Coming Through the Veil

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  • 8/12/2019 Coming Through the Veil



    Coming Through the Veil into 2013 AD David Ian Cowan January, 2013

    Although I am becoming more convinced daily that something very significant

    occurred, I am just beginning to sort out in my mind what happened on 12 21

    12. The fact that the anticipated Shift itself seemed to be a non event for manywas not surprising, in that a large number of people were not expecting anything

    to happen at all, and thus got exactly what they were expecting! I am also glad for

    those expecting Armageddon or the end of the world that they did notget what

    they were expecting.

    I have to admit that part of me was a little excited by the possibility of 3 days of

    darknessand a magical transformation of the world into some kind of crystal

    dreamscape in place of the same old boring 3d world. On the other hand, we (my

    wife and daughter and I) did get up at 4:00 AM to witness the sky at zero point

    and we all saw something unique. All three of us were gazing at Orion and saw a

    falling star pass through the constellation. We took that as our personal reward

    for getting up early. Of course, I discovered later that others had predicted a more

    rational zero pointat 11:11 AM which would have allowed me to sleep inbut

    cest la vie.

    For me, it felt like we were in the veil at the end of time that the remote viewers

    had been seeing for many years now; new enough to feel different, yet not yet

    transparent enough to see clearly beyond it. My sense was the next three days

    would feel like this, and they did. Was this the 3 days of darkness I had heard

    about? This idea of being thrust from one world into another is consistent with

    the image of a newborn popping into a new worldand whose first experiences

    are shock and wondermentWhat the heck is this? Lightsoundbodily

    sensationsthis is all completely new!For some, this disorientation was quite


    On this date, the Chinese I Ching or Book of Changes came to a grinding halt

    according to Terrance McKennas Time Wave Zero research. The nature of

    change as has been experienced for the last 6000 years or so no longer works.

    This means all bets are off as to how to see into the future. There is no set

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    future, at least in the sense of linear time progressing neatly and led by a chain

    of cause and effect events as we have been used to observing. As Ken Carey

    noted, we have witnessed the end of history meaning the end of all past

    influence in determining the future. It may not yet appear so, but weve just been

    born into this freedom. The din and rumble of the old world is still very close to

    us, but cannot reach us through the veil. Pay no attention to the noise from the

    other side of the veil! It has even less meaning now than it did then.

    We have no roadmap to this new landscape, and I dont expect there will be one

    outside of our own inner guidance and recognition of the choices before us. This

    is all new.

    A personal perspective became clear to me as the last few days since the 21st

    unfolded. I have spent many years in anticipation of the end of 2012. I read a lot

    of books on the subject, and even wrote one myself. You could say this time has

    been somewhat of an obsession. In that process, I really gave no thought as to

    what might be going on afterthe Shiftand here we are! Having now no

    anticipation, and in getting over any sense of disappointment, I now realize that I

    am free of that time-bound looking forward to mind set. With nothing in

    particular to look forward to now, I am freer than I have ever been to be fully

    present now. And isnt that the point? The new energy is all about cancelling thetyranny of time along with the ending of the need to repeat history. This means

    the probability of a world free of war, poverty and inequality is now open to be

    imagined into existence.

    The analogy of the mirror world is helpful here. In the former world, each of us

    was immersed in world of our own making. This imagining, though, was coming

    from a mind inwardly divided between its dim memory of Divine perfection and

    chosen experience of separation. The conflicts of that world were the projections

    on the screen of consciousness of a mind tortured by guilt (for having existed as

    separate) and the belief in its own vulnerability. Fear was the default, love the


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    This looking glass world wasmore a phantom zone than an accurate experience

    of reality. In a mirror, all the images represent a reality of sorts. The

    representation is exact, down to the finest detail except for one glaring distortion;

    everything in the mirror world is backwards! This reverse imaging in the mirror

    world was reflected in our modern institutions that operated in complete

    opposition to their stated purpose Defense departmentsthat attacked and

    murdered innocents, health systems that punished and ignored natural healing,

    education systems that quashed free thinking and pandered to the demands of

    the slavish economic system, democracy that allowed for hierarchal systems

    based on greed and the belief in lack to rule the 99% get the


    No one is to blame for this reversal of reality. It is a shared hallucination that we,

    ultimately, agreed to experience. The value in this experience must have been

    learning; otherwise, what would be the purpose to create a world that results in

    so much suffering?

    But now is not the time to look back at what was. It is now time to embrace and

    forge ahead into what is.

    This planet has made an energetic break with the past. This break had to come.

    Without it, we were doomed to self-destruct. The planet has been under the spell

    of a planetary ego for eons. Just like the individual ego, the planetary ego is

    simply a commonly held set of beliefs about who we are. Commonly held beliefs

    are more difficult to identify than personal beliefs, as they are so much a part of

    our everyday existence. If we look at the characteristics of the individual ego,

    though, we can get a pretty good idea of how the collective ego operates.

    First, the function of ego is to adjust to a state of separation, or the belief in

    differenceover commonality.This need arose back in the mists of time in

    response to a decision we made to experience ourselves as autonomous beings,

    separated from our cosmic Source and each other. We made this decision from a

    state of unity consciousness where we knew ourselves as One Being in perfect

    harmony with our Creator.

