Registered Charity No 1077832 Hall elu jah! Davenport Road Evangelical Church Newsletter December 2018 - February 2019

Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with

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Page 1: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with

Registered Charity No 1077832



D a v e n p o r t R o a dE v a n g e l i c a l C h u r c hNewsletter December 2018 - February 2019

Page 2: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


From thePastor’s Pen

Handel’s MessiahTo attend a performance of Messiah is one of life’s “must-do” experiences. A tingling down the spine, or tears rolling down the cheeks is quite normal for those who hear or participate in Handel’s Messiah.It is a musical message telling the story of “the Anointed One”, Jesus the Messiah. Composed by George Friedric Handel, it is loved by all who appreciate all types of music the world over. Handel said of the oratorio that he did not merely want to entertain but to make his listeners better people.Handel was born in Halle in Saxony on 23rd February, 1685. His father was not at all musical and did not encourage his son’s talent for music. But from the age of four George began to play the clavichord, a gentle keyboard instrument. Not until he was seven did his father discover his son’s talent, so that later he learned the organ, harpsichord, violin and oboe. His father died a few days before George’s twelfth birthday and left the wish that he should be trained as a lawyer.He did study law for a short time but left to pursue a career in music. He moved to England in 1720 and was appointed composer to the Chapel Royal in 1723. Despite great successes, life was full of misfortune, though he had an unshakeable faith in Jesus. Writing after the death of his mother, he said, “It pleased the Almighty to whose great holy will I submit myself, with Christian submission.” A tall man, he was known as a devout believer full of compassion towards others, both in his willingness to forgive, and in his generosity, even when he had nothing himself. By 1741 he gave what he said was his farewell concert. His finances and health were in ruins as he suffered from a kind of paralysis. A few months later he was shown the text of a long choral work – a libretto written by Charles Jennens – which followed the life of Christ. It contained the prophecies concerning His birth, life,

Page 3: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


death and resurrection, the blessings He would bring for those who trust Him, as well as the punishment for those who turn their back on Him. This fanned the creative fires in Handel again, and Messiah was composed. Whilst composing the Hallelujah chorus, Handel’s assistant walked into his room after shouting for him for several minutes, but with no response. The assistant found Handel in tears and, when asked what was wrong, Handel held up the score to the music and said, “I did think I did see all heaven before me and the great God Himself!” It took Handel just under three weeks to compose Messiah. The Hallelujah chorus took only three days. It was first performed in Dublin in 1742 and continues to draw crowds across the world at Christmas time.Above Handel’s grave in Westminster Abbey is a monument where the musician’s statue holds the musical score to the aria ‘I know that my Redeemer liveth’ – what about you, do you know Him as your Redeemer !We continue to be encouraged here at DPR. Our new Assistant Pastor Steve seems to be settling in well since starting in September. We are grateful to God for bringing us together and his willing involvement in all aspects of Church life is a blessing. As well as preaching and youth ministry, he has already started a Bible study group for those who attend Christ’s Caring Café. We are also grateful to God for our gifted musicians who faithfully lead us in worship each week. We may not be up to the standard of Handel but we have always enjoyed good congregational singing here at DPR thanks to our musicians. We are expanding our repertoire of songs, some totally new to us and others more familiar but to new tunes. So thank you to all our musicians and accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour.Thank you to all who helped with the Bible Exhibition when we had a great time hosting 270 children plus staff from Ashwood Spencer Academy, our local school.We look forward to a full Christmas programme in December, details of which you will find as you read on. May the Lord bless us all with His hallelujah joy and praise this Christmas!With love in His name - Andrew and Fiona

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From the Secretary’s Desk“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity... For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life for evermore.” Psalm 133v1-3

