American 'fighting devices and identification ofthe use ofthese domestic objects in historical program-ming.

High Museum of ArtAtlanta. GA Paula Marlais Hancock$36,255 To support implementation of a series ofeducational events to accompany "The Machine Agein America. 1918-41" exhibition during its stay inAtlanta.

Historic Deerfield, Inc.Deerfield. MA Donald R. Mary$9.265 To support planning for the reinstallation ofsix period houses using the museum's collections offurniture and fine and decorative arts to interpretthemes in American social and cultural history

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Illinois State MuseumSpringfield, IL Craig E. Cohen$21,835 To support planning for a traveling exhibi-tion interpreting the natural environment of theIllinois River valley and illustratingthe various interac-tions of humans with the river system.

Illinois State MuseumLewistown, IL Judi:h A. Franke$74,449 To support the second major phase of a newpermanent exhibition of archaeological evidence onprehistoric Mississippian society as it existed 800 yearsago.

Indianapolis Museum of ArtIndianapolis, IN James J Robinson$149,165 To support the implementation of a travel-ing exhibition, catalogue, and educational programsfocusing on the aesthetic contributions and culturalmilieu of Chinese women painters from the 14ththrough the early 20th centuries.

Indianapolis Museum of ArtIndianapolis, IN Hollister Sturges$200,000 To support the implementation of a tem-porary, traveling exhibition that explores the aesthetic,historical, and cultural roots of the fantastic imagerythat thematically dominates much of 20th-centuryLatin American art.

International Center of PhotographyNew York, NY Christopher Phillips$32,250 To support the planning for an exhibitionthat analyzes the history of the modern illustratedmagazine of the 1920s and 1930s as an internationalmass communications medium.

International Folk Art FoundationSanta Fe, NM Marsha C. Bol$228,268 To support implementation of an exhibi-tion, catalogue, and educational programs on theMexican mask from the period of the Spanish con-quest to the present.

International Folk Art FoundationSanta Fe, NM Donna Pierce$41,980 To support planning for a permanent exhibi-tion on Hispanic culture in the Southwest fromcolonial times to the present.

Japanese American National MuseumLos Angeles, CA Nancy K Araki$39,690 To support planning for exhibitions thatexplore Japanese-American experiences in the UnitedStates.

Jewish MuseumNew York, NY Vivian B. Mann$34,774 To support planning for a traveling exhibi-tion, catalogue, and public programs examining theartistic and cultural heritage of the Jews in Italy fromantiquity through modern times.

Los Angeles County Museum of ArtLos Angeles, CA Earl A. Powell$14,049 To support planning fora temporary exhibi-tion exploring the political and social implications ofTimurid art as well as the process and aestheticphilosophy by which Timurid art was created andviewed by its makers and users.

'Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Los Angeles County Museum of ArtLos Angeles, CA Earl A. Powell$100,000 To support implementation of a travelingexhibition of 160 ceramic funerary sculptures from theNeolithic era to the Ming period, examining theartistic, technical, economic, political, and religioussignificance of the objects.

Memphis State UniversityMemphis, TN Edward L. Bleiberg$43,311 To support implementation of an interna-tional symposium to be held in conjunction with thetraveling exhibition, "Rameses the Great."

Milwaukee Art MuseumMilwaukee, WI E. James Mundy$19,805 To support the planning for an exhibition,catalogue, audiovisual program, and school study kitsthat focus on cultural patronage in late 19th-centuryMilwaukee.

Minneapolis Institute of ArtsMinneapolis, MN Louise H. 1..incoln$85,000 To support implementation of a travelingexhibition of traditional sculptures from the Pacificisland of New Ireland. The exhibition will explore thesociety's religious, social, and economic practices.

Montana State UniversityBozeman, MT Kenneth W Karsmizki$21,000 To support planning for a living historyprogram to interpret the Tinsley Homestead, anoriginal 1889 Montana homestead.

Museum of Contemporary ArtLos Angeles, CA Elizabeth A. T Smith$357,382 To support the implementation of anexhibition, catalogue, and educational programs witha multidisciplinary view of a Los Angeles -basedproject that generated modernist designs for A mericanfamily homes between 1945 and 1966.

Museum of Fine ArtsBoston, MA Edward Brovarski$215,000 To support conservation treatment for andthe implementation of an exhibition that explores thefunerary arts ofancient Egypt from pre-Dynastic timesthrough the Ptolemaic period.

Museum of Fine ArtsBoston, MA Jonathan L. Fairbanks$50,000* To support implementation of a travelingexhibition and catalogue exploring the impact of thearts and crafts movement on American life by examin-ing its social and intellectual significance.

Museum of Fine ArtsBoston, MA Eleanor A. Sayre$200,000 To support a traveling exhibition, cata-logue, and educational programs that examine Goyaand his works in the intellectual, social, and politicalmilieu of the Enlightenment.

Museuni of New Mexico FoundationSanta Fe, NM Thomas E. Chavez$43,748 To support planning for a four-year exhibi-tion on Hispanic culture in the American Southwestthat will trace the continuing role of Hispanic mi-gratory patterns and acculturation processes o f the last400 years.





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Museums at Stony BrookStony Brook, NY Martha V Pike$100,000 To support a permanent exhibition explor-ing patterns of ownership and use of horse-drawnvehicles in industrial America from the mid -19thcentury to the beginning of the 20th century.

National Braille PressBoston, MA Diane L. Croft$19,419** To support production of 12.500 braillecopies of the U.S. Constitution and national distribu-tion to museums and other cultural institutions.

National Learning CenterWashington, DC R. Stanley iibodward$54,914 To support the development of an au-diovisual component for the permanent Mexico ex-hibition.

New Britain Museum of American ArtNew Britain, CT Daniel C. DuBois$40,000 To support conservation of Thomas HartBenton's mural cycle of The Arts of Life in America,which will be included in the centenniat travelingexhibition of Benton's work scheduled for 1989.

New Hampshire Historical SocietyConcord, NH James L. Garvin$34,800 To support an exhibition and a cataloguetracing the effect of travel on American societybetween 1700 and 1900 by focusing on the role of theNew Hampshire inn and turnpike in political andcultural activities.

New York Public LibraryNew York, NY Howard Dodson$81,595 To support implementation ofan exhibition,catalogue, and public programs examining the life andtimes of Marcus Garvey.

New York State Education DepartmentAlbany. NY Martin E. Sullivan$140,000 To support the implementation ofa perma-nent exhibition exploring the continuing culturaladaptations of New York's native peoples from 2000B.C. to A.D. 1500.

Old Sturbridge VillageSturbridge, MA John 0. Curtis$3.750* To support the continuation of documenta-tion of New England furniture, dating from 1650 to1850. for use in interpretive exhibitions.

Oregon Art InstitutePortland, OR Dan L. Monroe$20,000 To support planning for the reinstallation ofthe Rasmussen Collection of Northwest Coast nativeAmerican art in the Portland Art Museum.

Paul Revere Memorial AssociationBoston, MA P.A. Nina Zannieri$141,900 To support an exhibition, catalogue, andlecture series that examine Paul Revere's business.family, and public life in relation to the social. political,and economic climates of his time.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

**Emergency grant.


Philbrook Art CenterTulsa, OK Marcia Y Manhart$196,857 To support a traveling exhibition that ex-amines the way in which American art in craft mediareflect aesthetic, social. and cultural changes that haveoccurred during the last 40 years.

Pioneers' MuseumColorado Springs, CO William C Holmes$31,500 ) support lectures. seminars, and lecture-demom sations of the Anasazi cultural legacy inconjunction with the Smithsonian Institution Travel-ing Exhibition Service's traveling exhibition. "TheAnasazi World."

Queens County Art and Cultural Center, Inc.Flushing, NY Marc H. Miller$26,635 To support planning a traveling exhibitionaccompanied by a catalogue of paintings, sculpture.engravings, decorative arts. and commemorative ob-jects inspired by General Lafayette's 13 -month tour ofthe United States, 1824-25.

Rhode Island School of DesignProvidence, RI Florence D. Friedman$21,255 To support planning for a traveling exhibi-tion illustrating the diversity and richness of EgyptianCoptic art and ideas from the 2nd to 7th centuries.

Riley County Historical SocietyManhattan, KS Julia T Lee$14,156 To support the documentation and catalogu-ing of 500 photographs of downtown Manhattan,Kansas, 1855-1986.

Rutgers UniversityNewark, NJ Michael C Jaye$400,000* To support a traveling exhibition, pho-tographic panel exhibitions, and supplemental printedmaterials on Wordsworth and the age of Englishromanticism.

Samuel S. Fleisher Art MemorialPhiladelphia. PA Debora Kodish$21367 To support planning for an exhibition onItalian craftsmanship in Philadelphia. 1889-1939.

Society for the Preservation of New EnglandAntiquitiesBoston, MA Elisabeth Redmond$25,000 To support the documentation of the collec-tions of the Walter Gropius House in Lincoln. Massa-chusetts. and Beauport in Gloucester, Massachusetts,to develop more accurate interpretation and a widerrange of public programs.

South Carolina State MuseumColumbia, SC Lise C Swennson$25,000 To support the planning for two exhibitions.publications, and related public programs that focus onfederally funded New Deal art projects in SouthCarolina from 1934 through 1942.

South Street Seaport MuseumNew York, NY Sally Yerkovich$14,89 To support a self study to examine andevaluate the museum's existing educational offeringsand to plan for strengthening interpretive exhibitionsand public programs.

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St, Louis Art MuseumSt. Louis, MO John W Nun ley$65,479 To support an exhibition, catalogue, andeducational programs examining the historical ar 'cultural background and spread of Caribbean festivalarts.

State Historical Society of ColoradoDenver, CO Anne Mil:stein Bond$23,627 Tosupport planning fora permanent exhibi-tion, catalogue, and school programs examining theprehistory of Colorado from the earliest times untilEuropean contact.

State Historical Society of ColoradoDenver, CO Jude Southward$5,000 To support planning for computerized docu-mentation of 125,000 artifacts and 8 million docu-ments relating to the history of Colorado and theAmerican West.

State Museum of PennsylvaniaHarrisburg, PA Carl R. Nold$100,000 To support the planning for a comprehen-sive exhibition examining the history of Pennsylvaniafrom European settlement to the present.

Strong MuseumRochester, NY Harvey Green$28,624 To support planning fora temporary exhibi-tion examining the development of the popular Amer-ican hero.

Texas Historical CommissionAustin, TX Kit T Neumann$47,007 To support two interpretive skills seminarsfor museum and historical society personnel from 23states.

Thousand Islands Shipyard MuseumClayton. NY Laurie TI: Rush$9,292 To support development by museum staff ofprocedures to follow in conducting conservation activ-ities and educational programs, mountingex hibitions,managing collections, developing staff, and makingcapital improvements.

Toledo Museum of ArtToledo, OH Rose M. Glennon$20,000** To support interpretive materials, a pub-lication, and a lecture series complementing theexhibition of a Rembrandt masterpiece on loan fromthe Soviet Union.

University of ArizonaTucson, AZ Bruce E. Hilpert$58,635 To support planning fora permanent exhibi-tion on the native American peoples of the Southwest.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA James Elliott$200,000 To support the implementation of a tem-porary traveling exhibition of paintings and sculpturethat analyzes the iconography and cultural significanceof American art produced during the 1950s and 1960s.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.**Emergency grant.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley CA Nelson H.H. Graben:$75,082 To support planning for a traveling exhibi-tion that examines changes in 18th- and 19th-centuryAlaskan native art and material culture as a result offoreign trade contact.

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Doran H. Ross$34,460 To support planning and subsequent pub-lication ofan exhibition on the masks. images in wood.and sculptures in other materials from 27 ethnicgroups in the Benue Valley of Nigeria.

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Edith A. Tonelli$224,992 To support implementation of a trawlingexhibition. catalogue, and related programs demon-strating the iconographic power and intellectual sub-tlety of caricatures produced in France during theFrench Revolut' n.

University of ChicagoChicago, IL John Carswell$15,000** To support a symposium addressing ma-jor issues of Russian cultural and artistic history in thelast half of the 19th century.

University of FloridaGainesville, FL Jerald T Aflanich$257,913 To support implementation of a travelingexhibition that examines Spanish efforts to explore andcolonize the southeastern United States, and the nativeAmerican responses to these efforts, 1492-1570.

University of HartfordWest Hartford, CT Edmund Sullivan$50,000 To support implementation of a permanentexhibition examining the history of the elective proc-ess, the impact of political participation, and thecentrality of the electoral process to America demo-cratic ideals and culture.

University of IllinoisUrbana, IL Michael Mullin$250,000 To support an interpretive exhibition, edu-cational programs, and publications about set andcostume designs from the Motley Collection, examin-ing how these designs interpret dramatic texts andreflect the culture of an age.

University of KansasLawrence, KS Barbara J. Michael$31,188 To support planning for a traveling exhibi-tion and catalogue examining pastoral nomadism asan adaptive strategy considering it as both activity andideology, by focusing on the Baggara of the westernSudan.

University of MarylandCollege Park. MD Kenneth G. Holum$125,000* To support a traveling exhibition thatinterprets Herod's remarkable city and harbor. Cae-sarea, an ancient center persisting for 13 centuries, andthat highlights the archaeological theory and methodsused to recover and interpret the physical remains ofthis complex urban site.





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A page from Thomas

A. Edisons notebook

(December 3,1877)

shows three forms for

the Edison phono-

graph: (top to bottom)

cylinder. disc, and

tare. A HumanitiesProjects in Media Pro-

gram grant in 1986 to

Rutgers University

supported planning for

a documentary televi-

sion film about "Edi-son and the Art ofInvention."




University of MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN Lyndel I. King$200,000 To support the implementarion of a travel-ing exhibition, catalogue, and symposium on thetraditional arts of Minnesota.

University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, NM Peter Walch$9,500 To support an exhibition, catalogue, andrelated educational programs examining how artisticrepresentations, scholarly studies, and popular ideasabout the ancient Maya varied in focus and content asWestern attitudes changed over the last four centuries.

Univer,::y of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Robert H. Dyson$299,406 To support implementation of an exhibi-tion, publication, and programs examining the Dayaksof Borneo, including trade networks, domestic andritual life, economics, and arts and crafts.

University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Ruben E. Reina$43,076 To support planning for an exhibition exam-ining the roles feathers played in the cultures of thenative peoples of the Americas.

University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Timothy R. Tomlinson$37,400 To support the implementation of a sym-posium, the publication of proceedings, and a lectureseries examining the Victorian garden as a reflection ofthe historic, scientific, and aesthetic pursuits of thatera.

University of South CarolinaColumbia, SC Michael A. Hoffman$299,384 To support implementation of a travelingexhibition, catalogue, and educational programs ex-amining the origins of ancient Egyptian civilizationand explaining how archaeology contributes to ourknowledge of the ancient world.


University of South CarolinaColumbia, SC George D. Terry$79,860 To support the implementation of educa-tional programming for "Row upon Row," the travelingexhibition of Afro-American basketry from the SouthCarolina low country.

University of South CarolinaColumbia, SC George D. Terry$41,138 To support planning for a traveling exhibi-tion on the history of the alkaline-glazed stonewaretradition in South Carolina and its influence onsouthern folk pottery.

University of WashingtonSeattle, WA Robin K. Wight$24,272 To support recataloguing of the museum'sethnological collection o: southern Northwest Coastnative American materials on a computerized database, photographing all objects, and publishing acatalogue.

University of WisconsinMadison, WI Russell Panczenko$205.560 To support the implementation ofa tempo-rary exhibition, catalogue, and public programs ex-ploring the development, design, and impact of FrankLloyd Wright's architectural commissions in Madison,Wisconsin, from 1878 to 1959.

Wadsworth AtheneumHartford, CT Elizabeth M. Kornhauser$32,300 To support planning for a traveling exhibi-tion and catalogue exploring the changing cultural andpolitical environment in which the American artistRalph Earl, 1751-1801, and his followers worked.

Walker Art CenterMinneapolis, MN Margaret O'Neill-Ligon$50,000 To support a three-year, multidisciplinaryeducational program examining images of Americanculture the family, the land, the skyscraper, and theautomobile. Lectures will focus on the presentations ofthese subjects in the history ofart, architecture, design,literature, theater, film, and mass media.

Walters Art GalleryBaltimore, MD Roger S. Wieck$163,979 To support the conservation treatment for,and implementation of, an exhibition and cataloguedevoted to the Book of Hours, a major type ofilluminated manuscript of the late medieval andRenaissance periods.

Walters Art GalleryBaltimore, MD Ellen R. Williams$167,054 To support the implementation of a tempo-rary exhibition, technical studies in conservation, acatalogue, and related public programs that examinethe art and culture of the Hellenistic Age, 331-30 B.C.

Western Heritage Society, Inc.Omaha, NE Deborah C. O'Donnell$56,500 To support implementation ofa permanentexhibition on the history of Omaha from 1930 to 1954.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

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Grants supported the planning, vriting, or production of television and radio programs in the humanities intended forgeneral audience&

American Asian Cultural ExchangeWashington, DC 4.,rley Sun$25,000 To sui.,,ort the writing of a script for a 90-minute documentary film on the experience in Chinaof General Joseph Stilwell.

American Dance Festival, Inc.Durham, NC Gerald E. Myers$20,000 To support the planning of three 60-minutetelevision programs on the history and interpretationof the black tradition in American modern dance.

American History Media CenterWashington, DC Tim Hackler$20,000 To support planning for a 60-minute docu-mentary, with two one-man dramatic performances,exploring the philosophical differences between Alex-ander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.

An American PortraitNew York, NY Thomas ? Johnson$19,921 To support planning for a 90-minute televi-sion documentary examining Japanese-American re-lations and the events leading to the attack on PearlHarbor.

Bay Area Radio DramaBerkeley CA Erik Bauersfeld$100,000 To support the dramatic production forradio of one Eugene O'Neill play, one 60-minuteaccompanying documentary featuring scholarly analy-sis ofO'Neill and the play, and preproduction activitiesfor another radio adaptation.

Cather ProjectNew York, NY Helen C Whitney$20,000 To support planning for a 60-minute docu-mentary film on the life and work of American writerWilla Cather, with particular attention to the complexrole her Nebraska experiences played in both her lifeand her work.

Center for Contemporary MediaAtlanta, GA Jed Dannenbaum$90,597 To support postproduction expenses for a90-minute documentary film on the southern jour-nalist and civil rights advocate, Ralph McGill, focusingon the period of changing race relations that he wroteabout and influenced.

Cerberus, Inc.San Francisco, CA Jackie Byars$43,860 To support the writing of a script for a 60-minute documentary about the life of Ishi, the lastsurviving Yahi Indian, and his relationship withanthropologist Alfred Kroeber.

Channel 5 Public Broadcasting, Inc.Reno, NV Danny L. McGuire$20,000 To support the planning of a feature-lengthtelevision dramatization of the life of Allen Aliens-worth, 1842-1914, and the issues surrounding hisestablishment in California of an all-black town in1908.

Chicago FilmmakersChicago, IL Richard J. Cusack$80,000 To support the completion of scripts threeand four for a projected four-part, four-hour dramaticmini-series on the life of American industrial pioneerHenry Ford.

Ciesla FoundationWashington, DC Aviva H. Kempner$35,000 To support the writing and publication ofaviewer's guide for the NEH-supported film, "Partisansof Vilna," concerning the struggle to organize Jewishresistance to the German occupation ofthe Lithuanianghetto.

Clarity Educational Productions, Inc.Berkeley, CA Connie E. Field$20,000 To support planning for a feature-lengthdramatic film on the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Sum-mer Project.

Connie Goldman Productions, Inc.Washington, DC Connie J. Goldman$80,380 To support the production of four 30-minute radio programs on the intersection oflife stagesand musical creative genius, with special emphasis onthe late-life creativity and styles of selected Westerncomposers.

Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural AffairsDover, DE John R. Kern$15,000 To support the revision of a script for a 90-minute dramatic film on the life of John Dickinson,1732-1808, a political essayist and a key figure in thedebates surrounding the creation of the U.S. Constitu-tion.

Department of Overseas MissionsNew York, NY George M. Miller$20,000 To support planning for a television pro-gram featuring a performance of and commentary onJames Weldon Johnson's God:s. Trombones (1927), abook of seven African-American sermons in verse.

ETV Endowment of South Carolina, Inc.Spartanburg, SC Calvin L. Skaggs$135,000 To support the writing of scripts for threehours ofa five-hour dramatic mini-series based on thelife of one of America's preeminent literary families,the Jameses, including William, 1842-1910; Alice,1848-92; and Henry, 1843-1916.

Educational Film CenterAnnandale, VA Ruth S. Pollak$260,812 To support the production of a 60-minutedocumentary film on the life and work of HarryHopkins, with special emphasis on his role as FranklinDelano Roosevelt's adviser on foreign policy.

Educational Film CenterAnnandale, VA Ruth S. Pollak$53,359 To support the writing of the script for a 60-minute historical television drama, for young peopleages 10-13, about a Confederate girl's home frontexperience during the Civil War.





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Exiles ProjectNew York, NY Richard Kaplan$263,424 To support production of a two-hour docu-mentary about the European refugee scholars, artists,and intellectuals who migrated to the United Statesprior to World War II.

Exit Films, Inc.Cambridge, MA Frederick Wiseman$324,183 To support the production ofa film examin-ing the relationship of ethical, religious, medical, andlegal issues to dying patients in an intensive care unit ofa major metropolitan hospital.

Federation of State Humanities CouncilsWashington, DC Richard A. Wyndham$39,511 To support the selection of 13 humanitiesfilms that focus on American biography and scriptintroductions for an anthology. The goal is to re-distribute the films in an educational package to reachwider audiences through PBS and cable television.

Film America, Inc.Washington, DC Karen Thomas$20,000 To support the writing of a script for a 60-minute documentary about the history of the VirginiaStatute for Religious Freedom and its legacy.

Film Arts FoundationSan Francisco, CA Patricia J. Amlin$188,957* To support the production of the secondhalfofa 60-minuteanimated film on thePopo/ Mk, thecreation myth of the Maya.

Film Arts FoundationSan Francisco, CA Pat D. Ferrero$25,000* To support postproduction costs for theNEH-funded film "A Legacy of Hearts and Hands," adocumentary history of 19th-century women and theirquilts.

Film News Now FoundationNew York, NY Orinne Takagi$68,192 To support postproduction of a 58-minutedocumentary film about the history of the division ofKorea into two countries and its impact on individualfamilies.

Film News Now FoundationNew York, NY Susan M. Williams$800,609 To support the production of a two-hourhistorical documentary film about China during theyears 1911-49.

Films in Progress, Inc.Hoboken, NJ Robert E. Clem$20,000 To support planning for a feature-lengthfilm dramatizing the life and career of Alabamagovernor James E. "Big Jim" Folsom, who held officefrom 1947 to 1951 and from 1955 to 1959.

Folktale Film GroupDelaplane, VA Tom Davenport$223,538 To support the production of a 30-minuteadaptation ofAshpet, a variant of the Cinderella tale, asthe second half of a 60-minute family viewing specialfor young people ages 8 to 18.

*Prior year award receiving ftinds in fiscal ycar 1987.

1 0 2

Foundation for Public Broadcasting in Mississippi,Inc.Jackson. MS Edttard A. Van Cleef$20,000 To support the writing of a script for a 60-minute documentary on the works and literary careerof American writer Eudora Welty.

George Washington UniversityWashington, DC Joan Chung -wen Shin$20,000 To support planning of a nine-hour docu-mentary film series on the history and culture ofChinaover two millenia.

Global Village Video Resource Center, Inc.New York, NY John L. Reilly$292,888 To support the writing of a script for a 60-minute documentary on the life and art of SamuelBeckett and production of a companion 60-minuteprogram presenting three of his plays along withintroductory and linking commentary.

Globe Radio RepertorySeattle, WA John P Sisca$18,500 To support the writing of scripts for 13 30-minute radio programs dramatizing GustaveFlaubert's Madame Bovary

GloSe Radio RepertorySeattle, WA John P Siscoe$17,810 To support the writing of scripts for 12 30-minute radio programs dramatizing Franz Kafka's TheCastle.

Great River ProjectNaw Orleans, LA Edward C. Kurtz, Jr$40,000 To support the writing of one script for aproposed three-part dramatic mini-series on the dis-covery and settlement of the Mississippi River valley.

Greater Washington Educational TelecommunicationsAssociation, Inc.Washington, DC Mary E. Aladj$24,998 To support promotion for the rebroadcast ofthe six-part dramatic series, "Shoulder to Shoulder."

Institute of Early American History and CultureWilliamsburg, VA Steven J. Schechter$150,000 To support the writi ng of scripts ibr the firsttwo parts ofa four-part dramatic mini-seriesdepictingthe lives ofa Connecticut family duri ng the revolution-ary war.

institute for Research in HistoryNew York, NY Midge Mackenzie$157,410 To support the production of new introduc-tions to, and the rebroadcast of, the six-hour dramaticseries, "Shoulder to Shoulder."

James Agee Film ProjectJohnson City, TN Ross H. Spears$50,302 To support the writing of a script for a 90-minute documentary on the multiple legacies of Let UsNOW Praise Famous Men by photographer WalkerEvans and author James Agee.

Jewish Heritage Writing Project, Inc.New York, NY Alan M. Addison$24,500* To support the production of a 60-minutedocumentary film adaptation of the Chronicle of theLodz Ghetto, the only existing account of an entireJewish community's experience under Nazi domina-tion from 1941 to 1944.

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John Trumbull Patriot-Artist AssociationMorristown, NJ Marge a Dahle$20,000 To support planning for a two-hour dramaon the life and art of John Trumbull, 1756-1843,American historical and portrait painter.

KCET/Community TV of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Bette Y. Cax$20,000 To support script revision for a 30-minutetelevision program, for children ages 8 to 12, aboutElizabeth Taylor Greenfield, a 19th-century blackopera singer, as part of a series about black Americancomposers and performers.

KCET/Community TV of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Phylis J. Geller$48,000 To support the writing of one 60-minutedramatic script based on William Dean Howells'snovel, A Hazard of New Fortunes, fora proposed 15-parttelevision series.

KCRW FoundationSanta Monica, CA Marjorie R. Leet$55,050 To support production, promotion, and dis-tribution of 13 30-minute radio programs in whichmajor contemporary writers read their short storiesand comment on the creative process. Writer HerbertGold is host for the programs.

Kartemquin Educational FilmsChicago, IL Michael J. Hyde$12,000* To support planning for a documentaryfilm and a dramatic filn, investigating the dilemmasposed by the success of high-tech medicine and itsimpact on the doctor-patient relationship.

Kentucky Educational TelevisionLexington, KY Guy Mendes$19,510 To support planning for a feature-lengthdrama about the life and work of Henry Clay.

Language ProjectNew York, NY Gene Searchinger$200,123 To support the completion of the scripts fora four-part series on langu..ge, incorporating newfindings in the field of linguistics, and to support on-site research and preproduction filming in centralAustralia and Papua New Guinea.

Lara Classics, Inc.Cambridge, MA Pamela C Berger$119,872* To support the production of a 90-minutedramatic feature film about the events and conflictsthat occurred in a 13th-century French village when aDominican friar, an early inquisitor, uncovered anancient peasant healing ritual. The story is taken fromthe tent of Etienne de Bourbon, written in the late1520s.

Learning in Focus, Inc.New York, NY Robert Geller$75,000* To support the production of 60-minutetelevision adaptations of four American short storiesfor young people ages 13 to 18. The stories have beenselected for their literary merit, their relevance to thetheme of coming of age, and their diversity in present-ing aspects of American culture.

'Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Learning in Focus, Inc.New York. NY Robert Geller$600,000 To support the production of two 60-minute dramatizations of American short stories foryoung people ages 13 to 18: "Pigeon Feathers' by JohnUpdike and "First Love and Other Stories" by HaroldBrodkey.

Learning in Focus, Inc.New York, NY Robert Geller$500,000 To support the production of two 60-minute dramatizations of American short stories foryoung people ages 13 to 18: "First Love and OtherStories" by Harold Brodkey and "The Hollow Boy" byHortense Calisher.

Made in U.S.A. Development CorporationNew York, NY Elsa A. Rassbach$51,003* To support the production of a two-hourhistorical drama depicting the beginnings and evolu-tion ofthe Lowell, Massachusetts, textile mills between1839 and 1846.

Medici FoundationPrinceton, NJ Theodore K. Rabb$365,240 To support the production of "The Prince,"a 60-minute documentary film and the second in aseries about Renaissance social, intellectual, architec-tural, and political history.

Metropolitan Pittsburgh Public BroadcastingPittsburgh, PA Greg Andorfer$45,000 To support the writing of a script for a 90-minute documentary on the life and work of Americanphotojournalist W. Eugene Smith.

Modern Poetry AssociationChicago, IL Joseph A. Parisi$20,000 To support the planning and developmentof 13 30-minute radio programs on the history ofAmerican poetry since World War II.

Music Project for Television, Inc.New York, NY Mordecai H. Bauman$225,123 To support the production of a series ofthree 60-minute programs for public television on thelife and work of.lohann Sebastian Bach.

A thirteen-star U.Sflag of hand-ovencotton, eighteenth cen-

tury! Theflag was oneof the objects dis-

played in a bicenten-nial exhibition"Government by

Choice: Inventing the

U.S Constitution,"which was mounted bythe New-York Histor-ical Society in 1987

with support from theHumanities Projectsin Libraries Program.




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National Humanities CenterResearch Triangle Park, NC Wayne J. Pond$35,177 To support production of 52 weekly 30-minute radio programs presentingconversations in thehumanities and related discussions with scholars at theNational Humanities Center.

National Public RadioWashington, DC Dean Boa!$20,000 To support planning for a series of criticalreviews of the arts, starting with music, to be broadcastnationally on National Public Radio's daily arts maga-zine, "Performance Today"

National Yiddish Book CenterAmherst, MA Marlene J. Booth$300,185 To support the production of a 60-minutedocumentary film about the Jewish Forward, a Yid-dish-language newspaper that was for many years themost influential and widely read of any Yiddish paperin the United States.

Nebraskans for Public Television, Inc.Lincoln, NE Eugene H. Bunge$50,000* To support production of a two-hour dra-matization of the 1879 trial of Ponca Chief StandingBear, which helped to establish the principle that nativeAmericans are entitled to protection under the U.S.Constitution.

New Images Productions, Inc.Berkeley, CA Avon Kirkland$25,000** To support the purchase of the rights toRichard Kluger's book, Simple Justice, a history ofBrown v. Board of Education, which forms the basis foranew television series.

New York Center for Visual HistoryNew York, NY Lawrence Pitkethly$25,000* To support the production of one 60-minute documentary film on Marianne Moore as partof a 13 -part series on the world and work of Americanpoets.

New York Center for Visual HistoryNew York, NY Lawrence Pitkethly$500,123 To support the production of three 60-minute documentary films on T.S. Eliot, RobertLowell, and Sylvia Plath as part of a 13 -part series onthe world and work of American poets.

New York Foundation for the ArtsNew York, NY Susan Fanshe!$5,000* To support postproduction of a 60-minutedocumentary film focusing on the cultural adaptationof one Navajo family from 1938 to the present.

New York Foundation for the ArtsNew York, NY Mary E. Lance$37,500 To support the writing of a script for a 60-minute documentary on the life and work of Mexicanartist Diego Rivera.

Niagara UniversityNiagara Falls, NY Diane Garey$238,516 To support production of z 60-minute filmon the history of the American nurse from pre-CivilWar times to the 1970s.

Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.**Emergency grant.

.Ifs 4

North Texas Public Broadcasting, Inc.Dallas, TX Patricia P Perini$251,763 To support the production of a 60-minutedramatization of one of Katherine Anne Porter's shortstories, "The Fig Tree," targeted for children ages 8 to12.

Otherworld Children's MediaSeattle, WA .hidith A. Walcott$20,000 To support planning for the dramatic adap-tation to radio of two works of literature, JonathanSwift's Gullivers Travels and Lillian Hellman's Watch onthe Rhine, for the WGBH "Radio Movies" series.

Past America, Inc.Miami, FL Robert S. Morgan$15,000 To support planning for a series of programson the great non-European empires flourishing at thetime of Columbus's voyages of discovery.

Public Television Playhouse, Inc.Los Angeles, CA Joyce Keener$119,599* To support the production of a 90-minutedramatic program for American Playhouse in which ayoung man in a Pennsylvania Mennonite communityin the 1930s comes to grips with conflicts arising 11 omcommitments to his family, to his religious com mu lity,and to his own conscience.

Radio AmericaWashington, DC James C. Roberts$30,663 To support the production of 122 three-minute programs to be aired daily during the bicenten-nial of the Constitutional Convention, May 18-Sep-tember 18, 1987.

Radio AmericaWashington, DC James C. Roberts$7,000 To support the writing of one 30-minutescript as part of a series of three 30-minute radiodramas on the life of Mercy Otis Warren, Americanpoet, dramatist, and historian, 1728-1814.

Radio AmericaWashington, DC James C. Roberts$13,000** To support the editing and radio distribu-tion of four 45-minute programs using lectures andspeeches made at the Smithsonian Conference onConstitutional Roots, Rights, and Responsibilities.

Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick, NJ Reese V Jenkins$25,000 To support the writing of a script for a 6O-minute documentary that will examine the creativeprocess of invention by exploring the, ...ork of ThomasEdison and the world in which he lived.

Southern Educational Communications AssociationColumbia, SC Jeanne Phillips$175,177 To support production and distribution ofthree 90-minute radio programs. the scripting of six,and the writing of six treatment, for children's pro-grams in history, literature, anthropology, linguistics,folklore, music, and philosophy.

Stone Lantern Films, Inc.Washington, DC Sarah Mondale$25,000 To support script revision for a 60-minutedocumentary film tracing the evolution of the philoso-phy of care for the mentally ill in America, using thestory of Saint Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington,D.C., as a case study.

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Touchstone Center for ChildrenNew York, NY Richard Lewis$7,000 To support planning for six 15-minute radioprogram segments for children that will examinecreation myths of indigenous cultures.

Unicorn Projects, Inc.Washington, DC Ray A. Hubbard$250,000* To support a 60-minute television filmbased on David Macaulay's book Pyramid, which tellsthe story of how and why pyramids were built, startingwith the Old Kingdom's Fourth Dynasty in Egypt. Thefilm will be the third in a series based on Macaulay'sbooks.

University of AlabamaBirmingham, AL William C. Carter$67,452 To support the writing of the script for a 60-minute documentary film on the life and work ofFrench novelist Marcel Proust, 1871-1922.

University of HawaiiHonolulu, HI Edward J. Shultz.$5,000 To support script revisions for a 60-minutedocumentary film on the culture and history of Korea,focusing on Kyongju, capital of the Silla Kingdom, 1stcentury to A.D. 934.

University of the Air ProjectWashington, DC Adrian Malone$30,000** To support the planning of televisionprograms on the intellectual history of the 20thcentury.

VOICESNew York, NY Everett C Frost$132,989 To support production of three radio playsby Samuel Beckett, "Embers," "Cascando," and"Rough for Radio II;" three accompanying documen-taries; and a fourth documentary to be presented withthe NEA-supported radio play, "Words and Music."

WGBH Educational FoundationBoston, MA Peter S. McGhee$80,000 To support the writing of scripts for twofilms, "Geronimo and the Apache Resistance" and"Robert Moses and the Building of New York," as partofa new PBS series on American history and heritage.

WGBH Educational FoundationBoston, MA Peter S McGhee$300,420 To support production of seven 60-minutedocumentaries about Columbus's voyages, the culturalenvironment in which they took place, and the legaciesof the European contacts with America.

WGBH Educational FoundationBoston, MA Brigid Sullivan$75,185 To support the acquisition and presentationof dramatic adaptations of seven landmark children'sbooks and stories previously produced abroad.

WGBH Educational FoundationBoston, MA Judith Wechsler$170,185 To support the production ofone 30-minutetelevision program on the tradition of portraiture inWestern painting as part of a proposed 13-part serieson painting and the world of the painter from theRenaissance to the present.

WGBY-TVSpringfield, MA Robert B. Top /in$600,197 To support production of a two-hour dra-matic film about Lincoln's decision to supply FortSumter, an action that precipitated the Civil War.

WITFHarrisburg, PA Steuart Cheifet$10,226 To support planning fir a series of four 60-minute television programs on the origins and devel-opment of the American Constitution.

WYES-TVNew Orleans, LA Michael J. LaBonia$19,331 To support planning for a 90-minute b;og-raphical documentary film focusing on the presidencyof Dwight David Eisenhower.

World Music Institute, Inc.New York, NY Rebecca S. Miller$25,189 To support the production of six 30-minuteradio documentaries, each of which profiles an ethnictraditional musician living in the United Statesthrough interviews, live music, recordings, and archivalmaterials.


Grants supported projects designed to increase public understanding of the humanities through exemplary publicprograms and model projects of potential national significance.

American Federation of ArtsNew York, NY Samuel H. kcElfresh$50,000 To support a traveling film exhibition,drawn from the first decade of the Margaret Mead FilmFestival, and humanities symposia in five cities.

Asia Society, Inc.New York, NY Marshall M. Bouton$50,000* To support the deveopment ofa new seriesof public lectures, short evening courses, educationalworkshops, and guides devoted to Asian cultures.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.**Emergency grant.

Aston Magna Foundation for Music, Inc.Great Barrington, MA Raymond Erickson$100,000 To support multidisciplinary symposia onthe historical background of 17th- and 18th-centurymusical composition. Public lectures accompanied bydemostrations of period dances and musical instru-ments are planned in 12 states.

