CITY INTELLIGENCE. Bcsin2s3 Changes In addition to the busi- ; ness changes and projected industries noted in these columns recently, we have also to men- tion that Jos. Fritz has become a partner with R. H. livers iv the undertaking business, with office a r d wareroorns on X street, in the Odd Fellows' Temple buildiug.... &Co. { have enlarged their storeroom on J and Seventh j streets. This has been accomplished by occu- pying the large storeroom running back of the main room, from Seventh street, the one formerly occupied by the Code Commissioners. From tne rear of the J street store a broad entrance has been cat into the new room, in which the wooden ware, crockery, glassware and carved work have been placed, increasing the storage capacity of the first floor by one- third .. the Red House Trade Union, J street, between Seventh and Eighth, has ritttd up the second story over the storeroom, and occupied it its entire length as a second department to the store, for the sale of men's wear, fancy goods, trunks, ..The Grover & Baker sewing machine agency has been transferred to the carpet rooms of llassey & Taubenheimer, J street, between Fifth and Sixth, and that firm ba? undertaken the management of the agency for this city T. 11. Cook has pur- chased the family grocery establishment of C. Luges &Co., at the corner uf Eleventh and J streets, and wil' eontiotte the business in bis ovn name. .. .Ricbard Dreisae and Leo J. Wet- terman have opened an " Art and Business Col- lege " on Filth street. Pacific Hotel building, to teach drawing, penmanship and commercial accounting Schaden & Fuller, grocers, at Second and M streets, have dissolved, Mr. Schaden continuing at the old stand, and Mr. Fuller opening a new grocery store at the cor- ner of Tenth acd M streets. Merchandise Report. The following mer- chandise for Sacramento houses passed Ogden October 15th and 16tb : For Mebius & Co., 1 case playing cards, 16 caddies, 2 kegs and 12 pails tobacco, '.id cases matches ; Liudlev <fe Co., 3 boxes smoking tobacco; E. E. Ames, 4 bug- gies ; Towle & Bros., 36 boxes school furniture, 65 racks castings, 1 box hardware, 2 desks; H. C. K'rk & Co., 1sack seed, 2 boxes drugs, 10 barrels btuestone ; Uuntington, Hopkins A Co., 3 boxes baid.vare, 1 box pulleys, 1box books and staples, 5 cases screws, 3 bales rub- ber packing, 1 bale rubber hose, 13 kegs and 11 boxes bolts, 235 bundles iron, 1car ad of iron, 253 bund'es shovels; R. Stone A Co., 1 box leather; Adams, McNeil} & Co., 200 boxes raisins, 2 barrels dried fruit, 5 crates butter, 30 boxes pepper sauce; E. B. Mott, Jr., 2 cases and 2 boxes hardware, 10 hand pumps; A. Meister, 1 box bolts; J. T. Sioll, 3 boxes sad- dletrees; P. H. Russell A Co., 1 box canned oysters; Baker A Hamilton, 5 boxes scythes, 12 hand pumps, 1barrel and 1 box hardware; Clark & vis, 1box dry goods; G. H. Swin- erton, 1 cask zinc. 12 bundles sheet iron, 10 boxes zinc plate ; B. Cohen, 2 cases oil cloth; Lindlev &Co., 40 caddies and 26 pails tobacco ; Wbittier, Fuller A Co., 16 crates frames; Booth A Co., 5) pails tobacco ; M'.llikin Bros , 10 cases Batches: >. H. Davis, 1box hardware; W. D. Comstock, 8 bags hair, 3 bales comforters ; Ackerman A Co., 5 barrels whisky; Locked Livenson, 1 box picture frame*; llassey A Taubenheimer, 1 box picture Frames ; A. Coolot, \u25a0; eases stationery ; T. Harper, 4 boxes boots and shoes. Drowaed. A man named Stewart McMiller* working for James Hilton, who resides near the Mound, about seven miles up the river, came to the city Sunday on business, and while in town is said to hare become somewhat intoxicated. Returning home in the evening, he drove his horse down to the river at a place where the animals were generally watered, and somehow got into the stream beyond the depth of bis horse, and both horse and driver were drowned. The horse was subsequently found about 200 yards below the scene of the accident, but Me Millet's body has not been recovered, although vigorous efforts were made Last Friday, when the steamer Yaruna. was about to leave for the upper Sacramento, a man whose name sounds like Chinchilla U ruble went on board her barge in an inebriated condition. A dispatch received next day from Captain Roberts reported that timbre had fallen overboard from the barge about six miles above the city and drowned be fore assistance could reach him. His body has not been found. Splendid Hop.ses. There arrived yesterday from Elgin, Illinois, six splendid Normandy draft stallions, belonging to A. Sackrider, who imported them from France last fall, together with others. Toev all came through in excel- lent health from Elgin, but one of them bad a narrow escape from injury at Pino, where the side of the car was knocked out in consequence of another car striking it at a switch. The horses were, on their arrival here, taken to Wilson's stable, where they attracted much at- tention by their mammoth proportions, yet easy motion and splendid appearance. They weigh from 1,70 I to L,BOO pounds each, and are all alike in color gray. Sackrider willremain m the city with them for a few days, und then go on to San Francisco. The Building Commenced. Ground was broken at Eighth aud X streets yesterday for the foundation of Pritcbard A Co.'s proposed wagou manufactory, which is to be a brick structure, fronting 85 feet on X street and 160 on Eighth; three stories and a basement vir- tually tour stories in bight. A. A. Cook, architect, is preparing the plans for the build- ing, and they will be completed in a few days. Bricklaying," under Joseph Bailey, will prob- ably begin -morrow or next day. The com- pany intend to expend, in the construction of the building, purchase of machinery, etc., about $100,000. Receiving Repairs. The steamer Dover, which has been busily engaged iv the grain trade for several weeks, is tor the present laid up, receiving new pitmans, those that she has been using for the past five years having be- come so weak as to be deemed untrustworthy. This work will occupy but a few days, but the steamer will not be apt to go into service for some time afterwards. Just now the farmers are holding on to their gram, but will have to either store it or sell as soon as the heavy rains commence. The steamer Red Bluff has also been laid up, not baviug anything to do. Almost an Accident. Yesterday about naon, as a countryman was driving a double team down 1 street, some Chinamen began jubilating by discharging fire crackers and bombs. One of the latter, falling almost beneath the horses, frightened them to such an extent that they nearly plunged down the bank at the bead of Fourth street into the slough. Their owner, after quieting them, expressed a hope that an- other year the "driving" would take a turn, and that, instead of the Chinese scaring the devil out of Ciinatawn, he would drive them out. Third Street. Quite a lively discussion took place before the Board of City Trustees yesterday, relative to the grading of Third street, between L and M. A petition was pre- sented, asking that it should be raised to high grade, so that the gradual slope from high grade '\u25a0• low would be in the next block but a remonstrance against granting the petition was presented, and the Trustees concluded to let the grade remain as ordered at a recent meeting. Freight Movements.— The following through freight was forwarded to the East yesterday \u25a0 Six car loads of wool, 8 of merchandise and 1 of nee. The following full car loads of loca' freight were received here : Twentv-niue o* wood, two of shakes, 2 of lumber, 1 of lime, 5 of merchandise, 1 of soda, 8 of coal, 1 of oak, 1 of iron, 1 of oil, 1 of nails, 6 of sand, 1 of- fruit, 1 of doors, 1 of clay, 1 of grain, and 3 ot grapes. Board i f Swamp Land Commissioners. This Board met yesterday. Present, a full Board. Warrants were allowed as follows in Swamp Land District No. 3 :Record-Union, $6 50; B. McCanty, $23 ;Jos. Keegan, §125; Dwi^bt Hollister. §1*25; John Dobertv, |S8; Charles Beu'io, $-'2 50. Toe Board then ad- journed, subject to the call of the Chairman. Incorporation*. There were filed yesterday in the office of the Secretary of State articles of incorporation of " The Wesley -Chapel So- ciety of the Methodist Episcopal Church" of Hill'sRineh Valley, Santa Barbara counts. Iti bos no capital stock. Directors— F. E. Kellogg, j G. E. Hollister, P. P. Martin, 11. M. Hernck and G. >• Kenyon. Water Works Report. Mark Foster, Cbiet Engineer of the Water Works, reported yesier- \ day to the Board of City Trustees that during j the week ending Sunday, October 17th, 15.430.- . 750 gallons of water were pumped and 41 cords : of slabs consumed for furl. The works were running 150 hours. Summit Ice Company.— Tbe annual meeting ! of the Summit Ice Company was held yesterday : morning and resulted in the re-election of the '\u25a0 old officers, viz: B. B. Redding, President; W. j E. Brown, Secretary and Treasurer; Jacob ] jloehu, Superintendent. I I Fish Items —From one of the State Fisb Commissioners we ltarn that the quarter of ; a million of salmon eggs, frcru tbe United j States fishery on the McCioud, that were to have beeu hatched out in Kern river, but were destroyed 10 one night last week by the alkali in tbe water tbat these eggs were one-balf of Charles Crocker's donation to tbe State. Ttie other 250,000, which were scut over to Trocktje, are doing well in Truckee river and will pro- bably be a succps.-. Mr. Crocker, detei mined that the State shall receive all thut be proposed to g-re, has arranged for the secuting if 250,000 more young salmon, whicb, with tbe 00 contributed by Governor Stanloid, •rill b" placed in the Sacrameato river next week Specimens ot yowis; lots:ers —or rather ivbat ate said by some to be sueh sup- posed to be the i-rodticr of those imported from me Ki*t, have been cau^lu in San Francisco bay, ai.d, in order to settle the dist.uie as to whether they are or are not lobsters, they will be forwarded to Professor tfaird, o! the Smith- si.nan Institute, tor his decision.. ..A heavy gale recently disturbed the waters of Tnlare lake to such an extent that a nuaiber of small fisb were washed asbote, and it was found that the ycung whitetish placed iv tbe lake list spring, wheo they were only about three quarters of an inch in length, having been hatched at the State hatchiug grounds at Beik- lev, had attained the size of one's finger, and iD a _\eur looger they will be of serviceable growth. It wculd be of interest to know how the white- hsh planted in Clear lake two years ago are doicg. The fishermen should frequently get them in tbeir seines if they have thriven. Per haps the Likeport lk< can turuish the infor- mation A number of the young cattish that Lave done so well in Suiterville lake are in about two weeks to be transplanted into Tu- lare lake Tbe Caliturnia Fish Commission- ers have received iuformation from Washing- ton that the eggs of tbe King carp, recently obtained from the Danube and Raine, were b-;ing batched out at Baltimore, a,ud were do- ing well, and that anoiher supply would be received next seasou, trom which California would be famished a fair number of young fisb, to be placed iv vaiious sloughs and othtr bodies ot still water, they being a vegetable- eutiug ti;h. Cutting Affuay. About half-past G o'clock last evening Patrick Duffy and James J. Dolan, both under tlie influence of liquor, got into a dispute at Fourth and X streets, and soon after- wards engaged in a tight, during whicb Duffy cut his opponeut four times with a pocket knife, and then ran away, but was pursued by local officer Carroll and arrested in the alley be' ween X aud L, Third and Fourth streets. Officers Cofl'ee and Woods, meanwhile, took the wounded man into Hammei'.s drug store, ana, it appearing that lu.s wounds were not danger- ous, conveyed him to the station house, where the City Physician attended to his butts, which consisted of a cut on the front part ot the head, another along the lower portion of the right jaw, a third on the side of the neck, and the fourth in the coder of the breast. They were all savage cuts, aud showed tt.at the hand inflicting them meant miscliiet. At the station-bouse Diiti'y, in respoose to a question by Chief Katct er as to whyhe did the cutting, said be wonId cut his father ifhe at- tempted to rob him. Dolan stated that the trouble grew out of a eouversatiou which they had relative to the war of the lebellion. Dolan bad served in the Federal army and Daffy in that o! the Cuulederacy, and their talk scon led to hostilities. During the fight Daffy got scratched considerably. Escaped. The police received a dispatch yes*etday trom Woodland stating that Jack Uowen, alias Black Jack, who was arrested rear D.ivisville some months ago for burglarizing Wells, Fatgo A Co.'s office at Suisun, escaped fiotri the Wood'and jail Surday uiaht by cutting through tbe floor ot his cell and then tunneling out beneath the walls ot the building. A re- ward or §250 his been ofl'eted for Ins arrest. After his atre-t at Davisville he was confined iv the jail at Fairfield, but it is presumed that he so wanted at Woodland to answer for some offens? committed in Yolo county, and was transferred from the Fairfield jail lo that at Woodland, and there found the chance to escape which he probably has been looking for since his capture. After Hoodlums Officers Harvey and Jack- son yesterday morning at Fifth and P streets came across a quartette of youths, in- cluding Lawrence Turner, who is acquiring^ an unenviable notoriety as a hoodlum, and who but recently escaped imprisonment on a prom- ise to leave town. The officers concluded to take him into custody tor vagrancy, and also arrested one of his companions for being in bad company. The other two took to their heels and could not, be caught, which was about as satistactorv to the officers, who merely pro- posed to scare them a little. Heavy Recoups In1868 9 Charles Crocker bought in at Sheriff's sale a number of lots along the line of Slater's Addition belonging to th** Central Pacific Railroad Company. E. F. White was then Sheriff. Mr. Crocker yester- day d-i'ded bf.ck to the railroad company, and at the same time the filty four deeds to Crocker from White, ami the one (rom Ctocker to the railroad, were filed in one lot with the County Recoider for rtcord, which made thai official look blue as he viewed tbe heavy woik cut out tor him. Howard Benevolent Association. Tbe anaunl meeting of tbe Howard Benevolent Association was held last evening. In place of" J. Davis, B. B. Cutter, W. L. Campbell and James Carolau. removed from the city, George 11. Swinerton, L.Bien, L. Eikns and wore chosen active members. The following officers tnr tbe ensuing year were then elected : R. Dale, President; L. B'.en, Secretaiv; T. >1. Lndlcv, Treasurer; W. P. Coleman, P. H. Russell. L. Elkns, Daniel Flint, G. 11. Swiner- ton and Charles McCreary. Directors. Burglarious Saturday night thieves visited tlio residence of R. K. Wick, at Fifteenth and G streets, and robbed tbe pantry of a large quantity of eatables. Sunday night a thief gaiued access to the basement ot R'ppon's grocery, at Ninib and J streets, ascended by a trap door to the store, and stole a quantity ot cigars, tobacco, oysters, envelopes, e^c, and went out through the side door, the key of which was iv the lock on the inside. Widening the Street. A po'-tion of the sidewalk leading from the Water Works build- ing to the Sacr.imento aod Volo bridge is beiDg removed, in