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1. Greetings and social expressions

Listening and Speaking 1.1 Appropriate expression in social situations 1.1.1 Able to thank someonei. Thank you, teacher.ii. Thank you very much.

1.1.2 Able to express simple apologyi. Im sorry.ii. Please excuse me.

1.1.3 Able to exchange greetingsi. How are you?ii. Im fine.

1.1.4 Able to make simple polite requesti. Please ...ii. Could you ...1. Pupils repeat after teacher the greetings with correct pronunciation.

2. Pupils will do a role play

3. Pupils sing appropriate song to the greetings

4. Explanation on the correct usage of the words in daily life.

5. Pupils response with appropriate body gestures

Song lyrics


Picture cards

1. Greetings and social expressions

Reading 1.2 Recognise and read words1.2.1 Able to read simple sentencesi. Please arrange the chairs.ii. Could you take the ruler, please?1. Word recognition

2. Verbal drilling: Pupils repeat the words of after the teacher.

3. Match words with the pictures using the same coloured cards.Word cards


1. Greetings and social expressions

Writing 1.3 To form letters and works in neat legible print

1.3.1 Able to copy given sentences1. Join dots to form the words

2. Trace the words using tracing paperWord cards


Tracing papers

2. Personal details

Listening and Speaking 2.1 Self introduction

Reading 2.2 Apply knowledge of sounds of letters to readphrases and sentences2.1.1 Able to tell about oneselfi. ageii. address

2.2.1 Able to read phrases pertaining toi. age ( ... years old )ii. address ( town/ district/ state)

2.2.2 Able to read simple sentences abouti. age ( I am nine years old )ii. address ( I live at ...)1. Teacher introduces herself and says I am Teacher Siti, I am 29 years old. I live at Bangsar

2. Pupils state aloud their age and address after teacher.

3. Pupils are asked to state the age and address as using the card shown by the teacher.

1. Word recognition

2.Match word cards accordingly

Realia Picture cards Worksheets CDs

2. Personal details

Writing 2.3 To form letters and words of name and gender in neat legible print

2.3.1 Able to copy phrases pertaining toi. ageii. address

2.3.2 Able to write simple sentences pertaining toi. ageii. address1. Writing Drill


3. Family members

Listening and Speaking 3.1 Recognise and differentiatie family members

Reading 3.2 Recognise phrases and sentences pertaining to family members3.1.1 Able to respond the opposite gender in afamilyi. boyii. girliii. maniv. woman

3.1.2 Able to identify family hierarchyi. fatherii. motheriii. brotheriv. sisterv. myself

3.2.1 Able to read phrases pertaining to familymembersi. his/ her fatherii. his/ her motheriii. his/ her brotheriv. his/ her sister

3.2.2 Able to read sentences pertaining to familymembersi. He is my father.ii. She is my mother.iii. He is my brother.iv. She is my sister.v. These are my parents.1. Gender recognition.

2. Teacher places picture cards of family members next to the family chart.

3. Pupils place the picture cards on the main chart. 4. Pupils say the name of family members after placing the picture cards.

5. Teacher shows the word cards of family members and says aloud.

1. Verbal drilling: Pupils repeat the word of family members after the teacher.

2. Pupils are divided into two groups. One group will be given pictures of family members. The other group will be given the word cards. 3. Pupils then will have to find their partner with the correct match.

4. Pupils are given worksheets.

5. Pupils play jigsaw puzzle pertaining to family members.


A family chart

Picture cards

Word cards

Pictures of family members

Worksheets Jigsaw puzzle

A set of simple sentences reading card

3. Family members

Writing 3.3 To form letters and words in neat legible print3.3.1 Able to copy phrases pertaining to familymembersi. handsome fatherii. pretty motheriii. young brotheriv. cute sister

3.3.2 Able to copy sentences pertaining to familymembers1. Writing simple sentencesWorksheet

4. Things in the classroom

Listening and Speaking 4.1 Recognise things in the Classroom

Reading4.2 Recognise and read simple phrases4.1.1 Able to state things in the classroomi. white boardii. deskiii. chairiv. cupboard

4.1.2 Able to say and point things in the classroomi. white boardii. deskiii. chairiv. cupboard

4.2.1 Able to read words pertaining to things inthe classroomi.white boardii. deskiii. chairiv. cupboard

4.2.2 Able to read simple phrases pertaining tothings in the classroomi. a clean white boardii. an old deskiii. a wooden chairiv. a big cupboard

1. Pupils sit in a circle and listen to a description told by the teacher entitled Alis Classroom . 2. Pupils repeat after teacher the name of the things in the classroom.

