California Voter Registration Deadline Sept. 10 . -OVffi 50.Q00 READKS-. SeCSMft cuss KSTAU rilO AT LOS ANCELES, fAl>, WILtSHEB WEEKLY excETT LAST WEO( OF VEAt PACIFIC CITIZEN VOU. 59 NO. 9 FRIDAY, AUGUST 2», 1W4 TfH C6KTS UCf DEPARTMENT ACKNOWLEDGES ^ OF ANII-MtSEI EPITHET OFFENSIVE tfCniTB Wtim U najr be I rcfracDt arc cxceottoa te tor kM) pobcc to (ce flue disUstc tor toe mnL" itsMd <4 "JaE^iieae" lo JACL reprcMtatoto ww oeces- H r»cM ctoaBlficfltfacu sair aMBe Dr.'Martongto wai Mt wotnoa tu taka w- ad(«d to h»i-e a le^werfAe tepre- bs3 tots.past i««k. toe i 1 dtaimft teen* 'sfaould tr otfeteave to ActerkaiB at Jac*- J. A.ar Jpa. JACL. «Uto *aa »aked to Dr. Ltoda K. Urtnoto. bad toe use <fl J>." tor -n,e jao, also reabzed tbal LmettBcis or "Ji*." tor naifl' pobce tore* arc. td accet- Wflr. cpmpreaaed to toe to>d to ftvxisea Bewvo, pretoleal oto (strvtoe apmae tor k»c wxtb police eccatotom board, .od su«ated toe toflflemeotatKo ___ su«ated t Mtf ineov ot « “Jtto." e betofl remtoded <d Lna -ti am eertato tbeae ad] be police Dept Da«)' lYato- simpte to identay.Ma- kAetto. or Oet ». IflS. to tsotose declared. He ahto carrel ton toto "Oireatore Use cd cd tbe police deajartmeut assianp- B«tto fttones: ttao ttMt tbe totaevtoted term. Ridletl. flead. *»* <««»*« «* *"***tbe atone liett at "Cbu..- "Mex . (to and iduaueu «*toto by «c. llitliUTirin befld do tofle- Dr. Mnnoto fim eagtoined (be can become wnbaf «B«n*ve nature of flic weed to a to ifly poUce <dbeer takiaK bto at:fltoicA , mme« to wMcb toe? are caB la* June ». In wrttto* doam Sucb aoeib. vtw fltey de- toe deSaiJs. fl>e tdficto had used tovtota'pfartoeal aboatmah- -yap." to deacrtoiiw ber raoia] t have oidUtoSi to hfatorica] ■^Mlftaetoc. Sie tot* exception alcrOan be of- to tbis and estoUtoed k courteously lo ttte cdRcto. «arop!e. toe -tods -Boy- Tbe oilicer Axtpted toe letonBa- teercto' when *fl*ed to a tom aWhaut comment, unaanre of maA or (anwle re- toe derefatory oaurre to toe ab- itor <■«■■■'er Ml Utetor l«to- bre^totad term. «y otonoae « ^ C*«a3 Di^-i- ! skn tarter told Dr. Mortmoto toe totae JACL of tbe woito totoMesfl to ber that RC to jr^iar* tut to l»i it&> it to* »ay evwy of HoU.vwood JACL stinds between rrt^n- to* -oo <*»r ^ , Ml OEA ACCUSED OF WIOUS' WAYS TOATTRAaVOTE State JACL Commltta* Against Prop. 14 Hm4 Addrassw Sac'to Group ^No on 14funds soKciled through 20,000 buttons ceotered tntb tbe J*3aaeae c---------- MUr tT ■faouae ' hr.'e been <£s- ibis d bibuted to to! JACL ebaptua far be ex kxal <■ SACSUUanO. - CaUftotoa Real------------------------------- . _ Male ASBO. «oe acctBcd Tluri- revealed by Jeiry EOtneaD to faootu* us- day to "uiikdr* ball Ikoty. ctatotnan to ttte JACL Bard FtrtI Pietoeled b#rt is rat« 1 to adtraet veUa bean UDlformed 14. "Tbe M t_ (Mxtota" far Prop U to Novoitocr'S Tbis is the {ictnelpai' I«Mi em- k> «na « toe (toc drtvm to tU Awben "" tribufloo to toe tositoaiito itoder' „hadmaayye»er)aflaiitotoe ttoe." iGtto atoJed. Jerry Etotoitob) to Tte^. Na- any to aolkdl fuoA. Tbe bu«oc». {attoDBldCB.' Rid» ladd JAfX u a JACL 6r* v*cc"Tfii*iderd vbiA have been avaito^ Televttooo *xds oo SS atolioDs •teusC- We n . to toe and toe JAfX . are diva far t « to Prop- M «rou*d ' sttoibae" Tbe txTuxetotort trauU ntoify C^JfamiB* nee Ihanfcsd Pair fbustoc Art and atao farted far- - - to «>e field. ___ __________________________ to Japaotae socaatry are to flat (taoatkai. tbe finis bed* iBOd to 3379.000 or 36 peC to toe toW •*■ ^ to toe »L" fioaixe local ebapler ctonpaHitt. budget: uuvi*<*sg advert^ to Luiift* bayoral Mov. 3. f*oer^ tbe M mafar .totoes csoats «U2.W tieitoaa m. ^ « t«**A4 « adwo lOdo to bu dtoly colwiai. . to tbe Ai«. a Sbto Nictdbef ptosUtoed tbe or a pcL: outdoor and ttaadt tralcrfato. B02.700 I pot: pebded may r 14 pcL; aad tfaer bo toe batfotoar to «do bopol th* ottora do not taocs, Ualfi toe omr«s d »» --------------------------- .. ptoat to peasm to Japaaeae aaem- a invatotoii as *ra MaryeveQe and Flortn ctavden to ««d «»il6.«. try as to ab* toe Nisei are eon- we n*y be faced tdto «*»<isds^ Nb* War Usmortel baS bare. Cmeated lOdn: *'» («dt) is titoutti* to flfls landaf^i since 4fan <f eB stols fir snesal yMra.^ Vtfier Fiet «ati* to serve as a ecitaiMt, tbe flie "tssue is >bI as bjantem to "... Bern « tohere do Bte- ••Hxsir* dtocrtminatton a(ato* reaflie toe B to Japanese auceetiy is trwrjnt to Anii-Prop. 14 action on other fronts... 140 on 14' Fund Church group votes 'no' ROYXl portrait Miss Nisei Week 1964. Sandy J*ar>Waiaeatry Bkes erred feus -J^p' and to J«. referred & u s -Jtap- ■ers to tbe or«sntoatkn vhkb Mr. and Mrs. Karuo Saito, moments after the coronation held at Ung Beach. Toyo Miyatake Plft^ <tai «L ulty Cato." Etoomoto said. -te*J Prop. 14 is ealcukted to ceafce i even i*ber." He said he detected a tendency lor Jsipanesc Ametooans to "sluft ofiT' flw {rru:»*tfato sMctb- tor SAN niANCaSOO Tbe JACL LOS ANGBLESTbe HoRywood Kearoer- preUeen. "Let's not kid sfatewtde Cbmafetee A«sn* aadrpmtont Ctaunto Caatofi. * tla ouratoves. il> our caeeecn «»." 14 fund nor has a Wal to reridar Aicmt laeedi*. urato- Ttad Masatoos. JAOL'e ffarthera 3340. ft reported today by nxu^ vexed to ansae Itaiv. 14. ewfifamta - Wetoeni Nevada Db- sddie >fcri»Bla. treasurer, it m aoDoueeed tUa vetoc tv toe Mto Oovmal Oiainuac tar No oe AetcarwiedKed tas pe* acek Rev. Georre Alti. paalu as* far- 14. aaraed that people afao sia were: m«r 44M RCT r*wrtafn a*l homes to Japanese Amataats (Ass. s amtt) , . . 11^ cous* rei|*rded dtactomt- gf |)b« INON-PARTISAN POtICY IN ataiONS STRESS® ispaaal aPacBie eauail L Supreme Court ^ lear rights case Jn exptemii* toe def^liiry^Ba- .... JACL chapters oediled lor producing I leal opining day i BfCTTON Tbe Sujrame and prKate »|W»cies. and eo*D- Wceic < aereed WMBeadav to bear nuaacatiocu mediae eqfliintofl years toe stnhtlitv' 1 S an *Ml- guestiotUK aliv "Jbp" U dCCeaWre and des«- have fane caodida btfanabty'to toe pubbe ao- «aa»y to P«*** 0* Jte-oese an. toe r aitofci -toe arian or attotra i 001*1 be cbminBed. (JACL, is prra many candidates in Nisei Week contest and immediate].'' oreditex! tbesr re ts aCTsmad. Tb^ try k ttie stateai toinc to do." He'said file Jkte Bireb SocaeCy is puRriPfl far stosaafle to the - if n«p. 14 narl rOikrap>). tok* te*> t the Tofsaaki. Jaca Jerry bwmats. KunaTVaaM- oalfan in hou** aa the ddaf fauntfateto to lacfal ii^twalfc* e tram tbe Pan &a*B (A) ^ aaak. Sstoffa MO. ^ dent Dr. TwTtofae Tbda ibtlllR JA«. 'daea ant eadatae any pdHtoal caoMifate or a*sMee _______ Dr. K Maycda. aU oi TrtaT^l* lupon - at*__ T^UI fUM TtUa Date taW. Seaola AM CaatpalfB BAN FRANCBCX) - Three n be» to BBA Tktnp IS b*e In t 1 S afao fctoSrved " Ifae to flie JACL oan* « ■hd . «aW ----- Rut mui". Tbe Jbastod Ptor Houto* Art. vtoRe K wB a* iMndnata I11 iito* ,. o. JA. 1A. AAo. ^ , be CL ebapura in toe (reater Los aperttve cveott <ba*Tnen tor the aOfai*" to dote* J-AOL tte tp F¥op. 14" buttom aon. re»stfieaa to roee. iiR^'ii or are Raaat* el tn fa-1 re, the fnpoakkto: R««i*r.rtfc» to to w«* a. a «»re**y ;«dert. rertfaol ort0n to acutore a »««. Cn.u the enpototkat; Raiatrattae to tme **« aa a ixaiuinan^ laxqerv. n>»m oBon vo . tUa -yea.- *»«aal t said tbe Alaska s^onTauds ^ 'ethnic democracy' £ under Stars, Stripes m only ttae Baarl to Atfanla Oxp. Tbe PlEfcrfdt Restau- to to AtkWto. Ga.. aas ' I B txeliiitoaj steps in but wO not be tpoeemed di- haRIUSON HOT SPRJNGS. B C la the Ort. 5 arpment. Haate Sen. Otiest Grueafa* Miss Ptrroaaiitr". intoel and reataurant -ere deaertbol Huuall u "tbe to to tbe dbeton by a ipe. .............................. AiM IbUyuPod JACLY candi date Santo Saito. 