TO MY FAVOKITE LITERARY CRITIC. it. at titm-s I hand you \\ ritings la my ___._. style, .' proee or rhyminj- aml yon tbem with a charming smile. "Some are g<>od." you tell me mildly; M8oane ara elovor; some are true. Hut they never tljrill me wildly Joft because the au'.hor'.s you." " you say, "you see. I kvotc you. K- w fOQ and your family. You're just one of us.and bo you J'ail to get across with me. If you had a reputation. Then I mightn't fot. like this. . y.Hi have my exp'anation. Vou don't take my words umiss?" Katalie, I'm too re lined to Kumc as coarser souls mipht do. Still.frivo hood: were I inelined to Write of you and only you. Were I forced to wait till they a- IVstrophi/.ed you nt each feast, I'd not pen a line for.say a .Well, we'il say a month, at least' Im'S.'U.K.S. 'A HERE WILL SCIENTE STOP? .low whether you or Old Hey Broun should be the -. d that the great and all-festering povernment in ^.a;.. -ut prar.tcd to Arthur F, Iilanchard, of Cambridpe, p patent one million one hundred and ninety-eipht ., mu ndred and one, the exclusive ripht to make, use, aad yct*d a BOltcda Movic-Writer claimed in the following luminous language: "A acenarlo foraing device comprlaln*. a caae, a plorallty ef truup* ef plot auggesting medla movably tnounted therein, And meana to present to the operator thought itimulating medla Ib re.ati-vely logical Bequence." If this is not perfectly clear to you, let me explain that the idea ii to moant n Ret of l»Ht_4 on rollers in a box, the belts being copiously insfrib.d-ah, now you bepin to catch!.throuphout their lenpth with plotful WOrdi of different eategoiieo, and a portion of each appearing throuph 8 little row of windows. Seated before this equipment, all .hat the "operator" (I toaiet upon the quotes) has to do is to twid- "i]t tl. ntil he pets a cnmbination of stimuli to which hc 'em again and react, and so on, nailing down a com¬ plete lWical plot every clip and no duplicates. al! quite aut/.matic jrd . Waa ever achievement like Arthur's? J. F. R. THE PREP SCHOOL TALKERS. -l.eard, by W. M. H-. in a Freokly. dairy luD-hroom '¦(]r.\ you look sore." "Sure am." ..Whafxha pit?" "Aw, they put me back in the thoid Enplish." ¦Geo, what's Enplish potta do wit mechanic-?" "Ycah, listen. I did three months of it la_t toim, now heie I potta k»e the time I was gonna put in on G'om'try." "Aw, it's like that. these new teachers getohcr poat." "Y'lih, they eure does." ne a napkin." I on, we gotta git outa here." THE LACONIC AD-WRITER I. ansu-r te- ai a*T-rt'aemcr.t for a wrUflfl « kOttrU.-..f CBflf I n: Your advertlsement that appeared, advocating for na - ng writer, for tho position on your staff in either N. Y. I '7 or an op-etate village; galary $40.00 per week to start, has a- thls Mtf'r ?" .jj rm you that while although a' proeent em- ct concerr.s of iti kind, in the capacity iving, Storekeeper, Stockclork and Sign-I'ainting that I hava prored proficient to my employers, I am not eiactlj satisfied with my voeation; for I have been re- r^end Mr.---, who hoMs a very ....... in n. y city, that ?J r.-mpositions, and with my learn- .. that I would make a tirst-cas. adver- U, , fact that I am now as good as M* 0 the l^ to-cav; for I have that remarkable ability about myself, that when I irr. i / know. In <- Bhow<aH writir.g and s,pn-pa.nt*.np one ¦al instinet and be very wtll acquamted with the _eec= of the various rtorea, manufacturers, jobbcrs and etc. and thirteen years of >U4*eaeful busineaa, I receive yet, regarding my drawnng on -, r -,-al of various material; in fact of late - , much eomp'.imentcd upon my means of ad- aaatt , w J huve _:-ed my writing-i, the iibji has alwa- 1 w-ith sa. g and where I gained my I relate to you the followiiig: at the age of e.^n- ,-as inelined to draw, and therefore took up how tO do cartooninp, and after mastennp this Er.; -. , tok, Up artistic siiow-rard writing, namely - Rail Road, announcing their vanou | trips, .0,iS, aceomodations, and general chur- i-.ns and trips; whereas from this I got .ng-wrinnp. for I work under the ln m .**"* v'r''er- , , I blftod for myself, < r,..*.juen.ly loratmg ,n . -. \ WTitei .rd goaeral s.rn-pa.nter for many Of the .: ' tOfOI in that dty; hut unfortunately ,..e u,y dut.es up w.th the .... .... ,,h-r m.m, and that I re- lertf: of the sign-painting ihipping a;,d receiving __«_! ' rem.emy forrner you w.il give thc fotl '^ uttT,0st ... you that l w.il Btalrai peeet. b, a.e a |jtl>OII of remark-.ble memory, atatwical detominat "-<!. "f a r> hne courteoua ar.d ohliging: with ehray* that,. "'hatwi'h hat in hand, the young man um th. land."- and above all. that whil* although 1 om e ao;7 ad M4M / am *w**m* U U*fam V>u that tu yei, kate v' i I drxnk le take of intax COtinp hr>"r^ ifTKiently out, lme^ | < tfling Hae ' »m .** ^" l a.rn' ¦ tpoct to bo tho recipient ol ¦ ravorooio reply h rr.t: an interv.ew, with winhing you con- Very gratefully yours, WHY ADWRITU-3 RUN UP LACE CURTAINS. "Lor,'» ¦,,, Irjafi »n gawfu] time hun'ing Op JoIbM to put in il tr]»r' "Why dont y.,u try tr. get a regular |_ah that will pay you T^A mi.l.ayV "My broChor in-!aw want. a little DOoUot writfen for his saaaja i VM ¦_¦ yoa'4 do H fot ^othlaja;, but I'll pay you the %i ¦ftraelf** "hoBradoa (gaaathtf ad-wrlu-r) told hm tb. Baturday Pc*H *». V,f^ a year t>,r * DOffO. I didn't. .wallow it. All you ad- **¦ Ka,- to t_j *a much,- ""KWK' 'o, jr^y yatra we _*»» h'U^i lo Hg-Mptl 9*\ tta Orand 2»70n, Ar.//,r,. _mn__am_l graridio-.e, bumorouB, trlte. Hut lt M *. m. W. L. V. graatrlhotl our favorit*. "How waadaHuV1 he trrite. traa* Wa iauafaa, 0*ehet4\ Ull, %l'*»* i aafe alaei to Lhre-e w.m out ifotf '^"r ""J*??1 ANNEW. MEANS SOON TO BE BRIDE Will Be Married to Val- entine Worthington Saturday. SKATING CLUB PLANS OPENING OF SEASON Miss Mary S. Knowles En gaged to Edward C. Beard. The marriage of Miss Anne Middlo- ton Means, daughter by a former mar- raige of htra. Atthur Little, of 3j Cam* monwaalth Avenue, BoEton, to Yalen- tine Worthir.gt/in, son of Mrs. M. <1. Worthingtoa, of £9 Kast Beveaty* aovonth Street, this city, will be cele- brated at noon on Saturday, in i"t. John's Chureh, Beverly Farms, Mass. The Kcv. N'eilson Poc Carey, rector ef the chureh, will perform the ceremony, whieh will be followed by a reception and breakfast at the Old School House, the country homo of Mr. and Mrs. Little, at Beverly Farms. Bfil s Jessie K. Means will act aa her liater'l maid of honor and only at¬ tendant, and Harold Worthington will be his brother's baat man. 'The ushera will be the Hon. Thomas Spring-Kiee, of the British Embassy, Washington; }¦'. I'ennington Pearaon and Roy King, of New York; Henry Malcolm Thomas, jr., of Baltimora; A. Nieholas Lfggio, of Bcverly Farms, and Robert W. Means and W. Gordon Means, brothers of the bride. Tbe Monday Afternoon Skating Club will open tho season on N%vember 6. Mrs. R. W. Hawkeaworth and Mrs. A. A. Cater will be in charge of the nnk and tea room. Among the patron. are Mrs. William K. Dick, Mrs. Her¬ bert L. Satterlee, Mrs. Moscs Taylor, Mrs. Barger Wallnch. Mrs. Oliver (iould Jenningn, Mrs. Walter B. James, Mrs. \V. Goadby Loew, Mrs. ('. LedvarJ Blair, Mr*. Hugfa D. Auchincloas, Mi A. Burden, Mrs. \V. PieraOB Ham ilton, Mrs. Dave H. Morris, Mrs. Goodhua Liviagatea, Mrs. Archibald D. ra. Fredari* F. Carey, Mra. Alvin W. Krech, Mrs. Charles M. < ha;iin. Mra. Franc:.