Cert ific at e N o.1968 520 Name : Rabe , Loui s Resi di ng at Teegarden , Indiana Bo rn J an . 3, 1891 Ce rti f ic a te fi ate d .(Bct. l, _1 924 __ Petition .r o. 8:5 . •j

Certi f i cate No.1968520 Name : Rabe, Loui s Resi di ng ... · Certificate i o . 1968517 Name Rakaff Hymen residing a t Bremen, Indiana Born June 1, 1880 Certificate i s sued Sept

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  • Certi f i cate No.1968520

    Name : Rabe , Loui s

    Res i di ng at Teegarden, Indiana

    Bor n J an . 3 , 1891

    Certif ica te fiated . (Bct. l, _ 1924 __

    Petition .r o. 8:5.

    • j

  • Certificate i o . 1968517

    Name Rakaff Hymen

    residing a t Bremen, Indiana

    Born June 1, 1880

    Certificate i s sued Sept . 16 , 19~4

    Petition ~ o . 88


  • Certifica te No. 1968506

    Name: Rannie , Murr~y S.

    Residing at Argos, Indiana

    Born Sept . 13, .1-8!7-B /~~7-

    Certificate issued Sept . 18 , 1923 .

    Petition No. 77


  • Family name

    Address Red inger

    Certlftcate no. (or vol. and page) Page 6 Record of Fi nal Oa th Country of birth or allegiance

    A11 str i a Da!e and port of arrival In U. S.

    Names and addresses of witnesses

    Given name or mi.mes

    J o s e"-p._h~-----

    Tltleand locatlonofcourl Plynou 1 h , Ind . :.ar shall 8i r cui t Court I When born (or age)

    I Dale of naturalization

    ,;.up-u s t 1 3 l R52

    e clarati on of Intenti 8~ f i l ed i n t he ~ulton rr-cTirt"- -our -;---:~-oc-::e-s-re-.r-,-- -ye -:-- l c- -:-- 0--;-----rs-o-zr.--

    ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------ -- ----- -------- --~- --------------------· __ ... --------Fonn No. 1-IP.

  • No. 5423738 Charles William Reeve Naille _______________________________________________ __ ____________ _

    . . Hibbard, Indiana remd1ng at ___ ________ _____ ______ _________ _____ _______ __ _______ _____ _

    Age __ ______ __ years. Date of order of adillission .June _1., __ 1.9_4~- _____ _

    Date certificate issued ________ _ .:r\1._ne __ l_, __ l_9~.2.- ______ _____ __ ___ by the

    Petition No J.89_ 6:1~ u ,,t,l/~ /l::J --~~------ -- ---- - ---------~~

    (Complete and true signature of holder)

  • Family name

    Re illy Address

    Certificate no. (or vol . and page) Pa ge 5 Recor d of F i na l Oa t h Country of birth or allegiance

    _ / Given name or nil~ a wr en Ce

    Title and location of court ~ 1 yrno u th ' Ind • Ma r s h a l l Circu i t Court

    Gr ea t 3 ri tian ~ I re l and I When born (or age)

    oa·e and port of arrival In U. $ ,

    I Date of naturalization

    Pe b . 20 , 1857 Names and addresses of witnesses

    --------------------------·-__ ..., _________ ------------ -·----- -- - ----- ------------------------------- --- --------- FonnNo.1-IP.

  • f amily name

    l enner Address

    Certificate no. (or vol. and page) Page 13 Record of F i nal Oath Country of birth or allegiance

    Cerma ny Date and port of arrival In U. S.

    Names and addresses of witnesses

    I Given name or;;:de ri c k

    I rn1e and location of court Pl yrnou th , Ind . ~arsball ~i rcu i t Cuurt I When born (or age)

    I Date of naturalizat ion

    J une 20 : 1860

    ---------- ---- -------------------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ---- ---------- -- --------- --- --------Forni No. 1- IP.

