Collaborative of Collaborative of Collaborative of Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes Medford, MA Medford, MA Medford, MA Medford, MA August 6, 2017 August 6, 2017 August 6, 2017 August 6, 2017

Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes · 2018-10-07 · Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA Page 5 Feast of the

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Page 1: Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes · 2018-10-07 · Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA Page 5 Feast of the

Collaborative of Collaborative of Collaborative of Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes

Medford, MAMedford, MAMedford, MAMedford, MA

August 6, 2017August 6, 2017August 6, 2017August 6, 2017

Page 2: Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes · 2018-10-07 · Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA Page 5 Feast of the

Page 2 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

August 6, 2017

Collaborative of Collaborative of Collaborative of Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph ParishSt. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph ParishSt. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph ParishSt. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish


Collaborative Pastoral Staff

Pastor: Fr. Paul V. Sullivan Parochial Vicar: Fr. John T. Swencki Deacon: Deacon Bob Breen

Director of Finance and Operations: Laura Powers Phone: 781-396-0423 x113

Youth Outreach & Religious Education: Doreen Breen Phone: 781-396-0423 x126 Youth Group Email: [email protected]

Religious Education Email: [email protected]

St. Francis of Assisi Parish Staff

Music Director: Oksana Berezkina Phone: 617-504-0771

Parish Secretary: Marie Van Campen Business Manager: Alisa O’Dowd

St. Joseph Parish Staff

Music Director: Betsy Pesce Phone: 781-396-0423 x125 Cell: 617-335-8155 [email protected]

Office Staff: Betty Guerra Office Staff: Karen Sturniolo

St. Joseph School

Main Office: 781-396-3636 Tuition Office: 781-396-0423 x117 Website: stjosephschoolmedford.com

Principal: Dr. Robert Murphy Early Childhood Learning Center Director: Linda Iacabone 781-395-7780

Collaborative Mass Schedule

St. Francis of Assisi Daily Mass: Monday-Thursday at 9am

Weekend Masses: Saturday at 4pm Sunday at 9am & 11am

St. Joseph Daily Mass: Monday-Saturday at 8am

Weekend Masses: Saturday at 4pm Sunday at 8am, 10am & 12 noon

Collaborative Parish Office of St. Francis of Assisi & St. Joseph

114 High Street, Medford, MA 02155

Phone: 781-396-0423 Fax: 781-391-2919

St. Joseph Email: [email protected] St. Francis of Assisi Email: [email protected]

Page 3: Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes · 2018-10-07 · Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA Page 5 Feast of the

Page 3 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

From Fr. JohnFrom Fr. JohnFrom Fr. JohnFrom Fr. John

Dear Friends, Not all Masses are celebrated with the same degree of solemnity. Weekday Masses are usually an obligatory Memorial or optional memorial of a saint, or it could just be a simple “weekday Mass”. Feasts are observances of the apostles or some aspect or event in the lives of Jesus or the Blessed Mother. The Glory to God is usually recited/sung on feast days. Solemnity is the highest liturgical rank. Every Sunday (because every Sunday is a “little Easter”) is considered a Solemnity but so are every holy day and other special observances in the lives of Jesus, Mary and the saints. Solemnities begin on the evening before (with a Vigil) and include the Glory to God and the Creed. This weekend we observe not only the solemnity of a Sunday but a special event in Jesus’ life—His Transfiguration. Mountains have special significance in the Bible. It was on a mountain that Abraham encountered God in the Burning Bush, where Moses received the 10 Commandments. And today, when the 3 apostles went with Jesus up a mountain and there they witnessed Jesus’ divinity in all his glory. It must have been an awe-inspiring experience; Peter wanted to build tents so they all could stay there. But Jesus said No. Life is not lived on a mountain top but “down in the valley”. Jesus gave this wonderful experience to the apostles to strengthen them for the sufferings they will endure ‘down in the valley’ of everyday life. “Mountaintop” experiences are good for all of us. They can happen when we get away from it all and go on retreat. Or when we make a special visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Or sometimes, though rarely, they can just happen out of the blue. We experience the intense love of God, we become convinced of His presence in our life and His care for us. And we want it to last forever. But these mountaintop experiences don’t last forever. They must end and we must return to the everyday, down in the valley. But when life becomes a real challenge or it really begins to hurt, we think back and recall our mountaintop experience and remember God’s love and care for us continues to endure. God will continue to strengthen us, perhaps with additional mountaintop experiences. We just need to be aware of when He might be inviting us, calling to us, to join Him up on the mountain. Fr. John

