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What Is Body Image?The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) defines components of body image: How you picture yourself in your mind. What you believe about your own appearance. How you feel about your body, including your height, shape, and weight. How you sense and control your body as you move. How you feel in your body, not just about your body.What Is Body Image?Negative Body Image A distorted perception of your shape, or feelings of discomfort, shame, or anxiety about your body.

Positive Body Image A true perception of your appearance: You see yourself as you really are and you like yourselfWhat Is Body Image?Many Factors Influence Body Image The Media and Popular CultureUnderweight models and celebrities send the message that being thin is bestStriving to achieve these thin standards often makes people ill.MEN & WOMENMen want to achieve muscularity

Women want to achieve 0 sizeNew trend among women


Body image perception & dieting trends of College Students Body image acceptance and appreciation are becoming vital parts among Pakistani students as well.There is a strong correlation btw body dissatisfaction and negative peer pressure.Students should enjoy the university without the worry of irrelevant priorities. Relationship btw body image and clothing perceptions among womenClothes have similar consequences on what one looks like.Women undergo painful and intrusive medical procedures or use anti-aging treatments.Womens feelings of body dissatisfaction can also be associated with unhappiness. Understanding the Body Image Experiences of Older MenHealth & appearance are equally important.The no of men who desire to gain weight are similar to the no of men who desire to loose weight.Male body dissatisfaction is different from female.Men are usually dissatisfied with their chests & stomachs.ZAHOOR ILAHISelf-Awareness of Food Choice and Body ImageWomen now a days are more conscious about their health and body image .

thin is in

Influential factors in the populations food choices.

CONT. . .Health. Appearance. Cost. Time and availability.

Man and their BodiesA mans character is reveled by his body.Shakespears considered Mans body and his behavior both to be expressions of his underlying behaviorPresence of three physical components.Mesomorphy (hard and rectangular) Endomorphy (soft and round )Ectomorphy (linear and fregile )

Boys with more masculine body perform better than other boys.Clear and consistent stereotype do exists in the mind of most people concerning the type of personality.This stereotype appears to develop vary early .Not only influences the observer but may also effect the behavior .ARSHAD BUKHARIMarketing ImpactAverage women trying to achieve model figure.Senior citizens are not involved in advertizing.Spending more money on beauty products.

CONTEvolving trends of tattoos and piercing.Use of beauty products and skin tanning among westerns.

Never get satisfied.

CULTURAL & GENETIC DIFFERENCESPhysical differences.Western model influence on Asian.Wrong perception of body image.Ideal of beauty in each culture varies.Light skin is a sign of high class.Physical attributes like eye color, skin color are considered signs of beauty.

ParametersSexAgeChildrenTeenagersEthnic groupTV & Magazines

CONTMoodMarried or singleShopping


QUESTIONSQuestion # 1: Have you ever heard of the term body image?Question # 2: If Yes, What is it?Question # 3: Does body image counts in the personality?Question # 4: Define Beauty? What comes to your mind when you hear this term?Question # 5: Choose one:A fat person.An average person.A smart person.A skinny oneQuestion # 6: Do you work out?Question # 7: If yes, what pressurizes you to work out?Question # 8: Is the amount of exercise affected by your perceived body image?Question # 9: The locations where you work out does it matter?Question # 10: Do you think that people compare you to the celebrities or movie stars? Question # 11: Do you starve of go for a specific diet plan in order to improve your body image?Question # 12: To what extent can you go in order to achieve your desired body image?

MOTIVATION & BARRIERMEDIA Ever read or skimmed a magazine like one of these?

Its Everywhere! As females we see media images of models and celebrities on a daily basis.

Media is impossible to avoid.

Media is included in television, music videos, billboards, magazines, and even video games.

We are constantly flooded with images like this

When most women look like this And theyre still beautiful!

WOMEN BEFORE AND TODAYIn 1917, the physically perfect woman was about 5ft 4in tall and weighed nearly 10 stone. Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average woman, now they weigh 23% less. The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population and that's just in terms of weight and size. If you want the ideal shape, face etc., it's probably more like 1%.Dolores Del Rio was voted as having the best figure in Hollywood in the 1931 issue of Photoplay magazine


And in bollywood



LIES????The photos of almost every single celebrity and model are photo-shopped before their pictures are published and released.

Skin blemishes are removed most frequently, hips and thighs are made smaller, and necks are elongated.

The RealityHenry Farid, a Dartmouth Professor, calls photo shopping radical digital plastic surgery.

Were seeing bigger tinier waists, longer legs, and wrinkles being smoothed out.

How could we possibly keep up with that, when the models themselves dont even look that good?!

Fantasy vs. Reality On the left is the real photo of Faith Hill and on the right is the photo after photo shopping.Notice how the wrinkles under her eyes disappear and how much smaller her arm looks.

Heres another exampleThis models hips in the picture on the right are smaller than her head which is actually physically impossible. The photo on the left is the real model.

And anotherNotice how the photo of the model on the right, which is the one that has been photo shopped shows her hips and thighs much smaller than the actual photo on the left.

How do these unrealistic images affect our body image? Perfect bodies we're seeing in magazines that are photo-shopped have a terrible effect on how women feel about their own bodies," says Montana Miller, assistant professor in the department of popular culture at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.

So whats the problem?These billions of images of women in media far outnumber the females we could ever see eye to eye, and that reinforces a distorted idea of what we should look like.

How we think about our bodies and our beauty has everything to do with how we treat ourselves.The Real DangerEating disorder theorists and feminist scholars have blamed fashion magazines, movies, television, and advertising for their influence of disordered eating.

Is it really that serious??More than five million people have been affected by eating disorders and about 1,000 women die per year due to anorexia. Media exposure leads to internalization of a slender ideal body shape, which in turn leads to body dissatisfaction and eating disordered symptoms

ZAHOORWhat Are Eating Disorders?Anorexia Nervosa Involves Severe Food Restriction

Self-starvationIntense fear of fatCauses are complex and variableNearly 1 percent of adolescent girls meet the criteria for anorexia nervosaHighest death rate (20 percent) of any psychological illness

What Anorexia Nervosa Can Do to the Body

What Are Eating Disorders?Bulimia Nervosa Involves Bingeing and Purging

Binge and then take inappropriate measures to lose calories.Up to 3 percent of adolescent and young females are bulimic.Often at normal weight or overweight.Caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.TATTOOS AND PIERCING


Finally Its ok to want to be healthy and take care of yourself and your body. Its not ok to deny your own beauty and strive to achieve the impossible.