  • No. 6800339 Name __ GERDA HEDWIG REYNOLDS ---- ----- ------------- -- -------- ----- ------------------- ---

    residing aL~9-'L~:!-f_~ --~t_~~~-~_,,_ _!'J.¥!1'!.~~-~£1_, __ J_r:~-~§~~ --- ----Date of birth .M~~!S)_.!J-_2?_Q Date of order of admission_'.!~~~-~-~! -~~_52

    Date certificate issued __ _ J_l!!].~ __ ).._Q2_ J-__ 9 __ 5_ -~ ---- _______ __ ___ _ by the --------~~!:~~~~-------Court at Plymouth, Indiana ------------------------------------Petition No. ___ __ 2 3-7 _____ _______ __ _ _

    Alien Registration No.J _q'ijlf}J-_?"J-_1( _

    ----~d_C{ ____ e_c/_v&_s __ 2__ _ _ ~-----------(Complete an~rue signa re of holder)


  • l mn e : hinc:_ ell , , os e ph r r en t

    ~ age 3 7 Recore of :' in al ath

    _ lyrwuth , Ind ., a r s ha ll '.:: ire cit ::::ourt

    ..,ountr y Of alle f .Lance : ~n e l a~_d

    ate Of naturali zat ion: ::ov . 18 , 1882

  • p.ifl No. 4 433 529

    Name ____ - ie.. -K ;, er-in€l--RJ.-Gl:l.ar

  • Family name

    Ric hert Address

    Certlftcate no.

  • Name : Ri mp le r , F e r d i nand

    ~age 1 9 rt e corQ inal a t h

    iJ l ymou t h , I n d ., ~.~arsh al l irc u i t Cour t

    " ountry of al legi e_n ce : Pruss i a

    ~at e of naturali z at ion : June 3 , 1864

  • No. 5353997 Name ___ __ _ n~n.:15l) ... R9.P_E2.;rJ;~_QD ________________ ___ _____________ _

    residing at_ _ .Q.1.lJ._y~-~ , __ In_gj._~p.-~ _____ ____________________________ _

    Age _§§ _______ years. Date of order of admission _J)e_c_emb.ar _ _l., __ 19_41

    Date certificate issued ____ D_~ Q ~Illb_~:r- _ l_~ __ l9~U- __ __ ___ ________ by the

    M~£. ~h~;I.J __ Qj.~Q}.-!J j:; ___ Court at_ __ F:lym.PJJ th, __ Ind i an.a __ _____ _

    Petition No. ___ ____ :U3_ 4 __ __ _

    ____ 9!1~-1f~~ - 9J-~e- ~- -- ---- -(Comple te and true signature of ho lde r) ·

  • Cer tif i cate No. 1968515

    Name : Rohreg , J acob

    residing at Plymouth , Indiana

    Born sept . 12 , 1894 .

    Certificate issued Mar . 1 , 1984 .

    Petition No 96.

  • No. 5635655 Name Ju l ia Rossa ------ -- --- - -- -· -- -------------------------- --- --- ------------

    residing at 216 E . Side Drive , Culver , Indiana ---- - ----- - -------- --- ------- - ------- - ------- - ------ - -----

    Age __ 4_5 ______ years. Date of order of admission __ p_~9-~BR~T __ J_,t__ _~~-12

    Date certificate issued ___ ___ D_e_g_~I!lP_€H' __ 17 ~ _ -~ ~*~- _____________ by the ___ __ C i..r 9JJi_t _________ Court aL __ EJ..J1119_1.Jth , __ Jn_g_;i._~p._~ ________ _

    Petition No. ___ l98 ________ _

  • Name , Roth , Eliaabeth

    Residing at Plymouth, Indiana

    orn ct. 22 , 1869 .

    Petition dismissed

    Petiti on No. 47

  • Name : Ro ttmiller , .dam

    Page 49 Re cord of Final Oa th

    _ lym.outh , Ind . , ~.-arshall Jir cu i t Jourt

    Countr y of allegiance : Ge r . any

    ~ate of naturalization : Oc t . 24 , 189 0

  • No. 5635657 Name ____ __ ___ !3_~9--~~- _?_o_!5'_~ !-__ ~-~~~- ______ ___________ __________ _

    residing aL _ §_?~ __ p_~ '?-~;I-_-~~-~--'- _p_3:_~

  • Name : Ru ge , = .. arx

    age 36 ~e cord of Final Oa th

    Plymouth , Ind . , ~.arsh all _, ircu i t Court

    Country of allegiance : enmark

    .Age : 25

    _a te & port of arrival: b ew , or k , N.v . ~une 1 2 , 186 2

    _ate of natur ali zation : J u ne 23 , 1881

  • No. 5223745 Name __ Ru tzen_F..lo.ra. ..Agne.s ____ ____________ ____ ______ _______ _

    residing at_ ___ P.r_e.t_ty __ Laka,. _.Indiana ______ ________ _ ~ __ ______ _

    Age _ 36- __ ___ years. Date of order of admission ___ _,lune _ 2,. _ -19-41. __ _

