I t S f i Pl E I 1 h MR BLISS CANNOT CR4WL JIB DID SAT IBS IUfPVlJLlOAlfl NEED NOT TOrI Cor Aid T r J Mneh Mar to the Bum Par poeIt wft Frimtod In The PrM FIT Dora Alter the Polplo Ticket worn Cooked VrHvud His Word Tho P M JJ newspapers make a lame and falterine denial that Cornelius N Bliss ever laid the words which Mayor Orants friends hay quoted In a circular for general dlstrlbu button This Is the quotation objected to and declared t bo garbled To Republicans I tft Republican it under cMff iHon to toM t forth Democrat endortfdby the Contention f Mayor Comptroller or JiUtrltt Attorney 2e Republican fonrrntlon bad no riant to matte MteA nomination CORSKZ1VS A BLISS Moreover tho frlon e of MI Mis who pro authority their cause as ¬ lets to have his set that whatever h did say was said before tho P ML nominations woro made La the remarks of Mr Bliss from which the Quotation was made woro forty times aanu m and In plaoce several times as strong as erone the quotation now objected to we copy from the P M L organ the Preu tho account of the interview in which Mr Bliss mao publlo his It Is taken from the of Oct 11 vow dope after the nomination ot Mr Scott and tho rest of Ibo mon on the piebald ticket MK C N mISB8 VIEWMr- OIKTS ia OUT TIIK MABOKB YOU A TBAIOItT- ItKrUDLICIN TICKI- TCornelius N Burns the wellknown IleDnb- llcan buslnfifs miD and former 1resldont of the Republlaan Htate Committee expressed tMsTlews In the following strong and logical language upon tho fusion tlcket and Its bear tog upon In tb tbl Questol of Ropubloa ascen- dancy ¬ Th Republican party was not fairly rente eted In III luto contention The organiza- tion ¬ wo In full control and Its managers al- though ¬ thi y listened coureouplr refused to- eon4tler Voters It II true that tho latter R Eubla fault for the position In which they now Ond themselves beeause they do not at- tn < primaries or take part In preliminary work All the same they are the great fore of Ue party and undoubtedly comprise than half of the voters The organizationl- eft absolutely to Itself can set irom for thousand to fiftY thousand voles for anr nominee and the balance make from seventyfive thousand to one hundred thou atd votes will only be cast when the candi- dates ¬ are satisfactory Tho organization lead- ers ¬ ore kteatlr annoyed when this I said t- ots but generally go blindly fora with plans just M they have I pres Cut oaso TM result will probably be usual- 1cj1 municipal elections could be held In the sprirg It Is baroly possible that a majority of the citizens who desire nothing but good city government might be brought to at toguther In a strictly non partisan way hav like ninny others long desired to eeo lu plan tried but tne utter failure of tho Municipal League In its wellIntended efforts to produce a nonpartisan tlokct for our sulrnlesl far from encouraging 17e I league d- eal ¬ hat flnaUti surrendered abtohttelv to the of lm Democratic party known at the- htmttl I Democracy by submitting to a dat that muse gladden I he hearts of the 1loca victims they art winl J9inwho8 eagerly eeoklngthe suppr of Iteiiublloaua to help them Mayors anil District Attorneys offices and while bitterly denouncing the majority their Tammany brobar coalescing pytbo branch for eleton members of an Assembly that Is t successor to beniitor Etarts also the election of Con- gressmen ¬ They join with Tammany In de lounalng the Administration and the troat lenders natona Itepubllcan party and- it the eamo time expect that party to help hem to power and the control of this great Ity Such power once gained will be used mhesltatlngly and with great ability in 1891 t > secure Democratic government in this Itate and In 1892 In the nation I give II credit to Dr Newton and hla friends sr their well meant efforts to secure good government but I think that such luniolpa believe in llejnibUcan have emmitted a grave error which frlcl of rBae political experience uteri time 11 In alit of such a failure it is fair to ex- reB a doubt of the practicability of taking a 1600000 Inhabitants out of politics ten will not apparently divest themselves ol- tetr political affiliations lor the sake of tur lis out one set of their opponents anther equally objectionable In principle in pwer however attractive the scheme for a the may appear- I fall to iso whore there is any choice for Bonbllcans between the wings ol the Demo ettlo party bothwillflap together the mol JUnocratic ascendancy it threatened in SUe and Republicans trutting in honeyed words ait will find their party disorganued art pie before a victoriau Democratic any lied strong Itepubllean nominations- ben made two weeks ago for all city and voun- tyifflces there would have ben a lair chance otnocess and we should rato have pctcd a vote of such numbers leant 8000 to 90000 as would have encouraged the raty to make a supreme and successful effort In 891 to elect a Governor In the place of- DsiId B Hill the hands of the Administration atiVosulncton would have been strengthened BDakr Heed and the brave McKinley ane thr supporters would have taken new r- 1ln their flght for Uepublican principles and thiBopublioanpaity In Now York would huv- obn solid We must now makn the best of tho serious poltlon to which we have been consigned by ou leads1 No Republican Is under oblige Uo for tbo Democrats endorsed by th Convention for Mayor Comptroller or Dltriot Attorney The Republican Conven- tio had no right to make such nomination Itepubllcun should register and vote buttery dfdates who are Kermbllcans anti tpeially for members of Assembly and Con A large vote for those candidates Ilmon to redeem the situation TO DEMUCRAI8I 6 ieior DAVID B1 HILL says Ih true to the Democratic cause Avoid eatQllog alliances with your political ene- mies ¬ CoalitlonH may secure temporary suo cssbut In the end they aro demoralizing and dID rou Vote the straight Democratic tlcU in national State and municipal elec- tion ¬ is a sate rule to keep your opponents I out I power everywhere Senior A P 60RMAN Chairman of the Oem o ocatlc National Committee says There can ie BO dispute as to the fact that Tsmnany lepreenie toe regular Unmoorntlo- CMuilration and as stnh I Is entitled to the upprt and the sympathy faithful Domo ttttwvorywhere Thr is only one Democratic tickft That n tin ticket nominated by Tammany Hall and oriuli l by a t h IS dIe tvry Democrat knows that the Republicans B1 heir Mugwump allies under the leader klpjt Thomas C 1lott took the Worlds lair 11 pinliian from Nw city York and gave It t Chicago a Nrw York lost 300000000 by this Republ- ics ¬ job- uEery vote for Candidate Scott the tool of sir Ilatt and Mr Oriice Is a veto egalnt the JJeiiooiiicy and pnnCtlvl the Republican steal oltte TlE fwr vote JBlr Candidate Scott the tool of a and Mr Grace I IB A vote for the Force bill whl h would surround tho polling booths withliderol 1 bayonets Lnry vote forCandidnto Scott the tool of Mr Halt end the Mugwumps sanctions the iUalng ot the orlds Fair Highest of nil in Leavening lower U S Govt Report Aug 17 1- 8891Baking pow1 I L4dzL Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Kvt3Td m IHWtnt notvl 4 Mm ca by ut f jIIUMI lU f Flla II fi 4tNDA ISIJ Wh4by was sick wo cnre her CaMorla When she waa a Child i he cried for Cajftorla When the became Hiss slm clung t tastorl When kUe b Children the gave tEem Oaitorta t S I T8J I Theres a run on Black I Cheviot Suits and we sel them for 1350 to Many attracted by the prices prefer our Mixed Suitsfrom fancy goods- at 9 to 30 Of course its a matter of tastethe point we make is in the prce- HACKETT 1 CARHART CO Broadwav and Canal Street Open late this evening I t I ti I 0 ji I j I 1 I BEST 11 If j t i 1 11 rt 11 LEADS TIlE WORLD > 1 crefnrehai II keen 10 ntty to hay near i intilofroil ALL OU 1 WilrMT Ilgr l Is now actamm Intel In Sw York the Uriel itook of ISTlaBLYa nM wlitat WMilltlty t b IlKtll nrtDonll b i hlory ut ht milling builuiii jI I II MORE BREAD IS OBTAINED i rOll tpirrrl of I rillBIiniVH BlBT thee from a f any tir tOur u ruatjLut cf wtilch I It cuclosed la I every i 14M- erlllSIU I HVS nEST l II put up Ia 1 o7d pok IJ ages from ijkrrrls ti nkcv fur family tii which tticy- taiUe 1 A ipccialty sat I U fur ale tr Irk t TUfo4- Acker Vcrrail t Toiillt ana oil gr- orerlProhibition j l J t ii the moat rientUl reform nf f ihe nineteenth colur I Our city Biut lux relic mm llo aSuI cure r iitii ou i iiArric r sat r f I tne nnly hnpe I in a party who aim and purr I lidcttroy till i terriMi nuortitfiil fur city oTeri t Then Ttii M k ke ejtj W JtimliiHt lioiitorcet for SJiur iu1 1 Ml Ii lam T Wardwol for niiirolLe- rallunlllheunly oriortniiUr to e Lure an IStt t mint Itoiut I aiul tu Uqi OU lUAr i IU OI I Wheelmen for Mayor Grant At a meeting of wheelmen yesterday In the riillcK school In Fiftyninth btreot it wee re eolvtd to sond copies of tItle circular to nil wheelman 10 lltnlM Under the administrations preceding Mayor Grant you were provetiled front riding on tbo streets and in the patks except under crlo- ou restriction Your wheels were not clotted with other IfbHtH und many of you were nr rooted In IMoo there wns parsed by thf Legls ISturo a till Intioducrd hr a Tuiuniany Hall teuiitor whIt I classed your wheels with other J vhls and porrallt you to rido through the l Irk rrancls M hcott utiptared before the which was considering this bill anq eald Al I I I blia for Is to allow lame dutIes to rids parks nod bo admired by the girls nn the bcuclips Whet Mayor Grant came Into office thor WetS onlr ai < 01 hquare yards of asphalt paY Nowilierearal2VinU Klulitli atenue Rean- ll snn nxentie and many 01 tne cross streets i f I aved with uHphnlt mallnl the best noKntliarouuhtare lor Mr I 11lled I i duco the appropriations for plUI II Karrlleat Uualltl f miinniltonbio prrov l tli CHiforoU llqoll frul wed > kjropot Hit 1 I U palng id Iho 10 lo ISts Il I I IT rslty wnn on lh IHntr Its 400 Orits iB lUtrtby jjymutiei tbt iiculia ul 01 1llalv f1 tJ 0- 1l t LJt H r OULT n t84n or t Tk ssstt HapeHateadeBt Per Ceo 5 1 or tbe Veiled ltt WASITIHOTOM Oct 81Tho twelfth in the series of census bulletins WM Iisui today on tho population of the United 8tatl Tho bul- letin ¬ says Tho population of the United Btlion June 1 1900 as shown by tho first persona and families exclusive of white per ¬ eons tn Indian TeriorIndlanB on reserva- tions ¬ and was These fig- ures ¬ may be slightly changed by later and more exact compilations but such changes will not bo material In 1880 the population- was 60155783 The absolute Increase In the population In the ton years Intervening was 12 334757nrd thepercentnceot Increase wn 2457 In 1870 tho population a stated as 33558371 According to these fltrures the absolute In- crease ¬ In the docado between 1870 and 1880 was 11507412 and the percentage of Increase was 3008 Upon their face these figures show that tho population has Increased between 1830 and 1890 only 727346 more than between 1870 and 1880 while tho rate of Increase has apparently diminished from 3008 to 2457 per cent If these figures wore derived from correct data they would be Indeed disappointing Such a reduction In the rate of Increase in tho face ot the enormous Immigration during the pat ten years would nrguo a great diminution In the fecundity of the population or a cor¬ responding increase In Its death rate These figures are however easily explained when the character of tho data usod I is understood It IB knowntho fact k i lug been demon- strated ¬ by extensive and thorough Investiga- tion ¬ that tho census of 1870 was grossly de- ficient ¬ I the Southern Statos BO much so as not to glvo an exaggerated rate or In crease of tho population between 1870 and 1880 In these mates but to afreet very ma terlallv the rate of Increase In the country at large These omissions wore not the fault nor wore they within the control of the Coneul Offlo The census of 1870 was taken law which the Superintendent Ova Francis A Walker obaracterird 58 tiumay antiquated and barbarous Tho Census Office had no power over Its enumerators save a barren protest and Its right was oven questioned In somo quarters In referring to these omls Blons tbethiperlntemlentof tbe tenth census said In his report In relation to the taking of the census In Carolina It follows as u 80ut conclusion of highest authority either that tho census to 1871 was grossly defoctle in regard to the whole of the State or some con- siderable ¬ parts thereof or else that tho census- of 1880 wns fraudulent Those therefore who belIo e In the accuracy and honesty of tho tenth cenusnnd that 11 thoroughly cAtCh ¬ fishedmust accept oilier alternative offered by len Walker namely that the ninth census was grossly defective Vi hat was true of ttotith Carolina was also true In greater or less degree of all tho Southern Btates There Is of course no means of ascertaining ac- curately ¬ the extent of these omissions but In all probability they amounted to not less than 1500000 There is but little question that the population of the United Btates In 1870 was at least 40000000 Instead of 058871 as stated It this estimate of the extent of the omissions in 1870 be correct tbe absolute in- crease ¬ between 1870 and 1S8U was only I about 10000000 and the rate of Increns was not far from 25 per cent This furs compare much more reasonably with deduotouslro- mte population In 1880 and Omitting from consideration those States in which the censusof 1870 is known or presumed to have been faulty the rato of Increase be- tween ¬ 1870 and lt80 in the remaining states has been very noarly maintained In the decade between 18t and 19o Iteerifng to the prin- cipal ¬ the bulletin the census of 1870 Is known or Is presumed to have been deficient in nearly all the Btaes of the Houth Atlantis and Southern Central divisions while In the Atlantic Northern Central and Western ort no evidence of Incompleteness has Non detected The population of these three lastnamed divisions in 1H70 1880 and 1890 the absolute Increase for tho two decades aud tbe rat of increase is set forth in the follow ll table