- McN. Bacon and Mra, Raaaall 11. Uoadley, jr. Jamea Knowles, of 889 Sanford Avc- nue, Pruahing, Long Lland, announces ihe engagement of his daughter, Miss Mary Btruthen Knowles, to F.dwnrd r lii ard, of -77 Madiaon Avenue, Plushing. Mr. and Mrs. William B. *>ank!in and Miss Graea Franklin, who are no'. Bl Grafran Farm, Katonah, N. T- will spend th* winter at L'il Fast Sixty- sixth Street. Mr. ar.d Mra William H. Downey ie- i Sunday from the Thou.aand i.-l- and" to their home in Tenafly, X. J., when they will remain until January. Thea they will go to Bermuda for tne remainder of the winter. Mrs Reginald de Kovcn has gone «o Hot Spriaga, '».. to bpend ceveral weVks. - Mis- Am a T,. Strert is ii guest ol Mrs. H. Van Krnssrlaer Kennedv Bt her country home in Heinpsteod, uBBg Island. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott 'Jerrish have closed their country plaee at Mul- berry Point, Conn., and are af It Seventy>aixth Street for the wiater. Ralrh J. Preaton, ef 101 Park Ave- nue, will give a 'tance in Sherry's ©n December tl fur his dehutante daugh¬ ter, Mia* Evelyn W. Preeten. Miss ''and A. Harriman has returned te Ardan, K. Y., from Brya Mawr, I'enn., where ahe was the guest of Mrs. John R. Valentine. Mrs. Henry Clewa will return *o the city to day from her villa in Newport. Mr. and Mr'. W. Averrll Harriman will api lor Ib Eagleao od, K. J., where they flBVB taken a houae. PIPING ROCK MEET TO END ON THURSDAY a,, When Edward F. Whitney's filly First Ballot won the Heyday Plate at the meeting of the Pipiog Roeh Hunt As r.eiation last Saturday he became the poaaeeaor of tbe handsorne trephy that was offered by Joseph E. Davis. A condition of the gift was that it ihould be wafl twice beforo it became thfl prapetty Bf any sportsman. The previous winner to acore for Mr. Whit- M y B lly, Rhina Maiden. For tha leeoad day of th* Piping Roeb me< ng, Thuraday Col -he Harbor Hill Bteeplechaae, fi threa rear-olds, is the big featara, an l the cup that goes with that running hiiaj ,..( n WOii twica ln aueeaaaion by Josepb E. Davia, with Single Stiek and I Mr. Davia is going ta try hard to make lt three in ¦ row, nnd the ihowing of Uryn Chant and Brookn, tandidatea, mak,;a hia chance particularly bright. In addition to the, Hurhor Hill, thera will alao be decided the I'iping I'.ock ption Bteeplechaae Handicap. the weight* of whieh were announced last Wl .. -a - DIES AS MISSION STJCCEEDS Father Mslian Won Approval of $600,- 000 Chureh Morlgage. Having act in metion tbe projeet for the BrOCtlOfl of a modern ediflre, the RaV. Thomas F Myhan, of the Roman Catholle Chareh of the Bleeeed Sacra- ment, did not live to see its ronium- mation. Father Myhan died on Sunday in a taaicah from heart di*ea«e while on his w«v te Bt Joaeph'a Chureh to preach " golden Jabilec atttaaa for Mom gnor Edwarda. An applleatlon signed by Father Myhan a few daya before bia «i.-ai»», for ,,..,. aaioa te mortgaga tha praperty ,,i bi* (hurih, at Broadway and S<".-| ,,,..,¦. f°» taoOftOQ w<\* hp- proved yeaterday hy Jaatlea Golf, fBther Mvhi.n aet forlh that the moacy, whieh vsas u- ba advancad by| the Emlgrant Induttnal ,Sa4int,'s Bank, trould b* U*i '! tO baild a modern churrli atruefure and parochial school. Car- diBBl J arley g.va tht projeet hia ap¬ proval. ____ ( HK KKIIINfi-KO( H. Ml Malielle Korh. daughter of Mr Md Mra. afebfl A Korh. flf PlelBlUld. N J and .loteph E ChiclmrillB. ir. of laong' laland, ayeri married ia Plainlleld ,,,,,., by tha li-v Dr. C. M. An. daraon Mi" Hu'h Klein araa th* aaaid ... onor and A. A. Aikoii th* beel man. FOE TO ALIEN LAND LAW FOR JAPANESE CABINET Baron Sakatani Offered Pnst of Minister of Finance. Tokio, Oct. 9. Baron Sakatani, who ib in the I'nited Statea, will ba eATered the post of Mialater ef Finance in tne r.ew Japaaeae Cabinet, aceording to the "Hoehi Shimbun." Baron Sakatani, who waa a d< lega'.e t0 the economic conference of the Fr.Uiite Allies, in Faxis, recently as.serted that it was a matter of "jur-tice and neceeeity" ta Ameriean lawa alleged to dis- crimiaata againat th* Japaneae. Fearful of the re.suits of the giov.- ir g apprehem-ion m America a) 1 < iiina thal the new ministry of Pre¬ mier Terauchi will be tOO Bggreaaiva :n diplomatic and military affain, the "Asahi Shimbun" BaatOBI to .issure the people of both countries: that tne nevr Cabinet does not represent the 44;!! of the nation. Baron Shibusawa, president of the American-Japane.-e Association, quoted as havir.g .said that a chang? in miniatry involving the formation of a non-party Cabinet as unfortunate. Ra ,i .-aid to have urged the Premier tii reject any idea OI H a hi«.Ti might cau.«p nneaainea* in America and ii.jure the Uipioniatic progreBfl <-f Japan. 21 NEW CASES ON PLAGUE ROLL Twelve Deaths Also Added to List in Two Days. There were twenty-one new casea and twelva deaths from Infantile paralysis in greater IS'ew York on Sunday and yesterday, aceording to the Board of Health records. Fight caaes and aix deaths were reported on Sunday and thirteen casea and aix dcathB yesterday. Saturday's record was twelve casea and f.ve deaths. An appeal for funds with whieh to provide extra ambulances and for the proffer of private motors, 'buses or delivery trucks for transporting ron- valescing ehildren paraly/.ed by pollo- myehtis to and from tl ll each day for treatment was issued yester¬ day at a meeting of the transporta¬ tion committee of the New York Com- mittea on After Care of Infantile Pa-' relyala Casea. "T'.vehe hundred treatments each day ara neeeoaary immed ab ti.e childrea diacharged from haa] after tho aeute and ataga has passed," said Mr.i. Rita Lydlg, chairman. "This aftor-care is an u"er Boeeeaity, an.l phyalciana state that im- lo* treatment i- Btaited at BBCO thc majority of ti:ese ponr little tots will be crij 7r." Herreasr I patate. Seventeen new cases and one death out- a'de of the city were reported to the ite liepartment of Health at. Albany. The ogan ihi e a decreaae of four in the Bumbei ef caa. mer laal Mbb day'-. \v. k end report. The .i'a'h WBB reported from Tuxedo. Oraagfl County, and thi .ases fi..rn tn.. following coun- P/eatc] ter, Jeffei l Cay. uga, two each; Herkimer, 0 Onaida, 8t Iawreaee, otondaga, Wns.»i. ingtoii, i benango, Beheharie. rister, Rocklaad and Orange, eae each. I even new eaaei were reported in N'ew Jersey. Trenton lad Wlth three. I'ther eaOB* were; HackcBaBCB. two; Camden, Vineland, Irvington, Newark, hem and Praepect 1'nrk, one each. new eaaea and deaths of Sunday and yeaterday were reported from the follOB New eaaea Bor of Manhattan: 122 Baal Bavi .. '. 10 Av. bb* li, 81 An.steiiiam AvoBBB, U0 R, .- Sixty-four Street, 2482 Scventh Avi Deaths Borough of Manl .,r. Street, 20*, sVea. I08d Btreet, 118 Eaal Beventy-eighth Stnet, f At- torney Street, 2482 Beventh Avenue, 41., 1.1 . Piftj ixth .-'net \iw eaaei Borough <>f The Bronx: i »5 |. 211 0 Avenue, 9299 (.leason Avenue. l,ion A .. .. 1163 IaOl gWOOd Avenue. 1>, atl Borough of The Hronx: 828 Eaat I42d Street. l Jackaofl Btreei pai aic. N. J. (died Biveraide Hoapl* ...,: i; 798 ] eth Street, 1501 H lead Avenm New eaaoa Boroagh of Bror.klvn: 141 Wyekofl Aveaae, 81 Ellerr street. |848 IVilloUghby Avenue. 