Boston UniversityBoston, MA Grigory E. Tamarchenko$132,415 To support a series of public lectures, filmdiscussions, and two symposia on the m ltu ral life oftheSoviet Union with an emphasis on 20th-centuryRussian art and literature.

1 115




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A stone carving o f a

house (later Han

dynasty, A.D. 25-220),

from the Leshan

Musezon, Peoples

Republic of China,was one of the objects

displayed in the ev-

hibition, "Stories from

China's Past." The

Chinese Culture Cen-

ter in San Francisco

received support for

the exhibition in 1987

from the HumanitiesProjects in Museums

and Historical Organi-

zations Program.




CUNY Research Foundation/MedgarBrooklyn, NY John 0. Killens$54,619 To support a national conference at whichwriters, scholars, critics, and members of the generalpublic will examine the topic, "Images of Blacks inBlack American Literature:'

Evers College

Chautauqua Society, Inc.Bismarck, ND Clay S. Jenkinson$201,050 To support 16 one-week scholarly residen-cies over two summers in North Dakota, SouthDakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. Scholars will leaddiscussions about Thomas Jefferson, AlexanderHamilton, Elizabeth Stanton, Abigail Adams, andHenry Adams.

East Tennessee Historical SocietyKnoxville, TN Mark V tikherington$78,566 To support film and book discussion pro-grams for senior citizens that explore southern historyfrom colonial times to the present and early 20th-century American history.

Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore, MD George B. Udvarhelyi$100,060 To support a two-year series of coordinatedlectures, symposia, colloquia, and film discussion andthe development of a video anthology exploring theintersection of medicine and the humanities.

Montana Historical SocietyHelena, MT Jennifer I Thompson$8,240 To support planning of a symposium explica-ting the social and cultural history of Washington,Idaho Montana, North and South Dakota, and Wyo-ming to be held in conjunction with the states'centennials in 1989 and 1990.

National Council on the Aging, Inc.Washington, DC Ronald I Manheimer$7,886* To support continuation and expansion ofthe Senior Center Humanities Program by disseminat-ing two new discussion units, by adding activities inresource centers and establishing new centers, and byconducting training sessions for discussion leaders.

Nationki Council on the Aging, Inc.Washington, DC Ronald I Manheimer$50,000 To support a nationwide humanities pro-gram for older adults and intergenerational groups,"Discovery through the Humanities."

Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

1 ist 6

National Foundation for Jewish CultureNew York, NY Richard A. Siegel$100,083 To support a multidisciplinary program ofconferences, symposia, lecture series, film series, radioprograms, exhibitions, and community-initiated pub-lic activities to explore Jewish culture in Israel andAmerica.

New Jersey Shakespeare FestivalMadison, NJ Ellen R. Barry$19,514 To support three years of annual three-daycolloquia on the dramatic offerings of the New JerseyShakespeare Festival.

New York UniversityNew York, NY Leslie Berlowitz$150,343 To support a series of public lectures andfilm discussion programs for a comprehensive histor-ical assessment of the French Revolution and itsinternational impact over the past 200 years.

University Community ConcertsCollege Park, MD Rose Ann C Fraistat$7,500* To support a series of public symposia onearly music and to develop a new series of lecture-demonstrationson the theoryand practice ofkeyboardinstruments. These preconcert events will be broad-cast over WETA-FM in the Washington, D.C., metro-politan area.

University of IllinoisChicago, IL Gene W Ruoff$50,733 To support a series of lectures and a two-dayconference explicating the artistic relationships be-tween the artists of the romantic period and the artistsand audience of contemporary times.

University of MassachusettsBoston, MA Lois R Rudnick$107,183 To support a four-day conference to exam-ine the artistic, social, and cultural issues that shapedthe development of the Provincetown Players and thetheater's subsequent influence on American culturaland intellectual history..

University of ToledoToledo, OH Roger D. Rap$53,315 To support a series of four public programsdesigned to promote an understanding of the disci-plines of the humanities, including history, art history,literature, philosophy, and religion.

Vergilian Society of AmericaCollege Park, MD Susan Ford Wiltshire$28,791 To support a four-day program of publiclectures and tours in Washington, D.C., designed toexamine ways in which Americans have drawn on theart, architecture, literature, and political thought ofRome.

Washington Drama Society, Inc./Arena StageWashington, DC Douglas C Wager$70,015 To support a series of community symposiaand essays to interpret the dramatic productionsoffered by the theater during the 1987-88 seasons, andto place the plays in cultural, historical, and literarycontext.

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he Division of Research Programssupports advanced scholarly research. Grantsmade through the division facilitate the prepara-tion for publication of important texts in thehumanities, the organization of collections andthe preparation of reference materials, the con-duct of collaborative or coordinated research,and the development of other scholarly activitiesthrough specific regrant programs.

During fiscal year 1987, the division an-nounced several new initiatives and emphases.The Endowment has become increasingly con-cerned with the problem of intellectual Lagmen-tation. Virtually everything human beings havedone or said is worthy of scrutiny, but noteverything done or said is equally deserving ofsuch scrutiny. With this distinction in mind, the

division sought in 1987 to support projects ofdemonstrable intellectual significance and im-portance.

Also in 1987 the division, through the Editionscategory, encouraged applications for the prepa-ration of editions of the papers and letters ofimportant American artists. And, in the Human-ities, Science and Technology category, applica-tions for the writing of guided studies to impor-tant texts in the history of science wereencouraged.

Among the grants awarded by the division in1987 were a Conferences E Ant to the StateUniversity of New York at Albany to conduct aconference on "Doing Philosophy Historically,"which addressed the issue of philosophy andhistorical context; an Editions category grant to


1 n !*/

Dutch Book o. f 1 hum,

Delft, ca. :475. Theminiature On the lefi

depicts Pentecost; thehistoriated initial On

the right slims the dis-persal ofthe Apostles.With the support ()f a

1987 grant through the

threSS (Yummy schol-

ars at the University ofCalifrnia. Berkelo:are researching anillustrated anddescriptive catalogueof 200 ilhoninatedmanuscripts from theNetherlands and lonerRhineland.




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stamped with presi-

dential campaign slo-gans and postmarked

December Z 1864, is

addressed to Governor

Andrew Johnson,

Nashville, Tennessee,

who would be sworn

in as vim president in

March 1865. The An-

th'nv Johnson Project

at the University Of

Tennessee received

support from the Edi-tions cakcory in 1987

for an edition of thepalms of AndrewJohnson.




the American Musicological Society to plan anational series of scholarly editions of Americanmusic; Tools grants to continue support of severallong -term reference work projects, including theOld Spanish Dictionary, the Dictionary of Amer-ican Regional English, the Sino-Tibetan Ety-mological Dictionary, and the OxfordDictionary ofByzantium; and a grant in the Access category tothe University of Pennsylvania to enhance accessto it collection of Mesopotamian materials, thelargest collection of such materials located out-side Baghdad.

The division's Editions category continued itssupport for th journals of the Lewis and ClarkFxpcdition. !n fiscal year 1987, a grant was madeto the University of Nebraska for an eleven-volume edition that will include the journals ofcaptains Lewis and Clark as well as those of theexpedition's enlisted men. The project, whichreceives strong institutional support from theuniversity's Center for Great Plains Studies, iscosponsored by the American PhilosophicalSociety.

In 1987 two awards were made through theTranslations category for documents relating tothe early history of this country: a renewal gran;

the New York State Library in Albany totranslate from Dutch the archives of NcwNetherland, matcrialsofgrcat significance for thestudy of colonial history; and a grant to theUniversity of Ncw Mexico to continue work on atranslation of the journals of Diego dc Vargas,which contain important information about theSpanish colonial administration of the South-west. Both projects have been notably successfulin raising private funds.

Gne of the important emerging topics inAmerican historical scholarship has been the roleof businesses in the development of politics and

society. The Access category supported manyprojects this year to organize collections ofmaterials related to the histories of particularninecenth-century American railroads. For ex-ample, the University of Connecticut was given agrant to provide access to more than 2,500 cubicfeet of historical records of the New York, NcwHaven, and Hartford Railroad. In addition, otherprojects concerned with important business rec-ord collections were funded including an Accessgrant to the St. Louis Mercantile Library Asso-ciation for its collection dating back to thesettlement of St. Louis. Such collections givescholars the opportunity to explore the rela-tionship between the economy and the develop-ment of a particular community.

The Interpretive Research category providedsupport to the University of California atJerkeley in 1987 for a project on traditionalChinese popular culture, a subject of growingscholarly interest to sinologists not only in thiscountry but to those in China and Japan as well.Another award was made to the University orIllinois to conduct a historical project on Ethio-pian land tenure and its social context. Scholarswill examine ancient Ethiopian land records todetermine the relationship of land ter a toaspects of governance, ownership, and migra-tion.

This year's grants exemplify the division'spremise that the intellectual foundation of thehumanities is built by scholars who conductresearch leading to new knowledge and criticalunderstanding.

Richard EkmanDinklorDivision of Research Programs

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Grants supported blocs offellows whose coordinated research in well-defined subject areas ofthe hiunamnes is based utcenters for advanced study.

American Academy in RomeNew York, NY Russell T Scott$b2,100* To support postdoctoral fellowships in thehumanities.

American Antiquarian SocietyWorcester, MA John B. Hench$58,000* To support postdoctoral fellowships in thehumanities.

American Philological AssociationNew York, NY George P Goold$12,500 To support an American fellow as a Mitar-beiter at the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae in Munich.

American Research Center in EgyptNew York, NY Terence liblz$77,000 To support postdoctoral fellows in Egypt-ology and Islamic studies.

American Schools of Oriental ResearchPhiladelphia, PA Seymour Gitin$29,500 To support postdoctoral fellowships in ar-chaeology and related subjects at the Albright Instituteof Archaeological Research, Jerusalem.

American Schools of Oriental ResearchPhiladelphia, PA David W McCreery$29,500 To support postdoctoral fellowships in ar-chaeology and related subjects at the American Centerof Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan.

Folger Shakespeare LibraryWashington, DC Werner L. Gundersheimer$44,200* ib support postdoctoral fellowships at theFolger Library.

Hagley Museum and LibraryWilmington, DE Glenn Porter$29,400 To support postdoctoral fellowships in busi-ness, economic, and technological history.


Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA Louise George Clubb$85,000 To support postdoctoral fellowships in Ital-ian Renaissance studies.

Henry E. Huntington Library and Art GallerySan Marino, CA Martin Ridge$82,500* To support postdoctoral fellowships at theHuntington Library.

Institute for Advanced StudyPrinceton. NJ Giles Constable$54,000 To support postdoctoral fellowships at theinstitute's School of Historical Studies.

Institute for Advanced StudyPrinceton, NJ Joan W Scott$102,000* To support postdoctoral fellowships in thehumanities.

Institute of Early American History and CultureWilliamsburg, VA Thad W Tate$23,000* To support a postdoctoral fellowship at theInstitute of Early American History and Cultwz.

John Carter Brown LibraryProvidence, RI Norman Fiering$30,000* To support postdoctoral fellowships at theJohn Carter Brown Library.

National Humanities CenterResearch Triangle Park, NC Charles Blitzer$349,000* To support postdoctoral fellowships inthe humanities.

Newberry LibraryChicago, IL Richard H. Brown$107,500* To support postdoctoral fellowships in thehumanities.

School of American ResearchSanta Fe, NM Douglas W Schwartz$75,300* To support postdoctoral fellowships in thehumanities.

Grants supported projects that increase the availability of important research collections in all fields of the humanities

African Studies AssociationLos Angeles, CA Joseph 2 Lauer$19,208 To support the preparation of a bibliographyof post-1974 American and Canadian doctoral disser-tations and masters' theses about Africa, which supple-ments an earlier work covering 1886-1974.

Afro-American Charities, Inc.MD Arthur W. Murphy

$16,000** To support the evaluation and sorting ofthe newspaper's archive of correspondence, journals,and newspaper articles covering the period from theCivil War to the 1960s.


American Antiquarian SocietyWorcester, MA John B. Hench$112,173 To support the third phase of the NorthAmerican Imprints Program to catalogue all booksand pamphlets printed before 1801 in the United Statesand Canada and integrate the records with the British18th-Century Short Title Catalogue.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987."Emergency grant.





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American Film InstituteWashington, DC Michael H. Friend$66,000* To support preparation of two volumes A'the American Film Institute Catalog, the definitiveguide to American theatrical film production. Supportwill permit the completion ofthe 1931-40 volume andpreliminary research on the volume covering1893-1910.

American Jewish ArchivesCincinnati, OH Abraham J. Peck$83,680 To support processing the World JewishCongress Archives and the preparation of finding aidsfor the collection. The archives cover the Holocaustand the postwar development of world Jewry.

American Theological Library AssociationChicago, IL Erica Treesh$114,749 To support the compilation of a retrospec-tive index to Religion Index 11, covering multiauthorworks published from 1976 to 1980. The work will bepublished in two volumes and will be available in thereligion data base.

Archives of the Lutheran Church in AmericaChicago, IL Elisabeth C. Wittman$4,274* To support the arrangement and descriptionof records and papers relating to individuals whoformed churches or institutions during the 1970sschism in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

Boston UniversityBoston. MA J. Wilson Myers$60,150 To support the archival printing and cata-loguing of 500 images selected from a larger collectionof low-altitude aerial photographs of archaeologicalsites in Greece and Crete.

Bowling Green State UniversityBowling Green, OH Linda M. Fidler$10,000* To support cataloguing a collection of12,000 popular music LPs recorded in the UnitedStates between 1950 and 1970. This bibliographicinformation will be entered into the OCLC data base.

Brigham Young UniversityProvo, UT S. Kent Brown$20,130* To support the microfilming and catalogu-ing of Coptic and Arabic manuscripts held by theCoptic Orthodox Church in Egypt. The manuscriptsdocument many aspects of Egyptian civilization fromthe Greco-Ro:aan era to the present.

Brown UniversityProvidence, RI Thomas R. Adams$122,327 To support preparation of the two finalvolumes of European Americana, a six-volume chro-nological guide to writings on the Americas publishedin Europe, 1492-1750.

CUNY Research Foundation, Brooklyn CollegeBrooklyn, NY Benito Ortolan:$48,260* To support the establishment ofan annualbibliography of published works on theatrical produc-tion and performance.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

CUNY Research Foundation, Brooklyn CollegeNew York, NY Benito Ortolani$86,916 To support the further development of theInternational Bibliography of the Theatre through com-piling the entries for a 1985-86 volume and addingthese entries to the existing data base.

CUNY Research Foundation, Graduate Schooland University OenterNew York, NY Barry S Brook$89,968 To support the compilation of 11 extra issuesof the Repertoire International de Litterature Musi-cale's RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, which willhelp RILM to achieve coverage of retrospective mate-rials.

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY Ronald J. Grele$5,319* To support the completion of a project tocomputerize the catalogue and master biographicalindex of the Oral History Collection.

Cornell UniversityIthaca, NI Cecilia S. Sercan$70,000* To support the recataloguing in machine-readable form of 9,000 titles from one of the world'sleading Dante collections. Works acquired in the late19th and early 20th century will be made available toscholars via the Research Libraries Information Net-work.

Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA Rodney G. Dennis$82,211 To support the preparation of the first vol-ume ofa catalogue ofthe early Western manuscripts inthe Houghton Library of Harvard University.

Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA Roger E. Stoddard$30,000* To support completion of the revised edi-tion of Pollard and Redgrave's Short Title Catalogue ofEnglish Printed Books to 1640 and compilation of acomputerized index of printers and publishers.

Human Relations Area Files, Inc.New Haven, CT Timothy J. O'Leary$40,000 To support the production ofa supplementto the fourth edition (1975) of the Ethnographic Bibli-ography of North America, the standard bibliographicresource on Eskimos and North American Indians.

International Museum of PhotographyRochester, NY Andrew H. Eskind$60,325 To support expanding and updating theIndex to American Photographic Collections and en-hancing access to the information through electronicand print media.

Jewish Theological Seminary of AmericaNew York, NY Neil Danzig$72,580 To support cataloguing 40,000 manuscriptitems from the old Cairo synagogue, including aclassified listing of all items and a detailed catalogue of8,000 fragments relating to Jewish culture in the 10ththrough the 13th centuries.

Los Angeles Public LibraryLos Angeles, CA Carolyn Kozo$54,856 To support cataloguing and preservation of15,000 negatives from the library's collection of south-ern California photographs of the 1920s and 30s. Acatalogue will be produced for reference use.

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Metropolitan Museum of ArtNew York, NY John K. Howat$67,847 To support recataloguing the collection ofthe American art departn.ent in preparation foropening a study center featuring computerized infor-mation that will facilitate access and aid intensiveresearch in the reserve collections.

Modern Language Association of AmericaNew York, NY John J Morrison$11,000* To support the revision of Volume 1 ofWing's Short-Title Catalogue, a three volume guide toworks published in English or in lands under Britishrule, 1641-1700. Publisher-printer. chronological, andtitle indices will also be created.

New York Public LibraryNew York, NY Susan E. Davis$120,000* To support the accessioning of 20.000linear feet of manuscripts and archives, thereby estab-lishing basic bibliographic and physical control overthe entire manuscripts and archive collections of theNew York Public Library.

New York Public LibraryNew York, NY Nancy M. Shawcross$50,000 To support the arrangement and descriptionof the musical scores, photographs, correspondence,and 280 linear feet of records from the archives of theAmerican Ballet Theater. The collection will be avail-able for research.

Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commissionaarrisburg, PA Robert M. Dructor$90,168 To support the arrangement and descriptionof 3,984 cubic feet of records of the PennsylvaniaRailroad. The archives will be placed in series order,and records will be prepared and entered into theRLIN data base.

State University of New York Research FoundationAlbany, NY K. Drew Hartzell, Jr$60,000 To support the location and cataloguing ofmusic that appealed in English manuscript sourcesdated before the year 1200. A book catalogue will becompiled.

Saint John's UniversityCollegeville, MN Julian G. Plante$55,575* To support the microfilming of 3,500 earlymanuscripts in Portuguese and West German re-positories. A catalogue of 535 microfilmed Portuguesemanuscripts will be completed.

Society of American ArchivistsChicago, IL Donn C. Neal$145,757 To support a program of education andprofessional development among archivists throughworkshops on archival standards and publications.

Southwest MuseumLos Angeles, CA Daniela P. Moneta$50,000* To support cataloguing P4,000 mono-graphs and 500 manuscript collections on the eth-nology, archaeology, and history of native Americans,in particular those of the Southwest. Bibliographicinformation will be entered into the OCLC on-linedata base.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

St. Louis Mercantile Library AssociationSt. Louis, MO Charles F Bryan, Jr$70,586 To support the arrangement, preservation.and description of the archival and manuscript coilec-tions orthe St. Louis Mercantile Library Association.

Stanford UniversityStanford, CA John B. Dunlop$8,944* To support the arrangement, description.and preparation of a guide for the Boris I. NicolaevskyCollection of Russian and European pamphlets, jour-nals, newspapers, letters, and manuscripts.

Stanford UniversityStanford, CA Barbara Gelpi$110,000 To support preparation of an annotatedbibliography of British women's autobiographies thatwere written or published between 1790 and 1950.

State Historical Society of WisconsinMadison, WI F Gerald Ham$64,109 To support the arrangement and descriptionof 14 business history collections totaling 791 cubicfeet. Archival inventories will be prepared for eachcollection and the information entered into the RLINdata base.

Texas Christian UniversityFort Worth, TX Winifred B. Homer$43,115 To support the compilation of an annotatedbibliography of student lectuie notes from rhetoriccourses taught in four late 18th- and 19th-centuryScottish universities.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA James H. Marrow$75,450 To support research necessary for an illus-trated and descriptive catalogue of 200 illuminatedmanuscripts written in the Netherlands and lowerRhineland during the late Middle Ages. The work willsupersede an earlier catalogue.

University of CaliforniaRiverside, CA Henry L. Snyder$299,607* To provide continuing support for com-pletion of the North American component of abibliography of items printed in all languages inEngland and its colonies and in English elsewhere,1701-1800. The bibliography, available on the Re-search Libraries Information Network, will includesome 350,000 titles.

University of ConnecticutStorrs, CT Randall C. Jimerson$83,390 To support the appraisal, accessioning, sam-pling, arrangement, and description of 2,500 cubic feetof records of the New York, Nev. Haven, and Hartfordrailroads. The collection will be available for research.

University of IllinoisUrbana, IL Barton M. Clark$13,192* To support a change in the techniquerequired for microfilming the D'Arcy Collection ofadvertisements dating from 1890 to 1970.

University of IllinoisUrbana, IL Herbert Kelltnan$27,600* To support the preparation of the finalvolume of a descriptive catalogue of manuscriptsources of Ren .:ssance polyphonic music, 1400-1550.

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This broadside, ca.1860, of one of

Stephen Foste5 mostpopular songs.

Jeanie with the LightBrown Hair," is part ofthe Foster Hall Collec-

tion of the StephenFoster Memorial,University ofPitts-burgh, which received

support from theAccess category in

1987 to catalogue thecollection.



University ofUrbana, IL Charles C Steuart$63,225 To support microfilming a major Arabicmanuscript collection, the private Shaikh SidiyyaLibrary in Boutilimit, Mauritania. The University ofIllinois Archives will provide access to the filmedcollection.

University of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI Fe S Go$10,000* To support the final stages of cataloguing amajor collection in Thai studies. The collection, to beavailable on the Research Libraries Information Net-work, documents 19th- and 20th-century Thai (Sia-mese) civilization.








lirals el this keg esn eindolst IMO, ISMMon et XXIX MID t OIL Wm Talc

I dream of Jeanie with the light brown lair,Berne, like a vapor, on the summer air!I lee her tripping where the bright 1117M111 play,Happy as the daisies that danee on her way.Many WWII the wild notes her tam's; voice would pew,Many were the blithe bird. that warbled them o'er;Oh' I alum of Jeanie with the light brown hair,Floating, hie a vapor, on the soft summer air.

I long for Jeanie with the day dawn smile,Radiant in gladness, MUM with winning goat ;I hear her melodies, like joys gone by,Sighing round my heart o'er the fond hopes that die;Sighing Eke the night wind and sob:,ing hie the'ta's,

-Wailing for the lost one that comes not again;(14: I long for Jeanie, and my heart bows low,Never more to find her where the bright mina low.

I sigh for Jeanie. but her light form strayedFar from the fond hearts naiad her native glade;Her wiles have vanished, sad ha sweet mop Sows,Flitting like the dreams that have cheered as sodiumNow the nodding wild towers may wither on theWhile her gentle fingers nil than no mere;Ohl I sigh for Jeanie with the lagla brown lair,Floating like a vapor oa the soft mama air.

.Priattr,311 Maas St. X. r., Sakti* Sass; Gam,2W Saks, Motto Vow, Salettion,kt.

University of North CarolinaChapel Hill, NC Laurence D. Stephens$65,956 To support the preparation of the Americancontribution to three volumes ofL'Annee Philologique,the annual international bibliography of classicalstudies.

University of Pennsy'ianiaPhiladelphia, PA Erle V. Leichty$101,929 To support the preparation of a comput-erized catalogue of the 30,000 Mesopotamiancuneiform tablets housed in the university museum.They cover 2,000 years, including the Sumerian,Akkadian, Kassite, and Assyrian civilizations.

"Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

1 1 2

University of PittsburghPittsburgh, PA Deane L. Root$93,873 To support cataloguing the Foster Hall Col-lection of American music materials at the StephenFoster Memorial and entering the cataloguing datainto the national OCLC bibliographic data base.

Vanderbilt UniversityNashville, TN Paula A. Covington$63,726 To support the compilation of an interdisci-plinary research guide to Latin America and theCaribbean. The guide will include essays on researchtrends and methodologies, an annotated bibliographyand a list of collections.

Vermont Historical SocietyMontpelier, VT Reidun D Nuquist$19,264 To support organizing and cataloguing thesociety's broadside collection, which consists of ap-proximately 7,500 items, including posters, flyers,announcements, and advertisements. A user's guidewill be prepared.

Wellesley CollegeWellesley, MA Jean H. Slingerland$24,519 To support production ofa cumulative indexas the last volume of the Wellesley Index to VictorianPeriodicals. The index describes the contents of 19th-century British, Scottish, and Irish monthlies andquarterlies.

Wyoming Archives, Museums and HistoricalDepartmentCheyenne, WY James Q Donahue$51,224 To support the arrangement, description,and preparation of finding aids for the records of theWyoming territorial and state engineers. 1869-1966.The records include information on land and waterpolicy development in the West.

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT Vivian Perlis$66,190 To support cataloguing, transcribing, andduplicating oral histories of key figures in Americanmusic obtained previously and the collecting of addi-tional interviews to enhance the coverage ofcontempo-rary composers.

Bettye T. ChambersWashington, DC$34,902 To support the compilation of a bibliogra-phy of all French-language editions of the Biblepublished froin 1600 to 1699. It will continue theapplicant's previously published bibliography coveringthe 15th and 16th centuries.

Patricia K. GrimstedCambridge, MA$5,731* To support the preparation of a Ukrainianvolume in a series of guides to archives and manuscriptrepositories in the USSR. The Ukrainian volumecomplements pre-..iously published works on Moscow,Leningrad, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Belorussia.

Bernth Olof LindforsAustin, TX$14,133* To support continuation and completion ofan international bibliography of criticism of blackAfrican literature in English. It will cover criticismpublished from 1982 to 1986 and supplement twoearlier volumes covering 1936-81.

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Grants supported the preparation ofauthoritative and annotated editions ofstgmficant texts and documents for the useof scholars, studenm and general readers.

American Historical AssociationWashington, DC Morey D Rothberg$11,000* To support a three-volume print edition ofpapers of the American historian John FranklinJameson, 1859-1937.

American Musicological SocietyPhiladelphia, PA Richard Crawford$11,650 To support a planning conference for acoordinated series of scholarly editions of Americanmusic.

American UniversityWashington, DC Charles C. McLaughlin$36,232* To support work on an edition ofthe papersof Frederick Law Olmsted, the 19th-century travelwriter, social critic. landscape architect, and cityplanner.

American UniversityWashington, DC Charles C. McLaughlin$50,000 To support work on a 12-volume edition ofthepapers of Frederick Law Olmsted, the 19th-centurylandscape architect, city planner, social critic, andtravel writer.

CUNY Research Foundation, City CollegeNew York, NY Norman Kelvin$45,000 To support the completion of a three-volumeedition of the letters of William Morris.

CUNY Research Foundation, Queens CollegeFlushing, NY Elizabeth N Nuxoll$43,300* To support the preparation of a nine-volume edition of the papers of Robert Morris and theOffice of Finance, 1781-84,

Catholic University of AmericaWashington, DC William A. Wallace$6,200* To support continuing work on the criticaledition of two works of St. Thomas Aquinas: theCommentary on the Third Book of the Sentences of PeterLombard and the Disputed Questions on SpiritualCreatures.

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY George A. Saliba$52,300 To support preparation of a critical editionof the astronomical treatise of Ibn al-Shatir ofDamascus (d.1375), one of the foremost Islamic astron-omers of the Middle Ages.

Cornell UniversityIthaca, NY Henry L. Gates$20,000* To support the location, identification, andpreparation for publication (in a complete microformedition and in three volumes of selected works) ofpoems, novels, and short stories published in blackperiodicals between 1827 and 1919.

Deep Springs CollegeDeep Springs, CA Timothy A. Hunt$24,311 To support the preparation of a completeedition of the poetry of Robinson Jeffers.

Duke UniversityDurham, NC Anne F Scott$77,000* To support the preparation of a compre-hensive guide to the microfilm edition of the papers ofJane Addams.

Florida State UniversityTallahassee, FL C. Peter Ripley$15,000* To support a selective print edition ofletters, speeches, essays, articles, and newspaper edi-torial writings of black Americans involved in theantislavery movement between 1830 and 1865.

George Washington UniversityWashington, DC Charles M. Harris$4,000* To support completion of the edition of thepapers of architect and planner William Thornton,1759-1828, in two volumes and a microfilm supple-ment.

Georgetown UniversityWashington, DC Tom L. Beauchamp$4,000* To support the preparation of Volume 5,comprised of four texts, of the critical edition of theworks of David Hume.

Indiana UniversityBloomington, IN Raymond J DeMallie$90,000 To support the editing of five collections ofhistorical texts in Sioux and Pawnee.

Indiana UniversityIndianapolis, IN Christian J W Kloesel$1,000* To support work on an edition of thewritings of Charles S. Peirce, 1839-1914, the Americanphilosopher, scientist, mathematician, and logician.

Indiana UniversityIndianapolis, IN Christian J. IV Kloesel$130,000 To support preparation of an edition of thework of Charles S. Peirce.

Institute of Early American History and CultureWilliamsburg, VA Charles F Hobson$71,000 To support the preparation of an edition ofthe papers of John Marshall.

Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore, MD Louis P Galambos$9,332* To support work on an edition of the papersof Dwight David Eisenhower.

Martin Luther King, Jr., CenterAtlanta, GA Clayborne Carson$72,500* To support a 12-volume print edition ofThe Papers of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Mississippi State UniversityMississippi State, MS Peter L. Shillingsburg$20,790 To support the final stage of the preparationfor publication of four volumes of an edition of theworks of William Makepeace Thackeray.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

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New Jersey Historical CommissionTrenton, NJ Carl E. Prince$38,119 To support the completion of an edition ofthe selected papers of William Livingston.

Ofeq Institute, Inc.Wickliffe, OH Abraham Shoshana$58,656 To support the preparation of a criticaledition of Rabbi Abraham Ben David's commentaryon Sifra. ca. 1198, itself a commentary on the book ofLeviticus.

Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity Park, PA Gerard.,'. Brew&$80,000 To support the preparation of a criticaledition of the lists of coats of arms used during thereign of Edward I, 1272-1307.

Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity Park, PA Alan E. Knight$36,000 To support preparation of a two-volumecritical edition of the pageant plays of Lille, a collectionof 15th-century French dramas from the HerzogAugust Bibliothek in Wolfenbuttel, West Germany.

Rhode Island Historical SocietyProvidence, RI Richard K. Showman$6,500 To support preparation of the edition of thepapers of General Nathanael Greene, an importantmilitary figure of the American revolutionary era.

Rhode Island Historical SocietyProvidence, RI Richard K. Shoiman$50,000 To support the preparation of a criticaledition of the papers of the revolutionary war figure.General Nathanael Greene.

Rice UniversityHouston, TX Lrnda L. Crist$10,000* To support the preparation of Volumes6-10 of The Papers of efferson Davis

Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale, IL Jo Ann Boylston$34,000* To support the editing of Volumes 9-16 ofThe Later Works of John Deicer in The Collected Jibrksof John Dewey

Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale, IL Jo Ann Boylston$160,000 To support the completion of The LaterWorks of John Dewey part of The Collected Ilbrks ofJohn Dewey

St. Bonaventure UniversitySt. Bonaventure, NY Girard .1 Etzkorn$115,000 To support preparation of critical editionsof Duns Scotus's philosophical commentary, Questionson the Metaphysics, and of Adorn Wodeham's LecturaSecunda.

Texas A&M Research FoundationCollege Station, TX Herman .1 Saatkamp, Jr$5,000* To support preparation of three volumes inthe edition of the works of American philosopherGeorge Santayan a.

*prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.


Texas A&M Research FoundationCollege Station, TX Herman J. Saatkamp.$95,000 To support preparation of a critical editionof the works of American philosopher George San-tayana.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA Robert H. Hirst$215,000* To support the preparation of a compre-hensive scholarly edition of Mark Twain's writings.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA Arlie R. Hochschild$103,500 To support the preparation of a microfilmedition of the papers of Emma Goldman.

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Robert A. Hill$45,000* To support an edition of the papers ofMarcus Garvey and the Universal Negro ImprovementAssociation.

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Alan Roper$55,000 To support the 20-volume California editionof The librks of John Dryden.

University of CaliforniaSanta Cruz, CA Joseph H. Silverman$10,000* To support the preparation for publicationof the fourth volume in an edition of the texts andmusic ofJudeo-Spanish narrative poems, published aspart of the ongoing series, Folk Literature of theSephardic Jeers.

University of IllinoisUrbana, IL Kolb$60,000 To support the preparation of an edition ofthe correspondence of Marcel Proust.

University of IowaIowa City, IA Robert L. Alexander$5,000 To support the preparation of a microfilmedition of the papers of American architect andengineer Robert Mills, 1781-1855.

University of MarylandCollege Park, MD Ira Berlin$12,500* To support a multivolume edition of se-lected documents from the National Archives illustrat-ing the transformation of the lives ofblack people in thewake of emancipation, 1861-67.

University of MarylandCollege Park, MD Stuart B. Kaufman$10,228* To support preparation of an edition, inthree microfilm series and 12 volumes of selecteddocuments, of the papers of Samuel Gompers, the firstpresident of the American Federation of Labor.

University of MarylandCollege Park. MD Stuart B. Kaufman$90,000 To support the preparation of a criticaledition of the papers of American labor leader SamuelGompers.

University of MarylandCollege Park, MD Rachel W Hide$5,000* To support the preparation of an edition ofthe complete works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. amajor 18th-century composer and son of JohannSebastian Bach.

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University of MarylandCollege Park, MD Rachel W Rade$115,000 To support preparation of a scholarly edi-tion of the collected works of Carl Philipp EmanuelBach.

University of MassachusettsAmherst, MA Patricia G. Holland$57,316* To support the preparation of a microfilmedition of the papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton andSusan B. Anthony.

University of NebraskaLincoln, NE Gary E. Moulton$7,000* To support work on the preparation of theedition of the journals of the Lewis and Clark expedi-tion in 11 volumes.

University of NebraskaLincoln, NE Gary E. Moulton$96,490 To support continuing work on the prepara-tion of the 11-volume edition of the journals of theLewis and Clark expedition.

University of South CarolinaColumbia, SC David R. Chesnut,$5,000* To support the preparation of the edition ofthe papers of Henry Laurens, the 18th-century states-man from South Carolina.

University of South CarolinaColumbia, SC David R. Chesnut,$110,000 To support the preparation of a criticaledition of the papers of South Carolina planter andpolitician Henry Laurens.

University of South CarolinaColumbia, SC Clyde N Wilson$65,027 To support the preparation of an edition ofthe papers of John C. Calhoun.

University of TennesseeKnoxville, TN Paul Bergeron$65,000 To support the preparation of a print editionof the papers of Andrew Johnson.

University of TennesseeKnoxville, TN Harold D. Moser$47,000* To support a selected printed edition of thepapers of Andrew Jackson.

University of VirginiaCharlottesville, VA William W. Abbot$72,336* To support the preparation of the compre-hensive edition of the papers of George Washington.

University of VirginiaCharlottesville, VA Cecil Y Lang$95,000 To support the preparation of an edition ofthe letters of Matthew Arnold.

University of WisconsinMadison, WI John P Kaminski$39,979* To support the preparation of two editions:a documentary history of the ratification of theConstitution and the Bill of Rights and a documentaryhistory of the first federal elections.

'Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

1.4 -*


University of WisconsinMadison, WI John P Kaminski$100,000 To support the continuing preparation ofan 18-volume documentary history of the ratificationof the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Washington State UniversityPullman, WA Nicolas K. Kiessling$8,000* To support the Clarendon Press edition ofRobert Burton's The Anatomy of Melanchohy

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT John W Blassingame$60,000 To support an edition of the papers ofFrederick Douglass.

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT Martin Price$50,000* To support the preparation for publicationof several volumes in an edition of James Boswell'spapers: his miscellaneous correspondence, his corre-spondence with William Johnson Temple, the firstvolume of the Life ofSainuel Johnson, and other papersrelating to the management of Boswell's Scottishestate.

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT David E. Underdown$31,500* To support preparation of the edition of allsurvivingsources on the Parliaments of 1625 and 1626.

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT David E. Underdown$125,000 To support completion of the edition of theproceedings in the Parliament of 1626 and the begin-ning of editing the proceedings in the lower house inthe opening session of the Long Parliament.

1 1 5

Tito Jigbo maskers,

who perform as part

of annual rites of re-nem! and purificationamong the ljebtiYoruba of Nigeria. A

scholar at the Metro-politan Museum ofArt received a grantfor completion of astudy of creative proc-

esses in the arts andreligious rituals of theYoruba.




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Nancy Pollard BrownOxford, England$55,000 To support the preparation of a criticaledition of the prose works of Elizabethan Catholicwriter Robert Southwell, Society of Jesus, 1561-95.

Jared R. CurtisBurnaby, Canada$65,000 To support a volume in the Cornell Words-worth edition containing Wordsworth's early poetry,written from 1785 to 1797.

Philip KelleyWinfield, KS$175,000 To support the preparation of an edition ofthe complete correspondence of Robert and ElizabethBarrett Browning.

Jo ModertMt. Vernon, IL$5,000* To support the completion of the prepara-tion of a facsimile edition of Jane Austen's letters.

Gordon J. SchochetHighland Park, NJ$33,980 To support an edition of John Locke'swritings on religion and religious toleration.

David L. SchulenbergStony Brook, NY$6,250 To support the preparation of an edition ofseven keyboard sonatas byC.P.E. Bach, a volume in thecomplete Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach edition.


Grants supported research that employs the theories and methods of the humanities disciplines to study science andtechnology

CUNY Research Foundation, John Jay CollegeNew York, NY Gerald Markowitz$71,000 To support a study of the history of publichealth in the United States that focuses on theemergence of the field of occupational safety andhealth in the 20th century.

Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA A. I. Sabra$53,280 To support a critical study of medievalIslamic science, considering the appropriation, assim-ilation, and eventual fading ofG reek science in Islamicculture.

