By: Abby Nelson Page Link: http://greenbuzzz.com/animals/top- 10-most-endangered-species-list- 2014/

By: Abby Nelson Page Link: most-endangered-species-list-2014

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By: Abby NelsonPage Link:


The Javan Rhinoceros is a species of rhino that is critically endangered. The species lives in Ujung Kulon National Pack in Java, Indonesia. There is only about 40 individuals left in the world. The species used to be the most widespread Asian rhino. Their fall is mainly because of poaching for their horns.

The Amur leopard is a critically endangered species living in Southeast Russia and Northeast China. Only about 20 of these cats still walk the earth. The population fall for these cats is because of poaching. Many people want their beautiful furs for luxuries.

The Northern Sportive lemur is a critically endangered species living in Madagascar. Although not very attractive, this lemur is an herbivore. Living together there is a small group of 18 with none in captivity as of right now.

The Saola is another critically endangered species live in wet forest in eastern Indochina. Also know as the Asian Unicorn, the saola was thought to be extinct until 2013 when on person caught a picture of a saola. The current population is, as of now, undetermined.

The ivory-billed woodpecker is the largest woodpecker species in the world. It used to reside in Southeastern United States. Their numbers have declined so much in the last decade. The species was pronounced extinct until 2005 when one person in Arkansas thought he saw one. Their have been more sightings but no real proof. The population is unknown. Most people think this species is extinct.