Biff Brewster Mystery #10 Mystery of the Tibetan Caravan

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  • 8/12/2019 Biff Brewster Mystery #10 Mystery of the Tibetan Caravan


  • 8/12/2019 Biff Brewster Mystery #10 Mystery of the Tibetan Caravan



    ^ursuot fy Dillumost hkamts, dhptura fy `rah`a` Ebhlfhtrofaslam wbi droppca tbaor prosimars, hm` hm umpchmma`axpa`otoim omti tba Bolhchyh Liumthoms dbhmka Fojj Frawstar ombos httalpt ti slukkca tba Kciwomk Fu``bh, shdra` sylfic ij tba@hcho Chlh, iut ij Va`-iddupoa` Pofat.

    Pba lossoim, irokomhccy um`artheam fy Fojjs jhtbar, kriws lira`hmkarius biurcy wbam tba Va`s, wbi bhva troa` jir yahrs ti kattbaor bhm`s im tba sthtua, sat h trhp, pchmmomk ti cat Lr. Frawstarcidhta tba Fu``bh, tbam smhtdb ot jril bol.

    [hrma` ij tba pcit, Fojj sats iut ti pravamt bos jhtbar jrilumwottomkcy cah`omk tba Va`s ti tba cakam`hry pbhmtil dhrhvhmwbodboj ot axostssuppisa`cy kuhr`s tba shdra` sthtua.

    Pba dicir, tba voicamda hm` lystary ij tba Jirfo``am Chm` hraravahca` ti Fojj hs ba hm` bos Pofathm dilphmoim, Phz Mirehy,pusb `aapar hm` `aapar omti ots umdbhrta` trhocs. Fasat fyamaloas, fajroam`a` fy strhmka limes, Fojj hm` Phz jomhccy hradimjrimta` fy hm hka` spadtar wbisa lhkmatod, bypmitod ayasrh`ohta umjhtbilhfca stramktb.

    Fojjs suddassbos thmkofca dimtrofutoim ti tba dhusa ij tbaJraa [irc`dimdcu`as h tbiriukbcy shtosjyomk stiry ij bhrriwomk

    h`vamturas bokb om tba Bolhchyhs.

  • 8/12/2019 Biff Brewster Mystery #10 Mystery of the Tibetan Caravan
















  • 8/12/2019 Biff Brewster Mystery #10 Mystery of the Tibetan Caravan




    Ij tba



    Fy HM@_ H@HLT


    MA[ _IVE

  • 8/12/2019 Biff Brewster Mystery #10 Mystery of the Tibetan Caravan


    KVITTAP HM@ @QMCH^, OMD, 8?:4


    Lystary ij tba Pofathm Dhrhvhm

  • 8/12/2019 Biff Brewster Mystery #10 Mystery of the Tibetan Caravan




    O Iparhtoim _he Dbaasa 8OO Liumthoms ir Ioc9 80

    OOO Prutb hm` Dimsaquamdas 66OZ Cimk Kima 48Z Pba Tahrdb Tthrts 4?ZO Ijj ti Lhuchkoro ^hss 02

    ZOO Pbriukb tba Kirka 1:ZOOO [acdila ti ^i :;OR Avarytbomk Os Ki ;1

    R H Xuhoc TIT 24RO Iut ij tba Tquaaza 22ROO Dht-hm`-Liusa ?0ROOO Cisa tba Tbh`iw 8>8ROZ Bacci Hkhom 886

    RZ Pbht Lhm Hkhom 86>RZO Miw _iu Taa Ot . . . 86:

    RZOO. . . Miw _iu @imt

    844RZOOO Chst Prhom ti Cbhsh 84?ROR Pba Jirfo `am Doty 80;RR D.X. Ehtlhm`u 811RRO Maxt TtipOm`oh 8:4

  • 8/12/2019 Biff Brewster Mystery #10 Mystery of the Tibetan Caravan


  • 8/12/2019 Biff Brewster Mystery #10 Mystery of the Tibetan Caravan




    Iparhtoim _he Dbaasa

    HB @hdb Hbbbbbbbbb!Hb @hdb Hbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!Pba woc` yaccs tira jril tba tbrihts ij twi hclim`-

    aya` Fa`iuoms squhttomk driss-cakka` ht h dhlpjora. Hstba lihmomk wom` dhrroa` tba adbi fhde jril tbaliumthom scipas, sphres cahpa` bokb, `hmda` ijj ti-whr` tba sey, hm` jcodearomk sbh`iws pchya` im tbam-`rumeam jhdas.

    Hb @hdb Hbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! Pba biwc risahkhom hs tbay phssa` h `roppomk jchkim jril ima ti tbaitbar, hdriss tba litoimcass jirls ij twi itbar

    milh`s sprhwca` om `rukka` scaap faso`a tba jora.Pba tatbara` pimoas wbommoa` umahsocy om tbakciil, hm` tba sbhkky phde hmolhc sbiie ots birmshm` sthra` `ulfcy ht ots lhstars.

    Driudba` fabom` h fiuc`ar, Fojj Frawstar sbovara`hm` hsea` bolsacj tba ic`, jhlocohr quastoim, tba quas-toim ba bh` hsea` om Hchseh, cist om hm oda jikom

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    Hjrodh, tbraa jaat jril h wahvomk difrhom Laxodi,Frhzoc, Bhwhoo . . .

    Biw `i O kat lysacj omti tbasa ghls9Ba codea` bos `ry cops hm` cahma` dcisa ti h jirl

    cyomk faso`a bol om tba `hremass. [bht `o` yiu dhcctbasa dbhrhdtars, Phz9ba wbospara`.

    Ebhlfhs,hmswara` h sijt vioda. Joardast trofa omPofat.

    Khmkstars, bub9

    Os tbht Hlarodhm jir fhm`ots9hsea` tba vioda.Pbhts Dbodhki jir fhm`ots,Fojj hmswara`.O saa,tba vioda sho` saroiuscy. O lust ralalfar.Pbos os mi tola ti amchrka yiur vidhfuchry, Fojj

    `rhwca`.Hb @hdb Hbbbbbbbbbbbbb!risa tba biwc hkhom.Fojj sthra` iut ht tba yacciw jhdas, ht tba wodea`cy

    durva` emovas `hmkcomk jril tba fhm`otsfacts, fut hc-whys bos ayas raturma` ti tba twi krahsy cahtbar fhksscumk hdriss tba sh``ca ij tba fosimcoea phde hmolhc.

    Hra yiu sura tbhts dbaasa om tbisa cahtbar fhks9ba wbospara`.

    _he dbaasa,dhla tba hmswar.Os tbht tba yhe tbht khva tba loce jir tba stujj9

    O suppisa.

    Fojj stu`oa` tba joardacy durva` birms, tba sbhrpbiijs, tba frii`omk khza ij tba sbhkky fahst.

    [bht `i tbay loce bar wotb, h dcuf9ba hsea`.Ba bahr` bos dilphmoim dbudeca sijtcy. Tba imcy

    hppahrs joarda,dhla tba hmswar.

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    [acc, sbas kit la jiica`,Fojj sho`. Phz,ba wamtim, hs h Pofathm, yiu iukbt ti emiw. [ara om iur

    sadim` `hy wotbiut jii`. [ava faam cyomk bara jirjova biurs whotomk jir tbisa bii`s ti phss iut si wadhm, ubcofarhta tbisa twi fhks. Gust jir ic` seaptodhcFojj jril Om`ohmh, biw `i yiu emiw tbhts dbaasa omtbisa fhks9

    Fadhusa tbisa fhks hra trhoc dburms, bosdilphmoim hmswara`.

    Bub9sho` Fojj.Pba loce os put om tbara hm` dburma` hs tba yhe

    whces,sho` Phz. Avamtuhccy, tbara os dbaasa.Fojj ciiea` ht tba joctby fhks.Biw avamtuhccy9ba hsea`.Ib, mit cimk. H jaw waaes.Qcp,sho` Fojj wahecy. Ba stu`oa` tba jokuras ht tba

    joratba fusby jur bhts, tba cimk, rifacoea wiickhrlamts, tba jact fiits, tba dimtirta` jhdas.

    [bht wiuc` tbay `i oj tbay dhukbt us9ba hsea`.[acc,sho` Phz. Pbay hra Ebhlfhs.Ti9Pbay bhva hh darthom raputhtoim.Jir wbht9

    Fojj kchmda` ht tba emovas hkhom.

    Jhmdytbriht duttomk9

    Mi.Pbara whs h phusa. Lheomk droppcas, jir shcahs schvas.

    Fojj sthra` omti tba `hremass. Tchvas9 [bi wiuc`whmt h droppca` schva9

    Pba fakkhr iwmars ij Om`oh, dhla tba

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    rapcy.Droppca` fakkhrs hriusa sylphtby. Pbay fromkom ludb om hcls jir tbaor iwmars.

    Fojj sthra` hdriss tba fhrram pchtahu hm` jact bosbahrt fakom ti faht om bos tbriht. Ciie, Phz, badrihea`, `i yiu stocc tbome wa iukbt ti ki tbriukbwotb tbos iparhtoim yhe dbaasa9

    Pbara whs h `aap sokb jril tba `hremass, hm` tbamh strhmka pbrhsa7 Il lhmo ph`la bul.

    [bhts tbht hkhom9

    Pba gawac os om tba citus jciwar, hlam,dhla tbatrhmschtoim. Ots h Pofathm prhyar.

    [bodb lahms9Fojj sokba`.Thcvhtoim os jium` imcy om trua jhotb.Aaaaaaaaa _hb Aaaaaaaaaa! dhla h biwc jril fa-

    yim` tba ride.Pbayra dbhmkomk eay,Fojj `rhwca`. _iur turm ti

    ciie.Pba jirl faso`a bol storra` hm` risa dhutoiuscy

    jril tba sbh`iws. Fojj kchmda` up ht tba rhtbar jcht-tippa` bah` tbht piea` otsacj ivar tba fiuc`ar. Pbabah` bh` h tbhtdb ij joma, fchde bhor tbht whs rujjca`fy tba mokbt wom`. Pba misa whs slhcc, tba ayas om-

    `amta` hm` salo-Iroamthc, tba fi`y sbirt hm` wory.Fojj ricca` tba mhla ivar h diupca ij tolas. PhzcomkMirehy. Ij diursa ot bh` cimk somda faam sbirtama` tiPhz. Cimk somda9 Fojj sht up strhokbt. Gust savam `hyshki! Om jhdt, gust savam `hys hki timokbt!

    ^hr`im9 ba bahr` Phzcomk Mirehy wbospar jrilhfiva bol.

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    Ots ly hmmovarshry,Fojj sho`. Gust ima waae hkitimokbt O whs om Dhcdutth, Om`oh, wotb ly jices

    kattomk rah`y ti shoc bila ti tba Tthtas. Ciie ht latimokbtsox bum`ra` locas jril Dhcdutthhm`bah`a` om tba wrimk `oradtoim!

    Ludb bhs bhppama` om tbht waae,Phzcomk Mirehysho` quoatcy.

    _iu dhm shy tbht hkhom, Fojj rapcoa`, cattomk bosbah` jhcc fhde wahrocy hkhomst tba fiuc`ar. Ba sthra`

    up ht tba sthr-sphmkca` sey, ciiea` ti wbara tba phcaliim whs sciwcy `oshppahromk fabom` tba liumthom.Ba jocca` bos cumks wotb tba tbom hor ij tba bokbpchtahu, dcisa` bos ayas, hm` sciwcy bos lom` fakhm ti`rojt fhde ivar tba omdra`ofca avamts ij tba phst savam`hys . . .

    Ba whs fhde om Dhcdutth ht tba Viyhc Hrls Bitacwotb bos litbar hm` bos twom fritbar hm` sostar, Pa`hm` Limodh, wbi bh` jciwm ivar jril tba Tthtas tilaat Fojj hm` bos jhtbar hjtar tba Hlfusb Om Om`ohh`vamtura. Pba pchm whs jir tba amtora jhlocy ti shocfhde ti tba Qmota` Tthtas tikatbar im tba comar, AlporaXuaam. Ot whs h joma pchm, dimdaova` fy Fojjs litbar,

    si tba Frawstars diuc` kat ti emiw ahdb itbar hkhomjicciwomk tba cimk hfsamda ij Fojj hm` bos jhtbar imtwi jiraokm lomomk hssokmlamts om quode suddassoim.

    Pil Frawstar whs hcc jir ot. Ba whs tora`, ba sho`, ijaxitod lhocomk h``rassas. Ba hssura` Fojjs litbar tbhtba whmta` mitbomk fattar tbhm ti fa fhde bila hkhomom Om`ohmh.

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    _at gust tbraa biurs chtar, tba wbica, wim`arjuc pchmwhs tissa` iut tba wom`iw!

    H dhcc bh` dila ti Lr. Frawstar jril GustomLd@hmoac, ij tba Q. T. Alfhssy. Pbara whs h cimk `os-dussoim fabom` dcisa` `iirs, hm` wbam Pil Frawstaralarka` ti jhda bos jhlocy, ba hmmiumda` tbht bawiuc` mit fa raturmomk ti tba Tthtas wotb tbal hjtarhcc. H su``am, alarkamdy hssokmlamt bh` hrosamhmhssokmlamt ti `i sila spadohc wire om Maphc.

    Fojj tiie ot jir krhmta` tbht ba wiuc` hddilphmybos jhtbar im tbos trop, fut tbara whs h strhmka lilamtij jhtbarcy racudthmdamit coea Pil Frawstar, wbiusuhccy whs ahkar jir bos sim ti fa wotb bol im bosgiurmays ti strhmka chm`s. Fut wbam Lrs. Frawstarfakhm ti hse prifomk quastoims hfiut tba spadohc wireom Maphc, Pil Frawstar bh` lulfca` silatbomkhfiut ioc prispadtomk, dbhmka` tba sufgadt, hm` om-sosta` tbht ba whs imcy tahsomk hm` ij diursa Fojj diuc`ki wotb bol.

    Pbus tba jorst stap whs theam wbodb bh` ca` ti tbosspit fabom` tba fiuc`ar im h pchtahu om Pofat. Lrs.Frawstar hm` tba twoms bh` fihr`a` tba Alpora Xuaam

    jir Hlarodh, hm` tba maxt lirmomk, Fojj hm` bos jhtbarwara womkomk mirtb im hm Hcc-Om oh Horcomas ZosdiumtZoeomk jir Ehtlhm`u, dhpothc ij Maphc.

    Hs tbay phssa` ivar tba chst kraam trhdas ij tba`amsa, lhchrohc gumkca wbodb saphrhtas Om`oh jrilMaphc, tba hor fakhm ti cisa ots lukkomass hm` kriwdcahrar. Pba tbode dciu`s `ossicva`, hm` su``amcy,

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    strhokbt hbah` om tba frokbt fcua sey, risa tba listolprassova, frahtb-theomk fhrroar ij tiwaromk stima

    tbht Fojj bh` avar saamtba list kokhmtod dbhom ijliumthoms im tba jhda ij tba ahrtbtba Bolhchyhs!

    Pil Frawstar axpchoma` ti Fojj tbht tbos kraht rhmkasprhwca` jir jojtaam bum`ra` locas hdriss tba bahrt ijHsoh. Iut ij tbos rhmka risa tba tborty bokbastliumthom pahes om tba wirc`! Pba mhlas ij tba pahesricca` ijj bos timkua wotb kraht racosb, jir ba whs hm

    hlhtaur liumthom dcolfar hm` lalfar ij Hcpomostsdcufs im tbraa dimtomamts.

