The first of three megaloads rolled through Camas and Blaine Counties on Monday night. Fog delay the Omega Morgan transport over the weekend, but it reached Cat Creek Summit (about 30 miles west of Fairfield) on Sunday night. With good weather, the load can move a little over a hundred miles a night. If the weather cooperates, the second megaload should move into Idaho just after the first of the year. Fish & Game Seeks Comments The Department of Fish and Game is seeking public input on proposals for 2014-15 and 2015-16 upland game, fur- bearer, and turkey seasons. In the Magic Valley Region pro- posals being scoped include: · Starting upland bird hunt- ing at Niagara Springs Wild- life Management Area, where pheasants are stocked, at 10 am instead of half hour before sunrise. · Eliminating the fall turkey hunt in Unit 54 and consider- ation of reductions in permits in the spring turkey hunts in Unit 54. · Closing Rock Creek in Blaine County and a portion of Clo- ver Cr. in Gooding County to beaver trapping. · Shortening the bobcat sea- son to prevent overharvest of bobcats. The public may also review the proposals and provide comments any time on the F&G website or at the Fish and Game office in Jerome. The deadline for submitting comments is Jan. 3rd. All public comments will be sum- marized and presented to the Idaho Fish and Game Com- mission for consideration be- fore seasons are set the Janu- ary 16 commission meeting. To comment at the F&G office, please call 324-4359 for an appointment. Headlines for 2013 McDonald’s In Gooding ~~~ New Administrative Director at Helping Hearts & Hands ~~~ Camas County Lawsuit Comes to an End ~~~ Relay for Life Comes to Gooding ~~~ Cole McGinnis Takes Gold Again ~~~ Dietrich Girls Take State in Basketball ~~~ Celebrating 100 Years of Gooding County ~~~ Camas County Sends Mickenzie Boggs To West Point New Soldier Mountain Ends First Year ~~~ Lincoln Inn Finds New Life ~~~ Dry Weather Affects Water Supply Outlook ~~~ Fiddlers Championship Comes to Gooding ~~~ Jacob Novinger 2013 Art & Soul Winner ~~~ Richfield Starts Community Garden ~~~ Ballard Dairy & Cheese Wins Sustainability Award ~~~ Summerfest At Soldier Mountain Multiple Fires on BLM Legget Fire Fir Grove Fire McCan Fire Beaver Creek Fire Pony/Elk Fire ~~~ 100 Years of the Camas Pioneer Picnic ~~~ Mannie’s Jamboree Back in Fairfield ~~~ Six Man Football At Camas High School ~~~ Government Shutdown What it Means to You ~~~ Four Candidates Compete for Mayor of Gooding ~~~ Gooding Soccor Takes Gold Again ~~~ Girls Join JH Football ~~~ Obamacare Delayed ~~~ Hagerman Takes 2nd Football Championship ~~~ Soldier Mountain Receives Federal Nonprofit Status ~~~ New Entrance To Shoshone Skate Park ~~~ 3 Millon Jobs Waiting for You ~~~ Megaloads Travel Through Camas County Volume 38 ~ Number 1 News from the Heart of Idaho Camas • Lincoln • Gooding CourierNews.webs.com ,2014 January 1 NEWS The Courier

Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 1

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January 1, 2014 Edition

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Page 1: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 1

The first of three megaloads rolled through Camas andBlaine Counties on Monday night. Fog delay the OmegaMorgan transport over the weekend, but it reached CatCreekSummit(about30mileswestofFairfield)onSundaynight.Withgoodweather,theloadcanmovealittleoverahundredmilesanight. If the weather cooperates, the second megaload shouldmoveintoIdahojustafterthefirstoftheyear.

Fish & Game Seeks Comments TheDepartmentofFishandGame is seekingpublic inputonproposals for2014-15and2015-16 upland game, fur-bearer,andturkeyseasons.IntheMagicValleyRegionpro-posalsbeingscopedinclude:· Starting upland bird hunt-ing at Niagara Springs Wild-lifeManagementArea,wherepheasants are stocked, at 10aminsteadofhalfhourbeforesunrise.· Eliminating the fall turkeyhuntinUnit54andconsider-ationofreductionsinpermitsin the spring turkey hunts inUnit54.·ClosingRockCreekinBlaineCountyandaportionofClo-verCr.inGoodingCountytobeavertrapping.· Shortening the bobcat sea-sontopreventoverharvestofbobcats. Thepublicmayalsoreviewthe proposals and providecomments any time on theF&G website or at the Fishand Game office in Jerome.The deadline for submittingcomments is Jan. 3rd. Allpubliccommentswillbesum-marizedandpresentedtotheIdaho Fish and Game Com-mission for consideration be-foreseasonsaresettheJanu-ary16commissionmeeting. To comment at the F&Goffice,pleasecall324-4359foranappointment.