AxrtitnMii Inmate Fmtntaie1- 8TO za7 xs3 If 4Z192582 8383015 711 21 26D It will be seen that the absolute Increase between 1880 and 1890 exceeded that between 1870 and 188U by 1685603 and that the propor- tional ¬ increase was but 12 per oPnl loss The following table shows population- of the several States as found te the oonsus enumeration of the years 1890 1880 and 1870 Formation ISO Its 1870 Tb United EIa4I6Z464O BO 196783 S89S8S71 NORTH ATLANTIC DIVISION Main eeo2di 048930 628915 New nmph 37aM 36101 u in 300 33ai J 83033- 1MauachllHtU SZU407 7BVUBi 1457831- Bbod leianl sis 348 37 31 3178X1 Connecticut 7101 Q270O 74st Jtw York 80x1171 4SHA75U 5ltGS w Jersey 1131116 EXKII- 08rnmaylvaula 5J4ai74 4a82au 352la1l Total 1730443 14607407 12491730 COUTH ATLANTIC DIVISION Dataware 167871 140608 12V015 Maryland 1040431 934943 780MH- DUt t Colombia I 23U7SS 177614 131700- virirtnla 164AUI1 151350 ia3ifS w t virrtnla leo 145 em47 442014- l4orth Carolina 18997SO l07lyl South Caroline amr 905377 i- Oeorina 154Z150 I l 410- arirtU aeu4S3 117744 Tot 1888739 7597197 4853610- JJOBTHZEN CXNTBAL DtTtBIOX Ohio 3671 31r0 2j3e521O Indiana 197111 1u4I37 MlchUan llllnoll i0fw783 aflHi30 307s7 611 Wlicoulla IW3Kr7 I3154if7 10S40I- OMlnnta 18OOI7 78H773 43U7 U Iowa iHO7 i ie4nii ii94u MluoorL 267ll 4 113 1721i north octets i South Dakota 32744 liiMS 1418- 1Nbraika Iuvi7u3 432403 f 139U3 Kanaka 14234m Ilwutw s- Ttl2aJ2I 1 17314111 13981111- BOOTHKBN CRrflUI DIVISION Kentucky 1894M 16480 1321011- Tenneueo I7U723 15281 126H5O Alabama 1W07 12 1131c > n27l2I- xuiUana hwijW- MUtlealppt 1118828 7V091G- Texai V ilun 1591749 81M579 Idlau Territory Oklahoma SI Tot Arkaniai 1121886 112 4S4471 Total 1084838 bB19b71 6434410- WESTEBH DIVISION Montana 1SIT60 K1M- WTomlnc M DUMB 2asa ana Coloro 4M97S JK4337 attMl- Keir Afluna Mexico 144SU1 59681 IS6 917 Uth 206438 14SHGS 87bfl- hevaila 441137 JiitM 424111- I 842 9 uiu 190 Aiuj- kaWaiblDk000145115 7illfl 39oA- Or ron 312410 174768 DUB23 California i ltHixq 8ti4ti COHS47 Total iJO W8 l7870 7 030510 Porter says The general Cntlnulnl1lr increase of population Is that when notdlsinrbed b > etranuous causes such as wars pestilences Immigration euil urution Au increase of population goes on at a continually diminishing rote The operation of this law In this country hRH been interbred with In recent ycnis by the late war which besides the destruction of a vnst numo of lives birthrate very materially deoriodlle I was followed by an In- creased ¬ birth rate Is I Invariably the race under similar circumstances The normal rate of increase has been and is greatly interfered with also by Immlcrut on nail It is difficult to estimate tbe eit ot II i this upon our rote of In- crease ¬ Approximation to II may howuver L reached by the lollowlng process lletweeu 180 and 180 S26613 Imm- igrants entered Ibis country Of these a imrt Inni roturnod to their homes or miariuod- rUowhere A considerable iiiuportloii prob- ably about onettiehth have died On the otr aud fblldreu have ben horn to them is probable tho births have coumortal- Hncod the tnt and tho omleraton so that the nt Influence which immigration has exert- ed ¬ upon our Is approximately ox copulation pressed by t of immigrants Sub- tracting ¬ this number from use numerical in oreISO duilng the past decade there remains over 7000000 to represent tho actual I tril of tho inhabitants of this country In 18SU The rate of natural Increase Is tlu refore not far from 14 per cent Hrullar oalonlatioim for the populrtlooln 1880 and the decroae bo valuele on predlnl the imperfections of thu census of 71he following table showing the ratos of Increase during tnt last three decades fII the Mouth Atlantic and houthern Central Hates IliiiBtratii iho Imperfections of the census of 1170 In a somewhat startling manner llrr Cent if Inerioj- rVrmUa 194050 J57OtG IIJ I able 1810 I 34o4O 23R no North Imrolln 71 342 ti 165- Hoaih 411 162 O orri CuolDa I 120 Si 2 IBM Alabama 20 0 104 HlulMlppI I 67 31- UuUKu I 2 2I tg 188 niucty 143 125 TnaN H4 225 144- a ur Virginia and Welt Vlrluta lontlier A Good Word For the UeKUUr BUI ROME Oet 31The Italic states that the Italian ConBulGenornl in America has tent a- manioranaum to the Chamber of Commerce which Is Intended to correct erroneous corn rnentn made by the EurolPl1 press on the effects of tha Tbs Consul lii noral dccljrcs that new law is favorable Ile I to Italian Interests le1 to a marked Increase in IUlrade wit the United State nA I x4S J REPUBLICANS ALL TORN UP MR LAT BAl TO TVLI JVDOH- HUtSOit rAre FROM Cr DuBS Dr JB lMiw Net to8p at to je ruel- I the Cooler VIe ToottA Qaccr Sort or tlflentIOB MtXtaK I Will B ExBonator Thomas 0 PlaIt strolled dow the marble stairway the Fifth Avenue Hotel at 10 oclock last night and saw Col George Bliss with his overcoat buttoned UP to tbo throat standing near the clerks desl Tho two Republicans chatted for a moment or two and their conversation- was Interrupted by the aplnanC- of ExPollco Justice BURS had not seen Mr Patterson since Mr Patterson threatened to discipline certain Republican leaders who refused to vote for tho throe calico Democrats on the fusion ticket nnd since Mr Patterson charged that Col Bliss and those other leaders were in the market Dut nothing daunted Mr Pat ¬ terson walked up to Senator Platt and Col lilies and addressing tho latter MId Jlow nre you George I dont know that f want to speak to you snapped Col Bliss Why not V replied Mr Patterson the color flushing to bis checks You say Im tn the market and I do not wish to speak to any man who says tat of mo returned Col Bliss WhonaialdMci yoU were In the market replied Mr 1attersongreatly chagrined a his r aephion I am reliably informed that you said It returned CoL lilies with emphasis By this time the two men were talking In loud tones and Henator Ilatt thought that the quarrel had gone far enough lie led Mr Iat I irrnun away from CollUu but not before Mr Putterson had that 1 will tlll to you some other time about 1 dot know whether you will or not an Illy I d Col lube jamllni his kid hands deep Into ins pockets Senator Tlattaiid Mr 1attorson went 0 to ono of the plushcoored lounges and tot Bliss turned tu Port Waidcn Jim Jones and DwIght Lawrence and said He made the remark that I wee in the market nnd he knows ho cant dotty It be cnu o my trlend Mr Lydecker was present when he maid It Col Bliss then turned to bays the hotel and rats Ito a hunch of reporters who woro pres- ent ¬ at the dispute You see that he dare not diny what ha said said Col Bliss poking hit thumb over his shoulder to wber Mr Patterson was sit ¬ tine Mr wltl be remembered that Mr Patterson had an Interview with RUN reporter a the Illth Aentio Hotel last Hal urdn an- nounced ¬ his tirmlnnllon to discipline all Renubdcnn leaders who refused to swallow the calico Democrats on the cumbtno ticket Mr Patterson at that time gave full authority to have this Interview printed but on Monday last he denied that he ever had any such interview As Mr Pat- terson ¬ went bark on his stipulated contract that only the part rferrll to his disciplining leaders chould bo THE SUN then de- termined ¬ that everything that was said at the interview should be printed THE SUN had kept talth but Mr Pntteison had not lleforo leaving the hotel Col Dls said that he wished to correct an which was printed In the Xew lortc TIeS and in the Are ifii7 fott In these Mugwump organs of the combine ticket nominated b > the men who deprived New York of tho Worlds Fair and rapid anslt and I honest censux Col lIthe Is quoted ns hat In said that he would vote fur Candidate Scott Aiihat I want to say about that announce ¬ 1lbl I have sent a letter to thus papers dlnI1 Bliss I ever said anythingol the kind It was a fine moonlit evening for ReluhUca disturbances Senator JVassett the Hayseed Trust of upcountry Senators ap- pointed ¬ to browse through tho departments of New York city for rolltiaal effect was criti ¬ cised all day long because of his peech at the Grand Opera muse Tho night before in his speech he declared that New York wa no longer tho Empire City of the In the words benator tVs Insulted both Republicans and lomOClall But the Hen liters remark as a child- ish ¬ effort on his part to explain away the con- duct ¬ of Republicans In depriving New York of the Worlds Fair and rapid transit and an honest oensns Senator Fnseott though simply another to the innnrueable blunders of the managers ot the calico ticket In the local campaign tery reasonable effort that the Republican loaders who bold fat Federal places can make to keep the rank and die In line for the oallito ticket has been made But tho rank and Ole of the Q 0 P are in a dreadfully uneasy state It has been pointed out that Tug SUN I Is In error when it announces that twelve of the loaders of the repuljlioaii county machine hold these rich plns One of the Republican leadrra yesterday that there wet e renll fourteen of them and that between sllnrls and pickings and contracts tn y took Federal Treasury every year 150 000 The Republican leader and other who conversed upon this re- Iterated tho statements that the fol ¬ lowers of the O O P machine are up in arms ngalnst this situation The fourteen leaders have been wel provided for while they are out in the No oxuce is taken that the places are protected by Chinese civil scnleo statutes In answer to theo excuses tie Intelligent Republican followers show tho Democrats won turned out of tho Custom House and other Federal departments and they proclaimed that if any organbed effort had been con- centrated ¬ upon i Chinese Commissioner Theo- dore ¬ Roosevelt nnd President IlarrNon they would not now be in the pitiful plight that they are The fat that Chinese Commissioner Kooevelt is a advocate tho putple ticket only ungeratheie Republicans more Ho also Is well provided for they say and than they mournfully ask What does Mr oeolt or any ot our loaders care for our condition 1 They ars fully alive to the fact that a vote for Candidate Scott will simply stimulate Mr times lirss Tower and other leaders of the County Democrats build UI their ma ¬ chine which N now almost a complete wreck Tbo daIly desertions from the CountJDemoo ¬ racy are also not without these grumblers The policy of chine the big places In the Federal departments to fourteen leaders out of twentyfour has all along been considered by members of the Big Four us a most disastrous and unwise policy The lilt enth district ItePublliMins were all torn up t night over the expulsion of James O McMurray Samuel Vllllamion Charles W Anderson nnd Charles Mnlloy These people were expelled because they favored the elec- tion ¬ of William Minor Lawrence the Demo- cratic ¬ candidate for the Assembly In place of Wllllnm N Hrag Cut IllNsM candidate The Eleventh district Republicans do not favor thn local calico ticket but am determined to deal suiiimailly with the Republicans who will not vote for the Republican candidates fur the As- sembly ¬ Dr Depew announced yesterday that he wodd bo unable to speak In Cooper Union to nUlit I Mr Patterson nnd the leaders who hold rloli place in the Federal service met at the Cumberland last night and completed their to have tho Cooper union packed IrrRnllmontJ officeholder tonlnlit Every- body ¬ In town is laughing over the ratifica- tion ¬ of the loaders of the Jtonublican meetng SIlOS only hope to profit trout the calico combine uwro VP TAHtMAMS STUMPING Sere ot Meefln and Torchlight Ir oeBRlon lo Clnie the CumpMlR- BTonlghts mass meetings will practically wind up the canvass m tar ns that kind of work Is concerned Of course the polton pulpits wlLe heard from as usual let to he found In the two eastside Subbntb meetings ut the Windsor antI at the Old Bowory Theatre Tammany will UP Its won- derful ¬ lratenlylnd Htump It will also indulge In a grand torchllgh procession the only nmMtliHH il this direction that has been made this elTor Is th work or the hus- tling ¬ Tenth dlBtrct organization men the lol lowers of Blockier wtiom the le guor have fondly supposed were disaffected Twentylive hundred torch hearers no end of drummers- and titers anti barouche after barouche load of ladles will bo In the line The Tammany meetings elsewhere aro to 0 Grand ratification meeting at Durlands inc Academy Sixtieth street and Eighth ave ¬ nlO Wilt te addressed by the principal speakers Meeting at Paradise Park Meeting at Washington Hall 220 Avenue A Meeting nt southeast I corner of Sixteenth street nnd Avenue A Meeting ut Twcntvclsuth street and Tenth Vieeting ot Thirtythird street and Eighth avenue Meeting at Harlem Temple East 125th street Meeting at corner of llroome and Pitt streets Met at UammcrsteinH Opera House 185th street and Snvonlh avenue Speakers John It Voorhis and others Meeting at 2iO West Thirtythird street Meeting Houston street and Avenue D Meeting a Ierry and Washington streets > Meeting at Onnsevourt Market Meeting at Fortysecond street and Tenth avsnue Meeting at Thirtyfourth street between First and Second avenues Emerald Associa- tion ¬ Meeting at old school house 100 Cannon street Eleven Llfebont Un Dred I BERLIN Oct 31 Eleven German lifeboat men were drowned today while trying to res- cue ¬ the crew of the Brutish vessel Erik Berend- en I which was wrecked off Sleivls Only one vt tile vessels crew was tnd WiLLIAM BIBUIirAX FOR TAXUAXY- Thororfxhly Approve the Whole Ticket Merloni Or etlOB from the CountIes- William Steinway rture home yesterday by the Columbia n months absence abroad To a BUN reporter who asked his opinion as to the political situation Mr Stain way said I think tho Tammany ticket Is a splendid one and am only sorry that I cannot support- it with my voto I lost my vote you see by not being able to register Though not affili- ated ¬ with any party I am a Democrat In princi- ple ¬ Five or six of Tammanys candidates It l la my pleasure to know personally and 1 know them all to be men of sterllnglntegilty worthy Of the support of every good citizen I 1 have known Mayor Grunt for three ell and during that time have been brought