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Fundamentals of Machine Design Department

Valeriu DulgheruHead of chairAssociate professor, PhD in technical sciencesContactsAddress: 9/8, Studentilor St., block of study No. 6Tel: (+373022) 509-944E-mail: [email protected] adresa de e-mail este protejata de spamboti; aveti nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza I. General information"Engineering is a great profession. There is the fascination of watching a figment of the imagination emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to realization in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings jobs and homes to men. Then it elevates the standards of living and adds to the comforts of life. That is the engineer's high privilege." (Herbert Hoover preedinte al SUA, 1929-1933)Former U.S.A President said, clearly understand what he is talking about, Engineering is a great profession , this was said in the 1929-1933 period period of the big economical crisis. One of the known Prime Ministers stated on the same subject The country can progress only through engineers , this Prime Minister is one of the modern Romanian state founders, his name is I.C.Brtianu. These are undeniable truths, in special, in this uncertain period when Humanity tries to figure out the biggest Global Problems environmental compromise, energy and materials depletion, feeding a growing number of population. These problems can be solved only by engineers.It is well known that subjects taught in the Fundamentals of Machine Design Department build the firs layers of mechanical engineering carrier. Therefore it is strictly necessary to carry out structural and content optimization of the offered courses, to improve the engineering preparation according to future requirements. This became possible as a result of the Fundamentals of Machine Design Department foundation, under the chairs like: Machinology and machine parts, Material resistance and Study and Technology of Materials. All three chairs were founded in 1964 , when a half of century ago the first High Technical Institution from Moldova was set up Technical Institute from Chisinau (now the Technical University of Moldova) remaining the only one institution from Moldova with technical profile till now. Based on the rectors order nr. 774-r of 05.07.2012, after consolidation of the: Machinology and machine parts and Material resistance was founded Fundamentals of Machine Design Department. In 2014, as a result of the restructuring actions carried out at university, by creating the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Transportation , based on other faculties like : Engineering and Management in Machines Building and Mechanical Engineering and Transportation, based on the rectors order nr..390-r on 07.07.2014 was created the Fundamentals of Machine Design Department. The photo shows the organizational structure of the Department.Next will be presented the separately development of this three chairs until their consolidation.

Organizational structure of the department