30. vto reicned (fan* toe bedtilc week Is tt>e first far this Movidand ebaprter. Two otoer JACL diapter oandi- dates were aoconled special tttlea oe a vote ea* by toe mtfitoas to the cost SatURfay. Genla Stoi to West L.A.. toe taOeat to the cMrt. was voted flOsa Ttenofa- cte" aisl Irene RDbayato to Pdaa- prtite Nisei Wctoc rcstoeil sdl have seterted. ■nds event be the most flat* wsuan to yeiars in' view of JifbBei. By Oct **e d«as to toe prop- Z toam fa fl* oto and vote. to toi <fato." (he reaoiuflcn noted. - Saenmetoo JIACL eoRanitlbe wsatoat the bouatoK meaaire. mid«aBma*f2fcSrtaSITXKTON - JACL toM in ^ lf-*se's of hatortnR toe toen iaviled toe Los Aacteea JACL adfactnt cxaMies l-ve 14 00 «» Nov. 3 ImSto. BudAum to maiBce (he went DtoB 1*U. latched thdr »tew*«i* cam- ^ wn lU la* «»,*>.*« pBi3„ Prop, 14 * a re- Brecusrtfao II -Bs,rewvri wder ctm meetif* here akeoded by in 1»4» tw StRditM area chfiptm Inmch oH-out coiapaigti TBA TeeMKen to He* BAN JOSE - Pttp- 14 wfll be ameofl t*aca to be dtoouaBad at the fifth annual Q-* Oiatrtet .* YBA TbeiMfler OeafljeaKe to be h*d Sept. 13 at tito San Jeae UX ANGELES -The hoafd to di-- Rifcuo ^ rremo «fll re(*aw to the Le^ie to W«n«i be csxfleraee kQinte *ieaiti!r. Voters to Cakfanaa has r-------------- ■* t m JiAo, ^ league oi Women Voters back up 'no' MAH See Panda PC readership su»y uiiderwiy iorS«tember Re-fudse ted*«l tiRaasal in ^ Surw and SBtoea." wm* Ww I bean tbe Conev ^ ^ wfcm sfatohood came to Haw^ k p.,»de, reploat ___ . flu -year was (bat popular t,mdueuoe to toe jand* as vreD 1 wttch a rabo* ___ be mi QM Ridbu Antertoaoa of Japaoeae and On- ' the fir* day -to the ^ Hawaii, ' ance the end to toe war. the Uv4n*stae44«rred. lYettto Can* m* were peBtiv* l*s atreased J**oese eul- ^ Shxfaton dMBitm. 'iZ\^ attrertors ««»• W Meetk* wv (toaired hr 0«e*e ^ two new Mema were added: aikido Matsutoca. area auperviaor far JA- l.p« and k«n*x>. rartoy seen farms to cL No oo Prop. 14oampa^ Beouse to toe preaare to vaa* _________ YBA LeafliNa wfll fautsto a stroofl menflan. McOoo txutfwm a«aln* Prop. 14 . ire AMOBLIS-A fas* and aft tnmwdfattoy." aid Hn. William Otravie Direr kx* on pMkMa and proceteea to Irvine, mate preaideik. "We be- SA-NTA ANA. - Onofle Ooinky the Patofic OHtoai wan Mm beve to* toe St*e Lo0**ure OBsere Aflatiwt Pro-v 14 were ex- mmbere to flSe new PC ttw* r*aia toe power to r^toate 'pected to anotacc flat farmer metoiW fa* week * AM MO/- toe Mk and not* to restdakfal dynpic 4vtac to-mpfap. Dr. Rc^ml OtRee. Dr. DaaWMv >/ Iaaj tbe baais to race, creed, eotor, ori^ or aneesky. Court's npw faS term, (be etoire Unhed__________ *r«y toe ktouDal does b„gefclarT. be said. - - tzansart Oruetoi* said toat when he flw Feetival frocrem CDOto fCMte from Japan. Hi - - MdB. who enjoyed Jopaoese twtod co*umea. Mexieaa i teroiMDeb _______________ IGS / pat- 3^ )a,^ 30] -uK, 3c6v« in aC ^Kr 3*«tdcan Amancan fim* is _____ . . •ny tiespatiae In toe Ondo. *>ven tbe ^-------<3 ^ reflfater record as solidly toflnoac Prop. SANGEIRKazuo Kwnoto and Hu- PC Board ------- ■- edMte and irce rotors ' " "-------------- « «»> went to Afafkn as yven«'^ » out-toJtowner. There, were an me. be faund s^ „_o00 on flte U'l Tbkto One ttet* tor sure: U'i TV*to ^ (ddewafc viewm* toe parade. wsl! have on a new drear ° ^ Boy Hodjiralei and Arotee Mi.va- modira twildin*! ax the red< JAPAN RESTORED jTe STXS rSie^'^e^^^ to ■'^"isd every Iflti *tetto<r wexdd be CDltod. is befac t«**red te toe I Roy H. Uno. JAO, .pmktaM. ST U.S. FLA6 FLOWN am cater to Mrtnre ' trade." _ »>*> Jerry Ei«*a»to. (faaifTnan to toe e««»ave JAta, *atewfcie oommRte* aRain* S* Mtaikene Tbe eonsment came ; fa toe County Board oi Supervisors presents YORK. A l07-yeer-o*d fames and Irefiai* ( BScan fla«. te Or* faresfln Afaska ta«falafare. ever retsed to toe e*y to wel." Be acted tbe fir* prea- K. Ins bee*<flxfad. restored dent to tbe Afatoa state lectsiature Chuman with scroll of commendation e nac d-Luwetert at flw City flie OfiBaii rtiiirite'aii avembly , Ballots called A~ Los Alwefas vtoerl fa favor to toe weapon for rights torwSra to aB Jacanrae Am«v Jatnber DQJViai-Tbe weapen far dvfl rt^ils workers tee of New Ytefc five yeare beta* held here under UOS ANGELES-S*»rvisor Ken- served with •a. or«ni^ stifahed by toe Joint auspioM to CbkDtoia neXb Kahn to the Oamty Board to «se workCM wder toe sw- Uotver*^ andtoe Uahr- to Bttosb supenimrs of U* Anflcte, pre- ten to TawM Ifarrls. Ookfatofa. aented a ScroL to Commendation Unked States oonsto too- ------------------------------------------- to Attonwy Prai* Onsnan T>»ev. *> Japan aad.ftnslw to the IWE ION Club was Inittally or. dodiosWd service as CbS^. rauzed to recruit IJM Ihral JA* *000 of toe Lns Ancetas Cnni- <fac waa dtatwared dutlns CLen afo would cootribirtc S2S ^ Hiansn Relations OsmtoissKn •»*>? ______________1 to that city betnfl as*»itd to JAfXets far pmonal rotoai*. Kei«> Terastete. chapter 3fl preddeat, is tonutetofl an *l-aut Mexican AmerMUB in mrtTflwcs to toe bcand. toatofaf TWC^S^rsvaalsdlasinto to tea a ,'WC Manor MtK litoed by flie od to toe yaw I* dtawaxSton to <faa*tm. Tbe mass- t-l would be fa toe order to to* xua, PreddBit'. Hantootfle. *». ratetwr fcotsal UaeiiatoM peto bnfl tbe ti^e to jliRmafli? exam- Pkbed ^ UM RepitoeaD Na- g,., b»id ateo »S*d to* Qai- Mrs Jake Klnh i Ksmlni. * irh amp: Cb L Hr. ai* Haw enstive n<ieiafy Itoy here fa* we*L WiBcto. _____________ ____________ _ ____ % srto t--------- ------- V ■Uner to IHBMflnd ckte- 'annually for toe susfaort of .the |nr ■bere k M bate Rated. nattonaJ orianltaUna. ' Ouman. past Natl JACL pre*- Mile JAR pushes vocational crafts eat ataidei have been sts^ten ' made In the fidd to i4*ks -------- ant equiVty tor all people: _ id^~ai *hn boto bsten th«f **' Oxxrty sert-we to 1S38 so maweo- dottaflokbrf (-re* fa ^ te I, Kenso TWashiu. I Opf> or si Palmeal Assn. Cl rsean CMC An. Laacyers .Chili. > Tbe tEBRi wCb ae* t 16 * toe bone to Or. tfii n Ihr beard ate; Ualue Laua ipteker * ttw rece* JIACL Ka- Miura. remn.: Tni> New York at* Sew af inkliliil by flse Seat- *w*>. a*, wttoln todr iiburt^toe dgtniD- to hi. ttotow man: and 40, in 11.431*11.1 wkh Ibe (flHt for Korn Hnral „„ _ to LOS AMGEL£S.HRep. to»*t Ma- by 35*tOH Mrlfc rMMVRT WtUdns i«ninded toe ■■tnflflBd Ovr ri«fawafl) -a be w*. 5^-™^ _ . hrew earto re- to* "r-i ------- edlert." IwteaU aswn* "{xwided load«*iip and way Ihrtxj^ ooBefle M lESiAi woe eouiad to the Human Refa- awvi* at a Qwoty taiwenflW b r s ..rs- to Srtw.* ttwfa. caBod oMtkkfa to ks maabert to taney Qs*nan has *ss terwd fa to Marytond. and - rmafcw taOTb toe voteltoi^ pe6- hltfi advisory po*s to «»e Na- WHEREAS, fa •- -i-*- r fa day Au*. a. at E*to Hawaii ^ ^ <«*>ed 3t- in Santo Ana. Be is anbAiw at------------ ^ 32;H a.m. aboard toe United Air xTLT »liiw< li™ iwwd. hiavy used ' faeeway CBtetned <0 tbe h* fa* ' k*> Ttafc Hortta Maynard and sE tooted know toe rtee. far tween riflfat and wrung. "Wbec aarbodr basn to 30 nm He wto Jon Us famSy. wWefa arrevte Sunday, and stoy at tbe Dfaneytefa HoteL Ther wfll depart w aj * fa cnvi ntet fateo. w^rk is a* tok* aadoaed e.m-1 Ciatotence to Ckr4toani at* spread dtec and **1 Mxfaavtn. ^ ^ er^-tofled j«ws. Urtam Lea«ue and tbe Ja- ur. Qxai-n bat serv* lai to* 1 toe - ' f ranese OaMren's Hot». Oxauner Ofana* Pntotea Ad*- -..................... nry Ommtttee by Cov< to FVad Itetsin. faau ?toe bedrtKxns. three 00 aato fkxr, were expeoed m flte walls tuEHed down. R<te* YkaWto. wtx-e tamftr (xncaes tbe egeBcr *Mtoae* * «H Mre* teveL was ta*teln» to f* out to b«d ab« toe 01*1 c*ne b* was e* but. CNAH6I0FADDR8S ^ Hm!*b!5w reS5 aS^ _ die- Stow to to d te^to Is* flte « u*." tor « The TteolutfaQ read * faitows: WHEREAS. FVaak J- CSaaifao. ' a dMS<*into<* scfaeiMir, t * Cktook* toWto* are as- O. Brown, ate fa «h ule to hsau tack*s Page 4J * BO pro- pman News Oefldlioc: Taesdny