contact with him pretty often as one of the Worlds Fair Commissioners as one of the Rapid Transit Commission and as an advo- cate ¬ ot the teaching of the German language In our publlo schools I believe him to be a man thoroughly I honest conscien- tious ¬ and u ellmoan ing nnd 1 hate yet to see a slnslo oltlolnl act of his justy eensurod You hilly say that 1 never stock In the godchild business I think he got out of that pretty cheap 1 have been god- father ¬ to many a child and It has cost me from l00 up to S500 for each or these every year up to the time when they were 21 years old I dont see any occasion foi Tammany at the preent time I was one of the committee of seventy who were Instru- mental ¬ In the overthrow ol Tweed and It I thought that Tammany needed to lo over- thrown ¬ now I should not hesitate to saw so lInt Mayor Grant Is 1 good man and his asso- ciates ¬ can be too The ticket Is a good by one n Stud I hop truste ald believe it will go thiough AH to the lender of the hybrid ticket Mr Stoluway said he did not know Mr Scott and- it would b unfair to crllloiFO a map be did not know > While travelling lie had depended principally upon the London Tune for news of thu political situation and that was lery meagre He was surprised 10 learn that the parsons bad been dipping into politics so ox tonsisiy There were further resignations from the County Democracy machine yesterday Thomas who wa Mayors Marshal Wlurnl under retired horn the Eighteenth district of the County Democ- racy ¬ organization He says he couldnt stand tho calico ticket anti that bel Is for homo rule and honest governmentand that ho and all his friends will vote lor Motor Grant the can- didate ¬ of the Democracy D Lowber Smith Chairman of the County Democracy oigunlzatlou of the Nineteenth district yesterday retched this letter PIE We tbs undersigned umbers ot the County Democracy UrKnltfctton of the Miieteuntli Assembly UUtrtot htreuT reilira treat tho said nrgulzfclton fur the reason Slat we cannot countenance ttte deal whloh hu been coniammateil between the County Democracy organization sad the lit publican party of thli county al which I It U contemplated to place I In the of our ant the Important OBICM of County ul and 8hr thereby Jeopardlilnt the looceit oC nominee for the Presidency tn I8L We bn all true Democrat In this onIbouldollb trriRht- Jjemocratlo ticket Grant Tbemaelt yarrer Jiteph B WardThomaa Mdabe John McCabe Patrick Hatthewa Eugene Courtney Wllaon Jamte rarnaiu Jnbn Braat Patrick Me Cbe I Patrick OalL Jamet Mcuulre James Farley Lawrence Keenan one of the founders ol tho County Democracy In the Twelfth district has also resigned and declared for the Demo crfttictlcket Mr Keenan says that thA feel- ing ¬ among mep of al parties In the Twelfth district over the of the Worlds Fair to this city intense and will b remembered on election day rna FEW AOAIKST ins MANF Po Borrisjed When Brother Care Npeke VP fOr Ilrlnkl The Parsons Muddled League ha In Lenox Lyceum last night a callow youths with canes some swells In evening dross a glltedccd band and Apollo Ollle him- self ¬ gorgeously robed in a white silk shawl thrown over a swallowtail coat the lapels of which were of black watered silk Brotherin law William It Grace who Invented him was there to- ol was really embarrassing to the managers way things dragged even with Informer McCann and the glorious Ole on hand early as attractions The prayers for the deliver- ance ¬ of the oltv from Tammany woro to have begun at I P M but it was twenty minutes after that hour belore tho Lyceum was EUfllclently filled to give the managers courage to start ceremonies Gen John Newton pre sided P M Worklngman Archibald mado tho first speech using half an hour to declare ovo- inndoverthat he was truly a workincman He didnt say a word about the management of municipal affairs nor any national question Neither did Gen James MI Varnum who spoke next Mr James 0 Carter followed with a very clear explanation of the schemn of municipal administration existing today In York city Then he attacked Tammany low principles Ho said nothlnl 81ec10 He did soy this though- A very largo number of Tammany loaders areengngedlnthesaleof liquors lillsses1 I lint Insist that that Is an honorable pursuit and as lon nHl tilts Intoxicating Ilituoisns 1 doI shall no objection to the men who soil liquor mao Tu say that this statement caused surprise Is not to describe adequately the horror and amazement that were written In stern lines on the laces of the parsons und their Prayer Moo- ting ¬ League contingent Great zot him- self ¬ appeared on the stage lust as Carter finished Mr Scott looked pate Hit dlrcuHxed tIle condition of the oily fl4 It was when be w M a boy anti glowingly descr bed what it would- be when ho got into the Mayoralty Both Low sucwed d Mr Hcott Like tie othor speakers be abused Tammmy without what are the enormous crimes of RPolYl1 deemed that oiganlatlou guilty Mr Low was In ovennu dress J Heaver PaRe nnd Parson Newton wound UP the nights show Like the other speakers thy were careful not to elY a word about any city department time census or tbo Worlds Fair EX111V8IAS31 FUR MJ liACON The Democrat or the Fifteenth Comfrtnm District Vale nnd Confident NyACK 001 31 Henry Bacon the Demo- cratic ¬ candidate for Congress In the Fifteenth district Is very strong In Rockland Grunge and Sullivan the counties that compose tbo district He was a member of the Ioitynlnth and Fiftieth Conleueenndln the letter term as Chairman ot on Manufac- tures ¬ conducted an investigation on the sub ¬ ject of Trust that remains today tho m et valuable legislative committee work ever done In that direction He was de- feated ¬ In IHbrt by a very few votes but his party Is determined to reflect him this time The Dlmocroy I Is united as It hns not been muny years and In nil parts or the district hard effective work In being done to accomplish ant 1acons I election The In- terest ¬ and enthusiasm nmnlleAted tot Mr flagon Is expected to lime this effect of adding to tho strength of the Democracy In tim As- sembly ¬ The DcmiHiati nominated nil through the Congress district are strong and popular men and lust the soit 10 be benefited by thu feeling mentioned snoi ay A JJIIKU LOVKU Nelllei M Feeler Formerly of Brook lra I lye Murdered la FlmlrnE- LMIBA Oct 31MrB Nellie M Foster came here from Brooklyn about ID mouths ago anti has lived with her sister Mrs Arnold In the Fifth ward She became acquainted with Will E Decker a inllkmun Docker became InlaPuated with her and per- sisted ¬ In calling on her against liar wishes Last night Decker called upon her acsald that he bad heard that shesas married With an oath he declared that she would peter live to marry another as tie would kill her and shoot himself This evening Mrs Foxtei went to the resi- dence ¬ of Mrs Breuse a rtrosmuker on Nrrtli- Malnstrent tn hate a dress fitted At about 78U Decker walked lotus the room and asUid to accompany her homo huts declined his es- cort ¬ whereupon be walked Into another room but Immediately returned sail wIthout a word drew a re olvnr and shot her IB the head He- nutokly departed and Is Mill at large Mrs foster I If itlll alive but the doctor a there Is no prospect of he recovery I 11 DJlENTrEX LIBBAll dLAllMHI Ix rd nurtlBKton Point Ont to Them the Neeellr for IncrnBeed Activity LostibH Oct StA mooting of UbonxlCn- lontsts was held at Edinburgh today Lr Hartington delivered an address In said that tho results of tbo recent bye elections had shown the necessity for increased nativity on tho part of tho LiberalUnionist associa- tions ¬ although I was a mistake to pn dint the I Issue of the net general election fiom tho bye elections feared thut nnloss tho LlboraltnionlslB presented their policy more clearly and showed greater activity mid viqoi the cause of union would be much endnngeied The Irish policy of the Llberallnlonists had never teen developed ns a whoA Hitherto thoy had been compelled to tho case toi much ns a restoration of order In Iroland The remedial side ol the poliey must clearly be placed before Parliament and the country thus giving the country a chance for Its ap- proval > accompanied by vigorous condemna- tion ¬ of the unscrupulous tactics of its op- ponents ¬ Lord Hartington devoted his evening speech to a defence of the Go ernmont against Mr lladstonns criticisms Ho said that coer- cion ¬ was freeing thn Irish peopln from LentMio tyranny and had born more valuable than tho widest local government Ho would not accuse Dillon and ODrlou of cowardice but their action had thrown n lIght on the condition of affairs in trrnl The Loicuo had nearly ruined onco pros erons Tlnpuntry Only tho Crimes net hail nrnented such things from being repeated t ttulboutho length nnd breadth or Ireland hat perhaps mado mistaken but their work- on tho whole had been creditable Ho won proud that thor had had tho courage to face unjiopulnrity Ho would fnr vaGuer boar reproaches tor ndmliiMonnc needfully asvero than the responsibility btcli Mr Gladstone Incurred in excusing bleaches unit hatred 01 the law Mr Courtney Liberal Unionist Deputy Speaker of the Houso of Commons had a mixed reception at a meollngot his electors this evening He contended that a universal scneranot lend purchase for Ireland wns un- necessary ¬ A resolution expressing confidence In Mr Courtney was rejected by a large ma ¬ jority ESCAPED most BIBEUI- AKelohok > > Long Exile III Former Cot punlona Cheered by American Hympathy LOXDO Oct 31A young liusslan named Kelohosky who succeeded In making his escape from Siberia after having served four- teen ¬ years there has arrived In this city He was arrested in Vllna when only eighteen years of ago on suspicion of Ilvlnl In his pos- session > revolutionary and of being concerned In a conspiracy against tho Govern- ment ¬ lilt escape from Siberia was attended 111 many hardships and perils Kelchosky I In unwilling as yet to publish an account ot his life in exile and his escape for for that by doing so he will endanger his comrades left in Siberia Ho stales that the I exile there are greatly encouraged by the ex- pressions ¬ of sympathy by the American pcotle and that the Itusslan Government I is much dis¬ turbed thereby Tho Oral Messenger of St Petersburg re- cently ¬ announced that the rumors current In Russia that Amorlcnn and othois were hovere ly criticlslni lusslan prison management were simply of the Nihilists M heichosky RICO brings news that two exiles named Poshekerov and Makarenko who were recently arrBto111 Utur have been ton ¬ intoned to pending an olllolttl hoe hat ing In tlielrpns session clippings from American nowapat ers upon the subject or the feeling aroused abroad by the alleged maltreatment of political prison ¬ ore in Siberia X1HS fOUHOCXJ < lQVlKItES aCAXDAL Minor omclulu llUmlieed for Proceedlni WIthout lalormlnR tile Mlnlejtry PAms Oct 31M Fouroux Mayor of Tou- lon ¬ who Is under arrest on the charge of con- spiring ¬ to procuie an illegal operation upon his mistress lime Jonquures made au at ¬ tempt today to sooure his release on bull but his implication was denied Tho authorities hao evidence that M Ionrox accompanied Mine Joniinleres to the residence of Mine Laure tho midwife who is also under arrest on the charge of having performed the opera- tion ¬ anti that ho lomalned in n carriage out sldii the house uhllo the operation was being performed It appears that the arrest of Mayor Fouroux and the other persons implicated in the case was made without the Uovernmnul bolni ap- prised ¬ that such a step ss its coiiteniplateil Thu momburH of the Ministry are much In cruiod li cause they wero not inforiuod that the arrests Were to be made und blume the Proureur for proceeding in the matter with consulting tbem titt oral minor olllcials who store conceded with the prosecution of the cuse has e boon dismissed ani sonic otners fearing that they would lose their likes have resigned BulfouHii Journey Through Ireland DUBLIN Oct 31Mr Balfour drove today from Costello Lodge the residence of Iollcu Commissioner Byrno at Carraroo to Galway Upon his nt rival nt the latter place he received n lartjo uuml er of llu ropresentatives of the local trades who made suggestions to him for remedying the distress In the western coun- ties ¬ In Ireland In reply Mr Halfour said ho wits glad the present Uovenmeni hal been in Htrumuntal in briuglug Into effect tile projects whicti had h voi d beloru tUlr ejou us a droam for 50 mutiny yenri ja5t from Galwuy Mr lialfuur took a train for Dublin Airoud assembled ut the deput mud gate hearty cheers for Willum ODrion and John Morley us tho train departed Put Out n Member ol Iurllament- TirrinAnv Oct 31Upon the resumption of the conspliacy tiial lucre this morning much excitomont was caused by the action of tho police who ejected Mr Dalton a member of tho House of Commons as ho uas eiitirint the gallery In the court room An appeal was mado to thIS tenth anti the magistrates or- diucil the police to allow Mr JJultou nnd Mr lillbrlde who is also u Monitor of Parliament to enter tin gallery The court ordeied the release from jail of Alice budler who with hlmon Glomon wit ¬ nesses summouul by the prosecution was committed for rofuMng to answer the ques- tions ¬ put to her ou Thursday last Mr Crlchlonn Admlialoni LONDON Oct 31 Mrs CrUhtou nllns- Plercey who Is under arrest ou tho charge of murdering Mrs HotC and her infant uud wUh whom UOR the husband of the rourdero 1 woman acknowledged he had ha Iniproi er relations admitted today that she had invitod Mrs Hogg to visit her that Mrc lloug camo lust Friday aitoruooa that In tile comae 01 their come siitlou Sirs 1log mad a remark that Mrs Crlchton illsilki d uid she resented it arid that n few words woio then oxohuUKeu by the Aomin At this pollt thn prisoner ub- ruptly concluded her admissions with thu rc- inurK that ube hud better not buy any more The KIng of holland iSnid to lie IuuncL- OKIION Oct 31A dispatch from The Hiikue says It has transpired that the state meats made regarding the condition of thu