California Floods 1862 and 1964

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  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    California Flood

    1964(Reference to Flood of 1862)Cameron Chugg, Jake Mcean, !ndre" Miller, #liana Ramire$

    %une$, Cla& Rigg', hitne& cott

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964



     +he 1964 ood in California"a' located at the outhFork of the #el Ri-er.

     +hi' ood occurred rightaround Chri'tma' timealmo't e/actl& 9 &ear' aftera ood occurred at the 'ame'0ot.

    uring the Ci-il arCalifornia recorded the mo'tde-a'tating recorded oodin their 'tate hi'tor& from18611862.

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964



  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964



    ate5 ecemer of1964

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    7o" ig

    The published peak dischargedetermined by rating-curveextension was 752,000 ft!sat a stage of 72"0 ft andshould be rated poor

    #rainage area was ,$$s%uare miles

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    7o" ad

     +en to"n' "ereoliterated "ith do$en'of other' damaged at

    lea't 2: ridge' "erede'tro&ed, and 'ome,including Miranda andouth Fork, "ere ne-erreuilt.;

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964



    The deepest &ood waterswere nearly 70 feet '2$m( above the normal riverlevel"

    )n $*+, a severeineapple .xpress event,known as the /hristmas&ood of $*+, broughtheavy rains to coastalnorthern /alifornia" ver

    2$ inches of rain wasrecorded in a 1 hourperiod"

    .el reached a peak of*+,000 cu ft"!s

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    >h&'ical Feature'

     +he clear cutting onthe 'lo0e' ao-e ullcreek are likel& the

    feature alteration thatled to the demi'e ofthe 'lo0e and cau'ingthe mo't damageduring the ood.

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964



    The clear cutting of theslopes led to the damageof the two streamcon&uence" storms

    contributed to the &oodwaters" /rest occurred on#ecember 2" nstable airmasses and highsouthwest winds alsoadded to the already

    degrading situation" 3peak discharge of 752,000ft!sec occurred with agage height of 72 feetfrom &ood banks"

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964



    The town of 4eott waswashed away, * otherswere destroyed withdoens of others that got


    4ater reached recordbreaking heights

    6evere damage to homes,

    buildings, and streets

    )ts hard to tell how manypeople died because theevent covered such largeregions

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    >re-iou' and u'e@uent #-ent'

    Flood "a' cau'e &three large 'torm' incentral Aregon

    #el ri-er "a' notkno"n to ha-eooded efore 19BB

    ecau'e it "a' 'uch a-a't e-ent, 'omemud'lide' occurred

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    Factor' +hat Ma& 7a-e *ncrea'edor ecrea'ed *nten'it&

    8ot only did thewater from the&ood a9ect theoutcome of the

    homes andbuildingsdamage, butalso the amountof sediment-many debris androcks andtimber werecarried in the

    &ow of water

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    *ntere'ting cientic Fact'

    D3and'lide', "a'hout', and

    'treamed and ank ero'ion

    contriuted to the

    'edimentation and further

    com0ounded the ood"ater


    D+he 'e-ere ooding in 1964

    did not relate to a 'ingle 'torm,

    ut rather a 'erie' of 'torm'

    et"een ecemer 19, 1964,

    and Januar&

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    #conomic *m0act'

     +he ood cau'ed 2

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964



    2 people died during

    the storms"

    counties in the

    8orthern /alifornia

    region were declared as

    disaster areas"

    ;.very single stream

    gauge on the .el

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    7i'torical *m0act'

    !ll home' in lo"erarea "ere "a'heda"a&. hen re

    uilding, all the ne"home' "ere uilt u0on the hill, thi'changing the locationof re'idence for future

    0o'terit& o00o'ed tothe 0a't location"here generation'li-ed 0re-iou'l&.

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    *ntere'ting Fact'

    This &ood is called the ;The /hristmas&ood of $*+= because it took placebetween #ecember $1, $*+ and

     >anuary 7, $*+5, spanning the/hristmas holiday"

    The combination of heavy rain,melting snow, and froen groundcaused extreme runo9, erosion and&ooding"

    ;)t was a classic rain-on-snow event,=said ?arc 6tewart a hydrologist forthe "6" @eological 6urvey" ;)naddition to the rain, there werealready several inches of water fromthe melting snow, so it was a big

    runo9 event across a wide area"= The &ood caused record-breaking

    peak stream&ows, transported largeamounts of sediment, and in&ictedextensive &ood damage" Aowever, inmany areas storage in reservoirs andoperation of &ood-control facilitiesprevented far greater damage"

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    #&e"itne'' !ccount

    hirle& Fo'ter thought 'he "a'u'ed to ood' ecau'e 'he gre"u0 on the Ru''ian Ri-er and the&had a DoodE e-er& "inter. *n

    1964, hirle& and her hu'and'tarted to 'et u0 their r't realhome. +he& 0lanned to head'outh to '0end Chri'tma' "ithMikeH' famil& on Frida&, ut the&had to 'ta& until aturda& nightecau'e Mike "a' 'cheduled to

    cha0erone a dance. +he rain thatcame Frida& night "a' -er&hea-&. +he ri-er 'tarted to ri'eand & noon the ne/t da&e-er&one 'tarted to e a itconcerned. +he& 0ut 'omeim0ortant thing' in the ack oftheir truck Iu't in ca'e the&needed to lea-e in a hurr .

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964


    #&e"itne'' !ccount

    Their pasture was becoming a lakeand when the water suddenly burstthrough a crack between the &oorand the wall in their home, theystarted getting more of their things

    out of the house" They spent thatnight at their landlords home andwent to sleep thinking that thewater was going to drop" The nextmorning, they found that alandslide had careened down thehill and almost completely buriedthe home" 6he remembers sitting

    on a rock pile in the middle of theliving room cleaning pots and pansthat were dug out of the kitchen"3fter everything that happened,she was amaed that they actuallystayed in Aumboldt /ounty and at6outh Bork with the experience thatthey had"

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964



     +hi' ood, "hich ha00ened in ecemer of1964, "a' di'a'trou' and "a' rought on& o-er 21 inche' of rain recorded in a 48hour 0eriod. +en to"n' "ere oliterated

    "ith do$en' of other' damaged at lea't2: ridge' "ere de'tro&ed, and 'ome "erene-er reuilt. +he hea-& damage "a' duenot onl& to the "ater, ut to the hugeamount of 'ediment and deri' '"e0tdo"n the ri-er, including million' of oardfeet of timer. +he drainage area "a'

  • 8/15/2019 California Floods 1862 and 1964



    an Joa@uin 7i'torian5 +he Kreat California Flood of 18611862  htt05""".0ark'.ca.go-0ageLid2B896   Koogle #arth htt0'5a00.o/.comemed0re-ie"t4'0akkuBcodm1/@$g0&theme dark  htt05or."ater.u'g'.go- """.time''  htt05""".time''tandard.come-ent'2:141218rememeringtho'e"hod

    iedonthenorthcoa'tduringthe1964ood htt0'5en.""ikiChri'tma'LoodLofL1964 htt05or."ater.u'g'.go-ood64  outh"e'tern tate' Flood and rought ummarie'5
