University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-17-1919 Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919 William Kabler Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Kabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919." (1919). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news/203

Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919

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University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919William Kabler

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationKabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919." (1919). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news/203

Page 2: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919


-- it""'Published Weekly in the Interest of Carrizoro and Lincoln County 12 PAGES





U. S. Supreme CourtwGrantsNew Mexico Right to BringAction in Ditpute OverBoundary.

Washington, Oct, 15. --The su-

preme court today granted thepermission to New Mexico to (lie

suit against the state of Colo-

rado for the purpose of deter-mining the correctness of thepresent boundary between thestates. 1 he case was made returnable next March 1.

About 180,000 acres of land areinvolved in the dispute over theNow Mexico-Colorad- o boundary.Tho land comprises a narrowf trip of territory bordering onTaos and Rio Arriba counties.

The origin of the dispute dalesback to tho survoy of 1856 underland grants and the of1889. It is expected that thestate will begin suitagainst Colorado immediately under tho ruling of the supremo court nnd thoboundary question definitelysuttled.

Seriously Injured

Mr. Ed. Comroy, who has beenin ranching business near Anchofor years and who visits Carri-zozo regularly, came in last Sun-da- y

and after spending the daywith other friends about town,started for the residence of R.E. P. Warden about 8 o'clockthat evening to have a socialchat with the Warden brothers,who operate a ranch in closeneighborhood to that of Mr.Comrey.

As ho neared tho residence,to cross a culbert in front of theCourt House which led to thecrossing Mr. Comroy missed hisfooting, falling headlong into thogutter. The shock stunned himand he lay in tho gutter fornearly 30 minutes boforo Mr.Wardon found the unfortunateman. By this timo ho had regained consciousness suliicient torealize what had happened andwith tho aid of Mr. Warden hewas made as comfortable as pos-sible until a physician arrived,who after an examination foundmat niinougn no bones worebroken, tho patient had sufferedan Injury to his spine whichnothing short of careful treatmont can overcome. Ho is ableto bo out ugain but hurried tohis homo in Ancho where he willremain quite until all danger ispast.

the city is badly in need oflights oa is evidenced by peoplewho come and go from theChurches and Crystal Theatrehaving to be provided with flashlights in order to discern theirway through the darkness. Letuahjpethat tho city council willrealize this necessity and makesome provision for street lightsin the near future.

Lion Hunter Active

Albuquerque, N, M. Oct. 10.13. V. Lilly, the famous lion

hunter, and his dons arrived inAlbuquerque yesterday morningni anucipauou oi u u.Knuni on uiu uuhi. iuiu h muSangro de Cristo rango in SantaFo and Mora counties, wherelions nnd bears have been causing considerable damage to stock

The hunt is being undertakenby tho biological survey of thedepartment of Agriculture, andthe party will leave Albuquerquethis morning for the mountains.They will be joined hero by another hunter. F. M. Greer ofBluewater, Ñ. M.

Mr. Lilly, whose headquartersnow are in Silver City, is a veteran big game hunter, whose rec- -

oru extends over many yearsIT- - I l.....l.l ll ll. t...iiua iiuuiuu un imuuKii mi; i....u.,.,... .t..fni n n. rnr vate nart es and for tho Uní- -

ted States government. Ho ac- -

companied Theodore Roosevelton diuerent Hunting tripsthrough Louislanu, Texas andOklahoma. His dogs, trained byhimself to track and tree the'ramo, are almost as famous astheir master.

S. E. Piper and .1. S. Ligon oftin- - United States uio ocical survov. totrether with tho two huntcrsand their dogs, will leave thismomlne on Santa re tra n Wo.10. for Santa Fe where theywill be joined by Charles Spring- -

er and others who will participate in the hunt. AlbuquerqunJournal.

Photo Printed Magazine

Now York, Oct. 13 Elimination of typesetting, one of thecostliest operations of magazineproduction by the use of platesmade by tho typowritten copy hased in the Oct. 18 issuo of theLiterary Digest, consisting of80 pages. This radical innovation which was brought aboutby the recent printers' strike inthis city, leads the publishers in I

suggest that it Is possible inthis aire of marvels that the entire future of magazine production mny be revolutionized by theelimination of typesetting.

The makeup of tho magazineIs in no way changed, tho onlyinference huing that the style oftho typo is that used on typewriters and is uniform in all thoreading mntter throughout thenumber. The right hand sideof each column is irregular as inordinary type written copy.

BORN -- At the home of Mr. nndMrs. Austin Patty last Thursdaya 12 pound baby girl. All parties concerned aro doing line.

BORN-- To Mr. and Mrs. S. H.Nickels of Alto lost Thursday,a bouncing baby girl. Motherand daughter doing nicely.

BORN At the homo of Mr.and Mrs. Jno. Harkey lastThursday, a boy. All parties aro doing nicely.

To Alamo

S.L. and mothMrs. T. J. Rowden mo

tored to lAlamo to spend theweek-en- d.

Local And Personal

Rolla Parker DepartsRolla Parker left on No.

Tuesday for Albuquerque,ng deiegnto for tho Local

T.,inn nfc thn Rtnte Convent onwhich convenes in that city thisweek. The dates are set for Oct10, 17, 18, and a largo crowd isexpected in the Duke City. Onanother uatro of this issue willbe found a letter from headquarters containing an outline ofwhat may be expected in thoway of amusoments for tho boysand all who attend aro assuredof a good time.

Family Re-uni-

Raymond E. Richstino andwife of Sacramento. Cal. andMrs. Ethel Kingman and childrenof Kansas City, Mo., are visiting..... . tithe uav a naKer lamiiy. mus- -

dames Kingman ana uicnsune,Uro sisters of Mrs. Baker and inconsideration of the fact thattheir parents are not livingthe sisters' visit with Mrs. Bakeris a family

New Deputy ClerkFloyd Rowland uf Roswell has

accepted the position of DeputyCounty Clerk made vacant by

the resignation of Ralph Treat,who reslgned.to take the contractfor delivering groceries for thothree firms mentioned in tho Outlook of Oct. 3rd. Before comingto Carrizozo Mr. Rowland wasSecretary for the Corona Lead &

Silver Mining Co. of Corona, N.M.

From tin Hatchet RanchTom Johnson, foreman of the

Hatchet Ranch near Three Rivers wat in town Tuesday looking

after stock interests. Mr. John- -i

son always has a good word torhis locality and is always freo totalk about what ho claims is abrilliant future for tho livestockbusiness, some big deals beinganllcinaled for the near future.

Visited County Schools

County School SuperintendentMrs. M. L. Bluney visitedthe various schools throughouttho county last week and foundenrollments unusually large andschools as a whole in a prosperous condition.

From Red LakeJ. B, GravlooandT. V. Shields

were in from Red Lake Saturdayand judging from the amount ofmine location blanks they purchased, something will be doingin that locality soon.

From The JicarlllusJ. K. Fair, and wife came in

from their ranch in the Jicarillamountains to visit R. C. Pittsand wife for the week-en- d.

Over From RoswellFrank Young and Chas. Wol- -

cott of Roswell visited the FrankMiller family.

Spent Sunday HereMayor Campbell came up from

tho border Saturday and snentSunday with Carrizozo friends.

Oil Drilling Assured

Mr. O. T. Nye, Director of theLincoln State Bank returnedSunday from the east whero hecompleted arrangments and haddrawn up a contract for drilling a well for oil in the Picachoregions, the work to commenceon tho 23rd of tho present monthTho rigging for drilling is nowon the ground, tho sito selectedon which tho first real project isto begin in Lincoln County.

The contract is signed for awell 2,500 feet in depth whichaccording to Geologist will reachthe oil beds. Messrs. Nyo &

Franklin, The Roswell Oil & Dovclopment Co. and the PicachoCattle Co. are the parties interestcd in tho deal, withHouser & Hale as tho drillersThese drillers have contractsnow signed for the drilling ofsix wells covering tho territoryof Chavez, Eddy, De Baca and

and arc heavilybackcdf by capital sufilcient tocarry on double the amonnt ofbusiness they now have contractsfor. Tho parties mentioned as interested in this deal have beenworking for the past four monthsin order to get tho papers properly drawn up so that everything would bo strictly legaland proparly understood andnow v th all in readiness, thework will proceed in earnest.

Many projects of this naturehavo failed on account of thelack of funds suliicient to carryit through, but there is plentyof "dinero" at tho back of thiscnterpriso which is all that isneeded behind the work Nowfor the drilling.

PiLarger UuckensJLarger 88

Cleveland, O., Oct. 15. Superchickens and eggs, too, if notthree times tho present sizo atonly n small amount more thanprices now prevailing was predicted hero today by Alton E,

Briggs, president of tho NationalPoultry, Egg & Butter Associa-

tion of the United States at theopening of tho convention here.

Mr. Briggs said that super- -

hens uro beintr bred and in thenear futuro would reach the pub'lie, doing much to lower tho H,C. of L.

Attention Red Cross

Tho annual meeting of theLincoln County Chapter, Amerlcan Red Cross will bo held onWednesday afternoon at 4:80at tho Court House. At thismeeting officers will be electedfor tho ensuing year and all arourged to attend.

Jno. A. Haley,Chairman.

New Minister ArrivesRev. A. C. Douglas, who is the

newly appointed pastor of theMethodist Church, arrived withhis family Thursday. Rev. Douglas will begin his pastorate nextSunday and conduct the servicesaccoiding to announcements in

I the church card,




Three Representatives OfState Body to ReceiveRoyal Heads In Albuquer-que Sunday.

Lieut Chas. Henry Lutz has,beemhonored with the appoint-ment by tho American Legionas ono of the staTT to receive theKing and Queen of Belgium ontheir arrival at Albuquerque.There were but three appointments mado from tho State,these recommended by Col.Cutting, and in view of this factLieut. Lutz is not only honored asan individual, but Carrizozo andLincoln County in general willshare in the honor.

The other two representativesare: Manuel L. Armljo, Las Vegas; rank W. Roberts, Albuquerque. A special feature ofthe entertainment for tho royalheads will be the Indian dancesand ancient ceremonies whichroyal eyes have never beheld. TheKing is desirous of seeing some-thing of cowbov life nnd his desire will bo granted as there willbe a genuine round-u- p coupledwith scenes of the early days.

Odd Fellows Meet

The annual Convention ofGrand Lodge I. O. O.F. convenedat Alamogordo Tuesday andWednesday of this week, W. G.LangBton of Carrizozo being thedelegate from the local lodgehere. About fifty delegateswere in attendance, who listenedto reports of prosperity from thestate at large.

liuou ui biiu turn uiiwuiithe delegates were taken abouttown in automobiles after whichthey were treated to a rldo outto whero they could iret a beautiful view of the historical "WhiteSands." Alamogordo in generalshowed the visitors every courtesy. Officers for tho comingterm were chosen as follows: C.A. Doty, ítoswoll, Grand Mos-ite- r:

L. E. Byrne, Clayton, Deputy Grand Master; Wm. G.Johnson, Roy, Grand Warden:G. Bert Smith, Artesiu, 'Grandsecretary; u. J.Grand Treasurer; A. J.

( nw

Alamogordo, Grand Marshall; R.N. Miller, Hagerman, Grand Conductor; E. P. Cnrmichael, Roswell, Grand Chaplin.

Lost in The Mountains

Forest rangers in tho districtof Haily, Idaho, aro searchingfor Joseph Unger, athlete andhotel man of Pittsburg, Pa., whohas been lost in the Sawtoothmountains since October 0th.Unger became separated fromhis companions on a huntingtrip on Float creek and no traceof him can be found. He hadno nrovisions when ho was lost,his companions said.

Over From RoswellM. U. Finley and Panl C. Wtt-so- n

came over from RoswellThursday.

ni lili (in ÍW rifil ir--







ti---"-iJ-jM- á

Page 3: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919

The Cow PuncherCnpjrlciit br IUrnr A IJrothfr


Here's n story ofthe ranch country, the city and"over there." It's a love storythe atory of the matter passionthat drlvei a man onward to tue-

co for the take of the womanhe lovet. The hero It mave.rick of the foothllli. The heroineIt a city girl born to the con-

vention.At the boy wat practicing

shooting with hit cayute on thedead run along came the flntnutomobile he had ever teen. Itobligingly t'pped over right behind the ranch houte and broke 'the owner1 leg. 80 there wattime for Dave and Irene to getacquainted which waa to fall Inlove.

They parted with a kill theto go back to her city life, he towin hit way up to her.



Tin1 shadows uf llin xprnee treefell northeastward, pointing long, coolllngorx across licit h (if undulatingprnlrlo or leaning lazily nmiltiHt

fonllilltx. Ami among Hi1

trees It wnx pool unit green, nml clourlilm- - water rippled over beds of abid-

ing gravel.Tin- - himno was of roiinil, straight

logx: Uii- - xhlngtcx of lln squat roofwcio riiiti-i- l nml hlMcrcd will) llimini uf iiimiy Killiimcrx. Itefuxu loltercd iihmit Him open ilmir: manyempty tilín, 11 barrel with mlxxlug Ihiiiih, boxes, hnrncxx, tangled I'll"of wire. Once there I1111I been 11 fence,n fort of picket fence of little xnpIIiil'm, I111I wild lironi'oH I1111I kicked It

to plecox ami range xtoorx IiiiiI strag'glcd uiiNciirreil acnixx Its scatteredremnants.

Forward, nml to llie left. wax nhiiiiiU corral, mill slabs 011 end orfencex of Indgcpnle ilne; n cornerRomewliiit covered In, ottering vngiioprotection from the weiillier. Tim up-

per pule were worn 1I1I11 with thecrllililiiK of tnmiy horses.

The desertion Noemeil absolute; theNlleliee wiih (lie silence nf the tinspo-ke- n

pliu-eH- , Hut Middenly It wax bro-ken liy 11 stamping In llie covered partof t lut corral, anil 11 mmi'x volco say-Iok- :

"IIIi, llierel Whon, you cayuxel(let nailer your nadilla I BlccplnuRiiliiKt a pox) all day, you Sloppy-eye- .

I Up! Come to It!"liorxe mid rider dashed Into llie

xunllclit, Tile hoy for Im wnx nomole thmi a hoy xnt tho beaxt axthough horn to It, lilt lithe frame Ink-Iii- k

every motion of hlx mount aaHoflly ax a good hunt rldex the sen.Willi a yell at lilt liorxe ho snatchedthe hill from hlx head, turning to thehuh a (iiuooth lirown face nuil a mimeof dark hair, mid xlapped tho horstiacrnsH tho Mutile with lilx crumpledheadgear. Tho animal sprang IntoHie air, then ilaxlied at 11 gallop downllie roadway, hearing thn hoy nx un-

concerned nx a flower on Itx stem.Kilildenly ho brought lilx horse to a

xtop. xwting nlioiit. mid rode hack atn gentío router. A few ynrdx fromthe hntiKu he again xinirred lilin to aKiillop, and, leaning fur down liy theaillimil'x xldo deftly picked n bottlefrom nmiiiiK llie grass. Then ho circlediiitnit. repeallni! thlx oporatlon axoften ux lilx eye fell on a bottle, untilIm laid half a ilim-n- ; then down theroad uiialn. eiiiefully xeltlug a bottleOil Midi hii of thti retire that xklrtedIt In llie right

AbuIii lie came Inirk to the Iioiino,hilt wliun he turned hi, eye wax on(Hi! row of posts mid lilx right handjil' on the grip of lilx revolver. AgainIda sharp yell broke 'he xllcnce andtii hnrxe ilaxlied forwanl ax thoughxlibl friitti a gun. Down the road theywtnil 1111III within a rod of tlio firstliulUO! then there wax a lliixh In theKiinlUht and to the clatter of theimr jSij'H hoofx came I lie crngk crackpFfiie revolver. Two hottlex xhlveredto, fragments, nut four remained Intfljp. (ind the boy rode hack, mutteringnml rilxnpiKiliited. lie reasoned 'villiIda liotxe ox he rode:

"Taint no use, you ol' Slop-oyo- i

n fellow can't gel the head If lie uln'tgill the tlllltr cooked mealx mi'

--CfJil chuck. I could plug 'cm six out''mb'Ml yu know ihtit, you ul' flop.

Tear", iion't you nrgue nbout It, tielTher. When I'm right Inside my beltí mnash Win xix out o' six, but I nln'tfiuiil. ñíryou know It. Vou don'tknow nolhlir nhnut It. You never hnila father! lenatwaya you never had to

ttV- -

be rcxponxllilu for one, . . , Well.It'x cumin' to n llnlxh n d lamellnlxh, you know that, Vou know"

Hut hu had reloaded lilx revolverand ul up two more hottlci. Thlxtime ho hroko four and wax betterpleased with blinxeir. Ax ho rode liocklilx xnllloquy wax lirokcn by a xtrnliRpxounil from beyond the belt of treex.The liorxe pricked up lilx carx andthe hoy turned In tho kihIiIIi; to llxlrn.Jtiiiiilu' crlckelxl Whtit'x loose?" ho

ejaculated. II 0 knew every found ofthe foothill country, hut thlx waxxtriuiRe to ll 111. A kind or norl, nxort of hlxx, inechmilcnl In Itx rejeu-Inrlt-

xtnrtlliiK In tlx xtrmiKenexx, It 11

came ncroxx the valley with the unbroken rhythm of a watch tick.

