D.A.R.E. Essays Mr. Williams’ Class Room 18 www.scenein18.blogspot.com ROOSEVELT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

DARE Essay's Book

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Mr. Williams’ ClassRoom 18



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Julio A.While officer RJ was in our class I learned many things about smoking tobacco. Smoking cigarettes can cause many problems. One of the things that cigarettes can cause is breathing problems. Cigarettes can also cause lung cancer. One of the worst things that cigarettes can cause is a hole in your neck. Cigarettes can also cause yellow teeth and bad breath. These are the many bad things that cigarettes can cause.

When the officer was here I learned what alcohol can lead to. Alcohol can lead to many bad things one of them is coma or death. Alcohol can also slow down your body. It could also lead to violence and injuries. Alcohol also can’t be consumed by someone who is under the age of 21.These are the facts about alcohol.

In about five seconds I will tell you things about marijuana. Marijuana is terribly bad for you. One of the things that marijuana could cause is short- term memory loss. Marijuana could also be addictive. Marijuana could also cause 50% to 70% of cancer causing diseases. Marijuana is also illegal in the United States. This is what I learned about marijuana in D.A.R.E.

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Victoria A. In DARE I learned that smoking, alcohol, and drugs are bad for you.

Alcohol can give you poor judgment. When your talking you may say something wrong. It may also give you slow reflexes. You may not be in good shape. What I know is if you drink and drive you may hurt yourself and the people around you. Alcohol is illegal to sell under the age of 21. Alcohol is bad and no one should drink all the time.

Smoking can cause lung cancer. Your lungs can turn black by smoking. It can hurt you. Cigarettes contain 200 types of poisons. There is also nicotine in cigarettes. Nicotine is the part in cigarettes that make it addictive. It is illegal to sell cigarettes to people under 18. If you smoke you can hurt your self and everybody else.

Drugs can hurt you and your brain. Drugs are bad for you because they can kill you. Drugs are also illegal to sell in the United States. It is really easy to be caught with drugs. Drugs may also cause problems to your body. Inhaling is another type of drug. When you inhaling you may die the first time you try it. I suggest you don’t try any drugs.

My pledge is to not drink, smoke, or take any drugs. I will not drink because you can get slow reflexes. I would not smoke because you can get lung cancer and I will not take any drugs because it can harm your body. This is what I am going to pledge

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David C.D.A.R.E has been a great experience, it has taught me how to stay drug free.

My D.A.R.E officer taught my classmates and I that alcohol is hurtful in many ways. Alcohol can lead to coma or death. It can also damage every organ in your body. Alcohol can affect the growing body of children. These are some things my D.A.R.E officer taught my classmates and I about alcohol.

The next thing I learned with my D.A.R.E officer was about smoking tobacco. Smoking tobacco can cause breathing problems. There are 200 known poisons in tobacco. If you smoke tobacco it can lead to lung cancer and heart disease. These are some things that I learned about smoking tobacco in my D.A.R.E class.

Another thing I learned in D.A.R.E was about smoking marijuana. Smoking marijuana can lead to short-term memory loss. Smoking marijuana can also slow your coordination and reflexes. You need those two things if you play sports. It is illegal to smoke marijuana in the United States. I learned a lot of facts on smoking marijuana in my D.A.R.E class.

The last thing I learned in my D.A.R.E class was about second hand smoke. Second hand smoke is when someone is smoking and somebody else breathes in the smoke. About 3,000 people die of lung cancer because of second hand smoke. Second hand smoke can put the health of your family at risk. These are things my D.A.R.E officer taught me about second hand smoke.

I now pledge to never take any sort of drug in my life.

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Marco D.In D.A.R.E I learned that smoking, marijuana, anddrinking alcohol is bad for you. First smoking can cause lung cancer. Smoking can also give you bad breath. Smoking also can give you yellow teeth because when people smoke too much they get yellow teeth. This is what I learned in D.A.R.E so now I can live my life healthy.