    Date certificate issued ___ __ _June- 2..,.- _ i_g 4.1 _________ ___ ______ __ by the

    _]';1?-Rl.?P-:~l:\: __ Q tR9:1-!~ _1tourt aL ___ 1=~xr'.1~~-~1].! __ ~~?--~~!"!:~ _______ _

    Petition No. _l.e Q ___ ______ _

    - --~--~L'Z'-12

  • I ame : Ryan , avi d

    Pa£e 27 J ecord of ~ inal ~a th

    .1. l rmouth , nd ., _ar.Jhc:ll 8ircu i t '~ourt

    Country of alle iance: Ireland

    ~ ate of natur ali zation : c t . 8 , l P72

  • r

    No. 5 804970 Name ___ __ __ __ };?~_~pJ9_~_ .90-~r lot_~~--~~ ~p-~~- _____ ________ ____ _

    residing at_ __ __ :f?p_~_ -~?--t. _ R.#1 ,_ __ I:.J-.XI.!l_q_l}l0-.}__ ~_~gAf3.!!.~---- _____ _

    Age __ ~-~- ____ years. Date of order of admission ____ _J_~:g.-~ __ 7_ ,_ __ :J:~_49 __ _

    Date certificate issued __ __ _____ __ JJ.,!J'.l~- _ '.7_.t. _ J ~-*~ ______ __ ___ __ __ by the

    Petition No. __ _2.Q). _________ _

    ~---~ (Complete and true signature of holder)

  • Certificate ~o. ~127806

    Name : Sabagh Yussef

    Residing at LaPaz, Indiana

    Born May 19, 1887

    Certifica te issued Sept . 22 , 1925.

    Petition ~'"O. 106 .

  • Certifica te IO. 500070

    Name Sablic, Louis

    Residing at Plymouth , Indiana

    Born June 21, 1886

    Certificate dated arch 3 , 1983 .

    Petition No. 46.

  • Name : ...,amue l so n , _ugus tus

    Page 54 ~e cord of ~i nal Oath

    1 1 m , th , I nd . , ,.ar shal l '.:;ircui t ~our t

    ~oun try of alle[iance : Swe_ en

    At,e 22

    La te port of arrival :

    Da t e of natur'lization :

    1T"'" ork , .- . y . Oc t . 20 , 1868 Nov . 2 , 1892

  • Harne : Samue ls on , Jharles

    Page 55 ecord of Final a th

    Pl outh , Ind . , .:ars hall Sirc uit Court

    ountry of alle giance: Sweaen

    .nge : 22

    a te & port of arrival: :Te""'l "'rork , :T .Y. ec . 20 , 1870

    ate of natural i za tion: Nov . 2 , 1 392

  • Name : Samuelson , J ohn

    Page 56 ecord of f inal a th

    Plymouth , Ind ., :._ar shal l Circ uit Court

    Country of alle f iance : Sweden

    ge : 56

    :ate &. port of a r r ival : r e w York , I~ . Y . Aug . 1 2 , 1873

    ~ate of na t u rali za tion : Nov . 2 , 1892

  • No. 3926443 Name _ J3_E!:tlft~r.~9-l! ' - __ A!-l

  • Certificate No . 1968503

    Name : Sanderson , James

    Residing Argos , Indiana

    Born July 20, 1882

    Certifica te Issued Sept . 18, 1923

    Petition No . 75


  • Certifica te J: o .

    Name : Schalt i1:Pthu!' A

  • Name : S c hauer, _dam

    a ge 65 Recor d of Final Oat h

    Plymouth, I nd., :ars hall Circuit Court

    Country of alleg i ance: Germany

    vate of natural iza tion: Oct . 30 , 1900

  • Family name

    Schlarb Address

    Certificate no. (or vol. and page) pa [ e 4 ~e c ord of Final Oath Country of birth or allegiance

    Hambura Dare and port ofarr1val In U. S.

