Booklet SEP 2010, Croatian Week[1]

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  • 8/7/2019 Booklet SEP 2010, Croatian Week[1]



    Welcome 2Introduction of the Programme 3Programme overview 4DAY 1: Monday 5th April 5DAY 2: Tuesday 6th April 6DAY 3: Wednesday 7th April 8DAY 4: Thursday 8th April 10DAY 5: Friday 9th April 13DAY 6: Saturday 10th April 14

    DAY 7: Sunday 11th April 16DAY 8: Monday 12th April 17Participants 18Important phone numbers 25Matches and phone numbers 26Language skills 27

    Dear SEPpers 2010,


    to the Croatian Week of the Satellite Exchange Programme 2010!


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    After the unforgettable Dutch Week in February, now it is our time to provideyou a week full of interesting activities in Croatia. During this week we will tryto show you how Croatian people live, work, study and, of course, party.

    As the Dutch SEP Committee did, we have also prepared some actvities thatyou wouldn't do on regular basis and to show you some unique places, thatare strange and ineresting to some Croatian participants as well.The programme is full of social, educational and cultural activities, so wesuppose that you have prepared yourself phyisically and mentally for stayingawake for one more week.Our goal is to help you make this week as unforgettable as the Dutch one. Wewould like our Dutch guests to have a pleasant stay in our beautiful country.We would also like to kindly ask you to socialize as much as you can with allthe participants and make this week a lifetime experience for all of us.Let's get the party started!!SEP 2010 Croatian Committee:Ozren, Ivan, Ines & Petra

    Introduction to the ProgrammeIn this booklet we have made an overview of all the activities of each day ofthis week. The days are almost fully booked, so you just have to check whenand where you are required to be present at the begining of the activities foreach day.The Croatian participants have to check if they need to prepare a meal for theirDutch guests.All the participants have to take their Sudionik card every day, to enter thepublic transport without any problems.Please, also check your dress code, on Thursday we are visiting the CroatianParliament, so you have to wear formal clothes.Make sure that you can identify yourself at any time, either with an ID ora Passport (Croatian participants can also show their driver's license).As during the Dutch Week, please also try to speak as much English as youcan, as the group can easily separate by speaking their native tongue.


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    If something unexpected occurs, you can contact someone from thecommittee to help you. Also, if you have any questions and remarks, pleaseadress them to any member of the committee.

    Do not forget that in Croatia you cannot pay with Euro the official currency isKUNA (Croatian kuna HRK), the rate is approximately 1 EUR = 7,25 HRK!

    Programme overviewDAY 1: Monday 5th April

    11:45 Gather at EFZG (Faculty of Economics &Business

    Zagreb)12:55 Arrival of the Dutch participants at ZagrebAirport14:00 Tour around Zagreb17:00 Accomodation at the matche's home20:00 Dinner at Nokturno21:30 Welcome drink at Tomato

    DAY 5: Friday 9th April

    09:50 Gather at EFZG for departure to theTrakoscan

    castle and Varazdin12:30 Guided tour around the Trakoscan castle14:00 An opportunity to get some food15:30 Arrival at Varazdin and Start of the quiz route18:00 Departure from Varazdin back to Zagreb19:30 Arrival at Zagreb20:00 Dinner night

    DAY 2: Tuesday 6th April

    09:30 Gather at EFZG09:45 Le Tour de Faks tour around the Faculty10:15 Welcome speeches (room 51 - PDS center,EFZG)10:30 Guest lecture by dr. Lejla Bosak (room 51 -PDS

    center, EFZG)12:30 Lunch time at the Borongaj campus14:30 Lecture about Croatia led by Croatianparticipants

    (room 25, EFZG)16:00 Leisure time19:45 Gather at City Center shopping center19:50 Bowling night

    DAY 6: Saturday 10th April

    07:45 Gather in front of Lisinski Concert Hall08:00 Departure to Istria11:15 Arrival at Hum the smallest city in the World13:45 Visit to National Park Brijuni18:00 Departure from Brijuni back to Zagreb23:00 Free night

    DAY 3: Wednesday 7th April

    09:00 Gather at Kvaternikov trg10:00 Visit Coca-Cola Hellenic13:00 Lunch in the city or bring your own lunch14:00 Guided tour around the ArcheologicalMuseum16:15 Guided tour around the Museum of

    Contemporary Art18:00 Free time21:00 Gather at Trg bana J. Jelacica

    DAY 7: Sunday 11th April

    09:45 Gather in front of Lisinski for departure toSamobor

    11:00 Visit to Grgosova Cave near Samobor12:00 Arrival at Samobot and sightseeing tour14:00 Lunch15:30 Visit to a traditional craftsman (Gingerbread)16:30 Friendly soccer match (2nd leg)18:00 Departure from Samobor back to Zagreb19:00 MAKE SURE YOU'VE PACKED YOUR BAGS


