Contentsurgentnamedicina.sld.org.rs/dotAsset/72784.pdfSladjana R Vujacic Institute for emergency medical services Podgorica: ... Momirović Stojković Milena ... Medicinski fakultet,

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Sadržaj /Contents Impresum Impressum


Uređivačka politika Politics


Originalni radovi/ Original articles Dragana M Bogićević1,2,

Vukašin R Čobeljić1,

Tiana M Petrović2,

Ivana Z Bosiočić1

1 Univerzitetska dečja klinika, Beograd

2 Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu

Dragana M Bogiević1,2,

Vukašin R Čobeljić1,

Tiana M Petrović2, Ivana Z Bosiočić1

1University Children's Clinic of Belgrade,

2 Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade

Značaj psiholoških faktora u rekurentnim glavoboljama dece i adolescenata


1- 7

Iz istorije medicine From the history od medicine

Sladjana R Vujacic

Institute for emergency medical services Podgorica

Sladjana R Vujačić

Institut za Hitnu medicinsku pomoć Podgorica




Uputstvo autorima Instruction for Autors I-X

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Politika časopisa / Politics


ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)

Open Access

ABC Časopis urgentne medicine

ABC Journal of emergency Medicine



Секција Urgentne медицине Српског лекарског друштва

Department of Emergency Medicine of Serbian Medical Society

11000 Беoград, Џорџа Вашингтона 19,

+ 381 (0)11 3234 261 [email protected]

Časopis izlazi tri puta godišnje april-avgust-decembar

Journal is publisted tre times a year april-august-december

Članci su u celini dostupni na

The articles are completely available to http://urgentnamedicina.sld.org.rs/sr/casopis/

Lektor za srpski jezik

Serbian language editor

Beljić Verica

Лектор за енглески језик

English language editor

Momirović Stojković Milena

Grafička obrada i prelom

Slavoljub Živanović

Leyout & Prepress

Slavoljub Živanović

Časopis Urgentna Medicina je zvanična publikacija Srpskog lekarskog društva

Секције Urgentne Medicine Srpskog lekarskog društva

ABC Journal of Emergency Medicine is an official publication

of Department of Emergency Medicine of Serbian medical society

e-issn ISSN 2560-3922 (Online)

COBISS SR-ID UDC 105333260

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Politika časopisa / Politics


ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)

Uređivački odbor

Editorial board

Glavni i odgovorni urednik

Zagorka Maksimović MD primarius, Beograd Srbija

Editor in Chief

Prim dr Zagorka Maksimović Beograd Srbija Prim dr Zagorka Maksimović md Belgrade Serbia

Primarijus, specijalista urgentne medicine. Član uređivačkog odbora

časopisa HALO 194. Recenzent časopisa Opšta Medicina, stručnih i naučnih radova kandidata za

dobijanje naziva Primarijus. Zamenik predsednika sekcije Urgentne medicine SLD-a. Delegat u

Regionalnoj lekarskoj komori Beograd i Lekarskoj komori Srbije u dva saziva. Predsednik

Posebnog odbora za medicinsku etiku RLK Beograda.

Professional title of Primarius, Emergency medicine specialist. A member of the editorial board of

the medical journal HALO 194 , Reviewer for the medical journal General Practice, Reviewer of

scientific papers for obtaining the professional title of Primarius. Vice President of the Emergency

Medicine Section of Serbian Medical Society. Delegate of the Regional Medical Chamber

Belgrade and Serbian Medical Chamber. Chairman of the Special Committee on Medical Ethics of

Regional Medical Chamber of Belgrade

Sekretar Secretary

Dr Mihaela Budimski Hitna medicinska pomoć Subotica

Mihaela Budimski MD Emergency Medical Service Subotica [email protected]

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Politika časopisa / Politics


ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)


Memebers Momir Mikov Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet, Srbija

Momir Mikov, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia

Velibor Vasović Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet, Srbija

Velibor Vasović, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia

Jasna Jevđić Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Medicinski fakultet, Srbija

Jasna Jevđić, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia

Lidija Ristić Univerzitet u Nišu, Medicinski fakultet, Srbija

Lidija Ristić, University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia

Dragana Bogićević Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet, Srbija

Dragana Bogićević, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia

Slađana Anđelić Gradski zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć Beograd, Srbija

Slađana Anđelić, City Institute for Emergency Medicine Belgrade, Serbia

Dragan Milojević Zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć Kragujevac, Srbija

Dragan Milojević, City Institute for Emergency Medicine Kragujevac, Serbia

Vladimir Gajić Zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć Kragujevac, Srbija

Vladimir Gajić ,City Institute for Emergency Medicine Kragujevac, Serbia

Kornelija Jakšić- Horvat Hitna medicinska pomoć Subotica,Srbija

Kornelija Jakšić Horvat , Emergency Medical Service of Subotica, Serbia

Snežana Holcer Vukelić Hitna medicinska pomoć Sombor, Srbija

Snežana Holcer Vukelić, Emergency Medical Service of Sombor, Serbia

Zoran Milanov Hitna medicinska pomoć Vrbas

Zoran Milanov, Emergency medical service Vrbas

Snežana Petrović Gradski zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć Beograd, Srbija

Snežana Petrović , City Institute for Emergency Medicine Belgrade, Serbia

Slavoljub Živanović Gradski zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć Beograd, Srbija

Slavoljub Živanović , City Institute for Emergency Medicine Belgrade, Serbia

Mihaela Budimski Hitna medicinska pomoć Subotica, Srbija

Mihaela Budimski, Emergency Medical Service of Subotica, Serbia

Nikola Beljić Opšta bolnica "Laza Lazarević" Šabac, Srbija

Nikola Beljić, General Hospital “Laza Lazarević” Šabac, Serbia

Međunarodni uređivački odbor

International editorial board

Viktor Švigelj Klinički centar Ljubljana, Slovenija

Viktor Švigelj University Medical Centre of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Sena Softić-Taljanović Zavod za Hitnu Medicinsku pomoć Kantona - Sarajevo, BIH

Sena Softić-Taljanović, Emergency Medicine Service of Sarajevo, Institute for Emergency

Medicine of Canton Sarajevo, Federation of B&H

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Politika časopisa / Politics


ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)


Prof.dr Lidija Ristić, Univerzitet u Nišu, Medicinski fakultet, Srbija

Prof.dr Lidija Ristić, University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia

Prof. dr Jasna Jevđić, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Medicinski fakultet, Srbija

Prof.dr Jasna Jevđić, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia

Prof. dr Velibor Vasović, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet, Srbija

Prof.dr Velibir Vasović, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine

Doc.dr Dragana Bogićević, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet, Srbija

Doc.dr Dragana Bogićević, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia

N.sar.dr sc.med Slađana Anđelić Gradski zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć Beograd, Srbija

Dr sci.med Slađana Anđelić, City Institute for Emergency Medicine Belgrade, Serbia

Prim. dr sci. med Vladimir Gajić Zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć Kragujevac, Srbija

Prim.dr sci.med Vladimir Gajić, Institute for Emergency Medicine Kragujevac, Serbia

Prim. dr sci. med Dragan Milojević Zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć Kragujevac, Srbija

Prim.dr sci.med Dragan Milojević, Institute for Emergency Medicine Kragujevac, Serbia

Prim. mr sci.med dr Siniša Saravolac Zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć Novi Sad, Srbija

MD., MSc., primarius, Siniša Saravolac, Institute for Emergency Medicine Novi Sad, Serbia

Prim. dr Zagorka Maksimović Gradski zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć Beograd, Srbija

Prim.dr Zagorka Maksimović, City Institute for Emergency Medicine Belgrade, Serbia

Prim. dr Milan Božina Hitna medicinska pomoć Sombor, Srbija

Prim.dr Milan Božina, Emergency Medical Service of Sombor, Serbia

Prim. dr Kornelija Jakšić Horvat Hitna medicinska pomoć Subotica, Srbija

Prim.dr Kornelija Jakšić Horvat, Emergency Medical Service of Subotica, Serbia

Prim. dr Snežana Holcer Vukelić Hiitna medicinska pomoć Sombor, Srbija

Prim.dr Snežana Holcer Vukelić, Emergency Medical Service of Sombor, Serbia

Prim. dr subspec. gerontologije Slavoljub Živanović Gradski zavod za hitnu medicinsku pomoć

Beograd, Srbija

Prim.dr Slavoljub Živanović subspec. Gerontologist City Institute for Emergency Medicine

Belgrade, Serbia

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Politika časopisa

ABC časopis urgentne medicine je časopis

posvećen radovima iz oblasti prehospitalne

medicine ili inicijalno boničkog nivoa,

isključivo originalne, prethodno

neobjavljene radove:

Tipovi radova koji se objavljuju u


Originalni naučni (stručni) rad ili prikaz

slučaja (pod originalnim naučnim radom se

podrazumeva rad u kome se prvi put

objavljuju rezultati sopstvenih istraživanja).

Pregledni rad koji sadrži originalan,

detaljan i kritički prikaz istraživačkog

problema ili područja u kome je autor već

ostvario određeni doprinos, prikazan u vidu


Kratko ili prethodno saopštenje, što

podrazumeva originalan naučni rad punog

formata, ali manjeg obima.

Naučna kritika, odnosno polemika na

određenu temu zasnovana na naučnoj

argumentaciji, aktuelne teme: savremena

pitanja od teorijskog i praktičnog značja za


Monografske studije, istorijsko-arhivske,

leksiokografske, bibliografske studije ili

preglede podataka, za koje važi pravilo da

su u pitanju sažeti podaci koji ranije nisu bili

dostupni javnosti.

Ukoliko je rad deo magistarske teze,

odnosno doktorske disertacije, ili je urađen

u okviru naučnog projekta, to treba posebno

naznačiti u napomeni na kraju teksta.

Takođe, ukoliko je rad prethodno

saopšten na nekom stručnom sastanku,

navesti zvaničan naziv skupa, mesto i


Recenzentski postupak


ABC časopis urgentne medicine

primenjuje postupak dvostranog anonimnog

recenziranja svih radova. Svaki rukopis

recenziraju najmanje dva recenzenta.

Recenzenti deluju nezavisno jedni od

drugih, a njihov identitet je međusobno

nepoznat. Recenzenti se biraju isključivo

prema tome da li raspolažu odgovarajućim

znanjima za ocenu rukopisa. Ne smeju biti

iz iste institucije kao autori rukopisa niti

njihovi koautori u skorijoj prošlosti. Even-

tualni predlozi poimeničnih recenzenata od

strane autora rukopisa se ne uvažavaju.

Cilj recenzije jeste da Uredništvu pomogne

u donošenju odluke o tome da li rad treba

prihvatiti ili odbiti. Cilj je, takođe, da se u

procesu komunikacije s urednikom, autori-

ma i drugim recenzentima poboljša kvalitet


Recenzentski proces

Rukopisi se upućuju na recenziju tek nakon

inicijalne ocene da li su, s obzirom na for-

mu i tematski delokrug, podobni za objavl-

jivanje u časopisu. Posebna pažnja se pos-

većuje tome da inicijalna ocena ne traje

duže nego što je neophodno.

U redovnim okolnostima postupak recenzi-

ranja traje najviše četiri nedelje, a samo izu-

zetno do tri meseca. Period od prijema rada

do njegovog objavljivanja traje u proseku

90 dana.

Tokom postupka recenzije glavni urednik

može da zahteva od autora da dostave

dodatne informacije, uključujući i primarne

podatke, ako su one neophodne za

donošenje suda o rukopisu. Urednik i

recenzenti moraju da čuvaju takve

informacije kao poverljive i ne smeju ih

upotrebiti u druge svrhe.

Razrešavanje nesaglasnosti

U slučaju da autori imaju ozbiljne i

osnovane zamerke na račun recenzije,

Uredništvo proverava da li je recenzija

objektivna i da li zadovoljava akademske

standarde. Ako se pojavi sumnja u

objektivnost ili kvalitet recenzije, urednik

angažuje dodatne recenzente.

Dodatni recenzenti se angažuju i u slučaju

kada su odluke recenzenata (odbiti/

prihvatiti) međusobno oprečne ili na drugi

Politika časopisa / Politics


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način nepomirljive.

Konačnu odluku o prihvatanju rukopisa za

objavljivanje donosi isključivo glavni



Odgovornost autora

Autori garantuju da rukopis predstavlja

njihov originalan doprinos, da nije objavljen

ranije i da se ne razmatra za objavljivanje na

drugom mestu. Istovremeno predavanje

istog rukopisa u više časopisa predstavlja

kršenje etičkih standarda, što ga isključuje iz

daljeg razmatranja za objavljivanje u

časopisu. Rad koji je već objavljen na

nekom drugom mestu, ne može biti

preštampan u ABC časopisu urgentne

medicine. Autori snose svu odgovornost za

celokupan sadržaj rukopisa. Rukopis ne sme

da sadrži neosnovane ili nezakonite tvrdnje,

niti da krši prava drugih lica.

Autori su dužni da obezbede da njihov

autorski tim, naveden u rukopisu, obuhvati

sva i samo ona lica koja su značajno

doprinela sadržaju rukopisa. Ako su u

bitnim aspektima istraživačkog projekta i

pripreme rukopisa učestvovala i druga lica,

njihov doprinos treba navesti u fusnoti ili

posebnoj napomeni (Zahvalnica,


Obaveza je autora da u napomeni navedu

naziv i kodnu oznaku naučno-istraživačkog

projekta u okviru koga je rad nastao, kao i

pun naziv Institucije koja je finansirala

projekat. U slučaju da je rad pod istim ili

sličnim naslovom bio izložen na nekom

skupu u vidu usmenog saopštenja, detalji o

tome treba da budu navedeni na istom


Autori su dužni da potpuno i pravilno

citiraju izvore koji su značajno uticali na

sadržaj istraživanja i rukopisa. Delovi

rukopisa, uključujući tekst, jednačine, slike

ili tabele, koji su doslovno preuzeti iz drugih

radova, moraju biti jasno označeni

posebnom napomenom, na primer, znacima

navoda s preciznom oznakom mesta

preuzimanja (broja stranice) ili, ako su

obimniji, navesti u zasebnom paragrafu.

