Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group Industrial Hygiene Measurement Management Project at BASF AG Prof. Herbert Bender, PhD May 05 2003

Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group Industrial Hygiene Measurement Management Project at BASF AG Prof. Herbert Bender, PhD May 05 2003

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Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group

Industrial Hygiene Measurement

Management Project at BASF AG

Prof. Herbert Bender, PhD May 05 2003

Exposure Assessment Management System










Informationresponsibles E A M S


Organisation Structure

take over of the organisation structure from Human Resources by interface

company region business unit, department subdepartment plant

take over of the personal data

business code, address name of person in charge telephone number, Email-Adress location

Organisation – Start Screen


Interface to Human Ressources

information on the employees of a plant

Definition of the Homogenous Exposure Group (HEG)

Also manually input possible, e. g. contractors

information on their function

(plant manager, supervisor, shift worker,

administrator, maintanance, lab person)


Interface to Human Ressources

information on the employees of a plant

Definition of the Homogenous Exposure Group (HEG)

Also manually input possible, e. g. contractors

information on their function

(plant manager, supervisor, shift worker,

administrator, maintanance, lab person)


Time Management

Control measurements scheduling list of the control measurements to a defined date in

the future

list can divided per industrial hygienist

List of work areas with missed deadlines

date can be individually defined, e. g. 3 months

Calculation of the date of the control measure-ment in relation of the exposure as an sugges-tion of the program, can individually changed

Monitoring Dates

Start of a Project

copy an former project

start from the beginning on

Different possibilities:

Color Legend

Start of a Project

Choose Type of the Project




External measurement

Equipment, Methods Method(s) for measuring the substances

if different methods exists, drop-down menu

different methods for shift measurements and short-time measurements

sampling description for every method method (tube, dust-vapour method, impinger, gasket) flow-rate maximum sampling duration maximum storage duration after sampling detection limit analytical lab costs of analysis

Equipment List

Agent List The following properties / units of a substance

are stored in the program


(name, synonyms, CAS-No., SAP-No.)


(historical, can be selected from the international "ARIEL-list" by interface: TWA, STEL, Ceiling)

splitted values (different limit values for different working areas): selection by drop down menu

Summarization group (has to be added in, no limitations)

Measurement lab responsible

Cost per analysis

Measurement plan

Default: plan of the last measurement as a suggestion for the new project

For planning of the next measurement:

method for every substance with all relevant parameters tasks

List for every project with all necessary equipment

pumps absorption system measuring plan for those in charge of the plant with all

relevant information

Example – Measurment Plan

Exposure Measurement

standardised tasks in the program


Data sheets to determine the exposure situation during the measurement ("time-study")

form sheet is implemented

Measurement – Time Study

Signature test person

Signature plant manager

lab information

kind of measurement

tasks descriptions

Measurement - Results

Measurement – Exposure Values

Measurement - Tasks

Measurement - Remarks



Pouring in



controlroom work


Changing filters

Transportation work

Laboratory work


Tasks, realized by BASF (phrases)

Exchanging pumps




insulation work


Waste disposal

Load / unload tank truck /

tank wagon


if different methods available: select from drop-down menu

All measurement methods are stored in the program

Transmission of the substances for analysis with all parameters to the lab per interface

identification of the sample by a bar code

For cost calculation all analytical costs are included the system

Combine Measurements The Time-Weighted Average concentration can be

calculated from individual measurements

Measurement 1 Measurement 2


Automatic creation of the assessment (customizing) default calculation, can be changed individually

implemented in Germany:- permanent safe limit (c << 25 % of TLV)- safe limit (25 < c < TLV)

Calculation of the multiple-substance index dependent of the 'summation group' of the compound

calculation of every HEG

Calculation of the next contro -measurement date

default calculation, can be changed individually

Information on the People in Charge

Written information on the people in charge

department leader

plant manager

health department

representatives of the unions, in case of over exposure

in a standardised version,

with email or,

with letter.

Log Sheet

Faulty measurements

Value overruns


Summated values

Log Sheet – Summated Values

Log Sheet – Print Out

Information to Management – Short Report

Data Storage

All relevant data are stored historically

exposure data tasks time-study (scanned, with signature of the test person) assessment report

OEL's, STEL's organisation - unit name, code

- responsibilities

Report - Statistic

Reports - Overview

Exposure Data of

of a unit (e. g. business unit, plant, HEG)

an individual

a chemical

selectable by - date, - unit, - concentration - etc.

Report – Exposure Data of an Agent

measured values of acrylamide

Report–Exposure data of employees


Exposure data of an employee

Report–Exposure data of a plant/side

Exposure data of a plant - details

Export to Excel

Report – Detailed Information

Statistical Calculations

Multiple calculations available

all exposures of a unit (e. g. plant, HEG)

exposure of an individual

exposure values of a chemical

selectable by - date, - unit, - concentration - etc.

Statistics for Measurements

Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group

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