Indiana UniversityBloomington, IN Ann G. Carmichael$83,000 To support a study of mortality in the city ofMilan from 1450 to 1600 in order to establish theidentity and prevalence of endemic and epidemicdiseases in Europe during this period of contact withthe New World.

Indiana UniversityBloomington, IN Richard S. litstfall$74,505 To support a study ofthe social dimension ofthe emergence of modern science, which focuses on thefinancial support of a community of scientists duringthe scientific revolution in the 17th century.

Laser Institute of AmericaToledo, OH Joan Lisa Bromberg$33,000 To support a portion of a larger, six-yearhistorical project on the developr.:ent of masers andlasers in the United States. This portion will examinethe social, political, and institutional characteristics ofthis development.

Saint John's CollegeAnnapolis, MD Harvey M. Flaumenhafi$65,662 To support the preparation of guided studiesof historic scientific texts in geometry and astronomythat will make these works accessible to a wider body ofscholars.


Texas A&M Research FoundationCollege Station, TX Larry A. Hickman$38,000 To support a study of the subject of tech-nology in the writings of John Dewey, 1859-1952, inorder to explicate and analyze Dewey's philosophy oftechnology.

Tufts UniversityMedford. MA Philip G. Mirowski$78,000 To support a study of the rhetoric of eco-nomics in the 19th century in order to understand theattempt to make economics a mathematical science.

University of Hawaii at ManoaHonolulu, HI Rachel Laudon$99,900 To support a study of the changing views ofscience and its role in society as evidenced by historiesof science, most of which were written by scientistsfrom 1750 to 1914.

University of MassachusettsBoston, MA Diane B. Paul$93,000 To support a study of the history of clinicalgenetics that traces the social origins of this field in theUnited States, Great Britain, and the Scandinaviancountries.

University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Arnold Thackray$33,729 To support a study of the history of theintense research program to produce synthetic rubberin the United States during World War II.

John T. EdsallCambridge, MA$18,384 To support a study of the history of bio-chemistry from the early 19th to 20th century thattraces ideas of the respiratory function of blood.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

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Grants provided funds to national organizations and leameabroad, to attend or participate in international conferences,

American Council of Learned SocietiesNew York, NY Allen H. Kassof$800,000* To support the continuation of advancedresearch exchanges and related grant activities in thehumanities with the Soviet Union and the socialistcountries of Eastern Europe.

American Council of Learned SocietiesNew York, NY Jason H. Parker$150,000 To support the continuation of the activi-ties of the Joint Committee on Chinese Studies,promotingAmerican scholarly research in the human-ities.

American Council of Learned SocietiesNew York, NY Jason H. Parker$95,000 To support two research planning con-ferences addressing selected topics in humanitiesscholarship on China.


Grants sloported the translation into English of works thatartistic achievements ofother cultures and that make availabstudents, and general readers.

d societies to enable American scholars to pursue researchand to engage in collaborative work with foreign colleagues.

American Council of Learned SocietiesNew York, NY Richard Schlatter$80,000* To support travel costs of American schol-ars participating in scholarly conferences in the hu-manities held outside the United States.

National Academy of SciencesWashington, DC Mary B. Bullock$340,000 To support the continuation of scholarlyexchange and related activities in the humanitiesinvolving the People's Republic of China.

Social Science Research CouncilNew York, NY Frederic Wakeman$705,000* To support the costs of administering aprogram of postdoctoral research grants for interna-tional area studies managed jointly by the AmericanCouncil of Learned Societies and the Social ScienceResearch Council.

provide insight into the lustory literature, philosophy andle the thought and learning ofthese utile:at:or:510 st.holars,

Catholic University of AmericaWashington, DC William A. Wallace$20,203 To support the preparation of an annotatedEnglish edition of Galileo's Logical Treatises.

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY George A. Saliba$3,000* To support the translation and annotation ofa major 13th-century Arabic treatise on astronomy.

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY Ehsan 011ah Yarshater$236,410 To support the translation and annotationof al-Tabari's account of universal history to A.D. 915.This text is the most complete source on medievalIslamic thought and historiography.

Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA Omeljan Pritsak$50,000 To support the translation of 13 of theprojected 43 volumes of primary literary, theological,and historical texts composed between the 11th and the18th centuries in the territories of the present-dayUkraine.

Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore, MD Eric F Halpern$3,000 To support the translation of a 1984 study bythe Italian classicist Bruno Gentili on the poetry ofancient Greece and the society that produced it.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Michigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MI David W Robinson$29,000 To support the translation of Arabic chroni-cles, treatises, and correspondence about Umar, anIslamic state in Western Sudan, from 1852 until itbecame a French colony in 1893.

Saint Louis UniversitySt. Louis, MO Clarence H. Miller$35,000 To support the translation of the Latinpoems of Erasmus.

Saint Olaf CollegeNorthfield, MN Howard V Hong$7,390* To support the edition and translation ofKierkegaard: Complete Hirks in 26 volumes.

Saint Olaf CollegeNorthfield, MN Howard V Hong$39,295 To support the completion of the translationof the complete works of Soren Kierkegaard.

Sealaska Heritage FoundationJuneau, AK Richard L. Dauenhauer$5,865* To support collecting, translating and pro-viding explanatory essays for 4 body of Alaskan nativeAmerican (Tlingit) oral literature.

Seton Hall UniversitySouth Orange, NJ Petra T.D. Chu$10,000* To support the critical edition and transla-tion of the letters of French realist painter GustaveCourbet, 1819-77, who corresponded with many lead-ing figures of his time, among them Claude Monet,Victor Hugo, and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.




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"The Tiro So: ,dom

Girls" advertises a liq-

uid tooth-cleaningproduct. The library ofthe University of Illi-

nois. Urbana-Cham-paign, received

support from the

Access category in

1986 10 microfibn the

D'Arcv Collection of

advertisements dating

from 1890 10 1970.




Readers of Ilorpeen fre LIN %III recoanIte one If not boll, of theseportraits. The ladles, like thousands of others In Amerka, haw used

ful. Similar moults can he obtained by others oho n111 use SOZOlkosasozonovr for 'oar, it h results. Their Fr::: are beam!.

regularly. All brurtHla A antisMt thote teal, Abltet.P 0 1k /,7. V.C10.I / .. I ^A 11411 RI 11,11.

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Stevens Institute of TechnologyHoboken, NJ Arnold B. Urken$50,072 To support the preparation of an annotatedtranslation with modern mathematical notation of theMarquis de Condorcet's Essai (1785). Condorcet'soriginal mathematical computation will be presentedin the footnotes.

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Fredi Chiappelli$23,265 To support the translation of firsthand Ital-ian accounts of the Columbian voyages and a variety ofpublic and private texts that reflect the response ofRenaissance Italy to its earliest contact with the NewWorld.

University of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI Bogdana M. M. Carpenter$40,000 To support the preparation of a bilingualanthology of Polish poetry to include examples fromthe earliest poetry to poems written at the end of the18th century.

University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, NM John L. Kessell$50,000 To support work on the edition and transla-tion of the journals of Diego de Vargas, a Spanishgovernor of the American Southwest at the turn of the170 .:entury.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

University of VermontBurlington, VT Jana S. Whatley$20,000 To support the translation of the History of aVoyage to Brasil by Jean de Lery, a French Huguenotpastor who went to Brazil in 1550 as part ofa Protestantmission to provide a New World haven for religiousrefugees.

University of the State of New YorkAlbany, NY Peter R. Christoph$4,526* To support work on the translation andediting of the archives of New Netherland, a majorsource for the study of the early history and culture ofthe middle Atlantic states.

'LJniversity of the State of New YorkAlbany, NY Peter R. Christoph$60,000 To support work on the selection, editing,and translation of documents of the Dutch administra-tion in colonial America. One volume will cover thecouncil minutes up to 1656, the other, the courtmaterials of the local administration.

Yeshiva UniversityNew York, NY Richard C. Steiner$3,375* To support the translation of a papyrus,discovered near Thebes (Egypt) in the 19th century,that represents the only ancient collection of Aramaicpoetry and pagan religious literature.

James A. BellamyAnn Arbor, MI$27,500 To support a translation of the collectedworks of the Arab poetess Khansa, ca. 585-ca. 645,whose preservation of the ancient original structure ofthe elegy was imitated by medieval Arabic poets.

Christine A. BrownToronto, Canada$10,000* To support the translation of the Polishhistorical novel Nights and Days (1932) by MariaDabrowska. Written in the form of a family chronicle,the novel portrays the history of Poland during the halfcentury separating the uprising of 1863 and theoutbreak of World War I.

Louise Allison CortWashington, DC$27,495 To support an annotated and illustratedtranslation of the Morita Diary a detailed record of aprofessional potter's journey through 17th-centuryJapan's political and cultural centers.

Helga B. DoblinStillwater, NY$9,060 To support the translation of unpublishedjournals ano letters written by military and civilianpersonnel from the Duchy of Braunschweig whofought with the British in the American revolutionarywar.

Leonard B. FoxCharleston, SC$26,170 To support the translation and first compre-hensive anthology ofhainion: the traditional poetry ofMadagascar.

1 i 8i t

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Why A. FriersonSomerville, MA$25,000 To support the translation of a collection ofessays on Russian peasants written in the 1870s and1880s by a nobleman living in the country, which waspublished in book form sometime in the 1890s.

Markham J. GellerLondon, England$27,500 To support a new edition and translation ofEvil Demons, a group of incantations, inscribed onclay tablets in Sumerian and Akkadian script, whichwere used in Mesopotamian riturls from the thirdmillennium B.C.

Hall I. InalcikChicago, IL$15,829 To support a selected translation of the basiclaw codes of the Ottoman Empire, 1500-1800.

John R. McRaeBedford, MA$35,583 To support the translation, with extensivecritical apparatus, of the surviving writings of Shen-hui, 684-758, a monk of the early Ch'an school ofChinese Buddhism.

Suzanne M. NoffkeMiddleton, WI$1,879* To support the continuation of the transla-tion from the Tuscan Italian of The Letters ofCatherineof Siena, in four volumes (14th century).

Graham R. ParkesHonolulu, HI$33,700 To support the translation of Niliiriziumi(Overcoming Nihilism), a study of Nietzsche from theperspective of the Kyoto School by the 20th-centuryJapanese philosopher Nishitani.


Grants supported collaborative research that will advancetopics in the humanities.

American Schools of Oriental ResearchPhiladelphia, PA Marilyn Buccellati$30,000 To support excavation and publication ofarchaeological studies at Tell Mozan, Syria, a thirdmillenium B.C. urban settlement in northern Meso-potamia, possibly the ancient city of Urkish.

American Schools of Oriental ResearchPhiladelphia, PA Thomas E. Levy$35,000 To support the continued excavation andanalysis of a fourth-millenium Chalcolithic village andmortuary complex in the Negev Desert, Israel.

American Schools of Oriental ResearchPhiladelphia, PA Suzanne Richard$11,200* To support the final season ofthe first phaseof an ongoing m.avation program at Khirbet Iskander,a third millennium B.C. urban site in Jordan. The goalis to determine the extent and nature of sedentismduring this transitional period in the early Bronze Ageof Jordan.

Stanley L. PaulsonSt. Louis, MO$25,000 To support the selection, edition, annota-tion, and translation of texts dealing with legal theoryand contemporary legal hermeneutics written in Ger-man in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Ritva M. PoomNew York, NY$16,340 To support the translation of a 1985 Finnishstudy of that country's mythology and myth creation.

Joan Newlon RadnerWashington, DC$29,000 To support the translation of three i 1 th- and12th-century chronicles from the middle Irish legendsabout the mysterious deaths of two 6th-century kingsof Tara and about Irish kings and clerics of the period600-710.

Stephen P. SartarelliNew York, NY$13,600 To support the translation of the Italiannovel, Horcynus Orca, by f'fano D'Arrigo.

Richard T. TaftWilbraham, MA$2,000* To support the translation, with criticalapparatus, of Martin Heidegger's Kant and das Prob-lem der Metaploik (Kant and the Problem of Meta-physics), 1929.

Janine R. WedelWashington, DC$16,000 To support the preparation and translationof an anthology of articles written in Poland that dealwith the development and the functioning of alter-native economies within centrally controlled regimes.

Anowledgc or deepen critical understanding of important

American UniversityWashington, DC /I/an M. Kraut$49,997 To support a study ofthe history of immigra-tion to the United States from 1880 to 1940.

Amherst CollegeAmherst, MA Deborah B. Gelvertz$65,000 To support the completion of a decade-longstudy of the Chambri people of Papua New Guinea,who have weathered and survived an ecological andcultural crisis in their island society.

Appalachian State UniversityBoone, NC Allen Mils$120,000 To support a study of politics and society inYucatan before and during the Mexican Revolution,1890-1915.

Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.





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Brown UniversityProvidence, RI Eugene D. Cruz-Uribe$2,670* To support completion of the report forpublication ofthe fieldwork photographyand drawingsof sections of the ancient Egyptian temple of Amun inthe Khargha Oasis. A commentary on the templedecorations and translations of the hieroglyphic inscriptions will also be part of the study.

Brown UniversityProvidence, RI Joan W Scott$39,278* To support collaborative research on con-cepts of social roles in melodrama, religion. blackculture in the United States and Brazil, anti-Semitism.and theories of change in developing nations.

Bryn Mon CollegeBryn Mawr, PA James C Wight$10,734 To support a three-year excavation of theprehistoric site ofTsoungiza in the Nemca Valley ofthenortheastern Peloponnesos and an archaeological sur-vey of the Nemea Valley.

Cambridge University PressNew York, NY Frank S. Smith$9,970 To support editorial expenses for preparationof two volumes of the Cambridge History oldie NativePeoples (If the Americas.

Carnegie-Mellon UniversityPittsburgh. PA Michael P. Iii,ber$24,850* To support a study ofthe evolution ofsocialattitudes and values of blue collar workers in westernPennsylvania over three generations.

Cleveland State UniversityCleveland, OH David A. Richardson$2,655 To support a planning grant for on-lineaccess to current information about computer uses inthe humanities.

Colonial Williamsburg FoundationWilliamsburg, VA Cary Carson$41,119* To support research on urban growth inYork County. Virginia, between 1630 and 1830. focus-ing on the development of Williamsburg and Yorktownand the changing interactions between these townsand their rural neighborhoods before and after theAmerican Revolution.

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY Alan Loma$14.100 To support the completion of a cross-cultural interpretation of American urban perform-ance styles in dance. music. and song.

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY David J. Rothman$30,000* To support an investigation ofthe changingexperiences of the chronically ill in the United Statesfrom 1850 to 1950 through patient memoirs, diaries,letters, sanitarium records. and physicians' personaland professional writings.

Cornell UniversityIthaca, NY Peter I. Kunihobn$65,221* To support a project to extend an unbrokendendrochronological sequence as far back as the thirdmillennium B.C., and toattempt to establish links withthe 7,272-year absolute oak chronology for northernEurope.

East-West CenterHonolulu, HI Gequivy M. White$91.829 To support a study of the impact of WorldWar II on Pacific islanders based on written and oralsources and focusing on the continuing significance ofthe cultural encounters between the islanders andAmerican soldiers.

Emory UniversityAtlanta, GA James M. Miller$44,574 To support the preparation of reports of thearchaeological surveys conducted between 1979 and1983 in the al-Kerak district ofiordan. the center of theancient kingdom of Moab.

Florida Bureau of Archaeological ResearchTallahassee, FL Gary Shapiro$10,000 To support the archaeological investigationof changes resulting from interaction between theApalachec Indians and Spanish missionaries in the17th century in the founding of the Florida town of SanLuis de Talimali.

Folger Shakespeare LibraryWashington, DC Lena C Orlin$26.950 To support the establishment of a center forthe study of British political thought between 1550 and1800. The center will create a program of seminars.conferences, colloquia, and publication projects in-volving resident and visiting scholars.

Fordham UniversityBronx, NY Carol Laub-plan$50.000 To support completion of a book based oncomplete transcriptions of three healing rituals byMalay shamans. exploring the roles of these rituals asoral literature, dramatic performance. and nativepsychotherapy in Malay culture.

I larvard UniversityCambridge. MA Jane A. Scott$95.000 To support completion of publication of fivevolumes of the archaeological exploration of Sardis.Turkey (ancient Lydia).

Harvard UniversityCambridge. MA Gordon R. If Illey$10.000 To provide continuing support for prepara-tion of a data base. the Corpus of May, IlierogbphiInscriptions, requiring field recording. documentation.and preparation for publication, This data base willserve the needs of cultural and art historians. epi-graphists. and archaeologists.

Historic Annapolis, Inc.Annapolis. MD Anne E. }busch$21,000 To support final analysis and preparation ofa monograph describing the archaeological data andinterpreting their significance for the history of high-status households in Annapolis in the early 18thcentury.

Historic Deerfield, Inc.Deerfield, MA Robert Poynter$17,498* To support a combined archaeological andhistorical investigation of spatial and temporal varia-tions in land use in order to test historical assumptionsabout cultural process in a rural New England community, 1670-1850.

Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987..


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Illinois State MuseumSpringfield, IL Steven R. Abler$34,000 To support an examination ofthc changes incomplex social organization during the Archaicperiod, about 8.500 to 4,500 years ago, as seen in thearchaeological remains from Modoc Rock Shelter, asite in Randolph County Illinois.

Indiana UniversityBloomington, IN Raymond J. DeMallie$10,000 To support the completion of a culturehistory of the Sioux and Assiniboirc Indians of NorthAmerica from pre-European contat to the present.

Indiana UniversityBloomington. IN Jerome R. Mini;$100,000 To support an anthropological study ofhow carnival rituals in Andalusia. Spain. help preservecontinuity with one of the oldest cultural traditions inthe Western world.

Miami University,Oxford. OH Michael O'Brien$62.000 To support a study of the intellectual historyof the antebellum South by examining the figures whoconstituted the southern intelligentsia and the worksthey produced. A data base on these intellectuals isplanned.

North Carolina State UniversityRaleigh. NC S. Minas Parker$49.760 To support the fourth of five seasons ofexcavation and analysis at a section of the ancientRoman fortified frontier cast of the Dead Sea inmodern Jordan.

Northwestern UniversityEvanston. IL John N Paden$25.000 To support collaborative research on thelearned people ('ulama) of Muslim society in westernand central Africa, examining their literary output andsocial background from 1700 to the present.

Princeton UniversityPrinceton, NJ Denis C. 7ivitchett$130,000 To support research and editorial expensesfor continuing work on Volumes 4. 5, and 6. A.D.589-1367, and the beginning of work on Volume 2.A.D. 221-581. of the Cambridge History of China.

Regents of the University of MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN Frederick A. Cooper$80,228 To support the preparation of illustrationsfor a comprehensive handbook of Greek architectureemphasizing construction methods.

Rice UniversityHouston, TX Allen J. Afatusow$65,000 To support completion of the research andpreparatir of a two-volume biography of the life, art.and times of George Cruikshank, one of the fathers ofBritish caricature and a prominent illustrator andauthor of the 19th century.

State University of New York Research FoundationAlbany, NY Dean R. Snow$25.000 To support the Mohawk Valley Project.which applies the evidence of documents and archae-ology to determine the Mohawk tribe's culture as itevolved in the 17th century from pre- to well-docu-mented post-epidemic conditions.

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State Unhersity of New York Research FoundationBuffalo, NY Livingston 1! Iiiitrous$21,712* To support an archaeological surface surveyof the western Mcsara region of southern Crete.

Social Science Research CouncilNew York. NY Frederic lihkeman$90.000 To provide continuing support for a na-tional program ofcollaborative research on Cambodia.Laos. and Vietnam. Thirty additional projects di-rected by the SSRC will emphasize the study of thelanguages. cultures. and history of Southeast Asia.

Society of Architectural HistoriansPhiladelphia. PA Adolf K. Placa*$69.565 To support preparation of two volumes.Connecticut and Michigan. of a multivolume. state-by-state series on the buildings of the United States.

Texas A&M Research FoundationCollege Station. TX George R 132ss$10.000 To support the excavation of a 14th-century B.C. shipwreck °lithe coast of modern Turkey.

Texas A&M Research FoundationCollege Station, TX Donald A. Frey$35.000' To support the cleaning, conserving. ana-lyzing. and replicating of the artifacts collected fromthe Molasses Reefwreck. which is near an island northof Haiti. The site is producing information about theage of discovery.

'Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

**Emergency gram

1111liam Afakepeace

771ackeray:s letter to an

officer ofthe St. Louis

Mercantile LibraryAssociation. discuss-

* Thackeray's sched-uled lectures at the

library In 1987 thelibrary received an

Acres category grant

to support the arrange-

ment. preservation,

and description o f its

archival and man-

uscript collections.




Page 122: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY




Texas A&M Research FoundationCollege Station. TX .1 Richard StegiT$21.250' To provide continuing support for comple-tion ofthe study and reconstruction ofan 11 th-centuryIslamic ship, the earliest extant example of an essen-tially skeletal-built seagoing vessel.

Tufts UniversityMcd ford. MA Madeline 11. Cariness$6.000' To support a collaborative study of stainedglass panels and panes scattered among Americanmuseums and private collections. one component ofthe international Corpus Hinman. The first productwill bean annotated checklist ofholdings in Americancollections.

Tufts UniversityMcdrord. MA Madeline 11. Cariness$75.000' To support the completion of the two-volu me descriptive checklists and a series of fascicles orseparate supplements of an interpretive catalogue ofmealeval and Renaissance stained glass in 1mericancollections.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley. CA David G. Jainism;$230.000 To support an interdisciplinary project toopen up the field of Chinese popular culture studies.focusing on regional opera and local cults. and com-prising a colloquium. workshops. source materials,and publication ofa sourcebook.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley CA Robert .4. Sailapino$30.860* To support collaborative research on abook about the history of Chinese politics. 1920-49.

Unhersity of ChicagoChicago. IL Daniel E. Gan\r3103.363 "lb support the preparation of the one-volume Camoriage 1 &tory ((Seventeenth-Century Phi-losoph

University of ChicagoChicago. IL Alan 1.. Kolam$7.800' To support an archaeological study of raisedfield systems of farming and their relationship tocentralized politi:al organization and control in thestate of Tiwanaku. A.D. 100-1200. located on theshores of Lake Titicaca in the high Andes of Bolivia.

University of CincinnatiCincinnati. OH Zane L. MillerS19.006' To support research on the social andeconomic history of the Over-the-Rhine district ofCincinnati from 1940 to 1983. The study will focus onthe relationship of historic preservation and historicdistrict designation to the processes of utban planning.neighborhood change. and development since 1940.

University of FloridaGainesville. FL Pnulout, M. RiceS38.000 To support an archaeological research proj-ect in southern Peru. focused on the 16th-centurywineries established by theSpanish and their role in theprocesses that led to the formation of a Hispanic-Peruvian culture.

University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, (L Donald E. Crummy$150,000 To support a study of the history of Ethio-pian land control before 1913 in its social context.

University of IowaIowa City. IA Margaret .4. Alt:under538.358 To support research for and completion oftwo fascicles of The Corpus ((the Mosaics ((Tunisia.two volumes on the Roman mosaics at ThuburboMaius and at four houses in El Jcm. Tunisia.

University of IowaIowa City. IA Steven R. UticarS175.000 To support a collaborative study of Frenchculture from the start of World Wail through the end ofWlrld War II. focusing on literature and film.

University of MissruriColumbia. MO Michael J. O'BrienS10.000 To support the initial phase of an archae-ological and historical investigation ofthcSalir e Creekvalley or eastern Missouri that will document thedevelopment ofth" area from the late I7th through theearly 19th centuries.

University of New MexicoAlbuquerque. NM John M. Frit:S10.000* To support the continued interpretation ofarchaeological data from Vi;ayanagara. the capital ofthe last great Hindu Empire of South India from themid-14th through the 16th centuries.

University of New MexicoAlbuquerqc.z. NM Gilbert MerkxS20.548* To support reneww of an emergency grantmade jointly by NEH and NEA for a newsletter.Et/mount that provides ini.Irmation on arts andhumanities events r" -s to thc Columbian Quincen-tenary.

University of No*Chapel Hill. NC //. Jarausch$7.500' To support two part-time research assistantsfor the project analyzing the German professions in theperiod between the late Empire and the FederalRepublic. ca. 1910 to 1950. focusing on their support forthe liberal and Nazi regimes.

University of OregonEugene. OR William S. .tIn'S539.040 To support the archaeological survey andexcavation of Nan Modol and environs. the center ofacomplex Micronesian society in order to refine theprAistoric cultural sequence of the area.

University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia. PA Michael ZuckermanS44.000' To support the continuation of a series ofseminars, conferences, and individual research proj-ects that investigate aspects of the transformation ofPhiladelphia from a mid -18th- century preindustrialtown to a mid -19th- century industrial metropolis.

University of TexasSan Antonio, TX Richard Adonis$14,450' To support the archaeological i.wcstigationofa classic Maya urban site in lowland Guatemala. Thesite, which had close links with the Tikal region. is th..first major Maya center in northeastern Peten to beextensively excavated by means of rigorous moderntechniques.

'Prim r:ar award receiving funds in fiscal sear 1987,


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University of WisconsinMadison, WI William M. B-ievan$100,000 To support the research and writing ofthree volumes on native American agriculture in theAmericas at the time of European contact.

University of WisconsinMadison, WI R. Stephen Humphreys$120,000 To support a study of the evolution ofIslamic society in Aleppo and Damascus, two of thegreat medieval cities in the Middle East, from 640 untilthe 13th century.

University of WisconsinMadison, WI Stanley I. !Cutler$23,782* To support collaborative research by resi-dent and visiting scholars on the legal history of theAmerican family.

Vanderbilt UniversityNashville, TN Enrique C Pullo-ffralker$150,000 To support a collaborative, multivolumescholarly study of the history of Latin Americanliterature, intended to replace or complement earlieroutdated or fragmentary studies.

Washington UniversitySt. Louis, MO John W Bennett$73,247 To support the completion ofa multivolumeproject on the culture and history of the northernGreat Plains from 1860 to the present.

Washington UniversitySt. Louis, MO J. H. Hexter$25,000 To support the planning, research, andpublication of a multivolume collaborative scholarlyseries on the history of modern freedom.

Williams CollegeWilliar.,stown, MA Robert Jackal!$90,000 To support a collaborative study on the roleof public relations and advertising professionals in thepublic's perceptions of reality.

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT Harvey Riss$150,000 To support prepublication analysis andadditional survey and excavation at Tell Leilan, nowknown to be a royal city of northern Mesopotamia(now Syria) in the second millenium B.C.

Diana M. BuitronChevy Chase, MD$29,108 To support the interpretive publication ofthe finds of the Archaic precinct at the Sanctuary ofApollo at Kourion, Cyprus.


Samuel H. DresnerRiverdale, NY$25,000 To support the research and writing for acomprehensive biography of Abraham JoshuaHeschel, one of the most important Jewish religiousphilosophers and social reformers of 20th-centuryAmerica.

Ann H. GuestLondon, England$19,295 To support a study of the dance notation ofVaslav Nijinsky and the transcription of his choreo-graphic notation of L'Apres-midi dune Faune into amore usable form.

Linda K. HughesTopeka, KS$85,000 To support a collaborative study of 15 worksofficti on and poetry originally published in serial formin 19th-century England, drawing on reviewer andreader responses in the periodicals of the time.

John HyslopNew York, NY$15,800 To support the research and writing of acomparative study of Inca provincial cities. Thismonograph brings together archaeological and eth-nohistorical research on 13 Inca sites throughout theAndes.

Anna C. RooseveltNew York, NY$30,000 To support an archaeological investigationat Santarem City and Taperinha in order to establishthe prehistoric chronology and subsistence practicesfor an understanding of the aboriginal adaptation tothe Amazon Basin.

Peter M. RutkoffGambier, OH$55,000 To support the preparation of a study of the20th-century New York artists who created the move-ment known as modernism. Artists in the period1900-70 will be examined, with the focus on intellec-tual and urban history.

Isidore SilverSt. Louis, MO$55,000 To support a study of the philosophicthought of French Renaissance poet Pierre de Ron-sard.

Grants supported the publication and dosemination of distinguished scholarly works in all fields oldie humanmes.

American Antiquarian SocietyWorcester, MA John B. Hench$4,448 To support the publication ofa bibliographyof sacred music imprints, or tunebooks, published inAmerica between 1698 and 1810.

*prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Cambridge University PressCambridge, England Kevin J. Taylor$6,000 To support the publication of the correspon-dence of Robert Dodsley, an 18th-century Londonpublisher and bookseller.





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Columbia University PressNew York, NY Jennifer Craw$4,000 To.support the publication of a study of theConfucian monarch Yongjo, who ruled Korea from1724 to 1776 as one of the kings of the Yi dynasty.

Cornell University PressIthaca, NY John G. Ackerman$3,000 To support the publication of a study of themid -19th- century Islamic millennial movement thatwas the last attempt to reform the Shi'ite faith predomi-nant it Iran today.

Cornell University PressIthaca, NY Bernhard Kendler$2,000 To support the publication of Volume 5 in theedition of the letters of Margaret Fuller, the 19th-century American critic and writer.

Cornell University PressIthaca, NY Bernhard Kendler$7,700 To support the publication of a two-volumeedition of the 1805 and 1819 stages of composition ofThe Prelude, the central work of Wordsworth's matu-rity.

Cornell University PressIthaca, NY Bernhard Kendler$3,365 To support the publication of an edition ofWordsworth's shorter poems composed between 1807and 1820.

French Forum, PublishersLexington, KY Raymond C. La Charite$1,485 To support the publication of an edition of the12th-century romance, Le Roman des sept Sages deRome.

Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.Cambridge, MA James N Hullett$4,693 To support the publication of a study on thephilosophy of color. This book, intended primarily foran audience of philosophers, draws on new scientificstudies and theories.

Indiana University PressBloomington, IN Joan M. Catapano$15,000 To support the publication of a scholarlyedition and translation of Petrarch's Ofthe Remedies ofFortune Fair and Foul.

Indiana University PressBloomington, IN Janet B. Rabinowitch$6,000 To support the publication of Volume 4 in theedition of the writings of American philosopherCharles Sanders Peirce.

Indiana University PressBloomington, IN Natalie F Wrubel$5,880 To support the publication of a study of thedance rhythms of the French baroque.

Johns Hopkins University PressBaltimore, MD Eric Halpern$4,800 To support the publication of the last volumein a complete edition of the letters of Mary Wollstone-craft Shelley.

Johns Hopkins University PressBaltimore, MD Eric Halpern$4,900 To support the publication of an intellectualbiography of literary critic I. A. Richards.

Johns Hopkins University PressBaltimore, MD Eric Halpern$10,000 To support the publication of an 18th -century account of an expedition to Surinam that willinclude the reproduction of some 80 plates that wereengraved by William Blake, among others. for the 1796edition of the work.

Johns Hopkins University PressBaltimore, MD Henry Y K. Torn$5,340 To support the publication of a study of theemergence of the values of liberal capitalism inAmerica during the period of the War of 1812.

Louisiana State University PressBaton Rouge, LA Beverly Jarrett$2,733 To support the publication of a volume ofselected letters written by Henry James to the Englishman of letters, Edmund Gosse.

Louisiana State University PressBaton Rouge, LA Beverly Jarrett$3,984 To support the publication of a memoir ofCarter G. Woodson, founder and director of theAssociation for the Study of Negro Life and Historyand editor of the Journal of Negro History by LorenzoGreene, Woodson's close associate.

Louisiana State University PressBaton Rouge, LA Beverly Jarrett$2,840 To support the publication of a study of theUnion League, the first important political organiza-tion in the Reconstruction South.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology PressCambridge, MA Laurence Cohen$10,000 To support the publication ofa translation ofThe Genesis of the Copernican World by contemporaryGerman philosopher Hans Blumenberg.

Northern Illinois University PressDe Kalb, IL Mary L. Lincoln$4,820 To support the publication of a study of therole of the Imperial Russian bureaucracy in theStolypin reforms.

Pennsylvania State University PressUniversity Park, PA Philip Winsor$7,450 To support the publication of an Englishtranslation of a 14th-century Latin handbook forpreachers that includes moralizing fabulae, exegeses,and poems to be used in sermons.

Pennsylvania State University PressUniversity Park, PA Philip Winsor$5,000 To support the publication ofa synoptic workon Aegean painting in the Bronze Age.

Princeton University PressPrinceton, NJ Margaret H. Case$5,000 To support the publication of a bibliographicguide to the archives and manuscript repositories inthe Ukraine and Moldavia.

Princeton University PressPrinceton, NJ Margaret H. Case$5,000 To support the publication of a study of theuse of Avicenna's Canon as a textbook of medicaltheory in Italian universities after 1500.


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Princeton University PressPrinceton, NJ Margaret H. Case$6,850 To support the publication of a study of theUniversity of Vienna in the 14th century in the contextof the academic, intellectual, and social atmosphere ofthe city at that time.

Princeton University PressPrinceton, NJ Margaret H. Case$9,435 To support the publication of Volume 2 in atranslation of the Wen Xuan, an eight-volume an-thology of ancient Chinese literature compiled in the6th century.

Princeton University PressPrinceton, NJ Margaret H. Case$7,620 To support the publication of a study of thereligious and cultural life of 012 artisan class inBanaras, India.

Saint Bonaventure University (Franciscan Institute)St. Bonaventure, NY Conrad L. Harkins$6,717 To support the publication of Volume 2 of theLectura Secunda of Adam de Wodeham. the 14th-century philosopher and interpreter of Duns Scotusand William of Ockham.

Stanford University PressStanford, CA Grant Barnes$3,691 To support the publication of a new inter-pretation of the life and works of Edward Gibbon.

Stanford University PressStanford CA Grant Barnes$7,300 To support the publication of a scholarlyassessment of the Byzantine revival, a social, cultural,and political renaissance of the late 8th- to the mid-9thcentury

Stanford University PressStanford, CA Grant Barnes$7,000 To support t,,,e publication of the first volumein an edition of the poetry of Robinson Jeffers.

Stanford University PressStanford, CA Grant Barnes$5,300 To support the publicatici of a comprehen-sive account of the revolution of 1905, an event pivotalto Russia's development in the 20th century.

Syracuse University PressSyracuse, NY John D. Nagle$4,500 To support the publication of an analysis ofa6th-century Tamil epic.

Temple University PressPhiladelphia, PA David M. Bartlett$10,000 To support the publication of a study ofAmerican photographer William Henry Jackson,1843-1942.

University of California (Institute of Archaeology)Los Angeles, CA Ernestine S. Elmer$6,670 To support the purchase of computer equip-ment to allow the Institute of Archaeology to publishbooks in the humanities more efficiently and econom-ically.

University of California (Institute of Archaeology)Los Angeles, CA Ernestine S. Eisler$3,900 To support publication of the excavationreports from Achilleion, a prehistoric site in Thessaly.

University Press of New EnglandHanover, NH Charles Backus$10,000 To support the publication ofa study of theearliest and most important of the hymns to Isis, whichare engraved on the walls ofa temple built by Ptolemy IIPhiladelphus at Philae between 284 and 246 B.C.

l 2 5

A drawing offarmingpractices in the centralhighlands of Ethiopia,probably early twen-tieth century. The Uni-versity of Illinois

received support in1987 from the Projects

category to conduct

research on the socialcontext of Ethiopianland control before1913.




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University Press of New EnglandHanover, NH Charles Backus$4,790 To support the publication of a historical andliterary analysis of saints lives as a genre.

University of Alabama PressTuscaloosa, AL Malcolm M. MacDonald$2,522 To support the publication of an annotatedtranslation of the poet and playwright Samuel Ro-manelli'saccount of his sojourn in Morocco during theyears 1786-90.

University of Alabama PressTuscaloosa, AL Malcolm M. MacDonald$4,554 To support the publication of lyric poems byLord Byron that were written to be sung to music basedon Hebrew melodies. This facsimile of the originaledition of the music will describe the collaborationbetween Byron and composer Isaac Nathan.

University of Arizona PressTucson, AZ Gregory L. McNamee$5,436 To support the publication of an annotatedtranslation from the Japanese of an autobiography by aTokugawa samurai.

University of California PressBerkeley, CA Lynne E. Withey$8,000 To support the publication of a biography ofHungarian filmmaker and cultural figure Bela Balazs.

University of California PressBerkeley, CA Lynne E. Withey$6,000 To support the publication of a scholarlystudy that examines the role and function of thegrammarian in late antiquity. This volume will be partof The Transformation of the Cassical Heritage series.

University of California PressBerkeley, CA Lynne E. Withey$3,500 To support the publication of a study of IgorStravinsky's ballet score, The Rite of Spring.

University of California PressBerkeley, CA Lynne E. Withey$6,900 To support the publication of an Englishtranslation of Boiardo's 15th-century epic romance,Orlando Innamorato, which will be printed with facingItalian text.

University of Chicago PressChicago, IL Penelope Kaiserlian$22,618 To support the purchase ofa word processingsystem and five personal computers that will enable theUniversity of Chicago Press to improve its proceduresfor converting electronically prepared manuscripts totype.

University of Chicago PressChicago, IL Douglas C. Mitchell$5,673 To support the publication of a book thatexamines the interaction between canon law andmarriage, property, moral values, and institutions inwestern Europe during the Middle Ages.


University of Chicago PressChicago, IL Nancy E. Plunkett$3,176 To support the publication of a work thatanalyzes, through three case studies, the interplay oftheory and experiment in modern physics.

University of Georgia PressAtli( :Is, GA Karen K. Orchard$4,275 To support the publication ofa literary analy-sis of the earliest works of futuristic fiction in Frenchand English.