Steve continues to settle in well as assistant Pastor and has already been such a blessing to the fellowship. He is developing the ministry with challenging preaching, involvement in the young people’s work and the Thursday cafe and also is encouraging us all in worship and music during the services. Together with Andrew we can move forward in unity and faithful worship and witness in the area to all ages and nationalities. The refurbishment of the church is mostly complete. The modern user friendly look is great and a positive asset in our regular worship. The improved audio and visual kit has, after a few teething problems, now started to really help us all in our work and witness on Sundays to all generations. Safeguarding is an important aspect of our current witness. All workers have had, or will shortly receive training and everyone is encouraged to talk to Rita (safeguarding coordinator) or Phill about concerns and for advice. There are rules and guidelines in the policy that are relevant to everyone in our contact with children and vulnerable adults. In the present climate in our country we cannot be too careful about protecting the vulnerable and ourselves. The 2019 budget is currently being considered by the elders and deacons who are sorting out priorities. Please pray that we would have wisdom in this and that the necessary finance would be available for the important things that should be done. We thank God for Phill and Ema who work so hard on this side of His work and for God’s provision for us as a fellowship and for your generous giving. A Church Away Day is now booked for Saturday May 18th at Walton Church in Chesterfield. More details will follow in the New Year but please ensure that you can come if at all possible. This will be a day suitable for the whole church including you with Victor Jack as speaker. You can expect: worship, teaching, prayer, food, games, a walk, quiz etc but above all fellowship together with friends in a relaxed, unrushed atmosphere. Ashwood Spencer Academy. We are again welcoming the local primary school to church at Christmas time. The choir are entertaining the Ladies Fellowship on Tuesday 11th December and their School Carol Services will be on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th here at DPR where they will be able to celebrate together and hear about what Christmas really means. They also came again in November to DPR for the Bible Exhibition run by Foundation Matters. Christmas Time is great at church and with family and this year you can again enjoy time together. A big thank you to all who are involved in the decoration of the church for Christmas and making it look so attractive. Look out for: “Carols in the Car Park” with hot dogs and hot drinks in the cold on Friday 21st December, “All Age Family Christmas service” and “Carols by Candlelight” on Sunday 23rd. Christmas Day would not quite be Christmas if we did not meet together to celebrate

Page 5: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


Christmas QUIZHow many of the following questions can you answer? – All the answers can be found in the first 2 chapters of either Matthew’s gospel or Luke’s gospel. There will be a prize for all completed answer sheets handed in to Fiona J by Christmas Eve.

1 What was the name of John the Baptist’s father?2 Why did Mary have to lay the baby Jesus in a manger?3 Bethlehem is also known as “the City of ………?”4 How were Mary and Elisabeth related?5 What were the gifts which the Wise Men brought to the baby Jesus?6 What was the title for the baby which the Wise Men used, and which so disturbed King Herod?7 What was the name of the devout man who had been assured by God that he would not die until he saw the promised Messiah?8 Who was the governor of Syria when Jesus was born?9 What happened to Zacharias when he failed to believe what the angel said who told him that his wife would have a child?10 Apart from giving their gifts to the baby Jesus, what else did the Wise Men do when they saw him?11 What was the name of the angel who spoke to Zacharias?12 Where did Mary and Joseph flee to with the baby Jesus?13 What does the name “Immanuel” mean?14 Can you find the names of 4 ladies in the ancestry of Christ?15 Where had Joseph and Mary travelled from to Bethlehem?

the birth of Jesus with ”Church Family Celebration” at 10.45 in the morning on that special day. Do join in as much as you can. The FIEC End of Year Service is at DPR this year at 4pm on Sunday 30th December led by Mike Stringer, and followed by refreshments. A New Years Day Brisk Walk is planned at Carsington Water (Starting at the Sheep Wash) with a stop off at the Visitors Centre for refreshments. If you feel able, do come if the weather permits. A Very Big Thank You to everyone, who in many different ways, have contributed to the life of the church here at DPR. It certainly is a privilege to serve the Lord together as a family of believers. Happy Christmas to you all and a Blessed New Year, Paul

Page 6: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


NEWS – UPDATES – INFORMATION DPR audio CD Library/ recordingsJust a reminder that that we have an Audio CD recording of all morning and evening services, and these are maintained in the rack adjacent to the PA desk at the rear of the church. CD’s are available for anyone to borrow – but please could you remember to use the record book provided on the rack to fill in:• Your name• The CD reference number• The date of both borrowing and returning the CDWhen returning CD’s, it would also be very helpful if you could ensure that these are replaced into the rack in correct date order – thank you! In addition, the sermons preached by Andrew, Steve, Stephen and Nigel (and also other occasional ministry) are accessible on the DPR website. Thank you. (Roland)