Next, lets talk about marijuana. First, marijuana can be addictive because the first time you try it you get addicted easily. Marijuana also has a risk of cancer that is why it is bad for you. Marijuana can also slow you down in sports that is why you should not try marijuana if you are in a sport. This is what I learned in D.A.R.E so now I know what kind of things that are bad for me.

The last thing I learned in D.A.R.E is that alcohol is bad for you. First, alcohol can slow down your brain. Alcohol is illegal for people under 21. This is all I learned in D.A.R.E so now I can live my life happy and healthy.

My pledge is to not smoke, try marijuana, and not to drink alcohol.

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Kyle E. The DARE Program told me to never smoke Tobacco, Marijuana and Alcohol. First of all on Marijuana it has more tar than tobacco. This fact hasn’t changed people’s habits. Marijuana is really illegal in the United States. In Conclusion I’ll never smoke Marijuana.

Next lets talk about Alcohol It’s illegal for any teen under 21 to consume. 87% of the teens don’t drink alcohol. Alcohol can damage every organ in the body Finally on Tobacco It’s the number 1 cause of lung cancer. The cigarettes contain nicotine. Nicotine is bad because it has a lot of effects. 400,000 people died from smoking in the world. In pledge I’ll never do any drugs like Tobacco, Marijuana and Alcohol.

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Josiah F. Marijuana is crazy. It gives you memory loss. Who would want memory loss? It also slows your coordination and reflexes. It causes breathing problems as well. You can die very quickly from it. I`m a big brother and I want to show my brothers and my kids when I grow up that I`m a good roll model for the

Alcohol is very bad for us. It gives us loss of self-control. It`s almost related to marijuana because they usually do the same thing to you. Teens drink alcohol too. It is illegal to drink alcohol under twenty-one years of age in the United States. Alcohol causes your memory lap. It`s bad for adults who drive. They could crash into another car or house you can go to jail or die. It happens all the time. Alcohol can damage things in your body.

Tobacco causes lung cancer. You can also get mouth, bladder, and kidney cancer. You can get yellow teeth and bad breath. Even if you brush those nasty teeth they can get stained. If you put mint or chew gum for your bad breath it still smells nasty. Tobacco even causes you to have wrinkles and dry skin. You will look like an old person. Tobacco ruins cells in your body.

I Josiah pledge to not smoke, drink, or use drugs.

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Wendy G.My D.A.R.E teacher Officer R.J. showed me what is bad for your body so, in the future if someone tells me to do something bad for my body I`ll always say no.

Here are a couple reasons why drugs are bad for you. One reason is that it can harm your body and you can get a disease. Did you know you could lose your coordination? Just remember, never take drugs or you can lose your coordination or get a disease.

Smoking is horrible. If you`ve ever walked by a person who is smoking it really stinks. Here is how smoking can get you in trouble. For Example, if your 18 years or younger and buy a pack of cigarettes you will go to jail because it is illegal.. Something that happens to you when you smoke a lot is that you can get yellow teeth. Also you can get bad breath. It really stinks! I know it stinks because I have past by a guy who had stopped smoking and was talking to someone. I hope no one ever forces me to smoke. My motto is “Don`t smoke, don`t die.”

Consuming alcohol can cause harm to your body in many ways. Here are three things that alcohol can cause if you consume it. Alcohol is known to slow your body and brain. For example, it can cause you to lose self-control, which means you might get a little angry. It can also cause loss of coordination which means you can get hurt. Alcohol is also known to damage every organ in your body, such as your liver. Alcohol is bad for your body so you should never try it.

I, Wendy, pledge to never take drugs, smoke, or consume alcohol because of what I`ve learned in D.A.R.E. of what they can all cause to your body.

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Moriah G.Tobacco, Alcohol, and, Marijuana can be addictive and can kill you.

Alcohol is bad for you because it could lead to Coma or death. Alcohol also could kill your organs. Did you know that mixing alcohol is very dangerous? Alcohol is also illegal under the age 21. I have now learned about drugs, so now I can live my life very happy.