Headlines for 2013McDonald’sInGooding













































Volume 38 ~ Number 1

News from the Heart of IdahoCamas • Lincoln • Gooding



NewsThe Courier

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Notices of Upcoming Events & MeetingsGo Skating in Fairfield TheCityofFairfieldnowhastheiceskaterinkintheCityParkreadyforyourholidayfun.BringyourownskatesortheCityhasiceskatesinvarioussizestocheckout.Noexcusestostayinsideduringourgreatholidayweather.

Oath of Office Ceremony TheFifthJudicialDistrictcordiallyinvitesyoutoattendtheOath of Office Ceremony for Daniel M. Dolan, MagistrateJudge, Camas County, on Friday, January 3, 2014, at 2 p.m.WillbeheldattheAmericanLegionHall,114CamasAveE.inFairfield.Receptionwillfollow.


Unlike the title implies, these two girls are not fromMars at all. But if Mars is known for women who havenopersonality,thentheyshouldbe.Thisisoneofthose“sweeping”novels,notbecausetheladiesareallkitchendrudges, but because it encompasses a whole continent(Australian)andtheirinvolvementinwhatwasknownastheGreatWaruntilgreaterwarscamealongandwehadtogivethenanumberinstead.Setattheturnofthecen-tury,thesetwofarmgirlswhodon’tmuchlikeeachother,becamenurseswithNurseenvyand snottyattitudes re-gardinghospitalsandsuch.ThestoryisOK,Imeantheirbigsecretisnotworthyofsuchangst,butit’sthewritingthatthrewmeforaloop.Allegory,metaphor,alliteration,thosearealltricksofthewritingtrade. Keneally, who wrote Schindler’s List and thirty otherpublishedwords,isnonewcomertofiction.ButheisAus-tralian and I just don’t get him. For example: “It chal-lengedtoomuchwhattheyhadabsorbedinchildhoodstowhoseroofstheywantedtoreturn.”Roofs?Idon’tknowanyone who grew up on a roof. Does he mean hearths,hearts, security? And that Big Secret they had – AuntSally seemed to know all about it by just page 15 when




they nursed soldiers andwent down in a hospi-

tal ship. Should havebeenagreatbook.

TheCamasBoyScoutsofAmericaTroop143iscurrentlyseekingdonationsofthefollow-ing itemstoassist localboyswith the itemstheyneedtobesuccessfulintheprogram.

Dutch oven ~ Cooking utensilsPropane lanterns ~ Propane tanks (5 gallon type)

Folding table(s) & Camping gear PleasecontactScoutmasterReedMilleratripmueller@gmailor801-427-4144ifyouhaveanyoftheseitemsthatyouarenotusinganymoreorhavetoomanyof.

New Years Eve Celebration!


It’s the community that keeps Soldier Mountain standing strong! The 501(c)3 nonpro�t status of Soldier will keep that legacy alive and burning! As we stand together facing a new year, let’s start it o� right with a celebration!

Soldier will host the �rst annual “We Are Soldier” Torchlight Parade in honor of the past and present

that continues to grace these mountains. December 31st, 4PM to 8PM!

All are welcome to this family friendly event with live music, yummy food, fun ski movies

Soldier Stories and the torchlight parade at 7PM. Donations are appreciated at the door.

See you on the mountain!






� January 1, �013 The Courier News Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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UniversityInnComeEnjoyaNightOff HBO




RoomsStartingat $2900


Dine-In or Take-Out

Pizza & PastaDowntownFairfield




~ ~ ~We Will be Closed Wednesday January 1st

Have a Happy neW year



601 Main StreetGooding


Steve's Quick Service

401 Camas Avenue West



APPOINTMENT HOURS:Monday&Friday9-2LairaThomasFNPWednesday9:00to3:00Dr.Levin,MD



I hope everyone enjoyed your Christmas.Forme,ChristmaswasactuallyonChristmasEve.