Well, I ijuexx It won't eat ux." heventured nt hut. "We'll Juxt run Itdown and perhap puke a hole lit It,"Ho xayltr. he cantered nlnng the road,ct'oxxed little atremit, nml xwuncup the I I 011 the farther xldu.

lie wax hair way up when 11 turn Inthe load brniiRlit lilin Into xuildcnxluht or tho xtraiiKii vlxltor. It waxthe llrxt he had xeen, but lie knew Itnl once, for the fame of 'he amonio-hile- ,

then In Itx xltiKln-cyllnde- r xtiiRC,had already xprend Into tho fitrthcxtrnnrhlns country. Tho liorxe wax lexxwell Informed. Mo hiieked mid kickedIn niRe mid terror. Hut the boy waxcoiihcIoiix not xo much or Hie horco axof two hrlRht eyex turned on him Infrank nml xtirprlxed admiration.

"Miat horsciiuiimlilpr xliu exclaimed, Itul the words had xenrceleft her llpx when they were followedby n or alarm, the car hailm I; I'll a xiulden turn from the r.nniand plmiReil lulo a Rrouth of youiiRtiiipliirx thai frltiRed the hlllxlde. Ithalf xlld, half plowed Itx ivny Into asemi-vertic- poxlllon nmotiR theyoutiRtreex. The two occtipnutx werethrown from their Feat; the Rlrl fellclear hut her father wax lexx fortttunto.

In an Inxtnnt tho hoy had IIiiiir himxeir from hlx liorxe, droppliiK the reluxto the uro ml, and the animal, alIioukIi xnortliiK nml xhlverltiR. had no

thoitulit or itlxKracltiR lilx tralnliiR byireiikliiu hlx parole. Willi oulck, tin

Kiiinly xtrldex the boy hrouulit hlnixeirto the unturned machine. It wax citrioitx that ho kIioiiIiI' appear to xuchllxai viintiiL'e 011 hlx feet. In Hie

Middle he wax uraco perxonllled.Kor 11 moment ho lookeil xoniewluit

xtutililly upon tho wreck. Had II beenliorxe or a xteer hu would linve

known Hie procedure, but thlx experlnee wax new to hlx life. Hexldexhete were xtrmiRerx here. He had 111

rear of xtrmiRerx when they worechapx mid colored hatidkeichlefx, hut

ulrl In a brown xweater and anoldlxh man with a while collar werecreatures to he approached with canHon. The olillxh man wax lyliiR onthe ground, with a leg pinned underhe car, and Hrowu Swenter nilxei

lilx head ngnllixt her knee and prexxedhlx check with xmall white llngcrx.mid looked at the boy with brightgray eyes and xald :

"Aren't you going to do anything)"That brought him hack. "Sure." he

xald, xprlnglng to her side. "Whndn yewant me to do)

"I am afraid my leg Ix broken." xaldHie man, xpenklng calmly nntwlth-Ktmidlu-

lilt pain. "Can you get theJack out of the toolbox anil ralno theear)"

The girl pointed to the box. and Ina moment ho hud the Jack In hlxhand. Hut It wax a new tool to lilinnml he rumbled with It xtuptdly. Thehandle would not III, and ulien It didlit It operated the wrong way.

Oh, let me have It," fhe cried Impatiently.

In 11 ninniuiit xhe bail It xct underthe frame of the car and wax plyingthe handle up mid down with rapidxtrokex. Tho boy looked on, hetplexxnml uiortllled. tin wax beginning torealize that there were moro thlngxIn the world than riding a liorxe midxlinotlug liottlex. lie felt 11 tudilenilexlre to hu of great service AndJuxt now lie could bo of no servicewhatever.

Hut tho foot of the Jack began toxlnk In tho Noft earth, and the girllooked up helplessly.

"It won't lift It," Bho said. "Whatxlutll we üol"

It was his chance. He was eighteen,and Ills wild, open life had given himmuxclcs of steel. "Here," he saidroughly, "move his leg when I got Itclear." tie turned hlx back to themachino and crouched down until hecould get his hands under the steelframe. Then ho lifted, The cor wnslu n somewhat poised position, and hewas able to awing It up far enoughto release tho Injured leg.



Robert J. C.SteadAuthor of

"Kllchmtr andOthtr rotmi "

Illustrations fcy



Very good, my hoy," xald the, man."That wax a wonderful 11(1. The legIx brokencompound. Can you getNome way of moving mo to shelter)I will imy you well."

The laxt words wero unfortunate,Hospitality In the ranching country Isnot bought and unit).

You can't pay mo nothln'," ho saidrudely. "Hut I can bring n lightwagon, If you enn rldo In that, andput you up at tho ranch. Tho oldman x xouxed," ho added, ns on nftcr-thought, "but It's better than sleeplu'out. I won't bo long."

lie wax hack nt his horse, and Inmoment they heard the clatter of

hoofx galloping down tho hlllxlde,The girl rextcd her father's head In

her hip. Tears mudo her bright eyesbrighter still.

"Don't cry, Recule," ho said gently.'Wo lire very lucky to he so clono to

belli. Of course I'll bo laid up for awhile, but It will glvo you- a chanceto see ranch life ns It really Ix." liewinced with pain but continued: "Ifancy we xhnll llnd It plain and tinveneered. What a horseman I If I

could run an automobile llko ho does11 horxo wo should not bo here."

"lie's strong," she said. "Hut tie'srude."

"The bext fleldx for muxrlo are oftenioor xchools for manners," ho nn- -

xweredThe ny wns soon tiack with a

wagon nuil n stretcher. He avoidedHie eyes of Ills gucxtx, but quicklymid gently enough hu placed the In-

jured man on the stretcher. "I guessciui'll have lo lake the feet," he xald.'I Im wurilx were for tho girl nlthougliho did not look at her. "I couldImxlle lit 111 myxeir but It might hurtMm."

Hut tho Injured man Interrupted."I beg your pardon," he xnld, "that I

did not Introduce my daughter, I amDoctor Manly; this Ix toy daughterIrene. Mr. )"

"They don't call me mister," saidthe boy. ".Misters Is scarce In thesewoodx. My iiamo Ix ICIilen DaveKlilen."

The girl came up with extendedhand. Me took It shyly, but It madeta I tn eurloiixly bold.

"I'm glad to meet you. Mr. ICIiIcn,"

xhe xald,"I'm glad lo meet you, too." be

"Mlxxcx Ix scarcer than mis-

ters In thlx neck 0' tho woods."Carefully they lifted the Injured

man lulo tho wagon, and Davo drnvoto the ranch building with 1111 un-

wonted caution that muxi have caused



The Animal Sprang Into the Air, ThenDathed at a Qallop Down the Road,way.

strange mlxglvlugs lu Ihu hearts ofhlx team.

"It nln't much of n plneo," he xald,nx they pulled up at the door. "Iguesx j on can sea Hint for yourself,"ho added, with u grin. "Vou seothere's JuRt dml and mo, mid bo'sxoiixed moat uf tho time, and I handlea Iiikho bulter'n a xcruhblu' brush."Mo wax already losing Ills shyness."Now you take the feet ngaln. Steady I

Look out for that barrel hoop. Thisway now."

Hu led Into tho old ranch house,kicking the door wider open with hlxheel ns he passed. A partition fromenxt to west divided tho house, andanother partition from north to southdivided the northorn half. In thenortheast room they set the stretcheron the Hour.

"Now," said the boy, "I'm goln' forthe doctor. It's forty miles to town,and It'll likely be niornln' boforo I'mback, but I'll suro burn the trail.There's grub In tho house, and youwon't starve that Is If you can cook."(This was evidently for Irene. Therewns n note 'IB It that suggested thegirl might have ber limitations.) "Dig

luto unythln' In sight. And 1 Hope'your father's leg won't hurt ttrymuch."

Oh, I'll stand It," said DoctorHardy, with some checrfnlnexn. "Womedical men become iiccuitoiued tosuffering In other people. You arcvery kind. My daughter may remainIn this room, I suppose) There I,no ono else)"

"No one but the old man," ho nn'xwered. "He's asleep In tho nextroom, safe till mnrnlii'. I'll lie hm

that time. That's my bed," Indi-

cating n corner. "Mako yourselves athome." Ho lounged through tho door,and they heard his ipurx clunkingacross the hard earth.

The girl's first thought wax for herfather. Bho removed hlx hoot andstocking, and, under his direction, slitthe leg of hlx trousers nbovo th"

It wax bleeding a little. In tho(urge room of tho house sno round apall of water, and she bathed thowound, wiping It with her nanuner- - markof Hayer Manufacturo of Mono-chi- ef

and mingling n tear or two with Cctlcacldester of Sallcyllcocld. Adr.tho warm blood that dripped from 11.

"You'ro Rood stuff." her father xnld,

pressing the flngors of her unoccupiedhand. "Now If you could find a cleancloth to bandage It"

"Is that you, Davo?""Yes, Recnle, and the doo-to- r,




Hard to Explain Why Simple ThlngtHave 8uch a Peculiar Effect on

Some Persons.

Seme pcoplo sneeze for curious rea-so-

Thero Is a clergyman who cannever cross tho road on a very hotday without cnrrylng an umbrella. Ifho does, he Is Immediately taicon wua,, viniont n nf xneezli'3. Anothermen Ix similarly affected by exposureto brluht t.

Clerevmcn seem to be particularlysensitivo In thlx direction. Anotherwearer nf the cloth used to sneezewhe novcr ho came near to a dead hare.A similar enso Ix that nf a young manwh.i could never go nenr a horse with- -

oi'i sneezing,Peculiar odors have been known to

cause sneezing. A druggist's wife always sneezed when Ipecacuanha wnsbeing used In the shop, nml anotherI'erson nlwnvs found sneezing ncces.s.iry whenever ho entered n mom wherothcie were violets. And thero Is nn ac-

count of a physician whowax fond of chocolates, Kit couldnever eat one without sufftirlng spasmsof sneezing.

Perhaps Hie most remarkable ensIs thut of a man who, whenever hokeen a picture nf n hayfleld. Immediate-ly proceeds to sneczo his head nearlyoff. London Tlt-Hlt-

Deautlful Marin Organltma.A beautiful marino organism which

floats In tropical seas Is not a singlemature, hut a colony of many nullvldunls, connected with each other likeHlnmcse twins, and of sovernl different kinds. The largest and moxt hrllllnntly colored Is Inflated with gas andlimits on the water surface. All thoother members of the colony hang fromIts under side. Homo aro small andtrumpet-shape- and do the feeding for1... limnniiv. niiinr. .r ....a,,.

IHV V.II..W v.'"..gvrllko mid nro "feelers," HUH othersreneinhlo bunches of 'grapes. Theseare egg layers. Another kind nro likelong streamers and extend down Intothe water to act ns "drag anchors."They .tro also nrmcd with "sting cells"to xuiy yoiiUK iiMien, nnii'ii ini-- aner--

ward draw up to the hungry mouthsubove.

Beverage of Pine Datum.The threatened emptiness of "tho

cur that cheers, but not Inebrliitcs,"reminds a correspondent Hint Cowpcrwa less original than many readerssiinnoso In framing Hint line.

I.ong before Ills time, Illxhup llork- -

cley applied tho samo encomium to n

drink nmitu of pine bnlxmn, In theseterms t

"Tho luminous spirit lodged nnd de-

tained In tho nativo balsam or pinesnail firs Is nf a nnturn so mild mid

nnd proportioned to tho humanconstitution nx to warm without heating, to cheer hut not Inebriate, and toproducá n calm mid steady Joy llko theeffect of good news, without Hint sinking of spirits which Is a subsequenteffect on nil fermented cordials."

Biddy's Reasoning.Mistress I'm afraid my poor, dar-

ling, llttlo Topsy will never recover,Do you know, Hrldget, 1 think thekindest thing would be to hare herchloroformed and put out of her misery.

HrldEct 1 do that. mum.Sure, she might get better, nftcr all.an' then yo'd be sorry ye had her kill.ed, Boston Evening Transcript.

Durable Male Beauty.One reason why a mnn doesn't look

Into a mirror as orten as n womandoes Is because he has more con-

fidence In the durability of Ills beam;Galveston News.


Htm Bayer" 1 en CenuhisAjplrln say Bayer I

Insist on "Uayer Tablets of Aspirin"Id a "Huyer package," containing proper directions for Headache, Coldx,I'aln, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheu-

matism. Name "Huyer" means genuinoAspirin prescribed by physician fornineteen years. Handy tin toxex nf 12tablets cost few 'cents. Aspirin Is tratlo

Naturally."Weren't you once n"Vex, those wero my palmy dayr.

llaltlinoie American.


Thouitndt of women hire kldner todblidder trouble and never tuipect It.

Women complaint olten prove to tnothing elie but kidney trouble, or therriult of kidney or bladder diieaie.

If the kidneys are not in a heiituythe lher "!1Sftl00,b'tct,,7e SitLlT"

Pat,. In IIim Iii.iflp1ii. Inn nf imfcitioni ntrvouinrn, are often lime tytnp- -

tomi of kldnev trouble.Don't drlay starting trratmrnt. Dr.

Kilmer's Swamp-Root- , a pbyiician't pre-scription, obtained at any drug ttore, maybe Juit the remedy needed to overcomeuli conditlnni, . . .

Get a raed urn or large alie bottle Im- -

m'dlitely from any d . atore.However, II you wlin urai 10 icu inn

(Inn ten rent to Dr.Kilmer & Co., Rlniiliamton, N. Y., for asimple bottle. When writing be lure andmention tbl papey. aut.

Doth Supplied."We have mi old family knocker nn

our front door.""We have one Inside."


A cold In the summer time, as everybody knows, Is thn hnrdest kind of acold to get rid of. Tho best and quick-est way Is to go to bed and stay thereir you can, with a bottle of "lloschce'sSyrup" handy to Insurn a good night'srest, free from coughing, with easy ex-

pectoration In the morning.nut If you can't stay In bed yon mast

keep out of draughts, avoid suddenchanges, cat sparingly of simple foodand take occasional doses of Itoschoe aSyrup, vfhlch you can buy at any storewhero medicine Is sold, a safe and effi

cient remedy, made In America for morathan fifty years. Keep It hor.dy. Adv.

Illuxloiix are like Intense sunlightvery heniitiriil, but blinding, flet ridof them

Don't Forget Cutleura TalcumWhen adding to your toilet requisites.An exquisitely scented face, skin, babyami dusting powder e 10 perfume, ron- -

Mln otnf Prfu" upcrlluous.You may roly oo It bccauso one of theCutleura Trio (Soap, Ointment andTalcum), HSc each everywhere. Adr.

(iptlmlxm, iiulexx hacked by hardwork, never eaxlied In.

II Ix mil xo much what you earn atwhat you xpeml that counts.

Was Laid Up In BedDoin'i, IIowit r, Ruterti Mn. Volt t Hiillh

tad StitotlB. Una I Salfiitd Suet,"I had on of Hu worn cut! of kid- -

ny complaint Imaslnablr," aaya Mra.Win. Vuit. III! Audrry Ava., Wttliion.Mo, "and t waa laid up In bad for dayaat tlin.yy biaaatr w innatnrt and mo

Kiuneir aecrtuoni cauaruUrrlblt pain, My backwaa In audi bad abanathat whrn 1 moved tli

wtra ilka afaina I sot ao dlisy Irouldn't aloop and myhud just throbbed withpain. lirada of pttapl-ralló- n

wuuld aland onmy ttmplia, than Iwnutd become cotd andnumb. My htart actionwaa affected and I tall aaMIIS. TOOT If I efiultln'l taifa nnthop

breath. I sot ao nervoua and run down,1 felt Ufa wnan't worth llvlns and oftenwished that I mltht die ao my aufferlnswould ba ended. Medicina failed to helpm and I waa dlacourased,

"Doan'a Kidney I'llla wera recommended to me and I could tell I waa belnthelped atler the Srat few doaea. t kepitetllnr better every day and continuedtii cured me. My health Improved Inevery way and beat of all. tee cure haabeen permanent. 1 feel that Ioan'eeavert my lire - awrn ti aerare me,HENn I). HUitKAMl' Notary Public.

(! fJtu'a al An Star. So a Baa


Ther la tramendoua eipanalon In buat-nee-

Our calla for ornee workara havedouble In a year NOW la the tlm. to enterbuilneaa, Unroll Nov 1. Write for catalog,

COAfMCAL SCHOOL1003-t- J Champa HI., Henear, Col.

Page 4: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919

BTATR OF NEtVMExcOCertificate of Comparison

United States of AmericaHtalu of New Mexico M

It Ik Hereby Certified, IliaOthc n

i'il I a full, truii and complete trailscript of the perlifícalo of Stockhold-er's of Mncnn Oil Com-

pany (No Stockholders' Liability) .(No.10143) with lliu endorsement thereon,a adult) appears on lllu uiul of recdnlIn the olllce of State Coritoration Com-

mission.In Toatlmnny Whereof, thoKtnto Corporation Commis-sion of tho Stnto of NewMexico Iiuh caused thisccrllllcate to ho signed by

(SEAL) IU Chalrninn and tho sealof Hal Commission, to boaffixed at tho City of .SantaFe on this fourth day of

Attest: October A. I). 1910.J. M. I.UNA,

Acting ChairmanA. U MOItlllSON.

Clerk.Stnto of Now Mexico;

County of Lincoln )

Wo tliu undersigned, Incorporators,of Magna Oil Company (No Stock'holers' Liability) hereby certify thatthe Capital Block of this Company,Four hundred thousand dollars, (IKK),000,) shall bo issued with no Stockholders Liability and that this factshall appoar upon tho face of oachCortlllcato of stock to bo issued by thiscompany.