California 10 PACIFIC CITIZEN · California Voter Registration Deadline Sept. 10 .-OVffi 50.Q00 READKS-. SeCSMft cuss KSTAU rilO AT LOS ANCELES, fAl>, WILtSHEB WEEKLY excETT LAST

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Page 1: California 10 PACIFIC CITIZEN · California Voter Registration Deadline Sept. 10 .-OVffi 50.Q00 READKS-. SeCSMft cuss KSTAU rilO AT LOS ANCELES, fAl>, WILtSHEB WEEKLY excETT LAST

California Voter Registration Deadline Sept. 10 .-OVffi 50.Q00 READKS-.




UCf DEPARTMENT ACKNOWLEDGES ^ OF ANII-MtSEI EPITHET OFFENSIVEtfCniTB Wtim U najr be I rcfracDt arc z» cxceottoa te tor kM) pobcc to (ce flue disUstc tor toe mnL" itsMd <4 "JaE^iieae" lo JACL reprcMtatoto ww oeces- H r»cM ctoaBlficfltfacu sair aMBe Dr.'Martongto wai Mt wotnoa tu taka w- ad(«d to h»i-e a le^werfAe tepre- bs3 tots.past i««k. toe i1 dtaimft teen* ‘'sfaould tr otfeteave to ActerkaiB at Jac*-

J. A.ar Jpa.JACL. «Uto *aa »aked to Dr. Ltoda K. Urtnoto. bad

toe use <fl “J>." tor -n,e jao, also reabzed tbal LmettBcis or "Ji*." tor naifl' pobce tore* arc. td accet-

Wflr. cpmpreaaed to toe to>d toftvxisea Bewvo, pretoleal oto (strvtoe apmae tor k»c wxtb police eccatotom board, .od su«ated toe toflflemeotatKo___su«ated t

Mtf ineov ot « “Jtto."e betofl remtoded <d Lna -ti am eertato tbeae ad] be „ police Dept Da«)' lYato- simpte to identay.” Ma-kAetto. or Oet ». IflS. to tsotose declared. He ahto carrel ton toto "Oireatore Use cd cd tbe police deajartmeut assianp- B«tto fttones: ttao ttMt tbe totaevtoted term.Ridletl. flead. *“ “»* <««»*« “«**"“***“ tbe atone liett at "Cbu..- "Mex . •

(to and iduaueu «*toto by «c.llitliUTirin befld do tofle- Dr. Mnnoto fim eagtoined (be can become wnbaf «B«n*ve nature of flic weed to a

to ifly poUce <dbeer takiaK bto at:fltoicA, mme« to wMcb toe? are caB la* June ». In wrttto* doam Sucb aoeib. vtw fltey de- toe deSaiJs. fl>e tdficto had used tovtota'pfartoeal aboatmah- -yap." to deacrtoiiw ber raoia] t have oidUtoSi to hfatorica] ■^Mlftaetoc. Sie tot* exception alcrOan be of- to tbis and estoUtoed k courteously

lo ttte cdRcto.«arop!e. toe -tods -Boy- Tbe oilicer Axtpted toe letonBa- teercto' when *fl*ed to a tom aWhaut comment, unaanre of maA or (anwle re- toe derefatory oaurre to toe ab-itor <■«■■■'er Ml Utetor l«to- bre^totad term.«y otonoae « ^ „ C*«a3 Di^-i-

! skn tarter told Dr. Mortmoto toetotae JACL of tbe woito totoMesfl to ber that RCto jr^iar* tut to l» l»i it&> it to* »ay evwy of HoU.vwood JACL stinds between • rr’t^n- to* -oo <*»r ^ , Ml

OEA ACCUSED OF WIOUS' WAYS TOATTRAaVOTEState JACL Commltta* Against Prop. 14 Hm4 Addrassw Sac'to Group

^No on 14’ funds soKciled through 20,000 buttonsceotered tntb tbe J*3aaeae c—----------MUr tT ■faouae ' hr.'e been <£s- ibis d bibuted to to! JACL ebaptua far be ex

kxal <■SACSUUanO. - CaUftotoa Real------------------------------- . _Male ASBO. «oe acctBcd Tluri- revealed by Jeiry EOtneaD to faootu* us- day to "uiikdr* ball Ikoty. ctatotnan to ttte JACL Bard FtrtI Pietoeled

b#rt is rat« 1to adtraet veUa bean UDlformed 14. "Tbe M t_(Mxtota" far Prop U to Novoitocr'S Tbis is the {ictnelpai' I«Mi em- k> «na « toe (toc drtvm to tUAwben "" tribufloo to toe tositoaiito itoder' „hadmaayye»er)aflaiitotoe ttoe." iGtto atoJed.Jerry Etotoitob) to Tte^. Na- any to aolkdl fuoA. Tbe bu«oc». {attoDBldCB.’' Rid» ladd JAfX u a

JACL 6r* v*cc"Tfii*iderd vbiA have been avaito^ Televttooo *xds oo SS atolioDs •teusC- “We n. to toe

and toe JAfX . are diva far t« to Prop- M «rou*d '

sttoibae"Tbe txTuxetotort trauU ntoify

C^JfamiB’* nee Ihanfcsd Pair fbustoc Art and atao farted far-

- - to «>e field.

___ __________________________ to Japaotae socaatry are toflat (taoatkai. tbe finis bed* iBOd to 3379.000 or 36 peC to toe toW •*■ ^ to toe »L"

fioaixe local ebapler ctonpaHitt. budget: uuvi*<*sg advert^ to Luiift* bayoral Mov. 3. f*oer^ “ • • tbe M mafar .totoes csoats «U2.W tieitoaa m. ^ « t«**A4 «adwo lOdo to bu dtoly colwiai.

’. to tbe Ai«. a SbtoNictdbef ptosUtoed tbe

or a pcL: outdoor and ttaadttralcrfato. B02.700 I pot: pebded may

r 14 pcL; aad tfaer bo toe batfotoar to

«do bopol th* ottora do not taocs, Ualfi toe omr«s d»» -« —--------------------------- .. ptoat to peasm to Japaaeae aaem- a invatotoii as *raMaryeveQe and Flortn ctavden to ««d «»il6.«. try as to ab* toe Nisei are eon- we n*y be faced tdto «*»<isds^Nb* War Usmortel baS bare. Cmeated lOdn: *'» («dt) is titoutti* to flfls landaf^i since 4fan <f eB stols fir snesal yMra.^

Vtfier Fiet «ati* to serve as a ecitaiMt, tbe flie "tssue is >bI as bjantem to "... Bern « tohere do Bte-••Hxsir* dtocrtminatton a(ato* reaflie toe

B to Japanese auceetiy is trwrjnt to

Anii-Prop. 14 action on other fronts...140 on 14' Fund Church group votes 'no'

ROYXl portrait — Miss Nisei Week 1964. SandyJ*ar>Waiaeatry Bkes erred feus -J^p' andto J«.

referred & u s -Jtap- ■ers to tbe or«sntoatkn vhkb

Mr. and Mrs. Karuo Saito, moments after the coronation held at Ung Beach. — Toyo Miyatake Plft^

<tai «L ulty Cato." Etoomoto said.-te*J Prop. 14 is ealcukted to ceafce i even i*ber."He said he detected a tendency lor Jsipanesc Ametooans to "sluft ofiT' flw {rru:»*tfato sMctb- tor SAN niANCaSOO — Tbe JACL LOS ANGBLES—Tbe HoRywood Kearoer- preUeen. "Let's not kid sfatewtde Cbmafetee A«sn* aadrpmtont Ctaunto Caatofi. * tla ouratoves. il> our caeeecn «»." 14 fund nor has a Wal to reridar Aicmt laeedi*. urato-Ttad Masatoos. JAOL'e ffarthera 3340. ft reported today by nxu^ vexed to ansae Itaiv. 14.

ewfifamta - Wetoeni Nevada Db- sddie >fcri»Bla. treasurer, it m aoDoueeed tUa vetoc tv toe Mto Oovmal Oiainuac tar No oe AetcarwiedKed tas pe* acek Rev. Georre Alti. paalu as* far- 14. aaraed that people afao sia were: m«r 44M RCT r*wrtafna*l homes to Japanese Amataats (Ass. s amtt) , . . ‘ 11^ cous* rei|*rded dtactomt-gf |)b« I—


ispaaal aPacBie eauail

L Supreme Court ^ lear rights case

Jn exptemii* toe def^liiry^Ba- ....

JACL chapters oediled lor producing

I leal opining dayi BfCTTON — Tbe Sujrame and prKate »|W»cies. and eo*D- Wceic <

aereed WMBeadav to bear nuaacatiocu mediae — eqfliintofl years toe stnhtlitv'1 S an *Ml- guestiotUK aliv "Jbp" U dCCeaWre and des«- have fane caodidabtfanabty'to toe pubbe ao- «aa»y to P«*** 0* Jte-oese an. toe r

aitofci -toe arian or attotra i 001*1 be cbminBed. (JACL, is prra

many candidates in Nisei Week contestand immediate].'' oreditex! tbesr re­

ts aCTsmad. Tb^ try k ttie stateai toinc to do."He'said file Jkte Bireb SocaeCy

is puRriPfl far stosaafle to the

n» -if n«p. 14 narl rOikrap>).tok* te*> t

the Tofsaaki. JacaJerry bwmats. KunaTVaaM- oalfan in hou** aa the ddaf

fauntfateto to lacfal ii^twalfc*

e tram tbe Pan &a*B (A)^ aaak. Sstoffa MO. ^dent Dr. TwTtofae Tbda ibtlllR JA«. 'daea ant eadatae any pdHtoal caoMifate or a*sMee

_______ Dr. KMaycda. aU oi

‘TrtaT^l* lupon - at*__T^UI fUM TtUa Date — taW.

Seaola AM CaatpalfB BAN FRANCBCX) - Three n be» to BBA Tktnp IS b*e In t

1 S afao fctoSrved " Ifae to flie JACL oan* « ■hd . «aW • ----- Rut

mui".Tbe Jbastod Ptor Houto* Art.

vtoRe K wB a* iMndnata I11 iito*,. a« o. JA. —1A. AAo. ^ ,be CL ebapura in toe (reater Los aperttve cveott <ba*Tnen tor the aOfai*" to dote* J-AOL tte tp F¥op. 14" buttom aon. re»stfieaa to roee. iiR^'ii or are Raaat* el

tn ™ fa-1 re, the fnpoakkto: R««i*r.rtfc» to to w«* a. a «»re**y ;«dert. rertfaol ort0n to acutore a »««.Cn.u the enpototkat; Raiatrattae to tme **« aa a ixaiuinan^ laxqerv. n>»m oBon vo —. tUa -yea.- *»«aal t

said tbeAlaska s^onTauds

^ 'ethnic democracy' “£ under Stars, Stripes

m only ttae Baarl to Atfanla Oxp. Tbe PlEfcrfdt Restau- to to AtkWto. Ga.. aas 'I B txeliiitoaj steps inbut wO not be tpoeemed di- haRIUSON HOT SPRJNGS. B C la the Ort. 5 arpment. Haate Sen. Otiest Grueafa* Miss Ptrroaaiitr".intoel and reataurant -ere deaertbol Huuall u "tbeto to tbe dbeton by a ipe. ..............................

AiM IbUyuPod JACLY candi­date Santo Saito. 30. vto reicned (fan* toe bedtilc week Is tt>e first far this Movidand ebaprter.Two otoer JACL diapter oandi-

dates were aoconled special tttlea oe a vote ea* by toe mtfitoas to the cost SatURfay. Genla Stoi to West L.A.. toe taOeat to the cMrt. was voted ‘flOsa Ttenofa- cte" aisl Irene RDbayato to Pdaa-


Nisei Wctoc rcstoeil sdl have seterted.■nds event w« be the most flat* wsuan

to yeiars in' view of JifbBei.

By Oct *“ “ *e d«as to toe prop- Z toam fa fl*

oto and vote.to toi <fato." (he reaoiuflcn noted.