University of Hawaii PressHonolulu, HI Damaris A. Kirchhofer$7.000 To support the publication of a study of theorigins and uses of the earliest Chinese vernacularnarratives known as Pien-Wen, derived from a type oforal storytelling that used picture scrolls with religiousthemes.

University of Missouri PressColumbia, MO Susan M. Denny$3,726 To support the publication of a study ofSpanish baroque painter Claudio Coello, 1642-93.

University of Missouri PressColumbia, MO Susan M. Denny$4,954 To support the publication ofa facsimile andtranscription of two Renaissance verse miscellaniesunknown to scholars until 1977, which includes 46poems byJohn Donne and other works by members ofhis circle.

University of Nebraska PressLincoln, NE Willis G. Regier$9,960 To support the publication of the fourthvolume in a scholarly edition of The Journals of theLewis and Clark Expedition.

University of Nebraska PressLincoln, NE Willis G. Regier$10,000 To support the publication of a criticaledition of36 recently discovered sermons by Americanclergyman Edward Taylor, 1642-1729.

University of Nebraska PressLincoln, NE Willis G. Regier$4,088 To support the publication of an analysis ofthe economy of 14th-century Ghent, the principalindustrial town in medieval northern Europe.

University of Nebraska PressLincoln, NE Debra K Thrner$22,747 To support the purchase of updated com-puter equipment that will enable the University ofNebraska Press to increase its effectiveness as apublisher of scholarly books in the humanities.

University of North Carolina PressChapel Hill, NC Lewis A. Bateman$7,000 To support the publication of a history of theGerman liberal movement during the Weimar Re-public.

University of North Carolina PressChapel Hill, NC Lewis A. Bateman$4,725 To support the publication of a book thatexamines the medieval practice in western France ofmaking donations to monastic foundations to obtainspiritual benefits. This book will be part of the Studiesin Legal History series.

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University of North Carolina PressChapel Hill, NC Lewis A. Bateman$3,670 To support the publication of a study of theimpact of the Depression and the New Deal onBaltimore during the 1930s.

University of Texas PressAustin, TX Theresa J. May$5,000 To support the publication of a study of anAppalachian community that focuses on religiousthought and behavior as expressed through languageand song.


University of Washington PressSeattle, WA Naomi B. Pascal$2,000 To support the publication of a history of theChinese and Japanese immigrant experience in theUnited States since 1850.

University of Wisconsin PressMadison, WI Barbara J. Hanrahan$8,942 To support the publication of a study of theslave trade between Portuguese West Africa and LatinAmerica, 1730-1830.

Grants supported three kinds ofgrants offered by the American Council of Learned Societies. dlowships. grants-m-aid.and fellowships for recent recipients of the Ph.D.

American Council of Learned SocietiesNew York, NY Christina M. Gillis$450,000* To support a program of fellowships forpostdoctoral research in the humanities.

American Council of Learned SocietiesNew York, NY Douglas Greenberg$150,000* To support a program of grants-in-aid forpostdoctoral research in the humanities.


American Council of Learned SocietiesNew York, NY Douglas Greenberg$285,000* To support a program of fellowships forrecent recipients of the Ph.D. degree in the humanities.

Grants supported the preparation of dictionaries, historical or hnguistic atlases, enotlopedius.concordance.s, cataloguesraisonnes, linguistic grammars, descriptive catalogues, data bases, and other materials that serve to cod:/ informationessential to research in the humanities.

Barnard CollegeNew York, NY Christopher C Barite$26,000 To support preparation of the section deal-ing with 11th- and 12th-century commentaries on theworks of Virgil for the Catalogus Translation= etCommentariorum, research catalogues that describetranslations of ancient classics.

Center for the Study of Japanese PrintsWoodacre, CA Roger S. Keyes$15,000* To support preparation of a catalogue rais-onne of the woodblock prints of Katsushika Hokusai,1760-1849.

Cleveland State UniversityCleveland, OH David A. Richardson$2,811* To support continuing work on The SpenserEncyclopedia, a reference work on the life and works ofEdmund Spenser.

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY Marvin I. Herzog$213,907* To support work on the Great Dictionary ofthe Yiddish Language.

Dance Notation BureauNew York, NY Muriel Topaz$46,895* To support the notation of 18 GeorgeBalanchine ballets by the labanotation system.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Dartmouth CollegeHanover, NH Robert Hollander$38,000* To support the creation ofa data base of thetexts of approximately 80 of the 125 individual com-mentaries on Dante's Divine Comedy from variouslanguages written in the last 662 years.

Dartmnuth CollegeHanover, NH Robert Hollander$10,000* To support the completion of a data base ofthe texts of approximately 80 of the 125 individualcommentaries on the Divine Comedywritten in Italian.Latin, and English during the six centuries sinceDante's death.

Emory UniversityAtlanta, GA Lee Pederson$66,520* To support editing of the three-volumelegendry and maps for The Linguistic Atlas qf the GulfStates, one of the component projects of the LinguisticAtlas of the United States and Canada.

Emory UniversityAtlanta, GA Lee Pederson$2,600* To support the completion of The LinguisticAtlas of theGulfStates, a comprehensive study of speechvariation in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee,Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and eastern Texas,based on taped interviews with more than 1,100individuals in cities and rural areas.

12 7:..1




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Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA Alexander P Kazhdan$90,000* To support continuing work on the OxfordDictionary of Byzantium, a comprehensive dictionaryof Byzantine civilization.

Harvard UniversityCambridge MA Alexander P Kazhdan$273,675 To support completion of the Oxford Dic-tionary of Byzantium.

Historical Society of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Marianne S. ffbkeck$120,000* To support the preparation of a biograph-ical dictionary of early Pennsylvania legislators of the17th and 18th centuries.

Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore, MD Delbert R. Hillers$21,000* To support the preparation of a compre-hensive dictionary of ancient Aramaic, covering textsfrom the earliest inscriptions, ca. 925 B.C., to the end ofsignificant literary production in later Aramaic, ca.A.D. 1400.

Lushootseed ResearchSeattle, WA Thomas M. Hess$67,306 To support completion of a dictionary ofLushootseed, a native American language of the Salishfamily spoken in the Puget Sound area of Washington.

Lutheran School of TheologyChicago, IL Arthur Voobus$30,000 To support continuing work on the prepara-tion of research tools and reference works on man-uscript sources for the history of the culture of theSyrian Orient.

Newberry LibraryChi,mgo, IL John H. Long$185,000 To support a historical atlas of the countyboundaries of all states east of the Mississippi Riverfrom their colonial beginnings to 1980.

Princeton UniversityPrinceton, NJ Bernard Lewis$5,000* To support the preparation of the Encyclope-dia of Islam.

Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick, NJ Jocelyn P Small$13,475* To support completion of a pilot projectcomputerizing the U.S. records of the Lexicon !co-'nographicum Mythologiae Classicae, an encyclopedia'synthesizing our current knowledge of classical ico-nography.

State University of New York Research FoundationBinghamton, NY Paul E. Szarmach$147,913 To support preparation of a reference workon the sources used by Anglo-Saxon writers.

University of ArizonaTucson, AZ Kenneth a Hill$14,500* To support the preparation of a bilingualdictionary of the Hopi language. The dictionary will bea single-volume work incorporating some 20,000 to25,000 Hopi-English entries, focusing on the thirdMesa dialect of Hopi.

University of ArizonaTucson, AZ John P Wearing$124,809 To support creation of three calendars ofplays and players on the London stage covering theperiods 1930-39, 1940-49, and 1950-59. These vol-umes will be part of a series of calendars extendingfrom 1890 to the end of the 20th century.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA James A. Matisoff$147,000 To support preparation of an etymologicaldictionary and thesaurus of the Sino-Tibetan lan-guages.

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Jeffrey Bort;$25,000* To support production of three bilingualvolumes which include the humanities portion of themultivolume United States - Mexico Borderlands Atlas: ahistorical atlas, a cultural atlas, and a statisticalabstract.

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Donald J. Ward$34,932* To support the preparation of the firstvolume of the Encyclopedia of American Popular Beliefsand Superstitions, a multivolume reference work basedon an extensive archive of file cards assembled atUCLA over the past 40 years.

University of California, San DiegoLa Jolla, CA Diego Catalan$37,444* To support work on the General Catalogueof the Pan-Hispanic Romancero and the InternationalElectronic Archive of the Romancero.

University of California, San DiegoLa Jolla, CA Leonard Et Newmark$50,000 To support the creation of a data baseconsisting of all the words and idioms included inextant dictionaries of the Albanian language. The database will be used to produce a comprehensive Alba-nian/English dictionary.

University of CaliforniaSanta Barbara, CA Charles N Li$83,766 To support the preparation of a functionalreference grammar of the Hmong language.

University of ChicagoChicago, IL Harry A. Heiler$47,036* To support preparation of the Haute Dic-tionary

University of ChicagoChicago, IL Erica Reiner$110,000* To support work on the Chicago AssyrianDictionary an encyclopedic repository of the materialculture; the legal, social, economic, and politicalinstitutions; and the technical, medical, and scientificheritage of ancient Mesopotamia.

University of CincinnatiCincinnati, OH Lloyd C. Engelbrecht$78,110 To support the preparation of a catalogueraisonne of the buildings designed by architect HenryC. Trost.

"Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.



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University of ColoradoBoulder, CO Lawrence G. Desmond$38,517 To support the preparation of a catalogue ofphotographs and tracings made by Augustus LePlongeon in the 1870s and 1880s of Mayan archae-ological sites in Yucatan, Mexico, and in Belize.

University of ColoradoBoulder, CO Allan Taylor$74,810 To support completion of a dictionary ofGros Ventre (or Atsi na), a native American language ofthe Algonquian family spoken on the western GreatPlains.

University of HawaiiHonolulu, HI Donald M. Topping$134,700 To support completion of a dictionary ofTillamook, a native American language of the Salishfamily, and additional fieldwork for a data base ofThompson River, a related Salish language.

University of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI Jerome M. Chubb$105,000 To support the completion of a computerdata base of family expenditures and living conditionsin the United States from 1935 to 1936, based on asurvey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

University of NevadaReno, NV William A. Douglass$90,394 To support completion of Volume 2 of aBasque-English/English-Basque dictionary.

University of North CarolinaChapel Hill, NC George Kane$102,321 To support preparation of a consolidatedglossary for the three versions of the 14th-centurypoem, Piers Plowman, and a descriptive grammar ofitslanguage.

University of Notre DameNotre Dame, IN Terry V F. Brogan$160,000 To support a revised edition of the Prince-ton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics.

University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Robert A. Kraft$34,000* To support the encoding, verification, andreformatting of the Greek textual variants of theancient Jewish scriptures for the data base of Hebrewand Greek scriptures, the Computer Assisted Tools forSeptuagint Studies Project.

University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Albert L. Lloyd$149,385 To support work on the Etymological Dic-tionary of Old High German.

University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Ake W Sjoberg$15,000* To support the Sumerian Dictionary Proj-ect through the purchase of computer equipment to beused in the preparation and editing of the volumes.

University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Ake W Sjoberg$25,000* To support continuing work on The Penn-sylvania Sumerian Dictionary which provides quota-tions of all Sumerian words in full context.

University of WisconsinMadison, WI Frederic G. Cassidy$150,900* To provide continuing support for workon the Dictionary of American Regional English, adictionary of the regional and folk usages ofspeakers ofEnglish in the entire United States.

University of WisconsinMadison, WI Lloyd A. Kasten$21,100* To support completion of the Dictionary ofAlfonsine Prose, the first published stage ofthe Diction-ary of the Old Spanish Language.

University of WisconsinMadison, WI Lloyd A. Kasten$266,959 To support work on the Dictionary of theOld Spanish Language.

University of WisconsinMadison, WI David Woodward$100,000* To support the preparation of Volumes 2,3, and 4 of A History of Cartography a six-volume seriesthat will survey the rise and development of cartogra-phy from earliest times to the present.

Vassar CollegePoughkeepsie, NY Nancy M. Ide$17,370** To support a planning conference to de-velop and promote guidelines for standard text-encod-ing practices in preparing machine-readable texts inthe humanities.

Peter W. M. BlayneySilver Spring, MD$59,161 To support work on The London PrintingHouses and Their Books, which will provide a descrip-tion of at least one copy of every book printed inLondon from 1592 to 1610 and identify the printer ofevery part of each book.

Maria deJong EllisArdmore, PA$83,413 To support the creation of a comprehensivehandbook of Babylonian year names and the docu-ments that bear those year names for the period 2000B.C. to 1600 B.C.

Brent D. GallowayVictoria, Canada$54,981 To support the completion of dictionaries ofUpriver Halkomelem and Nooksack, two central coastSalish languages of Washington and British Columbia.

Wolf LeslauLos Angeles, CA$27,500 To support completion of a handbook of theSemitic Ethiopian languages that will include gram-matical outlines of eight languages and their dialects.

John T. SpikeNew York, NY$76,556 To support the research and preparation ofthree commentary volumes, 41-43, in The IllustratedBartsch series. These volumes complete the revision ofVolume 19 of Adom von Bartsch's Le Peintre Graveur

Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.Emergency grant.





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Grants supported conferences that enable both American and,fiffeign scholar.~ to advance the current state cil research ontopics of major importance in the humanities.

American Historical AssociationWashington, DC Noralee Frankel$18,000 To support a national conference on therelationship between women, the family, and politics inthe Progressive Era.

Association of Graduates, U.S. Military AcademyWest Point, NY Charles F Brower /V$6,000 To support a conference that focuses onanalyzing American national security policy duringthe 1960s.

Brown UniversityProvidence, RI Barbara S. Lesko$19,000 To support an international conference onwomen in the ancient Near East.

Brown UniversityProvidence, RI Mark Spilka$26,000 To support an international conference oncontemporary critical approaches to the novel.

Cleveland State UniversityCleveland, OH Laura Martin$6,000 To support an international conference onMayan linguistics, focusing on the analysis of patternsof discourse.

Columbia CollegeChicago, IL Samuel A. Floyd$12,000 To support a conference that will address thestate of research with respect to the influence of NewOrleans and surrounding areas on black music inAmerica.

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY Susana A. Torre$20,000 To support an international conference thatdeals with Hispanic traditions and their influences onAmerican architecture and urban design.

Conference for the Study of Political ThoughtBaltimore. MD John G. Pocock$13,000 To support a conference that examineschanges in key political concepts in the process ofcreating the U.S. Constitution.

Elizabethtown CollegeElizabethtown, PA John A. Hostetler$5.970 To support a conference examining theAmish from within their own community as well asfrom the perspective of the outside, dominant society.

Folger Shakespeare LibraryWashington. DC Lena C. Orlin$2,500* To support an international conferenceon 18th-century Dutch history and culture. Theconference will concentrate on the Enlightenment as itdeveloped in the Netherlands, leading to the revolutionof 1787.

*Prior year award receiving fund:, in fiscal year 1987.**Emergency grant.

Georgetown UniversityWashington, DC Alison Hilton$4,045* To support an international conference onEmile Zola's role as creative artist and critic in the artworld of his time and his influence on the impressionistmovement. Zola's L'Oeuvre will be the focus.

Georgetown UniversityWashington, DC Richard B. Schwan:$13,000 To support a conference that addresses thecurrent state of research in 18th-century Englishliterature.

Graduate Theological UnionBerkeley, CA A. Durwood Foster$20,000 lb support an international conference in-vestigating hermeneutical, historical, and philosophi-cal issues involved in the comparative study of Bud-dhism and Christianity.

Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA Nathan I. Huggins$20,000 To support an international conference onslavery and the development of the Atlantic tradingsystem.

Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA Hilary Putnam$19,980 To support an international conference onthe thought and works of Charles Sanders Peirce.

Historic Deerfield, Inc.Deerfield, MA Kevin M. Stimiey$5.906* To support a conference on Shays's Re-bellion of 1787. Political and social historians will meetto contrast their differing views and interpretations ofthis episode and its significance in this crucial period ofAmerican history.

Indiana UniversityBloomington. IN Kenneth R. Johmston$26.000 To support an international conference onrecent directions in interdisciplinary research on ro-manticism.

Indiana UniversityBloomington, IN Denis Sinor$16.000** To support the American meeting of aninternational conference of interdisciplinary spe-cialists in Altaic and Uralic studies.

John Carter Brown LibraryProvidence. RI Norman Fier*$7.031* To support an international conference onth^ role of books in the Americas. especially in thedevelopment of colonial Latin American society andculture.

National Humanities CenterResearch Triangle Park, NC Robert II. Sikorski$16,213 To support a conference that investigates. ona state-by-state basis. the process of ratification of theU.S. Constitution.


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New York UniversityNew York, NY Thomas Bender$18,000 To support an international conference thatfocuses on the relationships among cities and univer-sities inNestern history.

Northwestern UniversityEvanston, IL Richard D. Green$2,556* To support an international conference onmusic bibliography. The conference will explore issuesand problems in the use of primary and secondarysources in musicological research and result in newdirections for advancing research in these areas, in-cluding ethnomusicology.

Princeton Theological SeminaryPrinceton, NJ James H. Charlesworth$20,000 To support an international conference orthe emergence of the concepts of the Messiah andChrist in early Judaism and Christianity.

State University of New York Research FoundationBuffalo, NY Peter H. Hare$22,000 To support a conference that addresses theissue of analyzing philosophical arguments in theirhistorical contexts rather than analysis without ra-tional reconstruction or reference to historical develop-ment.

Southern Methodist UniversityDallas, TX Victor P Furnish$16,294* To support an international conference oninterpretations of the Apostle Paul and his letters,especially the ways in which they influenced and wereinfluenced by the cultural and intellectual movementsof the first five centuries of the Christian era.

Stanford UniversityStanford, CA Eckart H. Forster$1,000* To support an international conference onImmanuel Kant's Opus Postumum. The conferencewill concentrate on the significance ofthis work for theentirety of Kant's philosophy.

Syracuse UniversitySyracuse, NY James M. Powell$6,000* To support an international conference torelate Leopold von Ranke's philosophical ideas and hisnotion of history as a calculable set of general laws tothe development of 19th-century intellectual historyand to the development of history as a discipline.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA Robert P Hughes$25,000 To support an international conference onChristianity in Russia over the past millenium.

University of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA John M. Smith, Jr$1,500* To support an international conference onsaints and sainthood in Islam. The conference will dealwith the significance of the varying ways in whichIslam views and uses the veneration of saints.

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Richard Ashcraft$20,000 To support an international conference thatreexamines latitudinarianism in late 17th- and earlyloth-century British culture in light of recent researchinto the intellectual history of the time.

University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA Robert 1. Burns$20,000 To support an international conference onthe Inquisition in Spain and the New World, con-centrating on its role in the development of the latter.

University of GuamMangilao, GU Michael W. Graves$35,000 To support an international conference onMicronesian archaeology that focuses on the signifi-cance of major recent historical and archaeologicaladvances in the region.

University of MarylandCollege Park, MD Charles E. Butterworth$18,000 To support an international conference onthe political dimensions of Islamic philosophy, specifi-cally as they emerged in the teachings of medievalMuslim philosophers.

University of MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN James D. Tracy$20,000 To support an international conference onchanging patterns of international trade in the earlymodern period, 1350-1750.

University of MinnesotaSt. Paul, MN Rudolph J. Fawn$22,000* To support a conference on Europeanmigration to America, 1830-1930.

University of Notre DameNotre Dame, IN James T Cushing$7,600 To support an international conference onthe implications of quantum theory, including recentdevelopments, for the various branches of the disci-pline of philosophy.

University of Notre DameNotre Dame, IN I Samuel Valenzuela$20,000 To support an international conference onthe role of labor movements in national transitionsfrom authoritarianism to democracy.

University of OregonEugene, OR Colette G. Craig$27,000 To support an international conference onthe state of linguistic research in lowland SouthAmerican languages.

University of ToledoToledo, OH Daniel I Iihtermeier$4,760 To support a national conference on theacting of Shakespeare from the Victorian period toWorld War II.

University of WisconsinMadison, WI David Bethea$4,000* To support a conference on scholarshipdealing with Alexander Pushkin. The conference willbe an examination of the multidisciplinary study ofthis central figure in Russian letters and imagination.

Westfield Center for Early Keyboard StudiesEasthampton, MA Lynn D. Edwards$4,000* To support an international conference on17th-century German music.

'Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.r

1 } 6111 1t.




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Published in 1939 the

WPA Guide to Flor-ida was one of the

Baedecker-type slate

guides evahiated in a

1986 Florida Endow-

ment for the Human-

ales symposium. TheWPA and the Federal

Writers' Project" Tasymposium was the

first systematic reap-

praisal of the state

guidebooks produced

by the Works Projects






tate humanities councils were es-tablished on the premise that a democraticsociety is nurtured by an educated populace. Byproviding the people of their states with oppor-tunities for reflection, reasoned inquiry, andserious discussion with scholars knowledgeablein the humanities, the state councils contribute tothe ability of Americans to apply critical intel-ligence to the decisions that shape civic life.Increasingly, the state councils are encouragingwide public discussion of the place ofthe human-ities in elementary and secondary education andare supporting teacher seminars and institutes tostrengthen the teaching of the humanities in theschools.

The Endowment makes annual grants to thestate councils through the Division of StatePrograms. The councils then support. on acompetitive basis, locally initiated humanitiesprograms for the people of their states.

To encourage outstanding project ideas and



imaginative leadership, the division again infiscal year 1987 held a special competition forexemplary projects and permitted councils to usea limited portion of their grant funds to developand conduct specific projects of their own as aneffective way of ensuring that fine humanitiesprograms are available in all regions of the states.Also, the division used discretionary funds torecognize those state councils that are con-ducting programs of outstanding quality.

For the first time in 1987, small planninggrantswere made available to state councils to under-take the planning and research necessary inadvance of initiating a major statewide or re-gional project. With support from one of theseplanning grants, the state humanities councils inArizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, andWyoming planned and designed cooperativeregional programs for circulation through statecouncil resource centers.

Learning in the humanities flourishes in thepublic domain when scholars share what theyknow with the larger community. In 1987 theDelaware Humanities Forum gave support to"Heroes, Heroines, and the Heroic," a series ofpublic programs to explore the concept of hero-ism in Western and non-Western cultures. Theproject, which encompassed ars interpretive ex-hibit, twelve public lectures, reading and filmdiscussion series, and a conference, focused onthe literary, historical, and sociocultural aspectsof heroism.

Also, state councils fostered the intelligentdiscussion of great works of literature and historywith knowledgeable scholars by supportingscholar-led reading and discussion programs forthe general public in small and large publiclibraries and community settings from Roches-ter, Vermont, to Kanab City, Utah. With a grantfrom the Kentucky Humanities Council, theLaurel County Public Library in London, Ken-tucky, hosted "Scholar's Choice," a series focusingon works that inck.:;ed Cather's The Professor'sHouse, Austen's Emma, Sophocles' Oedipus Rex,and Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, "Ethan


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Brand," and "The Minister's Black Veil."The Utah Endowment for the Humanities

developed a series of reading programs completewith a study guide and discussion questions forlibraries in communities with populations of lessthan 25,000.

Throughout the year, programs on the U.S.Constitution and the founding period were initi-ated or funded t y the state councils. The VirginiaFoundation on the Humanities and Public Policyconducted twelve five-part series of reading anddiscussion programs on "The Supreme Court,the Bill of Rights, and the Law," with introduc-tory lectures by A.E. Dick Howard, HenryAbraham, Robert O'Neil, and others. Theseprograms, held at libraries and institutionsthroughout the state, were based on specificSupreme Court cases interpreting the Constitu-tion. Also, with funding from NEH, the Federa-tion of State Humanities Councils prepared lbCelebrate the Constitution: A Guide for PublicPrograms in the Humanities, 1987-1991, a majorresource for humanities programs based on theworks cited in the Endowment's BicentennialBookshelf Program.

The state councils have continued to take anactive role in promoting humanities education inthe schools by designing projects that buildbridges between institutions of higher learningand secondary schools. In the su nmer of 1987,150 teachers from more than 100 Connecticutschools participated in institutes sponsored co-operatively by the Connecticut HumanitiesCouncil, the Connecticut Department of Educa-tion, and several Connecticut corporations. De-signed as collaborative activities to bring univer-

sities and their scholars together with teachers inorder to contribute to excellence in the teachingof the humanities, these institutes presented theteachers with stimulating substantive work inhistory, literature, the classics, and the Constitu-tion. The Montana Committee for the Human-ities supported three four-week seminars forforty-five high school teachers and admin-istrators on the evolution of the Gothic novel, astudy of Rousseau's Emile, and the interrela-tionship between history and literature.

Speakers bureaus and traveling exhibitionsenabled state councils in 1987 to make human-ities programs available to less accessible regionsof their states.

In fiscal year 1987, millions of Americansparticipated in projects supported by state coun-cils. At public meetings held in various locationsin each state, members of the public had theopportunity to comment and make recommen-dations on the state plan of their humanitiescouncil. Since the establishment of the stateprograms, humanities projects have involvedmore than 1,500 libraries, 1,200 museums, 1,000historical societies, and 1,200 colleges and uni-versities. From the beginning, state humanitiesprograms have relied on volunteer councils ofcitizens whose sense of purpose and commit-ment to the humanities have provided significanthumanities programs for the people throughouttheir states.

Marjorie BerlincourtDirectorDivision of State Programs

i: 1:33

Map by Cornelius van

T4')Ifliet, "Norumbega

et Virginia" (1597). In

the sixteenth and sev-

enteenth centuries,

portions (tithe North-

east appeared on

maps as Norumbega,with Maine's

Penobscot River a

clearjocal point. Witha 1987 award, the

Maine Humanities

Council has begun

planning for a project,

"The Land of Norm-bcga. Maine in theAge of Exploration

and Settlement.'




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The Endowment makes annual grants to state councils in allU.S Virgin Islands. The councils match these federal grantssecure local support for humanities projects developed and

Alabama Humanities FoundationBirmingham. AL William W Kelly$421,960*

Alaska Humanities ForumAnchorage. AK Michael Oleksa$469.650*

Arizona Humanities CouncilPhoenix, AZ Myrna Ilarrisrn$383.360*

Arkansas Endowment for the HumanitiesLittle Rock. AR itfurk Auburn$450.840*

California Council for the HumanitiesSan Francisco. CA Constance M. Carroll$899362*

California Council for the HumanitiesSan Francisco. CA Constance M. Ca; roll$195,544

Colorado Endowment for the HumanitiesDenver. CO Ira Plotkin$ 397.063*

Connecticut Humanities CouncilMiddletown. CT Ann Y Smith$438.710*

Connecticut Humanities CouncilMiddletown. CT Am Y Smith$50.000

D.C. Community Humanities CouncilWashington. DC Alan Jabbour$330.090*

Delaware Humanities ForumWilmington. DE John S C'ratsfiird$335.126*

Florida Endowment for the HumanitiesTampa. FL Michael T Bass$480378

Fundacion Puertorriquena de las IlumanidadesSan Juan, PR Eladio R. Quinones$378,048

Georgia Endowment for the HumanitiesAtlanta. GA Thomas Brewer$445,480*

Hawaii Committee for the HumanitiesHonolulu. HI Robert K. Sakai$360,577*

Humanities Foundation of West VirginiaInstitute, WV James II:Rowley$367.500

'Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

fifty states, the Distna of-Ohm:Ma. Puerto Rica and thewith an equal amount olcash or in-Ind contributions tosponsored by the state councils.

Idaho Humanities CouncilBoise. ID Susan E. Swetnam$370.250*

Illinois Humanities CouncilChicago. IL Cullom Davis$633.940*

Illinois Humanities CouncilChicago. IL Cullom Davis$50.000

Indiana Committee for the HumanitiesIndianapolis. IN Diana Leslie$545.048

Iowa Humanities BoardIowa City. IA Darwin T Thrner$376.910*

Kansas Committee for the HumanitiesTopeka. KS Owen Kowe$373.258

Kentucky Humanities Council, Inc.Lexington. KY Thomas Gremlield$395.590*

Kentucky Humanities Council, Inc.Lexington. KY Thomas Greenfield$50.000

Louisiana Endowment for the HumanitiesNew Orleans. LA Fraser Snolsrlen$434.510*

Maine Humanities CouncilPortland. ME Patricia A. Riley$343.376*

Maine Humanities CouncilPortland. ME Patricia A. Riley$50.000

Maryland Humanities CouncilBaltimore. MD R. Cresap Davis$491.240*

Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities andPublic PolicySouth Hadley. MA Ste/then IC Nissenbaum$400.888

Michigan Council for the HumanitiesEast Lansing. MI John Wrikht$506.978

Minnesota Humanities CommissionSaint Paul. MN Afarjorie BinghamS449.420*

Mississippi Committee for the HumanitiesJackson. MS /17,zr il:Prenshaw$324,693

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Missouri Humanities CouncilMaryland Heights, MO Walter Daniel$366,000

Montana Committee for the HumanitiesMissoula, MT Chris Pine!$328,910

Nebraska Committee for the HumanitiesLincoln, NE Charles J. Dougherty$366,930*

Nebraska Committee for the HumanitiesLincoln, NE C /harlesJ. Dougherty$50,000

Nevada Humanities CommitteeReno, NV Dina Titus$350,308

New Hampshire Council for the HumanitiesConcord. NH Nancy E Afarashio$328.620*

New Jersey Committee for the HumanitiesNew Brunswick. NJ Timothy Gist$481268

New Mexico Endowment for the HumanitiesAlbuquerque. NM Christina Amnia$362.490

New York Council for the HumanitiesNew York. NY Eli:abaft Iola).$785,788

North Carolina Humanities CommitteeGreensboro. NC Joseph IV ,tfann$462,679

North Dakota Humanities CouncilBismarck. ND Astrid.-Itiderson$396.068

Ohio Humanities CouncilColumbus, OH Patrick T Fit:gemld$616.580*

Oklahoma Foundation for the HumanitiesOklahoma City. OK David Baird$437.930

Oklahoma Foundation for the HumanitiesOklahoma City. OK !V David Baird$50.000

Oregon Committee for the HumanitiesPortland. OR David C Olson$367,365

Pennsylvania Humanities CouncilPhiladelphia. PA Afartha B. Montgomery$669,598

Rhode Island Committee for the HumanitiesProvidence. RI Bntce Bradley$334,300.

'Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

South Carolina Committee for the HumanitiesColumbia. SC Larry Jackson$388.620*

South Dakota Committee on the HumanitiesBrookings, SD Freda I lawn$359.658

Tennessee Humanities CouncilNashville. TN Milton .tf. Klein$421.008

"l'exas Committee for the HumanitiesAustin. TX William P Might$721.889*

Utah Endowment for the HumanitiesSalt Lake City. UT Robert }butte$363.690*

Vermont Council on the HumanitiesHyde Park. VT Dennis Debevec$368.910

Virgin Islands Humanities CouncilSt. Thomas. VI Ruth A/col:mar$20.450

Virgin Islands Humanities CouncilSt. Thomas. VI fuel Rhymer$201.000

Virginia Foundation for the Humanities andPublic ?olicyCharlottesville. VA Robert G Rogers$563.370*

Virginia Foundation for the Humanities idPublic PolicyCharlottesville, VA Robert G. Rogers$50.000

Li 51-

This architectural

drawing ofa cathedralis included in "Fac-

cinatim with Space:Tlt, Thirteenth and7isrmieth Centuries"

a travel* exhibitionft aided by the Okla-

homa Foundation for

the Ihtmanitim whichcompares the cultures

of medieval Europe

and contemporarytechnological society




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The photograph ofaHaman feeding chick-

ens (1928) is amongseveral photographs

and artifacts in"Minot at librk:Nebraska 1880-19401a traveling twhibitionfunded by theNebraska Committeefar the Humanities





," er,t 1"Cop, **:

Washington Commission for !h,.. HumanitiesOlympia, WA John D. Ishii$551.1)10

Wisconsin Humanities CommitteeMadison. WI ilfartin Zaneer$391,451


Wyoming Council for the HumanitiesLaramie, WY Chris Plant$332.200

Wyoming Council for the HumanitiesLaramie. WY Chris Plant$50.000


The Endoment aces a pordon a f its discrethmaryAndsibr state programs to support a special (annum», fill' galeand mional exemplary anards. 'Moe attar& support state lhunanities projects qfa scope not °them Ise finanaall)feasible and recognize state humanities projects of an imaginative and evemplary nature.

Arizona Humanities CouncilPhoenix. AZ Afyrna Harrison$4,982 To support two planning meetings for therepresentatives from the Arizona. Colorado. NewMexico. Utah. and Wyoming state council resourcecenters to plan and design cooperative regic "al pro-grams for circulation throughout the consortium.

Arkansas Endowment for the HumanitiesLittle Rock. AR Mark Auburi$65,000 To produce brochures. school study guides.and three copies ofa 16-paw:I exhibit on the prehistoricnative American cultures of Arkansas.

California Council for the HumanitiesSan Francisco, CA Cataluna, M. Carroll$63.946 To support programming on the U.S. Con-stitution for rural audiences in the Great Central Valleyas well as other grout Followi ng a dramatic presenta-tion, scholars train-., by constitutional specialists willlead the discussions.

Circle, Inc.McLean, VA$282,358 To provide planning. travel, and logisticalsupport forth= regional orientation conferences eachfor new members of state councils and executivedirectors, and one conference for all state councilchairmen in 19"

Connecticut Humanities CouncilMiddletown, CT ihir, Y. Smith$14,900 To support plannine to determine howpublic programming in the I. maaitics can be mademore accessible to audivice; throughout the NewEngland states. and to examine the feasibility ofestablishing a regional humanities resource center.

Delaware HumanitiesWilmington. DE John$70.000 To support ar interpretive exhibition, lec-tures. reading and film discussion series. and a con-ference on the concept ofheroism in Western and non-Western cultures. Teachers and -rians will take partin the project.

1NA/AetnaPittsburgh. PA$9.043 To cover the costs of an insurance policy heldby NEH for the state humanities councils.

Iowa Humanities BoardIowa City. IA Thomas E. Gilbert$70,000 To support reading and discussion pro-grams. a traveling photographic exhibition, and twomajor annual lectures focusing on the traditions andvalues of Iowa rural life and exploring the changingcultural landscape of the state.

'Prior year award receiving funds in Fiscal year 1987.


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Louisiana Endowment for the HumanitiesNew Orleans, LA Fraser Snowden$67,000 To support two 1988 summer institutes forsecondary school teachers in foreign languages andculture: and subsequent in-service workshops at theparticipating teachers' home institutions.

Maine Humanities CouncilPortland, ME Patricia A. Riley$70,000 To support a series of programs, an exhibi-tion, a symposium, seminars, a conference, andcommunity programs throughout Maine, based onrare 16th- and 17th-century maps that focus onMaine's role in exploration and American settlement.

National Federation of State Humanities CouncilsWashington, DC Sondra Myers$15,000* To support the editing, design, and printingof the publication To Celebrate the Constitution: AGuide to Public Programs in the Humanities, 1987-91.

National Federation of State Humanities CouncilsWashington, DC Sondra Myers$26,954** To support the research and writing of aguide to public programs on the U.S. Constitution,including reading and discussion programs, seminars,conferences, and lecture series, based on the works inthe Bicentennial Bookshelf.

National Federation of State Humanities CouncilsWashington, DC Sondra Myers$209,291 To support national services provided bythe Federation of State Humanities Councils to the 53state humanities councils.

New Hampshire Council for the HumanitiesConcord, NH Nancy F Marashio$65,045 To support an exhibition, a play, and aspeakers bureau on New Hampshire's role in theratification of the Constitution, and a 20-part series ofarticles reprinted from newspapers of the constitu-tional era.

North Dakota Humanities CouncilBismarck, ND Astrid Anderson$40,000 To support a project focused on 1889, theyear North Dakota became a state. A traveling exhibi-tion and library discussion programs on music, arthistory, and literature will focus on the cultural contextof that year.

Ohio Humanities CouncilColumbus, OH Patrick T Fitzgerald$6,000 To support a two-day conference on thecapacity of humanities scholarship to address changesin the state's physical environment with the purpose ofconsidering a future statewide program on the subject.

Oklahoma Foundation for the HumanitiesOklahoma City, OK 1,V David Baird$70,000 To support two traveling photographic ex-hibitions based on the collections of the ThomasGilcrease Museumone on the U.S. constitutional eraand one on the exploration of the American West.

Pennsylvania Humanities CouncilPhiladelphia, PA Martha B. Montgomery$69,700 To support the development, production,and circulation of a 16-page newspaper supplementand the development and implementation of a readingand discussion series on the humanistic dimensions ofhealth and human values.

Tennessee Humanities CouncilNashville, TN$10,000 To support the development of a local areanetwork-based information management system.

Wisconsin Humanities CommitteeMadison, WI Martin Zanger$30,000 To support reading and discussion pro-grams on "A Sense of Place" in 20 communities, usingboth literary and historical texts.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.**Emergency grant.

t *t


An 1857 engraving of

the view from the

border monument

near the edge of the

Colorado desert was

part of the 1986

exhibition, "Drawingthe Line: Creation ofan InternationalBorden" at the

Museum of San Diego

History Theexhibition was sup-

ported by the Califor-

nia Council for theHumanities.

DIv:310N OF



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, * ': ,:







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hallenge grants improve theprogram quality and long-term financial stabilityof nonprofit institutions where teaching, learn-ing, and research in the humanities cccur. Chal-lenge grant recipients, which include a wide rangeof educational and cultural institutions andorganizations, must raise from nonfederal fund-ing sources three or four times the amount offederal funds offered and must also demonstratethat Endowment support will sustain or developa high quality of work that will contributesignificantly to the humanities. The programenjoys a very high success rate in securingmatching fundsbetter than 95 percent over thepast ten yearsand has helped many institutionsdevelop new sources of support that continue tobenefit the institutions long after the Endowmentgrants have ended.