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    21:15 Partytime at Purgeraj (or Free night go outwith

    your match)

    21:00 Gather & Goodbye party at Urban

    DAY 4: Thursday 8th

    April09:40 Gather at EFZG10:00 Visit Economics Institute12:20 Lunch & coffee at the Faculty13:40 Gather at Trg bana J. Jelacica14:10 Visit to the Croatian Parliament & meeting

    with mr. Neven Mimica16:15 Visit Croata ties17:15 Free time21:30 Gather at Britanski trg21:45 Karaoke night

    DAY 8: Monday 12th

    April09:20 Gather in front of EFZG09:30 Departure to Zagreb Airport11:00 Arrival of the Croatian participants back toEFZG12:25 Departure of the Dutch participants fromZagreb

    back to Tilburg

    DAY 1: Monday 5th

    April Arrival DayStart:Meeting point:Dress code:Food:Food payment:Transport:Contact:Additional:

    11:45EFZGCasualNokturnoDinner includedBus / Public transportOzren-

    Overview:11:45 Gather at EFZG (Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb)12:55 Arrival of the Dutch participants at Zagreb Airport14:00 Tour around Zagreb17:00 Accomodation at the matche's home20:00 Dinner at Nokturno21:30 Welcome drink at Tomato

    Welcome to Zagreb, Croatia


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    The Dutch participants will be welcomed by their Croatian mathces at Zagrebairport. After a short ride to Zagreb by bus, we will make a short sightseeingtour, to see the most important parts in the center of the city. After that, theCroatian participants will show their matches their sleeping accommodationsand they will have enough time to take a shower and a short nap beforecoming back to the center to have collective dinner at Nokturno. The first,Arrival day, will be closed with a welcome- drink at Tomato cafe bar.


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    DAY 2: Tuesday 6th April Faculty DayStart:Meeting point:Dress code:Food:Food payment:Transport:Contact:Additional:

    09:30EFZGSemi-formalAt own opportunityAt own expensePublic transportIvan-

    Overview:09:30 Gather at EFZG09:45 Le Tour de Faks tour around the Faculty

    10:15 Welcome speeches (room 51 - PDS center, EFZG)10:30 Guest lecture by dr. Lejla Bosak (room 51 - PDS center, EFZG)12:30 Lunch time at the Borongaj campus14:30 Lecture about Croatia led by Croatian participants (room 25, EFZG)16:00 Leisure time19:45 Gather at City Center shopping center19:50 Bowling night

    Le Tour de FaksFaculty of Economics and Business is a part of the University of Zagreb. TheFaculty started out as the School of Commerce and Transport in 1920. Sincethen it has often changed its name but never its mission - to emphasize theimportance of economics and business for the well-being of the country and itscitizens, as well as to educate experts in these fields, especially in the currentenvironment of internationalization and globalization.School of Commerce and Transport became the Economic-commercial Schoolwith the legal status of the Universitys faculty in the 1925. Economic-commercial School became the Faculty of Economics in 1947. In 1956 theSchool of Business was founded, with the two-year study program andcurriculum that was adjusted for adult students who already had experience inbusiness. In 1968 the two schools were merged together and the Faculty ofEconomic Science was founded. In 1982 the Faculty of Economic Science and

    the Faculty for International Trade merged into the Faculty of Economics andBusiness.


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    Between 1927 and May 1st 1995, 18000 studentshad graduated and 501 doctoral theses were

    defended at the Faculty of Economics andBusiness. From 1962 to the May 1st 1995, morethan 2000 master theses were defended.The Faculty of Economics and Business has excellent reputation in educatingexperts in the field of economics and business. The interest for studying at thisFaculty is higher and higher year after year, and especially in the last fewyears. Therefore our goal is to fulfil the expectations of our students bydeveloping modern educational programmes and encourage various teachingand research programmes.

    Guest lectureToday we will have a kind of workshop, led by dr. Lejla Bosak, Head

    of International Affairs at EFZG. The title of the workshop is Human

    capital corporate perspectives. Dr. Bosak is a manager with twelve

    years of outperforming professional track record in leading

    healthcare national and multinational companies (also in Johnson &

    Johnson), so you will be able to find out anything you are interested

    in, concerning Human Resources Management.


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    Bowling night

    Bowling is a sport in which players attempt to score points by rolling

    a bowling ball along a flat surface, usually a wooden or synthetic

    surface, either into objects called pins or to get close to a target ball.


