Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)

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  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Case Presentation:

    DengueBy Michael B. Valderrama

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Objectives To present a case of Dengue Fever with

    warning signs

     To be able to discuss the dierentials!pathophysiology! clinical manifestations andprognosis of a patient with dengue withwarning signs

     To be able to discuss the appropriatemanagement of a patient with dengue feverwith warning signs

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    "eneral Data #$D%! &'yo! M

    (oman )atholic

    FilipinoMontalban! (i*al

    +dmitted on, #une - '&/

    +ccompanied by the Father! (eliability -0

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    )hief )omplaintFever and Vomiting

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1istory of the 2resent

    3llnessFive days prior to admission!3ntermittent! undocumented fever

    relieved by paracetamol 4'/ mg5%o vomiting! no cough and colds! and no loose


  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1istory of the 2resent

    3llnessTwo days prior to admission,6till with no cough and colds! no vomiting and no

    loose stoolsFever persisted

    %ow with accompanying abdominal pain in theepigastric area with no radiation to surrounding areas.

    )onsult sought at 7nares 1ospital

    )B)41gb, &&'! 1ct, .'8! 9B), :.8! 2latelets, &'/5.Initial Diagnosis: Urinary tract infection

    prescribed )efale;in 4unrecalled dose5 andparacetamol '/ mg before discharge.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1istory of the 2resent

    3llnessOne day prior to admission!Fever and epigastric pain still persisted

    %ow with accompanying vomiting of threeepisodes! &cc

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1istory of the 2resent

    3llnessOn te day of admission,Fever! epigastric pain and vomiting were

    persistent which prompted consult.6till with no coughs and colds! and loose stools.

    )B) was ordered at the 2)M) 41gb, &=>! 1ct,=:! 9B), /.'! 2latelets, ?85.

    +dvised admission

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


     Temporal 2ro@le

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    !eview of "edications and #abs%o medications! vitamins and herbal


    )B) from 7nares 1ospital, 41gb, &&'! 1ct,.'8! 9B), :.8! 2latelets, &'/5.

    )B) from 2)M), 41gb, &=>! 1ct, =:! 9B), /.'!2latelets, ?85.

    (ising 1ct! decreasing platelet count.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    (eview of 6ystems

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    2ast Medical 1istory%o history of +sthma! allergies! and primary


    2revious 1ospitali*ations'/ for $cute gastroenteritis

    2revious 6urgeries'= for incision and drainage of a %ec&

    abscess •  There are no Anown allergies to food and


  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Family 1istory There is no 1istory of Malignancies! DM! 1T%!


  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Family "enogram

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    %utritional 1istoryBreastfeeding, Birth until &./ years

    Formula 4%estogen! Bona5 until > years.

    )omplementary feeding at / months.

    '= hour diet recall,(ice and adobo for breaAfast

    (ice and porA sinigang for lunch

    fried @sh and mongo for dinner.

    Morning snacA was bread and milA.

    • 2reference for chicAen! porA! beef and suash andregularly consumes softdrinAs and junA food forsnacAs.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Birth and Maternal

    1istory2reterm 4unrecalled +O"5 to a '/ year old

    ":2' 4'&'5

    %onCsmoAer! nonCdrinAer! regular prenatalchecACups starting & month

    )aesarean 6ection by an OBC"7% in ahospital.

    Birth weight and height was unrecalled+2"+(, good cry after delivery.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Birth and Maternal

    1istoryMother tooA unrecalled Multivitamins

    Maternal complications, preCecplamptic duringdelivery

    Vitamin E and eye care

    %ewborn screening done

    Baby noted to jaundiced

    resolved after one weeA.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    3mmuni*ation 1istoryB)" 4&5! D2T 4:5! O2V 4:5! 1iB 4:5! 1epB 4=5!

    MM( 4'5! measles 4&5

    (otavirus 45! 2neumococcal 45! 3nuen*a 45Varicella 45! 1ep + 45 and Typhoid 45.