- Saenmetoo JIACL eoRanitlbewsatoat the bouatoK meaaire.

mid«aBma*f2fcSrta“ SITXKTON - JACL toM in ^ lf-*se's *» of hatortnR toetoen iaviled toe Los Aacteea JACL adfactnt cxaMies l-ve 14 00 «» Nov. 3 ImSto. BudAumto maiBce (he went DtoB 1*U. latched thdr »tew*«i* cam- ^ wn lU la* «»,*>.*« pBi3„ Prop, 14 * a re-Brecusrtfao II -Bs,rewvri wder ctm meetif* here akeoded by

in 1»4» tw

StRditM area chfiptm Inmch oH-out coiapaigti

TBA TeeMKen to He*BAN JOSE - Pttp- 14 wfll be ameofl t*aca to be dtoouaBad at the fifth annual Q-* Oiatrtet

.* YBA TbeiMfler OeafljeaKe to be h*d Sept. 13 at tito San Jeae

UX ANGELES -The hoafd to di-- Rifcuo ^ rremo «fllre(*aw to the Le^ie to W«n«i be csxfleraee kQinte *ieaiti!r. Voters to Cakfanaa has r-------------- ■*

t m JiAo,^ league oi Women Voters back up 'no'

MAH See Panda

PC readership su»y uiiderwiy iorS«tember

Re-fudse ted*«l tiRaasal in ^ Surw and SBtoea." wm* Ww I bean tbe Conev^ ^ wfcm sfatohood came to Haw^ k p.,»de, reploat

___ .flu -year was (bat popular t,mdueuoe to toe jand* as vreD

1 wttch a rabo* ___be mi QM Ridbu Antertoaoa of Japaoeae and On-' • the fir* day -to the ^ Hawaii, '

ance the end to toe war. the Uv4n*stae44«rred. lYettto Can* m* were peBtiv* l*s atreased J**oese eul- ^ Shxfaton dMBitm.'iZ\^ attrertors ««»• W Meetk* wv (toaired hr 0«e*e ^

two new Mema were added: aikido Matsutoca. area auperviaor far JA- l.p« and k«n*x>. rartoy seen farms to cL “No oo Prop. 14“ oampa^

Beouse to toe preaare to vaa*

_________ YBA“LeafliNa wfll fautsto a stroofl menflan.

McOoo txutfwm a«aln* Prop. 14 . • • ire AMOBLIS-A fas* and afttnmwdfattoy." aid Hn. William Otravie Direr kx* on pMkMa and proceteea toIrvine, mate preaideik. "We be- SA-NTA ANA. - Onofle Ooinky the Patofic OHtoai wan Mm t» beve to* toe St*e Lo0**ure OBsere Aflatiwt Pro-v 14 were ex- mmbere to flSe new PC ttw* r*aia toe power to r^toate 'pected to anotacc flat farmer metoiW fa* week * AM MO/- toe Mk and not* to restdakfal dynpic 4vtac to-mpfap. Dr. Rc^ml OtRee.

Dr. DaaWMv>/ I—aajtbe baais to race, creed, eotor, |«

ori^ or aneesky.Court's npw faS term, (be etoire Unhed__________*r«y toe ktouDal does b„gefclarT. be said.

- - tzansart Oruetoi* said toat when he flw Feetival frocremCDOto fCMte from Japan. Hi - - MdB. who enjoyed Jopaoese twtod co*umea. Mexieaa i


_______________ IGS /pat- 3^ )a,^ 30] -uK, 3c6v« in aC ^Kr 3*«tdcan Amancan fim* is _____ . .

•ny tiespatiae In toe Ondo. *>ven tbe ^-------<3 ^ reflfater <» record as solidly toflnoac Prop. SANGEIR—Kazuo K’wnoto and Hu- PC Board-------■- “ edMte and irce rotors ' " "--------------« «»> went to Afafkn as yven«'^ » out-toJtowner. There, were an

me. be faund s^ „_o00 on flte U'l Tbkto One ttet* tor sure: U'i TV*to^ (ddewafc viewm* toe parade. wsl! have on a new drear ° ^

Boy Hodjiralei and Arotee Mi.va- modira twildin*! ax the red<JAPAN RESTORED jTe STX’S rSie^'^e^^^ to ■'^"isd

every Iflti *tetto<r wexdd be CDltod. is befac t«**red te toe

I Roy H. Uno. JAO, .pmktaM.

ST U.S. FLA6 FLOWN am cater to Mrtnre ' trade."

_»>*> Jerry Ei«*a»to. (faaifTnan to toe *© e««»ave

JAta, *atewfcie oommRte* aRain* S* MtaikeneTbe eonsment came

; fa toe

County Board oi Supervisors presentsYORK. — A l07-yeer-o*d fames and Irefiai* (

BScan fla«. te Or* faresfln Afaska ta«falafare. ever retsed to toe e*y to wel." Be acted tbe fir* prea- K. Ins bee*<flxfad. restored dent to tbe Afatoa state lectsiature

Chuman with scroll of commendatione nac d-Luwetert at flw City flie Of iBaii rtiiirite'aii avembly ,

Ballots called— —A~ Los Alwefas vtoerl fa favor to toe weapon for rightstorwSra to aB Jacanrae Am«v Jatnber DQJViai-Tbe weapen far dvfl

rt^ils workerstee of New Ytefc five yeare beta* held here under UOS ANGELES-S*»rvisor Ken- served with •a. or«ni^ stifahed by toe Joint auspioM to CbkDtoia neXb Kahn to the Oamty Board to«se workCM wder toe sw- Uotver*^ and toe Uahr- to Bttosb supenimrs of U* Anflcte, pre-ten to TawM Ifarrls. Ookfatofa. aented a ScroL to Commendation •“Unked States oonsto too- ------------------------------------------- to Attonwy Prai* Onsnan T>»ev. "»*> Japan aad.ftnslw to the IWE ION Club was Inittally or. dodiosWd service asCbS^. rauzed to recruit IJM Ihral JA* *00—0 of toe Lns Ancetas Cnni-<fac waa dtatwared dutlns CLen afo would cootribirtc S2S ^ Hiansn Relations OsmtoissKn •»*>?

______________1 to that city betnfl “as*»itd to JAfXets far pmonal rotoai*. Kei«> Terastete. chapter

3fl preddeat, is tonutetofl an *l-aut Mexican AmerMUB in

mrtTflwcs to toe bcand. toatofafTWC^S^rsvaalsdlasinto e« to tea a ,'WC Manor MtK litoed by flie od to toe yaw I* dtawax Ston to <faa*tm. Tbe mass- t-l would be fa toe order to to* xua, PreddBit'. Hantootfle. *». ratetwr fcotsal UaeiiatoM peto

bnfl tbe ti^e to jliRmafli? exam-Pkbed ^ UM RepitoeaD Na- g,., b»id ateo »S*d to* Qai-

Mrs Jake Klnhi Ksmlni. * irh amp: CbL Hr. ai* Haw

enstive n<ieiafy Itoy here fa* we*L WiBcto.

_____________ ____________ _ ____ % srto t--------- ------- V■Uner to IHBMflnd ckte- 'annually for toe susfaort of .the |nr ■bere k M bate Rated. nattonaJ orianltaUna. ' Ouman. past Natl JACL pre*-Mile JAR pushes vocational crafts

eat ataidei have been sts^ten 'made In the fidd to i4*ks --------ant equiVty tor all people: _

id^~ai *hn boto bsten th«f **'Oxxrty sert-we to 1S38 so maweo- dottaflokbrf (-re* fa ^ te

I, Kenso TWashiu.I Opf> or si

Palmeal Assn. Cl rsean CMC A—n. Laacyers .Chili.

> Tbe tEBRi wCb ae* t 16 * toe bone to Or. tfii

n Ihr beard ate;Ualue Laua

ipteker * ttw rece* JIACL Ka- Miura. remn.: Tni>

New York at* Sew af

*« inkliliil by flse Seat- *w*>. a*, wttoln todr iiburt^toe dgtniD- to hi. ttotow man: and40, in 11.431*11.1 wkh Ibe

(flHt for Korn Hnral „„ „ _to LOS AMGEL£S.HRep. to»*t Ma- by 35*tOH Mrlfc rMMVRT WtUdns i«ninded toe ■■tnflflBd T« Ovr

ri«fawafl) -a be w*. 5^-™^ _ . hrew earto re- to* "r-i -------edlert." IwteaU aswn* • "{xwided load«*iip and way Ihrtxj^ ooBefle M lESiAi

woe eouiad to the Human Refa- awvi* at a Qwoty taiwenflWb

r s .‘.rs-to Srtw.* ttwfa. caBod oMtkkfa to ks maabert to taney Qs*nan has *ss terwd fa to Marytond. and

- rmafcw taOTb toe voteltoi^ pe6- hltfi advisory po*s to «»e Na- WHEREAS, fa •- -i-*-

r fa day Au*. a. at E*to Hawaii ^ ^ <«*>ed3t- in Santo Ana. Be is anbAiw at------------ ^

32;H a.m. aboard toe United Air xT—LT»li— iw< li™ iwwd.

hiavyused '

faeeway CBtetned <0 tbe h* fa* ' k*> Ttafc HorttaMaynard and

sE tooted know toe rtee. fartween riflfat and wrung. "Wbec aarbodr basn

to 30 nm

He wto Jon Us famSy. wWefa arrevte Sunday, and stoy at tbe Dfaneytefa HoteL Ther wfll depart

’ “w aj* fa cnvi ntet fateo. w^rk is a* tok* aadoaed e.m-1 Ciatotence to Ckr4toani at* spread dtec and **1 Mxfaavtn. ^

^ er^-tofled j«ws. Urtam Lea«ue and tbe Ja- ur. Qxai-n bat serv* lai to*1 toe - ' ‘ f ranese OaMren's Hot». Oxauner Ofana* Pntotea Ad*-

-..................... — nry Ommtttee byCov<

to FVad Itetsin. faau

?toe bedrtKxns. three 00 aato fkxr, were expeoed m flte walls tuEHed down. R<te* YkaWto. wtx-e tamftr (xncaes tbe egeBcr *Mtoae* * «H Mre* teveL was ta*teln» to f* out to b«d ab« toe 01*1 c*ne b* was e* but.

CNAH6I0FADDR8S^ Hm!*b!5w reS5 aS^_ die- Stow

to to dte^to Is* flte « u*." tor «

The TteolutfaQ read * faitows: WHEREAS. FVaak J- CSaaifao. '

a dMS<*into<* scfaeiMir, t * •Cktook* toWto* are as-

O. Brown, ate fa «h ule to hsau tack*sPage 4J * BO pro- pman News Oefldlioc: Taesdny

Page 2: California 10 PACIFIC CITIZEN · California Voter Registration Deadline Sept. 10 .-OVffi 50.Q00 READKS-. SeCSMft cuss KSTAU rilO AT LOS ANCELES, fAl>, WILtSHEB WEEKLY excETT LAST

ri>acific citizen

vmnSnm wzkvt buvt ns i>sr wxuc or m tsak.*4471ns'w^a. »»• LoJ **»u.

, Sm> rrxxM ». CAltlNW. WM»un*ioo «. oe.., .n« ettimM* tfloiX tar CM

XbUM ax C

■r^ »rw> t»kKfl««eB «• POJ

, , rvalcn: « pe r-rWalUr In Jtat Wta». Lc* AiXun. &Uf.


Dr, Dana MluTa :'s new K“ Board clainnaii called hia first roeetiiig this p;ist week ai the JAG^ Kegional Office - and Its'voluble as he is with v.ui cL.. he relraiued aud care* Hilly-allowed titemben of tiie board to luve the most say. Inleedi this u a mark of a taiOnted executive—aeeiuliig the best men avtilabk to serve on this important committee uui perauadiug their idutv be offered fur scrutiny.

One of the key issues Dr Muira wanted the board to review concerned PC readersiilp interest It is a p^rtodic survey ttial has been undertaken trtiin ibiie to time Last one was uudertakcu by pr. Bov Niatukawa, when he was tlie new board chairman, ‘hns titue, the gueslmnnaire wiU go

„ .10 every 10th subscriber on the PC fHes or about 1.400 readers. If 10 pci. or more respond, the results wtU prove *tspecial benefh to the K' Board.

Tbe survey is geared toward providing the guide Unas for general iniprovemeot of Uk- PC. 'Hte questipnilaiTv’ calb j0£ the number of persons iu the household, broken down into age categories; opiiuon of the PC as a general Nisei

’ -news medium; how much of the Pt: is usually read; checkibg the features always, occasionally or seldom read; what kind of news is preferred in the }K , what kind should there be less of; and bow often the advertisements are read.

i>o impoirtaul is this projurt. that we hope to hare some results by the next PC Ihiard meeting in October In charge of the survey are two active Orange County JACLers. Boy Uno, who ooce edited the weekly Crosaruads and u now

— wift Beckman Instnimet^, aid WIDiam iMo.) MeruiBottii '"TPhitUer Collage alumni r«^io;u director Both work on the . chapter newsleUer Santan^ \>’ind, which, twice won the Jlnmie Sakamoto Memorial Award for General Appearance.