Pune reference svih navoda u tekstu (citati)

moraju biti navedene u zasebnom odeljku

(Literatura ili Reference) i to na

jednoobrazan način, u skladu sa citatnim

stilom koji časopis koristi. U odeljku

Literatura navode se samo citirani, a ne i

ostali izvori upotrebljeni prilikom pripreme


U slučaju da autori otkriju grešku u svom

radu nakon njegovog objavljivanja, dužni

su da momentalno o tome obaveste glavnog

urednika (ili izdavača) i da sarađuju na

tome da se rad povuče ili ispravi.

Obveza je autora da u rukopisu navedu da li

su u finansijskom ili bilo kom drugom

bitnom sukobu interesa, koji bi mogao da

utiče na njihove rezultate ili interpretaciju


Predavanjem rukopisa, autori se obavezuju

na poštovanje uređivačke politike časopisa

ABC emergency medicine journal.

Odgovornost Uredništva

Glavni urednik časopisa donosi konačnu

odluku o tome koji će se rukopisi objaviti.

Odluke se donose isključivo na osnovu

vrednosti rukopisa. Moraju biti oslobođeni

rasnih, polnih/rodnih, verskih, etničkih ili

političkih predrasuda. Prilikom donošenja

odluke o objavljivanju, glavni urednik se

rukovodi uređivačkom politikom, vodeći

računa o zakonskim propisima koji se

odnose na klevetu, kršenja autorskih prava i


Članovi Uredništva, uključujući glavnog

urednika, ne smeju biti u sukobu interesa u

vezi sa rukopisima koje razmatraju. Članovi

za koje se pretpostavi da bi neko mogao

smatrati da su u sukobu interes, ne

učestvuju u postupku odlučivanja o

određenom rukopisu.

Rukopisi se čuvaju kao poverljiv materijal.

Informacije i ideje sadržane u rukopisima

ne smeju se koristiti u lične svrhe bez

izričite pisane dozvole autora.

Politika časopisa / Politics


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Glavni urednik i članovi Uredništva su

dužni da preduzmu sve razumne mere da

autori/recenzenti ostanu anonimni tokom i

nakon procesa evaluacije u skladu s

procedurom u upotrebi.

Odgovornost recenzenata

Recenzenti su dužni da kvalifikovano i u

zadatim rokovima dostave uredniku ocenu

naučne, odnosno stručne vrednosti rukopisa.

Recenzent vodi posebnu brigu o stvarnom

doprinosu i originalnosti rukopisa.

Recenzija mora biti sasvim objektivna. Sud

recenzenata mora biti jasan i potkrepljen


Recenzenti ocenjuju rukopise u odnosu na

usklađenost sadržaja s profilom časopisa,

značaj i korisnost sadržaja, adekvatnost

primenjenih metoda, naučnu vrednost

sadržanih informacija, stil izlaganja i

opremljenost teksta. Recenzija ima

standardni format koji obuhvata ocene

pojedinih dimenzija rada, opštu ocenu i

zaključnu preporuku.

Recenzent ne sme biti u sukobu interesa sa

autorima ili finansijerom istraživanja.

Ukoliko takav sukob postoji, recenzent je

dužan da o tome pravovremeno obavesti

urednika. Recenzent ne prihvata na

recenziju radove izvan oblasti za koju se

smatra potpuno kompetentnim.

Recenzenti treba da upozore glavnog

urednika ako imaju osnovanu sumnju ili

saznanje o mogućim povredama etičkih

standarda od strane autora rukopisa. Takođe,

treba da prepoznaju odgovarajuće izvore

koji u radu nisu uzeti u obzir. Mogu da

preporuče citiranje određenih referenci, ali

ne i da zahtevaju citiranje radova

objavljenih u časopisu ABC časopis

urgentne medicine ili svojih radova ako za

to ne postoji opravdanje.

Od recenzenata se očekuje da svojim

sugestijama unaprede kvalitet rukopisa. Ako

ocene da rad zaslužuje objavljivanje uz

korekcije, dužni su da preciziraju način na

koji to može da se ostvari.

Rukopisi koji su poslati recenzentu moraju

se smatrati poverljivim dokumentima.

Recenzenti ne smeju da koriste materijal iz

rukopisa za svoja istraživanja bez izričite

pisane dozvole autora.

Etičnost publikovanja Razrešavanje neetičkih postupaka

Svaki pojedinac ili institucija mogu u bilo

kom trenutku da uredniku i/ili Uredništvu

prijave saznanja o kršenju etičkih standarda

i drugim nepravilnostima i da o tome

dostave verodostojne informacije/dokaze

radi pokretanja istrage. Postupak provere

iznetih dokaza odvija se na sledeći način:

glavni urednik donosi odluku o

pokretanju istrage;

tokom tog postupka svi dokazi se

smatraju poverljivim materijalom i

predočavaju samo onim licima koja

su direktno obuhvaćena slučajem; Licima za koje se predpostavlja da su prekrsili

eticke standarde pruža se prilika da odgo-

vore na iznete optužbe;

ako se utvrdi da je zaista došlo do

nepravilnosti, ocenjuje se da li je reč

o manjem prekršaju ili grubom

kršenju etičkih standarda.

Manji prekršaji, bez posledica po integritet

rada i časopisa, na primer, kada je reč o

nerazumevanju ili pogrešnoj primeni

publicističkih standarda, razrešavaju se u

direktnoj komunikaciji s autorima i

recenzentima bez uključivanja trećih lica,

na neki od načina.:

Autorima i/ili recenzentima se upućuje

pismo upozorenja;

Objavljuje se ispravka rada, na primer,

u slučaju kada se sa spiska referenci

izostave izvori koji su u samom

tekstu citirani na propisan način;

Objavljuje se greška (erratum), na

primer, ako se ispostavi da je greška

nastala omaškom Uredništva.

U slučaju grubog kršenja etičkih standarda,

glavni urednik / Uredništvo može da

preduzme različite mere:

Objavljuje saopštenje ili uvodnik u kom se

slučaj opisuje; službeno obaveštava

afilijativnu organizaciju autora/recenzenta;

Politika časopisa / Politics


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povlači objavljeni rada na način opisan

pod Politika povlačenja;

Izriče zabranu objavljivanja u časopisu na

određeni vremenski period;

Predočava slučaj nadležnim organizacijama

i regulatornim telima radi preduzimanja

mera iz njihove nadležnosti.

Ove mere se mogu primenjivati pojedinačno

ili istovremeno. U procesu razrešavanja

slučaja po potrebi se konsultuju nadležne

ekspertske organizacije, tela ili pojedinci.

Prilikom razrešavanja etički spornih

postupaka, Uredništvo se rukovodi

smernicama Komiteta za etiku publikovanja


Sprečavanje plagijarizma

ABC časops urgentne medicine ne

objavljuje plagirane radove. Uredništvo

polazi od stava da je plagiranje, odnosno

preuzimanje tuđih ideja, reči ili drugih

oblika kreativnog doprinosa i njihovo

predstavljanje kao svojih, grubo kršenje

naučne i izdavačke etike. Plagiranje može

da uključuje i kršenje autorskih prava, što je

zakonom kažnjivo.

Plagiranje obuhvata:

doslovno (reč po reč) ili gotovo doslovno

preuzimanje ili smišljeno, radi prikrivanja

izvora, parafraziranje delova tekstova drugih

autora bez jasnog naznačavanja izvora, na

način opisan pod Odgovornosti autora;

kopiranje jednačina, podataka ili tabela iz

drugih dokumenata bez pravilnog

naznačavanja izvora i/ili bez dozvole

izvornog autora ili nosioca autorskog prava.

Rukopis u kome se utvrde jasne indicije pla-

gijarizma, biće automatski odbijen. U sluča-

ju da se plagijarizam otkrije u već objavlje-

nom radu, rad će biti opozvan (povučen) u

skladu sa procedurom opisanom

pod: Politika povlačenja .

Politika povlačenja

U slučaju kršenja prava izdavača, nosilaca

autorskih prava ili samih autora, objavlji-

vanja istog rukopisa u više časopisa, lažnog

autorstva, plagijata, manipulacije podacima

radi prevare ili bilo koje druge zloupotrebe,

objavljeni rad se mora opozvati.

Rad se može opozvati i da bi se ispravile

ozbiljne i brojne omaške koje nije moguće

obuhvatiti objavljivanjem ispravke. Opoziv

objavljuje glavni urednik / Uredništvo,

autor(i) ili obe strane sporazumno.

Opoziv ima oblik zasebnog rada koji se

prikazuje u sadržaju sveske i urednički

klasifikuje kao Opoziv ili Retrakcija. U

SCIndeksu kao matičnoj bazi punog teksta,

uspostavlja se dvosmerna veza (HTML link)

između originalnog rada i retrakcije.

Originalni rad se i dalje čuva u

neizmenjenom obliku, s tim da se vodenim

žigom na PDF dokumentu na svakoj

stranici označava da je članak povučen.

Opozivi se publikuju prema zahtevima

COPE-a razrađenim od strane CEON-a kao

izdavača baze u kojoj se časopis primarno


Otvoreni pristup

Politika otvorenog pristupa

ABC časops urgentne medicine se izdaje je

u režimu tzv. otvorenog pristupa. Sav

njegov sadržaj dostupan je korisnicima

besplatno. Korisnici mogu da čitaju,

preuzimaju, kopiraju, distribuiraju,

štampaju, pretražuju puni tekst članaka, kao

i da uspostavljaju HTML linkove ka njima,

bez obaveze da za to traže saglasnost autora

ili izdavača.

Pravo da sadržaj koriste bez pisane

saglasnosti ne oslobađa korisnike obaveze

da citiraju sadržaj časopisa na način opisan

pod Licenciranje .

Arhiviranje digitalne verzije

Sve objavljene sveske časopisa arhiviraju se

po zakonu u digitalni depozit Narodne

biblioteke Srbije i istovremeno polažu u

Repozitorijum SCIndeksa - Srpskog

citatnog indeksa kao primarnu bazu punog


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Naplata troškova autorima

ABC časops urgentne medicine ne naplaćuje

Article Submission Charge ni APC - Article

Processing Charge

Autorska prava i licenciranje Autorska prava

Autori zadržavaju autorska prava nad

objavljenim člancima, a izdavaču daju

neekskluzivno pravo da članak objavi, da u

slučaju daljeg korišćenja članka bude

naveden kao njegov prvi izdavač, kao i da

distribuira članak u svim oblicima i



Objavljeni članci distribuiraju se u skladu sa

licencom Creative Commons Autorstvo –

Deliti pod istim uslovima 4.0

International (CC BY-SA). Dopušteno je da

se delo kopira i distribuira u svim medijima

i formatima, da se prerađuje, menja i

nadograđuje u bilo koje svrhe, uključujući i

komercijalne, pod uslovom da se na pravilan

način citiraju njegovi prvobitni autori,

postavi veza ka originalnoj licenci, naznači

da li je delo izmenjeno i da se novo delo

objavi pod istom licencom kao i originalno.

Korisnici su pri tom dužni da navedu pun

bibliografski opis članka objavljenog u

ovom časopisu (autori, naslov rada, naslov

časopisa, volumen, sveska, paginacija), kao

i njegovu DOI oznaku. U slučaju

objavljivanja u elektronskoj formi, takođe su

dužni da postave HTML link kako sa

originalnim člankom objavljenim u časopisu

ABC časopis urgentne medicine, tako i sa

korišćenom licencom.

Autori mogu da stupaju u zasebne, ugovorne

aranžmane za neekskluzivnu distribuciju

rada objavljenog u časopisu (npr.

postavljanje u institucionalni repozitorijum

ili objavljivanje u knjizi), uz navođenje da je

rad prvobitno objavljen u ovom časopisu.

Politika samoarhiviranja

Autorima je dozvoljeno da objavljenu

verziju rada deponuju u institucionalni ili

tematski repozitorijum ili da je objave na

ličnim veb stranicama (uključujući i profile

na društvenim mrežama, kao što su

ResearchGate, Academia.edu, itd. na sajtu

institucije u kojoj su zaposleni, u bilo koje

vreme nakon objavljivanja u časopisu.

Autori su obavezni da pri tom navedu pun

bibliografski opis članka objavljenog u

ovom časopisu (autori, naslov rada, naslov

časopisa, volumen, sveska, paginacija) i

postave link kako na DOI oznaku tog

članka, tako i na korišćenu licencu.

Odricanje od odgovornosti

Stavovi izneti u objavljenim radovima ne

izražavaju stavove urednika i članova

Redakcije časopisa. Autori preuzimaju

pravnu i moralnu odgovornost za ideje

iznete u svojim radovima. Izdavač neće

snositi nikakvu odgovornost u slučaju

ispostavljanja bilo kakvih zahteva za

naknadu štete.

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ABC emergency medicine journal – Publication


ABC journal of emergency medicine publishes scientific

articles related to the medicine practiced in pre-hospital

environment and on initial hospital level, but strictly those

articles that haven’t already been printed or submitted for

publishing elsewhere.

Types of articles published in this journal

Original article or case report. The original article stands

for reports which present results of one’s original research

for the first time. Case report reveals individual cases from

medical practice and it usually describes one to three patients

or a family.

Review article – represents individual, well focused and

critical review of the research topic or field of expertise in

which the author has already made contribution, documented

through auto-citations

Short announcement should be full original article in a

short format.

Scientific review - systematic and critical assessment of a

certain scientific topic based on scientific arguments

Exceptionally with editor’s approval- monographic,

historical, bibliographic or lexicographic study, or

information review (these are supposed to summarize data

previously unavailable to public).

If the article is a part of a master’s theses or a part of a

dissertation, or it is made through a scientific project, it

should be emphasized in a reference at the end of the text.

Likewise, if an article has been presented at scientific

convention, precise information of the time, place and title of

the event should be noted.

Reviewing procedure

Peer reviewers

ABC emergency medicine journal uses double-blind

review system for all papers. Each manuscript is

reviewed by at least two reviewers. The reviewers act

independently and they are not aware of each other’s

identities. The reviewers are selected solely

according to whether they have the relevant expertise

for evaluating a manuscript. They must not be from

the same institution as the author(s) of the

manuscript, nor be their co-authors in the recent past.

No suggestions of individual reviewers by the author

(s) of the manuscript will be accepted.

The purpose of peer review is to assists the Editorial

Board in making decision of whether to accept or

reject a paper. The purpose is also to assist the

author in improving papers.

Peer review process

Manuscripts are sent for review only if they pass the

initial evaluation regarding their form and thematic

scope. A special care is taken that the initial

evaluation does not last more than necessary.