    Avarast, Hmmhpurmh, E-6, Ehmdbamgumkh, Lhehcu,Dbi Iyu, Ehrhmsahb, tbaras h liumthombosjhtbar bh` sokba`Ehrhmsa. Mavar sdhca`.

    Pbam Fojj bh` sho`, Hm` fayim` tba liumthomsPofat. O kuass vary jaw paipca kat omti Pofat tbasa`hys,ba h``a`.

    Ba ciiea` ivar ht bos jhtbar, wbi whs sthromk hbah`tiwhr` tba bhza fayim` tba liumthoms.

    Zary jawvary, vary jaw, Lr. Frawstar lur-lura`, hm` kchmdomk up ht tba saht fact sokm, h``a`bhstocy, Fudeca al up. [ara kattomk rah`y ti chm`.

    Fadhusa tbaor sahts wara om tba sbops thoc, Fojj hm`Lr. Frawstar wara mahrcy tba chst phssamkars ijj tba

    buka prip-gat. List ij tbaor jacciw trhvacars bh` gioma`slhcc emits ij rachtovas hm` jroam`s wbi bh` dila tikraat tbal. Om jhdt, tbara whs imcy ima lhm cajt ht tbaphssamkar khta wbi stocc saala` ti fa ciieomk jirsilaima. Ba whs h lhbikhmy-bua` lhm wotb fchde

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    bhor, h cotba jokura, hm` `hre ayas wotb slhcc wromecasht tba dirmars.

    Lr. Frawstar kchmda` ht tba lhm wotb mi hpphramtomtarast, tbam rahdba` omti bos pideat hm` tiie iutsila fhkkhka dbades.

    Ki pode up iur cukkhka, wocc yiu, sim9ba sho`. Occlaat yiu omso`a.

    Fojj krhffa` tba dbades hm` burroa` tiwhr` h sokmlhrea` Fhkkhka om jiur chmkuhkas. Ot whs ht tba

    fhkkhka diumtar tbht ba eapt up bos radir` jir saaomkjhlocohr jhdas om axitod horpirts.

    Pbos lhm wiuc` bhva stii` iut mit imcy om hmyhorpirt, fut om hmy khtbaromk om tba wirc`. Om tbosdriw` ij wilam om soce shros, Kurebhs om dicirjucturfhms, fhrajiita` Va` Dhps, comam-suota` Om`ohmlardbhmts, tba vary thcc, vary tbom lhmom wbopdir`s,cimk-focca` jcyars dhp, hm` sum kchssasstii` iut coeatba Tthtua ij Cofarty.

    Tbhea Cheul!Fojj yacca`.Pba tbom lhm whs hseomk silatbomk ij tba ^hrsaa ht

    tba fhkkhka hm` axprass diumtar. [bam ba bahr` bosmhla dhcca`, ba smhppa` bos bah` hrium`7

    Fojj Frawstar!

    Ba pusba` bos why tbriukb tba driw` ti wbara Fojj

    whs sthm`omk.Fojj! ba sbiuta`. [bht hra yiu `iomk om tbos

    stahl-bahta` phrt ij tba wirc`9_iu ic` fusb pocit, yiu!Fojj chukba`, pulpomk tba

    thcc lhms bhm`. [bht hra yiu `iomk si jhr jril tbht

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    `aap jraaza yiu dhcc Hchseh9Jcyomk jir Hlar-Om`oh Ioc! sho` tba chmey lhm.

    [irea` jir al om Hchseh, hm` tbay bora` la ti dilaivar bara wotb tbal fadhusa tbay maa`a` silaimawbi emiws biw ti jaac bos why hrium` tbasa phrts.

    Ioc prispadtomk! [by, tbhts wbht @h`s bara jir!Fojj hmmiumda`.

    [acc, wbh``yh emiw! Tbhea Cheul chukba`. Baschppa` Fojjs fhde, hm` tba twi fakhm ralomosdomk

    hfiut tba kii` tolas tbay bh` bh` wboca sicvomk tbaHchseh Kbist Kchdoar Lystary lhmy limtbs fajira.Pba fusb pocit whs tba list seoccjuc slhcc-pchma pocitFojj bh` avar jciwm wotb. Ba diuc` sat bos pat, somkca-amkoma pchma, tba [occowhw, `iwm im hmytbomk omHchseh jril krhvac fhrs ti vicdhmi drhtars.

    O `imt suppisa yiu wara hfca ti fromk tba[occowhwwotb yiu, wara yiu, Tbhea9hsea` Fojj.

    _iu eo``omk9 @imt suppisa O` trust lysacj om hmyitbar sbop, `i yiu9 Tbhea Cheul kromma`. Friukbtbar ivar om h drhta. Imcy rokbt miw, Ol scokbtcykrium`a` jir whmt ij h supar-dbhrkar phrt O ir`ara`jril tba Tthtas. Om jhdt, tbhts wby Ol barati saa oj

    ots dila yat!

    Pbay a`ka` tbaor why up ti tba diumtar wbara tba

    diumtar lhm tiie tbaor dbades hm` raturma` wotb Fojjsfhks hm` h dhrtim jir Tbhea Cheul.

    [acc, miw O dhm sthrt iparhtom, sho` tba chmeyjcyar. Bhvamt faam hfca ti rahccy ki-ki-ki up hrium`tbisa boccs yim`ar.

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    Dila im ivar hm` shy bacci ti @h`,Fojj sho`. Bashrium` bara silawbara.

    Avam hs ba sho` ot, ba dhukbt sokbt ij bos jhtbarwhceomk hdriss tba tarlomhc. Pi Fojjs surprosa, Lr.Frawstar whs wotb tba lhbikhmy-bua` lhm tbay bh`saam whotomk ht tba khta. Pbay wara `aap om dimvar-shtoim.

    Oj @h`s bara ti `i sila ioc prispadtomk, tbht lustfa ima ij tba ioc dilphmy lam, Fojj sho`. Om tbht

    dhsa, yiu lhy emiw bol, Tbhea.Tbhea rhosa` bos `hre kchssas hm` paara` ht tba cotba

    lhm wotb tba dhtcoea whce.Mipasura `imt, sho` tba fusb pocit. _iu shy

    bas wotb tba Hlar-Om`oh Ioc9Mi, O gust hssula` ot,Fojj sho`. O wim`ar wbi ba

    os.Bas h Tbarph jir ima tbomk,Tbhea sho`.H Tbarph9Fojj hsea`. [bhts tbht9Pbayra liumthom dcolfars, sho` Tbhea. Hcc tba

    fok liumthom-dcolfomk axpa`otoims usa al hs kuo`as.O tbome tbayra jril h trofa tbht irokomhccy dhla jrilPofatfut tbay hcc cova bara om Maphc miw.

    Ht tbos lilamt, Pil Frawstar shw Tbhea, hm` `o`h `iufca thea. Hs tbay lat om tba damtar ij tba tar-lomhc, tbara whs h bahrty raumoim fatwaam tba twilam wbi bh` sbhra` si lhmy h`vamturas wotb Fojj omHchseh.

    O um`arsthm` wa lhy fa wireomk tikatbar,Tbheasho`.

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    Fak phr`im9sho` Pil Frawstar.Ol wotb Hlar-Om`oh.Tbhea kromma`. Fojj taccs la

    yiura bara om Ehtlhm`u ti `i sila ioc prispadtomk.Ib,sho` Pil Frawstar, wotb h trhda ij dimjusoim

    om bos vioda. Ib, yas, ij diursa. Tu``amcy, ba ra-lalfara` ba bh` mit omtri`uda` tbal ti tba `hre-aya` lhm wotb wbil ba bh` faam whceomk. @uromktbaor raumoim, tba wory lhm bh` faam sthm`omk scokbtcyhso`a.

    Pbos os Ozcomk Mirehy,sho` Lr. Frawstar. Baba,ubwhs kii` amiukb ti dila ti laat us.

    Ot saala` h strhmka omtri`udtoim. Fojj bh` tbiukbtbos jhtbar whs kiomk ti jurtbar o`amtojy tba lhm, futba cat tba omtri`udtoim ki ht tbht.

    Fojj sbiie Ozcomk Mirehys slhcc bhm` hm` coea` boswo`a-liutba` sloca.

    Lr. Mirehy bhs h gaap iutso`a,sho` Pil Frawstar.[occ yiu fromk tba cukkhka, Fojj9Pba busey amkomaarphusa` hm` tbam, ciieomk ht Tbhea Cheul, h``a`,Hm` Occ fa saaomk cits ij yiu, Ol sura, Tbhea.

    [otb tbht, Pil Frawstar hm` Ozcomk Mirehy turma`hm` stri`a tiwhr` tba vabodca axot ij tba horpirt.

    Tbhea Cheul ciiea` ht Fojj hm` kromma`._iu surayiur ic`h`s mit eaapomsilatbomjril yiu, Fojj9ba

    hsea`, jicciwomk tba twi lam wotb bos eaam khza.[by i yiu hse9Fojj omquora`.Fadhusa tbht Tbarph os mit wotb tba Hlar-Om`oh Ioc

    Dilphmy, O emiw, sho` Tbhea. Hm` O mavar shw hTbarph yat wbi whmta` ti `i hmytbomk fut dcolf

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    liumthoms.Fut wby wiuc` @h` shy wa wara bara ti ciie jir ioc

    oj wa wara dilomk ti dcolf liumthoms9Fojj hsea`.Pbhts yiur prifcal.Tbhea kromma`.

  • 8/12/2019 Biff Brewster Mystery #10 Mystery of the Tibetan Caravan




    Liumthoms ir Ioc9

    TBHEA sho` kii`-fy, taccomk Fojj ti fa sura hm` ciiebol up wbam ba kit sattca`, hm` burroa` ijj tiwhr`tba bhmkhr wbara tba [occowhwwhs quhrtara`.

    Fojj podea` up tba fhkkhka hm` jicciwa` hjtar bosjhtbar hm` Ozcomk Mirehy, wbi wara whceomk hcimk tba

    dimdrata hprim h`ghdamt ti tba tarlomhc phreomk cit.Hs Fojj pujja` ti h stip faso`a tba lam, Ozcomk

    Mirehy sloca` ht bol hm` sho`, H jaw `hys om tbapahes wiuc` dura tbht, ly fiy.

    O maa` silatbomk ti kat fhde om sbhpa. Fojjkromma`.

    ^arbhps ly sim diuc` bacp yiu jom` silatbomk tihlusa yiu wboca yiu hra bara, tba friwm-seomma`lhm sho`. Ba turma` tiwhr` tba phreomk cit, hm`rhosomk bos hrl, dhcca`, Phzcomkdila ht imda,pcahsa!

    H fiy wotb tba shla `hre, socey bhor, `aap friwmayas, hm` wory jokura hs bos jhtbar vhucta` jril tba

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    `rovars saht ij h gaap hm` tritta` tiwhr` tbal. Fojjwhs krhtojoa` ti saa tbht tba fiy whs hfiut bos iwm

    hka.Pbos whs Phz.Hjtar omtri`udtoims hcc hrium`, Lr. Frawstar sho`,

    Fojj, Lr. Mirehy hm` O bhva sila fusomass ti theadhra ij. [by `imt yiu hm` Phzcomk thea h dhf ti tbaZodtiroh Bitac wbara wa bhva rasarvhtoims9 [acc theatba gaap hm` giom yiu chtar.

    Iehy, @h`, Fojj hkraa`. Liumthom dcolfomk iriocwbodbavar ot os, @h`s sura krol hfiut ot, balusa`, hs ba whtdba` bos jhtbar whce hwhy. Pbam Fojjhm` Phz Mirehy, cukkhka om bhm`, burroa` up tbapchtjirl tiwhr` hm hmdoamt, bokb-tippa` thxo wbodbbh` gust ricca` up ti tba durf.

    Fabom` tba wbaac sht h `hre-seomma` lhm wahromk hfchde dbhujjaurs dhp hm` h cip-sbiuc`ara` diht jrilhm ic` dbhce-stropa` suot.

    Phz hpphramtcy `o` mit saa tba phssamkar hcrah`ysahta` om tba fhde ij tba dhf, hm` garea` tba rahr `iiripam fajira Fojj diuc` stip bol.

    Misirry,sho` tba `rovar.

    Cahmomk `iwm ti ciie ht tba dhfs phssamkar, Fojjsho`, Tirry, sorwa `o`mt mitoda tba dhf whs id-

    dupoa`.Pbht os quota hcc rokbt, sho` tba lhm om tba rahr

    saht. Ba whs khumt-jhda` wotb h ghum`oda` dilpcaxoim.Bos cops wara tbode, bos ayas ivarsoza` hm` fuckomk. Boslusthdba whs si colp ot saala` hclist phomta` im.

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    ^cahsa sbhra tba dhf wotb laFojj Frawstar.Fojj whs stumma`. Ba diuc`mt tbome ij hmyima om

    Maphc wbi diuc` pissofcy emiw bos mhla.Bhvabhva wa lat, sor9ba hsea`.Kat om, hm` Occ axpchom.Pba lhm sloca`, ravahcomk

    friwm-sthoma` taatb. Pi tba `rovar, ba sho`, Kat tbaorcukkhka, Tuvhgo.

    Pba dhf `rovar cahpa` jril bos saht, krhffa` tbacukkhka jril tba surprosa` fiys, hm` fiwa` tbal omti

    tba dhf.Hs tba `iir schlla` fabom` tbal, Fojj tiie h

    dcisar ciie ht tba phssamkar ti saa oj tbara whs hmy-tbomk hfiut bol ba radikmoza`.

    Mi, yiu `imt emiw la. Pba lhm sloca`. O hlJhro` Bhloc. _iu hra Fojj Frawstar. Ba cahma`jirwhr`, hm` ciieomk hdriss Fojjs dbast, h``a`, Hm`tbos os Phzcomk, tba sim ij tba jhlius Tbarph dcolfar,Ozcomk Mirehydirradt9

    Phzcomk mi``a` `ulfcy, hs hlhza` hs Fojj bh`faam.

    Ib, dila, dila, fiys. Pba khumt lhm chukba`,cokbtomk h friwm-phpar dokhratta. Emiwomk yiur

    mhlas osmt fchde lhkod. Hjtar hcc, fitb yiur jhtbarshra jhlius lam.

    Fut @h`s imcy jhlius om sdoamtojod dordcas, Fojjsho`.

    Hm` yiu hra kiomk ti tacc la ba os om Maphc im hsdoamtojod lossoim, O suppisa9Jhro` Bhloc sloca`.

    Ioc prispadtomkyas,Fojj sho`.

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    Bh! Zary dcavar, smirta` Jhro` Bhloc. Fut otwiuc` bhva faam lira dra`ofca bh` yiur jhtbar mit

    faam lat fy si jhlius h liumthomaar hs Ozcomk Mir-ehy, wbi bhs ca` axpa`otoims up Avarast, Hmmhpurmh,hm` E-6hm` wbi bhs mavar saam hm ioc wacc om boscoja!

    Fojj kchmda` ivar ht Phz, fut tba Tbarph fiy sho`mitbomk. Oj bas mit bara jir ioc prispadtomk, wby os@h` om Maphc9Fojj hsea` jomhccy.

    Pi dcolf Lt. Ehrhmsa, ij diursa,purra` tba khumtlhm.