REFRESH – update - The work associated with the renewal and refreshment update of the pulpit area (including a few ancillary activities) is nearing completion. For a variety of reasons some aspects have taken longer to complete than originally envisaged, but these are now in an advanced state of finalisation.The Contract for the manufacture of HANDRAILS to be installed for safety reasons when mounting or descending the pulpit area steps, is in the process of being placed, and Paul Crowe is overseeing that important task, and the subsequent installation.The provision of a new Lectern has been the subject of much discussion, and hopefully by the time you read this article progress will have been made on that matter.Two new monitors are now installed in Church (one to enable whoever is leading the service to view the projected

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images without having to constantly turn round), and the other as a viewing aid to members of the congregation seated in the rear half of the Church, or who may have some difficulty with vision.Additional matters relevant to the overall REFRESH project include the following:-• after some lengthy diagnosis of problems associated with the newly located microphone plug-in sockets at the 6 positions on the pulpit area, these are now all active and working• the amplification of worship in the Church to the Crèche is now restored, and thereby enables those who are looking after the young children in the Crèche, to listen to the service• A Wi-Fi link is being installed into the crèche room so that the young children in Crèche can listen to and participate to scriptural Bible based songs and presentations available on YouTube etcThe work is progressing, and it is important that we recognise God’s provision of physical and financial resources to enable the overall REFRESH programme to be undertaken. Let’s make sure that we constantly give our great God thanks and praise in everything. (Roland)

Thank you’s -From Patrick and Joy – We would like to thank everyone at DPR for all the prayers and kindness shown to us after our car crash. God gives, “pressed down, shaken together and running over.” Thank you Lord, and thank you all.”From Paul and Gail – who write, “During the last three years many have asked about Amy and her nurse training. Well, as some of you are by now aware, Amy has graduated and is also qualified as a Children’s Nurse. The reason for placing this note in the newsletter, is to thank those who have been supportive in prayer and have shown an interest

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in her progress. Gail and I are so thankful that Amy did so well in her training and is settling well into employment at Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital. We are so grateful and encouraged and wanted to share this with you. Thank you for your prayers and your interest.From Dawn – who wishes to thank all who have supported, visited, and prayed for her over the past few years and asks for continued prayer as she settles into her new situation in Derby. From Sarah B – who writes, “I would like to say a big thank you to all friends at DPR who sent lovely cards and gifts during my recent illness and operation. Thank you too for your support, kindness, love and prayers always, but especially during this past year. May the Lord richly bless you all.” From Sylvia – who also wishes to pass on her thanks to everyone for being so helpful and thoughtful when she was recently in hospital and respite care, and indeed for their ongoing help and kindness to her.From Marion - To all those who have contributed to the Samaritan’s Purse “Operation Christmas Child” by providing boxes of gifts, or cash donations. All much appreciated and have now been sent off.

Christmas Cards - as in previous years, there will be an opportunity for those who wish to make a donation to a Christian work instead of sending cards among the fellowship. This year, any gifts will be sent to the forthcoming camp centre project which Trayan from Serbia (who has links with Slavic Gospel Association) was asking us to pray about when he was with us some weeks back. There will be a board at the back of church where you can place a card sending greetings to everyone.