Tobacco can be addictive and can kill you. Tobacco can cause many diseases .One of the diseases that tobacco could cause is heart disease. Tobacco also causes lung cancer, lung cancer hurts. Don’t try tobacco because it can cause breathing problems. Don’t try tobacco because you can hurt yourself.

Marijuana can be addictive and can kill you. Marijuana is bad for you because it could cause upper respiratory problems. Marijuana also causes coordination problems. Don’t try Marijuana because it has tar in it. Another reason you shouldn’t try Marijuana is because it could also cause Short Term Memory loss. Don’t try Marijuana because you can hurt your family.

My pledge is not to try Alcohol, Tobacco, and other kinds of drugs.

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Isela G.DARE was a really big change for me, it showed me how keep myself healthy, drug, and tobacco free.

Alcohol can damage you in many different ways. In DARE I learned that if you drink irresponsibly you could not only hurt yourself but you can hurt those around you. You have lack of coordination and it slows down your brain.it can also slow down your growing body because it isn’t all the way developed. Anyone under the age of 21 is not allowed to drink alcohol it is illegal. If you drink and drive you will go to jail.

Tobacco can damage you in many different ways. Tobacco can cause kidney cancer and upper respiratory problems. Some people don’t know how tobacco can kill you. Tobacco contains two hundred poisons. Tobacco is very addictive. You shouldn’t use tobacco just to be cool. The tobacco companies are making new things to get you addicted to tobacco, such as little tea bags, tablets that look like tic tacs, and chewing tobacco. Unless you want to end up with a hole in your neck II suggest you don’t smoke tobacco.

Bulling is going on in a lot of places. Some people can’t defend themselves. That’s why if you see bullying you should ask them nicely to stop. But if they don’t stop you should go tell someone. It is very important to stick up for yourself and others because the person who bothers or bullies you will continue to bully you. Bullying can hurt people whether its with or violets. This is why bullying is not ok.

I pledge to never drink, smoke, or do drugs because I know how it can harm you.

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Ryan K.Through D.A.R.E I learned that drugs, smoking, and alcohol can kill you and causes diseases. One thing I learned is that drugs can kill you. The next thing that it will cause is short-term memory loss. The last thing I learned is that there are a lot of poisons in cigarettes. Some drugs have a lot of stuff you don’t know what’s inside on a cigarette.

The second thing I learned is that smoking causes breathing problems. Another thing it causes is heart diseases. Finally it also has 200 poisons in cigarettes. Cigarettes can cause a lot of things that are bad for you.

The last thing I learned is that alcohol slows you down. It can even damage every organ in your body. Finally its illegal for people fewer than 21 years old. If you drink or smoke alcohol it can really hurt your body.

I will not smoke or do drugs because it can damage my body and it has 200 poisons. This is what I pledged.

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Angel L.DARE has been an experience to me. It showed me to make good decisions and to not do drugs.

Alcohol can cause poor judgment, slow reflexes, and loss of self-control. If you drink alcohol it could hurt you and your own family. If you drink alcohol it slows your reflexes. Poor judgment causes you to not do well in school, or a job. A Slow-reflexes you to not do well in sports. Loss of self-control causes you to hurt your family, or friends.

If you smoke marijuana it can lead to breathing problems. That causes you to not breath well. If you smoke marijuana you can get addictive to it. If you start you may never stop. Marijuana causes short-term memory loss so you may forget who you are.

Tobacco causes colds and upper respiratory problems. One cigarette has at least 200 poisons inside it if you smoke tobacco it can lead to heart diseases.

I pledge to never drink alcohol or do drugs and smoke tobacco or marijuana.

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Juliana L.DARE was good for me because I didn’t’ know that drugs, alcohol and tobacco are bad for you and how it can harm you and your family.

Drugs are really bad for you because drugs slow down your coordination and reflexes. Drugs are illegal in the United States. Drugs can also cause colds and respiratory problems. Drugs can also cause breathing problems and can slow down your ability to concentrate .One more thing I learned about drugs is that you may get short –term memory loss. Now you can see that I learned a lot about drugs and how they are really bad for you.