    Pi dcolf Lt. Ehrhmsa9Fojj rapahta`, fakommomk tijaac orrothta`. [bht lheas yiu tbome si9

    Fadhusa O bhva faam pchmmomk, om dilphmy wotbhmitbar kriup, ti dcolf tbos liumthom jir sila tola,hm` O eaap hfrahst ij pissofca dilpatotoim. Oj yiurjhtbar kias up tba scipas, ba lokbt ruom tba trhoc jirtba amtora sahsim. Ba diuc` sat ijj hvhchmdbas wbodbwiuc` lhea tba scipas olphsshfca jir waaes. Biw-avar,tba lhm phusa`, fcaw h pcula ij sliea ti-whr` tba dhf riijbiwavar, wa hra mit umrahsim-hfca. Oj ba wosbas ti dilfoma dcolfomk phrtoas, wa hra

    woccomk ti `osduss ot. Ot lhy fa ti iur lutuhc h`-vhmthka.Fojj sthra` iut tba wom`iw ij tba spaa`omk dhf. Ba

    wim`ara` wby tbos lhm bh` mit dimthdta` bos jhtbarfhde ht tba horpirtfut fajira ba diuc` hse tbaquastoim, Jhro` Bhloc hmtodophta` bol.

    O whs sirry ti loss yiur `ostomkuosba` jhtbar ht tba

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    horpirt, si O trust yiu wocc phss im ly pripisotoim tibol.

    O wocc lamtoim ot ti @h`,Fojj sho`. Fut O` sukkastyiu dila saa bol yiursacj, Lr. Bhloc.

    Tpcam`o` sukkastoim, Jhro` Bhloc sho`. Occ try ti`i si chtar tbos avamomk.Ba jcodea` bos dokhratta iuttba wom`iw, hs tba dhf pucca` up fajira h fhriquastrudtura dihta` wotb shm`stima komkarfrah`.

    Bara os yiur bitac, O facoava, sho` Jhro` Bhloc.

    Bacp tbal wotb tbaor fhks, Tuvhgo,ba h``a`.Mit umtoc tbay wara sthm`omk om jrimt ij tba Zodtiroh

    Bitac, tbaor cukkhka poca` hrium` tbal hm` tba dhfpuccomk hwhy omti tba trhjjod, `o` ot iddur ti Fojj tbht babh` mavar lamtoima` tbaor `astomhtoim ti aotbar Jhro`Bhloc ir tba `rovar ba bh` dhcca` Tuvhgo. _at tbay bh`faam `rovam umarromkcy ti tba rokbt bitac.

    Pba twi-riil suota hssokma` tba Frawstars whsbokb daocomka` wotb jurmotura hm` hppiomtlamts ral-omosdamt ij tba hka ij Frotosb dicimohc kciry hm` tbayahrs wbam Maphc bh` jurmosba` tba Frotosb hrloaswotb tbiushm`s ij tiukb Kurebh whrroirs. Pba whccsfira podturas ij tba turfhma` sic`oars ij tbht jchl-

    fiyhmt arh, pisa` faso`a tbaor birsas.Fut Fojj khva tbal imcy h dursiry kchmda. Bos lom`whs stocc im tba duroius axparoamda om tba dhf.. Hs tbafaccbip fiwa` jril tba riil wotb tba prhyarjuckastura si dillim om tbos phrt ij tba wirc`, Fojjturma` ti tba Tbarph fiy, wbi whs stu`yomk tbadicirjuc surrium`omks.

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    Pacc la silatbomk, Phz Fojj stippa`, su``amcyralalfaromk bos jhtbars h`voda ti rasost tba Hlarodhm

    dustil ij modemhlomk im sokbt. @i yiu lom` oj O dhccyiu Phz9ba hsea`.

    Mit ht hcc.Pba fiy sloca`. [bht os ot yiu shy omHlarodh9 Dhcc la hmytbomkaxdapt chta jir suppar9

    Mi eo``omk,dimtomua` Fojj, wbam ba bh` jomosba`chukbomk, `o` yiur jhtbar lamtoim hmytbomk hfiut iocprispadtomk wotb ly `h`9

    Mi,sho` Phz Mirehy. Mitbomk.@o` ba shy hmytbomk hfiut dcolfomk Lt. Ehrhmsa9Mitbomk,sho` Phz. Pbos theas ludb praphrhtoim.

    Ly jhtbar bhs lh`a mi sudb praphrhtoim.Bhs ba sho` hmytbomk9Mitbomk, sho` Phz. Fut hjtar bahromk jril Dhc-

    dutth, ba fakhm ti stu`y bos lhps ij phssas om tbafir`ar hrah hrium` Lushrro . . .

    Osmt tbht wbara tba fok pahes hra9Fojj hsea`.Fok pahes, yas, sho` Phz, fut mit Ehrhmsa. Ba

    ciiea` iut tba wo`a wom`iws tiwhr` tba vhst Bolh-chyhm rhmka. Ehrhmsa os tbht why, ba sho`, piomtomkahst. Lushrro os strhokbt mirtb.

    Fahts la,

    Fojj lurlura`, whceomk ti tba wom`iwhm` sthromk omti tba fusy straat faciw. @h` shys ioc,

    Lr. Bhloc shys Ehrhmsa, hm` yiu shy phssas om tbaLushrro hrahtbhts tbraa pissofocotoas.

    Fojj sthrta` ti turm hwhy jril tba wom`iw wbam baspitta` bos jhtbar. Pba busey amkomaar whs gust riccomkup ti tba durf om Ozcomk Mirehys gaap. Lr. Frawstar

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    sco` iut ij tba vabodca, sho` silatbomk ti tba Tbarphliumthomaar, hm` whcea` tiwhr` tba bitac amtrhmda.

    Ozcomk Mirehy `riva hwhy.[acc, O darthomcy `o`mt axpadt bol si siim, Fojj

    axdchola`. Fut lhyfa miw wa dhm jom` iut wbht tbosos hcc hfiut.

    H jaw lomutas chtar, Pil Frawstar stri`a tbriukbtba `iir ij tba suota.

    @h`, Ova kit h quastoimFojj fakhm.

    Bic` ot h lilamt, sho` bos jhtbar. Ba ciiea`hfiut tba riil, jium` tba pbima, hm` podea` ot up.

    Iparhtir, ba sho`, O whmt ti pchda h parsim-ti-parsim dhcc ti Dhcdutth, Om`ohti Lr. Gustom Ld@hmoac,ht tba Qmota` Tthtas Alfhssy. Hm` wiuc` yiu burry,pcahsa9

    Gustom Ld@hmoac, Fojj radhcca`, whs tba lhm wbi bh`faam raspimsofca jir tbos hssokmlamt.

    Lr. Frawstar ciwara` tba pbima hm` sho`, _as,simwbht os ot9

    [a ri`a bara wotb h lhm wbi whmta` ti emiw iurrahc rahsim jir faomk om Maphc,Fojj sho`.

    Iur rahc rahsim[bi whs tbos lhm9Lr. Fraw-

    star smhppa`.Fojj tic` bol froajcy hfiut tbaor laatomk wotb Jhro`Bhloc.

    Jhro` Bhlocyas, iparhtir9Pba fiys diuc` bahr tba iparhtirs wir`s pchomcy.O hl umhfca ti dilpcata yiur dhcc, shbrtba coma os

    `iwm silawbara fatwaam Ehtlhm`u hm` Dhcdutth.

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    @i yiu bhva hmy o`ah wbam ot wocc fa raphora`9hsea` Pil Frawstar. Ly dhcc os vary olpirthmt.

    Tirry, shbr. Ot hppahrs ti fa hm hdt ij vhm`hcosl,sho` tba iparhtirs vioda. Pba pbima dilphmy rapirtsludb `hlhka ti tba coma om tbraa pchdas.

    O saa,sho` Pil Frawstar, h tbiukbtjuc ciie om bosayas. Pbhme yiu, iparhtir. Vomk la wbam yiu dhm kattba dhcc tbriukb.

    Ba ciwara` tba pbima sciwcy ti ots drh`ca hm`

    saala` wrhppa` om tbiukbt.Fojj tiie h `aap frahtb. @h`,ba sho`, hra wa om

    Maphc ti `i ioc prispadtomkrahccy9Bos jhtbar sbiie bos bah` sciwcy.Pi dcolf Lt. Ehrhmsa9Hkhom Pil Frawstar sbiie bos bah`.Dhm yiu tacc us tba rahc rahsim9_as, sim,sho` Pil Frawstar, O tbome ots bokb tola

    yiu fitb emaw tba rahc rahsim wby wa bhva dila tiMaphc.

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    Prutb hm` Dimsaquamdas

    PBA wom` wbostca` hdriss tba Pofathm pchtahu. Mawyaccs risa jril tba Ebhlfh dhlpjora, fut Fojj,lamthccy, whs fhde om tba bitac riil om Ehtlhm`u,whotomk ti bahr bos jhtbar axpchom wbht tbay wara`iomk om Maphc.

    . . . O `imt emiw axhdtcy wbara ti fakom, PilFrawstar sthrta`.

    Tor, sho` Phz Mirehy, lhy O omquora hfiut lyjhtbar jorst9

    Ib, Ol sirry,sho` Lr. Frawstar. Ba bhs kima tikat sila maw lhps.

    Phz Mirehys ayas wo`ama`. Fut wbht bhppama` tiboslhps9

    Tticam wboca yiu hm` ba wara ht tba horpirtlaatomk us,sho` Pil Frawstar. Pbhts wbht friukbtla fhde bara si siim, jir wbodb O hl kch`, om cokbt ijtbos Jhro` Bhloc tbomk.

    _iu lahm yiu tbome tba twi hra toa` om9 hsea`

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    Fojj.Ol hjrho` si, sho` Lr. Frawstar. Pbam wotb h `ry

    sloca, ba h``a`, Fojj, Ol sirry ot whs madasshry tidimdidt tba stiry hfiut ioc prispadtomk.

    Fojj kromma` fhde. [acc, ot whs h diomdo`amda tbhttbara osh dilphmy bara `iomk ioc prispadtomk.

    Ot whs midiomdo`amda,sho` Pil Frawstar. Pbhtswby ioc prispadtomk whs usa` hs h divar.

    @o` yiu emiw Tbhea Cheul whs bara9

    Mi. Pbht whs h diomdo`amda, sho` Pil Frawstar,hm` ot hclist tbraw la!

    [hs tba ioc stiry jir Lils famajot9Fojj hsea`.Pil Frawstar mi``a` hm` sloca` kamtcy. Ba

    whcea` ti tba ahst wom`iw ij tba riil ivarciieomktba slhcc bitac khr`am. Ot whs hcova wotb phcls, jarms,irdbo`s, hm` tbode-cahva` tripodhc pchmts. Pba sijt troccsij strhmka for`s risa ti tbaor ahrs.

    Pil Frawstar sthra` tiwhr` tba sium` jir hlilamt, tbam sho`, [bht O` kova ti bahr h kii` ic`fif wbota wbostca rokbt miw!

    Fojj emaw tbht lamtoim ij bos litbar bh` ralom`a`bos jhtbar ij bila hm` tba frih` joac`s om wbodb tbay

    bh` si ijtam bumta` tba acusova cottca quhoc.Hra tbara fifwbota quhoc om Maphc9Fojj hsea`.O `imt emiwO `iuft ot, bos jhtbar sho`, stocc

    sthromk omti tba khr`am faciw.Fut hs yiu wara shyomk, @h`, Fojj ralom`a` bol,

    ots mit ioc, ots mit Ehrhmsa. [bht os ot9Pil Frawstar turma` hm` whcea` ti tba Jramdb

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    wom`iws ciieomk iut im tba smiw-dhppa` Bolhchyhs.Ba fadeima` ti tba fiys ti giom bol.

    Fayim` tbisa liumthoms, sho` tba amkomaar,piomtomk tiwhr` tba bhzy chm` fayim` tba jhrtbastpahes, coas tba bokbast hm`, parbhps, tba strhmkastdiumtry om tba wbica wirc`.Pbam, wotb hm hpicikatodciie ht Phz, ba h``a`, Ttrhmka fy wastarm sthm`hr`s,ij diursa. Pil Frawstar thppa` bos popa hkhomst bosphcl hm`, hs ba jocca` ot, ba dimtomua`, Pofat os h

    diumtry wbisa chws, dustils, hm` amtora ductura bhvafaam dimtricca` jir damturoas fy h vhst irkhmozhtoim ijlimes dhcca` Chlhs. Pbasa Chlhs hra facoava` fy tbaPofathm paipca ti fa raomdhrmhta`rafirmshomtshm` sdbichrs. Vafortb os ima ij tba list olpirthmttamats ij tba Fu``bost jhotb. Chlhosl os h sadt ij tbaFu``bost jhotb ludb hs Fhptosts hm` Latbi`osts hrasadts ij tba Dbrostohm jhotb.

    @imt tba Pofathms pchda lira alpbhsos imraomdhrmhtoim tbhm itbar Fu``bosts `i9Fojj quaroa`.

    _as. Hm` tbos dimvodtoim tbht tba siuc, ht `ahtb,livas im ti hmitbar fi`yhmy fi`ybhs h prijium`ajjadt im tba wbica strudtura ij Pofathm coja. Pba

    Chlhs O lamtoima`, wbi hra facoava` ti fa tbaraomdhrmhtoims ij Fu``bost shomts hm` sdbichrs ij hkasphst, hra tba dboaj picody lhears ij Pofat. Hm` tbabokbast Chlh, tba list bicy Chlh om hcc Pofat, os tba@hcho Chlh.

    Hm` wbam tba ic` @hcho Chlh `oas,Fojj dbola` om,tbay sahrdb jir h fhfy ti wbisa fi`y tbay facoava tba

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    `ah` imas siuc bhs jca`, hm` tbay lhea bol tba maw@hcho Chlh.

    Pil Frawstar mi``a`. Ht ima tola,ba dimtomua`,tba @hcho Chlhs wir` whs chw om Pofat. Fut hs yiuemiw, tba Dillumosts omvh`a` tba diumtry. Pba @hchoChlh whs jirda` ti jcaa jril bos phchda om Cbhsh. Ba`o` ot um`ar divar ij h shm`stirl, hm` ba tiie wotbbol tba list shdra` sylfic ij Chlhosl om Pofat, tbaKic`am Fu``bh.

    Pba KciwomkFu``bh!Phz wbospara` om hwa.Fojj rahcoza` tba kic`am sylfic lust bhva spadohc

    sokmojodhmda jir tba Tbarph fiy.O saa yiu emiw ij ot,Pil Frawstar sho`, kchmdomk

    ht Phz. Pba kic`am sthtua ij Fu``bh os suppisa` tikciw om tba prasamda ij tba trua @hcho Chlh. Pbus, ot ostba ima parjadt tast jir o`amtojyomk tba @hcho Chlh._iu dhm um`arsthm` wby tba prasamt @hcho Chlhwiuc` fa hmxoius ti pritadt tbos sthtua ht hcc dists.

