Autumn 2015 Autumn 2015

CMSI Prayer Diary Autumn 2015

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Daily prayers for CMSI and our partners for September to November 2015

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Autumn 2015Autumn 2015

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RWANDAKibungo Diocese1. Throughout this week, the diocese is having a special focus to promote education and Christian values in the school there. Pray for smooth running of the events organised throughout this week and for the final gathering to be held at the cathedral on Sunday.

2. Between 21st and 24th September, Bishop Emmanuel will join with colleagues in Rwanda for the House of Bishops. Pray for organisation and travel mercies for all participants; also pray for the decisions that will be taken during the Provincial Synod.

IRELANDCMS Ireland Staff3. Pray for Partnership Coordinator Kelly Yates as she prepares for the upcoming CMSI Weekend in Newcastle and works with other staff and volunteers to lead the event. Pray too for Kelly’s work with link parishes over the coming term.

4. Pray for Partnership Coordinator Roger Thompson, as he settles into his new role and assumes responsibility for the links with our Global Partners in Kenya, Nepal and Zambia. Pray too that Roger’s house move would go smoothly and that he and his family would know God’s love and guidance at this time of change.

5. Pray for Partnership Coordinator Linda Abwa, as she settles into her new role and assumes responsibility for the links with our Global Partners in DR Congo, Egypt and South Sudan. Linda and her family are moving from Nigeria to Ireland.


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The Wilsons

6. Pray for Personnel Coordinator Gillian Maganda (pictured) as she juggles a very busy workload in the autumn term – from META planning, STEP preparation, managing applications for mission service and working on some HR projects with other senior managers. Pray that Gillian would be given spiritual refreshment, wisdom and discernment in all she does.


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DR CONGO7. Give thanks for the decrease in rebel activity in the eastern region of the country and the improving community stability that this facilitates. Pray for the leadership of DR Congo, for President Laurent Kabila, that truth and justice may prevail.

North Kivu Diocese8. The diocesan synod and conference took place in July. Give thanks for this opportunity for the pastors to meet to pray and worship together. Ask the Lord to bless the plans that were made.

9. This month, the long expected construction of the new children’s home is due to begin on the new site. Pray that the work will go ahead smoothly and to a high standard. Ask for provision of all the funds needed, and for the ongoing care of 50 orphaned children.

IRELANDCMS Ireland Events10. Pray for ‘Momentum’ on Saturday 26th September – a special event for those who have been on teams or short-term placements with CMSI over the past year. Pray that it’ll be an encouraging time as of swapping stories and sharing experiences.

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11. Pray for the CMSI Weekend, which starts this evening in Glenada, Newcastle. Pray for all those who will be coming along, that God would bless and inspire them. Pray that the weekend will be a fruitful time of sharing together.

UGANDA12. The election process in Uganda begins this month, with elections to be held in 2016. Pray for a free, fair and peaceful process. Pray that the Church in Uganda would be a source of love and peace.

The Wilson Family13. Give thanks for Gideon’s new teacher Catherine, who will be teaching him for one term, starting this month. Pray for Gideon’s learning and for Catherine and her husband John, that they will be blessed during their term in Kiwoko.

14. While Denise and Gideon have enjoyed ‘mummy’ being a teacher, it would be better to have someone else help free up Denise from this work to attend to her many other responsibilities. Please pray for a suitable volunteer to help teach Gideon in 2016.

15. Rory and Denise spend a lot of their time hosting various donors and visitors to the hospital. Thank God for His continued financial provision, even though at times it is difficult. Pray particularly that the donors, who are non-faith based, would be touched by His love and power during their visits to Kiwoko.

BURUNDI16. Tens of thousands have fled Burundi in recent months due to political unrest. Others remain in the country living in the midst of insecurity. Pray for peace in Burundi during this time, pray for the facilitation of positive dialogue that can help build unity and bring a solution to the current crisis.


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Alison Gill 17. Give thanks for Alison’s recent engagement to Paul Guinness in early July. Pray for them both as they plan for a December wedding. Pray too for God’s leading and guidance as they hope to continue serving God together in Burundi.

18. Pray that Paul and Alison will be led by the Holy Spirit in their short-term steps, while they wait to return to work in Burundi. Pray for a quick end to political instability and for the Church to be an ambassador for peace in Burundi.