State of New MexicoCounty of Lincoln "1 Chas. F. Grey, a Notary Public In

and for Lincoln County, tí ta to of NewMexico, hereby certify that, T. It.Wcllband, M. E. Tiller, It, W. Ounyonand tí. F. Crews, each of whom aropersonally known to mo, appeared be-

fore me and acknowledged that theyoach signed and executed tho aboveand foregoing Cortlllcato of Incorpora-tion for tho purposo therein expressed,this 2Ulh day oí SepteinLor, 1319.

CUAS. 1'. Git A Y,My Commission Expiren Jan. 29 A. D.1922.



Cor. Hec'd Vol. tl Togo C92

Certifícala of ofStockholders of

Mugua Oil Company(No Stockholders' Liability)

Filed In Olllce of Stato CorporationCommission ot Now Mexico.

Oct. 4, 11119 . 10:39 A. M.

A. L. MOHItlSSON,Clerk.

Compared Ml'M to KM A.STATE OF NEW MEXICOCertlllcatc of Comparison

United Males of America (asState of Now Mexico f

It is Hereby Certified, that tho an-

nexed is a full, true and complete" tran-script of tho Cortlllcato ot Incorpora-tion of Magna Oil Company (No Stock-holders' Liability) (No. 101 12) with theondursuments thereon, ns same ap-peals on III and of record in tho olllceof tho" Stato Corporation Commission.

In Toatlmnny Whereof, theStato Corporation Com-mission of tho State ofNew Moxioo has causedOlía curtlllmit to be signadby Its Chairman and the

(SliAL) mrI of snid Commission, tolit) flOUxw) at tht city offlflnU P on this fourth day

At tail: of October A. D. 1919.

J. M. LUNAActing Chairman

A. I MOItlttSON,Work.


Magna Oil Company(No Stockholders' Liability)

Know All Men Ily Theso I'rosents,that we, the subscribers, have on this20 day of September 1919, voluntarilyassociated ourselves together for thopurpose of forming a corporation, undor and by virtue of the laws of theStato of New Mexico, U.S. A.

Article I

Tho name of the cororatlon here-by formed shall be, and aald corpora,tion shall be called and known ns theMagna Oil Company, (No Stockholders'Liability) and shall be and Is herebyformedarJ organized at Oscuro, Lin-coln County. State of New Mexico.

Article II '

That tho amount of the capital stockwith which this company will startbusiness Is four thotuand dollars,(f I.THH)) and tho names of and onl of-

fice a I lrosu of the Incorporators aroas follows!

T. It. Wellband, Oscuro, N. M. onethousand shares (1,000)

M. E. Tlllor, Oscuro, N. M. ono

thousand shares, (1,000.)It. W. Ounyon, Oscuro, N. M. one

thousand shares, (1,000.)S. F. Crews, Oscuro. N. M. ono

thousand shares, (1,000.)

Article III

Thnt tho corporation herein for andhereby created shall exUt and continuofor the term of fifty years (fiOl unlesssooner dissolved nccordlng In law.

Artlclo IV

The objects for which this corpora-

tion is created formed and organized,aro: To own, possess, buy, sell, lease,operate, acquire by location, explora-tion or otherwise, tooncumbcrorothcr-wlsodiipo- s

of oil and oil wells andother mines, mineral lands, mill sightsand other lands, and mining property,both reol and personal pipelines, oil

refineries, and nil nppllanccs andmethods for treating and reducing andshipping of oil and ores of all kinds:water and water rights for power,domestic, mining and other purposes;casements, right of way for ditches,flumes, pipe-line- reservoirs, dams,tramways, roads, concessions, fran-chises, to be used In connection therewith, and to build, construct, andmaintain ditches, flumes, reservoirs,dams and to build, construct andoperate tramways, roads and railwaysused or to be used In connection withsuch oil or mineral land or property;and to buv and sell oil and ores andmineral substances and to buy, lease,sell, erect, operate and maintain anyand all plants for the treatment andreflnment of oil and reduction of oresand minerals; to erect, maintain, own,bav ind operate power plants for thetransmission of power by electricity or

.otherwise for the operation of oilwells, mines, roads, smelting, millingand power plants, and to erect, lettsoand maintain buildings of any and allkinds to uso in carrying outtho purposes a'ld objects for whichthis corporation is formed.

H. I'o borrow money, and to en-

cumber the corporate property as se-

curity for tho payment therefor; tomake, execute, sign, and deliver bonds,debentures, hills promlaary notes, andmortages for and on behalf and In thenames of this corporation, for tho pur-

pose of procuring slid borrowing moneyto curry out the objects und purposofor which this corporation is formedand created; to creHte, issue, execute,buy mid sell stocks und bonds for thiscorporation and other corporationsund to hypotecato the bonds und stockof this and other corporations und se-

curities for money burrowed or theirindebtedness for und on behalf of tillsand other corporations .

C. To do und perform oacli und allund ovary act and thing iivcosdiiry, expedient and proper to curry out thopurK)s, object und business for whichthis corporation is formed, und generally do und perform any und till nets undother things necessary to successfullycurry out and maintain tho objects midpurposes lor which this corporation isformed und created, und which naturalindividuals und person muy lawfully door asiuciute tnemselvu to perfurm.

Artlclo V

Taat Hie place of the general olllceof tho said corporation und of the gunoral flnaiiolul and commercial businessthereof, ahull bo at Carrlgojo Countyof Lincoln, Stato of New Mexico, butbranch, transfer and other olllce forthe transaction of the business thereofmuy be established outside of the saidCsrrlzozo, County of Lincoln, State ofNew Mexico; und in any other city ortown, or stale or territory or In nnyforeign country.

Article VI

That tho directors and officers shallbe:

First: A Hoard of seven directors.Second: A President.Third i AFourth: A Treasurer.Fifth: A Secretary.Sixth: AGencrul Manager.Tho President and Vico President

and General Manager shall bo Directorsbut tho Secretary and Treasurer neednot be a stockholder or a Director ofsaid corporation.




business men, professional men,sports tfolf , tennis,

shooiinriding.For everybody,the year round. Bevo is hale

for thirstnvioraiiná soft drink. Ideal for

or the man in physical ortraining -- tjood to train andHealthful and appetizing.


&toFormen of

refreshmentanthe athletementalain on.


Artlclo VII

That the amount of tho capital stockof tho said corporation shall bo fourhundred thousand dollars (ÍI00.000.)which shall be divided Into four hun-dred thousand shares, (400,000) of tholoco value or par valuo ot one donar,(f 1.00) por shuro, with no stockholdersliability.

Article VIII

The name of tho agent of this cor-

poration upon whom procesH may boserved is Melville E. Tiller, Post Olllce,Oscuro Now Mexico


Htato of New Mexico Ia

County of Lincoln j

Chus. F. Grey, Notary's Name.I, u Notary Public In und for Lincoln

County, New Mexico. Hereby certifythat. T. II. Wellhnnd. M. E. Tiller. It.W. litmjon and S. F Crews each ofwhom ure personally known to me,

beforo mo and acknowledgedthat thov ouch sinned and executed tho

.ubovo nod foregoing Certificate offor the purposo therein ex-- i

pressed, this l(ith day of September.CHAS, r . UIIAY.

My Commission Expires Jan. ail, 1922.(REAL)

ENDORSEDNo. 101 12

Cor. Itcc'd Vol. tl Pap,o 092Cortlllcato of Incorporation of

MAGNA OIL COMPANY(No. Stockholders' Liability)

Filed in Olllce of Stuto CorporationCommission of Now MoxicoOct. 4 1919 1II:H0 A. M.

A. L. MOItlllSON, 'Clerk,

Compared MPM to EM A.

STATE OP NEW MEXICOCcrllllrato of Filing

United Stato of America 8gState of Now Mexico ) .

Ills Hereby Certified, that therewus MM for record in the milco of theMoto CuriHirutinn (.ommMsioii of InnStuto of New Mexico, on thu fourthday of October A. D. 1919: lit 10:.I0o clock . ni. lertlllcuto or Incutporutlon und Certtllcnto of Stock-holders' of tho MAGNAOIL COMPANY (No Stockholders'Liability)

WHEIIEFOUE: Tho Incorporatorsnamed in snid Certificate of Incorpora-tion, and who llave signe) the same,and their successors und assigns, urehereby declared to be. from this datauntil tho fourth day of October Nineteen Hundred and S xtv-- lie. a Cor.poratlon by tho name and for tho pur-poses set forth In said Certificate,

(Nos. 10112 and 10143)

In Testimony Whereof, theState Corioratlon Commis-sion of tho State of NewMexico has caused thiacer--t incalí. In 111. alntK.il It., I.

(SEAL) Chairman and the seal ofsaid Commission, to bo af- -flxRil nl Itin f!lv it KfiHln

Attest: Fe on thl 4th day of October A. D. 1919.

J. M. LUNA,iKllnnrii.l.n...

A. L. MOItlllSON,Clerk;


ati-tioar-'to- soft drink



Bill BarnettDlatrlbutor

Carrlzoxo, tl N M


LIalF.T MliPl 1i,

iiiiiiimiunu,!..- .-

New Oil CompaniesAre Incorporated

Tho stato corporation commis-sion has granted charters to thefollowing now oil companies:

Frcncli Petroleum Co. of Col-

fax county, the capital stock is$100,000.00 and par valuo ofshares ono dollar. Tho incorpor-ators aro S. E. Pelphrcy, J. J.Keener, J. D. VoKeldenp, E. E.DnURhteree, 1). L. Hutson, h. C.ArniiiR.U. It. Hutson.G. L. Itetl-gel-

W. P. Gallen, nnd II. A.Kiker of French.

Tho Magna Oil Company ofOscuro will have its principal of-

fice at Carrizozo. The capitalftock is $100,000.00 and sharesSI each. Tho incorporators nrej11 1 nr til I i i m...i. h. wuinmnti, ii. w. mier, u,W. Gunyon and S. F. Crews ofO3curo.

Tho Santa llosa Oil Co. ofFe, capital stock 5500,000.00 andpar value of shares $10. Incor-porators aro Francis C. Wilson,I). K. Sadler nnd M. J. McGuin-vos- b

of Santa Fe.Tulaoáa Oil and Gas Co. of

The capital stock isS2 0,000.00 and par valuo ofof shares SI. Tho incorporatorsatu G. i I. Vantierveort, G. V.Clayton, and W. H. Clayton ofAlnmogordo.

Tho American Oil Exchange of i

Tucnmcari will do a general oilexchange ' business in leasing,buying and soiling oil lands andhandling oil stocks. Their cap-

ital stock is $50,000 and par val-ue of shares one dollar. The in-

corporators aro C. E. Hawkins.A. Hurley and S. M. Wharton ofTucumcari.

"áhorty" Will Tell You

Try putting a new tup on yourcar and make it look like new. I

Don't throw away your oldtires. Have them retreaded. j

Guaranteed work and rightprices. See "Shorty" Miller.

Carload Potatoes: got ourprices on quantitics-Zivg- ler

Bros. i



"Shi What would happento mo if I were your kid?Well, If you're not acquaintedwith Calumet Dakinirs youdon't know what n pood ex-cuso I have. Cai't HelpHctl'lits Mysel- f- Cicro eogood I Good for me too, be.cause Calumet Dnkinsa arawholínomo nnd cnilly Jmnlcil,

Millions of mothers me

CALUMETBAKING POWDERhecauseofltsnurlty- - becauseIt always slvei licit rrsn sand Iseconomical In cot snd un

Calumtt contain) only menIntrtdltntt ham fcn op.prov officially by Ihm U. S.Foca Autnotitltt.You onvo Hhtn vou buy II.

Von save mhm you uto II,

Wi k

A Story ef th WestDifferent From AnyYou Have Ever Read

The CowPuncher

tend It in Thie ñmtermmihiihiiihiuhimihiumji

Page 5: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919










W.K.rn Ntwipaptr Union Nm srlt.WESTERN

.1. Cmifols, ii farmer ni'iir Mail(Ion, lían., Ik dead cif Injurie sufferedwhen ii hull gored in. Tim hullihiirged tn mill lin threw bucketover III m liiiriix, Inn Ihu hull felled himwith IiIn f rim t feet nuil tlii'il goredicpcutcilly.

I lln in Warn, ii farmer chargedwith being Insane, Ktiiml nff a sheriff's1KÍHSD Hint attempted lo nrri'Ht lilin at1)i'iIhiiii, Iiiwii, hy ukIiik IiIh wife ns nfclilclil, whllu hit fired forty shots.When Ills iiiiiiiiuiiIIIiiii was exhuustcd,lit) UKI'll' till! IiinI shell In kill littilHclf.

Tile National Sheep anil Woolllurcnu has liui'ii niitlfliMl hy Ho prcsl-den- t,

Alexander Walker, at Washing-ton- ,

tluil majority lenders In houso andHcniiiii woiihl Introduce Into Congressat tliu December noshIoii tho bureau's"Truth In l'alirlf" hill. The mensuroU iuriiiKiil to compel labeling ( wool-

en fabrics anil clothing to show tliupresence of shoddy mnl cotton.

Hurry 8. Now Jr., player of IiIh

sweetheart, Freda Lesser, will k t'trial In tliu superior court at Us Ali-

góles Dee. lllth, Instead of Oct. 27lli.The continuance wiih granted hy Su-

perior Judge Crnlg when l.oeniupteDavis explained additional timo wiihnecessary for the ilo'ense lo prepareIts casu mnl for tlu tnkliiK of Import-i- i

n I depositions In tin1 Knst.

Plans on being niaih' at I.os An-

geles hy u local uiolloii plcturo producer to iiiake moving pictures ofsones In the Whin from eovi'r lo cover.The Hlhle wilt ho filmed In 1X) reels,hro to ho shown at a time. It Ih expected tliu work will require twoyearn, and Dial In nnmo scones tin1largest numher of persons ever uiieai''lug In a motion picture, will ho iihsonihlod.

.MrH. Jack I'nwei'H, u hrhle of hut onemouth, eudeil her life hy drinkingpoison at her liniiie at Frederick, Okhllioiiia, following lier discovery of a letter In her liiifhaudN pocket from aformer sweetheart, who hud not henriiof IiIh marriage. .Mix I'owei'N met hoi--

IiiinIiuimI iih lie ciiiue home rrom work,Inlil him what kIii hail Juki dime anddied In IiIh iii'Iiim In a few minuten. A

llote written hefnre Hie deed wild shedid hill-wis- Id Htaud In the wuy of IiIklllipplllONH.

WASHINGTONWilli disposition of Hie pence Irenly

exjiecleil hy Nov. I, congressionalIciulerH are discussing the proHiectHof closing Hie uxtinorillhiiry session,which begun .May 111, ho iih to hnvo aIliouth'H I'chI heforo the rebullir Miv

rcniher session begins.Despite the popular hellef Hint tin

lllniiher of large furl much Iiiin increasedduring the hint few yen in, Income MatlstlcH minie public hy the bureau of1 i t' revenue showed a considerabledecrease for 1IIIT In those reportingIncomes III excess of Sl.MI.IKH), hutmarked Increase In iIiohi- - reporting nutInomiicH of loss I hint SlMl.tM), TheflKlircH worn imifililereil more Hiirprising iih regards Income of SUM),- -

lHI ami over. There wan u docrensoof Hlxly-flv- e In Hiich Iiicouich, only litbeing reported In HUT.

Tliu Senate hits passed a hill placingn pimlsbiiiuiit of ?B,(lOO anil Imprisonliielit ftlr five yeura for triiiiHirllngloleti HulomnlilleM in InlerxlHie com

liiurce.'llm Nntlnual KipiHl Itlclits UiiKiie,

wlllrli IB under liedlo leaderxlilp, withhaflililimrlets at lloxtnti, tclcKrupliedthe clmlnncn of the Judiciary commit(MA nf t'niirens, mijIii Unit the triplelyiiflilng at Uncohiton, (la., makcH tvttriplf, míe uwir-doulil- and one kIiikIhlyncllllIK III utfelit iliiyn. The lelecnlitiUffM '(lint IIiIh coiiHiaut until miirilerlilC" liiipiiscH a duty on the comuiltlce

f "iuriiitilatlns leRlxlatlon kIvIiir theIHlontl guvernmeiii oriKinai juriHitictWll over lyilriiuiKM.