1-"" St. John s I'laee, 860 Yermont Btreei Death* Borough of Hrooklyn: None. Naw eaaea- Borough of Queeaai 14 I; dge Street, Long Island City; 34 Bal ria Avenue. Winl Maapeth Ave¬ nue, Maapeth; Bi llc A- enue. Baj Id*. Deathi Boroogl ol Quei bb: MO Oreenwood Avenue. R .nd Hill; iOO Eleventh Avenue, | City. --» FIVE CHILDREN H0MELESS Father in Jail, Mulher in Hospital, Court Care* for Them. Five ehildren, found two weeni ago lorked ifl their home at 820 Kast ITTfh ', The Hronx, while their mother, Mr... Daniel Claacy, was lyiag seriously ill in St. Francis Hospital from what vus aaid to have been lack "' food and abuaiva treatment bv her husband.arera takeB before Juetiea Byan in Tha Hronx Childrea'* I oari yearerdaj by Philip Leweathal, apacial agent of the ( hildren'i Society of Hronx County. ... r ith< r haa been i-eniei.ced to tne workboua* for aia months for failure to contributa te their aupport. l<, ,- yeara old, ivaa placed in charge of relatives in HOW J*l Joaeph, eleven: dargaret, tea, aad Daniel ar.d Gladya, Bevaa-year-old twiaa, were lefl temporarily "i eaatody of tiie aeciety, pending eirorta to place them with other relattvee. a CEMETERY ENJ0INS QUEENS Court BUyfl Move lo Cut Slreet Through $.',00,000 in Tomhatlonea. Attorrieys for the I.utheran Ceme- tery. in Middle VlOsfe, QaeeBB, got an injunrtion In the Coui.tv CoBTt yester- day to raatralfl rapreaaatativea ef Bor¬ ough President Connolly from cutting b itraat through < .00 worth of tombatonea and flaaaaolouma. The greend on whicb the marble ob- Btructian* BtaBd waa formerly Way- land Avenue. lt was added to the cemetery deriag th* regim* ef n J,,,'' Caeaidy Tha corporation ( oun- mI recently decided the cemetery i tui* to tha land wa* faulty and tl a avenue ,,,.!,' ba roopi »ed fromJuniperA tfl Muunt Olivet Avenue. a diatanee of a quHrter nf n mile. Bronx Anti-Litter Crusade On. The Hronx Committe.' ef the Anti- Utter Leaga* will hold lt* Irot meet- ing thia afternoon at the omcea <. Andrew E. Kalbach, Depaty Btreet Cleanlng Cemmlaaloner, at 2804 Tniro Avenue The ron.i.nttee will forrnu- late | plan of campaign againat the taaeiag of littar and ethei rrfut^ en tl publil higl.vsu)! and ifl 1*4 parka ,,i Tha Bronx, FIRE PAGEANT LESSON TO CITY -7 Prevention Day Observed in Streets, Homes, Schools and Factories. FLOAT PORTRAYS BURNINO BLOCK Adamson Spreads Warn- ing About Gasolene, Matches and Cigarettes. Every man. woman Bnd child in N'ew Vork was urged yesterday to be¬ come a volunteer fireman. In cele- brating Fiie I'r. v.ntion Day the city authont.e3 canil '1 tbe p ventive campaiirn into the strce's. homes, acho If, manufacturing plants, office buildings and hotels. Every one, from the child who plays with fire and the young man who earalaaaly flipa bil lighted cigarette into a pile of rabhish to the negli- gent manufacturer and even the _.r withiB the city's gates, had H,. li BB bronght to his uttention in one way ai » Thfl inrrst Irnpreaaiva feature waa a parade af tha I tmaBt baad, :, pieces cf apparataa aad tan Aeata through the manufacturing ahoppiag, reaidential and tenement distrieta, atartiag at the Munieipal Bnilding and proceed.ng au far north as Seventy-second Street. Burning Block Portrayed. One float, representing a burning tl block, calied attention to the fact that more than 11,000 factories. iwOll* ings and other buildings were at¬ tacked by fire Iast year, entailing a loss of 15,148,000. The part education playa in halpiag the city to conquer Ara was pointed out by another bear- ing a nuniature Washington IrvinK High School lilled with girls in thin, clflflsie drapery. dtlu-r t.oats calied attention to the that children playing Wlth fre .he city |S*,T11 Iast year; that the eareleaa aaa of matches started i.;i4 Area; that 1,80. Area were flted ni-iir.-ttes an.l ' thal '.4" l< bi aa with aaa lighta a: d tan i eanaed "il Area co tin-- $1*4,775. Still others ealled tioa to the dangera o! u*ing t>en- tine, i-aoleaa aad nai htl u Oaa float ,| m group af factory girls huddled on a Ara escape. I «-. tiirc* l.i>en in Schools. lactarea arara givflfl iti the Mhaoll and Fire CoB8* Robei . AdameoB aaat bread* . bearing thr* follow* n .right red latterai "Thia is I- ire PreveatlaB Day. CleaB un rubbiah." Hi circulars. call.rtg BtteBtiOB to the tire . ..... The Commiaaioner pointed out that 7f. per eaat oi taa Araa o.-i-ur ia homes from eareleaa aaa of aaatebee, defec- i.ve or evarheated ateeea aad heat- ing plaata or earelcsaaeaa with ga» Aaaaaa. - .-a--. ACTRESS WINS ENTRY T0 U. S. BY COURT ORDER Girl Held Four Months at Ellis Island Allowcd to Land. i! Ida Boaa Caeanaagh, b young Lon¬ don vaudevillc aetrees, who has been i al Eallia lalaad since Iast June ptnding .leportatiori proccedings, will he permitt.-.i to land as a result of an opiaioa liled in the Uaitad Statrs Dia* trict Court yesterday by Judge Manton in a aabeaa corpus preeeediBg. An ordi-r of departatiaB was first uv -in .1 oti the ground that she was an im- n.oiu! pcraOB, tie government authori¬ ties baBJBg bflaJB iBfonBfld anonymously of relations she Ifl all'-ged to have had on a riait to this country !' Lflvy, formerly a tax appraiser ef this city an>l now a real dealer IB I.ong Uranch, N. J. i CavaaBBgh anl Mr. Levy tea* tbey were to be married on her releaee. A s.-cond charge was then placed BgflinBt the artress to thr- flffflCl that thflra 4\as danger of her hcroming a public eharge. Ifl answer to this Judge Manton aaid that Levy bad an ineome of $7,000, Bfl annual eartiing capacity 0f 110,000 .-'-4 B tux aipraiaar and real irorth 11 1,000. The eoart also ,1 out tlmt ev.-n it Levy doesn't la Bgreemeat to marry Miss BBgh ahfl h.-nl more than |1"0 when she arrived and can enrn a good as a daacer and aiager or a -a. British Subject Changes Name. Enail Laasaberg, «. co*ton, waallea nea gooda raerehaat, who was I,,,.,, ; una a naturalized of (Jrcflt Britaia and la row a resident of Mount Vernon. yesterday Ifliofl from County bI White Plaiae, to naraa to Charlea Kdward iry. He sai'l he Wflfl dl ehnrged \ igti * by a Hritish tirtn from hc v.hs receiving a aalary of j 1,000 ¦» yaar. \VI1\T If C'.OING ON TO-DAY. [.-¦? ..'" '--' - '¦' tkt ' ,-.'- \ i! u-l ¦' ".. ' 4ft, .,, , \ . / arleal I'art i.. ¦-'¦* U i.. '' .p '¦' rai lt ta . :*iy autl i n_> w**_j i tn* c** ¦* **« \,.| , .-. Ia 44 r.l V ra. , a rnal W MaiJJja mi "BfajtaBfl Oe> .'. \ . a__ffl, 4 p m. ul. of Na- Y irt. 1I ra, 1 V li. llaalllg Of ' Ul "" r*,tf '" ,h r''itjll0U«a\ |M BaW-aW Mr.--'. Bmllaa. > P m. .<____. i, I.. m u hti-..«. ¦*'.:;.''"¦.; ira l.i.l. A i.laiu* .*; Ui Bi B u' Lawtwa Bl I" '!.'>- ta B**«a* or, .Taplo- ' linort.-m *-.-.. Waal Tl.)-., , rr ar.l r* l.lil'i Ua . \ .1 .. , f... »la »...' ¦-.'. Iln .' Bi '' ¦*' "' V awiiui . '¦""; *''¦ , ... .... Un Ma-, ., Murrir. ' ".?.' .,¦.¦ \. - r ..- ... |... .»|lOC llu i. ¦¦ l!a> a ;'?i \ym tram I. Mi.'.r l-i'.'.lr- rt'ho..l ' .ilwal II. -.¦ . II " ,r- *'i,r"> . -.,-:-.: ML.-.-v. tral I'ark 44 I rtamiTh T lir.iia M i/... I. Bai \. .' ' » .1. Hall , . An anJ ,, . u . , J..IU. Uuli'.-r A Un . ',!:. ',, ^. . , Atamua ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTI EMENT. |_AHVKRTISEMENT. Yo. 2. Must the Greatest State Have the Worst Government? Whitman's $18,000,000 Blunder In his first message to the Legislature Governor Whitman made a mistake of $ I 8,000,000. He added two items into the estimate of State expenses, and then added the same items a second time to his total. Taking advantage of this blunder, the Legislature passed extravagant appropriation bills. $16,000,- 000 greater than the year before.whieh Governor Whitman signed. Seven months later Governor Whitman con- fessed in a public statement: "When I took office last January 1 knew ab- solutely nothing about State finances . . . . It was made apparent to me when I went over the bills that there were many useless and extrava¬ gant appropriations." Governor Whitman can confess his incompetence .after the damage is done.but he cannot give baek to the taxpayers the millions whieh an unnecessary direct tax filched from their pockets. You would discharge an employee whose incom¬ petence increased by 35 per cent the cost of running your private business. For the same reason the State of New York must rid itself of Governor Whitman. This is the call to ACTION! Will you do YOUR part for the good name of the State ? NON-PARTISAN LEAGUE for GOOD GOVERNMENT BLISS OPPOSES TAKING PERSHING FROM MEXICO Tells U. S. Commission Plan Is Impracticable. twnm » etaff CaaaaaaaBaBaBl ot n.e Tnbane.J Atlantic City, Oct. 9. The Bttei Impraetieabillty of withdrawing tho Inited States troops under Perahlng from Mexico at this time waa lm« pressed on the American members of the joint Mexi.