7i i P I I r < c J tT n R1CITnIlOIND t CIi1LkX A r 1 1 4 i 1 < r 1 0 t liS 11 OLUME 30RICHMOND C MADIS liljbOUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY JUNE 17 1903 NUMBER WE DOW T say MueH PRICES TALK i < andbettergoodsattlie f Hustling Gash Store rr Than Elsewhere SpringDress T We are adding daily New Things in Lawns Allover Embroideries Laces Ribbons Etc and especially invite 2 the Ladies to calland see them i See Our Beautiful Line of 4 Carpets Mattings and Rugs the largest assortment and best values to be had in the city < SOurLiueof Trunks Telascopes and Valices i See Our Line of f rMens Women and Childrens SHOES the bestou can buy for the money See Our men and boys Wool Fur and Straw Hats in the latest shapes and at prices to please all If you want Clothes that fit if you want Clothes that Wear if you want a Suit for your- self or boy and want the best Clothes for the least money Dont Fail to inspect our Stock before you buy Orders taken for Tailor Made Suits and fit guarnteed On ¬ ly a look and you are assured that we can suit your money LACKEY HAMILTON Cor Main and First Streets COME SEE You must see the Goods to appreciate there cneapness Do not be easily satisfied You can just as easily have the best goods at lowest prices obtainable Our ad may sound egotistical but we have the goods Here are a few articles Emery knife sharpeners lOc Carpet tacks Ic box Teaspoons lOc per set Matting tacks 3 boxes 5c Table spoons 35c per set Pint cups 2c each Knive and forks 50c per set Lamps complete 23c We have now in stock a beautiful line of Enamel Ware Tirijvare Etc that we are offering at astonishingly low prices You should call and examine these goods before making a purchase In ordT to close out our 01 5rs at Ttcv- we now offer 50 cent shirts at 35c 25c Shirts at 20c Jumpers 20 and 25c Overalls 35c Have now in stock a nice line of Fishing Tackle at low prices If you are looking for bar ¬ gains you cannot afford to pass us THE RACKET STORE Opposite Blue Grass Grocery MAIN STREET RICHMOND KY 2Big Hill Coal Co 3 ORLANDO KY Shippers of Alnlte Coal l + ++ + t ++ ++ + + ++ + + + ++++ +++ Jit c + +++++ + ++++ + + + ++ + ++ + + ++ + + Vi 3JIf 1i Autumn Opening Sale oL FURNITURELargest lowest prices you gen in IronBeds Bed Room Suits Dining Room and iui Kitchen Furniture < i We guaranteed to save you moneyl Weecordiaily inyite our country friends to call make our store their headquarters r W I 1M lWSttj 10 please Our success depends upon it and therea sonable prices at which everything useM is offer ed will astonish and delIght you Matings and Carpets in variety Our Picture Department is complete Framipgfleatly done and the newest mouldings always carried JOJIOPIJN e IPhone Day 73- Night 66 k 47 Undertaking Specialty I RICHMOND KY G W Evans Jjr i ijEmbslmer How to Spoil Children Laugh at their faults en ¬ courage white lies give them their own way tell them pet ¬ ty untruths give them what they cry for shout at the top of your voice to them never encourage their efforts to do better says Canadian VIes ¬ sengerFly into apassion with them several times a day punish them if they break some trifle by accident dont enter into their games when they ask for information tell them to be quiet let them think the streets are the best place to playf never taka any notice of their childish sorrows Dont have any toys or play ¬ things tossed around the house dont bother yourself inviting to your house the children of the house they go to dont trouble inviting their companions to your house Always take part against their teachers try to forget as much as possible that you were once young yourself Get servants to teach them their prayers and dont trouble how they say themsend them to mass and the sacraments and dont go with them Driven to Desperation Living at an out of the way place re oftendriven dent resulting in burns cuts wounds Bucklens earth 25cat all drugstores 1m companyhas Near Williamstown Mrs bylightning sittingon lhat throbbing headache would DrKings sufferers have proved their matchless headachesThey your health Only 25 cents money druggfst Kentucky HAUTAU UA Seventeenth Annual Session Woodland Park Lexington Ky June 30 July 10 College Day July ath GREAT PROGRAM JULY 3th Gen ItzhuKh Lee and Others For deUiled Illustrated program address CHAS SCOTT B iTrt LSUKGTOtf JCT I q Kentucky Fair Dates Klrksville July 17 and 18 Georgetown July 21 4 days Crab Orchard July 22 4 days Cynthiana July 20 4 days Guthrie July 29 3 days Hustonvllle July 29 3 days Danville August 4 4 days Madisonyille August 44 days Lexington Aug 10 6 days Fern Creek August 18 4 days Lawrenceburg Augusta 184 days Shepherdaville August 18 4days Maysville August 19 4 days Shelbyville August 25 4 days London August 263 days Geimantown August 26 4 days Bardstonn September 1 5 days Nicholaflvillo September 3 days Somerset September 1 4 days Elizabothtown Sept 84 days Bowling Green Sept 15 4 days Kentucky State fair Owensboro September 21 6 days Ladies snd Children Invited All ladles nnd children who cannot stand the shocking strain ot laxative syrups cathartics etc are invited to try the famous Little Early Risers They are