Under normal circumstances, the review process

takes up to four weeks, and only exceptionally up to

three months. The total period from the submission

of a manuscript until its publication takes an average

of 90 days.

During the review process the Editor-in-Chief may

require authors to provide additional information

(including raw data) if they are necessary for the

evaluation of the manuscript. These materials shall

be kept confidential and must not be used for any

other purposes.

Resolving inconsistences

In the case that the authors have serious and

reasonable objections to the reviews, the Editorial

Board makes an assessment of whether a review is

objective and whether it meets academic standards.

If there is a doubt about the objectivity or quality of

review, the Editor-in-Chief will assign additional


Additional reviewers may also be assigned when

reviewers’ decisions (accept or reject) are contrary

to each other or otherwise substantially


The final decision on the acceptance of the

manuscript for publication rests solely with the



Authors' responsibilities

Authors warrant that their manuscripts are their

original works, that they have not been published

before, and are not under consideration for

publication elsewhere. Parallel submission of the

same paper to another journal constitutes a

misconduct and eliminates the manuscript from

further consideration. The work that has already

been published elsewhere cannot be reprinted in the

ABC emergency medicine journal . Authors are

exclusively responsible for the contents of their

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submissions. Authors affirm that the article contains

no unfounded or unlawful statements and does not

violate the rights of third parties.

Authors must make sure that their author team listed

in the manuscript includes all and only those authors

who have significantly contributed to the submitted

manuscript. If persons other than authors were

involved in important aspects of the research project

and the preparation of the manuscript, their

contribution should be acknowledged in a footnote or

the Acknowledgments section.

It is the responsibility of the authors to specify the

title and code label of the research project within

which the work was created, as well as the full title

of the funding institution. In case a submitted

manuscript has been presented at a conference in the

form of an oral presentation (under the same or

similar title), detailed information about the

conference shall be provided in the same place.

Authors are required to properly cite sources that

have significantly influenced their research and their

manuscript. Parts of the manuscript, including text,

equations, pictures and tables that are taken verbatim

from other works must be clearly marked, e.g. by

quotation marks accompanied by their location in the

original document (page number), or, if more

extensive, given in a separate paragraph.

Full references of each quotation (in-text citation)

must be listed in the separate section (Literature or

References) in a uniform manner, according to the

citation style used by the journal. References section

should list only quoted/cited, and not all sources used

for the preparation of a manuscript.

When authors discover a significant error or

inaccuracy in their own published work, it is their

obligation to promptly notify the Editor-in-Chief (or

publisher) and cooperate with him/her to retract or

correct the paper.

Authors should disclose in their manuscript any

financial or other substantive conflict of interest that

might have influenced the presented results or their


By submitting a manuscript the authors agree to

abide by the Editorial Policies of ABC emergency

medicine journal .

Editorial responsibilities

The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for deciding

which articles submitted to the journal will be

published. The decisions are made based exclusively

on the manuscript's merit. They must be free from

any racial, gender, sexual, religious, ethnic, or

political bias. When making decisions the Editor-in-

Chief is also guided by the editorial policy and legal

provisions relating to defamation, copyright

infringement and plagiarism.

Members of the Editorial Board including the Editor

-in-Chief must hold no conflict of interest with

regard to the articles they consider for publication.

Members who feel they might be perceived as being

involved in such a conflict do not participate in the

decision process for a particular manuscript.

The information and ideas presented in submitted

manuscripts shall be kept confidential. Information

and ideas contained in unpublished materials must

not be used for personal gain without the written

consent of the authors.

Editors and the editorial staff shall take all

reasonable measures to ensure that the authors/

reviewers remain anonymous during and after the

evaluation process in accordance with the type of

reviewing in use.

Reviewers' responsibilities

Reviewers are required to provide the qualified and

timely assessment of the scholarly merits of the

manuscript. The reviewer takes special care of the

real contribution and originality of the manuscript.

The review must be fully objective. The judgment of

the reviewers must be clear and substantiated by


The reviewers assess manuscript for the compliance

with the profile of the journal, the relevance of the

investigated topic and applied methods, the scientific

relevance of information presented in the

manuscript, the presentation style and scholarly

apparatus. The review has a standard format.

The reviewer must not be in a conflict of interest

with the authors or funders of research. If such a

conflict exists, the reviewer is obliged to promptly

notify the Editor-in-Chief. The reviewer shall not

accept for reviewing papers beyond the field of his/

her full competence.

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Reviewers should alert the Editor-in-Chief to any

well-founded suspicions or the knowledge of

possible violations of ethical standards by the

authors. Reviewers should recognize relevant

published works that have not been considered in the

manuscript. They may recommend specific

references for citation, but shall not require to cite

papers published in ABC emergency medicine

journal , or their own papers, unless it is justified.

The reviewers are expected to improve the quality of

the manuscript through their suggestions. If they

recommend correction of the manuscript prior to

publication, they are obliged to specify the manner in

which this can be achieved.

Any manuscripts received for review must be treated

as confidential documents. Reviewers must not use

unpublished materials disclosed in submitted

manuscripts without the express written consent of

the authors.

Ethical publishing

Dealing with unethical behaviour

Anyone may inform the Editor-in-Chief / Editorial

Board at any time of suspected unethical behaviour

or any type of misconduct by giving the necessary

credible information/evidence to start an


o Editor-in-Chief makes the decision regarding

the initiation of an investigation.

o During an investigation, any evidence should

be treated as confidential and only made available to

those strictly involved in the process.

o The accused will always be given the chance

to respond to any charges made against them.

o If it is judged at the end of the investigation

that misconduct has occurred, then it will be

classified as either minor or serious.

Minor misconduct (with no influence on the integrity

of the paper and the journal, for example, when it

comes to misunderstanding or wrong application of

publishing standards) will be dealt directly with

authors and reviewers without involving any other

parties. Outcomes include:

o Sending a warning letter to authors and/or


o Publishing correction of a paper, e.g. when

sources properly quoted in the text are omitted from

the reference list.

o Publishing an erratum, e.g. if the error was

made by editorial staff.

In the case of major misconduct the Editor-in-Chief /

Editorial Board may adopt different measures:

o Publication of a formal announcement or

editorial describing the misconduct.

o Informing officially the author's/reviewer's

affiliating institution.

o The formal, announced retraction of

publications from the journal in accordance with the

Retraction Policy .

o A ban on submissions from an individual for

a defined period.

o Referring a case to a professional

organization or legal authority for further

investigation and action.

The above actions may be taken separately or

jointly. If necessary, in the process of resolving the

case relevant expert organizations, bodies, or

individuals may be consulted.

When dealing with unethical behaviour, the Editorial

Board will rely on the guidelines and

recommendations provided by the Committee on

Publication Ethics (COPE).

Plagiarism prevention

ABC emergency medicine journal does not publish

plagiarised papers. The Editorial Board has adopted

the stance that plagiarism, where someone assumes

another's ideas, words, or other creative expression

as one's own, is a clear violation of scientific ethics.

Plagiarism may also involve a violation of copyright

law, punishable by legal action.

Plagiarism includes the following:

o Verbatim (word for word), or almost

verbatim copying, or purposely paraphrasing

portions of another author's work without clearly

indicating the source or marking the copied fragment

(for example, using quotation marks) in a way

described under Authors’ responsibilities ;

o Copying equations, figures or tables from

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someone else's paper without properly citing the

source and/or without permission from the original

author or the copyright holder.

Any manuscript which shows obvious signs of

plagiarism will be automatically rejected. In case

plagiarism is discovered in a paper that has already

been published by the journal, it will be retracted in

accordance with the procedure described under

Retraction policy .

Retraction policy

Legal limitations of the publisher, copyright holder

or author(s), infringements of professional ethical

codes, such as multiple submissions, bogus claims of

authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or any

major misconduct require retraction of an article.

Occasionally a retraction can be used to correct

numerous serious errors, which cannot be covered by

publishing corrections. A retraction may be published

by the Editor-in-Chief / Editorial Board, the author

(s), or both parties consensually.

The retraction takes the form of a separate item listed

in the contents and labeled as "Retraction". In

SCIndeks, as the journals' primary full-text database,

a two-way communication (HTML link) between the

original work and the retraction is established. The

original article is retained unchanged, except for a

watermark on the PDF indicating on each page that it

is “retracted”.

Retractions are published according to the

requirements of COPE operationalized by CEON/

CEES as the journal indexer and aggregator.

Open access

Open access policy

ABC emergency medicine journal is published under

an Open Access licence. All its content is available

free of charge. Users can read, download, copy,

distribute, print, search the full text of articles, as

well as to establish HTML links to them, without

having to seek the consent of the author or publisher.

The right to use content without consent does not

release the users from the obligation to give the credit

to the journal and its content in a manner described

under Licensing .

Archiving digital version

In accordance with law, digital copies of all

published volumes are archived in the legal deposit

library of the National Library of Serbia and

concurrently in the Repository of SCIndeks - The

Serbian Citation Index as the primary full text


The journal does not charge Article Submission

Charge nor Article Processing Charge.

Copyright & Licensing


Authors retain copyright of the published papers and

grant to the publisher the non-exclusive right to

publish the article, to be cited as its original

publisher in case of reuse, and to distribute it in all

forms and media.


The published articles will be distributed under the

Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0

International license (CC BY-SA) . It is allowed to

copy and redistribute the material in any medium or

format, and remix, transform, and build upon it for

any purpose, even commercially, as long as

appropriate credit is given to the original author(s), a

link to the license is provided, it is indicated if

changes were made and the new work is distributed

under the same license as the original.

Users are required to provide full bibliographic

description of the original publication (authors,

article title, journal title, volume, issue, pages), as

well as its DOI code. In electronic publishing, users

are also required to link the content with both the

original article published in ABC emergency

medicine journal and the licence used.

Authors are able to enter into separate, additional

contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive

distribution of the journal's published version of the

work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or

publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of

its initial publication in this journal.

Self-archiving policy

Authors are permitted to publisher's version (PDF)

of their work in an institutional repository, subject-

based repository, author's personal website

(including social networking sites, such as

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ResearchGate, Academia.edu, etc.), and/or

departmental website at any time after publication.

Full bibliographic information (authors, article title,

journal title, volume, issue, pages) about the original

publication must be provided and links must be made

to the article's DOI and the license.


The views expressed in the published works do not

express the views of the Editors and the Editorial

Staff. The authors take legal and moral responsibility

for the ideas expressed in the articles. Publisher shall

have no liability in the event of issuance of any

claims for damages. The Publisher will not be held

legally responsible should there be any claims for


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Creative Commons Licence CCL


Correspondence to/ Korespodencija

[email protected]

Originalni rad/Original Article doi:10.5937/abc1801001B

———————————————————————————————–———————————————— У: ABC. - ISSN 1451-1053. - God. 18, br. 1 (2018), str. 1– 7


COBISS.SR-ID 262361612

Dragana M Bogićević1,2,

Vukašin R Čobeljić1,

Tiana M Petrović2,

Ivana Z Bosiočić1

1 Univerzitetska dečja klinika,


2 Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta

u Beogradu

Značaj psiholoških faktora u rekurentnim glavoboljama dece i



Uvod: Glavobolja je jedan od najčešćih zdravstvenih problema dece i

adolescenata. Najmanje 10% pedijatrijske populacije ima rekurentne

glavobolje koje nisu posledica organskog oboljenja. Na pojavu glavobolja

utiču socijalni stresori poput konflikata u porodici, razvoda roditelja, bolesti/

smrti člana porodice i loših odnosa sa vršnjacima, ali i problemi vezani za

školske obaveze i vanškolske aktivnosti.

Cilj rada: je da se kod dece i adolescenata urednog pedijatrijskog i

neurološkog nalaza utvrde karakteristike rekurentnih glavobolja,

psihosocijalni, kognitivni i emocionalni problemi koji mogu da provociraju

ili pogoršaju somatske tegobe, kao i da se ispitaju psihološke karakteristike

ovih pacijenata.

Materijal i metode: U retrospektivnu studiju uključena su deca i

adolescenti sa rekurentnim glavoboljama neorganske etiologije koji su u

periodu od 1.januara 2014. do 31.decembra 2016.godine bili upućeni na

psihološku procenu.

Rezultati: Ispitan je 101 pacijent (40 dečaka i 61 devojčica) uzrasta

12,24 ± 2,71 (opseg 7-18) godina. Glavobolje su se javljale najmanje

jedanput nedeljno . Trećina dece i adolescenata živela je u disfunkcionalnim

i nepotpunim porodicama, 29% su imali probleme u odnosima sa

vršnjacima, dok je za 20% škola predstavljala veliko opterećenje. Četvrtina

pacijenata bila je preosetljiva na stres.

Zaključak: Psihološka procena je važna za utvrĎivanje

psihosocijalnih provocirajućih faktora rekurentnih glavobolja i

neogranskog komorbiditeta migrene i glavobolje tenzionog tipa, kao i za

dijagnozu sekundarnih glavobolja koje se pripisuju psihijatrijskom


Ključne reči: deca, rekurentne glavobolje, psihološki faktori

Page 18: Contentsurgentnamedicina.sld.org.rs/dotAsset/72784.pdfSladjana R Vujacic Institute for emergency medical services Podgorica: ... Momirović Stojković Milena ... Medicinski fakultet,


Dragana M Bogićević1,2, Vukašin R Čobeljić1, Tiana M Petrović2, Ivana Z Bosiočić1

Značaj psiholoških faktora u rekurentnim glavoboljama dece i adolescenata

ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):1-7


Glavobolja je jedan od najčešćih zdravstvenih

problema dece i adolescenata. Na osnovu 64 studije

objavljene u 32 različite države u poslednjih 25 godina,

procenjuje se da prevalencija glavobolje u prvih 18 godina

života iznosi 54,4% i da se povećava tokom detinjstva od

3-8% u uzrastu od tri godine, a do 63,4% u uzrastu od 13-

14 godina [1,2].

Rekurentne bolove koji nisu posledica organskog

oboljenja ima 15-25% dece i adolescenata. Najčešći su

bolovi u glavi (60,5%), zatim bolovi u trbuhu (43%), u

nogama (34%) i u leĎima (30%) [3]. Skoro 2/3

adolescenata sa rekurentnim glavoboljama ima i druge

rekurentne bolove [4]. Prevalencija rekurentne glavobolje u

školskom uzrastu je oko 10%, s tim da je tri puta veća sa

14 nego sa 7 godina [1,2].