Tlié iiumliur of women employed hyrntllDitUa In heavy work while thowar vritg nú and when men could nottit) ollllilned Ik IicIiik leduccil NleadllyDlreelDf (leuenil IIIiium miuounveilWoilleit Cliiplnycd III all ovcupntloiiM uniCilCial ctinlrollcd rouila July 1, wereU iKr cent fewer tluiii on April 1, hut

ÍÍilit.é WurklliK In round Iioiihch hadÜl'étl rudiioed -- I II per cent mid In rIioixítirk 1 Pr cent. The tolnl iiiiiihurof uiitiif il workiiiK on nillroiuU July

FOUKIQNAn Intercepted IttiMtnn HoUhelk

wlreloH iiimMiigo from SIoicow con-flr-

tliu tlint the lloliherlkImvo heoii forced to nhandon the townof IJvliikk, lictwcvii Old ltUHHln and I'o-lan-

A of ricriiian expertwho have vhdted tho inliieH of north-ern Franco which were ilovnuti'd drtr-Ili-

the war, hellevi'H that It whl takefrom two lo eight years to rentarethem to their former condition,

llrlif. (len. lvdgnr Jailwln of tliuAmerican iiiIhhIoii In Hoiltliern ltuxula,who wni reported to have heon ex-

ecuted hy the lloUliovlkl, In well andon his way home, according to a

lo the War Department fromUnited StntcH MlulHter Ulhxon nt War--


Mencral von der 01 old, eoiumander otClerinan furces In the llnltlc province",wlione actlvltleH Hiere liuvo recentlyled to Hliarp excliaiiKCH liotwcen the al-

lied powurn mid Oermany, Iiiih, withIiIh staff, Joined tho IIuhhIoii HoIhIio-vl- k

forces, accordliiK to n llerlln

The (lerman reply to tho allied nolodemamlliiK Hie withdrawal of (lenernl

(in der (loltr.'s troops from the llnltlcprovlnceH wn dlseusHed hy tho Su-

premo (Niuncll at the resumption of Itsmeetings. It was considered mimitlu-faclor-

ami Marshal I'ocli was In-

structed to draw up it new nolo to sendthe (leriumiH,

Tho New York Yacht Cllil) liasfrom tho lloyal Ulster Yacht

(Mill) nf Knglmul, a formal challengefor series of races In ho kiiIIcii for thuAmerica's cup during the summer ofWM In American waters. Tho diallengo specifically names the KhmnrockIV., owned hy Sir Thomas Upton, asIts representative.GENERAL

Henry Mills Alden, editor of llnrp-er's Mugnr.lne niñee 18110, died nt Ida

homo In New York after a lonu IllnessHo wiih Si years old,

Wllllo Jackson, Now Y.o-- lightweight, knocked out Kddle Moignn otKngland In thu fourth round nt a sixround hoiit, nt riillndelphln.

Yale and Colgate universities eachreceive 100,000 hy the will of ItlchurilM, Colgate, soap manufiicturer of WestOrange, N. J which was filed for prohate In Newark. The will leaves toHenry A. Colgate, a sun, stock In Col- -

gale & Co, held hy IiIh father, wllllothe residue of the estate, tho value ofwhich Is not given, goes to thu wliloyvand a daughter

The l'roleslant KplKcnpal chinch ofAmerica will spend In foreign ond douiestlc missions during lli'JO, lJMyjOOuiore ii was appropriated for Ihowork last year, If reeoiiiiuendatlonH ofthe hoard of missions which met at DcIrolt, to tho rienulal general convenlion, are adopted. The hoard recommended n lot til liudget for missionwork of $!!,!! 2,710.

The clocks of Hie country will lieturned hack nun hour, under the provlsinus of Iho daylight saving law, Oct2il, the Inst Sunday In October, lito'clock In Iho morning. The law, whichwas passed In 11118 and repealed In theslimmer of this year, says that thoclocks shall he turned forward onehour on the last Sunday In March midturned hack to norinat time again onHie last Sunday hi October,

I'laiis have been cnuiplclcd amilinces ihroiiglioiil the eniintri uiohlII red for the unllouiil railroad accidentlueventlon ilrhe scheduled for Iho perlod of del. IS to 111, HHP. It Ih allied to a similar movement conductedhy the 1'iilleil Slates riillroml iiiluilnIstrnihiii In June mid follows close inon the remarkahle results attained In

Hint drhe In lessening (Icailis ami liecldentK on our rallroniN. There willhe 1ST roads, employing nearly ',000,000 men and operating approximately

11,(100 mill's of track, conipeilug forfirs i iilaee hi this ililve. llm roadIn the central wiHtom region, Inwhich Denver Is Included, have apruxluintely .'Ijn.iHHi euiployés and r.",

000 miles of track.The Aero ('lull nf America and the

Aerial League of America have announeed the appolnlinent of a coiuiiiIhslon to arrange for the aerial derbyaround the world to he held In lli'JtThe commission which Is to timing1tho air race Is composed of ('ominodoro II, Hon u mull t, presidentMaJ. Charlen .1. (Hidden, executive sec-

retary, and ltfhjaiulno Hllliami. Thumembers will leave New York Oct. 10th(or it trip around the world to arrangefor the race, mid will snll from Sa

''ranclHcu Nov. !lrd,

Two men lust their lives and anodicnarrowly escaped death when ho wascut off from laud at the end ofburning pier, and pinperty worth $tWKI.OOO was destroyed In h flro thatKvcpt the plant of the Standard (luánCoiupiiiiy at Curt!" hay, Mil. Thuhodies of tho dead men, both negro emplnyes, lire hurled In the debris. Thuman caught on the end of Iho pier waslaketi oft hy it tug, tho muster ntwhich risked destruction of Ids crafthy coming alongside thu blaring 'der.Several small schooners were damaged,A series of explosions shattered win1

(lows In houses several miles from thplant.


Southwest NewsFrom All Oetr

New Mexicoand Arizona

W.il.rn Nmrrrir Union Nwi Rirtlo.rillllNn I3VENTI.

Arliotm Statu Fair Nor. S to I, lilt.Oil txeltement In Ilolbrook, Navajo

ounty, Arlr.., Is unnbntcd, nccordlng toeports from there,

Shipments of besns and grain fromnil tho stations In the tern part otIho stato hnve liwn tho heaviest Inmany years.

That tho highway to lit. Lenimonwill be complotod and ready for usonext summer Is tho announcementinn do hy District Foroat SupervisorI'aul 0. ltcildlngton, while visiting InTucson, Ariz,

The annual Kstnncln valley tan willPe held nt Kstnuclo, N. M on Fridayand Saturday, Oct. 10 nnd 11, mid, uc- -

onllng to reports of tho officials Inbarge, It will bo the best fair over

staged In the county.The Campbell shaft ot tho Calumet

and Arizona mines Is now down 200feet. It will ho remembered that It wasclosed down In August, 1017, but wasresumed In July ot this year. It Is ex- -

xcted to carry It down 2,200 feet.There are now lo dato 20,043 motor

cars In Arizona, according to tho motorcar licenses Issuod nt the offlco of thosecretary of state. It Is estimated byofficials In Hint office that tuero willl.o about 1,2TiO moro motor licenses Issued by Hie end of tho year, making atotal of 00,803 for tho year 101U.

Lincoln county, N, M., has resilttodtt.1M17 to the Stnto Highway Commit

Ion ns a part of that county's pro rataof the cost ot tho threo rnnd projects.On federal aid project No. 11, betweenCnpltnu nnd Fort Stanton, $0,250 willhe spent. On fnderal nld project No.10, between Ilorder HUI nnd Picacho,

10,00(1 will bo expendod. The forestaid road from tho Hondo to tho Mescalero Apacho reservation will got f 18,(107 nut of this remittance

All transcontinental trains ot thoSan Diego and ArUoiln railroad will borun over Iho lines of tho Intcr-Callfo- r

nln railroad part of thu Southern fntrie system, between Yuma, Arlr.,, and

.Mexlcall, on tho International border,It tins been announced by OenerolMalinger V.. CI. llurdlck of tho InterCalifornia. Moro than n million dollarswill he spent III relnylng tho tnnln Unesof the with heavymils mid double-trackin- for a shortdistance in the vicinity ot Cnlexlco.

The Sniitn Vi Canon rnnd betweenthe city limits of Santa I'd mid theI oundnry ot tho national forest Is nowundergoing repairs ot a permanentcharacter. Iho stnto highway dcpnrtincut has announced. Tho stnto Is supplying tho nee-ssar- culverts, furnishlug convict labor, and loaning Itstrucks. The work is bolng dono underihu direction of tho county road superintendent, Mr. Thorpe. Tho highwaydepartment Is reuulrud to maintainthis section ot the road up tho SantaI'd canon according lo a provision Inihe law which established tho CaminoIleal.

The mailer ot reducing tho frolghtrate on bakery Roods from Los Angeleslo (lallup, N. M will bu considered byHie San I'mnclnco District FreightTraffic Coiamllleo nt n hearing Oct, 10,

the state corporation has been advisedThe present rate Is $1.0Tv4 n hutulreiI ounds and the proposed rato 1.27HThe punióse of tho chungo Is to glvI oh Angiles manufacturers thu nppnriiinlly to compete with Denver miinufacturera who have n ruto of Í1.20HInto (lallup. Tho dlslanco from UuMigóles lit (lallup Is 7!10 miles mid

Ii dill Denver (137 miles. Tho Assocla ted .lubbers of Ios Angeles uro thopel loners.

Thin Arlcoun crop conditions aroi till well above the average Is Indlcatert by the federal crop report Just Is

sued by I.. M. Harrison, Arizona fielagent for the bureau of crop estimatesII present prospects are renllzod, Arlzona farmers will produco cropi to the

nlue of 117,000,000, compnred with$42,000,000 last year, nnd $0,000,000 tenyears ago. These figures do not In'ilude livestock products.

Arizona families nro being paid $2,

123,820 In war risk Insurance claims byI'ncle Sinn. He Is mnklng restitution:o thoso whose sons and liusbauds diedIn the service of their country duringthe greatest wnr of all times. Theru are213 Insurance claims being paid In Arlronn through the bureau of war riskinsiirnnco lo beneficiaries nnmod at thetlmn application for Insurance wasmade by soldiers, sailors nnd murines,row (lend. The nvernifo policy carrlei!by those 213 men was $3,740. Disabledtnldlers ns well ns widows nnd chlldronnnd dependent parents ot thoso winhave died am being made comfortablby the government which Is paying 217compensation claims to residents oArizona.

YourNewHomeshould be madeartistic, sanitaryand livable.

.ts" I" SSSI

These walla should be Alabastined in the latest,nature color tints. Each room should

reflect your own individuality and the treatmentthroughout be complete perfect harmony in colors.

The walls of the did home, whether mansion or cottage, can bemade just as attractive, just as sanitary, through the intelligent use of

Inutead of kalsomine or wallpaperHow much better, nlicn you have new home, to ilaririzhi than to have

to correct errors afterward from former treatment with other materials, whenyou come to the use o( Alabastlne, as does nearly every one sooner or later.

Once, your walls are Alabastined yott can usa any material over itshould you desire, but havlnc used Alabastlne you will have no desire forany other treatment.

Alabastlne Is so easy to mix and apply so lasting In its results soabsolutely sanitary and so generally recognized as the proper decorativematerial in class by itself that it is becoming difficult to manufacture fastenough to supply the demand.

Alabastlne Is dry powder, put up in five-pou- nd packages, white and


il II t T B II I I I




aueauiuui tints, rcaay to mix nna use oy moaddition of cola water, and with full directionson each package. Entry fatlari tf rtnutniAiatanm nas cross anu circle printeu in reu,

Betttr writ ul lor hind-mi- color delljn, andiptcttl luHtttloni. Olv ui your dccorttlvt problemsmd lit ui Btlp jrou work Ihtra out.

ALABASTINE COMPANYCrand Rspldi - Mlchlsm

No Hard Task, Either."Hciullm; vers libre, aru you, old

man? Well, you mlitht he tlnlnc worse."Ves, I might bo wrltliiK II." Hus

ton Transcript.


TROUBLESThe tortures anil discomforts of

Wfik, lime snd achine back, swollenfert nud limbs, wcaknfm, dlzilness,natura, as a rule hare tliclr origin inkidney trouble, sot "female complaints."These general symptoms of kidney andbladder dlseaso are well known so Isthe remedy,

Nest time you feel a twinge of painin tbo back or aro troubled with head-ache, Indigestion, Insomnia, irritationIn tho bladder or pain In the loins andlower abdomen, you will find quick andsure relief in OOI.O MHUAI, HnsrlemOH Capsules, This old and tried rem-edy for kidney trouble ond allied

lias Stood tho test for hun-dreds of years. It does tho worlr.l'alns and troubles vanish and new llfitand health wilt come as you continuotheir use. When completely restoredto your usual vigor, continue taking acapsule or two each day. j

(lOr.D MKDAIj Ilanriem Oil Cap-sules are Imported from the laborato-ries at Haarlem, Holland. Do tint ac-cept a substitute. In sealed boxes,


three siies. Adr.

Britons Educate Millers.The Ilrltlxli mllllnc Industry has

started a campnlfiii of technical educa-tion to Improve tho clllcleucy uf Usworkers.


No More Gentle Than"Cascareis" for tho

Liver, Bowels

It Is Just ns needless ns It Is dancer-ou- s

to (alio violent or nasty cathartics.Nnture provides no shock nbsorbers foryour liver and bowels against calomel,harsh pills, sickening oil and salts.Cascareis clvo tpilck relief without

from Constipation, Illllousness, In-

digestion, Oases and Rick Headache.Caucareis work while you sleep, remov-ing the toxins, poisons and sour,

wasto without griping or In-

convenience. Cascareis regúlalo bystrengthening tbo bowel muscles. Theycost so llttlo too, Adr.

If you once get Into tho habit uf tell-ing the truth you will Hud It mucheasier Iban lying.

There nro moments In the llfo ofevery married innn when bo wishesl:n hadn't.

Hap Strong, Htalthy. Ifthey Tire, Itch,

ros OSHliL" ornan or uum, u son,V. . .Jriw-- Irritated, Inflamed orIUUK CTU Granulated, use Murine

often. Soolbas, Rafraabaa. Safe forInfantysrAdult. At all Druggists. Write forFfMreDeek. lfoMEHWrC.,CUl


Potatoes, tobacco and corn aro na-

tivo to America.

Beautiful Teethand

Good HealthAre Possible When You Clean

Your Teeth With

fVQnta-pyrin- e

uue - nThe Reliable

Pyorrhea Preventative and Remedy

This rcmarlcahlo Medicated powderpolishes, cleans and preserves tboteeth nnd gums, and stops the terrlhlobleeding of the cuius after cleaning.Your Gums soon become hard, healthful nnd freo from Irritation.

For Children nnd Adults alike.Send $1.00 and tbo nnmo of yourDruggist nnd wo will send largo pack-- iago prepaid.UanU Draft for refund accompanies each can.THE ANTITARTAR CHEMICAL CO.

529 530 Charle Bife DENVER, COLO.

Cuticura Soap!IS IDEAL- -

For the HandsSonp ST0.. Olatm-- ai ST. a COo., Tftlonra Ko. EUmtiU"cn roonn.1 rwi ity imi.'urn. lifn II, notion.

THE "BLUES"Caused by

'Acid-Stoma- ch

If 111 Inn nf nannta whn wnrrr. avrsi tltanandnt, ttavs apvlls of nitnt! dtprciilon, ftlblut and ar ofttn mUncholy, balUvn thtthfit cor.ditioni r du to outuld lnflunctovir which thir hv llttl or no control.Wtirty ftlwayi, how ver, thy cn h trclto an Internal noure Nor !

It to bi wonrttfud at. btflnnlni with auch wtll dflntd armptoma aa IndlVMtton, bttchlrtsT. haartburn, bloat, ite.will, tf not cl.aekad. In tima kffact to aomadtgrt or thr alt tha vital oriana. Thanrvoui ayittin bacomai dartngvd, Ult aitloncurran. Tha blood ta lmpovrlthf d. tltalthand itrtnf ih ara ondarmíaad. Tha victim of

althoush ha may not knowtha cama of tila allmtnti, fiU ht hop,'ouras. ambition and antr.tr atlpplnr. Andtruly Ufa ta dark not worth much to thaman or woman who haa

(It-- rid or It I Don't lat holdyou back, wrack your haalth, mako your

aya mlirabl, mako you a victim of tha"bluaa" and gloomy thnughtal Thara la a,

inarvrloua modtrn ramtdy rallad KATONIOlhat brlnga, ohl auch quick rallar from youratomach miiarlaa ( your atomaoh to right-- makaa It atrong, cool, awaet and oonifort-abl-

Jlatpa you gt back your itrangtb, vigor,vitality, anlhtataam and good chear. Homany tttouaanda upon ttiouiamla of nurTrraranava uiad EATONIP with aurh marvalouRlyhelpful rtaulta that wa ar aura you wiltfatf tha aatna way If you will Ju- -t give It atrial, Oat a big 10 rant lot of BATON ICtha good tailing tablata that you rat Ilk abit of randy- - from your drugglat ' iilay. Hawill rtturn your monay If reiultt ara not

van mor than you oipact,



Page 6: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919

1' . .

IClassified Add


SIX lMtlNTS I'Oit A (JUAUTKUHxtrnpriminro aoonti oh orUocmUrr ilnwiii (Any iitl'l rot ini put- -

mtr piilil.i


"Homo of the Clipper Oak"

Wo havo them: dual Oak,Dundy Oak. Washington Oak,Pet 0.k, Charter Oak and nil

members oí the "Clipper Oak"family. Cull and mm them. N.1!. Taylou & Sons. tf

Here's Your ChanceNino Illeh Claims in Gold,

Silver, Lead and Copper. Sam-

ples may bt booh and informa-tion oiilainod from 13. C. I'rohm,Garrizozo, N. M.

Now is thu timo U) have yourFord put in first class conditionbefore the summer months archere. Uring your ear to us.Western Garage.

Legal BlanksMining Locations, Warranty

Deeds, Mortgage Deeds, Hills ofSale nnd nil kinds of legal blanksat thin office.

Bring in Your HidesHighest CASH price paid for

hides and pells at the CarrizozoTrading Co.

Cat fish and Speckled Trout;Fresh Oysters nrriving everyThursday Patty & Hobb3.


Agent for Royal TypewriterFIRE INSURANCE

Finest Apples lor Eating nndCroking-Pa- tty & Habbs.

Use The PhonePhone No. 135 F. 2 for Puro

Sweet Milk, Cream and Butter-milk. Carrizozo Dairy.


