University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-4-1917 Carrizozo Outlook, 05-04-1917 William Kabler Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Kabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 05-04-1917." (1917). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news/111 brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk provided by University of New Mexico

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University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Carrizozo Outlook, 05-04-1917William Kabler

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationKabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 05-04-1917." (1917). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news/111

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Page 2: Carrizozo Outlook, 05-04-1917

CAKK1ZOZO OUTLOOKPublished Weekly in the Interest of Carrizozo, and Lincoln County





The Carrizozo schools willbring the work of the presentterm to an end with the high-scho- ol

commencement exorciaesMay 23rd, thus closing the mostsuccessful year In the history ofthe institution. The attendancehas been larger and more con-

sistent than over and tho workhas been prosecuted with energyand faithfulness.

Tho first event of tho commenccment season will be thoInter-societ-y contest between thehighschool pupils representingIhb rival societies. There willbe declamations for girls, dcclnmatlons for boys and a debatobetween a team of two from eachorganization. A silver trophycup will bo tho prizo going to theido winning all pr tho best two

out of the three events. Theprogram will be rendered at thoMethodist church at 8 o'clockFriday evening, May 11. Anadmission feo of ten cents willbo charged all except tho high-scho-

and eighth grado pupils.Special music chorus, so)o andinstrumental will be rendered.All those who arc friends of pub-

lic speaking and argumentationfor the young people should notfall to add their support to thisnew feature of tho commence-ment season.

On Friday afternoon thoso pu-

pils who have won tho signalhonor of being nsither absentnor tardy thruout tho entiroterm of nine months will enter-tain tho public, beginning nt2:45,with such numbers as their abili-ty and faithfulness make pos-

sible. These programs have always been a source of great In-

terest, nnd the unusually largenumber winning the distinctionthis yenr assures an excellentprogram, many otnors woreholding out faithfully until lato intho term, but epidemics of allkinds and descriptions wroughthavoc with all alike. Sometwelve are still qualified to

tho special certificate andtako part In tho honorary pro-

gram. Don't forget the date.The baccalaureate sermon will

bo delivered Sunday ovoning,May 20, at 8 o'clock at tho Meth-

odist church by Rev. Edward J.Hocring, of Tucumcari. SinceMr. Hoerlng is one of tho Epis-copal church's most ablo rectors,his address should be of groatinspiration to thoso who aro torecuivo the highschool diplomaon Wednesday night following.

Glass Day, the big night whenUto seniors will dolivor thoirgraduating orations, will be holdon Tuesday evening, May 22, ateight o'clock. Special interestit attached to tho orations thisyear In that a handsome gold

tftotlal will bo awarded to thopupil who makes the best

iion select judges, whoWill render their decision both

and composition and with regardto the delivery of tho productionbeforo tho public. Needless tosay, tho orations will be repre-sentativo of each pupil's best efforts since tho honor will bo anespecial token of attainment tothe successful graduate.

One of tho now commencement features, and one fromwhich great mutual benefitshould result, is tho CountyEighth Grade Commencementwhich will be held in CarrizozoWednesday morning, May 23, at10 o'clock. Pupils from thomost prominent rural schools 6ftho county who have completedtho eighth grado work withsuccessful state examination havesignified their intention of joining with the eighth grade graduntes and the stats diploma willbe presented during the courseof an attractive-progra- in whichall will have a part. Colonel G

W. Pritchard, one of the state'smost prominent attorneys, willdeliver tho address to tho class,and an cflort is being made tohave State Supe-'ntende- nt Wag'ner present to deliver tho diplomas. Free entertainment, willbe furnished nil pupils who takepart in the exercises togetherwith their teachers, and Carrizozo proposes to make their visithere during commencement oneof raro pleasure and profitSpecial sacred music will be rcndered by the highschool chorus.The services have been placed atthe evening hour to accomodatetho largest number of patrons.

The address to tho graduutesand tho delivery of the diplomaswill tako piuco Wednesday evening, May 23rd. Dean Hodginof tho University, ono of thestate's most noted educationpioneers, will address the clas:His educational standing in NowMexico assures him an cnthusiastic greeting. Special musicwill be rendered at this us wenas at all the exercises. No chnruofor admission will bcmadoexcei tfor tho contests between the twosocieties. You aro cordially in-

vited to add your inspiration tothis, the biggest occasion ofthe year.



After a brief illness Mrs. Mar-jori- e

Rolland, wife of A. J. Rol-

land, local druggiat and treasurerof Lincoln county, died at HotelDion in El Paso whore she wasremoved Thursday afternoon toundergo an operation which itwas thought might save her life,Friday afternoon at 5:50 o'clock.Peiitjnitis following the opera-tion was given as tho cause ofhor death. Tho remains werebrought to Carrizozo Saturdayaccompanied by Dr. Lucas, Mr.Rolland; Mrs. Holland's mother,Mrs. W. C. .McDonald, and

W. C. McDonald. Fun-or- al

services were held from thefamily residence in tho westernpart of the city at 11 o'clockTuesday morning, conducted by

from the standpoint of thought Rov. E. J. Hoeriifg, rector of the

Episcopal church of Tucumcari.Tho funeral wit attended by onoof tho largest concourses overwitnessed In Carrizozo upon suchan occasslon, and the floral offer- -

ngs surpassed in lavishncss undbeauty anything over seen hero.All business houses wcra closedduring tho funeral hour. Interment was mado In Whito Oakscemetery. Mrs. Rolland Is survived by a husband, two smnlldaughters, ono sistor, Mrs. T.Spencer, and her mother, Mrs.McDonald of this place, who allhave tho community's sincerostsympathy in their sad bereavement.

As such a life was a blessingand benefaction to all with thesphere of its influence so is thodeath of such n one a public misfortune, as well as an irreparableloss to tho homo circlo madodesolato by her departure. It Is

diillcult to pay a fitting tributeto her memory one whoso everyday life vas embellished by themost charming and loveable at-

tributes of her sex. Under allcircumstances, she seemed bornto inspire the love and respect ofall who were so fortunate asto be acquainted with her. Noono was more willing to aid thesuffering, cheer the desponding,sustain the weak and to throwover tho frailties of our race thomantle of Christian charity, andwhen illness nnd death came toher, as it comes to all, neighborsand friends vied with each otherin acts of loving kindness andand tender solicitude, and manywere the willing hands and heartsready to assist in every way pos-

sible in an effort to avert theinevitable.

But love and skill were equallyof no avail. Tho great do itroycrhad placed hissigncton her browand today, hundreds who lovedher living, mourn her dead. Inthe presence of such a sorrow,how cold and impotent are thowords and how doubly deep

would bo tho grief over thogravo did not tho rainbow ofChristian hopo span the darkgrief between time and eternity,and such bright lives inspirotho belief that thero is a betterworld beyond, where, freo fromtho corroding cares of tho earth,tho good and true aro reunited"after life's fitful fever."

"Now Mexico" Christened.The "Now Mexico," tho larg-

est battleship in tho world, waschristened Monday of last weekat the Now York navy yards.Miss Margaret DeBaca, daughter of tho lato Governor DcBacn,broke a bottle of champagneUnder tho bow. Following thisMiss Virginia Carr, maid of honor, smashed ajug filled with water from tho Rio Grando and Pecos rivers against tho shit). The

New Mexico" burns oil, hasdisplacement of 32,000 tons, is620 feet long with 30 feet draftand has a speed of 21 knotsSho will carry a main battery oftwelvo 14-in- guns, twenty-tw- o

guns, fourfour anti-aircra- ft guns und fourtsorpedo tubes.

Next Conference at TucumRov. Arthur Marston returned

tho first' part of tho week fromAlbuquerque whero ho had beenin attendance at tho distrlot con-

ference of tho Methodist Episco-pal church, South, which closedits session Sunday night. Rev.Marston conducted services Sun-day morning at Albuquerque.Tucumcari was selected as theplace for holding the next annualconference.