    Names and addresses of witnesses

    Given name or names

    Tiiie and location of court 1 ymo u t h , Ind • r:a r shall jircui t ,J ourt I When born (or age)

    I Date of naturalization

    Jul y 25 , F., 56

    J eclarati on of In te nti on filed in l iscaranas

    ~ounty Ohi o filed ~u . 19 , 1856 . - - ---- - -- - - --- - -- - -- - ____ 1 _______ - ----- -- - - -- - --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- -- ---- - - ---- ------ - - - ------ --- --------

    Fonn No. 1-IP.

  • Certificate ro . 2127801

    Name: Mother M. Tabitha (Mary Schmickert)

    Residing at Donaldson , Indiana

    Born Oct . 8 , 1865

    ·Certificate issued Feb . 28 , 1925 .

    Petition No . 102/


  • Certificate No . 2127810

    Name : J osephine Schoene ' Sist r M. Olga)

    Residing at Donaldson , Indiana

    Born Nov . 30 , 1872

    Certificate issued March 6 , 1926 .

    Petition ro . 108 .


  • Certificate ~o . 1968519

    Name: 8chweidler oritz

    residing at Culver, Indiana

    Born Jan. 1, 1896

    Certificate issued Oct . 1, 1924,

    Petition No . 94


  • Name : Seiler , ~hri s ti an , J r .

    Pa ge 23 rte cord F inal uath

    l ymouth , Ind . , : •. arshall Circ uit Court

    Countr y of al le ~iance Swi t ze rland

    ~ ate of n a tural i zat ion : Se p t . 9 , 18 72

  • Certif ica te o. 3893 AME : Selbmann, Moritz

    residing at , Plymouth; Indiana

    Age 66

    Date Certifica te issued Oct. 11, 1911

    Petition No. 3 .

  • No. 4433530 Name __ __ _ E .t. tex. -------------------- - -- ---- ----- - --- -- -

    .d. t Pl h · res1 mg a - -- - ------ - --~ -~y~,.G t ,--Ind.::..-a-n-a- -- ------ ------ --- ---

    Age ___ 74_ ____ years. Date of order of admission __ D_e_p_L_l.6_,_ _ _l 'l27 __ _

    Date certificate issued ______ D_e_ C.e! her __ 16, __ l.9.3 .. '.L _________ __ by the

    _ ).1g._:i: shalL _Circn i._ tourt at_ _ _El:y...J o.u.tl ,_ - Ind-i-an~- __ __ ___ _

    Petition No. ___ _ l!?~- ____ __ _

  • Name : Shay , ~ i cbard

    Page 27 ~ ecord of ~inal ath

    Plymou t h , Ind ., I .. ars hall 0 i rcui t C:ourt

    Country of alle[i~nce : I reland

    _a te of naturalization : Oct . 8 , 1 ~7 2

  • Family name

    Shoema ker Address

    Certificate no. (or vol. and page) pa f e 10 qecord of F inal Oath Country of birth or allegiance

    3raden Date and port of arrival In U. S.

    Names and addresses of witnesses

    I Given name or names . :,..ahn t: . Tiiie and location of court ~ 1 ym u th ' Ind • -~· arsh all 'J irc .1 i t ~ourt I When born (or age)

    I Date of naturalization

    Se p t. 24 1859

    ---------- ------------ -------------------------------------- - -------- ------- ------------ --------------------Form No. 1 - IP.

  • Family name

    J huster Adcl;ess

    Certificate no. (or vol. and page)Page 4 Record of F i nal Oath Country of birth or allegiance

    ::\ avaria Date and port of arrival In U, S.

    ~ueust , 1844 '. ew vo r k Namea and addresses of wltneases

    Tltleandlocatlonofcourt P l yrnou th , Ind . " arshall .:::irc1li t Court

    I When born (or age)


    I Date of naturalization

    __ ug . 1 2 , 1856 .

    ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------Fonn No. 1-IP.

  • No. 7262390 Name ____ S_J_G_l

  • Certificate No . 1968525

    Name . Sister M. Adalrica (Anna Sieffert)

    residing at Donaldson , Indiana .