-an Commission to-day by Major General Tasker H. BliBB. The American eammlaaioaera pre¬ sented to the eonaidaration of General Bliaa t4vo frontier protection pl-rns arhieh have been BVOlVOd by the con- ferenee. Both pn);T.ii!imoj Involvcd, withdrawal of the Perahiag eelumn.l oroviding for the concentration of Conatitutionaliat troopa in territory i occupicd by the Ameriean forces and the other for an txtended nyatem of Mexiean military natrols Bt atra- Ugil points below the Rlo Giande. All idea of racalliag the i ni'.ed States forces from Mexico while re- bellion and disorder continue to he prevalent in Cairaasa'a domiaiaBa w».i deprecnted by General .\\\<*. Other border protection plnns will he otl'lined to the gtBeral hy the Amer- eammiaeioaen to-moi row. SAYS KERFOOT BOAROED 20 YEARS FOR NOTHING Mrs. Hunter Adds That Critic Bought Cocktails, Too. Mrs. Abbb Bellevill* Baater testified yeaterday ir, the Supreme Court in the IM '"'"ft ..;u't ^or alieaatlofl of af- m whieh bar haeband, Frederick William Hunter, a luwyer. has brouirht againat John Barretl Kerfoot, literary eritie and BOVellet, bis former cla»K- BBt* and hrother-in-law. For twenty yeara. said Mrs. Hunter under eross-examn.a'.":\ Kerfoot l.ved with the Hunter family in thia city nnd in Froeho'. I. N. J but did not coti- tribnte aaything for board or lodgmg. And the writer did 'he family murkeV injj with mor.ey whieh Mrs. Hunter nva him from her fttt" a month al¬ lowance from Hunter for household ex- s. I-dr this purpose Mrs. Hunter axplaiBfl that IB* gave Kerfoot $117.50 a month) and he never «U required to an accountir.g of his expendi- turcs. "Mr. Kerfoot aometimea bought eoelt- taila," aaid the witneaa, in reply to a queation. Tha trial goea on to-day. ¦ a LEAVES $55,000 T0 CHAJJITY BiaaJIji Inatitulions Benefit in Mra. Mary S. Bieratadt'a Will. Public bequeats amountintf to S5K ')n0 are made in the will cf Mr*. Mary Stewart Bierstadt, widow of Albert Bieratadt, Undaeape pamter, whieh araa ftled yeaterday. Mra. Bierstadt left an estate valu->d at more than ll.Coo.non. Tho g-tf'n t0 iBBtitatiaaa «re-. Firat Praabyteriaa Chureh, BraaUya. SlaV 000; St. Thomas's Trote-tant Bpiaeopal Chureh, Jr>,n0". for Ita fresh air fund, and |f,000 for its home for cripnled ehildren; Brooklyn Home for A>:ed M^r, 110.000; Orphan Asylum Socieiy Bf Brooklyn. 110,000; Brooklyn Home for Coaaamativea, M.OBe, and Brook¬ lyn Society for tht* Kelief of Respecta- ble Aged and ladigoat Femaies. U,A00. The retaaiader of the * itate | relatrvea, Including a brother, niecea ;ind nephews. J. R. KEENES WIDOW DIES AT CEDARHURST Succumbs at Age of 76 After lllness of Year. Mrs. James R. Keene, widow of tho fir.ancier nnd horseman. died yester¬ day at ht*r home, in Cedarhurst, I.ons* Island. at the age of seventy-six. She had been in poor he.ilth for a year. She was the daughter of Colonel I.e- roy Daingertield, an officer in the Urit ish army who resigned to fight with tlu* Coieaial troops in the Revolution. She wbs horn at Foxville, Va.. on an . itnte that bad heaa granted to th.* DaagerAelda in lfio*'*. Uer auurriagi took place in 1H63 Ifl Sun ftoneltea, nnd in 1S76 came to New York with Mr. Ker-ne. Sl,.- is survived hy a gon, Foxh.ill K-.ne; a daughter, Mrs. Jessie II. roflt, and three grandchildren. James R. K>>eB8 di'-d Bfl February "*. PJ13. GEN. J. H. PAGE DIES, VETERAN OF TWO WARS Served Against Indians and in Philippines Also. West Point, Oct. |, nrigadier Gen¬ eral John H. I'age, I'. S. A.. retired died here to-day in the home of his law, Captaia George S. Bl* monds, an instructor in the Military Aeadany. He was born in Delaware in 1842. Geaera] Page wa. a veteran of th** civil War. Baveral Indlaa cumpmgr.*. and served in tho Philippir.e I-lands. II, was appoiated from civil lifa in l-4-'l. was made a brigad:er g.*neral of volunteers in the Spaailh War. and was appo.nted to the regular army in IMt, Four aons and two daughter*. 5jrvive him. I.YMAN EDWARD KANE. Lyman Edward Kane. sixty-eight vears old, fornier Police Commissioner of Newark, died y-sterday at his home in that city following a protracted lll¬ ness. He wai a eharter member of Salaam T.-mn'.e, Order of the Mvsttc bhriae; the Northern Lodge of Masona and Cor.nthian Council, Roval Ar- ri-.num. He raai a widower and is aur- hy six ehlldrta, Mrs. William C. Nicoll, Mrs. I lward V. I'errv. I.vman E, Kaaa. ir, Walter w. Kur.o and tba Misses Alico and Dorothy K,.ne. JOSKPH ODONNEI.L. Joeeph O'Donnell, one of the oldest residents of the Seventh Ward. Brook¬ lyn, and for more than fifty yeara a iiguru on the Faat River front, where li. mamtained a ahip rhandSt-ry, died Sunday at his home, l'Jfl*. Seventy-nin'.h Street, Brooklyn. He was BflVflBtfl two years old. He wii asiociated v.i'h tho fimuas Volunteur Putnam Hoae No. 31, the headquarters of whi.-h wer.- nn tne Bowery. a- Wfl.I.lAM POKTER OlAPMAN. William Porter Chanman. a momher of tlu* tirm of Chanman & R*f\ railroad builderi, died on Sundav ut the home of his daughter, Mra. I-nuis N. Anderson. of IM Hedford Avenue. Brooklvn, after s month's illness 11 ». was si\ty-seven vears old nnd waa BOrfl in Elaaira. llc was u tcradeata of the, miaary. A tVaba i ii- baill bi GBOBCI li\ii\ia (reorga Barnea, I r< <. tired merehant, ' I teentl treel | A r.ue laMt olght H rifi ativea MUUMFfi. EASTBURM Pl Da. id 8 Piu N /., Hnnounce the mtrr daughter, li I thur lf. Eaatburn, Pei Wall at laland Farm. bi V i;' Saturday, Oetobs r .' Nolirea of mnrriaaet anil ileailia BBBBTrl l.a ae< uinpania.1 l,t full aaait un.l B.l.lrca DIED. Abbott. AMgeilB. Morriaon.F V. pfargarot A. Raid, J I.um.Tack. F. F II, Jame? L. ABBOTT 1916. h h .. 1, aidow oi aged M yi Morritta Chapel, naar 21 Bt it., at | o'clock. aaa* copy, COOK At h<r rasidenee, \ 9, 1911, M rviiafe prival Ll M Ib memory ef Lom Taek, ' fui Jtephen W, died al Tl on October 10, MITCHELL 1914 R, Mitekell, in hia Ttth | Vice. ington l%rk, Hrooklyn, '.'. October 11. at |sM p. Ba. It ia I qaoeted that no flowera be MOBRIBON Pi rdli ar.d V. BBd on Octobei >' h.s late rea d< nee, St Tu -a.lav evening, Ipata- day. Bt New Hurley Ccm*t< r>, < ou .,'._,, M. I", REID At Yonkers, N V ai October 7, '¦'.:., JoBfl !.:¦ yi ar ot bia age. Fu vn-fs bt hl lata r. - 4, \ kften will meet train Icaving '. t rai at 1:10 p. m Plca flowera. SAlvr AKDKEW8 SOI lETT OF THE OF NF.W VORK cera aml r vices of the !at« es>pr* Keid, at bi* I itc n ai kenci. I aade av.. Yonker-.. N. Y en Tai . afternooa, Octobei 10, 191a, o'clock. WILLIAM SLOANE. Preeidoal ALEXANDEB B. UALUDAY, I WjN( HFSTKR Franrea V Wmehes- ter, wi''. ef Henry N. Wincbester. .v,t- urday. Octaear 7, 1911 r-unmal »<-r- \ iea* n dneedayi October ll, ;.' p- '».. Bt South Amenia. N. Y. l BtaaTaaaUaM, TIIK WOlllll \U> < KMITKBT. 122.1 "i l*. 'l-1 . > Tiai'.ar. Lott .1 am aai 0*1 a .J 1 aai .Ju il N. I.

