Powered by For any further information or questions, please contact your Enterprise Coordinator, Hyla Grimwade 01702 534253 [email protected] Volunteering Opportunity for Students Make Southend Sparkle are arranging a High Street Clean Up between the 19th-22nd March. A good opportunity to get some volunteering experience on CVs. A fag butt forage—20th March Stainless steel furniture cleaning—20th & 21st March Litter picking—21st & 22nd March Students will be provided with all required equipment.. Students will need to be accompanied by school staff. Contact Sue Steele for further details, [email protected] Careers and Enterprise Company – Regional Lead Visit On Friday 23 rd February 2018 we had the pleasure of welcoming Georgina Angele, Regional Lead for the South East, to Southend. Georgina visited Chase High School, to meet Enterprise Adviser Vanissa Amliwala and Careers Lead Wendy Krusche. Georgina was extremely impressed with the careers programme and continuous evaluation and evolution of the work going on at the school. Vanissa and Wendy were partnered in 2016 through the Enterprise Adviser Network and have worked on the schools careers strategy, action planning, increasing career activities for key stage 3 students and developing website resource for long lasting impact of their programme. Chase High School have been making excellent use of their Enterprise Adviser and also have the highest number of Gatsby benchmarks and sub-benchmarks completed in Southend – a coincidence?! Pupils fly high with airport visits Year 4 pupils from Eastwood Primary School visited London Southend Airport in February. They were lucky enough to meet and receive presentations from airline pilots, cabin crew and air traffic control officers. “Now the children have had this ‘behind the scenes’ tour, many of them have been inspired to take up a career in travel or work at the airport when they are older.” Mrs Peterson, teacher. This is an excellent example of linking curriculum to careers and how employer interactions are so important from an early age. Don’t forget your key stage 3 students in your planning. http://www.southend.gov.uk/news/article/1334/pupils_fly_high_with_airport_visits It’s been a busy few months in the careers and enterprise world! Has your Senior Leadership Team been asking questions? Book an appointment for a Careers Strategy update for your school.

Careers and Enterprise Company Regional Lead Visitmediafiles.thedms.co.uk/Publication/CE-SendW/cms/pdf/10 February... · Pupils fly high with airport visits Year 4 pupils from Eastwood

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For any further information or questions, please contact your

Enterprise Coordinator, Hyla Grimwade

01702 534253 [email protected]

Volunteering Opportunity for Students

Make Southend Sparkle are arranging a High Street Clean Up between the 19th-22nd March. A

good opportunity to get some volunteering experience on CVs.

A fag butt forage—20th March

Stainless steel furniture cleaning—20th & 21st March

Litter picking—21st & 22nd March

Students will be provided with all required equipment.. Students will need to be accompanied by

school staff. Contact Sue Steele for further details, [email protected]

Careers and Enterprise Company – Regional Lead Visit

On Friday 23rd February 2018 we had the pleasure of welcoming

Georgina Angele, Regional Lead for the South East, to Southend.

Georgina visited Chase High School, to meet Enterprise Adviser

Vanissa Amliwala and Careers Lead Wendy Krusche. Georgina was

extremely impressed with the careers programme and continuous

evaluation and evolution of the work going on at the school.

Vanissa and Wendy were partnered in 2016 through the Enterprise

Adviser Network and have worked on the schools careers strategy,

action planning, increasing career activities for key stage 3 students and developing website

resource for long lasting impact of their programme. Chase High School have been making

excellent use of their Enterprise Adviser and also have the highest number of Gatsby benchmarks

and sub-benchmarks completed in Southend – a coincidence?!

Pupils fly high with airport visits

Year 4 pupils from Eastwood Primary School visited

London Southend Airport in February. They were lucky

enough to meet and receive presentations from airline

pilots, cabin crew and air traffic control officers.

“Now the children have had this ‘behind the scenes’

tour, many of them have been inspired to take up a

career in travel or work at the airport when they are

older.” Mrs Peterson, teacher.

This is an excellent example of linking curriculum to careers and how employer interactions are so

important from an early age. Don’t forget your key stage 3 students in your planning.


It’s been a busy few months in the careers and enterprise world! Has your Senior Leadership Team

been asking questions? Book an appointment for a Careers Strategy update for your school.

For any further information or questions, please contact your

Enterprise Coordinator, Hyla Grimwade

01702 534253 [email protected]

Industry Champions

We are excited to announce the launch of Industry Champions in

Southend. Industry Champions are individuals who work support any

careers or enterprise related activity.