First I cleaned the frost off the neighbor’s windshieldwithoutbeingasked.ThenIhelpedaladygetherlockedkeysoutofhercaratthegasstation.TheninsteadofgoingtoEast-ern Idaho in themiddleof theafternoon, Iwent to thehos-pitaltogivemyfriendaridehomefromhavingaheartpacerinstalled.EachoftheeventsmademefeellikerealChristmas.There was no commercialism involved. Everyone got some-thingtheyneeded,andIwasabletogiveittothem.EverydaycanbeChristmasjustlikeThanksgiving. As the evening was getting late, I went to my youngestsister’sandwejusthungout.Mymomwastherefromhav-ingdinnerearlier.Somethingwasmentionedaboutchoco-late.MysisterandIturnedheadsandlookedateachother.Then,withnotanotherwordsaid,webothfocusedourat-tention at mom across the room. Apparently, mom knewwhatwewerethinking. Eachyear,mysister(ayearyoungerthanmyself)makeswhatshecalls family fudgefromtrustedrecipes.Oneofthefamilymember,whohasbeenentrustedthefudge,sharesitwiththeotherfamilymembers.Mymother(thisyear’sfudgeentrustee)stated,“Ididn’tbringanyover.Tee,youwerenotgoingtobehereandIwasn’tgoingtobeherethislong.Sorry.” Truly, itwasn’tmom’s fault that the family fudgewasn’ttobe sharedat that time. Iguess Iprobably shouldaccepttheblame.Thesign,“BackAwayFromTheChocolateAndNobodyGetsHurt,”was changed to, “StayTunedTomor-rowForFurtherInformation.” Homemadefudgeishardtoturndownortobeoutoftheloopfor.Eveniffudgewasburnedalittle,onewouldnevercomplainbecausesixmonth’stoayear’sreplacementcouldbe a long wait. If the fudge didn’t set up, a spoon makesthebestknifetoremove it fromthecontainer.NowonderSanta always wants milk upon his Christmas visit. A milkmustache is easier to justify than chocolate on your face,especiallyifyoupretendtosleepwalktogetfreshfudge. When Iwas in the7th through9th grades, Iworked foranoldGermancouplefeedingstock.TheWilhelmsputoutagooddinner,buteveryChristmasIcouldhardlywaitbe-causeMrs.Wilhelmwouldalwaysmakemeashoeboxfulloffudgeandhomemadechocolates.Iwouldwalkthemileandahalf towork insteadof ridingmybike (I couldn’t take achanceondroppingthepreciouspresent).OnceIwashome,Iwasthefamilyherowithfudgeandchocolates(similartotoday’s fudge tender).Sometimes someone fromChristmasVacationwouldbeover andbe lucky enough to share thechocolate“spoils.” Today I find myself studying the store aisles and beingreal cautious that no one is watching me purchase “FORMYSELF”thetwopoundboxofchocolatestoholdmeuntilfamilyfudge.Idon’tworryaboutthemilkmustache! Thisismy“CupofTee”or,Imean“BoxofFudge.”Shhhh...

by Tee Hurd

January 1, �013 3The Courier News...but never Compromising the Truth.

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RichardRoss Richard Shannon “Shane”Ross, 46, of Hagerman, wenttobewiththeLordandhissis-ter,Michelle, onDecember24,2013. He was born June 14,1967, inJerome,Idaho,thesonof David J. and Bonny RisleyRoss.ShanewasraisedinJeromeandattendedschoolsthere.HespentmostofhisworkinglifeasaheavyequipmentoperatorandrecentlyownedacardealershipinHagerman.Helovedhuntingandfishingandanythingwithwheels.Hehasonedaughter,ShannonJeanRoss. Shane is survived by his parents, Dave and Bonny Ross ofHagerman; his daughter, Shannon Ross; his nephew, AlexLewis andhisniece,ChristinaLewis. He is also survivedbymanyextendedfamilymembersandfriends.Heisprecededindeathbyhissister,MichelleRossLewis. MemorialserviceswereconductedonMondayDecember30,2013,atCalvaryChapelHagermanValley,withPastorDionDouvilleofficiating.Shane’sfamilysuggeststhatinlieuofflow-ers,memorialsbemadeinhisnameto:TheSalvationArmy,3484thAvenueNorth,TwinFalls,ID83301.ArrangementsareunderthecareofFarnsworthMortuaryofJerome.

