Description of Subjects taken during Higher Education -

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  • 7/27/2019 Description of Subjects taken during Higher Education -




    4- Year Degree Course | Bachelors of Engineering | Electronics and Communication Engineering

    1. 06 MAT-11 Engineering Mathematics I125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Differential Calculus, Partial Differentiation, Integral Calculus, Applications of IntegralCalculus, Differential Equations, Infinite Series, Analytical Geometry in three dimensions,Vector Calculus.

    2. 06CHE-12 Engineering Chemistry125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Chemical Energy Sources, Solar Energy Photovoltaic Cells, Electro-Chemical EnergySystems- Electrode Potentials and Cells, Conversion and Storage of Electro-ChemicalEnergy Battery Technology, Fuel Cells, Corrosion Science, Corrosion Control, MetalFinishing, Electro less Plating, Liquid Crystals and their applications, Instrumental methodsof Analysis, High Polymers, Water Technology.

    3. 06CCP-13 Computer Concepts and C Programming 125 Marks4 Hours per week Introduction to Computer Systems, Interacting with Computer, Processing Data, StoringData, Using Operating Systems, Networks and the Internet, Algorithms and Flowcharts,Constants-Variables and Data Types, Operators and Expressions, Managing Input andOutput Operations, Decision making and Branching, Decision Making and Looping,Arrays, User Defined Functions.

    4. 06CED-14 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing125 Marks

    6 Hours per week Introduction to Computer Aided Sketching, Orthographic Projections, OrthographicProjections of Plane Surface (First Angle Projections only), Projections of Solids (First

    Angle Projections only), Sections and Development of Lateral Surfaces of Solids, IsometricProjections (Using Isometric Scale only).

    5. 06ELN-15 Basic Electronics125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Semiconductor Diodes and Applications, Transistors, Biasing Methods, Other Devices,Amplifiers and Oscillators, Introduction to Operational Amplifiers, CommunicationSystems, Number Systems, Digital Logic.

    6. 06CPL-16 Computer Programming Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week Creating a word document with suitable word processing package, like MS Word, Createand execute DOS Batch file, Writing C Programs using if..else statements, using switchstatements, using looping constructs, Single dimension array, evaluating a given

    polynomial, read two matrices and to compute their product, User defined functions.

    7. 06CHEL-17 Engineering Chemistry Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week Potentiometric estimation of FAS using standard K2Cr2O7 solution, Colorimetricdetermination of copper, Conductometric estimation of an Acid using standard NaOHsolution, Flame photometric estimation of sodium in the given sample of water,Determination of pKa of a weak acid using pH meter, Determination of viscosity

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    coefficient of a given liquid using Ostwalds viscometer, Determination of Total Hardnessof a sample of water using disodium salt of EDTA. Determination of Calcium Oxide (CaO)in the given sample of cement by Rapid EDTA method. Determination of percentage of Copper in brass using standard sodium thiosulphate solution. Determination of Iron in thegiven sample of Haematite ore solution using potassium dichromate crystals by external

    indication method. Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the givenindustrial waste Water sample. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in the given water sample by Winkler method.

    8. 06CIV-18 Environmental Studies *75 Marks

    2 Hours per week Environment, Effects of human activities on environment, Natural Resources, Energy-different types of energy, Environmental Pollution and their effects, Current environmentalissue of importance Population Growth, Climate change and Global warming - Effects,Urbanization, Automobile pollution, Acid Rain, Ozone layer depletion, Animal Husbandry,Environmental Protection - Role of Government, Legal aspects, Initiatives by Non -Governmental Organizations (NGO), Environmental Education, Women Education.

    9. Audit Course Language (Functional English) 2 Hours per week Introduction Importance of Languages, Grammar Parts of Speech, Usage of Prepositions and Article and Punctuation, Tense and Degree of Comparison,Transformation of Sentence, Direct-Indirect Speech, Vocabulary Usage, Precise Writing,Essay/Report Writing, Letter Writing, Idioms and Phrases, Comprehension, Elaborationand Presentation.

    10. 06 MAT-21 Engineering Mathematics II125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Differential Calculus Radius of Curvature : Cartesian, Parametric, Polar and pedal forms,Indeterminate Forms LHospitals rule, Taylors theorem for a function of two variables,Integral Calculus: Multiple Integrals, Beta and gamma functions, Vector Integration, Linear

    differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients, Method of undetermined coefficients, Method of variation of parameters, Laplace Transforms -Definition - Transforms of elementary functions, Derivatives and integrals of transforms Problems. Periodic function, Unit step function and unit impulse function, Inversetransforms Properties, Convolution Theorem, Solutions of linear differential equationsand simultaneous differential equations, Applications to Engineering problems.

    11. 06PHY-22 Engineering Physics125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Modern Physics - Introduction to Blackbody radiation spectrum, Matter waves and their Characteristic properties, Quantum Mechanics, Wave function, Properties and Physicalsignificance of a wave function, Electrical Conductivity in Metals - Free-electron concept.Classical free-electron theory Assumptions, Quantum free-electron theory Assumptions, Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of Materials, Lasers Principle and

    production, Superconductivity and Optical Fibers, Crystal Structure, Material Science.

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    12. 06CIV-23 Elements of Civil Engineering and EngineeringMechanics125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Introduction to Civil Engineering, Scope of different field of Civil Engineering,Infrastructure: Types of infrastructure, Roads, Bridges and Dams, Introduction toEngineering Mechanics, Composition of Force, Composition of Coplanar-non-concurrent

    force system, Centroid of plane figures, Equilibrium of forces, Types of Supports, Staticallydeterminate beams, Friction Types and Laws of Friction, Moment of Inertia of an area,

    polar moment of inertia, Radius of gyration.

    13. 06EME-24 Elements of Mechanical Engineering125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Energy and Steam : Forms, Source and Classification, Steam Boilers Classification,Turbines Steam, Gas, Water and its classification, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning,Lathe and Drilling Machines Principles of working and Classification, Milling andGrinding Machines - Principles of working and Classification, Joining Processes,Lubrication and Bearings Soldering, Brazing and Welding Classification andProperties, Power Transmission Belt Drives and Gears : Classification and applications.

    14. 06ELE-25 Basic Electrical Engineering 125 Marks4 Hours per week

    D.C Circuits Ohms law and Kirchhoffs law , Electromagnetism Faradays law, Lenzslaw, Flemings rule, Single Phase A.C Circuits Generation of Sinusoidal AC Voltage,Three Phase Circuits- Necessity and advantages of three phase systems, MeasuringInstruments, Domestic Wiring, D.C Machines Principle of Operation, Transformers Principle of Operation, Synchronous Generators Working principle, Three PhaseInduction Motors.