An Industry Champion will:

Be directly involved with delivering activities for young people or

careers seekers

Have the ability to present the role, experience and knowledge with a positive energy and strong

understanding of their industry

Work across the borough with different schools and organisations

Work at any level in an organisation, be it as CEOs, sole traders, freelancers or apprentices

Represent an array of job roles, career paths and industries/sectors

Benefits for schools/colleges to use Industry Champions

Enhance your school’s current careers programme

Enhance the employment prospects of young people – a young person who has four or more

encounters with employers is 86% less likely to be unemployed or not in

education or training, and can earn up to 18% more during their career

Save time and energy searching for employers/employees

Easier access to local business networks

Encourage more employers and employees to be involved in activities

through the Industry Champion Awards

Recognise the time and expertise your current volunteers give through the Awards

Actions for schools/colleges

√ Register any activities you would like support for at www.businessonsea.co.uk/


√ Encourage any individuals and/or businesses that support or have supported your careers

programme to register as an Industry Champion so that can get recognition through the Industry

Champions awards

Actions for Enterprise Advisers

√ Great news! You already qualify for the Industry Champion awards, just let Hyla Grimwade know

when you have attended a meeting at the school or helped with any other activities/planning

√ Advertise the Industry Champion opportunity to your supply chain, contractors, employees, and

local contacts. Encourage them to attend the launch event, where possible https://


Visit www.businessonsea.co.uk/IndustryChampions.aspx for further information and how

to register.

Industry Champion Launch Event

Attend the Launch Event on the 9th March 2018, 9.30am. Visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/

industry-champion-launch-event-tickets-43021168473 for more info and to register your place

For any further information or questions, please contact your

Enterprise Coordinator, Hyla Grimwade

01702 534253 [email protected]

Enterprise Adviser Network Resources Webpage

Don’t forget that all resources for Southend’s EA Network are added to the businessonsea.co.uk

website. Visit: http://www.businessonsea.co.uk/bos_eanresources.aspx

Careers Strategy information, Gatsby benchmarks, Compass tool, including a guide on how to

update your compass results, Newsletters, Providers lists, and much more.

This page is constantly being updated so please do check in from time to time and also make it your

first port of call when looking for information. If you would like anything else to appear on this

webpage, please send details to Hyla Grimwade.

Apprenticeship Information Event for Schools

Thank you to all that attended this event on the 25th January 2018.

The feedback from delegates was 100% positive with many people

registering as Apprenticeship Champions and requesting further help

from ASK. Special thanks go to

Daniel Coole from Surgical Holdings

and Rachel James from Holiday Inn,

who both spoke at the event.

However the star of the event was

Beth Wallen, a level 3 apprentice at

Holiday Inn, who gave a real insight

into what it was like to be an


Following feedback from the event, the Enterprise Adviser Network and other local careers providers

are looking into piloting similar information events for parents/carers, teachers and young people.

Further details to follow.

Essex Employment and Skills Board

To accompany the What’s your thing? publication is a series of

teacher/careers lead resources, including a presentation, lesson plan

and resources. A great resource of tutorials, PSHE lessons or

subject specific lessons. Visit https://




The Essex ESB have also recently

published the Ultimate Careers Guide

to Getting a New Job in Essex. It contains information on interview

skills, CVs, sectors, growth mindset, working for yourself and

transferrable skills. An excellent resource for your school website and

careers programme. Visit https://www.essexesb.co.uk/careers/

Chase High School Careers Fair

Chase High School held their careers fair on 21st

February 2018. The event included representatives

from RBS, Kwik Fit, NHS, Writtle College, SEEVIC

and many more. Sixth Form student ambassadors

helped younger year groups around the show to

encourage interactions from the students and videos

were captured by sixth form students to record

feedback from the event and careers/progression

aspirations. The Echo newspaper featured the event

as a centre page spread.

See the photos from

the event here:





For any further information or questions, please contact your

Enterprise Coordinator, Hyla Grimwade

01702 534253 [email protected]

Case Studies from Across the Network

Westcliff High School for Boys Careers Talks

WHSB run a series of event talks on different sectors each

year. Following on from very well attended careers events so

far this year, there are 2 more events planned. Events are

open to all year groups, from any school, parents/carers.

Tickets are free but must be booked: https://


21st March, 7-9pm – Careers in STEM

25th April, 7-9pm – Careers in Apprenticeships

Well done Nicki Weller for the success of these events and for

being kind enough to open them to all young people.