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    DAY 3: Wednesday 7th April Cultural DayStart:Meeting point:Dress code:Food:Food payment:Transport:Contact:Additional:

    09:00Kvaternikov trgSemi-formalAt own opportunityAt own expensePublic transportInes-

    Overview:09:00 Gather at Kvaternikov trg10:00 Visit Coca-Cola Hellenic

    13:00 Lunch in the city or bring your own lunch14:00 Guided tour around the Archeological Museum16:15 Guided tour around the Museum of Contemporary Art18:00 Free time21:00 Gather at Trg bana J. Jelacica21:15 Partytime at Purgeraj (or Free night go out with your match)

    Coca-Cola Hellenic


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    Coca-Cola HBC Croatia is one of the biggestcompanies in the non-alcoholic beverage industry in

    the country and is a franchised bottler of The Coca-Cola Company. They produce, sell and distribute tocustomers a range of non-alcoholic beveragesincluding four of the worlds best selling brands:Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola zero (diet Coke), Fanta andSprite. During this visit, you will find out how thecompany works, how they manage their HR, and

    you will also get the opportunity to see the bottlingplant.

    Archaeological Museum

    The Archaeological Museum in Zagreb is one of thedirect successors to the former National Museum,the oldest museum institution in the Croatian capital.The museum collections, today consisting of nearly

    400,000 varied artifacts and monuments, have beengathered over the years from many differentsources. Most of this material in the first years anddecades of museum activity was acquired throughpurchase or gifts, and a major role was played bythe "museum representatives", who were active inthe field throughout all of Croatia. As early as the1880s, the museum began systematic


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    archaeological excavations in various Croatianregions, acquiring in this manner abundant material,

    and at the same time valuable data for studying theeveryday life of the inhabitants from the prehistoricage to the mediaeval period. The most recentmuseum activities in this field include the systematicexcavation and conservation (in the form ofarchaeological parks) of Roman urban architecturalcomplexes at Scitarjevo near Zagreb (Andautonia)and at Varazdinske Toplice (Aquae Iasae), whileother scientific staff of the museum are excavatingsites in the Zumberak area and at Stenjevac nearZagreb, as well as at various other archaeological

    sites in the continental sections of Croatia, mainly inthe Zagreb metropolitan area.The Museum of Contemporary Art

    After many years of effort invested in securing anadequate space for the Museum, either by

    remodelling the existing or by constructing abuilding, a decision was made in 1998 in favour ofthe latter option. The new location was set in NoviZagreb, at the crossroads of Veeslav Holjevac andDubrovnik Avenues. On 17 November 2003, theconstruction works on the new Museum ofContemporary Art officially began. The new buildingwas finally opened in late autumn of 2009. The


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    ground floor is entirely intended for the visitors itcontains the museum shop, childrens workshop,library with a reading hall, a minor exhibition space,

    restaurant, and a multimedia hall. The exhibitionrooms are located on the upper floors of theMuseum, constructed in a meander-like form.Multifaceted as they are, they make it possible toenlarge, diminish, and intertwine the permanentcollection and the temporary exhibitions,and aresuitable for exhibiting and presenting even the mostdemanding exhibition projects.

    DAY 4: Thursday 8th April Institutional DayStart:Meeting point:Dress code:Food:Food payment:Transport:Contact:Additional:

    09:40EFZGFormalAt own opportunityAt own expensePublic transportOzrenMake sure you don't forget yourID

    Don't forget to congratulateFerrari (Anamarija) with herbirthday

    Overview:09:40 Gather at EFZG10:00 Visit Economics Institute12:20 Lunch & coffee at the Faculty13:40 Gather at Trg bana J. Jelacica14:10 Visit to the Croatian Parliament & meeting with mr. Neven Mimica16:15 Visit Croata ties


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    17:15 Free time21:30 Gather at Britanski trg21:45 Karaoke night

    The Institute of EconomicsThe Institute of Economics, Zagreb is a public scientific institute, founded in1939., that conducts scientific and development research in the field ofeconomics. They are particularly dedicated to conducting empirical research inorder to improve the understanding of Croatia's economy and identify policymeasures that could spur its growth and development. We will have theopportunity to talk with the young ecomists, who are doing all the research onCroatian economy.