    15. 06WSL-26 Workshop Practice75 Marks

    3 Hours per week Fitting Study of fitting tools, fitting operations and joints rectangular, triangular,semicircular and dovetail joints Welding Study of electric arc welding tools andequipment, electric arc welding Butt joint, Lap joint, T-joint and L-joint, Study anddemonstration of Carpentry tools, joints and operations, Study and demonstration of Sheetmetal and Soldering work.

    16. 06PHYL-27 Engineering Physics Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week Series and Parallel LCR Circuits, I-V Characteristics of a Zener Diode, Characteristics of aTransistor, Band Gap of a Semiconductor, Ultrasonic Interferometer (Measurement of Velocity of Sound in Solids and Liquids), Dielectric Constant (Measurement of DielectricConstant), Magnetic properties (B-H Graph Method), Diffraction (Measurement of wavelength of Laser / Hg Source using diffraction grating), Plancks Constant(Determination of Plancks Constant using LED or using the principle of photoelectriceffect), Electrical Resistivity (Four probe method), Verification of Stefanslaw, Determination of Fermi Energy.

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    17. 06CIP-28 Constitution of India and Professional Ethics *75 Marks

    2 Hours per week Preamble to the constitution of India. Fundamental rights under Part III details of Exercise of rights, Limitations & Important cases, Relevance of Directive principles of State Policy under Part IV. Fundamental duties & their significance , Union Executive

    President, Prime Minister, Parliament & the Supreme Court of India, State executive Governors, Chief Minister, State Legislator and High Courts, Constitutional Provisions for Scheduled Castes & Tribes, Women & Children & Backward classes. EmergencyProvisions, Electoral process, Amendment procedure, 42nd, 44th, 74th, 76th, 86th and 91stConstitutional amendments, Scope & aims of engineering Ethics. Responsibility of Engineers, Impediments to responsibility, Honesty, Integrity and reliability, risks, safety &liability in engineering.

    18. Audit Course Language (Kannada) 2 Hours per week Personal Pronouns, Possessive forms, Interrogative words, Possessive forms of nouns,dubitative question, Relative nouns, Qualitative and quantitative adjectives, Predicativeforms, locative case, Dative case defective verbs, Numeral, plurals, Imperative, Permissive,

    hortative, Verb- iru, negation illa, non past tense, Potential forms, no past continuous,Past tense, negation, Past tense negation, Verbal Participle, reflexive form, negation, Pastand present perfect past continuous and their negation, Relative participle, negation, Simpleconditional and negative.

    19. 06MAT-31 Engineering Mathematics III125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Fourier Series - Periodic functions, Fourier expansions, Half range expansions, Complexform of Fourier series, Practical harmonic analysis, Fourier Transforms - Finite and InfiniteFourier transforms Fourier sine and cosine transforms, properties. Inverse transforms,Partial Differential Equations (P.D.E), Applications of P.D.E, Numerical Methods -Introduction, Numerical solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations:- Newton-

    Raphson and Regula-Falsi methods, Finite Differences (Forward and Backward difference),Interpolation, Calculus of Variations, Difference Equations and Z-transforms.

    20. 06ES-32 Analog Electronic Circuits125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Diode Circuits: Diode Resistance, Diode equivalent circuits, Transition and diffusioncapacitance, Reverse recovery time, Load line analysis, Rectifiers, Clippers and clampers,Transistor Biasing: Operating point, Bias configurations, Design operations, Transistor switching networks, PNP transistors, Bias stabilization. Transistor at Low Frequencies: BJTtransistor modeling, Hybrid equivalent model, CE Fixed bias configuration, Voltage divider

    bias, Emitter follower, CB configuration, Collector feedback configuration, Hybridequivalent model, Transistor Frequency Response: General frequency considerations, lowfrequency response, High frequency response, multistage frequency effects, GeneralAmplifiers: Cascade connections, Cascode connections, Darlington connections, Feedback Amplifier: Feedback concept, Feedback connections type, Practical feedback circuits,Power Amplifiers: Definitions and amplifier types, Oscillators: Oscillator operation, Phaseshift Oscillator, Wienbridge Oscillator, Tuned Oscillator circuits, Crystal Oscillator, FETAmplifiers: FET small signal model, Biasing of FET, MOSFETs, FET amplifier networks.

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    21. 06ES-33 Logic Design125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Principles of combinational logic: Canonical forms, Karnaugh Maps, Reduced PrimeImplicant tables, Map entered variables, Analysis and Design of combinational logic :Decoder, Multiplexers, Adders and Subtractors, Sequential Circuits Latch, Flip-flops,

    Registers, Counters, Design of a Synchronous Counter, Mealy and Moore Models, StateMachine Notations, Synchronous sequential Circuit analysis, Construction of statediagrams, Counter Design.

    22. 06ES-34 Network Analysis125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Basic Concepts Practical Sources, Source Transformations, Loop and Node analysis,

    Network reduction using Star Delta Transformations, Network Topology, Network Theorems Superposition, Reciprocity, Millmans, Thevinins, Nortons and MaximumPower transfer theorem, Resonant Circuits Series and Parallel resonance, Frequencyresponse, Bandwidth, Transient behavior and initial conditions, Laplace Transformationand Applications, Two-Port network parameters.

    23. 06IT-35 Electronic Instrumentation 125 Marks4 Hours per week

    Introduction Measurement Errors, Voltmeters and Multimeters, Digital Instruments,Oscilloscopes, Special Oscilloscopes, Signal Generators, Measurement of Resistance,Inductance and Capacitance, Transducers, Piezoelectric transducer, Photoelectrictransducer, Photovoltaic transducer, Semiconductor photo devices, Temperaturetransducers-RTD, Thermocouple, Display devices: Digital display system, classification of display, Display devices, LEDs, LCD displays, Bolometer and RF power measurementusing Bolometer, Introduction to Signal conditioning.