different from nil other pills They do not purge the system Even a dou- ble ¬ dose will not gripe weaken or sick en many people call them the Easy Pill W H Howell Houston Texas says nothing better can be uged for constipation sick headache etc Bob Moore Lafayette Ind says all others irripe and sicken while DC Witts Utile Early Risers do their work well and easy Sold by E C Wines 1m Mountain Lake Park Mary- land ¬ This superb summer resort in the heights of the Alleghe nies 2800 feet above sealevel is an attractive place for per ¬ sons desiring to combine rec- reation ¬ rest and intellectual I uplift It was visited last year by 25000 persons repre ¬ senting 26 statesof the Union The Chautauqua program under the direction of Dr W L Davidson is one of the best which genius can devise or money procure- Beginning June 1st tickets will be placed on sale and con ¬ tinue through the season good until October 31st Special rate tickets for the Chautauqua in August For particular information about fares and timeof trains apply to Ticket Agents of th- eBOSWILR or to O P McCarty Gen Pass Agt Cincinnati O- Information about attrac ¬ tions at Mountain Lake Park furnished in reply to inquir ¬ ies addressed to Mr L A Rudisill MountainLakePark Md Worst of All Experiences- Can any thing be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last Such was the ezpeiience 01 Mrs SlI Newson Decatnr Ala For three years painrrol trouble Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed At length 1 was induced to try Elec ¬ inc Bitters anti the result was miracu ¬ lous I improved at once and now Im completely recovered For liver Sidney stomach and bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine Only 50c Its guaranteed by all drug ¬ gists 1m KIRKSVILLE Rey Robert Brandenburg of Boon ville preached at the Kingston Bap- tist ¬ church last Sunday Trot S JI Tipton of Irvine visited relatives here Sunday Prof J L Caperton of the Kingston hign school closed a very successful ten months term of school last Friday That be is doing a good work is dew onstrated by the fact that this was bis fifth term and that the Board of Trus- tees has engaged him for this fall when the public school will be com- bined with the high school Rev J Randall Farris who is at ¬ tending the Lexington Bible College Is at home for a few days MIss Sudie Crawford is still on the sick list TO OTTSJE A OOLD HT OHX DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money Hit fails to cure E W Groves signature a on each box 26 cents On account of a strike at the Chicago Beach Hotel the guest were forced to go into the kitchen and forage for their dinners In Wolfe county James La cey and Will Hobbs half brothers became involved in a quarrel and Hobbs killed Lacey with a rock Kodol Gives Strength by enabling the digestive organs to di gest assimilate And transform aU of the wholesome food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that nourishes the nerves feeds the tissues hardens the muscles and recuperates the organs of the entire body Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures indigestion dyspepsia ca- tarrh ¬ of the stomach aad all stomach disorders Sold by EC Wines 1m Over 12 000 was found in the home Qf anjeccen trie bach ¬ elor at Caro Mich after his death He had lived in squal ¬ or and wretchedness JUIXIK CABUTH Friday graated a tem- porary ¬ injunction against Allie W Young and others to prevent them from interfering with the Dwrocrtlic committee of Louisville ad Jeffe oo county Mothers Ear WIIINMURSINO THATnt SCOTTS EMULSION oufpuxa THB EXTRA BTHBHGTH MO HOiinisHufHr oo HfcmaaAKY 1011 1 VOTHERjv3CHILD Send for free sample Chemlattn York A Remarkable Speech The courtroom atNew Bos ¬ ton Texas has been the scene of a most remarkable case being tried theStateof Texas vs Hon John Hallum charged with shooting W A Forbee a minister who had ruined Hallums home Col Hallum was an utter stranger and previous to his trial his fu- neral ¬ had been preached all over the county for the pur ¬ pose of poisoning the peoples mind against him The law ¬ yers through fearof boycott refused to defend him and Col Hallum being a noted lawyer and historian defended himself like Paul when ar ¬ raigned before Agrippa and Festus Col Hallum is an old man his hair whiteas hoar frost hilt his formstraightas that of an Indian There he stood before a packed jury and in a crowded courtroom and spoke for three hours and his speech was filled with pathos and Promethean fire it was the most eloquent pnd forceful ever delivered in the history of American juris ¬ prudence Its publication gives to the world its greatest piece of forensic literature At times during his speech there was not a dry eye in the courtroom Several times the bailiff had to move the crowd baLk that crowded around and crushed him in an endeavor to hear his every word he was interrupted by the ministers wife presenting him with a boquet of flowers The jury acquitted him with ¬ out leaving the box The Sickle Publishing Company Memphis Tenn has pub ¬ lished all the facts in the case and Cot Hallums famous speech in book form and sells it direct for 50 cents It is worth twice that