    [bht `o` ba `i9Phz hsea`.[bam tba @hcho Chlh jca` Cbhsh, ba spcot bos phrty

    omti twi sadtoims,Pil Frawstar sho`. Ba jokura` tbapursuomk Dillumost sic`oars wiuc` mavar tbome tba

    @hcho Chlh wiuc` hcciw tba Kic`am Fu``bh iut ij bosbhm`s. Ti, theomk h cimk dbhmda, ba khva tba sthtua tih trusta` ho`a wbisa dhrhvhm bah`a` wast, tiwhr` hcottca emiwm phss om tba Bolhchyhs cah`omk ti Maphc.Pba @hcho Chlh bolsacj bah`a` strhokbt siutb, bipomkti cura bos pursuars om tbht `oradtoim si tba itbardhrhvhm diuc` asdhpa wotb tba Kic`am Fu``bh.

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    Fut tba Dillumosts `o`mt jhcc jir ot9Fojj hsea`.Mi, hmswara` Lr. Frawstar. Pba @hcho Chlh

    asdhpa` omti Om`oh. Fut tba itbar dhrhvhm hm` tbaKic`am Fu``bh `oshppahra` omti wastarm Pofat hm`wara mavar saam hkhom. Pba amkomaar pujja` im bospopa, hm` h``a`, Ht cahst, mit fy hmy racohfcaifsarvars.

    Fojj `atadta` lahmomk om tba ralhre. Jciw hfiutumracohfca imas9ba hsea`.

    Pil Frawstar sloca` ht bos sim. Pbhts gust tbapiomt,ba sho`. Milh` sbaap bar`ars, cist trhvacars omdamtrhc Pofat bhva rapirta` sokbtomk h strhmka dhrhvhm`aap om tba omtaroir ij Pofat. Fut tba rapirts hra bhzy,jrhklamthry. List ij tba tola tbay bahr ot phssomk omtba mokbt. Pba jaw wbi `adchra tbay bhva saam ot shytbht ot jh`as hm` `oshppahrs wbam ima whtdbas tiicimkludb coea h lorhka.

    H pbhmtil dhrhvhm,Fojj sho` sijtcy.Ti ot whs facoava` ti fa umtoc radamtcy, sho` Pil

    Frawstar. Hm` si ot stocc lhy fa. O lokbt h``.Ba tiiebos popa jril bos taatb hm` sthra` tiwhr` tba `asichtadiumtry jhr fayim` tba jhrtbast rhmka ij tbam

    Bolhchyhs.Fut oj ot os rahc, ot raprasamts h `hmkar titba jraa wirc`.

    O `imt um`arsthm`,sho` Fojj.Oj tba pbhmtil dhrhvhm axosts, tbam si `ias tba

    Kic`am Fu``bh. Oj si, tbara os `hmkar tbht ot lokbt jhccomti Dillumost bhm`s ima `hylhyfa hmy `hy.

    Hm` oj ot o`9Fojj hsea`.

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    Pba Dillumosts diuc` rok up tba Kic`am Fu``bhti kciw om h jhea daralimy ti mhla h puppat @hcho

    Chlhima wbi wiuc` `i tbaor fo``omk. Pba Pofathmpaipca bhva rasosta` tba Dillumost iddupoars up timiw fadhusa tbay facoava` tbaor @hcho Chlh whs omaxoca om Om`oh. Fut oj tba Dillumosts pissassa` tbaKic`am Fu``bh hm` sthka` h rahccy olprassovadaralimy, tba Pofathm paipca lokbt jhcc jir ottbaylokbt hddapt tba puppat hm` `i wbhtavar tbos maw

    cah`ar omstrudta` tbal ti `i.Fut wby os tbht phrtoduchrcy olpirthmt ti tba jraa

    wirc`9Fojj hsea`.Ot os olpirthmt fadhusa, tbriukb tba axoca` @hcho

    Chlh, wbi os iur jroam`, ot bhs faam cahrma` tbht tbarahra vhst stiras ij lomarhcs wotbom Pofat wbodb hra vothcti htilod hm` lossoca `avaciplamt. Ot os tba wirc`srodbast stirabiusa ij tbasa lomarhcs. Qp ti miw, tbaPofathm paipca bhva eapt tba cidhtoim ij tba iras hsadrat. Fut oj tba Dillumosts sbiuc`

    Tu``amcy, Phz cahma` jirwhr`. Ba whs piomtomktiwhr` tba straat faciw. Lr. FrawstarFojjCiie!Pbht lhm kattomk iut ij tba thxodhf!

    Fojj sthra` hdriss tba straat ht tba jhlocohr sbhpa ijtba hmdoamt dhf om wbodb tbay bh` ro``am jril tbahorpirt. Gust cahvomk ot hm` whceomk tiwhr` tba `iir ijh slhcc dhj hdriss jril tba bitac, whs

    Jhro` Bhloc!Fojj axdchola`.Pil Frawstar stappa` dcisar ti tba wom`iw hm`

    sthra` ht tba khumt lhm om tba wbota soce suot hm`

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    ^hmhlh bht. Pba lhm phusa` ti cokbt ima ij bosfriwm-phpar dokhrattas. Pbam ba turma` hm` ciiea` up

    ht tba bitac.Pba tbraa ht tba wom`iw ratrahta` omstomdtovacy. Ot

    ciiea` hs oj Jhro` Bhloc whs ciieomk rokbt ht tbaorriil!

    Ba emiws si ludb acsa, ba lhy emiw wbht riilwara om,Fojj luttara`.

    _iura sura tbos os tba lhm wbi whs si omquosotova

    hfiut us9^isotova,sho` Fojj. Vokbt, Phz9Vokbt,sho` Phz.[boca tbay dimtomua` ti whtdb, tbay mitoda` Ozcomk

    Mirehys gaap raturmomk. Pba cotba liumthomaar sthrta`lhmauvaromk bos vabodca omti h phreomk pchda.

    Pil Frawstar tbiukbt jir h lomuta, tbam sho`, Phz,O whmt yiu ti thea h mita ti yiur jhtbar jir la. Bawhcea` ti tba `ase, sdroffca` im h poada ij mitaphpar,hm` bhm`a` ot ti Phz. [bam yiu hra tbriukb, dilafhde bara,ba sho`.

    _as, sor,sho` tba Tbarph fiy, hm` burroa` jril tbariil.

    Fojj hm` bos jhtbar whtdba` hs Phz hppahra` om tbastraat faciw. Ba cahma` omti tba gaap, scoppa` tba mitaomti bos jhtbars bhm`, tbam turma` hm` whcea` fhdeomti tba bitac. Ozcomk Mirehy `riva hwhy.

    @uromk tba axdbhmka, Jhro` Bhloc bh` `rhwm fhde`aapar omti tba sbh`iws ij tba `iirwhy hs tbiukbhmxoius ti sthy iut ij Ozcomk Mirehys sokbt.

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    Pil Frawstar whtdba` tba lhm hwboca cimkar.Jomhccy, ba tiudba` Fojjs hrl hm` sho`, Eaap yiur aya

    im bol, sim.[hceomk omti tba fa`riil, tba amkomaarraliva` bos froaj dhsa jril tba dcisat, ipama` bosvhcosa, raliva` sila tbomks jril ot, hm` put tbal omtba froaj dhsa. Hs ba smhppa` ot sbut, Phz Mirehyraturma` jril bos arrhm`.

    Kii` wire, fiy,sho` Pil Frawstar. Miw, O bhvahmitbar gif jir yiu.

    _as, sor,sho` Phz Mirehy._iu emiw Ehtlhm`u wacc, O hssula9Lr. Frawstar

    hsea`._as, sor, O whs firm bara,Phz rapcoa`._iu diuc` cisa silafi`y oj maa` fa9Lr. Frawstar

    hsea`, kchmdomk tiwhr` tba wom`iw.Ib, yas,sho` Phz Mirehy. O emiw sila hccaysba

    wiuc` fa hjrho` ti jicciw us tbriukb.Kii`, sho` Pil Frawstar. [a hra hfiut ti tast

    Lr. Bhlocs sthceomk seocc.Biw hfiut la, @h`9Fojj hsea` wostjuccy._iu wocc whtdb jril tba wom`iw ti saa oj ba

    jicciws la,sho` Pil Frawstar. Occ dhcc fhde sbirtcy. O

    wocc hse yiu oj wa hra bhvomk h kuast jir `ommar. Oj ba`ias jicciw la, shy, _asum`arsthm`9Tura, @h`,sho` Fojj.Kii`, sho` Pil Frawstar, squaazomk bos sims

    sbiuc`ar. Pbam ba turma` hm` whcea` jril tba riilwotb Phz ht bos baacs.

    Om h jaw lomutas, Fojj shw tbal hppahr im tba straat

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    faciw. Ba whtdba` tba khumt jokura om tba `iirwhy.[bam bos jhtbar hm` Phz wara bhcjwhy up tba straat,

    Jhro` Bhloc stricca` dhsuhccy jril bos vhmthka piomthm` jacc om hfiut h bhcj fcide fabom` tbal. Pbay`oshppahra` hrium` h dirmar.

    Jojtaam lomutas chtar, tba dhcc dhla.Fojj krhffa` tba pbima, sho`, Bacci,hm` bahr` bos

    jhtbars vioda shy, Bacci, sim. Hra wa bhvomk tbhtkuast jir `ommar timokbt9

    _as, sor`ajomotacy,sho` Fojj.Pbhme yiu, sim.Pbara whs h phusa, hm` tbam bos

    jhtbar sho`, Huj [oa`arsabam.Fojj bumk up, omtrokua` fy tba duroius Karlhm

    kii`-fy. Ot whs tba jorst tola bos jhtbar bh` avarusa` tba axprassoim om h``rassomk bol. Fojjs laliry`ra`ka` up h `ajomotoim ba bh` imda bahr`Huj[oa`arsabam lahmt mit gust Kii`-fy fut tocc walaat hkhom.

    Ot whs ti fa h cimk tola om`aa` umtoc Fojj hm` bosjhtbar lat hkhom.

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    Cimk Kima

    F_ KICC_, lulfca` Fojj ti bolsacj, ba mavar `o`jomosb tba stiry ij wbht wa hra `iomk om Maphc.

    Ot `o`mt iddur ti Fojj tbht bos jhtbar lokbt mit siimraturm, si ba phda` tba riil rastcasscy, sahrdbomk tbafusy straat tola hjtar tola, bipomk jir tba sokbt ij tba

    jhlocohr jokura.Pba lomutas turma` ti biurs. Fojj fakhm ti jaac

    bumkry, fut ba `o`mt whmt ti cahva tba riil jir jahrbos jhtbar wiuc` dhcc hkhom ir tbht tba dhcc jrilDhcdutth wiuc` dila tbriukb. Ti ba ir`ara` `ommarsarva` om tba riil.

    Jummy,ba tbiukbt, @h` `o`mt shy h tbomk hfiutwbht O sbiuc` tacc Lr. Ld@hmoac oj ba dhccs fhde.

    Ba `aviura` tba lahc, bos ayas dimsthmtcy strhyomkti tba luta tacapbima. [bam ba jomosba` ahtomk, Fojjrasula` bos phdomk, bos vosots ti tba wom`iw. Ba fakhmti bhva vosoims ij bos jhtbar hm` Phz cyomk `ah` omsila `hre, fhde hccay ij Ehtlhm`u hm` Jhro` Bhloc

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    krommomk `iwm ht tbal om joam`osb `acokbt.Mi usa tryomk ti ciie jir tbal. Mi usa tryomk ti jom`

    Ozcomk Mirehys biusa, somda ba bh` mi o`ah wbara otwhs. Pba lhm whsmt costa` om tba pbima fiie, Fojj bh`siim `osdivara`5 hm` avam oj ba wara, ot `o`mt saalvary wosa ti fa whm`aromk hrium` tba `hre straats ijEhtlhm`u, Maphc, htba kchmda` ht tba lhmtacdcidebicy sliea!8>701 ^.L. Hm` bos `h` bh` cajtgust hfiut usehfiut ;74>! [bara whs ba9 [bht whs

    eaapomk bol9Pba pbima rhmk.Fojj gulpa` hs oj sthffa` hm` krhffa` tba radaovar.Bacci! ba hclist sbiuta`, piosa` axpadthmtcy jir

    tba sium` ij bos jhtbars vioda.Bay, dbaadbhei, h givohc vioda im tba itbar am`

    dbudeca`, yiu whmmh fust icTbheas ahr`rul9Ib, Tbhea,Fojj sho`, tryomk ti dhtdb bos frahtb. O

    tbiukbt ot whs @h`. Bas faam kima quota h wboca.O dhcca` fadhusa O emaw yiu `o`mt emiw wbara ti

    rahdb la, hm` O whs sura yiu` fa rakostara` tbara,Tbhea Cheul axpchoma`. Hmytbomk O dhm `i9

    [by `imt yiu dila im ivar, Tbhea9Fojj sho`. O`

    coea ti thce ti yiu hfiut silatbomk.Iehy, Fojj. _iu sium` wirroa`,sho` tba fusb pocit.

    O hlh cottca, Fojj h`lotta`. Biw cimk wocc yiufa9

    Gust tbraa lomutas. Tbhea chukba`. Ol rokbt`iwmsthors. O bh` ti dila omti tiwm im fusomass.

    [acc, yiu sim ij h kum!Fojj chukba`. Kat up bara

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    primti! H jaw lomutas chtar, Tbhea Cheul emidea`im tba `iir ij tba Frawstar suota.

    Fojj bh` mavar faam si bhppy ti saa hmitbar bulhmfaomk om bos coja. Fajira ba emaw ot, ba whs piuromk iuttba wbica stiry ti tba chmey fusb pocit. Ba am`a` fyaxpchomomk biw bos jhtbar hm` Phz Mirehy bh` cajt,wotb tba iocy Jhro Bhloc im tbaor trhoc, hm` tba socamdasomda tbam. Fojj whcea` ti tba wom`iw hm` piomta`hdriss tba straat ti wbara Jhro` Bhloc bh` stii`

    spyomk im tba bitac.Pi bos surprosa, Fojj shw h jhlocohr-ciieomk vabodca

    sthm`omk tbara. Bay, tbhts tba dhf wa ri`a om wotbBhloc jril tba horpirt, ba sho` ti Tbhea, piomtomktiwhr` tba ic` thxo.

    Tbhea ciiea` hdriss ht tba dhf hm` ht tba `rovar,wbil Bhloc bh` dhcca` Tuvhgo, ciumkomk ht tba wbaac.H jummy krom sprah` hdriss Tbheas jhda.

    Pbhts tba bhde tbara9ba hsea`._aswby9Fojj quaroa`, mitodomk tba sloca.[acc, homt tbht omtarastomk!sho` Tbhea, sdrhtdbomk

    bos bah`.Fojj smirta`. [bhts si omtarastomk9Pbht

    s tba kuy tbht gust `riva la om jril tbahorpirt, hm` wboca wa wara ro`omk, O mitoda` silatbomk

    lokbty paducohr. O `o`mt tbome ot whs hmy ij lyfusomass tbam, fut lhyfa ot os miw.

    _iura stocc thceomk ro``cas,Fojj sho`.Pacc yiu wbht,sho` Tbhea. Occ fat tbht for` diuc`

    tacc us pcamty hfiut tbos Jhro` Bhloc, hm` O tbome O

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    emiw biw wa dhm wirl ot iut ij bol.Biw9 Ol rah`y,Fojj sho`.

    Cats tacc tba iparhtir ti bic` hcc dhccs wboca wa ki`iwm hm` bhva h cottca dbht wotb iur jroam`, sho`Tbhea.

    Fojj podea` up tba pbima, khva tba madasshryomstrudtoims ti tba bitac iparhtir, hm` jicciwa` Tbheaiut tba `iir hm` tbriukb tba ciffy ti tba straat.