    24. 06ES-36 Field Theory125 Marks

    4 Hours per week

    Coulombs Law and electric field intensity, Electric flux density, Gauss law anddivergence, Energy and potential, Conductors, dielectrics and capacitance, Poissons andLaplaces equations - Derivations of Poissons and Laplaces Equations, Uniquenesstheorem, Examples of the solutions of Laplaces and Poissons equations, The steadymagnetic field - Biot- Savart law, Amperes circuital law, Curl, Stokes theorem, magneticflux and flux density, scalar and Vector magnetic potentials, Magnetic forces - Force on amoving charge and differential current element, Force between differential currentelements, Force and torque on a closed circuit., Magnetic materials and inductance -Magnetization and permeability, Magnetic boundary conditions, Magnetic circuit, Potentialenergy and forces on magnetic materials, Inductance and Mutual Inductance., Time varyingfields and Maxwells equations - Faradays law, displacement current, Maxwells equation

    in point and Integral form, retarded potentials, Uniform plane wave: Wave propagation infree space and dielectrics, Poyntings theorem and wave power, propagation in goodconductors (skin effect)

    25. 06ESL-37 Analog Electronics Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week TDM of two band limited signals, ASK and FSK generation and detection, PSK Generation& Detection, DPSK Generation and detection, QPSK Generation and detection,PCM generation and detection using a CODEC chip, Measurement of losses in a given

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    Optical fiber ( Propagation loss, Bending loss) and numerical aperture, Analog and Digital (with TDM ) communication link using optical fiber, Measurement of Frequency, GuideWavelength, power, VSWR and Attenuation in a microwave test bench, Measurement of Directivity and Gain of antennas: Standard Dipole (or printed Dipole), Microstrip patchantenna and Yagi Antenna(printed), Determination of coupling and Isolation characteristics

    of a stripline ( or microstrip) directional coupler, Measurement of resonance characteristicsof a microstrip ring resonator and determination of dielectric constant of the substrate,Measurement of power division and isolation characteristics of a microstrip 3 dB power divider.

    26. 06ESL-38 Logic Design Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week Simplification, realization of Boolean expressions using logic gates/Universalgates, Realization of Half/Full adder and Half / Full Subtractors using logic gates, (i)Realization of parallel Adder / Subtractors using 7483 chip (ii) BCD to Excess-3 codeconversion and vice versa, Realization of Binary to Gray code conversion and viceversa, MUX/DEMUX use of 74153, 74139 for arithmetic circuits and code

    converter, Realization of One/Two bit comparator and study of 7485 magnitudecomparator, Use of a) Decoder chip to drive LED display and b) Priority encoder, Truthtable verification of Flip-Flops: (i) JK Master slave (ii) T type and (iii) D type, Realizationof 3 bit counters as a sequential circuit and MOD N counter design (7476, 7490, 74192,74193),Shift left; Shift right, SIPO, SISO, PISO, PIPO operations using 74S95. Wiring andtesting Ring counter/Johnson counter, Wiring and testing of Sequence generator.

    27. 06MAT-41 Engineering Mathematics IV125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Numerical Methods - Numerical solutions of first order and first degree ordinarydifferential equations Taylors series method, Modified Eulers method, Runge Kuttamethod of fourth order, Milnes and Adams -Bashforth predictor and corrector methods,

    Complex Variables - Function of a complex variable, Limit, Continuity Differentiability,Complex Integration, Series solution of Ordinary Differential Equations and SpecialFunctions, Statistical Methods - Curve fitting by the method of least squares: y = a + bx, y= a + bx + cx2, y = axb y = abx, y = aebx, Correlation and Regression, Probability:Addition rule, Conditional probability, Multiplication rule, Bayes theorem, RandomVariables (Discrete and Continuous) p.d.f., c.d.f. Binomial, Poisson, Normal andExponential distributions, Sampling, Sampling distribution, Standard error, Concept of

    joint probability, Probability vectors, Stochastic matrices.

    28. 06ES-42 Microcontrollers125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Microprocessors and microcontroller. Introduction, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers,

    A Microprocessors survey, RISC & CISC CPU Architectures, Harvard & Von-NeumannCPU architecture, The 8051 Architecture: Introduction, 8051 Microcontroller Hardware,Input / Output Pins, Ports and Circuits, External Memory, Counter and Timers, SerialData Input / Output, Interrupts, Addressing Modes and Byte level logical Operations, Bitlevel Logical Operations, Rotate and Swap Operations, Example Programs. ArithmeticOperations: Flags, Incrementing and Decrementing, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplicationand Division, Decimal Arithmetic, Jump and Call Instructions, 8051 programming in C:Data types and time delays in 8051C, Timer / Counter Programming in 8051, 8051 Serial

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    Communication, Interrupts Programming: 8051 Interrupts, Programming Timer Interrupts,Programming External Hardware Interrupts, Programming the Serial CommunicationInterrupts, Interrupt Priority in the 8051/52, Interrupt programming in C, 8051 Interfacingand Applications: Interfacing 8051 to LCD, Keyboard, parallel and serial ADC, DAC,Stepper motor interfacing, DC motor interfacing and PWM .

    29. 06ES-43 Control Systems 125 Marks4 Hours per week Modeling of Systems: The control system, Mathematical models of physical systems,Block diagrams and signal flow graphs, Time Response of feedback control systems,Stability analysis: Concepts of stability, Necessary conditions for Stability, Routh- stabilitycriterion, Relative stability analysis; More on the Routh stability criterion, Root LocusTechniques, Stability in the frequency domain: Mathematical preliminaries, NyquistStability criterion, Frequency domain analysis: Introduction, Correlation between time andfrequency response, Bode plots, Introduction to State variable analysis: Concepts of state,state variable and state models for electrical systems, Solution of state equations.

    30. 06EC-44 Signals and Systems125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Introduction: Definitions of a signal and a system, classification of signals, basicOperations on signals, elementary signals, Systems viewed as Interconnections of operations, properties of systems, Time-domain representations for LTI systems :Convolution, impulse response representation, Convolution Sum and Convolution Integral,

    properties of impulse response representation, Differential and difference equationRepresentations, Block diagram representations, Fourier representation for signals,Introduction, Discrete time and continuous time Fourier series and transforms, Applicationsof Fourier representations: Introduction, Frequency response of LTI systems,Z-Transforms : Introduction, Z transform, properties of ROC, properties of Z

    transforms, inversion of Z transforms, Transform analysis of LTI Systems, unilateral Z-

    Transform and its application to solve difference equations. 31. 06EC-45 Fundamentals of HDL

    125 Marks4 Hours per week

    Introduction: Why HDL? , A Brief History of HDL, Structure of HDL Module, Operators,Data types, Types of Descriptions, simulation and synthesis, Brief comparison of VHDLand Verilog , Data Flow Descriptions: Highlights of Data-Flow Descriptions, Structure of Data-Flow Description, Data Type Vectors , Behavioral Descriptions: BehavioralDescription highlights, structure of HDL behavioral Description, The VHDL variable Assignment Statement, sequential statements, Structural Descriptions: Highlights of structural Description, Organization of the structural Descriptions, Binding, state Machines,Generate, Generic, and Parameter statements, Procedures, Tasks, and Functions, Advanced

    HDL Descriptions: File Processing, Mixed Type Descriptions, Mixed LanguageDescriptions: Highlights of Mixed-Language Description, Synthesis Basics: Highlights of Synthesis, Synthesis information from Entity and Module, Mapping Process and Always inthe Hardware Domain.