King ot Holland by tbu doctors and the minis- ters ¬ were untrue Th Kings physical beallhiis good but be Is Buffering from a mental mnludy which renders him unlit to govern lu oilier words he In a lunatic Tile statements that ho was physically ill were mude uimply to dulude the general public anti to explain the necessity of the appointment ot a regency Greece New CablietA- TOENH Oct 31H Delynnuls who upon the resignation of thu Trlcoupls Ministry ou Tuesday lest was summoned to form a new Cabinet succeeded In hula undertaking In in Interview today tint new Prime Mlnistur laid he hoped that no events save of a ppecillo character would occur In the foreign lelatlous- ol Greece during the new Ministrys term of service The Cabinet he said would protect thi honor anti dlnlty of Greece without re sorting to au offenslte policy TO fvr roTsa FOR CAXNO r 55 of Pits Hnnpnrt Tells of H 515000 Pond to be lined on Election flay MATTOOV Ill Oct hiOno of Joe Cannons Postmasters made the statement publicly hero today that the Republican committee of Mat toon had 815000 of Cannons money to be used In buying this township for Cannon next Tues- day ¬ The Postmaster la George MoKnUht ot Ash more Colas county Ho tins boon in Mntton several days working for Cannon nnd last night was In secret conference with the Can ¬ non leaders This morning in n political tllscupMon on the sidewalk with James Hell Al Lrldccman and several other mon Mclimcht de- clared ¬ that Caution would carry Cobs county He said that thorn were In Msttoon township 2103 votes and the Re- publican ¬ committee hud llinl l the names ot GOt floaters who were to bo purohafed For this purpose the committee bad In hand 15000 rTOODl flOIlT JfOlt hid LIFE ni Lawyer lCnlci the Point Tint Col- ored ¬ Men Wore JHxelnded From the Jury Joseph Wood the colored aqueduct Hboror Who tn May IBS killed Charles Kullln an ¬ other colored laborer on shaft 21 of tho aque- duct ¬ and who was convicted In tIn General Sessions ot murder In tho first degree was brought down front Sing Sing yesterday by ChIef Detective Jackson upon nn order lion Recorder Smith Recorder Smyth sentenced Wood after luis conviction to ill by electricity in the week beginning April 121890 but Law ¬ yer It J Halro Woods counsel appealed to the Court Appeals where the conviction nfHrmed recently On Wednesday Lawyer Halre made n motion for n now trial in the General Sessions before Recorder Smyth on tho round of newly dis- covered ¬ evidence The new evidence which he averred was not known to him at the time ot Woods tiUI consisted of tho affidavits of MX residents of Tarrytown to the effect that Ruffln was n notoriously violent and dangerous man and was the lender of n gangot colored thieves known as the Mulllcnti tiling Assistant District Attorney Jerome contend ¬ ed that this testimony ns merely ctiniiilnlUu and Unuordur Smith reserved Ills decision Wood was arraigned at thn tar before Re- corder ¬ Smyth yesterday nlternoon Whim Wool stood nt the bar itecorder Srnytli hot malir denied tbo motion Ion n now trial Law ¬ yer Bait took an oxt option and mated nn ni rest ot judgment and for n stay of tuouutlon ou the fitonnd that though Ihern urSMIious uuls- of colored men qualified under lie law to sit upon the panel ot grand and petit jul ore In this county nine worn called upon the Grand vlurr that indicted Wood nor upon the pottt jury that tried him Tho Recorder denied this motion also In April last Wood said Recorder 8msth you were sentnncod to bu nut to death In the way prescribed bytbolawotiblsStale lou ap- pealed ¬ anti In consequence of that cup al the time for your execution pasted The Court of Appeals having ufilrntti your conviction you have I Leon brought lucre upon an ordor or this Couit that ti now time may be llxcd by tho Court fur the carrying into effect of tho sen- tence ¬ passed upon you It is the order of this Court that you bu taken bv thi Short of this county to the Stato prison within ten days and there be dolhoiodto the Warden and that the Warden execute thu sentence of this Couit on some day within the week beginning Dec Lawyer Halre said that ho Intended to servo upon Sheriff Skkits a writ of habeas corpus no oulrlng him to produco Wood today in the United Slates Circuit Court In this city wtn a view to llnally reaching the United Ktntcs Su ¬ promo Court An ap cut can be had front the judgment of a State curt to the United Status Supreme Court only when It M alleged that there has boon an Invasion of a constitutional right of a defendant The question of the al- IcKfd cluklon of coloroil mon from gland and potty juries In this county I has never been laised In a criminal case In this city ORATOR SCOTT ov Ills IRATELS Peel Better Evrry Time He SInke fits Speech Only otmr Times Lash Night Is my body guard ready It was llvo uimutos to 3 oclock last evening When Candidate Scott said this He stood In the doorway of the reporters room nt the calico headquarters with live speeches com- mitted ¬ to memory and in his hand a list of the places condemned to hear thorn The body guard reporters trotted down stairs behind tho candidate and trundled about tho city after him in calH Tho first htaco in the journey Wits at the Grand Opera llouso where there was to be a joint Catherine of the calico combines ot the Thirteenth Filteonth and Seventeenth Assembly dlstilctp About oiufourh of time hall was occupied by au audience u largo tart of which was the lion Thomas Cotlgan re- former ¬ bib Tom tnid this cnndidnto warmly My district sold Mr CoMtenn U tile only one that has got lIeu a Just 1 trail a at mute Mr Mayor and tIle rest vdll get here The candi ¬ date waited fifteen minutes while sturdy Itou tenantH of tho great reformer wont out and drove tn a hundred or o presumptive citirens Then the candidate was intiodtned by Judge Jerolomon lk hogan with a lluht cough This campaign ho ail has been most encouraging to me After u foiv further 1- 0niarks about his ritidvrlntffl between Kings biidgo nnd th Bttterr ho wlthdien Tiiuuu- dionce anpluuded At Weudtlj Assembly Rooms Fortyfourth streot end Ninth avenue tin ro was u consid- erable ¬ ciowcl already worked up in n uood pitch or cntbistasm by real speakers Tho candidate began by coughing slightly lit hat learned his speech Hell anti npeatedlt without n break Among otbcrthmcs ho said 1 have boon ci tally encouraged by this campaign Tne Wendel people gave the candidate n boorish as ho went out and tho next place ho brought up at was n beer saloou on Last bet entyllfth street The bodyguard thought tlioie must be some mistake nfl said HO but tile candidate said ho know lUpublicnns when he saw them und marched In A doan mon drinking beer at tables winked ns ho wont by In a stuffy back room wore about 100 Bohemians and Hungarians lltonlng to speeches In astranco tongue Tta halrman Interrupted the pro codings anti thi candi- date ¬ alter n preliminary i outli said that sine of h s deaie fri uds wer I orn ii reign lands and I that Ie hud travelled toPoenty lUte street to tell them so Then he added In tlilHcninpiiiKn there has bieo muili on couittsonunt to tilt Tiue candidate cit his fourth speech alto gethor and ntto Lenox Lyceum before the crowd had I egun to d HPIWH lie forgot his couch but he lomblnod his tb rot previous speeches Into one romniklnc incldentullv The encouingenieni in this campaign to me has boon much NUT VKMSuriNa ot LKMIY Two Year In Prison for a Former Hints ter who Brcume a Thief Bernard St John Glsboy formerly a Congre- gational ¬ minister in Inzlnnd who was con- victed ¬ in the General leaslous of Mealing a purse containing ICO was arraigned jesti nlay for sentenco When he trek tho witness stand In his own behalf on Wednesday ho burst luto touts and saying thai ho could not tell u lie confessed his guilt Yesterday lihlw nd dressed thus Court In hU own baliall In n clear and resonant vcloo anti with Ills lselfposes- sion ant grace of tho practised ulplt speaker I have always undcavorvd your llonoi ho still to do all possible uood m any commu- nity ¬ tu which I might be plated from childhood I have tried to hood an honorable life In I Ingluud arid In I I iho United States I have been associated In good works with pioinlnent mon lu und out or mv own former cloth Tills IH the llrt time I Imve ben tens iciuti ot nn ollon 0 oaculn ibo law I vlel led tu n xiidden and string limpta lion and I I fell I wus In i lro no J wlon t tint temptation bvsnt mo I had benu simrst doMl lute of ui toy for two lilly But iilb oyHiild Jude elaiinc you lund 176 in your pocket nnd you WHIP a witch when yu worn nripsted J tutu Infnimod I Unit till your i tiniihlHs owe i tlien i onMi 1iOrlnk You nre entitled bees lenloncy than ituort s Ito have not had ytjj I uttiuins of 1 position and oUui ntlon I idtTni f wii my d ty t nnt uea- oii > to tli Ptnio prionat 1 aid Iibir for two years the iotsest leuttlty pruaciibid by tho law The Victorian Caliltirt jCetuuiI- yTiiotT1tE Oct 11 Tho mumlare of thn Colonial CX lnet It aye resluneil I In c meque nc- ootWfivr 430 teiiliTilny of n toto of stunt if conlldf oy tic Ictorian Parliament iri KivTs il1 ITTKOAT TOTBRS Morn The Ttrrutvflirn lint Already tor Chit Filth Anerralily UUtrlct ii The pollen hnvo discovered n good many In- stances ¬ of illegal registration and warrants sworn unit by policemen mire lust accumulating nt Police Hoad iuirtors Inspector Byrnes called the Captains before him yesterday anti guise thorn tho annual Instructions to arrest every Illegally registered voter who shows up nt tho tolls Tho Inspector told the reporter that his men lund carefully silted the registry 541 In overt housa ns far an readied They will bii nt work until Monday afternoon The colonisation 1ms bneii Bared away front lodging houses limit In ninny tenements and private hoinos names have been found registered that Oo not boloni there ucla po- llen ¬ nconl hits been mado of them In the Flttli Assembly district alone the Inspector said the tollco found moore than twentyfive lib tally reci tored voters Tills Is eorrobornton from nn offlelal source ot Justice Peter MltcbeUB statement that Re- publican ¬ colonisation heel been discovered In U the Filth 1edeml Supervisor Davenport now that tie icculnr antboritles havo acted comes l to tho trout with n generous oiler to Jostle MIcholl to do tbu arresting If Justlco Mitchell Will point out tho susplulous cnsex The nolle- nioqulto competent to protect the ballot 1 la this town I The untie Clnb for Onnphy t The Jlnlfo Musical Club hold a meeting at i 263 Bowory yesterday afternoon The cir- cular ¬ jj of tho Knights of Labor charging Con I f grossmrn Dunpuy with being owned by tie I New York Central Railroad Company and with being an enemy of the Knights came up for discussion No person nt the meeting could mention n single fact to sustain the charges against Mr Dunphy arid when his strong de- nial ¬ of this charges was road the following res- olution was put anti unanimously carried Wlierrn A clicular Issued by a secretary of D A 49 charges Edward Dunphy with bolnt In the employ of the New York Contra I v Railroad Company anti Hfrcna it Is claimed that Edward J- Dunphy 1 assisted said railroad company In its I late contest with the K of L und UYrwi Webonestlyhellovethesechanre against Edward J Dunphy to bo absolutely I 11 false theieforobelt- Hemlreil t That wo pledco ourselves to undo f1 the damage don Kdwarcf J Dunphy by the circulatiou of these false and maUaious state I moutH i OHITUAHY iii James Robinson died suddenly on Thursday night ut his homo 112 Franklin street Brook- lyn ¬ i i of heart disease He bad returned from II his olllce whore he had been detained and wan dressing attend a mooting of Greenpotnt Lodge of Masons of which he was a member whoa he was attacked by epilepsy He died tl duting untuof hut paroxysms before thn arrival t of n phjsjciun Greonpolnt Lodge will take i charge or tho interment which will take place i on bundny a l The Rev Tathor James D McDonald priest Ij nt bllver Lnko 1arlsh bus uohanmi county Ponndled there recently at the aLoof 0 yean j j lie Ntudled nt Holy Uioss Colloue Worcester ju I Mass mid later at St 31lobaePs College To- ronto ¬ Ho was graduated tu his theological course from M JionaMinturo Seminary Alle gaIly N 1 and stat ordalnod priest in 1887 t 4i I Ho leases a wide circle of relatives und friends ° Franklin Nichols is dead In Norwich Coon need US > oaiK Ho hat been connected with tho Thames National Hank the richest onn m il Clue Mrte for Deem ly half a century audits President ilnce 1S7 He was 1residcnt of the t Norwich inn Company n director in several local tanks In thu Boston hank of Mutual Ro- dciiiptlon j and m Clue Nonvkh and Worcester 4fJ Rallioad- Cnpr ri i Pinrro r Rowland Is lead of paralysis iW i nt MHtle Cnnii Ti years old Uu had followed f thus stun nearly all his lire and was on of the it IiU survivors thooldtimo C nlifornla clipper V shiP Captains hits last seagoIng was hone toy Iho Mallorjs and ho wax in commiind of the shlpTwIlltrlit Ito had represented his native tI town Groton in tutu glulalure 4 Mrs Fidolln Palmer Catty wile of Daniel Cady who Still ten hORnY thirty sears in bUbinesHaa- u it- banker nnd merchant in Homo N Y died on Tuesday nt the ago of ii7 3 soar Sue was a highly lrit llltont nnd ntlmablo onian Hb is survived by her husband and two sons and t two daughters Dr Charles A Perkins pur eoti dentist long l in practlcnatlllnehnmtondied In Denver Col- on It I uea tty flgol 14C tire Ho was stuttering t train connuinpi n and win to roorndo for J r thuG i lull lit ot his health I He I loaves 11 wife and two vi kin n l Robert liambar conspicuous business man 4 of Caiuihtoln N 1 t diet n Tuesday nued 71- yiuis ISo Ic surv sd by his Wiles and on 1 tIl ioii Di Oliver llnruber ot Rochester U Mrs Kllabctb Jltbrlcb famous ns a nurse during thn cull war dIed ul Qulnoy ilL yes- terday ¬ i ii aged l- Johnnn X Nun l auni the celebrated German j t surgeon and oculistdied In Munich yesterday John Patten n I It ndlui grocer or Harrlsburg I 11 Pa died sesioiday aged 74 > oar j l it