3. Verbal drilling : Pupils are drilled using real objects in the classroom

4. Pupils label things in the classroom with word cards, given by teacher.

5. Pupils play a game regarding things in the classroom: Pupils touch an object named by the teacher. 6. The game continues with other words learned in Step 2

1. Pupils are given the worksheet to complete with teachers guidance

1. Writing drill of simple sentences.

1. Pupils are asked questions based on places in the school. 2. Aural oral skills : Pupils name each picture of places in the school repeatedly after teacher. 3. Pupils name pictures regarding places in the school from picture cards shown by the teacher: 4. Pupils line up outside the corridor. Pupils are taken for a visit to various places in the school. 5. Pupils name the different places in the school with teachers guidance.

6. Play a game : Show me the ..........

Teacher says : Show me the canteen Pupils point to the canteen. Show me the.(office, canteen, field) by the teacher.Picture cards

Power point


Word cards



4. Things in the classroom

Writing 4.3 To form letters and words of things in the classroom in neat and legible print

4.3.1 Able to copy of words of things in the classroom

4.3.2 Able to copy phrases of things in the classroom

5. Places in the school

Listening and Speaking 5.1 Recognise various places in the school

Reading 5.2 Recognise and read simple phrases5.1.1 Able to state different places in the schooli. libraryii. book shopiii. halliv. store room

5.2.1 Able to read words pertaining to places inthe schooli. libraryii. book shopiii. halliv. store room

5.2.2 Able to read phrases pertaining to placesin the schooli. a neat libraryii. a busy book shopiii. a huge hallWord cards

Places in the school


5. Places in the school

Writing5.3 To form letters and words in neat legible print5.3.1 Able to copy words pertaining to places inthe schooli. libraryii. book shopii. halliv. store room

5.3.2 Able to copy phrases pertaining to placesin the schooli. a neat libraryii. a busy book shopiii. a huge halliv. a big store room1. Writing drill

1. Pupils are divided into 4 groups

2. Each group holds a coloured card representing their individual group colour.

3. Each pupil says aloud the name of their individual colour group

4. Each group of pupils are given 2 basic coloured balls . They have to remember their colour group correctly to get the balls.

5. Pupils listen while teacher read aloud names of two basic colours .

6. Pupils pronounce after the teacher, the names of the two basic colours, yellow and blue in chorus.

7. Pupils pronounce the names of the colours individually.

8. Pupils practice saying out the coloured chips.

9. Pupils play Colour Game Quiz with teacher's guidance.


Coloured cards

Coloured balls

Colour charts

Coloured chips

(Coloured cards can be used as alternatives)

Worksheets Jigsaw puzzle



6. Colours

Listening and Speaking 6.1 Name and differentiate colours

Reading 6.2 Read words and simple phrases of variouscolour6.1.1 Able to identify and differentiate coloursi. brownii. greyiii. orangeiv. purple

6.2.1 Able to read words of various coloursi. brownii. greyiii. orangeiv. purple

6.2.2 Able to read simple phrases of variouscoloursi. a brown towelii. a grey shirtiii. an orange socksiv. a purple shoes

6. ColoursWriting 6.3 To form letters and words of colours in neat legible print6.3.1 Able to write words of various colouri. brownii. greyiii. orangeiv. purple1. Writing drill


7. NumbersListening and Speaking 7.1 Recognise numerals from 21 to 30

Reading7.2 Recognise and read simple phrases

7.1.1 Able to identify number words from 21 to 30i. twenty-oneii. twenty-twoiii. twenty-threeiv. twenty-fourv. twenty-fivevi. twenty-sixvii. twenty-sevenviii. twenty-eightix. twenty-ninex. thirty

7.2.1 Able to read words of numerals from 21 to 30i. twenty-oneii. twenty-twoiii. twenty-threeiv. twenty-fourv. twenty-fivevi. twenty-sixvii. twenty-sevenviii. twenty-eightix. twenty-ninex. thirty

1. Counting activity and verbal drilling

1. 1. Pupils pick the correct number stated by the teacher from a set of cards and vice versa.