•nkhig up a suggestion from PC Representative Seico Hanashiro of Central Californij, who is editor-publisher of the Fowler Ensign, to look into “offset” method of printing, fir. Hlun is having Kango Kumtsugu. an engineer by avo- cation bat a journalist at heart, review the proposition. We shall.apee here that with proper help an "olfset" puNi- calioq is a beautiful job- the pteturcs look liln pbolograpte ks a finer etching screvB is emilo.vet^ the artist has a frw^

— hand with layout dT adTertisir.g and should make rbe'ad- > vertiser happier.» Proposals were also nude to the PC Board to set upZ -.^'standing committees'' to take a long look into the future. Z PC sbcnild have available sUlisUcs on produclioii costs, ~ analyses of ad\eriisin£''^entul and the national Nisei J market, and an inlensi^ stiWy for improvement of the ty-- pograptuc appearance of the l^TtselT• By estabKihing sucli “staiiiing committees’’, it was fell

'fbat board members can belter feel the operational puhe ' the PC—besides those on the staff. And these are wel-

*come recommendations. Unless one gets a dab of printer's ; Ink on bis fingers—if it's not already runniog through his ; veins—it's difficult to ass«.u the problems that confront - the publishing of any new.spapt r or newsletter. Not all of the

Coart members ue«d iuk on their fiugeu fur the wide per- Jpeetive neodad to steer the Pc' r«»{uuos a look froui “out-

^--"gde the prim shop* as well.’Some of ilu new board memU-rs wwe unable to be

'■ i>rc«nt. but wv on the staff aie aware of their'eapabdities to 8«W the, PC in many ways. At the same time, we are

^^HSraleful for^the IbSugbls and efforts j>ut forth by the out- ■■■ board mcmbtin: Tats Knshida. Fred Takata and .\rt^ ■ Ko, They were »^>cdally belplul in developing the present ^ edverlising policy,'

Our imniodiale hope iu discussing here at Length the recent PC Board meeting is to emphasize tlte importance of the forthcoming readenhtp sunvy There will not be tlie space in Ute covering letter fur tlie guv'idiuui^tre'lu explain PCs “new look” to come. There will be the earnest trust - that each one of the 10th subM.'riber on file remving the one-p«ge questionnaire win spare us a i-ouple of ntinotes to fOl out the form and return it to os—so that there will

many more enjoyable Injure when the PC reaches your

WalWnghin NewxletMC by Mike Mxsxokx

Democatic Conventionx'tTHwsir

member;'ai.-i ■"i; » sU-lod . . ^vsiueU fcUu b>


__ ^ the ioo«i> aad an-CrrY _ ttw is the the Q«. m a voce that «ws n-<ie

•.eeek-vte. the DwnooreSc N> “1^ she FanWtkarf Qiweoaai coovenea la AP x-eaekn «-ax &»■ ^ g. Rujes^tlic. M».

tor flie jraldency and the vice rocra todaj;-^ ^ i■ ■ • tt«r seats SfeSiw.'' «»« *' 1 bts tace with her

iaz baatee In a-teeBidency, apd p*m «*ota» ___________ __ ____ _Ifarec sreoJ Deoxrats who have T*iere acre ftxr white nw amoat

any since «ie last tta- tiwtn,t«inai CbovenliDo wax brid in Ixie Hie-T bsicikm •lua.—v.,- — — —Anedes in ISW. grusMwhaky P»*» hamw of threeAs of this wrftint, it is known nd i««>- hum the CreawinaB troimea.

that (he Qiuvnettei wlU sonnate Cboahmee chabroaL. foeener C«v.neddeot t^adoo B. Johnasn fcc i,a«Te«rfe of Peonrytesna.the jawaUeDcy'isa pay trtbutes to As t&dr pka tadoHoJ. it Mrv Hamers h«~w«te inwnoWBi of Pujidixa John aptamd Cwt the lettatty of tbcir farpoBiJtf “w*P, KeoatOf. ^Moker Sam Hay- case w«* » fhW as to be n-o- a* plana’— ~‘burtt. and Mn. FtUkkn D. Rooee- exbtent. Their counsel. Ju^e(X> 1. uiai to dVdL • RatSi. Jr., dai not press teA-ccal; <ud ,Not tauan are pe ideobty of Bee. - .ii«iidiatJo

(be vte [swaidemi Startea, wn tU nSidy

I, Auierio.’ahf tone of the <M1 pfcnk.tbnl^ It is known (hat the party instead, be called a taitt of ptateann wm pretac (be adueve- wttoetoM «4n paisUd a pictort- bee. sl»- oaob of toe KxonodyJtfme* .Mi- „f bfe in Mis.4ssip-> that U , tois *tnhttralfeai as etoquenfly at po»- h« the drfe*Wes aai spjt^tor^ to.v Uu-

aoi uy to stress tbe •SiSSa' ^.od itoocked BUdt a;<d The Vreedom HMM. in tbe.roBtoat. sortal, and .Me akeraated on O.A tttaod stood up 'tc'nwBic t^iilawatdes u< the Be- udd the same story. lo'* h*ptMnauaod Desooendte nutolnecs otei they nadwd. &Ma« ww: Mrs. Kua Sdrettoe the WWle Hbuse. rMtAw fur fite two redreaeuU- the murdend ov-J rights puker.ttKlnUR) tilber Is the outovne cvm ^toe rettdar. sB^sWiFOein- umw to toe stond ovtr toe itoXes'

rt the «Tedenl«s fi^t over toe catotc deJetortke to »y «eopt u Ur. C.iLm. Sie tdd of to Stole t>at Mtobtopri bod been akoi- u<ri«-toL<.i she rjffercd Irun to

drteri. C<A«not of MHtovdjxa. The SauStole Senat-Jr EJt. CoUlns, tut- of IWii-KJi hto ttf- ««» a

d fte two in.i.*sjini dislrgairw. iv in a bow Be. his voi.-e toksirc towed her to sec tow hustaauT tmt toe Mhjitofc^X D«noe*atic- baniny and Sewtoeru courtooufx dcaSi ccrUfiOite. idtc said.. Party Otoe^Bw and of toe Mto- t Ittotin ioierled the aReenua': The List witness (run Misdssip;sis^tpf PreedUto DenwcraOc Paf» o-«e ntoe of kk* humor was toe hi-.- Janus A, O’Muort<y Ptfesafina. toot S^arday after- He cailed the Freedom P«<y * i^erg>iiam wito txtond wavy Iuu« bedtor toe OedenBak CMn- <j-debates a "gr^up dtesatotoad. 4>nd toe regutor fmtonis of tooiittee ftoTtoins in memtey as one p .a.ii’touiMry sorehcods," a dnM- ImsMi ktoal of IWwMitoey novds of toe tnost enadtasnf naeneetoi DaBoe tfasi caBed torth bittM- "We axe a vt^re asktoc

B£aBUKG.,Jdaho-T:iere nuy be <.or m«iafa? Can we re«jre tnan ^ ^ i >■**« tnm its tas«eis. bsn^ *^. *" ** mctodal,a quesnoo-toe^mind as to vA« tou twee? ^ tUM M FWCtanuaMtail team wili wvd t»«- World The me* is never woo. We mu* «?'Sk«es er whether Ito- Ajiuocan k«# moviw. The mtmeflf We *op ^ Watotoye StorOtoDVlc Mm w>il> tacak ine*« new «u« Ara-aid. we have ^*«dy » ««■» wtat ix^a^s^. tv we c-Uuar and toswntU reeortb at toe iSto Matoan dropped totoad. We oaa never caoKrt be*in to dwstoe or i~y:-jiat of toe Natkwal finder of- -toe prwdObTopfad in Thkyo ne*: October, readi toe (uE etgtfT. of our pjiJi- feolaisi on wiwt tmiMrea. .AUvanremeni -Bmiatin •' Aaaunnt AiliAldiuqto w* (Mr have a k*en bJitiee. a, Masy MeGner to Mkrttasipp. Geneml Heubei Cnfiin. gave

intamit in these feaU U oanyuti- TTto fatioqai CoOvenBoO was a * surprtstoTiy Hie-rtxd -Veet> w*j bax be.-nene the <-k«*«c Sourim, the* k one cuhnato etemen] aucces^i^QM: of the untied et- Tbe Flenkxn Parb- ditagafr* s nbe madfer-of-tortly of flagtoacx rioutoal in touL>vthe we have and atways wflJ ad- farto tX wuij3fc»1 Jazanese Asdw MB wee* a huBtde ctajrcbhuminga and tbe mnr- -W*liar*, and that Is betog a ettun- katsa. Eheryne preseiA at toe tot atB'loetoad tired tnm d e of Ms {xedeeaptoo. Wo borax- a k< us consider a rveeyDDe can be i couse it is not na pettor. bat a«ain.(f (tot a race ts brAtc

"3(f ik'3ocdti Klyeshi Kak^. UX: itoaMo*


-e certainly ■ r pe^ <g B

ctenpkB be- (bo DMioil IJACLov TbeyhMne gtong back t

a dream de- Ko Ktox lOan."

worldreooed. but a race to brtur o«- own ZB9t racoeds.Tq become a champion. «e murt

we: our goeh high atid run to win. What are ftewe gpals that bvnld


He finisSed with hasD Lancdoo Bi«be

•What happM to a f.-rred?-TXxs it dry UP Uke s

ui the sunr"After him came toe Rev. Ed- dde^tes. but bad bee

ward King, a pale, tone native as Kpectotnn Mtetektoiap who works tor dvil Ansi finally there

The results of these ”hram stcem- to pert of hk hie in his Gtiftn. who altowod a-.«<-toe W tot -asashtoi toouid be relayed to Stole. .quito an Mperi«

Jr. JACL Projects Needed

booms Jr. JACL lolcrtm Cbunci] eitoer Jack May«to... [xocwCe active part- ,t toe JACL Qxwaitton in DtonstL Youti Orector. or to . —-------

ciptoito in «sk: and taUktoai Hie. iw« i«* mad. to ra. toe Jr. JACL COustofl QMr- _------ n«n_ Let’s «ive the cuuvailkai eiw hat* ettreaied. be aaM

B Pato Tturai- ' Eeiaeatat MBadyjustice and equal op- to MBaoak^jrjAcil man.”L«r8 give the cuwmavai en- hat* ettreatod." be aaM He taU M bis te^twod

tixfaBMtoa te.samoos M J«toneag aie «»vbo- (husiasm a dixecBoo and a pito - “We tan.e toad our hlood." ^ wolcorae cotancestry • • r^w iMior cMaere and dia- pose? “* “ renained f» a bucon. a» '*-toec eledric htfat."In setting- our guak. we must y,^ „e be«' CHERYL BNDO tanowing woman to trt a story ^ hsa,

look far a challenge. An easy task tarttod. Ite Intartm a»ncS must KeoytegWi. Md -• not fw •toamtXcBa. ^egin to dtocuss and to Be- m'ii' i i i

Thke JACL as an exampie. ' J” be ualtod. .. ““*■ stojered Irxn jWLo n-ohy do. I was raised to a CSirts-bay stand tor Jotemes* w«ch But »*at wOl iappm when toe a«x “■nay be defined, in the Ixoadret KaStoai Jr. JACL is famed' IWE itiS' SILko ,------------------ But by the eiM of toe shattortngense. the atility to weigh torts to it be an oegamxmtlon wj* no tan- _ , , o'lomoQO. Uie feeling in AUan’utVder to resto a deetohn'or a gjtoe pomaae ii^lin, ir an or- i-v “ r>aiik a.7 so»^ y.. CoHldy PoSt COtTimonder Qty waa tMt tbe bumUe tolk■■-ewteMB. TV *!«*•« toem ortaanisjino with few- toceresled I Y?'%‘ .. _, . ..'.KtrAMt- m dtocTi!