Electronics Business Making Rapid Progress in Education Sector

Rapid Electronics is based in Colchester. The business knows they

need to invest in developing young people to inspire them to enter

STEM careers and do this through a number of projects. Do you know

a local business that offers similar support and investment into their

future workforce? http://investessex.co.uk/blog/electronics-business-


National Apprenticeship Week

5th-9th March 2018 is National Apprenticeship Week. What do you have

planned? Visit https://www.naw2018.co.uk/ for resources and information.

For any further information or questions, please contact your

Enterprise Coordinator, Hyla Grimwade

01702 534253 [email protected]


Apprenticeship Champions

Registering as an Apprenticeship Champion couldn’t be easier and

by doing so you get all the latest information about apprenticeships

and access to some great resources. I would encourage all careers

leads, careers advisers and personal tutors of key stage 4 and 5 to

sign up. To find out more visit: https://


Live Broadcasts

The ASK service bring over 60 live broadcasts from large employers across the country including the

BBC, Microsoft, J.P. Morgan, Aviva and many more. The webinar last between 2-30 minutes and are

available to watch after the event if you can not fit the live broadcasts you’re your timetable. Great

additions to curriculum subjects, tutorial programmes, assemblies and websites. Find out more

here: https://resources.amazingapprenticeships.com/live-broadcasts/

Higher and Degree Vacancy Listing

There are over 40 employers with thousands of higher and degree apprenticeships up to grabs on

this listing, updated February 2018. Visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/


Free Resources from Amazing Apprenticeships

Short videos, posters, presentations, guides and much more all included in the resources section of

the Amazing Apprenticeships website. Make use of these resources for an apprenticeship

information board, to promote to subject teachers or for assembly information. Resources include:

Poster: 5 extra-curricular activities that look great on your CV

Poster: Where can PE take you?

Video: New recruitment methods

Poster: 5 tips to help your students apply for an apprenticeship

Poster: Using personal networks to help find an apprenticeship

Presentation: Apprenticeship Funding Reform – school briefing

Visit: https://resources.amazingapprenticeships.com/apprenticeship-resources/

ASK support

Lisa Sunmonu is the local contact for ASK and is happy to talk about the opportunities open to your

school through the ASK service. Contact Lisa via email [email protected] or

on 07802 324334

Shell’s Bright Future Competition

The Bright Futures Competition is running until 27th April. This competition is an

excellent addition to the STEM programme at your school and promotes many

employability skills, such as problem solving and team working. Resources are provided

including videos, workbooks and teacher toolkit. Find out more at https://goo.gl/Tg7MYA

For any further information or questions, please contact your

Enterprise Coordinator, Hyla Grimwade

01702 534253 [email protected]

Logistics Taster Day – Havering

College – 5th March

These taster days are usually not open to

Southend LEA schools however, there are

still places available on this event and

therefore, Essex Employment & Skills

Board has been kind enough to open the

opportunity up to Southend secondary


The event is logistics sector focused and is

for year 7-9 students. Transport costs

may be able to be covered.

Get in quick to book your place or the

event will be cancelled.

Book your place here: https://




Contact Annette Hall at Essex Employment

and Skills board for further details:

[email protected]


A mobile app which matches students with £1000s-worth of scholarships to help

pay tuition fees and living expenses. School required to register before students

can access. https://www.grantfairy.com/

British Science Week—9-18 March 2018

Find out about events, resources and grants available to help your school celebrate

and promote science. https://www.britishscienceweek.org/

Make Southend Sparkle—Enterprise Project

Grants of up to £500 can be applied for and can be used to improve the frontage of

your school or the look of a local piece of ‘wasteland’. Get you project teams together!


Start & Grow – online business startup


Entrepreneurial skills are essential for any young

person regardless if they end up setting up their

own business or working for someone else. In

Southend, over 90% of businesses have between

0-9 employees, making self-employment a real

opportunity for locals. Start & Grow is a collection

of online resources that can help guide and

promote setting up a business. Could be useful

for all year groups at school to develop

understanding of what it takes to be self-

employed, problem

solving skills and

other transferrable

skills. To access the

resources visit:


For any further information or questions, please contact your

Enterprise Coordinator, Hyla Grimwade

01702 534253 [email protected]

National Careers Week

National Careers Week is on

the 5th-10th March and you are

likely to have a multitude of

activities and information for the week. However,

if not, check out the NCW website for resources,

marketing materials, videos and lesson plans.

http://nationalcareersweek.com/. Don’t forget to

pass on photos and/or evaluations from your

activities to share with the rest of the Enterprise

Adviser Network. For a event booklet with ideas

and practical information visit: http://



Open Doors 2018

Open Doors offers a unique

chance for people to see

behind the scenes at major

‘live’ construction sites across

the country. There are 32 sites across the South

East with a number in Chelmsford, Maldon and

East London. Places are limited, booking is

essential. For further information visit: http://


Career Ready Assemblies

Having already heard good feedback for the Career Ready Assemblies, this may be

another part of the Career Ready suite of activities that you may want to take up.