Section Men Get Raise.A raise for the section men is

announced on the El Paso &Southwestern railroad. Tho raiseis from $1.25 to $1.75 per day.Tho high cost of foodstuff is thereason given by tho company fortho advance in tho wages of itssection men.



Glfford Pinchot, who is making a tour of tho south, urgingIncreased food production, issending out to tho newspapersof tho country tho followingletter under his personal signature, which contains considerable food for thought:

In this groat time, when every citizon must do his part, thoPresident has made his chief ap-

peal to tho men who live on tholand. He is right In doing so,for the safety of our country justnow is in the hands of tho farm-

ers. What 1 mean Is not merelyour safety and tho safety of. ourallies in the matter of food. I

mean that the safety of the Uni-

ted States against foreign inva-sion hangs on tho decision of thofarmers of tho forty-eig- ht states.

"Tho two great weapons inthis war aro arms and starva-tion. The war against Gormanarms will be won or lost inFrance the war against starva-tion will be won or lost in Amer-ica. Tho kaiser cannot whip thoFrench and English armies andtho English navy while Englandhas food. But it is still possiblethat the German submarinesmay bo ablo to keop food enoughfrom reaching England to starveher into submission.

"If tho submarines win, thefirst item in the kaiser's termsof peace will be tho English fleet.With tho English fleet In his pos-

session, the kaiser will be mas-ter of tho world.

"What will happen to us then?Every man who stops to thinkknows tho answer. We shallhave money, food, labor, landeverything that is desirable in

(Continued on pago three.)

Planting for the Nation's LifeWar will tax to the utmost tho nation's resources m men and money, manufactured

products and londstuirs. This is not an nlarmist view, but is held by tho highest au-thorities. The president said in his proclamation on April 15: "....: and to theshipbuilder the thought that the life of this war depends upon him. Tho food and warsupplies must be carried across tho seas no matter how many ships are sent to the bot-tom. The place of thoso that go down must be supplied and supplied at once."

Tho spirit of 177(3 and 1801 was manifested by shouldering a musket und marchingto tho battle lines. Die old order chnngeth. The spirit of 1917, no whit less patriotic,will bo expressed by America in furnishing munitions to win battles and in taking tollfrom the fertile soil. For tho next six months, nt least, tho American who follows thoplow or swings the hoe will be not only as patriotic, but just as heroic, as tho soldierwho is training to go into the trenches.

Tho food supply of tho world today Is alarmingly short, oven tho submarines shouldspread no moro of it upon tho bottom of tho seas. When It becomes necessary to furn-ish enough for tho scourges of the sea to prey upon, nnd then to supply the nations thataro fighting for humanity and tho preservation of civilization, It Is easy to see that thetask for Americans really is stupendous.

Men nnd women in every state in tho Union nro rising to tho occassion and doingthoir whole duty. Tho biggest and busiest men in Now Mexico, nnswering tho call ofGovernor LIndsey, have aoruptly quit their work and gono to Santa Fo to form tho Per-manent War Comm.tteo, which is organizing all of tho state's latent resources. Theyare serving without pay and without any hopo of rownrd, other than their own con-sciousness of duty well done. In addition some of them are spending thousands of dol-

lars of their own money, to plant beans, potatoes und other food crops.Unless New Mexico should make an enormous increaso in her food production, some

of her citizens some of her citizens will eo hungry before the beginning of another year.Not to put too fine a point upon tho situation some of those with small earning capacitymay starve. Every square yard mado to produco food will tend to relieve tho situationin proiwrtion to its area. How much have you planted? If unnblo to plant, how muchhave you done to help some ono else to do tho actual planting? ? ? ?


Page 3: Carrizozo Outlook, 05-04-1917

tfme OUTLOOK, PbUftl U'Mklv In Ihr Ihimmi of Citrritoin

! Unanlo Counit New Mailti.

MUS HANNAH l I.rsTHKl'iihll! ! uri'l Owner


flHtetnl u ttmlli r Jamar;4 tlllt, tit thioattllineatr,niriioi,NrwMeslta. It litter (he Ai l if Mnrrli .1. IH7II

.litvrrtliilng lorim plot Mlnliiy ! iinotiMlumiK Iqm IliiinuUy nts'tt IJII ymi

In mm iiiltlr. Kmw not II yih PttMMwr )Aitrflllti rlrnn utipllollan

9unscwinoN hatesONE YEAR. In Aikur. $1.00StX MCrJTHi In Alaeo . $; X)



Feeding 25,000,000 Cats.This common house cat no doubt

litis u legitimate placo, and thosowho onjoy her society, or needher good ollico? as an allegedtnousor and rnter, nre entitled tothe same for the purposes men-tioned. The following facts,however, am a matter of com-

mon knowledge:1. Most people keep cats at

the instigation of the party ofthe second part

2. People who need or wantone cat generally have two orthroo.

ÍJ. Very fow people feed theireats, an they catch more "mice"vion hungry.

I. Very fow cats hunt mice,



XhCfliwiullfiil memorial to MaryBildy, tho Discoverer an Found-

er of I'hriitlan Selnnre. hae bean,turnc-- uvur to Tlio t'lirtsllnn 3ctenoelloprd of Directors- by S Har-low of Now York city lio held thecontract for Hi cou ruction.

Tho memorial, which la At Mt. Au-

burn cemetery, Cambridge. banréqulrod over a year and tocompile The fund for ltd ttitruc-tlOIl- ,

amounting to 0ei (1110,000, IIflrtt flunpuiK I'd by the dtrootori In

lift, and waa come time urofully ulirr1bcd Thfn icntrlbutlnnHUa? been a a exTirawlona oferatlnvent by (Mirlarían Bolenttatithroughout tbo

The alt on the memorial latratad u not only one of great nat-ural ueautf, hut on of ItapiASe hM rendered poaelble a moropicture que and Intereatln treatment

ermnrturaiu man wouui no potsni- -

oB a perfect level Tho plot.Mí ié MnroxlmntHy 80 feet aqimro,Dot frtulunlly from thn tcvol of

rtoOWAy to the lakn with n dropten feet. The memorial ron- -

Bi st a rtrcumr open colonnade oft oejutnod, reatlnR upon n atylo- -

bine ( three nteim, attrrounded on thefrñht br a elretilar platform illchtlyrtbaw tt natural rrade. from whichtjlMnrMt double fllRht of ntors lead

as it is easier to catch birds.G. One good mousetrap is

worth haif a dozen cats any dny.

Figuring that the American'nation possesses and supportsor.o cat for every four or flvó'persons, our cat population nodoubt numbers 25 million felinesouls. If one out of evorycats kills five birds por season, ittakes ai, 000,000 birds porto provide our "mousers" withtheir afturdiuuor smile. This istho way the Ladies' Homo Jour-nal figures it, and it is gratify-ing to note that this powerfulpaper has undertaken a systomatic campaign of publicity onthu subject.

We believe that the Journal'sfigures are conservative.There are many half-wildca- ts

which kill literally hundreds ofbirds each year, including manyuplnnd gamo birds. But evenaccepting tho Journnl's estimate,our cats are far too expensive.What is tho answer?

Tho answer is: LICENSECATS, and make tho possessionof an unlicensed cat a misde-meanor. Tho licenso should botbo same as the dog license, butboth should be mado a staterather than a municipal require-ment. Regulation would thusreach into tho country districts,where it is worse needed than incities. City cats, to their creditin heaven, at least kill a fewEnglish sparrows. T h e PinoCone.

