Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison

Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of

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Page 2: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of

This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of the human body. This just shows how amazing our human bodies are and what they can do.

Page 3: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of


• The digestive system breaks down food and delivers nutrients to every cell in the body and the bloodstream. The digestive track starts at the mouth and ends at the anus. Organs that are part of the digestive system include the stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver and large intestine (bowel). Common problems of the digestive system include colitis, diverticulitis, gastroenteritis, heartburn and ulcers.

Page 4: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of

How it WorksWhen you eat the saliva helps brake down the chemicals in the food a bit witch helps make the food easier to swollow. Your touge pushes the food around you mouth, when you are ready to swollow your touge pushes the food back to the bolus. The bolus helps separate the solids and the liquids. Once the bolus has complete its job it then goes to the stomach, the stomach mixes with gastric juices, and becomes reduced in size, the food mass is known as chyme. In the stomach, the food begins its preparation for the small intestine. Glands in the stomach lets out an acid, enzymes and a mucous that coats and protects the stomach from its own acids and prevents ulcers. The stomach's smooth muscles grow then shrink about every 20 seconds, mixing up the acid and enzymes and turning your sandwich into a liquefied blob. Next all the fod goes to the small intestine the small intestine is mainly just another proces the same as the previos its job is to thurely mush the food and take out the nutreience so it can go right through the large entestin to the anus.

Page 5: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of


• The teeth are hard structures set in the upper and the lower jaw, the teeth also give shape to the face and have help in speech.

• Teeth are a bone and are one of the hardest part of the body they break up food and mix it with saliva containing a liquid called digestive enzymes, the saliva also helps break down food so it is ready when your ready to swollow and go down to the bolus.

• Most people have a set of thirty two teeth by the age of 21.

Page 6: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of


• The esophagus is a long thin and muscular tube that connects the throught to the stomach. It forms a iportant part of the gastrointestinal are a. the asophagus is on average around 25cm in diameter when relaxed. It is located at the neck and on the way to the stomach.

Page 7: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of


• The gallblader is a small storage organ located at the smaller end of the liver, the gallblader has very small size allthough it plays a very important role in the digestive system. The gallblader holds bile, bile is produced from the liver until it is needed for lots of help to digest fatty foods in the duodenum of the small intestine. Bile that is in the gallblader can crystalize and cause horrific pain in the body which can be life threatening.

Page 8: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of

Iloececal Valve and Appendix.

• The iloececal valve is found at the meeting of the small and large intestine. The iloececal valve is a circular muscle that controls the intake of fluids approxamently 2 liters pass through every day.

• The appendix is an exstending mucle from the inferior end of the large intestines cecem. The human appendix is a small narrow pouch of strong tissue. Some people say it looks like a worm and it is measured at about four inches long.

Page 9: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of

Cancers of the system( liver )• LIVER CANCER• Liver cancer can be a very bad cancer can start at the liver but it can

also start at another part of the body and spread, the liver cancer is not the most usual cancer. Liver cancer uasaly has no symtems in the earlier stages. Later the symtems cause pain in the abdomen. The liver is the largest organ in the human body, it is located on the right of the abdomen protected by the ribcage the liver will function normaly only with a small part of it working. Its functions include, destroying harmfull substances, such as alcohol and getting rid of waste products. 380 people are diognosed with it a year it is more comon for beaple over the age of sixty five. Most cancers start at the liver cells these are called hepatocellular carcinoma liver cancer attacks it and try’s to destroy it. Smoking can also be bad and it oncreaces the risks and chances of you getting it.

Page 10: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of

Gastro Cancer

• This cancer is the most comon cancer over all each year 23,000 austrailians are diagnosed with this one cancer it is not as serious as many other cancers but it is the most common. And each year 23 austrailians dye each year from it. Men and woman can get it but it is uasaly men. This cancer uasaly involves surgery and lots of treat ment but can easily be fixed.

Page 11: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of

Stomach Cancer

• Since 1999 new cases and 2010 of this horrible cancer has been developed and more people are getting this cancer. Stomack cancer affdects almost double the amount of men than woman. I in 61 men have been diagnosed with this cancer compared to 1 in 144 women being diagnosed with cancer.

• In 2011 there were 1140 deaths that were caused from this very cancer in Australia.

Page 12: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of

Bowel Cancer

• This cancer is sometimes known as the colorectal cancer. This the bowel conects the body to the anus. Bowel cancer is desiesed growth that usally develops in the bowel. Bowel cancer is the most common cancer in austrailia with 14,111 cases developed each year.

Page 13: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of

• Thanks for watching everybody

Page 14: Digestive System By Calvin & Harrison. This is just a diagram of the digestive system, this shows the hole proces of what it does and the in depths of


• http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/72436/bolus • http://kidshealth.org/kid/cancer_center/HTBW/

digestive_system.html • http://my.clevelandclinic.org/anatomy/digestive_system/


• http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types/cancersbodylocation/digestive

• http://access.health.qld.gov.au/hid/DigestiveHealth/CancersoftheDigestiveSystem/index.asp