order that teams may be enabled to get further away from railroad trainsbv driving out upon the earth which 19 being tilled into the slough a virtual widening of Front street. Anr.ESTS. The following arrests were made yesterday: William J >hns, by officers Cavan- augb and Harrison, for being drunk ; Patrick McCarty, by officer Woods, for being drunk; H. W'tiks, by officers Sht'ilars and Woods, for the petit larceny ot |5, tt*e property of J. Tboma?. N'ATtRALiZEn. In tbe County Court, yester- day, Sartiuel AlcD.ma'd. Edward Duncan and Joseph Mitchell, all of Englaua, were admitted to citizenship. Casks Continued. The cases that bad been set upon the calendar of tha Supreme Court for hearing to-morrow have been ordered continued until Thursday, owirg to tbe election. BRIEF REFERENCE. Three car loads of immigrants will arrive from the East this morning. The first installment of timbers for the new repair shop arrived from Oakland yesterday. In the Police Court yesterday the charge of grand larceny pending against \\ iliiam Wallace was dismissed. D. C. Bailey, Treasurer of Santa Clara county, settled with the State yesterday in the sum of ?5,554 S2. There were no arrival? at this port yesterday. Sailed: Steamer Chin-du-Wan, for San Fran- cisco, with flour and grain. Tbe steamer Caroline's barge Exchange, af- ter being on the bar below the city about 12 hours, go. afloat late Sunday night. Steam tire engine No. 2 was last evening en- cased in punip-ng out the cistern at Seventh acd J streets, which is in need of repairs. John Coclirane and James Parrott, while shooting north of the Tule House yesterday and tbe day before, killed 20 dozen and 8 " bull- head " plover. The railroad crossing at Eighteenth and R stieets is in a very bad condition for teams, and unless it is attended to before winter the street will be impassable. " Saxie," porter at G. W. Chester &\u25a0 Co.'s store, was so unfortunate as to fall down a flight of stairs last evening, and received two severe cats on tbe head. The steamship Great Republic having arrived at San Francisco from Chita wi'h sixty car loads of tea, the first train of eighteen cars of it will pass eastward this evening. This is the la=t day to get registered, or for those who are registered, but whose names are not on the printed list*, to obtain certificates preparatory to the election tomorrow. Tbe regalia, etc., of tbe Sacramento Battalion, I. O. O. F., which was recently received from tbe East aud is now being distributed among the members, consists of a chapeau, fatigue cap, gauntlets, gloves, belt aod sasb, and a baud- some sword the whole very attractive in ap- psarance. Rev. M. L. Berger, recently chosen pastor of Westmia»ter (PresbytenaD) Church, San Fran- cisc>, passed ibrough th<; city by yeMerdav's train, en route from Syracuse, New York, tor Ins new borne. The habeas corpus ca«e of MeCaw, ?et for yesterday in the Courtv Court, an>l ot which we t;ave a history j. tew days rigo, was continued ODe week, anl tbe prisoner was admitted to bail in the sum of |509. About 7 o'clock last evening some ene dis- charged a large titecracker at Third and X Streets, and, as the report was as loud as that of a piMol. there was tor a time a belief thut a shooting affray had occurred. Red Claud Tribe. No. 41, Imp. O. R. M.. w II celebrate its tourih auniversaiy Novembei 18'.b. J. li. Patterson. R. A. Beowiek, Philip Philips, O. Hector and Fiauk J. Bid well have beeu ap- pointed a Committee ot Arrangements. Festerday the C.ty Boa id of Health called the attention of the Board ot City Trustees to tbe fact that slops trom the woolen mill are be- coffiiss a nuisance in tLat vicinity, and urged that something sbould be done to abate it. The matter was referred to tbeStreet Commissionsr. CURIOSITIES OF THE ASSESSMENT ROLL. The County Auditor yesterday transferred to the County Tax-collector the assessment roll for 1575 for Sacramento county. It is an immense volume, and from its thousands of entries we glean some items of interest, which are given below. Tbos. J. Thompson, of Elk Grove, was the first man to pay his taxes en the office opening for business. Who the last man wil' be remains to be seen probably he will be " several " in number. Comparing the totals, rates and aggre- gates, of last year wiih those of this year, we find the following showings are made : 1874. 1875. Real estate other than "• -' cityand town 10t5. .. . $4,930,330 00 $5,168,120 00 Improvements thereon.. b83,190 00 693,103 00 Value of city or town lots 2,096,175 00 2,C82,050 00 Improvements thereon.. 4,378, T35 00 4,215,430 00 Value of improvements on real estate assessed to others lhan owners of real estate 33,525 00 43,305 00 Value of personal prop- erty 10,039,444 00 5,845,995 00 Amount of money 422,990 00 363,570 00 Total value of all prop- erty $23,690,395 00 $19,515,600 00 Total tax $343,510 73 $253,690 58 EECAPnTLATIciS. Real estate $13,*27,935 0) $13,300,095 00 Personal property.. 10,402,440 00 0,-.'l4,jtis 00 Total taxable prop- erty 23,690,395 00 19,514,660 00 Tax for ate pur- poses (rate .64 910) 153,750 68 (rate 118,068 70 Tax for county pur- poses (rate .80 1-10) 189,700 07 (rate .00.V) 135,026 88 The assessment roll shows tlie heaviest tax payers on property in this county to be the following : Assessed for $10,000 and under $20,000— Robert An- dersen, Susannah A. Averv, Bachman & Neubourg, 11. E. Rai'ton, lienj-imin Bales, George O. Bates, Joseph ISauquier, \V. 11. H at»v. William Beckrnan, John Bell- mer & Co., Ettie T. Birdsall, A. A J. Black, John Breo- tier, John Brewster, Brittnn, llolbrook & Co., C. O. Broctwav, C. C. Brown, K.linuna Brown, W. I>. C. Brown, John Q Brown, Mike Bryte, estate J. S. Friend, Baenisch & biscboff, Jo.m Bennett, E. L.Billinjrs, Pe- ter llrydinp, A. & S. Canal Company. George Cadwala- (i»*r, Edward Cadwalader, E. li. Brown, Foote & O'N'eil, David Woods, estate P. CailaLan, estate J. S. Thurston, George Carr, Howell Clark, Benjamin Cohen, W. K. Claoess, 1). W. Clark-, R. Hall, O. D. Conner, Hiram Cook, Thomas Cox, Fie I Cox, Francis Cox, Samuel Cross, N. Greene Curtis, William Curtis. James Capets, F. M. Chapman, Edward Chrstv, R. C. Clark, Mrs. K. 11. Covle, H. Crocker, H. S. Crocker & Co., W. C. Cros- sette, T. Chevalier, N. Dingier, W. 11. Dixon, Dennis Dotten, N. L. Drew & Co., Thomas Edward , Henry Ehrhardt. John Eitel, J. A. Evans, Eggen & Co., First Ecclesiastical Society, J. P. Floberg, Fox & Struts, William Farrar, L. 11. Foote, Albeit Gal atm, Justin Gates, Daniel Glann, R. E. Goginqs, J. Green, Green & Trainor, MiryK. Gr.-gory, 11. Grib- ble & Co., C. Oruhler, E. Oruhler, E. & C. "i. rubier, T. Guinean, William Guttenberger, Joseph Goth, A. Hamburger & Co., George llauton, Oscar G. Haitig, Hotchkiss, Hartwell & Stalker, G. M. Haytnn, A. Heil- l.ron & Co , A. Heiscb, Mrs. R. R. HermosiUa, I*. HerEog, J. T. Hill, Diggory Hobbs, S. M. Hoover, W. C. Hopping, W. B. Hunt, J. L. Huntoon, F. D. lloi.lt, Owen Ingersoll, William Jarvi?, Leonard Kellogg, 11. C. K : rk, 11. C. Kirk A- Co., Louis Knaeur A \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0!, estate of Kihler, Turn Verein Association, Georee W. Leet, L. L Lewis & Co., T. M. Lindley, George W. Locke, J. I). Lord, George Lorenz, E. I.yon & Co., C. E. Mack, Marc > Mama. W. S. Maulove, S. C. McClaOgbery, J. G. McCracken, John McKee. J. 11. McKune, Frank Mac- name, Uebfais & Co., John Mei>ter & Bro., Drury Melone. C. J. Menk.', R. J. Merkley, Mtß. A. Meiick, Fred Mier, Catharine Miller, Henry Miller. M. .Miller, P. A. Miller,S. B. Moore, John D. .Morrison, W. K. Morrow. Mrs. C. F. Morse, E. B. Mott, Jr., S. J. Nathan, S. J. Nathan & Co., A. Neubauer, George K. .N ye, estate of Arthur O'Neil, Tnoma? O. Foote, John H. Opber, R. Oppenheitn. J. O;chwald. Oyer &Hasne-s, E. R. I'arvin, llennon Perry, Pike & Young, Peter Pianalp, Josiah Pool, estate W. D. M. Howard, W. •\u25a0*. Meiick,H. M.Nagle, A. C. Mooson, W. 11. Patterson, John Reynolds, Charles Rabin, Andrew Ross, estate E. Curtis. S. R>tb, Runyon & Armisted, Jacob Ranyon, P. 11. Russell, Lewis Rama^e, estate George Rowland, William Ryer, Sacramento Publishing Company, Sicra- tn-nto Land Association, R. C. 9irgent,W. H.Scbacht, Philip Scheld, P. Scheld & Co., Charles Schwartz, Thomas Scott, A. Scro?jrs, W. C. Sheldon, G. L. Sim- mons, Hart F. Smith, W. 11. Spaulding, Mosss Spragne, St. Rose Church, St. Joseph's Convent, J. M. Stephen- son. J. A. Stewart & Co., J. T. Soil, R. Stone, R. Stone & Co., It. H. McDonald, D. O. Mills, G. J. Phelan, William Rippon, G. 11. Swinerton, Charles V. Tal- madge, J. D. Tate, Henry Xrelchler, Rachel Uiil,Van 11-usen & Huntoon, Herman Warcbborst, C. F. Wagen- bast, Susan M. Wallace, Lohse & Weinncb, Chris Weisel, Western Union Telegraph Company, Julius We'z'ar, S-imuel Brannan, James Bailey, Mrs. T. L. Buckhoudt, E. Gaxoet, llalivina Hooves, Jerome Mad- den. A. Whittaker, WiUia.n Wilkinson, W. T. Wilson, H. Wblttenbrock, R. Whittenbrock, Selden S. Wright, W. H. Young, William Yule; Unknown owners of land on Grand I land, survey 937; H. G. Smith, C. H. Sviit. W. E. Terry, M. C. Tilden, estate John A. Todd, estate M. Toirey, Hannah Traganza, Solomon Treat, John Richards. As?es=eil for $20,000 and under $50,000.— McNiell & Co., "W. S. Bally & Co., 11. D. liarton.H. O. Ceatty, R. T. Brown & Co., William E. Biyan 4 Son. James Carolan.J. 11. Carrol, L. C. Chandler, G. W. Cbesley 4 C >\u0084 N. Clark, C. W. Clarke, W. P. Coleman, D. W. 4 E. Kleinh; n-\ P. Conlan, A. Coo'ot, B. R. Crocker, Curtis 4 Travel 1 , AlfredDixon, Ebner Urcs., F. P. Figp, Daniel Flint, Gillig4 Mott, William Gwinn, i Mrs. L.M. Graham, John Grundon, S. C. Hastings, M. C. Uawley 4 Co.. C. C. Ilavden, W. Hodgdon, Dwigbt Hoilister, Mark Hopkins, Estate of Silas lYhitcomb, j Obed Harvey, Extmpt Firemen's Association, William 1 Johnson, Estate of Jordan, Wendell Kaerth, Keller 4 Co., William Land, T. M. LlaOlesy 4 Co., W. K. Lind- sey, Mrs. Barbara Martin, Thomas McDonnell. C. Mc- Creary, John McFarhnd, Estate of J. T. Mier, Jacob | Miller, John M. Milliken, EJgar Mills, Mrs. E. S. Mitchell. Martin Mou?cb, A. Mull, Misonic Hall Asso- ciation, Estate of G. W. Howe, George Ocbs, Odd Fel- I lows' Hall Association, 0 Id Fellows' Temple Associa- I tion, Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company of Cali- ! fornia, J. W. Pearson, C. W. Pierce, H. W. Harkness, H. U. Quinn, Sacramento Valley and Placerville Kail- : road Company, A. Redington, A. Redinpton & Son, T. Parrott, John Roone.y, Sol. Runyon, Sacramento ' Valley Beet Sugar Company, Sicranierito Savings Bank, : Faciarnento and Yolo Bridge Company, Geo. Schroth, Mrs. C. L. Scudder, J' hn Sinpleton, E. M. ?kagg», A. . (i Tr.von. S. Tiyon, A. M. Tullis. E. Tnitcbell, J. M. Upbam, Lorinda Washburne, Waterhouse & Lester, estate of J. C. Keenan, Whittaker & Ray, Whittier, Fuller & Co., Louis Winters, E. W. Worsham, F. Zile, unknown owner of 1 »nd on Staten Island (survey 017), C. 11. Swilt,e?t ite of Jnbc Puverkrut>. As-e3sad for 450,000 and under $100,000— Baker & Hamiltf n, Capital Savings Biuk, Charles Crocker, F. W. F.iitt. Ilunlington, Hopkins & Co., Enoch Jacobs, Locke &Livenson, Charles fefcLangbtia, John F. Mc- !('auley & Co., Odd Fellows' Bank, Leland Stanford, John WUitcomb. Assessed tor over $100,003 and under $150,000— I Baoth & Co., Cox & Clarke, Capital Gas Company, estate of E. B. Crocker, .Natoma Water and Mining \u25a0 Company, George D. Roberts & Co. As;es«ed for over $150,000— National Gold Bank of ! D. O. Mills A Co. Assessed for over $200,000— acramento Valley Rail- road Company. Assessed over $375.000— L10yd Tevis. Assessed 'or over $150,000— Central Pacific Railroad ! Company. ;;".;\u25a0": i BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The Board of Supervisor* met in regular session yes- terday. Present, a full Board. Minutes read and ap- proved. Tie cart load, petitioned for by Ed Brown, was de- clared a public hichwuy. An award for furnishing wood f»r the County Hospi- tal was made to S. W. Belcher at $8 per cord, he being the lowest bidder. Tbe claim of A. Plummer, for $37, was allowed under suspen'ion of the rules. Gabriel Beckley's resignation as Road Master of Dis- trict No. 19 was accepteJ. The Board then adjourned until Tuesday. October ! 19. at 10 a. m. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET. i Sas Frascisco. October ISth— l p. v. 1 FL«rß—Extra la Jobbing at 15 S7K to *(i 373*. Wheat Shippers will pay |2, and millers $-2 05 to ! #2 07# lor selected lots. Sales of 4,000 ski good ship- I . pins, $2. Barlet A lot of 500 tons ChevalUr i; in process of j shipment to Liverpool. Feel i= quoted at $1 :.7j£ to I *1 40; br-'in.'. *1 40®l '< \u25a0 ~d ICO lb ; . oat3—Feed lots range from $1 CO to #1 93 100 '\u25a0 E>s. Potatoes— From i 1 70 down to $1 25 will cover all 1 ! 'corx—'.30 sks Yellow. $1 30; 170 sks do, $ 132X t? Corx— -^) slcs Yellow. $1 30; '70 sks do, $1 32^ T? i I 1O'3»?. I Seed COO sks cries white Mustard, 23ic ; Canary is cff -nil at37Xc in larce quantities. v Hat—Quo-able at $14@21 V ton ss extremes. Wool— lbs fair fall, fr.e of burs, 13c %> a. t Koebeht ix Si'kitoc Cocxty. The Yreka . Union of October 16th says : A couple of men entered a Chine?e cabin on Humbug on '.Tuesday afternoon, aud robbed the cabin and a \u25a0 Chinaman that was in it. the thieves put a lope around the Chinnraan's neck and threatened him with ' a pistol, -nd made him give up all the money he had I about him. They then robbed tbe cabin of blankets, . 1 provisions, etc.. an 1 left. Tie Chinamen came over j I the next day and informed Oder Sheriff Hawkins of ! ' the robbery- No clue ha3 beet} found yet as to who the , men irere, ' THE COURTS. supreme Court. Sacramento, October 18th. Court met at 10 a. m. Present -Wallac, Ch. J.; Crockett, J.; Niles, J ; P.Dode?, J ; and McKinstry, J. 4193 Broder vs. Nat >via Water and Mining Coin- pan i- Judgment affirmed. 4199— Taylor vs. Escandon— Judgment affirmed. 4245— Ebrlicb vs. Ka.ild Order affirmed. 3708— Hartley vs. Gapin Judgment affirmed. . 4526 Gama vs. Southern Pacific Railroad Company Judgment and order denying a new trial rever-ed, and cans; remanded. 4473— Titcomb vs. Kirk—Ordered to foot of calendar for re-areument. 4001— Kimball vs. McComb Judgment and order affirmed. 4131 Ham vs. Cunningham Judgment affi mcd. 43S3— Goldstein vs. Black— Order refusing to admit will to probate, and 'order denying proponent a new trial, reversed, and cause remand. -d tor a new trial. 4132—Ham vs. Henderson affirmed. 4231— Wilcox vs. Breene Appeal dismissed. 4US— Pjlhemus vs. Heiman Judgment and order affirmed. -I.' 0-Tennant vs. Poster— Judgment reversed, and cause remanded, with directions to sustain the demur- rer to the complaint. 4393 Schoen vs. Houghton Judgment affirmed. 4296— liuell vs. Cory Judgment reversed, and cause remanded, with directions to sustain the demurrer. 4248-Sbarpe vs. Griffin— Judgment affirmed. 4150 Heinien vs. Maitin Ordered that this cause be put at the foot of the calendar for he present term lor argument. Busliey ft. Natoma Water and Minicg Com- pany Judgment affirmed. 4474 Angle vs. Chilian I—Judgment1 Judgment affirmed. Maioney vs. Mahouey— Order of June 30, 1874, reversed. Kuigh*. vs. liaight Judgment and order affirmed. Thompson V 3. Spencer— Judgment affirmed. 4181—Hatch vs. Galvin Appeal from order denying a new trial dismissed, and judgment affirmed. 