Page 9: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


MAF is one of the missionary organisations which we support from the church on a regular basis. As you will know if you were able to see the recent video clip in church, MAF is a Christian missionary organisation which works in partnership with hundreds of other Christian and relief agencies to bring practical help, physical healing and spiritual hope to some of the world’s most remote and inaccessible areas. This is done through a fleet of 27 light aircraft which are able to reach communities living in mountains, jungles, swamps, and other very difficult terrain, who would otherwise be virtually (and in some cases actually) cut off from the rest of the world. It’s hard to believe in this age of technological advance, that there are still millions of people in the world who cannot access even the most basic medical care, clean water, education, or receive the news of God’s love for them because it’s too dangerous and time-consuming to reach them. With land access to them denied by lack of roads, natural disasters and war, thousands of communities are left out of reach. Illness, accidents and childbirth complications can be catastrophic for those living in such remote and isolated areas. It can take hours or even days of difficult overland travel to reach a hospital, which is not an option for those with life-threatening medical problems. MAF pilots are able to fly in a range of medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, surgeons and dentists, as well as equipment and medicines to enable thousands of people to be physically restored. Cyclones, typhoons and earthquakes can devastate communities which are often the world’s poorest. Surveying the damage from the air is the first step in getting relief to the places where it is most needed. MAF can be operational within hours, getting people and supplies on the ground so that relief can be available and rebuilding can start.

M i s s i o n a r y Fo c u s :

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

Page 10: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


Above all, MAF’s vision is to see isolated people spiritually transformed in Jesus’ name, and they enable those who can encourage the churches in these remote parts to actually get there, proclaim the Gospel in places where it may never have been heard before, and bring spiritual hope to those in need. Just a couple of examples of where MAF is currently working:MONGOLIA – a land of huge and empty distances, but little infrastructure. The climate is harsh and in the winter extremely cold sometimes reaching down to -40c. After the Soviet withdrawal in the 1990’s, there was economic collapse, leading to widespread poverty and unemployment. Many agencies from abroad arrived to assist with development work, but transport to the most remote regions was almost impossible. After extensive surveys, MAF began work in Mongolia in 2001. The flights support the work of the small but growing church, development agencies and government bodies. They provide inflight patient care training for local doctors, and enable other medical teams to offer physical, speech and education therapy to children. The planes often become air ambulances as there are many emergency airlifts for the sick and injured.

ARNHEM LAND – a hot, humid and physically demanding area in the north-east of Australia’s Northern Territory. The Aboriginal reserve established in 1931 is home to around 16 000 indigenous people. MAF delivers basic supplies, food and other resources, and enables those indigenous believers to spread the gospel in a region where drugs, alcoholism and abuse are rife. MAF families are almost the only external Christian influence in this region, providing a professional aviation service and an effective Christian witness.

Page 11: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


The God of Miracles

A new believer was reading his Bible when he called out, “Wow! Praise the Lord!” A minister heard him and asked what the noise was about. The young Christian replied with great enthusiasm, “this

is incredible! It says here that God performed a miracle of deliverance by opening up the Red Sea for the Children of Israel to march through.” The minister replied, “oh that’s not such a miraculous thing. Owing to tidal patterns around that time of year, the Red Sea would only have been a swamp of about three inches deep.”

Somewhat subdued, the young man continued reading, but soon exclaimed, “Wow! Praise the Lord!” “What’s the matter now?” asked the minister, to which the Christian replied, “well God has just drowned the whole Egyptian army in three inches of water!”

At times we can be tempted to explain away the miraculous things we read about in the Bible, or may come across those who will try to find rational or scientific explanations rather than accept that God has worked a miracle. There are many instances in the Bible where God intervened to change what we might call the natural course or pattern of events to bring about a miraculous happening, as in the crossing of the Red Sea mentioned above. Other examples include the period of extended daylight and extraordinarily large hailstones which we read of in Joshua 10 to enable the Israelite army to destroy their enemies; Gideon’s fleece being dry when the rest of the ground was wet with dew, and wet when all the ground was dry (Judges 6); Jesus himself calming the storm on the sea of Galilee, walking on water, and multiplying the 5 loaves and 2 fish so that they could feed more than 5000 people (Mark 4 and 7).

But why should we be surprised that God is able to control the forces of nature, when he is the one who has created everything and holds the world and the universe in his hands? We read in Isaiah 40 that he is the one who “measured the waters in the hollow of his hands, marked off the breadth of the heavens with his hands, sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, brings out the starry hosts one by one and calls them by name.” The challenge that God brought to Job is also a challenge to all of us when we may be tempted to doubt his right to intervene miraculously in his world – “where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth, tell me if you understand (Job 38v4).