Another thing I learned about D.A.R.E was that alcohol is bad for you because alcohol slows down your brain and your body. Alcohol is also bad for you because you may fall into coma and die. Alcohol is illegal anyone under 21 to drink alcohol. If you drink alcohol you may have memory lapses. One more thing I learned about alcohol is that you should never drive when you drink alcohol because you can increase your risk of injuries, car crashes and violence .Now you know how bad alcohol is for you because it can cause a lot of dangerous stuff too and how bad its’ for you.

The final thing I learned about D.A.R.E. was tobacco and how it can harm you and your health. Tobacco can cause breathing problems. Tobacco can also cause you to have heart disease, colds and upper respiratory problems. Tobacco is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 years old to smoke. Now you know how bad tobacco is for you.

I pledge to not take drugs, or smoke, or drink alcohol, because its’ all really bad for you. Just because they make fancy advertisements it does not mean you have to smoke take drugs or drink alcohol.

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Alejandro M.In DARE I have learned what Marijuana, Alcohol, and Tobacco can do to your body.

One thing that I have learned in DARE IS that marijuana is bad for you. Another thing about marijuana is that it can kill you. My other fact about marijuana is that it causes brain disease. My third fact is that marijuana causes heart disease.

Second I am going to give you some facts of why alcohol is bad for you. My first fact about alcohol is that alcohol can slow your body. My second fact about alcohol is that alcohol can damage every organ in your body. My last fact about alcohol is that you can lose your coordination.

Lastly I am going to tell you what tobacco can do to your body. My first fact is that tobacco has 200 poisons. Another thing about tobacco is that it causes yellow teeth. My last fact is that tobacco causes shortness of breath.

As you can see I have what marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco can do to your body.

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Karina M.I have learned that marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol are all really bad for you and your family.

Alcohol can make you do bad things, affects your brain, and you can get arrested. It is illegal for people under the age of 21 to drink alcohol. It can cause loss of self-control. It can also cause memory lapses. Therefore, you can see how bad alcohol is for you.

Tobacco can cause smelly breath, causes cancer around your body, and tooth loss. Tobacco may give you smelly breath. You have a possible chance of getting cancer around your body. You can also get loose teeth because of smoking. Therefore, you should never smoke tobacco.

Marijuana can be addictive; can cause short-term memory loss, and slow reflexes. If you smoke marijuana, you will get addicted. You have a possible chance of getting short-term memory loss because of smoking marijuana. You will also get slow reflexes from marijuana. Therefore, if I were you, I would say no to marijuana, which can harm my body including tobacco, drugs, and alcohol.

I pledge to never drink, smoke, or take drugs in my life because I want to live instead of having to die at a young age.

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Gilberto M.I have learned a lot of things about what drugs do to you if you take them.

This is what my D.A.R.E. officer taught me about smoking. Smoking causes lung cancer. The worst thing that I think is bad about smoking is that it’s addictive. These are the three facts that I know about smoking.

The second drug that I’m going to talk about is alcohol. Alcohol causes a variety of issues. It slows down your brain. Alcohol damages every organ in your body. These are the facts that my D.A.R.E. officer taught me about alcohol.

The last drug that I’m going to talk about is marijuana. Marijuana has more tar in it than tobacco. The drug marijuana is illegal in the United States. People who take marijuana have an increased risk of cancer. This is what my D.A.R.E. officer taught me about marijuana.

I pledge to make wise decisions about, alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

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Sebastian M.D.A.R.E show you what drugs and alcohol can do to you. My D.A.R.E. Officer told me that alcohol could do a lot of damage. You can lose your coordination and kill your self. Alcohol can also damage your mind and you would lose your memory and you might not remember anything. This is why alcohol is dangerous.

I will show you what tobacco does to you My D.A.R.E officer told me that tobacco would ruin your body. It can ruin your body because you will get breathing problems and coma. It can also give you health problems and it is illegal for some one under 18 years of age. This is why you should not smoke tobacco.