IRELANDMission Experience Teams Abroad (METAs)19. Give thanks for the successful METAs that have taken place in recent months. Pray that these experiences will continue to bear fruit for those involved, whether team members or Global Partner hosts.

20. Preparations are underway for advertising, promoting and planning the 2016 METAs. Pray for wisdom as staff decide which teams should go ahead – and for the application and selection process which begins at the end of September.

21. Pray for members of the Matana META (Burundi) and the Ibba META (South Sudan) that had to be postponed due to instability within those countries. Pray for the process of planning and organising rescheduled visits in 2016 and that God would bless all those involved.

UGANDA Luwero Diocese22. Luwero Diocesan Board begin meeting in October. Pray that the Chairperson and members may be guided by the Holy Spirit as they make important decisions concerning the diocese.

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Paul and Tania Baker

23. Give thanks for Bishop Eridard as he continues to settle into his new role. Pray that he will know God’s guidance and blessing as he leads the diocese and that he will have a strong team to support him in this work.

Kiwoko Hospital24. The ministry among staff’s children has suffered because many experienced leaders have left for further studies this year. Praise God for the new members who have joined the team. Give thanks for the recent visit of the META from Ballyhome Parish and pray that God would bless the children’s work at Kiwoko.

25. Alex and the finance team are currently working through the annual financial audit for the hospital. Praise God for this experienced and hardworking team. Pray for extra strength and wisdom as they review the past year’s figures and also manage their day-to-day workloads.

SOUTH SUDAN26. Peace talks have resumed again in Addis Ababa following further unrest in July and August, which has spread to the towns of Maridi and Yambio, with killings, displacement and fear. Please continue to uphold this new nation in prayer before the throne of grace.

Maridi Diocese27.Please pray for the diocese, especially for Canon Stanley, the Bishop’s Commissary, while Bishop Justin is away in Uganda undertaking further studies. This has been a challenging time with insecurity, killings and displacement.

28. Give thanks for Bishop Tandema, the newly consecrated Bishop of Olo Diocese (a neighbouring diocese that has grown out of Maridi) as he takes on this responsibility at a time of great challenge. Give thanks for the ‘bicycles for clergy’ programme, supported through CMSI, that is enabling pastors to reach their rural congregations.


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Yei Diocese29. Give thanks for the dedicated service of Bishop Hilary and his wife Joyce. They are in need of a rest. Please pray that they will find a suitable place to have a break and time of spiritual recuperation.

30. Give thanks for the 9 diploma and 12 certificate students studying at Bishop Allison Theological College in Yei. They started their second semester in August. Pray that God will bless plans to build a 24-bed dormitory on the site.

Bishop Hilary and Mama Joyce

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IRELANDCMS Ireland Volunteers1. Pray for those who volunteer with CMSI’s ‘Marketplace’ as they help to sort stock, run craft stalls and contribute to presentations. Give thanks in particular for Anne and Rebecca, who have been busy making bunting and preparing stock over the summer months.

2. Pray for the Board of Trustees as they meet today. Pray that God would bless their discussions and guide their decisions.

NEPAL3. Please pray for Nepal as it continues to recover from April’s devastating earthquake. Pray too for political stability, following the latest episode in the long process of agreeing a draft constitution for the country. Pray that God’s people will know His protection and peace amidst possible changes to religious freedoms.

Human Development Community Services4. Pray for the staff at HDCS’s offices in Kathmandu, as they oversee and direct the various ministries of the organisation. Pray particularly for Tirtha Thapa in his role as Executive Director, that God would give him wisdom and grace as he leads HDCS.

5. Pray for the children at both ABBS and Kathmandu International Study Centre, that as they learn and play, they will also know God’s love for them. Pray too for the staff in both these places, that God would provide for them and bless them.

SHORT-TERM-EXPERIENCE PLACEMENTS6. Pray for Nigel and Carol Weallans from St Nicholas’ Parish, Nottingham, as they prepare for an eight-month STEP in Ibba Diocese, South Sudan. Their departure has been delayed in light of the current security situation in the country - please pray for patience and wisdom.

Gideon Wilson playing with his friend Anthony


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7. Each year, CMSI offers bursaries for Church of Ireland Ordinands to carry out a ministry placement with one of our Global Partners. Pray for recent participants in this scheme: Danielle, Chris, Sam and Aaron. Pray that there would be a positive response to the 2016 opportunities.