Unique Memorial Completed

fdary DaUcr Eddy Mt Auburn Cemetery, Camtwldo, Masa.













to a lowor Idatforiu at thn IuIcb'i vdce.Khe achumv lin no iirototjpo au'i itmorciv n acrven of coiuniun opn wttiO'slty, Incloiilug a flowcr-gruw- u ctr-al- e

The niiitnrlal uied for ttw momorlalla Ilothel white gninltp, tho Inuarlp-tln- n

In the frleie and Upon the top ofthe pylons bwlug of white lirotuo aptdeep Into tho etone work. Tho detall,whl olí tin account of. tho alto of thoreproduction ! only Indicated, la en-tirely flornl in form and free In treat-ment, the wild roae uil tho morning-glor- y

holnit hm1 aa the main niotlvoa.It 1 Intereatlns architecturally tonote that while It la oxtrruiely free I

treatment nnd not at all convuntlonal,It la Renernlly Tory clnBalo In fenllOK.The extreme width ot tho momorlal laabout fifty tret, nnd the colonnade livlRhtcen foot In diameter. Tho col-

umna themaelvra are fifteen feet Inhclftht nnd are similar In xeneralcharacter to thoae In the Clepaydraot jttidronti'UB of CyrrhuR. The largepylnna woro exhibited nt tho Ameri-can Institute ot Architecture I if NowVurk a short timo uro and expertapronounced thorn the finest pieces otcarved eranlte erer executed.

The architect la Ecerton Swartwontof New York City who dulxned thenew Oeorxe Waihlngton memorial,the new Mlaaourl átate capítol and tinnew Federal building In Donvor.

About Errors.There are errors whiqh no wigo

man will 'treat with rudenesswhile there is a probability thatthey may 'bo" the 'refraction otSome great truth still below thehorizon.

It Is only an orror of judgmont to ninko a mistake, but itargues an infirmity of characterto adhoro to it when discovered.Thu Chinese say, "The glory isnot in novor falling, but in ris-

ing evory time you fall."To make no mistakes is not in

the power of man; but from theirerroiH and mistakes the wise andgood learn wisdom for tho fu-

ture. Sometimes wo mny learnmore from a man's errors thanfrom his virtues.

Wliilo tho nation is seekingmethods of greater food produc-tion why would it not bo well toturn tho millions of acres of richlands which aro now devoted totobacco culture over to the rais-ing of food? Tobacco is not anecessity; it is an evil. It docsnot sustain human life, but isone of America's great nationalextra. agances. If drastic meas-ures aro to be resorted to inmaking tho volume of foodg. o iter, why not substitutethings that are worth while-thin- gs

that tho people of Ameri-ca really need for this unneces-sary and harmful luxury?

That Colonel Roosevelt was along-heade- d, fnr-seein- g prophet,there now seems no shadow of,dojbt. If we had taken his ad- -

Vice twenty years ago, and goneinto tho familv business ns hesuggested, wo would now havelegions of bravo sons ready tosacrifico on tho altar of ourcountry. Verily, Teddy, youare a wonder. ,

I liitm, it is reported, is aboutto enter the war on the side ofl he IVited State-- . If it does,tviwiis say, it will be able to putan ni'iiiv oi (UU.UUU into the field.'Jin l'liiiu-ft- have had muchcause to recognize America as aft lend, and tho fruits of thefriendship aro about to be mani-fested in a substantial way.

There is still orne work foridle bunds to do. Crow tons ofarn.y boans, iuvnd wheat, horseoats, eating spuds, and a fewother luxurioB for instance. Thotruth never flickers and whatIi' iny tieorgo said about thnticixl of nion Is still a regnnntt'at-t- .

Ducktho United


a muss of onions without pajdnurltho prlco of a striiiR of pearls I

for thorn.

Colonul Ilonry Waltcrson, ofKentucky, enjoys thu distinctionof boiiiK tho first man to say,"To li willi thu kaiser," andalso tho distinction of living lonp;unouuh to soo it made unanimous.

Tlio dictum hns roho outthere is to be no more joy riding,nor no more big dinners. Wodon't mind being deprived oftlio joy riding, but tliat otherparagraph binds a little.

Arthur JJrisbaine, who saysthe world's men have

eyes, spoko unthoughtcdly.Ho never saw ours.

Plant some more beans.



Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays$ü and Saturdays of each week











Complete Chanco of Program Each Night



General Transfer and DrayageHay, Grain, Coal

Trips made to part of county

'Phono 80 or 01

Livery Barn Feed Store



On Main Street On El Paso Ave.hi

Kt lit


Purity Bread, Cakes, Rolls, Etc.

Fresh Daily

Ciu rizozo,


any the


New Mexico


flli.11 UUUIUIIO UN- - VAGREE tó

the patient Konornlly Rets Jg

lh woret of it, but uU tlio

tloctoM in this nock of tlio

utkkIh are nrecd tlmt thin

in tho liost tlisponsiiry to Kf

wliicli to hoikI thoir pall- - gentn with prescription. i(

Holland brothers aDonlera in Drugs, Toilet Articles, te, S5

f.vunr.ny.o NEW MK Mlion all tnoso yard uar- - c

jdens aii ver suaomwmmMmimnmMWmmimto ylolclof thoir inuruueo,

luinttftfta ni muir luí nl.ln ÍWÍU



GROWTHThis Bunk is growing i n deposits a n dthere is u reason for it.Grow with iv growing, progressiva Bankstart an account today.Hank with us.






. t




.' I


Page 4: Carrizozo Outlook, 05-04-1917








Ziegler Brothers'Established in Lincoln County Since '86



(Continued From Front Puro.)

the world except tho power toprotect wlmt we have. Exportsestimate that it will take us ninemonths to pot ready to meet aGerman army of oven 150,000men, with modern artillery. Under such circumstances, would I

the Germans treat us better thanthey have already treated Bel-

gium and Franco?"Even if the armies of our al

lies should crush the Germanmilitary power this summer, bo-for- e

tho shortage of food canreacli the point of want, theworld would still need vast quarttities of American food. Hut ifthey do not, only pno course canmake us safe, and that is togrow food enough on our farmsfor ourselves and ocr alijes, andto put ships enough on tho sea tocarrv tho food, in spite of thesubmarinos, Iq.tno men, who aroifighting our fight. .

"If the war lasts beyond thissummer, it will bo the Americanfarmer who will win qr jose thewar, who will overcome militar- -

ism and autocracy, or ullchvthemto spt'citU' and control the world,oursulvos included.

"This is M) fanciful picture,but sober fact. Many n mnnwill make light of it until liecornea to think it over, bnt 1 ven-turo to say that fow will troat tlightly after. caroful thought. ItIs no more impossible than thoBrewt war itself appeared to be,only l few days before it began.

"It !b truo that we can great-ly increase tho available foodsupply out of ruin now used inmaking liquors, and by reducinghouieholil waste. But w'hohthese '- - aro dohb, anddonu noy will not boQuough. .,e final decision willStill rest in the hands of the menWho raise our food in the firstplaco,

"The dear duty of tho NationIs to guarantee the farmers afair price for their crops when

e are

sive for





grown, und a reasonable supplyof labor at harvest Tho clearduty of the farmer is to raisefaod enough to win tin's wnr fjrdemocracy against kaisorisin.

"No such responsibility hasover rested on any class of mensince the world began as rebtstoday on the farmers of Anicnoa.

"Sincerely your3,"G'lFio'iD Pinciiot.'!

An Ommisnion. '

In enumerating tho list of sur-vivors of Mrs. A. J. Hollandwhose death is chronicled on thofront page of this issue cf TheOutlool:, wo inadvertently i m t- -

ted the names of one sister, Mrs.M. B. Parker, who resides inCaliforniu, and two brothers, J.J. McCourt of El 'Paso and P. M.McCourt, all of whom were hereto attend tho funeral.