Julia(Julie)FairPatridgeShaffer Julia (Julie) Fair PatridgeShaffer, our beautiful sweetmother went home to ourHeavenlyFatherandherfam-ilyonDecember24,2013afterashortstayatStonebridgeAs-sistedLivinginHagerman. JuliawasbornonJuly24,1916, in Twin Falls, Idaho,to John and Gertrude (Mik-sell)Patridge.ShegrewupinBerger and Hollister, Idaho,where her father farmed until1936. She graduated from Hollister schools in 1934. Someofher friendswereDoraParrot,LaVonaHupferandDwightShaw.In1936,herfatherpurchased40acreswestoftheTwinFallsMunicipalGolfCourseandairport. Makinga livingontheSalmonTractwastoughduetothelackofwaterfromtheSalmonFallsprojectcausingtheRogerson,Amsterdam,Hollis-ter,andBergerprojecttoshutalmostcompletelydown.Herfa-therthenfollowedthrashingcrewsforyearswhereJuliaandhermotherdidthecookingwiththemoderntoolsofwoodburningcookstovesandiceboxes.Theyhadthereputationof“cooksextraordinaire.” Thegood life camealongwhenhermotherfinallyboughtagaspoweredMaytagwasher.It’ssputteringandfumesalwaysgaveheraheadache. Afterhigh schoolgraduation, Juliaattendeda school foryoungwomeninNampafor1year.ItwasthereshemetWilburSnyder,andtheyweremarriedin1938.TheirsonRonaldwasborninJanuary1940.Duringthewar,theymadetheirhomeinPhoenix,ArizonawhereWilburworked forGoodyearandBoeing.Theydivorced.ThenJuliawenttoworkforMcKes-sonandRobbins,apharmaceuticalcompany. Thenin1944,she and Ron returned to Twin Falls to live with her motherandbrotherwhilesheworkedatSavMorDrug.In1946,mommetAubrey(Shorty)Shaffer,theloveofherlife,andtheyweremarriedonApril28,1947inElko,Nevada.OnJulia’sbirthdayin1948,Rogerwasborn.GordoncamealongonJuly21,1954.Then11monthslater,onJune13,1955,Darlawasborn,leav-ing them to raise 4 children. They were glad Julia’s motherlivednextdoor.In1961,thefamilymovedtoHagermanandhascalledithomeeversince. Ourfolkswerededicated110%tofamilyandaChristianbackground and worked extremely hard to provide a goodhome and teach the importance of truth. Mom turned herlifetoChristianityatanearlyageandremainedfaithfultotheend.Dadwasabuilderandbothbelievedthatonlyoneparentshouldbeworkingoutsidethehome.Momdedicatedherselftobeinghomeforuschildren. Wefondlyremembercominghomefromschooltoherwelcomingarmsandfreshbakedbreadorcookies.Shewasalwaystheretodiscusstheday,andhowto

copewiththeproblemsweencounteredoutinourworld.Wecherishthosedayssomuch.Therewerecountlesstimesmomwasupat4:00amtoworkinthegarden,sewclothes,can,ordowhateverchoresneededattentioninordertomakelifegoodforherfamily.Ourheartsaresofullofgratitude.JuliawasprecededindeathbyherbrotherPaul,parentsJohnandGertrudePatridge,andhusbandAubrey.SheissurvivedbyherchildrenRon(Jan)Snyder,ofHager-man,Idaho,RogerShafferandGordonShaffer,bothofHager-man,Idaho,Darla(Don)Larson,ofNampa,Idaho;grandchil-drenDerekSnyder,ofTwinFalls, Idaho,Cory(Rob)Orr,ofKimberly,Idaho,Cheryl(Chris)Korte,ofMeridian,Idaho,An-drea(Dan)Friesen,ofCaldwell,Idaho,andKimberly(Casey)Richardson, of Lancaster, California; great-grandchildrenChaseOrrandDylonOrr,bothofKimberly,Idaho,andNolanFriesen,ofCaldwell,Idaho.JuliaisalsosurvivedbynumerouscousinsinIdahoandIowa.Thankyoumomforteachingusrightfromwrong,theworthofhardwork,devotionandtruthandlovingusunconditionally.Yourpresencewillbemissed,butyourmemorieswillneverbeforgotten.Weloveyoumom.FuneralserviceswereheldonMonday,December30,2013,attheHagermanChristianCenter.BurialfollowedattheHager-manCemetery.ArrangementsareunderthecareanddirectionofDemarayFuneralService–GoodingChapel.