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Page 4 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

August 6, 2017

Weekly Scripture ReadingsWeekly Scripture ReadingsWeekly Scripture ReadingsWeekly Scripture Readings 6 SUN Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/2 Pt 1:16-19/Mt 17:1-9 7 Mon Nm 11:4b-15/Mt 14:13-21 8 Tue Nm 12:1-13/Mt 14:22-36 or 15:1-2,

10-14 9 Wed Nm 13:1-2, 25—14:1, 26-29a, 34-35/

Mt 15:21-28 10 Thu 2 Cor 9:6-10/Jn 12:24-26 11 Fri Dt 4:32-40/Mt 16:24-28 12 Sat Dt 6:4-13/Mt 17:14-20 13 SUN 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a/Rom 9:1-5/Mt


Loved Ones In Service

Presently on active duty serving our country:

LCPL Gerald Byrnes, US Marine Corps. Keith Conway

Cameron Howard Nicholas C. Lavery

2LT Richard Neil Matta, US Army

Christopher Silva Daniel Silva

Our prayers go out to all men and women who are serving our country. May God protect them.

Anyone who would like their rank and branch of military service listed along with their name, please

email [email protected] or call 781-396-0423.

Welcome to New ParishionersWelcome to New ParishionersWelcome to New ParishionersWelcome to New Parishioners

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church,

No matter what your current family or marital situation,

No matter what your current personal history, age, background, race, etc.,

No matter what your own self-image; you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved

and respected here at The Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish

and Saint Joseph Parish.

If you are new to the parish, please introduce yourself to a member of the

Parish Staff after Mass or at your convenience.

Remembering Our ParishesRemembering Our ParishesRemembering Our ParishesRemembering Our Parishes

Please consider remembering St. Francis of Assisi Parish, St. Joseph Parish or St. Joseph School when

drafting your estate plans. For more information, please call

Laura Powers at 781-396-0423 Ext 113. Thank you.

Sacrament of MatrimonySacrament of MatrimonySacrament of MatrimonySacrament of Matrimony Couples should make arrangements with one of our

priests or deacon at least six months before the wedding.

Pastoral Care of the Sick and ElderlyPastoral Care of the Sick and ElderlyPastoral Care of the Sick and ElderlyPastoral Care of the Sick and Elderly

Please contact the Parish Center Office to make arrangements, if you are going into the hospital, or

have a family member who is homebound and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick.

If a family member cannot come to church and would like to receive Communion at home,

please notify us.

Please remember the following people who are in need of prayers:

Theresa O’Brien Carew, Sr. Waltrude Dennis CSJ, Pasqualina DeSimone, Paula McGee, Bill Newell, Torbert Prior, Donald & Ronald Sisson, Rob Stengel, Donna Trabucco, Pauline Vojtas & Denise Zero

Page 5: Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes · 2018-10-07 · Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA Page 5 Feast of the

Page 5 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Parish Office Summer Hours

Monday - Thursday 9am - 3pm Friday 9am - Noon

St. Francis of Assisi's Parish Office is now located at the St. Joseph Rectory at 114 High Street, Medford, phone 781-396-0423. We look forward to seeing you at our new office space!

Congratulations and welcome to the newest members of our parishes, who were baptized

in the month of July:

Autumn Natalia Costa

Ruby Reese Gearhart

Aria Joan Hardy

Charlotte Grace Nazareno

Jackson James Prendergast

Rian Rose Richardson

Zoe Hailey Zablonski

May God continue to bring to fulfillment the great work He has begun with them.

St. Joseph Choir

Have you ever thought…

August Weddings

Please keep in your prayers these couples as they prepare for the

Sacrament of Marriage.

St. Joseph

Philip Costello & Sara Troccolo

St. Francis of Assisi

Derek Vasquez & Christine Cullinane

Andrew Teahan & Erin Wilson

...of joining the choir but are not sure whether you are able to make the commitment?

Then consider this: each Sunday this summer, on a week-by-week basis, we would like to in-

vite anyone who is interested to come to the choir loft at 11:15am for coffee, a rehearsal and to join members of the adult choir in singing at the Noon Mass.