Po većini autora najčešća rekurentna glavobolja

dece i adolescenata je migrena, a njena prevalencija se

povećava sa uzrastom: 3% do polaska u školu, 4-11% dece

od 7-11 godina, 8-23% u uzrastu od 11-15 godina, i 28%

starijih adolescenata [1]. Bille je 1962. godine naveo da su

deca sa migrenom „mnogo osetljivija i ranjivija na

frustraciju―. Dvadeset godina kasnije, Saper je predložio

koncept ―migrenske ličnosti―, odnosno sklonost osoba sa

migrenom da budu perfekcionisti, rigidni, sa preteranom

samokontrolom i skrivenom ljutnjom i gnevom. Deca i

adolescenti sa migrenom su često stidljivi, emocijalo kruti,

teško se prilagoĎavaju, i potiskuju bes i agresiju [5]. Češće

imaju simptome anksioznosti i depresije, emocionalne i

psihosocijalne probleme, poremećaj pažnje i hiperaktivnu

impulsivnost [6].

Glavobolju tenzionog tipa (GTT) ima 10 do 24 %

mladih osoba [1]. Prevalencija epizodične GTT se linearno

povećava sa uzrastom. Deca sa GTT značajno češće imaju

psihosocijalne probleme nego oni sa migrenom [7]. U

socijalne stresore ubrajaju se : konflikti u porodici, razvod

roditelja, bolest i smrt člana porodice, finansijski problemi,

loši odnosi sa vršnjacima i sa nastavnicima [7,8]. Deca i

adolescenti sa GTT imaju manje prijatelja od svojih


Školske obaveze i svakodnevni stres takoĎe utiču

na prevalenciju pedijatrijskih glavobolja. Bol u glavi mogu

da izazovu potiskivanje emocija, ljutnja, rasprave i svaĎe

sa vršnjacima, ali i tuga, usamljenost i zatvaranje u sebe,

naročito kod osoba ženskog pola [3]. Deca i adolescenti sa

rekurentnim glavoboljama su često usamljeni [9], a njihovi

roditelji su često nezaposleni i nižeg socio-ekonomskog

statusa [10]. Važne su i vanškolske aktivnosti i način na

koji se provodi slobodno vreme. Glavobolje su češće

ukoliko se deca nedovoljno opuštaju uz igru ili neki hobi,

ukoliko preteruju sa fizičkim aktivnostima i sportskim

treninzima i ako previše vremena provode ispred televizora

ili kompjutera [8]. Puno vanškolskih aktivnosti i pritisak

roditelja mogu dodatno da pogoršaju glavobolju, ili da

budu njen glavni pokretač. Napad glavobolje može da

isprovocira nedovoljno vreme provedeno u spavanju, ali i

predugačak san, zatim česta noćna buĎenja i izmenjen

ciklus: san-budno stanje [11].

Primarne glavobolje dece i adolescenata (migrena

i GTT) značajno utiču na kvalitet života, svakodnevne

aktivnosti, socijalne interakcije i uspeh u školi [9]. Česti

bolovi u glavi dovode do poremećaja spavanja, gubitka

apetita i odsustvovanja sa nastave (naročito migrenske

glavobolje), onemogućavaju igranje, rekreaciju i

upražnjavanje hobija, otežavaju druženje sa vršnjacima

[3]. Rekurentne glavobolje usporavaju dete ili mu

onemogućavaju da bude aktivno, unose nemir i napetost, i

narušavaju porodične odnose. Školska deca i adolescenti

sa čestim glavoboljama neretko imaju druge somatske

tegobe, češće su zabrinuta i anksiozna od onih sa retkim

glavoboljama ili bez glavobolja [4], manje su produktivna

u školi, impulsivna su i hiperaktivna [12]. Bolovi u glavi

mogu značajno da ometaju uspavljivanje, da budu uzrok

nekvalitetnog sna, a ukoliko su jačeg inteziteta i da bude

dete. S druge strane, neispavanost dodatno pogoršava

glavobolju i kognitivno funkcionisanje [11].

Cilj rada je da se kod dece i adolescenata utvrde

karakteristike rekurentnih glavobolja, psihosocijalni,

kognitivni i emocionalni problemi koji mogu da

provociraju ili pogoršaju somatske tegobe, kao i

psihološke karakteristike pacijenata sa epizodičnim

bolovima u glavi.

Materijal i metode:

U ovoj retrospektivnoj studiji ispitana su deca i

adolescenti sa rekurentnim glavoboljama koji su u periodu

od 1. januara 2014. do 31. decembra 2016. godine, bili

upućeni na psihološku procenu. Kriterijumi za ulazak u

studiju bili su sledeći: uredan pedijatrijski, neurološki,

oftalmološki i ORL nalaz, odsustvo sistemskih

poremećaja/oboljenja i poremećaja homeostaze i uredan

CT/MR nalaz dece, čijoj je prvoj glavobolji prethodila

povreda glave.

Podaci o karakteristikama bolesnika (pol, uzrast,

lična i porodična anamneza), o karakteristikama

glavobolja (koliko dugo se žale na glavobolje; lokalizacija,

tip i jačina bola; učestalost i trajanje bolnih epizoda; šta

izaziva, a šta pogoršava bol u glavi), o udruženim

tegobama tokom bolnih epizoda i izmeĎu njih, kao i o

korišćenju i efikasnosti analgetika dobijeni su iz

medicinske dokumentacije (elektronskog kartona i

upitnika o glavoboljama koji su pre pregleda u neurološkoj

ambulanti pacijenti popunjavali zajedno sa roditeljima).

Za procenu stepena anksioznosti i depresivnosti korišćeni

su sledeći testovi : upitnik za pretragu anksioznih

poremećaja (SCARED) – verzija za dete i verzija za

roditelja; upitnik o raspoloženju i osećanjima (MFQ-C) –

verzija za dete i verzija za roditelje. Roditelji su dali

pristanak da se svi podaci mogu koristiti u istraživačke


Analiza podataka izvršena je deskriptivnom

statistikom uz korišćenje SPSS programa 12.

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Dragana M Bogićević1,2, Vukašin R Čobeljić1, Tiana M Petrović2, Ivana Z Bosiočić1

Značaj psiholoških faktora u rekurentnim glavoboljama dece i adolescenata

ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):1-7


Ispitan je 101 pacijent sa rekurentnim glavoboljama.

1) Karakteristike bolesnika

Od ukupnog broja bolesnika 40 (39,6%) je bilo

muškog, a 61 (60,4%) ženskog pola. NajmlaĎi pacijent je

imao 7, a najstariji 18 godina. Prosečni uzrast je iznosio

12,24 ± 2,71 godina. Polovina pacijenata je pohaĎala više

razrede osnovne škole (Tabela 1).

Tabela 1. Uzrast dece i adolescenata sa rekurentnim


Podatak o glavoboljama/migreni u roĎaka prvog ili drugog

stepena dobijen je u 50 % dece i adolescenata sa

rekurentnim glavoboljama.

2) Karakteristike glavobolje

Prva glavobolja se najčešće javila u školskom

uzrastu (77%) i to podjednako u nižim i višim razredima

osnovne škole (Grafikon 1).



Grafikon 1. Uzrast u kome se javila prva glavobolja

Prosečna starost naših bolesnika u vreme pojave prve

glavobolje iznosila je 10,68 ±3,24 godina (opseg 2-17

godina). Od prve glavobolje do psihološke procene prošlo

je najmanje mesec dana, a najviše 9 godina (Tabela 2).

Uzrast (godine) Broj %

7 - 10



11 - 14 51 50

15 - 18 22 22

Tabela 2. Vreme od prve glavobolje do psihološke


Glavobolje su se ponavljale jednom do dva puta nedeljno

u 2/3 slučajeva (Tabela 3).

Tabela 3. Koliko često se javljaju bolne epizode

Bol je najčešće bio u vidu stezanja (29%) ili pulsirajući

(28%), reĎe je opisivan kao pritisak (14%), ili kao tup bol

(10%). U 6% pacijenata kvalitet bola je bio promenljiv.

Dve trećine dece i adolescenata imalo je glavobolje koje

nisu značajno ometale svakodnevne aktivnosti; kod

četvrtine je bol uvek bio jak i onesposobljavajući, dok je u

7 % pacijenata intezitet bola bio promenljiv.

Bolna epizoda je trajala do sat vremena kod

trećine bolesnika (Tabela 4),

Tabela 4. Trajanje bolne epizode

Trajanje glavobolje Broj %

Mesec dana 11 11

2 - 6 meseci 25 25

7 - 12 meseci 30 30

Više od 12 meseci 35 35

Učestalost Broj %

Jednom nedeljno 12 12

2 - 3 puta nedeljno 60 60

Više od tri puta nedeljno 29 29

Trajanje bolne

epizode Broj %

Kraće od pola

sata 11 11

Kraće od sat

vremena 35 35

1 - 12 sati 44 44

12 - 24 sata 11 11

Više od 24 sata 6 6

Promenljivo 5 5

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Dragana M Bogićević1,2, Vukašin R Čobeljić1, Tiana M Petrović2, Ivana Z Bosiočić1

Značaj psiholoških faktora u rekurentnim glavoboljama dece i adolescenata

ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):1-7

Tabela 5 Prekid bolne epizode

Analgetici, koje je dobijala skoro polovina dece i

adolescenata (najčešće paracetamol i ibuprofen), bili su

neefikasni u 29% slučajeva, dok su u 16% samo ublažavali


3) Klasifikacija glavobolja (Tabela 6)

Tabela 6. Klasifikacija rekurentnih glavobolja

Na psihološku procenu je upućeno 74 pacijenta sa

migrenom i glavoboljom tenzionog tipa (GTT) (37:37),

desetoro dece i adolescenata sa verovatnom migrenom i

verovatnom GTT (4:6), sedmoro sa posttraumatskom

glavoboljom i 10 sa neklasifikovanim rekurentnim


Troje od sedmoro dece, čijoj je prvoj glavobolji

prethodila laka povreda (minimalna zatvorena povreda

glave), imalo je postraumatski stresni poremećaj

(postkomocioni sindrom), dok je u tri pacijenta utvrĎena

somatizacija (konverzija). Laka povreda glave u jednog

adolescenta provocirala je prvi napad migrenske


Kod petoro bolesnika sa prvobitno neklasifikovanom

glavoboljom dijagnostikovana je somatizacija (konverzija),

a kod dvoje anksiozni poremećaj.

4) Mogući provokativni faktori

U razgovoru sa lekarom i popunjavanjem upitnika o

glavoboljama trećina dece i adolescenata, bez prethodne

povrede glave, nije navela faktor/faktore koji bi po

njihovom mišljenju mogli da izazovu glavobolje, dok je

skoro petina smatrala da postoji više od jednog

provocirajućeg faktora. Oko 40% pacijenata povezalo je

’’stresogene situacije’’, odnosno uzbuĎenje, nerviranje,

napetost, strah, razdražljivost i bes, sa češćim i težim

glavoboljama. Svaki deseti pacijent naveo je školu kao

izvor stresa.

Umor, nedovoljan san, preskakanje obroka i/ili previše

kompjuterskih igrica i „non-stop korišćenje mobilnog

telefona― su, po mišljenju roditelja, bili najvažniji

provocirajući faktori.

Psiholog je utvrdio da su kod dece i adolescenata sa

epizodičnim glavoboljama najčešće postojali problemi

vezani za disfunkcionalne i nepotpune porodice, naročito u

pacijenata sa glavoboljom tenzionog tipa (Tabela 7).

Tabela 7. Provocirajući faktori epizodičnih glavobolja na

osnovu psihološke procene

Loši odnosi sa vršnjacima, ukljućujuči vršnjačko nasilje,

takodje su bili značajan provokativni faktor rekurentnih

glavobolja. Petina dece imala je mnogo reĎe glavobolje za

vreme raspusta, jer su im školski časovi i školske obaveze

bile svojevrstan teret, kako zbog ličnih ambicija, tako i

zbog ambicija roditelja vezanih za uspeh u školi.

UtvrĎeno je da je četvrtina pacijenata sa

rekurentnim glavoboljama preosetljiva na stres uopšte,

prvenstveno deca i adolescenti sa migrenskim

glavoboljama (Tabela 7).

Svako deseto dete imalo je više od jednog provocirajućeg



Rekurentna glavobolja je najčešći bol u uzrastu od

10 do 18 godina (kod oba pola), pri čemu se oko 38%

Dijagnoza Broj %

Primarna 85 85

Migrena 42

Tenziona glavobolja 43

Sekundarna 13 13

Somatizacija 8

Posttraumatski sindrom 3

Anksiozni poremećaj 2

Neodrađena 3 2

Završetak bolne epizode Broj %

Spontano 41 41

Odmaranjem (spavanjem) 19 19

Analgetikom 30 30

Spavanjem (odmaranjem) + analgetikom 11 11

Provocirajući faktor



Porodični problemi



Loši odnosi sa vršnjacima



Škola (polazak u školu, školske obaveze,

ocene, takmičenja)



Preosetljivost na stres uopšte



Više od jednog faktora



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Dragana M Bogićević1,2, Vukašin R Čobeljić1, Tiana M Petrović2, Ivana Z Bosiočić1

Značaj psiholoških faktora u rekurentnim glavoboljama dece i adolescenata

ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):1-7

dece i adolescenata žali i na druge rekurentne bolove [13].

Mnoge studije su pokazale da su pedijatrijske glavobolje

često udružene sa simptomima anksioznosti, depresije,

agresivnosti, hiperaktivnosti i impulsivnosti, kao i sa

nepovoljnim faktorima okoline (naročito sa problemima u

porodici) [14]. Na pojavu glavobolja dece i adolescenata,

utiču i individualni kognitivni, emocionalni i bihejvioralni

činioci [15].

Tokom perioda od tri godine, 101 pacijent sa

rekurentnim glavoboljama upućen je u Univerzitetsku

dečju kliniku zbog progresije u učestalosti i/ili težini

glavobolja, zbog dužine bolnih epizoda, i/ili ukupnog

trajanja tegoba duže od godinu dana, a što se nije moglo

objasniti organskim uzrocima.

Migrena i glavobolja tenzionog tipa (GTT) su dva

najčešća tipa rekurentnih glavobolja u detinjstvu [16].