amount and everyone who believes in the virtue of woman and protec ¬ tion of home should read it If you need to have your choir drilled in vocal music Prof J W Hicks late of Louisville is prepared to give you anything in the Vocal Music line Address him at tf Richmond Ky W J Idleman a United States Deputy Collector of Customs in Alaska is under arrest charged with embez zling 40000 While endorsing a check to pay the premium on a life in ¬ surance policy for 10000 which he had just taken out J S Farrier dropped dead in the Farley Bank at Montgom- ery ¬ Ala Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Itching Humors Send no money simply write and try Botanic Blood Balm at our ex ¬ penseIf suffer from ulcers eczema scrofula blood poison cancer eating sores itching skin pimples boils bone pains swellings rheumatism catarrh or any blood or skin disease we advise you to take Botanic Blood Balm Especially recommended for old obstinate deepseated cases of ma lIguant blood or skin disease because Botanic Blood Balm kills the poison in the blood cures where all else fails heal every sore makes the blood pure and rich gives the skin the rich glow ol health B B B the most perfect blood purifier made Improves the digestion strengthens weak kidneys Thorough- ly ¬ tested for thirty years SI per large completedirections Blood Balm sent free by writing Blood Balm Co Atlanta Ga Describe trou ble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter 1m Governor Peabody of Col ¬ orado issued a proclamation asking for aid for the flood sufferers Reuben Linn an exConfed ¬ erate soldier and one of the bestknown men in Graves county is dead Capt Joseph A Carter a former Tammany leader died suddenly in New York Farm For Sale ORe of the best farms in Kentucky on two good pikes l4 miles from rail ¬ road station and postoffice Excellent Improvements Mil in grass well wa ¬ bred Contlas 255 aerea could be divided Terms extra easy EB EVANS apr I tt Ifcd Hotue Ky u L 11 VALLEY VIEW From the Argent R B Baker sold 15 acres of land t 1 Conrad Davis for 5425 G M Iiyonu has returned from Men fee county where he visited rela ¬ tivesDr Elmer Northcutt returned yes- terday from Chicago where he had gone businessMaple Union Church will be dedicatQ4tlIe fourth Sunday of this month Mack Coy of Kirksvillo sold 17 hogs that averaged 235 pounds to J F Wagers at five cents a pound Rev JI Wills and wife of Ear rodsbure visited J H Brookshire and family from Saturday till Wednesday Frank Haden who is attending school at Wilmore visitisd his brother E L Haden and other relatives here the past week Contractors J 0 Stapp and J H Jones begun work Tuesday on the new pike leading from the Tales Crerk pine to the Carvers Ferry road They will push the work to tin early completion Rev John Famuliner and Bro Smith from Lexington came over Saturday to attend the supper and Bro Famuli uer bought the church quilt payii g 25 for it The church being built herejis mainly due to the great effort put forth by this young preacher mid this quilt will he greatly appreciated by him as n memento of the first mis slonary work which ho has so success- fully ¬ brought to a finish Next Wednesday and Thursday nights C It Boucher County Secre tary of the Young Mens Christian As- sociation ¬ will giveun illustrated lect- ure ¬ at the church Everybody is earn cathy invited to attend Wednesday night Thursday night the meeting is for men only It will ba remembered that Mr Boucher gaye an illustrated lecture at this place some time ago and those that bad the pleasure of attend ¬ log were highly pletsed Dont forget the date June 10 and 11 A TEXAS WONDER I HALLS GREAT DISCOVERY One small bottle of Halls Great Dir ¬ covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles removes gravel diabetes seminal emissions weak and lame back rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women regulates bladder troubles in children If not sold by your drug- gist will be sent by mail on secelpt of 51 One small bottle is two inonthe treatment and will cure any case above mentioned DrE W Hall sole man ¬ ufacturer P 0 Box 613 St Louis Mo Send for testimonial Sold by all druggist and Owen McKee Merchant Richmond K BEAD TIIIS Richmond Ky Feb 9 1902 Dr E W Hall St Louis MoDear Sir I have used onA bottle of the Texas Wonder Halls Great Discov eryfor kidney and bladder trouble I weighed 150 pounds whun I began using It to day I weigh 17G pounds and I feel better than I have in twenty years I and I cheerfully recommend it to the public Respectfully 7jan ly JonNA RIDDKI An unknown man commit ¬ ted suicide by hanging him ¬ self in a New York womans house The strike of carpenters at Philadelphia has been set- tled ¬ by compromise One Eye Atao Timed Thats the way we examine Usually the eyes differ in sight A glass which suits onu injures the other ultimately both suffer We use modern appliances and scien- tific skill to avoid mistakes Ajraisfit ouJt hurt onr reputation more it would your eyes Bring usyonr eye troubled e s ta evexa- St a 1mO n1 We keep on hand at all times a good supply of Brush Creek Coal from the new mines that are be ¬ ing operated a Brush Creek Ky and do