    Croatian Parliament


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    The Croatian Parliament is a representative body ofcitizens and is vested with the legislative power inthe Republic of Croatia. The Parliament, as theoldest state institution, has been advocating,guaranteeing and protecting Croatias statehoodand national interests throughout centuries. Until themid-nineteenth century, membership in theParliament was restricted to members of thearistocracy and clergy. Then in 1848, pursuant to the

    Electoral Order issued at the command of JosipJelai Croatias ban, or royal governor - the firstParliament of citizens in Croatia was elected. Allable-bodied members from the previous Parliamentremained in it (at the invitation of the ban), while anadditional 192 representatives of the people, electedregardless of social station (although subject to

    property and educational restrictions), were elected.After the first democratic multiparty elections held in Croatia on 30

    May 1990, the first multiparty parliament was constituted. According

    to the provisions of the new Constitution promulgated in December

    1990, the Parliament consisted of two chambers: the Chamber of

    Deputies with legislative authority, and the Chamber of Counties

    with an advisory role and the right to lodge so-called suspension

    vetoes. After the enactment of constitutional amendments in 2000,

    which changed the semi-presidential system in a parliamentary


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    system, the Parliament acquired a new, more important role in

    Croatias political system. After the elimination of the Chamber of

    Counties under the constitutional amendments enacted in 2001, the

    Croatian Parliament became unicameral.

    Mr. Neven Mimica

    Neven Mimica is a politician and diplomat. Mimicagraduated from the University of Zagreb Faculty ofEconomics in 1976. Between 1979 and 1997 heheld positions in various governmental bodiesrelated to foreign relations and foreign trade

    policies, including several counseling positions atembassies in Cairo and Ankara. In 1997 he wasappointed assistant to the Croatian Minister ofEconomy and served as Croatia's chief negotiatorduring the country's accession to the World TradeOrganization and the European Union Association

    Agreement. In September 2001 he became Ministerof Integration under Prime Minister Ivica Raan,position he held until December 2003.He was elected to the Croatian Parliament in 2003 as a

    representative of the Social Democratic Party, and again in 2007.

    Since January 2008 he serves as deputy speaker of the Croatian

    parliament and is also the chairman of the parliament's committee

    for European integration.


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    Croata ties

    Did you know that Croatia is the mother country of the necktie?

    During the European Thirty Years War (1618-1648),the Croatian legendary light cavalry reached all theway to Paris. It is interesting that the Croats, as partof their traditional national costume, tied livelycolored scarves around their neck in their ownspecial manner. In time od Louis XIV, this beautifulCroatian style impressed the fastidious Parisiens somuch that they adopted this new fashion item worna la maniere croate (in the Croatian way). This isthe story of Cravats entrance into the fashion of the

    time, the story of Europe and the whole civilizedworld conquered by cravat as symbol of culture andprestige.

    Karaoke nightWe will end this day singing. We will find out who are the best singers amongstourselves! The best ones will get the prize!


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    DAY 5: Friday 9th April Hrvatsko Zagorje DayStart:Meeting point:Dress code:Food:Food payment:


    09:50EFZGCasualDinner includedLunch at own expense

    BusInesDon't forget to congratulateMasha with her birthday

    Overview:09:50 Gather at EFZG for departure to the Trakoscan castle and Varazdin12:30 Guided tour around the Trakoscan castle14:00 An opportunity to get some food15:30 Arrival at Varazdin and Start of the quiz route18:00 Departure from Varazdin back to Zagreb

    19:30 Arrival at Zagreb20:00 Dinner night

    The Trakostjan CastleTrakostjan was built in the late 13th century as part of the defense fortificationnetwork of the Zagorje principality. It was a small fortress serving as anobservation post overlooking the road from Ptuj towards the Bednja valley.


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    Varazdin quiz routeVarazdin is a city in north Croatia, 81 km north of Zagreb. City population is41,434 on 34.22 km2. The centre of Varadin county is located near the Dravariver, at It's mainly known for its baroque heritage (mainly buildings), textile,food and IT industry. The first written reference to Varadin, whose historicalname is Garestin, was on 20 August 1181, when King Bla III mentioned thenearby thermal springs (Varadinske Toplice) in a legal document. During ourstay in Varazdin, you will have to find some buildings and answer a fewquestions, and while doing this you will learn some general information aboutthis old town.

    DAY 6: Saturday 10th

    April Istria DayStart:Meeting point:Dress code:Food:Food payment:Transport:Contact:Additional:

    07:45Lisinski Concert HallCasualAt own opportunityAt own expenseBusOzren-

    Overview:07:45 Gather in front of Lisinski Concert Hall08:00 Departure to Istria11:15 Arrival at Hum the smallest city in the World13:45 Visit to National Park Brijuni18:00 Departure from Brijuni back to Zagreb23:00 Free night



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    Hum is a town in the central part of Istria, northwest Croatia, on a hill

    above the Mirna valley. The elevation of the town is 349 m. This

    small fortified habitation has maintained all the features of medieval

    urban architecture and organization.

    On its western side it is enclosed by town walls and on the remaining

    sides houses are built into the defensive walls. The "Hum Glagolitic

    wall writings" (Gljagolica = the old Croatian writing) are preserved in

    the church, written in the formative period of Glagolitic (the second

    half of the 12th century) and they are one of the oldest examples of

    Croatian Glagolitic literary culture in the Middle Ages. Hum has a

    population of only 6 people (2001 census), but is officially a town,

    and is the Guinness World Record holder for the smallest town in the

    world. The town museum displays a few Glagolitic writings.