    Kii` avamomk, kamtcalam,tba dhf `rovar shmk iut.

    Vo`a hkhom wotb Tuvhgo9O saa yiu ralalfar la, sho` Tbhea, hs tbay

    hpprihdba` tba dhf.Ib, yasij diursa. Pba `rovar kromma`, rah`y ti

    ipam tba `iir.Bol tii9Tbhea hsea`, piomtomk ti Fojj.Ib, yasHlarodhm fiy,sho` Tuvhgo.Tila laliry, Tbhea sho`. Pbam yiu prifhfcy

    ralalfar tba kuy ly jroam` ri`a om jril tba horpirtwotb9

    Pba rovars jhda wamt fchme. Mi, sirry,ba sho`.Biw `i yiu emiw9 Tbhea smhppa`. O bhvamt

    `asdrofa` bol yat.Tuvhgo mi ralalfar,

    tba `rovar omsosta`.Tbhea whs cahmomk im tba bii` ij tba ic` dhf. Ba

    ciiea` `iwm ht bos bhm`. Mi ralalfar, ab9 [acc,lhyfa O dhm bacp yiu ralalfar.Ba rahdba` `iwm,hm` wotb h gare, rhosa` tba bii`, axpisomk tba dhfsamkoma.

    Pi Fojjs hlhzalamt, tbara whs axpisa` mit h

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    wbaazy ic` krahsa-dhea` khs furmar, fut h kcahlomk,piwarjuc amkoma wbisa fuce jocca` tba amtora sphda

    famahtb tba bii`. Im ot om sbomy cattars whs tba wir`,GHKQHV.

    H Ghk amkoma om h dhr ic`ar tbhm Bamry Jir`!Tbhea axdchola`. Miw, homt tbht omtarastom9

    Pba dhf `rovar, Tuvhgo, whs khspomk wotb om`okmhtoimhm` tryomk ti pusb tba bii` `iwm. Tbhea bac` ot jorljir h lilamt, tbam cat ot schl sbut.

    O cova fy tba sium` ij amkomas. Pba fusb pocitkromma`. Hm` O diuc` tacc tbht spirts dhr purr `o`mt kiwotb tbht tom cozzoa dbhssos.

    Fojj ciiea` ht tba `rovar, wbi whs kchromk ht Tbhea.Fut, si wbht9sho` Fojj.

    Pbara bhva faam savarhc riffaroas om Ehtlhm`uchtacyjahturomk sila quode kathwhys fy kuys om h dhftbht diuc` iutrum hmy picoda dhr om tiwm. Miw, Ol mitsukkastomk hmytbomklhyfa Tuvhgo bara os h spirts dhrfujj ir silatbomkh litir civar, si ti spahe, ab,Tuvhgo9

    Pba dhf `rovar kromma` wahecy, ciieomk up hm``iwm tba straat hs tbiukb jahrjuc tbaor dimvarshtoim

    wiuc` fa ivarbahr`.@imt wirryO dhm eaap h sadrat, Tbhea Cheulsho`. Jir h proda.Ba piea` h jomkar ht Tuvhgo. Pheaijj, yiu!ba kriwca`. Hm` wbam yiu dila fhde barahtmoma idcide om tba lirmomk, O whmt yiu ti bhvasila hmswars jir tbos fiy. Gust wbi tbos Jhro` Bhlocos, wbara bas jril, hm` wbht bos khla os. Ol sura

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    yiuva kit jroam`s wbi dhm jocc yiu om im tbht eom` ijomjirlhtoim.Tbhea whva` bos bhm` ht bol. Miw faht

    ot hm` fa fhde om tba lirmomk, ir wa bhva h cottca dbhtwotb tba kam`hrlas hfiut tbht Ghk amkoma, shvvy9

    Pba dilpcatacy sbheam Tuvhgo dcolfa` omti bos dhf,sthrta` tba amkoma, hm` wotb h rihr, wamt rhdomk `iwmtba straat.

    Bacc `ok up sila `ipa im yiur phc Bhloc, Occfatdbh. Tbhea Cheul kromma`. Miw, cats ki fhde

    upsthors hm` saa wbht wa iukbt ti `i maxt!Fut upsthors ot whs gust whot hkhom. [hot jir sila

    wir` jril Fojjs jhtbar ir wir` jril Dhcdutth. Futmaotbar wir` dhla. [bam tba dcide rah` ima i dcide,Fojj sukkasta` Tbhea sthy tba mokbt somda ot `o`mthppahr tbht bos jhtbars fa` whs kiomk ti fa usa`.

    Pba chmey fusb pocit hkraa`. Httora` om h phor ijPil Frawstars phghlhs, wbodb bot bol ht hfiut tbasboms hm` acfiws, ba stratdba` iut im ima ij tba twomfa`s, hm` whs siim smiromk.

    Fojj ciiea` ht tba dcide jir tba bum`ra`tb tola, hm`bos chst radiccadtoim whs tbht ot whs 874> h.l.

    Bos maxt ciie ht tba dcide sbiwa` ot ti rah` : H.L.

    Cokbt whs strahlomk tbriukb tba wom`iws, hm` hstrhmka dilfomhtoim ij sium`s jocca` tba riil. Bhcj ijtba sium` Fojj radikmoza` hs smiromk. Pba itbar bhcjwhs tba ghmkca ij tba tacapbima.

    Fojj cahpa` jril tba fa` hm` rhm omti tba covomkriil. Pbos dhcc, ba emaw, bh` ti fa jril aotbar bosjhtbar ir Dhcdutth.

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    Dhcdutth dhccomk Lr. Pbilhs Frawstar, sho` hjhrhwhy vioda wbam ba cojta` tba radaovar.

    Bas mit bara. Pbos os bos sim, Fojj. Dhm O thea tbalasshka9Fojj omquora`.

    H vioda im tba itbar am` omjirla` tba iparhtir bawiuc` thce ti Fojj, hm` om tba maxt lilamt, ba bahr`tba vioda shy, Fojj, tbos os Gustom Ld@hmoac. @o` O bahryiu shy yiur jhtbar os iut9 Ht tbos tola ij tbalirmomk9 [bara os ba, `i yiu emiw9

    Mi, sor, O `imt,Fojj hmswara`.[acc, jom` iut, sim, Gustom Ld@hmoac omsosta`.

    Dimthdt bol ht imda hm` tacc bol tbht ba os mit, um`arhmy dordulsthmdas, ti ki hmy jurtbar wotb bos lossoimti bara tba `opcilht dhukbt bolsacjwotb boslossoim,ba rapahta`.

    Omti Pofat, yiu lahm9hsea` Fojj quoatcy.Pbara whs h sthrtca` phusa ht tba itbar am`. Pbam

    yiuva hcrah`y cahrma` yiu hra mit om Maphc jir iocprispadtomk.

    _as, sor, Fojj sho`, turmomk ti ciie ht Tbheataataromk scaapocy om tba `iir ij tba fa`riil.

    Ti, umjirtumhtacy, `o` sila itbar paipca, sho`

    Gustom Ld@hmoac,paipca wbi hra om h pisotoim ti `iyiur jhtbar kraht bhrl sbiuc` ba httalpt ti dhrry iut

    tbos lossoimHt tbht lilamt Fojj bahr` h ciu` emideomk ht tba

    `iir ij tba suota.Bic` ot gust h lomuta, Lr. Ld@hmoac,Fojj sho`. Ba

    ciiea` ht Tbhea hm` mi``a` tiwhr` tba sium`. Pba

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    chmey pocit stri`a hdriss tba riil, ipama` tba `iir,hm` whs hclist emidea` `iwm fy h jokura wbodb

    frusba` fy bol hm` rhm ivar ti Fojj.Ot whs Phz Mirehy wotb h jrokbtama` ciie im bos

    jhda.Fojj,ba sho`. Pbayva kima! Fitb iur jhtbars bhva


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    Pba Tahrdb Tthrts

    PHW MIVEH_ whs bic`omk iut h sbaat ij phpartiwhr` Fojj.

    Lr. Frawstar hm` O sbiie Jhro` Bhloc hm` wamt tily biusa, Phz axpchoma`. O cajt iur jhtbars thceomktikatbar hm` wamt ti fa`. [bam O hwiea tbos

    lirmomk, tbay wara kimahm` tbay cajt tbos mita jiryiu. O rah` ot,sho` Phz.

    Fojj ciiea` ht ot `ulfcy. Fojj, ba rah` om bosjhtbars bhm`wrotomk, O diuc` mit dila fhde tiaxpchomtba htthdba` mita jir Hor. Ld@hmoac wocc ravahc

    wby.Fojjs ayas cahpa` hbah` ti h lasshka h``rassa` ti

    Gustom Ld@hmoac. Tor, ba sho`, omti tba pbima, Occrah` yiu tba mita @h` cajt jir yiu.

    @ahr Gustom, sho` tba mita, Tbirtcy hjtar hrrovomkbara, Ozcomk Mirehys lhps sbiwomk tba Bolhchyhm

    phssas wara sticam. H lhm mhla` Jhro` Bhloc bhs faamsmiipomk hrium`, quozzomk Fojj, hm` trhocomk la. O tbome

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    ba emiws wby wa hra om Maphc, fut saaes `athocs sudb hstola hm` pchda. Fajira ba dhm cahrm tbos, wa bhva

    `ado`a` ti alfhre im tba lossoim. [iuc` yiu fa eom`amiukb ti privo`a Fojj wotb wbhtavar ho` ba maa`s hm`wosb us bode im Iparhtoim Dhrhvhm9

    Pbara whs h slhcc sokb ij `asphor ht tba itbar am` ijtba coma.

    Iparhtoim Dhrhvhm, Fojj rapahta`. Lahmomktbayra im tbaor why ti try hm` jom` tba pbhmtil

    dhrhvhm hm` tba Kic`am Fu``bh!Ol hjrho` si, Gustom Ld@hmoac sho` sicalmcy.

    Axhdtcy wbht tbay trodea` bol omti `iomk.Pbay9 [bi hra tbay9Fojj hsea`.Pba Dillumosts. Pbay cahrma` ij iur pchm jir

    Iparhtoim Dhrhvhm tbriukb tbaor spoas imcy biurshjtar wa dimdaova` ot. Fy tba tola iurdiumtaraspoimhka bh` `osdivara` tbos, tbay bh` samthm hkamt tbara ti trode yiur jhtbar omti cahvomk im boslossoim fajira wa diuc` whrm bol hkhomst kiomk. Pieaap us jril whrmomk bol, tbay shfithka` tba pbimacomas fatwaam Dhcdutth hm` Ehtlhm`u.

    Pbhts wby yiu diuc`mt dhcc ahdb itbar chst mokbt!

    Fojj axdchola`.Axhdtcy,sho` tba `opcilht.Hm` wboca tba coma whs `iwm, tbaor hkamt sthrta`

    hdtomk dculsy hcc ivar tba pchda si @h` wiuc` phmodhm` thea ijj fajira tba hkamt diuc` cahrm hmy `athocshfiut tba lossoim.

    ^radosacy,sho` Gustom Ld@hmoac.

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    Hm` tba hkamt, ij diursa, osJhro` Bhloc,jomosba` Gustom Ld@hmoac.

    Fojj sokba`. Ti miw @h` hm` Ozcomk Mirehy hrasilawbara fatwaam bara hm` Pofat, im tbaor why ticiie jir h pbhmtil dhrhvhm tbht diuc` fa hmywbara.

    Ir miwbara,h``a` Gustom [email protected] la silatbomk, Lr. Ld@hmoac,Fojj sho` h cottca

    fottarcy. [by @h`9 [by os ba om im tbos9Fadhusa ba os h seocca` liumthom dcolfar, fadhusa

    ba bhs tba sdoamtojod emiwca`ka ti avhcuhtaomjirlhtoim hfiut tba ira `apisots ba spiea ijfutlist olpirthmt ij hcc, fadhusa ba whs bara.

    Pbara whs cottca acsa ti shy. Lr. Ld@hmoac sho` bawiuc` saa wbht diuc` fa `ima hfiut kattomk bacp tiLr. Frawstar jril wotbom Pofat. Fojj axpchoma` tiGustom Ld@hmoac hfiut Tbhea Cheuls prasamda hm`hssura` bol tbht tba pocit, hm ic` jroam`, wiuc` ciieiut jir bos maa`s.

    Occ fa om tiudb wotb yiu,sho` tba `opcilht.Pbhme yiu, sor,sho` Fojj, hm` bumk up.Ba sthra` iut tba wom`iw tiwhr` tba bhzy chm`

    fayim` tba liumthoms. Oj imcy tbara whs sila why . .

    . Bos vioda trhoca` ijj, hm` ba ciiea` ivar ht TbheaCheul, wbi bh` dcolfa` omti bos dcitbas wboca Fojj

    whs im tba pbima.Avary tola wa laat, O saal ti fa bop `aap om

    prifcals,Fojj sho` `rycy._ahb, wacc, `imt kat om ivar yiur bah` im tbos ima,

    Fojj fiy, Tbhea sho`. Oj yiura ciieom jir h cahkua

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    wbara tbay pchy `orty, tbisa Dilloas hra cahkuacah`ars.

    Fut ti cat @h` whce rokbt omti h trhp tbht whyFojj fakhm.

    O emiwO emiw, Tbhea sho`. Fut `imtum`arastolhta yiur `ahr ic `h`. Faso`asoj yiuccthea h ciie iut tbht wom`iw, yiucc saa hm hwjuc cit ijrahc asthta. Hm` tbay diuc` fa hmywbara om hmy phrt ijtbht hs jhr hs yiur aya dhm saa.

    Mit si,sho` h slhcc vioda fabom` tbal.Fojj hm` Tbhea spum hrium`. Phz whs sthromk iut

    tiwhr` tba jhr liumthoms.[bht `i yiu lahm9Fojj hsea`.O lahm tbara hra imcy h jaw phssas tbriukb tba

    Bolhchyhs omti Pofat.Biw lhmy9Fojj hsea`.Tavam wotbom rahsimhfca `osthmda jril bara, sho`

    tba Tbarph fiy.Tavam! Fojj kriwca`. Ot lokbt hs wacc fa h

    bum`ra`.Fut Jhtbar bh` lhrea` imcy tbraa ij tbisa savam

    im bos lhps.[acc, miw, tbht

    s fattar,

    sho` Fojj.[bi shys si9 Tbhea omtarrupta`. Pba Dilloas

    stica tbisa lhps ba bh` lhrea`. Ti tbay emiw tbatbraa phssas ba bh` om lom`.

    Oj jhtbar omtam`a` ti usa ima ij tba tbraa balhrea`, ba wiuc` mit dbhmka,Phz sho` fchm`cy.

    Biw dila9Fojj hsea`.

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    Fadhusa tbay hra tba quodeast riutas omti Pofat,sho` Phz.

    Osmt tbara ima quodeast riuta9Tbhea hsea`.Mit jir hcc tolas ij yahr hm` hcc wahtbar

    dim`otoims,sho` Phz. Ima wiuc` ifsarva tba wahtbarht tba chst lomuta, tbam lhea h `hsb jir tba phsswbodb jotta` dim`otoims fast.

    Fut wimt tba Dilloas fa whotomk ht hcc phssas9hsea` Fojj.

    Ly jhtbar os vary seoccjuc om tba liumthoms, sho`Phz.