Our response should be one of worship, the same as that of the disciples after Jesus calmed the storm on the lake – “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him.” (Mark 4v41)

(contributed by Trevor)

Page 12: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


When you sing the carols, watch the plays, hear the choir or contemplate the impact of Jesus’ birth in the quieter times…What amazes you? What touches your heart? What changes your attitude? What causes you to worship or inspires you to serve?

Sarah T – The Incarnation amazes me…“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” John 1v14

Christ is fully God and fully man. Why is the truth of this union so important? Here are some ideas...If Christ did not take on flesh in the incarnation then there was...No human body to know hunger, thirst, tiredness or temptationNo human body to be piercedNo blood to be shed to make atonement for my sinNo Kinsman RedeemerNo SubstituteNo salvationNo adoption for me as a sonNo bodily resurrectionNo Man in Heaven as my Great High Priest who sympathises with my weaknessesNo... the list goes on...

So if there’s no incarnation then there’s no mystery, no Immanuel and no hope. The Son of God became the Son of Man that we, the sons of men might become the sons of God. Amazing!!“Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, hail the incarnate deity, pleased as man with man to dwell, Jesus our Immanuel.”

Louise P - Mary’s rejoicing soul…“And Mary said: My soul glorifies the LORD and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant” Luke 1v46-48

The beauty of her words and the trust she displays are so inspiring and yet easy to miss amid all the action of the Christmas story. Years ago I was looking for a verse to put in my Christmas cards, something different to the usual ones, and it struck me that these verses are an absolute gem of worship amid such a life-changing time for Mary. We

The Birth of Jesus Christ

Page 13: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


get an insight into her character, her humble and courageous spirit. Sheknows her God and is ready for what lies ahead. Check out verses 46-55.

Malcolm H – From fear to privilege…“…The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2v10,11There is such sudden fear in this dark field until the message is spoken. The message brings joy out of fear to these shepherds and we can feel fear too, and God’s message to us is the same, “Do not be afraid.” So why shepherds? They were the first to be told what had happened and by such a messenger. What privilege! So what did they do with their privilege? They spread the word and all who heard were amazed! There is a challenge to us there.

Flicka W – God’s choice“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call himImmanuel” (which means “God with us”) Matthew 1v23We don’t know exactly when Jesus was born, Christmas is really like an official birthday and often so glitzy and missing the point completely. God chose to come down in human form, to a human mother, who went through labour, delivery and all that goes with that. Then, so quickly, things turned nasty with Herod and Jesus became a refugee as his parents fled for safety. God chose this path for his Son, for us! All the time here, in this sin-filled world, experiencing all that that means, Jesus lived out a sinless life.

Steve T – All this for us!When I think of Jesus at Christmas, I think of the reason why Jesus came to this planet in the first place. He came to save us from our sins, by dying for us in our place – so that we might know God and enjoy him forever. One of my favourite verses about this was written about700 years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Check out these words written by Isaiah:“I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting.” (Isaiah 50v6)And so, 700 years after these verses were written, Roman soldiers spat on Jesus, before they crucified him. This December, it is my prayer that you might bow before the Christmas child, the crucified Christ, the risen Lord Jesus and say: “Thank you, Lord – you did it for me!”

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A Series of Impossible Events?

Of all the impossible things you ask me to conceive, “which one,” you wonder, “do I find most difficult to believe?”

That a child might be born without paternal seed?That God would lie in a trough where animals feed?That an ages-old star should time its flightTo point so small a band to the royal light?That winged angels sing impossible news for all the earthTo nobody-night workers on nowhere turf?

Or this:That God, creator of time and space,Mediterranean azure, and gazelle grace,That God, immortal, should come down in mortal flesh,God with us, in all our human mess?God with us? In bomb blast? And first breath?And some slow dimming towards a memoryless death?God with us? In the crushed commute, and the lonely bed?In the sleep, wake, eat, work of our daily tread?In our petty snipes and bloated ambitions?In all the twists of our confused decisions?

God with us, in all of that? God with me in all of me?No – that I could not believe, unless, with outstretched heartHe had not given free his blood and life on that barren tree,And, with love and mercy tender, wiped my eyes so I do see.