Opening Game Sunday.The opening game of the base-

ball season will be played on thelocal diamond Sunday afternoonat 2 o'clock. Contestants will beCarrisozo and the Koswoll Mil-itary Instituto. Admission, 2fic.

Mrs. JI. B. Hamilton wont to131' Poso Wednesday.

OrganizingRed Cross

Mrs. F. F. Muilge isorganizing an auxiliaryRed Crass society in Crr-rizoz- o,

the parentnization being El Paso.Dr. Brown, of that city,heads the society forthis section. Mrs. Mudgcis now in El Paso takingsteps to complete the lo-

cal organization.About 30 members

fyave already been se-

cured here.

Women to Aid in .Campaign.A state organization of women

to with tho war committeo in its preparedness cumpaign will bo formed at a meeting of women in Santa Fe tomorrow. Thoso who attend ,io

meeting will be selected as delegates by tho organizations ofwomen in this county, and toeffect these ' organizations thewar ,mmitteo has designatedone woman in each cour.ty, andlias wired a request for immedate action. The request readsas follows: "This committeehas selected you to clfect an organization of women of yourcounty for war purposes. Pleasehave such organization send onedelegate to Santa Fc May 5th toeffect a state organization whicwill select nn auxiliary committoto with us along sue.lines as may be agreed uponMrs. William u. JuclJonulu wasselected to represent Lineo!county.

H. Lutz, Jr., Enlists.Henry Lutz, Jr., eon of Mayor

Lutz of Carrizozo, went to Ros

well Thursday whore ho enlistee:in tho Cillcors' Reserve CorfOwing to the fact that Honryhas had several years of militarytraining und is a bright youngman it is a natural consequencethat we may oxpect to soon hearo Ills Doing commissioned anollker of high rank in the regular army.

u. r. Uoll, oi this place, is inSanta Fe serving in fedorul court

Cashier E, M. Brickley of tliFirst National bank, was u bus!ness visitor to Willard Friday oflast week.

Lost Blue crochet bag. Find-

er please notify Miss Jennie MaeSmith, Oscuro, N. M.

W. C. McDonaldwas a business visitor to Tularosaono day last week.

Mrs. E. J. Shuldu and childrenspent Sunday in Alamogordo vis-

iting relatives.

NO. 10,00.1


Vnlilni;tnn, I). C, March S3, 1017.

WIIEHEA3, by natlifoctory ovlilcnro precntcd to tho utiilcmiRtied, It

has been nmclo to nppcnr that"THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CARRIZOZO"

In tho VllltiRO of Cnrrlicto, In tho County of Lincoln mid Stato of New Mos-

tró, linn complied with nil tho provisión of tho Statute of tho Unitedblntcn, required tobo compiled with hoforo an amoclation hall bo nuthor-lie- d

to commenco tho busincait of banking,NOW THEUEFOKK 1, Jolin Skclton Willlami, Comptroller of t'.in.

Currency, do hereby certify that "THE FIll&T NATIONAL HANK OPCAKHIZOZO'1 In tho Villano of Carrlioio, In tho County of Lincoln andStato of Now Mexico, la authorized to commence tho buiiueas of Honking nsprovided In Soctlon l'lfty-on- o hundred and sixty, nlno of tho Ilovlted Stat-ut- ci

of the United Statu.IN TESTIMONY WHEItEOK wltncu my hand and Seal of olHco thta

Twenty-thir- day of March, 1017.(8lncd) JNO. SKELTON WILLIAMS,

(SEAL) Comptroller of the Currency.

ihe 1I

LUCAS HOSPITALThoroughly Modern Equipment

Trained Nurse Charge

Rates Furnished o n Application b y


Carrizozo, N. M.

i itsta



Pure Jersey Milk, Creamand Butter


'Phone 38F3

LOYALTY"With malice toward none, with clniritv for nil; with

nrnmeHH In tho right nn Liod glvos ua tu eeo the rightAliltAlIAM LINCOLN.

A state of wnr lias been thrust upon us. AUnited Nation in this solemn hour calmly facastho futuro with that coniidenco born of complutofaith in America!) Ideals.

Tho Stoi'krncus Statu bank stands united withevery member of the community and country to

to in every way possible in resisting ev-

ery attempt to abrogate American Freedom, Jus-tice nntl Ilonor,

We aro tdways loyal to our customers, takingcaro of thoir legitimate needs.



CarrizozoTradingCo.N. M.

-- er


Get Our on

Quality First


Kuppenhr' ClothesWalI Over Shoes

Stetson Worth HatsPrices Groqeries

-- Then Price




Page 5: Carrizozo Outlook, 05-04-1917

Oscuro BirdClub-Member- s

Win $5 PrizesTlio boys of tlio Oscuro Audu-

bon Illnl Club No. .10700 closed n

Mnlliotiso contost Friday. Thelwyg In otich room competed withouch other in building practicalbird 'house. A $5 gold pieceww the prize to thu winner in

each room. Knymond Storlingof Room 1 and I.Htham Porrot'of Hoiin 2 weio tic winners.These bird Iiouhps will be on ex-

hibition in tlio HchoolhouBo untilthe close of school.

Thf following pupils wore

nithr absent nor tardy duringthe month ending April 27th:Paulipa Sn'z, Luthor Purcolla,llnrold Gray, Knymond StorliiiK,Orlenn l'urcella, Theodore Gsch-win-

Hubo McDonald, GladysThornton, Doretta Gschwind,Tliülma 1'orrott.

On May 18th and 19th therewill be an exhibit of all theschool work done during theyonr. All patrons and friendsititorosted in Hie progress of theschool will be welcome.

Tlio Oscuro Sundny school will

jivo a program nnd rally SundayMtty flth, the centennial of theS. S. Union. The public is invi-t- d

to attend.

Tho Womon's Club of Oscurowill ve a 7 o'clock dinner tothoir families and nenr friendson May lüth. An amusing farce,"The Peak Sisters." will bo ron-daro- d

during the evenipg and ajionerul good time is anticipated.

METHODIST CHURH(Itcv. Mnrsti.li, I'iibUii.)

There will be preaching nextSunday morning by the pastor.Other services as usual.

Preaching in Spanish Tuesdaynight. Mexican Sunday schoolSunday U p. m.

The Womans Mission Societymet with . Mrs. Leminon onWednesday afternoon where aninteresting program was render-ed and refreshments were served.

BAPTIST CHURCH(Rev. J. M. Gardner; l'antor.)

Preaching Sunday May Cth, at11 a. m.

7:30 p. m. "No Condemnation'10 a. m. Sunday school. Every

body welcome.(!:0 p. ni. Junior and Senior

U. Y. P. U's.

Mare and Colts for SaleHave mare and 1

and 1 two-yonro- ld colt, also lightbuggy which will be sold chonp.Iilijuire Outlook ofllce.

Fox Furs Wanted.Wish to purchase a number of

good, mountain fox furo. -- Mrs.John Kahler. Carriaoio, N. M.


Coniprainoi mueblo do ssgun-Ú- B

uta no y pacramoM lot mejorospfMloa, dinero en In mano, yWHiüwnoi cosas do sogundaNMUtB, por procloa regularos.

umn 1(9 vonua i a s cosasMM tlMlu pra vondar, dovo doT tl mrJÜt)8, n la tiunda do so- -

IKinlo innno. -- Khihv & son.

r liniRJstt boxos for rontBin Statü bank.

S. W. Perry, formerly mnnngcrof the local yard of tho FoxworthGalbraith Lumber company butwho resigned last December toaccopta moro rosponsiblo positionwith tho company at Strntford,Toxus, came in Monday morning,being called here on court mat-tor- s.

His many friends woreglad to see him.