4431— Mitchell vs. Hagenmeyer and order reversed, and cause remanded for a new trial. Application of DeWitt Clint Jones— Upon the cer- tificate of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated May 12, 1875, ordered that the said D. C. Jjnes lie and he is hereby admitted to practice in all the Courts of the State of California. Application of J. I). Bicknell— On motion of Brun- sen, and production of license from the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin, and on evidence of good moral character, ordered that the said J. D. Bicknell be and he is hereby admitted to practice as an attorney and counselor at law inall the Courts of this S:ate. 3137 Forbes vs. San Rafael Turnpike Road Company —On stipulation, ordered continued and placed at foot of calendar lor the term. 4835 Brewster vs. Johnson— Continued; no appear- ance. 4826— Santa Barbara vs. Steams— Same. 4720 Alvjrado vs. Greeves Same. 4016— Lips vs. Cuy.s—Same. 4708—Maxey vs. Thurman Argued by Smith for the appellant, Welty f.r the respondent, and submitted. 4547—Reed vs. Ybarra Argued by Smith for the ap- pellant. Bom for the respondent, and submitted. 4094—Ferguson vs Los Angeles City Water Company —Argued by Brunson for appellant, Smith for respond- ent, and submitted. 4779—Ke11y vs. Bandini Argued by Smith for appel- lant, Branson for respondent, and submitted. Court adjourned until 10 a m. to-morrow. Calendar for To-day. 47S5 Ferguson vs. Ross. 4807— Abila vs. Abila. Si mway vs. Rubio. 4822 Standifer vs. Pbelan. 4335 Pe0p1e vs. Turner. 4857 White vs. Hermlnghaus. 4569 Carpenter v?. Cann. •1772— Gilson Quartz Mining Company vs. Gilsoo. Calendar for To-morrow. 4459-S. &L. Gravel Road Co. vs. S. & C. R. B. Co. 4527 Hook vs. Stockton. 4612— Craig vs. Conrad. 4008— vs. N. P. Mining Co. 4 So Dale vs. Freeman. 4088— Dale vs. Laugenour. 4726 Ferran vs. Yolo County. 4384— Powers vs. Jackson. County Court.— R. C. Clark. Judge. Monday, October 18th. Miser vs. Cantrell & Defendant has leave to file amended answer. In re McCaw Continued until October 25th. De- fendant admitted to bail in the sum of $500. Samuel McDonald, of England, admitted to citizen- s liip Witnesses, S. C. Peoson and A. H. Warnick. Al-o, Edward Duncan, of England— Witnesses, John Hurley and R. A. Renwick. Also, Joseph Mitchell, of England— Witnesses, John Putterford and Samuel Cohn. CALENDAR. Cases were set for trial as follows : Zeile vs. Date— October 29th. Oilman vs. October 29th. B II vs. November ( .)th. Bell vs. TJden (No. 2)—November Kb. McKenney vs. Wristen October 25th. Divis 4 Co. vs. Nathan— October 29th. Watte vs. McClannahan el al.— October 25th. Cadwalader vs. October 25th. Wisjr vs. Cantrell & Wolf— October 26th. Fsquibee n. Alviso October 26th. Lewis vs. Webber— 20th. Mr tin vs. Kahn November Bth. Dye vs. Ah Lee November Bth. Hainan vs. Swift— November Bth. Crowell vs. D'Homit— Ocober 27th. Vugiit vs. Rademacker November 9th. darken vs. Htelnmao November 9th. Court adjourned until October 25:h. l'robate I'ourt.— R. C. Clark, Judge. Monday. October 18th. Estate of Fanny B. West, deceased Petition for dis- tribution continued one week. Estate of J. W. Keeser, deceased Petition of John Smith, T. .1. Morry ana 11. S. Heals, for letters. Ordered issued to Heals. Notice in Record-Union. Estate of M. T. Ban. deceased— Petition of Herman Winters for letters granted. Bond, $500. Appraisers A. Sage, J. Bellmer and A. Schaden. Estate of James Politz, deceased— Petition of Godfrey Politz for probate of will and letters testamentary granted. Appraisers L. Elkus, A. K. Aisip and P. Phillips. Estate of Jesse L. Dresser, deceased— and ac- count of sale of realty by 11. S. Beats, executor, con- firmed. Estate of Lucius Powers, deceased Petition of SaMe C. Powers far probate of will and letters testamentary granted. Notice in Record-Union. Appraisers— C. Kirk, Bdw. Cadwaiader and James I.Fetter. I'state of J. 11. ore, deceased— Final account and settlement set for November Ist. Estate of Matbias Kotilion, deceased— Pet of V. Watchtell for probate of will and tetters testamentary filed, and set for bearing November Ist. Estate of Patrick McCabe, deceased— Petition of E. W. Stickneyfor probate of will and letters testament- ary. Set forNovember Ist. I'ollre I'o II Pl.— Cant well. Judge. Monday, October ISth. SENTENCES. William Wallace, drunk— days. John Dusenbury, drunk Five days. Z. Lawrence, drunk Discharged. CONTINUED CASES. Geonre Hewitt, drunk—Pleaded guilty ten days' imprisonment, but commitment withheld to enable him to leave the city. WiUjam Wallace (No. 2), drunk— Discharged. Same, grand larceny— Case dismissed. NEW CASES. Henry A. Caulfield, dis:urbing the peace— Continued until the "J3<l. Angus Martin, violatingordinance No. Continued until the 25th. J. Randcll, drunk— Deposit forfeited. E. Pei kins, disturbing the peace— Continued until the 23d. BOARD OF CITY TRUSTEES. Monday, October 18th. The Board met at 10 a. m. Present— Green and Knox. Minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved. THIRDSTREET. A petition of property owners on Third street, from L to M, asking to have it raised to the high grade, was presented and ordered on file. A remonstrance against granting said petition was also presented and ordered on file. REPORTS. The weekly report or the Chief Engineer of the Water Works was read and ordered on file. Also, the quar- terly and monthly leports of J. F. Clark, Superinten- dent City Cemetery. BOND COMMUNICATION. The bond of Ryan & Miller,for grading Third street, was presented and approved. A communication from the Board of Health was re- ceived and ref tired to Street Commissioner Knox. ORDINANCE AMENDED. Ordinance No. 73, closing certain streets north of I and west of Fifth, and providing for the opening of Second street, which was passed two weeks ago, having been found to he minus an enacting clause, was taken up and repassed with one added. STREET 'WORK— A remonstrance of property owners on Mstreet, be- tween Twentieth and Thirty-first, protesting against grading said street, was presented, and further action of the Board suspended. Aclaim of J. D. Tate'for $28! 81, rests incurred in consequence of the api ea' to the Supreme Court of the case of Tate vs. Sacramento, was presented and referred to the President of the Board. - ACTION RESCINDED. The action of the Board in awarding to B. W. Griffith the contra for grading 0 street, from Fourteenth to Filteentb, was rescinded, and the contract awarded to Jackson &Latham. Ordered, that the order made at the last meeting of the Board, indicating that it was the intention to build a redwood sewer inthe alley be- ween I and J, First and cond street?, he rescinded, and a new order made i that the Clerk give no-ice of the intention of the Board to build a brick sewer in said alley, and grade the al- ley sufficiently to cover said sewer. FRAME BUILDING. The petition of George Cox foe permission to build a wooden structure in the Mock between Ninth and 'entb, 3 and X street?, presented at the last meeting and laid over for one we<>k, was taken up, considered and the application denied. ACCOUNT.-" ALLOWED— ADJOURNMENT. After allowing the following demands the Board ad- journed : P. Haley, $1; William Spurgeon. $1 50; Jesse S'aughter, $7; W. C. Farnsworth. $30; James Wood, $357; Central Pacific Railroid C .mpiny, $330; A. C. Fleming. $361 " ; M. Gillman, assignee, $288 37: J. A. Cunningham. $193; N. L. Drew & Co., $23 05: E. Gunn, $22 SO; Huntin?ton. Hopkins 4 Co., $33 01; Capital Gas Company, $93; George W. Booth, $1; P. Daly, $16 25; O. Cistello, $12 50; Thomas Bi'lou, $24 ; L. Elku?, $15 25; George (city prison cook), $->0; ; Locke & Laveoscn, $3. - A Universal Remedy. il Brown's Bronchial Troches," tor coughs, colds aod bronchial ! afiection?, =tand first in public favor and confi- dence. Tina result has been acquired by a test : of many years. The Masons of Elizabetbto^vn, New Mexico, offer a reward of $600 for the apprehension of tUe murderer yf Ret. Mr. Talboit. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK SALES. Sax Francisco, October 18th. MORNING SESSION". 30-20 Ophir, $GSX, 63, 68 03#, 69 b3O, 68 ?5, 67,' i, 67#, 68 15. 1180 Mexican, $22^, V. 22£. 1305 Gculd & Curry, $22, 21J£, 21?/. 21#, 22&. 1265 Best 4 Belcher $51, 51>&. 52, 51*£, 51*£. 240 Yellow Jacket, $7.', 71, 713*, 71&. 5 Savage, $S5. 185 Cbollar, $73, 75, 74, 75, Y. 80 Hale &Norcross, fR I*,1 *, 44, 43. 490 Crown Point, $25, 24«. 24. 390 Imperial, $10«. IO 3 ±. 450 Confidence, $22, 21#, 22 V. 635 Belcher, $IS, IS#, ISX, 19, 19.V, 19* l>3o. 50 Gold HillQuartz, $& 20.) Kentuck, $13. 90 Alpha. $13#. SO Consolidated Virginia, 1313. 310, 312, 311. 335 Sierra Nevada, $15% 15>4 bo, 15. 550 Justice, $35. 34^. 34 45 Segregated Belcher, $70, 72, V. 71. 355 Overman, $50, 50!*'. 51 b5, 51#. 425 Hull. on, $SS, 57, 59, 58V. 1460 Calitornh, $G3, 62?£, 62X, 62#. 100 Succor, $1. 1725 Uuion Consolidated, $10^, 10, 10K, 'JV 300 Buckeye, H2V.C. 1870 Julia, $9^, 9X, 9#, 10. 10, V.. 530 Silver Hill, $7J 4 ', 8. 10 Caledonia, $17. . 75 Baltimore, $2?j,, 2.V.. 50 Challenge, $5%, 5,V.. 585 Rock Island, $2 s a. 2.V.. 323 New York Consolidated, |2,V., 2\'. AFTECNOON SESSION. 495 Florida. $5. 400 Wells- Fargo, 20.-, 25c. 200 Pacific, $1. 675 Leviathan, $I^', I#. 50 C >?mopolitan, 40c. 100 Kossuth, $2. 50 Amazon, 8.5 c. 300 Morning Star. $4. 2-20 Gould 4 Cuiry, $21, 20?^. 205 Meadow Valley, $2 3i, 1% 245 Raymond 4 Ely, $28, 29, 30. 140 Eureka Consolidated, $15, 14#, 14. 100 Adam's Hill, 12, V.c. 100 Belmont, $I#. 40 Rye P.itch. 65c. $1. 1085 Leopard, *12,V, 123i"- --20 Jefferson, ft?*- --350 Gila, $".>V. 50 Honey, $I'^. 100 Golden Chariot, $1. 300 Illinois Central, 50c. 40 Occidental, *4V. 145 American Flat, $2. 975 Woodville, $2> 4 . 2,V, 2* B . 200 Lady Washington, $2?4. 136 Kossutli. $1 3 4, 1%. 200 Original Gold Hill, $lif, 1&. 400 Whitman, $2>;. 100 Baltic. $1. 780 Andes, $3%j 4. 3%, 4 b3O, 3% b5, 3}',. 2000 Midas, $2?.£. 375 Justice, $32. 930 California, $61, 61 .V- --670 Sierra Nevada, $15, 14,J£. 370 Best 4 Belcher, $50, 50>a 1715 Ophir, *64'<f, 61, 64#, 65, MX, MXi 64fc, 65 blO. 700 Union Cons .lidated, $9^, $%, 10, 9%. 100 Imperial, $10>^. !K) Consolidated Virginia. $305, 306, 304, 310. 1350 Julia, $10>4, lU'<., W l ',, 11. 120 Yellow Jacket, $71, 68 b6, 68, 07#, 69. 335 Mexican, $21^, 21^. » The .Maintenance of Health. The mainte- nance ot health is often more difficult than its recovery. Vitiated conditions ot the atmos- phere, unhealthy occupations, extremes of beat or cold, and constant exposure to rough weather, are all so many provocations of disease. There is but one sure way- of effectually guard- ins the system when thus subjected to influ- ences prejudicial to health, and that is to estab- lish, by judicious tonic a&d alterative medica- tion, vi«or of the body and regularity of its functions. The properties of an invigorant and corrective are happily combined in Ho*- tetter's Stomach Bitter which, a' the same time that it infuses unwonted vitality into the system, overcomes ail tendency of the stomach, liver, bowels and urinary organs to deviate from regularity in the discbarge of functions upon which the welfare of the entire physical organization is dependent. Health cannot be more effectually maintained than by using the Bitters. SACRAMENTO DAILY RECOUP. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1875. POLITICAL PROCLAMATION. I ELECTION proclamation. i LJTATR OF CAM FOR? A, F.XECU- J3 TIVE DEPARTMENT. There willbe a Judicial Ele'-'ton held throughout the State oa WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, at which time the tollewimr officers are to be elect to. : A Superintendent of P.iWic Instruction. One District Judge for the S^xth Judicial District. One County Judge tor the county of Sacramento. i •: . i And I do hereby offer a reward of one hundred dol- I lars for the arrest and conviction of an.v ud every i person violating any of the provisions of Title IV., Part 1., of the Penal Code; such rewards t > be paid until the total amount hereafur expended for the pur- . pose reaches the sum of ten thousand 'dollni?. ' In witness whereof, I have hereunto ret my hand and caused the great seal of State to he affixed, at Sacramento, this thirteenth day of September, A. D. . eighteen hundred and seventy-five. \u25a0•; R. PAOIIKCO, Governor.' , Attest: DRURY MELONE, [great seal of state.] Secretary of ate. It is hereby proc'aimed by the Board oT Supervisors of Sacramento county that at the Judicial Election to be held on WLDNE-D.VY, THE TWKNIIETH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. I). 1875, in said county (Polls to be opened one hour after sunrise and close at sunset, in accordance with Section II 10 of Political Code), there ' shall be elected the following officers, to wit: Three Justices of the Peace in Sacramento Town- ship. Two Justices of the Peace in American Township. Two Justices of the Peace in Alabama Towrship. Two Justices of the Peace in Brig -i ton Township. Two Justices of the Peace in Center Township. Two Justices of the Peace in Cosumnes Township. Two Justices of the Peace in Dry CreeV Township. Two Justices of the Peace in F.anKlin Township. Two Justices of the Peace in Ge >r.iana Township. Two Justices o! the Peace in Granite Township. Two Justices of the Peace in Lee Township. Two Justices tit the Peace in Mississippi Tjwnship. Two Justices of the Peace in Nat ma Township. Two Justices of the Peace in Sutter Township. ' Two Justices ol the Peace in San Joaquin Township. One Police Judge for Sacramento City. It is hereby ordered by the Board of Supervisors of Sacramento county that at the Judicial Election to be held on WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. 1875, the following named peisons are appointed as the Board of Election, and fie follow- ing named places are designated as the places for hold- ing the Polls in the several precincts : Precinct No. I—Polls at Metropolitan Saloon; In- spector, William F. Swimley ; Judge*, J. N. Larkin, Benjamin Stewart. Precinct No. 2—Polls at Grand Hotel ; Inspector, William Yoang ; Judges, Qeorge 1. Lytle, J. J. Car- roll. Precinct No. Polls corner Third and X streets; Inspect Albert Hart ; Judges, George F. Lang, /. .11\u25a0 \u25a0.-> W. Payne. Precinct No. 3—Polls at Kohl's Hote', Tenth and J streets ; Inspector, W. M. Petiie ; Judges, F.W. By rod, W. F. Knox. Precinct No. 3^— Polls at Capital Brewery, Twelfth and 1 streets. Inspector, O. P. Dodge; Judges, J. P. Carey, James Mct'leery. Precinct No. 4—Polls at Mrs. Cody's, Eighth and M streets: Inspector, Theo. Maas3;- Judges, S. W. Butler and D. Flint. Precinct No. i)(— Polls at P. J. Hennessey's, Seven- teenth and M streets; lnspec or. J.S. Banett; Judges, James Weo<is and George H. Jost. Piecinct No. 5- Polls at Tivoli; Inspector, Joseph Huil ; Judares, Robert Cowne apd Peter Burns. Precinct No. o—Polls at Sherl urn's Hotel, Sutter- ville; Inspector, L.M. Lincoln; Jua^es, G. H. Jami- son, Moses Sprague. Precinct No. Polls at Lake House; Inspector, George T. Rich ; Judges, Abner Burns, John Nicholas. Precinct No. B— Polla at Newbert's Saloon ; In- spector, William Foote ; Judges, R. S. Lockett and 3. 11. Pugh. Precinct No. o—Polls0 Polls at Patterson's Saloon ; In- spector, E. G. Morton ;Judges, John Stuiltrus and R. D. Stephens. Precinct No. 10 Polls at Couch's Saloon ; Inspector, C. A. Everett; Judges, J. B. Smith, A. S. Greenlaw. Precinct No. 11 Polls at fifteen Mil" House, Auburn road; Inspector. Joel Gardner; Judges, J. F. Cross : and J. S. CbattertOD. Precinct No. 12— Polls at II .Well's Store ; Inspector, O. Sanders; Judges, A. Devoe and A. M. Plummer. Precinct No. 13 Polls at Conran's Pali on ; In- spector, H. .