Bolts! Boltsl Bolts!All sizes of A. L. A. M. and

U. S. standard bolts atWestern' ,JGarage

All kinds of Fresh Meats; PorkSausage, Fresh Vegetables, infact anything to Eat Patty &Hobbs, Phone 0.

We oro agents for tho Ford-so- n

Tractor. Write us for de-

scriptions, prices, etc. WesternGarage.

We Deliver Orders of $1.50 ormore free same as the otheratores Patty & Hobbs.

Tho Western Garage canyour automobile wants. tf

Vulcanizing dono promptly andsatisfactorily.-Weste- rn Garage.

Call No. 6 for anything GoodTo Eat-P- atty & Hobbs.

Milk Prices

Milk 20c per quart, 10c perpInt.-P- hon 139 F 2

Mrs. G.W Rustin.

Sweat, Sour, Dill and Sweetmixed pickles. --Kelly & Lujan,phono No. 40-0- 5,


J. u. Uopolanu Clovis washere this week buying horses.

Harold Clarke nnd wife, Mes-dam-

H. P. Clarke nnd Will T.Coo motored to Koswcll Monduy.

Those attending tho danco atHondo lost Friday night were:Tho Misses Susan 'fully, HelenCocj Messrs Roy Coe, Leith Wll- -

kins, Fred Lucas, Earl Gallonsand Herrick Johnson.

Mr. Urown spent tho week-en- d

at Roswoll.

W. R. Johns left Monday forAlbuquerque.

Mrs. M. L. Ulaney, CountySchool Supt visited the schoolslast Friday and was well plcnsejl,with them.

Gerald and Geraldine Tullycamo up from Tularosa Saturdayto visit their parents. Thoy re-

turned Sunday.A. E. Hunter and wife spent

tho week-en- d visiting in Tularosa.


Georgo Messcr mado n trip toCapitán this week for supplies.

Senator J. V. Tully roturnedfrom El Paso Sunday.

An October Lament

When tho straw hat's in tho ashcan

And tho low shoe, on the dump;And the cost of living a daily

nightmareMakes your lifo a daily jum- p-

Talk about tho cost of woolens,It's enough to make you freeze,For your o'coats at the tailor'sAnd you're worried 'cause you


Oh, there's somethin' kind o'awful

Like nbout the autumn air,With the profiteers busyBoosting prices up for fair

And you wonder if tho furnaceEver will bo workin' right,Or If coal you've got to fill itWhen you go to bed nt night.

Someono tells you: "Winter'scomin' "

And you say: "Go hang, you nut"Don't you s'pose I c'n feel It?"As you swat" tho brazen muttIt's a gay lifo in tho city,Or a gay ono on tho farmWhere tho frost is on tho punkin(Doin' good or doin' harm).

For your straw hat's in the ashcan

And your Boo Veo Doo'a feelthin,

As you hear tho coal man chucklo'Neath his profiteering grin.


f --mens Ant cMt-i- ts in fTHa ARB SMt-U- tN xffl

JJ PtBNTN O AOS , AiYVtBRB && nivAt.i aa J




i ra lirMKi 11- -

CoprHtht tin trn. J. ItunioUiToUccoCO.

certainly get youra when you lay your amokecardfl on tho tnblo,KOUfor a tidy red tin or a toppy red bag of Princo Albert and roll amokln's cigarette I You'll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep countof your smokestunts! Why, you nover dreamed of the sport that liesawaiting your call in a home rolled clgarctto when It's P. A for thepacking I

Talk about flavor! Man, man, you haven't cot tho listen of half yourBmokecareer until you know what rolling 'em with P. A. can do for yourcontentment! And, back of P. A.'s flavor, and raro fragrance proofs ofPrinco Albert's quality stands our exclusivo patented process thatcuts out blto nnd parch I With P. A. your smokesong In a makln's clga-

rctto will outlast nny phonograph record you uver heard I Princo Albertis a cinch to roll. It's crimp cut and otaya put like a regular pall

Princo Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful ajimmy pipo can bo I It Is the tobacco ttiat has made three men smokepipos where ono was smoked before. It has won men all over tho nationto the joys of smoking.





Jiunrforr-endth- et

OUR AIMsupply the sportsmen Lincoln County with

the best the sporting line that is the market.We carry the best kind firearms and ammunition

the market; prices line with the rest.Be advised that the open season for Deer and

Turkey opens Oct. 20th. and closes Nov.Quail season opens Nov. and closes Dec.Ducks, Oct. 6th. Jan.

Get your supplies while have completestock to select from.

& SONOur the trade that service made;"


WANTED TO TRADE A firepaBsengar car in good conditionfor horses or estate -- A.M.Pruitt, Nogal, N. M. 2t,

CD 00


Watch WindowsWatch Window Display forVegetables. Relly & Lujan.Phone No. 40.


a whaleof a


Aweltini your Mjfo. row 'itfind toppy rrd b4, tidy redtin, ntndtiome round endbelt pound tin

cl$y, predict!pound erynUt íh9 ttumkíorwith enante moUtenmt toothat keep Prince Atturt in

Much perfect condition I


Is to of

in onof

on our are in

5.st. 3 át.

to 3 ü.






Our Misses'splendid aid into-F- It Girls.

Zicglér Oros.


I 1

1 1







Section offersfitting ofilari- -

Page 7: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919

PROFESSIONStíeo. W. Prlchard W. C. Merchant


Lutz hulldlnffCsrrlmio, New Mexico


Eichsngs Unk Building

GmiImio Ne" M"lco


funttM Director nnd Licensed Embolmei

l'liuue 00New Meilco



Insurance, Notary TnWlc

Aency Established 1802

Olllreln Etchings Dank

Juilioto New Mexlco


Phyfclctan and Surgeon

OlP.ce Room at the Uranum VMnjiUamoRordo Avo. 1 none wOARRIZOZO NEW MEX.



Rooms 6 and 0, Exchange Hank Blgd

Carrizozo, New Mexico.


Onice Wetmore Uulldlng. Tel. 124

Private Hospital Phone No. 23.l C3...tMnl nml

Mntcrnlty AccommodationsGradúalo Nurses



tit Cairizozo Lodge

No. 40


MooUuvcry Mumluy ovimlnn ut K.'ifl'Hull I.UU 1IUIIU1I1B

Visiting lliolhura curdlully lnvlt-- l

B I.. WOODS. O. O.

I.OUIH ADAMS. It of 11. AS




Carrizozo, New Mexico.

Regular MeetingFirst Wednesday of

Each Month.

All Visiting Stars Cordially In.vitud.tlRS.Vena Elliott, Worthy Matron

S. F. Miller. Secretary.

-- Carrizozo Lodge No.Now Mexico.

A. F. & A. M.

Regular communi-pution- s

for 1019.Man. 11, Feb.8.Mnr.

15, Apr.lSi. May, inJune 7, July 12,

'Aug. 9, Sep. 0, Oct. 4, Nov

1 and Dec fl and 27.

Marvin Burton, W. M.

S. F. Miller. Secretary.

SArrizozo LoMORNo.aoI.O.O.F.

Carrizozo, Now Mexico.

ffJWxSKomery, N. i.

f"-- w w G lm

Bton, SecretaryRegular meetings 191- 9- Firstand third Friday each month

WANTED-Practi- cal nurse ts

patronage. Country callswill receive prompt attention.jíMrs. H. S. Cravens, Miller's

íTífvSmín rr finnan At

JJüst received n car load of Col-iBra-

Potatoes. Special pricesgh tiuantitiea Ziegler Dros.


(Ker. Lllln, Piilor)Tlnlioi lit

Sunduy School, 10 n. m. Comebring one.

Preaching nt tl a. in. and 8 p.m.

Your presence appreciated.Epworth League, 7:15 p, m.

"Tho Church of the People."

CATHOLIC CHURCH(Rev. J. H. Glrma, Rector)

From now on, every SundayF'rst Mass at 8 a. m. Sermon inEnglieh.

Second Moss at 10:00 a. m.Sermon in Spanish.

Sunduy School in English atthe Chapel at 3 p. m.

The Spanish Junior class at3 p. m. at the parsonage.

Senior class at 7 p. m. at thosame place followed by devotions.


There will bo services conducted by tho Church of Christat the Kelley Chapel next Sunday ut 10 a. m. The public iscordially invited.

Rev. J. B.Daniel of Alamotror- -

do will preach at both mornintrand evening services, third Sunday of each month.

EPISCOPAL CHURCH(Rot. Johnson, Rector)

There will be services at theLutz Hall each second nnd fourthSunday of each month. Rev.Johnson of El Paso will preachand conduct tho sorvices. Thopublic is cordially invited.

NOTICEIn Tho Probato Court

ofLincoln County.Now Mexico


TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:Notice Is hereby given that un In- -

Htrumcnt purporting to be tho last willmid testament of W. R. Harris hasbeen died for Probata In tho ProbatoCourt of Lincoln County New Mexico,and by order of said Court tho thirdday of November or as soon thereafteras may bo bo posslblo In the Court roomof said Court, in the town uf I'nrrlzozo,New Mexico Is the time, day nnd placofor hearing tho proof of unid last willauil testament.

i.iurerore any person or personswlfhlnK to enter objections to theProbate of suid last will nnd testament,aro hereby notified to lile their ohjoctlons in the o (lice of tho CountyClerk of Lincoln County, State of NewMexico on or beforo the time sot forkhIiI hearing.

Dated nt Cnrrir.nzo, New Mexico,this 13th day of September, 11119.

G. l Ci.emhnth. County Clerklly R. M. Tituvr, Deputy.

Who Remembers

When a girl who wasn't marlied at twenty or engaged to be,was considered an "old maid?"


m Flreartrvs Ammunition



If some people had n four hourwork day nnd every day oft' butone, they d still produce statis-tics to prove that all the world's

I work could be accomplished ifeverybody did an hour s labor aweek.





Carnal are told everywherelneelen tlfleally aealedpaekaAee of 20 cigarette! ortnpacka&ee300elAareiie)In acarton. We atronly rscom-men- d

thla oarlon for thehome or office aupply orwhen you travel.

R. J. Reynolds Tobucco Co.Wlniton-SUm- , N. C.

are in a class by themselves easily theCAMELS the most likable cigarette youever smoked. You con prove that I Simply compareCamels puff-by-pu- ff with any cigarette in the world atany price I Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis-faction to the utmost test i

Made to meet your taste, Camels never tire It, no matter howliberally you amolce them I The expert blend of choice Turkishand choice Domestic tobaccos makes Camels delightful so d,

yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mil- d. Everytime you light one you get new and keener enjoyment I

Freedom from any unpleasant clgaretty after taste or anyunpleasant clgaretty odor makes Camels as unusual as thoy areenjoyable.

In fact, Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker In somany new ways you never will miss the absence of coupons,premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camel Quality I

Advertise in The Outlook; It Pays

We Carry In StockSulphur, Lime, Cement, U. S. Stock Food,Dry Batteries, Pump Engines, Wagons,

Blacksmith Coal, Glass, Paints, WindowSash, Doors, Grain Bags, Drugs, PatentMedicines, Rubber Syringes, Nursing Bot-

tles, Bandages, School Supplies, Mellin's

Food, Malted Milk, Eagle Brand Milk,

Toilet Articles, Stationery, Etc.

The Titsworth CompanyCapitán, New Mexico


Page 8: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919


THE OUTLOOK Barnettüed.Store WaiUng until It thunder, lioforo startingrwMAod Wrklr lk tntinwL of Crrlnond UmoU ttuatr. N Utiles, save fori rainy dny, gets many good

people Into deep waterA. IJUtlKK. lilltór anJ hiblUlHjr Wholesale and Retail

KroWr ( Antrim re AkkíiI'mi


Entemi m wnii-fJ- matter Januarytf.lflll.at tht!HMl dirirnntC'urriiom.NewMélW uniier the Art of March 1870.

AilvartUhiR form nlnio Wvdnrwlay ntnnon. Nk'i nnlumn clmo Thurdnynlehl. If you not rnoolvn your pnpnrreguurly. plruin notlry tltci I'unllshar,

Ailrerlalnic rntviun application.

suascniPTioN atesI.A.I..IK. MOO



FRIDAY, OCT. 17. 1019.


Come On Boys!

Oh Boy:bomo bpeea" ana every one

Wlien the little oldsixtcenth.neventcenth and eight-eenth of this montli rolls aroundthen comes our party to Albuqucrque. Those are the datesthat the American Legion putson the final punch nnd strengthinto the state Organization andover will go and with a bang.

The progress? Well, that is,mere will be some work withuig waa ot play thrown in andthe reporta of the play stuff thatthat comes from the Duke Citynre fast and furious. On thefirst day, the Governor is goingto make an address of welcometo tho delegates and CaptainLeonard Matlock of Border fameis expected to be present andtell us how he cheated the bandits out ot a bunch of cart whoolswhen tho gang across the bor-

der tried to put one over on theAmerican Army. In tho afternoon our gang are supposed toget together at tho Court Houseund dedicate a monument to thefellows that died in the servicefrom Bernalillo County. Thatnight there is to be a big dnnceat the Armory and all tho girlsin Albuquerque will be there onthe job.

On the seventeenth, there willbo more business and some realspeeches from real fellowsthat aro interested in our gangand that night they aro goingto stage a big party at lite Ar-mo- ry

that is claimed will drivothe ding bats from a duffer's dy-

namo and clear the air like asweet summer's rain.

The eighteenth, Pal o' mine,will be Some Day but they arenot saying much about it Thatnight, boy, there is to be stageda regular smoker with forty-fiv- e

rounds of speedy boxing fromsome of the boys that know thegame and no "has beens," Getme? Big League Stuif, everybout The big idea is that thisin to be the snappiest little meetof fisticuffs ever staged in theSunshine State and of course


Hay, Grain and FeedStock Salt, Oil Cake

Wood and Coal

Prices Lowest and Service Best

Carrizozo ... New Mexico

The Carrizozo Meat Marketget


RF.KR PORKgSll & MUTTONSalt and Smoked Moats of all kindsand Sausage too, link or bulk.

C. WINGFIELD, I'rop. Carrizozo. M.

Best Accommodations For All The People

All Tho Timo


Table Supplied With Beat Tho Market Afforda


Fall and Winter Line of Samples

On display one door north Millinery Store

Suite, $25.00, $35.00 and $40.00 all wool made





Send your blown out and treadworn Tires to the


We retread tires, put on GatesHalfsoles, and do all kinds ofVulcanizing.

work Guaranteed.

all of the delegates to the Legionwill the guests. No money,delegates, just a grin lets you in.

She may a clinging vine atfirst, but she often becomes acrushing vine at last!

Ib tho place toChoice of

inA. N.







Potatoes! Potatoes!!

Just received a car ofchoice white Colorado potatoes. Order a Back ana reduce the H. C. of L.


if-- ' -






CERTAINLY wo pay 1 per cent interest.Our Time Account plan for acummulationof your surplus funds is a very handymethod of keeping part of what you cambusy earning for you.

You will find itgroatly to your advan-tage to investigate this form of interestbearing account.

A large measuro of pleasant and , pro-

fitable accompanies a con-

nection with this Bank.

Make this Home Bank your BankingHome.





Our whole attention is given to adapting ourfacilities to meet your requirements promptly,courteously and efficiently.


éák We Do Fine Job Printing j&fc

CRYSTAL THEATRE"The Homo of Good Pictures"

Complete Change of ProgramEach Night

Show Start Promptly at 8:00 O'clock


aro baked by us In largo modernovens that are regulated auto-matically. This, and the fact thatnothing but pure materials enterInto their making enables ua toproduce cakes, pies and cookiesthat are just teeming with

Duy your pastryhere and atop worrying aboutbaking.

PURE FOOD BAKERYDoerlng Bid. E. HANNON, Prop. Carrlzoro, N. Mi

Page 9: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919


For Staple And FancyGroceries

Fresh and Cured Meats, Veget-

ables, etc.


Phone No. 46-6- 5

Placer Mine and Oil location blanks forat the Outlook office.

COMING2 Carloads of Ford Tour-ing Cars, Runabouts andOne ton Trucks.Place your order nowfor these cars won t lastlong.

Prices F. O. B. FactoryTouring Itun.ibaut 1 Ton Truck Tractor

$523 BOO 550 750

Let us have your orderorder now.

Western Garage, Inc.CARRIZOZO, N. M.


THE NEW SOUTHERN HOTEL(Kórroerlr Grandvlew. next to City flamse)

Now opon for business. 20 thoroughly renovat-ed rooms with a reading and lounging roomin connection. When in Carrijsozo make"Our Home Your Home."

U. A. PÍ1ILMPS, Prop.


.(Lz3 tn1mthiHTriiirTlmmtirTiimnminim Mswnut r fl



Certificate ofConparlionUnited Stnte of Amarice )

Stato of New Mexico !

Itli lloroby Certified, thnt the annexed is a full, true and completo trnnscript of tho Amendment to Certificateof incorporation of Tularosa Iiasin Oil& Coal Company (No Stockholders'Liability) Changing name totlvo White Oaks Coal Company (NoStockholders' Liability) and IncreasingCapital Stock from $260,000 to f600.000,etc (No, 10144) with tho endorsementsthereon, as same appears on file and ofrecord In tho ofllco of tho State Corporatlon Commission.

In Teitimony Whereof, thoStato Corporation Commission of the State of NewMexico has caused this cer- -

(SEAL) tinento to be signed by itsChairman and tho seal ofsaid Commission, tobe af-

fixed at tho City of SantaFe on this 4th day of Oc

Attest: tohcr A. 1). 1010.