Since the program began in 1977. recipientshave reported raising more than $658 million innew or increased donations in return for $212million in federal challenge funds. This figure iswell over the amount required by the program smatching provisions.

During fiscal year 1987, the Office of ChallengeGrants received 209 applications and made forty-one awards. The applications came from ninety-five institutions of higher education, sixty-ninemuseums and historical organizations, and anassortment of media stations, public libraries,research libraries, professional associations, uni-versity presses, and centers for advanced study.

Among this year's recipients of Endowmentchallenge grants is Hendrix College in Conway,Arkansas. Under the terms ofthe award, Hendrixwill receive $143,750 from the Endowment if thecollege can demonstrate that it has raised$431,250 in nonfederal donations. If successful,this small liberal arts college will have a total of$575,000 to establish an endowment to providesum. aer seminars and fellowships for humanitiesfaculty, to support visiting scholars in humanitiesdisciplines, and to strengthen the required curric-ulum of its collegiate center. As a result of the

grant, humanities programs at Hendrix couldenjoy additional support of approximately$25,000 annually and funding sources for thatinstitution will increase.

Also in fiscal year 1987, the Museum ofAmerican Textile History in North Andover,Massachusetts, was awarded a $325,000 chal-lenge grant for the purchase of furniture, shelvingfor artifacts, and expenses related to moving to alarger facility. Gift funds of $975,000 will bringthis award to a total of $1.3 million.

The University of Dayton received a grant of$300,000 to support the endowment ofa chair inthe humanities, faculty development, seminars,summer grants, guest speakers and visiting schol-ars, and library acquisitions in philosophy, his-tory, and English. All these improvements aredesigned to enhance the newly established corecurriculum of nineteen courses for students inthe College of Arts and Sciences.

The Iowa City Public Library received achallenge grant of $125,000 toward a permanentendowment of $500,000 that will support thecontinued acquisition of humanities materials.The challenge grant is part of the library's capitaldrive to build a $1 million centennial endowmentfund.

In Richmond, Virginia, the restoration of ahistoric house is part of the purpose of a$400,000 grant to the Valentine Museum. Thebalance of the $1.6 million total raised by thegrant will establish an endowment to support acurator and an educational officer for this facility.

The generosity of Americans to institutionswhose work they value is legendary. This philan-thropic spirit is responding to the stimulus of theEndowment's Challenge Grants Program to at-tain financial security for the humanities ininstitutions around the country.

Harold CannonDirectorOffice of Challenge Grants


The American neo-classic architecture ofthe Hickham-Valen-tine house (1812) is

evident in the curvedstaircase. The Valen-

tine Museum receiveda 1987 challenge grantfor restoring the houseand enlarging the edu-cational and cura-torial staff




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Allen County Public LibraryFort Wayne, IN$150,000* To support the establishment of an en-dowment fund for humanities library materials.

American Antiquarian SocietyWorcester, MA$51,581* To establish an endowment that will sup-port library acquisitions, the salaries of a professionalconservator and intern, the enhancement of staffsalaries and the hiring of two new cataloguers, and thebasic administrative costs of the office of associatedirector for research and publication.

American Council of Learned SocietiesNew York, NY$300,000 To augment the endowment for the coun-cil's research fellowships, grants-in-aid, fellowships forrecent recipients of the Ph.D., and travel grants tointernational meetings abroad.

American Institute of PhysicsNew York, NY$20,000 To augment an endowment for the in-stitute's Center for the History of Physics, to purchasecomputer equipment for the center, and to supportfund-raising costs.

American Musicological SocietyPhiladelphia, PA$35,000* To establish an endowment that wouldprovide five national fellowships for graduate musi-cologists to finish their dissertations. These non-renewable, competitive grants would be held for oneyear, following the completion of all course workleading to the degree.

American Schools of Oriental ResearchPhiladelphia, PA$116,709 To augment endowments for staff positionsand operating costs in the humanities, and to improvethe schools' physical plants in Jerusalem, Amman, andNicosia.

Archaeological ConservancySanta Fe, NM$75,000* To support the establishment of an operat-ing endowment, and to support the developmentprogram of the conservancy.

Architectural History FoundationNew York, NY$5,000* To support the establishment of a revolvingfund to reduce the need for annual subsidies, and tolaunch major publication projects.

Asian Cultural CouncilNew York, NY$75,000* To establish an endowment to supportfellowships for Americans to study and do research inAsia.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Association for the Advancement of Baltic StudiesMahwah, NJ$12,000* To establish an endowment to ensure con-tinued publication of the Journal of Baltic Studies, tostimulate preparation of Baltic studies research tools,to encourage and support publication of scholarlybooks and monographs through the expansion of thesubsidy program, and to develop the executive office.

Athenaeum of PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PA$164,134* To support establishment of an endow-ment for a curator of architecture, a circulationlibrarian, and a bibliographer.

Baltimore City Life MuseumsBaltimore, MD$80,000 To create an endowment for five new profes-sional positions in the museums, and to support costsfor exhibitions, conservation, and publications in thehumanities.

Beloit CollegeBeloit, WI$68,750* To establish an endowment for pro-fessorships in modern language and philosophy, lan-guage study programs, junior faculty development, theenrichment of the college's new program in AmericanValues and Institutions, and audiovisual equipmentand computers for humanities programs.

Bradford CollegeBradford, MA$70,000 To establish an endowment to provide sal-aries for staff', faculty, and student tutors in the college'swriting program in the humanities.

Bradley UniversityPeoria, IL$80,000 To support the renovation. expansion, andequipping of the university's Cullom-Davis Library.

Bridgewater CollegeBridgewater, VA$250,000* To support the establishment of an en-dowment for chairs in comparative religion and inter-national studies, and to support a visiting scholars andsymposium program, faculty development, and li-brary acquisitions.

Bronx Museum of the ArtsBronx, NY$45,000* To support completion of a project torenovate the historic building in which the museum ishoused, and to provide greater access to art educationand history programs for the museum's patrons.

Brown UniversityProvidence, RI$250,000* To establish an endowment to cover thecosts of library acquisitions focusing on the classics,old world archaeology, the history of mathematics,history, area studies, language and literature, theaterarts, and the history of music and art and the costs ofstaff to catalogue these holdings.


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Bryn Mawr CollegeBryn Mawr, PA$50,000 To establish endowments for new facultypositions in Russirn and Chinese, the development ofcourses in these fields, and to provide funds forequipment for the college language center.

Butler UniversityIndianapolis, IN$150,000* To renovate and modernize a humanitiesclassroom building, Arthur Jordan Memorial Hall; toendow a humanities convocation series; and to endowa professorship in the humanities.

CUNY Research Foundation, City CollegeNew York, NY$175,000* To establish an endowment for two specialpositions for junior faculty, a program for facultydevelopment, a center for the humanities, and visitingscholars and writers to enhance instruction within thecollege's graduate courses.

CUNY Research Foundation, Graduate School andUniversity CenterNew York, NY$225,000 To establish endowments for four newprofessorial chairs in the following disciplines: arthistory, comparative literature, music history, and thehistory of theater.

Chicago Historical SocietyChicago, IL$230,000* To support the renovation of the society'spresent buildingand the completion of a new wing thatwill provide more laboratory and storage areas for itshumanities collections, exhibition galleries, and publicorientation and service areas.

Children's Museum of Oak Ridge, Inc.Oak Ridge, TN$11,430* To support building expansion, and toestablish an endowment for education programs.

Clemson UniversityClemson, SC$100,000* To establish an endowment for libraryacquisitions in the humanities, faculty developmentand research, and special programs and events thatwould deepen understanding of the humanities at theuniversity

Colgate UniversityHamilton, NY$100,000* To establish an endowment for a newchair in the humanities whose occupant would assumemajor responsibilities for the teaching of classics andancient religion within the university's recently imple-mented core curriculum.

College of IdahoCaldwell, ID$90,000* To establish an endowment increase forlibrary acquisitions in the humanities; an endowmentfor faculty development through such activities asresearch projects, seminars, attendance at conferences,and course development; and an endowed chair in theDepartment of English.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Colorado CollegeColorado Springs, CO$150,000 To establish an endowment to expand theSouthwestern Studies Program through remodelingthe physical facility providing staff salaries, establish-ing a chair for visiting scholars, and making grants tocollege scholars.

Columbia UniversityNew York, NY$225,000* To establish an endowment for the devel-opment of junior faculty in the humanities. Awardswould be made for research and writing during thesummer, manuscript preparation, research materialsand equipment, and travel to professional meetings,symposia, and conferences.

Concordia CollegeMoorhead, MN$55,212* To establish, as part of a larger endowmentcampaign, the Concordia Humanities EndowmentFund, and to support further curricular, faculty, andlibrary development, primarily related to recent imple-mentation of the new core curriculum.

Cranbrook Institute of ScienceBloomfield Hills, MI$50,000 To support renovation of the anthropologyexhibitim hall and co112ctions storage space, as well asthe construction of an anthropology classroom andoffices for anthropology staff members.

Dickinson CollegeCarlisle, PA$550,000* To support the establishment of an en-dowment for a languag, and area studies program, tosupport visiting professorships in internati,Nlal andcross-cultural studies, to strengthen Judaic studies, andto support library collections.

Duke UniversityDurham, NC$60,000* To support the establishment of an endow-ment that will subsidize annually ten titles in thehumanities, and to subsidize titles in the humanitiesduring the grant period while the endowment is beingestablished.

East Hampton Historical SocietyEast Hampton, NY$75,000* To establish an endowment whose incomewould provide permanent salary support for membersof the staff responsible for its interpretive programs inthe humanities.

Edison InstituteDearborn, MI$400,000* To support capital repairs to historicallyimportant buildings at Greenfield Village and theHenry Ford Museum, and to replenish the repository'sendowment.

Empire State College FoundationSaratoga Springs, NY$10,000* To establish an endowment that will beused for development projects for humanities faculty:study leaves, support for research, travel funds forattendance at professional meetings, and awards tocover the costs of preparing manuscripts for publica-tion.





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Enoch Pratt Free LibraryBaltimore, MD$200,000* To support the initiation of a capitalcampaign forthe renovation ofthe Central Library andseveral branches, and to augment an endowment forcollections and services.

Essex InstituteSalem, MA$230,000 To support renovation of galleries and twohistoric houses, installation in its library of a climatecontrol system, and creation of an endowment forhumanities exhibitions and the salary ofan interpreta-tion specialist.

Fitchburg Art MuseumFitchburg, MA$80,000 To support renovation of space for anexpanded museum, and to establish an endowment forgeneral operating expenses for the museum's newaddition.

Folger Shakespeare LibraryWashington, DC$500,000 To establish endowments for two cura-torships, four senior research fellowships, and libraryacquisitions in the humanities, and to help completethe renovation of rooms used for humanities pro-grams.

Fort Ligonier Memorial FoundationLigonier, PA$55,645* To support an endowment for educationprograms, to support the position of curator of educa-tion, and to support the maintenance of the collection.

Freeport Historical SocietyFreeport, ME$50,000 To support restoration ofa historical house,and to establish an endowment for a coordinator ofpublic programs in the humanities and a part-timecurator.

Goodnow LibrarySudbury, MA$5,000* To support the humanities-related portionof the costs to join a network of automated libraryservices and resource sharing, and to augment theendowment to offset system costs beyond the grantperiod.

Guilford CollegeGreensboro, NC$200,000* To augment an endowmen for libraryacquisitions in the humanities, to provide partialsupport for library a.Jtomation, and to support renova-tion and the addition of a new wing for the library.

Hamline UniversitySt. Paul, MN$36,352* To establish an endowment to supportfaculty and curricular development projects, such asworkshops and travel; additional library acquisitionsin the humanities; and visiting speakers, faculty andstudent symposia, and other student projects.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Hendrix CollegeConway, AR$40,000 To augment an endowment to providesummer seminars and fellowships for faculty, and tosupport visiting scholars and lecturers in orderstrengthen the required curriculum of its collegiatecenter.

Hermann-Grima Historic HouseNew Orleans, LA$17,884* To support augmentation of the currentendowment for living history programs, adult lectures,and archaeological work at the historic house.

Higgins Armory MuseumWorcester, MA$200,000 To establish an endowment to cover oper-atingexpenses and renovation ofthe museum, provid-ing climate control, remodelled exhibition areas, andaccess for the handicapped.

High Desert MuseumBend, OR$80,000 To establish an endowment for staff salariesand the operating costs of a new hall for humanitiesexhibitions, and to supp t the creation of a perma-nent exhibition, Spirit of the West.

Homer Society of Natural HistoryHomer AK$50,000* To support an addition to the museum formore exhibition space, storage space, a multi-purposeroom for programs, and construction to make thebuilding accessible to the handicapped.

Iowa City Public Library FoundationIowa City, IA$42,000 To establish an endowment to increase thelibrary's budget for humanities materials.

John Carter Brown LibraryProvidence, RI$300,000* To support the completion ofa four-storyannex to the library's present building and the renova-tion of its present facilities which will improve schol-arly access to its humanities collections and theircontinuing maintenance.

KCET/Community TV of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA$600,000* To estaLiish a cash reserve fund for theacquisition and production of national programmingin the humanities and the purchase of production andbroadcasting equipment.

KLRU-TVAustin, TX$140,000* To support the purchase of productionand engineering equipment for the station's produc-tion and broadcast of local and national humanitiesprogramming.

KTEH-TV FoundationSan Jose, CA$8,193* To support the establishment of an endow-ment for the acquisition of humanities programs, theestablishment ofa cash reserve fornational humanitiesproductions, the augmentation of a fend for localhumanities productions, and the establishment of acapital reserve fund.


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Kauffman Museum, Bethel CollegeNorth Newton, KS$40,000* To support the establishment of a desig-nated endowment to provide permanent staffing forthe college's semi-autonomous museum, and therebyto continue development of educational programs andimprovement of collections management.

Kenyon CollegeGambier, OH$100,000 To support renovation of the college'sprincipal classroom building for the humanities, andto provide funds for library acquisitions in the human-ities.

Lake County Public LibraryMerrillville, IN$25,000* To support the establishment of an endow-ment for acquisitions in the humanities.

Lincoln City Library FoundationLincoln, NE$10,275* To support the establishment of an endow-ment for the programs and operation of the HeritageRoom, which houses special collections of Nebraskaliterature and history.

Louisiana State University PressBaton Rouge, I.A$6,460* To establish an endowment to subsidizetitles in the humanities and a separate capital fund tosupport the initial costs of major publishing projects inthe humanities, which will be replenished from thesubsequent sales of these books.

Manhattan CollegeRiverdale, NY$53,000* To support the renovation of the college'sprincipal humanities building, and to establish endow-ments for visiting scholars in the humanities and forcollaborative research projects by faculty and students.

Manitowoc Maritime MuseumManitowoc, WI$81,250* To support completion of permanent ex-hibitions on Great Lakes mar' time history, provisionof new museum facilities, and underwriting the costsof the development office.

Mercer UniversityMacon, GA$175,000* To establish an endowment for facultydevelopment, library acquisitions, and a lectitre seriesforthe College of Liberal Arts, as part of the university'ssesquicentennial campaign.

Metropolitan Pittsburgh Public BroadcastingPittsburgh, PA$325,000 To develop local productions in the hu-manities for radio, television, and print materials, andto establish a cash reserve for research and theproduction of national programming in the human-ities.

Michigan Technological UniversityHoughton, MI$100,000 To provide partial support for renovationand construction of the Walker Arts and HumanitiesCenter.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Middle East Studies AssociationTucson. AZ$20,000* To support establishment of an endow-ment for additional staff, to restore a visiting scholarsprogram, and to expand existing scholarly and publicservice activities.

Midland Lutheran CollegeTremont, NE$50,000* To establish an endowment that will beused to enhance a requiA freshman course entitled"Odyssey in the Human Spirit," to supplement thebudget for humanities library acquisitions, and toincrease support for other faculty and curriculumdevelopment.

Missouri Historical SocietySt. Louis, MO$192,607* To support an increase in an endowmentfor programs and operations.

Monmouth CollegeWest Long Branch, NJ$75,000* To fund catch-up library acquisitions in thehumanities and contribute to library computerizationand electronic security projects, to establish an endow-ment to maintain an adequate level of library acquisi-tions, and to support renovation of Woodrow WilsonHall for humanities offices and classrooms.

Museum of American :xtile HistoryNorth Andover, MA$93,749 To support the purchase of furniture andshelving for artifacts ;::,,nificant to the humanities andexpenses related to moving to a larger facility

Museum of Hit,tory and ScienceLouisville, KY$250,000 To establish an endowment for the conser-vation of the museum's collections, to support therenovation of the climate control system, and toprovide funds for the creation of a permanent exhibi-tion on the history of the region.

Museum of ScienceBoston, MA$100,000 To establish an endowment for the supportof humanities exhibitions and programs.

z 143L

Applique and piecedquilt in a PrincessFeather with OakLeaves design. ca.

1860. The Museum ofHistory and Science inLouisville, Kentucky,

was awarded a 1987challenge grant forconservation of the,nusewns collectionand creation of a per-manent exhibition onthe history of theregion.




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National History DayCleveland, OH$30,000* To establish a cash reserve to providefinancial stability and to strengthen fund-raising anddevelopment capabilities.

National Humanities FacultyAtlanta, GA$50,000* To support increased development andfund-raising activities, to support the retirement of adeficit, and to support the establishment of a cashreserve for fund-raising and development costs.

New England Historic Genealogical SocietyBoston, MA$225,000* To support an endowment for a revolvingpublication fund, a book acquisition fund, and aneducation fund to increase programs for teachers andlibrarians, and to support conferences on ethnic topicsand workshops on genealogy.

New York Public LibraryNew York, NY$2,000,000* To support collections development,conservation and preservation, bibliographic access toholdings, and reference services

Oberlin CollegeOberlin, OH$570,000* To support the establishment of five en-dowments for humanities professorships, fellowshipsfor humanities faculty, and library acquisitions.

Oberlin Shansi Memorial AssociationOberlin, OH$15,000 To create an endowment to support fouradditional English teaching positions at Asian univer-sities for American representatives.

Ohio historical FoundationColumbus, OH$200,000* To support an endowment for collectionsacquisitions, conservation programs, and the estab-lishment of a visiting scholar-curator program.

Otterbein CollegeWesterville, OH$100,000* To support establishment of an AlumniHumanities Endowment, library acquisitions, andfaculty development programs.

Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity ark, PA$300,000* To establish an endowment for the Col-lege ofLiberal Arts to support faculty chairs in literarytheory and comparative literature, Anglo-Germanliterary relations, and ethics; a humanities facultyfellows program; and a faculty development programfor scholarly research and curriculum development.

Pomona CollegeClaremont, CA$225,000* lo increase the college's endowment forfaculty research and development, including sab-batical fellowships, summer research, and generalresearch assistance.

Providence AthenaeumProvidence, RI$40,000 To augment an endowment supporting thework of a conservator and cataloguer in the library'sspecial collections in the humanities.

Providence Public LibraryProvidence, RI$300,000 To support the renovation of the historiccentral library to make more efficient use of space, toinstall a climate control system, to improve security,and to provide access for the hai,dicapped.

Rhode Island Historical SocietyProvidence, RI$100,000 To support restoration of the John BlownHouse, to create an endowment for operating zostsrelated to the humanities, and to instal! a new he atingplant and climate control system.

Saint Anselm CollegeManchester, NH$125,000 To support construction pan addtuon tothe library, and to establish nts for theacquisition ofbooks and periodic.. umanities.

Saint John's UniversityCollegeville, MN$175,000* To support the raising of additional en-dowment for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library.

Saint Lawrence County Historical AssociationCanton, NY$34,000* To establish an endowment that will sup-port publication of a history newspaper for schoolchildren and provide salaries for an education spe-cialist and program coordinator, and to support therestoration of an 1840s kitchen and completion of aclimate control system.

Saint Mary's CollegeNotre Dame, IN$175,000* To support the endowment of a human-ities chair, and to support endowment funds forhumanities faculty development.

Saint Olaf CollegeNorthfield, MN$100,000 To support construction of a wing to thelibrary and to establish endowments for library operat-ing costs and a chair in Norwegian studies.

Shelburne MuseumShelburne, VT$75.000 To support the renovation of a historic barn,the preparation of a permanent exnibition on thehistory ofagriculture at this site, the construction ofanorientation center, and the creation of exhibitions forthe center.

Society for Values in Higher EducationNew Haven. CT$10,000 To augment an endowment for conferences,workshops, special projects, publications. and admin-istrative expenses in the humanities.

Southwest MuseumLos Angeles, CA$235,121 To establish an endowment to providesalaries for curators of archaeology, Spanish colonialand Western Americana art, and folklore, as well as foran assistant cataloguer and an archival assistant.

*Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

.1 d4

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Springfield Library and Museums AssociationSpringfield, MA$250,000' To support the renovation and restorationof the historic quadrangle buildings, which house alibrary and four museums.

Stanford UniversityStanford, CA$150,000 To establish an endowment for facultyfellows at the Humanities Center, and to establishendowments in the university library to support a newcuratorand the conservation and acquisition of mate-rials for its special collec 'ons in Jewish studies.

University of AlabamaBirmingham, AL$42,000* To establish an endowment, as part of theuniversity's first capital campaign, to enable the univer-sity to provide visiting scholars to conduct fr,cultyseminars and to serve as guest lecturers in the basicinterdisciplinary humanities courses and in the honorsprogram.

University of ArkansasFayetteville, AR$490,000 To establish an endowment for the Centerfor Arkansas and Regional Studies and for the Collegeof Arts and Sciences' interdisciplinary humanitiesprogram, for the renovation of the university's historiccentral building, Old Main, and for fund-raisingexpenses.

University of Baltimore Educational FoundationBaltimore, MO$60,000 To support the establishment of endow-ments for a visiting professorship, faculty develop-ment. library acquisitions and equipment, and studentand faculty cultural activiiies in the humanities.

University of California PressBerkeley, CA$100,000* To support the establishment of an en-dowment for humanities publicationsand the creationofa revolving capital fund for books in the humanities.

University of California, San DiegoLa Jolla, CA$300.000 To create an endowment for acquisitionsin the humanities, which will increase the library'sgeneral holdings in the humanities and its specialcollections for Pacific studies, Latin American studies,and contemporary studies.

University of DaytonDayton, OH$80,000 To establish two endowments: one for li-brary acquisitions in philosophy, history, and Englishand thr other for a faculty chair in the humanities.

University of NebraskaLincoln, NE$45,000* To support the augmentation of the endow-ment of the Center for Great Plains Studies.

University of Notre DameNotre Dame, IN$100,000 To establish endowments at the university'sInstitute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts in supportof faculty fellowships and library acquisitions in thehumanities.

University of Oklahoma PressNorman, OK$50,000* To establish an endowment primarily tosubsidize the annual production of several humanitiestitles which normally would not sell in sufficientquantity to covercosts. A small amount is to be used forthe professional development of staff.

University of TulsaTulsa, OK$87,500* To support the establishment of endow-ments for library acquisitions for undergraduate pro-grams in the humanities and for a comparativeliterature symposium.

valentine MuseumRichmond, VA$125,000 To support restoration of the 1812 Wick-ham-Valentine House, and to create an endowment fora curator and an educational officer.

Vermont ETVWinooski, VT$70,000* To support equipment purchases, to pro-duce and acquire humanities programming, and toestablish an office for planned giving.

Vesterheim, Norwegian-American MuseumDecorah, IA$40,144* To support the development of new donorsources for a capital campaign to restore historicbuildings at the museum complex, to eliminate debtsincurred in earlier restorations, to support installationof new computer and surveillance systems, and toaugment the operating endowment.

Victoria Society of MainePortland. ME$15.000* To support completion of the restoration ofVictoria Mansion, and to increase the society's endow-ment.

WGBH Educational FoundationBoston, MA$250,000* To establish a fund for research, theproduction of humanities programming, and theacquisition of additional programs in the humanitiesduring the next ten years.

Washington and Jefferson CollegeWashington, PA$45,000* To establish an endowment to supportvisiting scholars, fvulty stipends, student activities,summer institutes, and special programs: to augmentan endowment for library , quisitions in the human-ities and equipment for instructional use: and topurchase computers for use in the humanities depart-ments.

Wing Luke Memorial Foundation, Inc.Seattle, WA$29,000 To support preparation of a new building foruse as a museum, construction of a permanentexhibition on the Asian-American experience in theSeattle area, and creation of an endowment foroperating costs, marketing, and development.

*prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.




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significant portion of the in-tellectual legacy upon which education andresearch in the humanities inevitably depends isdisintegrating in libraries, archives, and otherrepositories across the country. Millions ofbooks, manuscripts, and documents are turningto dust because of the acidic content of theirpaper; and photographs, sound recordings, tapes,and films are similarly threatened by factorsinherent to their physical structure. The Office ofPreservation was established to help institutionsand organizations responsible for these endan-gered materials confront this national problem.

Since its inception two years ago. the office hasprovided support for the preservation of knowl-edge that would otherwise have been lost tofuture generations of scholars. It has also madegrants for the education of preservation person-nel, for regional preservation services that enablesmaller institutions to maintain their humanitiescollections, for research intended to improvepreservation technology and procedures, and forprojects that are designed to increase publicunderstanding of the preservation crisis.

In fiscal year 1987, an award from the Office ofPreservation supplied the necessary funding forthe American Theological Library Associationto launch an extensive program to preserve thecontents of 12,000 monographs on religiousthought and history published from 1850 to 1910.Sixty-one libraries each subscribed $300,000 tosustain the operation of this program by purchas-ing microfiche copies for their collections. Grantshave also been made to individual institutions forthe microfilming of books and manuscriptsdeemed essential for research on twentieth-century poetry, on American legal and economichistory, on anthropology, on linguistics, and onthe history of art, architecture, and music. Theseprojects complement the office's support for themicrofilming of Russian language materials atthe Hoover Institution, of Latin American docu-ments under the administrative aegis of theCenter for Research Libraries, and of brittle

books and journals relating to American historyand literature and to East Asian studies drawnfrom the collections of sixteen members of theR,aearch Libraries Group.

Columbia University received a major match-ing grant from the Office of Preservation during1987 in support ofthe only program in the UnitedStates that offers graduate instruction to bothconservators and preservation administrators.The Endowment's award will fund the training oftwenty librarians so that they can better deal withthe complex issues involved in the preservation oflarge research collections.

A concurrent need to provide training for theexisting staff of humanities institutions wasrecognized by the office's grants to preservationfield services at regional and national organiza-tions like the Southeastern Library Network inAtlanta, the Conservation Center of Art andHistoric Artifacts in Philadelphia, the Society ofAmerican Archivists, and the American Associa-tion of State and Local History. The individualconsultancies, on-site surveys, and workshopsorganized on various aspects of preservationpractice will reach hundreds of people who mustmake policy decisions affecting the proper treat-ment and storage of materials entrusted to theircare.

The U.S Newspaper Program from which astate may receive successive awards to locate.catalogue, and microfilm its newspaper holdingscontinues to be a vital component of the office'swork. In fiscal year 1987, Arkansas, Colorado,Illinois, and Missouri joined the program; cata-loguing and filming efforts were inaugurated inGeorgia, Louisiana, New York, Ohio, NorthDakota, Washington, and Wisconsin; and Mon-tana, Nevada, and Utah concluded their news-paper projects. In all, twenty-three states, oneterritory, and eight national repositories withnewspaper titles from most of the fifty states, haveparticipated in the program. The projects con-tinue to discover scores of newspaper titles, andover 65,000 titles are now available in a national


Filming a scene from

the television docu-

mentor), "Shit Fires:On the Preservation of

the Human Record."

at the Library ofCon-gress. A 1986 Preser-

vation Projects grant

supported this produc-

ma wind: aired onpublic television sta-

tions in 1987




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Police report On the

status gfatradithmpromdings initiatedby tsarist prernmentrepresentatives in

France in 1908 against

Maxim Litvinot:ftuurefbreign ministerof the Soviet Union

(limn the Okhrana Ar-chires)..4 1986 grant

supported the preser-

vation of Russian ma-

terials at the Hoover









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data base that can he accessed by more than 7,000computer tmainals in the United States andabroad.

Fiscal year 19r marked the completion ofa documentr, iut preservation financedthrougl le Office of Preservation,the Astdrew Fnundation, and theCeJncil cn Lib try Resources. The film, "SlowFires: On the P servation of the Human Rec-ord," narrated bl Robert MacNeil, traces thecauses and imract of the ever-widening destruc-tion of our intellectual heritage. Initially broad-cast nationally on PBS stations in December1987, "Slow Fires" is also available on videocas-


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sette so that it can be used as the basis for futurepublic programming. The Office of Preservationsupports this type of project in the knowledgethat the magnitude of the preservation problemdemands a commitment by the private as well asthe public sector. Both must work together at thelocal, state, and national level to preserve for thefuture the works of the past.

George F. Farr, kSenior Preservation OfficerOffice qf Preservation

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Academy FoundationLos Angeles, CA Linda H. Afehr$85,884 To support the completion of microfilmingthe Academy Foundation Library's production andbiography files documenting the history of motionpictures since 1896.

Alabama Department of Archives and HistoryMontgomery. AL Edwin C. Bridges$55.314* To support the completion of cataloguing3,600 newspapers in Alabama repositories. and toprovidc a cataloguing assistant and two fieldworkers forthe duration of the project.

Alabama Department of Archives and HistoryMontgomcry, AL Edwin C Bridges$48.608 To support the preservation microfilmingcomponent of the Alabama Newspaper Project. Theproject will produce 5.000 rolls of microfilm of ncws-papers important for research.

American Institute for Conservation of Historic andArtistic WatsWashington, DC 4 ;:n 13. Craddock$56.785 To support an expanded version of the PaperConservation Catalog a reference manual which pro-vides information on conservation treatments andassociated subjects relating to historical and art mate-rials on paper.

American Association for State and Local HistoryNashville. TN Patricia Hogan$91,699 To support a series of five regional work-shopson the care and preservation of two-dimensionalmaterials held by museums. historical societies. andother historical organizations.

American Theological Library AssociationChicago. IL Robert P. Afarkham$!00.000 To su pport a nationwide cooperative effortto preserve in microform 12.000 monographs onreligion, which provide essential documentation forscholarly research.

Boston Public LibraryBoston, MA Janice lb. Chadbourne$66.307 To support a preservation needs assessment.including a condition survey and treatment levels testof the library's eminent Peabody and Stearns Collec-tion of Architcctural Drawings, 1870-1917.

Brooklyn MuseumBrooklyn, NY Deirdre E. Laivrena,$48.259 To support preservation activities leading tomicrofilming and conservation of critical parts of theStewart Culin Library Collection, a critical resourcefor the study of ethnohistory. muscological historyanthropology, and art history

Columbia UniversityNcw York, NY R. Kathleen Afolz$14,468' To provide continuing support for thenation's only formal training program for book conser-vation and library preservation administrators.

Prior year award receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

Columbia UniversityNew York. NY Robert Ifi,dgeworth$60.000 To support a program of graduate instruc-tion in conservation and preservation administrationin the School of Library Service.

Conservation Center for Art and Historic ArtifactsPhiladelphia, PA Lois 0. Price$11.028' To support the preservation survey andconsultation activities for a three-year period forinstitutions in the mid-Atlantic states.

Cornell UniversityIthaca. NY Michael Minion$41.366 To support the microfilming of selected19th - century American architectural and buildingtrade periodicals. Cornell is acting as the leadinginstitution in a consortium of libraries from whoseholdings the journals will be dra% a.

Illinois State Historical LibrarySpringfield, IL Janice Petterchak$15,127 To support planning for Illinois participa-tion in the U.S. Newspaper Program. In order tocatalogue and microfilm Illinois newspapers. 3.000institutions in the state will be surveyed to determinetheir newspaper holdings.

Indiana UniversityBloomington, IN Sally J. Rausdi$2,450* To support a supplement to the IndianaNewspaper Project for the addition of two para-professionals to aid in cataloguing newspapers at theIndiana State Library.

lowa State Historical DepartmentDcs Moincs, IA Nancy Kraft$55,777' To support locating and cataloguing news-paper holdings in the state of Iowa and contributingthem to the national OCLC/CONSER data base.

Louisiana State UniversityBaton Rougc, LA Sharon A. Hogan$201,780 To support cataloguing and microfilming ofnewspapers in Louisiana repositories as part of the U.S.Newspaper Program. Some 2.300 titles will be enteredinto the OCLC/CONSER data base, and 7.200 reels ofpreservation microfilm will be produced.

New York City Department of Records andInformation ServicesNcw York, NY Peter J. Afustardo$29,700 To support the conservation of 1.000 draw-ings pertaining to the design and construction ofCentral Park and 61 other Ncw York City pati sand thepreparation of a microfilm edition of these materials.

NCR York Public LibraryNew York, NY Irene ,tf. Percelli$40.000* To support the cataloguing of approxi-mately 2.000 newspapers and preservation microfilm-ing on a selective basis of the titles most significant forresearch.




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This photograph of

Ames Joyce and an

unidentified woman

' mu taken in Zurich in1938, soon after he

fled Germany In 1987

the State University of

New }brk at Buffalo

rewired support for

the preservation o f the

Poetry/Rare Books

Collection of twen-

tieth- century poets

writing in Wish inorde; to ensure greater

availability o f these

materials to scholars.




New York State Education DepartmentAlbany, NY Patricia Mallon$258.668 To support the first of several stages of NewYork States participation in the U.S. NewspaperProgram. During this stage. project staff will cataloguean estimated 6.000 newspaper titles held in the Albanyand Rochester areas.

New York State Education DepartmentAlbany. NY Thomas E MillsS7.000 To support the microfilming of selected his-torical documents relating to the social, legal, andeconomic development of New York from 1760 to 1860.

Northeast Document Conservation CenterAndover. MA Ann E. Russell$10.000 To support the editing and production of amanual on the duplication of photographic negatives.

Ohio Historical SocietyColumbus. OH William G. Llyers$169.349 To support the cataloguing of 3.400 news-paper titles held at the Ohio Historical Society as thefirst of a two-stage U.S. Newspaper Project in Ohio.

Panhandle-Plains Historical MuseumCanyon. TX Bobby D Ilivver$97.269* To support completion of the first stage ofthe Texas Newspaper Project. which involves catalogu-ing more than 4.000 newspaper titles held in Texasrepositories.

Panhandle-Plains Historical MuseumCanyon. TX Bobby D. *aver$173.975 To support the second stage of cataloguingnewspapers in Texas repositories as part of the U.S.Newspaper Program. In this second stage. records for2.500 titles will be entered into the OCLC/CONSERdata base.


Research Libraries Group, Inc.Stanford. CA Patricia A. MeChoig$30.000* To support the microfilming of Chineselanguage monographs. serials. and newspapers pub-lished between 1880 and 1949 and held in six majorcollections by Research Libraries Group memberinstitutions.

Rochester Institute of TechnologyRochester. NY James M. Reilly$98.798 To support research on the effectiveness ofselenium treatment in prolonging the storage life ofsilver gelatin microfilm. This treatment promises toprotect microfilm against oxidation that can makeparts of the text illegible.

State University of New York Research FoundationAlbany. NY Robert J. nertholf$55.288 To support the preservation of 100.000manuscripts and 4.500 books in the poetry collection.which is devoted to 20th-century poets in English. toensure availability of these materials to scholars.

Society of American ArchivistsChicago. IL Donn C Neal$111.461 To support the Society of American Archly-isic Preservation Program. which includes two conser-vation woikbhops. ten institutional consultancies. anda comprehensive evaluation of previous workshops andconsultancies.

Southealltern Library Network, Inc.Atlanta. GA Frank P. Grisham$350.000 To support the SOLINET PreservationProgram. which offers information, basic training, andfield services to libraries. archives. and historicalorganizations throughout a ten-state region in theSoutheast.

'Prior year a%%ard receiving funds in fiscal year 1987.

1 5 0 f , 1

Page 151: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

State Historical Society of ColoradoDenver, CO Katherine Kane$10,000 To support planning for Colo' ado'sparticipation in the U.S. Newspaper Program, includ-ing a survey of repositories in Colorado to identirynewspaper holdings and a statewide conference topublicize the project.

State Historical Society of IowaIowa City, IA Nancy E. Kraft$232,662 To support cataloguing and microfilmingof newspapers in Iowa as part of the U.S. NewspaperProgram. Records for 6,500 titles will be entered intothe OCLC/CONSER database, and titles from 78 Iowacounties will be preserved.

State Historical Society of North DakotaBismarck, ND Gerald G. Newborg$105,809 To support cataloguing of 1,800 newspapertitles held in North Dakota repositories and creation of2,800 rolls of !reservation microfilm of North Dakotatitles important for research.

State Historical Society of WisconsinMadison, WI James P. Danky$131,415 To support Wisconsin's participation in theU.S. Newspaper Program through completion of cata-loguing the society's collection of 8,000 newspapertitles and a statewide cataloguing and preser ationmicrofilming effort.

State Library of PennsylvaniaHarrisburg, PA David R. Hoffman$281,744 To support the completion of cataloguingmore than 9,000 newspaper titles held in Pennsylvanialibraries and the preservation through microfilming ofnewspapers important for research in the humanities.

University of ArkansasFayetteville, AR Michael J. Dabrishus$6,072 To support planning for Arkansas' participa-tion in the U.S. Newspaper Program. The project willcomplete the survey of newspapers held in the state,assess preservation needs, and plan for bibliographiccontrol and microfilming.

University of GeorgiaAthens, GA Barry B. Baker$417,441 To support cataloguing of 3.900 newspapertitles held in Georgia repositories and microfilming of630 titles in urgent need of preservation as part of theU.S. Newspaper Program.