8. Pray that God would continue to inspire and lead folk to consider applying for STEPs with CMSI and our Global Partners. Pray particularly for a teacher to support the Wilson family in Uganda, by home-schooling their son, Gideon.

KENYAKajiado Diocese9. Pray for Bishop Gaddiel as he provides leadership and support across the diocese. Pray too for the diocesan staff – ask God to provide for their needs and to encourage and bless them in their work.

10. Give thanks for the many visitors from Ireland to Kajiado over recent months. Pray that the various face-to-face encounters and personal connections will help the Partnership Links to grow stronger and will bear much fruit in Ireland and in Kenya.

Ronnie and Maggie Briggs11. Give thanks for newly completed house for Ronnie and Maggie in Oltiasika and for those in Ireland who helped support this project. Pray that the Briggs would will settle back well to life and work in Oltiasika.

12. Give thanks for the recent visits from Ireland that the Briggs have hosted in Kajiado and pray for Mark McCullough’s visit this month. Pray these visits will be a blessing to the work of Kajiado Diocese and an encouragement to the Briggs.

13. Give thanks for the good recovery of Ronnie’s mum following recent surgery. Although she’s still frail, her rehabilitation is continuing at her new nursing home in Lisburn. Pray for the family as they seek to support her and for Ronnie and Maggie at a distance during this difficult time.

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ZAMBIA14. Pray for Zambia as it faces major power supply shortages as Lake Kariba (the world’s largest man-made reservoir) dries up. This has a serious impact on Zambia’s economy. Pray for Zambia’s government as they deal with this crisis.

Diocese of Northern Zambia15. A META visit is planned for August 2016. Give thanks for the new partnership between Carrigrohane Union (Cork) and the Diocese of Northern Zambia and pray for all the visit preparations.

16. CMSI offers scholarships through the Church of Ireland Theological Institution for students from Ireland to experience another part of the world church. Pray that the opportunity offered by our partners in Zambia will be taken up and prove a fruitful time of learning.

IRELANDCMS Ireland Resources/Initiatives17. As ‘Marketplace’ visits churches, mid-week groups and craft fairs over the coming months, pray that many people will be inspired by the stories they hear and the crafts they see. Pray for all those who make these crafts and give thanks for the support they receive from our Global Partners.

18. Pray for the continued use and positive impact of the Discover course. Pray that the material will help parishes and small groups to go deeper in their understanding of mission.

19. Give thanks for the CMSI Children’s Resource and for all those children and young people who enjoy the material every year. As work gets underway for the 2016 resource, pray for Kelly as she liaises with Madi West Nile Diocese in Uganda and for Rachel and Roger as they start to pull material together.


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UGANDAPaul and Tania Baker20. Paul and Tania have one year remaining of the current term of Mission Partner service. Pray that God would guide them both as they begin to think about their next steps.

21. Pray for Paul and Tania’s ongoing ministry at Kiwoko. Paul is showing ‘The Bible’ TV series to the builders every Wednesday morning – pray that God would bless this initiative. Pray too for Tania as she resumes the day-to-day running of the Guest House. Pray for opportunities to share God’s love with international students visiting Kiwoko.

22. Pray for the Bakers as they continue through the adoption process for Lana (20 months old). Give thanks for the recent successes in securing a Guardianship Order, passport and visa, which enabled Paul, Tania and Lana to travel back to Ireland for a holiday in August.

EGYPT23. Continue to uphold Egypt in prayer as the fault lines between opposing ideologies threaten a nation where traditionally good intra-faith relationships have existed. Pray that Christians will be empowered to live as active peacemakers.

Diocese of Egypt24. Refuge Egypt has set out a new plan for its activities. Please pray for CMSI’s involvement with the Youth Mentoring programme, which works mainly with self help groups of Sudanese refugees.

25. Refuge Egypt is requesting for volunteers to help with English teaching for people fleeing persecution in their homelands. Pray that God will touch the hearts of people to respond and join in with this very valuable ministry.

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IRELANDCMS Ireland Staff26. Pray today for Jenny Smyth in her role as Mission Director as she leads the staff team and the society. Jenny asks for prayers that she might have ears to listen and a heart to obey all that the Lord has for CMSI to do in His service.