J. M. Luna,A. L. Morrison, Acting Chairman.

Clerk.We, tho undersigned incorporators,

do horeby certify that no stock hasbeen sold or Issued by or In tho nameof theTularosa Hasln Oil & Coal Company, (No Stockholders' Liability.)

That at a meeting called by tho president of tho company, huid on the 1stday of October, A. D. 1010, at twoo'clock P. M., at the ofllco of saidcompany In Tulnrosn, Now Mexico, theIncorporators of said company nil bo-In- g

present, tho following resolutionswero passed by unanimous voto:

1st. That tho nnmo of tho companyshall be changed toWhltoOaksCoal Company, "(No Stock-holders' Liability).

2nd. That tho capital stock of thocompany is hereby increased from$250,000.00 to $600,00.00; (No Stock-holders' Liability).

3rd. That the main ofllco of thecompany shall bo changed from Tularo- -

sa to Carrlzozo, New Mexico.4 th. 'Hint George Hpcnco shnll bo

tho statutory agent on whom noticeshall be Borvcd, postofllce, Carrlzozo,New Mexico.



Ad. 11, HiciiTEit.

Stntuof New Mexico I

County of Lincoln BB

On the first day of October, A. D.1019, before mo personally appearedOuldo Hunnlger, John Georg Schoellerand Adolph II. Hlcliter, being nil theIncorporators of tho Tulnrosu llneinOil & Cual Compuny, (No StockholdersLiability), and acknowledged thnt theysigned tho abovo instrument In writing In their cupaclty ns directors ofthe company,

WITNESS my hand and odlclnl sealthe duy and year in tills certificateflrst abovo written.

Uiiab. S. Johnson,(NOTARIAL HEAL) Notary l'ubllc.My I'omintrtHlon expiresApril 25th, 1023.

CERTIFICATEOf tho Incorpora torn of tliu

ative While Oaks Coal Company thatnil the stock to be Issued by this compuny shall be Issued with "no stockholders' liability" printed thereon, andthat these words Bliall appear upon thecharter ami upon (he fuco of each andevery certifícate of stock Issued by thiscompany.

Guido Uanniukk,JmiANN(lK()iioKciinKi.u:u,AtlUI.I'll II. ItlCllTUIt.

Stntu of Nuw MexicoCounty of LincolnOn this 1st day of Oolobvr,beforo mo

periomtiiy nppoarud uuuio Uunnluer.John (leorgo Schoeller and Ailolnhlllclitor, being all tho Incorporators ofmo juiarosn unsin uu tt i iml com.nany. and ncknowledired that tliovsigned the above Instrument In writingin tneir capacity as directora or unit!cumimny.

Given under inv hand nnd omVlnlseal, the day and year In this certlfintoilrst nnove written.

ClfAH. S. Joiinhon,(Noturlal SEAL) Notary I'tibllc.My commission oxplresApril 26th, 102.1.


No. 10144Cor. Itec'd. Vol. 0. I'niro B02.

Amendment to Certificate of Jncorpor- -nuon in luiiAiiuriA uinm uu, etCUAL uumi'ANY (No Stockholders'Liability). Chancrlntr N'mnn tn

WHITE OAKS COALCOMPANY, (No Stockholders' Llnbll-Ity- )

olid Increasing Capital Stock from$260,000 to $500,001) Filed In Olllco ofState Cot poratlon Comminslun of NewMexico, OCT. 4, 1010 at 11 A. M.

A. L. Morrison,Clerk

Compared MI'M to Mil.


TX7e have always taken a per- -interest in the men and women

who do business with us. We willgladly receive any deposit, eitherChecking or Savings of any amountfrom $ 1 .00 up. If you do notnow have an account with us startone.

saaar''nSRIMJjriDlRAt (UBEBVXy


Full of


ThcFirstNational BankCarrizozo,


Rolland's Drug Store

Line Nyal's RemediesConstantly Hand


Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc.Now Mexico

WILLOW SPRINGS COALThis Coal will be available within few days, WAITFOR IT. Beat coal in Southwest, Lowest in Ashand Highest in heal units. Analyses better thanany other COAL in United K talcs. None betterDOMESTIC use.


President and Gen'l Mgr.


FOR SALE AT GREAT BARGAIN CHEAPSee L. S. Davis at Carrizozo Eating House, or writehim, Box 30G, Carrizozo, N. M.Blankets Can Bent you by Parcel Pont. Satis-faction guaranteed.



Klrsi your otflce bojis ty?

Second Lawyer l.aiyl Why lie'sHIM so much time that lie llMhsmrd to look a clock In tho fact







Grand Prize!FlrcArms 61 Ammunition 1


$1W Reward, $1WTh reutlrra of tlila llr trill b

plrn.fcl to Irurn ll.at I . la ut lauat onerlrvtulad dlaauae tlmt leiwn lia brnnnblii to cut.- in nil II miifccH. and Hull lai.'tnrrli. Ilnll'a Culurrh Cur la Ilia only

cui iimv kiioun i tlir mailltu)iiualllve lamrrli being a cunatlluilsnaldlarusa. rumln-- a tonalUuUonai treatnicnt. Hulla Catarrh Cure I taken ltd'terimlty, iiciiuk dlrirtly tipw tlis bliigoawl liiucoue allrfnii-- nf I lid ayilcm, tuíra-ti-

tlcatmylnir llm (mimlatlnn at tilo tila.mm; anil liMtiR Km pallrnt atieiiKlli

up lh" i nn.Mlulloii nml aaalallni:In ilolni; II work. Tlio rnprlilorarialur an much Inllli In Ha curutha iwiw-rr- s

tlmt tlirr orlar One Hundred Uollnra(or nny rnac tlmt II (alia to cure. Bendfor 'lat of trallmonlula.

Addt.aai V. .1. l'IIK.Nt:r A CO., Talado, O.roll br all Droaaiita. 11aT tlaJfa yamllr hi la fat cauatlpalloaj.

Page 10: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919



W.itt rii N.wipr Union Nawa flarvlca

ni:xvi:ii MAiiKirr-t- .

L'nlllr.Ili-- i ftera. eli. to prima.. tli.00!.M)llief , "bo"11 to eholcr 10.$uull-- f

llnjf alrrra. fair to good.. I.7Jplllne .

qw7 rat, Kootl to clinic J

ÜUWiv fa r to Komi 'CMlrfft and cmvi. . i'iiI 111 II S.SOW C.J5

VT tiiívi. . . .. ......... .01.SOl'íeiln, K0..1I lo rímica... !. l'-S-

l'r rlarr, foil In koimI J.TJWHtooki'ln, uiiimI to chuica,. J.JMrfllocKam, Pulí to Kod J.jnjjminium, iiluln 6.GUW1 6.G0

HoK.(loud lioira tlt.2ClC-- a

Mlirri.Uinlia, fnt. Kood to ch....H.00J5üfair lo wood...

'AiJF :::::::::: Wí:.8111 I Inn uwia WW IM

llrraaril I'oullrr.Tho rollovvliiii inicua on droned poul

irj- - 111a 1191 r. u. II, uoiivtnTorltuya, No. la'HtHKeyi, old tomaTillly., clioluulililí, 111

OjiiiHf, jminir iwon) 'ltuuatcra 14

I, Ho fuultrf.Tiliktiya, 9 llm. or ovur 3?I K im 1

Jt)8Í(llli8HuMlniíH f .

IJialluff, 1.119 s



I!UK.Hbkk. Mildly fri-nli-. '".,,(1,i,icount

lliitli-r- .

ox. lnt Hindu. II). '8riunurlua, M iiihiH , Í2Pinte liilltiir jiitmiiuI'uüItlliK toult

rrnll.jiiluii, Colo., box ,,i80i,oijjtiull inrplivrrlra. ciato.....(iantnlollM'. lloclty i'ord,

itiiliiliilil cinto í'fSHi1.75(i 11 1 1011 iony eriui-s..- .

(JIlUI I ll'H, CllltU . . . .

I'l'IIIM. fjlllll.. UlllllU.l. .....I car ililim T'SrHT'SoIciiulii-M- , Colo.. Imx I'ffiKi'noI'lunm, Colo., crntu

Vrnrtnlilra.llrnn. nnvy, cwt

lnto. ct, llnm, II..

Ili'niiH, Krcen, II)

llcutm, wax, lb. . . . . .Ilí-cj- Colo., doz. InmcliuaHoi-Ik- , iiuw, cwtCuliliiiljo, now, Colo., cwtQiirrot, dugCairol, now, cwtCiiilllflowcr. II)Cliry, Colo.Corn. Colo., doz.CiitiiinlM'r. Ii. Ii., dor... ..I.i-n-f lultiico, Ii. Ii doz..I.i'ltlllf, licml, ilozijiiltin, tnlilr, iloz.Onli tlolo., .cwtPmih. now, Tclciiliono. ..I'ntntoftH, now. Colo. ....IliidUlica. round. Ii. ..lídlllglic, lornr. Ii. Ii

Tomntora. II). ..........'riltnjp, Colo,, doz, I10I1.


lUliHI'n, .. m

Miiur mid Miiiriir,

(Wliolcialo Hurtan

ti,ni rimir oiinrtcr,

SnHur, por cwt.

3.oov:i.:5l.W'U 3.00





1.5111 1.16.lUlf





I'ilcc U.

). "!""),..,.,urnnulntcd,

iiiim'.h ami i'i:i,rs.Ilrmrr I'rlcr l.lt.

Itiitolior. 10 Ilia, miditiilchcr. 10 Ilial'alliii, wolKlilhull" tuK

i'Jfy lil'd'i'V Cc' ill.'

llry I'llnl IVH.WnulHiSlrt wool plt.....Ipttrlicr lirnrllilt. No.

2 and inurialn alivnilliini,. ,

IlUcK, Hiiddlo, plocc of prltr..1 rem llldra l!lc.

Heavy No, I lover 6 !.)HCavy qiircd No. 3 ioVrr ll.)I U Nil. I

lililí, No. 2.m!lu lilil&a lK l, NO. 1...ÚT3 fi Kb. 1 . . .

lí! cur8d lilMe'.' ic'iwr íli.' l

allTO)'" '"nltril llorrhli1r,

VA i -

. . .

Tltad'lé.' íóc I.1'eTlltS HÍld

Miri'AI, MAIIIU'.TH.Coloriólo Nrtllriurnl l'rlora.

41r. U.!J. .

Qlr,.po'1'' kw".ÍSJli'.f if.iÍViWftíV.ií.





t&M: fuadluiii.t.nII!.;

il ill


2.7 if




.75 w



.03 U






of,1111 ,







loilvu nuilcwt



allandaiiio per'






,ll1"' 5" 1Ü'



unit. 37.50912.00.




























bo. non iianvy. MAWfllf.UWU 4.i IlKMfc,

lliclit lluht. llfi.0U4M(i.0Ut

lfU: iSirdn . roudli. I1S.26WiRaa. it4.:l I5.C0.

Pallia lloof ataor. inrdliim . anillia, clínica and pruno, iie.ouin.:.'wre, rr. 7.'." . "tKonl,



coniiiiuuDBll.UO. Imtrlior cnttl,

14.76.tillara and riltlef









IKIII, IkUtltl HIIUa nil me


3 J

mm1,10; veal ralvoa, 13. 5U 10.75; f.iikTrw K.OOfJ U 60; alockar atoora.

tm.Wtm I ) Ü waainro rnnwa aieer.

hlnn-Um- lMi. ,3lfVM : cull.

mfs" Weiiiilimin IS.0046.ÍB; fiioVtl











YWri! N'wrpaptr Union Ntwi

London, Oct. 10. Tlu (ti'i'iniuifl areiiiiiitIiIiik mi HIkii, lU'i'iii'illliB In 11 ilia- -

imtili In (lie Itnlly Mull frntii IIhI'IiiIiiiiiI, ciii'ri'NpiiniU'iil.

Ik llio irllii'luil eoiipurt of l.olvln,un 1I10 (luir or ItlKit, 'H'.i miles

southwest of I'etloKnid.

Tin' of tin' iiilvuiii'ii liy Hie(IciuuiiiM 011 HIkii cliiM-l- folliiwa 11 ills- -

pntcli from llcrlln hIiiIIiik Unit a

ti ml llm ciiiiiiiuiuil of (Ion.vim Her Hollz, v lioso recall from tliuII11IIU' lirnvlnces witN ilemiinileil liy llmnllleH muí nrileii'il liy llio (Ipi'iimii

linvv lieeti miikliic tlielr wiiyliiiek lulo (Icniuiiiy.

A recent report nut of PelroKrmlHtntcil Hint vim Dei- - (iullx, wlio nt linetime ileelnrcd Hint Ida unity of ".(KI,IKK

would die fur the "fullii'i I11111I,"

Joined forcea Willi l.eidne nuil Trut- -





rim move on lllpi la nut only indirect defiance of the deimillila uf thoallleil imwcra recently presented tuthe Kuveriiinent In llerllu, lint iilsu Indefiance uf Hie llcrlln lender, whu In

reply tu 11 note from l'lirla reportedUnit vim Dei' (loltz had been niiletedto demolilllr.e IiIn foues mid lei ut 11 lo(lei'iuany. A crlsla linn heen feared onlite eimlein front fin- - weeua.



I'lii'N. -- tiulirlele irAliuiiiizlii III

kuuwH the HlreiiKtli tf Id lil-lluu- .

He won't iiitmlt In so manymany wiirila Unit the mlllliiry partywiiH bnik uf Ills 1 11 11 of ucciipatliin, lintfrantily cIiiIiuh their nulled support. A

lile 11I1I ailace snys, "possession Is ninepoints uf the law." In the meantimethe army uf SerlilaiiK la furiulni:. It It

inure than proluilile Hint they Intend tcpay liacli the t In Ms own coinThey are i iiciii- - llucurl midhnve Inkeu for their motto the aanicwhich irAuiiiiur.lii'K liand curried: ITnine or dentil." In the Slav timcile It

Ix "ltyeka nil furl." It I Hie liellelthat If Hie iillack doea cuino II willlirltiu' lulo iiellon mure t tin 11 a few voluuleei'H on either aide. The first aklr-inlr-

may lie the hIkiiuI for war be-

tween Serlilu and. Italy.

Cincinnati Win Serle.(.hlciiKo. After luilf 11 century ol

luntliiK, riiH'liiiiutl linselmll funs eiiuululu tlu-l- r nun when thell' IteiHcinched the unrld'x' chiiinpliiiiKldp In

the nle.mli Kiiine or un wiimrsiAnd It una Hluulflcilllt Hint thi'V

limned up tho While Sox It) 11 acorenf in to ft.

Mutt Mark Old Film.Vhlni!ton. ItxtcudliiR Its recent

order forlilddliiK the n il

old filma liy motion plot m e liiuiseliinler new tuitnea, llio Train1Commission ordered that where paríof old filma were aliimu In new rxlitliltlon I hey must lie ho marked andadvertised.

Plot to Kill Carranza Falla..Ilinrer, Méx. An unailccesarul p'ol

to blow up President Carranxa'a traindtirlnif the recent trip of llm Mexican

chief executive to t'onliullii waa 111111U

by rebela operntliiK near II11J1111, Coaliillln, ticeordlne to 111 Unlveraal olMexico City, which baa reached hereTliu rebela placed a dynamite liomli on

the track ut Hajnn, tlirouiíh which theybelieved Hie prealdeiitlal train waa topnaa. l'realdrnt Carniuza ami Ida party. biiwever. were four lintira ahcnd 01

the Intntreenti.

King Run Hit Own Engine.CldrflRo. Albert, kins of IIcIkIiiiu,

while pnaaliiR lliroiich Ohio uní) Indi11 mi on Ida way west, denionatrnlcd liltproficiency ut the throttle when lie rantho eiiKlno of lila own train. At Wanaeon, Ohio, Hie train waa stopped fotthe kink to climb Into the enclnu cat:unit take (lio piltro at Hie throttle. lieran the heavy train for ten nillca anilthen returned to his car to "uiiati up'(or dinner.

' V5' t


$100 Reward, $100Cctarrh Ii a local OIkik artatlr Influ.

anctil by conttltutlonal condltlnna. Ittnarafora itaulrta conilliutlonal out.mint. HALL'S CATA lililí MKDIC1NBIt takan Internally and acia throuch thuioou on ina Mucoua nurracea or ine pre.tern. IIAI.L-- L'ATAIlItll IHdeetroya the foundation of the dlaeaee,Klvaa the patient atrength by Improvlna;.he general health and aeateta natura Indoln Iti work. Iioo.oo for any cate ofCatarrh that HALL'O CATAIIIU

ralla to cure.urugfiaia ,0. Teatimonlaie rree.r. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.

Harl HarlI'lrai MliiHtrcl Tnmlio, can yon lell

toe why liuseliall ami pnlieiilies lireallkei

Keeoml Minstrel No. I can'l. What'athe reiiHiin?

l'lrsl Minstrel- - They both dependupon the butler.

The Mode."Soniellinea I have traveled tulle In

my llreiinia.""I suppose It waa on c nlnlitninre."

Important to MotherK.ramlnc cnreftilly oTcry botllo oí

CAB'fO'tIA, Hint famous old remedylor Infants niul children, and nee that It

llenra thoSiRtmttit ofIn Une for Over 10 Venri.Children Cry for FktchpVs Castoria

iKiioiaut la bllaa until It IickIiih toassociate with egotism.