\lJer3on ; Judges, George Irwiu and A. M. Addington. Precinct No. 14—Polls at Ball's Store, live Oak; In- spector, Benjamin Bailty; Judges, O. Plummer and Rush Robinson. Precinct No. 15 Polls at Ashland, Lawton's Store ; Inspector, John Lawton ; Judges, Jeorge Little, John McKoe. Precinct No. 1G Polls at Folsom, Fireman's Hall ; Inspector, John 11. Cliff rd ; Judges, Hartford Ander- son, John Odell. Precinct No. 17—Polls at Mormon Island, Stephen- son's; Inspector, E. Poor; Judges, John Nottali, J.S. S. Robinson. Precinct No. Polls at Halfway House; Inspector, Joseph Tomlinson; Judges, A. D. Oakley, J. E. But- ler. Precinct No. 19 Polls at Wallace House: Inspector, Ezra Simons ; Judges, J. 11. Carrinston, J. R. Lan- sing. Precinct No. £o— 'r'olls at Christopher's Hotel, Elk Grove; Inspector, G. 11. Kerr; Judges, J. N.Andrews, C. B. Kennanl. Precinct No. Polls at She don ; Inspector, Digory Hobbs; Judges, D. Rodeji, Andrew Kelly. Precuct No. 22 Polls at Union Hotel ; Inspector, C. A. Hull ; Judges, D. Brainard. 11. Johnson. Precinct No. Polls at Webber's Store ; Inspector, James Lee; Judges, Thomas Shaler, Hiram Greer. Precinct No. 24—Polls at Uecklev's Salmon ; In- spector, William Fry; Judges, Troy Dye,J. M. Steven- son. Precinct No. 25—Polls at Schoolhouse, Richland ; Inspector, 1). Hollister; Judges, William Johnston, John Ci Pyne. Precinct No. £G Polls at Schoolhouse, On sbo; In- spector, D. B. Runyan ;Judges, William Barry, E. Brown. Precinct No. 27 Polls at Sharp's Hotel; Inspector, Willian Iloltturo; .Tud?e--, E. F. Fitch, A. M.Lullia. Precinct No. Polls at Isleton ; Inspector, G. A. Knott; Judges, Hart F. Smith, Josiab Pool. Precinct No. Polls at Johnson's Hotel, Hicks- ville; Inspector, S. D. Johnson ; Judges, D. 11. Can- trell, J. O. Kane. Precinct No. 30—Poll? at Harvey's Sa*oon, Gait ; In- spector, C. W. Harvey ;Judges, J. 11. Ferris, John McFarlaud. Piecinct No. Polls at Brush's Station; In- spector, J. M. Short; Judges, E. Masterson, T. H. Fowler. Precinct No. Polls atUpham's Sore ; Inspector, A. J. Bige'ow; Judges, Lyman Aver, D. G. Perry. Precinct No. 34—Polls at. Six-Mile House, MarysVille road; Inspector, M. Busier; Judges, W. O. Wallace, A. Kietbley. Precinct -no. Polls at Haas' Saloon ; Inspector, John Gerber ; Judges, J. J. Gutbrie, J. P. Odbert. Precinct No. Polls at Salsbury Station; In- spector. T. G. Salsbury ; Judges, W. W. Brison, Newall Kane. Precinct N*». 38—Polls at Walker's Landing; In- spector, John Roberts; Judges, H. Meyers, C. Gold- man. And it Is fuitber ordered, in pursuance of Section 1131 of the Political Code, that the offices lo be filledat said Election are hereby named and numbered as fol- lows, to wit : for I—Superintendent1 Superintendent of Public Instruction. 2—Judge of Sixth Judicial District. County Judge. \u25a0I Justice of the Peace. s—Justice of the ace. f! Justice of tbe Peace. 7—Police Judge, Sacramento City. S. B. MOORE, Chairman of Board of Supervisors. Attest: HAM. C. HARRISON, [seal.] Clerk of Board of Supervisor?. By Walter P. Emery. Daoutv Clerk. nl3-to2o THE BESOURCES OF CALIFORNIA, BY JOHN S. HIT1 ELL. Sixth edition, rewritten. "The most complete and comprehensive work of tbe kind." One volume, 12 mo., cloth ; price, #1 75. One volume, 12 mo., paper ; price, $1 25. For sale by newsdealers and booksellers. The publishers willsend by mail, postage prepaid, to any part of '.he United State?, on receipt of the price. Published by A. ROMAN & CO.. San Francisco. s3l-lm3p ~~ NOTICE TO DEBTOES r^vFJOIIN SUVEWKUUP, Deceased. All persons Indebted to the late John Suveikrup, deceased, up'«n promissory notes, accounts or other- wise, are hereby notified to call upon the undersigned, . at the northwest corner of Third and X streets, and' settle, or such demand* will be placed in the bands of collectors and payment be enforced by law. Sacramento, October 8, 1875. HENRY SUVERKRUPand WM WILLIAMSON. . Executors of tbe la-t will and testament of John Su- verkrup, deceased. 09-3ptnl YOU SALE-HOISTING WORKS." TBIf-fIfCH REVERSING ENGINE, Flue Boiler, 16 teet long. Hoisting machinery to connect wi'.h the engine, with shires, buckets and rope complete, in cood orJer, ready to work. GUTTENBURG & CO., Sacramen'o Foundry. s2B-lm3r> Cor. Front and Nstreets, Sacramento. ~~~~ NOTICE. WE DESIRE TO INFORM OUR patrons and the public generally that we have this day sold our Grocery business, corner E'eventh and J street?, to T. H. COOK. TbanHug our patrons for their liberal custom, we so'icita renewal of tbe same to : our successor. All parties indebted to os will please ; settle their accounts withi.i thirtydays, a 1 we wish to close up our books. C. L\GES & CO. S tcramento. October 15, 1675. 010-lm3p THE FALL STYLES OF rajj CENTS' MLX & BU SfI N' ESS^^ h£L HITS FOR 1875 Arc Now Ready at MEUSSDORFEK'S No. 105 .1 STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, SACRMESTO. 010-3plm J. F. SLATER, Busin Manager. _ SADDLES, HARNESS, iN^ASD I.EATIIER.-A CHOICE O§B^ Stock Foreign and Domestic 'addles, Harness and Saddlery Hardware of all kinds Shoe Findings ; Carriage Trimmings. ALSO— Foreign and Domestic Leather, Calf, Kip, Liningand Sheepskin Robes, blankets, etc R STOKE & CO., Direct Importers, Dealers and \lanufacturen, 150 3 street, V. ween sth and 6ih. B. BOn, ', 825 llß4pl *. A- TAS VOOBUIBS. POLITICAL CANDIDATES. j ~~~~~~~ INDEPENDENT JUDICIAL TICKET. ! FOR JUDGE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, A. P. CATLIN". FOR COUNTY JUDGE, I». W. WELT T. FOR POLICE JUDGE, THOMAS CONGER. FOR JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (Sacramento City), G. HAINKS, T. W. GILIUER. i>. E. VLBXASiII'K. 011-ld REPUBLICAN JUDICIAL TICKET* "^LECTION WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20 FOR SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. EZRA S. CAR11. FOR JUDGE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, S. C. DENSON, Of Sacramento. FOR COUNTY JUDGE, K. .C . C L AIC K. FOR POLICE JUDGE, XV. R. CANTWELL, FOR JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (Sacramento Township), S. S. GREENWOOD. C. HJLMBB, T. XV. f.IUM!!. i 05-td-3p DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL TICKET. T^LECTION WEDNESDAY, OCT. '20. FOR SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, O. P. FITZGERALD. Of Sonoma. FOR JUDGE SIX II JUDICIAL DISTRICT, LEWIS RAVAGE, Of Sacramento. FOR COUNTY JUDGE, JOHN 111 AKI). FOR POLICE JUDGE, m. S. ii RAN. FOR JUSTICFS OF III?PEACE (Sacramento Township), D. E. ALEXANDER, HARRY LEWIS, DANIEL J. THOMAS. o--'-3ptd THOMAS CONGER, piANDIDITE FOR THE OFFICE —OF— POLICE JUDGE. 05-td LEWIS RAMAGE, T\ EMOCR A T I C CANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT JUDGE sll] Sixth Judicial District. ftd-3p A. P. CATLIN, ~~ INDEPENDENT TAXPAYERS' NOMINEE FOR DISTRICT JUDGE Of the Sixth Judicial District. ELECTION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2OTII, 1875. s!--3ptd REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET ! T^LECTION WEDNESDAY, Oct. 20th. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, PROFESSOR EZRA S. CARR, Of Alameda. M. D. BORUCK, Secretary Republican State Central Committee. s!6-3ptd A CARD. I ANNOUNCE MYSELF. A CANDl- date for the office of City Superintendent of Public Scheols of Sacramento, subject to the will of the lejal voters, at the election for school officers, to be held on the first Monday in December next. If elected, I willdevote my time and use my best endeavor to fulfill the duties pertaining to the office for the compensation now paid. C. S. HASWELL. September, 3, 1875. s3-3m-3p A. HENLEY, CANDIDATE FOR POLICE JUDGE. ELECTION OCTOBER 20th. sl3-3ptf "miscellaxeous. THE AGENCY AF THE GROVER & BAKER Elastic Stitch and Shuttle Stitch SEWING MACHINES IS TRANSFERRED TO MASSEY Ac TAUBENIIEIMER, Carpet Dealers, 144 J STREET. A full assortment of Machines, Needles, Attachments, etc., on hand. Every Machine guaranteed, and the most liberal terms of sale afforded. 01-3plm H. WACHHOUST -»» HAS AN I MMENSE *m W^%i Stock of WJ~&> ELEGANT JEWELRY ANO DIAMONDS, And Is inreceipt of new Goods daily direct from Fac- tories, with whom he has formed bu?iness connections while in the East. GRAND REDUCTION FROM FORMER PRICES WACHIIORSI'S, Sign of the Town Clock, J street, between Third ana Fourth. Sacramento. Country orders promptly attended to. Repairing id all its branches neatly done. «15-3ptf SACRAMENTO CITY BONDS. milE FUND COMMISSIONERS WILL M. purchase, to the extent of the gold and silver funds in their hands, City Bonds issued under the Acts of 1858 and 1861, past due coupons removed tbere'rom, at 33>i per cent. Coupons of 1870, at 90 per cent; 1871, at 80; 1872. at 60; 1573, at 50 ; 1674, at 40; arid1875, at 30. H. O. BEATTY, J. D L9RD HENRY MERWIN, i l -tf3i> Comml : siocers. p* DANCING ACADEMY.— THE undersigDed announce to friends undeisiined announce to th^ir fri-nds and wli patrons that they have removed their Dancing Lifea Academy from Centra. Hall to Turner Hall, X street, above Ninth. Classes will meet as follows: Ladies' Class on Mondays, at 2 P. M.; Gents' Cla-« on Mondays, at ~)4 P. m.; Children's Class, on Saturday?, at 2P. M. Social every Saturday evening. Music furnished for all occasions. CHURCH & JONES. Sacramento, September 30, 1875. ?30:3ptf X EATING'S COCGII LOZENGES. There is unquestionably no other remedy so cer- tain in its effects. ASTHMA, WINTER COUGH, BRONCHITIS and DISORDERS OF THE THROAT alike yield to its influence. Tbe hiehest medical testi- mony states no better cure for tiiese complaints exists (now proved by over half a century's experience ) They contain no opium, morphia or any violent drug. HEATING'S COUGH LOZKNGES, prepared by THOMAS KEATING, London, Britain, are fold by all Drup2i=t«. Agents for the Pacific Coast. RFDINOTON, HOSTETTER A CO. San Frand;eo. " slO4m3p W. L. CAMPBELL, /COMMISSION MERCHANT, Purchasing Agent, MERCHANDISE & CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. 109 California street, Boom 9, up suits. |.01-3ptf] "SAX FRANCISCO GENERAL NOTICES. Pratt's Abolition O>l!—The People's never-failing remedy; speedily cures Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Stiff and Swollen Joints, Sciatica, Pleurisy, Sore Throat, Colic, Cramps, Diarrohea, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Contracted Cords and Muscle*, Lame Back and all lameness and pain. PUATT'S ABOLITION OIL has won its popularity by its merits. EVERY BOTTLE ITS OWN TESTIMONIAL: Price— 50c; large, $1 per, bottle. For sale by all Druggists. The Blood Purifier and Liver Kejju- LATOR, tint searches out and speedily txnels all im- purities from the system, is PRATT'S NEW LIFE. You cannot take it and remain unwell. It regulates, strengthens and purifies. GIVES TONE, VIGOR AND VITALITY to the wUole system. PRICE, $1. For sale by all Druggists. A. McBOYLE & CO., Druggi'ts, 504 Washington street, San Francisco, sole proprietors. sl«?3m , \u25a0»\u2666»\u25a0 * v Henlin«: on the Winss," say all who have made use of Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, and by such use been cured of Coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, influenza or con- sumption. The prudent will always keep this standard remedy by them. 529-lm \u25a0 \u25a0\u2666-»» ' Dr. La Wars' Seminal Pills for Sem- inal Weakness, Loss of Vizor, Sexual and General Debility,Physical Prostration, and the many ailments arising from indiscretion and abuse. To those requir- ing a reliable remedy for the above complaints, DR. LA MARS' SEMINAL PILLS are a veritable tower or strength—A FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. Price, $2 58 Der battle. Sent by express, 0. 0. D., to any address. A. McBOYLE & CO., Druggists, Sin Francisco, Post- office Box, 1,952, Sole Agents, to whom all orders should be addressed. a'2s-3m3p : «\u2666_\u2666\u25a0\u2666_ lfou«h and Beauty is she Envy of every lady and delight of gentlemen. Ladies who are not "blessed by nature can very much improve their beauty by using Ceo. W. Laird's BLOOM OF YOUTH." It will remove all blemishes from the s'-dn, leaving it perfectly beautiful. Sold at all druggists in the United States. si"rlm >-»\u2666».. Obstacles to Marriajrc. nappy Re- lief for youn? men from the effects of Errors anil Abuses in early life. Manhood Restored. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelore; Address, HOWARD ASSOCI- ATION, 419 North Nintt street, Philadelphia, Perm.— an Institution bavin - l hisrh reputation for honorable ; conduct and professional skill. a2S-3mSTuTb | = ; \u25a0 \u25a0»\u2666»\u25a0 i important.—lndorsed by the .Tledicai profession. DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS cures Cough«, Colds, and Consumption, and all diseases of the Throat, and Chest. DR. TOWNS- LEY'S TOOTHACHE ANODYNE cures in one Minute. mh2s pod : -\u2666\u2666\u2666-. Unfading Loveliness belongs only to the immortals, but whoever uses the fragrant SOZO- DONT can at least defy time to injure one of the ele- ments of beauty— good S2t o! teeth. 09-STuTh \u25a0 « * » \u25a0 , In the Golden Ase of Girlhood Pre- serve the beauty of the Teeth with SOZODONT, and then, when the hair is silvered and the eyes dimmed withyears, the mouth will still reveal two glittering rows "of unsullied irory. 016-STuTh SACRAMENTO SEMINARY. BOARDING AND DAI SCHOOL For Youns Ladies, I street, bet. 10th & 11th, Sacramenio, HERMON PERRY, A.M., Principal, MRS. HERMON PKRF.I, Associate Principal, Assisted by a full carps ol Experienced Teachers. 05-3plm James L. King. Kdw'd Ciiattin, Notary Public. Commissioner of Deeds KING & CHATTIN, (SUCCESSORS TO F. J. THIBACLT, DECEASED,) VOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION i;« II OF DEEDS for all the S-ates and Territories, CONVEYANCERS, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENTS. Particular attention given to the taking of DISPOSITION*. Office CALIFORNIA STREET, AN FBA>-CISCO. CALIFORNIA. jel6-4n GRAND REDUCTION OF PRICES -aa AUG. 3IONNIER, Cfif^ Corner of X and Fifth streets, PRACTICAL ft-/* WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Watches PSIoSS cleaned, $1 to $2 each. Glasses, 25 cents. All wort dor? at equally low flzures. 35 year yeperience. oMmSp THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA. SAN FRANCISCO. D. 0. MILLS PRESIDENT WILLIAMALVORD VICE-PRESIDENT THOMAS BROWN CASHIER DIRECTORS: D. 0. Mills, Geo. H. Howard, E. J. Baldwin, Thomas Bell, Wm. Sharon, R. F. Morrow, N. Luning, Wm. Alvord, James R. Keene. Wm. Norris, John 0. Earl, AGENTS : IN NEW YORK. .AGENCY OF THE BANK OF CALI- FORNIA, No. 12 Pine street. IN BOSTON TREMONT NATIONALBANK. IN CHICAGO UNION NATIONALBANK. IN ST. LOUIS BOATMEN'S SAVINGS BANK. INLONDON, CHIN A,JAPAN and INDIA, THE ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION. The Bank has Agencies at VIRGINIACITYand GOLD HILL, an I \u25a0 orre-pondents in all the principal Minine District* in the nterior Towns on the Pacific Coast. LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUKD, available for the purchase of merchandise throughout the United States, Europe, India, China, Japan and Australia. DRAW DIRECT ON London, Copenhagen? Dublin, Stockholm, Paris, Christiana, St. Petersburg;. totebore, Amsterdam, Locarno, Antwerp. Melbourne, Hamburg, Sydney, Bremen, Auckland, N. Z.« Kerlin, Hoii£ki>n<:, I,eipsU-, Sliau^liae. Vienna. Yokohama. rankfort-oii-tnp-tlHiii. 010-3plm