    Born Oct . G4 , 1873

    Certificate issued Feb . 28 , 1925 .

    Petition No . 100

  • No. 3203385

    residing aL _RE? 1:r~_C!:t _$_~ !._ -~1l_~J__t ~ _, __ P._gp_~:b_Ci ~_q_:g._, ___ ___ ______ _ ~arshall County, Indiana,

    Age ___ ~§ _____ years. Date of order· of admission __ .I"1=.l_l},~- -~-~~_, __ J__~;?1~-

    Date certificate issued ___ _____ ;["\,].Jl~ __ t?_ t _, __ ;1._~:,?J,. ___ _____ _______ by the

    ___ Q_:l::r.9_1,J.j._i,; ______ ____ ·_Court aL __ J:_ J__yqt.Q.1Jj;JJ . ., __ Jn.Q._i_~g_~ _, ____ __ _

    Petition No. __ __ .l..~9_. ______ _

    rr~ ~~-s/~-~YA._2~-(Complete .and true signature of holder) (/

  • No. 4896851 Name ______ Q~~p~_ti_~, __ Ad~m - ______ _____ ____ __ ______ ___________ _

    residing at_ ____ _____ _ R • .R ._-2_,_ _C_ul_Ye.r., _ _Ind1-ana ____ ________ _

    Age ___ 5Q ____ years. Date of order of admission __ ~_ ne~"' _ _Z_, __ l_~.Ui-_Q

    Date certificate issued ______ D_ec_emher __ 2_,._ __ l94Q ___ ____ _______ by the

    __ Cir .c_uit _________ ___ Court aL _ ..ELY-filO-uth-_____ ____ ____ _______ _

    Petition No. __ 17_6_. __ _______ ~

    ~. X' ~~ . ~ --- -- ------ -- - -- ------- -- - --------

    (Complete and true signature of holder)

    - - rt L

  • Name : Snider , J illi ara

    Page 48 ~ ecord of Final ath

    ~lymouth , Ind ., ~ar shal l Circuit our t

    Country of alle ~iance : Germany

    : ate of n a t urali za tion: Oct . 24 , 189 0

  • Name : Souder , J a cob

    Page 47 Record of Fi n al a th

    Plym .uth , Ind ., u a rshall Gir ':uit Court

    Country of alle ~iance : Wir tenbe r g

    _ate of natu r a li zati on : Oct . 24 , 1890

  • Name : pe ishoffer , ~.:ichael

    age 30 Re cord of F inal Oa th

    Plymou th , Incl ., 'iarshal l Ci rcuit Cour t

    Country of lle gi ance : Germany

    Date of naturaliza t ion : Dec . 3 , 1874

  • No. 6436577 Name ______ .J.ohn_Spr_i nge.r. ___ --- :-- -________ -- ------ ____________ _

    residing at_ _____ R_._R .. __ 3_,_ _ _p_lymoilth,__ I_nd.im:i_~---- ___________ _

    Age ___ .!?2-___ years. Date of order of admission_ l2e.c.e.-_2 _, __ l.9_4.6. ___ _

    Date certificate issued ______ J)!;tcemb~_:r __ 2 _, __ 19_4.6 ______________ by the . .

    _Mar_.shall _Cir_c.uitcourt aL __ P.1.ymouth,_ __ In.dt~na. ________ _

    Petition No._ 21.a __________________ _

  • -- - No. 4066895

    Name ____ R _b.er_t_ J abez._Eta.1~10.0.d ______ __ ___ ______________ _

    residing at_ ___ _Ely:mouth_,_ _ Ina_i ana ____ __ _____ __________ __ ____ _

    Age ___ 3_Q ____ years. Date of order of admission __ _D.e_c _. __ 7_,_ _l9?i6 ___ _

    Date certificate issued ____ _ p..ec.em.hex. _ 7_,. _ J_ 9-36~ __ ____ _______ by the

    .Ma rshalL _Cir.cuitcourt aL _...Mar .shall-Count-y:, --Ind, - --

  • No. 4896579

    Name _____ ~.'.J;'.~~~-~ '--~t9~- ------------------ ------ - -----------

    residing aL __ I:i YJl}Q_l!!;h ,_ -~n4~-~~~_ p.,_!__~ .! __ #_~ ____________ _____ _