The summer provides a "low-commitment" approach to finding out how you might fare as a choir singer. The response has been great these last few years, and the summer has gained us some wonderful new choir members!

As your schedules permit, we would love to see many of you there! And please feel free to bring your family members, neighbors and friends - spread the word!! Thanks!

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Page 6 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

August 6, 2017


Begin Earning Your Community Service Hours Begin Earning Your Community Service Hours Begin Earning Your Community Service Hours Begin Earning Your Community Service Hours


The St. Joseph Music Ministry would like to extend an invitation to Confirmation students and to ALL

high school students who like to sing or play an instrument, to consider participating in our Young

Adult Music Group, "The Messengers", at the 10AM Mass on Sunday mornings.

Rehearsals are on Thursday afternoons from 4PM to 5:30PM in the upper church. The group also

meets for a warm-up/rehearsal at 9:30AM on Sunday mornings, prior to Mass (for those who are

interested, there is a light breakfast in the outer room of the choir loft from 9AM to 9:30AM!).

Students receive Community Service hours in consideration of their participation in the music


A number of students who joined us in previous years enjoyed their experience so much that they

decided to become regular members of the group!

If you would like to take part, or if you should have any questions, please contact Betsy Pesce, Music

Director, at 781-396-0423 ×125 (office) or 617-335-8155 (cell) or send an e-mail

to [email protected].

Come give us a try!!Come give us a try!!Come give us a try!!Come give us a try!!

Employment Opportunity at St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi Parish is looking for a Part-Time (8- 10 hours per week) Rectory Cook to prepare meals and do the weekly grocery shopping for the priests living in the Rectory. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:

• Twice per week, prepare 2 - 3 lunch and dinner meals which can be heated when needed. • Once per week purchase groceries. • Maintain the kitchen area clean. • Maintain kitchen equipment in good working order. If problems arise, communicate and

work with our Facilities staff to resolve them.

• Perform other duties, as assigned. This is a Part-Time, hourly, non-exempt, non-benefits eligible position. Compensation is competitive and is commensurate with experience. All interested applicants are asked to submit a resume with a letter of interest by mail to: Laura Powers, Director of Finance and Operations, Medford Collaborative, 114 High Street, Medford, MA 02155 or submit by e-mail to: [email protected].

Page 7: Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes · 2018-10-07 · Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA Page 5 Feast of the

Page 7 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Thank You to St. Joseph from the Society of Our Lady of the

Most Holy Trinity

Dear Parishioners of St. Joseph:

Thank you for the warm welcome and generous support for the SOLT missions. Through our baptism we all share in this great work of bringing the Good News to others. May God bless you for all the ways you witness Christ to others and encourage those around you to live their faith. Thank you for welcoming me and supporting the work of SOLT through your prayers, consideration of a volunteer opportunity and financial help. Be assured of my prayers for you. In the hearts of Jesus and Mary, Fr. Dennis Dugan, SOLT www.solt.net

Medford Catholic Collaborative

Registration forms for all our programs are available at the

back of both parishes and online at medfordcollaborative.org

Please contact us at [email protected] or call 781-396-0423 ext 126

for more info.

We are in need of teachers! Please come share your love of God

with our parish children.

Disciples in Mission

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Summertime often affords us the

opportunity to take a break from busy schedules and spend time in favorite spots at the seashore, or at a campground or maybe even in a special spot in the city. Those special times and places may well be moments when we

witness the majesty of God. The disciples in today’s gospel have gone to one of Jesus’ favorite places and something extraordinary happens – they see Jesus transfigured and hear God’s voice, “This is my beloved Son…

listen to him.” Recall a time when you felt God’s presence. What might God want you to remember from that experience?

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Page 8 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

August 6, 2017

Saturday 8/5/17

4:00 pm

Anthony Vocino

Sunday 8/6/17

9:00 am

11:00 am

Domenica & Sebastian Sicari

Basilio Dealtan

Monday 8/7/17

9:00 am

Kenneth Arsenault

Tuesday 8/8/17

9:00 am

John Walsh

Thursday 8/10/17

9:00 am

Judith Ward

Friday 8/11/17

9:00 am

No Mass

Saturday 8/12/17

4:00 pm

Fr. Ed Doughty

Sunday 8/13/17

9:00 am

11:00 am

Warren Boisvert

John Haggerty

Wednesday 8/9/17

9:00 am

Anthony Bossi

Summer Office HoursSummer Office HoursSummer Office HoursSummer Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9am - 3pm

Friday 9am - Noon

Sacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 3:00 pm to 3:45pm in the upper

church confessional or by appointment.