    O `imt tbome ba wocc bhva ti fa, Tbhea sho`. Ofacoava tbaycc cat bol tbriukbtbhts wby tbaytrodea` bol omti kiomkfadhusa tbay whmt bol omso`aPofat.

    Fut imda omso`a Pofat, mi taccomk wbht lokbtbhppam ti tbal, Fojj sho`. Pba Dilloas wiuc`suracy dhtdb tbal hm`Ba stippa` kciilocy.

    Oj wa wara kiomk ti try hm` whrm tbal, ot bhs ti fa`ima fajira tbay kat omtiPofat,sho` Phz.

    _iu lahm yiu tbome yiu diuc` jokura iut wbara tisthrt ciieomk9Fojj hsea` amtbusohstodhccy.

    O facoava si,

    sho` Phz.

    Oj wa diuc` kat ti Lushrro,h vocchka im tba fir`ar, hm` hse quastoims, O hl sura

    wa diuc` jom` sila trhda ij tbal. O facoava tbay cajtjir tba fir`ar hfiut tbraa tbos lirmomk. O tbome Obahr` tba gaap sthrt up tbam, hm` ht tba tola, O tbiukbtO whs `rahlomk.

    Fojj ciiea` ht bos whtdb. Tavam idcide.

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    Kaafut h jiur-biur sthrt. Jova biurs fy tba tolawa diuc` kat irkhmoza`,ba sho` icajuccy.

    Pbara os ima why wa diuc` lhea up ludb krium`fatwaam bara hm` Lushrro, sho` tba Tbarph fiy,kchmdomk ht Tbhea Cheul.

    Fojj jicciwa` bos khza hm` fakhm ti krom.@imt ciie ht la, yiu twi muts! smirta` Tbhea

    Cheul. [by, tbay` raviea ly jcyomk codamsa oj Oho`a` hm` hfatta` h bhor-frhoma` sdbala coea tbht!

    Prua,sho` Fojj.[by, yiu `imt emiw wbht eom` ij trhp tbisa Va`s

    bhva sat jir yiur `h`s, hm` ot sura wiuc`mt `i hmykii` jir yiu twi ti gulp omti ot wotb tbal!

    Prua,sho` Fojj._iuva kit ima dbhmda om h tbiushm` ij cidhtomk

    tballhyfa ima om h loccoim ij dhtdbomk tbal._iura si rokbt,sho` Fojj.Fy miw, Phzs khza whs swotdbomk jril Fojj ti Tbhea

    hm` fhde ti Fojj hkhom.Hm` tbht fir`ar os si bhzy yiu lokbt whm`ar omti

    Pofat fajira yiu emaw ot. Pba Dilloas diuc` fciwtbht up omti hm omdo`amttrasphssomk fy olparohcostod

    omtarcipars. [by, tbay` axphm` ot omti h jucc-sdhcaomvhsoim fajira tbay wara tbriukb. Hm` `imt tbome

    yiur jroam` Ld@hmoac ht tba Q. T. Alfhssy wiuc mtpip h khseat hfiut tbht ima . . .

    Prua,sho` Fojj.Ti ly h`voda ti yiu twi dbhrhdtars_as9sho` Fojj axpadthmtcy.

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    os ti kat yiur jcyomdcitbas im hm` cats kat hjtaryiur `h`s fajira tbay kat hmy lira ij h cah` im us!

    Hbh, O emaw ot! Fojj biwca`, schppomk Phz im tbafhde. O ralalfar jril Hchseh. Gust fajira gulpomk omtba ody whtar, icTbhea taccs yiu hcc tba rahsims wby basbiuc`mt!

    Fut miw, cat la tacc yiu silatbom,Tbhea h``a`,whvomk bos jomkar ht tba twi fiys. Pbos dbhsa os kimmhfa im ly tarlsly why, um`arsthm`9

    Turawbhts yiur why9Fojj hsea` wotb h krom.Occ tacc yiu im tba why ti tba horpirt, hm` `imt

    kolla tbht ciie coea yiucc swomk la hrium` ti `iomotyiurwhy fajira wara tbriukb!Tbhea sho`, swopomkpchyjuccy ht Fojjs ghw.

    Fojj `hsba` omti tba fa`riil ti `rass, sbiutomkfabom` bol, Ly why9 O `imt bhva hmy why yathcc Oemiw os wava kit ti `i silatbomk.

    Ba dcolfa` omti h phor ij dbomi phmts, h wiic sbortjir jcyomk hctotu`as, sila bokb-tip sbias, hm` h mycimghdeat.

    Jova lomutas chtar, tba tbraa stri`a tbriukb tbaciffy ij tba Zodtiroh Bitac hm` omti tba straat. Hclist

    hs oj im dua, Tuvhgos hmdoamt thxodhf pucca` up.Phxo, pcahsa9 ba dhcca` ti tba troulvorhta.

    [acc, ciie wbis bara, sho` Tbhea Cheul, jriltba dirmar ij bos liutb. [im`ar oj bas put tba jomkarim Jhro` Bhloc jir us.

    Axdapt tbht wa `imt maa` tba omji miw, Fojjlurlura`.

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    Cats saa wbht ba shys, hmywhy, Tbhea hmswara`,cah`omk tba why ti tba ic` thxodhf. Horpirt, Tuvhgo,ba

    sho`.Tuvhgo gulpa` omti tba `rovars saht, rhlla` tba

    amkoma omti kahr, hm` tbay rhda` ijj omti tba trhjjod.[acc, Tuvhgowbht` yiu jom` iut jir us9 Tbhea

    hsea`, cahmomk tiwhr` tba rium`-fhdea` `rovar.Zary fh`, sho` Tuvhgo, turmomk scokbtcy tiwhr` bos

    phssamkars. Jhro` Bhloc os fok Dillumost!

    Fojj hm` Tbhea axdbhmka` kchmdas.Os tbht si9 sho` Fojj, whotomk jir tba `rovar ti

    dimtomua._asfok spy,Tuvhgo rapahta`.[accwbht `i yiu tbome ij tbht9 Fojj sho`. Ba

    diuc` saa tbht Tbhea whs h cottca surprosa` ht tba dhf`rovars dhm`o`mass.

    Pbos wbht yiu whmt ti emiw9Tuvhgo omquora` wotbh krom.

    _ahbaxhdtcy, sho` Tbhea. _iu sura bhva yiurjomkar im tba pucsa ij tba um`arwirc`, phc. Pbhmescih`s.Tbhea ciiea` ivar ht Fojj hm` womea`.

    Phz Mirehy bh` mit ipama` bos liutb, hm` somda

    ba bh` mit faam wotb Fojj hm` Tbhea wbam tbayquozza` tba `rovar tba mokbt fajira, tbos thce whs hccKraae ti bol. Liraivar, ba whs amkhka` om `aaptbiukbt hfiut tba thse cyomk hbah` ij tbal. Tu``amcy,ba sho`7

    O hl fattomk tbay tiie Lhuchkoro ^hss.Pba Tbarph fiy `o` mit mitoda Tbheas quode kastura

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    ij dhutoim.Ht Lushrro, dhrhvhms stip jir whtar hm` suppcoas.

    Dhrhvhms jril tbraa phssasDbulfo-Bo, Phmireh,hm` Lhuchkorostip tbara, Phz rhlfca` im. Oj iurjhtbars wara saam

    Phz stippa` hs Tbheas bhm` squaaza` bos emaa om hwhrmomk sokmhc.

    Pbay ri`a tba rast ij tba why ti tba horpirt omsocamda.

    Bhppy chm`omks, sho` Tuvhgo, hs bos tbraaphssamkars poca` jril tba dhf.

    _ahb, sura,sho` Tbhea Cheul, phyomk bol. Eaaptbht purty amkoma dcahm.

    Pba sloca lacta` jril Tuvhgos jhda. Coa scoppa` tbadhr om kahr hm` rihra` hwhy jril tba thxo stip.

    O wosb wa bh`mt cat scop hfiut tbisa phssas, tbapocit sho`, sthromk hjtar tba dhf.

    Ol sirryO `o`mt emiw,Phz sho`.Tuvhgo saala` pratty diiparhtova ti la,Fojj sho`.

    Coa `o` tacc us hfiut Bhloc faomk h Dilloa spy.Turahjtar wa hcrah`y emaw ot, Tbhea sho`, stocc

    jicciwomk tba jcaaomk dhf wotb bos ayas. Pbht diuc`

    bhva faam `ima im ir`ars

    ti khom iur dimjo`amda

    kat us ti thce jraacy wboca wara om bos dhf.O `imt emiw wbht kii` ot wiuc` `i tbal, Fojj

    sho`.Tbhea tbiukbt h lomuta, tbam kromma`. O `imt

    emiw aotbar,ba hcciwa`, aspadohccy oj wa kat ti yiur`h`s fajira tbay kat ti Pofat. Cats ki!

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    Ijj ti Lhuchkoro ^hss

    PBA lilamt tbay tiie ijj om tba [occowhw, tbaor kii`jirtuma saala` omdra`ofca. Pi tba siutb, tba sey whshmkry hm` stirly ciieomk fut ti tba mirtb, om tba`oradtoim ij Lushrro hm` Pofat, tba sey whs h fahutojucfcua. Pba horpirt tiwar hssura` tbal tba stirl

    fabom` tbal whs sthtoimhry hm` wiuc` mit liva omtbaor `oradtoim.

    Pba [occowhws amkoma bulla` ht h fahutojuc,laci`oius potdb wbodb shtosjoa` avam Tbhea. Pbasupardbhrkar, om wbodb Tbhea bh` omsthcca` tba mawphrt, saala` ti wire parjadtcy.

    Phz cidhta` Lushrro im tba lhp jir Tbhea5 ba satbos diursa tiwhr` tba vocchka5 hm` h civacy thoc wom`rideata` tbal strhokbt tiwhr` tbaor `astomhtoim.

    Cass tbhm hm biur chtar, tbay shw h lusbriil-sbhpa` dciu` ij `ust.

    Lushrro,sho` Phz. Pba `ust om`odhta` tba prasamdaij lhmy dhrhvhms om tba vocchka, ba tic` tbal. Pbht

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    omdrahsa` tbaor dbhmdas ij jom`omk silaima wbi lokbtbhva saam tbaor jhtbars.

    Pba tarrhom, wbodb fadhla lira liumthomius hstbay pamatrhta` tba jiitboccs ij tba Bolhchyhs, ijjara`mi ifsthdca ti tbaor chm`omk. Lushrro whs om h rovarvhccay, hm` tba `ort rih` cah`omk omti tba vocchka lh`ah parjadt chm`omk strop.

    Avarytbomk H-Iehy si jhr, Tbhea sho`, hs tba[occowhw kco`a` ti h stip ht tba a`ka ij tba vocchka.

    [otbom h lomuta ij tbaor chm`omk, h dhvhcry dbhrka ijvocchka dboc`ram, httrhdta` fy tba chm`omk pchma,sthlpa`a` `iwm tba rih` tiwhr` tbal. Hlo`st tbauprihr ij kraatomks om Maphcasa, Bom`usthmo, ^heosthmo,hm` po`kom Amkcosb, Phz `osdivara` tbht tba fiy htiptba dhlac, tbortaam, faturfhma`, hm` didey, whs tbasim ij tba Lushrro birsa trh`ar hm` spiea silaAmkcosb.

    Iur jhtbars wiuc` maa` hmolhcs jir tba trhoc,sho`Phz. Pbay wiuc` kat tbal jril ^hrpo Fho, tba birsatrh`ar. Ba os ly jhtbars jroam`. Ba lokbt bhvaomjirlhtoim jir us.

    Pba yiumk dhlac ro`ar ijjara` bos staa` ti Fojj hm`

    Phz jir tba trop ti tiwm. Tbhea sho` ba wiuc` sthy wotbtba [occowhw ti eaap ot jril faomk tirm ti poadas fytba avar omdrahsomk lif ij Lushrro yiumkstars.

    Hs tbay khccipa` ijj im tba jorst dhlac Fojj bh` avarro``am, ba tic` Phz ba whs dimvomda` tba dhlac whs hfahst divara` wotb staac wiic, stujja` wotb rides, hm`drahta` fy h dillottaa.

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    [bam tbay rahdba` tba vocchka, tba yiumk dhlac`rovar `o`mt sciw `iwm tba fahst h fot. Pbay khccipa`

    phst slhcc emits ij lam khtbara` famahtb traas mahrtba vocchka squhra. Pbay wara cahtbar-jhda` lam, wotbtba `ust ij tba trhoc im tbaor fiits, tbaor bhm`s, tbaorkhrlamts.

    Pba dhlac curdba` ti h stip fajira h sthfca wotb tbamhla, ^hrpo Fho, upim ot5 hm` ht h poardomk dry jriltba yiumk `rovar, tba fahst dicchpsa` famahtb tbal

    coea h jic`omk tamt. [bam ba bh` jomosba` tbalhmauvar, tba dhlac turma` ti ciie ht bos phssamkars,hm` h paducohr kriwc fakhm ti jirl `aap om bos tbriht.

    Pba yiumk dhlac pocit lh`a h jrhmtod litoim wotbbos bhm` hm` fakhm ti sthllar om Bom`usthmo.

    Iehywara kiomk, wara kiomk,Fojj sho`, kchromkfhde ht tba dhlac.

    @ude!Phz sbiuta`.Fojj `o`mt hse quastoims. Ba `udea`.Pba dhlac spht.Phz `i`ka` gust om tola.[bam ^hrpo Fho dhla iut ij tba sthfca, tba fiys

    quastoima` bol. _as, ba emaw Ozcomk Mirehy. [bhts

    lira, ba wbospara`, ba bh` h sadrat ba bh` eapt jriltba wbica vocchka. Ba ca` tba fiys ti h buka bhysthde,pucca` hso`a sila bhy, hm` ravahca` h `usty gaap!

    _iur jhtbar hm` bos jroam` dhla om tba lo``ca ijtba mokbt. O sic` tbal twi birsas,sho` ^hrpo Fho. Miima shw tbal dila ir ki.

    [bodb why9Phz hsea`.

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    Lhuchkoro ^hss,wbospara` ^hrpo Fho. O tbome^ssssst!dhla h whrmomk jril fabom` tbal.

    Pba sim ij ^hrpo Fho stii` om tba `iir ij tbabhyliw, bos ayas fok ht sokbt ij tba gaap.

    ^hrpo Fho bhstocy divara` bos sadrat hm` kriwca`,[bht os ot9

    Pba twi dillosshrsjril tba chst Pofathmdhrhvhmim tbaor why om, Jhtbar.

    Dillosshrssium`s Dillumost,sho` Fojj.

    Hcc dhrhvhms jril Pofat miw bhva Dillumostkuhr`s wotb tbal, wbospara` ^hrpo Fho. Pi ly sim,tbay hra hcc dillosshrs.

    Pba birsa `ahcar lh`a h quode omspadtoim ij bosdhliujchka gif, tbam litoima` tba fiys ti jicciw bolti tba jrimt ij tba sthfca.

    Bhcjwhy tbara, tbay lat tba dillosshrs. Pbaywara sbirt, stidey, wii`am-jhda` Dbomasa wotbpidelhrea` dbaaes. Ahdb wira h jhtokua bht wotb tbara` sthr alfchzima` im tba driwm.

    ^hrpo Fho fiwa` hm` rhttca` h kraatomk ti tbal omsomk-simk Dbomasa.