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    Yes, I know this sounds metaphysicalthat is because it is. We will never

    understand the puzzle of existence by examining individual puzzle pieces. They

    have no context unless we can see the original image from which they were cut.

    So we look at the box cover and see. Oh, THIS is what the big picture looks like.

    We then have a clue as to how to start putting the pieces back together again.

    The ego is simply the set of ideas we adopted to explain to ourselves who we are

    in this bizarre state of separation. It is a response to the fear we may have actually

    destroyed the One in our foolish quest. Of course, this did not happen, but it

    looksto us like it did. The ego is a defense against the suspicion we did wrong.

    Even in the mirror world, we are all connected by the common element of guilt.

    The ego is happy to supply the reasons for this guilt, but will never tell you that

    guilt itself is without foundation, and does not need to exist at all. Why? Because

    the great separation we so fear we did never really happened. It was an

    ontological impossibility; meaning that it was impossible to separate from

    Oneness and Oneness still to be Oneness! That leads to the logical conclusion

    that separation and all the perceptions, judgments and fears based on separation

    are not realthey are simply illusion, as the ancients have said.

    The march of civilization has been the sad story of the ego and its failure to

    support us even in a state of illusion. You could say the ego was a functionalillusion in that itbrought us so much suffering and pain that we have finally come

    to (enough of a) collective decision to replace it with something bettera unified

    Self over a separate self.

    The ego is a program that has become obsolete. Its tendency to attack and see

    enemies everywhere may have served in a natural tribal existence, and certainly

    was behind colonialism and Empire building, but in todays interdependent global

    reality, it is simply a dangerous remnant that has held the world ransom to its

    paranoid projections of hate and fear for much too long. The world ego has done

    this mainly through the paternalistic planetary control structures (ie: the military-

    industrial-banking complex) of the last few centuries. Male hierarchies have

    honed and perfected the sickness of the ego until the entire planet has been

    pushed to the edge of survival. And just in the nick of timewe have the end of

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    time or at least the end of multiple cycles of time that have been dominated by

    this mental aberration.

    A natural consequence of the end of time structures ruled by the ego is a

    welcome return of the Divine Feminine principle bringing balance and harmonyback to a world wobbling out of control in its distortion and ego mania. The world

    we have just left may continue on its chosen trajectory for a while. The difference

    is that now the door to the next world has been flung open, and anyone who

    wants to shed the old skin of limitation is now welcome to let it all go and step

    into a future created from a unified consciousness ruled by Love. We now have

    choices that were never available to us before. We have a world-wide

    communication system (precursor to telepathy?) that allows for the flow of

    information (energy) and the sharing of experiences at light speeds with our

    fellow travelers practically anywhere on the globe. We have the contacts,

    resources and information we need to begin to repair the damages of the past,

    begin building bridges with peoples formerly divided by language, culture and

    religion. We have the collective will to throw off the old male dominated militant

    hierarchies and allow the Divine Feminine begin to express through our

    institutions. This may happen sooner in some regions or other, but once the

    process begins, freedom will continue to spread until we achieve what the ego

    could not even imaginea world united in Peace and respect for all life.

    A Special Note on 2013

    I agree with A Course in Miracles in its description of the world of separation as a

    dream. In a dream, everything is a symbolic aspect reflecting the mind of the

    dreamer. How masterful of the dreamer to create the analogy of 12 becoming

    13let me explain.

    In ancient times, or pre-paternalistic times, natural societies were much more in

    touch with the cycles of Nature. This included the use of a 13 month calendar,

    based on the cycles of the Moon. This calendar was replaced in relatively modern

    times (the 1500s) by the Gregorian Calendar on the behest of the male-dominant

    religious authority of the day to a 12 month calendar. This new macho calendar

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    was focused on the Earthsrotation around the Sun (male) rather than the

    Moons (female) rotation around the Earth.

    Around this time, the Western Astrological system was adjusted to remove the

    constellation Ophiucus form the 13 Constellation system as it had been up untilthat point, reducing us to a 12 Constellation astrological system. Ophiucus is

    known as the Serpent Holder and is situated directly over the Galact ic Center. I

    find it noteworthy that 2013 in Chinese Astrology will be the Year of the

    Snakecant keep the girl down!

    Friday the 13th

    became a bad luck day especially for the Knights Templar and

    Cathars. The Knights had become more politically powerful that the Church and

    the Cathars had the audacity to teach that you dont need a priesthood to

    intercede between yourself and your Creator. Both groups were murdered by

    Papal order on Friday the 13th


    And we also have the denial of Mary Magdalenes station as a Disciple, which

    would have rounded out the party to 13.

    I find it ironic that 2012 represented the last gasp of the old hierarchy. Did you

    know that our predominantly male leaders have known about this time of

    change for decades now, and their way of preparing has been to poison theatmosphere with chemical sunscreen, re-write the genetic code of our main food

    crops and dig holes in the ground for only themselves and essential people!

    I do not want to dwell on the negative. There is value in seeing where you came

    from, but no need for nostalgia. We have to extend the same freedom to all to

    choose the existence they want, or we are not truly free. With that same

    freedom, we can also choose to face the future with love and trust, knowing there

    is a script to the Divine play, and simply by saying noto the role of villain and

    victim, we move automatically into the role of heroof our own and our

    collective dream.

    David Ian Cowan

    Boulder. Co

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    January, 2013