DAILY RECOUP. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK SALES. Iroots.ancestorstalker.com/documents/1875martinpeter... · 2010. 9. 10. · other 250,000, which were scut over to Trocktje, are doing well

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Page 1: DAILY RECOUP. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK SALES. Iroots.ancestorstalker.com/documents/1875martinpeter... · 2010. 9. 10. · other 250,000, which were scut over to Trocktje, are doing well


—In addition to the busi- ;

ness changes and projected industries noted inthese columns recently, we have also to men-tion that Jos. Fritz has become a partner withR. H. livers iv the undertaking business, withoffice ar d wareroorns on X street, in the OddFellows' Temple buildiug.... &Co. {have enlarged their storeroom on J and Seventh jstreets. This has been accomplished by occu-pying the large storeroom running back of themain room, from Seventh street, the oneformerly occupied by the Code Commissioners.From tne rear of the J street store a broadentrance has been cat into the new room, inwhich the wooden ware, crockery, glasswareand carved work have been placed, increasingthe storage capacity of the first floor by one-third .. the Red House Trade Union, J street,between Seventh and Eighth, has ritttd up thesecond story over the storeroom, and occupiedit its entire length as a second department tothe store, for the sale of men's wear, fancygoods, trunks, ..The Grover & Bakersewing machine agency has been transferred tothe carpet rooms of llassey & Taubenheimer,J street, between Fifth and Sixth, and thatfirm ba? undertaken the management of theagency for this city T. 11. Cook has pur-chased the family grocery establishment of C.Luges &Co., at the corner uf Eleventh and Jstreets, and wil'eontiotte the business in bisovn name. ...Ricbard Dreisae and Leo J. Wet-terman have opened an

"Art and Business Col-


on Filth street. Pacific Hotel building, to

teach drawing, penmanship and commercialaccounting Schaden & Fuller, grocers, at

Second and M streets, have dissolved, Mr.Schaden continuing at the old stand, and Mr.Fuller opening a new grocery store at the cor-ner of Tenth acd Mstreets.

Merchandise Report.—

The following mer-chandise for Sacramento houses passed Ogden

October 15th and 16tb : For Mebius & Co., 1

case playing cards, 16 caddies, 2 kegs and 12pails tobacco, '.id cases matches ;Liudlev <fe Co.,3 boxes smoking tobacco; E. E.Ames, 4 bug-

gies ;Towle &Bros., 36 boxes school furniture,65 racks castings, 1box hardware, 2 desks; H.C. K'rk & Co., 1sack seed, 2 boxes drugs, 10barrels btuestone ;Uuntington, Hopkins A Co.,3 boxes baid.vare, 1box pulleys, 1box booksand staples, 5 cases screws, 3 bales rub-ber packing, 1bale rubber hose, 13 kegs and 11boxes bolts, 235 bundles iron, 1car ad of iron,253 bund'es shovels; R. Stone A Co., 1boxleather; Adams, McNeil} & Co., 200 boxesraisins, 2 barrels dried fruit, 5 crates butter, 30boxes pepper sauce; E. B. Mott, Jr., 2 casesand 2 boxes hardware, 10 hand pumps; A.Meister, 1 box bolts; J. T. Sioll, 3 boxes sad-dletrees; P. H. Russell A Co., 1box cannedoysters; Baker A Hamilton, 5 boxes scythes,12 hand pumps, 1barrel and 1 box hardware;Clark & vis, 1box dry goods; G. H. Swin-erton, 1 cask zinc. 12 bundles sheet iron, 10boxes zinc plate;B. Cohen, 2 cases oil cloth;Lindlev &Co., 40 caddies and 26 pails tobacco ;Wbittier, Fuller A Co., 16 crates frames; BoothA Co., 5) pails tobacco ;M'.llikinBros ,10 casesBatches: >. H. Davis, 1box hardware; W. D.Comstock, 8 bags hair, 3 bales comforters ;Ackerman A Co., 5 barrels whisky; LockedLivenson, 1 box picture frame*; llassey ATaubenheimer, 1box picture Frames ; A.Coolot,

\u25a0; eases stationery ; T.Harper, 4 boxes bootsand shoes.


Aman named Stewart McMiller*working forJames Hilton, who resides near theMound, about seven miles up the river, came tothe city Sunday on business, and while in town

is said to hare become somewhat intoxicated.Returning home in the evening, he drove hishorse down to the river at a place where theanimals were generally watered, and somehowgot into the stream beyond the depth of bishorse, and both horse and driver were drowned.The horse was subsequently found about 200yards below the scene of the accident, but MeMillet's body has not been recovered, althoughvigorous efforts were made Last Friday,when the steamer Yaruna. was about to leavefor the upper Sacramento, a man whose namesounds like Chinchilla Uruble went on board herbarge in an inebriated condition. A dispatchreceived next day from Captain Roberts reportedthat timbre had fallen overboard from the bargeabout six miles above the city and drowned before assistance could reach him. His body hasnot been found.

Splendid Hop.ses. There arrived yesterdayfrom Elgin, Illinois, six splendid Normandydraft stallions, belonging to A. Sackrider, whoimported them from France last fall, togetherwith others. Toev all came through in excel-lent health from Elgin,but one of them bad anarrow escape from injury at Pino, where theside of the car was knocked out in consequenceof another car striking it at a switch. Thehorses were, on their arrival here, taken toWilson's stable, where they attracted much at-

tention by their mammoth proportions, yeteasy motion and splendid appearance. Theyweigh from 1,70 I to L,BOO pounds each, and areall alike in color

—gray. Sackrider willremain

m the city with them for a few days, und thengo on to San Francisco.

The Building Commenced.—

Ground was

broken at Eighth aud X streets yesterday forthe foundation of Pritcbard A Co.'s proposedwagou manufactory, which is to be a brickstructure, fronting 85 feet on X street and 160on Eighth; three stories and a basement


tually tour stories—

in bight. A. A. Cook,architect, is preparing the plans for the build-ing, and they will be completed ina few days.Bricklaying," under Joseph Bailey, will prob-ably begin -morrow or next day. The com-pany intend to expend, in the construction ofthe building, purchase of machinery, etc., about$100,000.

Receiving Repairs.—

The steamer Dover,which has been busily engaged iv the grain

trade for several weeks, is tor the present laidup, receiving new pitmans, those that she hasbeen using for the past five years having be-come so weak as to be deemed untrustworthy.This work will occupy but a few days, but thesteamer willnot be apt to go into service forsome time afterwards. Just now the farmersare holding on to their gram, but will have toeither store it or sell as soon as the heavy rainscommence. The steamer Red Bluff has alsobeen laid up, not baviug anything to do.

Almost an Accident.—Yesterday about naon,

as a countryman was driving a double teamdown 1 street, some Chinamen began jubilatingby discharging fire crackers and bombs. Oneof the latter, falling almost beneath the horses,frightened them to such an extent that theynearly plunged down the bank at the bead ofFourth street into the slough. Their owner,after quieting them, expressed a hope that an-other year the "driving" would take a turn,and that, instead of the Chinese scaring thedevil out of Ciinatawn, he would drive themout.

Third Street.—

Quite a lively discussiontook place before the Board of City Trusteesyesterday, relative to the grading of Thirdstreet, between L and M. A petition was pre-sented, asking that it should be raised to highgrade, so that the gradual slope from highgrade '\u25a0• low would be in the next block but aremonstrance against granting the petition waspresented, and the Trustees concluded to let thegrade remain as ordered at a recent meeting.

Freight Movements.— The following throughfreight was forwarded to the East yesterday \u25a0

Six car loads of wool, 8 of merchandise and 1of nee. The following fullcar loads of loca'freight were received here : Twentv-niue o*wood, two of shakes, 2 of lumber, 1of lime, 5of merchandise, 1of soda, 8 of coal, 1 of oak,1of iron,1of oil, 1 of nails, 6 of sand, 1 of-fruit, 1of doors, 1of clay, 1of grain, and 3 otgrapes.

Board if Swamp Land Commissioners.—

This Board met yesterday. Present, a fullBoard. Warrants were allowed as follows inSwamp Land District No. 3:Record-Union,$6 50; B. McCanty, $23 ;Jos. Keegan, §125;Dwi^bt Hollister. §1*25; John Dobertv, |S8;Charles Beu'io, $-'2 50. Toe Board then ad-journed, subject to the call of the Chairman.


There were filed yesterday

in the office of the Secretary of State articles

of incorporation of"

The Wesley -Chapel So-ciety of the Methodist Episcopal Church" ofHill'sRineh Valley, Santa Barbara counts. Itibos no capital stock. Directors— F. E. Kellogg, jG. E. Hollister, P. P. Martin, 11. M. Hernckand G. >• Kenyon.

Water Works Report.—

Mark Foster, CbietEngineer ofthe Water Works, reported yesier- \day to the Board of City Trustees that during jthe week ending Sunday, October 17th, 15.430.- .750 gallons of water were pumped and 41 cords :

of slabs consumed for furl. The works wererunning 150 hours.

Summit Ice Company.— Tbe annual meeting !of the Summit Ice Company was held yesterday :morning and resulted in the re-election of the '\u25a0old officers, viz: B.B. Redding, President; W. jE. Brown, Secretary and Treasurer; Jacob ]jloehu, Superintendent. I

I Fish Items —From one of the State FisbCommissioners we ltarn that the quarter of

; a million of salmon eggs, frcru tbe United

j States fishery on the McCioud, that were to

have beeu hatched out in Kern river, but were

destroyed 10 one night last week by the alkali• in tbe water

—tbat these eggs were one-balf of

Charles Crocker's donation to tbe State. Ttieother 250,000, which were scut over to Trocktje,are doing well in Truckee river and willpro-bably be a succps.-. Mr. Crocker, detei minedthat the State shall receive all thut be proposedto g-re, has arranged for the secuting if250,000 more young salmon, whicb, with tbe

00 contributed by Governor Stanloid,

•rill b" placed in the Sacrameato river nextweek Specimens ot yowis; lots:ers —orrather ivbat ate said by some to be sueh


posed to be the i-rodticr ofthose imported fromme Ki*t,have been cau^lu in San Franciscobay, ai.d, in order to settle the dist.uie as towhether they are or are not lobsters, they willbe forwarded to Professor tfaird, o! the Smith-si.nan Institute, tor his decision.. ..A heavygale recently disturbed the waters of Tnlarelake to such an extent that a nuaiber of smallfisb were washed asbote, and itwas found thatthe ycung whitetish placed iv tbe lake listspring, wheo they were only about threequarters of an inch in length, having beenhatched at the State hatchiug grounds at Beik-lev, had attained the size ofone's finger, and iDa _\eur looger they willbe of serviceable growth.It wculd be of interest to know how the white-hsh planted in Clear lake two years ago aredoicg. The fishermen should frequently getthem in tbeir seines if they have thriven. Perhaps the Likeport lk< can turuish the infor-mation A number of the young cattish thatLave done so well in Suiterville lake are in

about two weeks to be transplanted into Tu-lare lake Tbe Caliturnia Fish Commission-ers have received iuformation from Washing-

ton that the eggs of tbe King carp, recentlyobtained from the Danube and Raine, wereb-;ing batched out at Baltimore, a,ud were do-ing well, and that anoiher supply would bereceived next seasou, trom which Californiawould be famished a fair number of youngfisb, to be placed iv vaiious sloughs and othtrbodies ot still water, they being a vegetable-eutiug ti;h.

Cutting Affuay.—

About half-past G o'clocklast evening Patrick Duffy and James J. Dolan,both under tlie influence of liquor, got into adispute at Fourth and X streets, and soon after-

wards engaged ina tight, during whicb Duffycut his opponeut four times with a pocketknife, and then ran away, but was pursued bylocal officer Carroll and arrested in the alley

be' ween X aud L, Third and Fourth streets.Officers Cofl'ee and Woods, meanwhile, took thewounded man into Hammei'.s drug store, ana,itappearing that lu.s wounds were not danger-ous, conveyed him to the station house,where the City Physician attended tohis butts, which consisted of a cut on thefront part ot the head, another along the lowerportion of the right jaw, a third on the side ofthe neck, and the fourth in the coder of thebreast. They were all savage cuts, aud showedtt.at the hand inflicting them meant miscliiet.At the station-bouse Diiti'y, in respoose to aquestion by Chief Katct er as to whyhe did thecutting, said be wonId cut his father ifhe at-tempted to rob him. Dolan stated that thetrouble grew out of a eouversatiou which theyhad relative to the war of the lebellion. Dolanbad served in the Federal army and Daffy inthat o! the Cuulederacy, and their talk scon ledto hostilities. During the fight Daffy gotscratched considerably.


The police received a dispatchyes*etday trom Woodland stating that JackUowen, alias Black Jack, who was arrested rearD.ivisville some months ago for burglarizing

Wells, Fatgo A Co.'s office at Suisun, escapedfiotri the Wood'and jailSurday uiaht by cutting

through tbe floor ot his cell and then tunnelingout beneath the walls ot the building. A re-ward or §250 his been ofl'eted for Ins arrest.

After his atre-t at Davisville he was confined ivthe jail at Fairfield, but it is presumed that he

so wanted at Woodland to answer forsome offens? committed in Yolo county, andwas transferred from the Fairfield jail lo that atWoodland, and there found the chance to escapewhich he probably has been looking for sincehis capture.

After Hoodlums—

Officers Harvey and Jack-son yesterday morning at Fifth and P

streets came across a quartette of youths, in-cluding Lawrence Turner, who is acquiring^ anunenviable notoriety as a hoodlum, and whobut recently escaped imprisonment on a prom-ise to leave town. The officers concluded totake him into custody tor vagrancy, and alsoarrested one of his companions for being inbadcompany. The other two took to their heelsand could not, be caught, which was about assatistactorv to the officers, who merely pro-posed to scare them a little.

Heavy Recoups—

In1868 9 Charles Crockerbought in at Sheriff's sale a number of lotsalong the line of Slater's Addition belonging toth**Central Pacific Railroad Company. E. F.White was then Sheriff. Mr.Crocker yester-day d-i'ded bf.ck to the railroad company, andat the same time the filty four deeds to Crockerfrom White, ami the one (rom Ctocker to therailroad, were filed in one lot with the CountyRecoider for rtcord, which made thai officiallook blue as he viewed tbe heavy woik cut outtor him.

Howard Benevolent Association.— Tbe

anaunl meeting of tbe Howard BenevolentAssociation was held last evening. Inplace of"J. Davis, B. B. Cutter, W. L. Campbell andJames Carolau. removed from the city, George

11. Swinerton, L.Bien, L. Eikns and worechosen active members. The followingofficerstnr tbe ensuing year were then elected : R.Dale, President; L. B'.en, Secretaiv; T. >1.Lndlcv, Treasurer; W. P. Coleman, P. H.Russell. L. Elkns, Daniel Flint, G. 11. Swiner-ton and Charles McCreary. Directors.


Saturday night thieves visitedtlio residence of R. K. Wick, at Fifteenth andG streets, and robbed tbe pantry of a largequantity of eatables. Sunday night a thiefgaiued access to the basement ot R'ppon'sgrocery, at Ninib and J streets, ascended by atrap door to the store, and stole a quantity otcigars, tobacco, oysters, envelopes, e^c, andwent out through the side door, the key ofwhich was iv the lock on the inside.

Widening the Street. —A po'-tion of the

sidewalk leading from the Water Works build-ing to the Sacr.imento aod Volobridge is beiDgremoved, in order that teams may be enabled toget further away from railroad trainsbv drivingout upon the earth which 19 being tilled into theslough

—a virtual widening of Front street.


The following arrests were madeyesterday: William J >hns, by officers Cavan-augb and Harrison, for being drunk ;PatrickMcCarty, by officer Woods, for being drunk;H. W'tiks, by officers Sht'ilars and Woods, forthe petit larceny ot |5, tt*e property of J.Tboma?.