    National Park Brijuni

    The Brijuni islands that form the National Park stretch along the south-westcoast of the Istrian peninsula; they are separated from the Istrian mainland bythe Faana Channel which is 3 km wide. The sightseeing tour includes: a rideby tourist train, visit to the remains of the Roman villa rustica from the I centuryB.C. in the bay of Verige, and the safari park which breeds the followinganimals: zebra, Somali sheep, zebu (the holy east Indian humped ox),dromedary, llama and elephant. The tour also includes visits to thearchaeological museum located in the Citadel building from the XVI century

    and the Church of St. Germain with permanent exhibition of copies of frescoesand Glagolitic writings from Istra. The sightseeing of the island of Veliki Brijunis organized under un expert guidance in English.


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    DAY 7: Sunday 11th April Samobor DayStart:Meeting point:Dress code:Food:Transport:Contact:Additional:

    09:45Lisinski Concert HallCasual + sportswearLunch includedBusPetraDon't forget to congratulateHedviga with her birthday

    Overview:09:45 Gather in front of Lisinski for departure to Samobor11:00 Visit to Grgosova Cave near Samobor12:00 Arrival at Samobot and sightseeing tour14:00 Lunch15:30 Visit to a traditional craftsman (Gingerbread)16:30 Friendly soccer match (2nd leg)18:00 Departure from Samobor back to Zagreb19:00 MAKE SURE YOU'VE PACKED YOUR BAGS21:00 Gather & Goodbye party at Urban


    Samobor is a little town near Zagreb. It is located inthe northwest part of Croatia, along the Slovenianborder (5 km) and in the vicinity of the Croatiancapital Zagreb (20 km). Slightly to the side of themain airway, railway and roadway corridors.For Samobor is very important number of their


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    craftsman. The number of craftsmen in Samobor

    was always significant: in 1754 it has been recordeda total of 148 craftsmen from 28 differentprofessions. It was for that time really significanteconomic and commercial force. Nowadays inSamobor is also a lots of craftsmans. Respectingthe eternal family tradition people who live herecontinue with small crafts and mostly privatebusinesses. Magnificent promenades in the townitself, protected forests at its perimeter and gourmetspecialities of popular Samobor restaurants are thestrongest lure for the visitors. However, otherelements (cultural and historic heritage, traditionalevents, sports facilities) will also ensure your stay intown is enjoyable.

    DAY 8: Monday 12th April Departure DayStart:

    Meeting point:Dress code:Transport:Contact:Additional:


    EFZGCasualBus / airplaneOzrenMake sure you don't forgetanything

    Overview:09:20 Gather in front of EFZG09:30 Departure to Zagreb Airport


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    11:00 Arrival of the Croatian participants back to EFZG12:25 Departure of the Dutch participants from Zagreb back to Tilburg

    Goodbye friends!We will accompany you to the airport. We hope that you have all enjoyed theCroatian Week and that you've had an unforgettable experience!! We alsohope that you will stay in touch with all the other participants after theProgramme and maybe visit each other even this very summer!!

    All the best,Ozren, Ivan, Ines & Petra

    ParticipantsLet's see what the participants have to say about his/her match afterthe Dutch Week:Ozren WinklerThis guy, the best match evah, is always having a good time and he thinks thateverything will work out... eventually. So when you need to catch a plane orsomething like that, you don't have to worry, because he will start packing hisstuff, 5 minutes before we are leaving. Ozren is also becoming a true Dutchie,with his clogs in his bag and a stoopwafel in his hand, you wouldn't say he isactually from Croatia. I'm really looking forward to next week!!!:D

    Thomas van PeltDefinitely the worst tour guide in the whole Universe, but definitely the bestpossible host. Thomas is always cheerful and caring, sometimes beeingoverprotective (not in a negative way). I can't wait to see Thomas in action inCroatia, with a beer in one hand and with the other hand hugging all thepeople around him ;-)))

    Ivan Vrhovski


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    Ivan the magnificent is a social, singing, music making guy. He likes toexperience new things and can cook pancakes. Furthermore you can count onhim if you have to carry a drunk roommate to bed when she falls asleep on the

    stairs.Coen van BaalI never thought I would meet a member of Royal family. :) Coen really showedthat he is a "dirty Harry" as he was probably the only successful Dutchparticipant to closely interact with Croatian girls. He really loves beer andbecause of cheep beer in Croatia I wonder if he will prolong his stay at myplace for at least 5-6 weeks. It won't be a problem as we get along quite well,with or without cookies! :)

    Petra SkrobotPetra is in the Croatian SEP committee and she is one of the most outgoing

    and enthusiastic persons I have ever met! Her most common sentence duringthe week we spent in the Netherlands was: I like everything! Especiallyduring the parties, she was unstoppable. And she doesnt even get tired!Getting up after 3 hours of sleep was no problem for her, she was just ashappy and vivid as the day before! Although keeping up with her is quite hard,I am sure we will have a wonderful week together in Croatia!!