E. K. Kolloy departed tholatorpart of last week for Komont,Idaho, whore ho will visit severalday?, ioing Mrs. Kelloy at thisplace an .l going to Los Angeloa,Calif., whore they expect tomono1 some timo visiting at thohomo of their son Jerry.

Mrs. C L. Hinos returned tliolatter part of last week from Isi-

dore, Quay county, whoro shohad been visiting her parents forseveral days,

Koprosontativo Ira 0. Wet-mor- e

loft Sunday for Santa Foto be present at the special ses-

sion of tho legislature.

Coujity Superintendent CharlesL. Uurt of Torrance county wasdown from Mountaineer lastweek on business with JudgeMcdler.

The ladies of the Mission Society will hold a pillow slip saloMay 19th at John E. Hell's store,beginning at 2 o'clock. Refresh-ments will be served.

FARM SEEDS-Am- bor. RedTop and Orange cano seed, milomaize, feteritn, millet, corn andKafir corn seed, at HumphreyUros.

Join the Red Cross now. Phono17.

For Sale Studebaker deliverywagon, also harness. All i ngood condition. Zieglcr Dros.

Wc buy hides and pelts highest prices guaranteed. CarrizozoTrading Co.

Assistant District Attorney R.L. Ilitt and family motored downfrom Willnrd last week and werethe guest of friends. Mrs. Hittand children returned home during tho first part of tho weekwhile Mr. Hitt remained to lookafter matters in the districtcourt.

Not having had as much leftover on payday as wo had estimated, wo have changed ourmind about subscribing to thosobillion dollar loans maJo to theallies.

For Sale Parko Davis Company's Ulacklcgoids. Tito Titsworth Co.

ucrmany mauo prance a republic and now it looks as thoFranco will soon be able to return tho complimont.

Doesn't it just beat tho bandhow many men we have in NewMoxico ready to furnish advice

Meta Man.The editor met a man thoothur

day who declared in all seriousnose that ho liked tho OutlookThought wo'd mention it to you

maybe you will want to standas well on our subscription booksas hodoos, Truth to toll wo'd lika lot moro now subscriptionsthoy re coining in right alongbut you know tho raw cash isgood to look m these days ant:thore's no denying it, the Outlook is a mighty good little newspapor. The cost to you is $2.00n year. Bring it in or mail it inHere's tho nddress if you can useit! Carrizozo Outlook, Carrizozo,N. M.

(Vstck to Success.M,i ptuiilu would iiicceoil In mmlT

U.it' It they woru not trumlod withI, lit u.'llliltlllllS.

The True Tcit.in'v ttV't tli. m nrt i i!..vi'lf doten

ft, ni titile; .ml wiml 'lloll II1M

.1. II.

Safeguarding the Nation's Money.I'lii' burean nf ciiBriivlim nml print

nt Wnsldiigtou, I). , where nilpnper money. poslngu nnd rovontie

amp nml vnliuililii documents nri'Iiinii'ii. in nnu nt iiin most eitroruuyRuunlcd htilldliiKS In. tint world, tlIn protected by Mino nf llie runit mod-or-

ohvirlcnl burglar alarm, nml n,urmivi nlKlit wntelitnon imtrnl tin'plant. Popular Ktllcuco Monthly.

Of Course."Wliv iln y.i(l nlwny linve to lie I'Tmi l ' ,. ii il.M-to- r liefoiv .vim run ct

llli'lli'Mlli-eV- "I prPHlllnr thi eolll- -

ii. i.j' Im nn-lii- onotlKli ) eurry It."

Lfavo It to tnt Hreny.Km pi Im iim nf wlilel

are i. re, lit .urn- - friend Iihihi implennut ti'jilm f i uti hi einimli's; they unrwiüy enuiiyli tu tell Ilium.


Peculiarity of thó Drain.Ti'iiIIiik In liim-- tint llie tin I Ml Hint

lithium ni In Ik ho constructed HintIt mu hour rent III nutter thnn log-m-

i iii'h nrt rtipeiilnd, U tho fuel Hintir.ivi lor In Iliu wilds of Cmitrul Am- -

n will face tlio trnpi'ily of n surprisey iitivnnii iiuiti in' boast Willi lutein

lit'iii ivnnw. ni'il ynt lio driven tu tuiH'lii'luiii of no. Incus by tlie InsistenttlltllcltS ilf UlllllllO IllSOCtf.

The Date Pnlm.tree In ,'iuiv Rtnoeful tl lit 1 beau- -

Hill limn n tinte i till), nml tlio plnntHAiIxmiiii iinlvcrHlly Imvo concltl- -

make KtllUly nrtinnioiitu fill' lawn nittlparks. At the xtiini) tlmu thuy crow

n npnetlKlnu' nrtlelo or rooii. in noriii- -

ei n Amen, tut' tuitivo minimi or. tin-Into pnlm, the fruit I n common article of ilnlly diet.

Orowlnrj Dntct.IlnlrH nre luipnrti il In the United

Stnti'M from the will til viilliitlleH nfm.ilhei'ii Kurnpe nml Afrlen, hilt II

the e'Yiiim of weNlern experliuenlH nreill, fruitful of I'oxuIlM 11 thu treesruuii Imvo heeii full of frail, II mnyí)ü expeeled thnt IhlH eoimtry will In(ore Ioiik grow nil ItH own ihiteH, uc- -

oidliiir to u writer In tho Heluitine:ii(.i lcun.

When Oott Metal Cuts Hard.A luir of hurd Hteel In cut rnpldl?

with it revolving (UhIc of noft Iron.Thi Ih eutiKed hy tho Intense heutproilured hy the friction; tho hent, hi--lue coneentriited ut one point on tlio('.el liur, ineltH (IiIh, while tho revolv-l- u

diet: dlHtrlhutes It over It clrcum- -

fuieiice, which Ik Itept cool hy the cur-

rent of nli A Imr 111 millimeter thickI cut In two h it illslc !1 cenllnieterHIn dliuuetei- - nnd 1! iiillllu.eterH thickrcvolvluu ut &tl meters u nvcoiiiI lufrom eight to ten HcentulK

Amending the Conitltutlon,Pii iimend the federul Constllutlim

n tvto-tliir- rote In hiinso nnd oenntinnd ititlllcplloii hy three-fourth- s (nottn-tlilri- of the st n ten In necessaryA tiutlomil Inw, of course. siipersedKslule low In rontllrt, A fedorul tiineud-incu- t

ndopted hy throi-foiirtli- of thr(dnlo thu lnw In nil the(lulo thoso votlns nirirltiHt It

Adds to the Difficult. os.Annthef thine tlml itictH tho pqttl

llhrluiu of tho lttuitloti Is that thereuní mi miiny men who would nitheippoud ten hour- - nt nliihl UyliiK to wintM.ir nt poker I linn o spend elitlithum u duy worliliiR for n $111 note.

Ptaytno Posoum.When eutiKht. tho tMiMiim will felan

dentil, nil the while InoltltiK out of thecorner of mi eyu. wntcldn mi oppor- -

tiinlly to escupe. And from tills enuiBthe n xpreloii, "plnyliiK

iiiiiii." It Hhotild h mild, however,If one In luiky miuiijsh tn pot u Kon-tuek-

ilreRHeil pinMIIUl III tile lllt'.rkat,

there I no thinner of its escnplnK.Ii Im then iirrlved M n purled In Itscareer when powiiiu pluy htm ontlcd.

Cleaning Docks.Dust enn he I'emoreil hy liclna lirend

or very soft ruhher. I Mist, fh.eer timrki-ntu- l

creuso spntH iilm yield remin. t.wull paper Flentier, which I '.wihl ut lornl slutlnnery Mt.

tullí enn Iih rninoviHl hvcxtillo iicIO. fuUnwid I;.Hum.