In tbe County Court, yester-day, Sartiuel AlcD.ma'd. Edward Duncan andJoseph Mitchell, all of Englaua, were admittedto citizenship.

Casks Continued.—

The cases that bad beenset upon the calendar of tha Supreme Court forhearing to-morrow have been ordered continueduntil Thursday, owirg to tbe election.

BRIEF REFERENCE.Three car loads of immigrants will arrive

from the East this morning.

The first installment of timbers for the newrepair shop arrived from Oakland yesterday.

Inthe Police Court yesterday the charge ofgrand larceny pending against \\ iliiamWallacewas dismissed.

D. C. Bailey, Treasurer of Santa Claracounty, settled with the State yesterday in thesum of ?5,554 S2.

There were no arrival? at this port yesterday.Sailed: Steamer Chin-du-Wan, for San Fran-cisco, with flour and grain.

Tbe steamer Caroline's barge Exchange, af-ter being on the bar below the city about 12hours, go. afloat late Sunday night.

Steam tire engine No. 2 was last evening en-cased in punip-ng out the cistern at Seventhacd J streets, which is inneed ofrepairs.

John Coclirane and James Parrott, whileshooting north of the Tule House yesterdayand tbe day before, killed 20 dozen and 8



The railroad crossing at Eighteenth and Rstieets is ina very bad condition for teams, andunless it is attended to before winter the streetwillbe impassable."

Saxie," porter at G. W. Chester &\u25a0 Co.'sstore, was so unfortunate as to fall down aflightof stairs last evening, and received twosevere cats on tbe head.

The steamship Great Republic having arrivedat San Francisco from Chita wi'h sixty carloads of tea, the first train of eighteen cars ofitwillpass eastward this evening.

This is the la=t day to get registered, or forthose who are registered, but whose names arenot on the printed list*, to obtain certificatespreparatory to the election tomorrow.

Tbe regalia, etc., of tbe Sacramento Battalion,I.O. O. F., which was recently received fromtbe East aud is now being distributed among

the members, consists ofa chapeau, fatigue cap,gauntlets, gloves, belt aod sasb, and a baud-some sword

—the whole very attractive in ap-

psarance.Rev. M. L. Berger, recently chosen pastor of

Westmia»ter (PresbytenaD) Church, San Fran-cisc>, passed ibrough th<; city by yeMerdav'strain, en route from Syracuse, New York, torIns new borne.

The habeas corpus ca«e of MeCaw, ?et foryesterday in the Courtv Court, an>l ot whichwe t;ave a history j. tew days rigo, was continuedODe week, anl tbe prisoner was admitted tobail in the sum of |509.

About 7 o'clock last evening some ene dis-charged a large titecracker at Third and XStreets, and, as the report was as loud as thatof apiMol. there was tor a time a belief thut ashooting affray had occurred.

Red Claud Tribe. No. 41, Imp. O. R. M.. w IIcelebrate its tourih auniversaiy Novembei 18'.b.J. li.Patterson. R. A. Beowiek, Philip Philips,O. Hector and Fiauk J. Bidwell have beeu ap-pointed a Committee ot Arrangements.

Festerday the C.ty Boa id of Health calledthe attention of the Board ot City Trustees totbe fact that slops trom the woolen mill are be-coffiiss a nuisance in tLat vicinity, and urged

that something sbould be done to abate it. Thematter was referred to tbeStreet Commissionsr.

CURIOSITIES OF THE ASSESSMENT ROLL.The County Auditor yesterday transferred to the

County Tax-collector the assessment roll for 1575 forSacramento county. It is an immense volume, andfrom its thousands of entries we glean some items ofinterest, which are given below. Tbos. J. Thompson,

of Elk Grove, was the first man to pay his taxes enthe office opening for business. Who the last man wil'be remains tobe seen

—probably he will be


"in number. Comparing the totals, rates and aggre-gates, of last year wiih those of this year, we find thefollowing showings are made :

1874. 1875.Real estate other than "•-'

cityand town 10t5.... $4,930,330 00 $5,168,120 00Improvements thereon.. b83,190 00 693,103 00Value of city or town

lots 2,096,175 00 2,C82,050 00Improvements thereon.. 4,378, T35 00 4,215,430 00Value of improvements

onreal estate assessedto others lhan ownersof real estate 33,525 00 43,305 00

Value of personal prop-erty 10,039,444 00 5,845,995 00

Amount of money 422,990 00 363,570 00

Total value of all prop-erty $23,690,395 00 $19,515,600 00

Total tax $343,510 73 $253,690 58EECAPnTLATIciS.

Real estate $13,*27,935 0) $13,300,095 00Personal property.. 10,402,440 00 0,-.'l4,jtis 00Total taxable prop-

erty 23,690,395 00 19,514,660 00Tax for ate pur-

poses (rate .64910) 153,750 68 (rate 118,068 70

Tax forcounty pur-poses (rate .801-10) 189,700 07 (rate .00.V) 135,026 88The assessment roll shows tlieheaviest tax payers on

property in this county tobe the following:Assessed for $10,000 and under $20,000— Robert An-

dersen, Susannah A. Averv, Bachman &Neubourg, 11.E. Rai'ton, lienj-iminBales, George O. Bates, JosephISauquier, \V.11. H at»v. William Beckrnan, John Bell-mer & Co., Ettie T. Birdsall, A. A J. Black, John Breo-tier, John Brewster, Brittnn, llolbrook & Co., C. O.Broctwav, C. C. Brown, K.linuna Brown, W. I>. C.Brown, John Q Brown, Mike Bryte, estate J. S. Friend,Baenisch & biscboff, Jo.m Bennett, E. L.Billinjrs,Pe-ter llrydinp,A.& S. Canal Company. George Cadwala-(i»*r, Edward Cadwalader, E. li.Brown, Foote & O'N'eil,David Woods, estate P. CailaLan, estate J. S. Thurston, •George Carr, Howell Clark, Benjamin Cohen, W. K.Claoess, 1). W. Clark-, R. Hall, O. D. Conner, HiramCook, Thomas Cox, FieICox, Francis Cox, SamuelCross, N.Greene Curtis, William Curtis. James Capets,F. M.Chapman, Edward Chrstv, R. C. Clark, Mrs. K.11. Covle, H.Crocker, H. S. Crocker & Co., W. C. Cros-sette, T. Chevalier, N. Dingier, W. 11. Dixon, DennisDotten, N. L. Drew & Co., Thomas Edward ,HenryEhrhardt. John Eitel, J. A. Evans, Eggen & Co., FirstEcclesiastical Society, J. P. Floberg, Fox & Struts,William Farrar, L. 11. Foote, Albeit Gal atm,Justin Gates, Daniel Glann, R. E. Goginqs,J. Green, Green & Trainor, MiryK. Gr.-gory, 11. Grib-ble & Co., C. Oruhler, E. Oruhler, E. & C. "i.rubier, T.Guinean, William Guttenberger, Joseph Goth, A.Hamburger & Co., George llauton, Oscar G. Haitig,Hotchkiss, Hartwell & Stalker, G. M. Haytnn, A. Heil-l.ron & Co , A. Heiscb, Mrs. R. R. HermosiUa, I*.HerEog, J. T. Hill,Diggory Hobbs, S. M. Hoover, W.C. Hopping, W. B. Hunt, J. L. Huntoon, F. D. lloi.lt,Owen Ingersoll, William Jarvi?, Leonard Kellogg, 11.C. K:rk,11. C. Kirk A- Co., Louis Knaeur A \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0!, estateof Kihler, Turn Verein Association, Georee W. Leet,L. LLewis &Co., T. M. Lindley, George W. Locke, J.I). Lord,George Lorenz, E. I.yon & Co., C. E. Mack,Marc > Mama. W. S. Maulove, S. C. McClaOgbery, J. G.McCracken, John McKee. J. 11. McKune, Frank Mac-name, Uebfais & Co., John Mei>ter & Bro., DruryMelone. C. J. Menk.', R. J. Merkley, Mtß. A. Meiick,Fred Mier, Catharine Miller,Henry Miller. M. .Miller,P. A. Miller,S. B. Moore, John D. .Morrison, W. K.Morrow. Mrs. C. F. Morse, E. B. Mott, Jr., S. J.Nathan, S. J. Nathan & Co., A. Neubauer, George K..N ye,estate of Arthur O'Neil, Tnoma? O. Foote, JohnH.Opber, R. Oppenheitn. J.O;chwald. Oyer &Hasne-s,E. R. I'arvin, llennon Perry, Pike & Young, PeterPianalp, Josiah Pool, estate W. D. M. Howard, W. •\u25a0*.Meiick,H. M.Nagle, A. C. Mooson, W. 11. Patterson,John Reynolds, Charles Rabin, Andrew Ross, estate E.Curtis. S. R>tb, Runyon & Armisted, Jacob Ranyon,P. 11. Russell, Lewis Rama^e, estate George Rowland,William Ryer, Sacramento Publishing Company, Sicra-tn-nto Land Association, R. C. 9irgent,W. H.Scbacht,Philip Scheld, P. Scheld & Co., Charles Schwartz,Thomas Scott, A. Scro?jrs, W. C. Sheldon, G. L.Sim-mons, Hart F. Smith, W. 11. Spaulding, Mosss Spragne,St. Rose Church, St. Joseph's Convent, J. M.Stephen-son. J. A.Stewart & Co., J. T.Soil, R. Stone, R. Stone& Co., It. H. McDonald, D. O. Mills,G. J. Phelan,William Rippon, G. 11. Swinerton, Charles V. Tal-madge, J. D. Tate, Henry Xrelchler, Rachel Uiil,Van11-usen & Huntoon, Herman Warcbborst, C. F. Wagen-bast, Susan M. Wallace, Lohse & Weinncb, ChrisWeisel, Western Union Telegraph Company, JuliusWe'z'ar, S-imuel Brannan, James Bailey, Mrs. T.L.Buckhoudt, E. Gaxoet, llalivina Hooves, Jerome Mad-den. A. Whittaker, WiUia.n Wilkinson, W. T.Wilson,H. Wblttenbrock, R. Whittenbrock, Selden S. Wright,W. H. Young, William Yule; Unknown owners of landon Grand Iland, survey 937; H. G. Smith, C. H.Sviit. W. E.Terry, M. C. Tilden, estate John A. Todd,estate M. Toirey, Hannah Traganza, Solomon Treat,John Richards.

As?es=eil for $20,000 and under $50,000.—McNiell & Co., "W. S. Bally& Co., 11. D. liarton.H. O.Ceatty, R. T.Brown & Co., William E. Biyan 4 Son.James Carolan.J. 11. Carrol, L. C. Chandler, G. W.Cbesley 4 C >\u0084 N. Clark, C. W. Clarke, W. P. Coleman,D. W. 4 E. Kleinh;n-\ P. Conlan, A. Coo'ot, B. R.Crocker, Curtis 4 Travel1, AlfredDixon, Ebner Urcs.,F. P. Figp, Daniel Flint, Gillig4 Mott, William Gwinn,

i Mrs. L.M.Graham, John Grundon, S. C. Hastings, M.C. Uawley 4 Co.. C. C. Ilavden, W. Hodgdon, DwigbtHoilister, Mark Hopkins, Estate of Silas lYhitcomb,

j Obed Harvey, ExtmptFiremen's Association, William1 Johnson, Estate of Jordan, Wendell Kaerth, Keller 4

Co., William Land, T. M. LlaOlesy 4 Co., W. K. Lind-sey, Mrs. Barbara Martin, Thomas McDonnell. C. Mc-Creary, John McFarhnd, Estate of J. T.Mier, Jacob

| Miller, John M. Milliken, EJgar Mills, Mrs. E. S.Mitchell. Martin Mou?cb, A. Mull, Misonic Hall Asso-ciation, Estate of G. W. Howe, George Ocbs, Odd Fel-

Ilows' Hall Association, 0 Id Fellows' Temple Associa-I tion, Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company of Cali-! fornia, J. W. Pearson, C. W. Pierce, H. W. Harkness,

H.U. Quinn, Sacramento Valley and Placerville Kail-:

road Company, A. Redington, A. Redinpton & Son,T. Parrott, John Roone.y, Sol. Runyon, Sacramento' Valley Beet Sugar Company, Sicranierito Savings Bank,:Faciarnento and Yolo Bridge Company, Geo. Schroth,

Mrs. C. L.Scudder, J' hn Sinpleton, E. M.?kagg», A.. (i Tr.von. S. Tiyon, A. M.Tullis. E. Tnitcbell, J. M.Upbam, Lorinda Washburne, Waterhouse & Lester,estate of J. C. Keenan, Whittaker & Ray, Whittier,Fuller & Co., Louis Winters, E. W. Worsham, F. Zile,unknown owner of 1»nd on Staten Island (survey 017),C. 11. Swilt,e?t ite of Jnbc Puverkrut>.

As-e3sad for 450,000 and under $100,000— Baker &Hamiltfn, Capital Savings Biuk, Charles Crocker, F.W. F.iitt. Ilunlington,Hopkins & Co., Enoch Jacobs,Locke &Livenson, Charles fefcLangbtia, John F. Mc-

!('auley & Co., Odd Fellows' Bank, Leland Stanford,John WUitcomb.

Assessed tor over $100,003 and under $150,000—IBaoth & Co., Cox & Clarke, Capital Gas Company,

estate of E. B. Crocker, .Natoma Water and Mining\u25a0 Company, George D.Roberts & Co.

As;es«ed for over $150,000— National Gold Bank of!D. O. Mills A Co.

Assessed for over $200,000— acramento Valley Rail-road Company.

Assessed over $375.000— L10yd Tevis.Assessed 'or over $150,000— Central Pacific Railroad

!Company. ;;".;\u25a0":



The Board of Supervisor* met in regular session yes-terday. Present, a fullBoard. Minutes read and ap-proved.

Tiecart load, petitioned forby Ed Brown, was de-clared a publichichwuy.

An award for furnishing wood f»r the County Hospi-tal was made to S. W. Belcher at $8 per cord, he beingthe lowest bidder.

Tbe claim of A. Plummer, for$37, was allowed undersuspen'ion of the rules.

Gabriel Beckley's resignation as Road Master of Dis-trict No. 19 was accepteJ.

The Board then adjourned until Tuesday. October!19. at 10 a. m.


Sas Frascisco. October ISth—lp. v. 1FL«rß—Extra la Jobbing at 15 S7K to *(i373*.Wheat

—Shippers willpay |2,and millers $-2 05 to !

#2 07# lor selected lots. Sales of 4,000 ski good ship- I. pins, $2.Barlet

—A lotof 500 tons ChevalUr i; inprocess of j

shipment to Liverpool. Feel i= quoted at $1 :.7j£ to I*140; br-'in.'. *140®l '< \u25a0 ~d ICO lb;.

oat3—Feed lots range from $1 CO to #1 93 <£ 100 '\u25a0E>s.

Potatoes— Fromi170 down to $1 25 will cover all 1! 'corx— '.30 sks Yellow.$1 30; 170 sks do, $132X t?Corx—-^)slcs Yellow.$1 30; '70 sks do, $132^ T? iI 1O'3»?. I

Seed COO sks cries white Mustard, 23ic;Canary iscff-nilat37Xc inlarce quantities. v •

Hat—Quo-able at $14@21 V ton ss extremes.Wool— lbs fair fall, fr.e of burs, 13c %> a.


Koebeht ix Si'kitoc Cocxty.—

The Yreka .Unionof October 16th says :

A couple of men entered a Chine?e cabin on Humbugon '.Tuesday afternoon, aud robbed the cabin and a \u25a0

Chinaman that was in it. the thieves put a lopearound the Chinnraan's neck and threatened him with'a pistol, -nd made him give up all the money he had

Iabout him. They then robbed tbe cabin of blankets, .1 provisions, etc.. an 1 left. Tie Chinamen came over jIthe next day and informed Oder Sheriff Hawkins of !'

the robbery- No clue ha3beet} found yet as to who the ,men irere,


THE COURTS.supreme Court.

Sacramento, October 18th.Court met at 10 a. m. Present -Wallac, Ch. J.;

Crockett, J.; Niles, J; P.Dode?, J;and McKinstry, J.4193 Broder vs. Nat >via Water and Mining Coin-

pan i-—

Judgment affirmed.4199— Taylor vs. Escandon— Judgment affirmed.4245— Ebrlicb vs. Ka.ild

—Order affirmed.

3708— Hartleyvs. Gapin—

Judgment affirmed.. 4526 Gama vs. Southern Pacific Railroad Company—Judgment and order denying a new trial rever-ed,

and cans; remanded.4473—Titcomb vs. Kirk—Ordered to foot of calendar

forre-areument.4001— Kimball vs. McComb

—Judgment and order


—Ham vs. Cunningham Judgment affi mcd.