Sacrament of BaptismSacrament of BaptismSacrament of BaptismSacrament of Baptism Baptisms are held on the second

Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm. Instruction for first time parents and godparents is held at St. Francis of Assisi on the last Sunday of every

month after the 11:00 am Mass in the upper church (unless there is a schedule conflict).

Adoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Monday at 7:00 pm in the upper church.

All are welcome.

Weekly Prayer GroupWeekly Prayer GroupWeekly Prayer GroupWeekly Prayer Group The St. Francis of Assisi Prayer Group meets every Monday at 7:30 pm in the upper church

to pray the Rosary. All are welcome.

Secular FranciscansSecular FranciscansSecular FranciscansSecular Franciscans The Secular Franciscans, formerly Third Order,

meet at St. Francis of Assisi on the fourth Sunday of every month at 2:00 pm in the Dining Hall.

All are welcome.

St. Francis of Assisi ParishSt. Francis of Assisi ParishSt. Francis of Assisi ParishSt. Francis of Assisi Parish

Mass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass Intentions

Carlo Fabiano

and all our deceased parishioners and loved ones.

July 29th/30th Offertory: $3,398

Second Collection this weekend: Catholic Relief Services

Second Collection next weekend: Monthly Collection

A special THANK YOU to all those who

share their talent, time, presence and

support with St. Francis of Assisi Parish.

The Hosts and Wine for this week’s liturgies and the

Sanctuary Light is lit in memory of:

Ellen Bisson

Page 9: Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes · 2018-10-07 · Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA Page 5 Feast of the

Page 9 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Saturday 8/5/17

8:00 am

4:00 pm

Adoration Team-living & deceased

Msgr. Donato Conte

Sunday 8/6/17

8:00 am

10:00 am

12:00 pm

For the People

Veronique Esperance

In Honor of God the Father

Monday 8/7/17

8:00 am

Robert Galluccio

Tuesday 8/8/17

8:00 am

John J. “Binky” Walsh

Thursday 8/10/17

8:00 am

Jeremy Patrick Flynn

Friday 8/11/17

8:00 am

Filomena & Michael Muto & Family

Saturday 8/12/17

8:00 am

4:00 pm

Joy Costello

Salvatore DeMeo

Sunday 8/13/17

8:00 am

10:00 am

12:00 pm

For the People

John Carew, Jr.

Jeremy Patrick Flynn

Wednesday 8/9/17

8:00 am

2:00 pm

Barry George

Medford Rehab

Marie C. Barry

and all our deceased parishioners and loved ones.

Mass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass Intentions

St. Joseph ParishSt. Joseph ParishSt. Joseph ParishSt. Joseph Parish

Summer Office HoursSummer Office HoursSummer Office HoursSummer Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9am - 3pm

Friday 9am - Noon

Sacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of Reconciliation Saturday morning after the 8:00 am Mass, Saturday

afternoon from 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm in the upper church or by appointment.

Sacrament of BaptismSacrament of BaptismSacrament of BaptismSacrament of Baptism Baptisms are held on the third Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm. Instruction for first time

parents and godparents is held at St. Francis of Assisi on the last Sunday of every month after the 11:00 am Mass in the upper church

(unless there is a schedule conflict).

Adoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place on

Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays from 8:30am to 8:30pm in the lower church.

(Adoration will not be held on days Medford schools are closed due to weather.)

Legion of MaryLegion of MaryLegion of MaryLegion of Mary The Legion of Mary meets Wednesdays at 6:30 to

8pm in the back room of the lower church. All are welcome!

Readings: #1038

July 29th/30th Offertory: $5,652 Society of Our Lady of the Trinity: $1,715

Second Collection this weekend:

Catholic Relief Services

Second Collection next weekend: On-going Maintenance

A special THANK YOU to all those who

share their talent, time, presence and

support with St. Joseph Parish.

The Sanctuary Light is lit in memory of:

Michael & Mary Ciaccio