Features and benefits

Years 9 – 13 assembly programme of careers, apprenticeships & progression for all


A series of 15 minute sessions, fits within existing assembly slots

Delivered by your Career Ready Regional Manager

Demonstrates to Ofsted structured promotion of apprenticeships across all key stages

High impact in terms of students understanding of apprenticeships as a progression option

Contact Sarah Morton for further details, [email protected]

Yr Assembly session

9 The world of work—To understand the changing nature of the labour market and the

impact of these changes on opportunities for young people.

9 Your choices at 16—The session will introduce students to progression options at 16.

9 Apprenticeships—To introduce the concept of apprenticeships.

10 Moving on through Apprenticeships—To understand apprenticeships as a viable

progression route at post 16.

11 Apprenticeships in Legal and Professional Services—To understand careers in the sector

and how to enter using an apprenticeship.

11 Apprenticeships in Science and Healthcare—To understand careers in the sector and how

to enter using an apprenticeship.

11 Apprenticeships in Digital Media and Technology—To understand careers in the sector and

how to enter using an apprenticeship.

12/13 Advanced and Higher Apprenticeships—To explore advanced and higher apprenticeships

as a progression route post 18.

12/13 Degree Apprenticeships—To explore degree apprenticeships and how they differ to a

traditional degree.

For any further information or questions, please contact your

Enterprise Coordinator, Hyla Grimwade

01702 534253 [email protected]

Provider Spotlight

IGD – feeding Britain’s Future School Programme

Future First are offering free facilitated careers workshops for

6th form students in partnership with IGD’s Feeding Britain's

Future programme

The workshops give a class of students the opportunity to gain inspiration and advice from

volunteers in a range of jobs in the food and grocery industry, from CEOs to people working on the

factory floor, to creative designers and engineers. They are designed to be easy to run and are a

great first step towards bringing local business volunteers into the classroom, volunteers come from

a wide range of companies, including Sainsburys, M&S and Heinz. For more information and to

request a free workshop: http://futurefirst.org.uk/resources/#resources-2829

For any further information or questions, please contact your

Enterprise Coordinator, Hyla Grimwade

01702 534253 [email protected]

Brightside—Online Mentoring for HE or Sector

Brightside is a social mobility organisation that supports

young people all over the UK to make confident and

informed decisions about their future. Using their online

platform, mentors can communicate directly with their mentees to discuss education and career

pathways, raise aspirations and confidence and support them during key transition periods.

Brightside are not a free service but are a featured provider of Make Happen NCOP.

Brightside currently have 2 programmes running for Essex Schools:

HE exploration and application – For Year 12 students interested in HE. Students are matched with

someone currently in HE for a 6-9 month period and discuss university life and, later on, the

application process in more detail.

Sector insight – For Years 10-12, gives a focused insight into a particular area of work or study.

Young people are matched with a mentor from a specific sector to go through a highly focused and

structured programme of activities and topics that give them a flavour of the world of work with

bespoke advice from a mentor with real life experience. The following sectors are covered: Medicine

and Healthcare, Engineering, Education, Business/Management, Law and I.T..

For further details contact John Sandle, [email protected] or visit http://


Provider Spotlight

My Hospitality Life

My Hospitality Life is an exciting new careers programme from Edge

Hotel School at the University of Essex. It has been developed to

support young peoples’ understanding of the hospitality sector.

Students taking part will benefit from a range of dynamic activities that

will better their awareness of the industry; exploring why this is an

exciting career choice, un­derstand job roles and opportunities, the

education routes and even gain contacts from higher education or


The offer from My Hospitality Life is amazing and free! It includes career talks, interactive

workshops, site visits to their 4* hotel and university degree programme and class support. For

further details visit http://www.myhospitalitylife.com/, [email protected], or call

Madison Eisenstadt on 01206 872 585.

Entrepreneurial Skills Video—Trial offer

Enabling Enterprise provide packages for schools to develop entrepreneurial skills in students off all

ages. Prices range from £3000 to £10000, however there is an opportunity to trial their skills videos,

which could be used during tutorial time for the summer term. If you are interested in taking up

with offer, which would also include a CPD session, please let Hyla Grimwade know.