not hesitate to say that you will find this to be an ideal Coal and will reduces your coal bills nearly onehalf At the same time giving you perfect Satisfaction Also Red Jellico and other grades Coal Feed time Sand Cement Etc We are still in the fee 1 and solicit a sshare of your patronage We Guarantee Polite and Prompt Service and Good Weight Letcher1Witt Coal Yard and Warehouse Phone 142 L Depot Eichmondj KJf r i THE o BUSYBEE GASH STORE f L RICHMOND KENTUCKY > Men We Want To Talk To experlIf argument The Who Wants Variety Selection VARIETY spice onlyspice whohas greatest variety outofdate styles anti- quated dIversIty elegant garments ever Richmond certain greatestmamifac produce morestyles garments Clothiaginthe Our mens and Patent Kid and Patent Corona Shoes ar Guaranteed Patent Leather in this any market We their written guarantee no pair of will months purchase are showing the new things in Ladies Footwear Our styles are newest ourqualities the best prices lowest Give trial and you will no Our Ladies Waiting balcony is come Bring dinners eat here Accommodations kinds furnished you you wait Very respectfully WD OLDHAM 21 BUSY CASH STORE 1I Seven Million boxes in post months MEAT MALT THS IDEAL TONIC AND Theres Life and In Every Drop A scientific combination of the essential constituents of PRIME BEEF and PURE OLD MALT Louisville Kjr January u 1902 MEAT a MALT CO Louisville Ky- GeulWnenIIayinrexuninedyoor Meat and Malt > acquainted withI Its and mode of manufacture I can state that ills an nerve and blood tonic It excites the appetite and inTigoiates digestion and Is especially beneficial in nervous J prostration and aU dneajcs attended with debility Yours truly L D KASTENBINE MD Loourllle CoHerent Phanaacy A MALT CO Ie J We see that D B Shackelford Cos customers have put in a stock of Millers TThey try to whatpeople have tl IRGliiSoJtliM V Jfepoj inpicQ jo ontAV jo em0 OOIS omoog oivpiajuaw siIp1Ipuaq1- UtO AlO1 npma LU 9ACII Bjcrjoop pue po3cjnoDsp ere noC Ji seaarem epjuraj Inc eared auop autrcoq sosnam atm3itiT jo BOSI Xnasj raA3 jo 1no TCpaiu Xfuiaircnuad remo tnpreJooUA ssauItas oltut- J o 1 ° IP Eatt3Ipvtl PIP ° Iasn- zwIDpnonoapnctizoa 1nrnz- Lt7 IParr7r4sangeub nf jo ito u notncm 2ajjojjns n 111111 tpjt I paw lajupnoii Jtidmis si JQ OULM ul4 1uoq1A pu JlTlnSaz oamoaq nooi pus pip j nnsu J saino2s 1 SupoJlus 1RoQnAL 1- 1uotll1t1C111cSP useumu 13iy- V aall UPIIIM Je1aq eq1 toj vtuttJo v 11J- J 4 oai 03 pnospoo vrtaatca upiso 10 Oj 1uq ruu3iqd JO ClQ1 q J joj paZiunoaf ip 1iaj ipunita x da pasts 100 pinoo T a aj os tJ pinoM r paw dn n iio vluoat SqUIll w pcqucpaq Sulpun- qeq r pU1I sepia pltl Jnq Lor 111110110 ooqspnoA aUIIJdotll psIl- oJt talDIdtno tIoltIA uoncnz1su- opesazddnz qUAI sqinoux sum JOJ poiaj- JtaL yjaai i jooaoqji jtotq i pwa 03IOIJdM lll1O aiTwzodIs 8S3INXV3M 3Y1M31r 1 1 n f r I t every man in Richmond would come to us for all his clothing Each week we publish a little on this subject This weeks j argument is directed To Man j I- f For t t is said to be the of life In tIrs I 7 fy l 4- I sents not only the but the lest J well There are no here no fashIOns the wIdest of all th I new dressy stylish anrfz ik in t tc V i The man who here can alway feel t that he has the style lest suited to his individuality Schloss Co whose clothing we Bell one of the torleain and than any other concern in the country There are famous as the Best World and all bear this SupcrloritJ C Dizen make of boys only Shoes sold or give that these crack within three after l We all Fine the our the our shoes a buy Room on the free for all ladies and use your and them of all while sold 12 J REcoNSTRUCTIVE Strength composition efficient MEAT Louisville made him big Ranges get will naqtaJl roqtIIU1ll npjyo peuusw I3q puol oqoj paoiaaa pinan 1jiW straight as but buys Bros operate America the This signature Baiking on Paint The practical painter says you can bank on Pattons SunProof Paint because it saves the cost of at least one painting J every five years The painter banks on it because it gives him a reputation Pattons SUNPROOF I Paint iRisLABErOftlARMENTS tZ Drapers ywGyo a 4 A Cwuts 1 M other shoes other to BEE is made in exact proportions of the most durable materials perfectly mixed by improved machinery It is the best spread- ing ¬ longest wearing paint and has the most brilliant and lasting colors Guaranteed to wear for five years Send for book of Paint Knowledge and Advice free to PATTON PAINT CO Lake St Milwaukee Wls FORSALE- BYGeorue M1WiIIgig Wall Paper Eaints Glass I Walt Paper Just received two car loads of wall paper for nineteen hundred and three Nice New and Snappy Designs at popular prices ranging from 5c to 25c per sin gle roll We cordially invite all who are going tocallandinspectourstockbefore you our goods whether you buy or not We are sole agents for Harrisons Town and Coun- tryReady Mixed Paint which has been on the market for over a century It will cover more space than any other mixed > Paint on the market and we guarantee it to stand for TEN YEARS and will cheerfully refund your money if it isjiot as represented Perry Thomas W < KWWt > Next door to 4isouNLB t c Jl nS 1i e