2. Pupils are given a set of scrambled numbers.

1. Writing exercise

1. Listen attentively to the teacher2. Repeat after the teacher with the correct pronunciation3. Pupils will name the pictures accordingly

Song lyric


Number chart

Number cards

A set of scrambled numbers

Picture cards


7. NumbersWriting 7.3 To form letters and words in neat legible print 7.3.1 Able to copy numbers in word form

8. Things At Home

Listening and Speaking 8.1 Recognise things at home8.1.1 Able to identify things in the living roomi. carpetii. faniii. remote controliv. curtain

8.1.2 Able to identify things in the kitcheni. glassii. jugiii. bowliv. knife

8.1.3 Able to identify things in the bedroomi. mattressii. lampiii. clockiv. mirror

8.1.4 Able to identify things in the bathroomi. sinkii. toweliii. pail Word cards

Flash cards

8. Things At Home

Reading 8.2 Recognise and read simple phrases8.2.1 Able to read phrases pertaining to things inthe living roomi. a large carpetii. a dirty faniii. a broken remote controliv. a beautiful curtain

8.2.2 Able to read phrases pertaining to things inthe kitcheni. a tall glassii. a green jugiii. a small bowliv. a sharp knife

8.2.3 Able to read phrases pertaining to things inthe bedroomi. a thick mattressii. a red lampiii. a round clockiv. a broken mirror

8.2.4 Able to read phrases pertaining to things inthe bathroom i. a white sinkii. a soft toweliii. a big pail1. Word recognition letter by letter2. Spelling activitiy3. Verbal drilling

1. Writing drillAlphabets cards


8. Things At Home

Writing 8.3 To form letters and words in neat legible print8.3.1 Able to copy phrases pertaining to things inthe living roomi. a large carpetii. a dirty faniii. a broken remote controliv. a beautiful curtain

8.3.2 Able to copy phrases pertaining to things inthe kitcheni. a tall glassii. a green jugiii. a small bowliv. a sharp knife

8.3.3 Able to copy phrases pertaining to things inthe bedroomi. a thick mattressii. a red lampiii. a round clockiv. a broken mirror

8.3.4 Able to copy phrases pertaining to things inthe bathroomi. a white sinkii. a soft toweliii. a big pail

9. Parts Of The Body

Listening and Speaking 9.1 Recognise body parts 9.1.1 Able to identify and state parts of the headi. foreheadii. eyebrowiii. cheekiv. chinv. neck

9.1.2 Able to identify and state parts of the limbsi. shoulderii. elbowiii. knee 1. Listen attentively to the teacher2. Repeat after the teacher with the correct pronunciation3. Pupils will name the pictures accordinglyWord cards

Flash cards

9. Parts Of The Body

Reading 9.2 Recognise and read words9.2.1 Able to read words pertaining to parts ofthe headi. foreheadii. eyebrowiii. cheekiv. chinv. neck

9.2.2 Able to read words pertaining to parts ofthe limbsi. shoulderii. elbowiii. knee1. Word recognition letter by letter2. Spelling activitiy3. Verbal drilling

1. Writing drill

1. Listen attentively to the teacher2. Repeat after the teacher with the correct pronunciation3. Pupils will name the pictures accordingly

1. Word recognition letter by letter2. Spelling activitiy3. Verbal drilling

Alphabets cards


Word cards

Flash cards

Alphabets cards


9. Parts Of The Body

Writing9.3 To form letters and words in neat legible print 9.3.1 Able to copy words pertaining to parts ofthe headi. foreheadii. eyebrowii.cheekiv. chinv. neck

9.3.2 Able to copy words pertaining to parts ofthe limbsi. shoulderii. elbowiii. knee

10. Clothes

Listening and Speaking 10.1 Recognise different kinds of clothing

Reading 10.2 Recognise and read words

10.1.1 Able to identify and state different types ofclothingi. capii. hatiii shoesiv. socksv. necktie

10.2.1 Able to read words pertaining to differenttypes of clothingi. capii. hatiii shoesiv. socksv. necktie

10.2.2 Able to read simple phrases pertaining todifferent types of clothingi. an orange capii. a brown hatiii. a pair of white shoesiv. a pair of grey socksv. a purple necktie