o b i t u a r i e s� January 1, �013 The Courier News Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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JackPacker Jack Charles Packer, 80,a resident of Wendell, diedTuesday, December 24, 2013at Bennett Hills Care CenterinGooding. Jack was born on March 8,1933 in Pocatello, Idaho, thesonofLeonardisandInaMaryPacker.Hewasraisedanded-ucatedinTyheeandPocatello,Idaho. He married Mary Stringfel-lowonJune22,1984inElko,

Nevada.JackdrovetruckforMontanaExpressandArloG.LottTrucking.HelaterworkedasaCatoperatorforGnesaExcavating. HewasamemberofLincolnLodge,#59A.F.&A.M;Or-derofAmaranth,GarnetCourt#5;OrderofEasternStar,StaroftheWest#35;ElKorahShrine;andtheAmericanLegion,WendellPost#41. Jackissurvivedby:hiswife,MaryPackerofWendell;twosons, Duane (Dana) Packer of Boise and Scott (Heather)Packer of Melba; two daughters, Missi (Blake) Bessire ofTwinFallsandMary(Ian)CampbellofRupert;twobroth-ers, Gene (Gwen) Packer of Pocatello and Mike (Linda)PackerofMurray,Utah;twosisters,Elennor(Don)BeyelerofAmericanFallsandSharon(Dean)WaycasterofBlack-foot;onesister-in-law,AleanPackerofPocatello;tengrand-children,JeffCampbell,TianaBeckett,DanielleCampbell,TaylorPatrick,MasonPatrick,PaytonPacker,JakePacker,KeiraPacker,TarynPackerandAleighHunsaker;andonegreatgrandchild,WesleeBeckett. Hewas preceded in byhis parents; his daughter, AndraPacker;sister,Betty;hisbrother,Bill;step-daughter,DeniceShoemaker;andsister-in-law,KayZemke. AcelebrationofJack’slifewasheldonTuesday,December31,2013attheWendellUnitedMethodistChurch.Crema-tionarrangementsareunderthecareanddirectionofDema-rayFuneralService–WendellChapel.Condolences,memo-riesandphotosmaybesharedwiththefamilybyvisitingtheobituarylinkatwww.demarayfuneralservice.com.

o b i t u a r i e sRalphTowne

Ralph Wendell Paul Towne,an 85 year old Dietrich resident,passedawayDecember26,2013athome. Ralph, the son of WilliamandSylviaTowne,wasbornMarch21,1928inthesamehousethathediedin.Ralphhadatwinbrother,George,whodiedasaninfant. Ralph married Deloris Down-ing on June 22, 1947. They builta house next door to Ralph’s par-ents and were blessed with fourchildren.Theyfarmedandmilkedcowsformanyyears.Theysoldthecowsin1998andretiredfromfarmingin2007andrentedouttheirland.Ralphwasataxidermistandenjoyedhunting,fish-ing,gardening,photography,feedinghissquirrels,andspendingtimewithfamilyandfriends. Ralphwasa70yearmemberof theDietrichGrangeandamemberofthePamona,StateandNationalGranges.HeservedontheDietrichHighwayDistrictBoardfor27years.HealsoservedontheDietrichSchoolBoard,GoldenYearsSeniorCiti-zen Board, and was a 4-H Leader. Ralph and Deloris lovedgenealogyandhistoryandhelpedwithabookabouttheHistoryofDietrich. Ralphissurvivedbyhiswifeof66years,Deloris;theirchil-dren Cheryl (Jim) Warren, Lloyd (Roberta “Missy”) Towne,Lyle(Janet)Towne,andLelandTowne;16grandchildren,22great-grandchildrenand1great-great grandchild. He ispre-ceded indeathbyhisparents, brothersGeorgeandWilliam,andsistersBessieNelsonandMaryHarrell. AmemorialservicewillbeheldonSaturday,January4,2014attheDietrichSchoolGymnasiumat11:00am.Lunchwillfol-lowattheDietrichSchoolCafeteria. AgravesideinurnmentservicewilltakeplaceatalaterdateattheDietrichCemetery. ArrangementsareunderthecareanddirectionofDemarayFuneralService–ShoshoneChapel. Condolencesmaybesenttothefamilybyvisitingtheobitu-arylinkatwww.demarayfuneralservice.com.