University of Illinois' frbana, IL Roger G Clark$26,031 To support planning for a pres- -vation mi-crofilming program among the member libraries oftheCommittee on Institutional Cooperation, a consor-tium of 11 research institutions in the Midwest.

University of KansasLawrence, KS Donna P. Koepp$80,020 To support the preservation of the 12,000historical maps contained in the U.S. CongressionalSerial Set.

University of Kentucky Resew-ch FoundationLexington, KY Paul A. Willis$274,942 To support completion of the cataloguingof 5,590 newspaper titles held in Kentu,:ky repositoriesand creation of 1,550 reels of preservation microfilm ofselected titles as part of the U.S. Newspaper Program.

University of MissouriKansas City MO Ted P Sheldon$12,284 To support planning for Missouri'sparticipation in the U.S. Newspaper !'rogram.

Vet.nont State ArchivesMontpelier, VT D Gregory Sanf )rd$63,099 To support preservation microfilming of theStevens Papers. jointly owned by the Vermont StateArchives and the New York State Library. The papersencompass Vermont history rrom 1700 to 1860.

Washington State LibrgorOlympia, WA Jeann&- E. Engerman$20,000 "to support cataloguing and microfilming ofnewspapers in repositories in Washington as part of theU.S. Newspaper Program. Approximately 2,000 titleswill be entered into the OCLC/CONSER data base.

Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT R. Gay Walker$81,070 To support a reservation administrationposition in charge of Yates preservation microfilmingprogram. The position will be phased into Yale'spreservation department.


4 A

4 I;


I 0. <

'Lil r

Revohnionrry WarClaims and Accounts,Series A0200. Thepayroll of revolution-

ary war officers, 177Z

is an example oftherecords burned in a1911 fire in the Albany

capitol. The StateEducation Depart-ment of New York

received a 1987 grant

to microfilm docu-ments relating to New

York community set-

tlement and develop-ment, 17o0-1860.




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Page 153: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY


Corcoran Gallery of ArtWashington. DC Edward I Nigro:$311,467

Folger Shakespeare LibraryWashington. DC kii,mer L. Gundersheimer$259,867

Ford's TheatreWashington, DC Frankie Hewitt$250,267

Meridian House InternationalWashington, DC Nancy Matthews$208.266

National Building MuseumWashington. DC Charles A. Horsky$205,867

National Learning CenterWashington. DC Ann fl Lewin$25L467

National Museum of Women in the ArtsWashington. DC Anne-Imelda AL Radice$262,266

National Symphony OrchestraWashington. DC -illison B Vuigamore$414,667

Phillips CollectionWashington. DC Laughlin Phillips$252.667

Shakespeare Theatre at the FolgerWashington, DC Mary Ann de Barbieri$225.067

Textile MuseumWashington. DC Ursula Eland McCracken$207.066

Washington BalletWashington. DC Ely: Moore$223.866

Washington Drama Society; Inc./Arena StageWashington. DC II "illiam Stewart$361.867

Washington OperaWashington. DC Martin Feinstein$275A67

Washington Performing Arts SocietyWashington. DC Douglas 11. Wheeler$289.866


The terra-cotta friezeof the Pension Build-ing (1882-87) inJ4&shington, D.C. Ism

designed by CasparBuberl (1834-89).

Although the soldierswear Civil War uni-forms, the architect ofthe Pension Building,Montgomery C Meigs,intended the frieze tobe a tribute to all sol-diers who gave theirlives in battle. The

Pension Building nowhouses the NationalBuilding Museum,which was among

Rim: recipients ofgrants from theNational Capital Artsand Cultural AffairsProgram in 1987





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Abbate, CarolynAssistant ProfessorPrinceton UniversityPrinceton, NJ

Abbot, William WProfessor of HistoryUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville, VA

Achtenberg, BenFilm Producerand DistributorFanlight ProductionsBoston, MA

Ackerman, JohnEditor-in-ChiefCornell University PressIthaca, NY

Ackerman, Robert E.Professorof AnthropologyWashington StateUniversityPullman, WA

Adomanis, JamesSocial Studies SpecialistAnne Arundel CountyPublic SchoolsAnnapolis, MD

Adrien, KenAssociate Professorof HistoryOhio State UniversityColumbus, OH

Alderson, William T.Director of MuseumStudiesMargaret WoodburyStrong MuseumRochester, NY

Aldridge, June M.Chairperson,Humanities DivisionSpelman CollegeAtlanta, GA

Allen, Jeanne T.Associate ProfessorTemple UniversityPhiladelphia, PA

Mien, William B.Professorof GovernmentHarvey Mudd CollegeClaremont, CA

Alley, DouglasProfessor of EnglishEducationAuburn UniversityAuLurn, AL

Allman, John C.St. Mark's Schoolof TexasDallas. TX

Alston, William P.Professor of PhilosophySyracuse UniversitySyracuse, NY

Altholz, Josef L.ProfessorUniversityof MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN

Ames, Kenneth L.Teaching AssociateWinterthur MuseumWinterthur, DE

Amos, Thomas L.Cataloguer of WesternManuscriptsHill MonasticManuscript LibrarySt.John's UniversityCollegeville, MN

Andelson, RobertProfessor of PhilosophyAuburn UniversityAuburn, AL

Anderson, CatherineManagerWTVS/Channel 56Detroit, MI

Anderson, DavidProfessor of EnglishHiram CollegeHiram, OH

Anderson, Donna K.Professor andDepartment ChairmanState University ofNew YorkCortland, NY

Anderson, JuanitaExecutive Producer forProgram DevelopmentWTVS/Channel 56Detroit, MI

Anderson, Julianne E.Chairman, AdvisoryCommitteeIowa Departmentof Cultural AffairsCedar Rapids, IA

Anderson, PaulAssociate ProfessorLawrence UniversityAppleton, WI

Angress, Ruth K.Professor of GermanUniversity of CaliforniaIrvine, CA

Anthony, AlexandriaIndependentFilmmakerCambridge, MA

Argersinger, JoannProfessor of HistoryUniversity of MarylandCatonsville, MD

i 5 5

Ascher, AbrahamProfessorBrooklyn College,CUNYBrooklyn, NY

Ashby, D. LeroyProfessorWashington StateUniversityPullman, WA

Ashton, Rick J.DirectorDenver Public LibraryDenver, CO

Astolfi, Douglas M.Dean of the CollegeClark UniversityWorcester, MA

Atkins, AnnetteProfessor of HistorySaint John's UniversityCollegeville, MN

Atwan, Robert G.InstructorSeton Hall UniversitySouth Orange, NJ

Audi, Robert N.Professor of PhilosophyUniversity of NebraskaLincoln, NE

Audley, CathyDevelopment OfficerTulsa City-CountyLibraryTulsa, OK

Babb, Lawrence A.ProfessorAmherst CollegeAmherst, MA

Bacharach, Jere L.Associate ProfessorUniversityof WashingtonSeattle, WA

A low altitude aerialphotograph of theTemple of Zeus at

Olympia, showing thecolumn drums thatwere tumbled by anearthquake. In 1987the Center for RemoteSensing at BostonUniversity received

support from theDivision of Research

Programs for archivalprinting and catalogu-ing of low altitude

aerial photographs ofarchaeological sites inGreece and Crete.




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Baer, Elizabeth R.Office of the DeanWashington CollegeChestertown, MD

Bailey, Jackson H.ProfessorEar lham CollegeRichmond, IN

Bailey, Richard W.ProfessorUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI

Baker, JaniceHigh SchoolEnglish TeacherBaltimore Schoolof the ArtsBaltimore, MD

Balch, StephenAssociate Professorof GovernmentJohn Jay College,CUNYNew York, NY

Balestri, DianeAssistant Deanof the CollegePrinceton UniversityPrinceton, NJ

Bandes, Su:;an J.Assistant Professorof Art HistorySweet Briar CollegeSweet Briar. VA

Banfield, Ann M.ProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA

Bank, MirraPresidentOrdinary Lives, Inc.New York, NY

Banks, WilliamProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA

Barbieri, RichardExecutive DirectorIndependent SchoolAssociationof MassachusettsMilton, MA

Barden, RichardAssistant DirectorUniversityof Washington PressSeattle, WA

Ba:nes, Mark R.Staff ArchaeologistDepartmentof the InteriorStone Mountain, GA

Baron, John H.ProfessorTulane UniversityNew Orleans, LA

Barr, CyrillaAssociate ProfessorCatholic Universityof AmericaWashington, DC

Bartley, Numan V.ProfessorUniversity or GeorgiaAthens, GA

Baskin, Andrew L.DirectorBerea CollegeBerea, KY

Baym, NinaProfessorUniversity of IllinoisUrbana, IL

Becker, Barbara A.Executive Directorfor AdministrationMount Saint Mary'sCollegeLos Angeles, CA

Becker, Robert A.Associate Professorof HistoryLouisiana StateUniversityBaton Rouge. LA

Beecher, JonathanProfessor of HistoryUniversity of CaliforniaSanta Cruz, CA

Beeman, Richard R.Associate Professorof HistoryUniversityof PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA

Behler, DianaProfessorUniversity ofWashingtonSeattle, WA

Beik, William H.Associate Professorof HistoryNorthern IllinoisUn ersityDe Kalb, IL

Bell, Barbara C.Independent Scholar,EnglishSouthport, CT

Bell, Brian D.TeacherPittsford Central SchoolCanadaigua, NY

Belz, HermanProfessor of HistoryUniversity of MarylandCollege Park, MD

Sender, M. LionelAssociate ProfessorSouthern IllinoisUniversityCarbondale. IL

Bender, ThomasS. Rudin Professorof HumanitiesNew York UniversityNew York, NY

Benditt, Theodore M.ProfessorUniversity of AlabamaBirmingham, AL

Benedetti, Robert R.Associate Professorof Political ScienceUniversity of SouthFloridaSarasota, FL

Bennett, Betty T.Dean of Arts andSciences. EnglishPratt InstituteBrooklyn, NY

Benz, Julie L.Assistant ProfessorGustavus AdolphusCollegeSt.Peter, MN

Berdahl, Robert M.Vice Chancellorfor Academic AffairsUniversity of IllinoisUrbana, IL

Berek, PeterProfessor of EnglishWilliams CollegeWilliamstown, MA

Berenson, Edward G.ProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles. CA

Berger, IrisProfessorUniversity of New YorkAlbany, NY


Berthold, DennisProfessorTexas A & M UniversityCollege Station, TX

Beschloss, MichaelPresidential HistorianSmithsonian InstitutionWashington, DC

Bickford, ChristopherDirectorConnecticut HistoricalSocietyHartford, CT

Biers, William R.ProfessorUniversity of MissouriColumbia, MO

Billington, Monroe L.ProfessorNew Mexico StateUniversityLas Cruces, NM

Bills, Garland D.Associate ProfessorUniversity ofNew MexicoAlbuquerque, NM

Bingham, Marjorie W.Teacher and ProjectDirectorSt. Louis Park SchoolsMinnetonka. MN

Bisson, LillianProfessor of EnglishMarymount UniversityArlington, VA

Blankenship, J. DavidAssociate Professorof PhilosophyState Universityof Ne v YorkNew Faltz. NY

Blatz, Charles V.Associate Professorof PhilosophyUniversity of WyomingLaramie, WY

Bledsoe, Robert T.ProfessorUniversity of TexasEl Paso, TX

Blesse, Robert E.University of NevadaReno, NV

Page 157: DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 National …DOCUMENT RESUME ED 292 124 CS 211 101 TITLE National Endowment for the Humanities: Twenty-Second. Annual Report--1987. SPONS AGENCY

Blevins, JamesChairman, Divisionof HumanitiesUniversity ofSouthern IndianaEvansville, IN

Bloodworth, William A.Professorand ChairmanEast CarolinaUniversityGreenville, NC

Bloom, Alfred H.Dean of FacultyPitzer CollegeClaremont, CA

Bloomfield, MaxwellProfessorCatholic Universityof AmericaWashington, DC

Boening, JohnProfessor of EnglishUniversity of ToledoToledo, OH

Bohac, RodneyProfessorBrigham YoungUniversityProvo, UT

Boorstin, Daniel J.The Librananof CongressWashington, DC

Bowers, John M.ProfessorPrinceton UniversityPrinceton, NJ

Bowersock, Glen W.ProfessorInstitute forAdvanced StudyPrinceton, NJ

Bradley, William L.PresidentEdward W. HazenFoundationRandolph, 7"'"

Bravmann, ReneProfessor of Art HistoryUniversity ofWashingtonSeattle, WA

Bree, GermaineProfessorWake Forest UniversityWinston-Salem, NC

Brennan, NancyDirectorBaltimore City LifeMuseumsBaltimore, MD

Breslin, James E.ProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA

Brink, DanielProfessor of EnglishArizona StateUniversityTempe, AZ

Brody, Saul N.ProfessorCity College, CUNYNew York, NY

Brooks, George E., Jr.Professor of HistoryUniversity of IndianaBloomington, IN

Brooks, GlennDeanColorado CollegeColorado Springs, CO

Broussard, James H.Lebanon Valley CollegeAnnville, PA

Brow, JamesAssociate Professorof AnthropologyUniversity of TexasAustin, TX

Brown, CarolynAssistant Professorof EnglishHoward UniversityWashington, DC

Brown, Richard M.ProfessorUniversity of OregonEugene, OR

Brown, Edwin F., Jr.Assistant PrincipalConway High SchoolConway, SC

Brownell, Morris R.ProfessorUniversity of NevadaReno, NV

Bruce, Erika V.C.Director GeneralHumanities andSpecial ScienceResearch CouncilOttawa, OntarioCanada

Bruegmann, RobertAssistant ProfessorUniversity of IllinoisChicago, IL

Brunette, PeterAssociate ProfessorGeorge MasonUniversityFairfax, VA

Bruno, JoElementary SchoolPrincipalPS 189Brooklyn, NY

Bruzelius, CarolineA ^sociate ProfessorDuke UniversityDurham, NC

Bryan, Charles, Jr.DirectorSt. Louis MercantileLibrarySt. Louis, MO

Bullock, MaryExecutive DirectorCommittee on ScholarlyCommunication withthe People's RepublicOf ChinaWashington, DC

Bundy, Barbara K.PresidentDominican College ofSan RafaelSan Rafael, CA

Bunge, Wilfred F.Professor of Religionand ClassicsLuther CollegeDecorah, IA

Burke, DonaldSocial Studies TeacherNorthwestern HighSchoolMayville, MI

Burke, Doreen B.Associate Curator ofAmerican PaintingMetropolitanMuseum of ArtNew York, NY

Burke, Margaret R.Director of MuseumsSociety for thePreservation of NewEngland AntiquitiesBoston, MA


Burninghausen, JohnPr )fessor of ChineseMiddlebury CollegeMiddlebury, VT

Burns, Allan F.Assistant ProfessorUniversity of FloridaGainesville, FL

Butler, Anne M.Associate ProfessorGallaudet UniversityWashington, DC

Byrnes, MargaretHead, PreservationSectionNational Libraryof MedicineBethesda, MD

Cain, William E.Professor of EnglishWellesley CollegeWellesley, MA

Calgaard, RonPresidentTrinity UniversitySan Antonio, TX

Cameron, RichardMinnesota HistoricalSocietySt. Paul, MN

Campbell, JamesAssistant ProfessorUniversity of ToledoToledo, OH

Capps, Walter H.ProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaSanta Barbara, CA

Carmines, Amee F.Assistant Professorof English andForeign LanguagesHampton UniversityHampton, VA

Carnochan, W. BlissProfessor of EnglishStanford UniversityStanford, CA

Carosso, Vincent P.ProfessorNew York UniversityNew York, NY

Carr, Lois Green G.HistorianHistoric St. Mary's CitySt. Mary's City, MD




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Carrico, Mark A.TeacherNiwot High SchoolLongmont, CO

Carswell, John W.Professor, ResearchAssociate, Directorof MusicUniversity of ChicagoChicago. IL

Carter, Dan T.ProfessorEmory UniversityAtlanta, GA

Carter, Edward C. IILibrarianAmerican PhilosophicalSocietyPhiladelphia. PA

Carver, LarryUniversity of TexasAustin, TX

Cavander, KennethWriterNew York. NY

Cayton, Andrew R. L.Associate Professorof HistoryBall State UniversityMuncie, IN

Ceaser, JamesUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville. VA

Chambers, Clarke A.ProfessorUniversity ofMinnesotaMinneapolis. MN

Chance, JaneProfessor of EnglishRice UniversityHouston. TX

Chappell, MilesProfessorCollege of Williamand MaryWilliamsburg. VA

Chartkoff, JosephProfessorof AnthropologyMichigan StateUniversityEast Lansing, MI

Chestnut, Paul I.Assistant StateArchivistDuke UniversityDurham, NC

Child, Margaret S.Assistant DirectorSmithsonian InstitutionLibraryWashington, DC

Chodorow, Stanley A.DeanUniversity of CaliforniaLa Jolla, CA

Choldin, Marianna T.Head of Slavic Libraryand ProfessorUniversity of IllinoisUrbana, IL

Chou, E. ShanAssistant ProfessorNew York UniversityNew York, NY

Citron, MichelleAssociate ProfessorNorthweste:nUniversityEvanston, IL

Clark, Elizabeth A.ProfessorDuke UniversityDurham. NC

Clark, J. BunkerProfessorUniversity of KansasLawrence, KS

Clayton, Bruce L.Chairman of HistoryDepartmentAllegheny CollegeMeadville. PA

Clayton, LawrenceAssociate Professorof HistoryUniversity of AlabamaTuscaloosa. AL

Clemens, Paul E.Associate ProfessorRutgers UniversityNew Brunswick. NJ

Clement, ConstanceAssistant DirectorYale Center forBritish ArtNew Haven. CT

Cleveland, IrisEnglish TeacherBloom Trail HighSchoolChicago Heights. IL

Clough, Marshall S.Associate ProfessorUniversity of NorthernColoradoGreeley, CO

Cohen, CarlProfessorUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI

Cohen, David W.ProfessorJohns HopkinsUniversityBaltimore, MD

Colt., Herbert M.ProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaSanta Barbara, CA

Cole, KarenInstructorin HumanitiesLouisiana School forMathematics, Science.and the ArtsNatchitoches. LA

Cole, Susan G.ProfassorUniversity of IllinoisChicago. IL

Collins, NaomiExecutive DirectorMaryland HumanitiesCouncilBaltimore. MD

Colpitt, Frances J.Assistant Professorof Art HistoryUniversity of CaliforniaSanta Barbara. CA

Colton, JoelProfessorDuke UniversityDurham. NC

Comp, T. AllanIndependentConsultant. HistoricPreservationSeattle. WA

Conn, PeterAssociate Professorof EnglishMacalester CollegeSt. Paul. MN

Contreni, John J.Associate ProfessorPurdue Universit,West Lafayette. IN

% 1 5 d

Conzen, Kathleen N.Associate ProfessorUniversity of ChicagoChicago. IL

Cook, JeanHead. SerialsDepartmentIowa State UniversityAmes, IA

Cook, PeterExecutive ProducerWGBHBoston, MA

Cook, Teresa A.Associate Professorof SpanishPiedmont VirginiaCommunity CollegeCharlottesville, VA

Cool, KennethDirector of AcademicProgram DevelopmentVassar CollegePoughkeepsie. NY

Coomb: NancyTeacherLeal Elementary SchoolUrbana. IL

Cooper, SheilaExecutive AssistantDeanIndiana UniversityBloomington, IN

Cooper, William J.Professor of HistoryLouisiana StateUniversityBaton Rouge. LA

Core, GeorgeUniversity of the SouthSewanee, TN

Corn, Joseph J.Senior LecturerStanford UniversityStanford. CA

Cory, Mark E.Associate ProfessorUniversity of ArkansasFayetteville. AR

Costello, David R.Associate ProfessorCanisius CollegeBuffalo. NY

Council, Norman B.DeanUniversity of UtahSalt Lake City. UT

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Cowan, Michael H.Dean of HumanitiesUniversity of CaliforniaSanta Cruz, CA

Cowherd, Carrie E.Assistant Professorof ClassicsHoward UniversityWashington, DC

Cox, John D.Associate Professorof EnglishHope CollegeHolland, MI

Cox, Renee S.Associate ProfessorUniversity of TennesseeChattanooga, TN

Crabtree, CharintteProfessor, GraduateSchool of EducationUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Crapol, Edward P.Professor andActing ChairmanCollege of Williamand MaryWilliamsburg, VA

Creel, Richard E.Professor andChairmanIthaca CollegeIthaca, NY

Crippens, DavidVice PresidentKCETLos Angeles, CA

Crist, Lynda L.EditorRice UniversityHouston, TX

Crouch, Dora P.Associate Professorof ArchitectureRensselaer PolytechnicInstituteTroy, NY

Crowe, LindaDirectorPeninsula LibrarySystemBelmont, CA

Culbert, Gary A.Head, EnglishDepartmentEastside CatholicHigh SchoolSeattle, WA

Culler, Jonathan D.ProfessorCornell UniversityIthaca, NY

Dail?, NormanProfessor of HistoryRutgers UniversityNewark, NJ

;Ailey, JohnDirectorIllinois State ArchivesSpringfield, IL

Damiani, Bruno M.ProfessorCatholic Universityof AmericaWashington, DC

Danelski, David J.Vice PresidentOccidental CollegeLos Angeles, CA

Daniel, WalterDean of the Collegeof General StudiesUniversity of MissouriColumbia, MO

Danky, James P.State Historical Societyof WisconsinStoughton. WI

Darden, LindleyAssistant ProfessorUniversity of MarylandCollege Park, MD

Darrow, William R.Assistant Professor ofReligion and HistoryWilliams CollegeWilliamstown, MA

Davis, EricAssociate Professorof Political ScienceMiddlebury CollegeMiddlebury, VT

Davis, Hester A.State ArchaeologistUniversity of ArkansasMuseumFayetteville. AR

Davis, Ronald L.ProfessorSouthern MethodistUniversityDallas, TX

Davis, SallyLatin TeacherWakefield High SchoolArlington, VA

11/4*.k, ii 1

Day, JamesDepartment of Radi )and TelevisionCUNY, BrooklynCollegeBrooklyn, NY

De Geu:ge, Richard T.ProfessorUniversity of KansasLawrence, KS

Debicki, Andrew P.ProfessorUniversity of KansasLawrence, KS

DeCosta-Willis,MiriamProfessor of RomanceLanguagesLeMoyne-Owen CollegeMemphis, TN

Delancey, ScottUniversity of OregonEr gene, OR

Delattre, Edwin J.Bradley DistingLishedFellowEthics and PublicPolicy CenterWashington, DC

Demallie, Raymond J.Professorof AnthropologyIndiana UniversityBloomington, IN

Dempsey, Charles G.ProfessorJohns HopkinsUniversityBaltimore, MD

Dempsey, Michael J.TeacherCatholic MemorialHigh SchoolWest Roxbury, MA

Depaolo, RosemaryAssociate Professorof EnglishAugusta CollegeAugusta. GA

Devine, Michael J.State Historianand DirectorIllinois Histc ricPreservation AgencySpringfield, IL

Diehl, HustonAssociate ProfessorUniversity of IowaIowa City, IA


Divine, Robert A.ProfessorUniversity of TexasAustin, TX

Dmytryshyn, BasilProfessor of HistoryPortland StateUniversityPortland, OR

Doenecke, JustusProfessor of HistoryNew College, Universityof South FloridaSarasota, FL

Donadio, StephenProfessorof American LiteratureMiddlebury CollegeMiddlebury, VT

Donaldson, RobertPresidentFairleigh DickinsonUniversitynutherford, NJ

Donaldson, SusanProfessorCollege of Williamand MaryWilliamsburg, VA

Doonan, J. TimothySocial Studies TeacherSt. Anthony's VillageHigh SchoolMinneapolis. MN

Dorsey, David F., Jr.Professor of English` ilanta UniversityAtlanta, GA

Dower, JohnProfessorof Japanese StudiesUniversity of CaliforniaLa Jolla, CA

Downes, RobinDirector of LibrariesUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor. MI

Downing, JeffMicrosystemsSupervisorAmigos BibliographicCouncilDallas. TX

Drake, DonaldExecutive DirectorIowa Humanities BoardUniversity of IowaIowa City, IA PANELISTS IN


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Dressel, BarryAssistant DirectorDetroit HistoricalDepartmentDetroit, MI

Dreyfus, LaurenceProfessorYale UniversityNew Haven, CT

Drimmer, MelvinProfessor of HistoryCleveland StateUniversityCleveland, OH

Drisko, JohnHistory TeacherFalmouth High SchoolFalmouth. ME

Duffy, Robert E.History TeacherSteinmetz High SchoolMcHenry. IL

Dunlap, Benjamin B.Professorand Writer-ProducerUniversity of SouthCarolinaColumbia. SC

Dunn, Peter N.ProfessorWesleyan UniversityMiddletown. Cl

Dunn, SusanAssociate ProfessorWilliams CollegeWilliamstown. MA

Durbin, Paul T.Associate ProfessorUniversity of DelawareNewark. DE

Durel, JohnAssistant DirectorBaltimore CityLife MuseumsBaltimore. MD

DuVerlie, ClaudAssociate Professorof FrenchUniversity of MarylandBaltimore. MD

Dye, Nancy S.Associate ProfessorUniversity of KentuckyLexington, KY

Dyson, Robert H., Jr,Acting DeanUniversity ofPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA

Edelman, Murray J.ProfessorUniversity of WisconsinMadison. WI

Edgerton, Samuel Y.ProfessorWilliams CollegeWilliamstown, MA

Edmunds, AnthonyBall State UniversityMuncie, IN

Edson, EvelynProfessor of HistoryPiedmont VirginiaCommunity CollegeScottsville. VA

Egan, Carlos A.Professorof Political ScienceWilliams CollegeWilliamstown, MA

Egan, Maureen L.Associate ProfessorCollege of Our Ladyof the ElmsWestfield, MA

Eickelman, Dale ErrofcssorNew York UniversityNew York. NY

Einstein-Gordon,VivianUnaffiliatedBuffalo Grove. IL

Elstad, LindaScriptwriterPacific Palisades. CA

Ely; James W, Jr.Professor of LawVanderbilt UniversityNashville, TN

Emerson, Anne D.Boston UniversityBoston. MA

Emmons, TerenceProfessorStanford UniversityStanford, CA

Enderton, Catherine S.Office of AcademicAffirmative ActionUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles. CA

Endicott-West, ElizabethAssistant ProfessorHarvard UniversityCambridge, MA

Ennis, CarolynCultural andAesthetics ProjectBillings. MT

Enos, Richard L.Associate Dean. Collegeof HumanitiesCarnegie-MellonUniversityPittsburgh, PA

Epstein, Leon D.ProfessorUniversity of WisconsinMadison. WI

Erens, PatriciaProfessorRosary CollegeRiver Forest, IL

Estes, David C.ProfessorLoyola UniversityNew Orleans. LA

Estes, ElaineDirectorPublic Libraryof Des MoinesDes Moines. IA

Ettema, MichaelCurator ofDomestic LifeHenry FordMuseum andGreenfield VillageDearborn. MI

Ettling, JohnChairmanUniversity of HoustonHouston. TX

Etzkorn, Girard J.ProfessorSt. BonaventureUniversitySt. Bonaventure, NY

Farber, BernardProfessor of SociologyArizona StateUniversityTempe. AZ

Farnam, AnnePresidentEssex InstituteSalem, MA

Farrell, BettyAssistant Professorof SociologyPitzer CollegeClaremont. CA


Faust, C. Drew G.Professor of AmericanCivilizationUniversity ofPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA

Fenske, DavidMusic Librarian andAssociate ProfessorIndiana UniversityBloomington. IN

Ferber, Linda S.Chief CuratorBrooklyn MuseumBrooklyn. NY

Ferre, FrederickProfessorUniversity of GeorgiaAthens. GA

Fetner, GeraldDirector ofFoundation RelationsColumbia UniversityNew York. NY

Finkel, Alicia B.ProfesssorUniversity ofConnecticutStorrs. CT

Fishel, Leslie II., Jr.Rutherford B. HayesPresidential CenterFremont, OH

Fisher, John II.University of TennesseeKnoxville. TN

Fisk, Margaret A.Edgemont High SchoolGreenwich. CT

Fitchen, AllenDirectorUniversity ofWisconsin PressMadison. WI

Fitzgerald, PatrickDI:ector ofLearning ServicesBowling GreenState UniversityBowling Green, OH

Fitzpatrick, EllenInstructorWellesley CollegeWellesley, MA

Flack, James K.Associate ProfessorUniversity of MarylandCollege Park. MD

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Flannigan, Arthur W.ProfessorOccidental CollegeLos Angeles, CA

Flaumenhaft,Harvey M.TutorSt. John's CollegeAnnapolis, MD

Fleckner, John A.ArchaeologistNational Museum ofAmerican HistorySmithsonian InstitutionWashington, DC

Flower, DeanProfessor of EnglishSmith CollegeNorthampton, MA

Flowers, Betty S.Associate DeanUniversity of TexasAustin, TX

Flynn, ThomasProfessorEmory UniversityAtlanta, GA

Fogelson, RaymondProfessorUniversity of ChicagoChicago, IL

Fong, BobbyAssociate ProfessorAssociation ofAmerican CollegesWashington, DC

Forbes, Harold M.Associate Curator,Research LibraryWest VirginiaUniversityMorgantown, WV

Forte, AllenProfessorYale UniversityNew Haven, CT

Foster, David W.ProfessorArizona StateUniversityTempe, AZ

Fotion, JaniceProfessorof Social ScienceClark CollegeDecatur, GA

Fox, Richard WAssociate Professorof History andHumanitiesReed CollegePortland, OR

Fratus, DavidProfessorHiram CollegeHiram, OH

Fredrickson, George M.E. E. RobinsonProfessorof U.S. HistoryStanford UniversityStanford, CA

Freimarck, FranDirectorPamunkcyRegional LibraryMechanicsville, VA

Frey, Linda S.Professorand ChairmanUniversity of MontanaMissoula, MT

Friedman, Melvin J.ProfessorUniversity of WisconsinMilwaukee, WI

Frisch, Morton J.ProfessorNorthern IllinoisUniversityDc Kalb, IL

Frisch, WalterAssistant Professorof MusicColumbia UniversityNew York, NY

Fuller, Robert C.Associate ProfessorBradley UniversityPeoria, IL

Furst, LillianProfessor ofComparative LiteratureUniversity of NorthCarolinaChapel Hill, NC

Gabin, NancyProfessorPurdue UniversityWest Lafayette, IN

Gaines, Billie D.Foreign LanguageConsultantAtlanta, GA

Gal, SusanAssociate Professorof AnthropologyRutgers UniversityNew Brunswick, NJ

Galloway, Patricia K.Special Projects OfficerMississippi Departmentof Archaeologyand HistoryJackson, MS

Galombos, LouisProfessor of HistoryJohns HopkinsUniversityBaltimore, MD

Garcia, Jorge L. A.Associate ProfessorUniversity ofNotre DameNotre Dame, IN

Carrett, DonProfessorUniversity of UtahSalt Lake City, UT

Garrison, Stephen M.Assistant ProfessorCentral State UniversityEdmond, OK

Gerlach, LarryProfessor of HistoryUniversity of UtahSalt Lake City, UT

Gertzog, Irwin N.ProfessorAllegheny CollegeMeadville, PA

Getty, Clive F.Assistant ProfessorMiami UniversityOxford, OH

Geyer, MichaelProfessorUniversity of ChicagoChicago, IL

Gibbs, Sandra E.DirectorNational Council ofTeachers of EnglishUrbana, IL

Gilbert, Miriam A.Associate ProfessorUniversity of IowaIowa City, IA

Gillis, Frank J.Archivist EmeritusIndiana UniversityGrand Marais, MN


Giroux, J. FabianRetired TeacherWestminster, CA

Gittleman, SolAcademic VicePresident, ProvostTufts UniversityMedford, MA

Gladish, KennethIndiana Committeefor the HumanitiesIndianapolis, IN

Glikes, ErwinPresident and PublisherThe Free PressNewYork, NY

Goff, LilaAssistant DirectorMinnesota HistoricalSocietySt. Paul, MN

Gold, BarbaraAssistant Professorof ClassicsSanta Clara UniversitySanta Clara, CA

Goldberg, JoyceAssociate ProfessorUniversity of TexasArlington, TX

Goldberg, Susan S.Assistant DirectorArizona TheatreCompanyTucson, AZ

Goldstein, LindaTeacher of SpanishTheodore RooseveltSenior High SchoolFort Washington, MD

Goodall, Grant T.Assistant ProfessorUniversity of TexasEl Paso, TX

Goodman, PaulProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaDavis, CA

Gorenstein, Shirley S.ProfessorRensselaer PolytechnicInstituteTroy, NY

Gossett, SuzanneProfessor of EnglishLoyola Universityof ChicagoChicago, IL




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Grabar, OlegProfessor of Fine ArtsHarvard UniversityCambridge. MA

Greases, WilliamProducer and DirectorWilliam GreavesProductions, Inc.New York. NY

Green Lapraire, HelenCreative AnalystEmbassyCommunicationsLos Angeles. CA

Gring, David M.Vice President forAcademic AffairsConcordia CollegeMoorhead. MN

Grob, Gerald N.Professor of Historyand ChairmanRutgers UniversityNew Brunswick. NJ

Guenette, RobertFilmmakerRobert GuenetteProductions. Inc.Los Angeles. CA

Guenther, PeterUniversity of HoustonHouston. TX

Guibbors AchsahAssociate ProfessorUniversity of !IlinoisUrbana. IL

Guyer, JaneAssociate Professorof AnthropologyBoston UniversityBoston. MA

Habich, RobertAssistant Professorof EnglishBall State UniversityMuncie. IN

Hail, BarbaraDirectorBrown UniversityProvidence. RI

Hall, Ronald L.Professor of Philosophyand ReligionFrancis Marior CollegeMarion. SC




Hallo, William W.Professor, Chairman.and CuratorYale UniversityNew Haven. CT

Halperin, JohnCentennial Professorof EnglishVanderbilt UniversityNashville. TN

lialttunen, KarenProfessorNorthwesternUniversityEvanston. IL

Hama bata, MatthewsAssistant Professorof SociologyHaverford CollegeHaverford. PA

Hamby; Alonzo L.Ohio UniversityAthens. OH

Hamilton, DavidProfessor of HistoryUniversity of KentuckyLexington. KY

Hamm, Charles E.ProfessorDartmouth CollegeHanover. NH

Hammarberg, GittaProfessorMacalester CollegeSt. Paul. MN

I lanawalt, Barbara A.Associate ProfessorIndiana UniversityBloomington. IN

Hancock, JohnIndependent FilmDirectorMalibu. CA

!lune, MikisoProfessorKivu CollegeGalesburg. I

Hardin, Margaret A.Assistant ProfessorLos Angeles CountyMuseum ofNatural HistoryLos Angeles. CA

Hardin, SandeeSenior Vice PresidentKOCEHuntington Beach. CA

liarkey, DaleLibrarianEugene Public LibrarySpringfield. OR

Harrington, Kevin P.Associate Professor ofArchitectural HistoryIllinois Instituteof TechnologyChicago. IL

Harris, DinaIndependentScreenwriterNew York. NY

Harris, Ellen 'I'.ProfessorUniversity of ChicagoChicago. IL

Harris, Janice ILAssociate Professorand DirectorUniversity of WyomingLaramie. WY

Harris, NeilProfessor of HistoryUniversity of ChicagoChicago. IL

Harrison, Ann TukeyMichigan StateUniversityEast Lansing. MI

Hartje, Robert G.Wittenberg UniversitySpringfield. OH

Hartman, JanFreelance WriterNew York. NY

Haney; Hazel J.Academic Dean andProfessor of EnglishWinston Salem StateUniversityWinston Salem. NC

Haws, RobertUniversity ofMississippiUniversity. MS

!layman, Daniel R.Social Studies TeacherDowners Grove NorthHigh SchoolDowners Grove. IL

Heffernan, Thomas J.Associate ProfessorUniversity of TennesseeKnoxville. TN


!legman, ElizabethJohn Jay College ofCriminal Justice.CUNYNew York. NY

I leilman, Samuel C.Queens College. CUNYFlushing. NY

Heller, Nancy.Art History ConsultantArlington. VA

gench, John B.American AntiquarianSocietyWorcester. MA

Henderson, John S.Associate ProfessorCornell UniversityIthaca, NY

Henkels, Robert M., Jr.Professor of FrenchAuburn UniversityAuburn. AL

Berman, ArthurProfessorUniversity of WisconsinStevens Point. WI

I lerrera, JanForeign LanguageTeacher RecruitmentColorado StateDepartmentof EducationDenver. CO

I lerrero, Javier S.ProfessorUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville. VA

I libbard, Don J.HistorianHawaii Departmentof Land and NaturalResourcesKaneohe. H!