27. Pray today for Finance Manager Brian Lavery as he begins work on the End of Year Accounts (CMSI’s financial year runs from November to October). Pray that Brian would know God’s presence and peace in all that he does.

28. The coming months are busy ones for the Finance Team, as CMSI receives disbursements from parishes and gifts from individuals. Pray for Finance Assistant Anne Buckley as she processes these donations. Pray that these gifts will be used well and will bring many blessings.

RWANDA29. Pray for peace in the Great Lakes Region and for Rwanda in particular. Pray for continuing harmony and prosperity for the people of Rwanda and pray that the Church would continue to share God’s hope and healing.

Shyogwe Diocese30. Pray for Shyogwe Anglican Integrated Polytechnic, planned to open this month. This institution of high learning will provide teaching in technical skills. Pray for the provision of good teachers as they welcome their first intake of students.

31. We give thanks for four new archdeacons, namely Rev Canon Gasana Emmanuel, Rev Iyakaremye Joseph, Rev Kabayiza Louis Pasteur and Rev Nyituriki Edward. Pray for them to be strengthened in all activities as they seek to fulfill their new responsibilities.


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BURUNDIGitega Diocese1. Bishop John continues to conduct confirmation services in various parishes during this dry season. Pray for journey mercies as he travels. Pray too for encouragement and new strength in faith for Christians that are being confirmed.

2. Rev. Jeanne Francoise Ndimubakunzi, who was running the TEE programme (Theological Education by Extension), has been transferred to the Provincial office to manage a Gender Based Violence Project. The Rev. Gilbert Ndayongeje, presently in charge of Mumuri Parish, has been appointed as the new TEE programme coordinator. Pray for them both as they take on these new responsibilities.

Matana Diocese3. Pray for Archbishop Bernard as he visits many parishes to help strengthen the church and confirm a number of Christians.

4. Pray for families of pastors and Christians who have welcomed many displaced people in their homes. These people have been forced to move because of political unrest, especially in Bujumbura. Pray that God’s love would be made known in these homes.

IRELANDCMS Ireland Staff 5. Pray for Jenny Christie in her busy role as Administration Coordinator. In addition to her general administration remit, Jenny provides support to the whole staff team and acts as the first port of call with those who contact or visit the office. Pray that Jenny will have energy, enthusiasm and wisdom as she balances these various responsibilities.

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6. Pray today for Mission Resource Coordinator, Rachel Brittain. Pray that she would be blessed and encouraged in her work, particularly as she explores ways to develop CMSI membership and begins work on the 2016 Children’s Resource.

7. Pray for Roger Cooke in his role as Mission Resource Manager. Pray particularly for his work this month on inMission magazine and the Winter Prayer Diary, as well as the preparations for the upcoming ‘Impact’ event on 27th November.

KENYA8. Pray today for Kenya. Ask God to bless the country’s political leaders and those who lead the Church. The terrorists attacks of the past couple of years have had a detrimental impact on tourism, which is key to the Kenyan economy. Pray for peace and stability.

Urban Development Programme, Nairobi Cathedral9. Give thanks for the life of Damaris Wanjiru, (Mama Muoroto), one of the founding members of the UDP, who passed away on 29th July. Mama Muoroto was one of four women who, together with the UDP Team, laid the groundwork for the programme. Pray that her legacy will live on.

10. Thank God for the new sewerage system currently being laid in Kayole. This will enable all the pit latrines in Kayole to be connected to the sewer. This should have a positive impact on the people’s health. Please pray that the pipes will be strong, robust and long lasting.

Isabelle Prondzynski11. Thank God for Isabelle’s second hip replacement operation, which went very well. Isabelle is healing fast and has been benefiting from the intensive physiotherapy that the Belgian health system provides. Please pray that she will soon be able to walk normal distances across the rough terrain of Kayole!


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12. Please pray for Isabelle’s mother, still in a nursing home in Westmeath and too weak to return home. Thank God that she has been able to celebrate her 92nd birthday in the presence of all her children except Isabelle.

NEPALSD Church13. Give thanks for the opportunities that God has given SD Church to share His love with some of those impacted by the earthquake, both in Kathmandu Valley and in rural areas. Pray for the development of new initiatives to support and serve those living with disabilities.