Joseph Kent Marantette, 60,aresidentofGooding,passedawaySunday,December22, 2013 atNorthCanyonMedicalCenterinGooding. Arrangementsarependingunder thecareanddirectionofDemarayFuneralService–GoodingChapel.

Harold Blades, 87, a resident of Gooding, passed awayWednesday,December18,2013athishomeinGooding. AgravesideservicewasheldonSaturday,December21,2013atSunsetMemorialParkinTwinFalls. Acelebrationoflifeandcompleteobituarywillbeannouncedatalaterdate. ArrangementsareunderthecareanddirectionofDemarayFuneralService–GoodingChapel.

death & service noticesdeath & service notices

January 1, �013 �The Courier News...but never Compromising the Truth.

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Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices

Notice of Sheriff’s SaleUnder and by virtue of a Writ of Execution on Judgment of Foreclo-sure and an Order of Sale on Foreclosure, issued out of the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Camas, on the 8th day of November, �013, in the case of:


and to me as Sheriff, directed and delivered, I will proceed to sell for CASH, lawful money of the United States of America, or by a credit bid from Plaintiff PSB Credit Services Inc. to the highest and best bidder on the 6th day of January, �01�, at 10:00 p.m., in front of the Camas County Courthouse at 501 Soldier Road, Fairfield, Idaho 833�7, all of the interests of Adam B. Clingerman, Sebastian Nardecchia, Pasquale Miele, Andrea Hauck, Adam Clingerman and Pam Clingerman, Trustees of the Clingerman Family Trust Dated February 1�, �008, and any amendments thereto, David E. Coates, and all heirs and devisees of Linda L. Miller, Deceased, including Steven Miller, Nancy Miller, James Miller and Andrew Miller, and each person claiming under or through them, either as encumbranc-ers, purchasers or otherwise, in the following described property, together with all rights and appurtenances thereto (the “Mortgaged Property”):

a. The following described real property (“Real Property”) located in Camas County, Idaho:

Township 1 South, Range 16 East, Boise Meridian, Camas Coun-ty, IdahoSection 9: E½SW¼; SE¼; EXCEPT Highway right of way Section 1�: NE¼; N½NW¼; SW¼NW¼; NW¼SW¼ EXCEPT Highway right of way Section 10: W½SW¼; SW¼SE¼; E½SE¼ EXCEPT Highway right of wayAND EXCEPT: Township 1 South, Range 16 East, Boise Meridian, Camas County, Idaho, Section 10: A parcel of land located in the SW¼SE¼ being more particularly described as follows:COMMENCING at the South Quarter corner of said Section 10, said South Quarter corner being located �3 feet right of Station 6�9+�� of State Highway No. �0 per said Highway plans;THENCE along the West boundary of said SW¼SE¼ North 00°13‘03” East 83.00 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way of said State Highway No. �0, said point being the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING;

THENCE along the West boundary of said SW¼SE¼ North 00°13‘03” East 1,�3�.19 feet to the Northwest corner of said SW¼SE ¼;THENCE North 89°��‘��“ East along the North boundary of said SW¼SE¼ 33�.63 feet; THENCE South 0°13‘03” West 1,�38.01 feet to the Northerly right of way of said State Highway No. �0;THENCE along said Northerly right of way North 89°38‘�6” West 33�.63 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING;

b. All erected or affixed buildings, improvements and fixtures; all easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; all water, water rights, irrigation rights and ditch rights that pertain to the Real Property, including the water rights evidenced by Water Right No. 37-13166, Water Right No. 37-��66�, and Water Right No. 37-��198, Idaho De-partment of Water Resources and those evidenced by any and all stock certificates; and all other rights, royalties and profits relating to the Real Property including, without limitation, all minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and similar matters;

c. All leases of the Mortgaged Property and all rents from the Mort-gaged Property; and

d. All equipment, fixtures and other articles of personal property owned by Defendants Adam B. Clingerman, Sebastian Nardecchia, Pasquale Miele, and Andrea Hauck attached or affixed to the Mort-gaged Property, together with all accessions, parts and additions to, all replacements of, and substitutions for, any such property; and to-gether with all proceeds (including, without limitation, all insurance proceeds and refunds of premiums) from any sale or other disposi-tion of the Mortgaged Property.