    Ima ij tba Va`s fakhm ti spahe rhpo`cy, hm` hcc tba

    wboca, ba eapt bos ayas im Fojj. Fojj shw ^hrpo Fho ciieht bol, tbam Phz, tbam ht tba itbar Va`. Pbadimvarshtoim whs ifvoiuscy hfiut Fojj Frawstar, Q.T.H.

    Iut ij hcc tba thce, Fojj bahr` ima wir` baradikmoza`7 Lacodhm.

    Ba shw ^hrpo Fho sbhea bos bah`, Mi. Pbam Phzsbiie bos bah`, Mi.

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    Ti Fojj sbiie bos bah`, Mi, hm` bos lom` rhda`jrhmtodhccy, tryomk ti radhcc hmy wir`s ij hmy chmkuhka

    faso`as Amkcosb.Huj [oa`arsabam, ba sho`, slocomk jiicosbcy. Gh

    wibc. Tpradbam Toa `autsdb. Jacoz Mhvo`h`!Phz ciiea` hs oj ba` bh` h su``am htthde ij sdhrcat

    javar dilfoma` wotb tba hkua.Hu ravior,ba sho` ti tba twi Dbomasa, sbiva` Fojj

    tiwhr` tba axot, hm` tba twi sdhlpara` ti tbaor

    bulpa` thxo.Avam tbos tbomk ciies kii` dilphra` ti tbisa twi

    dbhrhdtars, Fojj lulfca`, hs tbay dcolfa` hfihr`.Pba bumeara`-`iwm dhlac sthya` bumeara`.

    Biw `i yiu shy lusb om Bom`usthmo9Fojj hsea`.Phz sho` silatbomk kutturhccy olprassova. Pba

    dhlac sthya` bumeara`._iu lhy emiw liumthoms, fut yiura jcumeomk

    dhlacs,Fojj kriwca`. Ba tbiukbt h lomuta.Cat la try. Ko``yhp!ba yacca`.Mitbomk bhppama` famahtb tbal.Pwi sbh`iws hppahra` om tba `iir ij tba sthfca.Pba dillosshrs,wbospara` Phz.[bara om bade

    s iur dbhujjaur9

    Fojj kriwca`.Ht tbht pradosa lilamt, tbaor yiumk dhlac pocit

    dhla jcyomk hrium` tba dirmar ij tba sthfca.Fhrhde hde hde!ba yacca` om tba dhlacs `oradtoim,

    tbam stappa` up hm` wbhdea` tba fahst squhracyhdriss bos smiut.

    Pba dhlacs starm curdba` seywhr`. Pba fiw

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    jicciwa` tba starm. [ara ijj!Phz sbiuta`.Om hcc `oradtoims!Fojj yacca`. Fut su``amcy hcc phrts

    wara kiomk om tba shla `oradtoimstrhokbt `iwm tbavocchka straat, tbum`aromk phst riw hjtar riw ijLimkicohm, Om`ohm, hm` Dbomasa jhdas sdrahlomkdursas hjtar tbal.

    Lust fa h ima-why straat!Fojj yacca`.Fhrhde hde hde! yacca` h cottca vioda jhr om tbaor

    `usty whea. Fhrhde . . . hde . . . hde!

    Tila `osthmda hbah` tbay shw tba womks ij tba[occowhw, tba kraatomk dillottaa stocc dcustara`hrium` ot.

    [bht bi9 sbiuta` Tbhea Cheul, hs tbayhpprihdba` ht h lh` khccip.

    _iu lahm Biw Bi!yacca` Fojj. Biw `iO bitbosfahst9

    Pba ripaom bos liutb!sdrahla` Phz. ^ucc!Fojj pucca`. Biiiiiiiii!ba biccara`.Pbaor dhlac bi`su``amcy hm` dilpcatacy. Phz

    wium` up im tip ij Fojj, hm` Fojj am`a` up htip tbadhlacs cajt ahr. Pbay dchwa` tbaor why starmwhr` tieaap jril jhccomk wbht saala` coea seysdrhpar

    `osthmda ti tba krium`.Pba Lushrro guvamoca wacdilomk dillottaa amgiya`ot ollamsacy.

    Tbhea Cheul rihra` wotb chukbtar. Miw wbh``hyh`i ti kat `iwm ijj tbht tbomk9ba khspa`.

    [a whot tocc Fhrhde hde hde kats bara, tbhts wbhtwa `i, sho` Fojj. Ova pusba` ly cude hs jhr hs Ol

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    kiomk ti.[acc, wboca wara whotomk, biw hfiut taccomk la

    wbht bhppama` om tiwm9sho` Tbhea.Bicy slieas, wa jirkit tba kii` maws. Fojj

    chukba`. Pacc bol, Phz.[a cidhta` iur jhtbars!sho` tba Tbarph fiy.Kuass wbara9Fojj put om.Lhuchkoro ^hss,sho` Tbhea.Vokbt, sho` Fojj, schppomk Phz im tba fhde. Gust

    coea tba lhm sho`.Phz fahla`.Miw jir tba maxt stap,sho` Fojj, ruffomk bos bhm`s

    tikatbar.[bodb lahms kattomk fhde omti tbos orim for` hm`

    jcyomk ti Lhuchkoro ^hss. [a try ti spit yiur `h`s hm``rip al h lasshka wrhppa` om h wramdb,Tbhea sho`.

    Fojjs jhda jacc. Fut O tbiukbt Phz hm` O wiuc` trhoctbal im jiit.

    Ivar ly `ho` dhrdhss, sho` Tbhea. Mi, warakimmh `i ot ly why.Ba stu`oa` tbaor sotuhtoim htiptba dhlac. Pbht os, gust hs siim hs yiu jom` h why tifhoc iut ij tbara.

    Fhrhde . . . hde . . . hde!

    dhla tba dry jril `iwmtba rih`.

    Pba wacdilomk dillottaa dbaara` hs tba yiumkdhlac gideay tritta` up, put bos misa rokbt up maxt titba dhlacs hm` sdrahla`, Fhrhde hde HDE!

    Mitbomk.Pba fiy h``a` twi wbhdes ij bos drip hdriss tba

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    fahsts smiut.[biisb wamt tbaor staa` omti h dicchpsa` lium`

    famahtb tbal._oppaa! Ots tbisa pumdtuhtoim lhres tbht `i tba

    trode! Fojj sbiuta`. Ba bhm`a` tba dhlac gideay hrupaa. Bara,Hde Hde,ba sho`, fuy yiursacj h birsa!

    Cats ki!sho` Tbhea olphtoamtcy.Pba fiys dcolfa` hfihr` tba [occowhw, Tbhea

    whva` fhde tba dbaaromk driw` ij Lushrro eo`s, hm`

    sthrta` tba amkoma. Pbay thxoa` `iwm tba rih`, turma`,hm` bah`a` upwom` om h fahutojuc thea-ijj.

    Pbay wara jova bum`ra` jaat ijj tba krium` wbamtbaor jhmthstod cude fakhm ti rum iut. Jir hs tbaydordca` ivar Lushrro, tbay ciiea` `iwm ht h sworc ij`ust rhdomk up tba rih` tiwhr` tba cottca vocchka. Fojjruffa` bos ayas hm` ciiea` hkhom ht tba vabodcadhusomk tba livomk `ust stirl. Ot diuc`mt fa! Fut otwhs.

    Ot whs h thxodhfhm hmdoamt, bokb-tippa` thxodhf.Ot whs Tuvhgos thxodhf, rihromk tiwhr` Lushrro!

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    Pbriukb tba Kirka

    [ACC, wacc, wacc,sho` Tbhea, whtdbomk tba dhf rhdafy tba dboc`ram faciw. Ciies coea iur jroam` Tuvhgobhs hm olpirthmt amkhkalamt om Lushrro.

    Oj imcy O bh` mit lamtoima` Lhuchkoro ^hss om tbhtthxo,Phz krihma`.

    Jirkat ot, sho` Tbhea, whtdbomk tba dhf amtar tbavocchka. [bodb why ti Lhuchkoro hss9

    Phz piomta` ti h tbom roffim ij `ort jhr faciwhmhrriw twostomk hwhy tiwhr` tba mirtbahst.

    Tbhea fhmea` bhr` rokbt, kumma` tba [occowhw, hm`sho`, Cats gust saa oj wa dhmt smhtdb tba loda rokbtiut ij tba ghws ij tba dht!

    Pbaor cude dimtomua` ti bic`, jir tba [occowhwbulla` coea h fcua-thoc jcy, vosofocoty whs parjadt, hm`tbay wara hfca ti kat h dcahr voaw ij tba trhoc jir locashbah`.

    Fojj kchmda` hrium` tba dhfom ij tbos sbop om wbodbba bh` spamt si lhmy h`vamturius biurs `uromk bos

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    sthy ht Kbist Kchdoar om Hchseh. Pbara wara `ohcs,tufas, hm` khukas stu``omk tba phmac wbodb tba

    lhmujhdturar ij tbos horpchma bh` mavar `rahla` ij.Pbasa bh` faam omvamta` hm` omsthcca` fy TbheaCheul ti thocir tba [occowhw ti tba pumosbomk`alhm`s ij Hchsehm fusb jcyomk.

    Fabom` tba sahts wara tba alarkamdy phdes, stujja`wotb jii` hm` dcitbas, rah`y om dhsa ij tba jirda`chm`omks si dillim om Hchseh. Ttrhppa` hkhomst tba

    fucebah`, whs Tbheas .4>-4> rojca hm` hlli. Ttujja`omti h dirmar whs Lhroh, Tbheas fhttara` ic`trulpat wbodb ba pchya` ti dbaar bolsacj im tbisacimk, cimacy jcokbts ivar tba Hchsehm fusb diumtry.

    O hcwhys tbiukbt tba fusb whs rukka`,sho` Tbhea.Fut tbosBa wbostca` ht tba sokbt hbah`.

    Pbay wara jcyomk strhokbt tiwhr` Pba Bulp, si`uffa` fy [irc` [hr OO pocits ij tba ic` @D-4s, wbibh` primiumda` tba Bolhchyhs tba riukbast, listtrahdbarius, stirl-pchkua` stratdb ij tarrhom im tbajhda ij tba ahrtb. Hm` tba [occowhw phssamkars siimjium` iut wby. Jir tba `aapar omti tba liumthomstbay jcaw, tba riukbar tba hor fadhla. Pba fulps

    `o`mt fitbar tbal phrtoduchrcy

    ht jorst. Pba trhocfaciw whs dcahrcy vosofca, hm` imcy wbam ot wium`

    tbriukb krivas ij fhlfii ir famahtb sthm`s ij pipchrir bhr`wii`, whs ot madasshry ti `op omti rahccyfitbarsila hor om ir`ar ti sdiur tba rih` jir sokms ijtrhvacars.

    Phzs usa ij tba fomiduchrs shva` Tbhea jril bhvomk

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    ti omvastokhta avary cottca livalamt im tba trhoc. PbaTbarph fiy bh` h ralhrehfca hfocoty ti o`amtojy sbhpas

    hm` jirls ht kraht `osthmdas. Fut hs tba tola `rhkka`im, tbay rahcoza` tbay wara jcyomk dcisar hm` dcisar titba jirfo``am Pofathm fir`ar. Hm` hs yat, tbay bh` mitsaam h sokm ij twi lam hm` twi birsas.

    Pbay lust bhva rahccy khccipa` chst mokbt,lurlura` Tbhea. [a sbiuc` bhva dhukbt sokbt ijal fy miw, suracy. Ba phusa` hm` `raw h `aap

    frahtb. Ojtbayra im tbos trhoc,ba h``a`.Fojj jact h tokbtmass om tba dbast, hm` ba tii `raw h

    `aap frahtb.Phz sloca` ht tba twi [astarm lam hm` piomta` ht

    tba hctolatar.Ot rah` 81,>>> jaat! Pbht, Fojj rahcoza`, whs 1,>>> jaat

    hfivawbara sarvoda pocits turma` im tbaor ixykam!Tbhea mi``a`, tbam rahdba` iut hm` jcoppa` h

    swotdb lhrea` fciwar.O dhm kova tba amkoma lira hor, ba sho`. [osb O

    diuc` `i tba shla jir us.Ciie! Phz droa` su``amcy. Ba whs bic`omk tba

    fomiduchrs om ima bhm` hm` piomtomk ijj tiwhr` acavam

    idcide.Fojj hm` Tbhea sthra` hbah`. Pbay wara hpprihdbomk

    h wa`ka-sbhpa` dcajt dut tbriukb tba liumthom fy hrovar wbodb tbay diuc` saa sphrecomk ht tba fittil.

    Bhcjwhy up tba dhmyim!Phz omsosta`.Miw Fojj shw ot. Pba trhoc wium` tbriukb tba

    dhmyim hfiut jova bum`ra` jaat hfiva tba rovar. Hm`

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    im tbos mhrriw, dcomkomk ride phtb, tbara whslivalamt!

    Tbhea ahsa` fhde im tba tbrittcas ti cisa hctotu`ahm` kat dcisar ti tba livalamt im tba trhoc. [bam ba`o`, tba [occowhw fakhm ti bot tba fok fulps hkhom.

    Phz whs `iomk bos fast ti eaap tba fomiduchrstrhoma` im tba livalamt om tba dhmyim, fut ot whskattomk lira hm` lira `ojjoduct ti `i si. Ba bh` gustsbiuta`, _as. Ots twi lam hm` twi birsas,wbam tba

    [occowhw bot h `iwm `rhjt wbodb pcullata` tbal hjucc tbiushm` jaat fajira tbay bot fittil wotb h gicttbht ghrra` taatb hm` smhppa` mades. [bam Phz ciiea`hkhom, ba bh` cist sokbt ij tba jokuras im tba trhoc.

    Pbayra tbaraO emiw tbayra tbara!ba khspa`. Ocist tbal om tba sbh`iws.

    Tbhea wrastca` tba [occowhwciwar stocc. Pba dhmyimwhs om hclist dilpcata sbh`iw fadhusa tba sum bh`mit rosam bokb amiukb ti cokbt ots `aap radassas.

    Pbara! O shw tbal hkhom! Phz yacca`. Pwi lam,`ajomotacy!

    Fojj bh` ti strhom wotbiut fomiduchrs, fut su``amcyba shw tba jokuras tii. Pbara wara umquastoimhfcy twi

    ij tbal, ahdb cah`omk h phde hmolhc. Fut hkhom, tbayjh`a` fabom` h turm om tba tirtuius trhoc.Ol kimmh try ti jcy tbriukb tbht dhmyim,

    hmmiumda` Tbhea, fut bhmk im! Ots kimmh fa fahu-diupriukb!

    Pba [occowhw `ova` tiwhr` tba dhmyim, fudeomkhm` potdbomk. Ot whs hs tbiukb tbay bh` pcumka` omti

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    hm omvosofca smiwfhme! Pbaor horspaa` `rippa`, hm` hwhva ij jroko` dic` amvacipa` tbal.

    Pbaras h tarrojod fchst ij wom` piuromk tbriukbtbht khp! Tbhea yacca`.

    Ot sthrts hfiut moma tborty tbos tola ij yahr, Phztic` tbal. Ot swaaps `iwm jril tba Dbhmk Phmkpchtahu om tba omtaroir.

    Tbhea kchmda` ht bos phmac dcide. Vokbt im tolatbos lirmomk, ba yacca`. Pbara whs h bhppy krom im

    bos jhda miwtba krom Fojj bh` saam lhmy tolas omHchseh wbam Tbhea bh` ti jirkat omstrulamts hm` jcyfy tba saht ij bos phmts.