Sniiu-- Inn-- - 11 man mlalcad peoplnby beliitf honest with them,


The Lait Ride. . .i,-- ,

Hcnililnr "I'lvi-Ce- nt. I'nrea Vvcr;

to Itetnrn." We don't know any michplaco tínica It refer lo llio

Juat any to ynnr Rrocer IU-- Crowlline; Mue when luiyliiK blulnc. Yoawill bo more than repnld by the rc-g- ut

la. Once tried nhvny uacd. 0c.

Roundabout Inereare."Do you Hiluk cold etonipi. Iiicrejiscfl

iiiatr'"llliiloiilie(lly. It uiakeH Hie prlco

of nn unfrozen ckk iiliuoal irolilbllive."

Kven Hie fret of n lar.y limnup trouble dimt.

to WorkScores of Women

in homes, stores, offices and factories are not fit to be at work.They toil on day after day and year after year sufferingwith distressing weaknesses and derangements, hoping againsthope that they will soon feel better, but how can they hopeto do good work or escape permanent invalidism?Such women are in danger of derangement of women's functions. Theyowe it to themselves to try that good old fashioned root and herb remedyLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which for more than fortyyears has been restoring American Women to health and strength.


Here is a Notable ExampleÍoplin, Missouri. "I took Lydia Eh

Vegetable Compound tosee if it really would do as it was ad-

vertised and it sure did, and more. Iivas weak and could not do muchwotk, had bearing down pains and hadto go to bed. 1 learned about theVegetable Compound from my mother

my husband told mc to get it.. 'a. T"

Alter taking one bottle I was able tobe on my feet most of the time anddo my wotk again. I have a babyeleven months old and I have done all

my own work, even the washing andironing since she was three weeks old.I certainly recommend your great medícine to everyone who complains offemale trouble and I am more thanwilling for you to use my testimonial."

Mrs. Timothy graney.426 Connor Ave., Joplin, Mo.

And AnotherChicago, Illinois, " I suffered for fourrears with pains in my sides, hips and

Ícgs and a terrible backache. 1 couldnot do any work at all. I was treatedby many physicians but they did nothelp me. I road in one of your bookswhere other women have been helpedby Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound, so I tried it and it helpedme very much so that now 1 can doeverything in the house. I have toldmy friends about Vegetable Compoundand you have my permission to use thisletter." Mrs. I. OVENSTEIN, 902S. Marshfield Avenue, Chicago, 111.

Thousands of such LettersProve the Curative

Value of


,vi mt vi r-- ao 7u m

Page 11: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919


CrnmWeaer' Proceedings

Tho Regular meeting of the

missioncrs.Oct. 0, first day. Board met

at 1 p. tn.Present Hon. E. L. Moulton,

Chairman, It. 11. Taylor. W. H.Sevier members, G. C. Clements,Clerk of the Board.

In the matter of tax levies forthe year 1919. it is ordered bythe board, that the followingtentative levies be, and tho sameare hereby made for County andMunicipal purposes as follows:Oountv. Court...- - 00081Wild Animal County 00015(icncrnl County 00080Indiuent 00010County ARrlculturalAct. 00014(Viunlv Rom! O0I00County Salarlo 00145federal AU Road Act 00300

Total .00751

Municipal,VIIIuko of Carrlzozo 00300

Hiicclnl.tklioól District Number 1 .00500

" " " 7 .00220" " 8 . 00030

" " 13 .00600" " " 20 . 00500

" " 21 .00400" " " 22 .00120

21 .00600" " " 20 .00057" " 28 .00500" " " 32 .00600

Levies for tho state purposesnot made owing to lack of Information from the Stato TaxCommissioner us to amountsneeded.

Certified conies of the abovecopies levies ordered to be sentto the stnio lux Commissioners,bv the C erk.

Treasurer is nuthorized by theboard to transfer funds.from time to time as needed, fromthe Interest on deposit fund toInterest and sinking Fund Oct,7th. to pay coupons as presented.

2nd. day, Oct 7th, 1910. Adiourned Until 9 n. m.

Board met pursuant to adjournment nil present as of yestcrdav.

Flenta Do Guoburn came be- -

oro the burl atil iMol far thasupport from tho County, but inthis instance showing she hadnot exhausted her own resources.therefore her petition was deniedby the wnrri.

VV. G. Wells of Parsons, isauthorized by tho board ol county commissioners, to furnish Ellen Stnvton with sunnlies to theamount of twenty live dollarsper nuarter. the clerk is requestod to notify W. G. Wells of tame.

A net it on by L. Pacheco asking for support for EsperidionLujan and his wife Anda Lujan,the board authorized the paymentof twenty dollars per (junrter to L. Pacheco for their sun.port. Clerk authorized to notifyL. Pacheco of same.

Clerk authorized to notify J.V. Tulley of Glcncoo, that the al-

lowance for Antonio Velenzula,is discontinued as he has left thecounty.

Tho caBo of Chancey A. Flow-ers, of insanity was brought be-fore tho board by Geo. A. Spncc,Clerk ordered to write the asylumand inquire into the matter ofhis departure from asylum.

In tho matter of the LincolnCourt house,


In tho matter of the sale)and transfer of what is)known us the old Court)House property at Lin-- )

coin, Lincoln County,)New Mexico. )

Now on tills 8th day of Oct-ober, A, D. 1919. being tho thirdday of tho regular October termof tho Board of County Commis-sioners within and for tho Coun-ty of Lincoln and State of NewMexico, comes on for hearingtho above matter, and tho BoarHJafter Investigating the matter,and being fully advised in thepremises, and having consideredthe same, finds:

That since the removal of thecounty seat from Lincoln to Car-rizozo, thesaid Courthouse buildinga ón tho courthouse groundsat Lincoln, Lincoln County, NewMexico, have been prcmittcd touciviiumu ni vuiuu unu.KCl HI lidelapidated condition:

An4 Whereas, it belnR theopinion of the board at differenttimes that the revenue derivedrem the building would not jus-tify an outlay of expense in keep-ing up said buildings.

And Whereas, it is ordered bya former board to present thematter to the court for tho pur-pose of selling said property un-

der and by virtuo of SectionsIMS and VMV of the uodincaiionof New Mexico, and nfter thoappraisers were appointed, asrrjvided for in said Act. it wasunable to find n purchase whowould comply with tho terms orsaid Act and pay two-thir- ofthe annra sed value:

And Whereas, it appearing 10tho board that School DistrictNo. 1, of Lincoln, New Mexico,which comprises the district inwhich the town of Lincoln is embraced, rccentlv voted and enr--

JG000.00 school bonds for thepurpose of erecting a now schoolbuilding in the town of Lincoln.

And Whereas, tho school boardof said District No. 1. is desirousof obtaining titlo to what isknown ns tho old courthousngrounds in the town of Lincolnfor the purpose of erecting nschool building thereon:

And Wherens, It is understoodby the undersigned board ofcounty commissioners that noneof tho old buidings of Baid court-house property are to bo removedor destroyed by said school dis-trict, but that the samo will bekept intact and the new buildingwill bo constructed on a pnrt ofthe property belonging to saidcounty, without tho tearingdownor destroying of any of the oldbuildings.

Therefore, Be It Resolved, bythe board of county commission-ers of Lincoln County, New Mex-ico, that the district attorneypresent tho nroner nolition to thodistrict court with the object, ifpossible, of having tho title toold courthouse property nt Lin-coln transferred and conveyedto the school district No. 1. Lincoln County, New Mexico, to heused by said school district inconstructing n schoolhouse nndusing tho same in future asschool property.

Done, in open session atCnrrizozo. Lincoln County NewMexico, this 9th. dny of October,A. D. 1919:G. C. CLEMENTS.

Clerk.E. I . MOULTON, Clirn.

Board of county commissinners of Lincoln Countv. Now Mexico.

Adjourned until 9 a. in. Oct,3th. 1919.

(Crntlnurd Ncit Week.

Capitán News

Though tho weather has lwenunfavorable for traffic, loads ofsacked grain and lumber fromthe forests and mills of tho coun-ty arrive almost daily in town,and every train day (Tuesdays &Fridays) takes out one or morecars of livestock and apples.

Rev. Smith, pastor of tiieBaptist Church, preached inCapitán at the Baptist ChurchSunday, where he hns a regularappointment once a month.

Roderick Johnson, ton of Rev.S.IM. Johnson of the Upper Rui-doso was in town Wednesday inthe interest of the Johnson ranch.

Will T. Coe nnd wife of Glfn-co- e

were in Capitán Wednesdayshopping.

Ernest Sellers, employed onthe Sunset ranch on the Hondo,stayed over Wednesday nightin Capitán, taking in the show.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Monroe Howardreturned from KosWcll Tuesday

ning.Roderick nnd Herrick Johnson

of the Ruidoso transacted busi-ness in Capitán Friday evening,nttending the dance at Hondoon their return home.

The steam heating plant hasbeen installed in the school build-ing to tho satisfaction nnd com-fort of both faculty and pupils.



llr Hupt. K. K. Cola

The percentage of attendancein tho Carrizozo schools duringtho school month just closing ishigh. As an instance of this,Mrs. Mosaic's room has an enroll-

ment of 40 nnd during the paBtweek tho attendance wos40 everyday but one.

Columbus Day, Oct 12, wasobserved in Miss Jnrrctt'a roomthe following day:

Song, "Red White and Blue,"School; "History of America,"Josephine Clements; "Ships ofColumbus," Leslie Lopez; "Columbus," by Joaquin Millcr.Mnx-in- e

Hoffman; "The Discovery ofAmerica," Wulter La Flour;"This Day of Ours." Nellie Shaver; "Tho Boy, Columbus,"Ethel Johnson; "Quotations fromLowell on Columbus," Millerrrench: lho Story of Columbus," Jean Reily; "Uhinking."Emma l'oago; It Can t BeDone," Paul Wnck; "O Fair NewMexico." School: "Try Again."Jessie Mcllhancy; "Boyhood ofColumbus' Don English.

A PlayColumbus Before tho King of

Portugal; Columbus nt the Courtof Ferdinand and Isabel; Columbus at the Convent of La Rabida: Columbus at the Court ofSpain.

America, By the School.On Friday afternoons, the first

and third wcekB of tho schoolmonth, between tho ufternoonrecess una 4 o clock, the highschool, including tho eighthgrade, has a literary society inwhich nil the pupils must takepart as they aro assigned a placeon tho nrournm. Tho nrouramof last week follows:

Call to Order, President LinzuBrnnum; Appointment of n criticfor the next meeting. Readingthe Minutes of Last Meetlnir.Catherine Pine; Critic's Reportof the Ust MeuUng.Mary WhiteDUuate: Resolved, 'Hint TheWorld is Growing Better. AfUrinative, Edward torn, WilliamJohnson: Negative. Dan Elliott.Roy Stimmul. Tho decision wasin favor of the Ailirmative.

ParliamentnryTalk.Ruby SmithCurrent Events, Lois JonesSchool Paper, Editors LillianMecrhnnt and Grace Taylor.

President Linzu Bruntim askedthe society to accept his resiiinntiou as president, in order to domore active literary work in thesociety. His purpose is highlycommendable nnd the resignationwas accepted. Sydney Hust wasthen elected ns the president.Parents and friends urn cordiallyinvited lo these exerciseE.

Miss Grnce Ensey visited thecity schools Monday in theinterest of the Junior Red Cross.Miss EnBey addressed tho teachers at 8:30. tho Hitih School, thesixth and seventh grades at 9:00and the children of the lowergrades at other timca. Tho addresses were well received ano theCarrizozo school pupils hnvo resolved to give n li u nd rei percentmembership lo the Junior RedLrosff.

Mrs. Sanlcy Penners of theUpper Ruidoso spent Thursdayin town shopping and calling.Geo. H. Hoover, agent at this

placo for the Ii P. & S. W., vis-ite- d

Ft. Stanton Saturday even-ing.

Misses Smitii and Mitchell,by Albert Roddy at-

tended tho danco at Hondo Fri-day evening.

The 7th nnd 8th Rindes,by the teachers, made

a hike into the country Fridayevening, liad a camp fire, sup-le- r,

story telling, games and ageneral good time.

Arthur Howard Js visiting hiemother at Nogal.

Chas. U. Bnbbs. chief clerkfor the M. H. S. at Ft. Stan-to- n,

transacted business at Cap-itán Saturday afternoon, comingover on his motorcycle.




Your Eyes for Ote First

Smell Tke Sawdust Boy?

Frank Cossiday, tho genial Advance Agent for the big Al G.

Barnes Circus which will showhere Nov. 5th was in town th3week making arrangements forthe coining of the big show.

Carrizozo has rrown to a sizesufficient to attract the attentionof larger shown and the comingof the above named aggregationis a prtnf of it. Wutch for tLe

in next week's paper.11)0 rattles nuke gives warning

whctinlxnit to strike but tho gos-

sip's tongue being too cowardlytoe warn, strikes while its help-

less victim nlceps.

Fushiotmble, Becoming nndBeautiful are combined in theNew Full Hats at Zicgier Bros.

Read "The Cow Puncher;"It Begun With This Uue.

A romance of love andcharacter beginning on aWestern ranch, developingin a mushroom cow-tow- n andending in No Man's Land

A new delineation ofWestern life and types.

Keep 'Peded Installment



Job PrinHnWe are here toserve you with

See Dt anything in theGateBefara line ef printedEht-tri- m stationery for

your businessand personaluse. O O

Letter Heads Bill HeaáeEnvelopes CttrdmWeMia UvUatíw

Peetenr er AnaBoBcttaemtOf AUKS:


The best quality ol workat pricw that are RIGHT

For Fleishman's Yeast phoneda Bully & Luja.

Page 12: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919



Reports Show That It Pays toUse Formaldehyde at Timo

of Planting Crops.


Practically None of Field QlvenTreatment Showed Any 8lgna of"

D.'seato Farmers of PorterCounty Loit $140,000.

U'rcpartd by I ho United fltntes Depart,men! of Agriculture.!

Kvldcncu (lint It pays to tront wheatmid on Is at tliu time of planting withformaldehyde to prevent smut In Rivenlu reports of n number at demonstra-tion conducted liy Indiana countyagents. of ontH In Dullols connly, sown with seed (rented with for-maldehyde tor smut as recommendedliy Ihu United 8 tit tus dcimrluicnt ofiiKrlciiltiiru mid the Sinte Agriculturalcollt'Ke, showed iriictlcnlly nono of thedisease, hilo lleldn plnnted from neednot (rented contained nhotit 15 pervent Mtntil, according lo lliu local coun-ty agent's report.

Work In Warren County.An n result of the demonstration

eomltieteil by the county agent InWarren county It was found that iplot of oats planted with untreatedleed ahowed 33 per cent smut, whileanother pint In the mime, field plantedwith trcnted teed wns free from thedisease. Oilier ont fields throughoutthe county that were not trcuted wereInfested with the disenso In amountsvarying frmn 7 to .13 per cent.

Ah the result of tho datnnge dono liywheat smut In I'orter county, fiinnerswill lose nhotil 5140,000 on tho crop.ttccordliiK to statistics compiled by thecounty agent, lu checking up tho dam-age dono liy smut the agent founrt thatthe disease hud caused 7 per cent de-

crease In Hie enmity's yield. Abouts of the farmers of the coun-

ty treuted their seed and effected usaving of nearly $100,000.

Smut In Steuben County,

The county agent of Steuben county,lit company with a representative ofthe United States department of

found one Meld of wheat withus much as 84 per cent of smuttedheads, and considerably moro than no

Protecting Seed Wheat Against Smutby Formaldehyde Treatment.

tier cent of Hie crop was lost. OtherHolds showed as high as 10 In CO purcent of Where wheat had beensown In corn stubble ground thu scabwas much worse than where It fol-

lowed other crops. Tho agent tool;advantage of thu gatherings of farm-pi- s

"bile Ihey were thrashing to showhow smut and other cereal diseaseicro causing losses and to demou-

nt rut e methods of seed treatment.


Dairyman W-- o 8tudles Feed for LandIs Not Soil Robber Something

Mutt Be Put Back.

tPrenftred by the United mstee lepart-ine-of Agriculture.)

The dairy farmer not only studiesh'ttw to feed Ids cow, but how to feedlift land. He Is not n soil robber, aslie rofl I In that tho fanner who

Hie fertility of bis Innd robsÍJj)iout reason, since he steals from


Fertiliser for Oarden.There Is nothing that Is hotter to

fpfillUe the garden and truck patchesthan (Hiullry droppings and thoysfiould b citre'nlly saved.

To Fatten Ducklings.When ready to fatten ducklings they

aiiouid bare little or no range, so theywill not "run n.T" their fut.

Orean Feed for Hens.Thin Hie niengels carefully and be

tufo fit a good crop of s recti feed forU beiis. .



Harvest Aid, Animal of HighestType, Is Purchased.

Work at New Breeding Station atBuffalo, Wye,, Carried on by Oov.

ernment In WithState Olf'elati.

(Prepared by the United Mates Depart-ment of Agriculture.)

A slaudariMircd stallion, HarvestAid, an animal of the very lililí-es t hreedliiR type, lias recently beenpurchased by tho United States de-partment of agriculture ami placed ntihu government's new horse-breedin- g

station at llulTnlo, Wyo. Work nt Ibisstation Is being carried on In

with Ilia state of Wyoming, theobject being to develop utility horseespecially ndnpted to western rangoand farm conditions. Harvest AI4 Isby the champion trotting stallion ThoHarvester, and bis dam Is SantosMaid, a mare which holds tho trottingrecord of and it daughter of

A Sire That Insures an improved ColtCrop.