14. Pray for the various fellowships and house churches throughout Nepal that are connected to SD Church. Pray for those who lead these fellowships and ask God to bless and guide all those who have come to faith in Christ in recent years.

The Zimmerman Family15. Pray today for the Zimmermans – Mark, Deirdre, Zachary and Benjamin – that they would know God’s presence, peace and blessing in all that they do. Pray too that, through this family, God would bless and touch many people with His love.

16. Give thanks for the work of ‘Nutrition Promotion and Consultancy Services’, who Deirdre works with and for the ‘Nick Simon’s Institute’, which Mark leads. Pray that the work of both organisations would positively impact many lives and communities throughout Nepal.

PARTNERSHIP LINKS17. Pray today for all 19 of CMSI’s Global Partners in Africa and Nepal. Given thanks for the many ways in which each of them is extending God’s Kingdom and sharing His love. Pray that the friendship and support they receive from Ireland will be a source of great strength and encouragement.

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18. Pray today for all those parishes that have a Partnership Link through CMSI. Ask God to strengthen these relationships between different parts of the global church. Pray that the impact of these partnerships would go wider and deeper within parish life and that many people will be blessed.

19. Pray for the CMSI staff as they help to facilitate Partnership Links between Ireland and our Global Partners. Pray that more parishes will catch the vision for two-way partnerships and that existing links will grow and develop.

UGANDAMadi West Nile Diocese20. Pray for Richard and Henry as they provide leadership to the staff at West Nile Ecumenical Vocational Training Centre, training 47 young men and women in various skills. The courses for this year will end in early December. Pray that the students will be well equipped to go and live productive and economically sustainable lives.

21. Kuluva Hospital and Kuluva Comprehensive School of Nursing and Midwifery are currently under-staffed and the Board is working hard to recruit qualified doctors, tutors and other medical officers. Pray that the Lord will bring the right people to serve at the hospital.

DR CONGOKindu Diocese22. Give thanks for the META visit to Kindu in July, in which Calry Parish (Sligo) and the grouped parishes of Coalisland were represented. The team received a fantastic welcome, visiting over 20 parishes, with singing, dance and drama. Pray that these partnership links would grow.

23. Pray for Bishop Masimango as he leads the diocese with commitment and good humour. Give thanks for the diocesan staff and pastors and pray the God will build them into a strong team capable of bringing vision into reality.


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Bukavu Diocese24. The Uvira area of the diocese has received thousands of refugees fleeing political unrest in Burundi. Pray for Bishop Bahati and his pastors as they try to provide for the basic and spiritual needs of these people. Give thanks for the support that’s been sent through CMSI’s Appeal.

25. Give thanks for the fledgling parish links with Bukavu and pray that more parishes throughout Ireland will want to form partnerships of mutual encouragement and prayer with this wonderful part of the family of God.

Bishop Bahati (Bukavu Diocese)

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IRELANDCMS Ireland Events26. Pray for ‘Impact’ – CMSI’s Annual Celebration – taking place in Belfast tomorrow evening. Pray that many friends and supporters will come along to the event and that there will be a real sense of thanksgiving and worship as we reflect on just some of the ways in which God has impacted and transformed lives through CMSI.

27. Throughout the year, CMSI hosts a number of smaller, local events, including Focus Events, Roadshows and other social events for volunteers and members. Pray that these gatherings will be fruitful in sharing news, inspiring prayer and strengthening relationships.

SOUTH SUDANIbba Diocese28. The people of the diocese are living in fear because of renewed violence to the east and west. In many rural areas, people are leaving their homes to seek refuge in Ibba town. Pray for Bishop Wilson and his pastors as they minister God’s love to desperate and fearful people.

29. The Ibba META visit has been postponed until January 2016, security permitting. Please pray for those involved. Give thanks for the ongoing commitment to the partnership links and for the diocesan staff as they plan for the visit.

Kajo-Keji Diocese 30. Ongoing security issues with car-jacking and robbery on the roads around Kajo-Keji have made life dangerous and difficult. Inflation is escalating and goods scarce. Please pray for safety for ordinary folk as they try to get on with their lives.

31. Give thanks for the vision of Bishop Poggo and his staff as they seek to carry out discipleship and development programmes.


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