By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost

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Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost their jobs. So they decided to go sail round the world with Michael and his dog Stella Artois, and the great PEGGY SUE.

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Page 2: By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost

PEGGY SUE 1Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost their jobs. So they decided to go sail round the world with Michael and his dog Stella Artois, and the great PEGGY SUE.

Page 3: By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost

WATER WATER EVERYWHERE 2They sailed off and Michael’s mum was skipper and Stella just barks at anything she saw in the water. His mum wants to keep him a ship’s log because he did not have to do any HOMEWORK!!!!!!When it comes to a stormy night Michael and Stella curl up in bed and hope for it to go away VERY quickly .

Page 4: By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost

Ship’s log 3Michael starts his ships log .He has been writing about the places he has visited so far One day I saw a flying fish and a basking shark and drew them in my diary, I heard Stella barking I tried to stop her by going up with my football ,but I did not have my harness on properly!!!!! The boat started to rock my favourite football. Michael did not know what to do because not one thing was around him expect the fish under his feet.

Page 5: By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost


Michael was stuck with just his favourite football to keep him above water .so he decided to sleep through the night, when he woke up he was on island with old man. Michael built a fire so the boats that pass can see the smoke and pick him up ,but when he set the fire and the old man came walking up shouting Dameda Dameda .He came with almighty RAGE !!!!and put the fire out with his stick and walked off to the top of the hill and drew a line with his stick to show not to go over that line

Page 6: By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost

I KENSUKE 5 Every morning I woke that I woke up it was either fish or fruit ,I was very surprised because Stella actually ate all the food .So now he could not be bothered what kensuke thought he went every day and put a lot more wood on the fire, he worked for days on end.

There was a very rough storm for a few days so his fire got drenched in rain!!!!!!! I remembered that I had my fire glass in my pocket ,so when the fire was dry he went up to light it .when the old man saw the smoke he came and took the fire glass straight out of his hand and threw it at a rock !!! He was very angry at him.

Page 7: By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost

ABUNAIHe was standing at the top of his voice “I'm here, I'm here!”. He could no longer shout for his throat went raw There was a very thunderous storm that night and I would still have fruit and fish at the mouth of my cave under its tin.

The storm stayed for 4 days and Stella and Michael lay at the back of the cave .Now he did not care what Kensuke had said he went ahead and got into the sea then Kensuke said abunai!abunai!.so he went deeper and he felt a sudden shock of his spine and went up all of his body he knew this was the end of his life.

Page 8: By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost


He woke and smelt vinegar and thought I was at home (every Friday night his dad brought home chips )but he was not at home he was in the cave looking at the top of the cave and he tried to move his head round but it hurt to much he could see off the corner of his eye he was painting on some stones he had always wanted to see but he washed them of after he gave me one of a cherry blossom tree.

Page 9: By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost

EVERYONE DEAD IN NAGASAKI 8They went out on a boat and Kensuke said he would tell him a story when they got out far enough. So Kensuke started telling his story. It was Japan against America. They were out at sea and bombs every where Kensuke was doctor he had to stay with his patience

The boat floated onto the island. I stayed, but I heard the Americans and I hid and took nearly everything on the boat that I could find. Kensuke remembered about his wife Kimi and his son Micha. The Americans bombed the boat and he could hear them laughing which made him Kensuke very sad.

Page 10: By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost

NIGHT OF THE TURTLES 9That night Kensuke and Michael went onto the beach to save the turtles that had just been born or they would have died.

Page 11: By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost

KILLER MEN COME !!!!There was a boat coming across the ocean and Kensuke and Michael gathered all of the and orang-utans and hid in a cave they went out of the cave and the boat was coming back and it was the PEGGY SUE !!!!

When his mother saw that it was him she was over joyed that she had found his son .Every one said that he would be dead but she always had belief in her son,but Michael was very sad to leave Kensuke but he just wanted to stay at his island.

Page 12: By Charlotte Patterson Michael was a young boy, his mother and father worked as brickworks. One day when his mother and father came home when they lost