Marijuana is like karma. I say that because marijuana can do a lot of bad thing to you like it can give you short - term memory loss. Marijuana can also slow down your coordination and reflexes and you would not be able to play sports. This is why I say that marijuana is like karma.

So I pledge that I will be drug free and I will never drink alcohol.

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Perla O.In D.A.R.E .I have learned that Alcohol, Drugs or Smoking can affect your body.

Alcohol has many things that can affect your body. One effect that alcohol has is that it can lead you to coma or death. I also learned that alcohol could make you lose your self-control. Alcohol is illegal for any one under twenty-one years old. I will never drink alcohol because I don’t want to affect my body.

Smoking has many effects. One effect that smoking has is that it can cause lung cancer. Smoking can also give you yellow teeth and bad breath. One last effect that smoking can cause is dry skin or wrinkles. I will never smoke because I don’t want to get lung cancer or died.

Drugs have many effects. One effect that drugs have is that it could give you heart problems. I also learned that drugs are illegal to everybody in the United States. Please remember not to take drugs because it could affect your body.

I Perla pledge not to drink alcohol, take drugs, or smoke because I want to be healthy for the rest of my life.

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Leslie P. Tobacco can cause cancer and that can cause a big problem. The smoke of cigarettes can kill you. Smoking can damage your heart and it can also kill you. All of these things can kill you.

Marijuana can be bad in many ways. Marijuana can cause breathing problems and that can damage your heart. It can make you lose concentration. Marijuana can make you lose you mind. As you can see marijuana can be bad in many ways. I pledge to make good decisions about alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and other drugs for my whole life.

Alcohol can make people lose their mind and that can cause violence. Alcohol can also be addicting. When you drink beer you can say things you don’t mean to say. As you can see alcohol causes violence, lose your mind, say things you don’t mean to say, say bad things, and can be addicting.

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Katelyn P.Marijuana is a deadly drug to use. D.A.R.E taught me why. Marijuana can cause breathing problems. Marijuana is very dangerous and you risk of cancer. Marijuana is a drug. People abuse and put in there medicine. Marijuana is a deadly drug and can kill you. Marijuana is a natural drug people take to kill there pain. Marijuana users have more colds and lead to coma death marijuana is a very addictive some people .I don’t want to get messed up on marijuana no matter what.

D.A.R.E has taught me that alcohol marijuana and tobacco is a very bad thing to do and can kill you. Alcohol for kids under 21 can affect your body. Uncontrollable drinking can kill you. Kids under 21 should not drink. It will affect their brain. Teen bodies are still growing. They’re fore alcohol them more severely then adults. That’s why I will never try alcohol no mater what.

I learned that tobacco can cause hart problems. Tobacco can be used in bad ways. Some people abused tobacco and it can kill you no matter what , tobacco is a very bad choice. My commit is to never do alcohol, tobacco , and marijuana I pledge and swear to never do these things.

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Ysabelle P.D.A.R.E. has taught me many things about the dangers of tobacco, marijuana, and alcohol.

Tobacco can hurt you in many different ways. How it can hurt you is that you can get heart disease. It puts your family and friends at risk. It contains nicotine and 200 different poisons that can easily kill you. Because of D.A.R.E. I know not to smoke tobacco

Marijuana can change your life in many ways. If you smoke marijuana you get more colds and upper respiratory problems than other people. It can cause short-term memory loss. Finally, marijuana slows down your reflexes and coordination. Thanks to D.A.R.E. I know not to smoke marijuana.

Alcohol can harm your body in several different ways. Alcohol slows down your brain and body. It puts you in risk of getting many diseases. Finally, if you drink alcohol you stumble when you speak. As you can see, these are some ways alcohol can harm your body.

I pledge to never smoke tobacco and marijuana, even drink alcohol because I don’t want to put my life in danger, and because I have younger cousins who look up to me and I want set a good example for them.