    1e has not yet had boosters for 1ep B! DTa2!and MM(

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Developmental 1istory(ross motor: )an stand on his own at &

    months! walA up stairs alone at 'yrs

    Fine $daptive: MaAes circular stroAes at '

    #anguage: Enows name and se;! most ofspeech intelligible to strangers at :yrs.

    )ocial: 2arallel play and helps in dressing at

    : yrs

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Developmental 1istoryat par with age! with no noted delay in gross

    motor! @ne adaptive! social and languagedevelopmental milestones.

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    2ersonal! 6ocial and Gnvironmental

    1istoryDwelling, one storey! twoCbedroom! concrete

    house with adeuate ventilation

    6i;Cmember household

    +ccess to electricity

    2otable water from a re@lling station

    %o e;posure to environmental to;ins!

    bioha*ards and tobacco."arbage collection, three times a weeA!


    %o history of recent travel.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1GG+D666Home:1ome life is happy

    2arents provide for the needs of the family

    2atient e;pressed love and respect for theparents and his sibling.

    Occasional disciplinary spanAing

    (ules are fairly strict especially in academics2arents can be relied upon when having a


    %o recent major changes in the family

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1GG+D666Education: The child is in grade >

    elementary! a consistent honor student and iscurrently top & of his class. 1e was not bullied

    by classmates or other children in thecommunity.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1GG+D666Education:"rade > elementary

    )onsistent honor student

    )urrently top & of his class.

    Favorite subject, 6cience

    "ets along well with teachers and classmates

    1e is not bullied by classmates or other childrenin the community.

    %o goals

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1GG+D666Eating Behavior 2reference for chicAen! porA! beef and suash

    and regularly consumes softdrinAs and junA

    food for snacAs*specially li&es fried cic&en and


    %o diets

    )ees self as tin

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1GG+D666 Activity HiAes to play basAetball and tumbang preso

    with friends and classmates

    6pends about ' hours browsing social mediaduring holidays and weeAends. %one duringschool days

     TV, & hour everyday

    1as a male bestfriend in his class.

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    1GG+D666Drugs1as no friends who smoAe! drinA or tried drugs

    1as not tried drugs himself, fears parents

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1GG+D666Sexuality 3nterested in opposite se;! but has no crushes

    or girlfriends

    %o forced or uncomfortable se;ual e;periences.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1GG+D666Suicide and Depression1as no suicidal ideations

    Does not hurt himself 

    Financial situation of family maAes him sad

    6leeps well

    Vents anger or sadness through crying

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    1GG+D666Safety %ot a member of a gang or fraternity

    +ccompanied by the mother or father going toand from school

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    1GG+D666Spirituality (oman )atholic

    Believes in "od

    2rays at night but does not go to churchregularly

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    )ta&eolders+ $nalysis

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    2hysical G;amination(eneral $ppearance+waAe! alert! and not in cardiorespiratory

    distress. 9eaAClooAing.

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    2hysical G;amination9eight, :=Ag

    1eight, &=cm

    BM3 &8.:1F+, between C& and C' 4%ormal5

    BM3F+, between and C& 4%ormal5

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    2hysical G;aminationVitals Signs: B2, ? 1(, >? bpm ((, &'

    bpm T, :>./ )

    Head and Neck : %ormocephalic! ushedface! %o )H+D6! %o necA vein engorgement.%o lesions in scalp

    Eyes: +nicteric sclerae! 2inA palpebral

    conjunctivae! %o eye discharge! %o periorbitaledema! %o matting of eyelashes! Gyes arebrisAly reactive to light! 4I5 (ed orange ree;.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    2hysical G;aminationEars: Gars are symmetric. Gar canal is nonC

    hyperemic and tympanic membrane is notbulging. %o tragal tenderness. Visible cone of

    light bilaterally! with brownish retainedcerumen partially occluding the ear canalsbilaterally.