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    32. 06EC-46 Linear ICs and applications 125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Operational Amplifier Fundamentals: Basic Op-Amp circuit, Op-Amp parameters Inputand output voltage, CMRR and PSRR, offset voltages and currents, Input and outputimpedances, Slew rate and Frequency limitations, Op-Amps as AC Amplifiers, Op-Amps

    frequency response and compensation: Circuit stability, Frequency and phase response,Frequency compensating methods, Band width, Slew rate effects, Zin Mod compensation,and circuit stability precautions, OP-AMP Applications, Non-linear circuit applications,Voltage Regulators, Other Linear IC applications: 555 timer - Basic timer circuit, 555 timer used as astable and monostable multivibrator, Schmitt trigger; PLL-operating principles,Phase detector / comparator, VCO; D/A and A/ D converters Basic DAC Techniques, ADconverters.

    33. 06ECL-47 Microcontrollers Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week PROGRAMMING :- Data Transfer - Block move, Exchange, Sorting, Finding largestelement in an array, Arithmetic Instructions - Addition/subtraction, multiplication and

    division, square, Cube (16 bits Arithmetic operations bit addressable),Counters,Boolean & Logical Instructions (Bit manipulations), Conditional CALL & RETURN, Codeconversion: BCD ASCII; ASCII Decimal; Decimal - ASCII; HEX - Decimal andDecimal HEX, Programs to generate delay, Programs using serial port and on-Chip timer / counter. INTERFACING :- Write C programs to interface 8051 chip to Interfacingmodules to develop single chip solutions- Simple Calculator using 6 digit seven segmentdisplay and Hex Keyboard interface to 8051, Alphanumeric LCD panel and Hex keypadinput interface to 8051, External ADC and Temperature control interface to 8051, Generatedifferent waveforms Sine, Square, Triangular, Ramp etc. using DAC interface to 8051;change the frequency and amplitude, Stepper and DC motor control interface to 8051,Elevator interface to 8051.

    34. 06ECL-48 HDL Lab 75 Marks3 Hours per week

    PROGRAMMING (using VHDL and Verilog) :- HDL code to realize all the logicgates, HDL program for the following combinational designs a. 2 to 4 decoder, b. 8 to 3(encoder without priority & with priority), c. 8 to 1 multiplexer, d. 4 bit binary to grayconverter, e. Multiplexer, de-multiplexer, comparator. HDL code to describe the functionsof a Full Adder Using three modeling styles, model for 32 bit ALU which should usecombinational logic to calculate an output based on the four bit op-code input, ALU should

    pass the result to the out bus when enable line in high, and tri-state the out bus when theenable line is low.

    35. 06AL-51 Management and Entrepreneurship

    125 Marks

    4 Hours per week MANAGEMENT: Introduction - Meaning - nature and characteristics of Management,Scope and functional areas of Management, PLANNING: Nature, importance and purposeof planning process - Objectives - Types of plans, ORGANISING ANDSTAFFING: Nature and purpose of organization - Principles of organization - Types of organization, DIRECTING & CONTROLLING: Meaning and nature of directing -Leadership styles, Motivation Theories, Communication, ENTREPRENEUR: Meaning of Entrepreneur; Evolution of the Concept, Functions of an Entrepreneur, Types of

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    Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur, SMALL SCALE INDUSTRY: Definition; Characteristics; Need and rationale: Objectives; Scope; role of SSI in Economic Development. Advantagesof SSI Steps to start an SSI, INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT, PREPARATION OFPROJECT: Meaning of Project; Project Identification; Project Selection; Project Report;

    Need and Significance of Report.

    36. 06EC-52 Digital Signal Processing 125 Marks4 Hours per week

    Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT): Frequency domain sampling and reconstruction of discrete time signals. DFT as a linear transformation, its relationship with other transforms,Properties of DFT, multiplication of two DFTs- the circular convolution, additional DFT

    properties, use of DFT in linear filtering, overlap-save and overlap-add method, Fast-Fourier-Transform (FFT) algorithms: Direct computation of DFT, Radix-2 FFT algorithmfor the computation of DFT and IDFT decimation-in-time and decimation-in-frequencyalgorithms, IIR filter design, FIR filter design, Design of IIR filters from analog filters(Butterworth and Chebyshev, Implementation of discrete-time systems.

    37. 06EC-53 Analog Communication125 Marks

    4 Hours per week RANDOM PROCESS: Random variables: Several random variables. Statistical averages:Function of Random variables, moments, Mean, Correlation and Covariance function,AMPLITUDE MODULATION: Introduction AM: Time-Domain description, Frequency Domain description. Generation of AM wave, SINGLE SIDE-BAND MODULATION(SSB): Quadrature carrier multiplexing, Hilbert transform, properties of Hilbert transform,Pre-envelope, Canonical representation of band pass signals, Single side-band modulation,Frequency-Domain description of SSB wave, Time-Domain description, VESTIGIALSIDE-BAND MODULATION (VSB): Frequency Domain description, Generation of VSB modulated wave, ANGLE MODULATION (FM): Basic definitions, FM, narrow

    band FM, wide band FM, Demodulation of FM waves, FM stereo multiplexing, Phase-

    locked loop, Nonlinear model of the phase, NOISE: Introduction, shot noise, thermal noise,white noise, Noise equivalent bandwidth, Narrow bandwidth, NOISE IN CONTINUOUSWAVE MODULATION SYSTEMS: Introduction, Receiver model, Noise in DSB-SCreceivers, Noise in SSB receivers, Noise in AM receivers, Threshold effect, Noise in FMreceivers, FM threshold effect, Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis in FM.