c 30RICHMOND say liS liljbOUNTY WE T MueH ...7i i P I I r c J tTn R1CITnIlOIND t CIi1LkX A r 1 1 4 i 1 < r 1 0 t liS 11 OLUME 30RICHMOND C MADISliljbOUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY JUNE 17

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Page 1: c 30RICHMOND say liS liljbOUNTY WE T MueH ...7i i P I I r c J tTn R1CITnIlOIND t CIi1LkX A r 1 1 4 i 1 < r 1 0 t liS 11 OLUME 30RICHMOND C MADISliljbOUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY JUNE 17

7i i


I r







1 4 i 1 < r 1

0 t liS 11




i < andbettergoodsattlief Hustling Gash Store rr

Than Elsewhere

SpringDressT We are adding daily New Things in Lawns Allover

Embroideries Laces Ribbons Etc and especially invite2 the Ladies to calland see them

i See Our Beautiful Line of

4Carpets Mattings and Rugs the largest assortment andbest values to be had in the city


SOurLiueofTrunks Telascopes and Valices i

See Our Line of frMens Women and Childrens SHOES the bestou canbuy for the money

See Our men and boys Wool Fur and Straw Hats in the latest shapes and at prices toplease all

If you want Clothes that fit if you want Clothes that Wear if you want a Suit for your-self or boy and want the best Clothes for the least money Dont Fail to inspect ourStock before you buy Orders taken for Tailor Made Suits and fit guarnteed On¬

ly a look and you are assured that we can suit your money

LACKEY HAMILTONCor Main and First Streets

COME SEEYou must see the Goods to appreciate there cneapness

Do not be easily satisfied You can just as easily have thebest goods at lowest prices obtainable Our ad may soundegotistical but we have the goods Here are a few articles

Emery knife sharpeners lOc Carpet tacks Ic boxTeaspoons lOc per set Matting tacks 3 boxes 5cTable spoons 35c per set Pint cups 2c eachKnive and forks 50c per set Lamps complete 23c

We have now in stock a beautiful line of

Enamel Ware Tirijvare Etcthat we are offering at astonishingly low prices You shouldcall and examine these goods before making a purchase InordT to close out our

01 5rs at Ttcv-

we now offer 50 cent shirts at 35c 25c Shirts at 20c Jumpers20 and 25c Overalls 35c Have now in stock a nice line ofFishing Tackle at low prices If you are looking for bar ¬

gains you cannot afford to pass us

THE RACKET STOREOpposite Blue Grass Grocery


2Big Hill Coal Co 3

ORLANDO KYShippers of

Alnlte Coal l+ +++t+++ ++++++++ +++++++Jitc ++++++ ++ ++ +++++ ++ +++++ +++ Vi3JIf 1i

Autumn Opening Sale oL

FURNITURELargestlowest prices you gen in

IronBeds Bed Room SuitsDining Room and iuiKitchen Furniture <

iWe guaranteed to save you moneyl Weecordiailyinyite our country friends to call make ourstore their headquarters


1M lWSttj 10

please Our success depends upon it and thereasonable prices at which everything useM is offer

ed will astonish and delIght you Matings andCarpets in variety Our Picture Department iscomplete Framipgfleatly done and the newestmouldings always carried


IPhone Day 73-

Night 66 k 47

Undertaking Specialty


G W Evans Jjr iijEmbslmer

How to Spoil Children

Laugh at their faults en ¬

courage white lies give themtheir own way tell them pet ¬

ty untruths give them whatthey cry for shout at the topof your voice to them neverencourage their efforts to dobetter says Canadian VIes ¬

sengerFlyinto apassion with themseveral times a day punishthem if they break some trifleby accident dont enter intotheir games when they askfor information tell them tobe quiet let them think thestreets are the best place toplayfnever taka any notice oftheir childish sorrows

Dont have any toys or play ¬

things tossed around thehouse dont bother yourselfinviting to your house thechildren of the house they goto dont trouble inviting theircompanions to your house

Always take part againsttheir teachers try to forgetas much as possible that youwere once young yourself

Get servants to teach themtheir prayers and dont troublehow they say themsend themto mass and the sacramentsand dont go with them

Driven to DesperationLiving at an out of the way place re

oftendrivendent resulting in burns cuts woundsBucklensearth 25cat all drugstores 1m

companyhasNear Williamstown Mrs


lhat throbbing headache wouldDrKingssufferers have proved their matchless

headachesTheyyour health Only 25 cents moneydruggfst


Seventeenth AnnualSession Woodland Park

Lexington Ky

June 30

July 10

College Day July ath


JULY 3thGen ItzhuKh Lee

and Others

For deUiled Illustrated programaddress




Kentucky Fair Dates

Klrksville July 17 and 18Georgetown July 21 4 daysCrab Orchard July 22 4 daysCynthiana July 20 4 daysGuthrie July 29 3 daysHustonvllle July 29 3 daysDanville August 4 4 daysMadisonyille August 4 4 daysLexington Aug 10 6 daysFern Creek August 18 4 daysLawrenceburg Augusta 184 daysShepherdaville August 18 4daysMaysville August 19 4 daysShelbyville August 25 4 daysLondon August 263 daysGeimantown August 26 4 daysBardstonn September 1 5 daysNicholaflvillo September 3 daysSomerset September 1 4 daysElizabothtown Sept 8 4 daysBowling Green Sept 15 4 daysKentucky State fair Owensboro