An Arab Cuttom,The Ariilihiii litud firpíw h inilly a

.Miiinhi'iier Inlile eovvr folded illni;titiiilly. The Arnhx do lint take tin-I- t

lieinlel.iili off when llioy IMIter u hnllMe

They uutovvr their feet Inlicinl. Thi'Arnlm do n iiinnher of oilier tlilnueonlriiry in our eimloui. They xluivrtlielr heinN hut nt their fncew. WhenIhpy lieehon to n pernn to enine to(Iii-ii- they do not turn their llnu'emtipwiirdK im e do. No. they turn themdown, nnd then thu Arnl) litiowM thntlio I wuiitrd.

Thought Meniurcmcnt.";i i'miii l iih hlu on the terms It:

whi, h he nrdiiinrlly thlnlti." reiiinrltciiUn- - wiw i tilen. "Thnt la uraiimm.... .... .........

51l riiyetllie. ".My liuiiui1h ii xfleini t. mill Ii Ik nerttltoined ti....li .... I.lu I.I....M will, II inliM'iweoiiu."


Sorrow In HUlt.i.irrow l, tin- - 'iere mt of the wiul.

A i H,liy nv'II ileniiKe nml hrltihten It.

fleet Thlnae.The heat lilns uro not houiilil nnd


Care In Tubcreutogle.Mvlna with n enne of (uliurciilosll,nut piirtleilhli'ly ihiueeroiis If tho

pulli'iit nml Hume nriMiiul him will ex- -

err i e prnMir eure. Spiitnin etipn or

imi.rr iinpklnn Hhoiild lie ukimI for nildlHi'iiiiiven of the mine nml inroiit,un well us for nmller (.nimlied tip fromthe lutiKH. ltiiiidkerehlefii kIiimiIiI nothe iihhI, hlnee It 111 mi expeiiKlvu innt- -

ti'i- - to dentrny then), unit wushliiK IhemIc not Hiif" liplcKM lh Dolled hiunllier-- 1

riih í I holliwj lininedliiti 'y lifter llrtu.

Java's Cocn Trade.I'nr tunny yenrM (he I Milch ciilony, I

J ii vii, lu.x eiMiii'iih-- i the iiiurhet fotelm In n in i ii; . nt leiint ko lur im theliniii'vltil i I in llie iiiniitifuelure olltllillie i 'ii.,-niei- . On II inliell IlirKer Mini. lili- - feilile tKllltid lilts, of Inte, I

hem iii;i;'!..'lna Hie deinnud for eocnllie nnv ni.iUllill tl'Ulll which

eoiuilie In ileilM'il.

An Atd to Virtue.A Into lover of Unworn enn Fcnrcely

bo very wlelied. lienilly mid p indue we l"lli WMer. I.el us -

vule the one nml the oilier will comounhidden un.l dwell with iih.

Ruth's Discovery.Until Iiiih ii Ki'iiiidfiither, hut no

ui'iindinolher. Tim hiKt Hummer n little iiliiyiuuto hud Id Krnndpiireiit

roiile lot' u visit, mid Until snw Iheiu.Khe hui'lled lioiue, slinntlni; nt llie lopnf her vole: ".Mother, mother I 'Johnluid ii hidy Kriiudpii I"

About Deep Dreathlnrj.Miiiiv people not on the principle thnt

heniiii.o deep hreiithlni; cuUHe dizzi-ness It doe not UKree with them. HutIf they will priieth-- the hreiithlni; lesvlcoroilsly they will lllid that Kriidiinl-l- y

they enn tulle nil the deep hrcillhihey want wlthoiil the sllnhtest

Tiihe ten lirenths 111 ten see-n-

mid Ki'iidiiully decreiiNe tho Hum- -

ier of lnlmlutlnii.

Distance Lends Enchantment.Klu "Do you ill! nl II .III he I.

rlcht for us nfiei wc are tiinrrW hrettle n rouplo of upmre nwny 'ifumy family?' IIo"l wit Bolín t.. khjii couple of fctiiloH."

Lined to Be Remembered.A Kund tilmoHt kill ii until us kill

it ni ii I hook; who kill u mini kills nroifiounhlo ei i 'ii turo, llnd's luiap1; hewho ihwit-o- a kooiI hook kills rmisun"tself- .- Jllllon.

Catesthenles of Speech.It Is hotter to ho iihlo tn turn your

timid to nnytliliiK Ihnii to put your footin it

' That's So.If everyone would mend nim, nil

Would he iii'ii'liileil.

Thi flctt TrunB.Tho tnii'iier who Im to htiv trim.

mi Its. nnd other trapping iiipllesJliuillil ho cure lo u til I nml thai.mi he hull, for while thu llmt cost

..i,i mm'iii lusher, the host Kuotls nr)niti'll llie clieupi'i' in tlio Ollil.

Platonic Friendship."Do you bellovu In pllitonle friend- -

ship?" "Well, not altoKKilier. Jly pr--

Miiuir opinion I Unit I'd h. lleve moroIn idatimle frlmiiUhln If It were car- -

tin Willi the full knmviedce midoiiMttit uf the liiiiinid nf the mm midHe wife- - til olhor." Dtilrnlt l'reu

"Oh Look!T fin nn( 'em all ttiev

wn' tuirf mn I Thnt's lie- -ftu.u'r mniln with Calu

met -- and that's why they'repure, tumptinii, tasty, wholesome that s why tney won i

hurt any kid.Received lliiheit Awnrtli

Km l. tn-- U. -IH J. 1,114


i -- .if in"

fifi m UM


Cheap nnd hlKconUnklnePowdorsdonotsave you money. Cal .lot dncB- - It's pure

nnd fat supoiior to sour milk and so Jo.

Medicine Dropper for Tonic.Win. ii iiMlntr tin exnenslvo hull tonic

or the most economicalmid witlsfnctory way Is to uso u hentBinds medicine dropper. This permitstho exact ipiunlity of lluld to ho deposited whoro ncciicii ut mo roots oithe huir.

Snails ns Darometers.Keeplna a snail to tell you If It Is

KoltiK to ruin. Hindis tiro excellenthiiromvters. If there Ih ruin In thu liltdliall will cook shelter under leaves, Inthe hark of it treo or any other handypluce.

Impotent Life.Tho null-- utleilv Inmolen! life Id tllfl

loose life, the life thnt 1ms no center,no rest, no point of ohllKiitlon, tin lliucof ciislavutueiit.

A Hint to 8norers.If you uro the object of continual

Jibe from your family on the scoreof siinrliii:, try fiiFtentiiK vertical stripsJl IhIukIiimh plaster over tho lips.

As Charley Saw ILCharley, need three, wits spending

:he day with hi criiiidpiircnt. Theniudfiither wiinted to rend, hut Char- -

ey was plaliiK boisterously. "(Jliar-.e-

hit down and keep unlet!" said thuiramlfnthei' sternly. Charley dropped

bu the nearest scut nml sat lookliiKfrom one to the other for possibly n

minute, then ubi, "(Irundpn ! (Irnlid-pal- "

"Wi.l, !mt Is It!" siihl thoirnndfmher, "Why, you nnd unuid-ai- n

Juit sound as If ou were dirndl"

Rewgro nf Ointments forCatarrh that Contain Mercuryas mercury will surely destroy th Sinnor smell noil eaininriair '",whole ayti-i- when entering It throUKhthe mucous surfarvs. Hurh article ihoulinever un i sen oxrepi precripuvutrom phystrlans, th dftmacathey will ilo Is Im fold to tho ooil youran possibly derive trom them, lullCatarrh l'ure, mnnufnctiireü by í J,Chtney & Tolertn. o . contains nomercury nml I taken Internally, actingdirectly upim the blood nnd mucous sur(aces of the system. In buying Hall'sCatarrh Cure be sure you got tho genu.Ine. It la taken Internally and malo InToledo, Ohio, by V. J. Chonoy ft Co. Tes-timonials tree.