    Age __ ~Q _____ years. Date of order of admission ___ __ _____________ ___ __ _

    Date certificate issued ______ .Jll.!1~- -~-'- _ J.__~1:.Q _____ _____ ___ _______ by the

    ____ _Q_ir_Q 1l~ J; __ ________ Court aL JJ_~:r_s_l].g._:i::t _ g Q~n ty~ __ I: iJJ!l~~ j;h Indiana

    P · · N 1 70 etit10n o. _________ _______ _ ~

    ~----~------------------ - -------------(Complete and true signature of holder)

  • l arne; S toc kinger , _ hi li p

    Page 49 1ecord of Final ath

    Pl ymou t h , Ind . , · -a rshall Circu i t ~ourt

    ountry of al l e f iance : 3 avar ia

    : a t e of naturali ation : Oct . 24 , 1890

  • Certificate No. 21E7809

    Name : Straza, Alexander

    Residing a t Donaldson , Indiana

    Born Oct . 15, 1880

    Certif ica te issued

    Petition No. 107.

    ar . 6 , 19G6 .

  • No. 4896580

    Name ___ _ _Er...ne_st _ __Alb.ert__Sf.r.eed __ ________ ------ ------ ------

    residing aL ____ R .. R..__ l, __ Walker-ton,. --Indiana- -- ----- - --- ---

    Age __ 4Q _____ years. Date of order of admission ____ ~Ull€l--J,,--1SJ-40---

    Date certificate issued _________ -June-_ ~7 _ J.940 __ ---_ ---- ______ by the

    ___ Circ11Lt __ _________ Court aL _ -- -~l-y:mou.t-h-- ------ ---- ---- -- --

    Petition No .. L'Z2--'£.~~~-'7 __ (Complete and true signature of holder)

  • Certificate No . 1968510

    Name : Sister Centolla, ~hose true name is .Angelina Stroup

    Residing at Donaldson , Indiana

    Born hUg . 25 , 1850

    Certificate issued March 1, 1924

    Petition No . 87 ~

  • No. 6800 341 Name_ -Mat-hi-1-de--s-ta:kenbor g- -- ----- ----- -- ------ ------------

    residing aL _ ----Donalate of order of admission_-!~~--~9-~J--~92

    Date certificate issued _ - .June--10-,- - -±-95-2- _________ ------ ______ by the

    _M.~:r_s_b.a.11.. _Cir.cui..tCourt at_ J.'.'.lym...QuJ;h_, __ Indi..a.na----------

    Petition No._?~~--- ________________ _

    Alien Registration No. __ _ 28268..99... --

    ---~---(Complete and true signature of holder)

  • Family name

    Junnis Address

    CertlHcate no. (or vol. and page) Page 11 ~e cord of ? inal Oath Country of birth or allegiance

    Germany Date and port of arrival In U, S.

    Names and addresses of witnesses

    . I Given name ors:: b er i ck Title and location of court }:' 1yr:i0 u th ) I n d • ::arshnll ·~ircui t ::;our~ l When born (or age)

    I Date of naturalization

    Feb . 20 1860

    -------------- -------------------------------------- ------ ---- -.- ------------------------------------ --------Fon:n No. 1 - IP.

  • Certificate o . 2127813

    Name Swanson Gustaf

    Residing at Culver , Indiana

    Born Marh . 14, 1887

    Certifica te issued March 6 , 192 6

    Petition o . 111 .

  • Certificate No . 21~7817

    Name : Swanson Hed . ig Linnea

    Residing at Culver, Indiana

    Born Oct. 15, 1886

    Certificate i s sued March 5, 1927

    Petition No. 115

  • No. 6123552 Name _____________ J~g~j._@ _ .S.~ 11.9_~ lJ:t~---- ---------------- - __

    residing at__._!'. O_§_, __ lQg).._f!l}Q _____ _ ______________________ _

    Age __ fi_Q _____ years. Date of order of admission ___ .[~~ ..! __ lQ.1_ )._~1 __ _

    Date certificate issued ___ _J~Jl'\d~~..z_ _i9J.. _ ].ji __ _: _____________ by the

    ___ _ ~-l~