Prema kriterijumima Internacionalnog udruženja za

glavobolje iz 2013.godine [17], glavobolja 85% naših

bolesnika bila je primarna – 41% dece i adolescenata imao

je migrenu, sa ili bez aure, a 43 % GTT. U razgovoru sa

neuropedijatrom i popunjavanjem upitnika za glavobolje,

polovina ovih pacijenata je kao mogući provocirajući

faktor navela ―različite stresne situacije‖. Većinom je to

bio polazak u školu ili školske obaveze (dva puta češće u

slučaju migrene nego GTT), a samo dvoje je pomenulo

svaĎe u porodici ili razvod, a loše odnose sa vršnjacima

nije navelo nijedno dete, niti adolescent. Konsultacijom

psihologa definisan je psihosocijalni problem u 78%

pacijenata sa migrenom i u 84% sa GTT. Izvori

psihosocijalnih problema su bili škola (petina sa

migrenskim i četvrtina sa tenzionim glavoboljama),

vršnjaci (po 30% pacijenata) i porodica (30 %, odnosno 40

% dece i adolescenata). Preosetljivost na stres su češće

imale devojčice, prevenstveno one sa dijagnozom migrene.

Anksioznost i simptomi depresije, nedostatak

samopouzdanja ili sklonost ka povlačenju u sebe, naĎeni su

u jednoj četvrtini pacijenata sa migrenom i jednoj petini

onih sa GTT. Impulsivnost, razdražljivost, svadljivost i

ljutinu ispoljavala su samo deca i adolescenti sa GTT

(13,5%), a perfekcionizam i izrazitu ambicioznost, samo

oni sa migrenom (skoro jedna trećina).

Rekurentne glavobolje u 13% naših bolesnika pripadale su

grupi sekundarnih glavobolja koje se pripisuju

psihijatrijskim poremećajima, s tim da je kod polovine,

prvim tegobama prethodila laka povreda glave (često kao

posledica vršnjačkog nasilja).

Naši rezultati pokazuju da psihološki faktori utiču

na pojavu rekurentnih glavobolja kod dece i adolescenata

daleko češće nego što su toga svesni pacijenti i njihovi

roditelji. Odgovarajućim nefarmakološkim merama i

savetima značajno se može smanjiti učestalost i težina

bolnih epizoda. Time će se izbeći prekomerna upotreba

analgetika koja sama po sebi može da dovede do hroničnih

svakodnevnih bolova u glavi. Pacijenti sa rekurentnim

glavoboljama upućeni u tercijernu pedijatrijsku ustanovu

mogu da zahtevaju dodatno psihijatrijsko lečenje i

porodičnu terapiju kao i za dijagnozu sekundarne

glavobolje koja se pripisuje psihijatrijskim poremećajima.


Psihološka procena je važna za utvrĎivanje

psihosocijalnih provocirajućih faktora rekurentnih

glavobolja (posebno problema u porodici i u odnosima sa

vršnjacima), za dijagnozu kognitivnih, emocionalnih i

bihejvioralnih tegoba pedijatrijskih pacijenata sa

primarnim glavoboljama,

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Dragana M Bogićević1,2, Vukašin R Čobeljić1, Tiana M Petrović2, Ivana Z Bosiočić1

Značaj psiholoških faktora u rekurentnim glavoboljama dece i adolescenata

ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):1-7


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Dragana Bogićević1,2

, Vukašin Čobeljić1, Tiana Petrović2, Ivana Bosiočić1

The Importance Of Psychological Factors In Pediatric Recurrent Headaches

ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):1-7


Dragana M Bogiević1,2,

Vukašin R Čobeljić1,

Tiana M Petrović2,

Ivana Z Bosiočić1

1 University Children's Clinic of


2 Faculty of Medicine University

of Belgrade,




Background: Headache is one of the most common health problems of

children and adolescents. At least 10% of pediatric population suffer from

recurrent headaches without underlying organic/structural etiologies. Social

stressors such as conflicts in the family, parental divorce, death/illness of a

family member, poor relationships with peers, as well as problems related to

school have impact on the occurrence of nonorganic headaches.

The aim: of this paper was to determine characteristics of recurrent

headaches, psychological, cognitive and emotional factors that can provoke or

aggravate somatic problems, and psychological characteristics of pediatric

patients with episodic headaches.

Material and methods: This retrospective study included children and

adolescents with nonorganic recurrent headaches sent to psychological

evaluation during the period from January 1, 2014 till December 31,2016.

Results: The study cohort comprised 101 patients (40 males and 61

females) aged 12.24 ± 2.71 (range 7-18) years who experienced headaches at

least once a week. One third lived in dysfunctional and broken families, 29%

had poor relations with peers, and 20% had problems related to school.

Difficulties in copying with stress were found in ¼ of patients.

Conclusion: Psychological evaluation is important tool for

determination psychosocial stressors and nonorganic comorbidities of migraine

and tension-type headache, as well as for diagnosis of secondary headaches

attributed to psychiatric disorders.

Key wors: children, recurrent headaches, psychological factors

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Iz istorije medicine/From the history od medicine doi:10.5937/abc1801008V


У: ABC. - ISSN 1451-1053. - God. 18, br. 1 (2018), str. 8-15.


COBISS.SR-ID 262369548


Creative Commons Licence CCL


Korespodencija /Correspondence to

[email protected]

Sladjana R Vujacic

Institute for emergency

medical services Podgorica

The Importance Of Telemedicine In Medical Emergencies


Modern health systems aim to increase the quality of health care.

Considering all the advantages that modern technologies can offer as well

as the importance of adequate diagnostics and emergency medical therapy,

the need for using those advantages in the treatment of emergency patients

is only logical.

Telemedicine represents the provision of health services through the use of

information and telecommunication technologies regardless of geographical

location of the medical team, patient or medical equipment.

Active implementation of telemedicine can contribute to reducing of health

care costs, to improving cooperation between different levels of health pro-

tection, to providing quick consultations in emergency medical conditions

as well as to education of health workers.

In order to provide quality emergency medical care good cooperation with

general hospitals and clinical centers is necessary. This cooperation would

be possible through creation of virtual teams, groups of physicians who

work in different time, geographic and organizational areas with the goal of

setting up a quicker and more precise diagnosis.

Health systems tend to economize, standardize services and deliver best

results. The formation of virtual teams, supported by the opportunities pro-

vided by information technologies of today, will contribute to better organi-

zation of work in health department, to significant improvement of quality,

speed and accuracy in setting diagnosis and consequently to faster decision-

making on further therapeutic action with less health care costs.

Keywords: telemedicine, emergency medicine, tele-emergency,

information technology .

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ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):8-15


Modern medicine and its tendency for more

efficient resolution of different medical issues

brought the need for exploitation of all the possibili-

ties that information technologies can offer. Simpli-

fied, this implies the use of computers.

Thanks to the global computer network called the

Internet, it is possible to connect the desired number

of computers and enable smooth communication at

any time. Modern medicine now has the ability to

easily collect and exchange data, to quickly and effi-

ciently solve health problems, as well as to access

easily all new medical discoveries [1].

Through the strategic document "Health for

All in the Third Millennium" of the World Health

Organization, the Strategy for the Development of

Information and Communication Technologies in

Health and the Action Plan of the European Commis-

sion, strategic and operational goals and activities

were set in Europe to effectively address the chal-

lenges facing health systems. All health services have

been set up to enable easy communication between

patients and health facilities, interaction of health

workers and better education.

Health services are not limited anymore to the

obligatory presence of a patient and a physician in

the same place, because it is now possible to provide

health service regardless of their geographical dis-


One of the major challenges of medical informatics is

to provide adequate interoperability between differ-

ent information systems at different levels.

Interoperability can be divided into several levels:

physical, software and semantic.

Physical level - defines how to physically con-

nect institutions

Software level -defines mechanisms for data

exchange between institutions

Semantic level – defines mechanisms that allow

data to be further exchanged [2].

History of emergency medicine

The application of computer technologies is

widespread through all segments of modern life. We

can say that it has significantly facilitated all kinds of

modern life activities. The possibility of incredibly

quick and efficient communication that computer

technologies provide brought also the rapid develop-

ment in various medical fields. Emergency medicine

is a branch of medicine in which the positive effects

of communication technologies can significantly

improve the work that has been done so far.

Physicians who are dealing with emergencies are

struggling to rescue human lives every minute. Fast

and effective communication among colleagues,

among institutions, fast and high-quality diagnostics

and therefore quality decision making on further

treatment, can all lead to the increase in number of

rescued lives.

The modern era in which society often faces disas-

ters with mass destruction and emergency situations,

requires inclusion of information and communica-

tion technologies in everyday work.

The need for helping others, who need help, is some-

thing we are faced with daily.

Therefore, it may be safe to say that the emergency

medical care exists as long as human civilization.

The earliest records of some kind of organized medi-

cal facility for providing emergency medical assis-

tance mention "Drowning aid station" established in

1762 in Hamburg and "Voluntary Rescue Society"

in Vienna. The literature also mentions the

"Chinkiang Society for the Saving of Life" founded

in 1708.

There are records of some forms of emergency

medical assistance during 15th century in war-torn

areas in Spain, which were provided in special tents

and improvised hospitals. During wars in 18th cen-

tury, French surgeons Jean-Dominique Larrey and

Pierre-François Percy were organizers and providers

of emergency medical assistance. They introduced

the use of special resources and organized transport

for wounded and sick people. The first recorded use

of artificial respiration "mouth-to-mouth" for mas-

sive injuries was in 1732 during rescue of miners

after an accident in the coal mine in Dublin.

Dr. Hawes and Dr. Cogan in 1773 promoted a new

t e c h n i q u e t o r e s u s c i t a t e p a t i e n t s .

In 1774, the "The Royal Human Society" was

founded, with primary goal to provide aid to

drowned people.

However, the official founder and father of Emer-

gency Aid is Henry Dunant. In 1859, after the Battle

of Solferino, he started the first organized medical

help for the wounded, and then after a few years The

Red Cross was founded. The first Civil Emergency

Medical Service in the United States was established

in Cincinnati in 1865.

In 1870 during the siege of Paris, the first air trans-

portation of patients occurred, by means of an obser-

vation balloon. Transport by helicopter was first

performed in 1951 during the Korean War.

In 1956, physicians Peter Safar and James Elam

developed a method of ventilation “mouth to mouth”

in the Baltimore City Hospital. Peter Safar is consid-

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ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):8-15

ered to be the father of cardiopulmonary resuscita-


The first defibrillator was invented in 1959 by Wil-

liam B. Kouwenhofen, who worked at the Johns

Hopkins University‟s School of Engineering. In

1966, Dr. Pantridge developed a program of pre-

hospital emergency care for patients in Belfast. Hos-

pital St. Vincent in New York in 1968 organized the

first mobile cardiological team.

The first educational program for doctors of

medicine specialized in the field of emergency medi-

cine was established in 1972 at the University of Cin-

cinnati [3].

Telemedicine represents using of telecommu-

nication technologies with the purpose of providing

health protection and exchange of information from

afar. It implies the transmission of information such

as: radiographic images, computerized tomography

images, magnetic resonance images, ultrasound, en-

doscopic procedures, transfer of patient conversa-

tions, consultations among doctors, education etc.

Telemedicine has been present for more than 30

years, but its progress has been more significant over

the past 5 to 10 years. During the „60s, the National

Agency for Aeronautics and Space Administration -

NASA played an important role in the development

of telemedicine. In those years the astronauts sent

reports to the agency on earth. In the same period,

NASA and the American Health Service began to

provide health care for people living in Indian reser-

vations in Arizona, which included X-ray images and

electrocardiograms transferred using cellular and

satellite-based communication.

The microwave connection between the Boston air-

port and the general hospital Massachusetts was es-

tablished in 1967.

During the 70's, teledermatology has been developed

to treat skin diseases on space flights.

In the same period, School of Medicine in Miami

provided telemedicine for prisoners.

In 1986, the Mayo Clinic began to conduct a two-

way satellite program between the Mayo Camp in

Rochester, Minnesota and Arizona in order to assist

colleague physicians who are at remote geographic

locations [4,5].

Telemedicine represents the transfer of

medical data from one location to another using in-

formation and communication technologies. In this

way, it becomes possible to transfer medical data

regardless of the current location of the medical team

and patient; therefore it is possible to provide quality

medical services without restriction at any time, in

any place.

Telemedicine applications include telediagnosis,

teleconsultation, telemonitoring, telecare, teleconsil-


Telemedicine programs can not be successfully

formed and developed without the successful coop-

eration of doctors and engineers. Before organizing

the telemedicine program, detailed education of en-

gineers involved in the development of programs

and technologies is required.

Adequate cooperation between doctors and engi-

neers provides conditions for creating programs that

will be easy to use and give best results. In this way,

the conditions will be created for the information

technologies to be best used at a given moment [6].

Telemedicine in emergency situations

Providing of emergency medical care is sig-

nificantly more complicated nowadays, despite new

diagnostic and therapeutic forms, because of all the

challenges doctors are facing every day. At the end

of 20th and at the beginning of 21st century, we are

witnessing new developments on global stage in

which, along with other professionals, healthcare

workers in the emergency medicine sector play an

e x t r e m e l y i m p o r t a n t r o l e .

Emergency situations, disasters, both natural and

human-induced, are new challenges posed in every-

day work.

Climate changes that lead to natural disasters,

terrorism, wars, they all threaten the population in

the economic, social and cultural sphere, but most

importantly they threaten people’s lives. The origin

and consequences of these events are something we

cannot foresee, so we cannot create adequate

methods of preventing them. Although disasters

make such destructive consequences on whole

population, they still have not been recognized as a

significant topic for training and education about

dealing with them.

However, in recent years, the awareness of

healthcare workers and others about the importance

of preparing and acting in emergencies has

increased. Today in some countries there are sub-

specializations in the field of disasters and

emergency public health.

In any emergency situation, quality and fast commu-

nication between the services is necessary. New

technologies enable quick communication between

the teams of emergency assistance, regional hospi-

tals and hospital centers, police officers, firefighters

and all those involved in protection and rescue.

Telemedicine is conceived as a fairly simple con-

cept. It involves collection of data by multiple sen-

sors and transmission to other centers for further

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ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):8-15

processing, consultation, analysis, diagnostics and

therapeutic recommendations. What may be an obsta-

cle to a relatively simple, imaginary process are tech-

nical possibilities or impossibilities. However, the

development of information technology has led to

reducing all these difficulties to a minimum.