    38. 06EC-54 Microwaves and Radar125 Marks

    4 Hours per week MICROWAVE TRANSMISSION LINES: Introduction, transmission lines equations andsolutions, reflection and transmission coefficients, standing waves and SWR, lineimpedance and line admittance. Smith chart, impedance matching using single stubs,Microwave coaxial connectors, MICROWAVE WAVEGUIDES AND COMPONENTS,

    MICROWAVE DIODES, Microwave network theory and passive devices, Microwave passive devices, Coaxial connectors and adapters, STRIP LINES: Introduction, Microstriplines, Parallle strip lines, Coplanar strip lines, Shielded strip Lines, AN INTRODUCTIONTO RADAR: Basic Radar, The simple form of the Radar equation, Radar block diagram,Radar frequencies, application of Radar, the origins of Radar, MTI AND PULSEDOPPLER RADAR: Introduction to Doppler and MTI Radar, delay line Cancellers, digitalMTI processing, Moving target detector, pulse Doppler Radar.

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    39. 06EC-55 Digital Switching Systems125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Developments of telecommunications, Network structure, Network services, terminology,Regulation, Standards. Introduction to telecommunications transmission, Power levels,Four wire circuits, EVOLUTION OF SWITCHING SYSTEMS, DIGITAL SWITCHING

    SYSTEMS: Fundamentals : Purpose of analysis, Basic central office linkages, Outside plant versus inside plant, Switching system hierarchy, Evolution of digital switchingsystems, TELECOMMUNICATIONS TRAFFIC: Introduction, Unit of traffic, Congestion,Traffic measurement, SWITCHING SYSTEMS: Introduction, Single stage networks,Grading, Link Systems, GOS of Linked systems, TIME DIVISION SWITCHING,SWITCHING SYSTEM SOFTWARE: Introduction, Scope, Basic software architecture,Operating systems, Database Management, Concept of generic program, MAINTENANCEOF DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEM, A GENERIC DIGITAL SWITCHING SYSTEMMODEL: Introduction, Scope, Hardware architecture, Software architecture.

    40. 06EC-56 Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI125 Marks

    4 Hours per week

    BASIC MOS TECHNOLOGY, MOS TRANSISTOR THEORY: Introduction, MOSDevice Design Equations, The Complementary CMOS Inverter DC Characteristics,CIRCUIT DESIGN PROCESSES: MOS layers. Stick diagrams. Design rules and layout lambda-based design, CMOS LOGIC STRUCTURES, BASIC CIRCUITCONCEPTS: Sheet resistance. Area capacitances. Capacitance calculations. The delay unit.Inverter delays. Driving capacitive loads. Propagation delays. Wiring capacitances,SCALING OF MOS CIRCUITS, CMOS SUBSYSTEM DESIGN, General considerations.Process illustration. ALU subsystem. Adders. Multipliers, MEMORY, REGISTERS ANDCLOCK, TESTABILITY: Performance parameters. Layout issues. I/O pads. Real estate.

    41. 06ECL-57 Digital Signal Processing Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week

    USING MATLAB / SCILAB / OCTAVE / WAB: Verification of Samplingtheorem, Impulse response of a given system, Linear convolution of two givensequences, Circular convolution of two given sequences, Autocorrelation of a givensequence and verification of its properties, Cross correlation of given sequences andverification of its properties, Solving a given difference equation, Computation of N pointDFT of a given sequence and to plot magnitude and phase spectrum, Linear convolutionof two sequences using DFT and IDFT, Circular convolution of two given sequences usingDFT and IDFT, Design and implementation of FIR filter to meet givenspecifications, Design and implementation of IIR filter to meet given specifications.USING DSP PROCESSOR: Linear and Circular convolution of two givensequences, Computation of N- Point DFT of a given sequence, Realization of an FIR filter

    (any type) to meet given specifications .The input can be a signal from function generator /speech signal, Audio applications such as to plot time and frequency (Spectrum) display of Microphone output plus a cosine using DSP. Read a .wav file and match with their respective spectrograms.

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    42. 06ECL-58 Analog Communication Lab + LIC Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week Second order active LPF and HPF, Second order active BPF and BE, Schmitt Trigger Design and test a Schmitt trigger circuit for the given values of UTP and LTP, Frequencysynthesis using PLL, Design and test R-2R DAC using op-amp, Design and test the

    following circuits using IC 555 :a. Astable multivibrator for given frequency and dutycycle, b. Monostable multivibrator for given pulse width W, Class C Single tunedamplifier, Amplitude modulation using transistor/FET (Generation and detection), Pulseamplitude modulation and detection, PWM and PPM, Frequency modulation using8038/2206, Precision rectifiers both Full Wave and Half Wave.

    43. 06EC-61 Digital Communication125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Basic signal processing operations in digital communication. Sampling Principles, PAM,TDM. Waveform Coding Techniques, PCM, Quantization noise and SNR, robustquantization, DPCM, DM, applications. Base-Band Shaping for DataTransmission, Discrete PAM sign als, ISI, Nyquists criterion for distortion less base -band

    binary transmission, DIGITAL MODULATION TECHNIQUES: Digital Modulationformats, Coherent binary modulation techniques, Detection and estimation, Model of DCS, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization procedure, Detection of known signals in noise,correlation receiver, matched filter receiver, Spread Spectrum Modulation: Pseudo noisesequences, notion of spread spectrum, direct sequence spread spectrum.

    44. 06EC-62 Microprocessors125 Marks

    4 Hours per week 8086 PROCESSORS, INSTRUCTION SET OF 8086: Assembler instruction format, datatransfer and arithmetic, branch type, loop, NOP & HALT, flag manipulation, logical andshift and rotate instructions, BYTE AND STRING MANIPULATION, 8086 Interrupts andinterrupt responses, 8086 INTERFACING: Interfacing microprocessor to keyboard

    (keyboard types, keyboard circuit connections and interfacing, software keyboardinterfacing, keyboard interfacing with hardware), Interfacing to alphanumeric displays(interfacing LED displays to microcomputer), Interfacing a microcomputer to a stepper motor, 8086 BASED MULTIPROCESSING SYSTEMS, SYSTEM BUSSTRUCTURE: Basic 8086 configurations: minimum mode, maximum mode, BusInterface, 80386, 80486 AND PENTIUM PROCESSORS.