43S3— Goldstein vs. Black— Order refusing to admitwill to probate, and 'order denying proponent a newtrial, reversed, and cause remand. -d tor a new trial.

4132— Ham vs. Henderson—

affirmed.4231— Wilcox vs. Breene

—Appeal dismissed.

4US—Pjlhemus vs. Heiman—

Judgment and orderaffirmed.

-I.' 0-Tennant vs. Poster— Judgment reversed, andcause remanded, with directions to sustain the demur-rer to the complaint.

4393 Schoen vs. Houghton—

Judgment affirmed.4296— liuell vs. Cory

—Judgment reversed, and cause

remanded, with directions to sustain the demurrer.4248-Sbarpe vs. Griffin—Judgment affirmed.4150 Heinien vs. Maitin

—Ordered that this cause

be putat the foot of the calendar for he present termlor argument.—

Busliey ft.Natoma Water and Minicg Com-pany

—Judgment affirmed.


Angle vs. Chilian I—Judgment1

—Judgment affirmed.

Maioney vs. Mahouey— Order ofJune 30, 1874,reversed.—

Kuigh*. vs. liaight—

Judgment and orderaffirmed.

Thompson V3. Spencer— Judgment affirmed.4181— Hatch vs. Galvin

—Appeal from order denying

a new trial dismissed, and judgment affirmed.4431— Mitchell vs. Hagenmeyer

—and order

reversed, and cause remanded for a new trial.Application of DeWitt Clint Jones— Upon the cer-

tificate of the Supreme Court of the State ofNew York,dated May 12, 1875, ordered that the said D. C. Jjnes

lie and he is hereby admitted to practice in all theCourts of the State of California.

Application of J. I).Bicknell— On motion of Brun-sen, and production of license from the Supreme Courtof the State of Wisconsin, and on evidence of goodmoral character, ordered that the said J. D.Bicknellbe and he is hereby admitted to practice as an attorneyand counselor at law inall the Courts of this S:ate.

3137 Forbes vs. San Rafael Turnpike Road Company—Onstipulation, ordered continued and placed at footof calendar lor the term.


Brewster vs. Johnson— Continued; no appear-ance.

4826— Santa Barbara vs. Steams— Same.4720

—Alvjradovs. Greeves


4016— Lips vs. Cuy.s—Same.4708—Maxey vs. Thurman

—Argued by Smith for the

appellant, Welty f.r the respondent, and submitted.4547— Reed vs. Ybarra

—Argued by Smith for the ap-

pellant. Bom for the respondent, and submitted.4094— Ferguson vs Los Angeles City Water Company

—Argued by Brunson for appellant, Smith for respond-ent, and submitted.

4779— Ke11y vs. Bandini—

Argued by Smith forappel-lant, Branson for respondent, and submitted.

Court adjourned until 10 a m. to-morrow.

Calendar for To-day.


Ferguson vs. Ross.4807— Abila vs. Abila.—

Si mway vs. Rubio.4822

—Standifer vs. Pbelan.

4335 Pe0p1e vs. Turner.4857

—White vs. Hermlnghaus.


Carpenter v?. Cann.•1772— Gilson Quartz Mining Company vs. Gilsoo.

Calendar for To-morrow.4459-S. &L. Gravel Road Co. vs. S. &C. R. B. Co.4527

—Hook vs. Stockton.

4612— Craig vs. Conrad.4008— vs. N.P. Mining Co.4 So

—Dale vs. Freeman.

4088— Dale vs. Laugenour.4726

—Ferran vs. Yolo County.

4384—Powers vs. Jackson.County Court.—R. C. Clark. Judge.

Monday, October 18th.Miser vs. Cantrell & Defendant has leave to

file amended answer.Inre McCaw Continued until October 25th. De-

fendant admitted to bail in the sum of $500.Samuel McDonald, of England, admitted to citizen-

sliip—Witnesses, S. C. Peoson and A. H.Warnick.Al-o, Edward Duncan, of England— Witnesses, John

Hurley and R. A. Renwick.Also,Joseph Mitchell, of England— Witnesses, John

Putterford and Samuel Cohn.CALENDAR.

Cases were set for trial as follows:Zeile vs. Date— October 29th.Oilman vs.

—October 29th.

B IIvs.—

November (.)th.

Bell vs. TJden (No. 2)—November Kb.McKenney vs. Wristen

—October 25th.

Divis 4 Co. vs. Nathan— October 29th.Watte vs. McClannahan el al.— October 25th.Cadwalader vs.

—October 25th.

Wisjr vs. Cantrell & Wolf— October 26th.Fsquibee n.Alviso

—October 26th.

Lewis vs. Webber— 20th.Mr tin vs. Kahn

—November Bth.

Dye vs. Ah Lee—

November Bth.Hainan vs. Swift—November Bth.Crowell vs. D'Homit— Ocober 27th.Vugiit vs. Rademacker

—November 9th.

darken vs. Htelnmao—

November 9th.Court adjourned until October 25:h.

l'robate I'ourt.—R. C. Clark, Judge.Monday. October 18th.

Estate of Fanny B. West, deceased—

Petition for dis-tribution continued one week.

Estate of J. W. Keeser, deceased—

Petition of JohnSmith, T. .1. Morry ana 11. S. Heals, for letters.Ordered issued to Heals. Notice inRecord-Union.

Estate of M.T. Ban. deceased— Petition of HermanWinters for letters granted. Bond, $500. Appraisers—

A. Sage, J. Bellmer and A. Schaden.Estate of James Politz, deceased— Petition ofGodfrey

Politz for probate of will and letters testamentarygranted. Appraisers

—L. Elkus, A. K. Aisip and P.

Phillips.Estate of Jesse L.Dresser, deceased— and ac-

count of sale of realty by 11. S. Beats, executor, con-firmed.

Estate of Lucius Powers, deceased—

Petition ofSaMeC. Powers far probate of will and letters testamentarygranted. Notice in Record-Union. Appraisers— C.Kirk,Bdw. Cadwaiader and James I.Fetter.

I'state of J. 11. ore, deceased— Final account andsettlement set for November Ist.

Estate of Matbias Kotilion, deceased— Pet of V.Watchtell for probate of will and tetters testamentaryfiled, and set for bearing November Ist.

Estate of Patrick McCabe, deceased— Petition of E.W. Stickneyfor probate of will and letters testament-ary. Set forNovember Ist.

I'ollre I'oIIPl.—Cant well. Judge.Monday, October ISth.


William Wallace, drunk— days.John Dusenbury, drunk

—Five days.

Z.Lawrence, drunk—


Geonre Hewitt, drunk—Pleaded guilty ten days'imprisonment, but commitment withheld to enable himto leave the city.

WiUjam Wallace (No. 2), drunk—Discharged.Same, grand larceny— Case dismissed.


Henry A. Caulfield, dis:urbing the peace— Continueduntil the "J3<l.

AngusMartin, violatingordinance No.—

Continueduntil the 25th.

J. Randcll, drunk— Deposit forfeited.E. Pei kins, disturbing the peace— Continued until

the 23d.

BOARD OF CITY TRUSTEES.Monday, October 18th.

The Board met at 10 a. m. Present— Greenand Knox. Minutes of the last two meetings were readand approved.


A petition of property owners on Third street, fromL to M, asking tohave it raised to the high grade, waspresented and ordered on file. A remonstrance againstgranting said petition was also presented and orderedon file.


The weekly report or the Chief Engineer of the WaterWorks was read and ordered on file. Also, the quar-terlyand monthly leports of J. F. Clark, Superinten-dent City Cemetery.



The bond of Ryan &Miller,for grading Third street,was presented and approved.

A communication from the Board of Health was re-ceived and reftired to Street Commissioner Knox.

ORDINANCE AMENDED.Ordinance No. 73, closing certain streets north of I

and west of Fifth, and providing for the opening ofSecond street, which was passed two weeks ago, havingbeen found to he minus an enacting clause, was takenup and repassed with one added.


A remonstrance of property owners on Mstreet, be-tween Twentieth and Thirty-first, protesting againstgrading said street, was presented, and further actionof the Board suspended.

Aclaim ofJ. D. Tate'for $28! 81, rests incurred inconsequence of the apiea' to the Supreme Court of thecase of Tate vs. Sacramento, was presented and referredto the President of the Board.

- •

ACTION RESCINDED.The action of the Board in awarding toB. W. Griffith

the contra for grading 0street, from Fourteenth toFilteentb, was rescinded, and the contract awarded toJackson &Latham.

Ordered, that the order made at the last meeting ofthe Board, indicating that it was the intention to builda redwood sewer inthe alley be- ween Iand J, First and

cond street?, he rescinded, and a new order madeithat the Clerk give no-ice of the intention of the Boardtobuild a brick sewer in said alley, and grade the al-ley sufficiently to cover said sewer.


The petition of George Cox foe permission to build awooden structure in the Mock between Ninth and'entb, 3 and X street?, presented at the last meeting

and laid over for one we<>k, was taken up, consideredand the application denied.


Afterallowing the following demands the Board ad-journed:

P. Haley, $1; William Spurgeon. $1 50; JesseS'aughter, $7; W. C. Farnsworth. $30; James Wood,$357; Central Pacific Railroid C .mpiny, $330; A. C.Fleming. $361

";M. Gillman, assignee, $288 37:J. A. Cunningham. $193; N. L. Drew & Co., $23 05:E. Gunn, $22 SO; Huntin?ton. Hopkins 4 Co., $33 01;Capital Gas Company, $93; George W. Booth, $1; P.Daly, $16 25; O. Cistello, $12 50; Thomas Bi'lou,$24 ;L.Elku?, $15 25; George (city prison cook), $->0; ;Locke & Laveoscn, $3. -

A Universal Remedy.—

ilBrown's BronchialTroches," tor coughs, colds aod bronchial !afiection?, =tand first in public favor and confi-dence. Tina result has been acquired by a test :of many years.

The Masons of Elizabetbto^vn, New Mexico,offer a reward of $600 for the apprehension oftUe murderer yf Ret. Mr. Talboit.

SAN FRANCISCO STOCK SALES.Sax Francisco, October 18th.


30-20 Ophir, $GSX,63, 68 03#, 69 b3O, 68 ?5, 67,'i,67#,68 15.

1180 Mexican, $22^, V. 22£.1305 Gculd &Curry, $22, 21J£, 21?/. 21#, 22&.1265 Best 4 Belcher $51, 51>&. 52, 51*£, 51*£.

240 Yellow Jacket, $7.', 71, 713*, 71&.5 Savage, $S5.

185 Cbollar, $73, 75, 74, 75,Y.80 Hale &Norcross, fRI*,1*,44,43.

490 Crown Point, $25, 24«. 24.390 Imperial, $10«. IO3±.450 Confidence, $22, 21#, 22 V.635 Belcher, $IS, IS#, ISX,19, 19.V,19* l>3o.50 Gold HillQuartz, $&

20.) Kentuck, $13.90 Alpha. $13#.SO Consolidated Virginia, 1313. 310, 312, 311.

335 Sierra Nevada, $15% 15>4 bo, 15.550 Justice, $35. 34^. 34

45 Segregated Belcher, $70, 72,V.71.355 Overman, $50, 50!*'. 51 b5, 51#.425 Hull.on, $SS, 57, 59, 58V.

1460 Calitornh, $G3, 62?£, 62X, 62#.100 Succor, $1.

1725 Uuion Consolidated, $10^, 10, 10K, 'JV300 Buckeye, H2V.C.

1870 Julia, $9^, 9X,9#, 10. 10,V..530 Silver Hill,$7J4',8.10 Caledonia, $17. . •

75 Baltimore, $2?j,, 2.V..50 Challenge, $5%, 5,V..

585 Rock Island, $2 sa. 2.V..323 New York Consolidated, |2,V., 2\'.

AFTECNOON SESSION.495 Florida. $5.400 Wells- Fargo, 20.-, 25c.200 Pacific, $1.675 Leviathan, $I^', I#.50 C >?mopolitan, 40c.

100 Kossuth, $2.50 Amazon, 8.5c.

300 Morning Star. $4.2-20 Gould 4 Cuiry, $21, 20?^.205 Meadow Valley,$2 3i,1%245 Raymond 4 Ely, $28, 29, 30.140 Eureka Consolidated, $15, 14#, 14.100 Adam's Hill,12,V.c.100 Belmont, $I#.40 Rye P.itch. 65c. $1.

1085 Leopard, *12,V, 123i"---20 Jefferson, ft?*-

--350 Gila, $".>V.50 Honey, $I'^.

100 Golden Chariot, $1.300 Illinois Central, 50c.40 Occidental, *4V.

145 American Flat, $2.975 Woodville, $2>4.2,V, 2*B.200 Lady Washington, $2?4.136 Kossutli. $1 34,1%.200 Original Gold Hill,$lif,1&.400 Whitman, $2>;.100 Baltic. $1.780 Andes, $3%j 4. 3%, 4 b3O, 3% b5, 3}',.

2000 Midas, $2?.£.375 Justice, $32.930 California, $61, 61.V---670 Sierra Nevada, $15, 14,J£.370 Best 4 Belcher, $50, 50>a

1715 Ophir, *64'<f, 61, 64#, 65, MX, MXi64fc, 65blO.

700 Union Cons .lidated, $9^, $%, 10, 9%.100 Imperial, $10>^.

!K) Consolidated Virginia.$305, 306, 304, 310.1350 Julia, $10>4, lU'<., W

l',, 11.120 Yellow Jacket, $71, 68 b6, 68, 07#, 69.335 Mexican, $21^, 21^.

»The .Maintenance of Health.

—The mainte-

nance ot health is often more difficult than itsrecovery. Vitiated conditions ot the atmos-phere, unhealthy occupations, extremes ofbeat or cold, and constant exposure to roughweather, are allso many provocations ofdisease.There is but one sure way- of effectually guard-ins the system when thus subjected to influ-ences prejudicial to health, and that is to estab-lish, by judicious tonic a&d alterative medica-tion, vi«or of the body and regularity of itsfunctions. The properties of an invigorantand corrective are happily combined in Ho*-tetter's Stomach Bitter which, a' the sametime that it infuses unwonted vitality into thesystem, overcomes ail tendency of the stomach,liver, bowels and urinary organs to deviatefrom regularity in the discbarge of functionsupon which the welfare of the entire physicalorganization is dependent. Health cannot bemore effectually maintained than by using theBitters.




There willbe a Judicial Ele'-'ton held throughout theState oa WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTIETH DAY OFOCTOBER NEXT,at which time the tollewimr officersare tobe elect to. :

A Superintendent of P.iWic Instruction.One District Judge for the S^xth Judicial District.One County Judge tor the county of Sacramento.

i •: . iAndIdo hereby offer a reward of one hundred dol- I

lars for the arrest and conviction of an.v •ud every i

person violating any of the provisions of Title IV.,Part 1., of the Penal Code; such rewards t > be paiduntil the total amount hereafur expended for the pur- .pose reaches the sum of ten thousand 'dollni?. '

In witness whereof,Ihave hereunto ret my handand caused the great seal of State to he affixed,atSacramento, this thirteenth day of September, A. D. .eighteen hundred and seventy-five.

\u25a0•; R. PAOIIKCO,Governor.' ,Attest: DRURY MELONE,

[great seal of state.] Secretary of ate.

Itis hereby proc'aimed by the Board oT Supervisors •of Sacramento county that at the Judicial Election tobe held on WLDNE-D.VY, THE TWKNIIETH DAYOF OCTOBER, A. I).1875, in said county (Polls to beopened one hour after sunrise and close at sunset, inaccordance with Section II10of Political Code), there '

shall be elected the followingofficers, to wit:

Three Justices of the Peace in Sacramento Town-ship.

Two Justices of the Peace in American Township.Two Justices of the Peace in Alabama Towrship.Two Justices of the Peace in Brig-iton Township.Two Justices of the Peace in Center Township.Two Justices of the Peace in Cosumnes Township.Two Justices of the Peace inDryCreeV Township.Two Justices of the Peace in F.anKlin Township.Two Justices of the Peace in Ge >r.iana Township.Two Justices o! the Peace inGranite Township.Two Justices of the Peace inLee Township.Two Justices tit the Peace inMississippi Tjwnship.Two Justices of the Peace inNat ma Township.Two Justices of the Peace in Sutter Township.


Two Justices ol the Peace in San Joaquin Township.One Police Judge for Sacramento City.

It is hereby ordered by the Board of Supervisors ofSacramento county that at the Judicial Election to beheld on WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTIETH DAY OFOCTOBER, A. D. 1875, the following named peisonsare appointed as the Board of Election, and fie follow-ingnamed places are designated as the places forhold-ingthe Polls in the several precincts :

Precinct No. I—Polls at Metropolitan Saloon; In-spector, William F. Swimley; Judge*, J. N. Larkin,Benjamin Stewart.