CR4WL Per S Cor ToottA Cr I pow1I L4dzL · 2017-12-16 · ages from ijkrrrls ti nkcv fur family tii which tticy-taiUe 1 A ipccialty sat IU fur ale tr Irk t TUfo4-Acker Vcrrail t Toiillt

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Page 1: CR4WL Per S Cor ToottA Cr I pow1I L4dzL · 2017-12-16 · ages from ijkrrrls ti nkcv fur family tii which tticy-taiUe 1 A ipccialty sat IU fur ale tr Irk t TUfo4-Acker Vcrrail t Toiillt

I t S f i Pl E

I1 h



Aid T rJ Mneh Mar to the Bum ParpoeIt wft Frimtod In The PrMFIT Dora Alter the Polplo Ticket worn

Cooked VrHvud His WordTho P M JJnewspapers make a lame and

falterine denial that Cornelius N Bliss ever

laid the words which Mayor Orants friendshay quoted In a circular for general dlstrlbubutton This Is the quotation objected to anddeclared tbo garbled

To RepublicansItft Republican it under cMff iHon to toMt

forth Democrat endortfdby the Contention fMayor Comptroller or JiUtrltt Attorney 2eRepublican fonrrntlon bad no riant to matteMteA nomination

CORSKZ1VS A BLISSMoreover tho frlon e of MI Mis who pro

authority their cause as ¬

lets to have hisset that whatever hdid say was said beforetho P M L nominations woro made

La the remarks of Mr Bliss from which theQuotation was made woro forty times aanu m

and In plaoce several times as strong


the quotation now objected to we copy fromthe P M L organ the Preu tho account of

the interview in which Mr Bliss mao publlo

his It Is taken from the of Oct11

vowdope after the nomination ot Mr Scott

and tho rest of Ibo mon on the piebald ticket



TCornelius N Burns the wellknown IleDnb-

llcan buslnfifs miD and former 1resldont ofthe Republlaan Htate Committee expressedtMsTlews In the following strong and logicallanguage upon tho fusion tlcket and Its beartog upon

In tbtbl Questol of Ropubloa ascen-dancy


Th Republican party was not fairly renteeted In III luto contention The organiza-tion


wo In full control and Its managers al-


thi y listened coureouplr refused to-

eon4tler Voters It II true that tho latter REubla fault for the position In which theynow Ond themselves beeause they do not at-

tn < primaries or take part In preliminarywork All the same they are the great foreof Ue party and undoubtedly comprisethan half of the voters The organizationl-eft absolutely to Itself can set irom forthousand to fiftY thousand voles foranr nominee and the balance make fromseventyfive thousand to one hundred thouatd votes will only be cast when the candi-dates


are satisfactory Tho organization lead-ers


ore kteatlr annoyed when this I said t-ots but generally go blindly forawith

plansjust M they have I presCut oaso TM result will probably be usual-

1cj1 municipal elections could be held In thesprirg It Is baroly possible that a majority ofthe citizens who desire nothing but good citygovernment might be brought to at togutherIn a strictly non partisan way hav likeninny others long desired to eeo lu plantried but tne utter failure of tho MunicipalLeague In its wellIntended efforts to producea nonpartisan tlokct for our sulrnlesl farfrom encouraging 17eI league d-eal


hat flnaUti surrendered abtohttelv to theof lm Democratic party known at the-

htmttlI Democracy by submitting to a datthat muse gladden Ihe hearts of the 1locavictims they art winlJ9inwho8 eagerly eeoklngthe supprof Iteiiublloaua to help themMayors anil District Attorneys offices andwhile bitterly denouncing the majority their

Tammany brobar coalescingpytbobranch for eleton membersof an Assembly that Is t successor tobeniitor Etarts also the election of Con-gressmen


They join with Tammany In delounalng the Administration and thetroat lendersnatona Itepubllcan party and-it the eamo time expect that party to helphem to power and the control of this greatIty Such power once gained will be usedmhesltatlngly and with great ability in 1891t> secure Democratic government in thisItate and In 1892 In the nation I giveII credit to Dr Newton and hla friendssr their well meant efforts to secure good

government but I think that suchluniolpabelieve in llejnibUcan haveemmitted a grave error which frlcl ofrBaepolitical experience uteri time

11In alit of such a failure it is fair to ex-

reBa doubt of the practicability of taking a1600000 Inhabitants out of politics

ten will not apparently divest themselves ol-

tetr political affiliations lor the sake of turlis out one set of their opponentsanther equally objectionable In principle inpwer however attractive the scheme for athe may appear-

I fall to iso whore there is any choice forBonbllcans between the wings ol the Demoettlo party bothwillflap together the molJUnocratic ascendancy it threatened inSUe and Republicans trutting in honeyed wordsait will find their party disorganuedartpie before a victoriau Democraticany lied strong Itepubllean nominations-ben made two weeks ago for all city and voun-tyifflces there would have ben a lair chanceotnocess and we should rato havepctcd a vote of such numbers leant8000 to 90000 as would have encouraged theraty to make a supreme and successful effortIn 891 to elect a Governor In the place of-

DsiId B Hill the hands of the AdministrationatiVosulncton would have been strengthenedBDakr Heed and the brave McKinley anethr supporters would have taken new r-

1ln their flght for Uepublican principles andthiBopublioanpaity In Now York would huv-obn solid

We must now makn the best of tho seriouspoltlon to which we have been consigned byou leads1 No Republican Is under obligeUo for tbo Democrats endorsed byth Convention for Mayor Comptroller orDltriot Attorney The Republican Conven-tio had no right to make such nomination

Itepubllcun should register and votebuttery dfdates who are Kermbllcans antitpeially for members of Assembly and Con

A large vote for those candidatesIlmon to redeem the situation


6 ieior DAVID B1 HILL says

Ih true to the Democratic cause AvoideatQllog alliances with your political ene-


CoalitlonH may secure temporary suocssbut In the end they aro demoralizing anddID rou Vote the straight DemocratictlcU in national State and municipal elec-


is a sate rule to keep your opponentsIout I power everywhere

Senior AP 60RMAN Chairman of the Oem

oocatlc National Committee saysThere can ie BO dispute as to the fact that

Tsmnany lepreenie toe regular Unmoorntlo-CMuilration and as stnh IIs entitled to theupprt and the sympathy faithful Domottttwvorywhere

Thr is only one Democratic tickft Thatn tin ticket nominated by Tammany Hall andoriulil by a t h IS dIetvry Democrat knows that the Republicans

B1 heir Mugwump allies under the leaderklpjt Thomas C 1lott took the Worlds lair11pinliian

from Nwcity

York and gave IttChicago aNrw York lost 300000000 by this Republ-


job-uEery vote for Candidate Scott the tool ofsir Ilatt and Mr Oriice Is a veto egalnt theJJeiiooiiicy and pnnCtlvl the Republican stealoltte TlE

fwr vote JBlrCandidate Scott the tool ofa and Mr Grace IIB A vote for the Force

bill whl h would surround tho polling boothswithliderol1 bayonets

Lnry vote forCandidnto Scott the tool ofMr Halt end the Mugwumps sanctions theiUalng ot the orlds Fair

Highest of nil in Leavening lower U SGovt Report Aug 17 1-

8891Bakingpow1IL4dzL Powder


Kvt3Td m IHWtnt notvl 4Mm ca by ut

f jIIUMI lU f Flla II fi 4tNDA ISIJ

Wh4by was sick wo cnre her CaMorla

When she waa a Child i he cried for Cajftorla

When the became Hiss slm clung ttastorlWhen kUebChildren the gave tEem Oaitorta

t S



ITheres a run on Black ICheviot Suits and we selthem for 1350 toMany attracted by the

prices prefer our MixedSuitsfrom fancy goods-at 9 to 30

Of course its a matterof tastethe point wemake is in the prce-


CARHART COBroadwav and Canal Street

Open late this evening

It I

ti I





BEST 11 If





> 1crefnrehai II keen 10 ntty to hay near iintilofroil ALL OU1 WilrMT Ilgr lIs now actammIntel In Sw York the Uriel itook of ISTlaBLYanM wlitat WMilltlty tb IlKtll nrtDonll bihlory ut ht milling builuiii jII II


irOll tpirrrl of IrillBIiniVH BlBT thee from afany tir tOur u ruatjLut cf wtilch IIt cuclosed la I

every i 14M-



HVS nEST lII put up Ia 1 o7d pokIJages from ijkrrrls ti nkcv fur family tii which tticy-


A ipccialty sat IU fur ale tr Irk t TUfo4-Acker Vcrrail t Toiillt ana oil gr-


l J


ii the moat rientUl reform nff ihe nineteenth colur I

Our city Biut lux relic mm llo aSuI cure riitii ou i iiArric r


Itne nnly hnpe I in a party who aim and purr

I lidcttroy tilli terriMi nuortitfiil fur city oTeri t

Then Ttii Mk ke ejtj W JtimliiHt lioiitorcet forSJiur iu11 MlIi lam T Wardwol for niiirolLe-rallunlllheunly oriortniiUr to e Lure an IStt tmint ItoiutI aiul tu Uqi OU lUAr i IU OI


Wheelmen for Mayor GrantAt a meeting of wheelmen yesterday In the

riillcK school In Fiftyninth btreot it wee reeolvtd to sond copies of tItle circular to nilwheelman10 lltnlM

Under the administrations preceding MayorGrant you were provetiled front riding on tbostreets and in the patks except under crlo-ou restriction Your wheels were not clottedwith other IfbHtH und many of you were nrrooted In IMoo there wns parsed by thf LeglsISturo a till Intioducrd hr a Tuiuniany Hallteuiitor whIt Iclassed your wheels with otherJvhls and porrallt you to rido throughthe lIrk rrancls M hcott utiptared beforethe which was considering this billanq eald

Al I IIblia for Is to allow lame dutIes torids parks nod bo admired by thegirls nn the bcuclips

Whet Mayor Grant came Into office thorWetS onlr ai < 01 hquare yards of asphalt paY

Nowilierearal2VinU Klulitli atenueRean-ll snn nxentie and many 01 tne cross streets

i f Iaved with uHphnlt mallnl the bestnoKntliarouuhtare lor MrI 11lled I i duco the appropriations for


II Karrlleat Uualltlf miinniltonbio prrov l tli CHiforoU llqoll frulwed > kjropot Hit 1 IU palng id Iho 10 loISts IlI IIT rslty wnn on lh IHntr Its

400 Orits iB lUtrtbyjjymutiei tbt iiculia ul 01 1llalvf1 tJ 0-



LJt H r

OULT n t84n or tTk ssstt HapeHateadeBt Per Ceo51 or tbe Veiled lttWASITIHOTOM Oct 81Tho twelfth in the

series of census bulletins WM Iisuitoday ontho population of the United 8tatl Tho bul-letin


saysTho population of the United BtlionJune 1 1900 as shown by tho first

persona and families exclusive of white per ¬

eons tn Indian TeriorIndlanB on reserva-tions


and was These fig-


may be slightly changed by later andmore exact compilations but such changeswill not bo material In 1880 the population-was 60155783 The absolute Increase In thepopulation In the ton years Intervening was 12334757nrd thepercentnceot Increase wn 2457In 1870 tho population astated as 33558371According to these fltrures the absolute In-crease


In the docado between 1870 and 1880was 11507412 and the percentage of Increasewas 3008 Upon their face these figures showthat tho population has Increased between1830 and 1890 only 727346 more than between1870 and 1880 while tho rate of Increase hasapparently diminished from 3008 to 2457 percent If these figures wore derived from correctdata they would be Indeed disappointingSuch a reduction In the rate of Increase in thoface ot the enormous Immigration during thepat ten years would nrguo a great diminutionIn the fecundity of the population or a cor¬

responding increase In Its death rate Thesefigures are however easily explained whenthe character of tho data usod Iis understood

It IB knowntho fact k i lug been demon-strated


by extensive and thorough Investiga-tion


that tho census of 1870 was grossly de-ficient


I the Southern Statos BO much so asnot to glvo an exaggerated rate or Increase of tho population between 1870 and1880 In these mates but to afreet very materlallv the rate of Increase In the country atlarge These omissions wore not the fault norwore they within the control of the ConeulOfflo The census of 1870 was takenlaw which the Superintendent Ova Francis AWalker obaracterird 58 tiumay antiquatedand barbarous Tho Census Office had nopower over Its enumerators save a barrenprotest and Its right was oven questioned Insomo quarters In referring to these omlsBlons tbethiperlntemlentof tbe tenth censussaid In his report In relation to the taking ofthe census In Carolina It follows as u80utconclusion of highest authority eitherthat tho census to1871 was grossly defoctle inregard to the whole of the State or some con-siderable


parts thereof or else that tho census-of 1880 wns fraudulent Those thereforewho belIo e In the accuracy and honesty of thotenth cenusnnd that 11 thoroughly cAtCh ¬

fishedmust accept oilier alternativeoffered by len Walker namely that the ninthcensus was grossly defective Vi hat was trueof ttotith Carolina was also true In greater orless degree of all tho Southern Btates ThereIs of course no means of ascertaining ac-curately


the extent of these omissions but Inall probability they amounted to not less than1500000 There is but little question thatthe population of the United Btates In 1870was at least 40000000 Instead of 058871 asstated It this estimate of the extent of theomissions in 1870 be correct tbe absolute in-crease


between 1870 and 1S8U was onlyI about10000000 and the rate of Increnswas not farfrom 25 per cent This furs compare muchmore reasonably with deduotouslro-mte population In 1880 and

Omitting from consideration those States inwhich the censusof 1870 is known or presumedto have been faulty the rato of Increase be-tween


1870 and lt80 in the remaining stateshas been very noarly maintained In the decadebetween 18t and 19o Iteerifng to the prin-cipal


the bulletin the census of 1870 Isknown or Is presumed to have been deficientin nearly all the Btaes of the Houth Atlantisand Southern Central divisions while In the