(by Mark Greene)

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Sunday Services10.30am Communion Service11.15am Morning Service (with groups for primary school age children and creche)

6.15pm Evening Service

Dec 2 Andrew Knox (am) Vic Green (pm) 9 Andrew Knox (am and pm) 16 Andrew Knox (am) Nigel Jones (pm) 23 Andrew Knox (am – Christmas family service) Steve Titterton (pm – Carols by Candlelight) 30 Steve Titterton (am) Mike Stringer (4.00pm – FIEC joint service)Jan 6 Nigel Jones (am) Sam Gordon (pm) 13 Andrew Knox (am) Steve Titterton (pm) 20 Andrew Knox (am) David Donegani (pm) 27 Steve Titterton (am) Andrew Knox (pm) Feb 3 Andrew Knox (am) Nigel Jones (pm) 10 Andrew Knox (am) Peter Riisnaes (pm) 17 Andrew Knox (am) Nigel Jones (pm) 24 Steve Titterton (am) Chris McNee (pm)Mar 3 Andrew Knox (am) Colin Densham (pm)

Page 16: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with

Wednesday Fellowship EveningsFellowship Evenings are every Wednesday night. If you do not already belong to a group why not start off the New Year by coming along and enjoying fellowship and a great opportunity to worship God, study His word and pray in an informal way with friends. Alternate weeks we meet at church in the “Wednesday Room.” Please ask for details of home groups as you are most welcome at your nearest or most convenient venue. The usual meeting time is 7.45pm.Dec 5 Home Groups: When backs are turned - Nehemiah 12v27-13v31 12 The Park Nursing Home Carol Service at 6.30pm 19 No Meeting 26 No MeetingJan 2 No Meeting 9 DPR: Half day of Prayer – Between 4pm – 9pm 16 DPR: Roger 23 Home Groups – new series 30 DPR: NigelFeb 6 Home Groups 13 DPR: David Fielding on John Bunyan 20 Home Groups 27 DPR: Steve TMar 6 Home Groups 13 DPR: Annual Members Meeting


Page 17: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


Ladies Fellowship– Tuesdays, at 2.00pm (please speak to Marion Mailer for more information)

Dec 4 Lunch outreach 11 Ashwood Spencer School Choir(then no meetings until January 2019) Jan 8 Lunch outreach 15 Nigel Jones 22 Sue Bounds 29 Joan AuguisteFeb 5 Lunch outreach 12 Roger Cresswell 19 Joy Campbell 26 OutingMar 5 Lunch outreach

Women TogetherMondays at 7.30pm(please speak to Wendy Walmsley or Joy Campbell for more information)

• No meeting in December• 28 January – “Pretty Useful Hands”• 25 February – Edah Lupambo will be telling us about the charity work she is involved with in Zambia

Ladies’ Prayer NetworkMondays at 7.30pm(please speak to Sarah Throssell for more information)

3 Dec, 14 Jan (NB second Monday in the month), 4 Feb, 4 Mar

Page 18: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with

Lunch OutreachTuesdays, at 1.00pm (please speak to Sue Bounds or Marion Mailer for more information)

4 Dec, 8 Jan, 5 Feb, 5 Mar

Hospital ServicesSundays at 4.00pm, London Road Community Hospital (f you are able to support the hospital service, either regularly or occasionally, please

speak to Wendy Walmsley)

9 Dec, 20 Jan, 17 Feb


What’s in a name?When the angel came to tell Joseph that Mary was expecting a baby, and that this baby would be God’s son, he was told “you shall call his name JESUS, for he shall save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1 v 21.