to satisfy a Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure (“Judgment”) en-tered on October ��, �013, in favor of the Plaintiff PSB Credit Ser-vices, Inc. (“PSB Credit”) in the amount of $�8�,378.�9 as of October ��, �013, plus post-judgment interest at the statutory rate provided in Idaho Code § �8-��-10�(�) on the amount of said Judgment and post-judgment attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by PSB Credit after the date of the Judgment in accordance with Idaho law, including Idaho Code § 1�-1�0(�). Because the Real Property consists of a tract of land of more than twenty (�0) acres, the Real Property upon sale shall be, and to the extent that it has not been waived, subject to the right of redemption in favor of the mortgagor and encumbrancers junior to the above-identified Plaintiff for a period of one year, as set forth in Idaho Code §11-310 and chapter � of title 11 of the Idaho Code, to which laws reference is hereby made. The Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure expressly provides that Plaintiff PSB Credit may make a credit bid at the sale.

Given under my hand this �th day of December, �013.DAVID SANDERS, SHERIFF OF CAMAS COUNTY, IDAHO

By David Sanders, Sheriff of Camas County, Idaho



6 January 1, �013 The Courier News Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices

Board of Camas County Commissioners MeetingsBrief Synopsis of the November �013 Minutes

A complete set of minutes are on file at the Clerk’s Office

November 12, 2013 The meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. by Chairman Janet Croner. Also present were Commissioner Barb McMurdo, Commis-sioner Ken Backstrom, and Clerk Korri Blodgett. The Board reviewed the Agenda. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the agenda as posted. Seconded by Commis-sioner McMurdo. Unanimous. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to go into Executive ses-sion per Idaho Code 67-�3��(1)(c) to conduct deliberations concern-ing labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property. A roll call vote should all in favor. The Board entered into Executive session at 9:17 a.m. The Board came out of Executive session at 9:�� a.m. The Board discussed the county’s insurance policies. The Board reviewed a Road Project Agreement between Camas County and the USDA, Forest Service, Sawtooth National Forest, (project title: Beaver Creek Road & Trail Drainage Reconditioning). Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the Road Project Agreement. Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo. Unanimous. Commissioner McMurdo made a motion to authorize the Chair to sign the USDA Forest Service request for reimbursement. Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom. Unanimous. The Board canvassed the votes for the Nov �th, City Council Elec-tions. Commissioner McMurdo made a motion to certify a true and complete abstract of all votes cast for the candidates as they appeared at the election held on November �, �013, City Council Elections. Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom. Unanimous. The Board reviewed the bills as presented on the claims list. Com-missioner McMurdo made a motion to pay the claims as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom. Unanimous. There being no further business the Board adjourned at �:�� p.m.

Expenditure Fund Totals:Justice Fund $1�,093.99 Current Expense $1�,093.01Indigent $�00.00 Road & Bridge $1�,006.�9District Court $1,��8.8� Revaluation $0Health $500.00 Landfill $360.00 Noxious Weeds $1307.�9 Elections $139.7� Ambulance $66�.�7 911 Communications $897.�6State Fund $118��.�3 Legion Memorial $0Snowmobile $0 City of Fairfield $12,943.63School District #1�1 $6�,�37.76 Cemetery District $��1.�0West Magic Fire Dist. $9�8.37 Camas Mosquito Dist. $808.6�Camas County Library $9,6�8.66 Junior College Tuition $0Waterways Fund $0 Range Improvement $0 November Payroll $1�1,918.37

November 18, 2013 The meeting was called to order at 9:13 a.m. by Chairman Janet Croner. Also present were Commissioner Ken Backstrom, Com-missioner Barb McMurdo, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, and Clerk Korri Blodgett. The Board reviewed the agenda. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the agenda as posted. Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo. Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the Annual County Annual Juvenile Justice Report to the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections. Commis-sioner McMurdo made a motion to approve the Annual Report. Sec-onded by Commissioner Backstrom. Unanimous. The Board adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