Day Japaaeae Have the Worst Government? Whitman's $18,000,000 · DIES AS MISSION STJCCEEDS Father Mslian Won Approval of $600,-000 Chureh Morlgage. Having act in metion tbe projeet

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Page 1: Day Japaaeae Have the Worst Government? Whitman's $18,000,000 · DIES AS MISSION STJCCEEDS Father Mslian Won Approval of $600,-000 Chureh Morlgage. Having act in metion tbe projeet


it. at titm-s I hand you\\ ritings la my ___._. style,

.' proee or rhyminj- aml yontbem with a charming smile.

"Some are g<>od." you tell me mildly;M8oane ara elovor; some are true.

Hut they never tljrill me wildlyJoft because the au'.hor'.s you."


you say, "you see. I kvotc you.K- w fOQ and your family.

You're just one of us.and bo youJ'ail to get across with me.

If you had a reputation.Then I mightn't fot. like this.

. y.Hi have my exp'anation.Vou don't take my words umiss?"

Katalie, I'm too re lined toKumc as coarser souls mipht do.

Still.frivo hood: were I inelined toWrite of you and only you.

Were I forced to wait till they a-

IVstrophi/.ed you nt each feast,I'd not pen a line for.say a

.Well, we'il say a month, at least'Im'S.'U.K.S.


.low whether you or Old Hey Broun should be the-. d that the great and all-festering povernment in

^.a;.. -ut prar.tcd to Arthur F, Iilanchard, of Cambridpe,p patent one million one hundred and ninety-eipht

., mu ndred and one, the exclusive ripht to make, use,

aad yct*d a BOltcda Movic-Writer claimed in the following luminous

language:"A acenarlo foraing device comprlaln*. a caae, a plorallty

ef truup* ef plot auggesting medla movably tnounted therein,

And meana to present to the operator thought itimulating medla

Ib re.ati-vely logical Bequence."If this is not perfectly clear to you, let me explain that the idea

ii to moant n Ret of l»Ht_4 on rollers in a box, the belts being copiouslyinsfrib.d-ah, now you bepin to catch!.throuphout their lenpth with

plotful WOrdi of different eategoiieo, and a portion of each appearing

throuph 8 little row of windows. Seated before this equipment, all

.hat the "operator" (I toaiet upon the quotes) has to do is to twid-

"i]t tl. ntil he pets a cnmbination of stimuli to which hc

'em again and react, and so on, nailing down a com¬

plete lWical plot every clip and no duplicates. al! quite aut/.matic

jrd . Waa ever achievement like Arthur's? J. F. R.


-l.eard, by W. M. H-. in a Freokly. dairy luD-hroom

'¦(]r.\ you look sore.""Sure am."..Whafxha pit?""Aw, they put me back in the thoid Enplish."¦Geo, what's Enplish potta do wit mechanic-?""Ycah, listen. I did three months of it la_t toim, now heie I potta

k»e the time I was gonna put in on G'om'try.""Aw, it's like that. these new teachers getohcr poat.""Y'lih, they eure does."

ne a napkin."I on, we gotta git outa here."

THE LACONIC AD-WRITERI. ansu-r te- ai a*T-rt'aemcr.t for a wrUflfl « kOttrU.-..f CBflf I

n: Your advertlsement that appeared, advocating for

na - ng writer, for tho position on your staff in either N.

Y. I '7 or an op-etate village; galary $40.00 per week to start,

hasa- thls Mtf'r ?"

.jj rm you that while although a' proeent em-

ct concerr.s of iti kind, in the capacityiving, Storekeeper, Stockclork and Sign-I'ainting

that I hava prored proficient to my employers, I

am not eiactlj satisfied with my voeation; for I have been re-

r^end Mr.---, who hoMs a very....... in n. y city, that

?J r.-mpositions, and with my learn-.. that I would make a tirst-cas. adver-

U, , fact that I am now as good as M* 0 the l^to-cav; for I have that remarkable ability about myself, that when

I irr. i / know.In <- Bhow<aH writir.g and s,pn-pa.nt*.np one

¦al instinet and be very wtll acquamted with the

_eec= of the various rtorea, manufacturers, jobbcrs and etc. and

thirteen years of >U4*eaeful busineaa, I

receive yet, regarding my drawnng on

-, r -,-al of various material; in fact of

late -

, much eomp'.imentcd upon my means of ad-

aaatt, w J huve _:-ed my writing-i, the iibji has

alwa- 1 w-ith sa.

g and where I gained my

I relate to you the followiiig: at the age of e.^n-

,-as inelined to draw, and therefore took up

how tO do cartooninp, and after mastennp this

Er.; -. , tok, Up artistic siiow-rard writing, namely- Rail Road, announcing their vanou | trips,

.0,iS, aceomodations, and general chur-

i-.ns and trips; whereas from this I got.ng-wrinnp. for I work under the

lnm .**"* v'r''er-, ,

I blftod for myself, < r,..*.juen.ly loratmg ,n

. -. \ WTitei .rd goaeral s.rn-pa.nter for many

Of the .:' tOfOI in that dty; hut unfortunately

,..e u,y dut.es up w.th the.... .... ,,h-r m.m, and that I re-

lertf: of the sign-painting ihipping a;,d receiving

__«_!' rem.emy forrner

you w.il give thc fotl '^ uttT,0st

... you that l w.il Btalrai peeet.b, a.e a |jtl>OII of remark-.ble memory, atatwical

detominat "-<!. "f a v« r> hne

courteoua ar.d ohliging: with ehray*that,. "'hatwi'h hat in hand, the young man

um th. land."- and above all. that whil* although 1 om

e ao;7 ad M4M / am *w**m* U U*fam V>u that tu yei,kate v' i I drxnk le take of intax COtinp hr>"r^ifTKiently out,

lme^ | < tfling Hae ' »m .** ^" l a.rn'¦ tpoct to bo tho recipient ol ¦ ravorooio

reply h rr.t: an interv.ew, with winhing you con-

Very gratefully yours,

WHY ADWRITU-3 RUN UP LACE CURTAINS."Lor,'» ¦,,, Irjafi »n gawfu] time hun'ing Op JoIbM to put in

il tr]»r'"Why dont y.,u try tr. get a regular |_ah that will pay you

T^A mi.l.ayV"My broChor in-!aw want. a little DOoUot writfen for his

saaaja i VM ¦_¦ yoa'4 do H fot ^othlaja;, but I'll pay you the %i¦ftraelf**

"hoBradoa (gaaathtf ad-wrlu-r) told hm tb. Baturday Pc*H*». V,f^ a year t>,r * DOffO. I didn't. .wallow it. All you ad-

**¦ Ka,- to t_j *a much,- ""KWK'

'o, jr^y yatra we _*»» h'U^i lo Hg-Mptl 9*\ tta Orand

2»70n, Ar.//,r,. _mn__am_l graridio-.e, bumorouB, trlte. Hut lt M*. m. W. L. V. graatrlhotl our favorit*.

"How waadaHuV1 he trrite. traa* Wa iauafaa, 0*ehet4\ Ull,%l'*»* i aafe alaei to Lhre-e w.m out ifotf '^"r ""J*??1


entine WorthingtonSaturday.


Miss Mary S. Knowles Engaged to Edward C.


The marriage of Miss Anne Middlo-ton Means, daughter by a former mar-

raige of htra. Atthur Little, of 3j Cam*monwaalth Avenue, BoEton, to Yalen-tine Worthir.gt/in, son of Mrs. M. <1.

Worthingtoa, of £9 Kast Beveaty*aovonth Street, this city, will be cele-brated at noon on Saturday, in i"t.John's Chureh, Beverly Farms, Mass.The Kcv. N'eilson Poc Carey, rector efthe chureh, will perform the ceremony,whieh will be followed by a receptionand breakfast at the Old School House,the country homo of Mr. and Mrs.Little, at Beverly Farms.