Precinct No. 2—Polls at Grand Hotel; Inspector,William Yoang ; Judges, Qeorge 1. Lytle, J. J. Car-roll.

Precinct No.—

Polls corner Third and X streets;Inspect Albert Hart ;Judges, George F. Lang, /..11 \u25a0 \u25a0.->

W. Payne.Precinct No. 3—Polls at Kohl's Hote', Tenth and J

streets ;Inspector, W. M. Petiie ;Judges, F.W. Byrod,W.F. Knox.

Precinct No. 3^—Polls at Capital Brewery, Twelfthand 1 streets. Inspector, O. P. Dodge; Judges, J. P.Carey, James Mct'leery.

Precinct No. 4—Polls at Mrs. Cody's, Eighth and Mstreets: Inspector, Theo. Maas3;- Judges, S. W. Butlerand D.Flint.

Precinct No. i)(—Polls at P. J. Hennessey's, Seven-teenth and M streets; lnspec or. J.S. Banett; Judges,James Weo<is and George H.Jost.

Piecinct No. 5- Polls at Tivoli; Inspector, JosephHuil;Judares, Robert Cowne apd Peter Burns.

Precinct No. o—Polls at Sherl urn's Hotel, Sutter-ville; Inspector, L.M. Lincoln; Jua^es, G. H.Jami-son, Moses Sprague.

Precinct No.—

Polls at Lake House; Inspector,George T.Rich;Judges, Abner Burns, John Nicholas.

Precinct No. B—Polla at Newbert's Saloon ; In-spector, William Foote ;Judges, R. S. Lockett and 3.11. Pugh.

Precinct No. o—Polls0—

Polls at Patterson's Saloon ; In-spector, E. G. Morton;Judges, John Stuiltrus and R.D. Stephens.

Precinct No. 10—

Polls at Couch's Saloon ;Inspector,C. A. Everett; Judges, J. B. Smith, A.S. Greenlaw.

Precinct No.11—

Polls at fifteen Mil"House, Auburnroad; Inspector. Joel Gardner; Judges, J. F. Cross :and J. S. CbattertOD.

Precinct No. 12— Polls at II.Well's Store ;Inspector,O. Sanders; Judges, A.Devoe and A. M.Plummer.

Precinct No. 13—

Polls at Conran's Pali on;In-spector, H..\lJer3on ;Judges, George Irwiuand A. M.Addington.

Precinct No. 14—Polls at Ball's Store, liveOak; In-spector, Benjamin Bailty; Judges, O. Plummer andRush Robinson.

Precinct No.15—

Polls at Ashland, Lawton's Store;Inspector, John Lawton ;Judges, Jeorge Little, JohnMcKoe.

Precinct No. 1G—

Polls at Folsom, Fireman's Hall;Inspector, John 11. Cliff rd;Judges, Hartford Ander-son, John Odell.

Precinct No. 17—Polls at Mormon Island, Stephen-son's; Inspector, E. Poor; Judges, John Nottali, J.S.S.Robinson.

Precinct No.—

Polls at Halfway House; Inspector,Joseph Tomlinson; Judges, A. D. Oakley, J. E. But-ler.

Precinct No. 19—

Polls at Wallace House: Inspector,Ezra Simons ;Judges, J. 11. Carrinston, J. R. Lan-sing.

Precinct No. £o—'r'olls at Christopher's Hotel, ElkGrove; Inspector, G. 11. Kerr; Judges, J. N.Andrews,C. B. Kennanl.

Precinct No.—

Polls at She don ;Inspector, DigoryHobbs; Judges, D. Rodeji, Andrew Kelly.

Precuct No. 22—

Polls at Union Hotel;Inspector, C.A. Hull;Judges, D. Brainard. 11. Johnson.

Precinct No. Polls at Webber's Store ;Inspector,James Lee; Judges, Thomas Shaler, Hiram Greer.

Precinct No. 24—Polls at Uecklev's Salmon ; In-spector, William Fry; Judges, Troy Dye,J. M.Steven-son.

Precinct No. 25—Polls at Schoolhouse, Richland ;Inspector, 1). Hollister; Judges, William Johnston,John Ci Pyne.

Precinct No. £G Polls at Schoolhouse, On sbo; In-spector, D. B. Runyan;Judges, William Barry, E.Brown.

Precinct No. 27—

Polls at Sharp's Hotel; Inspector,Willian Iloltturo;.Tud?e--, E. F. Fitch, A. M.Lullia.

Precinct No.—

Polls at Isleton; Inspector, G. A.Knott; Judges, Hart F. Smith, Josiab Pool.

Precinct No. Polls at Johnson's Hotel, Hicks-ville; Inspector, S. D. Johnson ; Judges, D. 11. Can-trell, J. O. Kane.

Precinct No. 30—Poll? at Harvey's Sa*oon,Gait;In-spector, C. W. Harvey;Judges, J. 11. Ferris, JohnMcFarlaud.

Piecinct No. Polls at Brush's Station; In-spector, J. M. Short; Judges, E. Masterson, T. H.Fowler.

Precinct No.—

Polls atUpham's Sore ;Inspector,A.J. Bige'ow; Judges, Lyman Aver,D. G. Perry.

Precinct No. 34—Polls at. Six-Mile House, MarysVilleroad; Inspector, M. Busier; Judges, W. O. Wallace,A.Kietbley.

Precinct -no.—

Polls at Haas' Saloon ; Inspector,John Gerber ;Judges, J. J. Gutbrie, J. P. Odbert.

Precinct No.—

Polls at Salsbury Station; In-spector. T.G. Salsbury ;Judges, W. W. Brison, NewallKane.

Precinct N*». 38—Polls at Walker's Landing; In-spector, John Roberts; Judges, H. Meyers, C. Gold-man.

And it Is fuitber ordered, inpursuance of Section1131 of the Political Code, that theoffices lo be filledatsaid Election are hereby named and numbered as fol-lows, to wit: —



Superintendent of Public Instruction.2—Judge of Sixth Judicial District.—

County Judge.\u25a0I Justice of the Peace.s—Justice of the ace.f!

—Justice of tbe Peace.

7—Police Judge, Sacramento City.S. B. MOORE,

Chairman of Board of Supervisors.Attest: HAM.C. HARRISON,[seal.] Clerk of Board of Supervisor?.By Walter P. Emery. Daoutv Clerk. nl3-to2o


HIT1ELL. Sixth edition, rewritten. "The mostcomplete and comprehensive work of tbe kind." Onevolume, 12 mo.,cloth ;price, #1 75. One volume, 12mo.,paper ;price, $1 25. For sale by newsdealers andbooksellers. The publishers willsend by mail, postageprepaid, to any part of '.he United State?, on receiptof the price. Published by A.ROMAN & CO.. SanFrancisco. s3l-lm3p~~


All persons Indebted to the late John Suveikrup,deceased, up'«n promissory notes, accounts or other-wise, are hereby notified to call upon the undersigned, .at the northwest corner of Third and X streets, and'settle, or such demand* willbe placed in the bands ofcollectors and payment be enforced by law.

Sacramento, October 8, 1875.HENRY SUVERKRUPandWM WILLIAMSON. .

Executors of tbe la-t will and testament of John Su-verkrup, deceased. 09-3ptnl


TBIf-fIfCH REVERSING ENGINE,Flue Boiler, 16 teet long. Hoisting machinery to

connect wi'.h the engine, with shires, buckets and ropecomplete, in cood orJer, ready to work.

GUTTENBURG & CO.,Sacramen'o Foundry.

s2B-lm3r> Cor. Front and Nstreets, Sacramento.~~~~


WE DESIRE TO INFORM OURpatrons and the public generally that we have

thisday sold our Grocery business, corner E'eventh andJ street?, to T. H. COOK. TbanHug our patrons fortheir liberal custom, we so'icita renewal of tbe same to:our successor. All parties indebted to os will please;settle their accounts withi.i thirtydays, a1we wish to

close up our books. C. L\GES & CO.S tcramento. October 15, 1675. 010-lm3p



010-3plm J. F. SLATER, Busin Manager. _SADDLES, HARNESS,

iN^ASD I.EATIIER.-A CHOICEO§B^ Stock Foreign and Domestic'addles, Harness and Saddlery Hardware of all kinds

Shoe Findings ;Carriage Trimmings.

ALSO—Foreign and Domestic Leather, Calf, Kip,Liningand Sheepskin Robes, blankets, etc

R STOKE & CO., Direct Importers, Dealers and\lanufacturen, 150 3 street, V.ween sth and 6ih.B. BOn, ', 825 llß4pl *.A-TAS VOOBUIBS.















Of Sacramento.



FOR JUSTICES OF THE PEACE(Sacramento Township),

S. S. GREENWOOD.C. HJLMBB,T. XV. f.IUM!!.i 05-td-3p




Of Sonoma.


Of Sacramento.



FOR JUSTICFS OF III?PEACE(Sacramento Township),


DANIEL J. THOMAS.o--'-3ptd







sll] Sixth Judicial District. ftd-3p




Of the Sixth Judicial District.ELECTION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2OTII, 1875.





M. D. BORUCK, Secretary Republican State CentralCommittee. s!6-3ptd


IANNOUNCE MYSELF. A CANDl-date for the office of City Superintendent of Public

Scheols of Sacramento, subject to the will of the lejalvoters, at the election for school officers, to be heldon the first Monday in December next. Ifelected, Iwilldevote my time and use my best endeavor to fulfillthe duties pertaining to the office for the compensationnow paid.

C. S. HASWELL.September, 3, 1875. s3-3m-3p





Elastic Stitch and Shuttle Stitch



Carpet Dealers,


A fullassortment ofMachines, Needles, Attachments,etc., on hand. Every Machine guaranteed, and themost liberal terms ofsale afforded. 01-3plm




AndIs inreceipt of new Goods daily direct from Fac-tories, with whom he has formed bu?iness connectionswhile in the East.


Sign of the Town Clock, J street, between Third anaFourth. Sacramento.

Country orders promptlyattended to. Repairing id

all its branches neatly done. «15-3ptf


M. purchase, to the extent of the gold and silverfunds in their hands, City Bonds issued under the Actsof 1858 and 1861, past due coupons removed tbere'rom,at 33>i per cent.

Coupons of 1870, at 90 per cent; 1871, at 80; 1872.at 60; 1573, at 50;1674, at 40; arid1875, at 30.


il-tf3i> Comml:siocers.

p* DANCING ACADEMY.—THEundersigDed announce to friendsundeisiined announce to th^ir fri-nds and

wli patrons that they have removed their DancingLifeaAcademy from Centra. Hall to Turner Hall, Xstreet, above Ninth. Classes willmeet as follows:Ladies' Class on Mondays, at 2 P. M.; Gents' Cla-« onMondays, at ~)4 P. m.; Children's Class, on Saturday?,at 2P. M. Social every Saturday evening. Musicfurnished forall occasions. CHURCH & JONES.

Sacramento, September 30, 1875. ?30:3ptf

XEATING'S COCGII LOZENGES.There is unquestionably no other remedy so cer-

tain in its effects. ASTHMA, WINTER COUGH,BRONCHITIS and DISORDERS OF THE THROATalike yield to its influence. Tbe hiehest medical testi-mony states no better cure for tiiese complaints exists(now proved by over half a century's experience )They contain no opium, morphia or any violent drug.HEATING'S COUGH LOZKNGES, prepared byTHOMAS KEATING,London, Britain,are fold by allDrup2i=t«. Agents for the Pacific Coast. RFDINOTON,HOSTETTER A CO. San Frand;eo.



Purchasing Agent,


109 California street,Boom 9, up suits. |.01-3ptf] "SAX FRANCISCO

GENERAL NOTICES.Pratt's Abolition O>l!—The People's

never-failing remedy; speedily cures Rheumatism,Gout, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Stiff and SwollenJoints, Sciatica, Pleurisy, Sore Throat, Colic, Cramps,Diarrohea, Headache, Toothache, Earache, ContractedCords and Muscle*, Lame Back and all lamenessand pain. PUATT'S ABOLITION OIL has won itspopularity by its merits. EVERY BOTTLE ITS OWNTESTIMONIAL: Price— 50c; large, $1 per,bottle. For sale by all Druggists.

The Blood Purifier and Liver Kejju-LATOR, tint searches out and speedily txnels all im-purities from the system, is PRATT'S NEW LIFE. Youcannot take it and remain unwell. It regulates,strengthens and purifies. GIVES TONE, VIGOR ANDVITALITYto the wUole system. PRICE, $1. For saleby all Druggists. A. McBOYLE & CO., Druggi'ts, 504Washington street, San Francisco, sole proprietors.

sl«?3m, \u25a0»\u2666»\u25a0*v Henlin«: on the Winss," say allwho have made use of Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF

WILD CHERRY, and by such use been cured of

Coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, influenza or con-

sumption. The prudent willalways keep this standardremedy by them. 529-lm

\u25a0 \u25a0\u2666-»» '

Dr. La Wars' Seminal Pills for Sem-inal Weakness, Loss of Vizor, Sexual and GeneralDebility,Physical Prostration, and the many ailmentsarising from indiscretion and abuse. To those requir-inga reliable remedy for the above complaints, DR. LAMARS' SEMINAL PILLS are a veritable tower orstrength—A FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. Price, $2 58Der battle. Sent by express, 0. 0. D., to any address.A.McBOYLE & CO., Druggists, Sin Francisco, Post-office Box,1,952, Sole Agents, to whom all orders shouldbe addressed. a'2s-3m3p

: «\u2666_\u2666\u25a0\u2666_

lfou«h and Beauty is she Envy ofevery ladyand delight of gentlemen. Ladies who arenot "blessed by nature can very much improve theirbeauty by using Ceo. W. Laird's BLOOM OFYOUTH." Itwill remove all blemishes from the s'-dn,leaving it perfectly beautiful. Sold at all druggists in

the United States. si"rlm>-»\u2666»..

Obstacles to Marriajrc. nappy Re-lief for youn? men from the effects of Errors anilAbuses inearly life. Manhood Restored. Impedimentsto Marriage removed. New method of treatment. Newand remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sentfree, insealed envelore; Address, HOWARD ASSOCI-ATION, 419 North Nintt street, Philadelphia, Perm.—an Institution bavin

-lhisrh reputation for honorable

;conduct and professional skill. a2S-3mSTuTb|= ; \u25a0 \u25a0»\u2666»\u25a0

i important.— lndorsed by the .Tledicaiprofession. DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THELUNGS cures Cough«, Colds, and Consumption, andall diseases of the Throat, and Chest. DR. TOWNS-LEY'S TOOTHACHE ANODYNE cures in one Minute.

mh2s pod: -\u2666\u2666\u2666-.

—Unfading Loveliness belongs only

to the immortals, but whoever uses the fragrant SOZO-DONT can at least defy time to injure one of the ele-ments of beauty— good S2t o! teeth. 09-STuTh

\u25a0 « *» \u25a0,

In the Golden Ase of Girlhood Pre-serve the beauty of the Teeth with SOZODONT, andthen, when the hair is silvered and the eyes dimmedwithyears, the mouth will still reveal two glitteringrows "of unsullied irory. 016-STuTh



Istreet, bet. 10th &11th, Sacramenio,

HERMON PERRY, A.M., Principal,MRS. HERMON PKRF.I, Associate Principal,Assisted bya fullcarps ol Experienced Teachers.


James L.King. Kdw'd Ciiattin,Notary Public. Commissioner of Deeds


VOTARYPUBLIC,COMMISSIONi;«IIOF DEEDS for allthe S-ates and Territories,

CONVEYANCERS, REAL ESTATE AND GENERALAGENTS. Particular attention given to the taking ofDISPOSITION*. Office




PSIoSS cleaned, $1 to $2 each. Glasses, 25 cents. Allwortdor? at equally low flzures. 35 year yeperience.




DIRECTORS:D. 0. Mills, Geo. H.Howard, E. J. Baldwin,Thomas Bell, Wm. Sharon, R. F.Morrow,N.Luning, Wm. Alvord, James R. Keene.Wm. Norris, John 0. Earl,




The Bank has Agencies at VIRGINIACITYand GOLDHILL,an I\u25a0 orre-pondents inall the principal MinineDistrict* in the nterior Towns on the Pacific Coast.

LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUKD, available for thepurchase of merchandise throughout the United States,Europe, India, China, Japan and Australia.

DRAW DIRECT ONLondon, Copenhagen?Dublin, Stockholm,Paris, Christiana,St. Petersburg;. totebore,Amsterdam, Locarno,Antwerp. Melbourne,Hamburg, Sydney,Bremen, Auckland, N. Z.«Kerlin, Hoii£ki>n<:,I,eipsU-, Sliau^liae.Vienna. Yokohama.

rankfort-oii-tnp-tlHiii. 010-3plm