I'uter the (Ireat, tho leadlnz sire ofspeed In America, Harvest Aid Is ananimal of great stamina, good slr.uundconformation, and while ho was se-

lected on his merits as mi Individual,I he horsemen of the department saythey aro extremely forlunatu lu Rotting such a well-bre- ntilmnl, It Is notllio purpnsu at the hnrso-brccdlu-g station to develop speed animals, but ItIs well understood that it good stublion from u family noted for Its speedIs highly desirable for the productionof active utility horses.


Experiments Show It Will SurpasiCorn as Ration for Fattening

Hogs If Properly Fed.

experiments at the Wisconsin experiment station show that barley willsurpass corn as u rallón for fatteninghog It It Is properly fed. Twelvelots of pigs wcro fed, using with someit com ration, white tho others weregiven barley. Tho return for enchpig over the cost of feed was $14.38for the bnrley-fe- d pigs, and $12.38 forllio corn-fe- porkers.

I Ouu of thu most Interesting tactsbrought out was the value of u barleyand bey combination, which netted aliandsnmu return, and tho gains madewith this ration were very rapid.

If you are In a region which Is suit-

ed for tho production of barley, or Ityou Iiiivk been using It us u nurse cropfor alfalfa, do not be discouraged byIhu pros'ict of a lower price, due tothu curtailing of the use of barley In

i fli brewing Industry. Perhaps It willI pay you moro than ever as n feed for

oui-- hogs and your other live stock.

Top and tirade Onlont.When ripe onions may be pulled nnd

several rows thrown together In wind-rows, they are mor easily topped n .d

than when scattered.

Fiber Brushes Are Beit.Tiber brushes for washing milk uten-

sils should replace the common dish-ra-

as Ihey do heller work nnd aremore easily kepi clean.

Neglect Sanitation.There seems to be a general ten-

dency on Hie part of dairymen toneglect sanitary conditions about thepremises during the summer.

Label Seed Packages.He sure to label each sealed pack-

age of seeds when Ihey are put upmi icy can bo found on short no-

tice when planting limo comes. Keepnil the seeds In one place.

Be Cautious With Dodder.Hay containing dodder thould not

be fed to llvo stock, for the reason thatdodder seeds will pass through withHie manure urn! Infest tho rest ot thefarm.

Educate Chicks to RoostICilueiite tho growing stock to most

ns soon as I bey are well feathered amishow a tendency to hunt for a perchat night.

Rearing Dairy Heifers,I'.conomy In retiring dairy heifers de-

mands Ilia) home grown feeds formus much of bir rations ss possible.



6y Mary Graham Bonner lijyl


"There wns once a lltt' boy namedloo," said Daddy, "whoso iavorlte cx- -

"He LovedSleep."





ptesslon wast"'Well. Is every-

thing Heused that expres-sion Just ns Homeof tis will say

'Hello,1 and'HowI'm

"Well, nightJoe had gone tobed. He was un-

like many nthurlittlewas very fond

Ho loved tosleep. Inwny ho likethu Dormouse-an-

also like tho s

who Bleepwinter. .Ton

said that owed himself sleep Justas wo will say we owe the grocerynmnmoney for the groceries he sent aroundIn Hie morning."

"I thought you always said," chimedIn Nick, "Hint It wasn't nice to oweanyono anything."

"Ah, yes," sutil Nancy, "you've toldus always not to ever huvu hills evenwhen wo're big, but to pay other peo-ple as wo would Ilka lo be paid our-selves, promptly. Kb, Daddy?"

"Now, children," laughed Daddy, "Iwas only trying to uso a samplewhat I when I spoke Jooowing Idmself sleep."

They all laughed hard over Daddy'smistake In saying such n thing, midthen Daddy went on with the story.

".Most children who uro really nor-mal children like to sit up late. May-be It Isn't always good for them, hutstill they were too anxious to getlo bed they wouldn't ho very

Nick and Nancy laughed."Hut Joo wus n real child only ho

wiih u sleepy head, and ho used to beio busy hustling this wny nnd that andilwuys rushing nnd hurrying when lieivas up mid around, that really did;et awfully tired out.

VAs I told you, Joe's favorite expression was:

"'Well, Is everything lovely?' Yousee, ho naturallyand only with it few people whom liedidn't like nt nil wns ho ever cross,and he tried to be nice with them: Justas nice ns he

Hut as I have said, hi) naturally and be used to like tomake people feel happy and good-u- a

Hired, too, he would say:Is everything lovely?" and

would niako them feel that surelyeverything was lovely I It made lots

people happy, nnd overynno lovedJoo becauso hu made them feel lutppy,

Well, nnu day Hie Fairy Queenbeard ot Joo and his happy littleexpression and she went to visit him

night when be was asleep." '.Making up sleep, Joe?' she asked,"Joe looked up at her. 'Oh, hello,

your Ituyal Highness, dear KalryQueen.' ho said. 'How you?you feel well and everything lovely?'

"The Fairy out laughIng. Her laugh wns sweet andsilvery Hint Joe felt ho had ' ecu restIng for n long, long time. soothedbint and made hint feel much better.

" 'Such a cheerful person who alwas trying to make, people feel Imp-

pv,' said lito Fairy Queen, 'should bo rewarded, nnd so I

am going to re-

ward j on.'" 'What tiro you

going to give me?'asked Joe. Yousee, id I said, liewas itillo a teallittle boy midwanted lo knowwhat presentor t b c r o w u r dwi.ul.l be.

"'I am not go-lu- g

to tellnow,' said t h eFairy Queen, 'forsoon you'ro to

lovely Í'


"are you?


hoys, lieof




ofmeant of









about DoIs

Queen burstso so



have it birthday. "She Went toThen you will get Visit Him Oneyour reward. Night."

'"I am going to tell thu Knlry ofIllrthday Secrets nbout It nnd she willtell It lo your mother. Hut I thoughtI would glvu you n Utile hint. I mustbe off now. ()ood-by- , Joe, and mayeverything, all your life, nlwnys belovely I' Sho laughed again and wasoff.

"And when Joo's birthday cametheru was it little printing press and ittiny typewriter and some paper anddifferent sized letters.

"'.My reward.' mili! Joo happily, 'andwhen I'm big I'm going where therearo real presses and wiiero they wakebig newspapers,' be said."

FarmerJonesSyrupisdotíorFirst last and all the time we maintain the nuallLV!cxcolloncq cannotbodupllcatod. It's wholcsomo, economical and delicious.

holpa us. Tho cana is grown under our supervisión from seedunder direction of our own agricultural experts. Uy fen exclusivaVNaturo of manufacturo wo keep tho purity nnd coodncsa which como

from tho aweot Julcca of tho sorghum. Wo


Address 3430 6 St., I.lnt

syrup to prevent formontatlon.


Man With $700,000,000 Had Meal Fig

in onwmpuui cm,


ured Out, Even to AmountLeft for Walter.

"I read In tho paper," said tho fatplumber, "about a Columbiana miniwho Is to Inherit part of $700,000,000,"

"dec," said the thin carpenter, "I'dlike to be In on a fortune llko that."

"What would you do If you had$700.000.000?"

"I hnvif alwnys wanted a lot ofmoney and I know Just what I'd do."

"Well" ,"I'd go right lulu tho biggest hotel

In New York city""Yes""And I'd walk right Into the main

dining room""Yes""And I'd say to the waller: 'Ilrlng

me the host plank steak you have luthe house.' "

"Uh. huh.""And after I had eaten It I'd tell the

waiter to bring me thu check."'Of course.""I'd pay the check with my money

and then I'd lake my .'III cents changeto Hp the waiter." Yotingstowu

Strategem."Some portions of your last speech

were a trille ungramniittlcal."".Made 'em that way on purpose,"

Senator Sorghum. "There Is nopossible advantage In being mistakenfor un uncompromising highbrow."

Do your work cheerfully, heartilyand effectually, and then hu preparedfor thu place up.

II Is said that pride goes: before it

full, hut the reverse Is trtlu lu


Includo sugar syrup with an addition of cora

FarmerJonesn Sorghum Blend Syrup

Ü4nd nam for our new FREE Rteipé Boole,

MM fulM wIUmvI thia ttf Mtortl

Tstroit scott Stiuhomhos CO.nú.





Scientists Know That Jellyfish LiveLong, but "What Do They

(let Out of It?"

In n recent lecture to chilli"'! ntthu ltoynl Institution, London, I'rof-I- )'

A rey iV. Thompson told of a Jelly-fish known as Oraniiy that was res-cite- d

by Sir John (Iridium Dalyell andkept ullvu In sea water. Granny, ac-cording to I'rof. Thompson, was care-fully tended by Sfr John and fed reg-ularly one-hal- f mussel it fortnight.She throve exceedingly tinder this kindattention. Six hundred of lier otTsprlngwero known. On the death of Sir Johnshe passed to tho cant ot an arcticexplorer and was bequeathed by lilnito another scientific man. druntiy out-lived four protectors and died at lust,Oct. 11, 18ST, at the authentic age of1)7 yeitrs, because of tho neglect or

of it botanist.I'rof. Thompson did not say so, but

hu left It to bo assumed that had thoneglectful botanist been us careful andattentive as was Sir John Dalyell(I runny might jet he alive, says thuNew York Tribune, In which case shswould be no less than 118 years old,and assuming that slut wus at leasttwo when Sir John found her, whichseems probable, she would be wellpast thu century murk.

That Depends."Do you think any woman believes

you when you tell her she Is thu llrstwoman you over loved?"

"Yes, If yon uru thu first liar shehas ever niel."

It's mighty easy to mistakefor opinions.

A good Intention makes a poorblanket on n cold night.

A DrinkThat's Part

of the Meal!

POSTUMCereallias a flavor thai s sureto please. An eco-nomical factor inhousekeeping. Ahealth builder, usedinstead of coffee.No Raise in Price

Two sizes "usually oíd at 15 ü 25Meo fcy Pojtum Cerval Company

Battl Cre. Michigan.

Page 13: Carrizozo Outlook, 10-17-1919

The Red Croat Campaign

Following nra the local Chairnu3n appointed by tho Managerof. the Red Cross Campaltrn.

Alto, Pete Phillips; Ancho,James Sccrcst; A r a b o 1 a,Leopoldo Pacheco; Capitán, L.W. White; Carrizozo, O. VV.

UatnberKer; Corona, E. L. Moul-to- n;

Encinoío, R. E. Ferris;Fort Stanton, Dr. Wm. A. Korn;(Jlencoo, II. P. Clurk; Hondo,Robert Urady; Jicarilla, Gpo.

Weishar; Lincoln, J. M. Penfleld;Meek, J. P. Pendorgrass; Nogal,J. N. Üa8kin; Oscuro, Chas. F.Gray; Parsons, Charlotte Rico;Picacho, U. D. Garner; Rabenton,Juan Martinez; Ruidoso, Mr.Davis; San Patricio, LeopoldoGonzales; Spindle, W. E. Blnn-char- d;

Tinnie, Mrs. S.Raymond;White Mountain, Ben Nabours,Jr; White Oaks, Mrs. C. D.Mayor.

Posters have gone out to thelocal Chairman, subscription re-

ceipts to tho Red Cross Magazine,Literature and supplies of dif-

ferent kinds., The suggestion is made that

the Educational Campaign beginat once. If any of the local Chair-

men want to help out their quotaby giving an entertainment ofany kind, that they do so. How-

ever actual soliciting for fundsshould not begin before tho 2nd.nf Nov., then it is hoped that wewill have at least 200 men andwomen fully organized andready, tho people have been in-

telligently informed of tho pur-pose of the campaign, then weexpect to "hit tho line" for 12

hours every day until the closeof the Campaign Nov. 11th. By

that time we want to be over unci

not going over.Every cfTort shouldjbo made to

get subscriptions to the RedCross Magazine, $1.00 each andto have all enroll as members ofthe Red Cross, $1.00 each. Nei-

ther of these Bums have any-thing to do with your quota ofthe amount each donates to theGeneral Fund. Watch the localpapers for further announce-ments.

E. M. BRICKLEY,Roll Call Chuirmun,

Red Cross, Lincoln Co., N. M.Local Chairmen are encouraged

to write for instruction and as-

sistance if they feel they need it.

Donations to Legion Library

Tho American Legion, localpost, Carrizozo, N. M. acknow-ledges receipt of the followingbooks for its library donated byMr. and Mrs. Frank Mudge.

Tho Crisis, Folly, The Moun-

tain Lovers, Holy Biblo, OliverTwist, 1 Volume of Slmkespcar,Soldiers of Fortune, My Ladyof Cleove, A Little Brother ofthe Rich, The Wandering Jew,Tho A m e r i c a n Government,Thelma, Tho Eagle's Mate, Cas- -

tie Craney Crow, Shakespeare'BWorks, Once to every Man, ThoHouse of a Thousand Candles,The Sins of tho Fathers, TheWakening of Helena Richie, ThoBride of Lammermoor, The Light

,of tho World, The Fight for theCrow n, Joscclyn Cheshire,Hearts Courageous, Old Wivesfor Now, Tho Main ChanceWhat Happened to Johnston,The Sign of tho Four, The Mnyor of Gostlebridge, The ServantIn tho House, Tho Devil's Gar-den, Redemption of David Cor-

son, Children of the Mist, WhenGod Uutglis, Tho Conquest of

Assisting Mr. SUdtminMiss Ruth Holcomb of Roswell

Is hero assisting Mr. W. W.

Stadtman with his Abstractwork.

New Line of Ladies' Shoes justarrived Ziegler Uros.

Visiting the Home FolksMrs. C. P. Kersey and daugh-

ter Virginia Louise came downfrom Corona to spend a few dayswith tho Clements family thisweek.

Buy your Potutoes now.prices Ziegler Uros.

Spec- -

Senator Jones OffersGovernment Seeds

Washington, D. C. Oct. 11-1- 9.

Tho Outlook,Carrizozo, N. M.,Gontlemen:

Tho department of Agriculturehas alloted to me for Now Mex-

ico a large number of flowerseeds which I will be pleased tosend to those who request methat they desiro sume. Will youplease give publicity to this ef-

fect.Thanking you for tho cour-

tesy, I am,Yours very truly,A. A. JONES, U. S. S.


Bros, for Ready-to- -

Canaan, Lorna Dooue, ThreeMen in a Boat, A Forest Hearth,A Double Thread, Century Dictionary and Stand.

No organization has ever metwith the warm support ns hasbeen given tho American Legionby people of Lincoln County. Itis to be hoped that very shortlynil who cun will enroll.

Some of the members have notyet sunt in their dues. Unlessthese are paid one cannot remaina member in good standing inthe American Legion. Everyone is urged to send in their $3.00which puys dues to Aug. 1, 1020.

Tho new Fall Coats are here;see them ut Ziegler Bros.

No PainIf you arc suffering

from Indigestion, Bilious-ness, Headache, Dizzinessor any disorder of theliver, stomach or bowelsresulting from Comlipa-tio- n

you can secure quickrelief from

DR. MILES'Laxative Tablets

The Painless LaxativeAction mild nml guitlc

yet effective. Imis andpleasant to take--tas- te likecandy. Children take tlicnireadily.

Especially good for deli-

cate persons and childrenrequiring a reliable laxativefree from pain or harsheffects.

Suppose you buy a boxtoday. Money back on firstpackage if you are notsatisfied with results.SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS

After November 1st we willnot bo open on Sundtiy mornlnpr-- Kelley & Lujnn, phone No. 40.


Wisdom Prompti Early PurchasingOf Underwear

TThere is a distinct advantage in buying Undcr--

wear at this Store where you can select fromfull assortments and at costs providing splendidvalues. -- Ourunderwear sales have increased continuously. Because we are ableto buy in large quantities we areable to give better values andalso provide more satisfying as-

sortments than ever.For Children Bear Waist Union SuitsHigh neck long sleeves 2 garments in

one allj sizes at $1.25Knit Unions for ladies high or low neckin cotton silk and cotton silk and woolfrom $1,50 to $5.00 Suit.Men's Union "Cooper Quality" KlósedKrotch in cotton fleeced Dart ano allwool "Soft Knit" from $2.50 to $7.75.Dr. Denton Sleeping Garments for Child ren f rom$1.25 to $1.50 Garment.

We merely direct your attention to the Splendidvalues obtainable at our store.


Take Advantage of TheseGrocery Prices

Entire Stock of Groceries to be closedOut by November 1st

Bring Your List and Save From 20 to 40 Per cent

Largo .larp Preserves, pure fruit .'18c Lava Soap, Larg3 Bar, 3 for 25c" B'tls "Club House Olives" Mc Fairbank Glycerine Tar soap 5 25o

Grape .Juice "Welsh's" quart 09c St. Charles Milk, tall cans I5o" " " pints 38c Log Cabin Syrup, Largo Can 1.10c

Large Cans Hominy, each 13c Blue tip matches, large box 0cGreen Chili, Del Monto Brand 95c American Sardines, per do. cans 7UcPink Salmon, Flat cans - - 12c Compound Lard, 10 lb. pail 2.40Knro Gallon 80c " " 5 " "Syrup, - - - 1.25

Evaporated Milk Polly Prim Cleanser Laundry SoapWhite, loz. bar 5c each,tall cans St. Charles Inrge cans, worth 10cYellow, D. C. soap 5c

Urand, Laeh - - 15c Salei Price - - - 5c silk Soap - - - - 5c


Act Now-Bu- y Now-Th- e Prices are Going Higher

Carrizozo Trading Co.Quality First Phone 21 Then Price