One of the greatest benefits of telemedicine in pro-

viding emergency medical care is that the examina-

tion of a patient can be done anywhere, under any

conditions whether they are regular, ideal, unfavor-

able or extraordinary, while communication with the

greatest medical experts who can provide all neces-

sary instructions for the team on the ground or pre-

pare for the arrival of a life-threatened patient is open

and available the whole time, even during transport



The standardization in the field of medical

informatics deals with the worldwide ISO

(International Organization for Standardization) and

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). At

European level, competent institutions are CEN

(European Committee for Standardization),

CENELEC (European Committee for Standardiza-

tion in the Field of Electrical Engineering) and ETSI

(European Institute for Standards in the Field of


Technical committees for standardization of medical

informations are responsible for standardization in

the field of data exchange, construction of medical

tables, photos and terminology, transmission and

protection of information in healthcare systems.

Particular attention is dedicated to the protection of

data from possible misuse, protection of personal

data and protection of access to certain documents.

At the end of the 1980s, the standardization of mes-

sage exchange between different information systems

was introduced for the first time. The goal of this

message standardization and integration of the sub-

system is to achieve optimum financing as a whole.

In the field of information exchange in healthcare

sector, many people, both healthcare beneficiaries

and donors, manufacturers, professional institutions,

the Ministry of Health and others, participate in the

process of introducing standards.

Standards can be divided into three groups:

1. Terminological standards

2. Communication standards

3. Safety standards

HL7 (Health Level seven)

HL7 are communication standards that enable

electronic data exchange within the health care sys-

tem. The first organization for dealing with these

standards was formed in 1987 in the US. The field of

its action was defined at the founding session, and

the first version of the new standard was established.

The second version of the standard was adopted in

1989, and in 1990, the implementation of version 2.1

of the HL7 communication standard was introduced.

In March 1997, version 2.3, expanding its scope,

now includes standards for data exchange that relate


1. Patient-related administrative tasks,

2. Clinical patient information,

3. Patient care information,

4. Provision of medical services,

5. Management of medical services,

6. Distribution of patients and resources,

7. Report on unwanted effects,

8. Report on Clinical Experiments, Immunization

The HL7 Group cooperates with other standardiza-

tion institutions working on International and Euro-

pean news through the work of technical commit-

tees. CEN / TC 251 and ISO / TC215 are in charge

of medical informatics [8, 9].

ISO (International Organization for Stan-

dardization) represents the world federation of na-

tional standardization organizations. It is formed in

order to enable easy coordination and unification of


One of the most important responsibilities of a mod-

ern society is to ensure the availability of quality

health services and technologies.

So far, ISO has published over 1000 standards re-

lated to health systems.

ISO Technical Committee (TC 215) deals with

health informatics and recognizes it as an important

way of improving health care, optimizing use of

health resources and generating knowledge in health

sector. The goal of TC 215 is the compatibility and

consistency of health information and data with ef-

fective exchange and the possibility of updating


The European Committee for Standards -

CEN (Comité Europeen de Normalization, Brussels)

adopted a package of standards for the health infor-

mation system that was named CEN TC251. On that

occasion, a standard architecture for health informa-

tion systems was set up so that they could be inte-

grated and able to exchange information. The stan-

dards that apply to this are ENV12967 - HISA -

Healthcare Information System Architecture.

The eEurope Action Plan is an information technol-

ogy program through which the European Commis-

sion defined the development of health information

systems in the European Union. This plan also stipu-

lates that the program should be introduced to the

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ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):8-15

institutions of the Government, health institutions,

educational institutions, social institutions and other

necessary institutions [11].

Organization of emergency services

The organization of institutions dealing with

emergency medical care differs in different countries.

Emergency service in Montenegro includes fieldwork

in ambulances, work in outpatient conditions and

work in the call center.

Emergency medical assistance begins with an urgent

call to a doctor in the call center.

Upon receiving the call, the available medical team

gets engaged to perform the medical intervention as

fast as possible and in the best possible way.

Providing medical services today is complicated by

many other factors: complicated medical conditions,

patients with several comorbidities, inefficient exist-

ing therapy, new forms of diseases emerging, ex-

traordinary circumstances in terms of illness and in-

jury of a large number of people, natural disasters

and terrorist attacks [12, 13].

Many studies have suggested that the imple-

mentation of telemedicine has positive effects except

for clinical and economic outcomes. Nevertheless,

implementation of telemedicine and quality informa-

tion system improve patient's outcome, they shorten

the time for making and implementing decisions,

which ultimately gives positive economic effects


Virtual team

Cooperation among health workers is a neces-

sary part of everyday work. Without good mutual

cooperation, best results cannot be expected. In the

process of diagnosis and treatment of each patient, it

is precious to have a colleague's opinion. This way

you know that you will get the best final outcome.

Emergency medicine is a true example of the impor-

tance of teamwork.

One of the exceptional advantages of using informa-

tion and communication technologies is the possibil-

ity of forming virtual teams. Creating a virtual team

with the ability to quickly transfer all necessary in-

formation provides the best final outcome for pa-


Geographically Dispersed Team - GDT is a group of

individuals working in different time, space and

regulatory environments. With the use of these tech-

nologies it is possible to overcome all existing obsta-

cles (15).

Creating a virtual team in providing emer-

gency mediation helps, for example, during the pa-

tient's transport to a regional hospital or clinic. For

instance, the physician cardiologist receives all the

necessary information about the patient being trans-

ported, he receives anamnestic and clinical facts

during transport, the values of his blood pressure,

frequency, pulse state, saturation, heart and lung

findings, ECG findings and other, and in this way

prior to the arrival of the patient he can make a deci-

sion on further treatment. It is not necessary to ex-

plain further all positive effects of this arrangement.

In the same way radiologists can be consulted to

interpret images wherever they are, as well as other


By creating a virtual team, problem present in a

large number of countries in the world, lack of phy-

sicians, can be overcome and an adequate level of

health care quality can be maintained.

In addition to the use in emergency medical situa-

tions, the creation of a virtual team and telemedicine

gives the opportunity to treat many chronic illnesses.

For example, arterial hypertension is one of the most

important public health problems of modern times,

as well as one of the most common reasons for visit-

ing a doctor. The modern way of life, often seden-

tary, associated with irregular meals, reduced physi-

cal activity, etc. and with other risk factors can lead

to an increase in arterial pressure values in the cate-

gory of employed persons.

This increase in incidence of arterial hypertension in

the working-age population, associated with fre-

quent occurrence of complications, points to the fact

that arterial hypertension along with its complica-

tions becomes an increasingly frequent reason for

absenteeism and premature retirement, which repre-

sents a significant social-economic problem and

once again points to the exceptional importance of

prevention and adequate treatment. Telemedicine

can be extremely helpful in treatment of this disease,

because by forming virtual teams and by using all

the benefits that telemedicine provides, it would be

possible to adequately treat these patients wherever

they are [16].


Teleemergency means equipping all mobile

facilities, ambulances, helicopters, and public trans-

port vehicles (buses, trains, planes, boats), places of

public gatherings (schools, faculties, sports facilities,

restaurants, hotels) with a portable telemedicine set

(Portable Te lemed ic ine Kit – PTK).

The PTK should have:

-a digital stethoscope for audio recordings of heart

and lungs findings, electrocardiogram, high-

resolution digital camera for recording external pic-

tures and videos (capturing eye, nose, ear, throat,

and skin findings)

-lap top computer for collecting, storing, sending

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ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):8-15

information to telemedicine centers with all neces-

sary communication modules, and a backup power-

ing system for tough conditions [17].

Telemedicine is an opportunity to effectively

manage the distance and obstacles that a geographic

distance carries with you. The implementation of

telemedicine in the daily work of doctors for a long

time could not be adequately performed due to insuf-

ficient scientific evidence on the effectiveness of

telemedicine [18].


The implementation of the telemedicine pro-

ject in emergency medical care would bring a num-

ber of benefits and it would improve the urgent treat-

ment of patients. Emergency medicine is one of the

areas of medicine that requires quick and adequate

response; therefore telemedicine can make significant

progress in this area.

However, in order for this project to be efficiently

applied, it is necessary to fulfill a number of prereq-

uisites. Telemedicine requires the existence of suit-

able diagnostic and therapeutic equipment which will

allow its implementation. All health workers must be

educated and informed prior to the implementation of


The use of telemedicine can also minimize the influ-

ences of weather and geographical barriers. This

way, the health system, and the quality of health pro-

tection can be improved, provision of emergency

assistance more efficient, the possibility for educa-

tion of all health workers would be open, and ulti-

mately health care costs would be reduced. Taking

into consideration the benefits of telemedicine in the

future, how it would enable better and more efficient

emergency medical help and the final outcome of

patients‟ health which directly depends on this effi-

ciency, the significance of implementing telemedi-

cine in this field becomes clear.

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Primljen - Received: 01.02.2018.

Ispravljen - Corrected 01.03.2018.

Prihvaćen - Accepted: 26.03.2018.

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Sladjana R Vujačić Institut za Hitnu medicinsku pomoć Podgorica

ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1):8-15


Sladjana R Vujačić

Institut za Hitnu medicinsku

pomoć Podgorica



Svi moderni zdravstveni sistemi imaju za cilj poboljšanje kvaliteta

zdravstvene zaštite. Ako se uzme u obzir kakve sve prednosti nude moderne

tehnologije, kao i to koliki je značaj adekvatne dijagnostike i izbora terapije,

logično je da se javila potreba za korišćenjem upravo tih prednosti u tretmanu

urgentnih stanja.

Telemedicina predstavlja novi način pruženja zdravstvenih usluga kroz

upotrebu informacionih i telekomunikacionih tehnologija, a bez obzira na to

gde se fizički nalazi medicinski tim u odnosu na pacijenta.

Aktivna implementacija telemedicine može da doprinese smanjenju troškova

u zdravstvu, poboljšanju saradnje različitih nivoa zdravstvene zaštite,

realizaciji brzih konsultacija u urgentnim situacijama, kao i edukaciji

zdravstvenih radnika.

Dobra saradnja izmeĎu opštih bolnica i kliničkih centara je neophodan uslov

za realizaciju kvalitetne zdravstvene zaštite. Formiranjem virtuelnih timova,

tačnije grupa lekara koji rade geografski i organizaciono u različitim

oblastima, a sa ciljem bržeg i preciznijeg postavljanja dijagnoze, ova saradnja

bi bila olakšana.

Zdravstveni sistemi imaju za cilj takoĎe i smanjenje troškova, standardizaciju

usluga i ostvarivanje najboljih rezultata. Formiranje pomenutih virtuelnih

timova podržanih informacionim tehnologijama, doprineće boljoj

organizaciji rada u zdravstvenom sistemu, značajnom poboljšanju kvaliteta,

brzine i preciznosti u dijagnostikovanju, a naposletku i bržem izboru daljeg

terapijskog delovanja uz smanjenje troškova.

Ključne reči: telemedicina, urgentna medicina, informacione

tehnologije .

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Uputstvo autorima/Instrucions to the autors


ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)


ABC ĉasopis urgentne medicine objavljuje

prethodno neobjavljene nauĉne i struĉne

radove iz oblasti medicine koja se odvija na

na prehospitalnom i inicijalno hospitalnom

nivou kao i onih oblasti medicine koje mogu

biti od interesa za lekara koji radi u službi

Hitne Pomoći. Za objavljivanje se primaju

originalni radovi, prikazi sluĉaja, pregledni

ĉlanci I ĉlanci iz istorije medicine, koji nisu

do sada objavljivani, kao i da radovi koji

nisu podnet za objavljivanje u drugom


Vrste radova koje se objavljuju u časopisu:

1. Originalni naučni (stručni) rad ili prikaz

slučaja. Pod originalnim naučnim radom se

podrazumeva rad u kome se prvi put

objavljuju rezultati sopstvenih istraživanja.

2. Pregledni rad koji sadrži originalan,

detaljan i kritički prikaz istraživačkog

problema ili područja u kome je autor već

ostvario određeni doprinos, prikazan u vidu


3. Kratko ili prethodno saopštenje što

podrazumeva originalni naučni rad punog

fomata ali manjeg obima.

4. Naučna kritika, odnosno polemika na

određenu naučnu temu zasnovana na

naučnoj argumentaciji.

5. Izuzetno: monografske studije, istorijsko-

arhivske, leksikografske, bibliografske

studije ili preglede podataka, za koje važi

pravilo da su u pitanju sumiranipodaci koji

ranije nisu bili dostupni javnosti.

Ukoliko je rad deo magistarske teze,

odnosno doktorske disertacije, ili je urađen

u okviru naučnog projekta, to treba posebno

naznačiti u napomeni na kraju teksta.

Takođe, ukoliko je rad prethodno saopšten

na nekom stručnom sastanku, navesti

zvaničan naziv skupa, mesto i vreme.

Rukopise treba pripremiti u skladu sa

"Vankuverskim pravilima" "UNIFORM



JOURNALS", koje je preporučio ICMJE

(International Committee of Medical

Journal Editors - Ann Intern Med.

1997;126:36-47.) Rukopise u elektronskoj

verziji slati na adresu E-pošte:

[email protected]

Uz rukopis članka treba priložiti potvrdu o

autorstvu. Uredništvo daje sve radove na

stručnu recenziju U radovima gde može

doći do prepoznavanja opisanog bolesnika,

treba pažljivo izbeći sve detalje koje ga

mogu identifikovati, ili pribaviti pismenu

saglasnost za objavljivanje od samog

bolesnika ili najbliže rodbine. Kada postoji

pristanak, treba ga navesti u članku. Radovi

se ne vraćaju i ne honorišu.


Celokupni tekst, reference, naslovi tabela i

legende slika treba da budu u jednom

dokumentu. Tekst fajlovi pripremite u

Microsoft Office Word programu font

Times New Roman, veličine 12 ppt.

Paragraf pišite tako da se ravna samo leva

ivica (Alignment left). Ne delite reči na

slogove na kraju reda. Ne koristite

uvlačenje celog pasusa (Indentation).

Ubacite samo jedno prazno mesto posle

znaka interpunkcije. Ostavite da naslovi i

podnaslovi budu poravnjani uz levu ivicu.

Svaki naslov u tekstu rada: uvod,

metodologija, ciljevi rezultati diskusija

zaključak i ključne reči postaviti na sredinu

tj centrirati.