Bf il s Jessie K. Means will act aa herliater'l maid of honor and only at¬

tendant, and Harold Worthington willbe his brother's baat man. 'The usherawill be the Hon. Thomas Spring-Kiee,of the British Embassy, Washington;}¦'. I'ennington Pearaon and L« RoyKing, of New York; Henry MalcolmThomas, jr., of Baltimora; A. NieholasLfggio, of Bcverly Farms, and RobertW. Means and W. Gordon Means,brothers of the bride.

Tbe Monday Afternoon Skating Clubwill open tho season on N%vember 6.Mrs. R. W. Hawkeaworth and Mrs. A.A. Cater will be in charge of the nnkand tea room. Among the patron.are Mrs. William K. Dick, Mrs. Her¬bert L. Satterlee, Mrs. Moscs Taylor,Mrs. Barger Wallnch. Mrs. Oliver(iould Jenningn, Mrs. Walter B. James,Mrs. \V. Goadby Loew, Mrs. ('. LedvarJBlair, Mr*. Hugfa D. Auchincloas, Mi

A. Burden, Mrs. \V. PieraOBHamilton, Mrs. Dave H. Morris, Mrs.Goodhua Liviagatea, Mrs. Archibald D.

ra. Fredari* F. Carey, Mra.Alvin W. Krech, Mrs. Charles M.< ha;iin. Mra. Franc:.- McN. Bacon andMra, Raaaall 11. Uoadley, jr.

Jamea Knowles, of 889 Sanford Avc-nue, Pruahing, Long Lland, announcesihe engagement of his daughter, MissMary Btruthen Knowles, to F.dwnrd

r lii ard, of -77 Madiaon Avenue,Plushing.

Mr. and Mrs. William B. *>ank!inand Miss Graea Franklin, who are no'.Bl Grafran Farm, Katonah, N. T- willspend th* winter at L'il Fast Sixty-sixth Street.

Mr. ar.d Mra William H. Downey ie-i Sunday from the Thou.aand i.-l-

and" to their home in Tenafly, X. J.,when they will remain until January.Thea they will go to Bermuda for tneremainder of the winter.

Mrs Reginald de Kovcn has gone «oHot Spriaga, "»'».. to bpend ceveralweVks.


Mis- Am a T,. Strert is ii guest olMrs. H. Van Krnssrlaer Kennedv Bther country home in Heinpsteod, uBBgIsland.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott 'Jerrishhave closed their country plaee at Mul-berry Point, Conn., and are af ItSeventy>aixth Street for the wiater.

Ralrh J. Preaton, ef 101 Park Ave-nue, will give a 'tance in Sherry's ©n

December tl fur his dehutante daugh¬ter, Mia* Evelyn W. Preeten.

Miss ''and A. Harriman has returnedte Ardan, K. Y., from Brya Mawr,I'enn., where ahe was the guest of Mrs.John R. Valentine.

Mrs. Henry Clewa will return *o thecity to day from her villa in Newport.

Mr. and Mr'. W. Averrll Harrimanwill api lor Ib Eagleao od,K. J., where they flBVB taken a houae.



When Edward F. Whitney's fillyFirst Ballot won the Heyday Plate at

the meeting of the Pipiog Roeh HuntAs r.eiation last Saturday he became

the poaaeeaor of tbe handsorne trephythat was offered by Joseph E. Davis.A condition of the gift was that itihould be wafl twice beforo it becamethfl prapetty Bf any sportsman. Theprevious winner to acore for Mr. Whit-M y B lly, Rhina Maiden.For tha leeoad day of th* Piping

Roeb me< ng, Thuraday Col-he Harbor Hill Bteeplechaae, fi

threa rear-olds, is the big featara, an lthe cup that goes with that runninghiiaj ,..( n WOii twica ln aueeaaaion byJosepb E. Davia, with Single Stiek andI Mr. Davia is going ta try hardto make lt three in ¦ row, nnd theihowing of Uryn Chant and Brookn,

tandidatea, mak,;a hiachance particularly bright.

In addition to the, Hurhor Hill, therawill alao be decided the I'iping I'.ock

ption Bteeplechaae Handicap.the weight* of whieh were announcedlast Wl ..

-a -


Father Mslian Won Approval of $600,-000 Chureh Morlgage.

Having act in metion tbe projeet forthe BrOCtlOfl of a modern ediflre, the

RaV. Thomas F Myhan, of the RomanCatholle Chareh of the Bleeeed Sacra-

ment, did not live to see its ronium-

mation. Father Myhan died on Sundayin a taaicah from heart di*ea«e whileon his w«v te Bt Joaeph'a Chureh to

preach " golden Jabilec atttaaa forMom gnor Edwarda.An applleatlon signed by Father

Myhan a few daya before bia «i.-ai»», for,,..,. aaioa te mortgaga tha praperty,,i bi* (hurih, at Broadway and S<".-|,,,..,¦. f°» taoOftOQ w<\* hp-proved yeaterday hy Jaatlea Golf,

fBther Mvhi.n aet forlh that themoacy, whieh vsas u- ba advancad by|the Emlgrant Induttnal ,Sa4int,'s Bank,trould b* U*i '! tO baild a modern churrliatruefure and parochial school. Car-

diBBl J arley g.va tht projeet hia ap¬proval. ____


Ml Malielle Korh. daughter of MrMd Mra. afebfl A Korh. flf PlelBlUld.N J and .loteph E ChiclmrillB. ir. oflaong' laland, ayeri married ia Plainlleld

,,,,,., by tha li-v Dr. C. M. An.daraon Mi" Hu'h Klein araa th* aaaid... onor and A. A. Aikoii th* beel man.


Baron Sakatani Offered Pnst ofMinister of Finance.

Tokio, Oct. 9. Baron Sakatani, whoib in the I'nited Statea, will ba eATeredthe post of Mialater ef Finance in tne

r.ew Japaaeae Cabinet, aceording to

the "Hoehi Shimbun." Baron Sakatani,who waa a d< lega'.e t0 the economicconference of the Fr.Uiite Allies, in

Faxis, recently as.serted that it was a

matter of "jur-tice and neceeeity" taAmeriean lawa alleged to dis-

crimiaata againat th* Japaneae.Fearful of the re.suits of the giov.-

ir g apprehem-ion m America a) 1< iiina thal the new ministry of Pre¬mier Terauchi will be tOO Bggreaaiva :n

diplomatic and military affain, the"Asahi Shimbun" BaatOBI to .issure

the people of both countries: that tnenevr Cabinet does not represent the44;!! of the nation.

Baron Shibusawa, president of theAmerican-Japane.-e Association,quoted as havir.g .said that a chang? in

miniatry involving the formation of a

non-party Cabinet as unfortunate. Ra,i .-aid to have urged the Premier tiireject any idea OI H a hi«.Timight cau.«p nneaainea* in America andii.jure the Uipioniatic progreBfl <-fJapan.


Twelve Deaths Also Addedto List in Two

Days.There were twenty-one new casea and

twelva deaths from Infantile paralysisin greater IS'ew York on Sunday andyesterday, aceording to the Board ofHealth records. Fight caaes and aixdeaths were reported on Sunday andthirteen casea and aix dcathB yesterday.Saturday's record was twelve casea andf.ve deaths.An appeal for funds with whieh to

provide extra ambulances and for theproffer of private motors, 'buses or

delivery trucks for transporting ron-

valescing ehildren paraly/.ed by pollo-myehtis to and from tl ll eachday for treatment was issued yester¬day at a meeting of the transporta¬tion committee of the New York Com-mittea on After Care of Infantile Pa-'relyala Casea.

"T'.vehe hundred treatments eachday ara neeeoaary immed abti.e childrea diacharged from haa]after tho aeute and atagahas passed," said Mr.i. Rita Lydlg,chairman. "This aftor-care is an u"erBoeeeaity, an.l phyalciana state that im-

lo* treatment i- Btaited at BBCO thcmajority of ti:ese ponr little tots willbe crij 7r."

Herreasr I patate.Seventeen new cases and one death out-

a'de of the city were reported to theite liepartment of Health at. Albany.

The ogan ihi e a decreaae of fourin the Bumbei ef caa. mer laal Mbbday'-. \v. k end report. The .i'a'h WBBreported from Tuxedo. Oraagfl County,and thi .ases fi..rn tn.. following coun-

P/eatc] ter, Jeffei l Cay.uga, two each; Herkimer, 0Onaida, 8t Iawreaee, otondaga, Wns.»i.ingtoii, i benango, Beheharie. rister,Rocklaad and Orange, eae each.

I even new eaaei were reported inN'ew Jersey. Trenton lad Wlth three.I'ther eaOB* were; HackcBaBCB. two;Camden, Vineland, Irvington, Newark,

hem and Praepect 1'nrk, oneeach.

new eaaea and deaths of Sundayand yeaterday were reported from thefollOBNew eaaea Bor of Manhattan:

122 Baal Bavi .. '. 10 Av. bb*li, 81 An.steiiiam AvoBBB, U0 R, .-

Sixty-four Street, 2482 Scventh AviDeaths Borough of Manl

.,r. Street, 20*, sVea. I08d Btreet,118 Eaal Beventy-eighth Stnet, f At-torney Street, 2482 Beventh Avenue, 41.,1.1 . Piftj ixth .-'net\iw eaaei Borough <>f The Bronx:

i »5 |. 211 0Avenue, 9299 (.leason Avenue.l,ion A .. .. 1163 IaOl gWOOd Avenue.