10. Clothes

Writing 10.3 To form letters and words in neat legible print

10.3.1 Able to copy words pertaining to differenttypes of clothingi. capii. hat iii shoesiv. socksv. necktie

10.3.2 Able to copy simple phrases pertaining todifferent types of clothingi. an orange capii. a brown hatiii. a pair of white shoesiv. a pair of grey socksv. a purple necktie 1. Writing drillWorksheets

11. Food

Listening and Speaking 11.1 Understand and respond appropriately togiven questions

Reading 11.2 Recognise and read sentences11.1.1 Able to state food one likes11.1.2 Able to state beverage one likes11.1.3 Able to state food one dislikes11.1.4 Able to state beverage one dislikes

11.2.1 Able to read sentences pertaining to foodone likes ( I like to eat ...)11.2.2 Able to read sentences pertaining tobeverage one likes ( I like to drink ...)11.2.3 Able to read sentences pertaining to foodone dislikes ( I do not like to eat ...)11.2.4 Able to read sentences pertaining tobeverages one dislikes ( I do not like todrink ...)1. Listen attentively to the teacher2. Repeat after the teacher with the correct pronunciation3. Pupils will name the pictures accordingly

1. Word recognition letter by letter2. Spelling activitiy3. Verbal drilling

Word cards

Flash cards

11. Food

Writing 12.3 To form letters and words in neat legible print11.3.1 Able to copy sentences pertaining to foodone likes11.3.2 Able to copy sentences pertaining tobeverage one likes11.3.3 Able to copy sentences pertaining to foodone dislikes11.3.4 Able to copy sentences pertaining tobeverage one dislikes1. Writing drillWorksheets

12. Fruits and Vegetables

Listening and Speaking 12.1 Recognise different types of fruits and vegetables12.1.1 Able to name and differentiate types ofFruitsi. grapesii. strawberryiii. rambutansiv. durianvi. watermelon

12.1.2 Able to name and differentiate types ofvegetablesi. carrotii. potatoiii. garliciv. onionv. corn1. Listen attentively to the teacher2. Repeat after the teacher with the correct pronunciationPupils will name the pictures accordinglyWord cards

Flash cards

12. Fruits and Vegetables

Reading 12.2 Recognise and read words/phrases12.2.1 Able to read words pertaining to fruitsi. grapesii. strawberryiii. rambutansiv. durianv. watermelon

12.2.2 Able to read phrases pertaining to fruitsi. a bunch of grapesii. a red strawberryiii. sweet rambutansiv. a smelly durianv. a juicy watermelon12.2.3 Able to read words pertaining tovegetablesi. carrotii. potatoiii. garliciv. onionv. corn

12.2.4 Able to read phrases pertaining tovegetablesi. an orange carrotii. a brown potatoiii. a white garliciv. a red onionv. a yellow corn1. Word recognition letter by letter2. Spelling activitiy3. Verbal drillingAlphabets cards

12. Fruits and VegetablesWriting 12.3 To form letters and words in neat legible print12.3.1 Able to write words pertaining to fruitsi. grapesii. strawberryiii. rambutansiv. durianv. watermelon

12.3.2 Able to write phrases pertaining to fruitsi. a bunch of grapesii. a red strawberryiii. sweet rambutansiv. a smelly durianv. a juicy watermelon

12.3.3 Able to write words pertaining tovegetablesi. carrotii. potatoiii. garliciv. onionv. corn

12.3.4 Able to write. phrases pertaining tovegetablesi. an orange carrotii. a brown potatoiii. a white garliciv. a red onionv. a yellow corn1. Writing drillWorksheets

13. PlantsListening and Speaking 13.1 Recognise different types of trees

Reading13.2 Recognise and read words/phrases13.1.1 Able to name and differentiate types oftreesi. papayaii. bananaiii. durianiv. coconutv. mango

13.2.1 Able to read words pertaining to types oftreesi. papaya treeii. banana treeiii. durian treeiv. coconut treev. mango tree

13.2.2 Able to read phrases pertaining to typesof treei. a papaya treeii. a small banana treeiii. a big durian treeiv. a tall coconut treev. a short mango tree1. Listen attentively to the teacher2. Repeat after the teacher with the correct pronunciationPupils will name the pictures accordingly

1. Word recognition letter by letter2. Spelling activitiy3. Verbal drillingWord cards

Flash cards

13. Plants

Writing13.3 To form letters and words in neat legible print13.3.1 Able to copy words pertaining to types oftreei. papaya treeii. banana treeiii. durian treeiv. coconut treev. mango tree