Grafikoni, sheme (crteži) sa natpisom ispod

grafikona npr grafikon br 1 Grafikone

izrađivati u programu Excel, Koristiti font

veličine 10pt i priložiti u originalnom

programu - fajlu sa tabelom iz koje se

konstruiše grafikon (ne uvoziti i ne

linkovati iz drugih programa). Sheme raditi

u programu Corel DrawH3 ili ranijoj verziji

(ne uvoziti i ne linkovati u Corel Draw iz

drugih programa), ili gotovu shemu snimiti

ili skenirati u rezoluciji 300dpi u jpg

formatu označiti ih arapskim brojevima po

redosledu pojavljivanja u tekstu i navesti


Svi podaci kucaju se u fontu Times New

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Uputstvo autorima/Instrucions to the autors


ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)

pretraživanje. Ako takvih reči nema u

naslovu, poželjno je da se naslovu pridoda

podnaslov. Kraću verziju naslova (do 70

slovnih mesta); ime srednje slovo i prezime

svih autora; naziv, mesto i adresu institucija

iz kojih su autori, (brojevima u zagradi

povezati sa imenima autora); eventualnu

zahvalnost za pomoć u izradi rada; predlog

kategorije rukopisa (originalni rad,

pregledni članak, prikaz slučaja i dr); ime i

prezime i srednje slovo, godinu rođenja

autora i svih koautora, punu adresu, broj

telefona i e-pošta autora za korespodenciju.

DRUGA STRANICA sadrži: sažetak

(uključuje naslov rada, imena autora i

koautora i imena ustanova iz kojih su

autori) se sastoji od najviše 250 reči.

Sažetak ne može imati fusnote, tabele, slike

niti reference. U sažetku treba izneti važne

rezultate i izbeći opšte poznate činjenice.

Sažetak treba da sadrži cilj istraživanja,

material i metode, rezultate i zaključke

rada. U njemu ne smeju biti tvrdnje kojih

nema u tekstu članka. Posle sažetka napisati

3 do 8 ključnih reči na srpskom jeziku.

Ključne reči su termini ili fraze koje

najbolje opisuju sadržaj članka za potrebe

indeksiranja i pretraživanja. Treba ih

dodeljivati s osloncem na neki međunarodni

izvor (popis, rečnik ili tezaurus) koji je

najšire prihvaćen ili unutar date naučne

oblasti, npr. u oblasti medicine Medical

Subject Headings, ili u nauci uopšte, npr.

lista ključnih reči Web of Science. Ako je

jezik rada srpski, veoma je poželjno je da se

sažetak na stranom jeziku daje u

proširenom obliku, kao tzv. rezime.

Posebno je poželjno da rezime bude u

strukturiranom obliku. Dužina rezimea

može biti do 1/10 dužine članka. Rezime se

daje na kraju članka, nakon odeljka.

TREĆA STRANICA sadrži: prošireni

sažetak na engleskom jeziku (extended

summary) i 3 do 8 ključnih reči na

engleskom jeziku (key words) .

NAREDNE STRANICE: Označite dalje

rednim brojem sve preostale stranice

rukopisa. Svako poglavlje započnite na

posebnom listu. UVOD mora biti kratak, s

jasno izloženim ciljem članka i kratkim

Roman 12. I grafikone i sheme dostaviti

uz rad u elektronskom obliku i navedenom

formatu, a u radu naznačiti mesto gde

grafikoni ili sheme treba da budu postavljeni

(npr. Grafikon 1..., Shema 1... crvenim


Korišćene skraćenice objasniti u legendi

ispod grafikona ili sheme na srpskom i

engleskom jeziku. Sve tabele raditi u

programu Word (ne uvoziti i ne linkovati u

Word iz drugih programa), sa proredom 1

(single). Sa natpisom tabela br 1 iznad same

tabele. I tabele dostaviti uz rad u nvedenom

formatu а u radu naznačiti mesto gde tabele

treba da budu (npr. Tabela 1) crvenim

slovima. Same tabele, slike i grafikone

možete umetnuti u tekst na mestu gde treba

da se pojave u radu

Slike. Označavaju se arapskim brojevima

redosledom navođenja u tekstu (Slika 1) i sa

nazivom na srpskom i engleskom jeziku.

Fotografije snimati digitalnim fotoaparatom

u jpg formatu ili skenirati sa rezolucijom

300 dpi, u dovoljnoj veličini ne manjoj od 6

cm x 8 cm i priložiti uz rad kao poseban fajl,

a u radu naznačiti mesto gde slika-

fotografija treba da bude (npr. Slika 1),

Fotografija... crvenim slovima). Ukoliko je

slika ili fotografija već negde objavljena,

citirati izvor.

Dužina teksta može biti do 5000 reči. Prikaz

slučaja rasvetljava pojedinačne slučajeve iz

medicinske prakse. Obično opisuju jednog

do tri bolesnika ili jednu porodicu. Tekst se

ograničava na 3000 reči, najviše 3 tabele ili

slike i do 25 referenci. Člancima Iz istorije

medicine i zdravstvene kulture rasvetljavaju

se određeni aspekti medicinske prakse u

prošlosti. Dužina teksta može biti do 3500

reči .

Uvod, Cilj rada, Metod, Rezultati,

Zaključak; svaki od navedenih segmenata

pisati kao poseban pasus koji počinje

boldovanom reči


STRANICA sadrži: potpuni naslov, Naslov

treba da što vernije opiše sadržaj članka. U

interesu je časopisa i autora da se koriste

reči prikladne za indeksiranje i

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Uputstvo autorima/Instrucions to the autors


ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)

nije istovremeno podnet za objavljivanje u

nekom drugom časopisu, te izjavu da su

rukopis pročitali i odobrili svi autori koji

ispunjavaju merila autorstva. Takođe je

potrebno dostaviti kopije svih dozvola za:

reprodukovanje prethodno objavljenog

materijala, upotrebu ilustracija i

objavljivanje informacija o poznatim

ljudima ili imenovanje onih koji su

doprineli izradi rada.

REFERENCE: Sastavni delovi referenci

(autorska imena, naslov rada, izvor itd.)

navode se u svim člancima objavljenim u

časopisu na isti način, u skladu sa

usvojenom formom navođenja. Veoma je

preporučljiva upotreba punih formata

referenci koje podržavaju vodeće

međunarodne baze namenjene vrednovanju,

kao i Srpski citatni indeks, a propisani su

uputstvima: APA - Publication Manual of

the American Psychological Association,

se numerišu redosledom pojave u tekstu.

Reference u tekstu obeležiti arapskim

brojem u uglastoj zagradi [ ... ]. U literaturi

se nabraja prvih 6 autora citiranog članka, a

potom se piše "et al". Imena časopisa se

mogu skraćivati samo kao u Index Medicus

-u. Skraćenica časopisa se može naći preko

web sajta http://www.nlm.nih.gov/. Ako se

ne zna skraćenica, ime časopisa navesti u

celini. Literatura se navodi na sledeći način:

Članak u časopisu: Vega KJ, Pina I,

Krevsky B. Heart transplantation is

associated with an increased risk for

pancreatobiliary disease. Ann Intern Med

1996;124:980-3. Janković S, Sokić D,

Lević M, Šušić V, Drulović J, Stojsavljević

N et al. Eponimi i epilepsija. Srp Arh Celok

Lek 1996;124:217-221. Shen HM, Zhang

QF. Risk assessment of nickel

carcinogenicity and occupational lung

cancer. Environ Health Perspect 1994;102

Suppl 1:275- Knjige i druge monografije:

Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and

leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany

(NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996. Poglavlje

iz knjige: Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP.

Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH,

Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension:

pathophysiology, diagnosis, and

pregledom literature o tom problemu.

MATERIJAL I METODE moraju sadržati

dovoljno podataka da bi drugi istraživači

mogli ponoviti slično istraživanje bez

dodatnih informacija. Imena bolesnika i

brojeve istorija bolesti ne treba koristiti, kao

ni druge detalje koje bi omogućili

identifikaciji bolesnika. Treba navesti imena

aparata, softvera i statističkih metoda koje

su korišćene. REZULTATE prikažite jasno i

sažeto. Ne treba iste podatke prikazivati i u

tabelama i na grafikonima. Izuzetno se

rezultati i diskusija mogu napisati u istom

poglavlju. U DISKUSIJI treba raspravljati o

tumačenju rezultata, njihovom značenju u

p o re đen ju sa d r u g im , s l i č n i m

istraživanjeima i u skladu sa postavljnim

hipotezama istraživanja. Ne treba ponavljati

već napisane rezultate. Zaključke treba dati

na kraju diskusije ili u posebnom poglavlju.

PRILOZI UZ TEKST Svaka tabela ili

ilustracija mora biti razumljiva sama po

sebi, tj. i bez čitanja teksta u rukopsiu.

Tabele: Iznad tabele treba da stoji redni broj

i naslov (npr: Tabela 1. Struktura

ispitanika). Legendu staviti u fusnotu ispod

tabele, i tu objasniti sve nestandardne

skraćenice. Ilustracije (slike): Fotografije

moraju biti oštre i kontrastne. Broj crteža i

slika treba ograničiti na najnužnije (u

principu ne više od 4 – 5). Ukoliko se slika

preuzima sa interneta ili nekog drugog

izvora, potrebno je navesti izvor. Ispod

ilustracije treba staviti redni broj iste i

naslov, a ispod ovoga legendu, ukoliko

postoji Naslove i tekst u tabelama i

grafikonima dati i na engleskom jeziku

ZAHVALNICA. Navesti sve saradnike koji

su doprineli stvaranju rada a ne ispunjavaju

merila za autorstvo, kao što su osobe koje

obezbeđuju tehničku pomoć, pomoć u

pisanju rada ili rukovode odeljenjem koje

obezbeđuje opštu podršku. Finansijsku i

materijalnu podršku u vidu sponzorstva,

stipendija, poklona, opreme, lekova i drugo,

takođe treba navesti. Propratno pismo. Uz

rukopis obavezno priložiti pismo koje su

potpisali svi autori, a koje treba da sadrži:

izjavu da rad prethodno nije publikovan i da

Page 35: Contentsurgentnamedicina.sld.org.rs/dotAsset/72784.pdfSladjana R Vujacic Institute for emergency medical services Podgorica: ... Momirović Stojković Milena ... Medicinski fakultet,


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ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)

reviziji od znatnog intelektualnog značaja u

završnom doterivanju verzije rukopisa koji

se priprema za štampanje. Sakupljanje

podataka ili generalno nadgledanje

istraživačke grupe sami po sebi ne mogu

opravdati autorstvo. Svi drugi koji su

doprineli izradi rada, a koji nisu autori

rukopisa, trebalo bi da budu navedeni u

zahvalnici s opisom njihovog rada, naravno,

uz pisani pristanak. Ukoliko je rad deo

magistarske teze, odnosno doktorske

disertacije, ili je urađen u okviru naučnog

projekta, treba posebno naznačiti u

napomeni na kraju teksta. Takođe, ukoliko

je rad prethodno saopšten na nekom

stručnom sastanku, navesti zvaničan naziv

skupa, mesto i vreme održavanja.

Adresa uredništva: ABC časopis urgentne

medicine. Džordža Vašingtona 19, 11000

Beograd e-pošta [email protected]

management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven

Press; 1995. p. 465-78. Doktorska

disertacija ili magistarski rad: Kaplan SJ.

Post-hospital home health care: the elderly's

access and utilization [dissertation]. St.

Louis (MO): Washington Univ.; 1995.

Đorđević M: Izučavanje metabolizma i

transporta tireoidnih hormona kod bolesnika

na hemodijalizi. Magistarski rad, Medicinski

fakultet, Beograd, 1989. Članak objavljen

elektronski pre štampane verzije: Yu WM,

Hawley TS, Hawley RG, Qu CK.

Immortalization of yolk sac-derived

precursor cells. Blood. 2002 Nov 15;100

(10):3828-31. Epub 2002 Jul 5. Članak u

casopisu na internetu: Abood S. Quality

improvement initiative in nursing homes:

the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J

Nurs [serial on the Internet]. 2002 Jun [cited

2002 Aug 12];102(6):[about 3 p.]. Available

from: http://www.nursingworld.org/

AJN/2002/june/ Wawatch.htm Monografija

na internetu: Foley KM, Gelband H, editors.

Improving palliative care for cancer

[monograph on the Internet]. Washington:

National Academy Press; 2001 [cited 2002

Jul 9]. Available from: http://www.nap.edu/

books/0309074029/html Web lokacija:

Cancer-Pain.org [homepage on the Internet].

New York: Association of Cancer Online

Resources, Inc.; c2000-01 [updated 2002

May 16; cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from:

http://www.cancer-pain.org/. Deo web

lokacije: American Medical Association

[homepage on the Internet]. Chicago: The

Association; c1995- 2002 [updated 2001

Aug 23; cited 2002 Aug 12]. AMA Office

of Group Practice Liaison; [about 2

screens]. Available from: http://

w w w . a m a a s s n . o r g / a m a / p u b /

category/1736.html Autorstvo. Sve osobe

koje su navedene kao autori rada treba da se

kvalifikuju za autorstvo. Svaki autor treba

da učestvuje dovoljno u radu na rukopisu

kako bi mogao da preuzme odgovornost za

celokupan tekst i rezultate iznesene u radu.

Autorstvo se zasniva samo na: bitnom

doprinosu koncepciji rada, dobijanju

rezultata ili analizi i tumačenju rezultata;

planiranju rukopisa ili njegovoj kritičkoj

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ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)

Instruction to the authors:

ABC journal of emergency medicine publishes scientific articles related to the

medicine practiced in pre-hospital

environment and on initial hospital level,

but strictly those articles that haven’t

already been printed or submitted for

publishing elsewhere.

Types of articles published in this journal

Original article or case report. The

original article stands for reports

which present results of one’s

original research for the first time.

Case report reveals individual cases

from medical practice and it usually

describes one to three patients or a


Review article – represents individual,

well focused and critical review of

the research topic or field of

expertise in which the author has

al ready made contribution,

documented through auto-citations

Short announcement should be full

original article in a short format

Scientific review - systematic and

critical assessment of a certain

scientific topic based on scientific


Exceptionally with editor’s approval-

m o n o g r a p h i c , h i s t o r i c a l ,

bibliographic or lexicographic study,

or information review (these are

supposed to summarize data

previously unavailable to public).

If the article is a part of a master’s theses or

a part of a dissertation, or it is made through

a scientific project, it should be emphasized

in a reference at the end of the text.