September 21 6 days

Ladies snd Children InvitedAll ladles nnd children who cannotstand the shocking strain ot laxativesyrups cathartics etc are invited to trythe famous Little Early Risers Theyare different from nil other pills Theydo not purge the system Even a dou-ble


dose will not gripe weaken or sicken many people call them the EasyPill W H Howell Houston Texassays nothing better can be uged forconstipation sick headache etc BobMoore Lafayette Ind says all othersirripe and sicken while DC Witts UtileEarly Risers do their work well andeasy Sold by E C Wines 1m

Mountain Lake Park Mary-



This superb summer resortin the heights of the Alleghenies 2800 feet above sealevelis an attractive place for per ¬

sons desiring to combine rec-


rest and intellectual I

uplift It was visited lastyear by 25000 persons repre¬

senting 26 statesof the UnionThe Chautauqua program

under the direction of Dr WL Davidson is one of thebest which genius can deviseor money procure-

Beginning June 1st ticketswill be placed on sale and con ¬

tinue through the seasongood until October 31stSpecial rate tickets for theChautauqua in August

For particular informationabout fares and timeof trainsapply to Ticket Agents of th-eBOSWILR or to OP McCarty Gen Pass AgtCincinnati O-

Information about attrac ¬

tions at Mountain Lake Parkfurnished in reply to inquir ¬

ies addressed to Mr L A

Rudisill MountainLakeParkMd

Worst of All Experiences-Can any thing be worse than to feel

that every minute will be your lastSuch was the ezpeiience 01 Mrs SlINewson Decatnr Ala For three yearspainrroltrouble Death seemed inevitablewhen doctors and all remedies failedAt length 1 was induced to try Elec ¬

inc Bitters anti the result was miracu ¬

lous I improved at once and nowIm completely recovered For liverSidney stomach and bowel troublesElectric Bitters is the only medicineOnly 50c Its guaranteed by all drug¬

gists 1m


Rey Robert Brandenburg of Boonville preached at the Kingston Bap-


church last SundayTrot S JI Tipton of Irvine visited

relatives here SundayProf J L Caperton of the Kingston

hign school closed a very successfulten months term of school last FridayThat be is doing a good work is dewonstrated by the fact that this was bisfifth term and that the Board of Trus-tees has engaged him for this fallwhen the public school will be com-bined with the high school

Rev J Randall Farris who is at ¬

tending the Lexington Bible CollegeIs at home for a few days

MIss Sudie Crawford is still on thesick list

TO OTTSJE A OOLD HT OHX DATTake Laxative Bromo Quinine TabletsAll druggists refund the money Hitfails to cure E W Groves signaturea on each box 26 cents

On account of a strike atthe Chicago Beach Hotel theguest were forced to go intothe kitchen and forage fortheir dinners

In Wolfe county James Lacey and Will Hobbs halfbrothers became involved ina quarrel and Hobbs killedLacey with a rock

Kodol Gives Strengthby enabling the digestive organs to digest assimilate And transform aU of thewholesome food that may be eaten intothe kind of blood that nourishes thenerves feeds the tissues hardens themuscles and recuperates the organs ofthe entire body Kodol DyspepsiaCure cures indigestion dyspepsia ca-


of the stomach aad all stomachdisorders Sold by EC Wines 1m

Over 12 000 was found inthe home Qf anjeccen trie bach ¬

elor at Caro Mich after hisdeath He had lived in squal ¬

or and wretchedness

JUIXIK CABUTH Friday graated a tem-porary


injunction against Allie WYoung and others to prevent themfrom interfering with the Dwrocrtliccommittee of Louisville ad Jeffe oocounty


1 VOTHERjv3CHILDSend for free sample

Chemlattn York

A Remarkable Speech

The courtroom atNew Bos ¬

ton Texas has been the sceneof a most remarkable casebeing tried theStateof Texasvs Hon John Hallum chargedwith shooting W A Forbeea minister who had ruinedHallums home Col Hallumwas an utter stranger andprevious to his trial his fu-


had been preached allover the county for the pur¬

pose of poisoning the peoplesmind against him The law ¬

yers through fearof boycottrefused to defend him andCol Hallum being a notedlawyer and historian defendedhimself like Paul when ar¬

raigned before Agrippa andFestus Col Hallum is anold man his hair whiteas hoarfrost hilt his formstraightasthat of an Indian There hestood before a packed juryand in a crowded courtroomand spoke for three hoursand his speech was filled withpathos and Promethean fireit was the most eloquent pndforceful ever delivered in thehistory of American juris ¬

prudence Its publicationgives to the world its greatestpiece of forensic literatureAt times during his speechthere was not a dry eye in thecourtroom Several timesthe bailiff had to move thecrowd baLk that crowdedaround and crushed him in anendeavor to hear his everyword he was interrupted bythe ministers wife presentinghim with a boquet of flowersThe jury acquitted him with ¬

out leaving the box TheSickle Publishing CompanyMemphis Tenn has pub ¬

lished all the facts in the caseand Cot Hallums famousspeech in book form and sellsit direct for 50 cents It isworth twice that amount andeveryone who believes in thevirtue of woman and protec ¬

tion of home should read itIf you need to have your choir

drilled in vocal music Prof J WHicks late of Louisville is prepared togive you anything in the Vocal Musicline Address him at

tf Richmond Ky

W J Idleman a UnitedStates Deputy Collector ofCustoms in Alaska is underarrest charged with embezzling 40000