1>, atl Borough of The Hronx:828 Eaat I42d Street. l Jackaofl Btreeipai aic. N. J. (died Biveraide Hoapl*...,: i; 798 ] eth Street, 1501H lead AvenmNew eaaoa Boroagh of Bror.klvn:

141 Wyekofl Aveaae, 81 Ellerr street.|848 IVilloUghby Avenue. 1-"" St. John s

I'laee, 860 Yermont BtreeiDeath* Borough of Hrooklyn: None.Naw eaaea- Borough of Queeaai 14

I; dge Street, Long Island City; 34 Balria Avenue. Winl Maapeth Ave¬nue, Maapeth; Bi llc A- enue. Baj Id*.

Deathi Boroogl ol Quei bb: MOOreenwood Avenue. R .nd Hill; iOOEleventh Avenue, | City.


FIVE CHILDREN H0MELESSFather in Jail, Mulher in Hospital,

Court Care* for Them.Five ehildren, found two weeni ago

lorked ifl their home at 820 Kast ITTfh

', The Hronx, while their mother,Mr... Daniel Claacy, was lyiag seriouslyill in St. Francis Hospital from whatvus aaid to have been lack "' food andabuaiva treatment bv her husband.areratakeB before Juetiea Byan in ThaHronx Childrea'* I oari yearerdaj byPhilip Leweathal, apacial agent of the( hildren'i Society of Hronx County.

... r ith< r haa been i-eniei.ced to tne

workboua* for aia months for failureto contributa te their aupport.

l<, ,- yeara old, ivaa placedin charge of relatives in HOW J*lJoaeph, eleven: dargaret, tea, aadDaniel ar.d Gladya, Bevaa-year-oldtwiaa, were lefl temporarily "i eaatodyof tiie aeciety, pending eirorta to placethem with other relattvee.



Court BUyfl Move lo Cut Slreet

Through $.',00,000 in Tomhatlonea.Attorrieys for the I.utheran Ceme-

tery. in Middle VlOsfe, QaeeBB, got an

injunrtion In the Coui.tv CoBTt yester-day to raatralfl rapreaaatativea ef Bor¬

ough President Connolly from cuttingb itraat through < .00 worth oftombatonea and flaaaaolouma.The greend on whicb the marble ob-

Btructian* BtaBd waa formerly Way-land Avenue. lt was added to the

cemetery deriag th* regim* ef "« n

J,,,'' Caeaidy Tha corporation ( oun-

mI recently decided the cemetery i tui*to tha land wa* faulty and tl a avenue

,,,.!,' ba roopi »ed fromJuniperAtfl Muunt Olivet Avenue. a diatanee of

a quHrter nf n mile.

Bronx Anti-Litter Crusade On.The Hronx Committe.' ef the Anti-

Utter Leaga* will hold lt* Irot meet-ing thia afternoon at the omcea <.

Andrew E. Kalbach, Depaty BtreetCleanlng Cemmlaaloner, at 2804 Tniro

Avenue The ron.i.nttee will forrnu-

late | plan of campaign againat the

taaeiag of littar and ethei rrfut^ en

tl publil higl.vsu)! and ifl 1*4 parka,,i Tha Bronx,


Prevention Day Observedin Streets, Homes, Schools

and Factories.


Adamson Spreads Warn-ing About Gasolene,Matches and Cigarettes.

Every man. woman Bnd child in

N'ew Vork was urged yesterday to be¬come a volunteer fireman. In cele-brating Fiie I'r. v.ntion Day the cityauthont.e3 canil '1 tbe p ventive

campaiirn into the strce's. homes,acho If, manufacturing plants, office

buildings and hotels.

Every one, from the child who playswith fire and the young man who

earalaaaly flipa bil lighted cigaretteinto a pile of rabhish to the negli-gent manufacturer and even the

_.r withiB the city's gates, hadH,. li BB bronght to his uttention inone way ai »

Thfl inrrst Irnpreaaiva feature waa a

parade af tha I tmaBt baad,:, pieces cf apparataa aad tan

Aeata through the manufacturingahoppiag, reaidential and tenement

distrieta, atartiag at the MunieipalBnilding and proceed.ng au far northas Seventy-second Street.

Burning Block Portrayed.One float, representing a burningtl block, calied attention to the fact

that more than 11,000 factories. iwOll*ings and other buildings were at¬tacked by fire Iast year, entailing a

loss of 15,148,000. The part educationplaya in halpiag the city to conquerAra was pointed out by another bear-ing a nuniature Washington IrvinKHigh School lilled with girls in thin,clflflsie drapery.

dtlu-r t.oats calied attention to the

that children playing Wlth fre.he city |S*,T11 Iast year; that

the eareleaa aaa of matches startedi.;i4 Area; that 1,80. Area were

flted ni-iir.-ttes an.l' thal '.4" l< bi aa with aaa

lighta a: d tan i eanaed "il Areaco tin-- $1*4,775. Still others ealled

tioa to the dangera o! u*ing t>en-

tine, i-aoleaa aad nai htl u Oaa float,| m group af factory girls

huddled on a Ara escape.I «-. tiirc* l.i>en in Schools.

lactarea arara

givflfl iti the Mhaoll and Fire CoB8*Robei . AdameoB aaat bread*

. bearing thr* follow*n .right red latterai

"Thia is I- ire PreveatlaB Day. CleaBun rubbiah." Hicirculars. call.rtg BtteBtiOB to the tire

. .....The Commiaaioner pointed out that

7f. per eaat oi taa Araa o.-i-ur ia homesfrom eareleaa aaa of aaatebee, defec-i.ve or evarheated ateeea aad heat-ing plaata or earelcsaaeaa with ga»Aaaaaa.

- .-a--.


Island Allowcd to Land.i! Ida Boaa Caeanaagh, b young Lon¬

don vaudevillc aetrees, who has beeni al Eallia lalaad since Iast June

ptnding .leportatiori proccedings, willhe permitt.-.i to land as a result of an

opiaioa liled in the Uaitad Statrs Dia*trict Court yesterday by Judge Mantonin a aabeaa corpus preeeediBg.An ordi-r of departatiaB was first uv

-in .1 oti the ground that she was an im-

n.oiu! pcraOB, tie government authori¬ties baBJBg bflaJB iBfonBfld anonymouslyof relations she Ifl all'-ged to have hadon a riait to this country

!' Lflvy, formerly a tax

appraiser ef this city an>l now a realdealer IB I.ong Uranch, N. J.

i CavaaBBgh anl Mr. Levy tea*tbey were to be married on her

releaee.A s.-cond charge was then placed

BgflinBt the artress to thr- flffflCl thatthflra 4\as danger of her hcroming a

public eharge. Ifl answer to this JudgeManton aaid that Levy bad an ineome

of $7,000, Bfl annual eartiing capacity0f 110,000 .-'-4 B tux aipraiaar and real

irorth 11 1,000. The eoart also,1 out tlmt ev.-n it Levy doesn't

la Bgreemeat to marry MissBBgh ahfl h.-nl more than |1"0

when she arrived and can enrn a goodas a daacer and aiager or a


British Subject Changes Name.Enail Laasaberg, «. co*ton, waallea

nea gooda raerehaat, who was

I,,,.,, ; una a naturalizedof (Jrcflt Britaia and la row a

resident of Mount Vernon. yesterdayIfliofl from CountybI White Plaiae, to

naraa to Charlea Kdwardiry. He sai'l he Wflfl dl ehnrged

\ igti * by a Hritish tirtn fromhc v.hs receiving a aalary of

j 1,000 ¦» yaar.


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ul. of Na- Y irt.1Ira, 1 V li.

llaalllg Of ' Ul "" r*,tf '" ,h r''itjll0U«a\|M BaW-aW Mr.--'. Bmllaa. > P m.

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Yo. 2.

Must the Greatest StateHave the Worst Government?

Whitman's $18,000,000 BlunderIn his first message to the Legislature Governor

Whitman made a mistake of $ I 8,000,000. He addedtwo items into the estimate of State expenses, andthen added the same items a second time to his total.

Taking advantage of this blunder, the Legislaturepassed extravagant appropriation bills. $16,000,-000 greater than the year before.whieh GovernorWhitman signed.

Seven months later Governor Whitman con-

fessed in a public statement:

"When I took office last January 1 knew ab-solutely nothing about State finances . . . . Itwas made apparent to me when I went over thebills that there were many useless and extrava¬

gant appropriations."Governor Whitman can confess his incompetence

.after the damage is done.but he cannot give baekto the taxpayers the millions whieh an unnecessarydirect tax filched from their pockets.

You would discharge an employee whose incom¬petence increased by 35 per cent the cost of runningyour private business.