Sold by Druggists. Pries He per bottls.Toks Hall's ramllr litis lor osullpaUoa,

Page 6: Carrizozo Outlook, 05-04-1917








Gray & ReilyWe have anything you want in the

Grocery, Meat and Veg-

etable Line.


Stoves and Ranges Builders' Hardware

N. B. Taylor & SonsBlacksmithing and Hardware


Tinware, Píúnttj, 3lass, Oils of all Kinds, Guns,Ammunition, Harness, Etc.





. vv iti cn sc



ance in

The following local school pupils havo a perfect attondancerecord for the two months justpassed, to the reportmode by MoCurdy:

MARCH.First Grades James Bentloy,

Christopher Hale, Bessy Hale,Vera Richard, Clark Hust, Har-old Pino, Euda VinaIlobbs, Alvin Carl, John 13. Rice,Lois Harkey, Lorcno Stimmel,Lynn Lovelace, Pablo Gullegos,Lily Harkey.

Second Grade Maxino HoiT- -

mr.n, Sara Osborn, Don English,Miller French, Mariam Forrest,Erminia Chavez, Elvin Harkey,Roy Rash, Ethel Johnson, Uov- -

erly Thompson, Roy Richard,Earl Carl, Fannio Ray, PaulWack, Dea Hust, Frank Vega.

Third Etidham, Albert Harrison, Bonnie

Julian Lalone, RayLovelace, Andres Sandoval, JohnWilliam Elliot.

Fourth Grade Myrtle Roynolds, William Kahler, Elmo

xív "

All of the Compassin the business world converge in the commercialbank account. The convenience and ofpaying bills by check, the accuracy with which apayment may bo traced, and the safety in general ofthis method of payment, make it imperative that ev-

ery business man should have a bank account. Be-

gin one with us today.

Exchange Bank of CarrizozoWe Pay 4 Percent on Time and Savings Deposits

a i rw? xyr.i- - ?s ka?

The TitsworthCompany

General Merchandise

Wholesale Retail


Titsworth CoCapitán, M.

Perfect AttendRecord

Local Schools



Grade-Kath- ryn



ss mm smmmmm&mmsm&te

Lovelace, Evelyn French, LeoStimmel, Robert Poage, LillianJohnson, Kastlcr Taylor, SirillaVigil, Isodoro Chavez.

Fifth Grade-R- uth 'McMillan,Lois Jonca, Blake Lovelace, Carmen Chavez, Alvia Porter, EllaRowland, Lois Stidham.

Sixth Grade Alta Carl, MaySchacffor, Edwin McCarty, FernForrest, Mary White, MyrtleRowland, Karl Kahler, NelloSandoval, Bryce Dugger.

High School-El- sio Hall, Pero- -

la Stevens, Willio Reily, BertieMurray, Mao Kennedy, PearlKennedy, Pearl Hyde, HomerDonaldson, Hilary Cooper, ClaraBrazel, Linza Branum.

APRIL.First Grade Bessy Hale, Bil

ly Johnson, Euda McMillan, Har-old Pine, Christopher Hale,Clark Hust.

Second Grade Lucilo Lacey,Ethel Johnson, Elvin Harkey,Frank Vcirn. Maxino Hoffman.Erma Poage, Roy Richard, JeanRiley, Beverley Thompson, DeaHust, Mariam Forrest, Don English, Earl Carl.

Third Grado-Kathr- yne Stidham, Nabora Lucras, Ollie Niles,Albert Harrison, Bonnie McMillan, Andres Sandoval, LuciloJones.

Fourth Grado Myrtle Reyn-olds, Lillian Johnson, William

(Continued on next page.)

NOTICE OF FORFEITURETo A. If. Horvoy, Esq.,Carriznzo. N M.

Under unit bv virtue cf that certainnartnorthln nurccmcnt. onterol Into byroitaln parties muro fully tinted herein,tliu incinornnduiii of which recite tliatall parties who'o names nto subscribedtliercto shall ho equal owners In tlmt cer-

tain Lodo Mining Claim, known as midcalled the. HONDO, aald original locationnntlr-n- . filpil nml rrrnnlpil fin rmlllrpil Inlaw, win so filed and recorded in Hook.VI of the Mining Records at Pago 172aald HONDO Mlnlr-- Claim la therein fully described, and sama is situated In thoNocnl Mlnlne District. Lincoln CoiintvNew Mexico. That tho aald Memorandum of Partnership Agreement containstno loiiouin" names: ni. ai. uuko, a.II. Harvey, II. a. Campbell, Ocnrgo WOlncy. Win. Kahler. Sr., E, C. MonroeDoo Tice, A. J. Holland, M. II. Foro,man, H L. HanBuin; That aald agreumcnt wn further to tho effect tlmt certain sums of monoylaud amounta of labor wore to be expended upon aald LodMlnlni' Llulm. anil all of nnld sums anagreed upon havo been oxpcudoil and thelabor prcfoimcd, with the following ex-

ceptions, that tho aald A. II. Harvoy liasicfused and neglected to pay his pro ratasharo us per agreement the following sum,$01. 76 And yuu nro hereby further no-

tified that 11 yuu fall or refuse to contri-but- o

J our uat elmro under aald agree-ment, and continuo to contributo yourJust liaron per agreement within qlnetydays from tho dutii of the lait publicationof this notice, as required by section2324 of tho Revised Statutes of tho Uni-

ted Slates, your Interest in und to thoaald abitve doscribed Mining Claim shallbecome tho property of tho suld Partner-ship.

E. Ü. Monroe.Ktoto of New Mexico I

County of Lincoln, asOn this Oth day of

April 1017 before mo personally appearedE. C Monroe, known to mo to bo thoperson who signed tho above and g

Notice of Forfeiture anil stated onIda oath that lie Is a member of the Part-nership therein described, that ho hashad tin rge of all of and now has chargeof the books of the saidPartnership, and that the sum of moneycnntidncd In tho said Notice to bo thetutu that is lacking payment Is correct

Henry 8, Campbell, Notary Public,Subtcribod and sworn to before me

this Oth Day of April 11117.(Seal) My commission Expires March

18. 1021.


THOMAB O. LUSTER, DECEASED.To Hannah Luster and the heirs of Tho-mas O, Luster deceased :

You are hereby notified that the alleg-ed Last Will and Testament of ThomasO Luster, late of the County of Lincolnand State of New Mexico, deceased, hasbeen produced and read in the ProbateCourt of the County of Lincoln. Siato ofNow Mexico, at a regular term thereof;held on the Oth day of .March, 11)17. andtho day of tho proving of laid allegedLast Will and Testament was by orderof the Judge of raid Court thereuponfixed for Monday, tho 7th day of May,A.D 1017. Term of said Court, at II)o'clock in the forenoon of said day

Given under my hand and Seal ofthis Court this Oth day of March, A. b.1017.(Seal) O. T. NYU, Probato Clerk

The Profesiions

Geo. 8pcnca W, 0. Mercbtnt


In Bank Building Than No 48






District Attorney Third Judicial DistillCivil Practice In all Court'Phouo 51. Court Housn


O. A ASKKHn IIUEb WOODHoiwell, N. M. Csrrlioto, N. k


LAWYERSExchango UankJ.Hulldlng



Practico in all tho CourtsOSCURO, : NEW MEXICC





OENKHAI. l'UAUTH'i:O III co over Holland's Drug store







Agency Est nUlislimt 1802Office in Exchange Bimk



Special attention piven Obutetrinund Diseases of Clilldron.