Higdon, ElizabethAssistant Professorof Art HistoryDuke UniversityDurham. NC

II ilgert, EarleProfessorMcCormickTheological SeminaryC hicago. IL

Hill, Peter P.ProfessorGeorge WashingtonUniversityWashington. DC

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Hi Hers, Delbert R.ProfessorJohns HopkinsUniversityBaltimore. MD

Hines, MarianChairman, ForeignLanguage DepartmentWoodrow WilsonSenior High SchoolWashington. DC

Hirsch, E. D.Kenan Professorof EnglishUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville. VA

Hobson, Fred C., Jr.Associate ProfessorUniversity of AlabamaTuscaloosa. AL

Hoffman, ElizabethGerman TeacherBurke High SchoolOmaha, NE

Hogan, Sharon A.Assistant to theDirectorLouisiana StateUniversityBaton Rouge. LA

Holladay; John S., Jr.ProfessorUniversity of TorontoToronto. OntarioCanada

Holloway; Clayton G.Associate ProfessorHampton UniversityHampton. VA

110110Way, Thomas 11.Associate Professorof HistoryCornell UniversityIthaca. NY

Holly, Ellistine P.Assistant ProfessorJackson StateUniversityJackson, MS

Holmes, Frederick LAvalon Professor of theHistory of MedicineYale UniversityNew Haven, CT

Holmes, LarryProfessorUniversity of SouthAlabamaMobile. AL

Holt, SamuelAudio ConsultantHome Box OfficeWashington. DC

Holtz, DavidProfessorLouisiana TechUniversityRuston. LA

Hoherson, John R.DirectorPortland Museumof ArtPortland. It E

Romans, MargaretAssociate ProfessorYale Um ^rsityNew Haven. CT

Howard, John WForeign LanguageSpecialistState Departmentof EducationPrattville. AL

Howarth, WilliamProfessor of EnglishPrinceton UniversityPrinceton. NJ

lione, Eunice D.Associate Professorof Art HistoryUniversity of SouthernCaliforniaLos Angeles. CA

I Ione, JohnProfessorUniversity ofMinnesotaMinneapolis. MN

I loxie, Frederick E.DirectorCenter for the Historyof the American IndianChicago. IL

I loy; Cyrus 11.Professorof English LiteratureUniversity of RochesterRochester. NY

I lo). Nancy JoAssociate ProfessorIrvine Valley CollegeLaguna Beach. CA

I ludspeth, Robert N.Associate VicePresident forAcademic AffairsUniversity of RedlandsRedlands. CA

liult, DavidAssociate Professorof FrenchJohns HopkinsUniversityBaltimore. MD

liumesks AssyaPr,:fessorUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor. MI

Humphreys, R. StephenProfessor of HistoryUniversity of WisconsinMadison. WI

aunt, Rober: A.TeacherThe Collegia:2 SchoolsRichmond. VA

Hunter, Gregory S.Directorof Archival ProgramsUnited Negro CollegeFund. Inc.New York. NY

Burley; CherylPublisherThe Library of AmericaNew York. NY

Ryland, Drew A.Professor of PhilosophyTrinity CollegeHartford. CT

Ide, Nancy M.Vassar CollegePoughkeepsie. NY

Ikeda, GeorgeDirector of ResearchUniversity of Hawaiiat ManoaHonolulu. HI

Inglehart, Ronald EProfessorof Political ScienceUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor. MI

ltzkowitz, David C.Associate ProfessorMacalester CollegeSt. Paul. MN

Itzkowitz, NormanProfessorPrinceton UniversityPrinceton. NJ

Iverson, Peter J.ProfessorArizona StateUniversity.West CampusPhoenix. AZ

Jacker, CorineScreenwriterand PlaywrightNew York. NY

Jackson, David H.Assistant Professorof EnglishCentenary Collegeof LouisianaShreveport. LA

Jarrett, BeverlyAssociate Directorand Executive EditorLouisiana StateUniversity PressBaton Rouge. LA

Jeffries, John WProfessorUniversity of MarylandCatonsville. MD

Jehlen, MyraProfessorRutgers UniversityNew Brunswick. NJ

Jensen, EjnerProfessor of EnglishUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor. MI

Jensen, PamelaAssociate ProfessorKenyon CollegeGambier. OH

Jenell, Byron F.DirectorValentine MuseumRichmond. VA

Johnson, HerbertDirector of LibrariesEmory UniversityAtlanta. GA

Johnson, Roger A.Professorand ChairmanWellesley CollegeWellesley. MA

Johnson, TomIndependent ProducerMedia Study: Inc.New York. NY

Johnston Laing, EllenProfessorof Oriental ArtUniversity of OregonEugene. OR

Jones, James H.Associate ProfessorUniversity of HoustonHouston. TX




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Jordan, Winthrop D.Professor of HistoryUniversity ofMississippiUniversity, MS

Joyce, Joyce A.Associate ProfessorUniversity of Mar; -ndCollege Park. MD

Joyce, Rosemary A.Peabody MuseumHarvard UniversityCambridge. MA

Joyce, Rosemary 0.UnaffiliatedColumbus. OH

Justus, JamesProfessor of EnglishIndiana UniversityBloomington. IN

Kahn, David M.Executive DirectorBrooklyn HistoricalSocietyBrooklyn. NY

Kaiser, Timothy M.Assistant ProfessorUniversity of TorontoToronto. OntarioCanada

Kaplan, RichardProducer/DirectorRichard KaplanProductionsNew York. NY

Karttunen, Frances E.University ResearchScientistUniversity of TexasAustin. TX

Kass, Leon R.ProfessorThe College and theCommittee onSocial ThoughtUniversity of ChicagoChicago. I L

Kastan, David S.Associate ProfessorDartmouth CollegeHanover. NH

Kaufman, TerrenceUniversity of PittsburghPittsburgh, PA




Keener, JoyceIndependentScreenwriterLos Angeles. CA

Kell; NancyIndependent ProducerMother LodeProductionsMill Valley. CA

Kennel; John PeterProfessorReed CollegePortland. OR

Kettering, Sharon K.Associate Professorof HistoryMontgomery CollegeRockville. MD

Kincaid, James R.Professor of EnglishUniversity of ColoradoBoulder. CO

King, EdwardDirectorUniversity ofMissouri PressColumbia. MO

Kingsbury; MarthaAssociate ProfessorUniversity ofWashingtonSeattle. WA

Kinkade, Richard P.Professor and DeanUniversity of ArizonaTucson. AZ

Kir.nes Arthur F.Professor of EnglishUniversity ofMassachusettsAmherst. MA

Kirchner, Landon CDirectorJohnson CountyCommunity CollegeOverland Park. vS

Kirkendall, Richard S.Professor of HistoryIowa State UniversityAmes. IA

Kirkpatrick, Diane M.Associate Professorof Art HistoryUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor. MI

Kirshenblatt-Gimblet,BarbaraProfessorand ChairmanNew York UniversityNew York. NY

Kivisto, PeterAssistant Professorof SociologyAugustana CollegeRock Island. IL

Klee; Ronald J.Head of ResearchCollectionsMaine State MuseumAugusta. ME

Kline, KathyIndependent ProducerK. Kline and Cn.New York. NY

Klyberg, Albert T.Executive DirectorRhode IslandHistorical SocietyProvidence. RI

Knapp, Dorothy WAssistant SecretaryCarnegie Corporationof New YorkNew York. NY

Kockelmans, Joseph J.Professor of PhilosophyPennsylvania StateJniversityUniversity Park. PA

Koda, PaulProfessorCatholic Universityof AmericaWashington. DC

Kogan, ElizabethHagley Museumand LibraryWilmington. DE

Kolarik, Ruth E.Assistant Pro:eisorColorado CollegeColoradi Springs. CO

Kolmerten, Carol A.Associate DeanHood CollegeFrederick. MD

Koppes, Clayton R.ProfessorOberlin CollegeOberlin. 01 I


Konsks Francis R.Assistant to the Dean ofArts and HumanitiesState Universityof New YorkBuffalo. NY

Krasnovsks PaulProfessorUniversity ofIndianapolisIndianapolis. Il .

Kreyling, Michael P.ProfessorVanderbilt UniversityNashville. TN

Kriegel, AbrahamProfessor of HistoryMemphis StateUniversityMemphis. TN

Kronik, John WProfessorof Romance StudiesCornell UniversityIthaca. NY

Kruman, Marc WProfessor of HistoryWayne State UniversityDetroit. MI

Kulik, GaryVice Chairman.Department ofSocial HistorySmithsonian InstitutionWashington. DC

Kupperman. JoelProfessor of PhilosophyUniversity ofConnecticutStorrs. CT

K) ourg, I lenry E., Jr.ProfessorUniversity of RochesterRochester. NY

Labouve, RobertDirector of LanguagesTexas EducationAgencyAustin. TX

LaFleur, Richard A.Professor of ClassicsUniversity of GeorgiaAthens. GA

I nd, GaryProfessor of HistoryAndrews UniversityBerrien Springs. MI

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Lanier, Richard S.Director and PresidentAsian Cultural CouncilNew York, NY

Lankford, Judy AnnAssistant Directorfor Developmentand Public AffairsValentine MuseumRichmond, VA

Larson, Mildred N.Assistant to the DirectorL. E. Phillip MemorialPublic LibraryEau Claire, WI

Latner, Richard B.Professor of HistoryNewcomb College,Tulane UniversityNew Orleans, LA

Lauter. PaulProfessor of HumanitiesState Universityof New YorkOld Westbury, NY

Lavery, William J.Associate ProfessorFurman UniversityGreenville, SC

Lawrence, Bruce B.Associate ProfessorDuke L :versityDurham, NC

Lazarus, Frank M.Dean, College of Artsand SciencesUniversity of DaytonDayton. OH

Leblanc, Steven A.Curator of ArchaeologySouthwest MuseumLos Angeles, CA

Leclerc, PaulProvostand Vice PresidentBernard BaruchCollege, CUNYNew Yoik, NY

Lee, LoydChairmanDepartment of HistoryState Universityof New YorkNew Paltz, NY

Leger, Susan H.Associate ProfessorNorthern IllinoisUniversityDe Kalb, IL

Leisher, WilliamDirector ofConservationArt Institute of ChicagoChicago, IL

Leitz, Robert C.ProfessorLouisiana StateUniversityShreveport, LA

Lemay, J. A. LeoH.F. Du PontWinterthur ProfessorUniversity of DelawareNewark, DE

Lena, Hugh HIAssociate Professorof SociologyProvide.ice CollegeProvidence, RI

Leon, WarrenDirectorDepartment ofInterpretationSturbridge. MA

Lesnick, Daniel R.ProfessorUniversity of AlabamaBirmingham. AL

Levine, JamesAssociate ProfessorGeorge MasonUniversityFairfax, VA

Levine, NormanProfessorUniversity of MarylandCatonsville, MD

Levine, Robert M.Professor andChairman of HistoryUniversity of MiamiMiami, FL

Levinson, JudithConservatorAmerican Museumof Natural HistoryNew York, NY

Lewis, Jan E.Associate Professorof HistoryRutgers UniversityNewark, NJ

Lewis, Paula G.Professor of FrenchGeorge MasonUniversityFairfax, VA

Libin, Laurence E.Associate CuratorMetropolitanMuseum of ArtNew York, NY

Linderski, JerzyProfessorUniversity of NorthCarolinaChapel Hill, NC

Lins, AndrewConservatorPhiladelphiaMuseum of ArtPhiladelphia, PA

Lipking, LawrenceProfessorNorthwesternUniversityEvanston, IL

Lippincott,Walter II., Jr.DirectorPrincetonUniversity PressPrinceton, NJ

Liss, Peggy K.Independent Scholar,HistorianWashington. DC

Little, Carin A.TeacherSunset High SchoolSan Francisco, CA

Little, CynthiaDirector of EducationPennsylvania HistoricalSocietyPhiladelphia, PA

Lojek, HelenAssistant Professorof r nglishBoise State UniversityBoise, ID

London, HerbertDean, Gallatin DivisionNew York UniversityNew York, NY

Londre, Felicia H.Professor of TheaterUniversity of MissouriKansas City, MO

Long,EugeneChairmanUniversity of SouthCarolinaColumbia, SC

Longstreth, StephenFilm ProducerVariations FilmsPalo Alto. CA

Love, David A.Associate ProvostOberlin CollegeOberlin, OH

Love, Joseph L.Professor of HistoryUniversity of IllinoisUrbana. I L

Lovett, Clara M.Chief, EuropeanDivisionLibrary of CongressWashington, DC

Lowe, FelixDirector, SmithsonianInstitution PressSmithsonian InstitutionWasi-ington, DC

Luck, Georg H.ProfessorJohns HopkinsUniversityBaltimore, MD

Lumsden-Kouve:,AudreyProfessor of SpanishUniversity of IllinoisChicago, IL

Lund, Michael C.Associate ProfessorLongwood CollegeFarmville, VA

Lurie, EdwardProfessor of HistoryHagley Museumand LibraryWilmington, DE

Lutchmansingh, LarryAssociate ProfessorBowdoin CollegeBrunswick. ME

Lyman, Richard B.ProfessorSimmons CollegeBoston, MA

MacDonald, ReginaldSuperintendentof SchoolsSouth PortlandPublic SchoolsSouth Portland, ME




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Mac Mullen, RamsayProfessorYale UniversityNew Haven, CT

Macey, PatrickAssistant Professorof MusicologyEastman Schoolof MusicRochester, NY

Mack, MaynardSterling Professor ofEnglish, EmeritusYale UniversityNew Haven, CT

Magnus, BerndProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaRiverside, CA

Mahoney, Michael S.Professor of HistoryPrinceton UniversityPrinceton, NJ

Mailloux, Steven J.Professor of EnglishUniversity of MiamiSyracuse, NY

Maletz, Donald J.Associate Professorof Political ScienceUniversity of OklahomaNorman, OK

Malm, William P.Professor of MusicUniversity of / "ichiganAnn Arbor, MI

Malti-Douglas, FedwaProfessorUniversity of TexasAustin, TX

Mandel, LoringIndependentScreenwriteriialesite, NY

Mandlove, Nancy B.ProfessorWestminster CollegeNew Wilmington, PA

Manheim, MarthaAssistant Professorof EnglishSiena Heights CollegeAdrian. MI

Maniquis, RobertAssociate Professorof Eng:ishUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Mann, SheilahDirectorAmerican PoliticalScience AssociationWashington, DC

March, PaulaRegistrar forExhibitionsFine Arts Museumof San FranciscoSan Francisco, CA

Mpr George E.Pn.fessorRice UniversityHouston, TX

Marcus, 2hilip N.Executive DirectorInstitute forEducational AffairsFairfield, CT

Margolis, JosephProfessor of PhilosophyTemple UniversityPhiladelphia, PA

Margolis, NadiaAssociate ProfessorUniversity of UtahSalt Lake City, UT

Marks. ArthurProfessorUniversity of NorthCarolinaChapel Hill, NC

Marling, Karal Ann R.Associate Professorof Art HistoryUniversity ofMinnesotaMinneapolis, MN

Marschner, Marie B.English TeacherDesmet JesuitHigh SchoolManchester, MO

Martin, CherylAssociate ProfessorUniversity of TexasEl Paso, TX

Martin, John J.Assistant ProfessorTrinity UniversitySan Antonio, TX

Martin, Richard B.South AsiaBibliographer andAssistant ProfessorUniversity ofMassachusetts PressAmherst, MA

Matelic, Candace T.DirectorCooperstown GraduateProgramCooperstown, NY

Materer, Timothy J.Professorand ChairmanUniversity of MissouriColumbia, MO

Mather, Richard B.Professor of ChineseUniversity 3fMinnesotaSt. Paul, MN

Matthews, Constance J.English DepartmentHeadAmherst-PelhamRegional High SchoolAmherst, MA

Matthews, John T.Boston UniversityBoston, MA

Mavigliano, George J.Associate DeanSouthern IllinoisUniversityCarbondale, IL

Mavrodes, George I.Professor of PhilosophyUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI

May, Anita R.Executive DirectorOklahoma Foundationfor the HumanitiesOklahoma City, OK

May, 7Associate Professorand ChairmanSaint Olaf CollegeNorthfield, MN

Mayberry, Thomas C.Professor of PhilosophyUniversity of ToledoToledo, OH

McArthur, Benjamin G.Professor of HistorySouthern College ofSeventh-Day AdventistsCollegedale, TN

McCall, MarsTi H. Jr.Professorand ChairmanStanford UniversityStanford, CA

ti 6

McClendon, CarmenUniversity of Gem giaAthens. GA

McDaniel, GeorgeDirectorAtlanta HistoricalSocietyAtlanta, GA

McDiarmid, Mary S.Humanities Teach-rLangley High School

enna. VA

McDonnell, Lisa J.Denison UniversityGranville, OH

McGann, Jerome J.ProfessorCalifornia Instituteof TechnologyPasadena, CA

McGinty, Doris E.ChairmanDepartment of MusicHoward UniversityWashington, DC

Mclnerny, Ralph M.ProfessorUniversity ofNotre DameNotre Dame, IN

McVaugh, Robert E.Associate Pr-essorColgate UniversityHamilton, NY

McWilliams, Wilson C.ProfessorLivingsto- College,Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick, NJ

Meeks, Wayne A.Professor of B:blic .1LiteratureYale UniversityNew Haven, CT

Megginson, W. J.Executive DirectorCommunity CollegeHumanities AssociationPhiladelphia, PA

Meixner, Laura L.Professor of Art HistoryCornell Unis zrsityIthaca. NY

Melnick, DanielAssociate Professorof EnglishCleveland StateUniversityCleveland. OH

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Melville, AnnetteReference CoordinatorBay Area LibraryInformation SystemOakland, CA

Merkel, IngridAssistant AcademicVice PresidentCatholic Universityof AmericaWashington, Pc

Merrill-Oldham, JanPreservation OfficerUniversity ofConnecticut LibrariesStorrs, CT

Meserole, Harrison T.Professor of Englishand American StudiesTexas A&M UniversityCollege Station, TX

Met, MyriamCoordinatorof Foreign LanguagesMontgomery CountyPublic SchoolsRockville, MD

Meyer, Michael C.ProfessorUniversity of ArizonaTucson, AZ

Meyers, MarvinBrandeis UniversityWaltham, MA

Miles, ChristineDirectorFraunces TavernMuseumNew York, NY

Miller, Christophe L.Professor of Frenchand African StudiesYale UniversityNew Haven, CT

Miller, Fred D., Jr.Chairman andAssociate ProfessorBowling Green StateUniversityBowling Green, OH

Miller, Howard S.Professor of HistoryUniversity of MissouriSt. Louis, MO

Miller, LindaEnglish TeacherPelham MemorialHigh SchoolPelham, NY

Miller, NaomiProfessorBoston UniversityBoston, MA

Millgate, MichaelProfessor of EnglishUniversity of TorontoToronto, OntarioCanada

Mindle, Grant B.Assistant ProfessorNorth Texas StateUniversityDenton, TX

Modell, JohnAssociate Professorof HistoryCarnegie-MellonUniversityPittsbuigh, PA

Mohr, Clarence L.Associate ProfessorTulane UniversityNew Orleans, LA

Moline, Jon N.Vice President andDean of the CollegeSaint Olaf CollegeNorthfield, MN

Monas, SidneyProfessorUniversity of TexasAustin, TX

Moore, Ronald M.Associate Professorof PhilosophyUniversity ofWashingtorSeattle, WA

Moorhead, JamesProfessorPrinceton TheologicalSeminaryPrinceton, NJ

Morgan, Anne H.PresidentKerr FoundationNorman, OK

Morris, JamesProgram DirectorAndrew W. MellonFoundationNew York. NY

Morris, MarshallProfessorUniversit j ofPuerto RicoRio Piedras, PR

Morrison, Peter F.Professor of EnglishIrvine Valley CollegeIrvine, CA

Morrow.Manns,CarolynLibrary of CongressWashington, DC

Moseley, James G.Vice President forAcademic AffairsChapman CollegeOrange, CA

Moskos, CharlesProfessorNorthwesternUniversityEvanston, IL

Moss, H. GeneProgram OfficerKresge FoundationTroy, MI

Most, GlennVisiting AssociateProfessorUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI

Mothersill, MaryProfessorBarnard College.Columbia UniversityNew York. NY

Mourelatos, AlexanderProfessorUniversity of TexasAustin, TX

Munro, Karen H.CoordinatorThe National Faculty,Northwest RegionOlympia, WA

Murphs Brep Ja C.Professor of EnglishSt. Lawrence UniversityEast Hampton, CT

Murphy, Russell D.ProfessorWesleyan' *liversityMiddletown, CT

Mussey, RobertChief FurnitureConservatorSociety for thePreservation of NewEngland AntiquitiesBoston. MA

Myers, MitziLecturerScripps CollegeFullerton, CA

Myerson, Joel A.Associate ProfessorUniversity of SouthCarolinaColumbia, SC

Nader, HelenAssistant Professorof HistoryIndiana UniversityBloomington, IN

Nakhimolsky, Alice S.ProfessorColgate UniversityHamilton, NY

Napoli, Donna JoProfessorUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI

Naylor, John F.Professor of HistoryState Universityof New YorkBuffalo, NY

Needham, Paul S.Pierpont MorganLibraryNew York, NY

Neils, JenniferCleveland Museumof ArtCleveland. OH

Nelson, KristiAssociate Professorof Art HistoryUniversity of CincinnatiCincinnati, OH

Nelson, LarryProfessorFrancis Marion CollegeFlorence,

Newman, KarenAssociate ProfessorBrown UniversityProvidence. RI

Ng, Franklin C.Professor ofAnthropologyCalifornia StateUniversityFresno, CA

Nicgorski, Walter J.Associate ProfessorJniversity ofNotre DameNotre Dame, IN




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Nichols, JamesAssociate ProfessorClaremont McKennaCollegeClaremont. CA

Nichols, John P.Core CurriculumCoordinatorSt. Joseph's CollegeRensselaer. IN

Nichols, Mary P.Visiting Scholar forHonors EducationUniversity of DelawareNewark. DE

Nichols, Roger L.ProfessorUniversity of ArizonaTucson. AZ

Noble, Thomas F.Associate ProfessorUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville. VA

Nodelman, SheldonAssociate ProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaLa Jolla. CA

Noer, ThomasChairmanCarthage CollegeKenosha. WI

Norberg, ArthurDirectorUniversity ofMinnesotaMinneapolis. MN

Northcott, Kenneth J.Professor of GermanicLanguagesUniversity of ChicagoChicago. IL

O'Brien, George D.PresidentUniversity of RochesterRochester. NY

O'Connell, DevidProfessorUniversity of IllinoisChicago. IL

O'Connor, Carol A.Associate Professorof I I istoryUtah State UniversityLogan. UT




O'Donnell, MaureenLatin TeacherThe WI T. WoodsonHigh SchoolFairfax. VA

O'Malley, JohnProfessorWeston Schoolof TheologyCambridge. MA

O'Rourke, TimothyProfessorUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville. VA

Oden, GloriaProfessor of EnglishUniversity of MarylandCatonsville. MD

Oldenquist, Andrew G.Professor of PhilosophyOhio State UniversityColumbus. OH

Oliver, George B.Vaughan Professorof HistoryRandolph -MaconCollegeAshland. VA

Olsen, Dale AlanProfessorFlorida State UniversityTallahassee. FL

Orgel, Stephen K.The Getty CenterSanta Monica. CA

Orlin, LenaExecutive DirectorFolger Institute. FolgerShakespeare LibraryWashington. DC

Ott, JohnDirectorAtlanta HistoricalSocietyAtlanta. GA

Otto, Karl F.Professor of GermanUniversity ofPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia. PA

Onnent, Steven E.Professor of HistoryHarvard UniversityCambridge, MA

Page, Judith WAssociate ProfessorMillsaps CollegeJackson. MS

Palencia-Roth, MichaelDirectorWest EuropeanStudies ProgramUniversity of IllinoisChampaign. IL

Papenfuse, Eduard C.State Archivistand Commissionerof Land ententsMaryland Hallof RecordsAnnapolis. MD

Parisi, JosephEditor. PoetryMagazineChicago. IL

Parker, FrancineIndependent FI,mDirectorLos Angeles. CA

Parrish, Paul A.Associate ProfessorTexas A&M UniversityCollege Station. TX

Parrish, Stephen M.ProfessorCornell UniversityIthaca. NY

Parry, Richard D.ProfessorAgnes Scott CollegeDecatur. GA

Patt, Beatrice P.DeanSweet Briar CollegeSweet Briar. VA

Patterson, Charles G.Director and ObjectsConservatorRocky MountainConservation CenterDenver. CO

Patterson, James T.Professor of HistoryBrown UniversityProvidence. RI

Pavlantos, RuthPierson Professorof ClassicsGettysburg CollegeGettysburg. PA

Pay mer, MarvinProfessorGraduate School andUniversity Center.CUNYNew York. NY

Payne, FarrellSpanish InstructorLincoln SchoolProvidence. RI

Peabody, Mary LouiseForeign LanguageSpecialistLouisiana Departmentof EducationBaton Rouge. LA

Peer, JoseFormer ChairmanNorthwest CommunityCollegePowell. WY

Pei, LoweryAssistant Professorof EnglishSimmons CollegeBoston, MA

Peiss, KathyProfessorUniversity ofMassachusettsAmherst. MA

Perinbam, B. MarieAssociate ProfessorUniversity of MarylandCollege Park. MD

Perkins, PhemeProfessorBoston CollegeChestnut Hill. MA

Perloff, Marjorie G.Professor of EnglishUniversity of SouthernCaliforniaLos Angeles. CA

Perovich, Anthony N., Jr.Associate ProfessorHope CollegeHolland. MI

Perrot, Paul N.DirectorVirginia Museumof Fine ArtsRichmond. VA

Perry, Patsy B.Professorand ChairmanNorth CarolinaCentral UniversityDurham. NC

P henik, Barbara B.SL , RepresentativeR.R. Donnelleyand Sons Co.Chicago. IL

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Peters, Richard E.History TeacherMount VernonCommunityHigh SchoolMount Vernon, IA

Peterson, F. RossProfessor of HistoryUtah State UniversityLogan, UT

Peterson, PaulDeputy DirectorThe John M.Ashbrook CenterAshland, OH

Pfaffenberger, BryanUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville, VA

Philpot, Frank A.Director, Children'sYouth ProgramPublic BroadcasingServiceWashington, DC

Pickett, William L.PresidentSt. John Fisher CollegeRochester, NY

Pillsbury, Edmund P.DirectorKimbell Art MuseumFort Worth, TX

Plante, Julian G.Director, Hill MonasticManuscript LibrarySt. John's UniversityCollegeville, MN

Plantinga, Alvin C.Professor of PhilosophyUniversity ofNotre DameNotre Dame, IN

Poe, Elizabeth WProfessorNewcomb CollegeNew Orleans, LA

Poesch, Jessie J.professor of Art HistoryTulane UniversityNew Orleans, LA

Polome, Edgar C.ProfessorUniversity of TexasAustin, TX

Portillo, LourdesProducer and DirectorCine Accion FilmArts FoundationSan 7rancisco, CA

Posnansky, MerrickProfessor of Historyand AnthropologyUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Possehl, Gregory L.Associate DirectorUniversity ofPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA

Posy, Carl J.Associate Professorof PhilosophyDuke Un:versityDurham, NC

Poteet, Daniel P. UProvostAlbion CollegeAlbion, MI

Powers, JamesProfessor of HistoryCollege of Holy CrossWorcester, MA

Prelinger, Catherine M.Research Associateand LecturerHarvard DivinitySchoolCambridge, MA

Prenshaw, Peggy W.Professor of EnglishUniversity of SouthernMississippiHattiesburg, MS

Preston, MarilynCritic, WriterChicago, IL

Price, Paola MalpezziAssistant Professorof Italian and FrenchColorado StateUniversityFort Collins. CO

Prucha, Francis P.Professor of HistoryMarquette UniversityMilwaukee, WI

Putnam, Ruth AnnProfessor of PhilosophyWellesley CollegeWellesley, MA

Rabineau, PhyllisSenior ExhibitDeveloperField Museum ofN?taral HistoryChicago, IL

Rachels, JamesFrofessor of PhilosophyUniversity of AlabamaBirmingham, AL

Rafferty, TerrenceIndependentFilm CriticNew York, NY

Ramsey, Jarold WAssociate Professorof EnglishUniversity of RochesterRochester, NY

Rather, SusanProfessorUniversity of TexasAustin, TX

Ratte, Mary LouProfessorLoomis-Chafee SchoolWindsor, CT

Ravitch, DianeAdjunct Professor ofHistory and EducationColumbia Universityleachers CollegeNew York, NY

Ray, Roger D.Professor of HistoryUniversity of ToledoToledo, OH

Redmond, ElizabethCollections ManagerSociety for thePreservation of NewEngland AntiquitiesBoston, MA

Regan, MaureenAssociate Professorof Foreign LanguagesState Universityof New YorkPotsdam. NY

Regier, Willis G.DirectorUniversity ofNebraska PressLincoln, NE

Regosir., Richard L.Professorand ChairmanUniversity of CaliforniaIrvine, CA

Reynolds, Hudson G.Associate ProfessorSaint Leo CollegeSaint Leo. FL

1 F9% i.

Richardson, LawrenceProfessorDuke UniversityDurham. NC

Richardson, MarilynMassachusetts Instituteof TechnologyCambridge, MA

Richardson,Robert D., Jr.Professor of EnglishUniversity of DenverDenver, CO

Ricketts, Mac L.ProfessorLouisburg CollegeLouisburg, NC

Rideout, Walter B.ProfessorUniversity of WisconsinMadison, WI

Ridgway, Brunilde S.ProfessorBryn Mawr CollegeBryn Mawr, PA

Rienpr, Eleanor S.Fellow and Member ofthe Board of DirectorsHistorical ResearchInstituteBrooklyn, NY

Rim, Steven A.ProfessorNortheastern IllinoisUniversityChicago, IL

Riggio, Milla B.Professor of Englishand ChairmanTrinity CollegeHartford. CT

Riley, RebeccaDirectorfor Special GrantsMacArthur FoundationChicago. IL

Ripley, PeterProfessorFlorida State UniversityTallahassee. FL

Ri'tenberg, StevenAssociate Provo ,tColumbia UniversityNew York. NY

Roberts, TomExecutive DirectorRhode IslandCommittee onthe HumanitiesProvidence. RI




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Robertson, Tom G.Multimedia ProgramProductionsCincinnati, OH

Robinson, ForrestProfessor of Literatureand American StudiesUniversity of CaliforniaSanta Cruz, CA

Rodd, Laurel R.Assistant Professorof JapaneseArizona StateUniversityTempe, AZ

Rodgers, FrankDirector of LibrariesUniversity of MiamiCoral Gables, FL

Rodini, Robert J.Professor of ItalianUniversity of WisconsinMadison, WI

Rodney, JoelProvostRockford CollegeRockford, IL

Rogan, DonaldNew Trier High SchoolWinnetka. IL

Roget, Wilbzrt J.Associate Professorof FrenchTemple UniversityPhiladelphia, PA

Rolleston, Jame, L.Associate Professorof GermanDuke UniversityDurham, NC

Rooso...1t, AnnaCuratorMuseum of theAmerican IndianNew York, NY

Rost. ;ti, DavidProfessor of Art HistoryColumbia UniversityNew York, NY

Rosenbloom, Nancy J.Associate ProfessorCanisius CollegeBuffalo, NY

Rosenmeyer, Thomas G.Professor of Greek ; :dComparative LiteratureUniversity of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA

Rosier, James L.ProfessorUniversity ofPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA

Ross, Doran H.Associate DirectorUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Roth, WolfgangProfessor and Directorof Graduate StudiesGarrett-EvangelicalTheological SeminaryEvanston, IL

Rothney, John A. M.ProfessorOhio State UniversityColumbus, OH

Rothstein, Robert A.Professor of SiavicLanguages andLiteratureUniversity ofMassachusettsAmherst, MA

Rothstein, William G.Associate Profes,irof SociologyUniversity of MarylandBaltimore, MD

Rouse, Richard H.Professor of HistoryUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Rousseau, George S.Professorof 18th-Century StudiesUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Rowe, John C.Professor of EnglishUniversity of CaliforniaIrvine, CA

Rowe, Karen E.Associate Professorof EnglishUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Rozman, Gilbert F.Professor of SociologyPrinceton UniversityPrinceton, NJ

Rubel, PaulaProfessorof AnthropologyBarnard CollegeNew York, NY

Rubin, CharlesProfessorKenyon CollegeGambier, OH

Rubin, Leslie G.Visiting AssistantProfessorUniversity of HoustonHouston, TX

Ruffins, FaithHistorianSmithsonian InstitutionWashington, DC

Runkle, MartinDirector of theUniversity LibraryUniversity of ChicagoChicago, IL

Ruppert, James K.Chairman, GeneralStudies DepartmentUniversity ofNew MexicoAlbuquerque. NM

Russell-Wood,Anthony J. R.Chairmanand ProfessorJohns HopkinsUniversityBaltimore, MD

Saatkamp,Herman J., Jr.Professor of Philosophyand ReligionTexas A&M UniversityCollege Station, TX

Sabloff, Jeremy A.Professorof AnthropologyUr,. iersity of PittsburghPittsburgh, PA

Sackett, JudyProject CoordinatorKing LibraryLexington. KY

Saenger, Paul H.BibliographerNewberry LibraryChicago, IL

Samuelson, KristineFilmmakerand ProfessorStanford UniversityStanford, CA

Sands, KathleenAssociate ProfessorArizona StateUniversityTempe, AZ

Sano, EmilyKimbell Art MuseumFort Worth, TX

Saretzky, Gary D.ArchivistEducationalTesting ServicePrinceton. NJ

Sarson, ChrisPresidentSarson TelevisionProductionsEnglewood. NJ

Sasson, Jack M.Professor of ReligionUniversity of NorthCarolinaChapel Hill, NC

Sayers, Robert H.Collections ManagerCalifornia Academyof SciencesSan Francisco, CA

Schaefer, William D.Executive ViceChancellorUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Schaller, MichaelProfessorUniversity of ArizonaTucson, AZ

Scheinberg, SusanAssistant ProfessorBrandeis UniversityWaltham. MA

Schenkkan, RobertMedia Consu1. intAustin, TX

Schickele, DavidIndependentScreenwriter,Director, EditorSan Francisco. CA

Schiffrin, AndreManaging DirectorPantheon BooksNew York, NY

Schlesinger, RogerProfessorWashington StateUniversityPullman, WA

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Schnapp, JeffreyAssociate ProfessorStanford UniversityStanford, CA

Schneewind, Jerome B.Professor of PhilosophyJohns HopkinsUniversityBaltimore, MD

Schneider, Franz K.ProfessorGonzaga UniversitySpokane, WA

Schoville, Keith N.ProfessorUniversity of WisconsinMadison, WI

Schull, DianthaManager of ExhibitionNew York PublicLibraryNew York, NY

Schulte-Sasse, JochenProfessorUniversity ofMinnesotaMinneapolis, MN

Schultz, Charles R.University ArchivistTexas A&M UniversityCollege Station, TX

Schultz, EmilyIndependent ScholarSt. Cloud, MN

Schultz, PeterProfessorCatholic Universityof AmericaWashington, Dr:

Scott, Jane AyerExecutive DirectorHarvard IniversityCambridge, MA

Scranton, PhilipRutgers UniversityCamden, NJ

Scura, DorothyProfessor of English,ChairmanVirginiaCommonwealthUniversityRichmond, VA

Sealts, Merton M., Jr.Professor EmeritusUniversity of WisconsinMadison, WI

Sedgwick, Jeffrey L.Associate ProfessorUniversity ofMassachusettsAmherst, MA

Seidman, RobertScriptwriterNew York, NY

Seiler, MarkChairmanof Foreign LanguagesUniversity of WisconsinStevens Point, WI

Semel, JayDirectorUniversity of IowaIowa City, IA

Shallat, 'Todd A.ProfessorBoise State UniversityBoise, ID

Shanley, Mary L.Associate ProfessorVassar CollegePoughkeepsie, NY

Sharon, DouglasDirectorSan Diego Museumof ManSan Diego, CA

Sharp, Ronald A.Professor of EnglishKenyon CollegeGambier, OH

Sheehan, ColleenAssistant Professorof Political ScienceVillanova UniversityVillanova, PA

Sheerin, Daniel J.Associate ProfessorUniversity ofNotre DameNotre Dame, IN

Shehigorn, Pamela K.Professorand ChairmanBernard BaruchCollege, CUNYNew York, NY

Shelemay, Kay K.Assistant Professorof MusicNew York UniversityNew York, NY

Shelley, LouiseProfessor of SociologyAmerican UniversityWashington, DC

Shenton, James P.Professor of HistoryColumbia UniversityNew York, NY

Sherry, SuzannaAssociate ProfessorUniversity ofMinnesota Law SchoolMinneapolis, MN

Sherwin, PaulDeanCity College, CUNYNew York, NY

Showalter, Dennis E.ProfessorColorado CollegeColorado Springs, CO

Showalter, Elaine C.Professor of EnglishPrinceton UniversityPrinceton, NJ

Shue, HenrySenior ResearchAssociateUniversity of MarylandCollege Park, MD

Shumway, NicolasAssociate ProfessorYale UniversityNew Haven, CT

Sicroff, Albert A.Professor of SpanishQueens College, CUNYFlushing, NY

Silver. Kenneth E.Assistant ProfessorNew York UniversityNew York, NY

Silver, LarryChairman, Departmentof Art HistoryNorthwesternUniversityEvanston, IL

Simon, AndreaWriter and ProducerMetropolitan ArtsNew York, NY

Singer, AndreUniversity of SouthernCaliforniaLos Angeles, CA


Sitter, JohnEmory UniversityAtlanta, GA

Skerett, EllenIndependent Scholart2hicago, IL

Skinner, NeilDirector, AfricanStudies CenterUniversity of WisconsinMadi,.on, WI

Sklar, Kathryn K.Associate ProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Slatkin, Laura M..A.,..,istant Professorof ClassicsColumbia UniversityNew Yc k, NY

Sledge, JaneCollections InformationSystem AdministratorSmithsonian InstitutionWashington, DC