    45. 06EC-63 Analog and Mixed Mode VLSI Design125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Data converter fundamentals: Analog versus Digital Discrete Time Signals, ConvertingAnalog Signals to Data Signals, Sample and Hold Characteristics, DAC Specifications,ADC Specifications, Mixed-Signal Layout Issues, Data Converters Architectures: DACArchitectures, ADC Architectures, Non-Linear Analog Circuits, Data Converter SNR, Sub-Microns CMOS circuit design: Process Flow, Capacitors and Resistors, MOSFET Switch(upto Bidirectional Switches), Delay and adder Elements, Analog Circuits MOSFETBiasing (upto MOSFET Transition Frequency), OPAmp Design.

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    46. 06EC-64 Antennas and Propagation125 Marks

    4 Hours per week ANTENNA BASICS: Introduction, Basic Antenna parameters, POINT SOURCES ANDARRAYS: Introduction, point sources, power patterns, power theorem, radiation intensity,filed patterns, phase patterns. Array of two isotropic point sources, non-isotropic but similar

    point sources, principles of pattern multiplication, ELECTRIC DIPOLES AND THINLINEAR ANTENNAS: Introduction, short electric dipole, fields of a short dipole, radiationresistance of short dipole, LOOP, SLOT, PATCH AND HORN ANTENNA: Introduction,small loop, comparison of far fields of small loop and short dipole, loop antenna generalcase, far field patterns of circular loop, radiation resistance, directivity, slot antenna,impedance of complementary and slot antennas, patch antennas, horn antennas, rectangular horn antennas, ANTENNA TYPES, RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION: Introduction,Ground wave propagation, free space propagation, TROPOSPHERE WAVEPROPAGATION: Troposcopic scatter, Ionosphere propagation, electrical properties of theionosphere, effects of earths magnetic field.

    47. 06EC-65 Information Theory and Coding125 Marks

    4 Hours per week INFORMATION THEORY: Introduction, Measure of information, Average informationcontent of symbols in long independent sequences, Average information content of symbolsin long dependent sequences, SOURCE CODING: Encoding of the source output,Shannons enco ding algorithm. Communication Channels, FUNDAMENTAL LIMITS ONPERFORMANCE: Source coding theorem, Huffman coding, Discrete memory lessChannels, Mutual information, Channel Capacity, Channel coding theorem, Differentialentropy and mutual information for continuous ensembles, Channel capacity Theorem,INTRODUCTION TO ERROR CONTROL CODING: Introduction, Types of errors,examples, Types of codes Linear Block Codes, Binary Cycle Codes, Algebraic structures of cyclic codes, Encoding using an (n-k) bit shift register, Syndrome calculation. BCH codes,

    RS codes, Golay codes, Shortened cyclic codes, Burst error correcting codes. Burst andRandom Error correcting codes, Convolution Codes, Time domain approach. Transformdomain approach.

    48. 06EC-662(Elective) Satellite Communications125 Marks

    4 Hours per week OVER VIEW OF SATELLITE SYSTEMS: Introduction, frequency allocation, INTEL Sat,ORBITS: Introduction, Kepler laws, definitions, orbital element, apogee and perigeeheights, orbit perturbations, inclined orbits, calendars, universal time, sidereal time, orbital

    plane, local mean time and sun synchronous orbits, Geostationary orbit, PROPAGATIONIMPAIRMENTS AND SPACE LINK: Introduction, atmospheric loss, ionospheric effects,rain attenuation, other impairments, SPACE LINK: Introduction, EIRP, transmission

    losses, link power budget, system noise, CNR, uplink, down link, effects of rain, combinedCNR, SPACE SEGMENT, Earth Segment, Interference between satellite circuits, satelliteaccess, DBS, SATELLITE MOBILE AND SPECIALIZED SERVICES.

    49. 06ECL-67 Advanced Communication Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week EXPERIMENTS : TDM of two band limited signals, ASK and FSK generation anddetection, PSK generation and detection, DPSK generation and detection, QPSK generation and detection, PCM generation and detection using a CODEC Chip,

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    Measurement of losses in a given optical fiber ( propagation loss, bending loss) andnumerical aperture, Analog and Digital (with TDM) communication link using opticalfiber, Measurement of frequency, guide wavelength, power, VSWR and attenuation in amicrowave test bench, Measurement of directivity and gain of antennas: Standard dipole(or printed dipole), microstrip patch antenna and Yagi antenna (printed), Determination of

    coupling and isolation characteristics of a stripline (or microstrip) directional coupler, (a)Measurement of resonance characteristics of a microstrip ring resonator and determinationof dielectric constant of the substrate, (b) Measurement of power division andisolation characteristics of a microstrip 3 dB power divider.

    50. 06ECL-68 Microprocessor Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week Programs involving: Data transfer instructions, Arithmetic & logical operations, Bitmanipulation instruction, Branch/Loop instructions, Programs on String manipulation likestring transfer, string reversing, searching for a string, Programs involving Softwareinterrupts, Experiments on interfacing 8086 with the following interfacing modules throughDIO (Digital Input/Output-PCI bus compatible) card a) Matrix keyboard interfacing,

    b) Seven segment display interface, c) Logical controller interface, d) Stepper motor interface, Other Interfacing Programs a) Interfacing a printer to an X86 microcomputer, b)PC to PC Communication.

    51. 06EC-71 Computer Communication Network 125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Layered tasks, OSI Model, Layers in OSI model, TCP/IP Suite, Addressing, Telephone andcable networks for data transmission, Telephone networks, Dial up modem, DSL, Cable TVfor data transmission, DATA LINK CONTROL: Framing, Flow and error control,MULTIPLE ACCESSES: Random access, Controlled access, Channelization, Wired LAN,Ethernet, IEEE standards, Standard Ethernet. Changes in the standards, Fast Ethernet,Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11, Connecting LANs, Backbone and Virtual

    LANs, Network Layer, Logical addressing, Ipv4 addresses, Ipv6 addresses, Delivery,Forwarding, Unicast Routing Protocols, Multicast Routing protocols, Transport layer Process to process Delivery, UDP, TCP, Domain name system, Resolution.

    52. 06EC-72 Optical Fiber Communication125 Marks

    4 Hours per week OVERVIEW OF OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION: Introduction, Historicaldevelopment, general system, advantages, disadvantages, and applications of optical fiber communication, optical fiber waveguides, Ray theory, TRANSMISSIONCHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL FIBERS: Introduction, Attenuation, absorption,scattering losses, bending loss, dispersion, Intra model dispersion, Inter model dispersion,OPTICAL SOURCES AND DETECTORS: Introduction, LEDs, LASER diodes, Photodetectors, Photo detector noise, FIBER COUPLERS AND CONNECTORS: Introduction,fiber alignment and joint loss, single mode fiber joints, fiber splices, fiber connectors andfiber couplers, OPTICAL RECEIVER: Introduction, Optical Receiver Operation,ANALOG AND DIGITAL LINKS: Analog links Introduction, overview of analog links,Digital links Introduction, point to point links, System considerations, link power

    budget, resistive budget, WDM CONCEPTS AND COMPONENTS: WDM concepts,overview of WDM operation principles, WDM standards, Optical Amplifiers and Networks

    optical amplifiers, basic applications and types, semiconductor optical amplifiers, EDFA,

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    OPTICAL NETWORKS: Introduction, SONET / SDH, Optical Interfaces, SONET/SDHrings, High speed light waveguides.