November 28, 2013 The meeting was called to order at 9:07 a.m. by Chairman Janet Croner. Also present were Commissioner Barb McMurdo, Com-missioner Ken Backstrom, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, and Clerk Korri Blodgett. The Board reviewed the Agenda. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the agenda as posted. Seconded by Commis-sioner McMurdo. Unanimous. The Board reviewed the County Extension Budget & Agreement form. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to authorize the Chair to sign the budget approval between the Camas County and the University of Idaho. Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo. Unani-mous. The Board reviewed a Lien Release relating to Indigent Case #�01�-10001. Commissioner McMurdo made a motion to authorize the Chair to sign the Release of Lien on Instrument # �013-08�3��. Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo. Unanimous. The Chair made a motion to go into Executive session per Idaho Code 67-�3��(1)(d), to consider records that are exempt from disclo-sure. A roll call vote showed all in favor. The Board entered into Ex-ecutive session at 9:�0 a.m. The Board came out of Executive session at 9:�0 a.m. Commissioner McMurdo made a motion to deny Indigent Case # 1C-�01�-10003 for lack of cooperation. Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom. Unanimous. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to go into Executive ses-sion per Idaho Code 67-�3��(1)(c) to conduct deliberations concern-ing labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. A roll call vote showed all in favor. The Board entered into Executive session at 9:�� a.m. The Board came out of Executive session at 10:�0 a.m. The Board reviewed the Findings of Fact and Decision relating to the Pini Subdivision. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to sign the corrected Findings of Fact and Decision on the Pini Subdivi-sion. Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo. Unanimous. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to deny Indigent case #1C-�01�-1000� as the application is incomplete and per Idaho Code, 31-3�0�(18), services to be provided do not meet the level of medical-ly necessary. Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo. Unanimous. The Board reviewed the minutes of October 1�th, �1st, and �8th. Commissioner McMurdo made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom. Unanimous. The Board discussed the Camas County Public Defender Contract. The Board will advertise the position as discussed, with a closing date of December 6th. Chairman Croner made a motion to go into Executive session per Idaho Code 67-�3��(1)(f) to discuss possible litigation. A roll call vote showed all in favor. The Board entered into Executive session at 11:�� a.m. The Board came out of Executive Session at 1�:18 p.m. The Board adjourned at 1�:�0 p.m.

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January 1, �013 7The Courier News...but never Compromising the Truth.

Page 8: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 1

Services►You’re going to need snow re-moval sometime this winter. So call now and I’ll be ready when you need me. 76�-3�18. I also do small engine repair. (Fairfield)►Grammy’s Day Care: 920 5th Street West in Fairfield. State Li-censed Group Daycare Facility. Debbie Shenk, LPN �81-1�18. Limited childcare openings dur-ing the Thanksgiving and Christ-mas break. Call to reserve your child’s place in this loving envi-ronment.►Nurse’s aide with 30 yrs ex-perience. Home Health experi-ence available for in-home care. Many local references. Part time, overnight, respite, hospice. Call Karen at 76�-�906 (Fairfield).►Looking for scrap metal. Call Thomas Davis at 76�-��8�. ►I Replace Broken Zippers in jackets, coats, sweatshirts, vests, levi pants, skirts, etc. Hemming done on pants, levis, bresses, sheets, binding on blankets, etc. Patch rips, holes, back-pocket rips, overalls, levis, shirt-tail rips, etc. Replace elastic in most any-thing. Call Kathy in Hagerman 837-6�67. Open 7 days a week.

Wanted:Egg Cartons. Big, Small, oranynumber.Call539-5292

For Sale►1990 Pontiac Sunbird: V6, � speed, 17” Emke wheels w/ new tires, and new fuel pump, clutch, starter, and battery. KNN air filter. $1800. Call 731-6��7.►Firewood for Sale: Mix-spe-cies, full length logs delivered by truck, approx 1� cord. Also, rough-sawn lumber, any size. Call �08-9�1-6�93.►1000 gallon steel water tank on steel trailer. $�00 OBO. Call �39-0183.

For Rent►For Rent Fairfield: 3bd 1.5bth Home: new carpet, tile, range, dishwasher, microwave, w/d hook-ups, water pd, $600 rent $600 dep. Call 3�8-1��7►Now Available. Small cottage with large garage. Very Clean and semi furnished. Sunny lo-cation with large fenced yard. Washer & Dryer. Non Smoking. First, last, and deposit. $�00 per month. Call 7�0-600�.►Three bedroom, one bath, newly remodeled home with 6 foot privacy fence. For more in-formation, call 7�7-1708.►For Rent: 3 bed, 2 bath town-home on 1st Street East in Fair-field, single garage. Available now. Water, sewer, trash paid. $��� mo, $�00 deposit. Call Boi-se 3��-�600.

Thank You... Thank You so much to the generous person(s)whoclearedthesnowattheschoolonorjustbe-foreMonday,December23rd!YourrandomactoftruekindnessisgreatlyappreciatedbytheCamasSchoolmaintenancestaffandadministration.


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