Atlantic Northern Central and Westernort no evidence of Incompleteness hasNon detected The population of these threelastnamed divisions in 1H70 1880 and 1890the absolute Increase for tho two decades audtbe rat of increase is set forth in the follow

lltableAxrtitnMii Inmate Fmtntaie1-

8TO za7 xs3If 4Z1925828383015 711 21


It will be seen that the absolute Increasebetween 1880 and 1890 exceeded that between1870 and 188U by 1685603 and that the propor-tional


increase was but 12 per oPnl lossThe following table shows population-

of the several States as found te the oonsusenumeration of the years 1890 1880 and 1870


ISO Its 1870Tb United EIa4I6Z464O BO196783 S89S8S71

NORTH ATLANTIC DIVISIONMain eeo2di 048930 628915New nmph 37aM 36101 u in 300

33ai J 83033-1MauachllHtU SZU407 7BVUBi 1457831-Bbod leianl sis 348 37 31 3178X1Connecticut 7101 Q270O 74stJtw York 80x1171 4SHA75U5ltGSw Jersey 1131116 EXKII-08rnmaylvaula 5J4ai74 4a82au 352la1l

Total 1730443 14607407 12491730COUTH ATLANTIC DIVISION

Dataware 167871 140608 12V015Maryland 1040431 934943 780MH-DUt t ColombiaI 23U7SS 177614 131700-virirtnla 164AUI1 151350 ia3ifSw t virrtnla leo 145 em47 442014-l4orth Carolina 18997SO l07lylSouth Caroline amr 905377 i-

Oeorina 154Z150 I l 410-arirtU aeu4S3 117744

Tot 1888739 7597197 4853610-JJOBTHZEN CXNTBAL DtTtBIOX

Ohio 3671 31r0 2j3e521OIndiana 197111 1u4I37MlchUanllllnoll

i0fw783aflHi30 307s7 611

Wlicoulla IW3Kr7 I3154if7 10S40I-OMlnnta 18OOI7 78H773 43U7 UIowa iHO7i ie4nii ii94uMluoorL 267ll 4 113 1721inorth octets iSouth Dakota 32744 liiMS 1418-1Nbraika Iuvi7u3 432403 f 139U3Kanaka 14234m Ilwutw s-Ttl2aJ2I 1 17314111 13981111-

BOOTHKBN CRrflUI DIVISIONKentucky 1894M 16480 1321011-Tenneueo I7U723 15281 126H5OAlabama 1W07 121131c> n27l2I-xuiUana


1118828 7V091G-Texai V ilun 1591749 81M579Idlau TerritoryOklahoma SI TotArkaniai 1121886 112 4S4471

Total 1084838 bB19b71 6434410-WESTEBH DIVISION

Montana 1SIT60 K1M-WTomlnc

MDUMB 2asa ana

Coloro 4M97S JK4337 attMl-KeirAfluna

Mexico 144SU159681 IS6 917

Uth 206438 14SHGS 87bfl-hevaila 441137 JiitM 424111-

I 842 9 uiu 190Aiuj-kaWaiblDk000145115 7illfl 39oA-Or ron 312410 174768 DUB23Californiai ltHixq 8ti4ti COHS47

Total iJO W8 l7870 7 030510Porter says The generalCntlnulnl1lr increase of population Is

that when notdlsinrbed b > etranuous causessuch as wars pestilences Immigration euilurution Au increase of population goes on ata continually diminishing rote The operationof this law In this country hRH been interbredwith In recent ycnis by the late war whichbesides the destruction of a vnst numo oflives birthrate very materiallydeoriodlle Iwas followed by an In-


birth rate IsI Invariably the raceunder similar circumstances The normal rateof increase has been and is greatly interferedwith also by Immlcrut on nail It is difficult toestimate tbe eit ot IIi this upon our rote of In-


Approximation to II may howuver Lreached by the lollowlng processlletweeu 180 and 180 S26613 Imm-

igrants entered Ibis country Of these a imrtInni roturnod to their homes or miariuod-rUowhere A considerable iiiuportloii prob-ably about onettiehth have died On the otraud fblldreu have ben horn to themis probable tho births have coumortal-Hncod the tnt and tho omleraton so thatthe nt Influence which immigration has exert-ed


upon our Is approximately oxcopulationpressed by t of immigrants Sub-tracting


this number from use numerical inoreISO duilng the past decade there remains

over 7000000 to represent tho actualItril of tho inhabitants of this country In18SU The rate of naturalIncrease Is tlu reforenot far from 14 per cent Hrullar oalonlatioimfor the populrtlooln 1880 and the decroae

bo valuele onpredlnl the imperfections of thu census of

71he following table showing the ratos ofIncrease during tnt last three decades fII theMouth Atlantic and houthern Central HatesIliiiBtratii iho Imperfections of the census of1170 In a somewhat startling manner

llrr Cent if Inerioj-


194050 J57OtG IIJ Iable 1810 I34o4O23R no

North Imrolln 71 342 ti 165-Hoaih 411 162O orriCuolDa I120 Si 2 IBMAlabama 20 0 104HlulMlppI I 67 31-UuUKuI 2 2Itg 188niucty 143 125TnaN H4 225 144-

a ur Virginia and Welt Vlrluta lontlier

A Good Word For the UeKUUr BUI

ROME Oet 31The Italic states that theItalian ConBulGenornl in America has tent a-

manioranaum to the Chamber of Commercewhich Is Intended to correct erroneous cornrnentn made by the EurolPl1 press on theeffects of tha Tbs Consullii noral dccljrcs that new law is favorableIleI to Italian Interests le1 to a markedIncrease in IUlrade witthe United State



x4S J




Dr JB lMiw Net to8p at to je ruel-I the Cooler VIe ToottA QaccrSort or tlflentIOB MtXtaK IWill B

ExBonator Thomas 0PlaIt strolled dowthe marble stairway the Fifth AvenueHotel at 10 oclock last night and saw ColGeorge Bliss with his overcoat buttoned UP totbo throat standing near the clerks desl Thotwo Republicans chatted for amoment or two and their conversation-was Interrupted by the aplnanC-of ExPollco JusticeBURS had not seen Mr Patterson sinceMr Patterson threatened to disciplinecertain Republican leaders who refused tovote for tho throe calico Democrats on thefusion ticket nnd since Mr Patterson chargedthat Col Bliss and those other leaders were inthe market Dutnothing daunted Mr Pat ¬

terson walked up to Senator Platt and Collilies and addressing tho latter MId

Jlow nre you GeorgeI dont know that fwant to speak to you

snapped Col BlissWhy not V replied Mr Patterson the color

flushing to bis checksYou say Im tn the market and I do not

wish to speak to any man who says tat ofmo returned Col Bliss

WhonaialdMci yoU were In the marketreplied Mr 1attersongreatly chagrined ahisr aephion

I am reliably informed that you said Itreturned CoL lilies with emphasis

By this time the two men were talking Inloud tones and Henator Ilatt thought that thequarrel had gone far enough lie led Mr IatIirrnun away from CollUu but not before MrPutterson had

that1 will tlll to you some other time about1 dot know whether you will or not an

Illy I d Col lube jamllni his kidhands deep Into ins pockets

Senator Tlattaiid Mr 1attorson went 0 toono of the plushcoored lounges and totBliss turned tu Port Waidcn Jim Jones andDwIght Lawrence and said

He made the remark that I wee in themarket nnd he knows ho cant dotty It becnu o my trlend Mr Lydecker was presentwhen he maid It

Col Bliss then turned to bays the hotel andrats Ito a hunch of reporters who woro pres-ent


at the disputeYou see that he dare not diny what ha

said said Col Bliss poking hit thumb overhis shoulder to wber Mr Patterson was sit ¬

tine Mrwltlbe remembered that Mr Pattersonhad an Interview with RUN reporter a theIllth Aentio Hotel last Hal urdn an-


his tirmlnnllon to discipline allRenubdcnn leaders who refused to swallow thecalico Democrats on the cumbtno ticket MrPatterson at that time gave full authority tohave this Interview printed but onMonday last he denied that he everhad any such interview As Mr Pat-terson


went bark on his stipulated contractthat only the part rferrll to his discipliningleaders chould bo THE SUN then de-termined


that everything that was said at theinterview should be printed THE SUN hadkept talth but Mr Pntteison had notlleforo leaving the hotel Col Dls said thathe wished to correct an which wasprinted In the Xew lortc TIeS and in theAre ifii7 fott In these Mugwump organs ofthe combine ticket nominated b > the men whodeprived New York of tho Worlds Fair andrapid anslt and I honest censux Col lItheIs quoted ns hat In said that he would vote furCandidate Scott

Aiihat I want to say about that announce ¬

1lbl I have sent a letter to thus papersdlnI1 Bliss

I ever said anythingol the kind

It was a fine moonlit evening for ReluhUcadisturbances Senator JVassettthe Hayseed Trust of upcountry Senators ap-pointed


to browse through tho departments ofNew York city for rolltiaal effect was criti ¬

cised all day long because of his peech at theGrand Opera muse Tho night before in hisspeech he declared that New York wa nolonger tho Empire City of the Inthe words benator tVs Insulted bothRepublicans and lomOClall But the Henliters remark as a child-ish


effort on his part to explain away the con-duct


of Republicans In depriving New York ofthe Worlds Fair and rapid transit and anhonest oensns Senator Fnseott thoughsimply another to the innnrueableblunders of the managers ot the calico ticketIn the local campaigntery reasonable effort that the Republicanloaders who bold fat Federal places can maketo keep the rank and die In line for the oallitoticket has been made But tho rank and Ole ofthe Q 0 P are in a dreadfully uneasy state Ithas been pointed out that Tug SUN IIs In errorwhen it announces that twelve of the loadersof the repuljlioaii county machine hold theserich plns One of the Republican leadrra

yesterday that there wet e renllfourteen of them and that betweensllnrls and pickings and contracts tn y took

Federal Treasury every year 150000 The Republican leader and otherwhoconversed upon this re-Iterated tho statements that the fol ¬

lowers of the O O P machine areup in arms ngalnst this situation Thefourteen leaders have been wel provided forwhile they are out in the No oxuce istaken that the places are protected by Chinesecivil scnleo statutes In answer to theoexcuses tie Intelligent Republican followersshow tho Democrats won turned outof tho Custom House and other Federaldepartments and they proclaimed thatif any organbed effort had been con-centrated


uponi Chinese Commissioner Theo-dore


Roosevelt nnd President IlarrNonthey would not now be in the pitiful plight thatthey are The fat that Chinese CommissionerKooevelt is a advocate tho putpleticket only ungeratheie Republicans more Hoalso Is well provided for they say and thanthey mournfully ask What does Mr oeoltor any ot our loaders care for our condition 1

They ars fully alive to the fact that a vote forCandidate Scott will simply stimulate Mrtimes lirss Tower and other leaders of theCounty Democrats build UI their ma ¬

chine which N now almost a complete wreckTbo daIly desertions from the CountJDemoo ¬

racy are also not withoutthese grumblers The policy of chine the bigplaces In the Federal departments to fourteenleaders out of twentyfour has all along beenconsidered by members of the Big Four us amost disastrous and unwise policy

The lilt enth district ItePublliMins were alltorn up t night over the expulsion of JamesO McMurray Samuel Vllllamion Charles WAnderson nnd Charles Mnlloy These peoplewere expelled because they favored the elec-tion


of William Minor Lawrence the Demo-cratic


candidate for the Assembly In place ofWllllnm N Hrag Cut IllNsM candidate TheEleventh district Republicans do not favor thnlocal calico ticket but am determined to dealsuiiimailly with the Republicans who will notvote for the Republican candidates fur the As-sembly


Dr Depew announced yesterday that hewodd bo unable to speak In Cooper Union tonUlitI Mr Patterson nnd the leaders who holdrloli place in the Federal service met at theCumberland last night and completed their

to have tho Cooper union packedIrrRnllmontJ officeholder tonlnlit Every-body


In town is laughing over the ratifica-tion


of the loaders of the JtonublicanmeetngSIlOS only hope to profit trout the

calico combine


Sere ot Meefln and Torchlight IroeBRlon lo Clnie the CumpMlR-

BTonlghts mass meetings will practicallywind up the canvass m tar ns that kind ofwork Is concerned Of course the poltonpulpits wlLe heard from as usual

let to he found In the two eastsideSubbntb meetings ut the Windsor antI at theOld Bowory Theatre

Tammany will UP Its won-derful

¬lratenlylndHtump It will alsoindulge In a grand torchllgh procession theonly nmMtliHH il this direction that hasbeen made this elTor Is th work or the hus-tling


Tenth dlBtrct organization men the lollowers of Blockier wtiom the le guor havefondly supposed were disaffected Twentylivehundred torch hearers no end of drummers-and titers anti barouche after barouche load ofladles will bo In the line

The Tammany meetings elsewhere aro to 0Grand ratification meeting at Durlandsinc Academy Sixtieth street and Eighth ave ¬

nlO Wilt te addressed by the principalspeakers

Meeting at Paradise ParkMeeting at Washington Hall 220 Avenue AMeeting nt southeastI corner of Sixteenth

street nnd Avenue AMeeting ut Twcntvclsuth street and TenthVieeting ot Thirtythird street and Eighth

avenueMeeting at Harlem Temple East 125th streetMeeting at corner of llroome and Pitt streetsMet at UammcrsteinH Opera House

185th street and Snvonlh avenue SpeakersJohn It Voorhis and others

Meeting at 2iO West Thirtythird streetMeeting Houston street and Avenue DMeeting aIerry and Washington streets >Meeting at Onnsevourt MarketMeeting at Fortysecond street and Tenth

avsnueMeeting at Thirtyfourth street between

First and Second avenues Emerald Associa-tion


Meeting at old school house 100 Cannonstreet

Eleven Llfebont Un DredI BERLIN Oct 31 Eleven German lifeboatmen were drowned today while trying to res-


the crew of the Brutish vessel Erik Berend-enI which was wrecked off Sleivls Only one

vt tile vessels crew was tnd


Thororfxhly Approve the Whole TicketMerloni Or etlOB from the CountIes-

William Steinway rturehome yesterdayby the Columbia n months absenceabroad To a BUN reporter who asked hisopinion as to the political situation Mr Stainway said