    53. 06EC-73 Power Electronics125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Introduction, Applications of power electronics, Power semiconductor devices, Control

    characteristics, Types of power electronics circuits, Peripheral effects, POWER TRANSISTOR: Power BJTs, Switching characteristics, Switching limits,INTRODUCTION TO THYRISTORS: Principle of operation states anode-cathodecharacteristics, Two transistor model. Turn-on Methods, Dynamic Turn-on and turn-off characteristics, CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS: Introduction, Principles of phase controlledconverter operation, 1 fully controlled converters, Duel converters, 1 semi converters,Thyristor turn off methods, natural and forced commutation, self commutation, class A andclass B types, AC VOLTAGE CONTROLLERS: Introduction, Principles of on and off control, Principles of phase control, DC CHOPPERS: Introduction, Principles of step downand step up choppers, Step down chopper with RL loads, Chopper classification,INVERTORS: Introduction, Principles of operation, Performance parameters, 1 bridge

    inverter, voltage control of 1 inv ertors, current source invertors, Variable DC link inverter. 54. 06EC-74 DSP Algorithms and Architecture

    125 Marks4 Hours per week

    INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING: Introduction, A Digital Signal-Processing System, The Sampling Process, Discrete Time Sequences, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Linear Time-Invariant Systems,Digital Filters, Decimation and Interpolation, ARCHITECTURES FOR PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL SIGNAL-PROCESSORS: Introduction, BasicArchitectural Features, DSP Computational Building Blocks, Bus Architecture andMemory, PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS: Introduction,Commercial Digital Signal-processing Devices, Data Addressing Modes of

    TMS32OC54xx, Memory Space of TMS32OC54xx Processors, Program Control, DetailStudy of TMS320C54X & 54xx Instructions and Programming, IMPLEMENTATION OFBASIC DSP ALGORITHMS: Introduction, The Q-notation, FIR Filters, IIR Filters,Interpolation and Decimation Filters, IMPLEMENTATION OF FFT ALGORITHMS: Introduction, An FFT Algorithm for DFT Computation, Overflow and Scaling, Bit-Reversed Index Generation & Implementation on the TMS32OC54xx, INTERFACINGMEMORY AND PARALLEL I/O PERIPHERALS TO DSP DEVICES: Introduction,Memory Space Organization, External Bus Interfacing Signals. Memory Interface,INTERFACING AND APPLICATIONS OF DSP PROCESSOR: Introduction,Synchronous Serial Interface, A CODEC Interface Circuit. DSP Based Bio-telemetryReceiver, A Speech Processing System, An Image Processing System.

    55. 06EC-757(Elective) Applied Embedded System Design125 Marks

    4 Hours per week An embedded system, Processor embedded into a system, Embedded hardware units anddevices in a system, Embedded software in a system, Embedded system-on-chip (soc) anduse of VLSI circuits design technology, Complex systems design and processors, Design

    process in embedded system, 8051 and Advanced PROCESSOR Architectures : 8051Architecture, Real world interfacing, Introduction to advanced architectures, Processor andMemory organization, Instruction Level Parallelism, Performance Metrics, Memory types

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    and addresses, Processor Selection, Memory Selection, Devices AND CommunicationBuses for Devices Network I/O Types and Examples, Serial Communication Devices ,Parallel Port Devices , Sophisticated Interfacing Features in Device Ports, WirelessCommunication Devices, Timer and Counting Devices , Watchdog Timers , Real TimeClocks, Networking of Embedded Systems, DEVICE DRIVERS AND INTERRUPTS

    SERVICING MECHANISM, PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS AND EMBEDDEDPROGRAMMING IN C, C++ and Java, PROGRAM MODELING CONCEPTS: Programmodels, Data flow graph models, State machine programming models for event controlled

    programs, Modeling of multiprocessor systems, UML modeling, REAL TIMEOPERATING SYSTEMS: Multiple processes in an application, Multiple threads in anapplication, Tasks, States and Sockets, Process Management, Timer Functions , EventFunctions, Memory management, Device, File, and IO Subsystems Management, InterruptRoutines in RTOS environment and handling of interrupt source calls by RTOS,Introduction to Real Time Operating System, Basic Design Using a Real Time OperatingSystem, RTOS Task Scheduling Models, RTOS PROGRAMMING : MicroC/OS-II andVxWorks, Types of real- time operating systems, RTOS mC/OS-II, RTOS VxWorks.

    56. 06EC-762(Elective) Real Time Systems 125 Marks4 Hours per week INTRODUCTION TO REAL-TIME SYSTEMS: Historical background, RTS Definition,Classification of Real-time Systems, Time constraints, Classification of Programs,CONCEPTS OF COMPUTER CONTROL: Introduction, Sequence Control, Loop control,Supervisory control, Centralized computer control, Distributed system, Human-computer interface, Benefits of computer control systems, COMPUTER HARDWAREREQUIREMENTS FOR RTS, LANGUAGES FOR REAL-TIMEAPPLICATIONS: Introduction, Syntax layout and readability, Declaration andInitialization of Variables and Constants, Modularity and Variables, Compilation, Datatypes, Control Structure, Exception Handling, Low-level facilities, Co routines, Interrupts

    and Device handling, Concurrency, Real-time support, Overview of real-time languages,OPERATING SYSTEMS: Introduction, Real-time multi-tasking OS, Scheduling strategies,Priority Structures, Task management, Scheduler and real-time clock interrupt handles,Memory Management, DESIGN OF RTSS GENERAL INTRODUCTION: Introduction,Specification documentation, Preliminary design, Single-program approach,Foreground/background, Multi-tasking approach, Mutual exclusion, Monitors.