Likewise, if an article has been presented at

scientific convention, precise information of

the time, place and title of the event should

be noted. Manuscripts should be prepared

a c c o r d i n g t o t h e V a n c o u v e r

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s ‘ ’ U N I F O R M



JOURNALS’’ recommended by ICMJE

(International Committee of Medical

Journal Editors – Ann Intern Med.

1997;126:36-47.) With the manuscript a

certificate of authorship should be attached.

Editorial staff forwards all the articles to the

expert peer reviewers. Publisher doesn’t

return manuscripts and doesn’t provide



Complete text, references, titles of the

charts and picture legends should be in one

document. Text files should be typed in

Microsoft Office Word program

(extension.doc), using font Times New

Roman size 12, with left alignment and no

indentation. The words should not be cut at

the end of the row, and after punctuation

one character spacing should be made.

Every title and subtitle (introduction,

methodology etc.) should be centered. If the

text contains special characters (symbols),

Symbol font should be used. Do not use

commercial names of drugs and other

medicaments. Instruments (equipment)

should be referred to by their trade names,

producer’s name and address, typed in

parenthesis. Abbreviations should not be

used unless absolutely necessary. Full term

should be given in first appearance in the

text for each abbreviation used, except for

standard units of measurement. Numbers

should be rounded to one decimal whenever

possible. For decimal numbers coma should

be used as a decimal separator in Serbian

text, but period in English text as well as in

tables, graphs and other illustrations.

Measure units should be given according to

International System of Units SI,

Temperature should be specified in degrees

Celsius (°C), the amount of substance in

moles (mole), and blood pressure in

millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

Charts, diagrams and pictures

Charts should be made in Microsoft Office

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ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)

Excel program, using font size 10, and

attached to the original file, along with the

table from which the chart is constructed (do

not import and insert links from other

programs). They should be marked with

Arabic numerals in order of appearance and

titled in both Serbian and English. All the

data within charts should be typed with

Times New Roman size 12 in both Serbian

and English. Abbreviations used in graphs

should be explained in a legend below it in

both languages.

Diagrams should be made by Corel Draw

H3 program or earlier version (do not

import or insert links from other programs

into Corel Draw), or previously prepared

diagram could be recorded and scanned with

resolution 300 dpi in .jpeg format, marked

with Arabic numerals in order of appearance

and titled. All the data should be typed with

Times New Roman size 12, in both Serbian

and English. Abbreviations used in graphs

should be explained in a legend below it in

both languages.

Charts and diagrams should be submitted

with the manuscript in electronic form

(specified format), with the indication of

their exact place in the text (e.g. Chart 1,

Diagram 1… written in red). Abbreviations

used in the text should be explained in the

legends beneath the charts and diagrams in

Serbian and in English.

Tables should be prepared in MO Word (do

not import or insert links into Word

document from other programs) with single

line spacing. Titled tables should be

submitted along with the manuscript in

electronic form and specified format with

indication of their exact place in the text

(e.g. Table 1 written in red).

Pictures and photographs should be marked

with Arabic numerals in order of appearance

with titles in both Serbian and in English.

Photographs should be taken by digital

camera formatted as .jpg file or scanned in

resolution 300 dpi, sized adequately (at least

6-8cm) and submitted with manuscript as a

separate file, with indication of their exact

place in the text (e.g. Picture 1, Photo 2…

written in red). If the photograph has already

been published elsewhere, reference of the

source should be documented.

Every chart or illustration should be self-

explanatory, i.e. understandable even

without reading the text of the article.

Legends should be in the footnotes beneath,

with explanation of all nonstandard

abbreviations. Number of graphs and

illustrations should be limited to 4 or 5

necessary. Note that all charts,

schemes and pictures can be inserted

directly onto their position in the text


Original articles consisting of Title Page,

Abstract, Article text, References, all

illustrations including legends (tables,

photographs, charts, diagrams), Title page

and Abstract in English – total volume

should not exceed 5,000 words.

Short announcement - 1200

Case report -text should consist of max

2500 words, 3 tables and up to 25


Systematic review, articles on history of

medicine and health education shed light on

certain aspects of past medical practice.

They should consist of up to 3500 words.


FIRST PAGE should be the title page of

your manuscript file. The title should be

short, clear and informative, corresponding

to the content of the paper and it should not

contain abbreviations. Subtitles should be

avoided. It is best to use words appropriate

for searching and indexing, in best interest

of the journal and the author. If the title

doesn’t have such words, it would be

advisable to add a subtitle – shorter version

of the title (up to 70 characters). First page

also contains full names of all authors,

names and addresses of institutions where

they work (use numbers in brackets to link

them with names of authors), gratitude note

possibly for the help in article realization,

suggestion of the article type (original

article, case report, review …) and e-mail

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Uputstvo autorima/Instrucions to the autors


ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)

of the corresponding author.

SECOND PAGE should contain a structured

abstract (including again the title of the

article, names of authors and coauthors and

names of institutions in which each of them

works) written in both Serbian and English.

If the original article is in Serbian language,

it is desirable to provide the expanded

translation of the abstract, a kind of a

summary. Summary should have the same

structured form and it shouldn’t be longer

than 1/10 of the article length. It states the

objective of the work, basic methods of

research and analysis, used materials,

important results (statistic relevance) and

main conclusion. The abstract cannot

contain footnotes, figures, pictures or

references. Statements that do not exist in

the article text should be avoided, as well as

general known facts. Abstracts of original

articles should have 250 words and

following subtitles: Introduction, Aim,

Method, Results and Conclusion. Each of

these parts should be written as a separate

paragraph that begins with a bolded word.

Three to six keywords or short phrases

which summarize the content of the paper

should be given under „Keywords” below

the Abstract. A structured abstract for case

reports should not exceed 150 words, with

following subtitles: Introduction, Case

Study and Conclusion.

KEY WORDS are terms or phrases that

describe adequately the contents of the

article for the purpose of indexing and

searching. They should be appointed relying

on an international source (index,

vocabulary or thesaurus) accepted within

specific scientific field, e.g. in medical

circles Medical Subject Headings, or

generally (e.g. key words index Web of

science). The text should be paginated from

one onwards, commencing with the Title

Page within bottom margin.

SUBSEQUENT PAGES should contain the

remaining sections. Every section should be

on a separate page. An original work should

have the following subtitles: Introduction,

Aim, Method, Results, Discussion,

Conclusion, References.

INTRODUCTION should be concise, with

a brief argumentation of the reasons for the

study or research clearly stating the

objective and a brief literature overview of

the theme. A hypothesis, if there is one, and

the aims of the work deriving from that

hypothesis should be noted.


must contain enough information for other

researchers to repeat the investigation. All

the details that could enable recognition of

the patient should be avoided. Identify

methods, apparatus (producer’s name and

place in parenthesis) as well as procedures,

statistical methods and software in order to

enable other authors to repeat the results.

When reporting on experiments on humans,

it should be emphasized that the procedure

was done in accordance with the

D e c l a r a t i o n o f H e l s i n k i a n d

Recommendation for Conduct of Clinical

Research from 1975, revised in 1983. The

compliance of the authorized ethics

committee is also obligatory. Names,

initials or patients’ card numbers should

never be published, especially if the

material is illustrated. If there is a

possibility of recognizing the patient, all

details that can provide identification

should be excluded, unless written consent

for publishing is acquired from the patient

or his relatives, which should be

emphasized in the manuscript. You should

also state if the principles of animal

protection according to laws and

regulations were followed in experiments.

A detailed account of statistical methods

used should be given in order to enable that

a well- informed reader can check the

results. Whenever possible, quantify the

results and also state the corresponding

statistical flaw index (e.g. SD, SE or

credibility borders). Avoid relying only on

statistical testing of the hypothesis, such as

r value, which does not provide relevant

quantitative data. Always discuss the

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Uputstvo autorima/Instrucions to the autors


ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)


RESULTS should be presented clearly and

concisely. Do not repeat all the data from

the tables or illustrations in the text,

emphasize or summarize only significant

observations. The results and discussion can

be presented in the same section.

DISCUSSION should contain interpretation

of the results according to assumed

hypothesis, their significance in relation to

other similar researches. Do not repeat

results that have already been presented. Do

not repeat in detail the data and material

previously disclosed in Introduction or

Results. Implications of findings and their

restrictions, including those of relevance for

future research, should be included in

Discussion. Observations should be

connected to other relevant studies, in

particular those done within the last three-

year period, and only in special cases older

than these.

CONCLUSIONS can be given at the end of

the discussion or in a separate section.

Relate the conclusions to the aims of the

paper. When appropriate, recommendations

can be included.


All other persons who have made substantial

contributions to the work reported in the

manuscript (e.g. data collection, analysis,

and writing or editing assistance) but who

do not fulfill the authorship criteria should

be named with their specific contributions,

with written permission of course. Sources

and funding, sponsorships, scholarships,

gifts, equipment and medicines should also

be listed.


Along with the manuscript a cover letter

should be submitted, signed by all qualified

authors. It should contain a statement that

the article hasn’t been previously published

or submitted for publishing in another

journal. The letter should also include a

statement that all those designated as

authors (who meet the authorship criteria)

have read and approved the article.


Regular components of references (authors’

names, article title, source etc.) are noted in

the same way in every article published in

the journal, according to accepted form of

referencing. The use of format supported by

leading international bases of referencing,

and Serbian Citation Index, following in

fact the instructions of APA (Publication

Manual of the American Psychological

Association), is highly recommended.

References should be listed in order of

appearance. Identify references in text,

tables and legends using ordinal numbers in

square brackets [1]. If the number of

authors exceeds six then six should be

named and the rest should be referred to as

‘’et al’’.

Names of the journals can be abbreviated

only according to Index Medicus.

Abbreviations can be found at http://

www.nlm.nih.gov/. Full title of the journal

should be written if the abbreviation is


References should be listed in order of

appearance in the text. The number of

references should not exceed 30, except in

reference overview where there could be up

to 50. Most of the cited works should not be

older than 5 years. All data on cited

literature must be correct. All works,

regardless of their original language, are to

be cited in English, with reference to the

source language in parenthesis after the title

(e.g. in Serbian, in Russian, in French, etc.).

The style of citing should be the same as in

Index Medicus (see the examples below).

Citations from abstracts, secondary

publications, oral announcements,

unpublished papers and certified and

classified documents are not accepted.

References to papers accepted but not yet

published are acceptable, but should be

Page 40: Contentsurgentnamedicina.sld.org.rs/dotAsset/72784.pdfSladjana R Vujacic Institute for emergency medical services Podgorica: ... Momirović Stojković Milena ... Medicinski fakultet,


Uputstvo autorima/Instrucions to the autors


ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)

designated as „in press” and with the name

of journal.



Standard journal article (name all the

authors, but if their number exceeds six,

name six and add et al. Jurhar-Pavlova M,

Petlichkovski A, TrajkovD, Efinska-

Mladenovska O, Arsov T, Strezova A, et al.

Influence of the elevated ambient

temperature on immunoglobulin G and

immunoglobulin G subclasses in sera of

Wistar rats. Vojnosanit Pregl 2003; 60(6):


Book or monography: Ringsven MK, Bond

D. Gerontology and leadership skills for

nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (NY): Delmar

Publishers; 1996.

Book chapter: Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP.

Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH,

Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension:

pathoph ysiology, diagnosi s, and

management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven

Press; 1995. p. 465-78.

Dissertation: Knežević D. The importance

of decontamination as an element of

complex therapy of poisoning with

o r g a n o p h o s p h o r o u s c o m p o u n d s

[dissertation]. Belgrade: School of

Veterinary Medicine; 1988 (In Serbian).


Congress proceedings: Kimura J, Shibasaki

H, editors. Recent advances in clinical

neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th

International Congress of EMG and Clinical

Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15–19; Kyoto,

Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.

Dictionaries and similar references Kostić

AĐ. Multilingual Medical Dictionary. 4th

Edit ion. Beograd : Nol i t ; 1976.

Erythrophobia; p. 173–4.

In press: Pantović V, Jarebinski M,

Pekmezović T, Knežević A, Kisić D.

Mortality caused by endometrial cancer in

female population of Belgrade. Vojnosanit

Pregl 2004; 61 (2): in press. (In Serbian)

Article in electronic form: Abood S.

Quality improvement initiative in nursing

homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role.

Am J Nurs [serial on the Internet]. 2002 Jun

[cited 2002 Aug 12];102(6):[about 3 p.].

A v a i l a b l e f r o m : h t t p : / /



Monograph in electronic form: Foley KM,

Gelband H, editors. Improving palliative

care for cancer [monograph on the

Internet]. Washington: National Academy

Press; 2001 [cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available

f r o m : h t t p : / / w w w . n a p . e d u /


Web location: Cancer-Pain.org [homepage

on the Internet]. New York: Association of

Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000-01

[updated 2002 May 16; cited 2002 Jul 9].

Available from: http://www.cancer-


Part of web location: American Medical

Association [homepage on the Internet].

Chicago: The Association; c1995- 2002

[updated 2001 Aug 23; cited 2002 Aug 12].

AMA Office of Group Practice Liaison;

[about 2 screens]. Available from: http://

w w w . a m a a s s n . o r g / a m a / p u b /



All individuals listed as authors should

qualify for authorship. Each author should

have participated sufficiently in the work to

take public responsibility for the article

content and presented results. One or more

authors should take responsibility for the

integrity of the work as a whole, from

inception to published article. Authorship

credit should be based on substantial

contributions to conception or design of the

work, or the acquisition, analysis, or

interpretation of data for the work; and

drafting of the work or revising it critically

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Uputstvo autorima/Instrucions to the autors


ABC časopis urgentne medicine 2018;18:(1)

for important intellectual content; and final

approval of the version to be published.

Gathering of the data or just supervision of

the research team is not enough to justify

authorship. All other persons who have

made substantial contributions to the work

reported in this manuscript (e.g., data

collection, analysis, or writing or editing

assistance) but who do not fulfill the

authorship criteria should be named with

their specific contributions and affiliations

in an acknowledgment of the manuscript,

with written permission of course. If the

article is a part of master’s theses or

dissertation, or it came out from a certain

scientific project, it should be noted at the

end of the text. Likewise, if the article has

already been presented at a scientific

convention, precise name of the event, as

well as time and place where it happened

should be noted.


The manuscript, together will all

illustrations, could be sent by registered

mail, by email or submitted in person in the

Editorial office.

Address: ABC journal of emergency

medicine – Džordža Vašingtona Str. 19,

11000 Beograd

E mail: [email protected]