I think tho Tammany ticket Is a splendidone and am only sorry that I cannot support-it with my voto I lost my vote you see bynot being able to register Though not affili-


with any party I am a Democrat In princi-ple


Five or six of Tammanys candidates It llamy pleasure to know personally and 1 knowthem all to be men of sterllnglntegilty worthyOf the support of every good citizen

I 1 have known Mayor Grunt for three elland during that time have been broughtcontact with him pretty often as one of theWorlds Fair Commissioners as one of theRapid Transit Commission and as an advo-cate


ot the teaching of the German languageIn our publlo schools I believe himto be a man thoroughlyI honest conscien-tious


and u ellmoan ing nnd 1 hateyet to see a slnslo oltlolnl act of his justyeensurod You hilly say that 1 neverstock In the godchild business I think hegot out of that pretty cheap 1 have been god-father


to many a child and It has cost me froml00 up to S500 for each or these every year upto the time when they were 21 years oldI dont see any occasion foiTammany at the preent time I was one ofthe committee of seventy who were Instru-mental


In the overthrow ol Tweed and It Ithought that Tammany needed to lo over-thrown


now I should not hesitate to saw solInt Mayor Grant Is 1 good man and his asso-ciates


can be too The ticket Is a good


nStud I hoptruste

ald believe it will go thiough

AH to the lender of the hybrid ticket MrStoluway said he did not know Mr Scott and-it would bunfair to crllloiFO a map be didnot know >While travelling lie had dependedprincipally upon the London Tune for newsof thu political situation and that was lerymeagre He was surprised 10 learn that theparsons bad been dipping into politics so oxtonsisiy

There were further resignations from theCounty Democracy machine yesterdayThomas who waMayors MarshalWlurnlunder retired horn theEighteenth district of the County Democ-racy


organization He says he couldnt standtho calico ticket anti that belIs for homo ruleand honest governmentand that ho and allhis friends will vote lor Motor Grant the can-didate


of the DemocracyD Lowber Smith Chairman of the CountyDemocracy oigunlzatlou of the Nineteenth

district yesterday retched this letterPIE We tbs undersigned umbers ot the County

Democracy UrKnltfctton of the Miieteuntli AssemblyUUtrtot htreuT reilira treat tho said nrgulzfclton furthe reason Slat we cannot countenance ttte dealwhloh hu been coniammateil between theCounty Democracy organization sad the litpublican party of thli county al whichI It Ucontemplated to placeI In the of ourant the Important OBICM of County ul and 8hrthereby Jeopardlilnt the looceit oC

nominee for the Presidency tn I8L We bnall true Democrat In this onIbouldollb trriRht-Jjemocratlo ticket Grant

Tbemaelt yarrer Jiteph B WardThomaa MdabeJohn McCabe Patrick Hatthewa Eugene Courtney

Wllaon Jamte rarnaiu Jnbn Braat Patrick Me

CbeI Patrick OalL Jamet Mcuulre James Farley

Lawrence Keenan one of the founders ol thoCounty Democracy In the Twelfth districthas also resigned and declared for the Democrfttictlcket Mr Keenan says that thA feel-ing


among mep of al parties In the Twelfthdistrict over the of the Worlds Fair tothis city intense and will bremembered onelection day


Po Borrisjed When Brother CareNpeke VP fOr IlrlnklThe Parsons Muddled League haIn Lenox

Lyceum last night a callowyouths with canes some swells In eveningdross a glltedccd band and Apollo Ollle him-


gorgeously robed in a white silk shawlthrown over a swallowtail coat the lapels ofwhich were of black watered silk Brotherinlaw William It Grace who Invented him wasthere to-

olwas really embarrassing to the managersway things dragged even with Informer

McCann and the glorious Ole on hand earlyas attractions The prayers for the deliver-ance


of the oltv from Tammany woro to havebegun at I P M but it was twenty minutesafter that hour belore tho Lyceum wasEUfllclently filled to give the managers courageto start ceremonies Gen John Newton presided P M Worklngman Archibald mado thofirst speech using half an hour to declare ovo-inndoverthat he was truly a workincman Hedidnt say a word about the management ofmunicipal affairs nor any national questionNeither did Gen James MI Varnum whospoke next Mr James 0 Carter followed witha very clear explanation of the schemn ofmunicipal administration existing today In

York city Then he attacked Tammanylow principles Ho said nothlnl 81ec10He did soy this though-A very largo number of Tammany loaders

areengngedlnthesaleof liquors lillsses1 I lintInsist that that Is an honorable pursuit and aslon nHl tilts Intoxicating Ilituoisns 1 doIshall no objection to the men who soilliquormao

Tu say that this statement caused surprise Isnot to describe adequately the horror andamazement that were written In stern lines onthe laces of the parsons und their Prayer Moo-ting


League contingent Great zot him-self


appeared on the stage lust as Carterfinished Mr Scott looked pate Hit dlrcuHxedtIle condition of the oily fl4 It was when be w M

a boy anti glowingly descr bed what it would-be when ho got into the Mayoralty

Both Low sucwed d Mr Hcott Like tieothor speakers be abused Tammmy without

what are the enormous crimes ofRPolYl1 deemed that oiganlatlou guiltyMr Low was In ovennu dress

J Heaver PaRe nnd Parson Newton wound UPthe nights show Like the other speakersthy were careful not to elY a word about anycity department time census or tbo WorldsFair


The Democrat or the Fifteenth ComfrtnmDistrict Vale nnd Confident

NyACK 001 31 Henry Bacon the Demo-


candidate for Congress In the Fifteenthdistrict Is very strong In Rockland Grungeand Sullivan the counties that compose tbodistrict He was a member of the Ioitynlnthand Fiftieth Conleueenndln the letter termas Chairman ot on Manufac-tures


conducted an investigation on the sub ¬

ject of Trust that remains today tho m etvaluable legislative committee

work ever done In that direction He was de-


In IHbrt by a very few votes but hisparty Is determined to reflect him this timeThe Dlmocroy IIs united as It hns not been

muny years and In nil parts or thedistrict hard effective work In being doneto accomplishant 1aconsI election The In-terest


and enthusiasm nmnlleAted tot Mrflagon Is expected to lime this effect of addingto tho strength of the Democracy In tim As-sembly


The DcmiHiati nominated nil throughthe Congress district are strong and popularmen and lust the soit 10 be benefited by thufeeling mentioned


Nelllei M Feeler Formerly of Brooklra Ilye Murdered la FlmlrnE-

LMIBA Oct 31MrB Nellie M Foster camehere from Brooklyn about ID mouths ago antihas lived with her sister Mrs Arnold In theFifth ward She became acquainted with WillE Decker a inllkmun

Docker became InlaPuated with her and per-


In calling on her against liar wishesLast night Decker called upon her acsaldthat he bad heard that shesasmarried With an oath he declared that shewould peter live to marry another as tiewould kill her and shoot himself

This evening Mrs Foxtei went to the resi-dence


of Mrs Breuse a rtrosmuker on Nrrtli-Malnstrent tn hate a dress fitted At about78U Decker walked lotus the room and asUidto accompany her homo huts declined his es-cort


whereupon be walked Into another roombut Immediately returned sail wIthout a worddrew a re olvnr and shot her IB the head He-nutokly departed and Is Mill at large Mrsfoster IIf itlll alive but the doctor athere Isno prospect of herecovery

I 11

DJlENTrEX LIBBAll dLAllMHIIx rd nurtlBKton Point Ont to Them the

Neeellr for IncrnBeed ActivityLostibH Oct StA mooting of UbonxlCn-

lontsts was held at Edinburgh today LrHartington delivered an address Insaid that tho results of tbo recent bye electionshad shown the necessity for increased nativityon tho part of tho LiberalUnionist associa-tions


although Iwas a mistake to pn dint theIIssue of the net general election fiom thobye elections feared thut nnloss thoLlboraltnionlslB presented their policy moreclearly and showed greater activity mid viqoithe cause of union would be much endnngeiedThe Irish policy of the Llberallnlonists hadnever teen developed ns a whoA Hithertothoy had been compelled to tho casetoi much ns a restoration of order In IrolandThe remedial side ol the poliey must clearlybe placed before Parliament and the countrythus giving the country a chance for Its ap-proval >accompanied by vigorous condemna-tion


of the unscrupulous tactics of its op-ponents


Lord Hartington devoted his evening speechto a defence of the Go ernmont againstMr lladstonns criticisms Ho said that coer-cion


was freeing thn Irish peopln from LentMiotyranny and had born more valuable than thowidest local government Ho would notaccuse Dillon and ODrlou of cowardice buttheir action had thrown n lIght on thecondition of affairs in trrnlThe Loicuohad nearly ruined onco pros erons TlnpuntryOnly tho Crimes net hail nrnented such thingsfrom being repeated tttulboutho length nndbreadth or Irelandhat perhaps mado mistaken but their work-on tho whole had been creditable Ho wonproud that thor had had tho courage toface unjiopulnrity Ho would fnr vaGuerboar reproaches tor ndmliiMonnc needfullyasvero than the responsibility btcli MrGladstone Incurred in excusing bleaches unithatred 01 the law

Mr Courtney Liberal Unionist DeputySpeaker of the Houso of Commons had amixed reception at a meollngot his electorsthis evening He contended that a universalscneranot lend purchase for Ireland wns un-necessary


A resolution expressing confidenceIn Mr Courtney was rejected by a large ma ¬jority


AKelohok > > Long Exile III Former Cotpunlona Cheered by American HympathyLOXDO Oct 31A young liusslan named

Kelohosky who succeeded In making hisescape from Siberia after having served four-teen


years there has arrived In this city Hewas arrested in Vllna when only eighteenyears of ago on suspicion of IlvlnlIn his pos-session


revolutionary and of beingconcerned In a conspiracy against tho Govern-ment


lilt escape from Siberia was attended111many hardships and perils

Kelchosky IIn unwilling as yet to publishan account ot his life in exile and his escapefor for that by doing so he will endanger hiscomrades left in Siberia Ho stales that the I

exile there are greatly encouraged by the ex-pressions


of sympathy by the American pcotleand that the Itusslan Government Iis much dis¬

turbed therebyTho Oral Messenger of St Petersburg re-


announced that the rumors current InRussia that Amorlcnn and othois were hoverely criticlslni lusslan prison managementwere simply of the Nihilists

M heichosky RICO brings news that twoexiles named Poshekerov and Makarenko whowere recently arrBto111 Utur have been ton ¬intoned to pending an

olllolttl hoe hat ing In tlielrpnssession clippings from American nowapat ersupon the subject or the feeling aroused abroadby the alleged maltreatment of political prison ¬ore in SiberiaX1HS fOUHOCXJ <lQVlKItES aCAXDAL

Minor omclulu llUmlieed for ProceedlniWIthout lalormlnR tile Mlnlejtry

PAms Oct 31M Fouroux Mayor of Tou-lon


who Is under arrest on the charge of con-spiring


to procuie an illegal operation uponhis mistress lime Jonquures made au at¬

tempt today to sooure his release on bull buthis implication was denied Tho authoritieshao evidence that M Ionrox accompaniedMine Joniinleres to the residence of MineLaure tho midwife who is also under arreston the charge of having performed the opera-tion


anti that ho lomalned in n carriage outsldii the house uhllo the operation was beingperformed

It appears that the arrest of Mayor Fourouxand the other persons implicated in the casewas made without the Uovernmnul bolni ap-prised


that such a step ss its coiiteniplateilThu momburH of the Ministry are much Incruiod li cause they wero not inforiuod thatthe arrests Were to be made und blume theProureur for proceeding in the matter withconsulting tbem titt oral minor olllcialswho store conceded with the prosecution ofthe cuse has e boon dismissed ani sonic otnersfearing that they would lose their likes haveresigned

BulfouHii Journey Through IrelandDUBLIN Oct 31Mr Balfour drove today

from Costello Lodge the residence of IollcuCommissioner Byrno at Carraroo to GalwayUpon his nt rival nt the latter place he receivedn lartjo uuml er of llu ropresentatives of thelocal trades who made suggestions to him forremedying the distress In the western coun-ties


In Ireland In reply Mr Halfour said howits glad the present Uovenmeni hal been inHtrumuntal in briuglug Into effect tile projectswhicti had h voi d beloru tUlr ejou us adroam for 50 mutiny yenri ja5t

from Galwuy Mr lialfuur took a train forDublin Airoud assembled ut the deput mudgate hearty cheers for Willum ODrion andJohn Morley us tho train departed

Put Out n Member ol Iurllament-TirrinAnv Oct 31Upon the resumption

of the conspliacy tiial lucre this morningmuch excitomont was caused by the action oftho police who ejected Mr Dalton a memberof tho House of Commons as ho uas eiitirintthe gallery In the court room An appeal wasmado to thIS tenth anti the magistrates or-diucil the police to allow Mr JJultou nnd Mrlillbrlde who is also u Monitor of Parliamentto enter tin gallery

The court ordeied the release from jail ofAlice budler who with hlmon Glomon wit ¬

nesses summouul by the prosecution wascommitted for rofuMng to answer the ques-tions


put to her ou Thursday last

Mr Crlchlonn AdmlialoniLONDON Oct 31 Mrs CrUhtou nllns-

Plercey who Is under arrest ou tho charge ofmurdering Mrs HotC and her infant uud wUhwhom UOR the husband of the rourdero 1

woman acknowledged he had ha Iniproi errelations admitted today that she had invitodMrs Hogg to visit her that Mrc lloug camolust Friday aitoruooa that In tile comae 01their come siitlou Sirs 1log mad a remarkthat Mrs Crlchton illsilki d uid she resentedit arid that n few words woio then oxohuUKeuby the Aomin At this pollt thn prisoner ub-ruptly concluded her admissions with thu rc-inurK that ube hud better not buy any more

The KIng of holland iSnid to lie IuuncL-OKIION Oct 31A dispatch from The

Hiikue says It has transpired that the statemeats made regarding the condition of thuKing ot Holland by tbu doctors and the minis-ters


were untrue Th Kings physical beallhiisgood but be Is Buffering from a mental mnludywhich renders him unlit to govern lu oilierwords he In a lunatic Tile statements that howas physically ill were mude uimply to duludethe general public anti to explain the necessityof the appointment ot a regency