While endorsing a check topay the premium on a life in ¬

surance policy for 10000which he had just taken outJ S Farrier dropped dead inthe Farley Bank at Montgom-ery



Cures Blood and Skin DiseasesItching Humors

Send no money simply write andtry Botanic Blood Balm at our ex ¬

penseIf suffer from ulcers eczemascrofula blood poison cancer eatingsores itching skin pimples boilsbone pains swellings rheumatismcatarrh or any blood or skin diseasewe advise you to take Botanic BloodBalm Especially recommended forold obstinate deepseated cases of malIguant blood or skin disease becauseBotanic Blood Balm kills the poison inthe blood cures where all else fails healevery sore makes the blood pure andrich gives the skin the rich glow olhealth B B B the most perfect bloodpurifier made Improves the digestionstrengthens weak kidneys Thorough-ly


tested for thirty years SI per large

completedirectionsBlood Balm sent free by writing BloodBalm Co Atlanta Ga Describe trouble and free medical advice sent insealed letter 1m

Governor Peabody of Col ¬

orado issued a proclamationasking for aid for the floodsufferers

Reuben Linn an exConfed ¬

erate soldier and one of thebestknown men in Gravescounty is dead

Capt Joseph A Carter aformer Tammany leader diedsuddenly in New York

Farm For SaleORe of the best farms in Kentucky

on two good pikes l4 miles from rail ¬

road station and postoffice ExcellentImprovements Mil in grass well wa¬

bred Contlas 255 aerea could bedivided Terms extra easy


apr I tt Ifcd Hotue Ky

u L



From the ArgentR B Baker sold 15 acres of land t1

Conrad Davis for 5425

G M Iiyonu has returned fromMen fee county where he visited rela ¬

tivesDrElmer Northcutt returned yes-

terday from Chicago where he had gone

businessMapleUnion Church will be

dedicatQ4tlIe fourth Sunday of thismonth

Mack Coy of Kirksvillo sold 17hogs that averaged 235 pounds to JF Wagers at five cents a pound

Rev J I Wills and wife of Earrodsbure visited J H Brookshire andfamily from Saturday till Wednesday

Frank Haden who is attending schoolat Wilmore visitisd his brother E LHaden and other relatives here thepast week

Contractors J 0 Stapp and J HJones begun work Tuesday on the new

pike leading from the Tales Crerk pineto the Carvers Ferry road They willpush the work to tin early completion

Rev John Famuliner and Bro Smithfrom Lexington came over Saturday toattend the supper and Bro Famuliuer bought the church quilt payii g25 for it The church being built

herejis mainly due to the great effortput forth by this young preacher midthis quilt will he greatly appreciatedby him as n memento of the first misslonary work which ho has so success-


brought to a finish

Next Wednesday and Thursdaynights C It Boucher County Secretary of the Young Mens Christian As-



will giveun illustrated lect-


at the church Everybody is earncathy invited to attend Wednesdaynight Thursday night the meeting is

for men only It will ba remembered

that Mr Boucher gaye an illustratedlecture at this place some time ago andthose that bad the pleasure of attend¬

log were highly pletsed Dont forget

the date June 10 and 11



One small bottle of Halls Great Dir ¬

covery cures all kidney and bladdertroubles removes gravel diabetesseminal emissions weak and lame backrheumatism and all irregularities of

the kidneys and bladder in both menand women regulates bladder troublesin children If not sold by your drug-

gist will be sent by mail on secelpt of51 One small bottle is two inonthetreatment and will cure any case abovementioned DrE W Hall sole man¬

ufacturer P 0 Box 613 St Louis Mo

Send for testimonial Sold by alldruggist and Owen McKee MerchantRichmond K

BEAD TIIISRichmond Ky Feb 9 1902

Dr E W Hall St Louis MoDearSir I have used onA bottle of theTexas Wonder Halls Great Discoveryfor kidney and bladder trouble Iweighed 150 pounds whun I began usingIt to day I weigh 17G pounds and I

feel better than I have in twenty years I

and I cheerfully recommend it to thepublic Respectfully

7jan ly JonNA RIDDKI

An unknown man commit ¬

ted suicide by hanging him ¬

self in a New York womanshouse

The strike of carpentersat Philadelphia has been set-


by compromise

OneEyeAtaoTimedThats the way we examineUsually the eyes differ in sightA glass which suits onu injures the

other ultimately both sufferWe use modern appliances and scien-

tific skill to avoid mistakesAjraisfit ouJt hurt onr reputation

more it would your eyesBring usyonr eye troubled


s taevexa-Sta 1mO n1

We keep on hand at alltimes a good supply of

Brush Creek Coalfrom the new mines that are be ¬

ing operated a Brush Creek Kyand do not hesitate to say thatyou will find this to be an idealCoal and will reduces your coalbills nearly onehalf At thesame time giving you perfectSatisfaction Also RedJellico and other grades