ChaBsw M JdO.

and auacring that -71*,* people." said Ur. Grt- eounded Hke a latter-day veraoc *0, -r^nwenl nobody. It's jurt

sirntrie as thot. I feel sorry 1.*

Tho cTKtTtoere* ’ms has been toe trend DIB poe-' D.C. 1

tos*. w* tocadd *nve to deal jvyOy raMxed Ihnl a nntowal peojact wito aO. “JtoMce b toe B.<aa«aee wtotSx woukt V of neoaesil*-ire have OB our hvus and javipw^. urJa ^Maemikn euuki •nd itoedienre Is Ok- prekniOR We tV yvirth * par ftr R " anm h«aiMr

“A** may- stoiM tat VtBevtmenl. bmmtM a a T.re degree uf ew aetdnesnenC de- aMaim wurk is iMung duor

K*bS»U . s'_________ ________ . ______moon S. » »r, b V«hlt^. Fred

.ttaraa. Kano. 3 Ax* SS-a Hr wad ^ HuoUU. b aUcluel and sb Sb«-

Owbi I

SEMfm^T^ Shrtiltore. «. was tnrtatinl as cumnwaider of rbWtoy Poet 1». AmcTdran tfgiixi.

Auc J«-h fata™. *»*«dtog Bxfl Qua. .An eeniifeiycc . 1 cc rt tv Saatcla Water DepL. V- - x!^d*v«i?. during WW2. w«s vant aesEnAnuf

repress-nted qiule a lot of people— toe Ntgroee of Hrtsuuipia dream of dcvsxncy.

-SilS;: . linii d v«to. « during WW2. w«s vaiIM to Si “*555*0 **** " •»* cuahned -• lix »W4W. SW»1. e Santa MnSca. Aut Ibe ftamre fBr*s> Nufoi- <*!y (he JACL members.' but to

.1 ■——— 5^ d”aSSi*eS^**JSttJwr *fAiae Crt-b. atiekirNskui. u *x- Janet. 12........ ............... .............. Hu)t»-

1 wtvte to aany pewle i.-waekng■•€■■ may a

walk alDBa. Ha to de- goating that seakai pendMt tor tiwd- far hb preer M 0van to a iMiufBi' pcujwrt * bx lucanatoio-tos v-«ry bfe. Tbace to taoie.liBe. if a««itoc toa: V can d> A duact rnaik was tu- batto akaw. fkgaubiinrij hxI groig> of- (xujert suggested h>- Boss ttoeoBD tort txing paoteetaxL -QMcto and la a raco* ’Xetta- w Bx Edjv ^ ouuquer ' las bcaa Mr rtnaagy of Other giajacto alndj have ba«>


be many imk^lhn*

QUOTE OF THE WEEKDiscrlminaUao and liatml eat the rvot of sociftT. Tbey

torn an nee, bbek and white, into prisoners of their pre- jadices.

— Attv. Gen. Robert Kennedv

ga \Young Men &Womep IfAMiCHICKSEXMG

• Annual income of $11,000 to $10,000 for expert tMort.• 16 Waak Cowrae. • Eaay Ltorrun^• CosttinuoualyOparafing «wc* 193>.• Clegg Sferting September. (One Cleet Mch yaari• CMtoffacH AwaiUbU upon qradurtion.• Write for Free Breehurv. 'VfV



(kMmtuo-a»4. on Krt^ o*t“

CSflC* BBXpfO Bmm Ottfvi at Line SbW

iiamy gcm-rA. CxTtoar and ^ui•trraeMi. in mary t±mao of Ue. Wteiacri.drivaa amowg ttw Kteri. asrrtaflb to atadoed by erwoprew- eddng an envik««aait .a boB- bre MTixL (Me OKi hriek iO jOsb ing ceeciB cX ttw Ntoec. hetping usse «t a tUa wfaerMs ant entol Uum «tu are tuturaag KegfwM inno* POMM hWBk IS wacto to- toe Soot. xg»reatj« mock UN or ______ __f«(hc*. Anitogdiriauaut «g drtaas C^i^r«a <M.vw. emeug a pl^ue INSIST ON may be aUaiaed oidy hy oxgMn- or mooigocn; at atone type to the THE FINEST txn firtB evaypoe. 443nd. preaenbog Unitod Sates-L" tav stand tor Loyaky. So- Oa« wtich hove bees &Bm over

rtMai sbjt: •«* to to*e tbe VS. CaoUai t> the Jv«L el^ wtu tni* ^ aad yw are ctrain tors and se\-eral obers. Magy <g uever to have a brfd eoL** Ewarv- these are >m(awc£toai at tow Bme ibtng on earto bfiratoed tqr *>ae- hut they to> recxi bo^. criBcuad by axnacM eise— aeaSM tUMuar but aad trutototoeas ve' akx« ttaac ttagaprefeed by aB. Tbe lesMn in toe JfeecMi Jr.

rvn.Mw.tu. aM.'n. robrv*m«K are streogty tounaaaanaa Asos up ^ , naBcoM project u, VA contotMtaon <g toese wiB add <»«»»«» out'_b Mam bo* and-toe

up to bewtf a ataree^tful next cixa eutiuti. ''J.V

BPBCUL ure Bteabenhtprertificate and Tdn ittaduaent for tor j.(CL pto are given to »» r.^l i,de MeniU-rs.

r.wzxt. taC w* nsMt Ithat toe dMree to wtBcfa' «* lul- NaBonal Jr J.VX Ooneg. I tiave hD each c# three trtt equal toe *>«“ TSttd ta wfce toy opiidam degree of nr aerti-ncflitoaiHttoi. bet*. I a* toeV<fe--«rt4fc and

M it .recto meet

■NUTT atmiUttmT TBBB FMIUTl MPmn GOTOnUMOIOtCQ.m-m s. «ta wt*Mk Ltti ccr «. into naodr EMlirt 4-8Z79

ceMdrewie atnoHi to befe a M tow MOar or Jr. JACLar to p 'erward, we uuiinJiui acBce

re to a (tat- leege to moke to ffato* tsnier. fa SMX> PBor at ear fOBesr esgacity Wb«fl last we aay we have wtr

!br n>e*» When we hire trpter mr frwfcjur re>.-jnif* Can we af- M to BDv tom and pxot tc,


C0N6BESSMM SFMKYNMSUIUGAKONO HAWAIIMonday, Ausuit 31. 1964. 7 pjp. to Midnight " «Only $10 Kakue pw-IfortMi

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fmoittvUUto}(k «0»fiL-5Brnri7* d9« htVuioatofiUad aaffnmthiUi.


Page 3: California 10 PACIFIC CITIZEN · California Voter Registration Deadline Sept. 10 .-OVffi 50.Q00 READKS-. SeCSMft cuss KSTAU rilO AT LOS ANCELES, fAl>, WILtSHEB WEEKLY excETT LAST

$.^ACIFIC CITtZCH ftiitj. AvguH 2fi. 19A4

I ’ By Bill Hosolcm

Fr«m tlM» Fryinfl Pcm


Denver, Colo.RITES OF FATIGUE — The Deavur-Takayama Sister

^ KestiwJ is'endwl, and it's.a good thing, too. If the •irbrauoo had conlinued another day or two, some of the

citizens of both Denver and Takayama would have MB carted oU to the buspiUI wtlh ataite cases of nervous fid physiwl exhaustion.

As is customary on such occasions, far too much was niuffied into the projpmi t^ nudce sure Denver's guests Muld have a good time and nut feel at loose ends. Actually.icasoiied convention-goers have long since discovered,

Ue best part of the program is that which is marked •'free une," or '^1 Uberly”.

.All this notwithstanding, the Fe^wal as a-goodwill iebration between two cities under the People to People .rugram was a rousing success and. so far as the 23 dele- ates from Takayama were concerned, an unlorgeUable ipcrience. If you have any plans fn- visiting Takayama. a unununity of some 53,000 close to the'Japan Alps, make it

D while the glow remains. The red carpet will be out visiting Amerkans. *

■ • • •

19 SHORT YEARS — It was not altogether coloddentel uit the main function of the the Denver-Takayama F'estival, III- presentation of free puUic Japanese ttUertainment rograms by the vbilors aided and abetted by local types.

held on Aug. 14, which hai^ns to be. the 19th anniver- in of VJ'Day. Just one day earlier, spectaloni along the arade route were handed, and waved without «oy- parti-

r self-consciousness, Japanese and American Hags.The sight of Uh- Japanese "meat ball" insignia on the

Lreets of Denver just two decades ago would have incited lioL Instead, uii this occasion the visitors received ap- !ause ranging from polite to enlhusiastic while visitors liko Taka and June Kawai. resplendent in kimono and nnsported in pedicabs. drew appreciative wolf-whistles.

The remarkable thing about the Festival is that virtu- !y every segment of the community—Isom Campto Girls id Boy Scouts to high society figures, from busioMUwn nd service clubs to the Issei-Nisei cummunity, took put.course some groups on grater I'esponsibility than

hers, but all in all, it was-j communily-uide endeavor worthy one in spite of the widely predicted and in-

-itable ruffled feelings which resulted in conaiderable juUng.

There's nothing like a major voluntary effort, such as Festival .was, to separate the workers from the flory-

ekers, tiM-phma donnas from the quietly etfirtent doers. 1C confused from the composed, the ladies from the women (1 the men from the beys. It was ah interesting experience.

MEJMCNUES wahn and'unforgetUble OMmoricskI the Takayama delegation carry back? Before answering, is wc-U to remember Takayama is not a sophisticated

jrtroiiolis like Tokyo. And so our visitors were overwhelmed,- rst, by the obvious sincerity and enthusiasm with whidi bey were received. Tfiiy were amazed by the expanse of

Rockies, the bcaut^ oTM^r residential streets, the honor 1 them by the parade artbe-fttr^orce Academy, the

•owbby hats they received and promised to be wearing when ley dierabarked from the train when they reached home. 3»y were happily surprised at the number of Americans li Japanese origins they met. by the number of Caucasian iDcricans who had already visited Takayama. by the fact Hut Denver Mayor Tom Currigan made time to appear at K les than five of the funcUmis honoring them.

But most of all the visitors were impressed by the molor- jrcle police,escort t^t whizzed them through Denver Iraf- t. "non-stop.’’ as they ph'rased. So, even though no escort id been .requested for their Sunday morning departure, byor Cunigan saw that officers on cycles Were on band lead the way to the airport.

Qftnmerw StaUr ILumw Mid tfaii wttk.In a radi&-TV inte%tetr FlMar.

