Chinese Cuisine categories

Chinese Cuisine categories Sichuan Cuisine Pockmarked Woman’s Bean curd Fish-flavoured Pork Shreds Twice Cooked Pork Slices

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Chinese Cuisinecategories

Sichuan CuisinePockmarked Woman’s Bean curd

Fish-flavoured Pork Shreds

Twice Cooked Pork Slices

Shandong CuisineBeijing Roast Duck

Dezhou Braised Chicken

Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce

Guangdong Cuisine

Roast Suckling Pig

Duck Web in Oyster Sauce

Jiangsu Cuisine

Watermelon Chicken

Salted Duck

Zhejiang CuisineBeggar’s Chicken

West Lake Sour Fish

Shrimp-meat with Dragon-well Tea

Hunan CuisineHot and Spicy Chicken

Sweet Lotus Seeds Soup

Anhui CuisineFuliji Stewed Chicken

Ham Simmered with Soft-shelled Turtles

Sentences Translation

1. Universally recognized as one of the great cuisines of the world,Chinese food in all its variety and complexity is unquestionably one of the finest pleasures a visitor can experience in China

中国菜肴作为世界名菜之一 , 得到公认 . 中国菜肴品种繁多 , 制作精细 ; 游客能品尝到中国菜肴的确是一种极大的享受 .

Sentences Translation

2. “Colourful,” “varied,” “delicious,” and “complex” are often used to describe Chinese food.

“ 色”、“香”、“味”、“形”四个字常用来形容中菜。

3. It would be a shame to leave Beijing without trying Beijing Roast Duck.

到北京不吃烤鸭是遗憾的 .

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