    57. 06ECL-77 VLSI Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week Verilog Code for the following circuits and their Test Bench for verification, observe thewaveform and synthesize the code with technological library with given Constraints*. Dothe initial timing verification with gate level simulation: An inverter, A Buffer,

    Transmission Gate, Basic/universal gates, Flip flop -RS, D, JK, MS, T, Serial & Paralleladder, 4-bit counter [Synchronous and Asynchronous counter], Successive approximationregister [SAR]. ANALOG DESIGN: Design an Inverter, OpAmp and 4 bit R-2R Ladder DAC and SAR based ADC with specifications.

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    58. 06ECL-78 Power Electronics Lab75 Marks

    3 Hours per week Static characteristics of SCR and DIAC, Static characteristics of MOSFET and IGBT,Controlled HWR and FWR using RC triggering circuit, SCR turn off using i) LC circuit ii)Auxiliary Commutation, UJT firing circuit for HWR and FWR circuits, Generation of

    firing signals for thyristors/ trials using digital circuits / microprocessor, AC voltagecontroller using triac diac combination, Single phase Fully Controlled Bridge Converter with R and R-L loads, Voltage (Impulse) commutated chopper both constant frequency andvariable frequency operations, Speed control of a separately exited DC motor, Speedcontrol of universal motor, Speed control of stepper motor, Parallel / series inverter.

    59. 06EC-81 Wireless Communication125 Marks

    4 Hours per week Introduction to wireless telecommunication systems and Networks, History and EvolutionDifferent generations of wireless cellular networks 1G, 2G,3G and 4G networks, CommonCellular System components, Common cellular network components, Hardware andsoftware, views of cellular networks, Wireless network architecture and operation, Cellular

    concept Cell fundamentals, Capacity expansion techniques, Cellular backbone networks,Mobility management, Radio resources and power management Wireless network security,GSM and TDMA techniques, GSM system overview, GSM Network and systemArchitecture, GSM channel concepts, GSM identifiers, SM system operation, Traffic cases,Cal handoff, Roaming, GSM protocol architecture. TDMA systems, CDMA technology,Wireless Modulation techniques and Hardware, Characteristics of air interface, Path lossmodels, wireless coding techniques, Digital modulation techniques, Introduction to wirelessLAN 802.11X technologies, Evolution of Wireless LAN Introduction to 802.15Xtechnologies in PAN Application and architecture Bluetooth Introduction to Broadbandwireless MAN, 802.16X technologies.

    60. 06EC-82 Embedded System Design125 Marks

    4 Hours per week INTRODUCTION: Overview of embedded systems, embedded system design challenges,common design metrics and optimizing them. Survey of different embedded system designtechnologies, trade-offs. Custom Single-Purpose Processors, Design of custom single

    purpose processors, SINGLE-PURPOSE PROCESSORS: Hardware, Combinational Logic,Sequential Logic, RT level Combinational and Sequential Components, Optimizing single-

    purpose processors. Single-Purpose Processors, Standard Single-Purpose Peripherals,Timers, Counters, UART, PWM, LCD Controllers, Keypad controllers, Stepper Motor Controller, A to D Converters, MEMORY: Introduction, Common memory Types,Compulsory memory, Memory Hierarchy and Cache, Advanced RAM,INTERRUPTS: Basics - Shared Data Problem - Interrupt latency. Survey of

    Software Architecture, Round Robin, and Round Robin with Interrupts - Function Queues -scheduling - RTOS architecture, INTRODUCTION TO RTOS: Tasks - states - Data -Semaphores and shared data, Basic Design Using RTOS, Principles- An example,Encapsulating semaphores and Queues. Hard real-time scheduling considerations SavingMemory space and power. Hardware software co-design aspects in embedded systems.

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    61. 06EC-834(Elective) Biomedical Signal Processing125 Marks

    4 Hours per week INTRODUCTION TO BIOMEDICAL SIGNALS: The nature of Biomedical Signals,Examples of Biomedical Signals, Objectives and difficulties in Biomedical analysis,ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY, BASICS OF DIGITAL FILTERING: Digital filters, the Z-

    transform, elements of digital filter, types of digital filters, transfer function of a differenceequation, the z-plane pole-zero plot, the rubber membrane concept, ADAPTIVEFILTERS: Principal noise canceller model, 60-Hz adaptive canceling using a sine wavemodel, SIGNAL AVERAGING: Basics of signal averaging, signal averaging as a digitalfilter, a typical averager, DATA REDUCTION TECHNIQUES: Turning point algorithm,Fan algorithm, Huffman coding, ECG QRS DETECTION, ECG ANALYSISSYSTEMS: ECG interpretation, ST-segment analyzer, portable arrhythmia monitor. VLSIin Digital signal Processing: Digital signal processors, high performance VLSI signal

    processing, VLSI applications in medicine, VLSI sensors for biomedical signals, VLSItools, Choice of custom, ASIC, or off-the-shelf components.

    62. 06EC-841

    (Elective)Multimedia Communication

    125 Marks

    4 Hours per week MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS: Introduction, multimedia informationrepresentation, multimedia networks, multimedia applications, media types, communicationmodes, network types, multipoint conferencing, network QoS application QoS,MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION REPRESENTATION, TEXT AND IMAGECOMPRESSION, AUDIO AND VIDEO COMPRESSION : DPCM, ADPCM, APC, LPC,video compression principles, H.261, H.263, MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and MPEG-4,MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION NETWORKS: Introduction, LANs, Ethernet, Tokenring, Bridges, FDDI High-speed LANs, LAN protocol, THE INTERNET: Introduction, IPDatagrams, Fragmentation, IP Address, ARP and RARP, QoS Support, IPv8,BROADBAND ATM NETWORKS: Introduction, Cell format, Switch and Protocol

    Architecture ATM LANs, TRANSPORT PROTOCOL: Introduction, TCP/IP, TCP, UDP,RTP and RTCP.

    63. 06EC-85 Project Work 200 Marks

    6 Hours per week B.E Project: A L ow overhead Perfor mance M easur ement System on L inux f or M ul ti - core M ul ti -threaded Processors. Guide: Mr. Hemanshu T Vernenkar, Principal Engineer, Netlogic Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd.,Bangalore and Mr. K.P.Ravikumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics andCommunication Engineering, JSSATE, Bangalore.

    64. 06EC-86 Seminar75 Marks

    3 Hours per week

    B.E Seminar: Security Issues In Vehicular Ad- hoc Networks (VANETs)

    * Constitution of India and Professional Ethics and Environmental Studies: Objective TypeAssessment and have to pass the subject compulsorily, however marks will not be consideredfor awarding class / rank.