13.3.2 Able to copy phrases pertaining to types ofTreei. a short papaya treeii. a small banana treeiii. a big durian treeiv. a tall coconut treev. a huge mango tree1. Writing drillWorksheets

14. Animals

Listening and Speaking 14.1 Recognise tame animals

Reading 14.2 Recognise and read words

14.1.1 Able to name and differentiate tameanimalsi. parrotii. deeriii. tortoiseiv. goldfish

14.1.2 Able to name and differentiate wildanimalsi. elephantii. crocodileiii. eagleiv. bear

14.2.1 Able to read words pertaining to tameanimalsi. parrotii. deeriii. tortoiseiv. goldfish

14.2.2 Able to read words pertaining to wildanimalsi. elephantii. crocodileiii. eagleiv. bear1. Listen attentively to the teacher2. Repeat after the teacher with the correct pronunciationPupils will name the pictures accordingly

1. Word recognition letter by letter2. Spelling activitiy3. Verbal drillingWord cards

Flash cards

14. Animals

Writing 14.3 To form letters and words in neat legible print

14.3.1 Able to write words pertaining to tameanimalsi. parrotii. deeriii. tortoiseiv. goldfish

14.3.2 Able to write words pertaining to wildanimalsi. elephantii. crocodileiii. eagleiv. bear1. Writing drill



35th Week(22 26/9/2014)

15. Occupation

Listening and Speaking 15.1 Recognise different types of occupation

Reading 15.2 Recognise and read words/phrases

Writing15.3 To form letters and words in neat & legible print15.1.1 Able to name and differentiate varioustypes of occupationi. guardii. dentistiii. hawkeriv. firemanv. driver

15.2.1 Able to read words of occupationi. guardii. dentistiii.hawker iv. firemanv. driver

15.2.2 Able to read simple phrases of occupationi. a tall guardii. a kind dentistiii. an honest hawkeriv. a brave firemanv. a good driver

15.3.1 Able to write words of occupationi. guardii. dentistiii. hawkeriv. firemanv. driver

15.3.2 Able to write phrases of occupationi. a tall guardii. a kind dentistiii. an honest hawkeriv. a brave firemanv. a good driver 1. Listen attentively to the teacher2. Repeat after the teacher with the correct pronunciationPupils will name the pictures accordingly4. Word recognition letter by letter5. Spelling activitiyVerbal drilling

1. Writing drill

Word cards

Flash cards


16. Transportation

Listening and Speaking 16.1 Recognise different modes of transportation

Reading 16.2 Recognise and read words

16.1.1 Able to name and differentiate airtransportationi. aeroplaneii. helicopteriii. rocketiv. jet

16.1.2 Differentiate modes of transportationi. landii. wateriii. air

16.2.1 Able to read words of air transportationi. aeroplaneii. helicopteriii. rocketiv. jet 1. Listen attentively to the teacher2. Repeat after the teacher with the correct pronunciationPupils will name the pictures accordingly

1. Word recognition letter by letter2. Spelling activitiy3. Verbal drillingWord cards

Flash cards

16. Transportation Writing16.3 15.3 To form letters and words in neat & legible print16.3.1 Able to copy words of air transportationi. aeroplaneii. helicopteriii. rocketiv. jet 1. Writing drill


17. Calendar and time Listening and Speaking 17.1 Recognise time

Reading 17.2 Recognise and read sentences17.1.1 Able to identify day and night17.1.2 Able to state time on the clock hourlyi. It is ... oclock in the morning.ii. It is ... oclock in the evening.

17.2.1 Able to read sentences pertaining to timei. It is ... oclock in the morning.ii. It is ... oclock in the evening.17.2.2 Able to read sentences pertaining to timeshown on the clocki. It is ... a.m.ii. It is ... p.m. 1. Listen attentively to the teacher2. Repeat after the teacher with the correct pronunciation3. Pupils will name the pictures accordingly

1. Word recognition letter by letter2. Spelling activitiy3. Verbal drillingFlash cards

17. Calendar and timeWriting17.3 To form letters and words in neat legible print17.3.1 Able to copy sentences pertaining to timeshown on the clocki. It is ... oclock in the morning.ii. It is ... oclock in the evening.iii. It is ... a.m.iv. It is ... p.m.1. Writing drill




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21Asas 3M Bahasa Inggeris (Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran) Tahun 3 KSSR