    Nikolina HorvatI was the lucky one who had two matches! Nikolina is the best friend of Petra,and together they were my matches during the Dutch week. Nikolina is a verykind and friendly person, and she loves stroopwafels! We had a great weektogether in the Netherlands and I am looking forward to spending the Croatianweek together with her!

    Ellen GruytersIf you don't have a company for going out, you can always call Ellen. She isalways ready for party. She is also always ready for making jokes. Be in hercompany is always fun. She's best friend is Janneke, and they are spanding alot of time together.

    Ines Kos

    Ines is one of the committee members of the SEP in Croatia and I do think Igot to know her quite well during her stay over here. She seemed to be anatural in cycling!! She got used to the cycling very fast I must say and thatreally surprised me. She followed me everywhere! I experienced her as areally calm and nice person who has everything under control. She was nevertoo tired to get up and always tried to get the best out of every day. She wasreally enthusiastic and interested in what we prepared for everyone in theDutch Week. I really like her being my match and I am sure she will be a goodhost for me during the Croatian Week!

    Janneke Driessen


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    Janneke is a lovely Dutch girl who unlike other has a hair-dryer :) There is norush for her, she'll make on time using shortcuts and fast bike riding. We'll seehow she manages the same with trams in Zagreb, while they are less flexible

    and reliable when in traffic jam! She's also a Spain lover, and there she spendsher summer weeks so we'll see how she likes the Croatian coast, hopefullyshe'll find it appealing and maybe become one of our tourists this summer!

    Maja TeklicThe first thing I remember about Maja is the picture she took off me at theairport, even before we actually met;) I found that taking pictures is somethingthat Maja likes very much. She took pictures of everything, but that's probablywhat I'm going to do during the Croatian week too! I had a very good time withMaja as my match in the Netherlands. It was always fun to talk to each other,learn new things about our countries, and going out in the evenings. I'm

    looking foward to the Croatian week with Maja as my match and of course therest of you!

    Stephanie MatseInteresting girl with superpowers, she can ride a bike with wet hair and in heelswithout socks while it's -10C and she doesn't catch a cold :) She loves totravel so I'm wondering whether is she going to be Chinese girl in Croatia, likeme in Netherlends.

    Ivan Gregorovic

    Ivan loves life, besides this he also loves to sleep. Ivan really likes to party andwhen he does he does it good. So not standing with a beer in a pub easilytalking, no when you party you really party and dance! When Ivan came to theNetherlands he really was looking forward to the "Dutch cookies",unfortunately he found the effect of the cookies a bit disappointing. The dutchstroopwafels were a lot better actually!"

    Thomas van SteenisThomas is a great friend and a host. You can always rely on him and know thathe will be there for you. He is very smart and an excellent student, but alsoreal party animal. So don't be surprised if you see him last leaving the disco.

    Dalibor SmoljanovicThis little bandit likes to dress up as a girl. He is really sportive guy and whenwe were going to play football, insiders of this match evaluated him as the manof the match. He was even getting out of bed on time.

    Luk van den BorneAlways jolly and in a good mood, Luk will be prepared to help you, wheneveryou need. Siple, kind and warm, hell be sincere friend and try to understandall your problems. Person that you can always count on. Still free, so girls,attack him ;-)


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    Masa BorkoMasha is as sweet and innocent as she looks like. Partying with her is never

    boring: she gets into a fight, loses her keys or is the dancing queen on the bar.Besides loving to party, she also loved the formal parts of the SEP and didn'tget bored during the guest lectures. But the thing that impressed her mostduring the SEP was the big wind mill in Volendam.

    Maaike DiepstratenShe is openminded, interesting, optimistic, tolerant, funny, relaxed, knowswhat she wants. You can't be borred around her because she has alwayssomething to say and that is why I enjoyed in her company so much! She likeschocolate sprinkels, traveling, meeting new people and dancing on the bar! ;)

    Dunja RozmanWhat can I say about Dunja? I think the most important thing is that she is asuper match!! That is not only because the fact that she prefers to take ashower in the evening, and I prefer to take a shower in the morningso that isperfect when you have to be ready at the same time in the morning. But alsobecause she is SUPER, very friendly, funny and social. The second day of thedutch week, there were some friends at our house and they believed that shewas our new roommate. I wish she was! We had a lot of contact the lastweeks, and I hope it will never change!!