Sloan, JohnProfessorUniversity of HoustonHouston, TX

Sloane, Robert A.Associate Professorof SpanishUniversity of MarylandCatonsville, MD

Smedley, AudreyProfessorof Anthropology andAfro-American Studies

ate Universityof New YorkBinghamton, NY

Smelpo, KennethProfessor of HistoryMoorhead StateUniversityMoorhead, MN

Smith, Barbara J.Assistant Deanof LibrariesPennsylvania StateUniversityUniversit: Park, PA

Smith, David C.Executive DirectorSociety for Values inHigher EducationNew Haven, CT




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Smith, David L.Assistant Professorof EnglishWilliams CollegeWilliamstown, MA

Smith, David R.ArchivistWalt Disney ArchivesBurbank, CA

Smith, EstusJackson StateUniversityJackson, MI

Smith, LynnPublic HumanitiesProgram ConsultantAnnenberg Corporationfor Public BroadcastingPoojectWashington, DC

Smith, Margaret S.Associate Professorand ChairmanWL.ke Forest UniversityWinston-Salem, NC

Smucker, Jan A.Associate ProfessorHanover CollegeHanover, IN

Snow; Dean R.State Universityof New YorkAlbany, NY

Snyder, Allegra F.Associate ProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Sommers, Frederic T.Professor of PhilosophyBrandeis UniversityWaltham, MA

Soucy, Robert J.ProfessorOberlin CollegeOberlin, OH

Spear, Nancy M.Senior DevelopmentOfficerPennsylvania StateI. TiiversityUniversity Park, PA

Spencer, ElaineProfessorNorthern IllinoisUniversityDe Kalb, IL




Spoerl, LindaChairman of theHumanities DivisionHighline CommunityCollegeMidway WA

Sproat, John G.PressorUniversity of SouthCarolinaColumbia, SC

Sproat, RuthDirector of HigherEducation andSpecial ProjectsSouth Carolina ETVColumbia, SC

Squerciati, Marie T.WriterParamount StudiosNew York, NY

Staley, Gregory A.Assistant ProfessorUniversity of MarylandCollege Park, MD

Stavrou, Theofanis G.Professor of HistoryUniversity ofMinnesotaMinneapolis, MN

Stein, HowardDeanColumbia UniversityNew York, NY

Stevens, Jane R.Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT

Stevens, MartinProfessor of EnglishBernard BaruchCollege, CUNYNew York, NY

Stich, SidraCuratorUniversity of CaliforniaBerkeley, CA

Stiverson, Gregory A.Assistant StateArchivistMaryland StateArchivesAnnapolis, MD

Stoller, Marianne L.Associate Professorand ChairmanColorado CollegeColorado Springs. CO

Stoner, K. 1.ynnArizona StateUniversityTempe, AZ

Storey, Michael L.Professor of EnglislCollege of Notre Dameof MarylandBaltimore, MD

Strassburger, JohnDeanof the CollegeKnox CollegeGalesburg, IL

Strasser, SusanFaculty MemberEvergreen StateUniversityOlympia, WA

Straub, KristinaAssistant ProfessorMiami UniversityOxford, OH

Strauss, GeraldProfessor of HistoryIndiana UniversityBloomington,

Striker, Cecil L.Professor of Art Histoi yUniversity ofPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA

Strocchia, SharonAssistarr' ProfessorUniversity of SouthCarolinaColumbia, SC

Stromberg, Roland N.PrrressorUniversity of WisconsinMilwaukee, WI

Strothman, Wendy S.DirectorBeacon PressBoston, MA

Stump, Eleonore A.Assistant ProfessorVirginia PolytechnicInstituteBlacksbi, rg, VA

Sudduth, William M.President and ChiefExecutive OfficerMuseum of : storyand ScienceLouisville, KY


Suleri, SaraAssistant ProfessorYale UniversityNew Haven, CT

Sullivan, MartinAssistantCommissionerNew York StateMuseumAlbany, NY

Sullivan, Richard E.ProfessorMichigan StateUniversityEast Lansing, MI

Sumner, William M.Professorof AnthropologyOhio State UniversityColumbus, OH

Swidler, A inAssistant ProfessorStanford UniversityStanford, CA

Synder, JohnDepartment of H istoryKent State UniversityKent, OH

Taggie, BenjaminDean, College of Artsand SciencesCentral MissouriState UniversityWarrensburg, MO

Tate, Thaddeus W, Jr.DirectorInstitute of EarlyAmerican Historyand CultureWilliamsburg, VA

Taub, Richard P.Professorof Social ScienceUniversity of ChicagoChicago, IL

Tax-Freeman, SusanProfessorof AnthropologyUniversity of IllinoisChicago. IL

Taylor, Merrily M.University LibrarianBrown UniversityProvidence, RI

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Tchen, John K.Executive DirectorAsian AmericanResearch InstituteBrooklyn, NY

Tea8ue, FrancesAssociate Professorof EnglishUniversity of GeorgiaAthens, GA

Tedeschi, John A.DirectorNewberry LibraryMadison, WI

Tedlock, DennisProfessorInstitute forAdvanced StudyPrinceton, NJ

Teichgraeber,Richard F. HIAssociate ProfessorTulane UniversityNew Orleans, LA

Temple-Thurston,BarbaraAssistant Professorof EnglishNorthern State CollegeAberdeen, SD

Tepaske, John J.ProfessorDuke UniversityDurhar', NC

Teske, RobertAssociate Curatorof ExhibitionsJohn Michael KohlerArt CenterKohler, WI

Thomas, Laurence L.ProfessorOberlin CollegeOberlin, OH

Thomas, Mary L.Assistant ProfessorMeredith CollegeRaleigh, NC

Thomas, SelmaWriter and ProducerSeattle, WA

Thompson, Ewa M.Professor of RussianRice UniversityHouston, TX

Thompson, Leonard M.Professor of HistoryYale UniversityNew Hawn, CT

Thornton, J. MillsUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI

Tichi, CeceliaAssociate Professorof EnglishBoston UniversityBoston, MA

Tignor, Eleanor Q.Professor

aGuardia CommunityCollege, CUNYLong Island City, NY

Timreck, TedIndependentFilmmakerSpofferd Films, Inc.New York, NY

Todd, MargoProfessorVanderbilt UniversityNashville, TN

Toppin, Edgar A.Deanof Graduate SchoolVirginia StateUniversityPetersburg, VA

Torrey, Ella KingProgram Associatefor CulturePew Charitable TrustsPhiladelphia, PA

Torrey, KateEditor-in-ChiefUniversity Pressof KansasLawrence, KS

Tracy, Mary E.PrincipalHoly Names AcademySeattle, WA

Traer, James F.Dean and ProfessorLynchburg CollegeLynchburg, VA

Treadgold, Donald W.Chairman andProfessor of HistoryUniversity ofWashingtonSeattle, WA

Tucker, JamesHistory TeacherDeering High SchoolPortland, ME

Tucker, KennethAssistant Professorof SociologyRice UniversityHouston, TX

Turner, FrederickProfessor of EnglishUniversity of Texasat DallasRichardson, TX

Turner, MarkProducer and DirectorNebraska VideodiscDesignLincoln, NE

Turow, Joseph G.ProfessorUniversity ofPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA

Twitchett, Denis C.ProfessorPrinceton UniversityPrinceton, NJ

Twohig, Dorothy A.Assistant Professorand Associate EditorUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville, VA

Tyson, Ruel W, Jr.Associate ProfessorUniversity of NorthCarolinaChapel Hill, NC

Uehling, Theodore E.Professor of PhilosophyUniversity ofMinnesotaMorris, MN

Unrue, JohnVice President forAcademic AffairsUniversity of NevadaLas Vegas, NV

Urofsk); Melvin I.Professorand ChairmanVirginiaCommonwealthUniversityRichmond, VA

1 73

Uruhshurow, VictoriaAssistant Professorof ReligionCatholic Universityof AmericaWashington, DC

Valentine, D. EugeneTeaching Associateand PublisherArizona StateUniversityTempe, AZ

Van Til, JonVisiting LecturerUniver;ty of ColoradoBoulder, CO

Vandegrift, BarbaraLibrary ArchivistNational Press ClubWashington, DC

Vanpee, Janie M.ProfessorSmith CollegeNorthampton, MA

Vaughan, Miceal F.Professor of EnglishUniversity ofWashingtonSeattle, WA

Vaughan, RobertExecutive Directorand LecturerUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville, VA

Vaughan, ThomasExecutive DirectorOregor. HistoricalSocietyPortland, OR

Vazatiei-feffroy,Margaretferofessorof AnthropologyNew MexicoHighlands UniversityLas Vegas, NM

Vecoli, Rudolph J.Director andProfessor of HistoryUniversity ofMinnesotaSt. Paul, MN

Vendler, HelenKenan Professorof EnglishHarvard UniversityCambridge, MA




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Ver Steeg, Clarence L.ProfessorNorthwesternUniversityEvanston, IL

Verheyen, EgonProfessorJohns HopkinsUniversityBaltimore, MD

Vircillo-Franklin,CarmelaProfessor of ClassicsSt. John's CollegeCollegeville, MN

Voss, Ralph F.Associate ProfessorUniversity of AlabamaTuscaloosa, AL

Wagner, RoyProfessorUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville, VA

Walker, Janet A.Associate ProfessorRutgers UniversityNew Brunswick, NJ

Walker, Thomas G.Associate ProfessorEmory UniversityAtlanta, GA

Wall, Charles C., Jr.Deanof Academic AffairsNorthwesternConnecticutCommunity CollegeWinsted. CT

Wallace, William A.Professor of PhilosophyCatholic Universityof AmericaWashington. DC

Walsh, James M.English TeacherVernon TownshipHigh SchoolSussex. NJ

Wandersee, Winifred D.ProfessorHartwick CollegeOneonta, NY

Ward, i :2:manProfes-orof English. EmeritusNew Jersey StateCollegeBellemead, NJ

Ward, Jerry W., Jr.Associate Professorand ChairmanTougaloo CollegeTougaloo, MS

Warner, NicholasAssociate Professor ofComparative LiteratureClaremont M'KennaCollegeClare. ont, CA

Warner, Sam B., Jr.ProfessorBoston UniversityBoston. MA

Warren, DaveDirectorInstitute of AmericanIndian ArtsSanta Fe, NM

Wasson, EllisHeadmasterof Senior SchoolShady Side AcademyPittsburgh, PA

Watson, Harry L.Assistant ProfessorUniversity of NorthCarolinaChapel Hill. NC

Watson, JeanieAssociate DeanSouthwesternUniversityGeorgetown. TX

Watson, %Bac: S.DeanDuquesne UniversityPittsburgh, PA

Watson-Espener,Maida I.Associate ProfessorFlorida InternationalUniversityMiami. FL

Weinberg, Gerhard L.Professor of HistoryUniversity of NorthCarolinaChapel Hill. NC

Weinbrot, HowardProfessorUniversity of WisconsinMadison, WI

Weisberger, Bernard A.Flee-lance Historianl::::nville, NY

Weissman, Neil B.Associate Professorof HistoryDickinson CollegeCarlisle. PA

Welch, PeterDeputy Directorand Chief CuratorHeard MuseumPhoenix, AZ

Welch, SandraDeputy ExecutiveDirector forBroadcastingKentucky Authority forEducational TelevisionLexington, KY

Wendorf, FredProfessorSouthern MethodistUniversityDallas, TX

Westbrook, Nicholas K.Curator of ExhibitsMinnesota HistoricalSocietySt. Paul, MN

Westling, JonOffice of the ProvostBoston UniversityBoston. MA

Wetherington, MarkExecutive DirectorEast TennesseeHistorical SocietyKnoxville, TN

Whatley, Virginia T.TeacherOglethorpe ElementarySchoolAtlanta, GA

Wheeler, David L.Graduate Schooland ResearchBall State UniversityMuncie. IN

White, Vernessa C.Associate Professorof GermanHowaro I IniversityW- , DC

1. natenbarg, James P.Associate ProfessorCollege of Williamand MaryWilliamsburg. VA

Widmayer, Jayne A.Associate Professorof EnglishBoise State UniversityBoise. ID

Wiesenfarth, JosephProfessorUniversity of WisconsinMadison, WI

Wilde, GlennAssociate DeanCollege of HumanitiesUtah State UniversityLogan, UT

Wilkie, NancyProfessorCarleton CollegeNorthfield. MN

Williams, RobertProfessor of Philosophyand DeanMuhlenberg CollegeAllentown. PA

Winks, RobinProfessor of HistoryYale UniversityNew Haven, CT

Wirth, MarylouEnglish TeacherBishop NeumannHigh SchoolWahoo, NE

Wittenborg, KarinAssistant UniversityLibrarian for CollectionsDevdopmentUnive.rsity of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA

Wolf, A-thur H.Directo;Millicent RogersMuseumTaos. NM

Wolf, Eugene K.Associate ProfessorUniversity ofPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia. PA

Wolf, SusanProfessorJohns HopkinsUniversityBaltimore. MD

Wong, FrankVice President forAcademic AffairsBeloit CollegeBeloit. WI

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Wood, GordonProfessor of HistoryBrown UniversityProvidence, RI

Wood, PeterProfessorDuke UniversityDurham. NC

Wood Hall, EllenDean of the CollegeAgnes Scott CollegeDecatur, GA

Woods, WilliamAssociate Professorand ChairmanTougaloo CollegeTougaloo, MS

Woodward, Kathleen M.Associate Professorof 20th-Century StudiesUniversity of WisconsinMilwaukee, WI

Woodward, David R.ProfessorMarshall UniversityI iuntington, WV

Woodworth, Lynn H.UnaffiliatedLookout Mountain, TN

Worrell, JohnDirector of ResearchOld Sturbridge VillageSturbridge, MA

Worthington, JanWriterSanta Monica, CA

Wright, George C.Assistant ProfessorUniversity of TexasAustin, TX

Wright, Josephine R.Associate Professorof MusicCollege of WoosterWooster, OH

Wuichet, Pamela A.Director, FoundationRelationsRollins CollegeWinter Park, FL

Wyatt-Brown, BertramProfessor of HistoryUniversity of FloridaGainesville, FL

Wylie, Laurence W.Professorof Civilization of FranceHarvard UniversityCambridge, MA

Vans-McLaughlin,VirginiaAssociate Professorand DirectorDouglass College,Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick, NJ

Yearley, Lee H.ProfessorStanford UniversityStanford. CA

Yerkovich, SallySouth StreetSeaport MuseumNew York. NY

Yocum, Margaret R.A ,sistant ProfessorGeorge MasonUniversityFairfax. VA

Yocum, Glenn E.Associate ProfessorWhittier CollegeWhittier. CA

Young, Gordon D.Associate ProfessorPurdue UniversityWest Lafayette, IN

Young, Mary E.ProfessorUniversity of RochesterRochester, NY

Zaniello, Thomas A.Associate ProfessorNorthern KentuckyUniversityHighland Heights, KY

Zancroski, PaulDirectorof the Model SchoolLancaster CountryDay SchoolLancaster, PA

Zerner, RuthProfessorHerbert H. LehmanCollege, CUNYBronx, NY

Zinkham, HelenaLibrary of CongressWashington, DC

Zuckert, Michael P.Associate ProfessorCarleton CollegeNorthfield. MN

Zukowsky, John R.Art Institute of ChicagoChicago, IL

Zwerdling, AlexProfessorUniversity of CaliforniaBerkeley CA


,.1416,g riLaik_s %awl rd....saimarit_.1

henry and Edse! Fordin a new 1905 Mode!F Ford. In 1987 aChicago fii,nmakerreceived support fromthe Division (Oen-eral Programs 10 scripta television miniseriesabout the of HenryFord.




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Lynne V. Cheney DIVISION OF RESEARCH PROGRAMS This desk, designed byChairman Major Pierre Charles

Richard Eknwn L'Enfam, $tas used byJohn Agresto DirectorDeputy Chairman the Speaker of the

Blanche Premo House when the firstCeleste Colgan Deputy Director House of Representa-Deputy to the Chairman lives convened at Fed-

Thomas S. Kingston DIVISION OF STATE PROGRAMS eral Hall in New York

Assistant Chairman fbr Programs City on April I, 1789.Marjorie A. Berlincourt The desk was part of

Susan Metts Director an erhibition, "Gov-Assistant Chairman fir Administration

ro eminent by choice:Cale M WatsonWatson. onng

Brent Hatch Deputy to the Director Inventi the U.S

General Counsel Constitution."

OFFICE OF CHALLENGE GRANTS mounted by the New-Jason Y. Hall York HistoricalDirector. Congressional Liaison Office Harold Cannon Society with support

Martmerite H. SullivanDirector in 1987 from the Divi-

Director. Office (f Publications and Public Affifirs Edythe R. Monzaslot) ofGeneral

Stephen CherringtonDirector. Office of Planning and Budget


Jerry MartinDirector

John AndrewsDeputy Direct();


Guinevere L. GriestDirector

Richard EmmersonDeputy to the Director


Donald GibsonDirector

Malcolm RichardsonDeputy to the Director

Deputy to the Director Programs.


George FarrSenior Preservation Officer


Robert P. StockAdministrative Services Officer

David J. WallaceGrants Officer

Jack CrowderPersonnel Officer

William KinsellaADP ..S)stems Officer

D. Ray GleasonAccounting Officer

Sheldon L. BernsteinAudit Officer

Carol M. GordonEqual Employment Opportunity Officer





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Lynne V. Cheney Jeffrey Hart Anne Paolucci From Pedro de

Chairman Hanover, New Hampshire Beechlutst, New YorkMedina.Arte deNavegar (I idladolid,

1545). theJi(st editionAram Bakshian, Jr. Gertrude Himmelfarb John Shelton Reed, Jr. o /The Art of Navi-

Washington, D.C. Washington, bC Chapel Hill, North Carolina gation: The Second

Book of the Sea and

Its Movements andWalter F. Berns Robert B. Hollander Rita Ricardo-ampdell How Navigation WasWashington, D.C. Princetcn.;T"tv fersei Stanford, California Invented. a popular

book on navigation.

George W. Carey Leon R. Kass Ellis Sandoz The book is in 11W

John Caner BrownWashington, D.C. Chicago, Illinois Baton Rouge. Louisiana Library:s maritune

collection, which con-

A. Lawrence Chickering Kathleen S. Kilpatrick James V. Schall centrateS on the periodfrom the lilleenth

San Francisco, California New Haven, Connecticut Ifashington, D.C. through the eighteenthcenturies. The library

Samuel DuBois Cook James Clayburn LaForce, Jr. Jean Vaughan Smith teemed a 1986 chal-lenge grant.

New Orleans, Louisiana Los Angeles, California San Marino, California

Mary J.C. Cresimore Robert Laxalt Peter J. Stanlis

Raleigh, North Carolina Carson City Nevada Rockford, Illinois

George D. Hart David Lowenthal Robert B. Stevens

Ross; California Sharon, Massachusetts Santa Cruz, Calybrnia

Paul J. Olscamp

Bowling Green, Ohio

79r 4. )..





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No ofAmount Obligated'

Outright Matching= TotalDivision/Program Projects

EDUCATION PROGRAMS 141 $15,475.623 $880A44 $16,356,067

Elementary and SecondaryEducation in the Humanities 65 7.655,342 360381 8,015,723Higher Education .neHumanities 76 7,820,281 520,063 8,340344

FELLOWSHIPS ANDSEMINARS 1.011 15317330 15317330

NEH FellowshipsUniversity Teachers 107 2,718.268 2318,268College Teachers andIndependent Scholars 145 1519,813 3,519,813

Summer Stipends 210 731938 732.9381;avel to Collections 305 228,750 228,750Younger Scholars 122 254.000 254.000

Summer SeminarsCollege Teachers 66 4,706,028 4,706.028Schoc-. Teachers 56 3,157,933 3.157.933

GENERAL PROGRA MS L048 11.515,514 2.853.418 25378.942

Humanities Projects in Media 89 8.804.190 1.112361 9.916.551Humanities Projects inMuseums and HistorialOrganizations 104 8.685.909 970342 9.656.651Public Humanities Projects 34 2.137.963 181787 2.321350Humanities Projectsin Libraries 821 1897.462 586.528 3.481990



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Ara of A mount Obligated'

Ouiright itIatching2 TotalDivision /Program Projects

RESEARCH PROGRAMS 432 14,999,558 6.725.787 21.715.345


Editions 68 2.553.083 1.030.913 3.583.996Translations 37 916.302 116.427 1,032.729Publication Subvention 64 344,342 56.835 401,177

Reference MaterialsTools 52 2 791.357 1,123.586 3.914...43Access 54 2,519.061 811.077 3.330.138

Interpretive ResearchProjects 76 2.919.972 902.891 3.822.863Humanities, Scienceand Technology 12 702.731 38.729 741.460

RegrantsConferences 43 449.310 143,230 592.540Centers for Advanced Study 17 873.400 377,100 1.250,500International 6 785.000 1.385.000 2,170.000Regraits in Selected Areas 3 145.000 740.000 885.000

STATE PRr 3RAMS 86 20.558.196 4.441.803 24.999.999

OFFICE OF PRESERVATION 43 3.834.973 293.976 4.128,949

CHALLENGE GRANTS 112 16.500.000 16.500.000

Total Humanities 2.873 $92.711.604 $31.695.428 $124.407.032

National Capital Artsand Cultural Affairs 15 $4.000.000 $4.000.000

I Inciudes definite. Treasury. and Challenge funds obligated for new grants. supplemental awards on precious years* grants. and pro amcontracts. Obligations include $86 thousand of recoYeries from prior-year obligations and $31 thousand in transfers from other agenues.

=Includes definite program funds used to match gifts

Note: E.. 'ad may not add to totals due to rounding





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Pottery horse andgroom. excatzued in1959 from a tomb near

Sian. Shensi. Thisburial object datesfrom the Tangdynasty. In 1986 Colo-

rado State Universityracked support from11w Division alEduca-tion Programs for asummer inslituk for :4secondary schoolteachers, "Teaching

..idia and China inthe Context Of 1thrld




Definite program fundsTreasury fundsChallenge grant fundsAdministrative funds

Total fiscal year 1987appropriation for humanities

Fiscal year 1987 appropriationfor National Capital Artsand Cultural Affairs

$ 95,79012,000




Recoveries of prior year funds 86

F ...Is transferred from otherfederal agencies

Total funds available


Total obligations

Unobligated administrative fundsreturned to U.S. Treasury




$ 27




d -:-

-Uf 2

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Maim= 19, 22, 25,31, 32, 40, 41, 45, 57, 58,67, 69, 71, 75-77, 79, 84,85, 88, 89, 93, 103, 124,132, 143, 147Total grants: 34Total amount:$1,498,796

Alaska 38, 63, 74, 78,88, 93, 115, 132, 140Total Grants: 9Total Amount:$608,900

Arizona 20, 28, 32,45,53, 56, 59, 68, 85, 88, 92,94, 97, 124, 126, 132,134, 141Total Grants: 22Total Amount:$1,043,708

Arkansas 24,42-44,55, 68, 72, 74, 75, 84, 86.87, 90, 132, 134, 140,143, 149Total Grants: 18Total Amount:$1,164,850

California 18-20,23-25, 28-36, 38-49,51, 53-61, 63, 67, 69, 70,73, 75, 81-91, 94, 95, 97,99, 100- :02, 107-109,III, 112, 116, 120,123-129, 132, 134, 140.142, 143, 147, 148Total Grants: 205Total Amount:$10,318,927

Canada 40, 114, 116,127

Total Grants: 4Total Amount: $130,731

Colorado 25,41, 44,48, 62, 68-77, 79- 91, 96,97, 127, 132, 139, 149,Total Grants: 90Total Amount: $988,449

Connecticut 20, 25,28-34, 36, 37, 39, 42, 44,48-50, 54, 57, 59-61, 63,69, 72 .76, 78, 80, 82, 83,86-90, 92, 96-98,108-110. 113, 121, 132,134, 142, 149Total Grants: 76Total Amount:$2,587,835

Delaware 29, 46, 71,73, 82, 90, 99, 107, 132,134

Total Grants: 11Total Amount: $480,276

District of Columbia18, 21, 23-25, 34, 36, 47,51, 52, 59, 60, 67, 72, 91,92, 96, 99, 100, 102-104,107, 108, 110, 111,115-118, 128, 132, 135,140, :47Total Grants: 66Total Amount:$4,069,457

Emergency Grants 23,24, 79, 94, 96, 97, 102,103, 107, 119, 127, 128.135

Total Grants: 17Total Amount: $352,243

England 35, 61, 114,117, 121

Total Grants: 6Total Amount: $129,795

Florida 18, 25, 29, 32,33, 36, 38, 42, 5n 55-59,61, 69-72, 74, 76-84, 89,97, 102, III, 118. 120, 132Total Grants: 50Total Amount:$1,451,512

Georgia 18, 25, 28, 39,42, 44, 47-49, 59, 62,67-69, 71, 72, 74-84,86-90, 94, 99, 11 1, 118, 124,125, 132, 141, 142, 148, 149Total Grants: 56Total Amount:$2,127,226

Guam 129Total Grants: 1Total Amount: $35,000

Hawaii 30, 45, 57,77-79, 103, 114, 117, 118.124, 127, 132Total Grants: 14Total Amount: $766,456

Idaho 20, 25, 33, 37,47, 55, 69, 70, 73. 77,87-89, 132, 139Total Grants: 15Total &mount: $632,360

Illinois 18-21, 23,28-38, 40-43, 45, 46,48-51, 53, 55-59, 61,68-87, 89-92, 94-97, 99,101, 104, 107 -t10. 112,114, 117, 119, 120, 122,124, 126, 128, 129, 132,138, 139, 147-149Total Grants: 177Total Amount:$5,305,417

Irdiana 23, 28, 29, 31,32. 36. 37, 39-43. 45-47.51, 52, 60. 63, 67, 68, 70,73, 76, 78-82, 86, 87, 92.94, 111, 114, 119, 122.127-129, 132, 138, 139,141-143, 147Total Grants: 74Total Amount:$2,915,917

Iowa 21, 38, 39, 41, 47,52, 56, 59, 61, 62, 69-73,75, 80, 85. 89, 112, 120,132, 134, 140, 143, 147,149Total Grants: 32Total Amount: $1,143,387

Kansas 23, 29, 31, 33,35, 38, 40, 46, 48, SO, 57,59, 68, 72, 75, 77, ; 9, 84,90, 93, 96, 97, 114, 121,132, 141, 149Total Grants: 32Total Amount:$1,102,356

Kentucky 32. 37, 39,45, 46, 51, 55, 57. 69, 72,77, 79, 80, S2, 85, 101,122, 132, 141, 149Total Grants: 24Total Amount: $1,034,291

Louisiana 28, 29, 36.40, 44, 47. 56, 59, 62, 69,71, 73, 75, 77, 87, 38, 92,100, 103, 122, 132, 135,140, 141, 147Total Grants: 31Total Amount: $1,162.853

Maine 20-22, 24, 32.34, 35, 39. 40, 44, 58, 59,61, 62, 68, 80, 83-85, 87,88, 90. 92, 132, 135, 140,143Total Grants: 30Total Amount: $1,177.537

Maryland 18, 19, 21,22, 28. 32-34, 39-41.43, 44, 50, 52, 56. 57, 60.61, 68, 73, 76. 87. 90. 92.93. 97, 98, 104, 107,111-115, 118, 121, 122,126-129, 132, 138, 140.143

Total Grants: 62Total Amount:$2,793,578

Note' Grants for less IhattS1.000 (except for Travel to Colleaums and Bicentennial Bookshelf f;rants) are taunted or the oulex butnot listed in the report.

1c: 3



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Massachusetts 19-21, Nevada 20, 41, 72, 73,23, 24, 28-44, 46-54, 75, 77, 79, 82, 89, 99, 127,56-63, 70, 71, 73, 75-77, 133

79-89, 93-96, 100-104, Total Grants: 12107, JOS, 110, 113-115, Total Amount: $535,268117, 118, 120-122, 126,128, 129, 132, 138,140-143, 147, 148Iota! Grants: 209Total Amount:$9,994,158

Michigan 21, 23,28-30, 34, 36, 38, 45,49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 60, 63,68-77, 79-84, 86-89,94, 110, 115, 116, 127,132, 139, 141Total Grants: 72Total Amount:$1,956,098

Minnesota 19, 32,34-38, 41, 44, 46, 51, 52,55-57, 61, 62, 73, 77, 81,84, 86, 87, 89, 95, 98,109, 115, 119, 129, 132,139, 140, 142Total Grants: 41Total Amount:$1,661,612

Mississipp: 19, 25, 35,37,41, 44, 4/-49, 53, 59,70, 71, 73, 74, 78-80, 82,89,91, 92, 100, Ill, 132Total Grants: 26Total Amount: $699,844

Missouri 23, 36, 39,42,44, 46, 49, 51, 54, 56,57, 60, 68-70, 76, 81,86-88, 97, 109, 115, 117,120, 121, 124, 133, 141,149

Total Grants: 39Total Amount: $1,171,508

Montana 34, 43, 46,56, o9, 74, 76, 79, 81, 84,95, 104, 133Total Grants: 13Total Amount: $393,560

National Cap;:al ArtsAnd Cultural Affairs151

Total Grants: 15Total Amount:$4,000,000

Nebraska 25, 30, 49,55, 61, 71, 76, 80, 83, 86,88, 98, 102, 113, 124,13', 141, 143Total Grants: 25Total Amount: $1,022,047

Netherlands 36Total Grants: 1Total Amount: $750



New Hampshire 21,

25, 35, 36,47, 52, 68, 71,

75, 77, 80, 83, 85, 87, 89,90, 96, 123-125, 133,

135, 142Total Grants: 28Total Amount: $1,058,523

New Jersey 19, 21, 24,28-32, 34, 35, 37, 39,42-44, 51-53, 55, 57, 60,69, 73, 75, 76, 81, 83, 86,88, 90, 96, 100-102,104, 107, 112, 114-116,119, 122, 123, 126, 129,133, 138, 141Total Grants: 68Total Amount:$3,220,904

New Mexico 20, 24,44, 47, 51, 68, 70, 72, '627, 94, 95, 98, 107, 116,120, 133, 138Total Grants: 22Total Amount: $1,146,976

New York 18-24,28-43, 45, 46, 48-63, 67,68, 70-76, 79-84, 86, 87,89-97, 99-104,107-109, III, 112,114-119, 121-123,125-129, 133, 138, 139,141, 142, 147, 148Total Grants: 336Total Amount.:$21,578,075

North Carolina 18, 21,22, 24, 25, 28-32, 35, 37,39, 41, 42,45-49, 51, 52,54-59, 61-63, 68, 71-73,82, 86, 89, 91, 99, 102,107, 110, Ill, 117, 119,120, 124, 125, 127, 128,133, 139, 140Total Grants: 68Total Amount:$2.976,036

North Dakota 50.69,72, 76, 81, 89, 90, 104,133, 135, 149Total Grants: 11Total Amount: $748,127

Ohio 18-23, 29-35,37, 43, 44, 47, 48, 51,53-57, 604;2, 67-71, 73,74, 76, 77, 80, 81, 84, 85,94, 97, 104, 108, 112,114, 118-121, 125, i26,128, 129, 133, 135,141-143, 148Total Grants: 84Total Amount:$3,549,697

Oklahoma 25, 31, 37,41, 58, 61, 68, 71, 81, 82,84, 85, 87, 96, 133, 135,143

Total Grants: 21Total Amount: $1,008,267

Oregon 22, 30, 32, 39,41, 42, 44, 45, 51, 55,60-63, 68, 70, 71, 73,82-84, 86, 92, 96, 120,129, 133, 140Total Grants: 36Total Amount: $858,567

Pennsylvania 18, 20,21, 23, 24, 28-32, 35, 36,39-43, 45-49, 51,54-58, 60-63, 67-69,71-73, 75-84, 86-90,93, 94, 96-98, 101. 103,107, 109-112, 114,117-120, 122, 123,126-128, 133-135,138 - 143,'.477 149Total Grants: 155Total Amount:$6,365.227

Nato Rico 50, 56, 77,132

Total Grants: 4Total Amount:


Rhode Island 18, 28,31, 35, 39, 47, 58, 62, 69,72, 78, 82, 85, 88, 90, 92,96, 107, !08, 112, 118,128, 133, 138, 140, 142Total Grants: 33Total Amount:$2,055,356

South Carolina 32, 34,45, 49, 57-59, 61, 63,67-71, 73, 71, 76, 77, 79,82, 85, 87, 88, 91,96. 98,99, 102, 113, 116, 133,139

Total Grants: 41Total Amount:$1,651,274

South Dakota 41, 70,75, 76, 85, 88, 92, 133Total Grants: 8Total Amount: $578,118

Tennessee 22, 25, 29,30, 38, 43, 48, 50, 68,70, , 73, 77, 78, 80, 81,93, 95, 100, 104, 110,113, 121, 133, 135, 139,147

Total Grants: 32Total Amount:$1,440,471

1 R4

Texas 18, 22-24, 28,30-32, 34, 36, 39-48,51, 53-59, 61, 63, 68, 71,73, 77, 79, 81, 82, 88, 92,97, 102, 109, 110, 112,114, 119, 120, 125, 129,133, 140, 148Total Grants: 81Total Amount:$3,434,066

Thailand 44Total Grants: 1Total A mount: $750

Utah 22, 34, 38, 46,50, 55, 68, 70, 72-74, 80,82, 84-86, 89, 93, 108,133

Total Grants: 26Total Amount: $667,970

Vermont 19, 34, 35, 37,41, 43, 45, 58, 68-70, 78,86, 88, 93, 94, 110, 116,133, 142, 143, 149Total Grants: 24Total Amount: $1,05 /,269

Virginia 18, 23, 25,30-34, 36-40, 4., 45,51, 54, 57-59, 61-63, 67,70-72, 74, 77, 82-84,88-92, 99, 100, 107, III,113, 118, 133, 134, 138,143Total Grants: 65Total Amount:$3,354,402

Virgin Islands 73, 75,133

Total Grants: 4Total Amount: $222,450

Washington 18, 19, 31,33, 34, 38, 40, 42, 43, 46,48, 49, 51, 54, 56, 58, 63,76, 80, 83, 86-89, 98,100, 102, 113, 125, 126,134, 143, 149Total Grants: 39Total Amount: $1,319,911

West Virginia 28, 31?,40, 44, 46, 70-73,76-78, 82, 83, 132Total Grants: 19Total Amount: $391,000

Wisconsin 20, 30-33,38, 43, 45, 47, 49, 54, 55,57, 59, 60, 62, 67-70, 72,75, 76, 80-83, 85, 88-90,92, 93, 95, 98, 109, 113,117, 121, 125, 127, 129,135, 138, 141, 149Total Grants: 78Total Amount:$2,711,608

Wyoming 32, 36, 45,63, 70, 75, 79, 88, 110, 134Total Grants: 12Total Amount: $521,683

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Cover:Library of Congress (Robert Frost); Nebraska StateHistorical Society (Willa Cather); Amherst CollegeLibrary (Emily Dickinson); Martin Luther King, Jr.,Center for Nonviolent Social CI Inge (Martin LutherKing, Jr.); Yale University (Samuel LanghorneClemens).

Page 2The Walters Art Gallery

Page 4Rhode Island Historical Society John MillerDocuments

Page 7Wadsworth Atheneum

Page 8Photograph by Richard N. Hurley;John Carter Brown Library

Page 9American Museum of Natural History

Page 10American Institute of Architects Archives

Page 11Photograph by William Henry Jackson, U.S.Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado

Page 13(Schoolhouse) Ohio University Belmont

Page 15Photograph by James Gleason

Page 17Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Gift of Col. and Mrs.Edgar W. Garbisch

Page 19Metropolitan Museum of Art, Munsey Funl, 1932

Page 22The Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College

Page 26Courtesy Joel Myerson

Page 27West Virginia and Regional History Collection,West Virginia University

Page 37The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Page 49Courtesy Thelma J. Bryan

Page 50Folger Shakespeare Library

Page 60State Russian Museum, Leningrad;Courtesy Alson Hilton

Page 64North Dakota Humanities Council

Page 65Los Angi 'es County Museum of Art

Page 66American Museum of Natural History

Page 74New England Library Association and New EnglandFoundation for the Humanities

Page 85The New Britain Museum of American Art

Page 90National Archives

Page 98Thomas A. Edison Papers, Rutgers University;Courtesy Edison National Historic Site

Page 101The New-York Historical Society

Page 104Chinese Culture Center

PagePrivate collection; Courtesy James H. Marrow

Page 10tLibrary of Congress




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Page 110Stephen Foster Memorial

Page 113Photograph by Margaret Thompson Drewaland Wiry John Drewal

Page 116The D'Arcy Collection, University Library.University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Page 119St. Louis Mercantile Library Association

Page 123Courtesy Donald E. Crummey

Page 130Florida Historical Society

Page 131L.M.C. Smith Collection.University of Southern Maine

Page 133Oklahoma Foundation for the Humanities

Page 134Nebraska State Historical Society

Page 135Ticor collection. San Diego Historical Society

Page 136valentine Museum

Page 141The Kentucky Quilt Project. Inc.

Design by Maniows & If iser.


Page 144American Film Fuundation

Page 146Hoover Institution

Page 148The Poetry/Rare Books Collection. UniversityLibraries. State University of New York at Buffalo

Page 149New York State Archives and RecordsAdministration

Page 150Photograph by F. Harlan Hambright;National Building Museum

Page 152Photograph by A. and E. Myers, Boston University

Page 173Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village

Page 174The New-York Historical Society

Page 176Photograph by Richard N. Hurley; John CarterBrown Library

Page 180Courtes), Loren W. Crabtree