Coal Feed time

Sand Cement Etc

We are still in the

fee 1and solicit a sshare ofyour patronage WeGuarantee

Polite and PromptService and Good


Letcher1WittCoal Yard and Warehouse

Phone 142 L DepotEichmondj KJf

r i




The Who Wants Variety


VARIETY spiceonlyspicewhohasgreatest varietyoutofdate styles anti-

quated dIversItyelegant garments ever



greatestmamifacproduce morestyles


Our mens and Patent Kid and Patent Corona Shoes arGuaranteed Patent Leather in this any market We their

written guarantee no pair of will monthspurchase are showing the new things in Ladies Footwear Our styles are

newest ourqualities the best prices lowest Give trial and youwill no

Our Ladies Waiting balcony is comeBring dinners eat here Accommodations kinds furnished youyou wait

Very respectfully

WD OLDHAM 21BUSY CASH STORE1ISeven Million boxes in post months



Theres Life and In Every Drop

A scientific combination of the essentialconstituents of PRIME BEEF and

PURE OLD MALTLouisville Kjr January u 1902

MEAT a MALT CO Louisville Ky-

GeulWnenIIayinrexuninedyoor Meat and Malt> acquainted withI

Its and mode of manufacture I canstate that ills an nerve and blood tonic Itexcites the appetite and inTigoiates digestion andIs especially beneficial in nervous Jprostration andaU dneajcs attended with debility Yours truly

L D KASTENBINE MDLoourllle CoHerent Phanaacy


J We see that D B ShackelfordCos customers have putin a stock of Millers TThey

try to whatpeople have tl


VJfepoj inpicQ

jo ontAV jo em0 OOIS omoogoivpiajuaw siIp1Ipuaq1-

UtO AlO1 npmaLU9ACII Bjcrjoop pue po3cjnoDspere noC Ji seaarem epjuraj Inc

eared auop autrcoq sosnamatm3itiT jo BOSI Xnasj raA3jo 1no TCpaiu Xfuiaircnuad remotnpreJooUA ssauItas oltut-

Jo 1° IP Eatt3Ipvtl PIP° Iasn-

zwIDpnonoapnctizoa 1nrnz-Lt7 IParr7r4sangeub

nf jo ito u notncm 2ajjojjns n 111111

tpjt I paw lajupnoii Jtidmis siJQ OULM ul4 1uoq1A pu JlTlnSazoamoaq nooi pus pip j nnsu J saino2s

1 SupoJlus 1RoQnAL 1-

1uotll1t1C111cSP useumu 13iy-V

aallUPIIIM Je1aq eq1 toj vtuttJo v 11J-

J 4oai 03 pnospoo vrtaatca upiso10 Oj 1uq ruu3iqd JO ClQ1

q J joj paZiunoaf ip1iaj ipunita x da pasts 100 pinooT a aj os tJ pinoM r paw dn n iiovluoat SqUIll w pcqucpaq Sulpun-qeq r pU1I sepia pltl Jnq Lor111110110 ooqspnoA aUIIJdotll psIl-oJt talDIdtno tIoltIA uoncnz1su-opesazddnz qUAI sqinoux sum JOJ poiaj-JtaL yjaai i jooaoqji jtotq i pwa


3Y1M31r1 1

n f r



every man in Richmond would come to us for all his clothingEach week we publish a little on this subject This weeks j

argument is directed

To Man j I-

f For tt is said to be the of life In tIrsI

7 fy


I sents not only the but the lest Jwell There are no here nofashIOns the wIdest of all th


new dressy stylish anrfz ikin t

tcV iThe man who here can alway feel t

that he has the style lest suited to his individualitySchloss Co whose clothing we

Bell one of thetorleain andthan any other concern in the countryThere are famous as the Best

World and all bear thisSupcrloritJ

C Dizen make of boysonly Shoes sold or give

that these crack within three after lWe all Fine

the our the our shoes abuy

Room on the free for all ladies and useyour and them of all while

sold 12J




MEAT Louisville

made himbig Ranges

get will




I3qpuol oqoj paoiaaa









This signature

Baiking on PaintThepractical painter saysyou can bank onPattons SunProof Paintbecause it saves the costof at least one painting J

every five years Thepainter banks on itbecause it gives him areputation


I Paint



ywGyo a 4A

Cwuts 1






is made in exact proportions of the most durable materialsperfectly mixed by improved machinery It is the best spread-


longest wearing paint and has the most brilliant and lastingcolors Guaranteed to wear for five years Send for book ofPaint Knowledge and Advice free to

PATTON PAINT CO Lake St Milwaukee Wls


BYGeorue M1WiIIgigWall Paper Eaints Glass


Walt PaperJust received two car loads of wall paper fornineteen hundred and three

Nice New andSnappy Designs

at popular prices ranging from 5c to 25c per single roll We cordially invite all who are going

tocallandinspectourstockbeforeyou our goods whether you buy or not

We are sole agents for Harrisons Town andCoun-

tryReady Mixed Paintwhich has been on the market for over a centuryIt will cover more space than any other mixed

> Paint on the market and we guarantee it to standfor TEN YEARS and will cheerfully refundyour money if it isjiot as represented

Perry ThomasW <KWWt >

Next door to 4isouNLB t c Jl nS 1i