    Bertine van Houselt

    Bertine is a joyful young lady, who not only loves to play tennis, but is vreygood at that too. She is a very responsible, outgoing and openminded girl.Although she is often very buisy with her classes and work, she never saysno to a good party with her friends! Lovely girl ;-)

    Kristina ZilicThis pretty Croatian girl is interested in everything around her. You can talkwith her about all kind of things and youll never be bored. During the DutchWeek we found out that there is a big culture difference between the Dutchand Croatian people: the hairdryer After taking a shower, Kristina ALWAYSneeds a hairdryer!

    Leonie van KaamLeonie is nice and polite girl, she is always smiled, but also a bit shy.Her dad isgreat cook! :) She likes sport a lot, especially hockey.She has a lot of friends,and she loves to hang out with them and have fun...

    Maja PazinAs we dind't get Sandra's opinion about Maja, we'll have to write a couple ofwords. Maja is a 2nd year Economics student. She is a great friend, always witha smile on her face (well, most of the time) and always ready for a fancy drinkwhen everyone else drinks beer ;-))


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    Sandra van Overveld

    Sandra is the coolest Dutch She is second year student studying businessadministration and she passed all the exams until now! She is active inMarketing Association at her Faculty and she went to South Africa for a monthlast October with the Association. Besides that her hobbies are swimming,squash, going out and travelling and she really can't wait to arrive in Zagreb.

    Anamarija Ferrari'Ferrari' is a little Croatian girly, very cheerful, sporty and lovely. She thinks thatriding a bike is the best thing ever, so long as it is not raining, snowing, blowingor cold... which unfortunately is very rare here! Traditional Dutch sandwicheswith 'hagelslag' and 'filet americain (raw meat)' went down well but she has

    eaten enough of those to last her a long time!! She likes to go out and party,proper style!! Dutch music is not really her thing but plenty of Schrobbeler orcookies can make up for that!! I hope the glitters from 'Carnaval night' havecome off by now because it's time to check out Croatia!

    Lauren JenkinsVery sociable, communicative and talkative, Lauren will always be there foryou ready to help you starting from those simple things such as providingyou superb dinner to those tricky ones such as giving you hand and support todance on the bar. Yes, ON the bar ;-) Rumors say that she knows everybody inTilburg, so dont be surprised if, at the end of the Croatian week she gets toknow more people here than you!

    Petar DevericWhat can I say about Petar? Petar or the pharaoh is a very nice and socialguy. Instead of me he didnt had trouble to come out of bed early in themorning. During the day Petar was a calm guy most of the time busy takingpictures with his phone. But when the night falls he is a real party animal!Together with me we were the die hards of the SEP. And Petar even wanted toparty more. He is a great match and Im looking forward to next week!

    Mike BoumansWhat to say about Mike? Simply, he is the coolest match for sure! He is

    easygoing and always ready for fun what makes him great company.Steven KempkesSteven is a good host and frend. He likes sports, especially football. Heprefers girls with blonde hair so Croatian blonds be prepared for Steven :)

    Josip JuricWhen I first saw his pictures on facebook I was a bit startled. But when I methim at the airport he turned out to be a really nice guy and we get along verywell during the Dutch SEP week. Unlike some other Croatian people (very fewof course) he didnt had difficulty to wake up early. Every morning when Iwalked into the bathroom, sometimes half asleep or with a terrible headache,


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    he was already fully dressed. In summary, he was a great match and I am surewe would have lots of fun, so I really regret not going to Zagreb.

    Michel van den Berg

    Michel i a nice guy and therefore Josip cannot wait him to come. He is alsovery serious and, in the same time, very amusing. Michel is a real example ofan intellectual, that even in the toughest situations doesn't raise his voice at hisguests. I hope that he's going to release the brake he had in Holland and toenjoy his time in Croatia, as his match did in Holland.

    Jure SusanAs an experienced Sepper I can say Jure is the most easy going match I'veever had. As long as he has either beer or meat he's satisfied. Jure is a realparty animal that stays out until late, but in the morning he's always ready tostart the new day. Jure likes to eat some cookies from time to time that bring

    him to a different world, but even when he's in a different world, he knows howto unlock his bike. He's very inventive because he turned himself into a negroby only using some cork. It promises to become a great week with Jure inCroatia!

    Pim KerckhaertAs Paul had to quit the programme (unfortunately), we are really happy thatsomeone entered the empty spot and is coming to Croatia. So, we have yet tosee how will Pim get along with all the other participants and we suppose thatse will enjoy his time here and wont regred joining the programme!! WelcomePim!!