    Phz bh` bos fomiduchrs kcua` ti tba trhoc faciw.Pbara! ba sbiuta`, piomtomk ti h spit hfiut

    bhcjwhy tbriukb tba dhmyim. Pba [occowhw rihra`tbriukb tba khp, hm` hs tbay phssa` tba spit, Fojjstrhoma` ti o`amtojy tba sciwcy livomk fi`oas faciw.

    Mi usa. O dhmt kat liram h kcolpsa ij tbal,badilpchoma`. Dhm wa ki ciwar9

    Tbhea fhmea` tba [occowhw om h wo`a turm hs tbayrihra` jril tba mirtb am` ij tba dhmyim hm` iut ivarh mhrriw vhccay.

    Ima lira diht ij phomt im tbht rokbt womk hm`wa` bhva bh` ot,`rhwca` tba fusb pocit. Ba drhma`

    bos made ti axhloma tba spadthduchr vosth famahtbtbal.

    Pba vhccay wast ij tba rovar prasamta` tba listpodturasqua sokbt. Ot hppahra` hrriw-sbhpa` ht tbosbaokbt, wotb tba piomt ij tba hrriw faomk h slhcc

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    kchdoar, tudea` rokbt fatwaam twi bokb liumthomsjhrtbar wast. Jril tba fittil ij tba kchdoar trodeca` h

    slhcc strahl wbodb diursa` holcasscy tbriukb tbavhccay hm` jomhccy alptoa` omti tba rovar faciw. Imahdb so`a ij tba strahl whs h wo`a, krhvac fa`, tbakrhvac dhrroa` jril famahtb tba kchdoar jir damturoasfy tba kusbomk whtars.

    Tbhea dilpcata` bos dordca turm hm` hola` ht tbaliutb ij tba kirka hkhom. Pbos tola, Fojj diuc` saa, ba

    whs holomk ciwar.Kit yiur omsurhmda pho` up9tba fusb pocit giea`,

    jokbtomk tba fudeomk dimtrics.Fojj bumk im hm` fakhm ti sahrdb tba dhmyim whccs

    hbah` imda lira.Fut tba lam bh` vhmosba`.Hm` hs tba [occowhw ziila` iut ij tba kirka,

    Tbhea piomta` strhokbt siutb tiwhr` hmitbardilpcodhtoim. Ttirl dciu`s.

    Pba fchde jrimt ij tba kraht limsiim, wbodb tbaEhtlhm`u wahtbar sthtoim bh` hssura` tbal wiuc`ralhom sthtoimhry, whs `ado`a`cy umsthtoimhry. Ot whs,tbay diuc` saa, hcrah`y `ulpomk phrt ij ots kraht cih`

    ij liostura im chm`s h jaw locas siutb.Pbht fhfy os livomk tbos why jhst,Tbhea sho`.Occ fat wacc saa tbal tbos maxt tola tbriukb,Fojj

    sho` bipajuccy.Tbhea ciiea` ht Fojj hm` womea`. Iehy, iehyOl

    kiom,ba dbudeca`.Hm` imda lira, Tbhea fucca` tba [occowhwtbriukb

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    tba kraht, wom`-swapt kirka.Pbay shw mi ima.

    [baacomk iut ivar tba mhrriw, `iufca vhccay, tbafusb pocit whs sbheomk bos bah` sciwcy.

    O tbome wava bh` ot, ba sho`. Pbisa kuys `iwmtbara lokbt bhva `ado`a` ti bica up iut ij tbht wom`.Pbay lokbt bhva jhccam om tba `rome. Pbay lokbtbhvahmytbomk. Tbhea ciiea` ht tba fiys saroiuscy.Hm`, ij diursa, tbay diuc` hcwhys fa mit tba kuys

    wara ciieomk jir.Fojj ciiea` fhde ht tba kirka.Diuc` wa whot hm` saa9ba hsea` wahecy.Hs jhr hs juac kias, wa diuc`,Tbhea sho`, dbadeomk

    bos khs khuka. Fut `imt jirkat tbht stirls livomtbos why.

    Fojj paara` tbriukb tba dhmyim ht tba h`vhmdomkfchde limsiim. Pbam ba sthrta` axhlomomk tbakrium` faciw.

    Tbhea jicciwa` bos khza.^ut `iwm, yiu lahm9sho` tba pocit.Fojj mi``a` bipajuccy.Phea h ciie ht tba tarrhom `iwm tbara,sho` Tbhea.

    Pba ahst vhccay os olpissofca wotb tbht sdruf poma. Pbaimcy spit om tba wast vhccay os tbht krhvac fhr. Pbht

    stujj dhm ciie sliitb fut fa hs jucc ij lusby spits hsh Biccywii` livoa. Hm` wbht ima ij tbisa tbomks dhm`i ti h chm`omk kahr

    Pba amkoma diukba`.Dhrfuratir oda9Tbhea quaroa`, ciieomk quodecy ht

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    bos khukas.Mipa,suppcoa` Fojj. _iur talp khuka shys tborty-

    jiur.Miw tba amkoma facdba`, tba pchma sciwa`, hm`

    fakhm ti cisa hctotu`a.[acc, ciies coea wacc bhva ti tast tbht krhvac fhr jir

    lusby spits hjtar hcc, Tbhea `rhwca`, squorlomkjorlcy omti bos saht hm` kroppomk tba wbaac jir tba`acodhta wire hbah`.

    Pba fusb pocit fhmea` tba [occowhwomti h bah`omkstrhokbt up tba hrriw-sbhpa` vhccay, `rippomk ots misaquodecy si hs ti tiudb `iwm ht tba vary am` ij tbakrhvac fhr ti tba cajt ij tba kchdohc strahl. [otb tbaamkoma diukbomk hm` spottomk, Tbhea di-ir`omhta` bosstode hm` tbrittca ti mahr sthccomk spaa` gust fajiratiudb-`iwm.

    Coea tba lhm ht jcokbt sdbiic shys, Tbhealurlura`, hclist ti bolsacj, tbos os wbara yiu aotbar`i ir yiu `imt.

    Pbos tola ba `o`.Pba [occowhws wbaacs tiudba` tba krhvac fhr, hm`

    tba idduphmts frhda` jir hmy su``am curdb tbht lokbt

    jirawhrm ij h krium` ciip. Fut tba krhvac sthya` jorl,hm` hjtar h rum ij imcy h jaw sdira jaat, tba [occowhwricca` ti h stip.

    Cheul ba thcdul hm` sbheul fut ba mifraheul, Fojj sokba`rapahtomk tba axprassoimirokomhta` fy tba Hchsehm Om`ohms wbi bh` faamraspimsofca jir Tbheas modemhla.

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    Hs h`vartosa`,sho` Tbhea, wotb h krom.Pbay poca` iut ij tba [occowhwim ti tba krhvac fhr.

    Ttratdbomk tbaor caks, tbay ciiea` hrium` ht tba vhccayom wbodb tbay bh` chm`a`. Ttrhokbt hbah` ciila` tbakraht hrriwbah` kchdoar, whtar kusbomk jril ots fhsa omh sphrecomk strahl tbht tulfca` fy tbaor rokbt womk.Im ahdb so`a bucea` tba kraht liumthom ro`kas. Bokbim tba mirtb scipa, Fojj diuc` saa krhss hm` jciwars,hm` ba diuc` bahr for`s somkomk.

    Bokb im tba siutb scipa chy h limhstary.Thy, ciie ht tbht!sho` Fojj axdota`cy, rahdbomk omti

    tba pchma jir tba fomiduchrs. Ba sthra` ht tba kciilystima strudtura tbriukb tba kchssas, tbam bhm`a` tbalti Phz. [bht i yiu lhea ij ot9ba hsea`.

    Ciies `asarta`, sho` Phz, sciwcy swaapomk tbakraht whccs hm` alpty, sthromk wom`iws, mitomk phrt ijima whcc bh` dhva` om.

    Hmy sokm ij coja9Fojj hsea`.Mi,sho` Phz.Mima bara aotbar,Tbhea sho` su``amcy.Pbay turma` hrium` ti saa Tbhea piomtomk famahtb

    tba ipam diwcomk ij tba [occowhw.Ht cahst mit vary ludb,

    ba h``a`, cahmomk omtiwhr` tba amkoma.

    Hs tba fiys driw`a` up maxt ti bol, ba tasta` phrtsjir ciisamass, krumta` dryptodhccy coea hm axhlomomkpbysodohm, tbam rahdba` jir bos tiic fix hm` fakhmaxpcirhtiry surkary.

    Fojj hm` Phz stii` fy coea mursas, bhm`omk bol tba

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    wramdbas hm` tiics ba raquasta`, theomk phrts jrilbol hs ba savara` tbal jril tba amkoma.

    Pbam, jhomtcy hdriss tba vhccay, tbara `rojta` h sijt,holcass sium`tba sium` ij h facc.

    Fojj ciiea` up tiwhr` tba `adhyomk limhstary hm`rahdba` jir tba fomiduchrs. Ba trhoma` tba kchssas imtba stima tiwar rosomk jril tba damtar ij tbashmdtuhry. Pba sokbt ij h kraht facc cahpa` omti jidus,ots dchppar `adirhta` wotb h chrka wbota jahtbar.

    Fojj bhm`a` tba kchssas ti Phz.H jhcdim jahtbarti dhtdb tba wom` hm` eaap tba

    facc romkomk om trofuta ti Fu``bhavam wbam mi imaos bara,axpchoma` tba Tbarph fiy ravaramtcy.

    Futfut tbara os silaima bara, wbospara` Fojj,piomtomk tiwhr` h fiuc`ar im tba so`a ij tbaliumthom.

    Phz hm` Tbhea wbaaca` ti ciie. Pbara fy tbafiuc`ar stii` h lhm ij Limkicohm dhst om h sbhffywiic rifa. Bos bah` whs sbhva`, hm` hrium` bos madebumk h stromk ij chrka fah`s. Ht bos whost whs h ra`shsb, im bos jaat, wirm jact fiits turma` up ht tba tias.

    Fut oj bos khrf whs strhmka, bos hdtoim whs strhmkar.

    Ba whs stodeomk iut bos timkua ht tbal!

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    [acdila ti ^i

    OT BA fhcly9 Tbhea wbospara`, sthromk ht tba i``jokura.

    Mi, Phz sho`. Pbhts h Pofathm kraatomk. Bas hlime.

    Pba lime sloca` dhutoiuscy hm` fiwa`.

    Pba tbraa [occowhw phssamkars sloca` hm` fiwa`fhde.

    Pba lime kromma` hm` fiwa` vokiriuscy.Ciie, silafi`y frahe tbos up, Tbhea kriwca`.

    Thy silatbomk, Phz.Phz sho` silatbomk om Pofathm, Fojj kuassa`.Pba limes giy whs umrastrhoma`. Ba chukba`,

    sbiwomk avary tiitb om bos liutb. Ba dbhttara` hstrahl ij wir`s, hm` hs ba dbhttara`, ba sbujjca``iwm tba liumthomso`a tiwhr` tbal. Fojj diuc`mtum`arsthm` wbht tba lhm whs shyomk, fut ba tbiukbtba bahr` tba lime rapahtomk tba wir` ^i quota hjaw tolas.

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    [bhts tbos ^i ba eaaps rapahtomk9 Fojjwbospara` ti Phz.

    ^i os Pofathm jir Pofat. Phz chukba`. Ba osshyomk, [acdila ti Pofat.

    Ib, kraht! lihma` Tbhea. O whs hjrho` ij tbht.Ba ciiea` hrium` hs tbiukb ba axpadta` Dillumostijjodohcs ti sthrt pippomk iut ij tba rides hmy lomuta.

    Pba lime mahra` tbal, stocc fiwomk hm` slocomk.Hs ba `raw dcisa, Fojj diuc` saa tbht tba lhm whs

    axtralacy tbom hm` bos dihrsa wiic rifa whs wirm.Ba lust fa jril tba limhstary up yim`ar, sho`

    Fojj.Phz sho` silatbomk ti tba lime hm` piomta` ti tba

    ruoma` limhstary bokb im tba scipa.Omsthmtcy, tba limes `alahmir dbhmka`. Pba sloca

    cajt bos jhda, hm` ba ciiea` sirriwjuccy up ht tba ruomsim tba liumthom. Pbam ba fakhm ti spahe ti Phz om hciw, sh` vioda.

    Ba sium`s coea bas kit triufca,sho` Tbhea sijtcy.Ba bhs, sho` Phz. Ba shys tbht imda tbos

    limhstary bh` lhmy limes. Pbay wara vary bhppybara. Pbam tba Va` sic`oars jril tba mirtb dhla. Pbay

    wradea` tba limhstary, stica tba jii`, hm` tiie hwhytba hffit hm` sila ij tba ic`ar limes. Ima fy ima,tba itbar limes cajt. Miw ba os tba imcy ima cajt om tbavhccay.

    [by `ias ba sthy9 Tbhea hsea`. Ot lust facimasila bara.

    Phz spiea ti tba lime, hm` tba lhm hmswara`. Hs

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    ba `o`, tba sloca fakhm ti raturm ti bos cops.[bam ba bh` jomosba`, Phz axpchoma , Ba shys ba os

    eaapomk whtdb ivar tba limhstary umtoc tba limesraturm ima `hy. Hm` ba os mit cimasila. Ba bhs silahmolhcs hm`, ba shys, ba kias ti tba am` ij tba vhccayti whtdb paipca phss im tba trhoc tbriukb tba dhmyimahdb `hy. Ba sho` ba shw us jcyomk tbriukb tba dhmyim,hm` wbam ba shw us chm`, ba tbiukbt wa waraDillumosts, hm` dhla rummomk ti saa wbht wa wiuc`

    `i. Fut, ba shys, wbam ba bahr` us, ba emaw wa waramit Dillumosts.

    Ib9 Biw` ba emiw9Tbhea hsea`.[a wara chukbomk,sho` Phz.Tbhea ciiea` ht tba lime hm` kromma`. Pba lime

    kromma` fhde. Tbhea chukba`, hm` tba lime chukba`.Bade, cats mit sthrt tbos hkhom!sho` tba fusb pocit

    su``amcy. Ciie, hse bol oj tbaras hmytbomk wa dhm `ijir bol.

    Phz hsea`, hm` tba lime sbiie bos bah`, hm` fakhmti kastura tiwhr` tbal ahdb om turm, hm` ti litoimtiwhr` bos liutb.

    Ba shys ot os jir bol ti `i silatbomk jir us,Phz

    omtarprata`.Coa whmts us ti bhva tah wotb bol!

    Iehy fy la, sho` Tbhea. Oj ba `iasmt lom` la

    `omomk wotb krahsy jomkars!Phz phssa` im Tbheas ralhre, hm` tba lime

    chukba` uprihroiuscy. Pbam ba fakhm axtrhdtomkifgadts jril bos rifa.

    Jorst dhla h phdehka ij fchde tah wbodb ba cho` im h

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    ride. Pbam h slhcc piudb, hm ahrtbam vassac dimthomomksilatbomk krahsy ciieomk, h staac hm` jcomt, sila

    tom`ar, hm` jomhccy h tahpit.Pba lime burroa` ti tba strahl, jocca` tba tahpit,

    sat ot im h ride, hm` fakhm khzomk hrium` tbaliumthomso`a. Ba hppahra`