Bunlic* Haawii dMUH knit BUenfitt to taeau* to toe tnaU.'*nte ivalny toal reuUj- aa

Ckieotol ciBain get a bwae in KatBla and rBa0.v an OneBtal ew-

dnaowiniif to pMtSe tarn ovw- MU." Bmitak declBr«d.A awkeanan fin- BMtos

poicRcd out Uat the m^ice of

OMlMvcrar HU Heal MiSer cotnmeoled tlm> flat Bur­

dick nade a fottaoe oe coo- trwvrsy". poUUiQC to m> books Bunketc eo-aiabond — "F*i}- Safe” and ■'Ibe Ugtr AeiaScaB". Hie tUK dMk li Mach brines about a


ILS. OLYMPIC raiTHBerkelcyans hosi Japan 111 leagMa'^

StaCtor a Uw rar. He»«a icaa far Joe JAda a Oabott


BERICEL£Y -'IWe Lm da?« to Antaaa aare wiaaraaavi <bm for

. liurt, vvaiurt antt tMCr bere JUf i past week

tta Tartaki—1 Otr ABBara. ncavaMoK «be Ptodtic ai«a Intoe latie t<a«ue WofU Sara b«- inc idarad.ltds werk^t ^Ukams- fxirt. Pto. wen arknmrri bv fbe Belkaer Bmts youBl*. pareaa and fneals Aug: IE.

iMer to toe ww*. to^ vuUad

Gaa«v Bears yam a'PLaeSMien wsaUeut. SM^ i* Aarge d kxwl afTiagana*. "Jl«y< «a1 tangum hoyVi teem tn Brt aiddktoai a

)*rp at tttoi laa HeMan canus. toe UMb. ercae aa toa USE Mel- bome OlaitoSM and toe laSto. •Btoa jnemi at toe 190 Rene

He baa e

WaMaOM to. vUdt ttto Wfaae House.Tfar J.ral botos troatod toe Japa-

neae «, tbev SsR wei-aer roast at Uve Oak Par*. And toe laats were seeisc

ill four148. IS. m ani inwto. daMea. He baa been a fiaalM to toe an- mml Sidk-vaa .Vawd batk>Ui« tar toe paat eight raan and a runner- up four Ufoa.Tile Sactmentotom Nlaei bas

also bean aawtod toe JACto NM eg toe BtoMdum totoar iliiddM.B

fXmC9 CtolWWAlaiHtWngfOTOK BBM3H—Ihii Wln- tenbtn Protoyeertan Oaor^i ba­zaar wiB be biW Sef* U. 4A1 p'm It Ntoteto toto WbnHr 81. Feaasre attrertiae is toe 9 pjl. auctkei at (nza« atoMated tig trtendi. ^

ariagMM prspwt

a RussxAin^ i !ie srraod wttB\ JDuclesr war, toe seraod

toe image presecr.ed abr»d US. dtptomats. modcLdwin P. bhirrar. ctiaiffnao of —

Oe Bttoegi E^nate boanl.of Inu-

U vWa anDDunoed fa>' Httoeo Oatdla. ptntdanc <g toe Hiaat giM ebto council. ssniMct- of flw Ug

OBH- Aim«toA.VE Chantsjion Joia Jo. 38. of Uetnal eabibab his ag**Ria!^ SilverVtor woe at toe recent NaiicaMl Uadd Alrptone ihacngiwMhtoB at Lake, e DMtoe Nawal A-j Statn. Tn. Stepson cf Hr. and Vsw. Sod DefeoAng ctwTvtai Itoz* Itoi-

. _ 1 reeert «-«« tosts toe aenia- ctou cratral bnr cmbnl .rear, is expeUed to repeat and t«-

- CgfttaJ Ptshograph: U5. Navy tirtonc are .RiwE UHton. Aye - - ^lanptao at 7M*«: Has

s; ' Japaneie edge o«l Caucajiani ki takelead as Hawk's laigesi racial gmi#e time. Re

o. bSno Ratoito. Sr. Seek b am. Iteto Tbaotvn. Bto Ai- D and a«rObu.and has been for

fa cerrgtfeteJr mlstaiM". HONOLULU. — The Japanpse ba* tion non totals roughly _____M.A Plrtastenan. Paedfle Oub ^g.-d out Uie Caurasiat to taka -«tu* braaks down .to thU ma» Negro, 4M3 or .8 percent,

preddeat. said be was not awnre ^ i^d as Hawau's torgret ractoi ur; otoer race* wltb JXMt or i perof ButfJldfs cTrttcinn and made Japanme. 20X8T8 or 3t2 per- (ConumiM on Page 4)m rrmmiim ... giMips except tb« ccat; Caucasians. 2B,23ea>r 32 pu-

Hawauan mUIm cesL paefaRawaiiaas. eLS87. 14.S peroeot: Fdiptoo. O.S41. 10 8 per-H>e Baadicii esamento came as ;tate'(

HMMii waa oelebraling its fite haveyigira after " in rrcent

toe atateheod disclosed •on toas oi^ the

a report eomfifled iJiutad Slates Census

Figures eroMh a gioes to isgo. Tbi and 8E.S

7/Orientds teoch in OdcLondpiibBcsdioob

OAKLAND. - In a survey ooo- Both groups tocluded ipaor metn- ductod by the QUifotate Tern Ba>- bers of aimed lorces and mUitary ptartneid ftnztUoea CVaiiniitoin depeodeeta stattoned here, enriier tMs %•«■. «wr». are T7 On- Lower rates ol increase for the eofad teutea to toe OaUand Uni- decade were reported for toe Ja- 6cd Seteui Dtotrk* or alWMIy tna- P»ne»e. CStoese. FUiptooe.

Tlie rutVQ- ana uadat^ea to cent, otnen-e emrt«Tieot caKfeicaB -at The lait-boomtog state .popula- ev««y one of Ooktand's 88 ptoiUc •ctosls. fto aaitude toward mtnor-

SEbogto asto dskM«r tor Nepo taacbere than otoen. ibere are 3U Negre teacto cn to toe ditortot. ^

U Pays to Advertise

iMjsr days with Dsyil-bt Savhig... BrMter days with Savings at the



• M Ssuar Smsi • W 1-X2M V- JMwSlTB BIUJKH • BikMuu 4. Sutler Sts. • n 4-7400

IJSfc K run Sirm • ftonr W-2441 1SE8 Ken SGbrt • near 23S-0S41

I 120 Sa. Sto PMa Snaat • 8» toXMl • JtMtori BM. • Bt 1-73M

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T olf —Ian 3“Hmi. Tak

226 L FVSI «k

A StadPlMto toa - toMM

Lem's Cafe9» L 1st 91, Lai AspAB fiMM OndM T^(m


fer SmayLtiis ^9504 SapsMM 8H4. aw W Mm LA. h

OtoMta 9-0400'

SusU Bir — ^edxl LAincheoos — Dionen


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MA 2459S. MA 7-70SR. MA 14S04

Fukui Morfuarff"TMaCE «EKRAT»NS OF BfftaPCf

707 Term Sl. Ua Anseto llliMi 6-9829SOICM FUKUI (SmTTlfliAUimA

Shim*ttu, Ofiata & Kubota Mortuary 'HiUSSlOA' HSCD

911 Vwiiee Bird, Lob Angela* IS - RI 9-1449. SeifI ~0i4s'' Osata. EM« I Shnnaua. K Vsiata Kshsu

Dc. Seiko WadetotaOBi ss the tncM>9< ef ua s>«S TMaias MaMr

Dwa Kw JF "Naatu. Us« Lite and HsapHnr litoMs—10-n aiaT^A »k; Ssueol Haetoi A Caaarih«-»td.-8|6.

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Page 4: California 10 PACIFIC CITIZEN · California Voter Registration Deadline Sept. 10 .-OVffi 50.Q00 READKS-. SeCSMft cuss KSTAU rilO AT LOS ANCELES, fAl>, WILtSHEB WEEKLY excETT LAST



ir'Third Generation: by Ken Kuroiwa

m Task Before Jr. JACLersAl thr rrqurat oi 704lb ceSot Juot^". qiAKiid as Mk>wT-

Km Kuimwia. Natl na: Jr. J.UX '•In four d«r*.‘Ju»r >-< -J" tiMtm Om>m cfuiiicnas Paid quiddv joamed to siatoh 20 wtaia Tamm trf PorUiotl l- romnu« tare. 20 wSnles flierc, is the ruA tab w*. ot mrctuwts. part»», aai>«i*ito.

• • • baaquett. ami Eiaocm. ’BT PAUL TAMITEA ampbon a!*>» rtprxsi»« ttir «<*•

Pweaixi «fal (cdiDC trf eottnstom aaj A caaaMMe i* deftaicd at an yaOituI toerf} the ddecatM

McanWr or marWB cl <Mc«atei ate atunded toe Defirto Ctaovte- catoered to actun-e a partindar ticn. -rrom tte pm-atonc mood. . pupoae a-tneh otoi otoer be gei^ 1 did abseth deefiar tfato^da and ami tor toe bmcfit d toe enOrr ideas .ate-h 1 aoll explain, awentoto or raore ^leohc tor ea<to .4Mc0(e NewNSB^iets and otfaer ....mo^ d otomiuiucatJOiB m»rt »• caawatleB. I had!! 2d «V«1» d toe 00^ t«*> Orti'r to Jr JAOL tor about tto» to ixoad and objertive t«™ « 7^ 3/0, was a ctaaUo«ng But h a toe tntovxhsl dak«Bte o»<r toter«» to my lifr Aet^ay. ate can fetoepnt ba perwtoal ex- JACL aas quM new to all

Hawii -■ Cootimird^mn* Paff 2> „

Well LA. .lAa sell up scholarship fund

I>:B VNGEI.£S - Prur.1 p.T>fits r<-.J;Md trom the fueeem^'u! PSW-

oo to 1063 TAteli toe

_________ •___erf toe ftetoaod area ufitU^ oan In ttto w«de. » mte d imerealed aeDfac' JACL-

1 toaB BOeRCl to retee my ex- era. headed by Dr^G«r«^. Ham, pMioEM —»< lideas into a rctn> pnanoted and adMsed toe ttoCT- zmectivc rerfle«teo <rf nuuMsfid youtla to toeanaaw*. - *>««« toe tad yew. toe J^irt-Aa I teak back to toe cooien- 3t chai<l«r ato catoemed

tee awk, 1 can aureate to. “•“«>?■ '>«> andKate daicrtoed eac-ellteUy by toe ^■nCtheoing it* mentoeorfiiv Otete> Jr JACUxs in toeir "Jr. «»>roo«h varwua im-ttattoitol nociai

fsvnfc., utech K-nito to amuaua the meinben wttb carh other.I The general atttttok-

mmmmmmimtreas : Lob ShimamoUi. '. i: . and David Etc,

«hjch aeeoonlad lor mote than t^d the populatooD to a of U1

■ ataUitical areas ie the atate.IB Httoolulu. c«»*us tme« _ta

which a *>n«le «hite froup Aomi- more than half the pof^d-

uon .Dcreaaed fttur. -2S to « the decade. Tracts in arhUi ooC griup comprised,OC- 'percent or more trf the population wett up rom ooe to' eight Tw«ty areas reported Jaf«nese teltics Other ethnic groups

tvis than the Caucauaosand Japan^e domntot*^ fewer neighteiteoSrWe PtUPU»» W°* the majority In onj}- toree areas

-eroded half ^ tract tout in ool? <“* area-bii- hau the little island preserved solely far Hawaiians. TV Qinese were most mu area oa Oabo

Chaptpr Call BoardW Frtotcbdh JACL ^ •• ■

It JACX OtotoC: "nie San Fmo- Cboo Jr. JAO. «tooc at Lake Cto Ote M. te di,,** S«»1. Brettoey. w* be h« «,*, a Natetel jao. * toss Sunday bom U a

vww a rsaotoi JMI,■toW kto« btoBtetto-^ S

-------- Mennrtal Serede*. at tiei.top. iDsUule bom TJO

tee eta.-ten«ed to George Kooatet. IBA ?hteggj


Gardenans revfye Inlersectional Nisei baseball in Utah ior first time in 12 years

^raduMte of UoiverdSy High sate Mctok* or 2mm tooae wteae pareota are members d the diaptar. Deatome is Sept. 20 and

B1' nVBKS OKtTJA TTiv Cardutols. compniiod of ^ avtoteble bom(Special to the Pucific CiUixni .vcNOteitore between U and U. stw K

S.UIT UOCE cm’—When toe Car- played birfbre 200 fans al Jordan !i;A»Lj>r‘^iv«fu ^ni . Dr d«is 'Calif ' DreiPin.-. and the Jhirk Sunday, losing 8-4 OaidirtoU oumv ’here to Riid- Utah JACS, LtttUe Stars.

b.-is4-ii«t! acakivt

loTM MSIer s»«ni !■ <' asm«uc^H9«

LOB ANGELES — Uren iraer, «. of 64t Hidtdtoreaa St- took ids ctoto of o<&e* ar one of toe newly appointed L A. rouoiiapel enure judees at toe Qxtey Q»»l- btese Fitey.

late toeir futors and bnnjto for erwin rttereitoti. w bm, ^ toe - -I ‘»> Shigeo Ibfceteta a«j^Ed« To«b*If JACL

Pan Barteew: The amate Bdrei Tbwndup JACL tdi atete balte, i>« emteted trcue «€1 be bdd oo.Snturtay. docianetery tens of i Sept 12. 6 pm. at the Eden Ja- in ate» to the.ftetoc i purse Oaremmits' Center. Tteee ^Seteng are expectel to bring ^ faten-te. ten. their oao totes and ulestei. a»-

' cliifo Yteaniao and FVed 2G.<rwno- ^ID. cDtentnen. ted Qinto ste recente ste toh

) August t

Drreofi — Snare L'luli.Saa rtanriWT' — Sinriei A Mivr> pDoMn buwluK u.umamrnt. t>»ri iaww Bowl. 7 pai.