    Nina BunjevacNina is from Zagreb, Croatia where she lives on the 11th floor right in thecentre with her parents and a sister. She's a very spirited girl, unless it's 07:00in the morning. Personally, that doesn't exactly strike me as particularly odd,as she always answers her e-mails at around 05:00 at night. Nina really lovesdancing so she teaches grade-school children how to dance in her spare time.She's a very good dancer, as I and some other Dutchies have been able towitness during the first night in Caf Philip when Nina went crazy dancing withher best friend Ivan G. It was funny to see the look on some of Thomas van S'female friends. She also performs in several music videos as a dancer, but herdream is to become a singer. She's planning to release her first album soon!

    Hedviga BlazincicA nice girl, who is an expert in cycling. She even managed it to cycle on highheels. She is a serious girl who is really concerned about her family. She lovescats,managed to cycle with very high heels, family-minded, cat-loving andkeen on stroopwafels!

    Charlotte de JongeWhat to say about Charlotte? I am really glad to have met such a

    polite, charming, communicative and interesting person who has


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    shown me a different culture, way of life and helped me to see it

    through her eyes and I hope I will be able to return the favour.

    Marko KuvezdicMacro (with other words Kuba) is an honest and stand-up guy. He likes a lot ofthings; football and salsa are examples of it. Besides that, it's worth to mentionthat he has a strange kind of humor. This is a small, but good description ofthe person with the pink wings! Oohyea and of course the mostimportant person in his life is the beautiful girlfriend (Believe me, I have seenpictures!).

    Will-Jan JacobsWill-Jan is multitalented in drinking various types of alchohol beverages. If youyou want to get lost in Tilburg just call Will-Jan and it will be done in second. If

    you need someone to hang out with after all pubs are closed, don't worry, Will-Jan also needs someone. Besides, he is a very nice guy and with him you'llalways have a lot of fun.

    Hrvoje PuhHrvoje. The man with the difficult name. Hrvoje was interested in tasting theDutch way of life. He bought a fridge full of smoothies, just because he likedthem so much and wanted to buy as many as possible during his stay here.Unfortunately we forgot to check the expiration date, which meant that the lastday in Tilburg was a day full of smoothies for Hrvoje. But I'm quite sure hedidn't mind that. Hrvoje also wanted to see as much as possible here. Armed

    with his photo camera he took no less than 700 photos in just 7 days. So incase you forgot to take a picture of something during the Dutch week, just askHrvoje, he must have pictures of almost everything we encountered in Holland.:) But most of all Hrvoje is just a nice and friendly guy, who is very easy to talkwith. So if you didn't get a chance to get to know him yet in the Dutch week,

    just make sure you do so during this Croatian week."

    Laurens VerhoefLaurens is a great chap, very friendly and sincere. He is also quite flexible andready to compromise which is great if you happen to be the complicated type.His taste in music is pretty good as well :)

    Important Phone NumbersFaculty of Economics and Business (eSTUDENT room)Room 409Kennedyjev trg 6+385 1 23 83 224

    Ozren Winkler (SEP Committee Chairman)+385 98 16 888 31

    Ivan Vrhovski (SEP Committee Assistant)


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    +385 98 799 393

    Ines Kos

    +385 98 926 21 86

    Petra Skrobot+385 98 613 413

    In case of emergency:Police: 92Hospital: 94Firefighters: 93Emergency call: 112


    Radio Taxi Zagreb: 970

    Language Skills: Croatian Dutch translations:


    DaNeHvala vam

    Jedan, dva, triDobar danDovienja!Zbogom (Bok!)Super!ao mi jeivjeli!

    Bok! Moje ime jeDrago mi jeOdakle si?Jas am iz Hrvatske

    Kako si?Koliko ovo kota?Mogu li dobiti pivu?Molim vas jedan HeinekenMogu li dobiti jo jedanHeineken?

    Kako si lijepa!Ima lijepe oiDa mi svoj broj?Nismo li se ve ranije upoznali?

    Ima vatre?Hoe li ostati sa mnom veeras?Zbilja mi se sviaVolim te!

    Kako da doem do doma?Dutch

    JaNeeDank je welEen, twee, drieGoedendagTot ziens!DoeiKei goed!Het spijt me


    Hoi, ik heetAangenaam kennis te makenWaar klom je vandaan?Ik kom uit KroatiHoe gaat het ermee?Hoeveel kost dit?Tien bier graagMag ik een Heineken?Mag ik nog een Heineken?


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    Wat ben je mooi!Wat heb je toch mooie ogen

    Mag ik je telefoonnummer?Ken ik jou niet ergens van?Heb je een vuurtje?

    Blijf je bij mij vannacht?Ik houd van jou!Ik will met je zoenen

    Hoe kom ik thuis?