    Nose: %asal Bridge is at! no alar aring!nasal septum is midline! and turbinates arepinA with no watery nasal discharge.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    2hysical G;aminationral !avity: Dry lips! moist oral mucosa!

    hyperemic buccal mucosa and pharyngealwalls. %o tonsilar enlargement. Dental carries

    present. %o gingival and mucosal lesions.

    !ardiovascular: +dynamic precordium! %oheaves no thrills! (egular cardiac rate andrhythm! Distinct heart sounds s&Js' at thebase! +pe; beat at the =th 3)6 M)H! %omurmurs appreciated.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    2hysical G;amination!hest and "ungs: 6ymmetric chest

    e;pansion! %o retractions! %o lesions ormasses. )lear breath sounds

    Back and Spine: %o lesions and obviousspinal deformities.

     A#domen: Flat abdomen! no distention! no

    scars! no masses! normoactive bowel soundsand tympanitic on all uadrants! withepigastric tenderness 4pain scaleK /

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    2hysical G;amination$elvis and %& tract: %

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    6alient Features

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    2hysical G;amination

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    2hysical G;amination

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Primary or&ing ImpressionDengue Fever wit arning signs-vomiting and abdominal pain.'

    6ymptom presentation +bsence of hemorrhagic symptoms

    3nitial and follow up )B) 4rising haematocrit /C&0! leuAopenia


  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Patopysiology of

    Dengue(ecovery from infection by one provideslifelong immunity against that particularserotype.

    )rossCimmunity to the other serotypes afterrecovery is only partial and temporary.

    6ubseuent infections by other serotypesincrease the risA of developing severe dengue.

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  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Patopysiology of

    Dengue9arning signs occur :8 days after the @rstsymptoms in conjunction with a decrease intemperature 4below :-P)

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    )ourse of 3llness

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    DiagnosisVirus isolation serotypic days and ifprocessed without delay

    Viral nucleic acid detection

    CDengue genome detection using (TC2)(

    Viral antigen detection 4%6&5CDeclines to undetectable levels at day /C>.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    Diagnosis3mmunological response based tests 3gM and 3g" antibodyassayssimple and rapid test based on detecting the dengueCspeci@c

    3gM antibodies in the test serum using antiChuman 3gM

    +nalysis for haematological parametersTrombocytopenia! a drop in platelet count below &

    per Ql! is usually found between the third and eighth day ofillness often before or simultaneously with changes in

    haematocrit./aemoconcentration with an increase in the haematocrit of

    '0 or more is considered to be a de@nitive evidence ofincreased vascular permeability and plasma leaAage.

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  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


     Therapeutics Treatment of uncomplicated dengue fever is)upportive'

    $ntipyretics should be used to Aeep bodytemperature L=P) 4&=PF5.+spirin is contraindicated

    Fluid and *lectrolyte !eplacement

    reuired for de@cits caused by sweating!fasting! thirsting! vomiting! and diarrhea.

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  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    2rognosis"ood but care should be taAen to avoid use ofdrugs that suppress platelet activity.

    3n dengue hemorrhagic fever! Death hasoccurred in =C/0 of patients with shocA! butwith adeuate intensive care! deaths shouldoccur in L&0 of cases.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    2reventive Measures and 2ublic

    1ealth 3ssues+voidance of daytime householdCbased

    mos0uito bites'3nsecticides! repellents! body covering with

    clothing! screening of houses! and destruction of A.aegypti breeding sites.

    9ater should not be stored for long periods oftime to prevent it from becoming mosuito

    breeding sites.Harvaecides can be used in stored drinAing water.

    Vaccines are not yet available but are currentlyunder development.

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    2rogress %otes

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    2rogress %otes

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


    (eferences!eferences:Eliegman et. al. 4'&&5 Nelson’s Textbook of

    Pediatrics! &?th edition

    9orld 1ealth Organi*ation. '&&.Comprehensive guidelines for prevention andcontrol of dengue and dengue haemorrhagicfever. Revised and expanded edition. 91O,(egional ORce for 6outhCGast +sia.

  • 8/20/2019 Dengue Case Presentation Pedia (PCMC)


     Tan& you1