JESUS was his promised name, by God’s own decree Matthew 1v21

JESUS was his given name, at his mother’s knee Matthew 1v25

JESUS was his human name, as he lived and died John 1v45

JESUS was his kingly name, as the crucified John 19v19

JESUS was his living name, when he rose again Matthew 28v5,6

JESUS was his saving name, we are to explain Acts 8v35

JESUS is his advent name, we are to recall Acts 1v11

JESUS is his honoured name, as the Lord of all Philippians 2v8/9

JESUS is his precious name, we must love him more 1 Peter 2v7

JESUS is the sweetest name, let us all adore Luke 24v36,52

Amen – Come Lord Jesus Revelation 22v20

(contributed by Margaret J)

Page 19: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


Flower RotaDec 2 Joan A 9 Joy G 16 Kate H 23/30 Mary Y Jan 6 Loretta M 13 Fiona K 20 Wendy W 27 Linda C

Feb 3 Marion M 10 Joy C 17 Fiona J 24 Avis C

Mar 3 Mary Y 10 Sarah T 17 Rita C 24 Joyce L 31 Joan A

If you cannot provide flowers on your allocated week, please arrange to swap with someone else, or speak to Joyce Lewis. Thank you

Cleaning Team RotaThe Rota:Dec 7 Sarah 14 Joe 21 Trevor 28 StephenJan 4 Paul 11 Sarah 18 Joe 25 TrevorFeb 1 Stephen 8 Sarah 15 Joe 22 TrevorMar 1 Stephen 8 Paul

The Teams:Trevor M: Loretta, Sue, WendyStephen W: Karen, Margaret, Pearl, RolandPaul C: Rita, Fiona J, Nigel, EdahSarah T: Fiona K, Joy, Mikk, MargJoe A: David, SimonIf you are unable to do the allocated week, please arrange to swap with another team, or speak to Paul and Rita Crowe, thank you.

* You may be aware that some of the cleaning team members are now missing. Please could YOU fill the gap.Speak to Rita to avail yourselves of this unique opportunity!

Page 20: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


Getting our priorities right... at ChristmasWhat occupies your thoughts in the run up to Christmas? Is it the presents yet to be bought? The carol services that require planning? The parties or meals that need to be organised? The work you need to get done before you have some time off over the Christmas holiday period?

Or is it your need of Jesus?At a time when the temptation is to focus on the practicalities and the rush, it’s so easy to go about things in our own strength. How can we tell if we are doing this? One indication is from our patterns of rest. Most of us find resting hard, and this is particularly so around Christmas. But a lack of rest can be a sign of a heart that is trusting in its own ability to get everything done. At the centre of the Christmas story is a baby. Babies are tiny, vulnerable, fragile and needy – in many ways all these things are essential to what it means to be human, created to be in a relationship with God, dependent on him. That’s what Jesus came to offer us! But in our rush to celebrate the Christmas season, we often go about it in a way that denies the very truth at its heart.

Let us learn from the Christmas story, and find rest in God this festive season. Here are three practical suggestions to help you do this.

Make daily devotionals a priority – especially during AdventTime with God should always be a priority, but at Christmas there are even more things than usual fighting for our attention. Maybe you could find a daily reading scheme written especially to use for the Advent period – for example, “the One True Story” written by Tim Chester (who spoke recently at Steve T’s induction service), which is reviewed on page 22.

Hold out the gospel to othersThere is no better way to show dependence on God that by speaking of Christ to others, and trusting God with the results. We can step out in faith, knowing that God often takes our tentative, faltering words or actions, and uses them for his glory. Christmas is a brilliant opportunity to give send cards giving something of the gospel message (maybe with a Christmas tract inside), or giving Christian books as gifts. Start the new year with an age-old resolution Most of us are so busy planning Christmas that we don’t think about the new year until it is almost upon us and we then make extensive lists of unrealistic resolutions. But do we stop to give ourselves a spiritual “health check” to assess honestly how things are going with our Christian life, and look at what action might be necessary.

Page 21: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


How to make the fever leave ya!