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Alejandra R.I like D.A.R.E. because it taught me not to smoke, do drugs and, not to try alcohol.

I learned that smoking is bad for everyone. One of the bad things I learned is that smoking can cause diseases. Another thing I learned that smoking can do is you can get lung cancer. Also I learned that you get bad breath and, you can have yellow teeth. Smoking can hurt you in many ways.

I learned that doing drugs harm you. Doing drugs is illegal. A way that drugs can harm you is that you can be involved in a car crash. I also learned that doing drugs causes you breathing problems. As you can see doing drugs is bad for everyone.

I learned about alcohol. Alcohol can damage every organ in your body. Also I learned that mixing alcohol with medicine is dangerous. I learned that alcohol slows down your brain and body. As you can see alcohol is dangerous. I pledge for not smoking, doing drugs and, not trying alcohol.

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Itzel R.In D.A.R.E. I learned that tobacco, marijuana, and alcohol are bad for you.

One thing I learned in D.A.R.E. is about tobacco. Tobacco can cause breathing problems and heart diseases. Another thing I learned is that tobacco can be addictive because it contains nicotine. The last thing I learned about tobacco is that there are more than two hundred known poisons in cigarettes. These are three things that I learned in D.A.R.E.

In D.A.R.E. I learned that marijuana is bad for you. Here are a few things I learned. First, marijuana can affect your brain, and body and can cause memory loss and slows down your coordination and reflexes. Second, is that there is more tar in marijuana than there is in tobacco. I don’t think people should smoke marijuana because the tar can cause breathing problems. Finally, marijuana can cause cold and upper respiratory problems. These are three things I learned in D.A.R.E. about marijuana.

The last thing I learned in D.A.R.E. is that alcohol is bad for you. Alcohol is bad for you because it an slow down your brain and body by loss of self control and memory lapses. Another way that its bad for you is that if you drink to much alcohol it can lead to coma or death. Alcohol can also affect your body and brain by slurred speeches and poor judgment. These are three things I learned in D.A.R.E.

I pledge never to drink or smoke because it can damage my body.

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Aundrea R.Officer R.J. was telling us about how tobacco, drugs, and alcohol can harm us.

Tobacco can hurt us in many ways. The first way it can hurt us is by causing heart disease .The second thing that tobacco can hurt us by lung cancer. The third thing that tobacco can hurt us is by causing tooth loss.

Marijuana can cause many bad things in your body .One of the things that marijuana can cause is heart disease. Marijuana can also cause lung disease. Marijuana is a horrible habit for young people. A marijuana habit can lead you to death.

Alcohol can cause many bad things in your body. Mostly it can cause violence. Athletes don’t drink alcohol if they do it would slow them down. Alcohol is illegal for people that are under 21. If you are 21 you don’t have to drink alcohol. I learn lots of things that can harm you, some of the things I knew, some of the things I didn’t know. Officer R.J. was very helpful.

I Aundrea Rosado pledge to not take tobacco, alcohol, or drugs.

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Mina T.D.A.R.E. has been an experience for me to be an example to younger kids and also it taught me how to be healthy for the rest of my life.

If you drink alcohol or take drugs these are some of the sicknesses you could get from it. You could get memory loss, or loss of coordination, and it could also slow your body. Because of DARE I know to keep my body strong and healthy?

Smoking can damage your body in many different ways. It can damage your lungs and you can get mouth cancer. You can also get a hole in your neck. There are many teenagers who smoke to fit in. I don’t think smoking is a good idea because I wouldn’t want to damage my body to make friends. Thanks to DARE I know not to smoke because of the things it can do to you.

Lastly there are many types of peer pressure. Some can be good and some can be bad. Friendly peer pressure is not a bad thing to do. It pressures you to do something that’s good for you. Bad peer pressure can cause other people to do something they don’t want to do. Because of DARE I will never create peer pressure to other people because I wouldn’t want it to happen to me.

Now I pledge to never drink alcohol, smoke, and to never create peer pressure.