For the same reason the State of New York mustrid itself of Governor Whitman.

This is the call to ACTION!Will you do YOUR part forthe good name of the State ?



Tells U. S. Commission Plan Is

Impracticable.twnm » etaff CaaaaaaaBaBaBl ot n.e Tnbane.J

Atlantic City, Oct. 9. The BtteiImpraetieabillty of withdrawing tho

Inited States troops under Perahlngfrom Mexico at this time waa lm«

pressed on the American members of

the joint Mexi.-an Commission to-dayby Major General Tasker H. BliBB.The American eammlaaioaera pre¬

sented to the eonaidaration of GeneralBliaa t4vo frontier protection pl-rnsarhieh have been BVOlVOd by the con-

ferenee. Both pn);T.ii!imoj Involvcd,withdrawal of the Perahiag eelumn.l

oroviding for the concentration ofConatitutionaliat troopa in territoryi 0« occupicd by the Ameriean forcesand the other for an txtended nyatemof Mexiean military natrols Bt atra-

Ugil points below the Rlo Giande.All idea of racalliag the i ni'.ed

States forces from Mexico while re-

bellion and disorder continue to he

prevalent in Cairaasa'a domiaiaBa w».i

deprecnted by General .\\\<*.Other border protection plnns will

he otl'lined to the gtBeral hy the Amer-eammiaeioaen to-moi row.


Mrs. Hunter Adds That CriticBought Cocktails, Too.

Mrs. Abbb Bellevill* Baater testified

yeaterday ir, the Supreme Court

in the IM '"'"ft ..;u't ^or alieaatlofl of af-m whieh bar haeband, Frederick

William Hunter, a luwyer. has brouirht

againat John Barretl Kerfoot, literaryeritie and BOVellet, bis former cla»K-BBt* and hrother-in-law.For twenty yeara. said Mrs. Hunter

under eross-examn.a'.":\ Kerfoot l.vedwith the Hunter family in thia citynnd in Froeho'. I. N. J but did not coti-

tribnte aaything for board or lodgmg.And the writer did 'he family murkeVinjj with mor.ey whieh Mrs. Hunternva him from her fttt" a month al¬lowance from Hunter for household ex-

s. I-dr this purpose Mrs. HunteraxplaiBfl that IB* gave Kerfoot $117.50 a

month) and he never «U required toan accountir.g of his expendi-

turcs."Mr. Kerfoot aometimea bought eoelt-

taila," aaid the witneaa, in reply to a

queation.Tha trial goea on to-day.

¦ a


BiaaJIji Inatitulions Benefit in Mra.Mary S. Bieratadt'a Will.

Public bequeats amountintf to S5K ')n0are made in the will cf Mr*. MaryStewart Bierstadt, widow of AlbertBieratadt, Undaeape pamter, whieharaa ftled yeaterday.

Mra. Bierstadt left an estate valu->dat more than ll.Coo.non.Tho g-tf'n t0 iBBtitatiaaa «re-. Firat

Praabyteriaa Chureh, BraaUya. SlaV000; St. Thomas's Trote-tant BpiaeopalChureh, Jr>,n0". for Ita fresh air fund,and |f,000 for its home for cripnledehildren; Brooklyn Home for A>:edM^r, 110.000; Orphan Asylum SocieiyBf Brooklyn. 110,000; Brooklyn Homefor Coaaamativea, M.OBe, and Brook¬lyn Society for tht* Kelief of Respecta-ble Aged and ladigoat Femaies. U,A00.The retaaiader of the * itate |

relatrvea, Including a brother, niecea;ind nephews.


Succumbs at Age of 76 Afterlllness of Year.

Mrs. James R. Keene, widow of thofir.ancier nnd horseman. died yester¬day at ht*r home, in Cedarhurst, I.ons*Island. at the age of seventy-six. Shehad been in poor he.ilth for a year.She was the daughter of Colonel I.e-

roy Daingertield, an officer in the Uritish army who resigned to fight withtlu* Coieaial troops in the Revolution.She wbs horn at Foxville, Va.. on an

. itnte that bad heaa granted to th.*DaagerAelda in lfio*'*. Uer auurriagitook place in 1H63 Ifl Sun ftoneltea,nnd in 1S76 came to New York with Mr.Ker-ne.

Sl,.- is survived hy a gon, Foxh.illK-.ne; a daughter, Mrs. Jessie II.

roflt, and three grandchildren. JamesR. K>>eB8 di'-d Bfl February "*. PJ13.


Served Against Indians and inPhilippines Also.

West Point, Oct. |, nrigadier Gen¬eral John H. I'age, I'. S. A.. retireddied here to-day in the home of his

law, Captaia George S. Bl*monds, an instructor in the MilitaryAeadany. He was born in Delawarein 1842.Geaera] Page wa. a veteran of th**

civil War. Baveral Indlaa cumpmgr.*.and served in tho Philippir.e I-lands.II, was appoiated from civil lifa inl-4-'l. was made a brigad:er g.*neral ofvolunteers in the Spaailh War. andwas appo.nted to the regular army inIMt, Four aons and two daughter*.5jrvive him.


Lyman Edward Kane. sixty-eightvears old, fornier Police Commissionerof Newark, died y-sterday at his homein that city following a protracted lll¬ness. He wai a eharter member ofSalaam T.-mn'.e, Order of the Mvsttcbhriae; the Northern Lodge of Masonaand Cor.nthian Council, Roval Ar-ri-.num. He raai a widower and is aur-

hy six ehlldrta, Mrs. William C.Nicoll, Mrs. I lward V. I'errv. I.vmanE, Kaaa. ir, Walter w. Kur.o and tbaMisses Alico and Dorothy K,.ne.


Joeeph O'Donnell, one of the oldestresidents of the Seventh Ward. Brook¬lyn, and for more than fifty yeara a

iiguru on the Faat River front, whereli. mamtained a ahip rhandSt-ry, diedSunday at his home, l'Jfl*. Seventy-nin'.hStreet, Brooklyn. He was BflVflBtfl two

years old. He wii asiociated v.i'h thofimuas Volunteur Putnam Hoae No. 31,the headquarters of whi.-h wer.- nn tneBowery.


Wfl.I.lAM POKTER OlAPMAN.William Porter Chanman. a momher

of tlu* tirm of Chanman & R*f\railroad builderi, died on Sundav ut

the home of his daughter, Mra. I-nuisN. Anderson. of IM Hedford Avenue.Brooklvn, after s month's illness 11 ».

was si\ty-seven vears old nnd waa BOrflin Elaaira. llc was u tcradeata of the,

miaary. A

tVaba iii- baill bi

GBOBCI li\ii\ia

(reorga Barnea, I r< <.

tired merehant, ' Iteentl treel

| A

r.ue laMt olght H rifiativea


EASTBURM PlDa. id 8 PiuN /., Hnnounce the mtrr

daughter, li Ithur lf. Eaatburn,Pei Wallat laland Farm. bi V i;'Saturday, Oetobs r .'

Nolirea of mnrriaaet anil ileailia BBBBTrll.a ae< uinpania.1 l,t full aaait un.l B.l.lrca


Abbott. AMgeilB. Morriaon.F V.pfargarot A. Raid, J

I.um.Tack. F. FII, Jame? L.

ABBOTT 1916. hh .. 1, aidow oiaged M yiMorritta Chapel,naar 21 Bt it.,at | o'clock.

aaa* copy,COOK At h<r rasidenee, \

9, 1911, Mrviiafe prival

Ll M Ib memory ef Lom Taek, '

fui Jtephen W,died al Tlon October 10,

MITCHELL1914R, Mitekell, in hia Ttth |Vice.ington l%rk, Hrooklyn, '.'.October 11. at |sM p. Ba. It ia I

qaoeted that no flowera be

MOBRIBON Pi rdli ar.d V. BBdon Octobei>' h.s late rea d< nee,St Tu -a.lav evening,

Ipata-day. Bt New Hurley Ccm*t< r>,< ou .,'._,, M. I",

REID At Yonkers, N V aiOctober 7, '¦'.:., JoBfl !.:¦

yi ar ot bia age. Fuvn-fs bt hl lata r. - 4,

\kftenwill meet train Icaving '.t rai at 1:10 p. m Plcaflowera.


cera amlrvices of the !at« es>pr*Keid, at bi* I itc n ai kenci. Iaade av.. Yonker-.. N. Y en Tai .

afternooa, Octobei 10, 191a,o'clock.


WjN( HFSTKR Franrea V Wmehes-ter, wi''. ef Henry N. Wincbester. .v,t-

urday. Octaear 7, 1911 r-unmal »<-r-\ iea* n dneedayi October ll, ;.' p- '»..Bt South Amenia. N. Y.

l BtaaTaaaUaM,TIIK WOlllll \U> < KMITKBT.

122.1 "i l*. 'l-1 . > Tiai'.ar.Lott .1 am aai

0*1 a .J 1 aai .Ju il N. I.