If you are suffering from a fever,Called the fever of life.If you are tangled in a knotFrom pressures, worries or strife. If you feel tired of living inA world full of “horrid” things,And every day just bring more pricklesAnd lots of hurtful stingsIf you feel hot, through rambling on“how good things used to be,”If you’ve got a rash, and always rushFrom place to place, then see –There is a cure, a cure that’s sure To set you on your feetTo see once more the joys of lifeAnd skip to a better beat.As with all cures, I’m sure you know,The dose you have to follow.Jesus is both treatment and cure,The one you have to swallow.He will lift you up, and help you to standYou’ll feel stronger, yes it’s true.And though you may feel you’re going to fall,He’ll catch you if you do. The medicine of love completeOf deliverance and trust.But, you must take that one dose firstYou know I’m sure, you must. There is no other cure at all,It’s a life or death decision.The fever of life could burn you upWithout one curing dose – salvation. (by Joy G)

Page 22: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with


THE ONE TRUE STORY – Daily Readings for Advent from Genesis to Jesus by Tim Chester (Published by the Good Book Company)

Everyone loves the Christmas story – Mary meeting an angel, being told that she has been chosen to have a child who will be the “Sav-iour of his people,” Joseph faithfully standing by her, the difficult journey to Bethlehem and then no room at the inn, choirs of angels, shepherds on the hillside, and the visit of the wise men.

But the Christmas story is not just a great story – it’s THE story! The story that ties together all other stories – everything came together on the night in Bethlehem. As the apostle Paul puts it, it was “the fulfilment of the ages.”

The Christmas story is the one true story because it completes and fulfils all the stories of the Bible. But it also goes on being the one true story – this is the story that makes sense of the stories of all our lives. We were made to know God, and all our longings will only truly find fulfilment in him and through him. The plotlines of our lives are meant to find their resolution in the enjoyment of God. We can all be a part of it.

This book is designed especially for the period of Advent leading up to Christ-mas. There are 24 short chapters, one to read every day from the beginning of December up to Christmas Day. Each day we are directed to one or two stories from the Bible to see how they find their fulfilment in Christ and to explore further how the Christmas story connects with our story. Each chap-ter then ends with a meditation and prayer to help us focus on the gospel message in the run up to Christmas.

(Fiona J)

Book Review>>>

Page 23: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with



(available from the Good Book Company)

Let’s face it – we all worry about something or other, at one time or another. So when you come across a book that speaks of ‘living without worry,’ it sounds like an encouragement to chase after rainbows and live your illusion. But we want to be realistic about life. We want helpful, practical advice. Tim Lane is about as practical as they come.

He has had years of experience, counselling real people with real struggles – and he has seen real change. His approach is to look carefully at what the Bible says and to apply it to everyday situations, so that real change is the result.

First, a warning: this book is not an easy read. It is packed full of biblical references, so it doesn’t read like a light and fluffy ‘self-help’ book. It does not give you a simple formula for success. On top of that, Lane keeps pushing you to think practically about your own life. If you are going to read this book, read it slowly. Make notes. Make changes in your life.

However, this book is well worth the effort. Lane shows us what to do with worry – both generally and specifically. Lane’s general approach takes us back to the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus gives the command: “Do not worry.” Many view this as an impossible command. How can I not worry? Lane is so helpful in the way that he reframes ‘worry’ as ‘concern’. What Jesus is really against is ‘over-concern’ – where our response to a situation can show a lack of trust in the promises of God, and that, at the heart level, something has become more important to us than God. This is what Jesus is against. What Jesus expects instead is that our main concern in life is to be concerned about what God is concerned about: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

But here is the reason why you really need to read this book – there is ‘gold’ in every chapter. To see the Bible applied so practically to the everyday issues of modern life will help you to navigate the rocks and rapids of reality. Ultimately, this is a realistic book. Tim Lane is not asking you to chase treasure at the end of the rainbow, but he does offer ‘gold’ in these pages – you would be hard-pushed to find a better blend of biblical and practical advice on this subject. I heartily recommend “Living Without Worry” to you.

(Steve T)


Page 24: Davenport Road Evangelical Church Hall · accompanying singers for enriching our times together to the praise and glory of our great God and Saviour. Thank you to all who helped with

Have a Wonderful Christmas

CarolsChristmasMorning Celebration25 Dec 10:45amby

Candlelight 23 Dec 6:15pm

in the Car Park 21 Dec 7:00pm

ChristmasFamily Service

23 Dec 11:15am

at Davenport Road Evangelical Church


Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Jesus’ names in Isaiah 9:6)Davenport Road, Osmaston DE24 8AX www.davenportroadchurch.org.uk Registered Charity No 1077832