Greece New CablietA-

TOENH Oct 31H Delynnuls who uponthe resignation of thu Trlcoupls Ministry ouTuesday lest was summoned to form a newCabinet succeeded In hula undertaking Inin Interview today tint new Prime Mlnisturlaid he hoped that no events save of a ppecillocharacter would occur In the foreign lelatlous-ol Greece during the new Ministrys term ofservice The Cabinet he said would protectthi honor anti dlnlty of Greece without resorting to au offenslte policy

TO fvr roTsa FOR CAXNO r55 of Pits Hnnpnrt Tells of H 515000

Pond to be lined on Election flayMATTOOV Ill Oct hiOno of Joe Cannons

Postmasters made the statement publicly herotoday that the Republican committee of Mattoon had 815000 of Cannons money to be usedIn buying this township for Cannon next Tues-day


The Postmaster la George MoKnUht ot Ashmore Colas county Ho tins boon in Mnttonseveral days working for Cannon nnd lastnight was In secret conference with the Can ¬

non leadersThis morning in n political tllscupMon on the

sidewalk with James Hell Al Lrldccmanand several other mon Mclimcht de-


that Caution would carry Cobscounty He said that thorn wereIn Msttoon township 2103 votes and the Re-


committee hud llinll the names otGOt floaters who were to bo purohafed Forthis purpose the committee bad In hand


rTOODl flOIlT JfOlt hid LIFE

ni Lawyer lCnlci the Point Tint Col-


Men Wore JHxelnded From the JuryJoseph Wood the colored aqueduct Hboror

Who tn May IBS killed Charles Kullln an ¬

other colored laborer on shaft 21 of tho aque-duct


and who was convicted In tIn GeneralSessions ot murder In tho first degree wasbrought down front Sing Sing yesterday byChIef Detective Jackson upon nn order lionRecorder Smith Recorder Smyth sentencedWood after luis conviction to ill by electricityin the week beginning April 121890 but Law ¬

yer It J Halro Woods counsel appealed tothe Court Appeals where the convictionnfHrmed recently

On Wednesday Lawyer Halre made n motionfor n now trial in the General Sessions beforeRecorder Smyth on tho round of newly dis-


evidence The new evidence whichhe averred was not known to him at the timeot Woods tiUI consisted of tho affidavits ofMX residents of Tarrytown to the effect thatRuffln was n notoriously violent and dangerousman and was the lender of n gangot coloredthieves known as the Mulllcnti tiling

Assistant District Attorney Jerome contend ¬

ed that this testimony ns merely ctiniiilnlUuand Unuordur Smith reserved Ills decision

Wood was arraigned at thn tar before Re-


Smyth yesterday nlternoon WhimWool stood nt the bar itecorder Srnytli hotmalir denied tbo motion Ion n now trial Law ¬

yer Bait took an oxt option and mated nn nirest ot judgment and for n stay of tuouutlon outhe fitonnd that though Ihern urSMIious uuls-of colored men qualified under lie law to situpon the panel ot grand and petit jul ore Inthis county nine worn called upon the Grandvlurr that indicted Wood nor upon the potttjury that tried him Tho Recorder denied thismotion also

In April last Wood said Recorder 8msthyou were sentnncod to bu nut to death In the

way prescribed bytbolawotiblsStale lou ap-pealed


anti In consequence of that cup al thetime for your execution pasted The Court ofAppeals having ufilrntti your conviction youhave ILeon brought lucre upon an ordor or thisCouit that ti now time may be llxcd by thoCourt fur the carrying into effect of tho sen-tence


passed upon you It is the order of thisCourt that you bu taken bv thi Short of thiscounty to the Stato prison within ten daysand there be dolhoiodto the Warden and thatthe Warden execute thu sentence of this Couiton some day within the week beginningDec

Lawyer Halre said that ho Intended to servoupon Sheriff Skkits a writ of habeas corpus nooulrlng him to produco Wood today in theUnited Slates Circuit Court In this city wtn aview to llnally reaching the United Ktntcs Su ¬

promo Court An ap cut can be had front thejudgment of a State curt to the United StatusSupreme Court only when It M alleged thatthere has boon an Invasion of a constitutionalright of a defendant The question of the al-

IcKfd cluklon of coloroil mon from glandand potty juries In this county Ihas never beenlaised In a criminal case In this city


Peel Better Evrry Time He SInke fitsSpeech Only otmr Times Lash NightIs my body guard ready

It was llvo uimutos to 3 oclock last eveningWhen Candidate Scott said this He stood Inthe doorway of the reporters room nt thecalico headquarters with live speeches com-


to memory and in his hand a list of theplaces condemned to hear thorn The bodyguard reporters trotted down stairs behindtho candidate and trundled about tho city afterhim in calH Tho first htaco in the journey Wits

at the Grand Opera llouso where there was tobe a joint Catherine of the calico combines otthe Thirteenth Filteonth and SeventeenthAssembly dlstilctp About oiufourh of timehall was occupied by au audience u largo tartof which was the lion Thomas Cotlgan re-


bib Tom tnid this cnndidnto warmlyMy district sold Mr CoMtenn U tile only

one that has got lIeu a Just1 trail a at mute MrMayor and tIle rest vdll get here The candi ¬

date waited fifteen minutes while sturdy ItoutenantH of tho great reformer wont out anddrove tn a hundred or o presumptive citirensThen the candidate was intiodtned by JudgeJerolomon lk hogan with a lluht cough

This campaign ho ail has been mostencouraging to me After u foiv further 1-0niarks about his ritidvrlntffl between Kingsbiidgo nnd th Bttterr ho wlthdien Tiiuuu-dionce anpluuded

At Weudtlj Assembly Rooms Fortyfourthstreot end Ninth avenue tin ro was u consid-erable


ciowcl already worked up in n uoodpitch or cntbistasm by real speakers Thocandidate began by coughing slightly lithat learned his speech Hell anti npeatedltwithout n break Among otbcrthmcs ho said

1 have boon ci tally encouraged by thiscampaign

Tne Wendel people gave the candidate nboorish as ho went out and tho next place hobrought up at was n beer saloou on Last betentyllfth street The bodyguard thoughttlioie must be some mistake nfl said HO buttile candidate said ho know lUpublicnns whenhe saw them und marched In A doan mondrinking beer at tables winked ns ho wont byIn a stuffy back room wore about 100Bohemians and Hungarians lltonlng tospeeches In astranco tongue Tta halrmanInterrupted the pro codings anti thi candi-date


alter n preliminary i outli said that sineof h s deaie fri uds wer I orn ii reignlands andI that Ie hud travelled toPoentylUte street to tell them so Then he added

In tlilHcninpiiiKn there has bieo muili oncouittsonunt to tilt

Tiue candidate cit his fourth speech altogethor and ntto Lenox Lyceum before thecrowd had I egun to d HPIWH lie forgot hiscouch but he lomblnod his tb rot previousspeeches Into one romniklnc incldentullv

The encouingenieni in this campaign tome has boon much


Two Year In Prison for a Former Hintster who Brcume a Thief

Bernard St John Glsboy formerly a Congre-gational


minister in Inzlnnd who was con-


in the General leaslous of Mealing apurse containing ICO was arraigned jesti nlayfor sentenco When he trek tho witness standIn his own behalf on Wednesday ho burst lutotouts and saying thai ho could not tell u lieconfessed his guilt Yesterday lihlw nddressed thus Court In hU own baliall In n clearand resonant vcloo anti with Ills lselfposes-sion ant grace of tho practised ulplt speaker

I have always undcavorvd your llonoi hostill to do all possible uood m any commu-nity


tu which I might be plated fromchildhood I have tried to hood anhonorable life InI Ingluud arid InI IihoUnited States I have been associatedIn good works with pioinlnent mon lu und outor mv own former cloth Tills IH the llrt timeI Imve ben tens iciuti ot nn ollon 0 oaculn ibolaw I vlelled tu n xiidden and string limptalion andI I fell I wus In ilro no J wlon ttinttemptation bvsnt mo I had benu simrst doMllute of ui toy for two lilly

But iilb oyHiild Jude elaiinc you lund176 in your pocket nnd you WHIP a witch

when yu worn nripsted J tutu Infnimod IUnittill your itiniihlHs owe itlien i onMi 1iOrlnkYou nre entitled bees lenloncy than ituort s Itohave not had ytjj I uttiuins of1 position andoUui ntlon I idtTni f wii my d ty t nnt uea-

oii> to tli Ptnio prionat 1aid Iibir for twoyears the iotsest leuttlty pruaciibid by tholaw

The Victorian Caliltirt jCetuuiI-

yTiiotT1tE Oct 11 Tho mumlare of thnColonial CX lnet It aye resluneil IIn c meque nc-ootWfivr 430 teiiliTilny of n toto of stunt ifconlldf oy tic Ictorian Parliament


Morn The Ttrrutvflirn lint Already torChit Filth Anerralily UUtrlct ii

The pollen hnvo discovered n good many In-


of illegal registration and warrantssworn unit by policemen mire lust accumulatingnt Police Hoad iuirtors Inspector Byrnescalled the Captains before him yesterday antiguise thorn tho annual Instructions to arrestevery Illegally registered voter who shows upnt tho tolls Tho Inspector told the reporterthat his men lund carefully silted the registry 541

In overt housa ns far an readied Theywill bii nt work until Monday afternoonThe colonisation 1ms bneii Bared awayfront lodging houses limit In ninny tenementsand private hoinos names have been foundregistered that Oo not boloni there ucla po-llen

¬nconl hits been mado of them In the

Flttli Assembly district alone the Inspectorsaid the tollco found moore than twentyfivelib tally reci tored voters

Tills Is eorrobornton from nn offlelal sourceot Justice Peter MltcbeUB statement that Re-publican


colonisation heel been discovered In U

the Filth 1edeml Supervisor Davenport nowthat tie icculnr antboritles havo acted comes l

to tho trout with n generous oiler to JostleMIcholl to do tbu arresting If Justlco MitchellWill point out tho susplulous cnsex The nolle-nioqulto competent to protect the ballot 1lathis town I

The untie Clnb for Onnphy t

The Jlnlfo Musical Club hold a meeting at i

263 Bowory yesterday afternoon The cir-

cular¬ jj

of tho Knights of Labor charging Con I fgrossmrn Dunpuy with being owned by tie I

New York Central Railroad Company and withbeing an enemy of the Knights came up fordiscussion No person nt the meeting couldmention n single fact to sustain the chargesagainst Mr Dunphy arid when his strong de-nial

¬of this charges was road the following res-

olution was put anti unanimously carriedWlierrn A clicular Issued by a secretary

of D A 49 charges Edward Dunphy withbolnt In the employ of the New York Contra I v

Railroad Company antiHfrcna it Is claimed that Edward J-


assisted said railroad company In its I

late contest with the K of L undUYrwi Webonestlyhellovethesechanre

against Edward J Dunphy to bo absolutely I

11false theieforobelt-

Hemlreil tThat wo pledco ourselves to undo f1the damage don Kdwarcf J Dunphy by thecirculatiou of these false and maUaious state I

moutH iOHITUAHY iii

James Robinson died suddenly on Thursdaynight ut his homo 112 Franklin street Brook-lyn

¬ i i

of heart disease He bad returned from IIhis olllce whore he had been detained andwan dressing attend a mooting of GreenpotntLodge of Masons of which he was a memberwhoa he was attacked by epilepsy He died tlduting untuof hut paroxysms before thn arrival tof n phjsjciun Greonpolnt Lodge will take icharge or tho interment which will take place ion bundny a l

The Rev Tathor James D McDonald priest Ijnt bllver Lnko 1arlsh bus uohanmi countyPonndled there recently at the aLoof 0 yean j jlie Ntudled nt Holy Uioss Colloue Worcester ju IMass mid later at St 31lobaePs College To-ronto

¬Ho was graduated tu his theological

course from M JionaMinturo Seminary AllegaIly N 1 and stat ordalnod priest in 1887 t 4i I

Ho leases a wide circle of relatives und friends °

Franklin Nichols is dead In Norwich Coonneed US > oaiK Ho hat been connected withtho Thames National Hank the richest onn m ilClue Mrte for Deem ly half a century auditsPresident ilnce 1S7 He was 1residcnt of the t

Norwich inn Company n director in severallocal tanks In thu Boston hank of Mutual Ro-dciiiptlon

jand m Clue Nonvkh and Worcester 4fJ

Rallioad-Cnpr ri i

Pinrro r Rowland Is lead of paralysis iW int MHtle Cnnii Ti years old Uu had followed fthus stun nearly all his lire and was on of the itIiU survivors thooldtimo C nlifornla clipper VshiP Captains hits last seagoIng was hone toyIho Mallorjs and ho wax in commiind of theshlpTwIlltrlit Ito had represented his native tItown Groton in tutu glulalure 4

Mrs Fidolln Palmer Catty wile of Daniel Cadywho Still ten hORnY thirty sears in bUbinesHaa-u

it-banker nnd merchant in Homo N Y died on

Tuesday nt the ago of ii7 3soar Sue was ahighly lrit llltont nnd ntlmablo onian Hbis survived by her husband and two sons and t

two daughtersDr Charles A Perkins pur eoti dentist long l

in practlcnatlllnehnmtondied In Denver Col-on

ItI uea tty flgol14C tire Ho was stuttering t

train connuinpi n and win to roorndo for J rthuG i lull lit ot his health IHeI loaves 11 wife andtwo vi kin n l

Robert liambar conspicuous business man 4of Caiuihtoln N 1t diet n Tuesday nued 71-yiuis ISo Ic surv sd by his Wiles and on 1 tIlioii Di Oliver llnruber ot Rochester U

Mrs Kllabctb Jltbrlcb famous ns a nurseduring thn cull war dIed ul Qulnoy ilL yes-terday

¬ i iiaged l-

Johnnn X Nun l auni the celebrated German j t

surgeon and oculistdied In Munich yesterdayJohn Patten n IIt ndlui grocer or Harrlsburg I 11

Pa died sesioiday aged 74 > oarj l it