■San Lorwiw — AI-Co Jr JACl. bmi -m dam. BOm Jhpann. ConunuaiiWail.Xo* Anrein ' FamUi loto- naHTwaikito Swim ciuti. ia> f-

~ ~ - . Triansl

.XtaaWrer PralnaulA — Bareoeua. Big ratema — Board nwrO^Tad

Srsc re rnanday) tofsl Ln> Aacem — Dinner mei......WnllamAujr HrWauiAnt. 7 p.m.; AuwEshlyman Bolwrl Sie«ns and tee yyn^.

i.d fultomog laoval irf It* mmtoEteiip Is send­ing.ddegsito-s to the iBDoceil eon- vetitKin. I wws bstiaate enough

iM- d the deteatn -. thto deoMoo b> toe cUb

toowitl a sUtoerr desire hi obtain mure knowledBe abj« JACL Two toktetos iftTr . A^eEdiV by the ceneeal mrsnlA-ndBf \>ites and toe

gT7xa> wiiciied un..elf.9My’ to 'nakc to. neeetBBry fimdr.Bewig an arbve pareicwainl d he Jr aectinn of toe mboite an- 'i<ntinn. 1 had the opporeunte to nve anrereml raBoy tiiitertehe pispiBes nol objeeUves of

1 regard!, to toe .TOUth^m-B-am.Of«. of ft., hr* quertioD! to be newertd »«a "bow aotrvw teidd

m bnvte the V£. Supreme Out nuUIfy toe effects of realnetive covwosnb Id 'real estate tnatec- tans a demde te>

iTblah JACL -Athletic Chto. it I" ------------------------ ----rereved InteriA-ctfnsl M-'ti eon- ft, ms^tes teties. toe Cbrehnah 'V' rLiism^Mpelitte in toe sport tor toe fwte Prom .AB-Store ■n®'-*:Vfte ebS^a^^ 11111111311 —Um. » 12 .vearr kte to toe Uagna teUle Ltegurra. <*-*"■» annual toThr JAO. urgaiuicl UD a»^Ji.«-i'\ Henry Kate. liM Nisei of the

Btoieix program tor the entire 'a«n^ti winner, was aeknowl- •dai. tornte acUvv d»n*ttt>ce tor malnnk the aerim possi-from toe

... at the efureter'* amnl to NtaStem dinoer-daoee on Nov. 21.lee tor the tood a«

e chaplATs h laikr. Mi. Oi.«i»;iu> and Bes Lo- ITKrfkt.•lb. appoanuh-e of the Gdldete

tisims maoagrel by Mas Fimai and rkorge Maamimn wa* the.first

- event hr the Utah JAO. runrently maitesd by Tats

Mzwka. feus .vear'a Sab Lake ..t.ApSrr pmadent.

Dartmontb Fitter

Wisei Week golfLOS A.NCQ^S-mA total l

;«jor I tC. ei

* Xr and Mn lUys VrTiwtw. SaDla MiiiiA. Mr and Mn Altwn K Ma-

scholarJup is a totwttme dresia crene true tor Aid Oban.

I of boBnl daiTTnan His board ssso- the oiates are all pass West L.A. chogw

UoolteDD Ountry Qub cotrae ter (weddetts. Stetoy to y>e annual SSd Wte • •golf tounamm as Geecm NeH fiuwar JACL / eoMed the par 5 eigHh hole to flytfJGEF-Tb coi win tow gross toonors at 2A37-72. ^teiteaii of toev a

(ContiBued from Front Pacel on toe Dsparement of Jtstee 0»- stituml Btgbu Saetton Ottoem Advssocy Cbnvnittee by nppawl- mect erf Xttorney Geeenl Sianlr? htoskr andWBEBEAS. be Wf Itebannl

Prmident bsxn I960 to 1962 of toe JapnocM Amertoan Citizens League, and served in H0i advi- swy ptau tor toe Los Angeles

Watt Lot An«Bttt JACL ParsBilng Esete: The tenni«r

aensoo hr West Lcs Angles JAO^en eite this Sisxtoy w*h a famfbaphte party M the Watldte Swim Chto. S2I3 W Wateagtoo Bhd. tnxa 5 » pm Oxttenuri Did Oktegr nd Uns OtenooB said toe nonhnil js»t <rf SI per aduB

’ and SO cog.' tor ettadren latoer II - uehidm rwmwntog. an everte of games, hot <fcte te bacteagers Ctebdates tor toe OOto Assrni-

bly. inoiitoenl Enbert Sti aixl emtodate Leo Fetecr win add dress toe ScgiC. V dmner mt at Wilttensburg Bestourattt. cor-

. ner of Btoilnctan nnl Mktiml Bhd.. ftnm 7 pm. To mnk stwteiHH. caH GB M7K or GB

I treepreiftius eftore tor Fred Qce«uchi of Ung Bemto ger I&gh School recently, toe Snn- tege-V^U- catein. who Uved up Cprl. t» Mr. Bret. Sakamur.

, sre> to tirtSar)aucaa. - JACL toieiion ti.t ’ ant- 77 (SoaSayl

HiiUrwwnd — St<ak bake. rr-aNEMA T'

NewNeyng till Sept. 8 Sonbiki no Somuroi

ETwara: rokimiTelauo T.mlM. Kaiuhire Tatrs, ivan.u Narau.. Muukl Kuaaoe

ligaken Boko' EMIT EUI MISS)

HaiiNit Kara Tiikri Hanasawa. . TaiFuya laiuruTu Shln.a IwaahiUKABUKI ThL^TER

Urn . at Cisnte Ttt 72*-M§8 — Flat P«teNte Ploying tOI Sept. 1CItetcaw la Cslw - Late Seaute

— smcTLV ABi’i.ra —Otto Go Milo


a'aaakl Jln> Tazhtva. and Kroko Knanu

Nuregomi Kempo

Mte vote^Jr. JACL lave? T «cn EtevA'eieti ftas the JEaBors iid' have and «■«« Eawnunged to wvaere and exebuge tbar kkais. wCto teh otorr and toeb semor Iroder*.The fwiMtioo and ratibeaban <rf resolutioo reEjwrrd much initto- ve. Bme, and tointong from toe tony Juiants. As a reoub d toe reS cmganlzaf ywutb agreida. wmfabEx and Eteexteon

„j». a... ™"“- “t"' . .Tbc Dragons want 10 tomngs to »«“>•

<Wem PnjvD All-Stars In toe first OREE^SBOlb, N C.-Mru. Helen ** ^ Croiw^ Murid healtt EincDUDter 9d. The next togW at Watanabc Eaf A /Jigdts wnn toe P<“ ^ 3^ mrenbaa kMteiw. fito Drogra* ktot a doae senigr women's tennis title for the »»» open uidil

tuns and Jews. Los Angtee Uctaao League. Japaneoe Onkben's Home and many otoer orgODuatKte: NOW. THEKZPOEE. BE IT BS-

SOLVBD that toe BEtord d Sttoor- Ynire d toe Ctounty of Los A» gvles Ughly co^ends Ftwde F. Chinan tor bss Elerolad scrviee to the atizerw of Southern Cnfitorau and extends ito suKore wish tor continued s<jcccb!( b

A talent tew O i 17 w« tire "Uratetoa Taro." toe te> FYandsco Jr. JACE tat. at the

- SaaFtde J^aneae tosbUte. 810 Cbrtato Avc Curtote jtoe at 7J8pmJim Sfatmuu. show tea

and he crew of Sadie Inaksnl. dhye Yoteda and SM Ymiu

payment of «2S.

D Mrs. Dte Habnnira.

to. as- pertod.

Stars lOd. nual NstiEjnab d the AmericanAnd berftwe 7» fans on » hot Tmnis Assn. mMches here last

Suz^v afleraOEXi at Dete Fiekf wEiek. Sve defeated ElE>ese 'ITiar- here, Ota Etouted afi U iteogs tojL ak^ of 1-^-. 6-1.^and Elrove in the adonuig

in the semis but bowtd in Anne teger of BaMAinre. M. 44. 62 to

___________________ ________.............. ................................................................................................. toe hials. She abb pfayed in to*in the te bad d the Uth to pace peUUr. ousted the No. 2 seeded 26 A undo- class. SErvivtag up to toe visihirs 64 over the toiit- Lake Ptoycr in the 14 & under iratefory scmi-fizEik Amauim AB^tare in a repEiat tift.

to toe ei’rebckrful aid lacgxirtiug isentata. who accrgital the reeotu- don and iriAklrd giecMl tnapara- ttoc to keep sUiMag onward to- 'aetds a .Nuece.rsfig begintang erf t>6ifttlanBLJ£_JACL orgamzatinn.

★After diteistoa wMb other rote

detentes. EturWUotB arote con- ceiuitg the fuUse slanai d toe Jr. JACl. WtB7 sted be toe major proidote to coenderr Wuukl there be enuudi Jr chaplrr!i : cd toroughux toe nadiie' Hejc* the vtnmjr bE- m tbe distrirt to prumula the devetopenesg of nxrv .routh ctkipccrs witfaui wtoiB tteitoEi.AtutoeT pruureti ewdranbog *e

ItBerem OuKil IS to find a project whKh WEFuld maintte the ugrrere erf the Junkxs thnuteut the oa- Uon. Of toe iruqy Jr. EftapSeTS proK-nSy engaged to various mx- cwful {xoyects. the proMem b to hod a medifit pitect suitabi. for

«al Jr.. chapter

A C. eoOeacd to the . of the seeotd game as the hoi«t ite 134 Die tirtng effects of the toree [xtFvtous games wore eiv dren.Oubtandtog tor jBe Utah JACL

AC. was Max Hira.. a good hiiling pfiefaer. aho won the Most Out- scanding Pitcher tn^y thrve years in a row in the Denver Labor Day tournamenl while load­ing the Utah Nisei m cbampioD- shto games. .

I fuxvn-ly tiehi-cv that National Jr. JACL u off to a licaMhy begin-

PntoiExns d crenmuaicaiiEto all toe chapteta wero paz^

tiaUy aidvEd wgh the esufaiub- ment of toe "Thtod Genaattoni oukinin. ia.vt«jreud to- Kni KiBo rs on July 21. U6(Tlui culunul wil surely bettor le EnderWJUkhog fareween the

varuxB Jr. ctesero. but k wtU be

Now that theCbevennnn has Inum! Counctl

cxritfanifiiM rtMto dmectirs Jack Maycito and Jessy bsimeto.

wtU be toe job of every JAd^ t to asast us actitei aad eon- xic enoxirngtag toe Jwicn m



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