III Carrizozo ovory 5th dayPhone to








Carrizozo Lodge No. 4 , A. F. & A.Carrinoio, Nw Msilco

Itimlar Cummunicatlntii lor 1017Jan . 3 Feb 3 Mar .1

Apr 7 May A June 2and 3U July 28 Kept 1

and 21) Oct 27 Nov 24Di e 22 und 27th.I. E. Schniller, W. M

S. F. Miller, Sec'y.

Carrizozo LoiIro No. !)0, I O. O. I



Regular meeting 101(1: First mid thinFriday each month



KNIGHTS OF PYTHIASMeetings every Monday evening in tinMasonic hall. All members are urcMl tibe preteut and visiting Knight wetcomd'


Page 7: Carrizozo Outlook, 05-04-1917


Remember you pay a cash price and do not hveto help keep up a reserve for losses of a credit system.

We quote you on STONE JARS as follows:

$1.50 $1.25-2-gal- lon. 85c 50c

Come and sec the quality of these jars before buying.

"OURS Is tlio TRADE thnt. . . SERVICE made." IQlleyfffcSon

Best Accommodations for

All the People All the Time

Carrizozo Eating HouseTable Supplied with tjbe

Best the Market Affords

Building MaterialWith a large stock of building material wo

are able to give you good service and so-

licit the trade of the people of Lincolncounty, Carritozo and adjacent towns.

Foxworth-Galbrait- h Lumber Co.D. R. Stewart, Manager

"The Star Spangled Banner bring hither,O'er Columbia's true sons let it wave.

May the wreaths they have won never wither,Nor its stars cease to Bhine on thu brave.

May the service united ne'er sever,But we to our colors prove true,

The Army and Navy forever,Three cheers for the Red White and Blue."

Wo shall make every effort to stand as loyallyand firmly behind our customers as the sons anddaughters of Columbia now stand behind their ChiefExecutive. Wo face the future neither doubtingnor fearing.

The First National BankCarrizozo, N. M.

Under United States Government Supervision.



(Continued from page five.)

Kahler, Dora Anderson, Koborti'oage'i Hastier Taylor, KvolynFrench, Charles Uyrd, IsodoroChavoz, Ailoen Haley, SirillaVigil.

Fifth Grado - Ruth McMillnn,Wayne Richard, Carmen Chavez,Vade Galacher, Charlie Cole,Lois Slidham, Ella Rowland,Clayton Hust, Adclo Lilian, Manuela Phillips, Willard Reynolds,Uns Tonos, Harry Colo.

Sixth Grad- e- Juell Miller, Lu- -

y Sandoval, Myrtle Rowland,Nellie Sandoval, Karl Kahler,Audrey Miller.

High School Rufus Branum,Clara Brazel, U 1 a Edmiston,Vuarl Hyde, Pearl Kennedy, Mae

Kennedy, Bertie Murray, WillieReily, Perola Stevens, Ruth Ed-miston, Elsie Hall.

FEBRUARY.Fifth Grade-Hln- ko T

Harry Colo, Lois Stidham, Car-men Chavez.

Sixth Grado Alta Hurl .Tnnn.otto Johnson, Brida Lacoy, KarlKahler.

Picture Framing.We wish to announce to our

many friends and customers thanwe havo just installed a pictureframing machine and are nowprepared to take care of yourwork in this line. Kollcv & Son"Ours is tho trade service made. '

Furniture Wanted.Wo pay highest cash prices for

your household goods. CalKelley & Sons, phono 9G or cal!at their 2nd-hnn- d store.

Mountain LandSuperior for Po-- t

a t o RaisingThe possibilities offorcd for

successful potato growing by therich lands of the mountains ofthis region and a plan for theirutilization are treated of in thefollowing iift'clo taken f .om theSania Fo New Mexican:

"It Is a well known nnd denvonstrated fact," said Mr. Hughes,"that no ground is superior forpotato raising to the black soil ofthe mountain slopes and valleys.It is unnecessary to state howvaluable potatoes aro becomingand will become, cnl the peoplewho raise their own potatoesneed not worry about the highcost of living. Beans and cornare equally important. 1 am ad-

vised the forest service is readyto coopcrato and that plenty ofsuitable, land is available. A fewbusiness men could finance thrschemo, labor would bo providedfor a large number of men, andthe crop would be turned over atactual cost of production to bonafide consumers for their ownuse. I boliovc some such planoffers Santa Fe its big opportun-ity to support itself and that thegeneral adoption of such a planthruout tho state will be a greateconomic feat. Especially shouldwe make use of our potato land;the state which raises potatoesin large quantities is going to belucky; and we can raise largequantities in Now Mexico."

Little Boy Runs Away.The three-year-o- ld son of

Judge and Mrs. E. L, Medlcr,according to a dispatch to theAlbuquerque Journal, was losttwice on Saturday nt El Pasoand was each timo restored tohis parents by tho El Paso po-

lice. Judge nd Mrs. Medlcrwere shopping in a dry goodsatore with their boy, John Thomas, when tho latter slippedaway. A frantic search for himproved fruitless and the policewere notified. They picked uptho boy on the streets. Shortlyafterward Judge Medlcr and thoboy were in a hotel lobby and theyoung hopeful slipped awayagain, the police picking him upa mile from the hotel.

A New Article of Diet.At Clovis it is reliably stated

that tho Hnrvey house, one ofthe fine chain of citing housesthat has nirfciu the Santa Fe railway system famous, is servingfcterita cakes forbioikfastalongwith hot cakes nnd cereals oíother kinds. It Is stated thatwhen the meal is well preparedt makes a cake that tastcB very

similar to buckwheat cakes. Upin tho northeastern part of thestata there is n miller who ismnkinir n specialty of grinding amixed meal made of milo, kafirand fetcrlta grains, and it is being quito extensively used. Sofar so good, it is now a well established fact that it makes avery satisfactory meal and article of food. Now tho slgnlficanee of It is that the plainscountry is adapted and capablóof raising millions of bushels oftho forngo grains. These grains'will hold on for months in theabsence of rain and then matureinto n good yield of grain. Thereare millions of acres in the westthat are well adapted to thogrowing of tho forage grains and

it is n good time to educate thepcoplo to use these grains as anarticle of food and then they willnot mind the loss of a wheatcrop so much.

Will Set Example.Mrs. Wilson, wife of President

Wilson, Mrs. Marshnll, wife ofthe Vice President, nnd thowives of members of tho cabinethave agreed to reduce thoir scaleof living to the simplest form inorder to sot an example to otherwomen of the country. To do


UiBefore '

ri iilkit.

their part in the movement forthe conservation of tho nation'st!mo and resources tho women ofthe highest official families havedecided to omit tho formal call-

ing nnd entcrtnlning nnd reduceto tho minimum their social ac-

tivities so that they will bo nbloto give moro timo and monoy toconstructive preparedness andrelief work.

For Salei-Year- ling nnd two-year-o- ld

Hereford Bulls. TI12

Titsworth Company, Capitán.

JOHN E. BELLStaple and Fancy Groceries


Dixie, Avondale and Joy Brands Signify Quality

Give thcra a trial and you will

always use them.

'Phontí 50




PrintingWe are here túserve you withanything in theline of printedstationery foryour businessand .personaluse

Letter Heads Bill HeadsEnvelopes CardsWedding Invitations

Posters or AnnounceneatsOf All K1p;

The best quality of workat priceu that are RIGHT

ffiiiManu11UICK AQENTS


I Johnson Bros. Garage !


Supplies nuil Kcpnlra Tires and Tuhca Repaired nnd Vulcanlfedlli'S(liuartur lor llomvtll Automobile Mull Lino

'PHONE NO, fi.

: : NEW MEXICO44 44)

THE CARRIZOZO BARWholesale and Retail Dealers


Special nttentlon paid to Mail or Telephone Orders


Ask for Wholesale I'rlee on 8elpp Deer